// Loaded from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denjucks/dex/master/lib/client.js import Raw from './raw.js'; import Ref from './ref.js'; import Runner from './runner.js'; import Formatter from './formatter.js'; import Transaction from './transaction.js'; import QueryBuilder from './query/builder.js'; import QueryCompiler from './query/compiler.js'; import SchemaBuilder from './schema/builder.js'; import SchemaCompiler from './schema/compiler.js'; import TableBuilder from './schema/tablebuilder.js'; import TableCompiler from './schema/tablecompiler.js'; import ColumnBuilder from './schema/columnbuilder.js'; import ColumnCompiler from './schema/columncompiler.js'; import tarn from './deps/tarn@3.0.0/dist/tarn.js'; const Pool = tarn.Pool; const TimeoutError = tarn.TimeoutError; import inherits from './deps/inherits@2.0.4/inherits.js'; import { EventEmitter } from './deps/@jspm/core@1.1.0/nodelibs/events.js'; import { promisify } from './deps/@jspm/core@1.1.0/nodelibs/util.js'; import { makeEscape } from './query/string.js'; import _ from './deps/lodash@4.17.15/index.js'; const cloneDeep = _.cloneDeep; const defaults = _.defaults; const uniqueId = _.uniqueId; import Logger from './logger.js'; import { KnexTimeoutError } from './util/timeout.js'; import debuglib from './deps/debug@4.1.1/src/index.js'; const debug = debuglib('knex:client'); const _debugQuery = debuglib('knex:query'); const debugBindings = debuglib('knex:bindings'); const debugQuery = (sql, txId) => _debugQuery(sql.replace(/%/g, '%%'), txId); import { POOL_CONFIG_OPTIONS } from './constants.js'; // The base client provides the general structure // for a dialect specific client object. function Client(config = {}) { this.config = config; this.logger = new Logger(config); //Client is a required field, so throw error if it's not supplied. //If 'this.dialect' is set, then this is a 'super()' call, in which case //'client' does not have to be set as it's already assigned on the client prototype. if (this.dialect && !this.config.client) { this.logger.warn( `Using 'this.dialect' to identify the client is deprecated and support for it will be removed in the future. Please use configuration option 'client' instead.` ); } const dbClient = this.config.client || this.dialect; if (!dbClient) { throw new Error(`knex: Required configuration option 'client' is missing.`); } if (config.version) { this.version = config.version; } if (config.connection && config.connection instanceof Function) { this.connectionConfigProvider = config.connection; this.connectionConfigExpirationChecker = () => true; // causes the provider to be called on first use } else { this.connectionSettings = cloneDeep(config.connection || {}); this.connectionConfigExpirationChecker = null; } if (this.driverName && config.connection) { this.initializeDriver(); if (!config.pool || (config.pool && config.pool.max !== 0)) { this.initializePool(config); } } this.valueForUndefined = this.raw('DEFAULT'); if (config.useNullAsDefault) { this.valueForUndefined = null; } } inherits(Client, EventEmitter); Object.assign(Client.prototype, { formatter(builder) { return new Formatter(this, builder); }, queryBuilder() { return new QueryBuilder(this); }, queryCompiler(builder) { return new QueryCompiler(this, builder); }, schemaBuilder() { return new SchemaBuilder(this); }, schemaCompiler(builder) { return new SchemaCompiler(this, builder); }, tableBuilder(type, tableName, fn) { return new TableBuilder(this, type, tableName, fn); }, tableCompiler(tableBuilder) { return new TableCompiler(this, tableBuilder); }, columnBuilder(tableBuilder, type, args) { return new ColumnBuilder(this, tableBuilder, type, args); }, columnCompiler(tableBuilder, columnBuilder) { return new ColumnCompiler(this, tableBuilder, columnBuilder); }, runner(builder) { return new Runner(this, builder); }, transaction(container, config, outerTx) { return new Transaction(this, container, config, outerTx); }, raw() { return new Raw(this).set(...arguments); }, ref() { return new Ref(this, ...arguments); }, _formatQuery(sql, bindings, timeZone) { bindings = bindings == null ? [] : [].concat(bindings); let index = 0; return sql.replace(/\\?\?/g, (match) => { if (match === '\\?') { return '?'; } if (index === bindings.length) { return match; } const value = bindings[index++]; return this._escapeBinding(value, { timeZone }); }); }, _escapeBinding: makeEscape({ escapeString(str) { return `'${str.replace(/'/g, "''")}'`; }, }), query(connection, obj) { if (typeof obj === 'string') obj = { sql: obj }; obj.bindings = this.prepBindings(obj.bindings); const { __knexUid, __knexTxId } = connection; this.emit('query', Object.assign({ __knexUid, __knexTxId }, obj)); debugQuery(obj.sql, __knexTxId); debugBindings(obj.bindings, __knexTxId); obj.sql = this.positionBindings(obj.sql); return this._query(connection, obj).catch((err) => { err.message = this._formatQuery(obj.sql, obj.bindings) + ' - ' + err.message; this.emit( 'query-error', err, Object.assign({ __knexUid, __knexTxId }, obj) ); throw err; }); }, stream(connection, obj, stream, options) { if (typeof obj === 'string') obj = { sql: obj }; obj.bindings = this.prepBindings(obj.bindings); const { __knexUid, __knexTxId } = connection; this.emit('query', Object.assign({ __knexUid, __knexTxId }, obj)); debugQuery(obj.sql, __knexTxId); debugBindings(obj.bindings, __knexTxId); obj.sql = this.positionBindings(obj.sql); return this._stream(connection, obj, stream, options); }, prepBindings(bindings) { return bindings; }, positionBindings(sql) { return sql; }, postProcessResponse(resp, queryContext) { if (this.config.postProcessResponse) { return this.config.postProcessResponse(resp, queryContext); } return resp; }, wrapIdentifier(value, queryContext) { return this.customWrapIdentifier( value, this.wrapIdentifierImpl, queryContext ); }, customWrapIdentifier(value, origImpl, queryContext) { if (this.config.wrapIdentifier) { return this.config.wrapIdentifier(value, origImpl, queryContext); } return origImpl(value); }, wrapIdentifierImpl(value) { return value !== '*' ? `"${value.replace(/"/g, '""')}"` : '*'; }, initializeDriver() { try { this.driver = this._driver(); } catch (e) { const message = `Knex: run\n$ npm install ${this.driverName} --save`; this.logger.error(`${message}\n${e.message}\n${e.stack}`); throw new Error(`${message}\n${e.message}`); } }, poolDefaults() { return { min: 2, max: 10, propagateCreateError: true }; }, getPoolSettings(poolConfig) { poolConfig = defaults({}, poolConfig, this.poolDefaults()); POOL_CONFIG_OPTIONS.forEach((option) => { if (option in poolConfig) { this.logger.warn( [ `Pool config option "${option}" is no longer supported.`, `See https://github.com/Vincit/tarn.js for possible pool config options.`, ].join(' ') ); } }); const timeouts = [ this.config.acquireConnectionTimeout || 60000, poolConfig.acquireTimeoutMillis, ].filter((timeout) => timeout !== undefined); // acquire connection timeout can be set on config or config.pool // choose the smallest, positive timeout setting and set on poolConfig poolConfig.acquireTimeoutMillis = Math.min(...timeouts); const updatePoolConnectionSettingsFromProvider = async () => { if (!this.connectionConfigProvider) { return; // static configuration, nothing to update } if ( !this.connectionConfigExpirationChecker || !this.connectionConfigExpirationChecker() ) { return; // not expired, reuse existing connection } const providerResult = await this.connectionConfigProvider(); if (providerResult.expirationChecker) { this.connectionConfigExpirationChecker = providerResult.expirationChecker; delete providerResult.expirationChecker; // MySQL2 driver warns on receiving extra properties } else { this.connectionConfigExpirationChecker = null; } this.connectionSettings = providerResult; }; return Object.assign(poolConfig, { create: async () => { await updatePoolConnectionSettingsFromProvider(); const connection = await this.acquireRawConnection(); connection.__knexUid = uniqueId('__knexUid'); if (poolConfig.afterCreate) { await promisify(poolConfig.afterCreate)(connection); } return connection; }, destroy: (connection) => { if (connection !== void 0) { return this.destroyRawConnection(connection); } }, validate: (connection) => { if (connection.__knex__disposed) { this.logger.warn(`Connection Error: ${connection.__knex__disposed}`); return false; } return this.validateConnection(connection); }, }); }, initializePool(config = this.config) { if (this.pool) { this.logger.warn('The pool has already been initialized'); return; } const tarnPoolConfig = { ...this.getPoolSettings(config.pool), }; // afterCreate is an internal knex param, tarn.js does not support it if (tarnPoolConfig.afterCreate) { delete tarnPoolConfig.afterCreate; } this.pool = new Pool(tarnPoolConfig); }, validateConnection(connection) { return true; }, // Acquire a connection from the pool. async acquireConnection() { if (!this.pool) { throw new Error('Unable to acquire a connection'); } try { const connection = await this.pool.acquire().promise; debug('acquired connection from pool: %s', connection.__knexUid); return connection; } catch (error) { let convertedError = error; if (error instanceof TimeoutError) { convertedError = new KnexTimeoutError( 'Knex: Timeout acquiring a connection. The pool is probably full. ' + 'Are you missing a .transacting(trx) call?' ); } throw convertedError; } }, // Releases a connection back to the connection pool, // returning a promise resolved when the connection is released. releaseConnection(connection) { debug('releasing connection to pool: %s', connection.__knexUid); const didRelease = this.pool.release(connection); if (!didRelease) { debug('pool refused connection: %s', connection.__knexUid); } return Promise.resolve(); }, // Destroy the current connection pool for the client. destroy(callback) { const maybeDestroy = this.pool && this.pool.destroy(); return Promise.resolve(maybeDestroy) .then(() => { this.pool = void 0; if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(); } }) .catch((err) => { if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(err); } return Promise.reject(err); }); }, // Return the database being used by this client. database() { return this.connectionSettings.database; }, toString() { return '[object KnexClient]'; }, canCancelQuery: false, assertCanCancelQuery() { if (!this.canCancelQuery) { throw new Error('Query cancelling not supported for this dialect'); } }, cancelQuery() { throw new Error('Query cancelling not supported for this dialect'); }, }); export default Client;