// Loaded from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denjucks/dex/master/lib/query/compiler.js // Query Compiler // ------- import helpers from '../helpers.js'; import Raw from '../raw.js'; import QueryBuilder from './builder.js'; import JoinClause from './joinclause.js'; import debug from '../deps/debug@4.1.1/src/index.js'; import _ from '../deps/lodash@4.17.15/index.js'; const assign = _.assign; const bind = _.bind; const compact = _.compact; const groupBy = _.groupBy; const has = _.has; const isEmpty = _.isEmpty; const isString = _.isString; const isUndefined = _.isUndefined; const map = _.map; const omitBy = _.omitBy; const reduce = _.reduce; import * as uuidlib from "../deps/uuid/mod.ts"; const uuid = { v1: uuidlib.v1.generate } const debugBindings = debug('knex:bindings'); const components = [ 'columns', 'join', 'where', 'union', 'group', 'having', 'order', 'limit', 'offset', 'lock', 'waitMode', ]; // The "QueryCompiler" takes all of the query statements which // have been gathered in the "QueryBuilder" and turns them into a // properly formatted / bound query string. class QueryCompiler { constructor(client, builder) { this.client = client; this.method = builder._method || 'select'; this.options = builder._options; this.single = builder._single; this.timeout = builder._timeout || false; this.cancelOnTimeout = builder._cancelOnTimeout || false; this.grouped = groupBy(builder._statements, 'grouping'); this.formatter = client.formatter(builder); // Used when the insert call is empty. this._emptyInsertValue = 'default values'; this.first = this.select; } // Collapse the builder into a single object toSQL(method, tz) { this._undefinedInWhereClause = false; this.undefinedBindingsInfo = []; method = method || this.method; const val = this[method]() || ''; const query = { method, options: reduce(this.options, assign, {}), timeout: this.timeout, cancelOnTimeout: this.cancelOnTimeout, bindings: this.formatter.bindings || [], __knexQueryUid: uuid.v1(), }; Object.defineProperties(query, { toNative: { value: () => { return { sql: this.client.positionBindings(query.sql), bindings: this.client.prepBindings(query.bindings), }; }, enumerable: false, }, }); if (isString(val)) { query.sql = val; } else { assign(query, val); } if (method === 'select' || method === 'first') { if (this.single.as) { query.as = this.single.as; } } if (this._undefinedInWhereClause) { debugBindings(query.bindings); throw new Error( `Undefined binding(s) detected when compiling ` + `${method.toUpperCase()}. Undefined column(s): [${this.undefinedBindingsInfo.join( ', ' )}] query: ${query.sql}` ); } return query; } // Compiles the `select` statement, or nested sub-selects by calling each of // the component compilers, trimming out the empties, and returning a // generated query string. select() { let sql = this.with(); const statements = components.map((component) => this[component](this)); sql += compact(statements).join(' '); return sql; } pluck() { let toPluck = this.single.pluck; if (toPluck.indexOf('.') !== -1) { toPluck = toPluck.split('.').slice(-1)[0]; } return { sql: this.select(), pluck: toPluck, }; } // Compiles an "insert" query, allowing for multiple // inserts using a single query statement. insert() { const insertValues = this.single.insert || []; let sql = this.with() + `insert into ${this.tableName} `; if (Array.isArray(insertValues)) { if (insertValues.length === 0) { return ''; } } else if (typeof insertValues === 'object' && isEmpty(insertValues)) { return sql + this._emptyInsertValue; } const insertData = this._prepInsert(insertValues); if (typeof insertData === 'string') { sql += insertData; } else { if (insertData.columns.length) { sql += `(${this.formatter.columnize(insertData.columns)}`; sql += ') values ('; let i = -1; while (++i < insertData.values.length) { if (i !