#![feature(box_syntax)] #![feature(test)] #![feature(box_patterns)] #![feature(specialization)] use swc_common::{chain, Fold, Mark}; use swc_ecma_ast::Module; use swc_ecma_parser::Syntax; use swc_ecma_transforms::{ compat::{ es2015::{destructuring, spread}, es2018::object_rest_spread, }, modules::common_js::common_js, resolver, }; #[macro_use] mod common; fn syntax() -> Syntax { Syntax::default() } fn tr() -> impl Fold { object_rest_spread() } test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), issue_233, "const foo = () => ({ x, ...y }) => y", "const foo = ()=>(_param)=>{ var { x } = _param, y = _objectWithoutProperties(_param, ['x']); return y; };" ); test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), issue_239, "class Foo { constructor ({ ...bar }) {} }", "class Foo{ constructor(_param){ var bar = _extends({ }, _param); } }" ); // object rest spread pass should not touch rest in parameters and spread in // args. test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), issue_227, "export default function fn1(...args) { fn2(...args); }", r#"export default function fn1(...args) { fn2(...args); }"# ); test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), issue_162, r#" export const good = { a(bad1) { (...bad2) => { }; } }; "#, r#" export const good = { a (bad1) { (...bad2)=>{ }; } }; "# ); test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), issue_181, r#" const fn = ({ a, ...otherProps }) => otherProps; "#, r#" const fn = (_param)=>{ var { a } = _param, otherProps = _objectWithoutProperties(_param, ['a']); return otherProps; }; "# ); test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_function_array, r#" function foo([{...bar}]) { } "#, r#" function foo([_param]) { var bar = _extends({}, _param); } "# ); test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_var_basic, r#" var { a , ...b } = _ref; "#, r#" var { a } = _ref, b = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, ['a']); "# ); test_exec!( syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_assignment_exec, r#" let foo = { a: 1, b: 2, }; ({ a, ...c } = foo); expect(a).toBe(1); expect(c).toEqual({b: 2}); "# ); test_exec!( syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_catch_exec, r#" try { throw { a2: 1, b2: 2, c2: { c3: 'c3', extras: 3, } }; } catch({a2, b2, c2: { c3, ...c4 }}) { expect(a2).toBe(1); expect(b2).toBe(2); expect(c3).toBe('c3'); expect(c4).toEqual({extras: 3}); }"# ); test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_assignment_expression, r#"({ a1 } = c1); ({ a2, ...b2 } = c2); console.log({ a3, ...b3 } = c3);"#, r#" ({ a1 } = c1); var _c2; _c2 = c2, b2 = _objectWithoutProperties(_c2, ['a2']), ({ a2 } = _c2), _c2; var _c3; console.log(( _c3 = c3, b3 = _objectWithoutProperties(_c3, ['a3']), { a3 } = _c3, _c3)); "# ); test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_catch_clause, r#" try {} catch({ ...a34 }) {} try {} catch({a1, ...b1}) {} try {} catch({a2, b2, ...c2}) {} try {} catch({a2, b2, c2: { c3, ...c4 }}) {} // Unchanged try {} catch(a) {} try {} catch({ b }) {} "#, r#" try { } catch (_param) { var a34 = _extends({ }, _param); } try { } catch (_param) { var { a1 } = _param, b1 = _objectWithoutProperties(_param, ['a1']); } try { } catch (_param) { var { a2 , b2 } = _param, c2 = _objectWithoutProperties(_param, ['a2', 'b2']); } try { } catch (_param) { var { a2 , b2 , c2: { c3 } } = _param, c4 = _objectWithoutProperties(_param.c2, ['c3']); } try { } catch (a) { } try { } catch ({ b }) { }"# ); test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_export, r#" // ExportNamedDeclaration export var { b, ...c } = asdf2; // Skip export var { bb, cc } = ads; export var [ dd, ee ] = ads; "#, r#" // ExportNamedDeclaration var { b } = asdf2, c = _objectWithoutProperties(asdf2, ["b"]); // Skip export { b, c }; export var { bb, cc } = ads; export var [dd, ee] = ads; "# ); test!( syntax(), |_| chain!( tr(), spread(spread::Config { ..Default::default() }) ), rest_for_x, r#" // ForXStatement for (var {a, ...b} of []) {} for ({a, ...b} of []) {} async function a() { for await ({a, ...b} of []) {} } // skip for ({a} in {}) {} for ({a} of []) {} async function a() { for await ({a} of []) {} } for (a in {}) {} for (a of []) {} async function a() { for await (a of []) {} } "#, r#" // ForXStatement for (var _ref of []) { var { a } = _ref, b = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, ["a"]); } for (var _ref1 of []) { var { a } = _ref1, b = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref1, ["a"]); } async function a() { for await (var _ref2 of []) { var { a } = _ref2, b = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref2, ["a"]); } } // skip for ({ a } in {}) {} for ({ a } of []) {} async function a() { for await ({ a } of []) {} } for (a in {}) {} for (a of []) {} async function a() { for await (a of []) {} } "# ); test_exec!( ignore, syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_impure_computed_exec, r#" var key, x, y, z; // impure key = 1; var { [key++]: y, ...x } = { 1: 1, a: 1 }; expect(x).toEqual({ a: 1 }); expect(key).toBe(2); expect(1).toBe(y); // takes care of the order key = 1; var { [++key]: y, [++key]: z, ...rest} = {2: 2, 3: 3}; expect(y).toBe(2); expect(z).toBe(3); // pure, computed property should remain as-is key = 2; ({ [key]: y, z, ...x } = {2: "two", z: "zee"}); expect(y).toBe("two"); expect(x).toEqual({}); expect(z).toBe("zee"); "# ); test!