#![feature(box_syntax)] #![feature(specialization)] #![feature(test)] extern crate slog; extern crate swc_common; extern crate swc_ecma_parser; extern crate test; extern crate testing; use std::{ env, fs::{read_dir, File}, io::{self, Read}, path::Path, }; use swc_common::{FileName, Fold, FoldWith, Span}; use swc_ecma_parser::{ast::*, FileMapInput, PResult, Parser, Session}; use test::{test_main, Options, ShouldPanic::No, TestDesc, TestDescAndFn, TestFn, TestName}; use testing::NormalizedOutput; const IGNORED_PASS_TESTS: &[&str] = &[ // Temporalily ignored "431ecef8c85d4d24.js", "8386fbff927a9e0e.js", // Wrong tests (variable name or value is different) "0339fa95c78c11bd.js", "0426f15dac46e92d.js", "0b4d61559ccce0f9.js", "0f88c334715d2489.js", "1093d98f5fc0758d.js", "15d9592709b947a0.js", "2179895ec5cc6276.js", "247a3a57e8176ebd.js", "441a92357939904a.js", "47f974d6fc52e3e4.js", "4e1a0da46ca45afe.js", "5829d742ab805866.js", "589dc8ad3b9aa28f.js", "598a5cedba92154d.js", "72d79750e81ef03d.js", "7788d3c1e1247da9.js", "7b72d7b43bedc895.js", "7dab6e55461806c9.js", "82c827ccaecbe22b.js", "87a9b0d1d80812cc.js", "8c80f7ee04352eba.js", "96f5d93be9a54573.js", "988e362ed9ddcac5.js", "9bcae7c7f00b4e3c.js", "a8a03a88237c4e8f.js", "ad06370e34811a6a.js", "b0fdc038ee292aba.js", "b62c6dd890bef675.js", "cb211fadccb029c7.js", "ce968fcdf3a1987c.js", "db3c01738aaf0b92.js", "e1387fe892984e2b.js", "e71c1d5f0b6b833c.js", "e8ea384458526db0.js", // We don't implement Annex B fully. "1c1e2a43fe5515b6.js", "3dabeca76119d501.js", "52aeec7b8da212a2.js", "59ae0289778b80cd.js", "a4d62a651f69d815.js", "c06df922631aeabc.js", ]; fn add_test( tests: &mut Vec, name: String, ignore: bool, f: F, ) { tests.push(TestDescAndFn { desc: TestDesc { name: TestName::DynTestName(name), ignore, should_panic: No, allow_fail: false, }, testfn: TestFn::DynTestFn(box f), }); } fn error_tests(tests: &mut Vec) -> Result<(), io::Error> { const IGNORED_ERROR_TESTS: &[&str] = &[ // Wrong tests "0d5e450f1da8a92a.js", "748656edbfb2d0bb.js", "79f882da06f88c9f.js", "92b6af54adef3624.js", "ef2d369cccc5386c.js", // Temporarily ignore tests for using octal escape before use strict "147fa078a7436e0e.js", "15a6123f6b825c38.js", "3bc2b27a7430f818.js", ]; let root = { let mut root = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).to_path_buf(); root.push("tests"); root.push("test262-parser"); root }; eprintln!("Loading tests from {}", root.display()); const TYPES: &[&str] = &[ "fail", /* TODO * "early" */ ]; for err_type in TYPES { let dir = root.join(err_type); let error_reference_dir = { let mut root = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).to_path_buf(); root.push("tests"); root.push("test262-error-references"); root.push(err_type); root }; for entry in read_dir(&dir)? { let entry = entry?; let file_name = entry .path() .strip_prefix(&dir) .expect("failed to strip prefix") .to_str() .unwrap() .to_string(); let input = { let mut buf = String::new(); File::open(entry.path())?.read_to_string(&mut buf)?; buf }; let ignore = IGNORED_ERROR_TESTS.contains(&&*file_name); let module = file_name.contains("module"); let dir = dir.clone(); let error_reference_dir = error_reference_dir.clone(); let name = format!("test262::error_reporting::{}::{}", err_type, file_name); add_test(tests, name, ignore, move || { eprintln!( "\n\n========== Running error reporting test {}\nSource:\n{}\n", file_name, input ); let path = dir.join(&file_name); // Parse source let err = if module { parse_module(&path, &input).expect_err("should fail, but parsed as") } else { parse_script(&path, &input).expect_err("should fail, but parsed as") }; if err .compare_to_file(format!( "{}.stderr", error_reference_dir.join(file_name).display() )) .is_err() { panic!() } }); } } Ok(()) } fn identity_tests(tests: &mut Vec) -> Result<(), io::Error> { let root = { let mut root = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).to_path_buf(); root.push("tests"); root.push("test262-parser"); root }; eprintln!("Loading tests from {}", root.display()); let pass_dir = root.join("pass"); let files = read_dir(&pass_dir)?; for entry in files { let entry = entry?; let file_name = entry .path() .strip_prefix(&pass_dir) .expect("failed to strip prefix") .to_str() .unwrap() .to_string(); let input = { let mut buf = String::new(); File::open(entry.path())?.read_to_string(&mut buf)?; buf }; let explicit = { let mut buf = String::new(); File::open(root.join("pass-explicit").join(&file_name))?.read_to_string(&mut buf)?; buf }; let ignore = IGNORED_PASS_TESTS.contains(&&*file_name); let module = file_name.contains("module"); let root = root.clone(); let name = format!