== 0) sql += '), ('; sql += this.formatter.parameterize( insertData.values[i], this.client.valueForUndefined ); } sql += ')'; } else if (insertValues.length === 1 && insertValues[0]) { sql += this._emptyInsertValue; } else { sql = ''; } } return sql; } // Compiles the "update" query. update() { // Make sure tableName is processed by the formatter first. const withSQL = this.with(); const { tableName } = this; const updateData = this._prepUpdate(this.single.update); const wheres = this.where(); return ( withSQL + `update ${this.single.only ? 'only ' : ''}${tableName}` + ' set ' + updateData.join(', ') + (wheres ? ` ${wheres}` : '') ); } // Compiles the columns in the query, specifying if an item was distinct. columns() { let distinctClause = ''; if (this.onlyUnions()) return ''; const columns = this.grouped.columns || []; let i = -1, sql = []; if (columns) { while (++i < columns.length) { const stmt = columns[i]; if (stmt.distinct) distinctClause = 'distinct '; if (stmt.distinctOn) { distinctClause = this.distinctOn(stmt.value); continue; } if (stmt.type === 'aggregate') { sql.push(...this.aggregate(stmt)); } else if (stmt.type === 'aggregateRaw') { sql.push(this.aggregateRaw(stmt)); } else if (stmt.value && stmt.value.length > 0) { sql.push(this.formatter.columnize(stmt.value)); } } } if (sql.length === 0) sql = ['*']; return ( `select ${distinctClause}` + sql.join(', ') + (this.tableName ? ` from ${this.single.only ? 'only ' : ''}${this.tableName}` : '') ); } _aggregate(stmt, { aliasSeparator = ' as ', distinctParentheses } = {}) { const value = stmt.value; const method = stmt.method; const distinct = stmt.aggregateDistinct ? 'distinct ' : ''; const wrap = (identifier) => this.formatter.wrap(identifier); const addAlias = (value, alias) => { if (alias) { return value + aliasSeparator + wrap(alias); } return value; }; const aggregateArray = (value, alias) => { let columns = value.map(wrap).join(', '); if (distinct) { const openParen = distinctParentheses ? '(' : ' '; const closeParen = distinctParentheses ? ')' : ''; columns = distinct.trim() + openParen + columns + closeParen; } const aggregated = `${method}(${columns})`; return addAlias(aggregated, alias); }; const aggregateString = (value, alias) => { const aggregated = `${method}(${distinct + wrap(value)})`; return addAlias(aggregated, alias); }; if (Array.isArray(value)) { return [aggregateArray(value)]; } if (typeof value === 'object') { if (stmt.alias) { throw new Error('When using an object explicit alias can not be used'); } return Object.entries(value).map(([alias, column]) => { if (Array.isArray(column)) { return aggregateArray(column, alias); } return aggregateString(column, alias); }); } // Allows us to speciy an alias for the aggregate types. const splitOn = value.toLowerCase().indexOf(' as '); let column = value; let { alias } = stmt; if (splitOn !== -1) { column = value.slice(0, splitOn); if (alias) { throw new Error(`Found multiple aliases for same column: ${column}`); } alias = value.slice(splitOn + 4); } return [aggregateString(column, alias)]; } aggregate(stmt) { return this._aggregate(stmt); } aggregateRaw(stmt) { const distinct = stmt.aggregateDistinct ? 'distinct ' : ''; return `${stmt.method}(${distinct + this.formatter.unwrapRaw(stmt.value)})`; } // Compiles all each of the `join` clauses on the query, // including any nested join queries. join() { let sql = ''; let i = -1; const joins = this.grouped.join; if (!joins) return ''; while (++i < joins.length) { const join = joins[i]; const table = join.schema ? `${join.schema}.${join.table}` : join.table; if (i > 0) sql += ' '; if (join.joinType === 'raw') { sql += this.formatter.unwrapRaw(join.table); } else { sql += join.joinType + ' join ' + this.formatter.wrap(table); let ii = -1; while (++ii < join.clauses.length) { const clause = join.clauses[ii]; if (ii > 0) { sql += ` ${clause.bool} `; } else { sql += ` ${clause.type === 'onUsing' ? 