(self.webpackChunk_N_E = self.webpackChunk_N_E || []).push([ [ 514 ], { 8161: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { const elliptic1 = __webpack_require__1(6266), BN1 = __webpack_require__1(3783), { sha256: sha2561 } = __webpack_require__1(2023), { sha512: sha5121 } = __webpack_require__1(3434), EC1 = new elliptic1.ec('secp256k1'); function toBytesInt321(num1) { return new Uint8Array([ (0xff000000 & num1) >> 24, (0x00ff0000 & num1) >> 16, (0x0000ff00 & num1) >> 8, 0x000000ff & num1 ]); } const one1 = new BN1(1); function Unmarshal1(data1) { const byteLen1 = EC1.n.bitLength() + 7 >> 3; if (EC1.g.mul(10), (-2 & data1[0]) != 2 || data1.length != 1 + byteLen1) return [ null, null ]; const tx1 = new BN1(data1.slice(1, 1 + byteLen1)); try { const p3 = EC1.curve.pointFromX(tx1); return [ p3.x, p3.y ]; } catch (e1) { return [ null, null ]; } } function H11(m1) { let x3 = null, y3 = null; const byteLen1 = EC1.n.bitLength() + 7 >> 3; let i2 = 0; for(; null == x3 && i2 < 100;){ const res1 = sha5121.array(new Uint8Array([ ...toBytesInt321(i2), ...m1 ])), r3 = [ 2, ...res1 ]; [x3, y3] = Unmarshal1(r3.slice(0, byteLen1 + 1)), i2++; } return EC1.curve.point(x3, y3); } function H21(m1) { const byteLen1 = EC1.n.bitLength() + 7 >> 3; let i2 = 0; for(;;){ const res1 = sha5121.array(new Uint8Array([ ...toBytesInt321(i2), ...m1 ])), k3 = new BN1(res1.slice(0, byteLen1)); if (-1 == k3.cmp(EC1.curve.n.sub(one1))) return k3.add(one1); i2++; } } function Evaluate1(privateKey1, m1) { const currentKey1 = EC1.keyFromPrivate(privateKey1), r3 = EC1.genKeyPair(), rBN1 = r3.getPrivate(), pointH1 = H11(m1), point1 = pointH1.mul(privateKey1), vrf1 = point1.encode(), rgPoint1 = EC1.curve.g.mul(rBN1), rhPoint1 = pointH1.mul(rBN1), b10 = [ ...EC1.curve.g.encode(), ...pointH1.encode(), ...currentKey1.getPublic().encode(), ...vrf1, ...rgPoint1.encode(), ...rhPoint1.encode() ], s3 = H21(b10), t3 = rBN1.sub(s3.mul(currentKey1.getPrivate())).umod(EC1.curve.n), index1 = sha2561.array(new Uint8Array(vrf1)), buf1 = [ ...Array(32 - s3.byteLength()).fill(0), ...s3.toArray(), ...Array(32 - t3.byteLength()).fill(0), ...t3.toArray(), ...vrf1 ]; return [ index1, buf1 ]; } function ProofHoHash1(publicKey1, data1, proof1) { const currentKey1 = EC1.keyFromPublic(publicKey1); if (129 !== proof1.length) throw Error('invalid vrf'); const s3 = proof1.slice(0, 32), t3 = proof1.slice(32, 64), vrf1 = proof1.slice(64, 129), uhPoint1 = decodePoint1(vrf1); if (!uhPoint1) throw Error('invalid vrf'); const tgPoint1 = EC1.curve.g.mul(t3), ksgPoint1 = currentKey1.getPublic().mul(s3), tksgPoint1 = tgPoint1.add(ksgPoint1), hPoint1 = H11(data1), thPoint1 = hPoint1.mul(t3), shPoint1 = uhPoint1.mul(s3), tkshPoint1 = thPoint1.add(shPoint1), b10 = [ ...EC1.curve.g.encode(), ...hPoint1.encode(), ...currentKey1.getPublic().encode(), ...vrf1, ...tksgPoint1.encode(), ...tkshPoint1.encode() ], h21 = H21(b10), buf1 = [ ...Array(32 - h21.byteLength()).fill(0), ...h21.toArray() ]; let equal1 = !0; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < buf1.length; i2++)s3[i2] !== buf1[i2] && (equal1 = !1); if (!equal1) throw Error('invalid vrf'); return sha2561.array(new Uint8Array(vrf1)); } function decodePoint1(data1) { try { return EC1.curve.decodePoint(data1); } catch { return null; } } module1.exports = { Evaluate: Evaluate1, ProofHoHash: ProofHoHash1 }; }, 3783: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { !function(module1, exports1) { 'use strict'; function assert1(val1, msg1) { if (!val1) throw Error(msg1 || 'Assertion failed'); } function inherits1(ctor1, superCtor1) { ctor1.super_ = superCtor1; var TempCtor1 = function() {}; TempCtor1.prototype = superCtor1.prototype, ctor1.prototype = new TempCtor1(), ctor1.prototype.constructor = ctor1; } function BN1(number1, base1, endian1) { if (BN1.isBN(number1)) return number1; this.negative = 0, this.words = null, this.length = 0, this.red = null, null !== number1 && (('le' === base1 || 'be' === base1) && (endian1 = base1, base1 = 10), this._init(number1 || 0, base1 || 10, endian1 || 'be')); } 'object' == typeof module1 ? module1.exports = BN1 : exports1.BN = BN1, BN1.BN = BN1, BN1.wordSize = 26; try { Buffer1 = 'undefined' != typeof window && void 0 !== window.Buffer ? window.Buffer : __webpack_require__1(136).Buffer; } catch (e1) {} function parseHex4Bits1(string1, index1) { var c5 = string1.charCodeAt(index1); return c5 >= 48 && c5 <= 57 ? c5 - 48 : c5 >= 65 && c5 <= 70 ? c5 - 55 : c5 >= 97 && c5 <= 102 ? c5 - 87 : void assert1(!1, 'Invalid character in ' + string1); } function parseHexByte1(string1, lowerBound1, index1) { var r3 = parseHex4Bits1(string1, index1); return index1 - 1 >= lowerBound1 && (r3 |= parseHex4Bits1(string1, index1 - 1) << 4), r3; } function parseBase1(str1, start1, end1, mul1) { for(var r3 = 0, b10 = 0, len3 = Math.min(str1.length, end1), i2 = start1; i2 < len3; i2++){ var c5 = str1.charCodeAt(i2) - 48; r3 *= mul1, b10 = c5 >= 49 ? c5 - 49 + 0xa : c5 >= 17 ? c5 - 17 + 0xa : c5, assert1(c5 >= 0 && b10 < mul1, 'Invalid character'), r3 += b10; } return r3; } function move1(dest1, src1) { dest1.words = src1.words, dest1.length = src1.length, dest1.negative = src1.negative, dest1.red = src1.red; } if (BN1.isBN = function(num1) { return num1 instanceof BN1 || null !== num1 && 'object' == typeof num1 && num1.constructor.wordSize === BN1.wordSize && Array.isArray(num1.words); }, BN1.max = function(left1, right1) { return left1.cmp(right1) > 0 ? left1 : right1; }, BN1.min = function(left1, right1) { return 0 > left1.cmp(right1) ? left1 : right1; }, BN1.prototype._init = function(number1, base1, endian1) { if ('number' == typeof number1) return this._initNumber(number1, base1, endian1); if ('object' == typeof number1) return this._initArray(number1, base1, endian1); 'hex' === base1 && (base1 = 16), assert1(base1 === (0 | base1) && base1 >= 2 && base1 <= 36); var start1 = 0; '-' === (number1 = number1.toString().replace(/\s+/g, ''))[0] && (start1++, this.negative = 1), start1 < number1.length && (16 === base1 ? this._parseHex(number1, start1, endian1) : (this._parseBase(number1, base1, start1), 'le' === endian1 && this._initArray(this.toArray(), base1, endian1))); }, BN1.prototype._initNumber = function(number1, base1, endian1) { number1 < 0 && (this.negative = 1, number1 = -number1), number1 < 0x4000000 ? (this.words = [ 0x3ffffff & number1 ], this.length = 1) : number1 < 0x10000000000000 ? (this.words = [ 0x3ffffff & number1, number1 / 0x4000000 & 0x3ffffff ], this.length = 2) : (assert1(number1 < 0x20000000000000), this.words = [ 0x3ffffff & number1, number1 / 0x4000000 & 0x3ffffff, 1 ], this.length = 3), 'le' === endian1 && this._initArray(this.toArray(), base1, endian1); }, BN1.prototype._initArray = function(number1, base1, endian1) { if (assert1('number' == typeof number1.length), number1.length <= 0) return this.words = [ 0 ], this.length = 1, this; this.length = Math.ceil(number1.length / 3), this.words = Array(this.length); for(var j1, w19, i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++)this.words[i2] = 0; var off1 = 0; if ('be' === endian1) for(i2 = number1.length - 1, j1 = 0; i2 >= 0; i2 -= 3)w19 = number1[i2] | number1[i2 - 1] << 8 | number1[i2 - 2] << 16, this.words[j1] |= w19 << off1 & 0x3ffffff, this.words[j1 + 1] = w19 >>> 26 - off1 & 0x3ffffff, (off1 += 24) >= 26 && (off1 -= 26, j1++); else if ('le' === endian1) for(i2 = 0, j1 = 0; i2 < number1.length; i2 += 3)w19 = number1[i2] | number1[i2 + 1] << 8 | number1[i2 + 2] << 16, this.words[j1] |= w19 << off1 & 0x3ffffff, this.words[j1 + 1] = w19 >>> 26 - off1 & 0x3ffffff, (off1 += 24) >= 26 && (off1 -= 26, j1++); return this._strip(); }, BN1.prototype._parseHex = function(number1, start1, endian1) { this.length = Math.ceil((number1.length - start1) / 6), this.words = Array(this.length); for(var w19, i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++)this.words[i2] = 0; var off1 = 0, j1 = 0; if ('be' === endian1) for(i2 = number1.length - 1; i2 >= start1; i2 -= 2)w19 = parseHexByte1(number1, start1, i2) << off1, this.words[j1] |= 0x3ffffff & w19, off1 >= 18 ? (off1 -= 18, j1 += 1, this.words[j1] |= w19 >>> 26) : off1 += 8; else for(i2 = (number1.length - start1) % 2 == 0 ? start1 + 1 : start1; i2 < number1.length; i2 += 2)w19 = parseHexByte1(number1, start1, i2) << off1, this.words[j1] |= 0x3ffffff & w19, off1 >= 18 ? (off1 -= 18, j1 += 1, this.words[j1] |= w19 >>> 26) : off1 += 8; this._strip(); }, BN1.prototype._parseBase = function(number1, base1, start1) { this.words = [ 0 ], this.length = 1; for(var limbLen1 = 0, limbPow1 = 1; limbPow1 <= 0x3ffffff; limbPow1 *= base1)limbLen1++; limbLen1--, limbPow1 = limbPow1 / base1 | 0; for(var total1 = number1.length - start1, mod1 = total1 % limbLen1, end1 = Math.min(total1, total1 - mod1) + start1, word1 = 0, i2 = start1; i2 < end1; i2 += limbLen1)word1 = parseBase1(number1, i2, i2 + limbLen1, base1), this.imuln(limbPow1), this.words[0] + word1 < 0x4000000 ? this.words[0] += word1 : this._iaddn(word1); if (0 !== mod1) { var pow1 = 1; for(word1 = parseBase1(number1, i2, number1.length, base1), i2 = 0; i2 < mod1; i2++)pow1 *= base1; this.imuln(pow1), this.words[0] + word1 < 0x4000000 ? this.words[0] += word1 : this._iaddn(word1); } this._strip(); }, BN1.prototype.copy = function(dest1) { dest1.words = Array(this.length); for(var i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++)dest1.words[i2] = this.words[i2]; dest1.length = this.length, dest1.negative = this.negative, dest1.red = this.red; }, BN1.prototype._move = function(dest1) { move1(dest1, this); }, BN1.prototype.clone = function() { var r3 = new BN1(null); return this.copy(r3), r3; }, BN1.prototype._expand = function(size1) { for(; this.length < size1;)this.words[this.length++] = 0; return this; }, BN1.prototype._strip = function() { for(; this.length > 1 && 0 === this.words[this.length - 1];)this.length--; return this._normSign(); }, BN1.prototype._normSign = function() { return 1 === this.length && 0 === this.words[0] && (this.negative = 0), this; }, 'undefined' != typeof Symbol && 'function' == typeof Symbol.for) try { BN1.prototype[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom')] = inspect1; } catch (e1) { BN1.prototype.inspect = inspect1; } else BN1.prototype.inspect = inspect1; function inspect1() { return (this.red ? ''; } var Buffer1, zeros1 = [ '', '0', '00', '000', '0000', '00000', '000000', '0000000', '00000000', '000000000', '0000000000', '00000000000', '000000000000', '0000000000000', '00000000000000', '000000000000000', '0000000000000000', '00000000000000000', '000000000000000000', '0000000000000000000', '00000000000000000000', '000000000000000000000', '0000000000000000000000', '00000000000000000000000', '000000000000000000000000', '0000000000000000000000000' ], groupSizes1 = [ 0, 0, 25, 16, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 ], groupBases1 = [ 0, 0, 33554432, 43046721, 16777216, 48828125, 60466176, 40353607, 16777216, 43046721, 10000000, 19487171, 35831808, 62748517, 7529536, 11390625, 16777216, 24137569, 34012224, 47045881, 64000000, 4084101, 5153632, 6436343, 7962624, 9765625, 11881376, 14348907, 17210368, 20511149, 24300000, 28629151, 33554432, 39135393, 45435424, 52521875, 60466176 ]; BN1.prototype.toString = function(base1, padding1) { if (padding1 = 0 | padding1 || 1, 16 === (base1 = base1 || 10) || 'hex' === base1) { out1 = ''; for(var out1, off1 = 0, carry1 = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++){ var w19 = this.words[i2], word1 = ((w19 << off1 | carry1) & 0xffffff).toString(16); carry1 = w19 >>> 24 - off1 & 0xffffff, (off1 += 2) >= 26 && (off1 -= 26, i2--), out1 = 0 !== carry1 || i2 !== this.length - 1 ? zeros1[6 - word1.length] + word1 + out1 : word1 + out1; } for(0 !== carry1 && (out1 = carry1.toString(16) + out1); out1.length % padding1 != 0;)out1 = '0' + out1; return 0 !== this.negative && (out1 = '-' + out1), out1; } if (base1 === (0 | base1) && base1 >= 2 && base1 <= 36) { var groupSize1 = groupSizes1[base1], groupBase1 = groupBases1[base1]; out1 = ''; var c5 = this.clone(); for(c5.negative = 0; !c5.isZero();){ var r3 = c5.modrn(groupBase1).toString(base1); out1 = (c5 = c5.idivn(groupBase1)).isZero() ? r3 + out1 : zeros1[groupSize1 - r3.length] + r3 + out1; } for(this.isZero() && (out1 = '0' + out1); out1.length % padding1 != 0;)out1 = '0' + out1; return 0 !== this.negative && (out1 = '-' + out1), out1; } assert1(!1, 'Base should be between 2 and 36'); }, BN1.prototype.toNumber = function() { var ret1 = this.words[0]; return 2 === this.length ? ret1 += 0x4000000 * this.words[1] : 3 === this.length && 0x01 === this.words[2] ? ret1 += 0x10000000000000 + 0x4000000 * this.words[1] : this.length > 2 && assert1(!1, 'Number can only safely store up to 53 bits'), 0 !== this.negative ? -ret1 : ret1; }, BN1.prototype.toJSON = function() { return this.toString(16, 2); }, Buffer1 && (BN1.prototype.toBuffer = function(endian1, length1) { return this.toArrayLike(Buffer1, endian1, length1); }), BN1.prototype.toArray = function(endian1, length1) { return this.toArrayLike(Array, endian1, length1); }; var allocate1 = function(ArrayType1, size1) { return ArrayType1.allocUnsafe ? ArrayType1.allocUnsafe(size1) : new ArrayType1(size1); }; function toBitArray1(num1) { for(var w19 = Array(num1.bitLength()), bit1 = 0; bit1 < w19.length; bit1++){ var off1 = bit1 / 26 | 0, wbit1 = bit1 % 26; w19[bit1] = num1.words[off1] >>> wbit1 & 0x01; } return w19; } function smallMulTo1(self1, num1, out1) { out1.negative = num1.negative ^ self1.negative; var len3 = self1.length + num1.length | 0; out1.length = len3, len3 = len3 - 1 | 0; var a10 = 0 | self1.words[0], b10 = 0 | num1.words[0], r3 = a10 * b10, lo1 = 0x3ffffff & r3, carry1 = r3 / 0x4000000 | 0; out1.words[0] = lo1; for(var k3 = 1; k3 < len3; k3++){ for(var ncarry1 = carry1 >>> 26, rword1 = 0x3ffffff & carry1, maxJ1 = Math.min(k3, num1.length - 1), j1 = Math.max(0, k3 - self1.length + 1); j1 <= maxJ1; j1++){ var i2 = k3 - j1 | 0; ncarry1 += (r3 = (a10 = 0 | self1.words[i2]) * (b10 = 0 | num1.words[j1]) + rword1) / 0x4000000 | 0, rword1 = 0x3ffffff & r3; } out1.words[k3] = 0 | rword1, carry1 = 0 | ncarry1; } return 0 !== carry1 ? out1.words[k3] = 0 | carry1 : out1.length--, out1._strip(); } BN1.prototype.toArrayLike = function(ArrayType1, endian1, length1) { this._strip(); var byteLength1 = this.byteLength(), reqLength1 = length1 || Math.max(1, byteLength1); assert1(byteLength1 <= reqLength1, 'byte array longer than desired length'), assert1(reqLength1 > 0, 'Requested array length <= 0'); var res1 = allocate1(ArrayType1, reqLength1); return this['_toArrayLike' + ('le' === endian1 ? 'LE' : 'BE')](res1, byteLength1), res1; }, BN1.prototype._toArrayLikeLE = function(res1, byteLength1) { for(var position1 = 0, carry1 = 0, i2 = 0, shift1 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++){ var word1 = this.words[i2] << shift1 | carry1; res1[position1++] = 0xff & word1, position1 < res1.length && (res1[position1++] = word1 >> 8 & 0xff), position1 < res1.length && (res1[position1++] = word1 >> 16 & 0xff), 6 === shift1 ? (position1 < res1.length && (res1[position1++] = word1 >> 24 & 0xff), carry1 = 0, shift1 = 0) : (carry1 = word1 >>> 24, shift1 += 2); } if (position1 < res1.length) for(res1[position1++] = carry1; position1 < res1.length;)res1[position1++] = 0; }, BN1.prototype._toArrayLikeBE = function(res1, byteLength1) { for(var position1 = res1.length - 1, carry1 = 0, i2 = 0, shift1 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++){ var word1 = this.words[i2] << shift1 | carry1; res1[position1--] = 0xff & word1, position1 >= 0 && (res1[position1--] = word1 >> 8 & 0xff), position1 >= 0 && (res1[position1--] = word1 >> 16 & 0xff), 6 === shift1 ? (position1 >= 0 && (res1[position1--] = word1 >> 24 & 0xff), carry1 = 0, shift1 = 0) : (carry1 = word1 >>> 24, shift1 += 2); } if (position1 >= 0) for(res1[position1--] = carry1; position1 >= 0;)res1[position1--] = 0; }, Math.clz32 ? BN1.prototype._countBits = function(w19) { return 32 - Math.clz32(w19); } : BN1.prototype._countBits = function(w19) { var t3 = w19, r3 = 0; return t3 >= 0x1000 && (r3 += 13, t3 >>>= 13), t3 >= 0x40 && (r3 += 7, t3 >>>= 7), t3 >= 0x8 && (r3 += 4, t3 >>>= 4), t3 >= 0x02 && (r3 += 2, t3 >>>= 2), r3 + t3; }, BN1.prototype._zeroBits = function(w19) { if (0 === w19) return 26; var t3 = w19, r3 = 0; return (0x1fff & t3) == 0 && (r3 += 13, t3 >>>= 13), (0x7f & t3) == 0 && (r3 += 7, t3 >>>= 7), (0xf & t3) == 0 && (r3 += 4, t3 >>>= 4), (0x3 & t3) == 0 && (r3 += 2, t3 >>>= 2), (0x1 & t3) == 0 && r3++, r3; }, BN1.prototype.bitLength = function() { var w19 = this.words[this.length - 1], hi1 = this._countBits(w19); return (this.length - 1) * 26 + hi1; }, BN1.prototype.zeroBits = function() { if (this.isZero()) return 0; for(var r3 = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++){ var b10 = this._zeroBits(this.words[i2]); if (r3 += b10, 26 !== b10) break; } return r3; }, BN1.prototype.byteLength = function() { return Math.ceil(this.bitLength() / 8); }, BN1.prototype.toTwos = function(width1) { return 0 !== this.negative ? this.abs().inotn(width1).iaddn(1) : this.clone(); }, BN1.prototype.fromTwos = function(width1) { return this.testn(width1 - 1) ? this.notn(width1).iaddn(1).ineg() : this.clone(); }, BN1.prototype.isNeg = function() { return 0 !== this.negative; }, BN1.prototype.neg = function() { return this.clone().ineg(); }, BN1.prototype.ineg = function() { return this.isZero() || (this.negative ^= 1), this; }, BN1.prototype.iuor = function(num1) { for(; this.length < num1.length;)this.words[this.length++] = 0; for(var i2 = 0; i2 < num1.length; i2++)this.words[i2] = this.words[i2] | num1.words[i2]; return this._strip(); }, BN1.prototype.ior = function(num1) { return assert1((this.negative | num1.negative) == 0), this.iuor(num1); }, BN1.prototype.or = function(num1) { return this.length > num1.length ? this.clone().ior(num1) : num1.clone().ior(this); }, BN1.prototype.uor = function(num1) { return this.length > num1.length ? this.clone().iuor(num1) : num1.clone().iuor(this); }, BN1.prototype.iuand = function(num1) { var b10; b10 = this.length > num1.length ? num1 : this; for(var i2 = 0; i2 < b10.length; i2++)this.words[i2] = this.words[i2] & num1.words[i2]; return this.length = b10.length, this._strip(); }, BN1.prototype.iand = function(num1) { return assert1((this.negative | num1.negative) == 0), this.iuand(num1); }, BN1.prototype.and = function(num1) { return this.length > num1.length ? this.clone().iand(num1) : num1.clone().iand(this); }, BN1.prototype.uand = function(num1) { return this.length > num1.length ? this.clone().iuand(num1) : num1.clone().iuand(this); }, BN1.prototype.iuxor = function(num1) { this.length > num1.length ? (a10 = this, b10 = num1) : (a10 = num1, b10 = this); for(var a10, b10, i2 = 0; i2 < b10.length; i2++)this.words[i2] = a10.words[i2] ^ b10.words[i2]; if (this !== a10) for(; i2 < a10.length; i2++)this.words[i2] = a10.words[i2]; return this.length = a10.length, this._strip(); }, BN1.prototype.ixor = function(num1) { return assert1((this.negative | num1.negative) == 0), this.iuxor(num1); }, BN1.prototype.xor = function(num1) { return this.length > num1.length ? this.clone().ixor(num1) : num1.clone().ixor(this); }, BN1.prototype.uxor = function(num1) { return this.length > num1.length ? this.clone().iuxor(num1) : num1.clone().iuxor(this); }, BN1.prototype.inotn = function(width1) { assert1('number' == typeof width1 && width1 >= 0); var bytesNeeded1 = 0 | Math.ceil(width1 / 26), bitsLeft1 = width1 % 26; this._expand(bytesNeeded1), bitsLeft1 > 0 && bytesNeeded1--; for(var i2 = 0; i2 < bytesNeeded1; i2++)this.words[i2] = 0x3ffffff & ~this.words[i2]; return bitsLeft1 > 0 && (this.words[i2] = ~this.words[i2] & 0x3ffffff >> 26 - bitsLeft1), this._strip(); }, BN1.prototype.notn = function(width1) { return this.clone().inotn(width1); }, BN1.prototype.setn = function(bit1, val1) { assert1('number' == typeof bit1 && bit1 >= 0); var off1 = bit1 / 26 | 0, wbit1 = bit1 % 26; return this._expand(off1 + 1), val1 ? this.words[off1] = this.words[off1] | 1 << wbit1 : this.words[off1] = this.words[off1] & ~(1 << wbit1), this._strip(); }, BN1.prototype.iadd = function(num1) { if (0 !== this.negative && 0 === num1.negative) return this.negative = 0, r3 = this.isub(num1), this.negative ^= 1, this._normSign(); if (0 === this.negative && 0 !== num1.negative) return num1.negative = 0, r3 = this.isub(num1), num1.negative = 1, r3._normSign(); this.length > num1.length ? (a10 = this, b10 = num1) : (a10 = num1, b10 = this); for(var r3, a10, b10, carry1 = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < b10.length; i2++)r3 = (0 | a10.words[i2]) + (0 | b10.words[i2]) + carry1, this.words[i2] = 0x3ffffff & r3, carry1 = r3 >>> 26; for(; 0 !== carry1 && i2 < a10.length; i2++)r3 = (0 | a10.words[i2]) + carry1, this.words[i2] = 0x3ffffff & r3, carry1 = r3 >>> 26; if (this.length = a10.length, 0 !== carry1) this.words[this.length] = carry1, this.length++; else if (a10 !== this) for(; i2 < a10.length; i2++)this.words[i2] = a10.words[i2]; return this; }, BN1.prototype.add = function(num1) { var res1; return 0 !== num1.negative && 0 === this.negative ? (num1.negative = 0, res1 = this.sub(num1), num1.negative ^= 1, res1) : 0 === num1.negative && 0 !== this.negative ? (this.negative = 0, res1 = num1.sub(this), this.negative = 1, res1) : this.length > num1.length ? this.clone().iadd(num1) : num1.clone().iadd(this); }, BN1.prototype.isub = function(num1) { if (0 !== num1.negative) { num1.negative = 0; var a10, b10, r3 = this.iadd(num1); return num1.negative = 1, r3._normSign(); } if (0 !== this.negative) return this.negative = 0, this.iadd(num1), this.negative = 1, this._normSign(); var cmp1 = this.cmp(num1); if (0 === cmp1) return this.negative = 0, this.length = 1, this.words[0] = 0, this; cmp1 > 0 ? (a10 = this, b10 = num1) : (a10 = num1, b10 = this); for(var carry1 = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < b10.length; i2++)carry1 = (r3 = (0 | a10.words[i2]) - (0 | b10.words[i2]) + carry1) >> 26, this.words[i2] = 0x3ffffff & r3; for(; 0 !== carry1 && i2 < a10.length; i2++)carry1 = (r3 = (0 | a10.words[i2]) + carry1) >> 26, this.words[i2] = 0x3ffffff & r3; if (0 === carry1 && i2 < a10.length && a10 !== this) for(; i2 < a10.length; i2++)this.words[i2] = a10.words[i2]; return this.length = Math.max(this.length, i2), a10 !== this && (this.negative = 1), this._strip(); }, BN1.prototype.sub = function(num1) { return this.clone().isub(num1); }; var comb10MulTo1 = function(self1, num1, out1) { var lo1, mid1, hi1, a10 = self1.words, b10 = num1.words, o1 = out1.words, c5 = 0, a01 = 0 | a10[0], al01 = 0x1fff & a01, ah01 = a01 >>> 13, a11 = 0 | a10[1], al11 = 0x1fff & a11, ah11 = a11 >>> 13, a21 = 0 | a10[2], al21 = 0x1fff & a21, ah21 = a21 >>> 13, a31 = 0 | a10[3], al31 = 0x1fff & a31, ah31 = a31 >>> 13, a41 = 0 | a10[4], al41 = 0x1fff & a41, ah41 = a41 >>> 13, a51 = 0 | a10[5], al51 = 0x1fff & a51, ah51 = a51 >>> 13, a61 = 0 | a10[6], al61 = 0x1fff & a61, ah61 = a61 >>> 13, a71 = 0 | a10[7], al71 = 0x1fff & a71, ah71 = a71 >>> 13, a81 = 0 | a10[8], al81 = 0x1fff & a81, ah81 = a81 >>> 13, a91 = 0 | a10[9], al91 = 0x1fff & a91, ah91 = a91 >>> 13, b01 = 0 | b10[0], bl01 = 0x1fff & b01, bh01 = b01 >>> 13, b11 = 0 | b10[1], bl11 = 0x1fff & b11, bh11 = b11 >>> 13, b21 = 0 | b10[2], bl21 = 0x1fff & b21, bh21 = b21 >>> 13, b31 = 0 | b10[3], bl31 = 0x1fff & b31, bh31 = b31 >>> 13, b41 = 0 | b10[4], bl41 = 0x1fff & b41, bh41 = b41 >>> 13, b51 = 0 | b10[5], bl51 = 0x1fff & b51, bh51 = b51 >>> 13, b61 = 0 | b10[6], bl61 = 0x1fff & b61, bh61 = b61 >>> 13, b71 = 0 | b10[7], bl71 = 0x1fff & b71, bh71 = b71 >>> 13, b81 = 0 | b10[8], bl81 = 0x1fff & b81, bh81 = b81 >>> 13, b91 = 0 | b10[9], bl91 = 0x1fff & b91, bh91 = b91 >>> 13; out1.negative = self1.negative ^ num1.negative, out1.length = 19; var w01 = (c5 + (lo1 = Math.imul(al01, bl01)) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al01, bh01)) + Math.imul(ah01, bl01) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = Math.imul(ah01, bh01)) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w01 >>> 26) | 0, w01 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al11, bl01), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al11, bh01)) + Math.imul(ah11, bl01) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah11, bh01); var w19 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al01, bl11) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al01, bh11) | 0) + Math.imul(ah01, bl11) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah01, bh11) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w19 >>> 26) | 0, w19 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al21, bl01), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al21, bh01)) + Math.imul(ah21, bl01) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah21, bh01), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al11, bl11) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al11, bh11) | 0) + Math.imul(ah11, bl11) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah11, bh11) | 0; var w21 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al01, bl21) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al01, bh21) | 0) + Math.imul(ah01, bl21) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah01, bh21) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w21 >>> 26) | 0, w21 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al31, bl01), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al31, bh01)) + Math.imul(ah31, bl01) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah31, bh01), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al21, bl11) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al21, bh11) | 0) + Math.imul(ah21, bl11) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah21, bh11) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al11, bl21) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al11, bh21) | 0) + Math.imul(ah11, bl21) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah11, bh21) | 0; var w31 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al01, bl31) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al01, bh31) | 0) + Math.imul(ah01, bl31) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah01, bh31) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w31 >>> 26) | 0, w31 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al41, bl01), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al41, bh01)) + Math.imul(ah41, bl01) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah41, bh01), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al31, bl11) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al31, bh11) | 0) + Math.imul(ah31, bl11) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah31, bh11) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al21, bl21) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al21, bh21) | 0) + Math.imul(ah21, bl21) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah21, bh21) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al11, bl31) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al11, bh31) | 0) + Math.imul(ah11, bl31) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah11, bh31) | 0; var w41 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al01, bl41) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al01, bh41) | 0) + Math.imul(ah01, bl41) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah01, bh41) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w41 >>> 26) | 0, w41 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al51, bl01), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al51, bh01)) + Math.imul(ah51, bl01) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah51, bh01), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al41, bl11) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al41, bh11) | 0) + Math.imul(ah41, bl11) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah41, bh11) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al31, bl21) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al31, bh21) | 0) + Math.imul(ah31, bl21) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah31, bh21) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al21, bl31) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al21, bh31) | 0) + Math.imul(ah21, bl31) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah21, bh31) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al11, bl41) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al11, bh41) | 0) + Math.imul(ah11, bl41) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah11, bh41) | 0; var w51 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al01, bl51) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al01, bh51) | 0) + Math.imul(ah01, bl51) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah01, bh51) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w51 >>> 26) | 0, w51 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al61, bl01), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al61, bh01)) + Math.imul(ah61, bl01) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah61, bh01), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al51, bl11) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al51, bh11) | 0) + Math.imul(ah51, bl11) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah51, bh11) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al41, bl21) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al41, bh21) | 0) + Math.imul(ah41, bl21) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah41, bh21) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al31, bl31) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al31, bh31) | 0) + Math.imul(ah31, bl31) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah31, bh31) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al21, bl41) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al21, bh41) | 0) + Math.imul(ah21, bl41) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah21, bh41) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al11, bl51) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al11, bh51) | 0) + Math.imul(ah11, bl51) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah11, bh51) | 0; var w61 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al01, bl61) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al01, bh61) | 0) + Math.imul(ah01, bl61) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah01, bh61) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w61 >>> 26) | 0, w61 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al71, bl01), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al71, bh01)) + Math.imul(ah71, bl01) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah71, bh01), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al61, bl11) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al61, bh11) | 0) + Math.imul(ah61, bl11) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah61, bh11) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al51, bl21) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al51, bh21) | 0) + Math.imul(ah51, bl21) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah51, bh21) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al41, bl31) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al41, bh31) | 0) + Math.imul(ah41, bl31) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah41, bh31) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al31, bl41) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al31, bh41) | 0) + Math.imul(ah31, bl41) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah31, bh41) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al21, bl51) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al21, bh51) | 0) + Math.imul(ah21, bl51) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah21, bh51) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al11, bl61) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al11, bh61) | 0) + Math.imul(ah11, bl61) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah11, bh61) | 0; var w71 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al01, bl71) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al01, bh71) | 0) + Math.imul(ah01, bl71) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah01, bh71) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w71 >>> 26) | 0, w71 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al81, bl01), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al81, bh01)) + Math.imul(ah81, bl01) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah81, bh01), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al71, bl11) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al71, bh11) | 0) + Math.imul(ah71, bl11) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah71, bh11) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al61, bl21) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al61, bh21) | 0) + Math.imul(ah61, bl21) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah61, bh21) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al51, bl31) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al51, bh31) | 0) + Math.imul(ah51, bl31) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah51, bh31) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al41, bl41) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al41, bh41) | 0) + Math.imul(ah41, bl41) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah41, bh41) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al31, bl51) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al31, bh51) | 0) + Math.imul(ah31, bl51) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah31, bh51) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al21, bl61) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al21, bh61) | 0) + Math.imul(ah21, bl61) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah21, bh61) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al11, bl71) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al11, bh71) | 0) + Math.imul(ah11, bl71) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah11, bh71) | 0; var w81 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al01, bl81) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al01, bh81) | 0) + Math.imul(ah01, bl81) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah01, bh81) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w81 >>> 26) | 0, w81 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al91, bl01), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al91, bh01)) + Math.imul(ah91, bl01) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah91, bh01), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al81, bl11) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al81, bh11) | 0) + Math.imul(ah81, bl11) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah81, bh11) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al71, bl21) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al71, bh21) | 0) + Math.imul(ah71, bl21) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah71, bh21) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al61, bl31) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al61, bh31) | 0) + Math.imul(ah61, bl31) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah61, bh31) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al51, bl41) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al51, bh41) | 0) + Math.imul(ah51, bl41) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah51, bh41) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al41, bl51) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al41, bh51) | 0) + Math.imul(ah41, bl51) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah41, bh51) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al31, bl61) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al31, bh61) | 0) + Math.imul(ah31, bl61) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah31, bh61) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al21, bl71) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al21, bh71) | 0) + Math.imul(ah21, bl71) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah21, bh71) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al11, bl81) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al11, bh81) | 0) + Math.imul(ah11, bl81) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah11, bh81) | 0; var w91 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al01, bl91) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al01, bh91) | 0) + Math.imul(ah01, bl91) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah01, bh91) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w91 >>> 26) | 0, w91 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al91, bl11), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al91, bh11)) + Math.imul(ah91, bl11) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah91, bh11), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al81, bl21) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al81, bh21) | 0) + Math.imul(ah81, bl21) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah81, bh21) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al71, bl31) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al71, bh31) | 0) + Math.imul(ah71, bl31) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah71, bh31) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al61, bl41) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al61, bh41) | 0) + Math.imul(ah61, bl41) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah61, bh41) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al51, bl51) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al51, bh51) | 0) + Math.imul(ah51, bl51) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah51, bh51) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al41, bl61) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al41, bh61) | 0) + Math.imul(ah41, bl61) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah41, bh61) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al31, bl71) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al31, bh71) | 0) + Math.imul(ah31, bl71) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah31, bh71) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al21, bl81) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al21, bh81) | 0) + Math.imul(ah21, bl81) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah21, bh81) | 0; var w101 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al11, bl91) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al11, bh91) | 0) + Math.imul(ah11, bl91) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah11, bh91) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w101 >>> 26) | 0, w101 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al91, bl21), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al91, bh21)) + Math.imul(ah91, bl21) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah91, bh21), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al81, bl31) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al81, bh31) | 0) + Math.imul(ah81, bl31) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah81, bh31) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al71, bl41) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al71, bh41) | 0) + Math.imul(ah71, bl41) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah71, bh41) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al61, bl51) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al61, bh51) | 0) + Math.imul(ah61, bl51) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah61, bh51) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al51, bl61) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al51, bh61) | 0) + Math.imul(ah51, bl61) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah51, bh61) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al41, bl71) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al41, bh71) | 0) + Math.imul(ah41, bl71) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah41, bh71) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al31, bl81) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al31, bh81) | 0) + Math.imul(ah31, bl81) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah31, bh81) | 0; var w111 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al21, bl91) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al21, bh91) | 0) + Math.imul(ah21, bl91) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah21, bh91) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w111 >>> 26) | 0, w111 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al91, bl31), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al91, bh31)) + Math.imul(ah91, bl31) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah91, bh31), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al81, bl41) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al81, bh41) | 0) + Math.imul(ah81, bl41) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah81, bh41) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al71, bl51) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al71, bh51) | 0) + Math.imul(ah71, bl51) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah71, bh51) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al61, bl61) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al61, bh61) | 0) + Math.imul(ah61, bl61) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah61, bh61) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al51, bl71) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al51, bh71) | 0) + Math.imul(ah51, bl71) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah51, bh71) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al41, bl81) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al41, bh81) | 0) + Math.imul(ah41, bl81) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah41, bh81) | 0; var w121 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al31, bl91) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al31, bh91) | 0) + Math.imul(ah31, bl91) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah31, bh91) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w121 >>> 26) | 0, w121 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al91, bl41), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al91, bh41)) + Math.imul(ah91, bl41) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah91, bh41), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al81, bl51) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al81, bh51) | 0) + Math.imul(ah81, bl51) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah81, bh51) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al71, bl61) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al71, bh61) | 0) + Math.imul(ah71, bl61) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah71, bh61) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al61, bl71) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al61, bh71) | 0) + Math.imul(ah61, bl71) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah61, bh71) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al51, bl81) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al51, bh81) | 0) + Math.imul(ah51, bl81) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah51, bh81) | 0; var w131 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al41, bl91) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al41, bh91) | 0) + Math.imul(ah41, bl91) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah41, bh91) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w131 >>> 26) | 0, w131 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al91, bl51), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al91, bh51)) + Math.imul(ah91, bl51) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah91, bh51), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al81, bl61) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al81, bh61) | 0) + Math.imul(ah81, bl61) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah81, bh61) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al71, bl71) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al71, bh71) | 0) + Math.imul(ah71, bl71) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah71, bh71) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al61, bl81) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al61, bh81) | 0) + Math.imul(ah61, bl81) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah61, bh81) | 0; var w141 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al51, bl91) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al51, bh91) | 0) + Math.imul(ah51, bl91) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah51, bh91) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w141 >>> 26) | 0, w141 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al91, bl61), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al91, bh61)) + Math.imul(ah91, bl61) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah91, bh61), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al81, bl71) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al81, bh71) | 0) + Math.imul(ah81, bl71) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah81, bh71) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al71, bl81) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al71, bh81) | 0) + Math.imul(ah71, bl81) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah71, bh81) | 0; var w151 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al61, bl91) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al61, bh91) | 0) + Math.imul(ah61, bl91) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah61, bh91) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w151 >>> 26) | 0, w151 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al91, bl71), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al91, bh71)) + Math.imul(ah91, bl71) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah91, bh71), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al81, bl81) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al81, bh81) | 0) + Math.imul(ah81, bl81) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah81, bh81) | 0; var w161 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al71, bl91) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al71, bh91) | 0) + Math.imul(ah71, bl91) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah71, bh91) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w161 >>> 26) | 0, w161 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al91, bl81), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al91, bh81)) + Math.imul(ah91, bl81) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah91, bh81); var w171 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al81, bl91) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al81, bh91) | 0) + Math.imul(ah81, bl91) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah81, bh91) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w171 >>> 26) | 0, w171 &= 0x3ffffff; var w181 = (c5 + (lo1 = Math.imul(al91, bl91)) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al91, bh91)) + Math.imul(ah91, bl91) | 0)) << 13) | 0; return c5 = ((hi1 = Math.imul(ah91, bh91)) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w181 >>> 26) | 0, w181 &= 0x3ffffff, o1[0] = w01, o1[1] = w19, o1[2] = w21, o1[3] = w31, o1[4] = w41, o1[5] = w51, o1[6] = w61, o1[7] = w71, o1[8] = w81, o1[9] = w91, o1[10] = w101, o1[11] = w111, o1[12] = w121, o1[13] = w131, o1[14] = w141, o1[15] = w151, o1[16] = w161, o1[17] = w171, o1[18] = w181, 0 !