( ignore, syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_impure_computed, r#" var key, x, y, z; // impure key = 1; var { [key++]: y, ...x } = { 1: 1, a: 1 }; expect(x).toEqual({ a: 1 }); expect(key).toBe(2); expect(y).toBe(1); // takes care of the order key = 1; var { [++key]: y, [++key]: z, ...rest} = {2: 2, 3: 3}; expect(y).toBe(2); expect(z).toBe(3); // pure, computed property should remain as-is key = 2; ({ [key]: y, z, ...x } = {2: "two", z: "zee"}); expect(y).toBe("two"); expect(x).toEqual({}); expect(z).toBe("zee"); "#, r#" var key, x, y, z; // impure key = 1; var _$a = { 1: 1, a: 1 }, _ref = key++, { [_ref]: y } = _$a, x = _objectWithoutProperties(_$a, [_ref].map(_toPropertyKey)); expect(x).toEqual({ a: 1 }); expect(key).toBe(2); expect(y).toBe(1); // takes care of the order key = 1; var _$ = { 2: 2, 3: 3 }, _ref2 = ++key, _ref3 = ++key, { [_ref2]: y, [_ref3]: z } = _$, rest = _objectWithoutProperties(_$, [_ref2, _ref3].map(_toPropertyKey)); expect(y).toBe(2); expect(z).toBe(3); // pure, computed property should remain as-is key = 2; var _$z = { 2: "two", z: "zee" }; ({ [key]: y, z } = _$z); x = _objectWithoutProperties(_$z, [key, "z"].map(_toPropertyKey)); _$z; expect(y).toBe("two"); expect(x).toEqual({}); expect(z).toBe("zee");"# ); test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_nested_2, r#" const test = { foo: { bar: { baz: { a: { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3, }, }, }, }, }; const { foo: { bar: { baz: { a: { x, ...other } } } } } = test; "#, r#" const test = { foo: { bar: { baz: { a: { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 } } } } }; const { foo: { bar: { baz: { a: { x } } } } } = test, other = _objectWithoutProperties(test.foo.bar.baz.a, ["x"]);"# ); test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_nested_computed_key, r#" const { [({ ...rest }) => { let { ...b } = {}; }]: a, [({ ...d } = {})]: c, } = {}; "#, r#" var _tmp; const _ref = { }, key = (_param)=>{ var rest = _extends({ }, _param); let b = _extends({ }, { }); }, key1 = (_tmp = { }, d = _extends({ }, _tmp), _tmp), { [key]: a , [key1]: c } = _ref; "# ); test_exec!( syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_nested_default_value_exec, r#" const { a = ({ ...rest }) => { expect(rest).toEqual({}) let { ...b } = {}; }, c = ({ ...d } = {}), } = {}; a() expect(c).toEqual({}) expect(d).toEqual({}) "# ); test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_nested_default_value, r#" const { a = ({ ...rest }) => { let { ...b } = {}; }, c = ({ ...d } = {}), } = {}; "#, r#" var _tmp; const _ref = { }, { a =(_param)=>{ var rest = _extends({ }, _param); let b = _extends({ }, { }); } , c =(_tmp = { }, d = _extends({ }, _tmp), _tmp) } = _ref; "# ); test_exec!( syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_nested_order_exec, r#" var result = ""; var obj = { get foo() { result += "foo" }, a: { get bar() { result += "bar"; } }, b: { get baz() { result += "baz"; } } }; var { a: { ...bar }, b: { ...baz }, ...foo } = obj; expect(result).toBe("barbazfoo"); "# ); test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_nested_order, r#" const { a: { ...bar }, b: { ...baz }, ...foo } = obj; "#, r#" const bar = _extends({}, obj.a), baz = _extends({}, obj.b), foo = _objectWithoutProperties(obj, ['a', 'b']); "# ); test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_nested_1, r#" const defunct = { outer: { inner: { three: 'three', four: 'four' } } } const { outer: { inner: { three, ...other } } } = defunct "#, r#" const defunct = { outer: { inner: { three: 'three', four: 'four' } } }; const { outer: { inner: { three } } } = defunct, other = _objectWithoutProperties(defunct.outer.inner, ["three"]); "# ); test_exec!( ignore, syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_non_string_computed_exec, r#" const a = { "3": "three", "foo": "bar" } const { [3]: omit, ...rest } = a; expect(rest).toEqual({"foo": "bar"}); expect(omit).toBe("three"); const [k1, k2, k3, k4, k5] = [null, undefined, true, false, {toString() { return "warrior"; }}]; const c = { [k1]: "1", [k2]: "2", [k3]: "3", [k4]: "4", [k5]: "5" }; const { [k1]: v1, [k2]: v2, [k3]: v3, [k4]: v4, [k5]: v5, ...vrest } = c; expect(v1).toBe("1"); expect(v2).toBe("2"); expect(v3).toBe("3"); expect(v4).toBe("4"); expect(v5).toBe("5"); expect(vrest).toEqual({}); // shouldn't convert symbols to strings const sx = Symbol(); const sy = Symbol(); const d = { [sx]: "sx", [sy]: "sy" } const { [sx]: dx, [sy]: dy } = d; expect(dx).toBe("sx"); expect(dy).toBe("sy"); "# ); test!( ignore, syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_non_string_computed, r#" const a = { "3": "three", "foo": "bar" } const { [3]: omit, ...rest } = a; expect(rest).toEqual({"foo": "bar"}); expect(omit).toBe("three"); const [k1, k2, k3, k4, k5] = [null, undefined, true, false, {toString() { return "warrior"; }}]; const c = { [k1]: "1", [k2]: "2", [k3]: "3", [k4]: "4", [k5]: "5" }; const { [k1]: v1, [k2]: v2, [k3]: v3, [k4]: v4, [k5]: v5, ...vrest } = c; expect(v1).toBe("1"); expect(v2).toBe("2"); expect(v3).toBe("3"); expect(v4).toBe("4"); expect(v5).toBe("5"); expect(vrest).toEqual({}); // shouldn't convert symbols to strings const sx = Symbol(); const sy = Symbol(); const d = { [sx]: "sx", [sy]: "sy" } const { [sx]: dx, [sy]: dy } = d; expect(dx).toBe("sx"); expect(dy).toBe("sy");"#, r#" const a = { "3": "three", "foo": "bar" }; const { [3]: omit } = a, rest = _objectWithoutProperties(a, ["3"]); expect(rest).toEqual({ "foo": "bar" }); expect(omit).toBe("three"); const [k1, k2, k3, k4, k5] = [null, undefined, true, false, { toString() { return "warrior"; } }]; const c = { [k1]: "1", [k2]: "2", [k3]: "3", [k4]: "4", [k5]: "5" }; const { [k1]: v1, [k2]: v2, [k3]: v3, [k4]: v4, [k5]: v5 } = c, vrest = _objectWithoutProperties(c, [k1, k2, k3, k4, k5].map(_toPropertyKey)); expect(v1).toBe("1"); expect(v2).toBe("2"); expect(v3).toBe("3"); expect(v4).toBe("4"); expect(v5).toBe("5"); expect(vrest).toEqual({}); // shouldn't convert symbols to strings const sx = Symbol(); const sy = Symbol(); const d = { [sx]: "sx", [sy]: "sy" }; const { [sx]: dx, [sy]: dy } = d; expect(dx).toBe("sx"); expect(dy).toBe("sy");"# ); test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_parameters, r#" function