'using' : 'on'} `; } const val = this[clause.type].call(this, clause); if (val) { sql += val; } } } } return sql; } onBetween(statement) { return ( this.formatter.wrap(statement.column) + ' ' + this._not(statement, 'between') + ' ' + map(statement.value, bind(this.formatter.parameter, this.formatter)).join( ' and ' ) ); } onNull(statement) { return ( this.formatter.wrap(statement.column) + ' is ' + this._not(statement, 'null') ); } onExists(statement) { return ( this._not(statement, 'exists') + ' (' + this.formatter.rawOrFn(statement.value) + ')' ); } onIn(statement) { if (Array.isArray(statement.column)) return this.multiOnIn(statement); return ( this.formatter.wrap(statement.column) + ' ' + this._not(statement, 'in ') + this.wrap(this.formatter.parameterize(statement.value)) ); } multiOnIn(statement) { let i = -1, sql = `(${this.formatter.columnize(statement.column)}) `; sql += this._not(statement, 'in ') + '(('; while (++i < statement.value.length) { if (i !== 0) sql += '),('; sql += this.formatter.parameterize(statement.value[i]); } return sql + '))'; } // Compiles all `where` statements on the query. where() { const wheres = this.grouped.where; if (!wheres) return; const sql = []; let i = -1; while (++i < wheres.length) { const stmt = wheres[i]; if ( Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(stmt, 'value') && helpers.containsUndefined(stmt.value) ) { this.undefinedBindingsInfo.push(stmt.column); this._undefinedInWhereClause = true; } const val = this[stmt.type](stmt); if (val) { if (sql.length === 0) { sql[0] = 'where'; } else { sql.push(stmt.bool); } sql.push(val); } } return sql.length > 1 ? sql.join(' ') : ''; } group() { return this._groupsOrders('group'); } order() { return this._groupsOrders('order'); } // Compiles the `having` statements. having() { const havings = this.grouped.having; if (!havings) return ''; const sql = ['having']; for (let i = 0, l = havings.length; i < l; i++) { const s = havings[i]; const val = this[s.type](s); if (val) { if (sql.length === 0) { sql[0] = 'where'; } if (sql.length > 1 || (sql.length === 1 && sql[0] !== 'having')) { sql.push(s.bool); } sql.push(val); } } return sql.length > 1 ? sql.join(' ') : ''; } havingRaw(statement) { return this._not(statement, '') + this.formatter.unwrapRaw(statement.value); } havingWrapped(statement) { const val = this.formatter.rawOrFn(statement.value, 'where'); return (val && this._not(statement, '') + '(' + val.slice(6) + ')') || ''; } havingBasic(statement) { return ( this._not(statement, '') + this.formatter.wrap(statement.column) + ' ' + this.formatter.operator(statement.operator) + ' ' + this.formatter.parameter(statement.value) ); } havingNull(statement) { return ( this.formatter.wrap(statement.column) + ' is ' + this._not(statement, 'null') ); } havingExists(statement) { return ( this._not(statement, 'exists') + ' (' + this.formatter.rawOrFn(statement.value) + ')' ); } havingBetween(statement) { return ( this.formatter.wrap(statement.column) + ' ' + this._not(statement, 'between') + ' ' + map(statement.value, bind(this.formatter.parameter, this.formatter)).join( ' and ' ) ); } havingIn(statement) { if (Array.isArray(statement.column)) return this.multiHavingIn(statement); return ( this.formatter.wrap(statement.column) + ' ' + this._not(statement, 'in ') + this.wrap(this.formatter.parameterize(statement.value)) ); } multiHavingIn(statement) { let i = -1, sql = `(${this.formatter.columnize(statement.column)}) `; sql += this._not(statement, 'in ') + '(('; while (++i < statement.value.length) { if (i !== 0) sql += '),('; sql += this.formatter.parameterize(statement.value[i]); } return sql + '))'; } // Compile the "union" queries attached to the main query. union() { const onlyUnions = this.onlyUnions(); const unions = this.grouped.union; if (!unions) return ''; let sql = ''; for (let i = 0, l = unions.length; i < l; i++) { const union = unions[i]; if (i > 0) sql += ' '; if (i > 0 || !onlyUnions) sql += union.clause + ' '; const statement = this.formatter.rawOrFn(union.value); if (statement) { if (union.wrap) sql += '('; sql += statement; if (union.wrap) sql += ')'; } } return sql; } // If we haven't specified any columns or a `tableName`, we're assuming this // is only being used for unions. onlyUnions() { return !this.grouped.columns && this.grouped.union && !this.tableName; } limit() { const noLimit = !this.single.limit && this.single.limit !