== c5 && (o1[19] = c5, out1.length++), out1; }; function bigMulTo1(self1, num1, out1) { out1.negative = num1.negative ^ self1.negative, out1.length = self1.length + num1.length; for(var carry1 = 0, hncarry1 = 0, k3 = 0; k3 < out1.length - 1; k3++){ var ncarry1 = hncarry1; hncarry1 = 0; for(var rword1 = 0x3ffffff & carry1, maxJ1 = Math.min(k3, num1.length - 1), j1 = Math.max(0, k3 - self1.length + 1); j1 <= maxJ1; j1++){ var i2 = k3 - j1, r3 = (0 | self1.words[i2]) * (0 | num1.words[j1]), lo1 = 0x3ffffff & r3; ncarry1 = ncarry1 + (r3 / 0x4000000 | 0) | 0, rword1 = 0x3ffffff & (lo1 = lo1 + rword1 | 0), hncarry1 += (ncarry1 = ncarry1 + (lo1 >>> 26) | 0) >>> 26, ncarry1 &= 0x3ffffff; } out1.words[k3] = rword1, carry1 = ncarry1, ncarry1 = hncarry1; } return 0 !== carry1 ? out1.words[k3] = carry1 : out1.length--, out1._strip(); } function jumboMulTo1(self1, num1, out1) { return bigMulTo1(self1, num1, out1); } function FFTM1(x3, y3) { this.x = x3, this.y = y3; } Math.imul || (comb10MulTo1 = smallMulTo1), BN1.prototype.mulTo = function(num1, out1) { var len3 = this.length + num1.length; return 10 === this.length && 10 === num1.length ? comb10MulTo1(this, num1, out1) : len3 < 63 ? smallMulTo1(this, num1, out1) : len3 < 1024 ? bigMulTo1(this, num1, out1) : jumboMulTo1(this, num1, out1); }, FFTM1.prototype.makeRBT = function(N1) { for(var t3 = Array(N1), l1 = BN1.prototype._countBits(N1) - 1, i2 = 0; i2 < N1; i2++)t3[i2] = this.revBin(i2, l1, N1); return t3; }, FFTM1.prototype.revBin = function(x3, l1, N1) { if (0 === x3 || x3 === N1 - 1) return x3; for(var rb1 = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < l1; i2++)rb1 |= (1 & x3) << l1 - i2 - 1, x3 >>= 1; return rb1; }, FFTM1.prototype.permute = function(rbt1, rws1, iws1, rtws1, itws1, N1) { for(var i2 = 0; i2 < N1; i2++)rtws1[i2] = rws1[rbt1[i2]], itws1[i2] = iws1[rbt1[i2]]; }, FFTM1.prototype.transform = function(rws1, iws1, rtws1, itws1, N1, rbt1) { this.permute(rbt1, rws1, iws1, rtws1, itws1, N1); for(var s3 = 1; s3 < N1; s3 <<= 1)for(var l1 = s3 << 1, rtwdf1 = Math.cos(2 * Math.PI / l1), itwdf1 = Math.sin(2 * Math.PI / l1), p3 = 0; p3 < N1; p3 += l1)for(var rtwdf_1 = rtwdf1, itwdf_1 = itwdf1, j1 = 0; j1 < s3; j1++){ var re1 = rtws1[p3 + j1], ie1 = itws1[p3 + j1], ro1 = rtws1[p3 + j1 + s3], io1 = itws1[p3 + j1 + s3], rx1 = rtwdf_1 * ro1 - itwdf_1 * io1; io1 = rtwdf_1 * io1 + itwdf_1 * ro1, ro1 = rx1, rtws1[p3 + j1] = re1 + ro1, itws1[p3 + j1] = ie1 + io1, rtws1[p3 + j1 + s3] = re1 - ro1, itws1[p3 + j1 + s3] = ie1 - io1, j1 !== l1 && (rx1 = rtwdf1 * rtwdf_1 - itwdf1 * itwdf_1, itwdf_1 = rtwdf1 * itwdf_1 + itwdf1 * rtwdf_1, rtwdf_1 = rx1); } }, FFTM1.prototype.guessLen13b = function(n2, m1) { var N1 = 1 | Math.max(m1, n2), odd1 = 1 & N1, i2 = 0; for(N1 = N1 / 2 | 0; N1; N1 >>>= 1)i2++; return 1 << i2 + 1 + odd1; }, FFTM1.prototype.conjugate = function(rws1, iws1, N1) { if (!(N1 <= 1)) for(var i2 = 0; i2 < N1 / 2; i2++){ var t3 = rws1[i2]; rws1[i2] = rws1[N1 - i2 - 1], rws1[N1 - i2 - 1] = t3, t3 = iws1[i2], iws1[i2] = -iws1[N1 - i2 - 1], iws1[N1 - i2 - 1] = -t3; } }, FFTM1.prototype.normalize13b = function(ws1, N1) { for(var carry1 = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < N1 / 2; i2++){ var w19 = 0x2000 * Math.round(ws1[2 * i2 + 1] / N1) + Math.round(ws1[2 * i2] / N1) + carry1; ws1[i2] = 0x3ffffff & w19, carry1 = w19 < 0x4000000 ? 0 : w19 / 0x4000000 | 0; } return ws1; }, FFTM1.prototype.convert13b = function(ws1, len3, rws1, N1) { for(var carry1 = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < len3; i2++)carry1 += 0 | ws1[i2], rws1[2 * i2] = 0x1fff & carry1, carry1 >>>= 13, rws1[2 * i2 + 1] = 0x1fff & carry1, carry1 >>>= 13; for(i2 = 2 * len3; i2 < N1; ++i2)rws1[i2] = 0; assert1(0 === carry1), assert1((-8192 & carry1) == 0); }, FFTM1.prototype.stub = function(N1) { for(var ph1 = Array(N1), i2 = 0; i2 < N1; i2++)ph1[i2] = 0; return ph1; }, FFTM1.prototype.mulp = function(x3, y3, out1) { var N1 = 2 * this.guessLen13b(x3.length, y3.length), rbt1 = this.makeRBT(N1), _1 = this.stub(N1), rws1 = Array(N1), rwst1 = Array(N1), iwst1 = Array(N1), nrws1 = Array(N1), nrwst1 = Array(N1), niwst1 = Array(N1), rmws1 = out1.words; rmws1.length = N1, this.convert13b(x3.words, x3.length, rws1, N1), this.convert13b(y3.words, y3.length, nrws1, N1), this.transform(rws1, _1, rwst1, iwst1, N1, rbt1), this.transform(nrws1, _1, nrwst1, niwst1, N1, rbt1); for(var i2 = 0; i2 < N1; i2++){ var rx1 = rwst1[i2] * nrwst1[i2] - iwst1[i2] * niwst1[i2]; iwst1[i2] = rwst1[i2] * niwst1[i2] + iwst1[i2] * nrwst1[i2], rwst1[i2] = rx1; } return this.conjugate(rwst1, iwst1, N1), this.transform(rwst1, iwst1, rmws1, _1, N1, rbt1), this.conjugate(rmws1, _1, N1), this.normalize13b(rmws1, N1), out1.negative = x3.negative ^ y3.negative, out1.length = x3.length + y3.length, out1._strip(); }, BN1.prototype.mul = function(num1) { var out1 = new BN1(null); return out1.words = Array(this.length + num1.length), this.mulTo(num1, out1); }, BN1.prototype.mulf = function(num1) { var out1 = new BN1(null); return out1.words = Array(this.length + num1.length), jumboMulTo1(this, num1, out1); }, BN1.prototype.imul = function(num1) { return this.clone().mulTo(num1, this); }, BN1.prototype.imuln = function(num1) { var isNegNum1 = num1 < 0; isNegNum1 && (num1 = -num1), assert1('number' == typeof num1), assert1(num1 < 0x4000000); for(var carry1 = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++){ var w19 = (0 | this.words[i2]) * num1, lo1 = (0x3ffffff & w19) + (0x3ffffff & carry1); carry1 >>= 26, carry1 += (w19 / 0x4000000 | 0) + (lo1 >>> 26), this.words[i2] = 0x3ffffff & lo1; } return 0 !== carry1 && (this.words[i2] = carry1, this.length++), isNegNum1 ? this.ineg() : this; }, BN1.prototype.muln = function(num1) { return this.clone().imuln(num1); }, BN1.prototype.sqr = function() { return this.mul(this); }, BN1.prototype.isqr = function() { return this.imul(this.clone()); }, BN1.prototype.pow = function(num1) { var w19 = toBitArray1(num1); if (0 === w19.length) return new BN1(1); for(var res1 = this, i2 = 0; i2 < w19.length && 0 === w19[i2]; i2++, res1 = res1.sqr()); if (++i2 < w19.length) for(var q3 = res1.sqr(); i2 < w19.length; i2++, q3 = q3.sqr())0 !== w19[i2] && (res1 = res1.mul(q3)); return res1; }, BN1.prototype.iushln = function(bits1) { assert1('number' == typeof bits1 && bits1 >= 0); var i2, r3 = bits1 % 26, s3 = (bits1 - r3) / 26, carryMask1 = 0x3ffffff >>> 26 - r3 << 26 - r3; if (0 !== r3) { var carry1 = 0; for(i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++){ var newCarry1 = this.words[i2] & carryMask1, c5 = (0 | this.words[i2]) - newCarry1 << r3; this.words[i2] = c5 | carry1, carry1 = newCarry1 >>> 26 - r3; } carry1 && (this.words[i2] = carry1, this.length++); } if (0 !== s3) { for(i2 = this.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--)this.words[i2 + s3] = this.words[i2]; for(i2 = 0; i2 < s3; i2++)this.words[i2] = 0; this.length += s3; } return this._strip(); }, BN1.prototype.ishln = function(bits1) { return assert1(0 === this.negative), this.iushln(bits1); }, BN1.prototype.iushrn = function(bits1, hint1, extended1) { assert1('number' == typeof bits1 && bits1 >= 0), h8 = hint1 ? (hint1 - hint1 % 26) / 26 : 0; var h8, r3 = bits1 % 26, s3 = Math.min((bits1 - r3) / 26, this.length), mask1 = 0x3ffffff ^ 0x3ffffff >>> r3 << r3, maskedWords1 = extended1; if (h8 -= s3, h8 = Math.max(0, h8), maskedWords1) { for(var i2 = 0; i2 < s3; i2++)maskedWords1.words[i2] = this.words[i2]; maskedWords1.length = s3; } if (0 === s3) ; else if (this.length > s3) for(this.length -= s3, i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++)this.words[i2] = this.words[i2 + s3]; else this.words[0] = 0, this.length = 1; var carry1 = 0; for(i2 = this.length - 1; i2 >= 0 && (0 !== carry1 || i2 >= h8); i2--){ var word1 = 0 | this.words[i2]; this.words[i2] = carry1 << 26 - r3 | word1 >>> r3, carry1 = word1 & mask1; } return maskedWords1 && 0 !== carry1 && (maskedWords1.words[maskedWords1.length++] = carry1), 0 === this.length && (this.words[0] = 0, this.length = 1), this._strip(); }, BN1.prototype.ishrn = function(bits1, hint1, extended1) { return assert1(0 === this.negative), this.iushrn(bits1, hint1, extended1); }, BN1.prototype.shln = function(bits1) { return this.clone().ishln(bits1); }, BN1.prototype.ushln = function(bits1) { return this.clone().iushln(bits1); }, BN1.prototype.shrn = function(bits1) { return this.clone().ishrn(bits1); }, BN1.prototype.ushrn = function(bits1) { return this.clone().iushrn(bits1); }, BN1.prototype.testn = function(bit1) { assert1('number' == typeof bit1 && bit1 >= 0); var r3 = bit1 % 26, s3 = (bit1 - r3) / 26, q3 = 1 << r3; return !(this.length <= s3) && !!(this.words[s3] & q3); }, BN1.prototype.imaskn = function(bits1) { assert1('number' == typeof bits1 && bits1 >= 0); var r3 = bits1 % 26, s3 = (bits1 - r3) / 26; if (assert1(0 === this.negative, 'imaskn works only with positive numbers'), this.length <= s3) return this; if (0 !== r3 && s3++, this.length = Math.min(s3, this.length), 0 !== r3) { var mask1 = 0x3ffffff ^ 0x3ffffff >>> r3 << r3; this.words[this.length - 1] &= mask1; } return this._strip(); }, BN1.prototype.maskn = function(bits1) { return this.clone().imaskn(bits1); }, BN1.prototype.iaddn = function(num1) { return (assert1('number' == typeof num1), assert1(num1 < 0x4000000), num1 < 0) ? this.isubn(-num1) : 0 !== this.negative ? (1 === this.length && (0 | this.words[0]) <= num1 ? (this.words[0] = num1 - (0 | this.words[0]), this.negative = 0) : (this.negative = 0, this.isubn(num1), this.negative = 1), this) : this._iaddn(num1); }, BN1.prototype._iaddn = function(num1) { this.words[0] += num1; for(var i2 = 0; i2 < this.length && this.words[i2] >= 0x4000000; i2++)this.words[i2] -= 0x4000000, i2 === this.length - 1 ? this.words[i2 + 1] = 1 : this.words[i2 + 1]++; return this.length = Math.max(this.length, i2 + 1), this; }, BN1.prototype.isubn = function(num1) { if (assert1('number' == typeof num1), assert1(num1 < 0x4000000), num1 < 0) return this.iaddn(-num1); if (0 !== this.negative) return this.negative = 0, this.iaddn(num1), this.negative = 1, this; if (this.words[0] -= num1, 1 === this.length && this.words[0] < 0) this.words[0] = -this.words[0], this.negative = 1; else for(var i2 = 0; i2 < this.length && this.words[i2] < 0; i2++)this.words[i2] += 0x4000000, this.words[i2 + 1] -= 1; return this._strip(); }, BN1.prototype.addn = function(num1) { return this.clone().iaddn(num1); }, BN1.prototype.subn = function(num1) { return this.clone().isubn(num1); }, BN1.prototype.iabs = function() { return this.negative = 0, this; }, BN1.prototype.abs = function() { return this.clone().iabs(); }, BN1.prototype._ishlnsubmul = function(num1, mul1, shift1) { var i2, w19, len3 = num1.length + shift1; this._expand(len3); var carry1 = 0; for(i2 = 0; i2 < num1.length; i2++){ w19 = (0 | this.words[i2 + shift1]) + carry1; var right1 = (0 | num1.words[i2]) * mul1; w19 -= 0x3ffffff & right1, carry1 = (w19 >> 26) - (right1 / 0x4000000 | 0), this.words[i2 + shift1] = 0x3ffffff & w19; } for(; i2 < this.length - shift1; i2++)carry1 = (w19 = (0 | this.words[i2 + shift1]) + carry1) >> 26, this.words[i2 + shift1] = 0x3ffffff & w19; if (0 === carry1) return this._strip(); for(assert1(-1 === carry1), carry1 = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++)carry1 = (w19 = -(0 | this.words[i2]) + carry1) >> 26, this.words[i2] = 0x3ffffff & w19; return this.negative = 1, this._strip(); }, BN1.prototype._wordDiv = function(num1, mode1) { var q3, shift1 = this.length - num1.length, a10 = this.clone(), b10 = num1, bhi1 = 0 | b10.words[b10.length - 1]; 0 != (shift1 = 26 - this._countBits(bhi1)) && (b10 = b10.ushln(shift1), a10.iushln(shift1), bhi1 = 0 | b10.words[b10.length - 1]); var m1 = a10.length - b10.length; if ('mod' !== mode1) { (q3 = new BN1(null)).length = m1 + 1, q3.words = Array(q3.length); for(var i2 = 0; i2 < q3.length; i2++)q3.words[i2] = 0; } var diff1 = a10.clone()._ishlnsubmul(b10, 1, m1); 0 === diff1.negative && (a10 = diff1, q3 && (q3.words[m1] = 1)); for(var j1 = m1 - 1; j1 >= 0; j1--){ var qj1 = (0 | a10.words[b10.length + j1]) * 0x4000000 + (0 | a10.words[b10.length + j1 - 1]); for(qj1 = Math.min(qj1 / bhi1 | 0, 0x3ffffff), a10._ishlnsubmul(b10, qj1, j1); 0 !== a10.negative;)qj1--, a10.negative = 0, a10._ishlnsubmul(b10, 1, j1), a10.isZero() || (a10.negative ^= 1); q3 && (q3.words[j1] = qj1); } return q3 && q3._strip(), a10._strip(), 'div' !== mode1 && 0 !== shift1 && a10.iushrn(shift1), { div: q3 || null, mod: a10 }; }, BN1.prototype.divmod = function(num1, mode1, positive1) { var div1, mod1, res1; return (assert1(!num1.isZero()), this.isZero()) ? { div: new BN1(0), mod: new BN1(0) } : 0 !== this.negative && 0 === num1.negative ? (res1 = this.neg().divmod(num1, mode1), 'mod' !== mode1 && (div1 = res1.div.neg()), 'div' !== mode1 && (mod1 = res1.mod.neg(), positive1 && 0 !== mod1.negative && mod1.iadd(num1)), { div: div1, mod: mod1 }) : 0 === this.negative && 0 !== num1.negative ? (res1 = this.divmod(num1.neg(), mode1), 'mod' !== mode1 && (div1 = res1.div.neg()), { div: div1, mod: res1.mod }) : (this.negative & num1.negative) != 0 ? (res1 = this.neg().divmod(num1.neg(), mode1), 'div' !== mode1 && (mod1 = res1.mod.neg(), positive1 && 0 !== mod1.negative && mod1.isub(num1)), { div: res1.div, mod: mod1 }) : num1.length > this.length || 0 > this.cmp(num1) ? { div: new BN1(0), mod: this } : 1 === num1.length ? 'div' === mode1 ? { div: this.divn(num1.words[0]), mod: null } : 'mod' === mode1 ? { div: null, mod: new BN1(this.modrn(num1.words[0])) } : { div: this.divn(num1.words[0]), mod: new BN1(this.modrn(num1.words[0])) } : this._wordDiv(num1, mode1); }, BN1.prototype.div = function(num1) { return this.divmod(num1, 'div', !1).div; }, BN1.prototype.mod = function(num1) { return this.divmod(num1, 'mod', !1).mod; }, BN1.prototype.umod = function(num1) { return this.divmod(num1, 'mod', !0).mod; }, BN1.prototype.divRound = function(num1) { var dm1 = this.divmod(num1); if (dm1.mod.isZero()) return dm1.div; var mod1 = 0 !== dm1.div.negative ? dm1.mod.isub(num1) : dm1.mod, half1 = num1.ushrn(1), r21 = num1.andln(1), cmp1 = mod1.cmp(half1); return cmp1 < 0 || 1 === r21 && 0 === cmp1 ? dm1.div : 0 !== dm1.div.negative ? dm1.div.isubn(1) : dm1.div.iaddn(1); }, BN1.prototype.modrn = function(num1) { var isNegNum1 = num1 < 0; isNegNum1 && (num1 = -num1), assert1(num1 <= 0x3ffffff); for(var p3 = 67108864 % num1, acc1 = 0, i2 = this.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--)acc1 = (p3 * acc1 + (0 | this.words[i2])) % num1; return isNegNum1 ? -acc1 : acc1; }, BN1.prototype.modn = function(num1) { return this.modrn(num1); }, BN1.prototype.idivn = function(num1) { var isNegNum1 = num1 < 0; isNegNum1 && (num1 = -num1), assert1(num1 <= 0x3ffffff); for(var carry1 = 0, i2 = this.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--){ var w19 = (0 | this.words[i2]) + 0x4000000 * carry1; this.words[i2] = w19 / num1 | 0, carry1 = w19 % num1; } return this._strip(), isNegNum1 ? this.ineg() : this; }, BN1.prototype.divn = function(num1) { return this.clone().idivn(num1); }, BN1.prototype.egcd = function(p3) { assert1(0 === p3.negative), assert1(!p3.isZero()); var x3 = this, y3 = p3.clone(); x3 = 0 !== x3.negative ? x3.umod(p3) : x3.clone(); for(var A1 = new BN1(1), B1 = new BN1(0), C1 = new BN1(0), D1 = new BN1(1), g3 = 0; x3.isEven() && y3.isEven();)x3.iushrn(1), y3.iushrn(1), ++g3; for(var yp1 = y3.clone(), xp1 = x3.clone(); !x3.isZero();){ for(var i2 = 0, im1 = 1; (x3.words[0] & im1) == 0 && i2 < 26; ++i2, im1 <<= 1); if (i2 > 0) for(x3.iushrn(i2); i2-- > 0;)(A1.isOdd() || B1.isOdd()) && (A1.iadd(yp1), B1.isub(xp1)), A1.iushrn(1), B1.iushrn(1); for(var j1 = 0, jm1 = 1; (y3.words[0] & jm1) == 0 && j1 < 26; ++j1, jm1 <<= 1); if (j1 > 0) for(y3.iushrn(j1); j1-- > 0;)(C1.isOdd() || D1.isOdd()) && (C1.iadd(yp1), D1.isub(xp1)), C1.iushrn(1), D1.iushrn(1); x3.cmp(y3) >= 0 ? (x3.isub(y3), A1.isub(C1), B1.isub(D1)) : (y3.isub(x3), C1.isub(A1), D1.isub(B1)); } return { a: C1, b: D1, gcd: y3.iushln(g3) }; }, BN1.prototype._invmp = function(p3) { assert1(0 === p3.negative), assert1(!p3.isZero()); var res1, a10 = this, b10 = p3.clone(); a10 = 0 !== a10.negative ? a10.umod(p3) : a10.clone(); for(var x11 = new BN1(1), x21 = new BN1(0), delta1 = b10.clone(); a10.cmpn(1) > 0 && b10.cmpn(1) > 0;){ for(var i2 = 0, im1 = 1; (a10.words[0] & im1) == 0 && i2 < 26; ++i2, im1 <<= 1); if (i2 > 0) for(a10.iushrn(i2); i2-- > 0;)x11.isOdd() && x11.iadd(delta1), x11.iushrn(1); for(var j1 = 0, jm1 = 1; (b10.words[0] & jm1) == 0 && j1 < 26; ++j1, jm1 <<= 1); if (j1 > 0) for(b10.iushrn(j1); j1-- > 0;)x21.isOdd() && x21.iadd(delta1), x21.iushrn(1); a10.cmp(b10) >= 0 ? (a10.isub(b10), x11.isub(x21)) : (b10.isub(a10), x21.isub(x11)); } return 0 > (res1 = 0 === a10.cmpn(1) ? x11 : x21).cmpn(0) && res1.iadd(p3), res1; }, BN1.prototype.gcd = function(num1) { if (this.isZero()) return num1.abs(); if (num1.isZero()) return this.abs(); var a10 = this.clone(), b10 = num1.clone(); a10.negative = 0, b10.negative = 0; for(var shift1 = 0; a10.isEven() && b10.isEven(); shift1++)a10.iushrn(1), b10.iushrn(1); for(;;){ for(; a10.isEven();)a10.iushrn(1); for(; b10.isEven();)b10.iushrn(1); var r3 = a10.cmp(b10); if (r3 < 0) { var t3 = a10; a10 = b10, b10 = t3; } else if (0 === r3 || 0 === b10.cmpn(1)) break; a10.isub(b10); } return b10.iushln(shift1); }, BN1.prototype.invm = function(num1) { return this.egcd(num1).a.umod(num1); }, BN1.prototype.isEven = function() { return (1 & this.words[0]) == 0; }, BN1.prototype.isOdd = function() { return (1 & this.words[0]) == 1; }, BN1.prototype.andln = function(num1) { return this.words[0] & num1; }, BN1.prototype.bincn = function(bit1) { assert1('number' == typeof bit1); var r3 = bit1 % 26, s3 = (bit1 - r3) / 26, q3 = 1 << r3; if (this.length <= s3) return this._expand(s3 + 1), this.words[s3] |= q3, this; for(var carry1 = q3, i2 = s3; 0 !== carry1 && i2 < this.length; i2++){ var w19 = 0 | this.words[i2]; w19 += carry1, carry1 = w19 >>> 26, w19 &= 0x3ffffff, this.words[i2] = w19; } return 0 !== carry1 && (this.words[i2] = carry1, this.length++), this; }, BN1.prototype.isZero = function() { return 1 === this.length && 0 === this.words[0]; }, BN1.prototype.cmpn = function(num1) { var res1, negative1 = num1 < 0; if (0 !== this.negative && !negative1) return -1; if (0 === this.negative && negative1) return 1; if (this._strip(), this.length > 1) res1 = 1; else { negative1 && (num1 = -num1), assert1(num1 <= 0x3ffffff, 'Number is too big'); var w19 = 0 | this.words[0]; res1 = w19 === num1 ? 0 : w19 < num1 ? -1 : 1; } return 0 !== this.negative ? 0 | -res1 : res1; }, BN1.prototype.cmp = function(num1) { if (0 !== this.negative && 0 === num1.negative) return -1; if (0 === this.negative && 0 !== num1.negative) return 1; var res1 = this.ucmp(num1); return 0 !== this.negative ? 0 | -res1 : res1; }, BN1.prototype.ucmp = function(num1) { if (this.length > num1.length) return 1; if (this.length < num1.length) return -1; for(var res1 = 0, i2 = this.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--){ var a10 = 0 | this.words[i2], b10 = 0 | num1.words[i2]; if (a10 !== b10) { a10 < b10 ? res1 = -1 : a10 > b10 && (res1 = 1); break; } } return res1; }, BN1.prototype.gtn = function(num1) { return 1 === this.cmpn(num1); }, BN1.prototype.gt = function(num1) { return 1 === this.cmp(num1); }, BN1.prototype.gten = function(num1) { return this.cmpn(num1) >= 0; }, BN1.prototype.gte = function(num1) { return this.cmp(num1) >= 0; }, BN1.prototype.ltn = function(num1) { return -1 === this.cmpn(num1); }, BN1.prototype.lt = function(num1) { return -1 === this.cmp(num1); }, BN1.prototype.lten = function(num1) { return 0 >= this.cmpn(num1); }, BN1.prototype.lte = function(num1) { return 0 >= this.cmp(num1); }, BN1.prototype.eqn = function(num1) { return 0 === this.cmpn(num1); }, BN1.prototype.eq = function(num1) { return 0 === this.cmp(num1); }, BN1.red = function(num1) { return new Red1(num1); }, BN1.prototype.toRed = function(ctx1) { return assert1(!this.red, 'Already a number in reduction context'), assert1(0 === this.negative, 'red works only with positives'), ctx1.convertTo(this)._forceRed(ctx1); }, BN1.prototype.fromRed = function() { return assert1(this.red, 'fromRed works only with numbers in reduction context'), this.red.convertFrom(this); }, BN1.prototype._forceRed = function(ctx1) { return this.red = ctx1, this; }, BN1.prototype.forceRed = function(ctx1) { return assert1(!this.red, 'Already a number in reduction context'), this._forceRed(ctx1); }, BN1.prototype.redAdd = function(num1) { return assert1(this.red, 'redAdd works only with red numbers'), this.red.add(this, num1); }, BN1.prototype.redIAdd = function(num1) { return assert1(this.red, 'redIAdd works only with red numbers'), this.red.iadd(this, num1); }, BN1.prototype.redSub = function(num1) { return assert1(this.red, 'redSub works only with red numbers'), this.red.sub(this, num1); }, BN1.prototype.redISub = function(num1) { return assert1(this.red, 'redISub works only with red numbers'), this.red.isub(this, num1); }, BN1.prototype.redShl = function(num1) { return assert1(this.red, 'redShl works only with red numbers'), this.red.shl(this, num1); }, BN1.prototype.redMul = function(num1) { return assert1(this.red, 'redMul works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify2(this, num1), this.red.mul(this, num1); }, BN1.prototype.redIMul = function(num1) { return assert1(this.red, 'redMul works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify2(this, num1), this.red.imul(this, num1); }, BN1.prototype.redSqr = function() { return assert1(this.red, 'redSqr works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.sqr(this); }, BN1.prototype.redISqr = function() { return assert1(this.red, 'redISqr works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.isqr(this); }, BN1.prototype.redSqrt = function() { return assert1(this.red, 'redSqrt works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.sqrt(this); }, BN1.prototype.redInvm = function() { return assert1(this.red, 'redInvm works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.invm(this); }, BN1.prototype.redNeg = function() { return assert1(this.red, 'redNeg works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.neg(this); }, BN1.prototype.redPow = function(num1) { return assert1(this.red && !num1.red, 'redPow(normalNum)'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.pow(this, num1); }; var primes1 = { k256: null, p224: null, p192: null, p25519: null }; function MPrime1(name1, p3) { this.name = name1, this.p = new BN1(p3, 16), this.n = this.p.bitLength(), this.k = new BN1(1).iushln(this.n).isub(this.p), this.tmp = this._tmp(); } function K2561() { MPrime1.call(this, 'k256', 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f'); } function P2241() { MPrime1.call(this, 'p224', 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001'); } function P1921() { MPrime1.call(this, 'p192', 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff'); } function P255191() { MPrime1.call(this, '25519', '7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed'); } function Red1(m1) { if ('string' == typeof m1) { var prime1 = BN1._prime(m1); this.m = prime1.p, this.prime = prime1; } else assert1(m1.gtn(1), 'modulus must be greater than 1'), this.m = m1, this.prime = null; } function Mont1(m1) { Red1.call(this, m1), this.shift = this.m.bitLength(), this.shift % 26 != 0 && (this.shift += 26 - this.shift % 26), this.r = new BN1(1).iushln(this.shift), this.r2 = this.imod(this.r.sqr()), this.rinv = this.r._invmp(this.m), this.minv = this.rinv.mul(this.r).isubn(1).div(this.m), this.minv = this.minv.umod(this.r), this.minv = this.r.sub(this.minv); } MPrime1.prototype._tmp = function() { var tmp1 = new BN1(null); return tmp1.words = Array(Math.ceil(this.n / 13)), tmp1; }, MPrime1.prototype.ireduce = function(num1) { var rlen1, r3 = num1; do this.split(r3, this.tmp), rlen1 = (r3 = (r3 = this.imulK(r3)).iadd(this.tmp)).bitLength(); while (rlen1 > this.n) var cmp1 = rlen1 < this.n ? -1 : r3.ucmp(this.p); return 0 === cmp1 ? (r3.words[0] = 0, r3.length = 1) : cmp1 > 0 ? r3.isub(this.p) : void 0 !== r3.strip ? r3.strip() : r3._strip(), r3; }, MPrime1.prototype.split = function(input1, out1) { input1.iushrn(this.n, 0, out1); }, MPrime1.prototype.imulK = function(num1) { return num1.imul(this.k); }, inherits1(K2561, MPrime1), K2561.prototype.split = function(input1, output1) { for(var mask1 = 0x3fffff, outLen1 = Math.min(input1.length, 9), i2 = 0; i2 < outLen1; i2++)output1.words[i2] = input1.words[i2]; if (output1.length = outLen1, input1.length <= 9) { input1.words[0] = 0, input1.length = 1; return; } var prev1 = input1.words[9]; for(i2 = 10, output1.words[output1.length++] = prev1 & mask1; i2 < input1.length; i2++){ var next1 = 0 | input1.words[i2]; input1.words[i2 - 10] = (next1 & mask1) << 4 | prev1 >>> 22, prev1 = next1; } prev1 >>>= 22, input1.words[i2 - 10] = prev1, 0 === prev1 && input1.length > 10 ? input1.length -= 10 : input1.length -= 9; }, K2561.prototype.imulK = function(num1) { num1.words[num1.length] = 0, num1.words[num1.length + 1] = 0, num1.length += 2; for(var lo1 = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < num1.length; i2++){ var w19 = 0 | num1.words[i2]; lo1 += 0x3d1 * w19, num1.words[i2] = 0x3ffffff & lo1, lo1 = 0x40 * w19 + (lo1 / 0x4000000 | 0); } return 0 === num1.words[num1.length - 1] && (num1.length--, 0 === num1.words[num1.length - 1] && num1.length--), num1; }, inherits1(P2241, MPrime1), inherits1(P1921, MPrime1), inherits1(P255191, MPrime1), P255191.prototype.imulK = function(num1) { for(var carry1 = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < num1.length; i2++){ var hi1 = (0 | num1.words[i2]) * 0x13 + carry1, lo1 = 0x3ffffff & hi1; hi1 >>>= 26, num1.words[i2] = lo1, carry1 = hi1; } return 0 !== carry1 && (num1.words[num1.length++] = carry1), num1; }, BN1._prime = function(name1) { var prime1; if (primes1[name1]) return primes1[name1]; if ('k256' === name1) prime1 = new K2561(); else if ('p224' === name1) prime1 = new P2241(); else if ('p192' === name1) prime1 = new P1921(); else if ('p25519' === name1) prime1 = new P255191(); else throw Error('Unknown prime ' + name1); return primes1[name1] = prime1, prime1; }, Red1.prototype._verify1 = function(a10) { assert1(0 === a10.negative, 'red works only with positives'), assert1(a10.red, 'red works only with red numbers'); }, Red1.prototype._verify2 = function(a10, b10) { assert1((a10.negative | b10.negative) == 0, 'red works only with positives'), assert1(a10.red && a10.red === b10.red, 'red works only with red numbers'); }, Red1.prototype.imod = function(a10) { return this.prime ? this.prime.ireduce(a10)._forceRed(this) : (move1(a10, a10.umod(this.m)._forceRed(this)), a10); }, Red1.prototype.neg = function(a10) { return a10.isZero() ? a10.clone() : this.m.sub(a10)._forceRed(this); }, Red1.prototype.add = function(a10, b10) { this._verify2(a10, b10); var res1 = a10.add(b10); return res1.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && res1.isub(this.m), res1._forceRed(this); }, Red1.prototype.iadd = function(a10, b10) { this._verify2(a10, b10); var res1 = a10.iadd(b10); return res1.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && res1.isub(this.m), res1; }, Red1.prototype.sub = function(a10, b10) { this._verify2(a10, b10); var res1 = a10.sub(b10); return 0 > res1.cmpn(0) && res1.iadd(this.m), res1._forceRed(this); }, Red1.prototype.isub = function(a10, b10) { this._verify2(a10, b10); var res1 = a10.isub(b10); return 0 > res1.cmpn(0) && res1.iadd(this.m), res1; }, Red1.prototype.shl = function(a10, num1) { return this._verify1(a10), this.imod(a10.ushln(num1)); }, Red1.prototype.imul = function(a10, b10) { return this._verify2(a10, b10), this.imod(a10.imul(b10)); }, Red1.prototype.mul = function(a10, b10) { return this._verify2(a10, b10), this.imod(a10.mul(b10)); }, Red1.prototype.isqr = function(a10) { return this.imul(a10, a10.clone()); }, Red1.prototype.sqr = function(a10) { return this.mul(a10, a10); }, Red1.prototype.sqrt = function(a10) { if (a10.isZero()) return a10.clone(); var mod31 = this.m.andln(3); if (assert1(mod31 % 2 == 1), 3 === mod31) { var pow1 = this.m.add(new BN1(1)).iushrn(2); return this.pow(a10, pow1); } for(var q3 = this.m.subn(1), s3 = 0; !q3.isZero() && 0 === q3.andln(1);)s3++, q3.iushrn(1); assert1(!q3.isZero()); var one1 = new BN1(1).toRed(this), nOne1 = one1.redNeg(), lpow1 = this.m.subn(1).iushrn(1), z1 = this.m.bitLength(); for(z1 = new BN1(2 * z1 * z1).toRed(this); 0 !== this.pow(z1, lpow1).cmp(nOne1);)z1.redIAdd(nOne1); for(var c5 = this.pow(z1, q3), r3 = this.pow(a10, q3.addn(1).iushrn(1)), t3 = this.pow(a10, q3), m1 = s3; 0 !== t3.cmp(one1);){ for(var tmp1 = t3, i2 = 0; 0 !== tmp1.cmp(one1); i2++)tmp1 = tmp1.redSqr(); assert1(i2 < m1); var b10 = this.pow(c5, new BN1(1).iushln(m1 - i2 - 1)); r3 = r3.redMul(b10), c5 = b10.redSqr(), t3 = t3.redMul(c5), m1 = i2; } return r3; }, Red1.prototype.invm = function(a10) { var inv1 = a10._invmp(this.m); return 0 !== inv1.negative ? (inv1.negative = 0, this.imod(inv1).redNeg()) : this.imod(inv1); }, Red1.prototype.pow = function(a10, num1) { if (num1.isZero()) return new BN1(1).toRed(this); if (0 === num1.cmpn(1)) return a10.clone(); var windowSize1 = 4, wnd1 = Array(16); wnd1[0] = new BN1(1).toRed(this), wnd1[1] = a10; for(var i2 = 2; i2 < wnd1.length; i2++)wnd1[i2] = this.mul(wnd1[i2 - 1], a10); var res1 = wnd1[0], current1 = 0, currentLen1 = 0, start1 = num1.bitLength() % 26; for(0 === start1 && (start1 = 26), i2 = num1.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--){ for(var word1 = num1.words[i2], j1 = start1 - 1; j1 >= 0; j1--){ var bit1 = word1 >> j1 & 1; if (res1 !== wnd1[0] && (res1 = this.sqr(res1)), 0 === bit1 && 0 === current1) { currentLen1 = 0; continue; } current1 <<= 1, current1 |= bit1, (++currentLen1 === windowSize1 || 0 === i2 && 0 === j1) && (res1 = this.mul(res1, wnd1[current1]), currentLen1 = 0, current1 = 0); } start1 = 26; } return res1; }, Red1.prototype.convertTo = function(num1) { var r3 = num1.umod(this.m); return r3 === num1 ? r3.clone() : r3; }, Red1.prototype.convertFrom = function(num1) { var res1 = num1.clone(); return res1.red = null, res1; }, BN1.mont = function(num1) { return new Mont1(num1); }, inherits1(Mont1, Red1), Mont1.prototype.convertTo = function(num1) { return this.imod(num1.ushln(this.shift)); }, Mont1.prototype.convertFrom = function(num1) { var r3 = this.imod(num1.mul(this.rinv)); return r3.red = null, r3; }, Mont1.prototype.imul = function(a10, b10) { if (a10.isZero() || b10.isZero()) return a10.words[0] = 0, a10.length = 1, a10; var t3 = a10.imul(b10), c5 = t3.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), u3 = t3.isub(c5).iushrn(this.shift), res1 = u3; return u3.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? res1 = u3.isub(this.m) : 0 > u3.cmpn(0) && (res1 = u3.iadd(this.m)), res1._forceRed(this); }, Mont1.prototype.mul = function(a10, b10) { if (a10.isZero() || b10.isZero()) return new BN1(0)._forceRed(this); var t3 = a10.mul(b10), c5 = t3.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), u3 = t3.isub(c5).iushrn(this.shift), res1 = u3; return u3.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? res1 = u3.isub(this.m) : 0 > u3.cmpn(0) && (res1 = u3.iadd(this.m)), res1._forceRed(this); }, Mont1.prototype.invm = function(a10) { return this.imod(a10._invmp(this.m).mul(this.r2))._forceRed(this); }; }(module1 = __webpack_require__1.nmd(module1), this); }, 9464: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const { fromCallback: fromCallback1 } = __webpack_require__1(6957), ModuleError1 = __webpack_require__1(4473), { getCallback: getCallback1, getOptions: getOptions1 } = __webpack_require__1(2520), kPromise1 = Symbol('promise'), kStatus1 = Symbol('status'), kOperations1 = Symbol('operations'), kFinishClose1 = Symbol('finishClose'), kCloseCallbacks1 = Symbol('closeCallbacks'); class AbstractChainedBatch1 { constructor(db1){ if ('object' != typeof db1 || null === db1) { const hint1 = null === db1 ? 'null' : typeof db1; throw TypeError(`The first argument must be an abstract-level database, received ${hint1}`); } this[kOperations1] = [], this[kCloseCallbacks1] = [], this[kStatus1] = 'open', this[kFinishClose1] = this[kFinishClose1].bind(this), this.db = db1, this.db.attachResource(this), this.nextTick = db1.nextTick; } get length() { return this[kOperations1].length; } put(key1, value1, options1) { if ('open' !== this[kStatus1]) throw new ModuleError1('Batch is not open: cannot call put() after write() or close()', { code: 'LEVEL_BATCH_NOT_OPEN' }); const err1 = this.db._checkKey(key1) || this.db._checkValue(value1); if (err1) throw err1; const db1 = options1 && null != options1.sublevel ? options1.sublevel : this.db, original1 = options1, keyEncoding1 = db1.keyEncoding(options1 && options1.keyEncoding), valueEncoding1 = db1.valueEncoding(options1 && options1.valueEncoding), keyFormat1 = keyEncoding1.format; options1 = { ...options1, keyEncoding: keyFormat1, valueEncoding: valueEncoding1.format }, db1 !== this.db && (options1.sublevel = null); const mappedKey1 = db1.prefixKey(keyEncoding1.encode(key1), keyFormat1), mappedValue1 = valueEncoding1.encode(value1); return this._put(mappedKey1, mappedValue1, options1), this[kOperations1].push({ ...original1, type: 'put', key: key1, value: value1 }), this; } _put(key1, value1, options1) {} del(key1, options1) { if ('open' !== this[kStatus1]) throw new ModuleError1('Batch is not open: cannot call del() after write() or close()', { code: 'LEVEL_BATCH_NOT_OPEN' }); const err1 = this.db._checkKey(key1); if (err1) throw err1; const db1 = options1 && null != options1.sublevel ? options1.sublevel : this.db, original1 = options1, keyEncoding1 = db1.keyEncoding(options1 && options1.keyEncoding), keyFormat1 = keyEncoding1.format; return options1 = { ...options1, keyEncoding: keyFormat1 }, db1 !== this.db && (options1.sublevel = null), this._del(db1.prefixKey(keyEncoding1.encode(key1), keyFormat1), options1), this[kOperations1].push({ ...original1, type: 'del', key: key1 }), this; } _del(key1, options1) {} clear() { if ('open' !== this[kStatus1]) throw new ModuleError1('Batch is not open: cannot call clear() after write() or close()', { code: 'LEVEL_BATCH_NOT_OPEN' }); return this._clear(), this[kOperations1] = [], this; } _clear() {} write(options1, callback1) { return callback1 = fromCallback1(callback1 = getCallback1(options1, callback1), kPromise1), options1 = getOptions1(options1), 'open' !== this[kStatus1] ? this.nextTick(callback1, new ModuleError1('Batch is not open: cannot call write() after write() or close()', { code: 'LEVEL_BATCH_NOT_OPEN' })) : 0 === this.length ? this.close(callback1) : (this[kStatus1] = 'writing', this._write(options1, (err1)=>{ this[kStatus1] = 'closing', this[kCloseCallbacks1].push(()=>callback1(err1)), err1 || this.db.emit('batch', this[kOperations1]), this._close(this[kFinishClose1]); })), callback1[kPromise1]; } _write(options1, callback1) {} close(callback1) { return callback1 = fromCallback1(callback1, kPromise1), 'closing' === this[kStatus1] ? this[kCloseCallbacks1].push(callback1) : 'closed' === this[kStatus1] ? this.nextTick(callback1) : (this[kCloseCallbacks1].push(callback1), 'writing' !== this[kStatus1] && (this[kStatus1] = 'closing', this._close(this[kFinishClose1]))), callback1[kPromise1]; } _close(callback1) { this.nextTick(callback1); } [kFinishClose1]() { this[kStatus1] = 'closed', this.db.detachResource(this); const callbacks1 = this[kCloseCallbacks1]; for (const cb1 of (this[kCloseCallbacks1] = [], callbacks1))cb1(); } } exports1.AbstractChainedBatch = AbstractChainedBatch1; }, 3961: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const { fromCallback: fromCallback1 } = __webpack_require__1(6957), ModuleError1 = __webpack_require__1(4473), { getOptions: getOptions1, getCallback: getCallback1 } = __webpack_require__1(2520), kPromise1 = Symbol('promise'), kCallback1 = Symbol('callback'), kWorking1 = Symbol('working'), kHandleOne1 = Symbol('handleOne'), kHandleMany1 = Symbol('handleMany'), kAutoClose1 = Symbol('autoClose'), kFinishWork1 = Symbol('finishWork'), kReturnMany1 = Symbol('returnMany'), kClosing1 = Symbol('closing'), kHandleClose1 = Symbol('handleClose'), kClosed1 = Symbol('closed'), kCloseCallbacks1 = Symbol('closeCallbacks'), kKeyEncoding1 = Symbol('keyEncoding'), kValueEncoding1 = Symbol('valueEncoding'), kAbortOnClose1 = Symbol('abortOnClose'), kLegacy1 = Symbol('legacy'), kKeys1 = Symbol('keys'), kValues1 = Symbol('values'), kLimit1 = Symbol('limit'), kCount1 = Symbol('count'), emptyOptions1 = Object.freeze({}), noop1 = ()=>{}; let warnedEnd1 = !1; class CommonIterator1 { constructor(db1, options1, legacy1){ if ('object' != typeof db1 || null === db1) { const hint1 = null === db1 ? 