// When a function expression with no type parameters and no parameter type annotations // is contextually typed (section 4.19) by a type T and a contextual signature S can be extracted from T enum E { red, blue } // A contextual signature S is extracted from a function type T as follows: // If T is a function type with exactly one call signature, and if that call signature is non- generic, S is that signature. var a0: (n: number, s: string) => number = (num, str) => { num.toExponential(); return 0; } class Class { foo() { } } var a1: (c: Class) => number = (a1) => { a1.foo(); return 1; } // A contextual signature S is extracted from a function type T as follows: // If T is a union type, let U be the set of element types in T that have call signatures. // If each type in U has exactly one call signature and that call signature is non- generic, // and if all of the signatures are identical ignoring return types, // then S is a signature with the same parameters and a union of the return types. var b1: ((s: string, w: boolean) => void) | ((s: string, w: boolean) => string); b1 = (k, h) => { }; var b2: typeof a0 | ((n: number, s: string) => string); b2 = (foo, bar) => { return foo + 1; } b2 = (foo, bar) => { return "hello"; } var b3: (name: string, num: number, boo: boolean) => void; b3 = (name, number) => { }; var b4: (n: E) => string = (number = 1) => { return "hello"; }; var b5: (n: {}) => string = (number = "string") => { return "hello"; }; // A contextual signature S is extracted from a function type T as follows: // Otherwise, no contextual signature can be extracted from T and S is undefined. var b6: ((s: string, w: boolean) => void) | ((n: number) => number); var b7: ((s: string, w: boolean) => void) | ((s: string, w: number) => string); b6 = (k) => { k.toLowerCase() }; b6 = (i) => { i.toExponential(); return i; }; // Per spec, no contextual signature can be extracted in this case. (Otherwise clause) b7 = (j, m) => { }; // Per spec, no contextual signature can be extracted in this case. (Otherwise clause) class C { constructor() { var k: ((j: T, k: U) => (T|U)[]) | ((j: number,k :U) => number[]) = (j, k) => { return [j, k]; } // Per spec, no contextual signature can be extracted in this case. } }