== 0; if (noLimit) return ''; return `limit ${this.formatter.parameter(this.single.limit)}`; } offset() { if (!this.single.offset) return ''; return `offset ${this.formatter.parameter(this.single.offset)}`; } // Compiles a `delete` query. del() { // Make sure tableName is processed by the formatter first. const { tableName } = this; const withSQL = this.with(); const wheres = this.where(); return ( withSQL + `delete from ${this.single.only ? 'only ' : ''}${tableName}` + (wheres ? ` ${wheres}` : '') ); } // Compiles a `truncate` query. truncate() { return `truncate ${this.tableName}`; } // Compiles the "locks". lock() { if (this.single.lock) { return this[this.single.lock](); } } // Compiles the wait mode on the locks. waitMode() { if (this.single.waitMode) { return this[this.single.waitMode](); } } // Fail on unsupported databases skipLocked() { throw new Error( '.skipLocked() is currently only supported on MySQL 8.0+ and PostgreSQL 9.5+' ); } // Fail on unsupported databases noWait() { throw new Error( '.noWait() is currently only supported on MySQL 8.0+, MariaDB 10.3.0+ and PostgreSQL 9.5+' ); } distinctOn(value) { throw new Error('.distinctOn() is currently only supported on PostgreSQL'); } // On Clause // ------ onWrapped(clause) { const self = this; const wrapJoin = new JoinClause(); clause.value.call(wrapJoin, wrapJoin); let sql = ''; wrapJoin.clauses.forEach(function (wrapClause, ii) { if (ii > 0) { sql += ` ${wrapClause.bool} `; } const val = self[wrapClause.type](wrapClause); if (val) { sql += val; } }); if (sql.length) { return `(${sql})`; } return ''; } onBasic(clause) { return ( this.formatter.wrap(clause.column) + ' ' + this.formatter.operator(clause.operator) + ' ' + this.formatter.wrap(clause.value) ); } onVal(clause) { return ( this.formatter.wrap(clause.column) + ' ' + this.formatter.operator(clause.operator) + ' ' + this.formatter.parameter(clause.value) ); } onRaw(clause) { return this.formatter.unwrapRaw(clause.value); } onUsing(clause) { return '(' + this.formatter.columnize(clause.column) + ')'; } // Where Clause // ------ whereIn(statement) { let columns = null; if (Array.isArray(statement.column)) { columns = `(${this.formatter.columnize(statement.column)})`; } else { columns = this.formatter.wrap(statement.column); } const values = this.formatter.values(statement.value); return `${columns} ${this._not(statement, 'in ')}${values}`; } whereNull(statement) { return ( this.formatter.wrap(statement.column) + ' is ' + this._not(statement, 'null') ); } // Compiles a basic "where" clause. whereBasic(statement) { return ( this._not(statement, '') + this.formatter.wrap(statement.column) + ' ' + this.formatter.operator(statement.operator) + ' ' + (statement.asColumn ? this.formatter.wrap(statement.value) : this.formatter.parameter(statement.value)) ); } whereExists(statement) { return ( this._not(statement, 'exists') + ' (' + this.formatter.rawOrFn(statement.value) + ')' ); } whereWrapped(statement) { const val = this.formatter.rawOrFn(statement.value, 'where'); return (val && this._not(statement, '') + '(' + val.slice(6) + ')') || ''; } whereBetween(statement) { return ( this.formatter.wrap(statement.column) + ' ' + this._not(statement, 'between') + ' ' + map(statement.value, bind(this.formatter.parameter, this.formatter)).join( ' and ' ) ); } // Compiles a "whereRaw" query. whereRaw(statement) { return this._not(statement, '') + this.formatter.unwrapRaw(statement.value); } wrap(str) { if (str.charAt(0) !