// Loaded from https://deno.land/x/oak@v6.3.1/router.ts /** * Adapted directly from @koa/router at * https://github.com/koajs/router/ which is licensed as: * * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2015 Alexander C. Mingoia * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ import type { State } from "./application.ts"; import type { Context } from "./context.ts"; import { assert, compile, Key, ParseOptions, pathParse, pathToRegexp, Status, TokensToRegexpOptions, } from "./deps.ts"; import { httpErrors } from "./httpError.ts"; import { compose, Middleware } from "./middleware.ts"; import type { HTTPMethods, RedirectStatus } from "./types.d.ts"; import { decodeComponent } from "./util.ts"; interface Matches { path: Layer[]; pathAndMethod: Layer[]; route: boolean; } export interface RouterAllowedMethodsOptions { /** Use the value returned from this function instead of an HTTP error * `MethodNotAllowed`. */ // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any methodNotAllowed?(): any; /** Use the value returned from this function instead of an HTTP error * `NotImplemented`. */ // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any notImplemented?(): any; /** When dealing with a non-implemented method or a method not allowed, throw * an error instead of setting the status and header for the response. */ throw?: boolean; } export interface Route< P extends RouteParams = RouteParams, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any S extends State = Record, > { /** The HTTP methods that this route handles. */ methods: HTTPMethods[]; /** The middleware that will be applied to this route. */ middleware: RouterMiddleware[]; /** An optional name for the route. */ name?: string; /** Options that were used to create the route. */ options: LayerOptions; /** The parameters that are identified in the route that will be parsed out * on matched requests. */ paramNames: (keyof P)[]; /** The path that this route manages. */ path: string; /** The regular expression used for matching and parsing parameters for the * route. */ regexp: RegExp; } /** The context passed router middleware. */ export interface RouterContext< P extends RouteParams = RouteParams, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any S extends State = Record, > extends Context { /** When matching the route, an array of the capturing groups from the regular * expression. */ captures: string[]; /** The routes that were matched for this request. */ matched?: Layer[]; /** Any parameters parsed from the route when matched. */ params: P; /** A reference to the router instance. */ router: Router; /** If the matched route has a `name`, the matched route name is provided * here. */ routeName?: string; /** Overrides the matched path for future route middleware, when a * `routerPath` option is not defined on the `Router` options. */ routerPath?: string; } export interface RouterMiddleware< P extends RouteParams = RouteParams, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any S extends State = Record, > { (context: RouterContext, next: () => Promise): | Promise | void; /** For route parameter middleware, the `param` key for this parameter will * be set. */ param?: keyof P; } export interface RouterOptions { /** Override the default set of methods supported by the router. */ methods?: HTTPMethods[]; /** Only handle routes where the requested path starts with the prefix. */ prefix?: string; /** Override the `request.url.pathname` when matching middleware to run. */ routerPath?: string; /** Determines if routes are matched in a case sensitive way. Defaults to * `false`. */ sensitive?: boolean; /** Determines if routes are matched strictly, where the trailing `/` is not * optional. Defaults to `false`. */ strict?: boolean; } /** Middleware that will be called by the router when handling a specific * parameter, which the middleware will be called when a request matches the * route parameter. */ export interface RouterParamMiddleware< P extends RouteParams = RouteParams, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any S extends State = Record, > { ( param: string, context: RouterContext, next: () => Promise, ): Promise | void; } export type RouteParams = Record; type LayerOptions = TokensToRegexpOptions & ParseOptions & { ignoreCaptures?: boolean; name?: string; }; type UrlOptions = TokensToRegexpOptions & ParseOptions & { /** When generating a URL from a route, add the query to the URL. If an * object */ query?: URLSearchParams | Record | string; }; /** Generate a URL from a string, potentially replace route params with * values. */ function toUrl(url: string, params: RouteParams = {}, options?: UrlOptions) { const tokens = pathParse(url); let replace: RouteParams = {}; if (tokens.some((token) => typeof token === "object")) { replace = params; } else { options = params; } const toPath = compile(url, options); let replaced = toPath(replace); if (options && options.query) { const url = new URL(replaced, "http://oak"); if (typeof options.query === "string") { url.search = options.query; } else { url.search = String( options.query instanceof URLSearchParams ? options.query : new URLSearchParams(options.query), ); } return `${url.pathname}${url.search}${url.hash}`; } return replaced; } class Layer< P extends RouteParams = RouteParams, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any S extends State = Record, > { #opts: LayerOptions; #paramNames: Key[] = []; #regexp: RegExp; methods: HTTPMethods[]; name?: string; path: string; stack: RouterMiddleware[]; constructor( path: string, methods: HTTPMethods[], middleware: RouterMiddleware | RouterMiddleware[], { name, ...opts }: LayerOptions = {}, ) { this.