a({ ...a34 }) {} function a2({a1, ...b1}) {} function a3({a2, b2, ...c2}) {} function a4({a3, ...c3}, {a5, ...c5}) {} function a5({a3, b2: { ba1, ...ba2 }, ...c3}) {} function a6({a3, b2: { ba1, ...ba2 } }) {} function a7({a1 = 1, ...b1} = {}) {} function a8([{...a1}]) {} function a9([{a1, ...a2}]) {} function a10([a1, {...a2}]) {} // Unchanged function b(a) {} function b2(a, ...b) {} function b3({ b }) {} "#, r#" function a(_param) { var a34 = _extends({}, _param); } function a2(_param) { var { a1 } = _param, b1 = _objectWithoutProperties(_param, ["a1"]); } function a3(_param) { var { a2, b2 } = _param, c2 = _objectWithoutProperties(_param, ["a2", "b2"]); } function a4(_param, _param1) { var { a3 } = _param, c3 = _objectWithoutProperties(_param, ['a3']), { a5 } = _param1, c5 = _objectWithoutProperties(_param1, ['a5']); } function a5(_param) { var { a3, b2: { ba1 } } = _param, ba2 = _objectWithoutProperties(_param.b2, ["ba1"]), c3 = _objectWithoutProperties(_param, ["a3", "b2"]); } function a6(_param) { var { a3, b2: { ba1 } } = _param, ba2 = _objectWithoutProperties(_param.b2, ["ba1"]); } function a7(_param = { }) { var { a1 =1 } = _param, b1 = _objectWithoutProperties(_param, ['a1']); } function a8([_param]) { var a1 = _extends({ }, _param); } function a9([_param]) { var { a1 } = _param, a2 = _objectWithoutProperties(_param, ["a1"]); } function a10([a1, _param]) { var a2 = _extends({}, _param); } // Unchanged function b(a) {} function b2(a, ...b) {} function b3({ b }) {}"# ); test_exec!( syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_symbol_exec, r#" const sym = Symbol("test"); const sym2 = Symbol("not enumerable"); const src = { a: "string" }; Object.defineProperty(src, "b", { value: "not enumerable" }) Object.defineProperty(src, sym, { enumerable: true, value: "symbol" }); Object.defineProperty(src, sym2, { value: "not enumerable" }); const {...rest} = src; expect(rest[sym]).toBe("symbol"); expect(rest.a).toBe("string"); expect(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(rest)).toEqual(["a"]); expect(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(rest)).toEqual([sym]); const { [sym]: dst, ...noSym } = src; expect(dst).toBe("symbol"); expect(noSym.a).toBe("string"); expect(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(noSym)).toEqual([]);"# ); test!( ignore, syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_symbol, r#" let { [Symbol.for("foo")]: foo, ...rest } = {}; ({ [Symbol.for("foo")]: foo, ...rest } = {}); if ({ [Symbol.for("foo")]: foo, ...rest } = {}) {} "#, r#" var _ref3, _Symbol$for3; let _ref = {}, _Symbol$for = Symbol.for("foo"), { [_Symbol$for]: foo } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, [_Symbol$for].map(_toPropertyKey)); var _ref2 = {}; var _Symbol$for2 = Symbol.for("foo"); ({ [_Symbol$for2]: foo } = _ref2); rest = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref2, [_Symbol$for2].map(_toPropertyKey)); _ref2; if (_ref3 = {}, _Symbol$for3 = Symbol.for("foo"), ({ [_Symbol$for3]: foo } = _ref3), rest = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref3, [_Symbol$for3].map(_toPropertyKey)), _ref3) {} "# ); test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_variable_destructuring_1, r#" var z = {}; var { ...x } = z; var { ...a } = { a: 1 }; var { ...x } = a.b; var { ...x } = a(); var {x1, ...y1} = z; x1++; var { [a]: b, ...c } = z; var {x1, ...y1} = z; let {x2, y2, ...z2} = z; const {w3, x3, y3, ...z4} = z; "#, r#" var z = {}; var x = _extends({}, z); var a = _extends({ }, { a: 1 }); var x = _extends({ }, a.b); var x = _extends({ }, a()); var { x1 } = z, y1 = _objectWithoutProperties(z, ["x1"]); x1++; var { [a]: b } = z, c = _objectWithoutProperties(z, [a].map(_toPropertyKey)); var { x1 } = z, y1 = _objectWithoutProperties(z, ["x1"]); let { x2, y2 } = z, z2 = _objectWithoutProperties(z, ["x2", "y2"]); const { w3, x3, y3 } = z, z4 = _objectWithoutProperties(z, ["w3", "x3", "y3"]); "# ); test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_variable_destructuring_2, r#" let { x: { a: xa, [d]: f, ...asdf }, y: { ...d }, ...g } = complex; "#, r#" let { x: { a: xa, [d]: f } } = complex, asdf = _objectWithoutProperties(complex.x, ["a", d].map(_toPropertyKey)), d = _extends({}, complex.y), g = _objectWithoutProperties(complex, ["x", "y"]); "# ); test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_variable_destructuring_3, r#" let { x4: { ...y4 } } = z; "#, r#" let y4 = _extends({}, z.x4); "# ); test_exec!( syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_with_array_rest_exec, r#" let [{ a, ...foo}, ...bar] = [{ a: 1, b:2 }, 2, 3, 4]; expect(a).toBe(1) expect(foo).toEqual({b: 2}); expect(bar).toEqual([2, 3, 4]); "# ); test_exec!( syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_with_array_rest_exec_2, r#" let { a: [b, ...arrayRest], c = function(...functionRest){}, ...objectRest } = { a: [1, 2, 3, 4], d: "oyez" }; expect(b).toBe(1); expect(arrayRest).toEqual([2, 3, 4]); expect(objectRest).toEqual({d: 'oyez'}) "# ); test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), rest_with_array_rest, r#" let { a: [b, ...arrayRest], c = function(...functionRest){}, ...objectRest } = { a: [1, 2, 3, 4], d: "oyez" }; "#, r#" let _ref = { a: [1, 2, 3, 4], d: 'oyez' }, { a: [b, ...arrayRest] , c =function(...functionRest) { } } = _ref, objectRest = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, ['a', 'c']); "# ); test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), spread_assignment, r#" z = { x, ...y }; z = { x, w: { ...y } }; "#, r#" z = _objectSpread({ x }, y); z = { x, w: _objectSpread({}, y) }; "# ); test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), object_spread_expression, r#" ({ x, ...y, a, ...b, c }); ({ ...Object.prototype }); ({ ...{ foo: 'bar' } }); ({ ...