// Loaded from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/denjucks/dex/master/lib/dialects/redshift/schema/tablecompiler.js /* eslint max-len: 0 */ // Redshift Table Builder & Compiler // ------- import inherits from '../../../deps/inherits@2.0.4/inherits.js'; import _ from '../../../deps/lodash@4.17.15/index.js'; const has = _.has; import TableCompiler_PG from '../../postgres/schema/tablecompiler.js'; function TableCompiler_Redshift() { TableCompiler_PG.apply(this, arguments); } inherits(TableCompiler_Redshift, TableCompiler_PG); TableCompiler_Redshift.prototype.index = function ( columns, indexName, indexType ) { this.client.logger.warn('Redshift does not support the creation of indexes.'); }; TableCompiler_Redshift.prototype.dropIndex = function (columns, indexName) { this.client.logger.warn('Redshift does not support the deletion of indexes.'); }; // TODO: have to disable setting not null on columns that already exist... // Adds the "create" query to the query sequence. TableCompiler_Redshift.prototype.createQuery = function (columns, ifNot) { const createStatement = ifNot ? 'create table if not exists ' : 'create table '; let sql = createStatement + this.tableName() + ' (' + columns.sql.join(', ') + ')'; if (this.single.inherits) sql += ` like (${this.formatter.wrap(this.single.inherits)})`; this.pushQuery({ sql, bindings: columns.bindings, }); const hasComment = has(this.single, 'comment'); if (hasComment) this.comment(this.single.comment); }; TableCompiler_Redshift.prototype.primary = function (columns, constraintName) { const self = this; constraintName = constraintName ? self.formatter.wrap(constraintName) : self.formatter.wrap(`${this.tableNameRaw}_pkey`); if (columns.constructor !== Array) { columns = [columns]; } const thiscolumns = self.grouped.columns; if (thiscolumns) { for (let i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { let exists = thiscolumns.find( (tcb) => tcb.grouping === 'columns' && tcb.builder && tcb.builder._method === 'add' && tcb.builder._args && tcb.builder._args.indexOf(columns[i]) > -1 ); if (exists) { exists = exists.builder; } const nullable = !( exists && exists._modifiers && exists._modifiers['nullable'] && exists._modifiers['nullable'][0] === false ); if (nullable) { if (exists) { return this.client.logger.warn( 'Redshift does not allow primary keys to contain nullable columns.' ); } else { return this.client.logger.warn( 'Redshift does not allow primary keys to contain nonexistent columns.' ); } } } } return self.pushQuery( `alter table ${self.tableName()} add constraint ${constraintName} primary key (${self.formatter.columnize( columns )})` ); }; // Compiles column add. Redshift can only add one column per ALTER TABLE, so core addColumns doesn't work. #2545 TableCompiler_Redshift.prototype.addColumns = function ( columns, prefix, colCompilers ) { if (prefix === this.alterColumnsPrefix) { TableCompiler_PG.prototype.addColumns.call( this, columns, prefix, colCompilers ); } else { prefix = prefix || this.addColumnsPrefix; colCompilers = colCompilers || this.getColumns(); for (const col of colCompilers) { const quotedTableName = this.tableName(); const colCompiled = col.compileColumn(); this.pushQuery({ sql: `alter table ${quotedTableName} ${prefix}${colCompiled}`, bindings: [], }); } } }; export default TableCompiler_Redshift;