'null' : typeof db1; throw TypeError(`The first argument must be an abstract-level database, received ${hint1}`); } if ('object' != typeof options1 || null === options1) throw TypeError('The second argument must be an options object'); this[kClosed1] = !1, this[kCloseCallbacks1] = [], this[kWorking1] = !1, this[kClosing1] = !1, this[kAutoClose1] = !1, this[kCallback1] = null, this[kHandleOne1] = this[kHandleOne1].bind(this), this[kHandleMany1] = this[kHandleMany1].bind(this), this[kHandleClose1] = this[kHandleClose1].bind(this), this[kKeyEncoding1] = options1[kKeyEncoding1], this[kValueEncoding1] = options1[kValueEncoding1], this[kLegacy1] = legacy1, this[kLimit1] = Number.isInteger(options1.limit) && options1.limit >= 0 ? options1.limit : 1 / 0, this[kCount1] = 0, this[kAbortOnClose1] = !!options1.abortOnClose, this.db = db1, this.db.attachResource(this), this.nextTick = db1.nextTick; } get count() { return this[kCount1]; } get limit() { return this[kLimit1]; } next(callback1) { let promise1; if (void 0 === callback1) promise1 = new Promise((resolve1, reject1)=>{ callback1 = (err1, key1, value1)=>{ err1 ? reject1(err1) : this[kLegacy1] ? void 0 === key1 && void 0 === value1 ? resolve1() : resolve1([ key1, value1 ]) : resolve1(key1); }; }); else if ('function' != typeof callback1) throw TypeError('Callback must be a function'); return this[kClosing1] ? this.nextTick(callback1, new ModuleError1('Iterator is not open: cannot call next() after close()', { code: 'LEVEL_ITERATOR_NOT_OPEN' })) : this[kWorking1] ? this.nextTick(callback1, new ModuleError1('Iterator is busy: cannot call next() until previous call has completed', { code: 'LEVEL_ITERATOR_BUSY' })) : (this[kWorking1] = !0, this[kCallback1] = callback1, this[kCount1] >= this[kLimit1] ? this.nextTick(this[kHandleOne1], null) : this._next(this[kHandleOne1])), promise1; } _next(callback1) { this.nextTick(callback1); } nextv(size1, options1, callback1) { return (callback1 = fromCallback1(callback1 = getCallback1(options1, callback1), kPromise1), options1 = getOptions1(options1, emptyOptions1), Number.isInteger(size1)) ? this[kClosing1] ? this.nextTick(callback1, new ModuleError1('Iterator is not open: cannot call nextv() after close()', { code: 'LEVEL_ITERATOR_NOT_OPEN' })) : this[kWorking1] ? this.nextTick(callback1, new ModuleError1('Iterator is busy: cannot call nextv() until previous call has completed', { code: 'LEVEL_ITERATOR_BUSY' })) : (size1 < 1 && (size1 = 1), this[kLimit1] < 1 / 0 && (size1 = Math.min(size1, this[kLimit1] - this[kCount1])), this[kWorking1] = !0, this[kCallback1] = callback1, size1 <= 0 ? this.nextTick(this[kHandleMany1], null, []) : this._nextv(size1, options1, this[kHandleMany1])) : this.nextTick(callback1, TypeError("The first argument 'size' must be an integer")), callback1[kPromise1]; } _nextv(size1, options1, callback1) { const acc1 = [], onnext1 = (err1, key1, value1)=>err1 ? callback1(err1) : (this[kLegacy1] ? void 0 === key1 && void 0 === value1 : void 0 === key1) ? callback1(null, acc1) : void (acc1.push(this[kLegacy1] ? [ key1, value1 ] : key1), acc1.length === size1 ? callback1(null, acc1) : this._next(onnext1)); this._next(onnext1); } all(options1, callback1) { return callback1 = fromCallback1(callback1 = getCallback1(options1, callback1), kPromise1), options1 = getOptions1(options1, emptyOptions1), this[kClosing1] ? this.nextTick(callback1, new ModuleError1('Iterator is not open: cannot call all() after close()', { code: 'LEVEL_ITERATOR_NOT_OPEN' })) : this[kWorking1] ? this.nextTick(callback1, new ModuleError1('Iterator is busy: cannot call all() until previous call has completed', { code: 'LEVEL_ITERATOR_BUSY' })) : (this[kWorking1] = !0, this[kCallback1] = callback1, this[kAutoClose1] = !0, this[kCount1] >= this[kLimit1] ? this.nextTick(this[kHandleMany1], null, []) : this._all(options1, this[kHandleMany1])), callback1[kPromise1]; } _all(options1, callback1) { let count1 = this[kCount1]; const acc1 = [], nextv1 = ()=>{ const size1 = this[kLimit1] < 1 / 0 ? Math.min(1e3, this[kLimit1] - count1) : 1e3; size1 <= 0 ? this.nextTick(callback1, null, acc1) : this._nextv(size1, emptyOptions1, onnextv1); }, onnextv1 = (err1, items1)=>{ err1 ? callback1(err1) : 0 === items1.length ? callback1(null, acc1) : (acc1.push.apply(acc1, items1), count1 += items1.length, nextv1()); }; nextv1(); } [kFinishWork1]() { const cb1 = this[kCallback1]; return this[kAbortOnClose1] && null === cb1 ? noop1 : (this[kWorking1] = !1, this[kCallback1] = null, this[kClosing1] && this._close(this[kHandleClose1]), cb1); } [kReturnMany1](cb1, err1, items1) { this[kAutoClose1] ? this.close(cb1.bind(null, err1, items1)) : cb1(err1, items1); } seek(target1, options1) { if (options1 = getOptions1(options1, emptyOptions1), this[kClosing1]) ; else if (this[kWorking1]) throw new ModuleError1('Iterator is busy: cannot call seek() until next() has completed', { code: 'LEVEL_ITERATOR_BUSY' }); else { const keyEncoding1 = this.db.keyEncoding(options1.keyEncoding || this[kKeyEncoding1]), keyFormat1 = keyEncoding1.format; options1.keyEncoding !== keyFormat1 && (options1 = { ...options1, keyEncoding: keyFormat1 }); const mapped1 = this.db.prefixKey(keyEncoding1.encode(target1), keyFormat1); this._seek(mapped1, options1); } } _seek(target1, options1) { throw new ModuleError1('Iterator does not support seek()', { code: 'LEVEL_NOT_SUPPORTED' }); } close(callback1) { if (callback1 = fromCallback1(callback1, kPromise1), this[kClosed1]) this.nextTick(callback1); else if (this[kClosing1]) this[kCloseCallbacks1].push(callback1); else if (this[kClosing1] = !0, this[kCloseCallbacks1].push(callback1), this[kWorking1]) { if (this[kAbortOnClose1]) { const cb1 = this[kFinishWork1](); cb1(new ModuleError1('Aborted on iterator close()', { code: 'LEVEL_ITERATOR_NOT_OPEN' })); } } else this._close(this[kHandleClose1]); return callback1[kPromise1]; } _close(callback1) { this.nextTick(callback1); } [kHandleClose1]() { this[kClosed1] = !0, this.db.detachResource(this); const callbacks1 = this[kCloseCallbacks1]; for (const cb1 of (this[kCloseCallbacks1] = [], callbacks1))cb1(); } async *[Symbol.asyncIterator]() { try { let item1; for(; void 0 !== (item1 = await this.next());)yield item1; } finally{ this[kClosed1] || await this.close(); } } } class AbstractIterator1 extends CommonIterator1 { constructor(db1, options1){ super(db1, options1, !0), this[kKeys1] = !1 !== options1.keys, this[kValues1] = !1 !== options1.values; } [kHandleOne1](err1, key1, value1) { const cb1 = this[kFinishWork1](); if (err1) return cb1(err1); try { key1 = this[kKeys1] && void 0 !== key1 ? this[kKeyEncoding1].decode(key1) : void 0, value1 = this[kValues1] && void 0 !== value1 ? this[kValueEncoding1].decode(value1) : void 0; } catch (err1) { return cb1(new IteratorDecodeError1('entry', err1)); } !(void 0 === key1 && void 0 === value1) && this[kCount1]++, cb1(null, key1, value1); } [kHandleMany1](err1, entries1) { const cb1 = this[kFinishWork1](); if (err1) return this[kReturnMany1](cb1, err1); try { for (const entry1 of entries1){ const key1 = entry1[0], value1 = entry1[1]; entry1[0] = this[kKeys1] && void 0 !== key1 ? this[kKeyEncoding1].decode(key1) : void 0, entry1[1] = this[kValues1] && void 0 !== value1 ? this[kValueEncoding1].decode(value1) : void 0; } } catch (err1) { return this[kReturnMany1](cb1, new IteratorDecodeError1('entries', err1)); } this[kCount1] += entries1.length, this[kReturnMany1](cb1, null, entries1); } end(callback1) { return warnedEnd1 || 'undefined' == typeof console || (warnedEnd1 = !0, console.warn(new ModuleError1('The iterator.end() method was renamed to close() and end() is an alias that will be removed in a future version', { code: 'LEVEL_LEGACY' }))), this.close(callback1); } } class AbstractKeyIterator1 extends CommonIterator1 { constructor(db1, options1){ super(db1, options1, !1); } [kHandleOne1](err1, key1) { const cb1 = this[kFinishWork1](); if (err1) return cb1(err1); try { key1 = void 0 !== key1 ? this[kKeyEncoding1].decode(key1) : void 0; } catch (err1) { return cb1(new IteratorDecodeError1('key', err1)); } void 0 !== key1 && this[kCount1]++, cb1(null, key1); } [kHandleMany1](err1, keys1) { const cb1 = this[kFinishWork1](); if (err1) return this[kReturnMany1](cb1, err1); try { for(let i2 = 0; i2 < keys1.length; i2++){ const key1 = keys1[i2]; keys1[i2] = void 0 !== key1 ? this[kKeyEncoding1].decode(key1) : void 0; } } catch (err1) { return this[kReturnMany1](cb1, new IteratorDecodeError1('keys', err1)); } this[kCount1] += keys1.length, this[kReturnMany1](cb1, null, keys1); } } class AbstractValueIterator1 extends CommonIterator1 { constructor(db1, options1){ super(db1, options1, !1); } [kHandleOne1](err1, value1) { const cb1 = this[kFinishWork1](); if (err1) return cb1(err1); try { value1 = void 0 !== value1 ? this[kValueEncoding1].decode(value1) : void 0; } catch (err1) { return cb1(new IteratorDecodeError1('value', err1)); } void 0 !== value1 && this[kCount1]++, cb1(null, value1); } [kHandleMany1](err1, values1) { const cb1 = this[kFinishWork1](); if (err1) return this[kReturnMany1](cb1, err1); try { for(let i2 = 0; i2 < values1.length; i2++){ const value1 = values1[i2]; values1[i2] = void 0 !== value1 ? this[kValueEncoding1].decode(value1) : void 0; } } catch (err1) { return this[kReturnMany1](cb1, new IteratorDecodeError1('values', err1)); } this[kCount1] += values1.length, this[kReturnMany1](cb1, null, values1); } } class IteratorDecodeError1 extends ModuleError1 { constructor(subject1, cause1){ super(`Iterator could not decode ${subject1}`, { code: 'LEVEL_DECODE_ERROR', cause: cause1 }); } } for (const k3 of [ '_ended property', '_nexting property', '_end method' ])Object.defineProperty(AbstractIterator1.prototype, k3.split(' ')[0], { get () { throw new ModuleError1(`The ${k3} has been removed`, { code: 'LEVEL_LEGACY' }); }, set () { throw new ModuleError1(`The ${k3} has been removed`, { code: 'LEVEL_LEGACY' }); } }); AbstractIterator1.keyEncoding = kKeyEncoding1, AbstractIterator1.valueEncoding = kValueEncoding1, exports1.AbstractIterator = AbstractIterator1, exports1.AbstractKeyIterator = AbstractKeyIterator1, exports1.AbstractValueIterator = AbstractValueIterator1; }, 9071: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const { supports: supports1 } = __webpack_require__1(1675), { Transcoder: Transcoder1 } = __webpack_require__1(8499), { EventEmitter: EventEmitter1 } = __webpack_require__1(7187), { fromCallback: fromCallback1 } = __webpack_require__1(6957), ModuleError1 = __webpack_require__1(4473), { AbstractIterator: AbstractIterator1 } = __webpack_require__1(3961), { DefaultKeyIterator: DefaultKeyIterator1, DefaultValueIterator: DefaultValueIterator1 } = __webpack_require__1(5429), { DeferredIterator: DeferredIterator1, DeferredKeyIterator: DeferredKeyIterator1, DeferredValueIterator: DeferredValueIterator1 } = __webpack_require__1(593), { DefaultChainedBatch: DefaultChainedBatch1 } = __webpack_require__1(4765), { getCallback: getCallback1, getOptions: getOptions1 } = __webpack_require__1(2520), rangeOptions1 = __webpack_require__1(56), kPromise1 = Symbol('promise'), kLanded1 = Symbol('landed'), kResources1 = Symbol('resources'), kCloseResources1 = Symbol('closeResources'), kOperations1 = Symbol('operations'), kUndefer1 = Symbol('undefer'), kDeferOpen1 = Symbol('deferOpen'), kOptions1 = Symbol('options'), kStatus1 = Symbol('status'), kDefaultOptions1 = Symbol('defaultOptions'), kTranscoder1 = Symbol('transcoder'), kKeyEncoding1 = Symbol('keyEncoding'), kValueEncoding1 = Symbol('valueEncoding'), noop1 = ()=>{}; class AbstractLevel1 extends EventEmitter1 { constructor(manifest1, options1){ if (super(), 'object' != typeof manifest1 || null === manifest1) throw TypeError("The first argument 'manifest' must be an object"); options1 = getOptions1(options1); const { keyEncoding: keyEncoding1, valueEncoding: valueEncoding1, passive: passive1, ...forward1 } = options1; for (const encoding1 of (this[kResources1] = new Set(), this[kOperations1] = [], this[kDeferOpen1] = !0, this[kOptions1] = forward1, this[kStatus1] = 'opening', this.supports = supports1(manifest1, { status: !0, promises: !0, clear: !0, getMany: !0, deferredOpen: !0, snapshots: !1 !== manifest1.snapshots, permanence: !1 !== manifest1.permanence, keyIterator: !0, valueIterator: !0, iteratorNextv: !0, iteratorAll: !0, encodings: manifest1.encodings || {}, events: Object.assign({}, manifest1.events, { opening: !0, open: !0, closing: !0, closed: !0, put: !0, del: !0, batch: !0, clear: !0 }) }), this[kTranscoder1] = new Transcoder1(formats1(this)), this[kKeyEncoding1] = this[kTranscoder1].encoding(keyEncoding1 || 'utf8'), this[kValueEncoding1] = this[kTranscoder1].encoding(valueEncoding1 || 'utf8'), this[kTranscoder1].encodings()))this.supports.encodings[encoding1.commonName] || (this.supports.encodings[encoding1.commonName] = !0); this[kDefaultOptions1] = { empty: Object.freeze({}), entry: Object.freeze({ keyEncoding: this[kKeyEncoding1].commonName, valueEncoding: this[kValueEncoding1].commonName }), key: Object.freeze({ keyEncoding: this[kKeyEncoding1].commonName }) }, this.nextTick(()=>{ this[kDeferOpen1] && this.open({ passive: !1 }, noop1); }); } get status() { return this[kStatus1]; } keyEncoding(encoding1) { return this[kTranscoder1].encoding(null != encoding1 ? encoding1 : this[kKeyEncoding1]); } valueEncoding(encoding1) { return this[kTranscoder1].encoding(null != encoding1 ? encoding1 : this[kValueEncoding1]); } open(options1, callback1) { callback1 = fromCallback1(callback1 = getCallback1(options1, callback1), kPromise1), (options1 = { ...this[kOptions1], ...getOptions1(options1) }).createIfMissing = !1 !== options1.createIfMissing, options1.errorIfExists = !!options1.errorIfExists; const maybeOpened1 = (err1)=>{ 'closing' === this[kStatus1] || 'opening' === this[kStatus1] ? this.once(kLanded1, err1 ? ()=>maybeOpened1(err1) : maybeOpened1) : 'open' !== this[kStatus1] ? callback1(new ModuleError1('Database is not open', { code: 'LEVEL_DATABASE_NOT_OPEN', cause: err1 })) : callback1(); }; return options1.passive ? 'opening' === this[kStatus1] ? this.once(kLanded1, maybeOpened1) : this.nextTick(maybeOpened1) : 'closed' === this[kStatus1] || this[kDeferOpen1] ? (this[kDeferOpen1] = !1, this[kStatus1] = 'opening', this.emit('opening'), this._open(options1, (err1)=>{ if (err1) { this[kStatus1] = 'closed', this[kCloseResources1](()=>{ this.emit(kLanded1), maybeOpened1(err1); }), this[kUndefer1](); return; } this[kStatus1] = 'open', this[kUndefer1](), this.emit(kLanded1), 'open' === this[kStatus1] && this.emit('open'), 'open' === this[kStatus1] && this.emit('ready'), maybeOpened1(); })) : 'open' === this[kStatus1] ? this.nextTick(maybeOpened1) : this.once(kLanded1, ()=>this.open(options1, callback1)), callback1[kPromise1]; } _open(options1, callback1) { this.nextTick(callback1); } close(callback1) { callback1 = fromCallback1(callback1, kPromise1); const maybeClosed1 = (err1)=>{ 'opening' === this[kStatus1] || 'closing' === this[kStatus1] ? this.once(kLanded1, err1 ? maybeClosed1(err1) : maybeClosed1) : 'closed' !== this[kStatus1] ? callback1(new ModuleError1('Database is not closed', { code: 'LEVEL_DATABASE_NOT_CLOSED', cause: err1 })) : callback1(); }; if ('open' === this[kStatus1]) { this[kStatus1] = 'closing', this.emit('closing'); const cancel1 = (err1)=>{ this[kStatus1] = 'open', this[kUndefer1](), this.emit(kLanded1), maybeClosed1(err1); }; this[kCloseResources1](()=>{ this._close((err1)=>{ if (err1) return cancel1(err1); this[kStatus1] = 'closed', this[kUndefer1](), this.emit(kLanded1), 'closed' === this[kStatus1] && this.emit('closed'), maybeClosed1(); }); }); } else 'closed' === this[kStatus1] ? this.nextTick(maybeClosed1) : this.once(kLanded1, ()=>this.close(callback1)); return callback1[kPromise1]; } [kCloseResources1](callback1) { if (0 === this[kResources1].size) return this.nextTick(callback1); let pending1 = this[kResources1].size, sync1 = !0; const next1 = ()=>{ 0 == --pending1 && (sync1 ? this.nextTick(callback1) : callback1()); }; for (const resource1 of this[kResources1])resource1.close(next1); sync1 = !1, this[kResources1].clear(); } _close(callback1) { this.nextTick(callback1); } get(key1, options1, callback1) { if (callback1 = fromCallback1(callback1 = getCallback1(options1, callback1), kPromise1), options1 = getOptions1(options1, this[kDefaultOptions1].entry), 'opening' === this[kStatus1]) return this.defer(()=>this.get(key1, options1, callback1)), callback1[kPromise1]; if (maybeError1(this, callback1)) return callback1[kPromise1]; const err1 = this._checkKey(key1); if (err1) return this.nextTick(callback1, err1), callback1[kPromise1]; const keyEncoding1 = this.keyEncoding(options1.keyEncoding), valueEncoding1 = this.valueEncoding(options1.valueEncoding), keyFormat1 = keyEncoding1.format, valueFormat1 = valueEncoding1.format; return (options1.keyEncoding !== keyFormat1 || options1.valueEncoding !== valueFormat1) && (options1 = Object.assign({}, options1, { keyEncoding: keyFormat1, valueEncoding: valueFormat1 })), this._get(this.prefixKey(keyEncoding1.encode(key1), keyFormat1), options1, (err1, value1)=>{ if (err1) return ('LEVEL_NOT_FOUND' === err1.code || err1.notFound || /NotFound/i.test(err1)) && (err1.code || (err1.code = 'LEVEL_NOT_FOUND'), err1.notFound || (err1.notFound = !0), err1.status || (err1.status = 404)), callback1(err1); try { value1 = valueEncoding1.decode(value1); } catch (err1) { return callback1(new ModuleError1('Could not decode value', { code: 'LEVEL_DECODE_ERROR', cause: err1 })); } callback1(null, value1); }), callback1[kPromise1]; } _get(key1, options1, callback1) { this.nextTick(callback1, Error('NotFound')); } getMany(keys1, options1, callback1) { if (callback1 = fromCallback1(callback1 = getCallback1(options1, callback1), kPromise1), options1 = getOptions1(options1, this[kDefaultOptions1].entry), 'opening' === this[kStatus1]) return this.defer(()=>this.getMany(keys1, options1, callback1)), callback1[kPromise1]; if (maybeError1(this, callback1)) return callback1[kPromise1]; if (!Array.isArray(keys1)) return this.nextTick(callback1, TypeError("The first argument 'keys' must be an array")), callback1[kPromise1]; if (0 === keys1.length) return this.nextTick(callback1, null, []), callback1[kPromise1]; const keyEncoding1 = this.keyEncoding(options1.keyEncoding), valueEncoding1 = this.valueEncoding(options1.valueEncoding), keyFormat1 = keyEncoding1.format, valueFormat1 = valueEncoding1.format; (options1.keyEncoding !== keyFormat1 || options1.valueEncoding !== valueFormat1) && (options1 = Object.assign({}, options1, { keyEncoding: keyFormat1, valueEncoding: valueFormat1 })); const mappedKeys1 = Array(keys1.length); for(let i2 = 0; i2 < keys1.length; i2++){ const key1 = keys1[i2], err1 = this._checkKey(key1); if (err1) return this.nextTick(callback1, err1), callback1[kPromise1]; mappedKeys1[i2] = this.prefixKey(keyEncoding1.encode(key1), keyFormat1); } return this._getMany(mappedKeys1, options1, (err1, values1)=>{ if (err1) return callback1(err1); try { for(let i2 = 0; i2 < values1.length; i2++)void 0 !== values1[i2] && (values1[i2] = valueEncoding1.decode(values1[i2])); } catch (err1) { return callback1(new ModuleError1(`Could not decode one or more of ${values1.length} value(s)`, { code: 'LEVEL_DECODE_ERROR', cause: err1 })); } callback1(null, values1); }), callback1[kPromise1]; } _getMany(keys1, options1, callback1) { this.nextTick(callback1, null, Array(keys1.length).fill(void 0)); } put(key1, value1, options1, callback1) { if (callback1 = fromCallback1(callback1 = getCallback1(options1, callback1), kPromise1), options1 = getOptions1(options1, this[kDefaultOptions1].entry), 'opening' === this[kStatus1]) return this.defer(()=>this.put(key1, value1, options1, callback1)), callback1[kPromise1]; if (maybeError1(this, callback1)) return callback1[kPromise1]; const err1 = this._checkKey(key1) || this._checkValue(value1); if (err1) return this.nextTick(callback1, err1), callback1[kPromise1]; const keyEncoding1 = this.keyEncoding(options1.keyEncoding), valueEncoding1 = this.valueEncoding(options1.valueEncoding), keyFormat1 = keyEncoding1.format, valueFormat1 = valueEncoding1.format; (options1.keyEncoding !== keyFormat1 || options1.valueEncoding !== valueFormat1) && (options1 = Object.assign({}, options1, { keyEncoding: keyFormat1, valueEncoding: valueFormat1 })); const mappedKey1 = this.prefixKey(keyEncoding1.encode(key1), keyFormat1), mappedValue1 = valueEncoding1.encode(value1); return this._put(mappedKey1, mappedValue1, options1, (err1)=>{ if (err1) return callback1(err1); this.emit('put', key1, value1), callback1(); }), callback1[kPromise1]; } _put(key1, value1, options1, callback1) { this.nextTick(callback1); } del(key1, options1, callback1) { if (callback1 = fromCallback1(callback1 = getCallback1(options1, callback1), kPromise1), options1 = getOptions1(options1, this[kDefaultOptions1].key), 'opening' === this[kStatus1]) return this.defer(()=>this.del(key1, options1, callback1)), callback1[kPromise1]; if (maybeError1(this, callback1)) return callback1[kPromise1]; const err1 = this._checkKey(key1); if (err1) return this.nextTick(callback1, err1), callback1[kPromise1]; const keyEncoding1 = this.keyEncoding(options1.keyEncoding), keyFormat1 = keyEncoding1.format; return options1.keyEncoding !== keyFormat1 && (options1 = Object.assign({}, options1, { keyEncoding: keyFormat1 })), this._del(this.prefixKey(keyEncoding1.encode(key1), keyFormat1), options1, (err1)=>{ if (err1) return callback1(err1); this.emit('del', key1), callback1(); }), callback1[kPromise1]; } _del(key1, options1, callback1) { this.nextTick(callback1); } batch(operations1, options1, callback1) { if (!arguments.length) { if ('opening' === this[kStatus1]) return new DefaultChainedBatch1(this); if ('open' !== this[kStatus1]) throw new ModuleError1('Database is not open', { code: 'LEVEL_DATABASE_NOT_OPEN' }); return this._chainedBatch(); } if (callback1 = fromCallback1(callback1 = 'function' == typeof operations1 ? operations1 : getCallback1(options1, callback1), kPromise1), options1 = getOptions1(options1, this[kDefaultOptions1].empty), 'opening' === this[kStatus1]) return this.defer(()=>this.batch(operations1, options1, callback1)), callback1[kPromise1]; if (maybeError1(this, callback1)) return callback1[kPromise1]; if (!Array.isArray(operations1)) return this.nextTick(callback1, TypeError("The first argument 'operations' must be an array")), callback1[kPromise1]; if (0 === operations1.length) return this.nextTick(callback1), callback1[kPromise1]; const mapped1 = Array(operations1.length), { keyEncoding: ke1, valueEncoding: ve1, ...forward1 } = options1; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < operations1.length; i2++){ if ('object' != typeof operations1[i2] || null === operations1[i2]) return this.nextTick(callback1, TypeError('A batch operation must be an object')), callback1[kPromise1]; const op1 = Object.assign({}, operations1[i2]); if ('put' !== op1.type && 'del' !== op1.type) return this.nextTick(callback1, TypeError("A batch operation must have a type property that is 'put' or 'del'")), callback1[kPromise1]; const err1 = this._checkKey(op1.key); if (err1) return this.nextTick(callback1, err1), callback1[kPromise1]; const db1 = null != op1.sublevel ? op1.sublevel : this, keyEncoding1 = db1.keyEncoding(op1.keyEncoding || ke1), keyFormat1 = keyEncoding1.format; if (op1.key = db1.prefixKey(keyEncoding1.encode(op1.key), keyFormat1), op1.keyEncoding = keyFormat1, 'put' === op1.type) { const valueErr1 = this._checkValue(op1.value); if (valueErr1) return this.nextTick(callback1, valueErr1), callback1[kPromise1]; const valueEncoding1 = db1.valueEncoding(op1.valueEncoding || ve1); op1.value = valueEncoding1.encode(op1.value), op1.valueEncoding = valueEncoding1.format; } db1 !== this && (op1.sublevel = null), mapped1[i2] = op1; } return this._batch(mapped1, forward1, (err1)=>{ if (err1) return callback1(err1); this.emit('batch', operations1), callback1(); }), callback1[kPromise1]; } _batch(operations1, options1, callback1) { this.nextTick(callback1); } sublevel(name1, options1) { return this._sublevel(name1, AbstractSublevel1.defaults(options1)); } _sublevel(name1, options1) { return new AbstractSublevel1(this, name1, options1); } prefixKey(key1, keyFormat1) { return key1; } clear(options1, callback1) { if (callback1 = fromCallback1(callback1 = getCallback1(options1, callback1), kPromise1), options1 = getOptions1(options1, this[kDefaultOptions1].empty), 'opening' === this[kStatus1]) return this.defer(()=>this.clear(options1, callback1)), callback1[kPromise1]; if (maybeError1(this, callback1)) return callback1[kPromise1]; const original1 = options1, keyEncoding1 = this.keyEncoding(options1.keyEncoding); return (options1 = rangeOptions1(options1, keyEncoding1)).keyEncoding = keyEncoding1.format, 0 === options1.limit ? this.nextTick(callback1) : this._clear(options1, (err1)=>{ if (err1) return callback1(err1); this.emit('clear', original1), callback1(); }), callback1[kPromise1]; } _clear(options1, callback1) { this.nextTick(callback1); } iterator(options1) { const keyEncoding1 = this.keyEncoding(options1 && options1.keyEncoding), valueEncoding1 = this.valueEncoding(options1 && options1.valueEncoding); if ((options1 = rangeOptions1(options1, keyEncoding1)).keys = !1 !== options1.keys, options1.values = !1 !== options1.values, options1[AbstractIterator1.keyEncoding] = keyEncoding1, options1[AbstractIterator1.valueEncoding] = valueEncoding1, options1.keyEncoding = keyEncoding1.format, options1.valueEncoding = valueEncoding1.format, 'opening' === this[kStatus1]) return new DeferredIterator1(this, options1); if ('open' !== this[kStatus1]) throw new ModuleError1('Database is not open', { code: 'LEVEL_DATABASE_NOT_OPEN' }); return this._iterator(options1); } _iterator(options1) { return new AbstractIterator1(this, options1); } keys(options1) { const keyEncoding1 = this.keyEncoding(options1 && options1.keyEncoding), valueEncoding1 = this.valueEncoding(options1 && options1.valueEncoding); if ((options1 = rangeOptions1(options1, keyEncoding1))[AbstractIterator1.keyEncoding] = keyEncoding1, options1[AbstractIterator1.valueEncoding] = valueEncoding1, options1.keyEncoding = keyEncoding1.format, options1.valueEncoding = valueEncoding1.format, 'opening' === this[kStatus1]) return new DeferredKeyIterator1(this, options1); if ('open' !== this[kStatus1]) throw new ModuleError1('Database is not open', { code: 'LEVEL_DATABASE_NOT_OPEN' }); return this._keys(options1); } _keys(options1) { return new DefaultKeyIterator1(this, options1); } values(options1) { const keyEncoding1 = this.keyEncoding(options1 && options1.keyEncoding), valueEncoding1 = this.valueEncoding(options1 && options1.valueEncoding); if ((options1 = rangeOptions1(options1, keyEncoding1))[AbstractIterator1.keyEncoding] = keyEncoding1, options1[AbstractIterator1.valueEncoding] = valueEncoding1, options1.keyEncoding = keyEncoding1.format, options1.valueEncoding = valueEncoding1.format, 'opening' === this[kStatus1]) return new DeferredValueIterator1(this, options1); if ('open' !== this[kStatus1]) throw new ModuleError1('Database is not open', { code: 'LEVEL_DATABASE_NOT_OPEN' }); return this._values(options1); } _values(options1) { return new DefaultValueIterator1(this, options1); } defer(fn1) { if ('function' != typeof fn1) throw TypeError('The first argument must be a function'); this[kOperations1].push(fn1); } [kUndefer1]() { if (0 === this[kOperations1].length) return; const operations1 = this[kOperations1]; for (const op1 of (this[kOperations1] = [], operations1))op1(); } attachResource(resource1) { if ('object' != typeof resource1 || null === resource1 || 'function' != typeof resource1.close) throw TypeError('The first argument must be a resource object'); this[kResources1].add(resource1); } detachResource(resource1) { this[kResources1].delete(resource1); } _chainedBatch() { return new DefaultChainedBatch1(this); } _checkKey(key1) { if (null == key1) return new ModuleError1('Key cannot be null or undefined', { code: 'LEVEL_INVALID_KEY' }); } _checkValue(value1) { if (null == value1) return new ModuleError1('Value cannot be null or undefined', { code: 'LEVEL_INVALID_VALUE' }); } } AbstractLevel1.prototype.nextTick = __webpack_require__1(6909); const { AbstractSublevel: AbstractSublevel1 } = __webpack_require__1(9650)({ AbstractLevel: AbstractLevel1 }); exports1.AbstractLevel = AbstractLevel1, exports1.AbstractSublevel = AbstractSublevel1; const maybeError1 = function(db1, callback1) { return 'open' !== db1[kStatus1] && (db1.nextTick(callback1, new ModuleError1('Database is not open', { code: 'LEVEL_DATABASE_NOT_OPEN' })), !0); }, formats1 = function(db1) { return Object.keys(db1.supports.encodings).filter((k3)=>!!db1.supports.encodings[k3]); }; }, 875: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; exports1.AbstractLevel = __webpack_require__1(9071).AbstractLevel, exports1.AbstractSublevel = __webpack_require__1(9071).AbstractSublevel, exports1.AbstractIterator = __webpack_require__1(3961).AbstractIterator, exports1.AbstractKeyIterator = __webpack_require__1(3961).AbstractKeyIterator, exports1.AbstractValueIterator = __webpack_require__1(3961).AbstractValueIterator, exports1.AbstractChainedBatch = __webpack_require__1(9464).AbstractChainedBatch; }, 2970: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const { AbstractIterator: AbstractIterator1, AbstractKeyIterator: AbstractKeyIterator1, AbstractValueIterator: AbstractValueIterator1 } = __webpack_require__1(3961), kUnfix1 = Symbol('unfix'), kIterator1 = Symbol('iterator'), kHandleOne1 = Symbol('handleOne'), kHandleMany1 = Symbol('handleMany'), kCallback1 = Symbol('callback'); class AbstractSublevelIterator1 extends AbstractIterator1 { constructor(db1, options1, iterator1, unfix1){ super(db1, options1), this[kIterator1] = iterator1, this[kUnfix1] = unfix1, this[kHandleOne1] = this[kHandleOne1].bind(this), this[kHandleMany1] = this[kHandleMany1].bind(this), this[kCallback1] = null; } [kHandleOne1](err1, key1, value1) { const callback1 = this[kCallback1]; if (err1) return callback1(err1); void 0 !== key1 && (key1 = this[kUnfix1](key1)), callback1(err1, key1, value1); } [kHandleMany1](err1, entries1) { const callback1 = this[kCallback1]; if (err1) return callback1(err1); for (const entry1 of entries1){ const key1 = entry1[0]; void 0 !== key1 && (entry1[0] = this[kUnfix1](key1)); } callback1(err1, entries1); } } class AbstractSublevelKeyIterator1 extends AbstractKeyIterator1 { constructor(db1, options1, iterator1, unfix1){ super(db1, options1), this[kIterator1] = iterator1, this[kUnfix1] = unfix1, this[kHandleOne1] = this[kHandleOne1].bind(this), this[kHandleMany1] = this[kHandleMany1].bind(this), this[kCallback1] = null; } [kHandleOne1](err1, key1) { const callback1 = this[kCallback1]; if (err1) return callback1(err1); void 0 !== key1 && (key1 = this[kUnfix1](key1)), callback1(err1, key1); } [kHandleMany1](err1, keys1) { const callback1 = this[kCallback1]; if (err1) return callback1(err1); for(let i2 = 0; i2 < keys1.length; i2++){ const key1 = keys1[i2]; void 0 !== key1 && (keys1[i2] = this[kUnfix1](key1)); } callback1(err1, keys1); } } class AbstractSublevelValueIterator1 extends AbstractValueIterator1 { constructor(db1, options1, iterator1){ super(db1, options1), this[kIterator1] = iterator1; } } for (const Iterator1 of [ AbstractSublevelIterator1, AbstractSublevelKeyIterator1 ])Iterator1.prototype._next = function(callback1) { this[kCallback1] = callback1, this[kIterator1].next(this[kHandleOne1]); }, Iterator1.prototype._nextv = function(size1, options1, callback1) { this[kCallback1] = callback1, this[kIterator1].nextv(size1, options1, this[kHandleMany1]); }, Iterator1.prototype._all = function(options1, callback1) { this[kCallback1] = callback1, this[kIterator1].all(options1, this[kHandleMany1]); }; for (const Iterator1 of [ AbstractSublevelValueIterator1 ])Iterator1.prototype._next = function(callback1) { this[kIterator1].next(callback1); }, Iterator1.prototype._nextv = function(size1, options1, callback1) { this[kIterator1].nextv(size1, options1, callback1); }, Iterator1.prototype._all = function(options1, callback1) { this[kIterator1].all(options1, callback1); }; for (const Iterator1 of [ AbstractSublevelIterator1, AbstractSublevelKeyIterator1, AbstractSublevelValueIterator1 ])Iterator1.prototype._seek = function(target1, options1) { this[kIterator1].seek(target1, options1); }, Iterator1.prototype._close = function(callback1) { this[kIterator1].close(callback1); }; exports1.AbstractSublevelIterator = AbstractSublevelIterator1, exports1.AbstractSublevelKeyIterator = AbstractSublevelKeyIterator1, exports1.AbstractSublevelValueIterator = AbstractSublevelValueIterator1; }, 9650: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const ModuleError1 = __webpack_require__1(4473), { Buffer: Buffer1 } = __webpack_require__1(8764) || {}, { AbstractSublevelIterator: AbstractSublevelIterator1, AbstractSublevelKeyIterator: AbstractSublevelKeyIterator1, AbstractSublevelValueIterator: AbstractSublevelValueIterator1 } = __webpack_require__1(2970), kPrefix1 = Symbol('prefix'), kUpperBound1 = Symbol('upperBound'), kPrefixRange1 = Symbol('prefixRange'), kParent1 = Symbol('parent'), kUnfix1 = Symbol('unfix'), textEncoder1 = new TextEncoder(), defaults1 = { separator: '!' }; module1.exports = function({ AbstractLevel: AbstractLevel1 }) { class AbstractSublevel1 extends AbstractLevel1 { static defaults(options1) { if ('string' == typeof options1) throw new ModuleError1('The subleveldown string shorthand for { separator } has been removed', { code: 'LEVEL_LEGACY' }); if (options1 && options1.open) throw new ModuleError1('The subleveldown open option has been removed', { code: 'LEVEL_LEGACY' }); return null == options1 ? defaults1 : options1.separator ? options1 : { ...options1, separator: '!' }; } constructor(db1, name1, options1){ const { separator: separator1, manifest: manifest1, ...forward1 } = AbstractSublevel1.defaults(options1); name1 = trim1(name1, separator1); const reserved1 = separator1.charCodeAt(0) + 1, parent1 = db1[kParent1] || db1; if (!textEncoder1.encode(name1).every((x3)=>x3 > reserved1 && x3 < 127)) throw new ModuleError1(`Prefix must use bytes > ${reserved1} < 127`, { code: 'LEVEL_INVALID_PREFIX' }); super(mergeManifests1(parent1, manifest1), forward1); const prefix1 = (db1.prefix || '') + separator1 + name1 + separator1, upperBound1 = prefix1.slice(0, -1) + String.fromCharCode(reserved1); this[kParent1] = parent1, this[kPrefix1] = new MultiFormat1(prefix1), this[kUpperBound1] = new MultiFormat1(upperBound1), this[kUnfix1] = new Unfixer1(), this.nextTick = parent1.nextTick; } prefixKey(key1, keyFormat1) { if ('utf8' === keyFormat1) return this[kPrefix1].utf8 + key1; if (0 === key1.byteLength) return this[kPrefix1][keyFormat1]; if ('view' === keyFormat1) { const view1 = this[kPrefix1].view, result1 = new Uint8Array(view1.byteLength + key1.byteLength); return result1.set(view1, 0), result1.set(key1, view1.byteLength), result1; } { const buffer1 = this[kPrefix1].buffer; return Buffer1.concat([ buffer1, key1 ], buffer1.byteLength + key1.byteLength); } } [kPrefixRange1](range1, keyFormat1) { void 0 !== range1.gte ? range1.gte = this.prefixKey(range1.gte, keyFormat1) : void 0 !== range1.gt ? range1.gt = this.prefixKey(range1.gt, keyFormat1) : range1.gte = this[kPrefix1][keyFormat1], void 0 !== range1.lte ? range1.lte = this.prefixKey(range1.lte, keyFormat1) : void 0 !== range1.lt ? range1.lt = this.prefixKey(range1.lt, keyFormat1) : range1.lte = this[kUpperBound1][keyFormat1]; } get prefix() { return this[kPrefix1].utf8; } get db() { return this[kParent1]; } _open(options1, callback1) { this[kParent1].open({ passive: !0 }, callback1); } _put(key1, value1, options1, callback1) { this[kParent1].put(key1, value1, options1, callback1); } _get(key1, options1, callback1) { this[kParent1].get(key1, options1, callback1); } _getMany(keys1, options1, callback1) { this[kParent1].getMany(keys1, options1, callback1); } _del(key1, options1, callback1) { this[kParent1].del(key1, options1, callback1); } _batch(operations1, options1, callback1) { this[kParent1].batch(operations1, options1, callback1); } _clear(options1, callback1) { this[kPrefixRange1](options1, options1.keyEncoding), this[kParent1].clear(options1, callback1); } _iterator(options1) { this[kPrefixRange1](options1, options1.keyEncoding); const iterator1 = this[kParent1].iterator(options1), unfix1 = this[kUnfix1].get(this[kPrefix1].utf8.length, options1.keyEncoding); return new AbstractSublevelIterator1(this, options1, iterator1, unfix1); } _keys(options1) { this[kPrefixRange1](options1, options1.keyEncoding); const iterator1 = this[kParent1].keys(options1), unfix1 = this[kUnfix1].get(this[kPrefix1].utf8.length, options1.keyEncoding); return new AbstractSublevelKeyIterator1(this, options1, iterator1, unfix1); } _values(options1) { this[kPrefixRange1](options1, options1.keyEncoding); const iterator1 = this[kParent1].values(options1); return new AbstractSublevelValueIterator1(this, options1, iterator1); } } return { AbstractSublevel: AbstractSublevel1 }; }; const mergeManifests1 = function(parent1, manifest1) { return { ...parent1.supports, createIfMissing: !1, errorIfExists: !1, events: {}, additionalMethods: {}, ...manifest1, encodings: { utf8: supportsEncoding1(parent1, 'utf8'), buffer: supportsEncoding1(parent1, 'buffer'), view: supportsEncoding1(parent1, 'view') } }; }, supportsEncoding1 = function(parent1, encoding1) { return !!parent1.supports.encodings[encoding1] && parent1.keyEncoding(encoding1).name === encoding1; }; class MultiFormat1 { constructor(key1){ this.utf8 = key1, this.view = textEncoder1.encode(key1), this.buffer = Buffer1 ? Buffer1.from(this.view.buffer, 0, this.view.byteLength) : {}; } } class Unfixer1 { constructor(){ this.cache = new Map(); } get(prefixLength1, keyFormat1) { let unfix1 = this.cache.get(keyFormat1); return void 0 === unfix1 && (unfix1 = 'view' === keyFormat1 ? (function(prefixLength1, key1) { return key1.subarray(prefixLength1); }).bind(null, prefixLength1) : (function(prefixLength1, key1) { return key1.slice(prefixLength1); }).bind(null, prefixLength1), this.cache.set(keyFormat1, unfix1)), unfix1; } } const trim1 = function(str1, char1) { let start1 = 0, end1 = str1.length; for(; start1 < end1 && str1[start1] === char1;)start1++; for(; end1 > start1 && str1[end1 - 1] === char1;)end1--; return str1.slice(start1, end1); }; }, 2520: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; exports1.getCallback = function(options1, callback1) { return 'function' == typeof options1 ? options1 : callback1; }, exports1.getOptions = function(options1, def1) { return 'object' == typeof options1 && null !== options1 ? options1 : void 0 !== def1 ? def1 : {}; }; }, 4765: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const { AbstractChainedBatch: AbstractChainedBatch1 } = __webpack_require__1(9464), ModuleError1 = __webpack_require__1(4473), kEncoded1 = Symbol('encoded'); class DefaultChainedBatch1 extends AbstractChainedBatch1 { constructor(db1){ super(db1), this[kEncoded1] = []; } _put(key1, value1, options1) { this[kEncoded1].push({ ...options1, type: 'put', key: key1, value: value1 }); } _del(key1, options1) { this[kEncoded1].push({ ...options1, type: 'del', key: key1 }); } _clear() { this[kEncoded1] = []; } _write(options1, callback1) { 'opening' === this.db.status ? this.db.defer(()=>this._write(options1, callback1)) : 'open' === this.db.status ? 0 === this[kEncoded1].length ? this.nextTick(callback1) : this.db._batch(this[kEncoded1], options1, callback1) : this.nextTick(callback1, new ModuleError1('Batch is not open: cannot call write() after write() or close()', { code: 'LEVEL_BATCH_NOT_OPEN' })); } } exports1.DefaultChainedBatch = DefaultChainedBatch1; }, 5429: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const { AbstractKeyIterator: AbstractKeyIterator1, AbstractValueIterator: AbstractValueIterator1 } = __webpack_require__1(3961), kIterator1 = Symbol('iterator'), kCallback1 = Symbol('callback'), kHandleOne1 = Symbol('handleOne'), kHandleMany1 = Symbol('handleMany'); class DefaultKeyIterator1 extends AbstractKeyIterator1 { constructor(db1, options1){ super(db1, options1), this[kIterator1] = db1.iterator({ ...options1, keys: !0, values: !1 }), this[kHandleOne1] = this[kHandleOne1].bind(this), this[kHandleMany1] = this[kHandleMany1].bind(this); } } class DefaultValueIterator1 extends AbstractValueIterator1 { constructor(db1, options1){ super(db1, options1), this[kIterator1] = db1.iterator({ ...options1, keys: !1, values: !0 }), this[kHandleOne1] = this[kHandleOne1].bind(this), this[kHandleMany1] = this[kHandleMany1].bind(this); } } for (const Iterator1 of [ DefaultKeyIterator1, DefaultValueIterator1 ]){ const keys1 = Iterator1 === DefaultKeyIterator1, mapEntry1 = keys1 ? (entry1)=>entry1[0] : (entry1)=>entry1[1]; Iterator1.prototype._next = function(callback1) { this[kCallback1] = callback1, this[kIterator1].next(this[kHandleOne1]); }, Iterator1.prototype[kHandleOne1] = function(err1, key1, value1) { const callback1 = this[kCallback1]; err1 ? callback1(err1) : callback1(null, keys1 ? key1 : value1); }, Iterator1.prototype._nextv = function(size1, options1, callback1) { this[kCallback1] = callback1, this[kIterator1].nextv(size1, options1, this[kHandleMany1]); }, Iterator1.prototype._all = function(options1, callback1) { this[kCallback1] = callback1, this[kIterator1].all(options1, this[kHandleMany1]); }, Iterator1.prototype[kHandleMany1] = function(err1, entries1) { const callback1 = this[kCallback1]; err1 ? callback1(err1) : callback1(null, entries1.map(mapEntry1)); }, Iterator1.prototype._seek = function(target1, options1) { this[kIterator1].seek(target1, options1); }, Iterator1.prototype._close = function(callback1) { this[kIterator1].close(callback1); }; } exports1.DefaultKeyIterator = DefaultKeyIterator1, exports1.DefaultValueIterator = DefaultValueIterator1; }, 593: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const { AbstractIterator: AbstractIterator1, AbstractKeyIterator: AbstractKeyIterator1, AbstractValueIterator: AbstractValueIterator1 } = __webpack_require__1(3961), ModuleError1 = __webpack_require__1(4473), kNut1 = Symbol('nut'), kUndefer1 = Symbol('undefer'), kFactory1 = Symbol('factory'); class DeferredIterator1 extends AbstractIterator1 { constructor(db1, options1){ super(db1, options1), this[kNut1] = null, this[kFactory1] = ()=>db1.iterator(options1), this.db.defer(()=>this[kUndefer1]()); } } class DeferredKeyIterator1 extends AbstractKeyIterator1 { constructor(db1, options1){ super(db1, options1), this[kNut1] = null, this[kFactory1] = ()=>db1.keys(options1), this.db.defer(()=>this[kUndefer1]()); } } class DeferredValueIterator1 extends AbstractValueIterator1 { constructor(db1, options1){ super(db1, options1), this[kNut1] = null, this[kFactory1] = ()=>db1.values(options1), this.db.defer(()=>this[kUndefer1]()); } } for (const Iterator1 of [ DeferredIterator1, DeferredKeyIterator1, DeferredValueIterator1 ])Iterator1.prototype[kUndefer1] = function() { 'open' === this.db.status && (this[kNut1] = this[kFactory1]()); }, Iterator1.prototype._next = function(callback1) { null !