{ get foo () { return 'foo' } } }); "#, r#" _objectSpread({ x }, y, { a }, b, { c }); _objectSpread({}, Object.prototype); _objectSpread({}, { foo: 'bar' }); _objectSpread({}, { get foo() { return 'foo'; } }); "# ); test_exec!( syntax(), |_| tr(), spread_no_object_assign_exec, r#" Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'NOSET', { set(value) { // noop }, }); Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'NOWRITE', { writable: false, value: 'abc', }); const obj = { NOSET: 123 }; // this wouldn't work as expected if transformed as Object.assign (or equivalent) // because those trigger object setters (spread don't) const objSpread = { ...obj }; const obj2 = { NOSET: 123, NOWRITE: 456 }; // this line would throw `TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'NOWRITE'` // if transformed as Object.assign (or equivalent) because // those use *assignment* for creating properties // (spread defines them) const obj2Spread = { ...obj2 }; expect(objSpread).toEqual(obj); expect(obj2Spread).toEqual(obj2); const KEY = Symbol('key'); const obj3Spread = { ...{ get foo () { return 'bar' } }, [KEY]: 'symbol' }; expect(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj3Spread, 'foo').value).toBe('bar'); expect(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj3Spread, KEY).value).toBe('symbol'); const obj4Spread = { ...Object.prototype }; expect(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj4Spread, 'hasOwnProperty')).toBeUndefined(); expect(() => ({ ...null, ...undefined })).not.toThrow(); const o = Object.create(null); o.a = 'foo'; o.__proto__ = []; const o2 = { ...o }; expect(Array.isArray(Object.getPrototypeOf(o2))).toBe(false); "# ); test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), spread_variable_declaration, r#"var z = { ...x };"#, r#"var z = _objectSpread({}, x);"# ); // object_spread_assignment test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), object_spread_assignment, r#" z = { x, ...y }; z = { x, w: { ...y } }; "#, r#" z = _objectSpread({ x }, y); z = { x, w: _objectSpread({}, y) }; "# ); //// regression_gh_7304 //test!(syntax(),|_| tr("{ // "presets": [ // [ // "env", // { // "shippedProposals": true, // "targets": { // "node": 8 // }, // "useBuiltIns": "usage", // "corejs": 3 // } // ] // ], // "plugins": [] //} //"), regression_gh_7304, r#" //export default class { // method ({ ...object }) {} //} //"#, r#" //"use strict"; // //Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { // value: true //}); //exports.default = void 0; // //class _default { // method(_ref) { // let object = Object.assign({}, _ref); // } // //} // //exports.default = _default; // //"#); //// object_rest_symbol //test!(syntax(),|_| tr("{ // "plugins": [ // "syntax-async-generators", // "proposal-object-rest-spread", // // ] //} //"), object_rest_symbol, r#" //let { // [Symbol.for("foo")]: foo, // ...rest //} = {}; // //({ [Symbol.for("foo")]: foo, ...rest } = {}); // //if ({ [Symbol.for("foo")]: foo, ...rest } = {}) {} // //"#, r#" //var _ref3, _Symbol$for3; // //let _ref = {}, // _Symbol$for = Symbol.for("foo"), // { // [_Symbol$for]: foo //} = _ref, // rest = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, // [_Symbol$for].map(_toPropertyKey)); // //var _ref2 = {}; // //var _Symbol$for2 = Symbol.for("foo"); // //({ // [_Symbol$for2]: foo //} = _ref2); //rest = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref2, // [_Symbol$for2].map(_toPropertyKey)); //_ref2; // //if (_ref3 = {}, _Symbol$for3 = Symbol.for("foo"), ({ // [_Symbol$for3]: foo //} = _ref3), rest = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref3, //} [_Symbol$for3].map(_toPropertyKey)), _ref3) {} // //"#); // object_rest_symbol_exec_exec test_exec!( syntax(), |_| tr(), object_rest_symbol_exec_exec, r#" const sym = Symbol("test"); const sym2 = Symbol("not enumerable"); const src = { a: "string" }; Object.defineProperty(src, "b", { value: "not enumerable" }) Object.defineProperty(src, sym, { enumerable: true, value: "symbol" }); Object.defineProperty(src, sym2, { value: "not enumerable" }); const {...rest} = src; expect(rest[sym]).toBe("symbol"); expect(rest.a).toBe("string"); expect(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(rest)).toEqual(["a"]); expect(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(rest)).toEqual([sym]); const { [sym]: dst, ...noSym } = src; expect(dst).toBe("symbol"); expect(noSym.a).toBe("string"); expect(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(noSym)).toEqual([]); "# ); //// object_rest_impure_computed //test!(syntax(),|_| tr("{ // "plugins": [ // "syntax-async-generators", // "proposal-object-rest-spread", // // ] //} //"), object_rest_impure_computed, r#" //var key, x, y, z; //// impure //key = 1; //var { [key++]: y, ...x } = { 1: 1, a: 1 }; //expect(x).toEqual({ a: 1 }); //expect(key).toBe(2); //expect(y).toBe(1); // //// takes care of the order // //key = 1; //var { [++key]: y, [++key]: z, ...rest} = {2: 2, 3: 3}; //expect(y).toBe(2); //expect(z).toBe(3); // //// pure, computed property should remain as-is //key = 2; //({ [key]: y, z, ...x } = {2: "two", z: "zee"}); //expect(y).toBe("two"); //expect(x).toEqual({}); //expect(z).toBe("zee"); // //"#, r#" //var key, x, y, z; // impure // //key = 1; // //var _$a = { // 1: 1, // a: 1 //}, // _ref = key++, // { // [_ref]: y //} = _$a, // x = _objectWithoutProperties(_$a, // [_ref].map(_toPropertyKey)); // //expect(x).toEqual({ // a: 1 //}); //expect(key).toBe(2); //expect(y).toBe(1); // takes care of the order // //key = 1; // //var _$ = { // 2: 2, // 3: 3 //}, // _ref2 = ++key, // _ref3 = ++key, // { // [_ref2]: y, // [_ref3]: z //} = _$, // rest = _objectWithoutProperties(_$, [_ref2, // _ref3].map(_toPropertyKey)); // //expect(y).toBe(2); //expect(z).toBe(3); // pure, computed property should remain as-is // //key = 2; //var _$z = { // 2: "two", // z: "zee" //}; //({ // [key]: y, // z //} = _$z); //x = _objectWithoutProperties(_$z, [key, // "z"].map(_toPropertyKey)); //_$z; //expect(y).toBe("two"); //expect(x).toEqual({}); //expect(z).toBe("zee"); // //"#); //// object_rest_catch_clause //test!