#opts = opts; this.name = name; this.methods = [...methods]; if (this.methods.includes("GET")) { this.methods.unshift("HEAD"); } this.stack = Array.isArray(middleware) ? middleware : [middleware]; this.path = path; this.#regexp = pathToRegexp(path, this.#paramNames, this.#opts); } match(path: string): boolean { return this.#regexp.test(path); } params( captures: string[], existingParams: RouteParams = {}, ): RouteParams { const params = existingParams; for (let i = 0; i < captures.length; i++) { if (this.#paramNames[i]) { const c = captures[i]; params[this.#paramNames[i].name] = c ? decodeComponent(c) : c; } } return params; } captures(path: string): string[] { if (this.#opts.ignoreCaptures) { return []; } return path.match(this.#regexp)?.slice(1) ?? []; } url( params: RouteParams = {}, options?: UrlOptions, ): string { const url = this.path.replace(/\(\.\*\)/g, ""); return toUrl(url, params, options); } param( param: string, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any fn: RouterParamMiddleware, ) { const stack = this.stack; const params = this.#paramNames; const middleware: RouterMiddleware = function ( this: Router, ctx, next, ): Promise | void { const p = ctx.params[param]; assert(p); return fn.call(this, p, ctx, next); }; middleware.param = param; const names = params.map((p) => p.name); const x = names.indexOf(param); if (x >= 0) { for (let i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) { const fn = stack[i]; if (!fn.param || names.indexOf(fn.param as (string | number)) > x) { stack.splice(i, 0, middleware); break; } } } return this; } setPrefix(prefix: string): this { if (this.path) { this.path = this.path !== "/" || this.#opts.strict === true ? `${prefix}${this.path}` : prefix; this.#paramNames = []; this.#regexp = pathToRegexp(this.path, this.#paramNames, this.#opts); } return this; } // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any toJSON(): Route { return { methods: [...this.methods], middleware: [...this.stack], paramNames: this.#paramNames.map((key) => key.name), path: this.path, regexp: this.#regexp, options: { ...this.#opts }, }; } } /** An interface for registering middleware that will run when certain HTTP * methods and paths are requested, as well as provides a way to parameterize * parts of the requested path. */ export class Router< RP extends RouteParams = RouteParams, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any RS extends State = Record, > { #opts: RouterOptions; #methods: HTTPMethods[]; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any #params: Record> = {}; #stack: Layer[] = []; #match = (path: string, method: HTTPMethods): Matches => { const matches: Matches = { path: [], pathAndMethod: [], route: false, }; for (const route of this.#stack) { if (route.match(path)) { matches.path.push(route); if (route.methods.length === 0 || route.methods.includes(method)) { matches.pathAndMethod.push(route); if (route.methods.length) { matches.route = true; } } } } return matches; }; #register = ( path: string | string[], middleware: RouterMiddleware[], methods: HTTPMethods[], options: LayerOptions = {}, ): void => { if (Array.isArray(path)) { for (const p of path) { this.#register(p, middleware, methods, options); } return; } const { end, name, sensitive, strict, ignoreCaptures } = options; const route = new Layer(path, methods, middleware, { end: end === false ? end : true, name, sensitive: sensitive ?? this.#opts.sensitive ?? false, strict: strict ?? this.#opts.strict ?? false, ignoreCaptures, }); if (this.#opts.prefix) { route.setPrefix(this.#opts.prefix); } for (const [param, mw] of Object.entries(this.#params)) { route.param(param, mw); } this.#stack.push(route); }; #route = (name: string): Layer | undefined => { for (const route of this.#stack) { if (route.name === name) { return route; } } }; #useVerb = ( nameOrPath: string, pathOrMiddleware: string | RouterMiddleware, middleware: RouterMiddleware[], methods: HTTPMethods[], ): void => { let name: string | undefined = undefined; let path: string; if (typeof pathOrMiddleware === "string") { name = nameOrPath; path = pathOrMiddleware; } else { path = nameOrPath; middleware.unshift(pathOrMiddleware); } this.#register(path, middleware, methods, { name }); }; constructor(opts: RouterOptions = {}) { this.#opts = opts; this.#methods = opts.methods ?? [ "DELETE", "GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "PATCH", "POST", "PUT", ]; } /** Register named middleware for the specified routes when the `DELETE`, * `GET`, `POST`, or `PUT` method is requested. */ all