== this[kNut1] ? this[kNut1].next(callback1) : 'opening' === this.db.status ? this.db.defer(()=>this._next(callback1)) : this.nextTick(callback1, new ModuleError1('Iterator is not open: cannot call next() after close()', { code: 'LEVEL_ITERATOR_NOT_OPEN' })); }, Iterator1.prototype._nextv = function(size1, options1, callback1) { null !== this[kNut1] ? this[kNut1].nextv(size1, options1, callback1) : 'opening' === this.db.status ? this.db.defer(()=>this._nextv(size1, options1, callback1)) : this.nextTick(callback1, new ModuleError1('Iterator is not open: cannot call nextv() after close()', { code: 'LEVEL_ITERATOR_NOT_OPEN' })); }, Iterator1.prototype._all = function(options1, callback1) { null !== this[kNut1] ? this[kNut1].all(callback1) : 'opening' === this.db.status ? this.db.defer(()=>this._all(options1, callback1)) : this.nextTick(callback1, new ModuleError1('Iterator is not open: cannot call all() after close()', { code: 'LEVEL_ITERATOR_NOT_OPEN' })); }, Iterator1.prototype._seek = function(target1, options1) { null !== this[kNut1] ? this[kNut1]._seek(target1, options1) : 'opening' === this.db.status && this.db.defer(()=>this._seek(target1, options1)); }, Iterator1.prototype._close = function(callback1) { null !== this[kNut1] ? this[kNut1].close(callback1) : 'opening' === this.db.status ? this.db.defer(()=>this._close(callback1)) : this.nextTick(callback1); }; exports1.DeferredIterator = DeferredIterator1, exports1.DeferredKeyIterator = DeferredKeyIterator1, exports1.DeferredValueIterator = DeferredValueIterator1; }, 6909: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const queueMicrotask1 = __webpack_require__1(4375); module1.exports = function(fn1, ...args1) { 0 === args1.length ? queueMicrotask1(fn1) : queueMicrotask1(()=>fn1(...args1)); }; }, 56: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const ModuleError1 = __webpack_require__1(4473), hasOwnProperty1 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, rangeOptions1 = new Set([ 'lt', 'lte', 'gt', 'gte' ]); module1.exports = function(options1, keyEncoding1) { const result1 = {}; for(const k3 in options1)if (hasOwnProperty1.call(options1, k3) && 'keyEncoding' !== k3 && 'valueEncoding' !== k3) { if ('start' === k3 || 'end' === k3) throw new ModuleError1(`The legacy range option '${k3}' has been removed`, { code: 'LEVEL_LEGACY' }); if ('encoding' === k3) throw new ModuleError1("The levelup-style 'encoding' alias has been removed, use 'valueEncoding' instead", { code: 'LEVEL_LEGACY' }); rangeOptions1.has(k3) ? result1[k3] = keyEncoding1.encode(options1[k3]) : result1[k3] = options1[k3]; } return result1.reverse = !!result1.reverse, result1.limit = Number.isInteger(result1.limit) && result1.limit >= 0 ? result1.limit : -1, result1; }; }, 1317: function(__unused_webpack_module1, __webpack_exports__1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; __webpack_require__1.r(__webpack_exports__1), __webpack_exports__1.default = {}; }, 3883: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); const bignumber_js_11 = __webpack_require__1(4431); class Ar1 { constructor(){ this.BigNum = (value1, decimals1)=>new (bignumber_js_11.BigNumber.clone({ DECIMAL_PLACES: decimals1 }))(value1); } winstonToAr(winstonString1, { formatted: formatted1 = !1, decimals: decimals1 = 12, trim: trim1 = !0 } = {}) { let number1 = this.stringToBigNum(winstonString1, decimals1).shiftedBy(-12); return formatted1 ? number1.toFormat(decimals1) : number1.toFixed(decimals1); } arToWinston(arString1, { formatted: formatted1 = !1 } = {}) { let number1 = this.stringToBigNum(arString1).shiftedBy(12); return formatted1 ? number1.toFormat() : number1.toFixed(0); } compare(winstonStringA1, winstonStringB1) { let a10 = this.stringToBigNum(winstonStringA1), b10 = this.stringToBigNum(winstonStringB1); return a10.comparedTo(b10); } isEqual(winstonStringA1, winstonStringB1) { return 0 === this.compare(winstonStringA1, winstonStringB1); } isLessThan(winstonStringA1, winstonStringB1) { let a10 = this.stringToBigNum(winstonStringA1), b10 = this.stringToBigNum(winstonStringB1); return a10.isLessThan(b10); } isGreaterThan(winstonStringA1, winstonStringB1) { let a10 = this.stringToBigNum(winstonStringA1), b10 = this.stringToBigNum(winstonStringB1); return a10.isGreaterThan(b10); } add(winstonStringA1, winstonStringB1) { let a10 = this.stringToBigNum(winstonStringA1); return this.stringToBigNum(winstonStringB1), a10.plus(winstonStringB1).toFixed(0); } sub(winstonStringA1, winstonStringB1) { let a10 = this.stringToBigNum(winstonStringA1); return this.stringToBigNum(winstonStringB1), a10.minus(winstonStringB1).toFixed(0); } stringToBigNum(stringValue1, decimalPlaces1 = 12) { return this.BigNum(stringValue1, decimalPlaces1); } } exports1.default = Ar1; }, 1286: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var __importDefault1 = this && this.__importDefault || function(mod1) { return mod1 && mod1.__esModule ? mod1 : { default: mod1 }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); const error_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(2990)); __webpack_require__1(1317); class Blocks1 { constructor(api1, network1){ this.api = api1, this.network = network1; } async get(indepHash1) { const response1 = await this.api.get(`${Blocks1.ENDPOINT}${indepHash1}`); if (200 === response1.status) return response1.data; if (404 === response1.status) throw new error_11.default("BLOCK_NOT_FOUND"); throw Error(`Error while loading block data: ${response1}`); } async getCurrent() { const { current: current1 } = await this.network.getInfo(); return await this.get(current1); } } exports1.default = Blocks1, Blocks1.ENDPOINT = "block/hash/"; }, 1070: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var __createBinding1 = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3); var desc1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m1, k3); (!desc1 || ("get" in desc1 ? !m1.__esModule : desc1.writable || desc1.configurable)) && (desc1 = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return m1[k3]; } }), Object.defineProperty(o1, k21, desc1); } : function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3), o1[k21] = m1[k3]; }), __setModuleDefault1 = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(o1, v3) { Object.defineProperty(o1, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: v3 }); } : function(o1, v3) { o1.default = v3; }), __importStar1 = this && this.__importStar || function(mod1) { if (mod1 && mod1.__esModule) return mod1; var result1 = {}; if (null != mod1) for(var k3 in mod1)"default" !== k3 && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod1, k3) && __createBinding1(result1, mod1, k3); return __setModuleDefault1(result1, mod1), result1; }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); const error_11 = __webpack_require__1(2990), ArweaveUtils1 = __importStar1(__webpack_require__1(5160)); class Chunks1 { constructor(api1){ this.api = api1; } async getTransactionOffset(id1) { const resp1 = await this.api.get(`tx/${id1}/offset`); if (200 === resp1.status) return resp1.data; throw Error(`Unable to get transaction offset: ${(0, error_11.getError)(resp1)}`); } async getChunk(offset1) { const resp1 = await this.api.get(`chunk/${offset1}`); if (200 === resp1.status) return resp1.data; throw Error(`Unable to get chunk: ${(0, error_11.getError)(resp1)}`); } async getChunkData(offset1) { const chunk1 = await this.getChunk(offset1), buf1 = ArweaveUtils1.b64UrlToBuffer(chunk1.chunk); return buf1; } firstChunkOffset(offsetResponse1) { return parseInt(offsetResponse1.offset) - parseInt(offsetResponse1.size) + 1; } async downloadChunkedData(id1) { const offsetResponse1 = await this.getTransactionOffset(id1), size1 = parseInt(offsetResponse1.size), endOffset1 = parseInt(offsetResponse1.offset), startOffset1 = endOffset1 - size1 + 1, data1 = new Uint8Array(size1); let byte1 = 0; for(; byte1 < size1;){ let chunkData1; this.api.config.logging && console.log(`[chunk] ${byte1}/${size1}`); try { chunkData1 = await this.getChunkData(startOffset1 + byte1); } catch (error1) { console.error(`[chunk] Failed to fetch chunk at offset ${startOffset1 + byte1}`), console.error("[chunk] This could indicate that the chunk wasn't uploaded or hasn't yet seeded properly to a particular gateway/node"); } if (chunkData1) data1.set(chunkData1, byte1), byte1 += chunkData1.length; else throw Error(`Couldn't complete data download at ${byte1}/${size1}`); } return data1; } } exports1.default = Chunks1; }, 9499: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var __createBinding1 = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3); var desc1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m1, k3); (!desc1 || ("get" in desc1 ? !m1.__esModule : desc1.writable || desc1.configurable)) && (desc1 = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return m1[k3]; } }), Object.defineProperty(o1, k21, desc1); } : function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3), o1[k21] = m1[k3]; }), __setModuleDefault1 = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(o1, v3) { Object.defineProperty(o1, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: v3 }); } : function(o1, v3) { o1.default = v3; }), __importStar1 = this && this.__importStar || function(mod1) { if (mod1 && mod1.__esModule) return mod1; var result1 = {}; if (null != mod1) for(var k3 in mod1)"default" !== k3 && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod1, k3) && __createBinding1(result1, mod1, k3); return __setModuleDefault1(result1, mod1), result1; }, __importDefault1 = this && this.__importDefault || function(mod1) { return mod1 && mod1.__esModule ? mod1 : { default: mod1 }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); const ar_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(3883)), api_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(7468)), node_driver_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(602)), network_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(5764)), transactions_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(5385)), wallets_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(8379)), transaction_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(7241)), ArweaveUtils1 = __importStar1(__webpack_require__1(5160)), silo_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(4486)), chunks_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(1070)), blocks_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(1286)); class Arweave1 { constructor(apiConfig1){ this.api = new api_11.default(apiConfig1), this.wallets = new wallets_11.default(this.api, Arweave1.crypto), this.chunks = new chunks_11.default(this.api), this.transactions = new transactions_11.default(this.api, Arweave1.crypto, this.chunks), this.silo = new silo_11.default(this.api, this.crypto, this.transactions), this.network = new network_11.default(this.api), this.blocks = new blocks_11.default(this.api, this.network), this.ar = new ar_11.default(); } get crypto() { return Arweave1.crypto; } get utils() { return Arweave1.utils; } getConfig() { return { api: this.api.getConfig(), crypto: null }; } async createTransaction(attributes1, jwk1) { const transaction1 = {}; if (Object.assign(transaction1, attributes1), !attributes1.data && !(attributes1.target && attributes1.quantity)) throw Error("A new Arweave transaction must have a 'data' value, or 'target' and 'quantity' values."); if (void 0 == attributes1.owner && jwk1 && "use_wallet" !== jwk1 && (transaction1.owner = jwk1.n), void 0 == attributes1.last_tx && (transaction1.last_tx = await this.transactions.getTransactionAnchor()), "string" == typeof attributes1.data && (attributes1.data = ArweaveUtils1.stringToBuffer(attributes1.data)), attributes1.data instanceof ArrayBuffer && (attributes1.data = new Uint8Array(attributes1.data)), attributes1.data && !(attributes1.data instanceof Uint8Array)) throw Error("Expected data to be a string, Uint8Array or ArrayBuffer"); if (void 0 == attributes1.reward) { const length1 = attributes1.data ? attributes1.data.byteLength : 0; transaction1.reward = await this.transactions.getPrice(length1, transaction1.target); } transaction1.data_root = "", transaction1.data_size = attributes1.data ? attributes1.data.byteLength.toString() : "0", transaction1.data = attributes1.data || new Uint8Array(0); const createdTransaction1 = new transaction_11.default(transaction1); return await createdTransaction1.getSignatureData(), createdTransaction1; } async createSiloTransaction(attributes1, jwk1, siloUri1) { const transaction1 = {}; if (Object.assign(transaction1, attributes1), !attributes1.data) throw Error("Silo transactions must have a 'data' value"); if (!siloUri1) throw Error("No Silo URI specified."); if (attributes1.target || attributes1.quantity) throw Error("Silo transactions can only be used for storing data, sending AR to other wallets isn't supported."); if (void 0 == attributes1.owner) { if (!jwk1 || !jwk1.n) throw Error("A new Arweave transaction must either have an 'owner' attribute, or you must provide the jwk parameter."); transaction1.owner = jwk1.n; } void 0 == attributes1.last_tx && (transaction1.last_tx = await this.transactions.getTransactionAnchor()); const siloResource1 = await this.silo.parseUri(siloUri1); if ("string" == typeof attributes1.data) { const encrypted1 = await this.crypto.encrypt(ArweaveUtils1.stringToBuffer(attributes1.data), siloResource1.getEncryptionKey()); transaction1.reward = await this.transactions.getPrice(encrypted1.byteLength), transaction1.data = ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64Url(encrypted1); } if (attributes1.data instanceof Uint8Array) { const encrypted1 = await this.crypto.encrypt(attributes1.data, siloResource1.getEncryptionKey()); transaction1.reward = await this.transactions.getPrice(encrypted1.byteLength), transaction1.data = ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64Url(encrypted1); } const siloTransaction1 = new transaction_11.default(transaction1); return siloTransaction1.addTag("Silo-Name", siloResource1.getAccessKey()), siloTransaction1.addTag("Silo-Version", "0.1.0"), siloTransaction1; } arql(query1) { return this.api.post("/arql", query1).then((response1)=>response1.data || []); } } exports1.default = Arweave1, Arweave1.crypto = new node_driver_11.default(), Arweave1.utils = ArweaveUtils1; }, 7468: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var __importDefault1 = this && this.__importDefault || function(mod1) { return mod1 && mod1.__esModule ? mod1 : { default: mod1 }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); const axios_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(9669)); class Api1 { constructor(config3){ this.METHOD_GET = "GET", this.METHOD_POST = "POST", this.applyConfig(config3); } applyConfig(config3) { this.config = this.mergeDefaults(config3); } getConfig() { return this.config; } mergeDefaults(config3) { const protocol1 = config3.protocol || "http", port1 = config3.port || ("https" === protocol1 ? 443 : 80); return { host: config3.host || "", protocol: protocol1, port: port1, timeout: config3.timeout || 20000, logging: config3.logging || !1, logger: config3.logger || console.log, network: config3.network }; } async get(endpoint1, config3) { try { return await this.request().get(endpoint1, config3); } catch (error1) { if (error1.response && error1.response.status) return error1.response; throw error1; } } async post(endpoint1, body1, config3) { try { return await this.request().post(endpoint1, body1, config3); } catch (error1) { if (error1.response && error1.response.status) return error1.response; throw error1; } } request() { const headers1 = {}; this.config.network && (headers1["x-network"] = this.config.network); let instance1 = axios_11.default.create({ baseURL: `${this.config.protocol}://${this.config.host}:${this.config.port}`, timeout: this.config.timeout, maxContentLength: 536870912, headers: headers1 }); return this.config.logging && (instance1.interceptors.request.use((request1)=>(this.config.logger(`Requesting: ${request1.baseURL}/${request1.url}`), request1)), instance1.interceptors.response.use((response1)=>(this.config.logger(`Response: ${response1.config.url} - ${response1.status}`), response1))), instance1; } } exports1.default = Api1; }, 602: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var Buffer1 = __webpack_require__1(8764).Buffer, __createBinding1 = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3); var desc1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m1, k3); (!desc1 || ("get" in desc1 ? !m1.__esModule : desc1.writable || desc1.configurable)) && (desc1 = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return m1[k3]; } }), Object.defineProperty(o1, k21, desc1); } : function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3), o1[k21] = m1[k3]; }), __setModuleDefault1 = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(o1, v3) { Object.defineProperty(o1, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: v3 }); } : function(o1, v3) { o1.default = v3; }), __importStar1 = this && this.__importStar || function(mod1) { if (mod1 && mod1.__esModule) return mod1; var result1 = {}; if (null != mod1) for(var k3 in mod1)"default" !== k3 && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod1, k3) && __createBinding1(result1, mod1, k3); return __setModuleDefault1(result1, mod1), result1; }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); const pem_11 = __webpack_require__1(3068), crypto1 = __importStar1(__webpack_require__1(2474)), constants1 = __importStar1(__webpack_require__1(2454)); class NodeCryptoDriver1 { constructor(){ this.keyLength = 4096, this.publicExponent = 0x10001, this.hashAlgorithm = "sha256", this.encryptionAlgorithm = "aes-256-cbc"; } generateJWK() { if ("function" != typeof crypto1.generateKeyPair) throw Error("Keypair generation not supported in this version of Node, only supported in versions 10+"); return new Promise((resolve1, reject1)=>{ crypto1.generateKeyPair("rsa", { modulusLength: this.keyLength, publicExponent: this.publicExponent, privateKeyEncoding: { type: "pkcs1", format: "pem" }, publicKeyEncoding: { type: "pkcs1", format: "pem" } }, (err1, publicKey1, privateKey1)=>{ err1 && reject1(err1), resolve1(this.pemToJWK(privateKey1)); }); }); } sign(jwk1, data1, { saltLength: saltLength1 } = {}) { return new Promise((resolve1, reject1)=>{ resolve1(crypto1.createSign(this.hashAlgorithm).update(data1).sign({ key: this.jwkToPem(jwk1), padding: constants1.RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING, saltLength: saltLength1 })); }); } verify(publicModulus1, data1, signature1) { return new Promise((resolve1, reject1)=>{ const publicKey1 = { kty: "RSA", e: "AQAB", n: publicModulus1 }, pem1 = this.jwkToPem(publicKey1); resolve1(crypto1.createVerify(this.hashAlgorithm).update(data1).verify({ key: pem1, padding: constants1.RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING }, signature1)); }); } hash(data1, algorithm1 = "SHA-256") { return new Promise((resolve1, reject1)=>{ resolve1(crypto1.createHash(this.parseHashAlgorithm(algorithm1)).update(data1).digest()); }); } async encrypt(data1, key1, salt1) { const derivedKey1 = crypto1.pbkdf2Sync(key1, salt1 = salt1 || "salt", 100000, 32, this.hashAlgorithm), iv1 = crypto1.randomBytes(16), cipher1 = crypto1.createCipheriv(this.encryptionAlgorithm, derivedKey1, iv1), encrypted1 = Buffer1.concat([ iv1, cipher1.update(data1), cipher1.final() ]); return encrypted1; } async decrypt(encrypted1, key1, salt1) { try { const derivedKey1 = crypto1.pbkdf2Sync(key1, salt1 = salt1 || "salt", 100000, 32, this.hashAlgorithm), iv1 = encrypted1.slice(0, 16), data1 = encrypted1.slice(16), decipher1 = crypto1.createDecipheriv(this.encryptionAlgorithm, derivedKey1, iv1), decrypted1 = Buffer1.concat([ decipher1.update(data1), decipher1.final() ]); return decrypted1; } catch (error1) { throw Error("Failed to decrypt"); } } jwkToPem(jwk1) { return (0, pem_11.jwkTopem)(jwk1); } pemToJWK(pem1) { return (0, pem_11.pemTojwk)(pem1); } parseHashAlgorithm(algorithm1) { switch(algorithm1){ case "SHA-256": return "sha256"; case "SHA-384": return "sha384"; default: throw Error(`Algorithm not supported: ${algorithm1}`); } } } exports1.default = NodeCryptoDriver1; }, 3068: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var Buffer1 = __webpack_require__1(8764).Buffer, __createBinding1 = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3); var desc1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m1, k3); (!desc1 || ("get" in desc1 ? !m1.__esModule : desc1.writable || desc1.configurable)) && (desc1 = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return m1[k3]; } }), Object.defineProperty(o1, k21, desc1); } : function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3), o1[k21] = m1[k3]; }), __setModuleDefault1 = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(o1, v3) { Object.defineProperty(o1, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: v3 }); } : function(o1, v3) { o1.default = v3; }), __importStar1 = this && this.__importStar || function(mod1) { if (mod1 && mod1.__esModule) return mod1; var result1 = {}; if (null != mod1) for(var k3 in mod1)"default" !== k3 && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod1, k3) && __createBinding1(result1, mod1, k3); return __setModuleDefault1(result1, mod1), result1; }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.jwkTopem = exports1.pemTojwk = void 0; const asn2 = __importStar1(__webpack_require__1(9809)); function urlize1(base641) { return base641.replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_").replace(/=/g, ""); } function hex2b64url1(str1) { return urlize1(Buffer1.from(str1, "hex").toString("base64")); } var RSAPublicKey1 = asn2.define("RSAPublicKey", function() { this.seq().obj(this.key("n").int(), this.key("e").int()); }), AlgorithmIdentifier1 = asn2.define("AlgorithmIdentifier", function() { this.seq().obj(this.key("algorithm").objid(), this.key("parameters").optional().any()); }), PublicKeyInfo1 = asn2.define("PublicKeyInfo", function() { this.seq().obj(this.key("algorithm").use(AlgorithmIdentifier1), this.key("publicKey").bitstr()); }), Version1 = asn2.define("Version", function() { this.int({ 0: "two-prime", 1: "multi" }); }), OtherPrimeInfos1 = asn2.define("OtherPrimeInfos", function() { this.seq().obj(this.key("ri").int(), this.key("di").int(), this.key("ti").int()); }), RSAPrivateKey1 = asn2.define("RSAPrivateKey", function() { this.seq().obj(this.key("version").use(Version1), this.key("n").int(), this.key("e").int(), this.key("d").int(), this.key("p").int(), this.key("q").int(), this.key("dp").int(), this.key("dq").int(), this.key("qi").int(), this.key("other").optional().use(OtherPrimeInfos1)); }), PrivateKeyInfo1 = asn2.define("PrivateKeyInfo", function() { this.seq().obj(this.key("version").use(Version1), this.key("algorithm").use(AlgorithmIdentifier1), this.key("privateKey").bitstr()); }); function addExtras1(obj1, extras1) { return Object.keys(extras1 = extras1 || {}).forEach(function(key1) { obj1[key1] = extras1[key1]; }), obj1; } function pad1(hex1) { return hex1.length % 2 == 1 ? "0" + hex1 : hex1; } function decodeRsaPublic1(buffer1, extras1) { var key1 = RSAPublicKey1.decode(buffer1, "der"), e1 = pad1(key1.e.toString(16)); return addExtras1({ kty: "RSA", n: bn2base64url1(key1.n), e: hex2b64url1(e1) }, extras1); } function decodeRsaPrivate1(buffer1, extras1) { var key1 = RSAPrivateKey1.decode(buffer1, "der"), e1 = pad1(key1.e.toString(16)); return addExtras1({ kty: "RSA", n: bn2base64url1(key1.n), e: hex2b64url1(e1), d: bn2base64url1(key1.d), p: bn2base64url1(key1.p), q: bn2base64url1(key1.q), dp: bn2base64url1(key1.dp), dq: bn2base64url1(key1.dq), qi: bn2base64url1(key1.qi) }, extras1); } function decodePublic1(buffer1, extras1) { return decodeRsaPublic1(PublicKeyInfo1.decode(buffer1, "der").publicKey.data, extras1); } function decodePrivate1(buffer1, extras1) { return decodeRsaPrivate1(PrivateKeyInfo1.decode(buffer1, "der").privateKey.data, extras1); } function getDecoder1(header1) { var match1 = /^-----BEGIN (RSA )?(PUBLIC|PRIVATE) KEY-----$/.exec(header1); if (!match1) return null; var isRSA1 = !!match1[1]; return "PRIVATE" === match1[2] ? isRSA1 ? decodeRsaPrivate1 : decodePrivate1 : isRSA1 ? decodeRsaPublic1 : decodePublic1; } function parse1(jwk1) { return { n: string2bn1(jwk1.n), e: string2bn1(jwk1.e), d: jwk1.d && string2bn1(jwk1.d), p: jwk1.p && string2bn1(jwk1.p), q: jwk1.q && string2bn1(jwk1.q), dp: jwk1.dp && string2bn1(jwk1.dp), dq: jwk1.dq && string2bn1(jwk1.dq), qi: jwk1.qi && string2bn1(jwk1.qi) }; } function bn2base64url1(bn1) { return hex2b64url1(pad1(bn1.toString(16))); } function base64url2bn1(str1) { return new asn2.bignum(Buffer1.from(str1, "base64")); } function string2bn1(str1) { return /^[0-9]+$/.test(str1) ? new asn2.bignum(str1, 10) : base64url2bn1(str1); } function pemTojwk1(pem1, extras1) { var text1 = pem1.toString().split(/(\r\n|\r|\n)+/g), decoder1 = getDecoder1((text1 = text1.filter(function(line1) { return 0 !== line1.trim().length; }))[0]); return text1 = text1.slice(1, -1).join(""), decoder1(Buffer1.from(text1.replace(/[^\w\d\+\/=]+/g, ""), "base64"), extras1); } function jwkTopem1(json1) { var jwk1 = parse1(json1), isPrivate1 = !!jwk1.d, t3 = isPrivate1 ? "PRIVATE" : "PUBLIC", header1 = "-----BEGIN RSA " + t3 + " KEY-----\n", footer1 = "\n-----END RSA " + t3 + " KEY-----\n", data1 = Buffer1.alloc(0); return isPrivate1 ? (jwk1.version = "two-prime", data1 = RSAPrivateKey1.encode(jwk1, "der")) : data1 = RSAPublicKey1.encode(jwk1, "der"), header1 + data1.toString("base64").match(/.{1,64}/g).join("\n") + footer1; } exports1.pemTojwk = pemTojwk1, exports1.jwkTopem = jwkTopem1; }, 7439: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var __importDefault1 = this && this.__importDefault || function(mod1) { return mod1 && mod1.__esModule ? mod1 : { default: mod1 }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); const common_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(9499)); async function deepHash1(data1) { if (Array.isArray(data1)) { const tag1 = common_11.default.utils.concatBuffers([ common_11.default.utils.stringToBuffer("list"), common_11.default.utils.stringToBuffer(data1.length.toString()) ]); return await deepHashChunks1(data1, await common_11.default.crypto.hash(tag1, "SHA-384")); } const tag1 = common_11.default.utils.concatBuffers([ common_11.default.utils.stringToBuffer("blob"), common_11.default.utils.stringToBuffer(data1.byteLength.toString()) ]), taggedHash1 = common_11.default.utils.concatBuffers([ await common_11.default.crypto.hash(tag1, "SHA-384"), await common_11.default.crypto.hash(data1, "SHA-384") ]); return await common_11.default.crypto.hash(taggedHash1, "SHA-384"); } async function deepHashChunks1(chunks1, acc1) { if (chunks1.length < 1) return acc1; const hashPair1 = common_11.default.utils.concatBuffers([ acc1, await deepHash1(chunks1[0]) ]), newAcc1 = await common_11.default.crypto.hash(hashPair1, "SHA-384"); return await deepHashChunks1(chunks1.slice(1), newAcc1); } exports1.default = deepHash1; }, 2990: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.getError = void 0; class ArweaveError1 extends Error { constructor(type1, optional1 = {}){ optional1.message ? super(optional1.message) : super(), this.type = type1, this.response = optional1.response; } getType() { return this.type; } } function getError1(resp1) { let data1 = resp1.data; if ("string" == typeof resp1.data) try { data1 = JSON.parse(resp1.data); } catch (e1) {} if (resp1.data instanceof ArrayBuffer || resp1.data instanceof Uint8Array) try { data1 = JSON.parse(data1.toString()); } catch (e1) {} return data1 ? data1.error || data1 : resp1.statusText || "unknown"; } exports1.default = ArweaveError1, exports1.getError = getError1; }, 1612: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var Buffer1 = __webpack_require__1(8764).Buffer, __importDefault1 = this && this.__importDefault || function(mod1) { return mod1 && mod1.__esModule ? mod1 : { default: mod1 }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.debug = exports1.validatePath = exports1.arrayCompare = exports1.bufferToInt = exports1.intToBuffer = exports1.arrayFlatten = exports1.generateProofs = exports1.buildLayers = exports1.generateTransactionChunks = exports1.generateTree = exports1.computeRootHash = exports1.generateLeaves = exports1.chunkData = exports1.MIN_CHUNK_SIZE = exports1.MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = void 0; const common_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(9499)), utils_11 = __webpack_require__1(5160); exports1.MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 262144, exports1.MIN_CHUNK_SIZE = 32768; const NOTE_SIZE1 = 32, HASH_SIZE1 = 32; async function chunkData1(data1) { let chunks1 = [], rest1 = data1, cursor1 = 0; for(; rest1.byteLength >= exports1.MAX_CHUNK_SIZE;){ let chunkSize1 = exports1.MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, nextChunkSize1 = rest1.byteLength - exports1.MAX_CHUNK_SIZE; nextChunkSize1 > 0 && nextChunkSize1 < exports1.MIN_CHUNK_SIZE && (chunkSize1 = Math.ceil(rest1.byteLength / 2)); const chunk1 = rest1.slice(0, chunkSize1), dataHash1 = await common_11.default.crypto.hash(chunk1); cursor1 += chunk1.byteLength, chunks1.push({ dataHash: dataHash1, minByteRange: cursor1 - chunk1.byteLength, maxByteRange: cursor1 }), rest1 = rest1.slice(chunkSize1); } return chunks1.push({ dataHash: await common_11.default.crypto.hash(rest1), minByteRange: cursor1, maxByteRange: cursor1 + rest1.byteLength }), chunks1; } async function generateLeaves1(chunks1) { return Promise.all(chunks1.map(async ({ dataHash: dataHash1, minByteRange: minByteRange1, maxByteRange: maxByteRange1 })=>({ type: "leaf", id: await hash1(await Promise.all([ hash1(dataHash1), hash1(intToBuffer1(maxByteRange1)) ])), dataHash: dataHash1, minByteRange: minByteRange1, maxByteRange: maxByteRange1 }))); } async function computeRootHash1(data1) { const rootNode1 = await generateTree1(data1); return rootNode1.id; } async function generateTree1(data1) { const rootNode1 = await buildLayers1(await generateLeaves1(await chunkData1(data1))); return rootNode1; } async function generateTransactionChunks1(data1) { const chunks1 = await chunkData1(data1), leaves1 = await generateLeaves1(chunks1), root1 = await buildLayers1(leaves1), proofs1 = await generateProofs1(root1), lastChunk1 = chunks1.slice(-1)[0]; return lastChunk1.maxByteRange - lastChunk1.minByteRange == 0 && (chunks1.splice(chunks1.length - 1, 1), proofs1.splice(proofs1.length - 1, 1)), { data_root: root1.id, chunks: chunks1, proofs: proofs1 }; } async function buildLayers1(nodes1, level1 = 0) { if (nodes1.length < 2) { const root1 = nodes1[0]; return root1; } const nextLayer1 = []; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < nodes1.length; i2 += 2)nextLayer1.push(await hashBranch1(nodes1[i2], nodes1[i2 + 1])); return buildLayers1(nextLayer1, level1 + 1); } function generateProofs1(root1) { const proofs1 = resolveBranchProofs1(root1); return Array.isArray(proofs1) ? arrayFlatten1(proofs1) : [ proofs1 ]; } function resolveBranchProofs1(node1, proof1 = new Uint8Array(), depth1 = 0) { if ("leaf" == node1.type) return { offset: node1.maxByteRange - 1, proof: (0, utils_11.concatBuffers)([ proof1, node1.dataHash, intToBuffer1(node1.maxByteRange) ]) }; if ("branch" == node1.type) { const partialProof1 = (0, utils_11.concatBuffers)([ proof1, node1.leftChild.id, node1.rightChild.id, intToBuffer1(node1.byteRange) ]); return [ resolveBranchProofs1(node1.leftChild, partialProof1, depth1 + 1), resolveBranchProofs1(node1.rightChild, partialProof1, depth1 + 1) ]; } throw Error("Unexpected node type"); } function arrayFlatten1(input1) { const flat1 = []; return input1.forEach((item1)=>{ Array.isArray(item1) ? flat1.push(...arrayFlatten1(item1)) : flat1.push(item1); }), flat1; } async function hashBranch1(left1, right1) { return right1 ? { type: "branch", id: await hash1([ await hash1(left1.id), await hash1(right1.id), await hash1(intToBuffer1(left1.maxByteRange)) ]), byteRange: left1.maxByteRange, maxByteRange: right1.maxByteRange, leftChild: left1, rightChild: right1 } : left1; } async function hash1(data1) { return Array.isArray(data1) && (data1 = common_11.default.utils.concatBuffers(data1)), new Uint8Array(await common_11.default.crypto.hash(data1)); } function intToBuffer1(note1) { const buffer1 = new Uint8Array(NOTE_SIZE1); for(var i2 = buffer1.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--){ var byte1 = note1 % 256; buffer1[i2] = byte1, note1 = (note1 - byte1) / 256; } return buffer1; } function bufferToInt1(buffer1) { let value1 = 0; for(var i2 = 0; i2 < buffer1.length; i2++)value1 *= 256, value1 += buffer1[i2]; return value1; } exports1.chunkData = chunkData1, exports1.generateLeaves = generateLeaves1, exports1.computeRootHash = computeRootHash1, exports1.generateTree = generateTree1, exports1.generateTransactionChunks = generateTransactionChunks1, exports1.buildLayers = buildLayers1, exports1.generateProofs = generateProofs1, exports1.arrayFlatten = arrayFlatten1, exports1.intToBuffer = intToBuffer1, exports1.bufferToInt = bufferToInt1; const arrayCompare1 = (a10, b10)=>a10.every((value1, index1)=>b10[index1] === value1); async function validatePath1(id1, dest1, leftBound1, rightBound1, path1) { if (rightBound1 <= 0) return !1; if (dest1 >= rightBound1) return validatePath1(id1, 0, rightBound1 - 1, rightBound1, path1); if (dest1 < 0) return validatePath1(id1, 0, 0, rightBound1, path1); if (path1.length == HASH_SIZE1 + NOTE_SIZE1) { const pathData1 = path1.slice(0, HASH_SIZE1), endOffsetBuffer1 = path1.slice(pathData1.length, pathData1.length + NOTE_SIZE1), pathDataHash1 = await hash1([ await hash1(pathData1), await hash1(endOffsetBuffer1) ]); return !!(0, exports1.arrayCompare)(id1, pathDataHash1) && { offset: rightBound1 - 1, leftBound: leftBound1, rightBound: rightBound1, chunkSize: rightBound1 - leftBound1 }; } const left1 = path1.slice(0, HASH_SIZE1), right1 = path1.slice(left1.length, left1.length + HASH_SIZE1), offsetBuffer1 = path1.slice(left1.length + right1.length, left1.length + right1.length + NOTE_SIZE1), offset1 = bufferToInt1(offsetBuffer1), remainder1 = path1.slice(left1.length + right1.length + offsetBuffer1.length), pathHash1 = await hash1([ await hash1(left1), await hash1(right1), await hash1(offsetBuffer1) ]); return !!(0, exports1.arrayCompare)(id1, pathHash1) && (dest1 < offset1 ? await validatePath1(left1, dest1, leftBound1, Math.min(rightBound1, offset1), remainder1) : await validatePath1(right1, dest1, Math.max(leftBound1, offset1), rightBound1, remainder1)); } async function debug1(proof1, output1 = "") { if (proof1.byteLength < 1) return output1; const left1 = proof1.slice(0, HASH_SIZE1), right1 = proof1.slice(left1.length, left1.length + HASH_SIZE1), offsetBuffer1 = proof1.slice(left1.length + right1.length, left1.length + right1.length + NOTE_SIZE1), offset1 = bufferToInt1(offsetBuffer1), remainder1 = proof1.slice(left1.length + right1.length + offsetBuffer1.length), pathHash1 = await hash1([ await hash1(left1), await hash1(right1), await hash1(offsetBuffer1) ]), updatedOutput1 = `${output1}\n${JSON.stringify(Buffer1.from(left1))},${JSON.stringify(Buffer1.from(right1))},${offset1} => ${JSON.stringify(pathHash1)}`; return debug1(remainder1, updatedOutput1); } exports1.arrayCompare = arrayCompare1, exports1.validatePath = validatePath1, exports1.debug = debug1; }, 4107: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var __createBinding1 = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3); var desc1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m1, k3); (!desc1 || ("get" in desc1 ? !m1.__esModule : desc1.writable || desc1.configurable)) && (desc1 = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return m1[k3]; } }), Object.defineProperty(o1, k21, desc1); } : function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3), o1[k21] = m1[k3]; }), __setModuleDefault1 = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(o1, v3) { Object.defineProperty(o1, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: v3 }); } : function(o1, v3) { o1.default = v3; }), __importStar1 = this && this.__importStar || function(mod1) { if (mod1 && mod1.__esModule) return mod1; var result1 = {}; if (null != mod1) for(var k3 in mod1)"default" !== k3 && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod1, k3) && __createBinding1(result1, mod1, k3); return __setModuleDefault1(result1, mod1), result1; }, __importDefault1 = this && this.__importDefault || function(mod1) { return mod1 && mod1.__esModule ? mod1 : { default: mod1 }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.TransactionUploader = void 0; const transaction_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(7241)), ArweaveUtils1 = __importStar1(__webpack_require__1(5160)), error_11 = __webpack_require__1(2990), merkle_11 = __webpack_require__1(1612), MAX_CHUNKS_IN_BODY1 = 1, FATAL_CHUNK_UPLOAD_ERRORS1 = [ "invalid_json", "chunk_too_big", "data_path_too_big", "offset_too_big", "data_size_too_big", "chunk_proof_ratio_not_attractive", "invalid_proof" ], ERROR_DELAY1 = 40000; class TransactionUploader1 { constructor(api1, transaction1){ if (this.api = api1, this.chunkIndex = 0, this.txPosted = !1, this.lastRequestTimeEnd = 0, this.totalErrors = 0, this.lastResponseStatus = 0, this.lastResponseError = "", !transaction1.id) throw Error("Transaction is not signed"); if (!transaction1.chunks) throw Error("Transaction chunks not prepared"); this.data = transaction1.data, this.transaction = new transaction_11.default(Object.assign({}, transaction1, { data: new Uint8Array(0) })); } get isComplete() { return this.txPosted && this.chunkIndex === this.transaction.chunks.chunks.length; } get totalChunks() { return this.transaction.chunks.chunks.length; } get uploadedChunks() { return this.chunkIndex; } get pctComplete() { return Math.trunc(this.uploadedChunks / this.totalChunks * 100); } async uploadChunk(chunkIndex_1) { if (this.isComplete) throw Error("Upload is already complete"); if ("" !== this.lastResponseError ? this.totalErrors++ : this.totalErrors = 0, 100 === this.totalErrors) throw Error(`Unable to complete upload: ${this.lastResponseStatus}: ${this.lastResponseError}`); let delay1 = "" === this.lastResponseError ? 0 : Math.max(this.lastRequestTimeEnd + ERROR_DELAY1 - Date.now(), ERROR_DELAY1); if (delay1 > 0 && (delay1 -= delay1 * Math.random() * 0.3, await new Promise((res1)=>setTimeout(res1, delay1))), this.lastResponseError = "", !this.txPosted) { await this.postTransaction(); return; } chunkIndex_1 && (this.chunkIndex = chunkIndex_1); const chunk1 = this.transaction.getChunk(chunkIndex_1 || this.chunkIndex, this.data), chunkOk1 = await (0, merkle_11.validatePath)(this.transaction.chunks.data_root, parseInt(chunk1.offset), 0, parseInt(chunk1.data_size), ArweaveUtils1.b64UrlToBuffer(chunk1.data_path)); if (!chunkOk1) throw Error(`Unable to validate chunk ${this.chunkIndex}`); const resp1 = await this.api.post("chunk", this.transaction.getChunk(this.chunkIndex, this.data)).catch((e1)=>(console.error(e1.message), { status: -1, data: { error: e1.message } })); if (this.lastRequestTimeEnd = Date.now(), this.lastResponseStatus = resp1.status, 200 == this.lastResponseStatus) this.chunkIndex++; else if (this.lastResponseError = (0, error_11.getError)(resp1), FATAL_CHUNK_UPLOAD_ERRORS1.includes(this.lastResponseError)) throw Error(`Fatal error uploading chunk ${this.chunkIndex}: ${this.lastResponseError}`); } static async fromSerialized(api1, serialized1, data1) { if (!serialized1 || "number" != typeof serialized1.chunkIndex || "object" != typeof serialized1.transaction) throw Error("Serialized object does not match expected format."); var transaction1 = new transaction_11.default(serialized1.transaction); transaction1.chunks || await transaction1.prepareChunks(data1); const upload1 = new TransactionUploader1(api1, transaction1); if (upload1.chunkIndex = serialized1.chunkIndex, upload1.lastRequestTimeEnd = serialized1.lastRequestTimeEnd, upload1.lastResponseError = serialized1.lastResponseError, upload1.lastResponseStatus = serialized1.lastResponseStatus, upload1.txPosted = serialized1.txPosted, upload1.data = data1, upload1.transaction.data_root !== serialized1.transaction.data_root) throw Error("Data mismatch: Uploader doesn't match provided data."); return upload1; } static async fromTransactionId(api1, id1) { const resp1 = await api1.get(`tx/${id1}`); if (200 !== resp1.status) throw Error(`Tx ${id1} not found: ${resp1.status}`); const transaction1 = resp1.data; transaction1.data = new Uint8Array(0); const serialized1 = { txPosted: !0, chunkIndex: 0, lastResponseError: "", lastRequestTimeEnd: 0, lastResponseStatus: 0, transaction: transaction1 }; return serialized1; } toJSON() { return { chunkIndex: this.chunkIndex, transaction: this.transaction, lastRequestTimeEnd: this.lastRequestTimeEnd, lastResponseStatus: this.lastResponseStatus, lastResponseError: this.lastResponseError, txPosted: this.txPosted }; } async postTransaction() { const uploadInBody1 = this.totalChunks <= MAX_CHUNKS_IN_BODY1; if (uploadInBody1) { this.transaction.data = this.data; const resp1 = await this.api.post("tx", this.transaction).catch((e1)=>(console.error(e1), { status: -1, data: { error: e1.message } })); if (this.lastRequestTimeEnd = Date.now(), this.lastResponseStatus = resp1.status, this.transaction.data = new Uint8Array(0), resp1.status >= 200 && resp1.status < 300) { this.txPosted = !0, this.chunkIndex = MAX_CHUNKS_IN_BODY1; return; } throw this.lastResponseError = (0, error_11.getError)(resp1), Error(`Unable to upload transaction: ${resp1.status}, ${this.lastResponseError}`); } const resp1 = await this.api.post("tx", this.transaction); if (this.lastRequestTimeEnd = Date.now(), this.lastResponseStatus = resp1.status, !(resp1.status >= 200 && resp1.status < 300)) throw this.lastResponseError = (0, error_11.getError)(resp1), Error(`Unable to upload transaction: ${resp1.status}, ${this.lastResponseError}`); this.txPosted = !0; } } exports1.TransactionUploader = TransactionUploader1; }, 7241: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var __createBinding1 = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3); var desc1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m1, k3); (!desc1 || ("get" in desc1 ? !m1.