import swc from "../../.."; import { dirname, join } from "path"; import { platform } from "os"; import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)); it("should override react", async () => { const { code } = await swc.transform( `export default function foo() { return
; }`, { jsc: { target: "es2017", transform: { react: { runtime: "automatic", }, }, parser: { syntax: "typescript", tsx: true, dts: true, dynamicImport: true, }, externalHelpers: true, }, module: { type: "es6", }, } ); expect(code).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "import { jsx as _jsx } from \\"react/jsx-runtime\\"; export default function foo() { return /*#__PURE__*/ _jsx(\\"div\\", { children: \\"Hello\\" }); } " `); }); it("should merge correctly", async () => { const filename = join( __dirname, "..", "..", "tests", "issue-4606", "1", "index.tsx" ); console.log(filename); const { code } = await swc.transformFile(filename, { jsc: { parser: { syntax: "typescript", tsx: true, dts: true, dynamicImport: true, }, }, module: { type: "es6", }, }); // It should transpile react jsx with automatic runtime expect(code).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "import { jsx as _jsx } from \\"react/jsx-runtime\\"; export default function foo() { return /*#__PURE__*/ _jsx(\\"div\\", { children: \\"Hello\\" }); } " `); }); it("module config should merged correctly", async () => { const filename = join( __dirname, "..", "..", "tests", "issue-4606", "2", "index.tsx" ); console.log(filename); const { code } = await swc.transformFile(filename, { module: { type: "commonjs", }, }); // It should transpile react jsx with automatic runtime expect(code).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "\\"use strict\\"; Object.defineProperty(exports, \\"__esModule\\", { value: true }); Object.defineProperty(exports, \\"default\\", { enumerable: true, get: function() { return foo; } }); const _jsxruntime = require(\\"react/jsx-runtime\\"); function foo() { return /*#__PURE__*/ (0, _jsxruntime.jsx)(\\"div\\", { children: \\"Hello\\" }); } " `); });