(syntax(),|_| tr("{ // "plugins": [ // "syntax-async-generators", // "proposal-object-rest-spread", // // ] //} //"), object_rest_catch_clause, r#" //try {} catch({ ...a34 }) {} //try {} catch({a1, ...b1}) {} //try {} catch({a2, b2, ...c2}) {} //try {} catch({a2, b2, c2: { c3, ...c4 }}) {} // //// Unchanged //try {} catch(a) {} //try {} catch({ b }) {} // //"#, r#" //try {} catch (_ref) { // let a34 = _extends({}, _ref); //} // //try {} catch (_ref2) { // let { // a1 // } = _ref2, // b1 = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref2, ["a1"]); //} // //try {} catch (_ref3) { // let { // a2, // b2 // } = _ref3, // c2 = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref3, ["a2", "b2"]); //} // //try {} catch (_ref4) { // let { // a2, // b2, // c2: { // c3 // } // } = _ref4, // c4 = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref4.c2, ["c3"]); //} // Unchanged // // //try {} catch (a) {} // //try {} catch ({ // b //}) {} // //"#); //// object_rest_variable_destructuring //test!(syntax(),|_| tr("{ // "plugins": [ // "syntax-async-generators", // "proposal-object-rest-spread", // // ] //} //"), object_rest_variable_destructuring, r#" //var z = {}; //var { ...x } = z; //var { ...a } = { a: 1 }; //var { ...x } = a.b; //var { ...x } = a(); //var {x1, ...y1} = z; //x1++; //var { [a]: b, ...c } = z; //var {x1, ...y1} = z; //let {x2, y2, ...z2} = z; //const {w3, x3, y3, ...z4} = z; // //let { // x: { a: xa, [d]: f, ...asdf }, // y: { ...d }, // ...g //} = complex; // //let { x4: { ...y4 } } = z; // //"#, r#" //var z = {}; //var x = _extends({}, z); //var a = _extends({}, { // a: 1 //}); //var x = _extends({}, a.b); //var x = _extends({}, a()); //var { // x1 //} = z, // y1 = _objectWithoutProperties(z, ["x1"]); //x1++; //var { // [a]: b //} = z, // c = _objectWithoutProperties(z, // [a].map(_toPropertyKey)); var { // x1 //} = z, // y1 = _objectWithoutProperties(z, ["x1"]); //let { // x2, // y2 //} = z, // z2 = _objectWithoutProperties(z, ["x2", "y2"]); //const { // w3, // x3, // y3 //} = z, // z4 = _objectWithoutProperties(z, ["w3", "x3", "y3"]); //let { // x: { // a: xa, // [d]: f // } //} = complex, // asdf = _objectWithoutProperties(complex.x, ["a", // d].map(_toPropertyKey)), d = _extends({}, // complex.y), g = _objectWithoutProperties(complex, ["x"]); //let {} = z, // y4 = _extends({}, z.x4); // //"#); // object_rest_non_string_computed_exec //// regression_gh_8323 //test!(syntax(),|_| tr("{ // "presets": [["env", { "targets": { "node": "8" } }]], // "plugins": [["proposal-object-rest-spread", { "loose": true }]] //} //"), regression_gh_8323, r#" //const get = () => { // fireTheMissiles(); // return 3; //}; // //const f = ({ a = get(), b, c, ...z }) => { // const v = b + 3; //}; // //"#, r#" //const get = () => { // fireTheMissiles(); // return 3; //}; // //const f = (_ref) => { // let { // a = get(), // b // } = _ref, // z = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, ["a", "b", "c"]); // // const v = b + 3; //}; // //"#); // regression_gh_5151 test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), regression_gh_5151, r#" const { x, ...y } = a, z = foo(y); const { ...s } = r, t = foo(s); // ordering is preserved var l = foo(), { m: { n, ...o }, ...p } = bar(), q = baz(); "#, r#" const { x } = a, y = _objectWithoutProperties(a, ["x"]), z = foo(y); const s = _extends({}, r), t = foo(s); // ordering is preserved var l = foo(), _ref = bar(), { m: { n } } = _ref, o = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref.m, ["n"]), p = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, ["m"]), q = baz(); "# ); // object_rest_parameters //test!(syntax(),|_| tr("{ // "plugins": [ // "syntax-async-generators", // "proposal-object-rest-spread", // // ] //} //"), object_rest_parameters, r#" //function a({ ...a34 }) {} //function a2({a1, ...b1}) {} //function a3({a2, b2, ...c2}) {} //function a4({a3, ...c3}, {a5, ...c5}) {} //function a5({a3, b2: { ba1, ...ba2 }, ...c3}) {} //function a6({a3, b2: { ba1, ...ba2 } }) {} //function a7({a1 = 1, ...b1} = {}) {} //function a8([{...a1}]) {} //function a9([{a1, ...a2}]) {} //function a10([a1, {...a2}]) {} //// Unchanged //function b(a) {} //function b2(a, ...b) {} //function b3({ b }) {} // //"#, r#" //function a(_ref) { // let a34 = _extends({}, _ref); //} // //function a2(_ref2) { // let { // a1 // } = _ref2, // b1 = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref2, ["a1"]); //} // //function a3(_ref3) { // let { // a2, // b2 // } = _ref3, // c2 = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref3, ["a2", "b2"]); //} // //function a4(_ref5, _ref4) { // let { // a3 // } = _ref5, // c3 = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref5, ["a3"]); // let { // a5 // } = _ref4, // c5 = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref4, ["a5"]); //} // //function a5(_ref6) { // let { // a3, // b2: { // ba1 // } // } = _ref6, // ba2 = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref6.b2, ["ba1"]), // c3 = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref6, ["a3", "b2"]); //} // //function a6(_ref7) { // let { // a3, // b2: { // ba1 // } // } = _ref7, // ba2 = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref7.b2, ["ba1"]); //} // //function a7(_ref8 = {}) { // let { // a1 = 1 // } = _ref8, // b1 = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref8, ["a1"]); //} // //function a8([_ref9]) { // let a1 = _extends({}, _ref9); //} // //function a9([_ref10]) { // let { // a1 // } = _ref10, // a2 = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref10, ["a1"]); //} // //function a10([a1, _ref11]) { // let a2 = _extends({}, _ref11); //} // Unchanged // // //function b(a) {} // //function b2(a, ...b) {} // //function b3({ // b //}) {} // //"#); //// object_rest_for_x_array_pattern //test!