__esModule : desc1.writable || desc1.configurable)) && (desc1 = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return m1[k3]; } }), Object.defineProperty(o1, k21, desc1); } : function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3), o1[k21] = m1[k3]; }), __setModuleDefault1 = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(o1, v3) { Object.defineProperty(o1, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: v3 }); } : function(o1, v3) { o1.default = v3; }), __importStar1 = this && this.__importStar || function(mod1) { if (mod1 && mod1.__esModule) return mod1; var result1 = {}; if (null != mod1) for(var k3 in mod1)"default" !== k3 && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod1, k3) && __createBinding1(result1, mod1, k3); return __setModuleDefault1(result1, mod1), result1; }, __importDefault1 = this && this.__importDefault || function(mod1) { return mod1 && mod1.__esModule ? mod1 : { default: mod1 }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.Tag = void 0; const ArweaveUtils1 = __importStar1(__webpack_require__1(5160)), deepHash_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(7439)), merkle_11 = __webpack_require__1(1612); class BaseObject1 { get(field1, options1) { if (!Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this).includes(field1)) throw Error(`Field "${field1}" is not a property of the Arweave Transaction class.`); return this[field1] instanceof Uint8Array ? options1 && options1.decode && options1.string ? ArweaveUtils1.bufferToString(this[field1]) : options1 && options1.decode && !options1.string ? this[field1] : ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64Url(this[field1]) : options1 && !0 == options1.decode ? options1 && options1.string ? ArweaveUtils1.b64UrlToString(this[field1]) : ArweaveUtils1.b64UrlToBuffer(this[field1]) : this[field1]; } } class Tag1 extends BaseObject1 { constructor(name1, value1, decode1 = !1){ super(), this.name = name1, this.value = value1; } } exports1.Tag = Tag1; class Transaction1 extends BaseObject1 { constructor(attributes1 = {}){ super(), this.format = 2, this.id = "", this.last_tx = "", this.owner = "", this.tags = [], this.target = "", this.quantity = "0", this.data_size = "0", this.data = new Uint8Array(), this.data_root = "", this.reward = "0", this.signature = "", Object.assign(this, attributes1), "string" == typeof this.data && (this.data = ArweaveUtils1.b64UrlToBuffer(this.data)), attributes1.tags && (this.tags = attributes1.tags.map((tag1)=>new Tag1(tag1.name, tag1.value))); } addTag(name1, value1) { this.tags.push(new Tag1(ArweaveUtils1.stringToB64Url(name1), ArweaveUtils1.stringToB64Url(value1))); } toJSON() { return { format: this.format, id: this.id, last_tx: this.last_tx, owner: this.owner, tags: this.tags, target: this.target, quantity: this.quantity, data: ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64Url(this.data), data_size: this.data_size, data_root: this.data_root, data_tree: this.data_tree, reward: this.reward, signature: this.signature }; } setOwner(owner1) { this.owner = owner1; } setSignature({ id: id1, owner: owner1, reward: reward1, tags: tags1, signature: signature1 }) { this.id = id1, this.owner = owner1, reward1 && (this.reward = reward1), tags1 && (this.tags = tags1), this.signature = signature1; } async prepareChunks(data1) { !this.chunks && data1.byteLength > 0 && (this.chunks = await (0, merkle_11.generateTransactionChunks)(data1), this.data_root = ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64Url(this.chunks.data_root)), this.chunks || 0 !== data1.byteLength || (this.chunks = { chunks: [], data_root: new Uint8Array(), proofs: [] }, this.data_root = ""); } getChunk(idx1, data1) { if (!this.chunks) throw Error("Chunks have not been prepared"); const proof1 = this.chunks.proofs[idx1], chunk1 = this.chunks.chunks[idx1]; return { data_root: this.data_root, data_size: this.data_size, data_path: ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64Url(proof1.proof), offset: proof1.offset.toString(), chunk: ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64Url(data1.slice(chunk1.minByteRange, chunk1.maxByteRange)) }; } async getSignatureData() { switch(this.format){ case 1: let tags1 = this.tags.reduce((accumulator1, tag1)=>ArweaveUtils1.concatBuffers([ accumulator1, tag1.get("name", { decode: !0, string: !1 }), tag1.get("value", { decode: !0, string: !1 }) ]), new Uint8Array()); return ArweaveUtils1.concatBuffers([ this.get("owner", { decode: !0, string: !1 }), this.get("target", { decode: !0, string: !1 }), this.get("data", { decode: !0, string: !1 }), ArweaveUtils1.stringToBuffer(this.quantity), ArweaveUtils1.stringToBuffer(this.reward), this.get("last_tx", { decode: !0, string: !1 }), tags1 ]); case 2: this.data_root || await this.prepareChunks(this.data); const tagList1 = this.tags.map((tag1)=>[ tag1.get("name", { decode: !0, string: !1 }), tag1.get("value", { decode: !0, string: !1 }) ]); return await (0, deepHash_11.default)([ ArweaveUtils1.stringToBuffer(this.format.toString()), this.get("owner", { decode: !0, string: !1 }), this.get("target", { decode: !0, string: !1 }), ArweaveUtils1.stringToBuffer(this.quantity), ArweaveUtils1.stringToBuffer(this.reward), this.get("last_tx", { decode: !0, string: !1 }), tagList1, ArweaveUtils1.stringToBuffer(this.data_size), this.get("data_root", { decode: !0, string: !1 }) ]); default: throw Error(`Unexpected transaction format: ${this.format}`); } } } exports1.default = Transaction1; }, 5160: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var __createBinding1 = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3); var desc1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m1, k3); (!desc1 || ("get" in desc1 ? !m1.__esModule : desc1.writable || desc1.configurable)) && (desc1 = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return m1[k3]; } }), Object.defineProperty(o1, k21, desc1); } : function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3), o1[k21] = m1[k3]; }), __setModuleDefault1 = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(o1, v3) { Object.defineProperty(o1, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: v3 }); } : function(o1, v3) { o1.default = v3; }), __importStar1 = this && this.__importStar || function(mod1) { if (mod1 && mod1.__esModule) return mod1; var result1 = {}; if (null != mod1) for(var k3 in mod1)"default" !== k3 && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod1, k3) && __createBinding1(result1, mod1, k3); return __setModuleDefault1(result1, mod1), result1; }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.b64UrlDecode = exports1.b64UrlEncode = exports1.bufferTob64Url = exports1.bufferTob64 = exports1.b64UrlToBuffer = exports1.stringToB64Url = exports1.stringToBuffer = exports1.bufferToString = exports1.b64UrlToString = exports1.concatBuffers = void 0; const B64js1 = __importStar1(__webpack_require__1(9742)); function concatBuffers1(buffers1) { let total_length1 = 0; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < buffers1.length; i2++)total_length1 += buffers1[i2].byteLength; let temp1 = new Uint8Array(total_length1), offset1 = 0; temp1.set(new Uint8Array(buffers1[0]), offset1), offset1 += buffers1[0].byteLength; for(let i2 = 1; i2 < buffers1.length; i2++)temp1.set(new Uint8Array(buffers1[i2]), offset1), offset1 += buffers1[i2].byteLength; return temp1; } function b64UrlToString1(b64UrlString1) { let buffer1 = b64UrlToBuffer1(b64UrlString1); if ("undefined" == typeof TextDecoder) { const TextDecoder1 = __webpack_require__1(9539).TextDecoder; return new TextDecoder1("utf-8", { fatal: !0 }).decode(buffer1); } return new TextDecoder("utf-8", { fatal: !0 }).decode(buffer1); } function bufferToString1(buffer1) { if ("undefined" == typeof TextDecoder) { const TextDecoder1 = __webpack_require__1(9539).TextDecoder; return new TextDecoder1("utf-8", { fatal: !0 }).decode(buffer1); } return new TextDecoder("utf-8", { fatal: !0 }).decode(buffer1); } function stringToBuffer1(string1) { if ("undefined" == typeof TextEncoder) { const TextEncoder1 = __webpack_require__1(9539).TextEncoder; return new TextEncoder1().encode(string1); } return new TextEncoder().encode(string1); } function stringToB64Url1(string1) { return bufferTob64Url1(stringToBuffer1(string1)); } function b64UrlToBuffer1(b64UrlString1) { return new Uint8Array(B64js1.toByteArray(b64UrlDecode1(b64UrlString1))); } function bufferTob641(buffer1) { return B64js1.fromByteArray(new Uint8Array(buffer1)); } function bufferTob64Url1(buffer1) { return b64UrlEncode1(bufferTob641(buffer1)); } function b64UrlEncode1(b64UrlString1) { return b64UrlString1.replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_").replace(/\=/g, ""); } function b64UrlDecode1(b64UrlString1) { let padding1; return padding1 = (b64UrlString1 = b64UrlString1.replace(/\-/g, "+").replace(/\_/g, "/")).length % 4 == 0 ? 0 : 4 - b64UrlString1.length % 4, b64UrlString1.concat("=".repeat(padding1)); } exports1.concatBuffers = concatBuffers1, exports1.b64UrlToString = b64UrlToString1, exports1.bufferToString = bufferToString1, exports1.stringToBuffer = stringToBuffer1, exports1.stringToB64Url = stringToB64Url1, exports1.b64UrlToBuffer = b64UrlToBuffer1, exports1.bufferTob64 = bufferTob641, exports1.bufferTob64Url = bufferTob64Url1, exports1.b64UrlEncode = b64UrlEncode1, exports1.b64UrlDecode = b64UrlDecode1; }, 5764: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); class Network1 { constructor(api1){ this.api = api1; } getInfo() { return this.api.get("info").then((response1)=>response1.data); } getPeers() { return this.api.get("peers").then((response1)=>response1.data); } } exports1.default = Network1; }, 4486: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var __createBinding1 = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3); var desc1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m1, k3); (!desc1 || ("get" in desc1 ? !m1.__esModule : desc1.writable || desc1.configurable)) && (desc1 = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return m1[k3]; } }), Object.defineProperty(o1, k21, desc1); } : function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3), o1[k21] = m1[k3]; }), __setModuleDefault1 = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(o1, v3) { Object.defineProperty(o1, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: v3 }); } : function(o1, v3) { o1.default = v3; }), __importStar1 = this && this.__importStar || function(mod1) { if (mod1 && mod1.__esModule) return mod1; var result1 = {}; if (null != mod1) for(var k3 in mod1)"default" !== k3 && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod1, k3) && __createBinding1(result1, mod1, k3); return __setModuleDefault1(result1, mod1), result1; }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.SiloResource = void 0; const ArweaveUtils1 = __importStar1(__webpack_require__1(5160)); class Silo1 { constructor(api1, crypto1, transactions1){ this.api = api1, this.crypto = crypto1, this.transactions = transactions1; } async get(siloURI1) { if (!siloURI1) throw Error("No Silo URI specified"); const resource1 = await this.parseUri(siloURI1), ids1 = await this.transactions.search("Silo-Name", resource1.getAccessKey()); if (0 == ids1.length) throw Error(`No data could be found for the Silo URI: ${siloURI1}`); const transaction1 = await this.transactions.get(ids1[0]); if (!transaction1) throw Error(`No data could be found for the Silo URI: ${siloURI1}`); const encrypted1 = transaction1.get("data", { decode: !0, string: !1 }); return this.crypto.decrypt(encrypted1, resource1.getEncryptionKey()); } async readTransactionData(transaction1, siloURI1) { if (!siloURI1) throw Error("No Silo URI specified"); const resource1 = await this.parseUri(siloURI1), encrypted1 = transaction1.get("data", { decode: !0, string: !1 }); return this.crypto.decrypt(encrypted1, resource1.getEncryptionKey()); } async parseUri(siloURI1) { const parsed1 = siloURI1.match(/^([a-z0-9-_]+)\.([0-9]+)/i); if (!parsed1) throw Error("Invalid Silo name, must be a name in the format of [a-z0-9]+.[0-9]+, e.g. 'bubble.7'"); const siloName1 = parsed1[1], hashIterations1 = Math.pow(2, parseInt(parsed1[2])), digest1 = await this.hash(ArweaveUtils1.stringToBuffer(siloName1), hashIterations1), accessKey1 = ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64(digest1.slice(0, 15)), encryptionkey1 = await this.hash(digest1.slice(16, 31), 1); return new SiloResource1(siloURI1, accessKey1, encryptionkey1); } async hash(input1, iterations1) { let digest1 = await this.crypto.hash(input1); for(let count1 = 0; count1 < iterations1 - 1; count1++)digest1 = await this.crypto.hash(digest1); return digest1; } } exports1.default = Silo1; class SiloResource1 { constructor(uri1, accessKey1, encryptionKey1){ this.uri = uri1, this.accessKey = accessKey1, this.encryptionKey = encryptionKey1; } getUri() { return this.uri; } getAccessKey() { return this.accessKey; } getEncryptionKey() { return this.encryptionKey; } } exports1.SiloResource = SiloResource1; }, 5385: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var __createBinding1 = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3); var desc1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m1, k3); (!desc1 || ("get" in desc1 ? !m1.__esModule : desc1.writable || desc1.configurable)) && (desc1 = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return m1[k3]; } }), Object.defineProperty(o1, k21, desc1); } : function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3), o1[k21] = m1[k3]; }), __setModuleDefault1 = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(o1, v3) { Object.defineProperty(o1, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: v3 }); } : function(o1, v3) { o1.default = v3; }), __importStar1 = this && this.__importStar || function(mod1) { if (mod1 && mod1.__esModule) return mod1; var result1 = {}; if (null != mod1) for(var k3 in mod1)"default" !== k3 && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod1, k3) && __createBinding1(result1, mod1, k3); return __setModuleDefault1(result1, mod1), result1; }, __await1 = this && this.__await || function(v3) { return this instanceof __await1 ? (this.v = v3, this) : new __await1(v3); }, __asyncGenerator1 = this && this.__asyncGenerator || function(thisArg1, _arguments1, generator1) { if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); var i2, g3 = generator1.apply(thisArg1, _arguments1 || []), q3 = []; return i2 = {}, verb1("next"), verb1("throw"), verb1("return"), i2[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() { return this; }, i2; function verb1(n2) { g3[n2] && (i2[n2] = function(v3) { return new Promise(function(a10, b10) { q3.push([ n2, v3, a10, b10 ]) > 1 || resume1(n2, v3); }); }); } function resume1(n2, v3) { try { step1(g3[n2](v3)); } catch (e1) { settle1(q3[0][3], e1); } } function step1(r3) { r3.value instanceof __await1 ? Promise.resolve(r3.value.v).then(fulfill1, reject1) : settle1(q3[0][2], r3); } function fulfill1(value1) { resume1("next", value1); } function reject1(value1) { resume1("throw", value1); } function settle1(f1, v3) { f1(v3), q3.shift(), q3.length && resume1(q3[0][0], q3[0][1]); } }, __importDefault1 = this && this.__importDefault || function(mod1) { return mod1 && mod1.__esModule ? mod1 : { default: mod1 }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); const error_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(2990)), transaction_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(7241)), ArweaveUtils1 = __importStar1(__webpack_require__1(5160)), transaction_uploader_11 = __webpack_require__1(4107); __webpack_require__1(1317); class Transactions1 { constructor(api1, crypto1, chunks1){ this.api = api1, this.crypto = crypto1, this.chunks = chunks1; } getTransactionAnchor() { return this.api.get("tx_anchor", { transformResponse: [] }).then((response1)=>response1.data); } getPrice(byteSize1, targetAddress1) { let endpoint1 = targetAddress1 ? `price/${byteSize1}/${targetAddress1}` : `price/${byteSize1}`; return this.api.get(endpoint1, { transformResponse: [ function(data1) { return data1; } ] }).then((response1)=>response1.data); } async get(id1) { const response1 = await this.api.get(`tx/${id1}`); if (200 == response1.status) { const data_size1 = parseInt(response1.data.data_size); if (response1.data.format >= 2 && data_size1 > 0 && data_size1 <= 12582912) { const data1 = await this.getData(id1); return new transaction_11.default(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, response1.data), { data: data1 })); } return new transaction_11.default(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, response1.data), { format: response1.data.format || 1 })); } if (404 == response1.status) throw new error_11.default("TX_NOT_FOUND"); if (410 == response1.status) throw new error_11.default("TX_FAILED"); throw new error_11.default("TX_INVALID"); } fromRaw(attributes1) { return new transaction_11.default(attributes1); } async search(tagName1, tagValue1) { return this.api.post("arql", { op: "equals", expr1: tagName1, expr2: tagValue1 }).then((response1)=>response1.data ? response1.data : []); } getStatus(id1) { return this.api.get(`tx/${id1}/status`).then((response1)=>200 == response1.status ? { status: 200, confirmed: response1.data } : { status: response1.status, confirmed: null }); } async getData(id1, options1) { let data1; try { data1 = await this.chunks.downloadChunkedData(id1); } catch (error1) { console.error(`Error while trying to download chunked data for ${id1}`), console.error(error1); } if (!data1) { console.warn(`Falling back to gateway cache for ${id1}`); try { data1 = (await this.api.get(`/${id1}`)).data; } catch (error1) { console.error(`Error while trying to download contiguous data from gateway cache for ${id1}`), console.error(error1); } } if (!data1) throw Error(`${id1} was not found!`); return options1 && options1.decode && !options1.string ? data1 : options1 && options1.decode && options1.string ? ArweaveUtils1.bufferToString(data1) : ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64Url(data1); } async sign(transaction1, jwk1, options1) { if (jwk1 || "undefined" != typeof window && window.arweaveWallet) { if (jwk1 && "use_wallet" !== jwk1) { transaction1.setOwner(jwk1.n); let dataToSign1 = await transaction1.getSignatureData(), rawSignature1 = await this.crypto.sign(jwk1, dataToSign1, options1), id1 = await this.crypto.hash(rawSignature1); transaction1.setSignature({ id: ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64Url(id1), owner: jwk1.n, signature: ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64Url(rawSignature1) }); } else { try { const existingPermissions1 = await window.arweaveWallet.getPermissions(); existingPermissions1.includes("SIGN_TRANSACTION") || await window.arweaveWallet.connect([ "SIGN_TRANSACTION" ]); } catch (_a1) {} const signedTransaction1 = await window.arweaveWallet.sign(transaction1, options1); transaction1.setSignature({ id: signedTransaction1.id, owner: signedTransaction1.owner, reward: signedTransaction1.reward, tags: signedTransaction1.tags, signature: signedTransaction1.signature }); } } else throw Error("A new Arweave transaction must provide the jwk parameter."); } async verify(transaction1) { const signaturePayload1 = await transaction1.getSignatureData(), rawSignature1 = transaction1.get("signature", { decode: !0, string: !1 }), expectedId1 = ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64Url(await this.crypto.hash(rawSignature1)); if (transaction1.id !== expectedId1) throw Error("Invalid transaction signature or ID! The transaction ID doesn't match the expected SHA-256 hash of the signature."); return this.crypto.verify(transaction1.owner, signaturePayload1, rawSignature1); } async post(transaction1) { if ("string" == typeof transaction1 ? transaction1 = new transaction_11.default(JSON.parse(transaction1)) : "function" == typeof transaction1.readInt32BE ? transaction1 = new transaction_11.default(JSON.parse(transaction1.toString())) : "object" != typeof transaction1 || transaction1 instanceof transaction_11.default || (transaction1 = new transaction_11.default(transaction1)), !(transaction1 instanceof transaction_11.default)) throw Error("Must be Transaction object"); transaction1.chunks || await transaction1.prepareChunks(transaction1.data); const uploader1 = await this.getUploader(transaction1, transaction1.data); try { for(; !uploader1.isComplete;)await uploader1.uploadChunk(); } catch (e1) { if (uploader1.lastResponseStatus > 0) return { status: uploader1.lastResponseStatus, statusText: uploader1.lastResponseError, data: { error: uploader1.lastResponseError } }; throw e1; } return { status: 200, statusText: "OK", data: {} }; } async getUploader(upload1, data1) { let uploader1; if (data1 instanceof ArrayBuffer && (data1 = new Uint8Array(data1)), upload1 instanceof transaction_11.default) { if (data1 || (data1 = upload1.data), !(data1 instanceof Uint8Array)) throw Error("Data format is invalid"); upload1.chunks || await upload1.prepareChunks(data1), (uploader1 = new transaction_uploader_11.TransactionUploader(this.api, upload1)).data && 0 !== uploader1.data.length || (uploader1.data = data1); } else { if ("string" == typeof upload1 && (upload1 = await transaction_uploader_11.TransactionUploader.fromTransactionId(this.api, upload1)), !data1 || !(data1 instanceof Uint8Array)) throw Error("Must provide data when resuming upload"); uploader1 = await transaction_uploader_11.TransactionUploader.fromSerialized(this.api, upload1, data1); } return uploader1; } upload(upload1, data1) { return __asyncGenerator1(this, arguments, function*() { const uploader1 = yield __await1(this.getUploader(upload1, data1)); for(; !uploader1.isComplete;)yield __await1(uploader1.uploadChunk()), yield yield __await1(uploader1); return yield __await1(uploader1); }); } } exports1.default = Transactions1; }, 8379: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var __createBinding1 = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3); var desc1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m1, k3); (!desc1 || ("get" in desc1 ? !m1.__esModule : desc1.writable || desc1.configurable)) && (desc1 = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return m1[k3]; } }), Object.defineProperty(o1, k21, desc1); } : function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3), o1[k21] = m1[k3]; }), __setModuleDefault1 = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(o1, v3) { Object.defineProperty(o1, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: v3 }); } : function(o1, v3) { o1.default = v3; }), __importStar1 = this && this.__importStar || function(mod1) { if (mod1 && mod1.__esModule) return mod1; var result1 = {}; if (null != mod1) for(var k3 in mod1)"default" !== k3 && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod1, k3) && __createBinding1(result1, mod1, k3); return __setModuleDefault1(result1, mod1), result1; }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); const ArweaveUtils1 = __importStar1(__webpack_require__1(5160)); __webpack_require__1(1317); class Wallets1 { constructor(api1, crypto1){ this.api = api1, this.crypto = crypto1; } getBalance(address1) { return this.api.get(`wallet/${address1}/balance`, { transformResponse: [ function(data1) { return data1; } ] }).then((response1)=>response1.data); } getLastTransactionID(address1) { return this.api.get(`wallet/${address1}/last_tx`).then((response1)=>response1.data); } generate() { return this.crypto.generateJWK(); } async jwkToAddress(jwk1) { return jwk1 && "use_wallet" !== jwk1 ? this.getAddress(jwk1) : this.getAddress(); } async getAddress(jwk1) { if (jwk1 && "use_wallet" !== jwk1) return this.ownerToAddress(jwk1.n); try { await window.arweaveWallet.connect([ "ACCESS_ADDRESS" ]); } catch (_a1) {} return window.arweaveWallet.getActiveAddress(); } async ownerToAddress(owner1) { return ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64Url(await this.crypto.hash(ArweaveUtils1.b64UrlToBuffer(owner1))); } } exports1.default = Wallets1; }, 4586: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); const bignumber_js_11 = __webpack_require__1(4431); class Ar1 { constructor(){ this.BigNum = (value1, decimals1)=>new (bignumber_js_11.BigNumber.clone({ DECIMAL_PLACES: decimals1 }))(value1); } winstonToAr(winstonString1, { formatted: formatted1 = !1, decimals: decimals1 = 12, trim: trim1 = !0 } = {}) { let number1 = this.stringToBigNum(winstonString1, decimals1).shiftedBy(-12); return formatted1 ? number1.toFormat(decimals1) : number1.toFixed(decimals1); } arToWinston(arString1, { formatted: formatted1 = !1 } = {}) { let number1 = this.stringToBigNum(arString1).shiftedBy(12); return formatted1 ? number1.toFormat() : number1.toFixed(0); } compare(winstonStringA1, winstonStringB1) { let a10 = this.stringToBigNum(winstonStringA1), b10 = this.stringToBigNum(winstonStringB1); return a10.comparedTo(b10); } isEqual(winstonStringA1, winstonStringB1) { return 0 === this.compare(winstonStringA1, winstonStringB1); } isLessThan(winstonStringA1, winstonStringB1) { let a10 = this.stringToBigNum(winstonStringA1), b10 = this.stringToBigNum(winstonStringB1); return a10.isLessThan(b10); } isGreaterThan(winstonStringA1, winstonStringB1) { let a10 = this.stringToBigNum(winstonStringA1), b10 = this.stringToBigNum(winstonStringB1); return a10.isGreaterThan(b10); } add(winstonStringA1, winstonStringB1) { let a10 = this.stringToBigNum(winstonStringA1); return this.stringToBigNum(winstonStringB1), a10.plus(winstonStringB1).toFixed(0); } sub(winstonStringA1, winstonStringB1) { let a10 = this.stringToBigNum(winstonStringA1); return this.stringToBigNum(winstonStringB1), a10.minus(winstonStringB1).toFixed(0); } stringToBigNum(stringValue1, decimalPlaces1 = 12) { return this.BigNum(stringValue1, decimalPlaces1); } } exports1.default = Ar1; }, 3759: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); const error_11 = __webpack_require__1(5498); __webpack_require__1(1317); class Blocks1 { constructor(api1, network1){ this.api = api1, this.network = network1; } async get(indepHash1) { const response1 = await this.api.get(`${Blocks1.ENDPOINT}${indepHash1}`); if (200 === response1.status) return response1.data; if (404 === response1.status) throw new error_11.default("BLOCK_NOT_FOUND"); throw Error(`Error while loading block data: ${response1}`); } async getCurrent() { const { current: current1 } = await this.network.getInfo(); return await this.get(current1); } } exports1.default = Blocks1, Blocks1.ENDPOINT = "block/hash/"; }, 6879: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); const error_11 = __webpack_require__1(5498), ArweaveUtils1 = __webpack_require__1(8244); class Chunks1 { constructor(api1){ this.api = api1; } async getTransactionOffset(id1) { const resp1 = await this.api.get(`tx/${id1}/offset`); if (200 === resp1.status) return resp1.data; throw Error(`Unable to get transaction offset: ${(0, error_11.getError)(resp1)}`); } async getChunk(offset1) { const resp1 = await this.api.get(`chunk/${offset1}`); if (200 === resp1.status) return resp1.data; throw Error(`Unable to get chunk: ${(0, error_11.getError)(resp1)}`); } async getChunkData(offset1) { const chunk1 = await this.getChunk(offset1), buf1 = ArweaveUtils1.b64UrlToBuffer(chunk1.chunk); return buf1; } firstChunkOffset(offsetResponse1) { return parseInt(offsetResponse1.offset) - parseInt(offsetResponse1.size) + 1; } async downloadChunkedData(id1) { const offsetResponse1 = await this.getTransactionOffset(id1), size1 = parseInt(offsetResponse1.size), endOffset1 = parseInt(offsetResponse1.offset), startOffset1 = endOffset1 - size1 + 1, data1 = new Uint8Array(size1); let byte1 = 0; for(; byte1 < size1;){ let chunkData1; this.api.config.logging && console.log(`[chunk] ${byte1}/${size1}`); try { chunkData1 = await this.getChunkData(startOffset1 + byte1); } catch (error1) { console.error(`[chunk] Failed to fetch chunk at offset ${startOffset1 + byte1}`), console.error("[chunk] This could indicate that the chunk wasn't uploaded or hasn't yet seeded properly to a particular gateway/node"); } if (chunkData1) data1.set(chunkData1, byte1), byte1 += chunkData1.length; else throw Error(`Couldn't complete data download at ${byte1}/${size1}`); } return data1; } } exports1.default = Chunks1; }, 536: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); const ar_11 = __webpack_require__1(4586), api_11 = __webpack_require__1(6874), node_driver_11 = __webpack_require__1(9363), network_11 = __webpack_require__1(2248), transactions_11 = __webpack_require__1(6935), wallets_11 = __webpack_require__1(7927), transaction_11 = __webpack_require__1(7825), ArweaveUtils1 = __webpack_require__1(8244), silo_11 = __webpack_require__1(1243), chunks_11 = __webpack_require__1(6879), blocks_11 = __webpack_require__1(3759); class Arweave1 { constructor(apiConfig1){ this.api = new api_11.default(apiConfig1), this.wallets = new wallets_11.default(this.api, Arweave1.crypto), this.chunks = new chunks_11.default(this.api), this.transactions = new transactions_11.default(this.api, Arweave1.crypto, this.chunks), this.silo = new silo_11.default(this.api, this.crypto, this.transactions), this.network = new network_11.default(this.api), this.blocks = new blocks_11.default(this.api, this.network), this.ar = new ar_11.default(); } get crypto() { return Arweave1.crypto; } get utils() { return Arweave1.utils; } getConfig() { return { api: this.api.getConfig(), crypto: null }; } async createTransaction(attributes1, jwk1) { const transaction1 = {}; if (Object.assign(transaction1, attributes1), !attributes1.data && !(attributes1.target && attributes1.quantity)) throw Error("A new Arweave transaction must have a 'data' value, or 'target' and 'quantity' values."); if (void 0 == attributes1.owner && jwk1 && "use_wallet" !== jwk1 && (transaction1.owner = jwk1.n), void 0 == attributes1.last_tx && (transaction1.last_tx = await this.transactions.getTransactionAnchor()), "string" == typeof attributes1.data && (attributes1.data = ArweaveUtils1.stringToBuffer(attributes1.data)), attributes1.data instanceof ArrayBuffer && (attributes1.data = new Uint8Array(attributes1.data)), attributes1.data && !(attributes1.data instanceof Uint8Array)) throw Error("Expected data to be a string, Uint8Array or ArrayBuffer"); if (void 0 == attributes1.reward) { const length1 = attributes1.data ? attributes1.data.byteLength : 0; transaction1.reward = await this.transactions.getPrice(length1, transaction1.target); } transaction1.data_root = "", transaction1.data_size = attributes1.data ? attributes1.data.byteLength.toString() : "0", transaction1.data = attributes1.data || new Uint8Array(0); const createdTransaction1 = new transaction_11.default(transaction1); return await createdTransaction1.getSignatureData(), createdTransaction1; } async createSiloTransaction(attributes1, jwk1, siloUri1) { const transaction1 = {}; if (Object.assign(transaction1, attributes1), !attributes1.data) throw Error("Silo transactions must have a 'data' value"); if (!siloUri1) throw Error("No Silo URI specified."); if (attributes1.target || attributes1.quantity) throw Error("Silo transactions can only be used for storing data, sending AR to other wallets isn't supported."); if (void 0 == attributes1.owner) { if (!jwk1 || !jwk1.n) throw Error("A new Arweave transaction must either have an 'owner' attribute, or you must provide the jwk parameter."); transaction1.owner = jwk1.n; } void 0 == attributes1.last_tx && (transaction1.last_tx = await this.transactions.getTransactionAnchor()); const siloResource1 = await this.silo.parseUri(siloUri1); if ("string" == typeof attributes1.data) { const encrypted1 = await this.crypto.encrypt(ArweaveUtils1.stringToBuffer(attributes1.data), siloResource1.getEncryptionKey()); transaction1.reward = await this.transactions.getPrice(encrypted1.byteLength), transaction1.data = ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64Url(encrypted1); } if (attributes1.data instanceof Uint8Array) { const encrypted1 = await this.crypto.encrypt(attributes1.data, siloResource1.getEncryptionKey()); transaction1.reward = await this.transactions.getPrice(encrypted1.byteLength), transaction1.data = ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64Url(encrypted1); } const siloTransaction1 = new transaction_11.default(transaction1); return siloTransaction1.addTag("Silo-Name", siloResource1.getAccessKey()), siloTransaction1.addTag("Silo-Version", "0.1.0"), siloTransaction1; } arql(query1) { return this.api.post("/arql", query1).then((response1)=>response1.data || []); } } exports1.default = Arweave1, Arweave1.crypto = new node_driver_11.default(), Arweave1.utils = ArweaveUtils1; }, 7386: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var __createBinding1 = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3); var desc1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m1, k3); (!desc1 || ("get" in desc1 ? !m1.__esModule : desc1.writable || desc1.configurable)) && (desc1 = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return m1[k3]; } }), Object.defineProperty(o1, k21, desc1); } : function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3), o1[k21] = m1[k3]; }), __exportStar1 = this && this.__exportStar || function(m1, exports1) { for(var p3 in m1)"default" === p3 || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(exports1, p3) || __createBinding1(exports1, m1, p3); }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); const common_11 = __webpack_require__1(536); common_11.default.init = function(apiConfig1 = {}) { function getDefaultConfig1() { const defaults1 = { host: "arweave.net", port: 443, protocol: "https" }; if (!window || !window.location || !window.location.protocol || !window.location.hostname) return defaults1; const currentProtocol1 = window.location.protocol.replace(":", ""), currentHost1 = window.location.hostname, currentPort1 = window.location.port ? parseInt(window.location.port) : "https" == currentProtocol1 ? 443 : 80, isLocal1 = [ "localhost", "" ].includes(currentHost1) || "file" == currentProtocol1; return isLocal1 ? defaults1 : { host: currentHost1, port: currentPort1, protocol: currentProtocol1 }; } const defaultConfig1 = getDefaultConfig1(), protocol1 = apiConfig1.protocol || defaultConfig1.protocol, host1 = apiConfig1.host || defaultConfig1.host, port1 = apiConfig1.port || defaultConfig1.port; return new common_11.default(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, apiConfig1), { host: host1, protocol: protocol1, port: port1 })); }, window.Arweave = common_11.default, __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(536), exports1), exports1.default = common_11.default; }, 6874: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); const axios_11 = __webpack_require__1(9669); class Api1 { constructor(config3){ this.METHOD_GET = "GET", this.METHOD_POST = "POST", this.applyConfig(config3); } applyConfig(config3) { this.config = this.mergeDefaults(config3); } getConfig() { return this.config; } mergeDefaults(config3) { const protocol1 = config3.protocol || "http", port1 = config3.port || ("https" === protocol1 ? 443 : 80); return { host: config3.host || "", protocol: protocol1, port: port1, timeout: config3.timeout || 20000, logging: config3.logging || !1, logger: config3.logger || console.log, network: config3.network }; } async get(endpoint1, config3) { try { return await this.request().get(endpoint1, config3); } catch (error1) { if (error1.response && error1.response.status) return error1.response; throw error1; } } async post(endpoint1, body1, config3) { try { return await this.request().post(endpoint1, body1, config3); } catch (error1) { if (error1.response && error1.response.status) return error1.response; throw error1; } } request() { const headers1 = {}; this.config.network && (headers1["x-network"] = this.config.network); let instance1 = axios_11.default.create({ baseURL: `${this.config.protocol}://${this.config.host}:${this.config.port}`, timeout: this.config.timeout, maxContentLength: 536870912, headers: headers1 }); return this.config.logging && (instance1.interceptors.request.use((request1)=>(this.config.logger(`Requesting: ${request1.baseURL}/${request1.url}`), request1)), instance1.interceptors.response.use((response1)=>(this.config.logger(`Response: ${response1.config.url} - ${response1.status}`), response1))), instance1; } } exports1.default = Api1; }, 9363: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); const ArweaveUtils1 = __webpack_require__1(8244); class WebCryptoDriver1 { constructor(){ if (this.keyLength = 4096, this.publicExponent = 0x10001, this.hashAlgorithm = "sha256", !this.detectWebCrypto()) throw Error("SubtleCrypto not available!"); this.driver = crypto.subtle; } async generateJWK() { let cryptoKey1 = await this.driver.generateKey({ name: "RSA-PSS", modulusLength: 4096, publicExponent: new Uint8Array([ 0x01, 0x00, 0x01 ]), hash: { name: "SHA-256" } }, !0, [ "sign" ]), jwk1 = await this.driver.exportKey("jwk", cryptoKey1.privateKey); return { kty: jwk1.kty, e: jwk1.e, n: jwk1.n, d: jwk1.d, p: jwk1.p, q: jwk1.q, dp: jwk1.dp, dq: jwk1.dq, qi: jwk1.qi }; } async sign(jwk1, data1, { saltLength: saltLength1 } = {}) { let signature1 = await this.driver.sign({ name: "RSA-PSS", saltLength: 32 }, await this.jwkToCryptoKey(jwk1), data1); return new Uint8Array(signature1); } async hash(data1, algorithm1 = "SHA-256") { let digest1 = await this.driver.digest(algorithm1, data1); return new Uint8Array(digest1); } async verify(publicModulus1, data1, signature1) { const publicKey1 = { kty: "RSA", e: "AQAB", n: publicModulus1 }, key1 = await this.jwkToPublicCryptoKey(publicKey1), verifyWith321 = this.driver.verify({ name: "RSA-PSS", saltLength: 32 }, key1, signature1, data1), verifyWith01 = this.driver.verify({ name: "RSA-PSS", saltLength: 0 }, key1, signature1, data1); return verifyWith321 || verifyWith01; } async jwkToCryptoKey(jwk1) { return this.driver.importKey("jwk", jwk1, { name: "RSA-PSS", hash: { name: "SHA-256" } }, !1, [ "sign" ]); } async jwkToPublicCryptoKey(publicJwk1) { return this.driver.importKey("jwk", publicJwk1, { name: "RSA-PSS", hash: { name: "SHA-256" } }, !1, [ "verify" ]); } detectWebCrypto() { if ("undefined" == typeof crypto) return !1; const subtle1 = null == crypto ? void 0 : crypto.subtle; if (void 0 === subtle1) return !1; const names1 = [ "generateKey", "importKey", "exportKey", "digest", "sign" ]; return names1.every((name1)=>"function" == typeof subtle1[name1]); } async encrypt(data1, key1, salt1) { const initialKey1 = await this.driver.importKey("raw", "string" == typeof key1 ? ArweaveUtils1.stringToBuffer(key1) : key1, { name: "PBKDF2", length: 32 }, !1, [ "deriveKey" ]), derivedkey1 = await this.driver.deriveKey({ name: "PBKDF2", salt: salt1 ? ArweaveUtils1.stringToBuffer(salt1) : ArweaveUtils1.stringToBuffer("salt"), iterations: 100000, hash: "SHA-256" }, initialKey1, { name: "AES-CBC", length: 256 }, !1, [ "encrypt", "decrypt" ]), iv1 = new Uint8Array(16); crypto.getRandomValues(iv1); const encryptedData1 = await this.driver.encrypt({ name: "AES-CBC", iv: iv1 }, derivedkey1, data1); return ArweaveUtils1.concatBuffers([ iv1, encryptedData1 ]); } async decrypt(encrypted1, key1, salt1) { const initialKey1 = await this.driver.importKey("raw", "string" == typeof key1 ? ArweaveUtils1.stringToBuffer(key1) : key1, { name: "PBKDF2", length: 32 }, !1, [ "deriveKey" ]), derivedkey1 = await this.driver.deriveKey({ name: "PBKDF2", salt: salt1 ? ArweaveUtils1.stringToBuffer(salt1) : ArweaveUtils1.stringToBuffer("salt"), iterations: 100000, hash: "SHA-256" }, initialKey1, { name: "AES-CBC", length: 256 }, !1, [ "encrypt", "decrypt" ]), iv1 = encrypted1.slice(0, 16), data1 = await this.driver.decrypt({ name: "AES-CBC", iv: iv1 }, derivedkey1, encrypted1.slice(16)); return ArweaveUtils1.concatBuffers([ data1 ]); } } exports1.default = WebCryptoDriver1; }, 921: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); const common_11 = __webpack_require__1(536); async function deepHash1(data1) { if (Array.isArray(data1)) { const tag1 = common_11.default.utils.concatBuffers([ common_11.default.utils.stringToBuffer("list"), common_11.default.utils.stringToBuffer(data1.length.toString()) ]); return await deepHashChunks1(data1, await common_11.default.crypto.hash(tag1, "SHA-384")); } const tag1 = common_11.default.utils.concatBuffers([ common_11.default.utils.stringToBuffer("blob"), common_11.default.utils.stringToBuffer(data1.byteLength.toString()) ]), taggedHash1 = common_11.default.utils.concatBuffers([ await common_11.default.crypto.hash(tag1, "SHA-384"), await common_11.default.crypto.hash(data1, "SHA-384") ]); return await common_11.default.crypto.hash(taggedHash1, "SHA-384"); } async function deepHashChunks1(chunks1, acc1) { if (chunks1.length < 1) return acc1; const hashPair1 = common_11.default.utils.concatBuffers([ acc1, await deepHash1(chunks1[0]) ]), newAcc1 = await common_11.default.crypto.hash(hashPair1, "SHA-384"); return await deepHashChunks1(chunks1.slice(1), newAcc1); } exports1.default = deepHash1; }, 5498: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.getError = void 0; class ArweaveError1 extends Error { constructor(type1, optional1 = {}){ optional1.message ? super(optional1.message) : super(), this.type = type1, this.response = optional1.response; } getType() { return this.type; } } function getError1(resp1) { let data1 = resp1.data; if ("string" == typeof resp1.data) try { data1 = JSON.parse(resp1.data); } catch (e1) {} if (resp1.data instanceof ArrayBuffer || resp1.data instanceof Uint8Array) try { data1 = JSON.parse(data1.toString()); } catch (e1) {} return data1 ? data1.error || data1 : resp1.statusText || "unknown"; } exports1.default = ArweaveError1, exports1.getError = getError1; }, 8224: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var Buffer1 = __webpack_require__1(8764).Buffer; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.debug = exports1.validatePath = exports1.arrayCompare = exports1.bufferToInt = exports1.intToBuffer = exports1.arrayFlatten = exports1.generateProofs = exports1.buildLayers = exports1.generateTransactionChunks = exports1.generateTree = exports1.computeRootHash = exports1.generateLeaves = exports1.chunkData = exports1.MIN_CHUNK_SIZE = exports1.MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = void 0; const common_11 = __webpack_require__1(536), utils_11 = __webpack_require__1(8244); exports1.MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 262144, exports1.MIN_CHUNK_SIZE = 32768; const NOTE_SIZE1 = 32, HASH_SIZE1 = 32; async function chunkData1(data1) { let chunks1 = [], rest1 = data1, cursor1 = 0; for(; rest1.byteLength >= exports1.MAX_CHUNK_SIZE;){ let chunkSize1 = exports1.MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, nextChunkSize1 = rest1.byteLength - exports1.MAX_CHUNK_SIZE; nextChunkSize1 > 0 && nextChunkSize1 < exports1.MIN_CHUNK_SIZE && (chunkSize1 = Math.ceil(rest1.byteLength / 2)); const chunk1 = rest1.slice(0, chunkSize1), dataHash1 = await common_11.default.crypto.hash(chunk1); cursor1 += chunk1.byteLength, chunks1.push({ dataHash: dataHash1, minByteRange: cursor1 - chunk1.byteLength, maxByteRange: cursor1 }), rest1 = rest1.slice(chunkSize1); } return chunks1.push({ dataHash: await common_11.default.crypto.hash(rest1), minByteRange: cursor1, maxByteRange: cursor1 + rest1.byteLength }), chunks1; } async function generateLeaves1(chunks1) { return Promise.all(chunks1.map(async ({ dataHash: dataHash1, minByteRange: minByteRange1, maxByteRange: maxByteRange1 })=>({ type: "leaf", id: await hash1(await Promise.all([ hash1(dataHash1), hash1(intToBuffer1(maxByteRange1)) ])), dataHash: dataHash1, minByteRange: minByteRange1, maxByteRange: maxByteRange1 }))); } async function computeRootHash1(data1) { const rootNode1 = await generateTree1(data1); return rootNode1.id; } async function generateTree1(data1) { const rootNode1 = await buildLayers1(await generateLeaves1(await chunkData1(data1))); return rootNode1; } async function generateTransactionChunks1(data1) { const chunks1 = await chunkData1(data1), leaves1 = await generateLeaves1(chunks1), root1 = await buildLayers1(leaves1), proofs1 = await generateProofs1(root1), lastChunk1 = chunks1.slice(-1)[0]; return lastChunk1.maxByteRange - lastChunk1.minByteRange == 0 && (chunks1.splice(chunks1.length - 1, 1), proofs1.splice(proofs1.length - 1, 1)), { data_root: root1.id, chunks: chunks1, proofs: proofs1 }; } async function buildLayers1(nodes1, level1 = 0) { if (nodes1.length < 2) { const root1 = nodes1[0]; return root1; } const nextLayer1 = []; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < nodes1.length; i2 += 2)nextLayer1.push(await hashBranch1(nodes1[i2], nodes1[i2 + 1])); return buildLayers1(nextLayer1, level1 + 1); } function generateProofs1(root1) { const proofs1 = resolveBranchProofs1(root1); return Array.isArray(proofs1) ? arrayFlatten1(proofs1) : [ proofs1 ]; } function resolveBranchProofs1(node1, proof1 = new Uint8Array(), depth1 = 0) { if ("leaf" == node1.type) return { offset: node1.maxByteRange - 1, proof: (0, utils_11.concatBuffers)([ proof1, node1.dataHash, intToBuffer1(node1.maxByteRange) ]) }; if ("branch" == node1.type) { const partialProof1 = (0, utils_11.concatBuffers)([ proof1, node1.leftChild.id, node1.rightChild.id, intToBuffer1(node1.byteRange) ]); return [ resolveBranchProofs1(node1.leftChild, partialProof1, depth1 + 1), resolveBranchProofs1(node1.rightChild, partialProof1, depth1 + 1) ]; } throw Error("Unexpected node type"); } function arrayFlatten1(input1) { const flat1 = []; return input1.forEach((item1)=>{ Array.isArray(item1) ? flat1.push(...arrayFlatten1(item1)) : flat1.push(item1); }), flat1; } async function hashBranch1(left1, right1) { return right1 ? { type: "branch", id: await hash1([ await hash1(left1.id), await hash1(right1.id), await hash1(intToBuffer1(left1.maxByteRange)) ]), byteRange: left1.maxByteRange, maxByteRange: right1.maxByteRange, leftChild: left1, rightChild: right1 } : left1; } async function hash1(data1) { return Array.isArray(data1) && (data1 = common_11.default.utils.concatBuffers(data1)), new Uint8Array(await common_11.default.crypto.hash(data1)); } function intToBuffer1(note1) { const buffer1 = new Uint8Array(NOTE_SIZE1); for(var i2 = buffer1.