("test262::identity::{}", file_name); add_test(tests, name, ignore, move || { eprintln!( "\n\n\n========== Running test {}\nSource:\n{}\nExplicit:\n{}", file_name, input, explicit ); if module { let p = |explicit, s| { parse_module( &root.join(if explicit { "pass-explicit" } else { "passs" }), s, ) .map(normalize) .unwrap() }; let src = p(false, &input); let expected = p(true, &explicit); assert_eq!(src, expected); } else { let p = |explicit, s| { parse_script( &root.join(if explicit { "pass-explicit" } else { "passs" }), s, ) .map(normalize) .unwrap() }; let src = p(false, &input); let expected = p(true, &explicit); assert_eq!(src, expected); } }); } Ok(()) } fn parse_script(file_name: &Path, s: &str) -> Result, NormalizedOutput> { with_parser(file_name, s, |p| p.parse_script()) } fn parse_module<'a>(file_name: &Path, s: &str) -> Result { with_parser(file_name, s, |p| p.parse_module()) } fn with_parser(file_name: &Path, src: &str, f: F) -> Result where F: for<'a> FnOnce(&mut Parser<'a, FileMapInput>) -> PResult<'a, Ret>, { let output = ::testing::run_test(|logger, cm, handler| { let fm = cm.new_filemap(FileName::Real(file_name.into()), src.into()); let res = f(&mut Parser::new( Session { logger: &logger, handler: &handler, cfg: Default::default(), }, (&*fm).into(), )); match res { Ok(res) => Some(res), Err(err) => { err.emit(); None } } }); if output.errors.is_empty() { Ok(output.result.unwrap()) } else { Err(output.errors) } } fn normalize(t: T) -> T where Normalizer: Fold, { let mut n = Normalizer; n.fold(t) } struct Normalizer; impl Fold for Normalizer { fn fold(&mut self, _: Span) -> Span { Span::default() } } impl Fold for Normalizer { fn fold(&mut self, s: Str) -> Str { Str { span: Default::default(), has_escape: false, ..s } } } impl Fold for Normalizer { fn fold(&mut self, e: Expr) -> Expr { let e = e.fold_children(self); match e { Expr::Paren(ParenExpr { expr, .. }) => *expr, Expr::New(NewExpr { callee, args: None, span, }) => Expr::New(NewExpr { span, callee, args: Some(vec![]), }), // Flatten comma expressions. Expr::Seq(SeqExpr { mut exprs, span }) => { let need_work = exprs.iter().any(|n| match **n { Expr::Seq(..) => true, _ => false, }); if need_work { exprs = exprs.into_iter().fold(vec![], |mut v, e| { match *e { Expr::Seq(SeqExpr { exprs, .. }) => v.extend(exprs), _ => v.push(e), } v }); } Expr::Seq(SeqExpr { exprs, span }) } _ => e, } } } impl Fold for Normalizer { fn fold(&mut self, n: PropName) -> PropName { let n = n.fold_children(self); match n { PropName::Ident(Ident { sym, .. }) => PropName::Str(Str { span: Default::default(), value: sym, has_escape: false, }), PropName::Num(num) => PropName::Str(Str { span: Default::default(), value: num.to_string().into(), has_escape: false, }), _ => n, } } } #[test] fn identity() { let args: Vec<_> = env::args().collect(); let mut tests = Vec::new(); identity_tests(&mut tests).unwrap(); test_main(&args, tests, Options::new()); } #[test] fn error() { let args: Vec<_> = env::args().collect(); let mut tests = Vec::new(); error_tests(&mut tests).unwrap(); test_main(&args, tests, Options::new()); } pub fn normalize(t: T) -> T where Normalizer: Fold, { let mut n = Normalizer; n.fold(t) } pub struct Normalizer; impl Fold for Normalizer { fn fold(&mut self, _: Span) -> Span { Span::default() } } impl Fold for Normalizer { fn fold(&mut self, s: Str) -> Str { Str { span: Default::default(), has_escape: false, ..s } } } impl Fold for Normalizer { fn fold(&mut self, e: Expr) -> Expr { let e = e.fold_children(self); match e { Expr::Paren(ParenExpr { expr, .. }) => *expr, Expr::New(NewExpr { callee, args: None, span, }) => Expr::New(NewExpr { span, callee, args: Some(vec![]), }), // Flatten comma expressions. Expr::Seq(SeqExpr { mut exprs, span }) => { let need_work = exprs.iter().any(|n| match **n { Expr::Seq(..) => true, _ => false, }); if need_work { exprs = exprs.into_iter().fold(vec![], |mut v, e| { match *e { Expr::Seq(SeqExpr { exprs, .. }) => v.extend(exprs), _ => v.push(e), } v }); } Expr::Seq(SeqExpr { exprs, span }) } _ => e, } } } impl Fold for Normalizer { fn fold(&mut self, n: PropName) -> PropName { let n = n.fold_children(self); match n { PropName::Ident(Ident { sym, .. }) => PropName::Str(Str { span: Default::default(), value: sym, has_escape: false, }), PropName::Num(num) => PropName::Str(Str { span: Default::default(), value: num.to_string().into(), has_escape: false, }), _ => n, } } }