(syntax(),|_| tr("{ // "plugins": [ // "syntax-async-generators", // "proposal-object-rest-spread", // // ] //} //"), object_rest_for_x_array_pattern, r#" //// ForXStatement //for (const [{a, ...b}] of []) {} //for ([{a, ...b}] of []) {} //async function a() { // for await ([{a, ...b}] of []) {} //} // //// skip //for ([{a}] in {}) {} //for ([{a}] of []) {} //async function a() { // for await ([{a}] of []) {} //} // //for ([a, ...b] in {}) {} //for ([a, ...b] of []) {} //async function a() { // for await ([a, ...b] of []) {} //} // //"#, r#" //// ForXStatement //for (const _ref of []) { // const [_ref2] = _ref; // const { // a // } = _ref2, // b = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref2, ["a"]); //} // //for (var _ref3 of []) { // [_ref4] = _ref3; // var { // a // } = _ref4, // b = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref4, ["a"]); //} // //async function a() { // for await (var _ref5 of []) { // [_ref6] = _ref5; // var { // a // } = _ref6, // b = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref6, ["a"]); // } //} // skip // // //for ([{ // a //}] in {}) {} // //for ([{ // a //}] of []) {} // //async function a() { // for await ([{ // a // }] of []) {} //} // //for ([a, ...b] in {}) {} // //for ([a, ...b] of []) {} // //async function a() { // for await ([a, ...b] of []) {} //} // //"#); //// object_rest_nested_computed_key //test!(syntax(),|_| tr("{ // "plugins": [ // "syntax-async-generators", // "proposal-object-rest-spread", // // ] //} //"), object_rest_nested_computed_key, r#" //const { // [({ ...rest }) => { // let { ...b } = {}; // }]: a, // [({ ...d } = {})]: c, //} = {}; //"#, r#" //var _ref2; // //const { // [(_ref) => { // let rest = _extends({}, _ref); // let b = _extends({}, {}); // }]: a, // [(_ref2 = {}, ({} = _ref2), d = _extends({}, _ref2), _ref2)]: c //} = {}; // //"#); // regression_gh_7388 test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), regression_gh_7388, r#" function fn0(obj0) { const { fn1 = (obj1 = {}) => { const { fn2 = (obj2 = {}) => { const {a, ...rest} = obj2; console.log(rest); } } = obj1; } } = obj0; } "#, r#" function fn0(obj0) { const { fn1 = (obj1 = {}) => { const { fn2 = (obj2 = {}) => { const { a } = obj2, rest = _objectWithoutProperties(obj2, ["a"]); console.log(rest); } } = obj1; } } = obj0; } "# ); // object_rest_impure_computed_exec //// object_rest_nested //test!(syntax(),|_| tr("{ // "plugins": [ // "syntax-async-generators", // "proposal-object-rest-spread", // // ] //} //"), object_rest_nested, r#" //const defunct = { // outer: { // inner: { // three: 'three', // four: 'four' // } // } //} // //const { outer: { inner: { three, ...other } } } = defunct // //"#, r#" //const defunct = { // outer: { // inner: { // three: 'three', // four: 'four' // } // } //}; //const { // outer: { // inner: { // three // } // } //} = defunct, // other = _objectWithoutProperties(defunct.outer.inner, // ["three"]); // //"#); //// object_rest_with_array_rest //test!(syntax(),|_| tr("{ // "plugins": [ // "syntax-async-generators", // "proposal-object-rest-spread", // // ] //} //"), object_rest_with_array_rest, r#" //let { // a: [b, ...arrayRest], // c = function(...functionRest){}, // ...objectRest //} = { // a: [1, 2, 3, 4], // d: "oyez" //}; // //"#, r#" //let _a$d = { // a: [1, 2, 3, 4], // d: "oyez" //}, // { // a: [b, ...arrayRest], // c = function (...functionRest) {} //} = _a$d, // objectRest = _objectWithoutProperties(_a$d, ["a", "c"]); // //"#); //// object_rest_nested_array_2 //test!(syntax(),|_| tr("{ // "plugins": [ // "syntax-async-generators", // "proposal-object-rest-spread", // // ] //} //"), object_rest_nested_array_2, r#" //const [a, [{b, ...c}], {d, ...e}, [{ f, ...g}, {h: [i, {j, ...k}] }]] = x; // //"#, r#" //const [a, [_ref], _ref2, [_ref3, { // h: [i, _ref4] //}]] = x; //const { // b //} = _ref, // c = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, ["b"]), // { // d //} = _ref2, // e = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref2, ["d"]), // { // f //} = _ref3, // g = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref3, ["f"]), // { // j //} = _ref4, // k = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref4, ["j"]); // //"#); // object_rest_impure_computed_exec_exec test_exec!( syntax(), |_| tr(), object_rest_impure_computed_exec_exec, r#" var key, x, y, z; // impure key = 1; var { [key++]: y, ...x } = { 1: 1, a: 1 }; expect(x).toEqual({ a: 1 }); expect(key).toBe(2); expect(1).toBe(y); // takes care of the order key = 1; var { [++key]: y, [++key]: z, ...rest} = {2: 2, 3: 3}; expect(y).toBe(2); expect(z).toBe(3); // pure, computed property should remain as-is key = 2; ({ [key]: y, z, ...x } = {2: "two", z: "zee"}); expect(y).toBe("two"); expect(x).toEqual({}); expect(z).toBe("zee"); // rhs evaluated before lhs var order = []; function left() { order.push("left"); return 0; } function right() { order.push("right"); return {}; } var { [left()]: y, ...x} = right(); expect(order).toEqual(["right", "left"]); "# ); //// object_rest_duplicate_decl_bug //test!(syntax(),|_| tr("{ // "plugins": [ // "./plugin-clear-scope", // "proposal-object-rest-spread", // // ] //} //"), object_rest_duplicate_decl_bug, r#" //it("es7.objectRestSpread", () => { // let original = { a: 1, b: 2 }; // let { ...copy } = original; //}); // //"#, r#" //it("es7.objectRestSpread", () => { // let original = { // a: 1, // b: 2 // }; // let copy = _extends({}, original); //}); // //"#); // regression_t7178 test!( syntax(), |_| chain!