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--){ var byte1 = note1 % 256; buffer1[i2] = byte1, note1 = (note1 - byte1) / 256; } return buffer1; } function bufferToInt1(buffer1) { let value1 = 0; for(var i2 = 0; i2 < buffer1.length; i2++)value1 *= 256, value1 += buffer1[i2]; return value1; } exports1.chunkData = chunkData1, exports1.generateLeaves = generateLeaves1, exports1.computeRootHash = computeRootHash1, exports1.generateTree = generateTree1, exports1.generateTransactionChunks = generateTransactionChunks1, exports1.buildLayers = buildLayers1, exports1.generateProofs = generateProofs1, exports1.arrayFlatten = arrayFlatten1, exports1.intToBuffer = intToBuffer1, exports1.bufferToInt = bufferToInt1; const arrayCompare1 = (a10, b10)=>a10.every((value1, index1)=>b10[index1] === value1); async function validatePath1(id1, dest1, leftBound1, rightBound1, path1) { if (rightBound1 <= 0) return !1; if (dest1 >= rightBound1) return validatePath1(id1, 0, rightBound1 - 1, rightBound1, path1); if (dest1 < 0) return validatePath1(id1, 0, 0, rightBound1, path1); if (path1.length == HASH_SIZE1 + NOTE_SIZE1) { const pathData1 = path1.slice(0, HASH_SIZE1), endOffsetBuffer1 = path1.slice(pathData1.length, pathData1.length + NOTE_SIZE1), pathDataHash1 = await hash1([ await hash1(pathData1), await hash1(endOffsetBuffer1) ]); return !!(0, exports1.arrayCompare)(id1, pathDataHash1) && { offset: rightBound1 - 1, leftBound: leftBound1, rightBound: rightBound1, chunkSize: rightBound1 - leftBound1 }; } const left1 = path1.slice(0, HASH_SIZE1), right1 = path1.slice(left1.length, left1.length + HASH_SIZE1), offsetBuffer1 = path1.slice(left1.length + right1.length, left1.length + right1.length + NOTE_SIZE1), offset1 = bufferToInt1(offsetBuffer1), remainder1 = path1.slice(left1.length + right1.length + offsetBuffer1.length), pathHash1 = await hash1([ await hash1(left1), await hash1(right1), await hash1(offsetBuffer1) ]); return !!(0, exports1.arrayCompare)(id1, pathHash1) && (dest1 < offset1 ? await validatePath1(left1, dest1, leftBound1, Math.min(rightBound1, offset1), remainder1) : await validatePath1(right1, dest1, Math.max(leftBound1, offset1), rightBound1, remainder1)); } async function debug1(proof1, output1 = "") { if (proof1.byteLength < 1) return output1; const left1 = proof1.slice(0, HASH_SIZE1), right1 = proof1.slice(left1.length, left1.length + HASH_SIZE1), offsetBuffer1 = proof1.slice(left1.length + right1.length, left1.length + right1.length + NOTE_SIZE1), offset1 = bufferToInt1(offsetBuffer1), remainder1 = proof1.slice(left1.length + right1.length + offsetBuffer1.length), pathHash1 = await hash1([ await hash1(left1), await hash1(right1), await hash1(offsetBuffer1) ]), updatedOutput1 = `${output1}\n${JSON.stringify(Buffer1.from(left1))},${JSON.stringify(Buffer1.from(right1))},${offset1} => ${JSON.stringify(pathHash1)}`; return debug1(remainder1, updatedOutput1); } exports1.arrayCompare = arrayCompare1, exports1.validatePath = validatePath1, exports1.debug = debug1; }, 1246: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.TransactionUploader = void 0; const transaction_11 = __webpack_require__1(7825), ArweaveUtils1 = __webpack_require__1(8244), error_11 = __webpack_require__1(5498), merkle_11 = __webpack_require__1(8224), MAX_CHUNKS_IN_BODY1 = 1, FATAL_CHUNK_UPLOAD_ERRORS1 = [ "invalid_json", "chunk_too_big", "data_path_too_big", "offset_too_big", "data_size_too_big", "chunk_proof_ratio_not_attractive", "invalid_proof" ], ERROR_DELAY1 = 40000; class TransactionUploader1 { constructor(api1, transaction1){ if (this.api = api1, this.chunkIndex = 0, this.txPosted = !1, this.lastRequestTimeEnd = 0, this.totalErrors = 0, this.lastResponseStatus = 0, this.lastResponseError = "", !transaction1.id) throw Error("Transaction is not signed"); if (!transaction1.chunks) throw Error("Transaction chunks not prepared"); this.data = transaction1.data, this.transaction = new transaction_11.default(Object.assign({}, transaction1, { data: new Uint8Array(0) })); } get isComplete() { return this.txPosted && this.chunkIndex === this.transaction.chunks.chunks.length; } get totalChunks() { return this.transaction.chunks.chunks.length; } get uploadedChunks() { return this.chunkIndex; } get pctComplete() { return Math.trunc(this.uploadedChunks / this.totalChunks * 100); } async uploadChunk(chunkIndex_1) { if (this.isComplete) throw Error("Upload is already complete"); if ("" !== this.lastResponseError ? this.totalErrors++ : this.totalErrors = 0, 100 === this.totalErrors) throw Error(`Unable to complete upload: ${this.lastResponseStatus}: ${this.lastResponseError}`); let delay1 = "" === this.lastResponseError ? 0 : Math.max(this.lastRequestTimeEnd + ERROR_DELAY1 - Date.now(), ERROR_DELAY1); if (delay1 > 0 && (delay1 -= delay1 * Math.random() * 0.3, await new Promise((res1)=>setTimeout(res1, delay1))), this.lastResponseError = "", !this.txPosted) { await this.postTransaction(); return; } chunkIndex_1 && (this.chunkIndex = chunkIndex_1); const chunk1 = this.transaction.getChunk(chunkIndex_1 || this.chunkIndex, this.data), chunkOk1 = await (0, merkle_11.validatePath)(this.transaction.chunks.data_root, parseInt(chunk1.offset), 0, parseInt(chunk1.data_size), ArweaveUtils1.b64UrlToBuffer(chunk1.data_path)); if (!chunkOk1) throw Error(`Unable to validate chunk ${this.chunkIndex}`); const resp1 = await this.api.post("chunk", this.transaction.getChunk(this.chunkIndex, this.data)).catch((e1)=>(console.error(e1.message), { status: -1, data: { error: e1.message } })); if (this.lastRequestTimeEnd = Date.now(), this.lastResponseStatus = resp1.status, 200 == this.lastResponseStatus) this.chunkIndex++; else if (this.lastResponseError = (0, error_11.getError)(resp1), FATAL_CHUNK_UPLOAD_ERRORS1.includes(this.lastResponseError)) throw Error(`Fatal error uploading chunk ${this.chunkIndex}: ${this.lastResponseError}`); } static async fromSerialized(api1, serialized1, data1) { if (!serialized1 || "number" != typeof serialized1.chunkIndex || "object" != typeof serialized1.transaction) throw Error("Serialized object does not match expected format."); var transaction1 = new transaction_11.default(serialized1.transaction); transaction1.chunks || await transaction1.prepareChunks(data1); const upload1 = new TransactionUploader1(api1, transaction1); if (upload1.chunkIndex = serialized1.chunkIndex, upload1.lastRequestTimeEnd = serialized1.lastRequestTimeEnd, upload1.lastResponseError = serialized1.lastResponseError, upload1.lastResponseStatus = serialized1.lastResponseStatus, upload1.txPosted = serialized1.txPosted, upload1.data = data1, upload1.transaction.data_root !== serialized1.transaction.data_root) throw Error("Data mismatch: Uploader doesn't match provided data."); return upload1; } static async fromTransactionId(api1, id1) { const resp1 = await api1.get(`tx/${id1}`); if (200 !== resp1.status) throw Error(`Tx ${id1} not found: ${resp1.status}`); const transaction1 = resp1.data; transaction1.data = new Uint8Array(0); const serialized1 = { txPosted: !0, chunkIndex: 0, lastResponseError: "", lastRequestTimeEnd: 0, lastResponseStatus: 0, transaction: transaction1 }; return serialized1; } toJSON() { return { chunkIndex: this.chunkIndex, transaction: this.transaction, lastRequestTimeEnd: this.lastRequestTimeEnd, lastResponseStatus: this.lastResponseStatus, lastResponseError: this.lastResponseError, txPosted: this.txPosted }; } async postTransaction() { const uploadInBody1 = this.totalChunks <= MAX_CHUNKS_IN_BODY1; if (uploadInBody1) { this.transaction.data = this.data; const resp1 = await this.api.post("tx", this.transaction).catch((e1)=>(console.error(e1), { status: -1, data: { error: e1.message } })); if (this.lastRequestTimeEnd = Date.now(), this.lastResponseStatus = resp1.status, this.transaction.data = new Uint8Array(0), resp1.status >= 200 && resp1.status < 300) { this.txPosted = !0, this.chunkIndex = MAX_CHUNKS_IN_BODY1; return; } throw this.lastResponseError = (0, error_11.getError)(resp1), Error(`Unable to upload transaction: ${resp1.status}, ${this.lastResponseError}`); } const resp1 = await this.api.post("tx", this.transaction); if (this.lastRequestTimeEnd = Date.now(), this.lastResponseStatus = resp1.status, !(resp1.status >= 200 && resp1.status < 300)) throw this.lastResponseError = (0, error_11.getError)(resp1), Error(`Unable to upload transaction: ${resp1.status}, ${this.lastResponseError}`); this.txPosted = !0; } } exports1.TransactionUploader = TransactionUploader1; }, 7825: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.Tag = void 0; const ArweaveUtils1 = __webpack_require__1(8244), deepHash_11 = __webpack_require__1(921), merkle_11 = __webpack_require__1(8224); class BaseObject1 { get(field1, options1) { if (!Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this).includes(field1)) throw Error(`Field "${field1}" is not a property of the Arweave Transaction class.`); return this[field1] instanceof Uint8Array ? options1 && options1.decode && options1.string ? ArweaveUtils1.bufferToString(this[field1]) : options1 && options1.decode && !options1.string ? this[field1] : ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64Url(this[field1]) : options1 && !0 == options1.decode ? options1 && options1.string ? ArweaveUtils1.b64UrlToString(this[field1]) : ArweaveUtils1.b64UrlToBuffer(this[field1]) : this[field1]; } } class Tag1 extends BaseObject1 { constructor(name1, value1, decode1 = !1){ super(), this.name = name1, this.value = value1; } } exports1.Tag = Tag1; class Transaction1 extends BaseObject1 { constructor(attributes1 = {}){ super(), this.format = 2, this.id = "", this.last_tx = "", this.owner = "", this.tags = [], this.target = "", this.quantity = "0", this.data_size = "0", this.data = new Uint8Array(), this.data_root = "", this.reward = "0", this.signature = "", Object.assign(this, attributes1), "string" == typeof this.data && (this.data = ArweaveUtils1.b64UrlToBuffer(this.data)), attributes1.tags && (this.tags = attributes1.tags.map((tag1)=>new Tag1(tag1.name, tag1.value))); } addTag(name1, value1) { this.tags.push(new Tag1(ArweaveUtils1.stringToB64Url(name1), ArweaveUtils1.stringToB64Url(value1))); } toJSON() { return { format: this.format, id: this.id, last_tx: this.last_tx, owner: this.owner, tags: this.tags, target: this.target, quantity: this.quantity, data: ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64Url(this.data), data_size: this.data_size, data_root: this.data_root, data_tree: this.data_tree, reward: this.reward, signature: this.signature }; } setOwner(owner1) { this.owner = owner1; } setSignature({ id: id1, owner: owner1, reward: reward1, tags: tags1, signature: signature1 }) { this.id = id1, this.owner = owner1, reward1 && (this.reward = reward1), tags1 && (this.tags = tags1), this.signature = signature1; } async prepareChunks(data1) { !this.chunks && data1.byteLength > 0 && (this.chunks = await (0, merkle_11.generateTransactionChunks)(data1), this.data_root = ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64Url(this.chunks.data_root)), this.chunks || 0 !== data1.byteLength || (this.chunks = { chunks: [], data_root: new Uint8Array(), proofs: [] }, this.data_root = ""); } getChunk(idx1, data1) { if (!this.chunks) throw Error("Chunks have not been prepared"); const proof1 = this.chunks.proofs[idx1], chunk1 = this.chunks.chunks[idx1]; return { data_root: this.data_root, data_size: this.data_size, data_path: ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64Url(proof1.proof), offset: proof1.offset.toString(), chunk: ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64Url(data1.slice(chunk1.minByteRange, chunk1.maxByteRange)) }; } async getSignatureData() { switch(this.format){ case 1: let tags1 = this.tags.reduce((accumulator1, tag1)=>ArweaveUtils1.concatBuffers([ accumulator1, tag1.get("name", { decode: !0, string: !1 }), tag1.get("value", { decode: !0, string: !1 }) ]), new Uint8Array()); return ArweaveUtils1.concatBuffers([ this.get("owner", { decode: !0, string: !1 }), this.get("target", { decode: !0, string: !1 }), this.get("data", { decode: !0, string: !1 }), ArweaveUtils1.stringToBuffer(this.quantity), ArweaveUtils1.stringToBuffer(this.reward), this.get("last_tx", { decode: !0, string: !1 }), tags1 ]); case 2: this.data_root || await this.prepareChunks(this.data); const tagList1 = this.tags.map((tag1)=>[ tag1.get("name", { decode: !0, string: !1 }), tag1.get("value", { decode: !0, string: !1 }) ]); return await (0, deepHash_11.default)([ ArweaveUtils1.stringToBuffer(this.format.toString()), this.get("owner", { decode: !0, string: !1 }), this.get("target", { decode: !0, string: !1 }), ArweaveUtils1.stringToBuffer(this.quantity), ArweaveUtils1.stringToBuffer(this.reward), this.get("last_tx", { decode: !0, string: !1 }), tagList1, ArweaveUtils1.stringToBuffer(this.data_size), this.get("data_root", { decode: !0, string: !1 }) ]); default: throw Error(`Unexpected transaction format: ${this.format}`); } } } exports1.default = Transaction1; }, 8244: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.b64UrlDecode = exports1.b64UrlEncode = exports1.bufferTob64Url = exports1.bufferTob64 = exports1.b64UrlToBuffer = exports1.stringToB64Url = exports1.stringToBuffer = exports1.bufferToString = exports1.b64UrlToString = exports1.concatBuffers = void 0; const B64js1 = __webpack_require__1(9742); function concatBuffers1(buffers1) { let total_length1 = 0; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < buffers1.length; i2++)total_length1 += buffers1[i2].byteLength; let temp1 = new Uint8Array(total_length1), offset1 = 0; temp1.set(new Uint8Array(buffers1[0]), offset1), offset1 += buffers1[0].byteLength; for(let i2 = 1; i2 < buffers1.length; i2++)temp1.set(new Uint8Array(buffers1[i2]), offset1), offset1 += buffers1[i2].byteLength; return temp1; } function b64UrlToString1(b64UrlString1) { let buffer1 = b64UrlToBuffer1(b64UrlString1); if ("undefined" == typeof TextDecoder) { const TextDecoder1 = __webpack_require__1(9539).TextDecoder; return new TextDecoder1("utf-8", { fatal: !0 }).decode(buffer1); } return new TextDecoder("utf-8", { fatal: !0 }).decode(buffer1); } function bufferToString1(buffer1) { if ("undefined" == typeof TextDecoder) { const TextDecoder1 = __webpack_require__1(9539).TextDecoder; return new TextDecoder1("utf-8", { fatal: !0 }).decode(buffer1); } return new TextDecoder("utf-8", { fatal: !0 }).decode(buffer1); } function stringToBuffer1(string1) { if ("undefined" == typeof TextEncoder) { const TextEncoder1 = __webpack_require__1(9539).TextEncoder; return new TextEncoder1().encode(string1); } return new TextEncoder().encode(string1); } function stringToB64Url1(string1) { return bufferTob64Url1(stringToBuffer1(string1)); } function b64UrlToBuffer1(b64UrlString1) { return new Uint8Array(B64js1.toByteArray(b64UrlDecode1(b64UrlString1))); } function bufferTob641(buffer1) { return B64js1.fromByteArray(new Uint8Array(buffer1)); } function bufferTob64Url1(buffer1) { return b64UrlEncode1(bufferTob641(buffer1)); } function b64UrlEncode1(b64UrlString1) { return b64UrlString1.replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_").replace(/\=/g, ""); } function b64UrlDecode1(b64UrlString1) { let padding1; return padding1 = (b64UrlString1 = b64UrlString1.replace(/\-/g, "+").replace(/\_/g, "/")).length % 4 == 0 ? 0 : 4 - b64UrlString1.length % 4, b64UrlString1.concat("=".repeat(padding1)); } exports1.concatBuffers = concatBuffers1, exports1.b64UrlToString = b64UrlToString1, exports1.bufferToString = bufferToString1, exports1.stringToBuffer = stringToBuffer1, exports1.stringToB64Url = stringToB64Url1, exports1.b64UrlToBuffer = b64UrlToBuffer1, exports1.bufferTob64 = bufferTob641, exports1.bufferTob64Url = bufferTob64Url1, exports1.b64UrlEncode = b64UrlEncode1, exports1.b64UrlDecode = b64UrlDecode1; }, 2248: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); class Network1 { constructor(api1){ this.api = api1; } getInfo() { return this.api.get("info").then((response1)=>response1.data); } getPeers() { return this.api.get("peers").then((response1)=>response1.data); } } exports1.default = Network1; }, 1243: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.SiloResource = void 0; const ArweaveUtils1 = __webpack_require__1(8244); class Silo1 { constructor(api1, crypto1, transactions1){ this.api = api1, this.crypto = crypto1, this.transactions = transactions1; } async get(siloURI1) { if (!siloURI1) throw Error("No Silo URI specified"); const resource1 = await this.parseUri(siloURI1), ids1 = await this.transactions.search("Silo-Name", resource1.getAccessKey()); if (0 == ids1.length) throw Error(`No data could be found for the Silo URI: ${siloURI1}`); const transaction1 = await this.transactions.get(ids1[0]); if (!transaction1) throw Error(`No data could be found for the Silo URI: ${siloURI1}`); const encrypted1 = transaction1.get("data", { decode: !0, string: !1 }); return this.crypto.decrypt(encrypted1, resource1.getEncryptionKey()); } async readTransactionData(transaction1, siloURI1) { if (!siloURI1) throw Error("No Silo URI specified"); const resource1 = await this.parseUri(siloURI1), encrypted1 = transaction1.get("data", { decode: !0, string: !1 }); return this.crypto.decrypt(encrypted1, resource1.getEncryptionKey()); } async parseUri(siloURI1) { const parsed1 = siloURI1.match(/^([a-z0-9-_]+)\.([0-9]+)/i); if (!parsed1) throw Error("Invalid Silo name, must be a name in the format of [a-z0-9]+.[0-9]+, e.g. 'bubble.7'"); const siloName1 = parsed1[1], hashIterations1 = Math.pow(2, parseInt(parsed1[2])), digest1 = await this.hash(ArweaveUtils1.stringToBuffer(siloName1), hashIterations1), accessKey1 = ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64(digest1.slice(0, 15)), encryptionkey1 = await this.hash(digest1.slice(16, 31), 1); return new SiloResource1(siloURI1, accessKey1, encryptionkey1); } async hash(input1, iterations1) { let digest1 = await this.crypto.hash(input1); for(let count1 = 0; count1 < iterations1 - 1; count1++)digest1 = await this.crypto.hash(digest1); return digest1; } } exports1.default = Silo1; class SiloResource1 { constructor(uri1, accessKey1, encryptionKey1){ this.uri = uri1, this.accessKey = accessKey1, this.encryptionKey = encryptionKey1; } getUri() { return this.uri; } getAccessKey() { return this.accessKey; } getEncryptionKey() { return this.encryptionKey; } } exports1.SiloResource = SiloResource1; }, 6935: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var __await1 = this && this.__await || function(v3) { return this instanceof __await1 ? (this.v = v3, this) : new __await1(v3); }, __asyncGenerator1 = this && this.__asyncGenerator || function(thisArg1, _arguments1, generator1) { if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); var i2, g3 = generator1.apply(thisArg1, _arguments1 || []), q3 = []; return i2 = {}, verb1("next"), verb1("throw"), verb1("return"), i2[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() { return this; }, i2; function verb1(n2) { g3[n2] && (i2[n2] = function(v3) { return new Promise(function(a10, b10) { q3.push([ n2, v3, a10, b10 ]) > 1 || resume1(n2, v3); }); }); } function resume1(n2, v3) { try { step1(g3[n2](v3)); } catch (e1) { settle1(q3[0][3], e1); } } function step1(r3) { r3.value instanceof __await1 ? Promise.resolve(r3.value.v).then(fulfill1, reject1) : settle1(q3[0][2], r3); } function fulfill1(value1) { resume1("next", value1); } function reject1(value1) { resume1("throw", value1); } function settle1(f1, v3) { f1(v3), q3.shift(), q3.length && resume1(q3[0][0], q3[0][1]); } }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); const error_11 = __webpack_require__1(5498), transaction_11 = __webpack_require__1(7825), ArweaveUtils1 = __webpack_require__1(8244), transaction_uploader_11 = __webpack_require__1(1246); __webpack_require__1(1317); class Transactions1 { constructor(api1, crypto1, chunks1){ this.api = api1, this.crypto = crypto1, this.chunks = chunks1; } getTransactionAnchor() { return this.api.get("tx_anchor", { transformResponse: [] }).then((response1)=>response1.data); } getPrice(byteSize1, targetAddress1) { let endpoint1 = targetAddress1 ? `price/${byteSize1}/${targetAddress1}` : `price/${byteSize1}`; return this.api.get(endpoint1, { transformResponse: [ function(data1) { return data1; } ] }).then((response1)=>response1.data); } async get(id1) { const response1 = await this.api.get(`tx/${id1}`); if (200 == response1.status) { const data_size1 = parseInt(response1.data.data_size); if (response1.data.format >= 2 && data_size1 > 0 && data_size1 <= 12582912) { const data1 = await this.getData(id1); return new transaction_11.default(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, response1.data), { data: data1 })); } return new transaction_11.default(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, response1.data), { format: response1.data.format || 1 })); } if (404 == response1.status) throw new error_11.default("TX_NOT_FOUND"); if (410 == response1.status) throw new error_11.default("TX_FAILED"); throw new error_11.default("TX_INVALID"); } fromRaw(attributes1) { return new transaction_11.default(attributes1); } async search(tagName1, tagValue1) { return this.api.post("arql", { op: "equals", expr1: tagName1, expr2: tagValue1 }).then((response1)=>response1.data ? response1.data : []); } getStatus(id1) { return this.api.get(`tx/${id1}/status`).then((response1)=>200 == response1.status ? { status: 200, confirmed: response1.data } : { status: response1.status, confirmed: null }); } async getData(id1, options1) { let data1; try { data1 = await this.chunks.downloadChunkedData(id1); } catch (error1) { console.error(`Error while trying to download chunked data for ${id1}`), console.error(error1); } if (!data1) { console.warn(`Falling back to gateway cache for ${id1}`); try { data1 = (await this.api.get(`/${id1}`)).data; } catch (error1) { console.error(`Error while trying to download contiguous data from gateway cache for ${id1}`), console.error(error1); } } if (!data1) throw Error(`${id1} was not found!`); return options1 && options1.decode && !options1.string ? data1 : options1 && options1.decode && options1.string ? ArweaveUtils1.bufferToString(data1) : ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64Url(data1); } async sign(transaction1, jwk1, options1) { if (jwk1 || "undefined" != typeof window && window.arweaveWallet) { if (jwk1 && "use_wallet" !== jwk1) { transaction1.setOwner(jwk1.n); let dataToSign1 = await transaction1.getSignatureData(), rawSignature1 = await this.crypto.sign(jwk1, dataToSign1, options1), id1 = await this.crypto.hash(rawSignature1); transaction1.setSignature({ id: ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64Url(id1), owner: jwk1.n, signature: ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64Url(rawSignature1) }); } else { try { const existingPermissions1 = await window.arweaveWallet.getPermissions(); existingPermissions1.includes("SIGN_TRANSACTION") || await window.arweaveWallet.connect([ "SIGN_TRANSACTION" ]); } catch (_a1) {} const signedTransaction1 = await window.arweaveWallet.sign(transaction1, options1); transaction1.setSignature({ id: signedTransaction1.id, owner: signedTransaction1.owner, reward: signedTransaction1.reward, tags: signedTransaction1.tags, signature: signedTransaction1.signature }); } } else throw Error("A new Arweave transaction must provide the jwk parameter."); } async verify(transaction1) { const signaturePayload1 = await transaction1.getSignatureData(), rawSignature1 = transaction1.get("signature", { decode: !0, string: !1 }), expectedId1 = ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64Url(await this.crypto.hash(rawSignature1)); if (transaction1.id !== expectedId1) throw Error("Invalid transaction signature or ID! The transaction ID doesn't match the expected SHA-256 hash of the signature."); return this.crypto.verify(transaction1.owner, signaturePayload1, rawSignature1); } async post(transaction1) { if ("string" == typeof transaction1 ? transaction1 = new transaction_11.default(JSON.parse(transaction1)) : "function" == typeof transaction1.readInt32BE ? transaction1 = new transaction_11.default(JSON.parse(transaction1.toString())) : "object" != typeof transaction1 || transaction1 instanceof transaction_11.default || (transaction1 = new transaction_11.default(transaction1)), !(transaction1 instanceof transaction_11.default)) throw Error("Must be Transaction object"); transaction1.chunks || await transaction1.prepareChunks(transaction1.data); const uploader1 = await this.getUploader(transaction1, transaction1.data); try { for(; !uploader1.isComplete;)await uploader1.uploadChunk(); } catch (e1) { if (uploader1.lastResponseStatus > 0) return { status: uploader1.lastResponseStatus, statusText: uploader1.lastResponseError, data: { error: uploader1.lastResponseError } }; throw e1; } return { status: 200, statusText: "OK", data: {} }; } async getUploader(upload1, data1) { let uploader1; if (data1 instanceof ArrayBuffer && (data1 = new Uint8Array(data1)), upload1 instanceof transaction_11.default) { if (data1 || (data1 = upload1.data), !(data1 instanceof Uint8Array)) throw Error("Data format is invalid"); upload1.chunks || await upload1.prepareChunks(data1), (uploader1 = new transaction_uploader_11.TransactionUploader(this.api, upload1)).data && 0 !== uploader1.data.length || (uploader1.data = data1); } else { if ("string" == typeof upload1 && (upload1 = await transaction_uploader_11.TransactionUploader.fromTransactionId(this.api, upload1)), !data1 || !(data1 instanceof Uint8Array)) throw Error("Must provide data when resuming upload"); uploader1 = await transaction_uploader_11.TransactionUploader.fromSerialized(this.api, upload1, data1); } return uploader1; } upload(upload1, data1) { return __asyncGenerator1(this, arguments, function*() { const uploader1 = yield __await1(this.getUploader(upload1, data1)); for(; !uploader1.isComplete;)yield __await1(uploader1.uploadChunk()), yield yield __await1(uploader1); return yield __await1(uploader1); }); } } exports1.default = Transactions1; }, 7927: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); const ArweaveUtils1 = __webpack_require__1(8244); __webpack_require__1(1317); class Wallets1 { constructor(api1, crypto1){ this.api = api1, this.crypto = crypto1; } getBalance(address1) { return this.api.get(`wallet/${address1}/balance`, { transformResponse: [ function(data1) { return data1; } ] }).then((response1)=>response1.data); } getLastTransactionID(address1) { return this.api.get(`wallet/${address1}/last_tx`).then((response1)=>response1.data); } generate() { return this.crypto.generateJWK(); } async jwkToAddress(jwk1) { return jwk1 && "use_wallet" !== jwk1 ? this.getAddress(jwk1) : this.getAddress(); } async getAddress(jwk1) { if (jwk1 && "use_wallet" !== jwk1) return this.ownerToAddress(jwk1.n); try { await window.arweaveWallet.connect([ "ACCESS_ADDRESS" ]); } catch (_a1) {} return window.arweaveWallet.getActiveAddress(); } async ownerToAddress(owner1) { return ArweaveUtils1.bufferTob64Url(await this.crypto.hash(ArweaveUtils1.b64UrlToBuffer(owner1))); } } exports1.default = Wallets1; }, 9809: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const asn11 = exports1; asn11.bignum = __webpack_require__1(3550), asn11.define = __webpack_require__1(2500).define, asn11.base = __webpack_require__1(1979), asn11.constants = __webpack_require__1(6826), asn11.decoders = __webpack_require__1(8307), asn11.encoders = __webpack_require__1(6579); }, 2500: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const encoders1 = __webpack_require__1(6579), decoders1 = __webpack_require__1(8307), inherits1 = __webpack_require__1(5717), api1 = exports1; function Entity1(name1, body1) { this.name = name1, this.body = body1, this.decoders = {}, this.encoders = {}; } api1.define = function(name1, body1) { return new Entity1(name1, body1); }, Entity1.prototype._createNamed = function(Base1) { const name1 = this.name; function Generated1(entity1) { this._initNamed(entity1, name1); } return inherits1(Generated1, Base1), Generated1.prototype._initNamed = function(entity1, name1) { Base1.call(this, entity1, name1); }, new Generated1(this); }, Entity1.prototype._getDecoder = function(enc1) { return enc1 = enc1 || 'der', this.decoders.hasOwnProperty(enc1) || (this.decoders[enc1] = this._createNamed(decoders1[enc1])), this.decoders[enc1]; }, Entity1.prototype.decode = function(data1, enc1, options1) { return this._getDecoder(enc1).decode(data1, options1); }, Entity1.prototype._getEncoder = function(enc1) { return enc1 = enc1 || 'der', this.encoders.hasOwnProperty(enc1) || (this.encoders[enc1] = this._createNamed(encoders1[enc1])), this.encoders[enc1]; }, Entity1.prototype.encode = function(data1, enc1, reporter1) { return this._getEncoder(enc1).encode(data1, reporter1); }; }, 6625: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const inherits1 = __webpack_require__1(5717), Reporter1 = __webpack_require__1(8465).b, Buffer1 = __webpack_require__1(2399).Buffer; function DecoderBuffer1(base1, options1) { if (Reporter1.call(this, options1), !Buffer1.isBuffer(base1)) { this.error('Input not Buffer'); return; } this.base = base1, this.offset = 0, this.length = base1.length; } function EncoderBuffer1(value1, reporter1) { if (Array.isArray(value1)) this.length = 0, this.value = value1.map(function(item1) { return EncoderBuffer1.isEncoderBuffer(item1) || (item1 = new EncoderBuffer1(item1, reporter1)), this.length += item1.length, item1; }, this); else if ('number' == typeof value1) { if (!(0 <= value1 && value1 <= 0xff)) return reporter1.error('non-byte EncoderBuffer value'); this.value = value1, this.length = 1; } else if ('string' == typeof value1) this.value = value1, this.length = Buffer1.byteLength(value1); else { if (!Buffer1.isBuffer(value1)) return reporter1.error('Unsupported type: ' + typeof value1); this.value = value1, this.length = value1.length; } } inherits1(DecoderBuffer1, Reporter1), exports1.C = DecoderBuffer1, DecoderBuffer1.isDecoderBuffer = function(data1) { if (data1 instanceof DecoderBuffer1) return !0; const isCompatible1 = 'object' == typeof data1 && Buffer1.isBuffer(data1.base) && 'DecoderBuffer' === data1.constructor.name && 'number' == typeof data1.offset && 'number' == typeof data1.length && 'function' == typeof data1.save && 'function' == typeof data1.restore && 'function' == typeof data1.isEmpty && 'function' == typeof data1.readUInt8 && 'function' == typeof data1.skip && 'function' == typeof data1.raw; return isCompatible1; }, DecoderBuffer1.prototype.save = function() { return { offset: this.offset, reporter: Reporter1.prototype.save.call(this) }; }, DecoderBuffer1.prototype.restore = function(save1) { const res1 = new DecoderBuffer1(this.base); return res1.offset = save1.offset, res1.length = this.offset, this.offset = save1.offset, Reporter1.prototype.restore.call(this, save1.reporter), res1; }, DecoderBuffer1.prototype.isEmpty = function() { return this.offset === this.length; }, DecoderBuffer1.prototype.readUInt8 = function(fail1) { return this.offset + 1 <= this.length ? this.base.readUInt8(this.offset++, !0) : this.error(fail1 || 'DecoderBuffer overrun'); }, DecoderBuffer1.prototype.skip = function(bytes1, fail1) { if (!(this.offset + bytes1 <= this.length)) return this.error(fail1 || 'DecoderBuffer overrun'); const res1 = new DecoderBuffer1(this.base); return res1._reporterState = this._reporterState, res1.offset = this.offset, res1.length = this.offset + bytes1, this.offset += bytes1, res1; }, DecoderBuffer1.prototype.raw = function(save1) { return this.base.slice(save1 ? save1.offset : this.offset, this.length); }, exports1.R = EncoderBuffer1, EncoderBuffer1.isEncoderBuffer = function(data1) { if (data1 instanceof EncoderBuffer1) return !0; const isCompatible1 = 'object' == typeof data1 && 'EncoderBuffer' === data1.constructor.name && 'number' == typeof data1.length && 'function' == typeof data1.join; return isCompatible1; }, EncoderBuffer1.prototype.join = function(out1, offset1) { return out1 || (out1 = Buffer1.alloc(this.length)), offset1 || (offset1 = 0), 0 === this.length || (Array.isArray(this.value) ? this.value.forEach(function(item1) { item1.join(out1, offset1), offset1 += item1.length; }) : ('number' == typeof this.value ? out1[offset1] = this.value : 'string' == typeof this.value ? out1.write(this.value, offset1) : Buffer1.isBuffer(this.value) && this.value.copy(out1, offset1), offset1 += this.length)), out1; }; }, 1979: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const base1 = exports1; base1.Reporter = __webpack_require__1(8465).b, base1.DecoderBuffer = __webpack_require__1(6625).C, base1.EncoderBuffer = __webpack_require__1(6625).R, base1.Node = __webpack_require__1(1949); }, 1949: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const Reporter1 = __webpack_require__1(8465).b, EncoderBuffer1 = __webpack_require__1(6625).R, DecoderBuffer1 = __webpack_require__1(6625).C, assert1 = __webpack_require__1(9746), tags1 = [ 'seq', 'seqof', 'set', 'setof', 'objid', 'bool', 'gentime', 'utctime', 'null_', 'enum', 'int', 'objDesc', 'bitstr', 'bmpstr', 'charstr', 'genstr', 'graphstr', 'ia5str', 'iso646str', 'numstr', 'octstr', 'printstr', 't61str', 'unistr', 'utf8str', 'videostr' ], methods1 = [ 'key', 'obj', 'use', 'optional', 'explicit', 'implicit', 'def', 'choice', 'any', 'contains' ].concat(tags1), overrided1 = [ '_peekTag', '_decodeTag', '_use', '_decodeStr', '_decodeObjid', '_decodeTime', '_decodeNull', '_decodeInt', '_decodeBool', '_decodeList', '_encodeComposite', '_encodeStr', '_encodeObjid', '_encodeTime', '_encodeNull', '_encodeInt', '_encodeBool' ]; function Node1(enc1, parent1, name1) { const state1 = {}; this._baseState = state1, state1.name = name1, state1.enc = enc1, state1.parent = parent1 || null, state1.children = null, state1.tag = null, state1.args = null, state1.reverseArgs = null, state1.choice = null, state1.optional = !1, state1.any = !1, state1.obj = !1, state1.use = null, state1.useDecoder = null, state1.key = null, state1.default = null, state1.explicit = null, state1.implicit = null, state1.contains = null, state1.parent || (state1.children = [], this._wrap()); } module1.exports = Node1; const stateProps1 = [ 'enc', 'parent', 'children', 'tag', 'args', 'reverseArgs', 'choice', 'optional', 'any', 'obj', 'use', 'alteredUse', 'key', 'default', 'explicit', 'implicit', 'contains' ]; Node1.prototype.clone = function() { const state1 = this._baseState, cstate1 = {}; stateProps1.forEach(function(prop1) { cstate1[prop1] = state1[prop1]; }); const res1 = new this.constructor(cstate1.parent); return res1._baseState = cstate1, res1; }, Node1.prototype._wrap = function() { const state1 = this._baseState; methods1.forEach(function(method1) { this[method1] = function() { const clone1 = new this.constructor(this); return state1.children.push(clone1), clone1[method1].apply(clone1, arguments); }; }, this); }, Node1.prototype._init = function(body1) { const state1 = this._baseState; assert1(null === state1.parent), body1.call(this), state1.children = state1.children.filter(function(child1) { return child1._baseState.parent === this; }, this), assert1.equal(state1.children.length, 1, 'Root node can have only one child'); }, Node1.prototype._useArgs = function(args1) { const state1 = this._baseState, children1 = args1.filter(function(arg4) { return arg4 instanceof this.constructor; }, this); args1 = args1.filter(function(arg4) { return !(arg4 instanceof this.constructor); }, this), 0 !== children1.length && (assert1(null === state1.children), state1.children = children1, children1.forEach(function(child1) { child1._baseState.parent = this; }, this)), 0 !== args1.length && (assert1(null === state1.args), state1.args = args1, state1.reverseArgs = args1.map(function(arg4) { if ('object' != typeof arg4 || arg4.constructor !== Object) return arg4; const res1 = {}; return Object.keys(arg4).forEach(function(key1) { key1 == (0 | key1) && (key1 |= 0); const value1 = arg4[key1]; res1[value1] = key1; }), res1; })); }, overrided1.forEach(function(method1) { Node1.prototype[method1] = function() { const state1 = this._baseState; throw Error(method1 + ' not implemented for encoding: ' + state1.enc); }; }), tags1.forEach(function(tag1) { Node1.prototype[tag1] = function() { const state1 = this._baseState, args1 = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); return assert1(null === state1.tag), state1.tag = tag1, this._useArgs(args1), this; }; }), Node1.prototype.use = function(item1) { assert1(item1); const state1 = this._baseState; return assert1(null === state1.use), state1.use = item1, this; }, Node1.prototype.optional = function() { const state1 = this._baseState; return state1.optional = !0, this; }, Node1.prototype.def = function(val1) { const state1 = this._baseState; return assert1(null === state1.default), state1.default = val1, state1.optional = !0, this; }, Node1.prototype.explicit = function(num1) { const state1 = this._baseState; return assert1(null === state1.explicit && null === state1.implicit), state1.explicit = num1, this; }, Node1.prototype.implicit = function(num1) { const state1 = this._baseState; return assert1(null === state1.explicit && null === state1.implicit), state1.implicit = num1, this; }, Node1.prototype.obj = function() { const state1 = this._baseState, args1 = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); return state1.obj = !0, 0 !== args1.length && this._useArgs(args1), this; }, Node1.prototype.key = function(newKey1) { const state1 = this._baseState; return assert1(null === state1.key), state1.key = newKey1, this; }, Node1.prototype.any = function() { const state1 = this._baseState; return state1.any = !0, this; }, Node1.prototype.choice = function(obj1) { const state1 = this._baseState; return assert1(null === state1.choice), state1.choice = obj1, this._useArgs(Object.keys(obj1).map(function(key1) { return obj1[key1]; })), this; }, Node1.prototype.contains = function(item1) { const state1 = this._baseState; return assert1(null === state1.use), state1.contains = item1, this; }, Node1.prototype._decode = function(input1, options1) { let prevObj1; const state1 = this._baseState; if (null === state1.parent) return input1.wrapResult(state1.children[0]._decode(input1, options1)); let result1 = state1.default, present1 = !0, prevKey1 = null; if (null !== state1.key && (prevKey1 = input1.enterKey(state1.key)), state1.optional) { let tag1 = null; if (null !== state1.explicit ? tag1 = state1.explicit : null !== state1.implicit ? tag1 = state1.implicit : null !== state1.tag && (tag1 = state1.tag), null !== tag1 || state1.any) { if (present1 = this._peekTag(input1, tag1, state1.any), input1.isError(present1)) return present1; } else { const save1 = input1.save(); try { null === state1.choice ? this._decodeGeneric(state1.tag, input1, options1) : this._decodeChoice(input1, options1), present1 = !0; } catch (e1) { present1 = !1; } input1.restore(save1); } } if (state1.obj && present1 && (prevObj1 = input1.enterObject()), present1) { if (null !