#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "__rkyv"), allow(warnings))] use std::{ env, fs, path::{Path, PathBuf}, process::{Command, Stdio}, sync::Arc, }; use anyhow::{anyhow, Error}; use serde_json::json; #[cfg(feature = "__rkyv")] use swc_common::plugin::serialized::PluginSerializedBytes; use swc_common::{ collections::AHashMap, plugin::metadata::TransformPluginMetadataContext, sync::Lazy, Mark, }; use swc_ecma_ast::{CallExpr, Callee, EsVersion, Expr, Lit, MemberExpr, Program, Str}; use swc_ecma_parser::{parse_file_as_program, Syntax}; use swc_ecma_visit::Visit; use swc_plugin_runner::cache::PluginModuleCache; /// Returns the path to the built plugin fn build_plugin(dir: &Path, crate_name: &str) -> Result { { let mut cmd = Command::new("cargo"); cmd.current_dir(dir); cmd.args(["build", "--release", "--target=wasm32-wasi"]) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()); cmd.output()?; if !cmd .status() .expect("Exit code should be available") .success() { return Err(anyhow!("Failed to build plugin")); } } for entry in fs::read_dir(&dir.join("target").join("wasm32-wasi").join("release"))? { let entry = entry?; let s = entry.file_name().to_string_lossy().into_owned(); if s.eq_ignore_ascii_case(&format!("{}.wasm", crate_name)) { return Ok(entry.path()); } } Err(anyhow!("Could not find built plugin")) } struct TestVisitor { pub plugin_transform_found: bool, } impl Visit for TestVisitor { fn visit_call_expr(&mut self, call: &CallExpr) { if let Callee::Expr(expr) = &call.callee { if let Expr::Member(MemberExpr { obj, .. }) = &**expr { if let Expr::Ident(ident) = &**obj { if ident.sym == *"console" { let args = &*(call.args[0].expr); if let Expr::Lit(Lit::Str(Str { value, .. })) = args { self.plugin_transform_found = value == "changed_via_plugin"; } } } } } } } #[cfg(feature = "__rkyv")] #[test] fn issue_6404() -> Result<(), Error> { use swc_common::plugin::serialized::VersionedSerializable; let plugin_path = build_plugin( &PathBuf::from(env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")?) .join("tests") .join("fixture") .join("issue_6404"), "swc_issue_6404", )?; dbg!("Built!"); // run single plugin testing::run_test(false, |cm, _handler| { let fm = cm .load_file("../swc_ecma_minifier/benches/full/typescript.js".as_ref()) .unwrap(); let program = parse_file_as_program( &fm, Syntax::Es(Default::default()), EsVersion::latest(), None, &mut vec![], ) .unwrap(); let program = PluginSerializedBytes::try_serialize(&VersionedSerializable::new(program)) .expect("Should serializable"); let experimental_metadata: AHashMap = [ ( "TestExperimental".to_string(), "ExperimentalValue".to_string(), ), ("OtherTest".to_string(), "OtherVal".to_string()), ] .into_iter() .collect(); let cache: Lazy = Lazy::new(PluginModuleCache::new); let mut plugin_transform_executor = swc_plugin_runner::create_plugin_transform_executor( &plugin_path, &cache, &cm, &Arc::new(TransformPluginMetadataContext::new( None, "development".to_string(), Some(experimental_metadata), )), Some(json!({ "pluginConfig": "testValue" })), ) .expect("Should load plugin"); assert!(!plugin_transform_executor .plugin_core_diag .pkg_version .is_empty()); let program_bytes = plugin_transform_executor .transform(&program, Mark::new(), false) .expect("Plugin should apply transform"); let _: Program = program_bytes .deserialize() .expect("Should able to deserialize") .into_inner(); Ok(()) }) .expect("Should able to run single plugin transform"); Ok(()) }