( name: string, path: string, ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

; /** Register middleware for the specified routes when the `DELETE`, * `GET`, `POST`, or `PUT` method is requested. */ all

( path: string, ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

; all

( nameOrPath: string, pathOrMiddleware: string | RouterMiddleware, ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

{ this.#useVerb( nameOrPath, pathOrMiddleware as (string | RouterMiddleware), middleware as RouterMiddleware[], ["DELETE", "GET", "POST", "PUT"], ); // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return this as Router; } /** Middleware that handles requests for HTTP methods registered with the * router. If none of the routes handle a method, then "not allowed" logic * will be used. If a method is supported by some routes, but not the * particular matched router, then "not implemented" will be returned. * * The middleware will also automatically handle the `OPTIONS` method, * responding with a `200 OK` when the `Allowed` header sent to the allowed * methods for a given route. * * By default, a "not allowed" request will respond with a `405 Not Allowed` * and a "not implemented" will respond with a `501 Not Implemented`. Setting * the option `.throw` to `true` will cause the middleware to throw an * `HTTPError` instead of setting the response status. The error can be * overridden by providing a `.notImplemented` or `.notAllowed` method in the * options, of which the value will be returned will be thrown instead of the * HTTP error. */ allowedMethods( options: RouterAllowedMethodsOptions = {}, ): Middleware { const implemented = this.#methods; const allowedMethods: Middleware = async (context, next) => { const ctx = context as RouterContext; await next(); if (!ctx.response.status || ctx.response.status === Status.NotFound) { assert(ctx.matched); const allowed = new Set(); for (const route of ctx.matched) { for (const method of route.methods) { allowed.add(method); } } const allowedStr = [...allowed].join(", "); if (!implemented.includes(ctx.request.method)) { if (options.throw) { throw options.notImplemented ? options.notImplemented() : new httpErrors.NotImplemented(); } else { ctx.response.status = Status.NotImplemented; ctx.response.headers.set("Allowed", allowedStr); } } else if (allowed.size) { if (ctx.request.method === "OPTIONS") { ctx.response.status = Status.OK; ctx.response.headers.set("Allowed", allowedStr); } else if (!allowed.has(ctx.request.method)) { if (options.throw) { throw options.methodNotAllowed ? options.methodNotAllowed() : new httpErrors.MethodNotAllowed(); } else { ctx.response.status = Status.MethodNotAllowed; ctx.response.headers.set("Allowed", allowedStr); } } } } }; return allowedMethods; } /** Register named middleware for the specified routes when the `DELETE`, * method is requested. */ delete

( name: string, path: string, ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

; /** Register middleware for the specified routes when the `DELETE`, * method is requested. */ delete