== state1.explicit) { const explicit1 = this._decodeTag(input1, state1.explicit); if (input1.isError(explicit1)) return explicit1; input1 = explicit1; } const start1 = input1.offset; if (null === state1.use && null === state1.choice) { let save1; state1.any && (save1 = input1.save()); const body1 = this._decodeTag(input1, null !== state1.implicit ? state1.implicit : state1.tag, state1.any); if (input1.isError(body1)) return body1; state1.any ? result1 = input1.raw(save1) : input1 = body1; } if (options1 && options1.track && null !== state1.tag && options1.track(input1.path(), start1, input1.length, 'tagged'), options1 && options1.track && null !== state1.tag && options1.track(input1.path(), input1.offset, input1.length, 'content'), state1.any || (result1 = null === state1.choice ? this._decodeGeneric(state1.tag, input1, options1) : this._decodeChoice(input1, options1)), input1.isError(result1)) return result1; if (state1.any || null !== state1.choice || null === state1.children || state1.children.forEach(function(child1) { child1._decode(input1, options1); }), state1.contains && ('octstr' === state1.tag || 'bitstr' === state1.tag)) { const data1 = new DecoderBuffer1(result1); result1 = this._getUse(state1.contains, input1._reporterState.obj)._decode(data1, options1); } } return state1.obj && present1 && (result1 = input1.leaveObject(prevObj1)), null !== state1.key && (null !== result1 || !0 === present1) ? input1.leaveKey(prevKey1, state1.key, result1) : null !== prevKey1 && input1.exitKey(prevKey1), result1; }, Node1.prototype._decodeGeneric = function(tag1, input1, options1) { const state1 = this._baseState; return 'seq' === tag1 || 'set' === tag1 ? null : 'seqof' === tag1 || 'setof' === tag1 ? this._decodeList(input1, tag1, state1.args[0], options1) : /str$/.test(tag1) ? this._decodeStr(input1, tag1, options1) : 'objid' === tag1 && state1.args ? this._decodeObjid(input1, state1.args[0], state1.args[1], options1) : 'objid' === tag1 ? this._decodeObjid(input1, null, null, options1) : 'gentime' === tag1 || 'utctime' === tag1 ? this._decodeTime(input1, tag1, options1) : 'null_' === tag1 ? this._decodeNull(input1, options1) : 'bool' === tag1 ? this._decodeBool(input1, options1) : 'objDesc' === tag1 ? this._decodeStr(input1, tag1, options1) : 'int' === tag1 || 'enum' === tag1 ? this._decodeInt(input1, state1.args && state1.args[0], options1) : null !== state1.use ? this._getUse(state1.use, input1._reporterState.obj)._decode(input1, options1) : input1.error('unknown tag: ' + tag1); }, Node1.prototype._getUse = function(entity1, obj1) { const state1 = this._baseState; return state1.useDecoder = this._use(entity1, obj1), assert1(null === state1.useDecoder._baseState.parent), state1.useDecoder = state1.useDecoder._baseState.children[0], state1.implicit !== state1.useDecoder._baseState.implicit && (state1.useDecoder = state1.useDecoder.clone(), state1.useDecoder._baseState.implicit = state1.implicit), state1.useDecoder; }, Node1.prototype._decodeChoice = function(input1, options1) { const state1 = this._baseState; let result1 = null, match1 = !1; return (Object.keys(state1.choice).some(function(key1) { const save1 = input1.save(), node1 = state1.choice[key1]; try { const value1 = node1._decode(input1, options1); if (input1.isError(value1)) return !1; result1 = { type: key1, value: value1 }, match1 = !0; } catch (e1) { return input1.restore(save1), !1; } return !0; }, this), match1) ? result1 : input1.error('Choice not matched'); }, Node1.prototype._createEncoderBuffer = function(data1) { return new EncoderBuffer1(data1, this.reporter); }, Node1.prototype._encode = function(data1, reporter1, parent1) { const state1 = this._baseState; if (null !== state1.default && state1.default === data1) return; const result1 = this._encodeValue(data1, reporter1, parent1); if (void 0 !== result1 && !this._skipDefault(result1, reporter1, parent1)) return result1; }, Node1.prototype._encodeValue = function(data1, reporter1, parent1) { const state1 = this._baseState; if (null === state1.parent) return state1.children[0]._encode(data1, reporter1 || new Reporter1()); let result1 = null; if (this.reporter = reporter1, state1.optional && void 0 === data1) { if (null === state1.default) return; data1 = state1.default; } let content1 = null, primitive1 = !1; if (state1.any) result1 = this._createEncoderBuffer(data1); else if (state1.choice) result1 = this._encodeChoice(data1, reporter1); else if (state1.contains) content1 = this._getUse(state1.contains, parent1)._encode(data1, reporter1), primitive1 = !0; else if (state1.children) content1 = state1.children.map(function(child1) { if ('null_' === child1._baseState.tag) return child1._encode(null, reporter1, data1); if (null === child1._baseState.key) return reporter1.error('Child should have a key'); const prevKey1 = reporter1.enterKey(child1._baseState.key); if ('object' != typeof data1) return reporter1.error('Child expected, but input is not object'); const res1 = child1._encode(data1[child1._baseState.key], reporter1, data1); return reporter1.leaveKey(prevKey1), res1; }, this).filter(function(child1) { return child1; }), content1 = this._createEncoderBuffer(content1); else if ('seqof' === state1.tag || 'setof' === state1.tag) { if (!(state1.args && 1 === state1.args.length)) return reporter1.error('Too many args for : ' + state1.tag); if (!Array.isArray(data1)) return reporter1.error('seqof/setof, but data is not Array'); const child1 = this.clone(); child1._baseState.implicit = null, content1 = this._createEncoderBuffer(data1.map(function(item1) { const state1 = this._baseState; return this._getUse(state1.args[0], data1)._encode(item1, reporter1); }, child1)); } else null !== state1.use ? result1 = this._getUse(state1.use, parent1)._encode(data1, reporter1) : (content1 = this._encodePrimitive(state1.tag, data1), primitive1 = !0); if (!state1.any && null === state1.choice) { const tag1 = null !== state1.implicit ? state1.implicit : state1.tag, cls1 = null === state1.implicit ? 'universal' : 'context'; null === tag1 ? null === state1.use && reporter1.error('Tag could be omitted only for .use()') : null === state1.use && (result1 = this._encodeComposite(tag1, primitive1, cls1, content1)); } return null !== state1.explicit && (result1 = this._encodeComposite(state1.explicit, !1, 'context', result1)), result1; }, Node1.prototype._encodeChoice = function(data1, reporter1) { const state1 = this._baseState, node1 = state1.choice[data1.type]; return node1 || assert1(!1, data1.type + ' not found in ' + JSON.stringify(Object.keys(state1.choice))), node1._encode(data1.value, reporter1); }, Node1.prototype._encodePrimitive = function(tag1, data1) { const state1 = this._baseState; if (/str$/.test(tag1)) return this._encodeStr(data1, tag1); if ('objid' === tag1 && state1.args) return this._encodeObjid(data1, state1.reverseArgs[0], state1.args[1]); if ('objid' === tag1) return this._encodeObjid(data1, null, null); if ('gentime' === tag1 || 'utctime' === tag1) return this._encodeTime(data1, tag1); if ('null_' === tag1) return this._encodeNull(); if ('int' === tag1 || 'enum' === tag1) return this._encodeInt(data1, state1.args && state1.reverseArgs[0]); if ('bool' === tag1) return this._encodeBool(data1); if ('objDesc' === tag1) return this._encodeStr(data1, tag1); throw Error('Unsupported tag: ' + tag1); }, Node1.prototype._isNumstr = function(str1) { return /^[0-9 ]*$/.test(str1); }, Node1.prototype._isPrintstr = function(str1) { return /^[A-Za-z0-9 '()+,-./:=?]*$/.test(str1); }; }, 8465: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const inherits1 = __webpack_require__1(5717); function Reporter1(options1) { this._reporterState = { obj: null, path: [], options: options1 || {}, errors: [] }; } function ReporterError1(path1, msg1) { this.path = path1, this.rethrow(msg1); } exports1.b = Reporter1, Reporter1.prototype.isError = function(obj1) { return obj1 instanceof ReporterError1; }, Reporter1.prototype.save = function() { const state1 = this._reporterState; return { obj: state1.obj, pathLen: state1.path.length }; }, Reporter1.prototype.restore = function(data1) { const state1 = this._reporterState; state1.obj = data1.obj, state1.path = state1.path.slice(0, data1.pathLen); }, Reporter1.prototype.enterKey = function(key1) { return this._reporterState.path.push(key1); }, Reporter1.prototype.exitKey = function(index1) { const state1 = this._reporterState; state1.path = state1.path.slice(0, index1 - 1); }, Reporter1.prototype.leaveKey = function(index1, key1, value1) { const state1 = this._reporterState; this.exitKey(index1), null !== state1.obj && (state1.obj[key1] = value1); }, Reporter1.prototype.path = function() { return this._reporterState.path.join('/'); }, Reporter1.prototype.enterObject = function() { const state1 = this._reporterState, prev1 = state1.obj; return state1.obj = {}, prev1; }, Reporter1.prototype.leaveObject = function(prev1) { const state1 = this._reporterState, now1 = state1.obj; return state1.obj = prev1, now1; }, Reporter1.prototype.error = function(msg1) { let err1; const state1 = this._reporterState, inherited1 = msg1 instanceof ReporterError1; if (err1 = inherited1 ? msg1 : new ReporterError1(state1.path.map(function(elem1) { return '[' + JSON.stringify(elem1) + ']'; }).join(''), msg1.message || msg1, msg1.stack), !state1.options.partial) throw err1; return inherited1 || state1.errors.push(err1), err1; }, Reporter1.prototype.wrapResult = function(result1) { const state1 = this._reporterState; return state1.options.partial ? { result: this.isError(result1) ? null : result1, errors: state1.errors } : result1; }, inherits1(ReporterError1, Error), ReporterError1.prototype.rethrow = function(msg1) { if (this.message = msg1 + ' at: ' + (this.path || '(shallow)'), Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(this, ReporterError1), !this.stack) try { throw Error(this.message); } catch (e1) { this.stack = e1.stack; } return this; }; }, 160: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; function reverse1(map1) { const res1 = {}; return Object.keys(map1).forEach(function(key1) { (0 | key1) == key1 && (key1 |= 0); const value1 = map1[key1]; res1[value1] = key1; }), res1; } exports1.tagClass = { 0: 'universal', 1: 'application', 2: 'context', 3: 'private' }, exports1.tagClassByName = reverse1(exports1.tagClass), exports1.tag = { 0x00: 'end', 0x01: 'bool', 0x02: 'int', 0x03: 'bitstr', 0x04: 'octstr', 0x05: 'null_', 0x06: 'objid', 0x07: 'objDesc', 0x08: 'external', 0x09: 'real', 0x0a: 'enum', 0x0b: 'embed', 0x0c: 'utf8str', 0x0d: 'relativeOid', 0x10: 'seq', 0x11: 'set', 0x12: 'numstr', 0x13: 'printstr', 0x14: 't61str', 0x15: 'videostr', 0x16: 'ia5str', 0x17: 'utctime', 0x18: 'gentime', 0x19: 'graphstr', 0x1a: 'iso646str', 0x1b: 'genstr', 0x1c: 'unistr', 0x1d: 'charstr', 0x1e: 'bmpstr' }, exports1.tagByName = reverse1(exports1.tag); }, 6826: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const constants1 = exports1; constants1._reverse = function(map1) { const res1 = {}; return Object.keys(map1).forEach(function(key1) { (0 | key1) == key1 && (key1 |= 0); const value1 = map1[key1]; res1[value1] = key1; }), res1; }, constants1.der = __webpack_require__1(160); }, 1671: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const inherits1 = __webpack_require__1(5717), bignum1 = __webpack_require__1(3550), DecoderBuffer1 = __webpack_require__1(6625).C, Node1 = __webpack_require__1(1949), der1 = __webpack_require__1(160); function DERDecoder1(entity1) { this.enc = 'der', this.name = entity1.name, this.entity = entity1, this.tree = new DERNode1(), this.tree._init(entity1.body); } function DERNode1(parent1) { Node1.call(this, 'der', parent1); } function derDecodeTag1(buf1, fail1) { let tag1 = buf1.readUInt8(fail1); if (buf1.isError(tag1)) return tag1; const cls1 = der1.tagClass[tag1 >> 6], primitive1 = (0x20 & tag1) == 0; if ((0x1f & tag1) == 0x1f) { let oct1 = tag1; for(tag1 = 0; (0x80 & oct1) == 0x80;){ if (oct1 = buf1.readUInt8(fail1), buf1.isError(oct1)) return oct1; tag1 <<= 7, tag1 |= 0x7f & oct1; } } else tag1 &= 0x1f; const tagStr1 = der1.tag[tag1]; return { cls: cls1, primitive: primitive1, tag: tag1, tagStr: tagStr1 }; } function derDecodeLen1(buf1, primitive1, fail1) { let len3 = buf1.readUInt8(fail1); if (buf1.isError(len3)) return len3; if (!primitive1 && 0x80 === len3) return null; if ((0x80 & len3) == 0) return len3; const num1 = 0x7f & len3; if (num1 > 4) return buf1.error('length octect is too long'); len3 = 0; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < num1; i2++){ len3 <<= 8; const j1 = buf1.readUInt8(fail1); if (buf1.isError(j1)) return j1; len3 |= j1; } return len3; } module1.exports = DERDecoder1, DERDecoder1.prototype.decode = function(data1, options1) { return DecoderBuffer1.isDecoderBuffer(data1) || (data1 = new DecoderBuffer1(data1, options1)), this.tree._decode(data1, options1); }, inherits1(DERNode1, Node1), DERNode1.prototype._peekTag = function(buffer1, tag1, any1) { if (buffer1.isEmpty()) return !1; const state1 = buffer1.save(), decodedTag1 = derDecodeTag1(buffer1, 'Failed to peek tag: "' + tag1 + '"'); return buffer1.isError(decodedTag1) ? decodedTag1 : (buffer1.restore(state1), decodedTag1.tag === tag1 || decodedTag1.tagStr === tag1 || decodedTag1.tagStr + 'of' === tag1 || any1); }, DERNode1.prototype._decodeTag = function(buffer1, tag1, any1) { const decodedTag1 = derDecodeTag1(buffer1, 'Failed to decode tag of "' + tag1 + '"'); if (buffer1.isError(decodedTag1)) return decodedTag1; let len3 = derDecodeLen1(buffer1, decodedTag1.primitive, 'Failed to get length of "' + tag1 + '"'); if (buffer1.isError(len3)) return len3; if (!any1 && decodedTag1.tag !== tag1 && decodedTag1.tagStr !== tag1 && decodedTag1.tagStr + 'of' !== tag1) return buffer1.error('Failed to match tag: "' + tag1 + '"'); if (decodedTag1.primitive || null !== len3) return buffer1.skip(len3, 'Failed to match body of: "' + tag1 + '"'); const state1 = buffer1.save(), res1 = this._skipUntilEnd(buffer1, 'Failed to skip indefinite length body: "' + this.tag + '"'); return buffer1.isError(res1) ? res1 : (len3 = buffer1.offset - state1.offset, buffer1.restore(state1), buffer1.skip(len3, 'Failed to match body of: "' + tag1 + '"')); }, DERNode1.prototype._skipUntilEnd = function(buffer1, fail1) { for(;;){ let res1; const tag1 = derDecodeTag1(buffer1, fail1); if (buffer1.isError(tag1)) return tag1; const len3 = derDecodeLen1(buffer1, tag1.primitive, fail1); if (buffer1.isError(len3)) return len3; if (res1 = tag1.primitive || null !== len3 ? buffer1.skip(len3) : this._skipUntilEnd(buffer1, fail1), buffer1.isError(res1)) return res1; if ('end' === tag1.tagStr) break; } }, DERNode1.prototype._decodeList = function(buffer1, tag1, decoder1, options1) { const result1 = []; for(; !buffer1.isEmpty();){ const possibleEnd1 = this._peekTag(buffer1, 'end'); if (buffer1.isError(possibleEnd1)) return possibleEnd1; const res1 = decoder1.decode(buffer1, 'der', options1); if (buffer1.isError(res1) && possibleEnd1) break; result1.push(res1); } return result1; }, DERNode1.prototype._decodeStr = function(buffer1, tag1) { if ('bitstr' === tag1) { const unused1 = buffer1.readUInt8(); return buffer1.isError(unused1) ? unused1 : { unused: unused1, data: buffer1.raw() }; } if ('bmpstr' === tag1) { const raw1 = buffer1.raw(); if (raw1.length % 2 == 1) return buffer1.error('Decoding of string type: bmpstr length mismatch'); let str1 = ''; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < raw1.length / 2; i2++)str1 += String.fromCharCode(raw1.readUInt16BE(2 * i2)); return str1; } if ('numstr' === tag1) { const numstr1 = buffer1.raw().toString('ascii'); return this._isNumstr(numstr1) ? numstr1 : buffer1.error("Decoding of string type: numstr unsupported characters"); } if ('octstr' === tag1 || 'objDesc' === tag1) return buffer1.raw(); if ('printstr' === tag1) { const printstr1 = buffer1.raw().toString('ascii'); return this._isPrintstr(printstr1) ? printstr1 : buffer1.error("Decoding of string type: printstr unsupported characters"); } return /str$/.test(tag1) ? buffer1.raw().toString() : buffer1.error('Decoding of string type: ' + tag1 + ' unsupported'); }, DERNode1.prototype._decodeObjid = function(buffer1, values1, relative1) { let result1; const identifiers1 = []; let ident1 = 0, subident1 = 0; for(; !buffer1.isEmpty();)subident1 = buffer1.readUInt8(), ident1 <<= 7, ident1 |= 0x7f & subident1, (0x80 & subident1) == 0 && (identifiers1.push(ident1), ident1 = 0); 0x80 & subident1 && identifiers1.push(ident1); const first1 = identifiers1[0] / 40 | 0, second1 = identifiers1[0] % 40; if (result1 = relative1 ? identifiers1 : [ first1, second1 ].concat(identifiers1.slice(1)), values1) { let tmp1 = values1[result1.join(' ')]; void 0 === tmp1 && (tmp1 = values1[result1.join('.')]), void 0 !== tmp1 && (result1 = tmp1); } return result1; }, DERNode1.prototype._decodeTime = function(buffer1, tag1) { let year1, mon1, day1, hour1, min1, sec1; const str1 = buffer1.raw().toString(); if ('gentime' === tag1) year1 = 0 | str1.slice(0, 4), mon1 = 0 | str1.slice(4, 6), day1 = 0 | str1.slice(6, 8), hour1 = 0 | str1.slice(8, 10), min1 = 0 | str1.slice(10, 12), sec1 = 0 | str1.slice(12, 14); else { if ('utctime' !== tag1) return buffer1.error('Decoding ' + tag1 + ' time is not supported yet'); year1 = 0 | str1.slice(0, 2), mon1 = 0 | str1.slice(2, 4), day1 = 0 | str1.slice(4, 6), hour1 = 0 | str1.slice(6, 8), min1 = 0 | str1.slice(8, 10), sec1 = 0 | str1.slice(10, 12), year1 = year1 < 70 ? 2000 + year1 : 1900 + year1; } return Date.UTC(year1, mon1 - 1, day1, hour1, min1, sec1, 0); }, DERNode1.prototype._decodeNull = function() { return null; }, DERNode1.prototype._decodeBool = function(buffer1) { const res1 = buffer1.readUInt8(); return buffer1.isError(res1) ? res1 : 0 !== res1; }, DERNode1.prototype._decodeInt = function(buffer1, values1) { const raw1 = buffer1.raw(); let res1 = new bignum1(raw1); return values1 && (res1 = values1[res1.toString(10)] || res1), res1; }, DERNode1.prototype._use = function(entity1, obj1) { return 'function' == typeof entity1 && (entity1 = entity1(obj1)), entity1._getDecoder('der').tree; }; }, 8307: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const decoders1 = exports1; decoders1.der = __webpack_require__1(1671), decoders1.pem = __webpack_require__1(9631); }, 9631: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const inherits1 = __webpack_require__1(5717), Buffer1 = __webpack_require__1(2399).Buffer, DERDecoder1 = __webpack_require__1(1671); function PEMDecoder1(entity1) { DERDecoder1.call(this, entity1), this.enc = 'pem'; } inherits1(PEMDecoder1, DERDecoder1), module1.exports = PEMDecoder1, PEMDecoder1.prototype.decode = function(data1, options1) { const lines1 = data1.toString().split(/[\r\n]+/g), label1 = options1.label.toUpperCase(), re1 = /^-----(BEGIN|END) ([^-]+)-----$/; let start1 = -1, end1 = -1; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < lines1.length; i2++){ const match1 = lines1[i2].match(re1); if (null !== match1 && match1[2] === label1) { if (-1 === start1) { if ('BEGIN' !== match1[1]) break; start1 = i2; } else { if ('END' !== match1[1]) break; end1 = i2; break; } } } if (-1 === start1 || -1 === end1) throw Error('PEM section not found for: ' + label1); const base641 = lines1.slice(start1 + 1, end1).join(''); base641.replace(/[^a-z0-9+/=]+/gi, ''); const input1 = Buffer1.from(base641, 'base64'); return DERDecoder1.prototype.decode.call(this, input1, options1); }; }, 6984: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const inherits1 = __webpack_require__1(5717), Buffer1 = __webpack_require__1(2399).Buffer, Node1 = __webpack_require__1(1949), der1 = __webpack_require__1(160); function DEREncoder1(entity1) { this.enc = 'der', this.name = entity1.name, this.entity = entity1, this.tree = new DERNode1(), this.tree._init(entity1.body); } function DERNode1(parent1) { Node1.call(this, 'der', parent1); } function two1(num1) { return num1 < 10 ? '0' + num1 : num1; } function encodeTag1(tag1, primitive1, cls1, reporter1) { let res1; if ('seqof' === tag1 ? tag1 = 'seq' : 'setof' === tag1 && (tag1 = 'set'), der1.tagByName.hasOwnProperty(tag1)) res1 = der1.tagByName[tag1]; else { if ('number' != typeof tag1 || (0 | tag1) !== tag1) return reporter1.error('Unknown tag: ' + tag1); res1 = tag1; } return res1 >= 0x1f ? reporter1.error('Multi-octet tag encoding unsupported') : (primitive1 || (res1 |= 0x20), res1 |= der1.tagClassByName[cls1 || 'universal'] << 6); } module1.exports = DEREncoder1, DEREncoder1.prototype.encode = function(data1, reporter1) { return this.tree._encode(data1, reporter1).join(); }, inherits1(DERNode1, Node1), DERNode1.prototype._encodeComposite = function(tag1, primitive1, cls1, content1) { const encodedTag1 = encodeTag1(tag1, primitive1, cls1, this.reporter); if (content1.length < 0x80) { const header1 = Buffer1.alloc(2); return header1[0] = encodedTag1, header1[1] = content1.length, this._createEncoderBuffer([ header1, content1 ]); } let lenOctets1 = 1; for(let i2 = content1.length; i2 >= 0x100; i2 >>= 8)lenOctets1++; const header1 = Buffer1.alloc(2 + lenOctets1); header1[0] = encodedTag1, header1[1] = 0x80 | lenOctets1; for(let i2 = 1 + lenOctets1, j1 = content1.length; j1 > 0; i2--, j1 >>= 8)header1[i2] = 0xff & j1; return this._createEncoderBuffer([ header1, content1 ]); }, DERNode1.prototype._encodeStr = function(str1, tag1) { if ('bitstr' === tag1) return this._createEncoderBuffer([ 0 | str1.unused, str1.data ]); if ('bmpstr' === tag1) { const buf1 = Buffer1.alloc(2 * str1.length); for(let i2 = 0; i2 < str1.length; i2++)buf1.writeUInt16BE(str1.charCodeAt(i2), 2 * i2); return this._createEncoderBuffer(buf1); } return 'numstr' === tag1 ? this._isNumstr(str1) ? this._createEncoderBuffer(str1) : this.reporter.error("Encoding of string type: numstr supports only digits and space") : 'printstr' === tag1 ? this._isPrintstr(str1) ? this._createEncoderBuffer(str1) : this.reporter.error("Encoding of string type: printstr supports only latin upper and lower case letters, digits, space, apostrophe, left and rigth parenthesis, plus sign, comma, hyphen, dot, slash, colon, equal sign, question mark") : /str$/.test(tag1) ? this._createEncoderBuffer(str1) : 'objDesc' === tag1 ? this._createEncoderBuffer(str1) : this.reporter.error('Encoding of string type: ' + tag1 + ' unsupported'); }, DERNode1.prototype._encodeObjid = function(id1, values1, relative1) { if ('string' == typeof id1) { if (!values1) return this.reporter.error('string objid given, but no values map found'); if (!values1.hasOwnProperty(id1)) return this.reporter.error('objid not found in values map'); id1 = values1[id1].split(/[\s.]+/g); for(let i2 = 0; i2 < id1.length; i2++)id1[i2] |= 0; } else if (Array.isArray(id1)) { id1 = id1.slice(); for(let i2 = 0; i2 < id1.length; i2++)id1[i2] |= 0; } if (!Array.isArray(id1)) return this.reporter.error("objid() should be either array or string, got: " + JSON.stringify(id1)); if (!relative1) { if (id1[1] >= 40) return this.reporter.error('Second objid identifier OOB'); id1.splice(0, 2, 40 * id1[0] + id1[1]); } let size1 = 0; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < id1.length; i2++){ let ident1 = id1[i2]; for(size1++; ident1 >= 0x80; ident1 >>= 7)size1++; } const objid1 = Buffer1.alloc(size1); let offset1 = objid1.length - 1; for(let i2 = id1.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--){ let ident1 = id1[i2]; for(objid1[offset1--] = 0x7f & ident1; (ident1 >>= 7) > 0;)objid1[offset1--] = 0x80 | 0x7f & ident1; } return this._createEncoderBuffer(objid1); }, DERNode1.prototype._encodeTime = function(time1, tag1) { let str1; const date1 = new Date(time1); return 'gentime' === tag1 ? str1 = [ two1(date1.getUTCFullYear()), two1(date1.getUTCMonth() + 1), two1(date1.getUTCDate()), two1(date1.getUTCHours()), two1(date1.getUTCMinutes()), two1(date1.getUTCSeconds()), 'Z' ].join('') : 'utctime' === tag1 ? str1 = [ two1(date1.getUTCFullYear() % 100), two1(date1.getUTCMonth() + 1), two1(date1.getUTCDate()), two1(date1.getUTCHours()), two1(date1.getUTCMinutes()), two1(date1.getUTCSeconds()), 'Z' ].join('') : this.reporter.error('Encoding ' + tag1 + ' time is not supported yet'), this._encodeStr(str1, 'octstr'); }, DERNode1.prototype._encodeNull = function() { return this._createEncoderBuffer(''); }, DERNode1.prototype._encodeInt = function(num1, values1) { if ('string' == typeof num1) { if (!values1) return this.reporter.error('String int or enum given, but no values map'); if (!values1.hasOwnProperty(num1)) return this.reporter.error('Values map doesn\'t contain: ' + JSON.stringify(num1)); num1 = values1[num1]; } if ('number' != typeof num1 && !Buffer1.isBuffer(num1)) { const numArray1 = num1.toArray(); !num1.sign && 0x80 & numArray1[0] && numArray1.unshift(0), num1 = Buffer1.from(numArray1); } if (Buffer1.isBuffer(num1)) { let size1 = num1.length; 0 === num1.length && size1++; const out1 = Buffer1.alloc(size1); return num1.copy(out1), 0 === num1.length && (out1[0] = 0), this._createEncoderBuffer(out1); } if (num1 < 0x80) return this._createEncoderBuffer(num1); if (num1 < 0x100) return this._createEncoderBuffer([ 0, num1 ]); let size1 = 1; for(let i2 = num1; i2 >= 0x100; i2 >>= 8)size1++; const out1 = Array(size1); for(let i2 = out1.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--)out1[i2] = 0xff & num1, num1 >>= 8; return 0x80 & out1[0] && out1.unshift(0), this._createEncoderBuffer(Buffer1.from(out1)); }, DERNode1.prototype._encodeBool = function(value1) { return this._createEncoderBuffer(value1 ? 0xff : 0); }, DERNode1.prototype._use = function(entity1, obj1) { return 'function' == typeof entity1 && (entity1 = entity1(obj1)), entity1._getEncoder('der').tree; }, DERNode1.prototype._skipDefault = function(dataBuffer1, reporter1, parent1) { let i2; const state1 = this._baseState; if (null === state1.default) return !1; const data1 = dataBuffer1.join(); if (void 0 === state1.defaultBuffer && (state1.defaultBuffer = this._encodeValue(state1.default, reporter1, parent1).join()), data1.length !== state1.defaultBuffer.length) return !1; for(i2 = 0; i2 < data1.length; i2++)if (data1[i2] !== state1.defaultBuffer[i2]) return !1; return !0; }; }, 6579: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const encoders1 = exports1; encoders1.der = __webpack_require__1(6984), encoders1.pem = __webpack_require__1(2883); }, 2883: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const inherits1 = __webpack_require__1(5717), DEREncoder1 = __webpack_require__1(6984); function PEMEncoder1(entity1) { DEREncoder1.call(this, entity1), this.enc = 'pem'; } inherits1(PEMEncoder1, DEREncoder1), module1.exports = PEMEncoder1, PEMEncoder1.prototype.encode = function(data1, options1) { const buf1 = DEREncoder1.prototype.encode.call(this, data1), p3 = buf1.toString('base64'), out1 = [ '-----BEGIN ' + options1.label + '-----' ]; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < p3.length; i2 += 64)out1.push(p3.slice(i2, i2 + 64)); return out1.push('-----END ' + options1.label + '-----'), out1.join('\n'); }; }, 9669: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { module1.exports = __webpack_require__1(1609); }, 5448: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = __webpack_require__1(4867), settle1 = __webpack_require__1(6026), cookies1 = __webpack_require__1(4372), buildURL1 = __webpack_require__1(5327), buildFullPath1 = __webpack_require__1(4097), parseHeaders1 = __webpack_require__1(4109), isURLSameOrigin1 = __webpack_require__1(7985), transitionalDefaults1 = __webpack_require__1(7874), AxiosError1 = __webpack_require__1(723), CanceledError1 = __webpack_require__1(644), parseProtocol1 = __webpack_require__1(205); module1.exports = function(config3) { return new Promise(function(resolve1, reject1) { var onCanceled1, requestData1 = config3.data, requestHeaders1 = config3.headers, responseType1 = config3.responseType; function done1() { config3.cancelToken && config3.cancelToken.unsubscribe(onCanceled1), config3.signal && config3.signal.removeEventListener('abort', onCanceled1); } utils1.isFormData(requestData1) && utils1.isStandardBrowserEnv() && delete requestHeaders1['Content-Type']; var request1 = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (config3.auth) { var username1 = config3.auth.username || '', password1 = config3.auth.password ? unescape(encodeURIComponent(config3.auth.password)) : ''; requestHeaders1.Authorization = 'Basic ' + btoa(username1 + ':' + password1); } var fullPath1 = buildFullPath1(config3.baseURL, config3.url); function onloadend1() { if (request1) { var responseHeaders1 = 'getAllResponseHeaders' in request1 ? parseHeaders1(request1.getAllResponseHeaders()) : null; settle1(function(value1) { resolve1(value1), done1(); }, function(err1) { reject1(err1), done1(); }, { data: responseType1 && 'text' !== responseType1 && 'json' !== responseType1 ? request1.response : request1.responseText, status: request1.status, statusText: request1.statusText, headers: responseHeaders1, config: config3, request: request1 }), request1 = null; } } if (request1.open(config3.method.toUpperCase(), buildURL1(fullPath1, config3.params, config3.paramsSerializer), !0), request1.timeout = config3.timeout, 'onloadend' in request1 ? request1.onloadend = onloadend1 : request1.onreadystatechange = function() { request1 && 4 === request1.readyState && (0 !== request1.status || request1.responseURL && 0 === request1.responseURL.indexOf('file:')) && setTimeout(onloadend1); }, request1.onabort = function() { request1 && (reject1(new AxiosError1('Request aborted', AxiosError1.ECONNABORTED, config3, request1)), request1 = null); }, request1.onerror = function() { reject1(new AxiosError1('Network Error', AxiosError1.ERR_NETWORK, config3, request1, request1)), request1 = null; }, request1.ontimeout = function() { var timeoutErrorMessage1 = config3.timeout ? 'timeout of ' + config3.timeout + 'ms exceeded' : 'timeout exceeded', transitional1 = config3.transitional || transitionalDefaults1; config3.timeoutErrorMessage && (timeoutErrorMessage1 = config3.timeoutErrorMessage), reject1(new AxiosError1(timeoutErrorMessage1, transitional1.clarifyTimeoutError ? AxiosError1.ETIMEDOUT : AxiosError1.ECONNABORTED, config3, request1)), request1 = null; }, utils1.isStandardBrowserEnv()) { var xsrfValue1 = (config3.withCredentials || isURLSameOrigin1(fullPath1)) && config3.xsrfCookieName ? cookies1.read(config3.xsrfCookieName) : void 0; xsrfValue1 && (requestHeaders1[config3.xsrfHeaderName] = xsrfValue1); } 'setRequestHeader' in request1 && utils1.forEach(requestHeaders1, function(val1, key1) { void 0 === requestData1 && 'content-type' === key1.toLowerCase() ? delete requestHeaders1[key1] : request1.setRequestHeader(key1, val1); }), utils1.isUndefined(config3.withCredentials) || (request1.withCredentials = !!config3.withCredentials), responseType1 && 'json' !== responseType1 && (request1.responseType = config3.responseType), 'function' == typeof config3.onDownloadProgress && request1.addEventListener('progress', config3.onDownloadProgress), 'function' == typeof config3.onUploadProgress && request1.upload && request1.upload.addEventListener('progress', config3.onUploadProgress), (config3.cancelToken || config3.signal) && (onCanceled1 = function(cancel1) { request1 && (reject1(!cancel1 || cancel1 && cancel1.type ? new CanceledError1() : cancel1), request1.abort(), request1 = null); }, config3.cancelToken && config3.cancelToken.subscribe(onCanceled1), config3.signal && (config3.signal.aborted ? onCanceled1() : config3.signal.addEventListener('abort', onCanceled1))), requestData1 || (requestData1 = null); var protocol1 = parseProtocol1(fullPath1); if (protocol1 && -1 === [ 'http', 'https', 'file' ].indexOf(protocol1)) { reject1(new AxiosError1('Unsupported protocol ' + protocol1 + ':', AxiosError1.ERR_BAD_REQUEST, config3)); return; } request1.send(requestData1); }); }; }, 1609: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = __webpack_require__1(4867), bind1 = __webpack_require__1(1849), Axios1 = __webpack_require__1(321), mergeConfig1 = __webpack_require__1(7185); function createInstance1(defaultConfig1) { var context1 = new Axios1(defaultConfig1), instance1 = bind1(Axios1.prototype.request, context1); return utils1.extend(instance1, Axios1.prototype, context1), utils1.extend(instance1, context1), instance1.create = function(instanceConfig1) { return createInstance1(mergeConfig1(defaultConfig1, instanceConfig1)); }, instance1; } var axios1 = createInstance1(__webpack_require__1(5546)); axios1.Axios = Axios1, axios1.CanceledError = __webpack_require__1(644), axios1.CancelToken = __webpack_require__1(4972), axios1.isCancel = __webpack_require__1(6502), axios1.VERSION = __webpack_require__1(7288).version, axios1.toFormData = __webpack_require__1(7675), axios1.AxiosError = __webpack_require__1(723), axios1.Cancel = axios1.CanceledError, axios1.all = function(promises1) { return Promise.all(promises1); }, axios1.spread = __webpack_require__1(8713), axios1.isAxiosError = __webpack_require__1(6268), module1.exports = axios1, module1.exports.default = axios1; }, 4972: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var CanceledError1 = __webpack_require__1(644); function CancelToken1(executor1) { if ('function' != typeof executor1) throw TypeError('executor must be a function.'); this.promise = new Promise(function(resolve1) { resolvePromise1 = resolve1; }); var resolvePromise1, token1 = this; this.promise.then(function(cancel1) { if (token1._listeners) { var i2, l1 = token1._listeners.length; for(i2 = 0; i2 < l1; i2++)token1._listeners[i2](cancel1); token1._listeners = null; } }), this.promise.then = function(onfulfilled1) { var _resolve1, promise1 = new Promise(function(resolve1) { token1.subscribe(resolve1), _resolve1 = resolve1; }).then(onfulfilled1); return promise1.cancel = function() { token1.unsubscribe(_resolve1); }, promise1; }, executor1(function(message1) { token1.reason || (token1.reason = new CanceledError1(message1), resolvePromise1(token1.reason)); }); } CancelToken1.prototype.throwIfRequested = function() { if (this.reason) throw this.reason; }, CancelToken1.prototype.subscribe = function(listener1) { if (this.reason) { listener1(this.reason); return; } this._listeners ? this._listeners.push(listener1) : this._listeners = [ listener1 ]; }, CancelToken1.prototype.unsubscribe = function(listener1) { if (this._listeners) { var index1 = this._listeners.indexOf(listener1); -1 !== index1 && this._listeners.splice(index1, 1); } }, CancelToken1.source = function() { var cancel1; return { token: new CancelToken1(function(c5) { cancel1 = c5; }), cancel: cancel1 }; }, module1.exports = CancelToken1; }, 644: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var AxiosError1 = __webpack_require__1(723); function CanceledError1(message1) { AxiosError1.call(this, null == message1 ? 'canceled' : message1, AxiosError1.ERR_CANCELED), this.name = 'CanceledError'; } __webpack_require__1(4867).inherits(CanceledError1, AxiosError1, { __CANCEL__: !0 }), module1.exports = CanceledError1; }, 6502: function(module1) { "use strict"; module1.exports = function(value1) { return !!(value1 && value1.__CANCEL__); }; }, 321: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = __webpack_require__1(4867), buildURL1 = __webpack_require__1(5327), InterceptorManager1 = __webpack_require__1(782), dispatchRequest1 = __webpack_require__1(3572), mergeConfig1 = __webpack_require__1(7185), buildFullPath1 = __webpack_require__1(4097), validator1 = __webpack_require__1(4875), validators1 = validator1.validators; function Axios1(instanceConfig1) { this.defaults = instanceConfig1, this.interceptors = { request: new InterceptorManager1(), response: new InterceptorManager1() }; } Axios1.prototype.request = function(configOrUrl1, config3) { 'string' == typeof configOrUrl1 ? (config3 = config3 || {}).url = configOrUrl1 : config3 = configOrUrl1 || {}, (config3 = mergeConfig1(this.defaults, config3)).method ? config3.method = config3.method.toLowerCase() : this.defaults.method ? config3.method = this.defaults.method.toLowerCase() : config3.method = 'get'; var promise1, transitional1 = config3.transitional; void 0 !== transitional1 && validator1.assertOptions(transitional1, { silentJSONParsing: validators1.transitional(validators1.boolean), forcedJSONParsing: validators1.transitional(validators1.boolean), clarifyTimeoutError: validators1.transitional(validators1.boolean) }, !1); var requestInterceptorChain1 = [], synchronousRequestInterceptors1 = !0; this.interceptors.request.forEach(function(interceptor1) { ('function' != typeof interceptor1.runWhen || !1 !== interceptor1.runWhen(config3)) && (synchronousRequestInterceptors1 = synchronousRequestInterceptors1 && interceptor1.synchronous, requestInterceptorChain1.unshift(interceptor1.fulfilled, interceptor1.rejected)); }); var responseInterceptorChain1 = []; if (this.interceptors.response.forEach(function(interceptor1) { responseInterceptorChain1.push(interceptor1.fulfilled, interceptor1.rejected); }), !synchronousRequestInterceptors1) { var chain1 = [ dispatchRequest1, void 0 ]; for(Array.prototype.unshift.apply(chain1, requestInterceptorChain1), chain1 = chain1.concat(responseInterceptorChain1), promise1 = Promise.resolve(config3); chain1.length;)promise1 = promise1.then(chain1.shift(), chain1.shift()); return promise1; } for(var newConfig1 = config3; requestInterceptorChain1.length;){ var onFulfilled1 = requestInterceptorChain1.shift(), onRejected1 = requestInterceptorChain1.shift(); try { newConfig1 = onFulfilled1(newConfig1); } catch (error1) { onRejected1(error1); break; } } try { promise1 = dispatchRequest1(newConfig1); } catch (error1) { return Promise.reject(error1); } for(; responseInterceptorChain1.length;)promise1 = promise1.then(responseInterceptorChain1.shift(), responseInterceptorChain1.shift()); return promise1; }, Axios1.prototype.getUri = function(config3) { return buildURL1(buildFullPath1((config3 = mergeConfig1(this.defaults, config3)).baseURL, config3.url), config3.params, config3.paramsSerializer); }, utils1.forEach([ 'delete', 'get', 'head', 'options' ], function(method1) { Axios1.prototype[method1] = function(url1, config3) { return this.request(mergeConfig1(config3 || {}, { method: method1, url: url1, data: (config3 || {}).data })); }; }), utils1.forEach([ 'post', 'put', 'patch' ], function(method1) { function generateHTTPMethod1(isForm1) { return function(url1, data1, config3) { return this.request(mergeConfig1(config3 || {}, { method: method1, headers: isForm1 ? { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' } : {}, url: url1, data: data1 })); }; } Axios1.prototype[method1] = generateHTTPMethod1(), Axios1.prototype[method1 + 'Form'] = generateHTTPMethod1(!0); }), module1.exports = Axios1; }, 723: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = __webpack_require__1(4867); function AxiosError1(message1, code1, config3, request1, response1) { Error.call(this), this.message = message1, this.name = 'AxiosError', code1 && (this.code = code1), config3 && (this.config = config3), request1 && (this.request = request1), response1 && (this.response = response1); } utils1.inherits(AxiosError1, Error, { toJSON: function() { return { message: this.message, name: this.name, description: this.description, number: this.number, fileName: this.fileName, lineNumber: this.lineNumber, columnNumber: this.columnNumber, stack: this.stack, config: this.config, code: this.code, status: this.response && this.response.status ? this.response.status : null }; } }); var prototype1 = AxiosError1.prototype, descriptors1 = {}; [ 'ERR_BAD_OPTION_VALUE', 'ERR_BAD_OPTION', 'ECONNABORTED', 'ETIMEDOUT', 'ERR_NETWORK', 'ERR_FR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS', 'ERR_DEPRECATED', 'ERR_BAD_RESPONSE', 'ERR_BAD_REQUEST', 'ERR_CANCELED' ].forEach(function(code1) { descriptors1[code1] = { value: code1 }; }), Object.defineProperties(AxiosError1, descriptors1), Object.defineProperty(prototype1, 'isAxiosError', { value: !0 }), AxiosError1.from = function(error1, code1, config3, request1, response1, customProps1) { var axiosError1 = Object.create(prototype1); return utils1.toFlatObject(error1, axiosError1, function(obj1) { return obj1 !== Error.prototype; }), AxiosError1.call(axiosError1, error1.message, code1, config3, request1, response1), axiosError1.name = error1.name, customProps1 && Object.assign(axiosError1, customProps1), axiosError1; }, module1.exports = AxiosError1; }, 782: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = __webpack_require__1(4867); function InterceptorManager1() { this.handlers = []; } InterceptorManager1.prototype.use = function(fulfilled1, rejected1, options1) { return this.handlers.push({ fulfilled: fulfilled1, rejected: rejected1, synchronous: !!options1 && options1.synchronous, runWhen: options1 ? options1.runWhen : null }), this.handlers.length - 1; }, InterceptorManager1.prototype.eject = function(id1) { this.handlers[id1] && (this.handlers[id1] = null); }, InterceptorManager1.prototype.forEach = function(fn1) { utils1.forEach(this.handlers, function(h8) { null !