( resolver(), tr(), destructuring(destructuring::Config { loose: false }), common_js(Mark::fresh(Mark::root()), Default::default()), ), regression_t7178, r#" import props from "props"; console.log(props); (function(){ const { ...props } = this.props; console.log(props); })(); "#, r#" "use strict"; var _props = _interopRequireDefault(require("props")); console.log(_props.default); (function () { const props = _extends({}, this.props); console.log(props); })(); "# ); // object_spread_expression_exec test_exec!( // WTF? babel's output is wrong ignore, syntax(), |_| tr(), object_spread_expression_exec, r#" var log = []; var a = { ...{ get foo() { log.push(1); } }, get bar() { log.push(2); } }; expect(log).toEqual([1]); "# ); // object_rest_nested_default_value //test!(syntax(),|_| tr("{ // "plugins": [ // "syntax-async-generators", // "proposal-object-rest-spread", // // ] //} //"), object_rest_nested_default_value, r#" //const { // a = ({ ...rest }) => { // let { ...b } = {}; // }, // c = ({ ...d } = {}), //} = {}; //"#, r#" //var _ref2; // //const { // a = (_ref) => { // let rest = _extends({}, _ref); // let b = _extends({}, {}); // }, // c = (_ref2 = {}, ({} = _ref2), d = _extends({}, _ref2), _ref2) //} = {}; // //"#); //// object_rest_export //test!(syntax(),|_| tr("{ // "plugins": [ // "syntax-async-generators", // "proposal-object-rest-spread", // // ] //} //"), object_rest_export, r#" //// ExportNamedDeclaration //export var { b, ...c } = asdf2; //// Skip //export var { bb, cc } = ads; //export var [ dd, ee ] = ads; // //"#, r#" //// ExportNamedDeclaration //var { // b //} = asdf2, // c = _objectWithoutProperties(asdf2, ["b"]); // Skip // //export { b, c }; //export var { // bb, // cc //} = ads; //export var [dd, ee] = ads; // //"#); //// object_rest_non_string_computed //test!(syntax(),|_| tr("{ // "plugins": [ // "syntax-async-generators", // "proposal-object-rest-spread", // // ] //} //"), object_rest_non_string_computed, r#" //const a = { // "3": "three", // "foo": "bar" //} // //const { // [3]: omit, // ...rest //} = a; // //expect(rest).toEqual({"foo": "bar"}); //expect(omit).toBe("three"); // //const [k1, k2, k3, k4, k5] = [null, undefined, true, false, {toString() { // return "warrior"; }}]; const c = { // [k1]: "1", // [k2]: "2", // [k3]: "3", // [k4]: "4", // [k5]: "5" //}; // //const { // [k1]: v1, // [k2]: v2, // [k3]: v3, // [k4]: v4, // [k5]: v5, // ...vrest //} = c; // //expect(v1).toBe("1"); //expect(v2).toBe("2"); //expect(v3).toBe("3"); //expect(v4).toBe("4"); //expect(v5).toBe("5"); //expect(vrest).toEqual({}); // //// shouldn't convert symbols to strings //const sx = Symbol(); //const sy = Symbol(); // //const d = { // [sx]: "sx", // [sy]: "sy" //} // //const { // [sx]: dx, // [sy]: dy //} = d; // //expect(dx).toBe("sx"); //expect(dy).toBe("sy"); // //"#, r#" //const a = { // "3": "three", // "foo": "bar" //}; //const { // [3]: omit //} = a, // rest = _objectWithoutProperties(a, ["3"]); //expect(rest).toEqual({ // "foo": "bar" //}); //expect(omit).toBe("three"); //const [k1, k2, k3, k4, k5] = [null, undefined, true, false, { // toString() { // return "warrior"; // } // //}]; //const c = { // [k1]: "1", // [k2]: "2", // [k3]: "3", // [k4]: "4", // [k5]: "5" //}; //const { // [k1]: v1, // [k2]: v2, // [k3]: v3, // [k4]: v4, // [k5]: v5 //} = c, // vrest = _objectWithoutProperties(c, [k1, k2, k3, k4, // k5].map(_toPropertyKey)); expect(v1).toBe("1"); //expect(v2).toBe("2"); //expect(v3).toBe("3"); //expect(v4).toBe("4"); //expect(v5).toBe("5"); //expect(vrest).toEqual({}); // shouldn't convert symbols to strings // //const sx = Symbol(); //const sy = Symbol(); //const d = { // [sx]: "sx", // [sy]: "sy" //}; //const { // [sx]: dx, // [sy]: dy //} = d; //expect(dx).toBe("sx"); //expect(dy).toBe("sy"); // //"#); // object_spread_variable_declaration test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), object_spread_variable_declaration, r#" var z = { ...x }; "#, r#" var z = _objectSpread({}, x); "# ); //// object_rest_nested_array //test!(syntax(),|_| tr("{ // "plugins": [ // "syntax-async-generators", // "proposal-object-rest-spread", // // ] //} //"), object_rest_nested_array, r#" //const [a, {b, ...c}] = x; // //let [d, {e, ...f}] = x; // //[g, {h, ...i}] = x; // // //"#, r#" //const [a, _ref] = x; //const { // b //} = _ref, // c = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, ["b"]); //let [d, _ref2] = x; //let { // e //} = _ref2, // f = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref2, ["e"]); //[g, _ref3] = x; //var { // h //} = _ref3, // i = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref3, ["h"]); // //"#); // object_spread_no_object_assign_exec_exec test_exec!( syntax(), |_| tr(), object_spread_no_object_assign_exec_exec, r#" Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'NOSET', { set(value) { // noop }, }); Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'NOWRITE', { writable: false, value: 'abc', }); const obj = { NOSET: 123 }; // this wouldn't work as expected if transformed as Object.assign (or equivalent) // because those trigger object setters (spread don't) const objSpread = { ...obj }; const obj2 = { NOSET: 123, NOWRITE: 456 }; // this line would throw `TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'NOWRITE'` // if transformed as Object.assign (or equivalent) because those use *assignment* for creating properties // (spread defines them) const obj2Spread = { ...obj2 }; expect(objSpread).toEqual(obj); expect(obj2Spread).toEqual(obj2); const KEY = Symbol('key'); const obj3Spread = { ...{ get foo () { return 'bar' } }, [KEY]: 'symbol' }; expect(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj3Spread, 'foo').value).toBe('bar'); expect(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj3Spread, KEY).value).toBe('symbol'); const obj4Spread = { ...Object.prototype }; expect(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj4Spread, 'hasOwnProperty')).toBeUndefined(); expect(() => ({ ...null, ...undefined })).not.toThrow(); const o = Object.create(null); o.a = 'foo'; o.