( path: string, ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

; delete

( nameOrPath: string, pathOrMiddleware: string | RouterMiddleware, ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

{ this.#useVerb( nameOrPath, pathOrMiddleware as (string | RouterMiddleware), middleware as RouterMiddleware[], ["DELETE"], ); // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return this as Router; } /** Iterate over the routes currently added to the router. To be compatible * with the iterable interfaces, both the key and value are set to the value * of the route. */ *entries(): IterableIterator<[Route, Route]> { for (const route of this.#stack) { const value = route.toJSON(); yield [value, value]; } } /** Iterate over the routes currently added to the router, calling the * `callback` function for each value. */ forEach( callback: (value1: Route, value2: Route, router: this) => void, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any thisArg: any = null, ): void { for (const route of this.#stack) { const value = route.toJSON(); callback.call(thisArg, value, value, this); } } /** Register named middleware for the specified routes when the `GET`, * method is requested. */ get

( name: string, path: string, ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

; /** Register middleware for the specified routes when the `GET`, * method is requested. */ get

( path: string, ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

; get

( nameOrPath: string, pathOrMiddleware: string | RouterMiddleware, ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

{ this.#useVerb( nameOrPath, pathOrMiddleware as (string | RouterMiddleware), middleware as RouterMiddleware[], ["GET"], ); // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return this as Router; } /** Register named middleware for the specified routes when the `HEAD`, * method is requested. */ head

( name: string, path: string, ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

; /** Register middleware for the specified routes when the `HEAD`, * method is requested. */ head

( path: string, ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

; head

( nameOrPath: string, pathOrMiddleware: string | RouterMiddleware, ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

{ this.#useVerb( nameOrPath, pathOrMiddleware as (string | RouterMiddleware), middleware as RouterMiddleware[], ["HEAD"], ); // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return this as Router; } /** Iterate over the routes currently added to the router. To be compatible * with the iterable interfaces, the key is set to the value of the route. */ *keys(): IterableIterator { for (const route of this.#stack) { yield route.toJSON(); } } /** Register named middleware for the specified routes when the `OPTIONS`, * method is requested. */ options

( name: string, path: string, ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

; /** Register middleware for the specified routes when the `OPTIONS`, * method is requested. */ options

( path: string, ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

; options

( nameOrPath: string, pathOrMiddleware: string | RouterMiddleware, ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

{ this.#useVerb( nameOrPath, pathOrMiddleware as (string | RouterMiddleware), middleware as RouterMiddleware[], ["OPTIONS"], ); // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return this as Router; } /** Register param middleware, which will be called when the particular param * is parsed from the route. */ param( param: keyof RP, middleware: RouterParamMiddleware, ): Router { this.#params[param as string] = middleware; for (const route of this.#stack) { route.param(param as string, middleware); } return this; } /** Register named middleware for the specified routes when the `PATCH`, * method is requested. */ patch

( name: string, path: string, ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

; /** Register middleware for the specified routes when the `PATCH`, * method is requested. */ patch

( path: string, ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

; patch

( nameOrPath: string, pathOrMiddleware: string | RouterMiddleware, ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

{ this.#useVerb( nameOrPath, pathOrMiddleware as (string | RouterMiddleware), middleware as RouterMiddleware[], ["PATCH"], ); // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return this as Router; } /** Register named middleware for the specified routes when the `POST`, * method is requested. */ post

( name: string, path: string, ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

; /** Register middleware for the specified routes when the `POST`, * method is requested. */ post

( path: string, ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

; post

( nameOrPath: string, pathOrMiddleware: string | RouterMiddleware, ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

{ this.#useVerb( nameOrPath, pathOrMiddleware as (string | RouterMiddleware), middleware as RouterMiddleware[], ["POST"], ); // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return this as Router; } /** Set the router prefix for this router. */ prefix(prefix: string): this { prefix = prefix.replace(/\/$/, ""); this.#opts.prefix = prefix; for (const route of this.#stack) { route.setPrefix(prefix); } return this; } /** Register named middleware for the specified routes when the `PUT` * method is requested. */ put