== '(') return `(${str})`; return str; } // Compiles all `with` statements on the query. with() { if (!this.grouped.with || !this.grouped.with.length) { return ''; } const withs = this.grouped.with; if (!withs) return; const sql = []; let i = -1; let isRecursive = false; while (++i < withs.length) { const stmt = withs[i]; if (stmt.recursive) { isRecursive = true; } const val = this[stmt.type](stmt); sql.push(val); } return `with ${isRecursive ? 'recursive ' : ''}${sql.join(', ')} `; } withWrapped(statement) { const val = this.formatter.rawOrFn(statement.value); return ( (val && this.formatter.columnize(statement.alias) + ' as (' + val + ')') || '' ); } // Determines whether to add a "not" prefix to the where clause. _not(statement, str) { if (statement.not) return `not ${str}`; return str; } _prepInsert(data) { const isRaw = this.formatter.rawOrFn(data); if (isRaw) return isRaw; let columns = []; const values = []; if (!Array.isArray(data)) data = data ? [data] : []; let i = -1; while (++i < data.length) { if (data[i] == null) break; if (i === 0) columns = Object.keys(data[i]).sort(); const row = new Array(columns.length); const keys = Object.keys(data[i]); let j = -1; while (++j < keys.length) { const key = keys[j]; let idx = columns.indexOf(key); if (idx === -1) { columns = columns.concat(key).sort(); idx = columns.indexOf(key); let k = -1; while (++k < values.length) { values[k].splice(idx, 0, undefined); } row.splice(idx, 0, undefined); } row[idx] = data[i][key]; } values.push(row); } return { columns, values, }; } // "Preps" the update. _prepUpdate(data = {}) { const { counter = {} } = this.single; for (const column of Object.keys(counter)) { //Skip? if (has(data, column)) { //Needed? this.client.logger.warn( `increment/decrement called for a column that has already been specified in main .update() call. Ignoring increment/decrement and using value from .update() call.` ); continue; } let value = counter[column]; const symbol = value < 0 ? '-' : '+'; if (symbol === '-') { value = -value; } data[column] = this.client.raw(`?? ${symbol} ?`, [column, value]); } data = omitBy(data, isUndefined); const vals = []; const columns = Object.keys(data); let i = -1; while (++i < columns.length) { vals.push( this.formatter.wrap(columns[i]) + ' = ' + this.formatter.parameter(data[columns[i]]) ); } if (isEmpty(vals)) { throw new Error( [ 'Empty .update() call detected!', 'Update data does not contain any values to update.', 'This will result in a faulty query.', this.single.table ? `Table: ${this.single.table}.` : '', this.single.update ? `Columns: ${Object.keys(this.single.update)}.` : '', ].join(' ') ); } return vals; } _formatGroupsItemValue(value) { const { formatter } = this; if (value instanceof Raw) { return formatter.unwrapRaw(value); } else if (value instanceof QueryBuilder) { return '(' + formatter.columnize(value) + ')'; } else { return formatter.columnize(value); } } // Compiles the `order by` statements. _groupsOrders(type) { const items = this.grouped[type]; if (!items) return ''; const { formatter } = this; const sql = items.map((item) => { const column = this._formatGroupsItemValue(item.value); const direction = type === 'order' && item.type !== 'orderByRaw' ? ` ${formatter.direction(item.direction)}` : ''; return column + direction; }); return sql.length ? type + ' by ' + sql.join(', ') : ''; } // Get the table name, wrapping it if necessary. // Implemented as a property to prevent ordering issues as described in #704. get tableName() { if (!this._tableName) { // Only call this.formatter.wrap() the first time this property is accessed. let tableName = this.single.table; const schemaName = this.single.schema; if (tableName && schemaName) tableName = `${schemaName}.${tableName}`; this._tableName = tableName ? // Wrap subQuery with parenthesis, #3485 this.formatter.wrap(tableName, tableName instanceof QueryBuilder) : ''; } return this._tableName; } } export default QueryCompiler;