__proto__ = []; const o2 = { ...o }; expect(Array.isArray(Object.getPrototypeOf(o2))).toBe(false); "# ); // object_rest_non_string_computed_exec_exec test_exec!( syntax(), |_| tr(), object_rest_non_string_computed_exec_exec, r#" const a = { "3": "three", "foo": "bar" } const { [3]: omit, ...rest } = a; expect(rest).toEqual({"foo": "bar"}); expect(omit).toBe("three"); const [k1, k2, k3, k4, k5] = [null, undefined, true, false, {toString() { return "warrior"; }}]; const c = { [k1]: "1", [k2]: "2", [k3]: "3", [k4]: "4", [k5]: "5" }; const { [k1]: v1, [k2]: v2, [k3]: v3, [k4]: v4, [k5]: v5, ...vrest } = c; expect(v1).toBe("1"); expect(v2).toBe("2"); expect(v3).toBe("3"); expect(v4).toBe("4"); expect(v5).toBe("5"); expect(vrest).toEqual({}); // shouldn't convert symbols to strings const sx = Symbol(); const sy = Symbol(); const d = { [sx]: "sx", [sy]: "sy" } const { [sx]: dx, [sy]: dy } = d; expect(dx).toBe("sx"); expect(dy).toBe("sy"); "# ); // object_rest_variable_exec // object_rest_variable_exec_exec test_exec!( syntax(), |_| tr(), object_rest_variable_exec_exec, r#" // var { x, y, ...z } = { x: 1, y: 2, a: 3, b: 4 }; // expect(x).toBe(1); // expect(y).toBe(2); // expect(z).toEqual({ a: 3, b: 4 }); // var complex = { // x: { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }, // }; // var { // x: { a: xa, ...xbc } // } = complex; // expect(xa).toBe(1); // expect(xbc).toEqual({ b: 2, c: 3}); // // own properties // function ownX({ ...properties }) { // return properties.x; // } // expect(ownX(Object.create({ x: 1 }))).toBeUndefined(); "# ); //// object_rest_nested_2 //test!(syntax(),|_| tr("{ // "plugins": [ // "syntax-async-generators", // "proposal-object-rest-spread", // // ] //} //"), object_rest_nested_2, r#" //const test = { // foo: { // bar: { // baz: { // a: { // x: 1, // y: 2, // z: 3, // }, // }, // }, // }, //}; // //const { foo: { bar: { baz: { a: { x, ...other } } } } } = test; // //"#, r#" //const test = { // foo: { // bar: { // baz: { // a: { // x: 1, // y: 2, // z: 3 // } // } // } // } //}; //const { // foo: { // bar: { // baz: { // a: { // x // } // } // } // } //} = test, // other = _objectWithoutProperties(test.foo.bar.baz.a, ["x"]); // //"#); // object_spread_no_getOwnPropertyDescriptors_exec test_exec!( syntax(), |_| tr(), object_spread_no_get_own_property_descriptors_exec, r#" const oldGOPDs = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors; Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors = null; ({ ...{ a: 1 }, b: 1, ...{} }); Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors = oldGOPDs; "# ); //// object_rest_for_x //test!(syntax(),|_| tr("{ // "plugins": [ // "syntax-async-generators", // "proposal-object-rest-spread", // // ] //} //"), object_rest_for_x, r#" //// ForXStatement //for (var {a, ...b} of []) {} //for ({a, ...b} of []) {} //async function a() { // for await ({a, ...b} of []) {} //} // //// skip //for ({a} in {}) {} //for ({a} of []) {} //async function a() { // for await ({a} of []) {} //} // //for (a in {}) {} //for (a of []) {} //async function a() { // for await (a of []) {} //} // //"#, r#" //// ForXStatement //for (var _ref of []) { // var { // a // } = _ref, // b = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, ["a"]); //} // //for (var _ref2 of []) { // var _ref3 = _ref2; // ({ // a // } = _ref3); // b = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref3, ["a"]); // _ref3; //} // //async function a() { // for await (var _ref4 of []) { // var _ref5 = _ref4; // ({ // a // } = _ref5); // b = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref5, ["a"]); // _ref5; // } //} // skip // // //for ({ // a //} in {}) {} // //for ({ // a //} of []) {} // //async function a() { // for await ({ // a // } of []) {} //} // //for (a in {}) {} // //for (a of []) {} // //async function a() { // for await (a of []) {} //} // //"#); //// object_rest_template_literal_property_allLiterals_false //test!(syntax(),|_| tr("{ // "plugins": [ // "syntax-async-generators", // "proposal-object-rest-spread", // // ] //} //"), object_rest_template_literal_property_allLiterals_false, r#" //const input = {}; // //const { // given_name: givenName, // 'last_name': lastName, // [`country`]: country, // [prefix + 'state']: state, // [`${prefix}consents`]: consents, // ...rest //} = input; // //"#, r#" //const input = {}; // //const _ref = prefix + 'state', // _ref2 = `${prefix}consents`, // { // given_name: givenName, // 'last_name': lastName, // [`country`]: country, // [_ref]: state, // [_ref2]: consents //} = input, // rest = _objectWithoutProperties(input, ["given_name", // "last_name", `country`, _ref, _ref2].map(_toPropertyKey)); // //"#); //// object_rest_for_x_completion_record //test!(syntax(),|_| tr("{ // "plugins": [ // "syntax-async-generators", // "proposal-object-rest-spread", // // ] //} //"), object_rest_for_x_completion_record, r#" //for ({a, ...b} of []) {} // //"#, r#" //for (var _ref of []) { // var _ref2 = _ref; // ({ // a // } = _ref2); // b = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref2, ["a"]); // _ref2; // void 0; //} // //"#); // regression_gh_4904 test!( syntax(), |_| tr(), regression_gh_4904, r#" const { s, ...t } = foo(); const { s: { q1, ...q2 }, ...q3 } = bar(); const { a } = foo(({ b, ...c }) => { console.log(b, c); }); "#, r#" const _ref = foo(), { s } = _ref, t = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref, ['s']); const _ref1 = bar(), { s: { q1 } } = _ref1, q2 = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref1.s, ['q1']), q3 = _objectWithoutProperties(_ref1, ['s']); const _ref2 = foo((_param)=>{ var { b } = _param, c = _objectWithoutProperties(_param, ['b']); console.log(b, c); }), { a } = _ref2; "# );