( name: string, path: string, ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

; /** Register middleware for the specified routes when the `PUT` * method is requested. */ put

( path: string, ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

; put

( nameOrPath: string, pathOrMiddleware: string | RouterMiddleware, ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

{ this.#useVerb( nameOrPath, pathOrMiddleware as (string | RouterMiddleware), middleware as RouterMiddleware[], ["PUT"], ); // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return this as Router; } /** Register a direction middleware, where when the `source` path is matched * the router will redirect the request to the `destination` path. A `status` * of `302 Found` will be set by default. * * The `source` and `destination` can be named routes. */ redirect( source: string, destination: string, status: RedirectStatus = Status.Found, ): this { if (source[0] !== "/") { const s = this.url(source); if (!s) { throw new RangeError(`Could not resolve named route: "${source}"`); } source = s; } if (destination[0] !== "/") { const d = this.url(destination); if (!d) { throw new RangeError(`Could not resolve named route: "${source}"`); } destination = d; } this.all(source, (ctx) => { ctx.response.redirect(destination); ctx.response.status = status; }); return this; } /** Return middleware that will do all the route processing that the router * has been configured to handle. Typical usage would be something like this: * * ```ts * import { Application, Router } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts"; * * const app = new Application(); * const router = new Router(); * * // register routes * * app.use(router.routes()); * app.use(router.allowedMethods()); * await app.listen({ port: 80 }); * ``` */ routes(): Middleware { const dispatch = ( context: Context, next: () => Promise, ): Promise => { const ctx = context as RouterContext; const { url: { pathname }, method } = ctx.request; const path = this.#opts.routerPath ?? ctx.routerPath ?? decodeURIComponent(pathname); const matches = this.#match(path, method); if (ctx.matched) { ctx.matched.push(...matches.path); } else { ctx.matched = [...matches.path]; } // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any ctx.router = this as Router; if (!matches.route) return next(); const { pathAndMethod: matchedRoutes } = matches; const chain = matchedRoutes.reduce( (prev, route) => [ ...prev, (ctx: RouterContext, next: () => Promise): Promise => { ctx.captures = route.captures(path); ctx.params = route.params(ctx.captures, ctx.params); ctx.routeName = route.name; return next(); }, ...route.stack, ], [] as RouterMiddleware[], ); return compose(chain)(ctx, next); }; dispatch.router = this; return dispatch; } /** Generate a URL pathname for a named route, interpolating the optional * params provided. Also accepts an optional set of options. */ url

( name: string, params?: P, options?: UrlOptions, ): string | undefined { const route = this.#route(name); if (route) { return route.url(params, options); } } /** Register middleware to be used on every matched route. */ use

( ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

; /** Register middleware to be used on every route that matches the supplied * `path`. */ use

( path: string | string[], ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

; use

( pathOrMiddleware: string | string[] | RouterMiddleware, ...middleware: RouterMiddleware[] ): Router

{ let path: string | string[] | undefined; if ( typeof pathOrMiddleware === "string" || Array.isArray(pathOrMiddleware) ) { path = pathOrMiddleware; } else { middleware.unshift(pathOrMiddleware); } this.#register( path ?? "(.*)", middleware as RouterMiddleware[], [], { end: false, ignoreCaptures: !path }, ); // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return this as Router; } /** Iterate over the routes currently added to the router. */ *values(): IterableIterator> { for (const route of this.#stack) { yield route.toJSON(); } } /** Provide an iterator interface that iterates over the routes registered * with the router. */ *[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator> { for (const route of this.#stack) { yield route.toJSON(); } } /** Generate a URL pathname based on the provided path, interpolating the * optional params provided. Also accepts an optional set of options. */ static url( path: string, params?: RouteParams, options?: UrlOptions, ): string { return toUrl(path, params, options); } }