== h8 && fn1(h8); }); }, module1.exports = InterceptorManager1; }, 4097: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var isAbsoluteURL1 = __webpack_require__1(1793), combineURLs1 = __webpack_require__1(7303); module1.exports = function(baseURL1, requestedURL1) { return baseURL1 && !isAbsoluteURL1(requestedURL1) ? combineURLs1(baseURL1, requestedURL1) : requestedURL1; }; }, 3572: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = __webpack_require__1(4867), transformData1 = __webpack_require__1(8527), isCancel1 = __webpack_require__1(6502), defaults1 = __webpack_require__1(5546), CanceledError1 = __webpack_require__1(644); function throwIfCancellationRequested1(config3) { if (config3.cancelToken && config3.cancelToken.throwIfRequested(), config3.signal && config3.signal.aborted) throw new CanceledError1(); } module1.exports = function(config3) { return throwIfCancellationRequested1(config3), config3.headers = config3.headers || {}, config3.data = transformData1.call(config3, config3.data, config3.headers, config3.transformRequest), config3.headers = utils1.merge(config3.headers.common || {}, config3.headers[config3.method] || {}, config3.headers), utils1.forEach([ 'delete', 'get', 'head', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'common' ], function(method1) { delete config3.headers[method1]; }), (config3.adapter || defaults1.adapter)(config3).then(function(response1) { return throwIfCancellationRequested1(config3), response1.data = transformData1.call(config3, response1.data, response1.headers, config3.transformResponse), response1; }, function(reason1) { return !isCancel1(reason1) && (throwIfCancellationRequested1(config3), reason1 && reason1.response && (reason1.response.data = transformData1.call(config3, reason1.response.data, reason1.response.headers, config3.transformResponse))), Promise.reject(reason1); }); }; }, 7185: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = __webpack_require__1(4867); module1.exports = function(config11, config21) { config21 = config21 || {}; var config3 = {}; function getMergedValue1(target1, source1) { return utils1.isPlainObject(target1) && utils1.isPlainObject(source1) ? utils1.merge(target1, source1) : utils1.isPlainObject(source1) ? utils1.merge({}, source1) : utils1.isArray(source1) ? source1.slice() : source1; } function mergeDeepProperties1(prop1) { return utils1.isUndefined(config21[prop1]) ? utils1.isUndefined(config11[prop1]) ? void 0 : getMergedValue1(void 0, config11[prop1]) : getMergedValue1(config11[prop1], config21[prop1]); } function valueFromConfig21(prop1) { if (!utils1.isUndefined(config21[prop1])) return getMergedValue1(void 0, config21[prop1]); } function defaultToConfig21(prop1) { return utils1.isUndefined(config21[prop1]) ? utils1.isUndefined(config11[prop1]) ? void 0 : getMergedValue1(void 0, config11[prop1]) : getMergedValue1(void 0, config21[prop1]); } function mergeDirectKeys1(prop1) { return prop1 in config21 ? getMergedValue1(config11[prop1], config21[prop1]) : prop1 in config11 ? getMergedValue1(void 0, config11[prop1]) : void 0; } var mergeMap1 = { url: valueFromConfig21, method: valueFromConfig21, data: valueFromConfig21, baseURL: defaultToConfig21, transformRequest: defaultToConfig21, transformResponse: defaultToConfig21, paramsSerializer: defaultToConfig21, timeout: defaultToConfig21, timeoutMessage: defaultToConfig21, withCredentials: defaultToConfig21, adapter: defaultToConfig21, responseType: defaultToConfig21, xsrfCookieName: defaultToConfig21, xsrfHeaderName: defaultToConfig21, onUploadProgress: defaultToConfig21, onDownloadProgress: defaultToConfig21, decompress: defaultToConfig21, maxContentLength: defaultToConfig21, maxBodyLength: defaultToConfig21, beforeRedirect: defaultToConfig21, transport: defaultToConfig21, httpAgent: defaultToConfig21, httpsAgent: defaultToConfig21, cancelToken: defaultToConfig21, socketPath: defaultToConfig21, responseEncoding: defaultToConfig21, validateStatus: mergeDirectKeys1 }; return utils1.forEach(Object.keys(config11).concat(Object.keys(config21)), function(prop1) { var merge1 = mergeMap1[prop1] || mergeDeepProperties1, configValue1 = merge1(prop1); utils1.isUndefined(configValue1) && merge1 !== mergeDirectKeys1 || (config3[prop1] = configValue1); }), config3; }; }, 6026: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var AxiosError1 = __webpack_require__1(723); module1.exports = function(resolve1, reject1, response1) { var validateStatus1 = response1.config.validateStatus; !response1.status || !validateStatus1 || validateStatus1(response1.status) ? resolve1(response1) : reject1(new AxiosError1('Request failed with status code ' + response1.status, [ AxiosError1.ERR_BAD_REQUEST, AxiosError1.ERR_BAD_RESPONSE ][Math.floor(response1.status / 100) - 4], response1.config, response1.request, response1)); }; }, 8527: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = __webpack_require__1(4867), defaults1 = __webpack_require__1(5546); module1.exports = function(data1, headers1, fns1) { var context1 = this || defaults1; return utils1.forEach(fns1, function(fn1) { data1 = fn1.call(context1, data1, headers1); }), data1; }; }, 5546: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var process1 = __webpack_require__1(3454), utils1 = __webpack_require__1(4867), normalizeHeaderName1 = __webpack_require__1(6016), AxiosError1 = __webpack_require__1(723), transitionalDefaults1 = __webpack_require__1(7874), toFormData1 = __webpack_require__1(7675), DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE1 = { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }; function setContentTypeIfUnset1(headers1, value1) { !utils1.isUndefined(headers1) && utils1.isUndefined(headers1['Content-Type']) && (headers1['Content-Type'] = value1); } function stringifySafely1(rawValue1, parser1, encoder1) { if (utils1.isString(rawValue1)) try { return (parser1 || JSON.parse)(rawValue1), utils1.trim(rawValue1); } catch (e1) { if ('SyntaxError' !== e1.name) throw e1; } return (encoder1 || JSON.stringify)(rawValue1); } var defaults1 = { transitional: transitionalDefaults1, adapter: function() { var adapter1; return 'undefined' != typeof XMLHttpRequest ? adapter1 = __webpack_require__1(5448) : void 0 !== process1 && '[object process]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(process1) && (adapter1 = __webpack_require__1(5448)), adapter1; }(), transformRequest: [ function(data1, headers1) { if (normalizeHeaderName1(headers1, 'Accept'), normalizeHeaderName1(headers1, 'Content-Type'), utils1.isFormData(data1) || utils1.isArrayBuffer(data1) || utils1.isBuffer(data1) || utils1.isStream(data1) || utils1.isFile(data1) || utils1.isBlob(data1)) return data1; if (utils1.isArrayBufferView(data1)) return data1.buffer; if (utils1.isURLSearchParams(data1)) return setContentTypeIfUnset1(headers1, 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8'), data1.toString(); var isFileList1, isObjectPayload1 = utils1.isObject(data1), contentType1 = headers1 && headers1['Content-Type']; if ((isFileList1 = utils1.isFileList(data1)) || isObjectPayload1 && 'multipart/form-data' === contentType1) { var _FormData1 = this.env && this.env.FormData; return toFormData1(isFileList1 ? { 'files[]': data1 } : data1, _FormData1 && new _FormData1()); } return isObjectPayload1 || 'application/json' === contentType1 ? (setContentTypeIfUnset1(headers1, 'application/json'), stringifySafely1(data1)) : data1; } ], transformResponse: [ function(data1) { var transitional1 = this.transitional || defaults1.transitional, silentJSONParsing1 = transitional1 && transitional1.silentJSONParsing, forcedJSONParsing1 = transitional1 && transitional1.forcedJSONParsing, strictJSONParsing1 = !silentJSONParsing1 && 'json' === this.responseType; if (strictJSONParsing1 || forcedJSONParsing1 && utils1.isString(data1) && data1.length) try { return JSON.parse(data1); } catch (e1) { if (strictJSONParsing1) { if ('SyntaxError' === e1.name) throw AxiosError1.from(e1, AxiosError1.ERR_BAD_RESPONSE, this, null, this.response); throw e1; } } return data1; } ], timeout: 0, xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN', xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN', maxContentLength: -1, maxBodyLength: -1, env: { FormData: __webpack_require__1(1623) }, validateStatus: function(status1) { return status1 >= 200 && status1 < 300; }, headers: { common: { Accept: 'application/json, text/plain, */*' } } }; utils1.forEach([ 'delete', 'get', 'head' ], function(method1) { defaults1.headers[method1] = {}; }), utils1.forEach([ 'post', 'put', 'patch' ], function(method1) { defaults1.headers[method1] = utils1.merge(DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE1); }), module1.exports = defaults1; }, 7874: function(module1) { "use strict"; module1.exports = { silentJSONParsing: !0, forcedJSONParsing: !0, clarifyTimeoutError: !1 }; }, 7288: function(module1) { module1.exports = { version: "0.27.2" }; }, 1849: function(module1) { "use strict"; module1.exports = function(fn1, thisArg1) { return function() { for(var args1 = Array(arguments.length), i2 = 0; i2 < args1.length; i2++)args1[i2] = arguments[i2]; return fn1.apply(thisArg1, args1); }; }; }, 5327: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = __webpack_require__1(4867); function encode1(val1) { return encodeURIComponent(val1).replace(/%3A/gi, ':').replace(/%24/g, '$').replace(/%2C/gi, ',').replace(/%20/g, '+').replace(/%5B/gi, '[').replace(/%5D/gi, ']'); } module1.exports = function(url1, params1, paramsSerializer1) { if (!params1) return url1; if (paramsSerializer1) serializedParams1 = paramsSerializer1(params1); else if (utils1.isURLSearchParams(params1)) serializedParams1 = params1.toString(); else { var serializedParams1, parts1 = []; utils1.forEach(params1, function(val1, key1) { null != val1 && (utils1.isArray(val1) ? key1 += '[]' : val1 = [ val1 ], utils1.forEach(val1, function(v3) { utils1.isDate(v3) ? v3 = v3.toISOString() : utils1.isObject(v3) && (v3 = JSON.stringify(v3)), parts1.push(encode1(key1) + '=' + encode1(v3)); })); }), serializedParams1 = parts1.join('&'); } if (serializedParams1) { var hashmarkIndex1 = url1.indexOf('#'); -1 !== hashmarkIndex1 && (url1 = url1.slice(0, hashmarkIndex1)), url1 += (-1 === url1.indexOf('?') ? '?' : '&') + serializedParams1; } return url1; }; }, 7303: function(module1) { "use strict"; module1.exports = function(baseURL1, relativeURL1) { return relativeURL1 ? baseURL1.replace(/\/+$/, '') + '/' + relativeURL1.replace(/^\/+/, '') : baseURL1; }; }, 4372: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = __webpack_require__1(4867); module1.exports = utils1.isStandardBrowserEnv() ? function() { return { write: function(name1, value1, expires1, path1, domain1, secure1) { var cookie1 = []; cookie1.push(name1 + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value1)), utils1.isNumber(expires1) && cookie1.push('expires=' + new Date(expires1).toGMTString()), utils1.isString(path1) && cookie1.push('path=' + path1), utils1.isString(domain1) && cookie1.push('domain=' + domain1), !0 === secure1 && cookie1.push('secure'), document.cookie = cookie1.join('; '); }, read: function(name1) { var match1 = document.cookie.match(RegExp('(^|;\\s*)(' + name1 + ')=([^;]*)')); return match1 ? decodeURIComponent(match1[3]) : null; }, remove: function(name1) { this.write(name1, '', Date.now() - 86400000); } }; }() : function() { return { write: function() {}, read: function() { return null; }, remove: function() {} }; }(); }, 1793: function(module1) { "use strict"; module1.exports = function(url1) { return /^([a-z][a-z\d+\-.]*:)?\/\//i.test(url1); }; }, 6268: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = __webpack_require__1(4867); module1.exports = function(payload1) { return utils1.isObject(payload1) && !0 === payload1.isAxiosError; }; }, 7985: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = __webpack_require__1(4867); module1.exports = utils1.isStandardBrowserEnv() ? function() { var originURL1, msie1 = /(msie|trident)/i.test(navigator.userAgent), urlParsingNode1 = document.createElement('a'); function resolveURL1(url1) { var href1 = url1; return msie1 && (urlParsingNode1.setAttribute('href', href1), href1 = urlParsingNode1.href), urlParsingNode1.setAttribute('href', href1), { href: urlParsingNode1.href, protocol: urlParsingNode1.protocol ? urlParsingNode1.protocol.replace(/:$/, '') : '', host: urlParsingNode1.host, search: urlParsingNode1.search ? urlParsingNode1.search.replace(/^\?/, '') : '', hash: urlParsingNode1.hash ? urlParsingNode1.hash.replace(/^#/, '') : '', hostname: urlParsingNode1.hostname, port: urlParsingNode1.port, pathname: '/' === urlParsingNode1.pathname.charAt(0) ? urlParsingNode1.pathname : '/' + urlParsingNode1.pathname }; } return originURL1 = resolveURL1(window.location.href), function(requestURL1) { var parsed1 = utils1.isString(requestURL1) ? resolveURL1(requestURL1) : requestURL1; return parsed1.protocol === originURL1.protocol && parsed1.host === originURL1.host; }; }() : function() { return function() { return !0; }; }(); }, 6016: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = __webpack_require__1(4867); module1.exports = function(headers1, normalizedName1) { utils1.forEach(headers1, function(value1, name1) { name1 !== normalizedName1 && name1.toUpperCase() === normalizedName1.toUpperCase() && (headers1[normalizedName1] = value1, delete headers1[name1]); }); }; }, 1623: function(module1) { module1.exports = null; }, 4109: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = __webpack_require__1(4867), ignoreDuplicateOf1 = [ 'age', 'authorization', 'content-length', 'content-type', 'etag', 'expires', 'from', 'host', 'if-modified-since', 'if-unmodified-since', 'last-modified', 'location', 'max-forwards', 'proxy-authorization', 'referer', 'retry-after', 'user-agent' ]; module1.exports = function(headers1) { var key1, val1, i2, parsed1 = {}; return headers1 && utils1.forEach(headers1.split('\n'), function(line1) { i2 = line1.indexOf(':'), key1 = utils1.trim(line1.substr(0, i2)).toLowerCase(), val1 = utils1.trim(line1.substr(i2 + 1)), key1 && !(parsed1[key1] && ignoreDuplicateOf1.indexOf(key1) >= 0) && ('set-cookie' === key1 ? parsed1[key1] = (parsed1[key1] ? parsed1[key1] : []).concat([ val1 ]) : parsed1[key1] = parsed1[key1] ? parsed1[key1] + ', ' + val1 : val1); }), parsed1; }; }, 205: function(module1) { "use strict"; module1.exports = function(url1) { var match1 = /^([-+\w]{1,25})(:?\/\/|:)/.exec(url1); return match1 && match1[1] || ''; }; }, 8713: function(module1) { "use strict"; module1.exports = function(callback1) { return function(arr1) { return callback1.apply(null, arr1); }; }; }, 7675: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var Buffer1 = __webpack_require__1(8764).Buffer, utils1 = __webpack_require__1(4867); function toFormData1(obj1, formData1) { formData1 = formData1 || new FormData(); var stack1 = []; function convertValue1(value1) { return null === value1 ? '' : utils1.isDate(value1) ? value1.toISOString() : utils1.isArrayBuffer(value1) || utils1.isTypedArray(value1) ? 'function' == typeof Blob ? new Blob([ value1 ]) : Buffer1.from(value1) : value1; } function build1(data1, parentKey1) { if (utils1.isPlainObject(data1) || utils1.isArray(data1)) { if (-1 !== stack1.indexOf(data1)) throw Error('Circular reference detected in ' + parentKey1); stack1.push(data1), utils1.forEach(data1, function(value1, key1) { if (!utils1.isUndefined(value1)) { var arr1, fullKey1 = parentKey1 ? parentKey1 + '.' + key1 : key1; if (value1 && !parentKey1 && 'object' == typeof value1) { if (utils1.endsWith(key1, '{}')) value1 = JSON.stringify(value1); else if (utils1.endsWith(key1, '[]') && (arr1 = utils1.toArray(value1))) { arr1.forEach(function(el1) { utils1.isUndefined(el1) || formData1.append(fullKey1, convertValue1(el1)); }); return; } } build1(value1, fullKey1); } }), stack1.pop(); } else formData1.append(parentKey1, convertValue1(data1)); } return build1(obj1), formData1; } module1.exports = toFormData1; }, 4875: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var VERSION1 = __webpack_require__1(7288).version, AxiosError1 = __webpack_require__1(723), validators1 = {}; [ 'object', 'boolean', 'number', 'function', 'string', 'symbol' ].forEach(function(type1, i2) { validators1[type1] = function(thing1) { return typeof thing1 === type1 || 'a' + (i2 < 1 ? 'n ' : ' ') + type1; }; }); var deprecatedWarnings1 = {}; function assertOptions1(options1, schema1, allowUnknown1) { if ('object' != typeof options1) throw new AxiosError1('options must be an object', AxiosError1.ERR_BAD_OPTION_VALUE); for(var keys1 = Object.keys(options1), i2 = keys1.length; i2-- > 0;){ var opt1 = keys1[i2], validator1 = schema1[opt1]; if (validator1) { var value1 = options1[opt1], result1 = void 0 === value1 || validator1(value1, opt1, options1); if (!0 !== result1) throw new AxiosError1('option ' + opt1 + ' must be ' + result1, AxiosError1.ERR_BAD_OPTION_VALUE); continue; } if (!0 !== allowUnknown1) throw new AxiosError1('Unknown option ' + opt1, AxiosError1.ERR_BAD_OPTION); } } validators1.transitional = function(validator1, version1, message1) { function formatMessage1(opt1, desc1) { return '[Axios v' + VERSION1 + '] Transitional option \'' + opt1 + '\'' + desc1 + (message1 ? '. ' + message1 : ''); } return function(value1, opt1, opts1) { if (!1 === validator1) throw new AxiosError1(formatMessage1(opt1, ' has been removed' + (version1 ? ' in ' + version1 : '')), AxiosError1.ERR_DEPRECATED); return version1 && !deprecatedWarnings1[opt1] && (deprecatedWarnings1[opt1] = !0, console.warn(formatMessage1(opt1, ' has been deprecated since v' + version1 + ' and will be removed in the near future'))), !validator1 || validator1(value1, opt1, opts1); }; }, module1.exports = { assertOptions: assertOptions1, validators: validators1 }; }, 4867: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var bind1 = __webpack_require__1(1849), toString1 = Object.prototype.toString, kindOf1 = function(cache1) { return function(thing1) { var str1 = toString1.call(thing1); return cache1[str1] || (cache1[str1] = str1.slice(8, -1).toLowerCase()); }; }(Object.create(null)); function kindOfTest1(type1) { return type1 = type1.toLowerCase(), function(thing1) { return kindOf1(thing1) === type1; }; } function isArray1(val1) { return Array.isArray(val1); } function isUndefined1(val1) { return void 0 === val1; } function isBuffer1(val1) { return null !== val1 && !isUndefined1(val1) && null !== val1.constructor && !isUndefined1(val1.constructor) && 'function' == typeof val1.constructor.isBuffer && val1.constructor.isBuffer(val1); } var isArrayBuffer1 = kindOfTest1('ArrayBuffer'); function isArrayBufferView1(val1) { return 'undefined' != typeof ArrayBuffer && ArrayBuffer.isView ? ArrayBuffer.isView(val1) : val1 && val1.buffer && isArrayBuffer1(val1.buffer); } function isString1(val1) { return 'string' == typeof val1; } function isNumber1(val1) { return 'number' == typeof val1; } function isObject1(val1) { return null !== val1 && 'object' == typeof val1; } function isPlainObject1(val1) { if ('object' !== kindOf1(val1)) return !1; var prototype1 = Object.getPrototypeOf(val1); return null === prototype1 || prototype1 === Object.prototype; } var isDate1 = kindOfTest1('Date'), isFile1 = kindOfTest1('File'), isBlob1 = kindOfTest1('Blob'), isFileList1 = kindOfTest1('FileList'); function isFunction1(val1) { return '[object Function]' === toString1.call(val1); } function isStream1(val1) { return isObject1(val1) && isFunction1(val1.pipe); } function isFormData1(thing1) { var pattern1 = '[object FormData]'; return thing1 && ('function' == typeof FormData && thing1 instanceof FormData || toString1.call(thing1) === pattern1 || isFunction1(thing1.toString) && thing1.toString() === pattern1); } var isURLSearchParams1 = kindOfTest1('URLSearchParams'); function trim1(str1) { return str1.trim ? str1.trim() : str1.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); } function isStandardBrowserEnv1() { return ('undefined' == typeof navigator || 'ReactNative' !== navigator.product && 'NativeScript' !== navigator.product && 'NS' !== navigator.product) && 'undefined' != typeof window && 'undefined' != typeof document; } function forEach1(obj1, fn1) { if (null != obj1) { if ('object' != typeof obj1 && (obj1 = [ obj1 ]), isArray1(obj1)) for(var i2 = 0, l1 = obj1.length; i2 < l1; i2++)fn1.call(null, obj1[i2], i2, obj1); else for(var key1 in obj1)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj1, key1) && fn1.call(null, obj1[key1], key1, obj1); } } function merge1() { var result1 = {}; function assignValue1(val1, key1) { isPlainObject1(result1[key1]) && isPlainObject1(val1) ? result1[key1] = merge1(result1[key1], val1) : isPlainObject1(val1) ? result1[key1] = merge1({}, val1) : isArray1(val1) ? result1[key1] = val1.slice() : result1[key1] = val1; } for(var i2 = 0, l1 = arguments.length; i2 < l1; i2++)forEach1(arguments[i2], assignValue1); return result1; } function extend1(a10, b10, thisArg1) { return forEach1(b10, function(val1, key1) { thisArg1 && 'function' == typeof val1 ? a10[key1] = bind1(val1, thisArg1) : a10[key1] = val1; }), a10; } function stripBOM1(content1) { return 0xFEFF === content1.charCodeAt(0) && (content1 = content1.slice(1)), content1; } function inherits1(constructor1, superConstructor1, props1, descriptors1) { constructor1.prototype = Object.create(superConstructor1.prototype, descriptors1), constructor1.prototype.constructor = constructor1, props1 && Object.assign(constructor1.prototype, props1); } function toFlatObject1(sourceObj1, destObj1, filter1) { var props1, i2, prop1, merged1 = {}; destObj1 = destObj1 || {}; do { for(i2 = (props1 = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(sourceObj1)).length; i2-- > 0;)merged1[prop1 = props1[i2]] || (destObj1[prop1] = sourceObj1[prop1], merged1[prop1] = !0); sourceObj1 = Object.getPrototypeOf(sourceObj1); }while (sourceObj1 && (!filter1 || filter1(sourceObj1, destObj1)) && sourceObj1 !== Object.prototype) return destObj1; } function endsWith1(str1, searchString1, position1) { str1 = String(str1), (void 0 === position1 || position1 > str1.length) && (position1 = str1.length), position1 -= searchString1.length; var lastIndex1 = str1.indexOf(searchString1, position1); return -1 !== lastIndex1 && lastIndex1 === position1; } function toArray1(thing1) { if (!thing1) return null; var i2 = thing1.length; if (isUndefined1(i2)) return null; for(var arr1 = Array(i2); i2-- > 0;)arr1[i2] = thing1[i2]; return arr1; } var isTypedArray1 = function(TypedArray1) { return function(thing1) { return TypedArray1 && thing1 instanceof TypedArray1; }; }('undefined' != typeof Uint8Array && Object.getPrototypeOf(Uint8Array)); module1.exports = { isArray: isArray1, isArrayBuffer: isArrayBuffer1, isBuffer: isBuffer1, isFormData: isFormData1, isArrayBufferView: isArrayBufferView1, isString: isString1, isNumber: isNumber1, isObject: isObject1, isPlainObject: isPlainObject1, isUndefined: isUndefined1, isDate: isDate1, isFile: isFile1, isBlob: isBlob1, isFunction: isFunction1, isStream: isStream1, isURLSearchParams: isURLSearchParams1, isStandardBrowserEnv: isStandardBrowserEnv1, forEach: forEach1, merge: merge1, extend: extend1, trim: trim1, stripBOM: stripBOM1, inherits: inherits1, toFlatObject: toFlatObject1, kindOf: kindOf1, kindOfTest: kindOfTest1, endsWith: endsWith1, toArray: toArray1, isTypedArray: isTypedArray1, isFileList: isFileList1 }; }, 9742: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; exports1.byteLength = byteLength1, exports1.toByteArray = toByteArray1, exports1.fromByteArray = fromByteArray1; for(var lookup1 = [], revLookup1 = [], Arr1 = 'undefined' != typeof Uint8Array ? Uint8Array : Array, code1 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/', i2 = 0, len3 = code1.length; i2 < len3; ++i2)lookup1[i2] = code1[i2], revLookup1[code1.charCodeAt(i2)] = i2; function getLens1(b641) { var len3 = b641.length; if (len3 % 4 > 0) throw Error('Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4'); var validLen1 = b641.indexOf('='); -1 === validLen1 && (validLen1 = len3); var placeHoldersLen1 = validLen1 === len3 ? 0 : 4 - validLen1 % 4; return [ validLen1, placeHoldersLen1 ]; } function byteLength1(b641) { var lens1 = getLens1(b641), validLen1 = lens1[0], placeHoldersLen1 = lens1[1]; return (validLen1 + placeHoldersLen1) * 3 / 4 - placeHoldersLen1; } function _byteLength1(b641, validLen1, placeHoldersLen1) { return (validLen1 + placeHoldersLen1) * 3 / 4 - placeHoldersLen1; } function toByteArray1(b641) { var tmp1, i2, lens1 = getLens1(b641), validLen1 = lens1[0], placeHoldersLen1 = lens1[1], arr1 = new Arr1(_byteLength1(b641, validLen1, placeHoldersLen1)), curByte1 = 0, len3 = placeHoldersLen1 > 0 ? validLen1 - 4 : validLen1; for(i2 = 0; i2 < len3; i2 += 4)tmp1 = revLookup1[b641.charCodeAt(i2)] << 18 | revLookup1[b641.charCodeAt(i2 + 1)] << 12 | revLookup1[b641.charCodeAt(i2 + 2)] << 6 | revLookup1[b641.charCodeAt(i2 + 3)], arr1[curByte1++] = tmp1 >> 16 & 0xFF, arr1[curByte1++] = tmp1 >> 8 & 0xFF, arr1[curByte1++] = 0xFF & tmp1; return 2 === placeHoldersLen1 && (tmp1 = revLookup1[b641.charCodeAt(i2)] << 2 | revLookup1[b641.charCodeAt(i2 + 1)] >> 4, arr1[curByte1++] = 0xFF & tmp1), 1 === placeHoldersLen1 && (tmp1 = revLookup1[b641.charCodeAt(i2)] << 10 | revLookup1[b641.charCodeAt(i2 + 1)] << 4 | revLookup1[b641.charCodeAt(i2 + 2)] >> 2, arr1[curByte1++] = tmp1 >> 8 & 0xFF, arr1[curByte1++] = 0xFF & tmp1), arr1; } function tripletToBase641(num1) { return lookup1[num1 >> 18 & 0x3F] + lookup1[num1 >> 12 & 0x3F] + lookup1[num1 >> 6 & 0x3F] + lookup1[0x3F & num1]; } function encodeChunk1(uint81, start1, end1) { for(var output1 = [], i2 = start1; i2 < end1; i2 += 3)output1.push(tripletToBase641((uint81[i2] << 16 & 0xFF0000) + (uint81[i2 + 1] << 8 & 0xFF00) + (0xFF & uint81[i2 + 2]))); return output1.join(''); } function fromByteArray1(uint81) { for(var tmp1, len3 = uint81.length, extraBytes1 = len3 % 3, parts1 = [], maxChunkLength1 = 16383, i2 = 0, len21 = len3 - extraBytes1; i2 < len21; i2 += maxChunkLength1)parts1.push(encodeChunk1(uint81, i2, i2 + maxChunkLength1 > len21 ? len21 : i2 + maxChunkLength1)); return 1 === extraBytes1 ? parts1.push(lookup1[(tmp1 = uint81[len3 - 1]) >> 2] + lookup1[tmp1 << 4 & 0x3F] + '==') : 2 === extraBytes1 && parts1.push(lookup1[(tmp1 = (uint81[len3 - 2] << 8) + uint81[len3 - 1]) >> 10] + lookup1[tmp1 >> 4 & 0x3F] + lookup1[tmp1 << 2 & 0x3F] + '='), parts1.join(''); } revLookup1['-'.charCodeAt(0)] = 62, revLookup1['_'.charCodeAt(0)] = 63; }, 4431: function(module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__1; !function(globalObject1) { 'use strict'; var BigNumber1, isNumeric1 = /^-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?:e[+-]?\d+)?$/i, mathceil1 = Math.ceil, mathfloor1 = Math.floor, bignumberError1 = '[BigNumber Error] ', tooManyDigits1 = bignumberError1 + 'Number primitive has more than 15 significant digits: ', BASE1 = 1e14, LOG_BASE1 = 14, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER1 = 0x1fffffffffffff, POWS_TEN1 = [ 1, 10, 100, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8, 1e9, 1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13 ], SQRT_BASE1 = 1e7, MAX1 = 1E9; function clone1(configObject1) { var div1, convertBase1, parseNumeric1, P1 = BigNumber1.prototype = { constructor: BigNumber1, toString: null, valueOf: null }, ONE1 = new BigNumber1(1), DECIMAL_PLACES1 = 20, ROUNDING_MODE1 = 4, TO_EXP_NEG1 = -7, TO_EXP_POS1 = 21, MIN_EXP1 = -10000000, MAX_EXP1 = 1e7, CRYPTO1 = !1, MODULO_MODE1 = 1, POW_PRECISION1 = 0, FORMAT1 = { prefix: '', groupSize: 3, secondaryGroupSize: 0, groupSeparator: ',', decimalSeparator: '.', fractionGroupSize: 0, fractionGroupSeparator: '\xA0', suffix: '' }, ALPHABET1 = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', alphabetHasNormalDecimalDigits1 = !0; function BigNumber1(v3, b10) { var alphabet1, c5, caseChanged1, e1, i2, isNum1, len3, str1, x3 = this; if (!(x3 instanceof BigNumber1)) return new BigNumber1(v3, b10); if (null == b10) { if (v3 && !0 === v3._isBigNumber) { x3.s = v3.s, !v3.c || v3.e > MAX_EXP1 ? x3.c = x3.e = null : v3.e < MIN_EXP1 ? x3.c = [ x3.e = 0 ] : (x3.e = v3.e, x3.c = v3.c.slice()); return; } if ((isNum1 = 'number' == typeof v3) && 0 * v3 == 0) { if (x3.s = 1 / v3 < 0 ? (v3 = -v3, -1) : 1, v3 === ~~v3) { for(e1 = 0, i2 = v3; i2 >= 10; i2 /= 10, e1++); e1 > MAX_EXP1 ? x3.c = x3.e = null : (x3.e = e1, x3.c = [ v3 ]); return; } str1 = String(v3); } else { if (!isNumeric1.test(str1 = String(v3))) return parseNumeric1(x3, str1, isNum1); x3.s = 45 == str1.charCodeAt(0) ? (str1 = str1.slice(1), -1) : 1; } (e1 = str1.indexOf('.')) > -1 && (str1 = str1.replace('.', '')), (i2 = str1.search(/e/i)) > 0 ? (e1 < 0 && (e1 = i2), e1 += +str1.slice(i2 + 1), str1 = str1.substring(0, i2)) : e1 < 0 && (e1 = str1.length); } else { if (intCheck1(b10, 2, ALPHABET1.length, 'Base'), 10 == b10 && alphabetHasNormalDecimalDigits1) return round1(x3 = new BigNumber1(v3), DECIMAL_PLACES1 + x3.e + 1, ROUNDING_MODE1); if (str1 = String(v3), isNum1 = 'number' == typeof v3) { if (0 * v3 != 0) return parseNumeric1(x3, str1, isNum1, b10); if (x3.s = 1 / v3 < 0 ? (str1 = str1.slice(1), -1) : 1, BigNumber1.DEBUG && str1.replace(/^0\.0*|\./, '').length > 15) throw Error(tooManyDigits1 + v3); } else x3.s = 45 === str1.charCodeAt(0) ? (str1 = str1.slice(1), -1) : 1; for(alphabet1 = ALPHABET1.slice(0, b10), e1 = i2 = 0, len3 = str1.length; i2 < len3; i2++)if (0 > alphabet1.indexOf(c5 = str1.charAt(i2))) { if ('.' == c5) { if (i2 > e1) { e1 = len3; continue; } } else if (!caseChanged1 && (str1 == str1.toUpperCase() && (str1 = str1.toLowerCase()) || str1 == str1.toLowerCase() && (str1 = str1.toUpperCase()))) { caseChanged1 = !0, i2 = -1, e1 = 0; continue; } return parseNumeric1(x3, String(v3), isNum1, b10); } isNum1 = !1, (e1 = (str1 = convertBase1(str1, b10, 10, x3.s)).indexOf('.')) > -1 ? str1 = str1.replace('.', '') : e1 = str1.length; } for(i2 = 0; 48 === str1.charCodeAt(i2); i2++); for(len3 = str1.length; 48 === str1.charCodeAt(--len3);); if (str1 = str1.slice(i2, ++len3)) { if (len3 -= i2, isNum1 && BigNumber1.DEBUG && len3 > 15 && (v3 > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER1 || v3 !== mathfloor1(v3))) throw Error(tooManyDigits1 + x3.s * v3); if ((e1 = e1 - i2 - 1) > MAX_EXP1) x3.c = x3.e = null; else if (e1 < MIN_EXP1) x3.c = [ x3.e = 0 ]; else { if (x3.e = e1, x3.c = [], i2 = (e1 + 1) % LOG_BASE1, e1 < 0 && (i2 += LOG_BASE1), i2 < len3) { for(i2 && x3.c.push(+str1.slice(0, i2)), len3 -= LOG_BASE1; i2 < len3;)x3.c.push(+str1.slice(i2, i2 += LOG_BASE1)); i2 = LOG_BASE1 - (str1 = str1.slice(i2)).length; } else i2 -= len3; for(; i2--; str1 += '0'); x3.c.push(+str1); } } else x3.c = [ x3.e = 0 ]; } function format1(n2, i2, rm1, id1) { var c01, e1, ne1, len3, str1; if (null == rm1 ? rm1 = ROUNDING_MODE1 : intCheck1(rm1, 0, 8), !n2.c) return n2.toString(); if (c01 = n2.c[0], ne1 = n2.e, null == i2) str1 = coeffToString1(n2.c), str1 = 1 == id1 || 2 == id1 && (ne1 <= TO_EXP_NEG1 || ne1 >= TO_EXP_POS1) ? toExponential1(str1, ne1) : toFixedPoint1(str1, ne1, '0'); else if (e1 = (n2 = round1(new BigNumber1(n2), i2, rm1)).e, len3 = (str1 = coeffToString1(n2.c)).length, 1 == id1 || 2 == id1 && (i2 <= e1 || e1 <= TO_EXP_NEG1)) { for(; len3 < i2; str1 += '0', len3++); str1 = toExponential1(str1, e1); } else if (i2 -= ne1, str1 = toFixedPoint1(str1, e1, '0'), e1 + 1 > len3) { if (--i2 > 0) for(str1 += '.'; i2--; str1 += '0'); } else if ((i2 += e1 - len3) > 0) for(e1 + 1 == len3 && (str1 += '.'); i2--; str1 += '0'); return n2.s < 0 && c01 ? '-' + str1 : str1; } function maxOrMin1(args1, method1) { for(var n2, i2 = 1, m1 = new BigNumber1(args1[0]); i2 < args1.length; i2++)if ((n2 = new BigNumber1(args1[i2])).s) method1.call(m1, n2) && (m1 = n2); else { m1 = n2; break; } return m1; } function normalise1(n2, c5, e1) { for(var i2 = 1, j1 = c5.length; !c5[--j1]; c5.pop()); for(j1 = c5[0]; j1 >= 10; j1 /= 10, i2++); return (e1 = i2 + e1 * LOG_BASE1 - 1) > MAX_EXP1 ? n2.c = n2.e = null : e1 < MIN_EXP1 ? n2.c = [ n2.e = 0 ] : (n2.e = e1, n2.c = c5), n2; } function round1(x3, sd1, rm1, r3) { var d3, i2, j1, k3, n2, ni1, rd1, xc1 = x3.c, pows101 = POWS_TEN1; if (xc1) { out: { for(d3 = 1, k3 = xc1[0]; k3 >= 10; k3 /= 10, d3++); if ((i2 = sd1 - d3) < 0) i2 += LOG_BASE1, j1 = sd1, rd1 = (n2 = xc1[ni1 = 0]) / pows101[d3 - j1 - 1] % 10 | 0; else if ((ni1 = mathceil1((i2 + 1) / LOG_BASE1)) >= xc1.length) { if (r3) { for(; xc1.length <= ni1; xc1.push(0)); n2 = rd1 = 0, d3 = 1, i2 %= LOG_BASE1, j1 = i2 - LOG_BASE1 + 1; } else break out; } else { for(d3 = 1, n2 = k3 = xc1[ni1]; k3 >= 10; k3 /= 10, d3++); i2 %= LOG_BASE1, rd1 = (j1 = i2 - LOG_BASE1 + d3) < 0 ? 0 : n2 / pows101[d3 - j1 - 1] % 10 | 0; } if (r3 = r3 || sd1 < 0 || null != xc1[ni1 + 1] || (j1 < 0 ? n2 : n2 % pows101[d3 - j1 - 1]), r3 = rm1 < 4 ? (rd1 || r3) && (0 == rm1 || rm1 == (x3.s < 0 ? 3 : 2)) : rd1 > 5 || 5 == rd1 && (4 == rm1 || r3 || 6 == rm1 && (i2 > 0 ? j1 > 0 ? n2 / pows101[d3 - j1] : 0 : xc1[ni1 - 1]) % 10 & 1 || rm1 == (x3.s < 0 ? 8 : 7)), sd1 < 1 || !xc1[0]) return xc1.length = 0, r3 ? (sd1 -= x3.e + 1, xc1[0] = pows101[(LOG_BASE1 - sd1 % LOG_BASE1) % LOG_BASE1], x3.e = -sd1 || 0) : xc1[0] = x3.e = 0, x3; if (0 == i2 ? (xc1.length = ni1, k3 = 1, ni1--) : (xc1.length = ni1 + 1, k3 = pows101[LOG_BASE1 - i2], xc1[ni1] = j1 > 0 ? mathfloor1(n2 / pows101[d3 - j1] % pows101[j1]) * k3 : 0), r3) for(;;){ if (0 == ni1) { for(i2 = 1, j1 = xc1[0]; j1 >= 10; j1 /= 10, i2++); for(j1 = xc1[0] += k3, k3 = 1; j1 >= 10; j1 /= 10, k3++); i2 != k3 && (x3.e++, xc1[0] == BASE1 && (xc1[0] = 1)); break; } if (xc1[ni1] += k3, xc1[ni1] != BASE1) break; xc1[ni1--] = 0, k3 = 1; } for(i2 = xc1.length; 0 === xc1[--i2]; xc1.pop()); } x3.e > MAX_EXP1 ? x3.c = x3.e = null : x3.e < MIN_EXP1 && (x3.c = [ x3.e = 0 ]); } return x3; } function valueOf1(n2) { var str1, e1 = n2.e; return null === e1 ? n2.toString() : (str1 = coeffToString1(n2.c), str1 = e1 <= TO_EXP_NEG1 || e1 >= TO_EXP_POS1 ? toExponential1(str1, e1) : toFixedPoint1(str1, e1, '0'), n2.s < 0 ? '-' + str1 : str1); } return BigNumber1.clone = clone1, BigNumber1.ROUND_UP = 0, BigNumber1.ROUND_DOWN = 1, BigNumber1.ROUND_CEIL = 2, BigNumber1.ROUND_FLOOR = 3, BigNumber1.ROUND_HALF_UP = 4, BigNumber1.ROUND_HALF_DOWN = 5, BigNumber1.ROUND_HALF_EVEN = 6, BigNumber1.ROUND_HALF_CEIL = 7, BigNumber1.ROUND_HALF_FLOOR = 8, BigNumber1.EUCLID = 9, BigNumber1.config = BigNumber1.set = function(obj1) { var p3, v3; if (null != obj1) { if ('object' == typeof obj1) { if (obj1.hasOwnProperty(p3 = 'DECIMAL_PLACES') && (intCheck1(v3 = obj1[p3], 0, MAX1, p3), DECIMAL_PLACES1 = v3), obj1.hasOwnProperty(p3 = 'ROUNDING_MODE') && (intCheck1(v3 = obj1[p3], 0, 8, p3), ROUNDING_MODE1 = v3), obj1.hasOwnProperty(p3 = 'EXPONENTIAL_AT') && ((v3 = obj1[p3]) && v3.pop ? (intCheck1(v3[0], -MAX1, 0, p3), intCheck1(v3[1], 0, MAX1, p3), TO_EXP_NEG1 = v3[0], TO_EXP_POS1 = v3[1]) : (intCheck1(v3, -MAX1, MAX1, p3), TO_EXP_NEG1 = -(TO_EXP_POS1 = v3 < 0 ? -v3 : v3))), obj1.hasOwnProperty(p3 = 'RANGE')) { if ((v3 = obj1[p3]) && v3.pop) intCheck1(v3[0], -MAX1, -1, p3), intCheck1(v3[1], 1, MAX1, p3), MIN_EXP1 = v3[0], MAX_EXP1 = v3[1]; else if (intCheck1(v3, -MAX1, MAX1, p3), v3) MIN_EXP1 = -(MAX_EXP1 = v3 < 0 ? -v3 : v3); else throw Error(bignumberError1 + p3 + ' cannot be zero: ' + v3); } if (obj1.hasOwnProperty(p3 = 'CRYPTO')) { if (!!(v3 = obj1[p3]) === v3) { if (v3) { if ('undefined' != typeof crypto && crypto && (crypto.getRandomValues || crypto.randomBytes)) CRYPTO1 = v3; else throw CRYPTO1 = !v3, Error(bignumberError1 + 'crypto unavailable'); } else CRYPTO1 = v3; } else throw Error(bignumberError1 + p3 + ' not true or false: ' + v3); } if (obj1.hasOwnProperty(p3 = 'MODULO_MODE') && (intCheck1(v3 = obj1[p3], 0, 9, p3), MODULO_MODE1 = v3), obj1.hasOwnProperty(p3 = 'POW_PRECISION') && (intCheck1(v3 = obj1[p3], 0, MAX1, p3), POW_PRECISION1 = v3), obj1.hasOwnProperty(p3 = 'FORMAT')) { if ('object' == typeof (v3 = obj1[p3])) FORMAT1 = v3; else throw Error(bignumberError1 + p3 + ' not an object: ' + v3); } if (obj1.hasOwnProperty(p3 = 'ALPHABET')) { if ('string' != typeof (v3 = obj1[p3]) || /^.?$|[+\-.\s]|(.).*\1/.test(v3)) throw Error(bignumberError1 + p3 + ' invalid: ' + v3); alphabetHasNormalDecimalDigits1 = '0123456789' == v3.slice(0, 10), ALPHABET1 = v3; } } else throw Error(bignumberError1 + 'Object expected: ' + obj1); } return { DECIMAL_PLACES: DECIMAL_PLACES1, ROUNDING_MODE: ROUNDING_MODE1, EXPONENTIAL_AT: [ TO_EXP_NEG1, TO_EXP_POS1 ], RANGE: [ MIN_EXP1, MAX_EXP1 ], CRYPTO: CRYPTO1, MODULO_MODE: MODULO_MODE1, POW_PRECISION: POW_PRECISION1, FORMAT: FORMAT1, ALPHABET: ALPHABET1 }; }, BigNumber1.isBigNumber = function(v3) { if (!v3 || !0 !== v3._isBigNumber) return !1; if (!BigNumber1.DEBUG) return !0; var i2, n2, c5 = v3.c, e1 = v3.e, s3 = v3.s; out: if ('[object Array]' == ({}).toString.call(c5)) { if ((1 === s3 || -1 === s3) && e1 >= -MAX1 && e1 <= MAX1 && e1 === mathfloor1(e1)) { if (0 === c5[0]) { if (0 === e1 && 1 === c5.length) return !0; break out; } if ((i2 = (e1 + 1) % LOG_BASE1) < 1 && (i2 += LOG_BASE1), String(c5[0]).length == i2) { for(i2 = 0; i2 < c5.length; i2++)if ((n2 = c5[i2]) < 0 || n2 >= BASE1 || n2 !== mathfloor1(n2)) break out; if (0 !== n2) return !0; } } } else if (null === c5 && null === e1 && (null === s3 || 1 === s3 || -1 === s3)) return !0; throw Error(bignumberError1 + 'Invalid BigNumber: ' + v3); }, BigNumber1.maximum = BigNumber1.max = function() { return maxOrMin1(arguments, P1.lt); }, BigNumber1.minimum = BigNumber1.min = function() { return maxOrMin1(arguments, P1.gt); }, BigNumber1.random = function() { var pow2_531 = 0x20000000000000, random53bitInt1 = 0x20000000000000 * Math.random() & 0x1fffff ? function() { return mathfloor1(Math.random() * pow2_531); } : function() { return (0x40000000 * Math.random() | 0) * 0x800000 + (0x800000 * Math.random() | 0); }; return function(dp1) { var a10, b10, e1, k3, v3, i2 = 0, c5 = [], rand1 = new BigNumber1(ONE1); if (null == dp1 ? dp1 = DECIMAL_PLACES1 : intCheck1(dp1, 0, MAX1), k3 = mathceil1(dp1 / LOG_BASE1), CRYPTO1) { if (crypto.getRandomValues) { for(a10 = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(k3 *= 2)); i2 < k3;)(v3 = 0x20000 * a10[i2] + (a10[i2 + 1] >>> 11)) >= 9e15 ? (b10 = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(2)), a10[i2] = b10[0], a10[i2 + 1] = b10[1]) : (c5.push(v3 % 1e14), i2 += 2); i2 = k3 / 2; } else if (crypto.randomBytes) { for(a10 = crypto.randomBytes(k3 *= 7); i2 < k3;)(v3 = (31 & a10[i2]) * 0x1000000000000 + 0x10000000000 * a10[i2 + 1] + 0x100000000 * a10[i2 + 2] + 0x1000000 * a10[i2 + 3] + (a10[i2 + 4] << 16) + (a10[i2 + 5] << 8) + a10[i2 + 6]) >= 9e15 ? crypto.randomBytes(7).copy(a10, i2) : (c5.push(v3 % 1e14), i2 += 7); i2 = k3 / 7; } else throw CRYPTO1 = !1, Error(bignumberError1 + 'crypto unavailable'); } if (!CRYPTO1) for(; i2 < k3;)(v3 = random53bitInt1()) < 9e15 && (c5[i2++] = v3 % 1e14); for(k3 = c5[--i2], dp1 %= LOG_BASE1, k3 && dp1 && (v3 = POWS_TEN1[LOG_BASE1 - dp1], c5[i2] = mathfloor1(k3 / v3) * v3); 0 === c5[i2]; c5.pop(), i2--); if (i2 < 0) c5 = [ e1 = 0 ]; else { for(e1 = -1; 0 === c5[0]; c5.splice(0, 1), e1 -= LOG_BASE1); for(i2 = 1, v3 = c5[0]; v3 >= 10; v3 /= 10, i2++); i2 < LOG_BASE1 && (e1 -= LOG_BASE1 - i2); } return rand1.e = e1, rand1.c = c5, rand1; }; }(), BigNumber1.sum = function() { for(var i2 = 1, args1 = arguments, sum1 = new BigNumber1(args1[0]); i2 < args1.length;)sum1 = sum1.plus(args1[i2++]); return sum1; }, convertBase1 = function() { var decimal1 = '0123456789'; function toBaseOut1(str1, baseIn1, baseOut1, alphabet1) { for(var j1, arrL1, arr1 = [ 0 ], i2 = 0, len3 = str1.length; i2 < len3;){ for(arrL1 = arr1.length; arrL1--; arr1[arrL1] *= baseIn1); for(arr1[0] += alphabet1.indexOf(str1.charAt(i2++)), j1 = 0; j1 < arr1.length; j1++)arr1[j1] > baseOut1 - 1 && (null == arr1[j1 + 1] && (arr1[j1 + 1] = 0), arr1[j1 + 1] += arr1[j1] / baseOut1 | 0, arr1[j1] %= baseOut1); } return arr1.reverse(); } return function(str1, baseIn1, baseOut1, sign1, callerIsToString1) { var alphabet1, d3, e1, k3, r3, x3, xc1, y3, i2 = str1.indexOf('.'), dp1 = DECIMAL_PLACES1, rm1 = ROUNDING_MODE1; for(i2 >= 0 && (k3 = POW_PRECISION1, POW_PRECISION1 = 0, str1 = str1.replace('.', ''), x3 = (y3 = new BigNumber1(baseIn1)).pow(str1.length - i2), POW_PRECISION1 = k3, y3.c = toBaseOut1(toFixedPoint1(coeffToString1(x3.c), x3.e, '0'), 10, baseOut1, decimal1), y3.e = y3.c.length), e1 = k3 = (xc1 = toBaseOut1(str1, baseIn1, baseOut1, callerIsToString1 ? (alphabet1 = ALPHABET1, decimal1) : (alphabet1 = decimal1, ALPHABET1))).length; 0 == xc1[--k3]; xc1.pop()); if (!xc1[0]) return alphabet1.charAt(0); if (i2 < 0 ? --e1 : (x3.c = xc1, x3.e = e1, x3.s = sign1, xc1 = (x3 = div1(x3, y3, dp1, rm1, baseOut1)).c, r3 = x3.r, e1 = x3.e), i2 = xc1[d3 = e1 + dp1 + 1], k3 = baseOut1 / 2, r3 = r3 || d3 < 0 || null != xc1[d3 + 1], r3 = rm1 < 4 ? (null != i2 || r3) && (0 == rm1 || rm1 == (x3.s < 0 ? 3 : 2)) : i2 > k3 || i2 == k3 && (4 == rm1 || r3 || 6 == rm1 && 1 & xc1[d3 - 1] || rm1 == (x3.s < 0 ? 8 : 7)), d3 < 1 || !xc1[0]) str1 = r3 ? toFixedPoint1(alphabet1.charAt(1), -dp1, alphabet1.charAt(0)) : alphabet1.charAt(0); else { if (xc1.length = d3, r3) for(--baseOut1; ++xc1[--d3] > baseOut1;)xc1[d3] = 0, d3 || (++e1, xc1 = [ 1 ].concat(xc1)); for(k3 = xc1.length; !xc1[--k3];); for(i2 = 0, str1 = ''; i2 <= k3; str1 += alphabet1.charAt(xc1[i2++])); str1 = toFixedPoint1(str1, e1, alphabet1.charAt(0)); } return str1; }; }(), div1 = function() { function multiply1(x3, k3, base1) { var m1, temp1, xlo1, xhi1, carry1 = 0, i2 = x3.length, klo1 = k3 % SQRT_BASE1, khi1 = k3 / SQRT_BASE1 | 0; for(x3 = x3.slice(); i2--;)m1 = khi1 * (xlo1 = x3[i2] % SQRT_BASE1) + (xhi1 = x3[i2] / SQRT_BASE1 | 0) * klo1, carry1 = ((temp1 = klo1 * xlo1 + m1 % SQRT_BASE1 * SQRT_BASE1 + carry1) / base1 | 0) + (m1 / SQRT_BASE1 | 0) + khi1 * xhi1, x3[i2] = temp1 % base1; return carry1 && (x3 = [ carry1 ].concat(x3)), x3; } function compare1(a10, b10, aL1, bL1) { var i2, cmp1; if (aL1 != bL1) cmp1 = aL1 > bL1 ? 1 : -1; else for(i2 = cmp1 = 0; i2 < aL1; i2++)if (a10[i2] != b10[i2]) { cmp1 = a10[i2] > b10[i2] ? 1 : -1; break; } return cmp1; } function subtract1(a10, b10, aL1, base1) { for(var i2 = 0; aL1--;)a10[aL1] -= i2, i2 = a10[aL1] < b10[aL1] ? 1 : 0, a10[aL1] = i2 * base1 + a10[aL1] - b10[aL1]; for(; !a10[0] && a10.length > 1; a10.splice(0, 1)); } return function(x3, y3, dp1, rm1, base1) { var cmp1, e1, i2, more1, n2, prod1, prodL1, q3, qc1, rem1, remL1, rem01, xi1, xL1, yc01, yL1, yz1, s3 = x3.s == y3.s ? 1 : -1, xc1 = x3.c, yc1 = y3.c; if (!xc1 || !xc1[0] || !yc1 || !yc1[0]) return new BigNumber1(x3.s && y3.s && (xc1 ? !yc1 || xc1[0] != yc1[0] : yc1) ? xc1 && 0 == xc1[0] || !yc1 ? 0 * s3 : s3 / 0 : NaN); for(qc1 = (q3 = new BigNumber1(s3)).c = [], s3 = dp1 + (e1 = x3.e - y3.e) + 1, base1 || (base1 = BASE1, e1 = bitFloor1(x3.e / LOG_BASE1) - bitFloor1(y3.e / LOG_BASE1), s3 = s3 / LOG_BASE1 | 0), i2 = 0; yc1[i2] == (xc1[i2] || 0); i2++); if (yc1[i2] > (xc1[i2] || 0) && e1--, s3 < 0) qc1.push(1), more1 = !0; else { for(xL1 = xc1.length, yL1 = yc1.length, i2 = 0, s3 += 2, (n2 = mathfloor1(base1 / (yc1[0] + 1))) > 1 && (yc1 = multiply1(yc1, n2, base1), xc1 = multiply1(xc1, n2, base1), yL1 = yc1.length, xL1 = xc1.length), xi1 = yL1, remL1 = (rem1 = xc1.slice(0, yL1)).length; remL1 < yL1; rem1[remL1++] = 0); yz1 = [ 0 ].concat(yz1 = yc1.slice()), yc01 = yc1[0], yc1[1] >= base1 / 2 && yc01++; do { if (n2 = 0, (cmp1 = compare1(yc1, rem1, yL1, remL1)) < 0) { if (rem01 = rem1[0], yL1 != remL1 && (rem01 = rem01 * base1 + (rem1[1] || 0)), (n2 = mathfloor1(rem01 / yc01)) > 1) for(n2 >= base1 && (n2 = base1 - 1), prodL1 = (prod1 = multiply1(yc1, n2, base1)).length, remL1 = rem1.length; 1 == compare1(prod1, rem1, prodL1, remL1);)n2--, subtract1(prod1, yL1 < prodL1 ? yz1 : yc1, prodL1, base1), prodL1 = prod1.length, cmp1 = 1; else 0 == n2 && (cmp1 = n2 = 1), prodL1 = (prod1 = yc1.slice()).length; if (prodL1 < remL1 && (prod1 = [ 0 ].concat(prod1)), subtract1(rem1, prod1, remL1, base1), remL1 = rem1.length, -1 == cmp1) for(; 1 > compare1(yc1, rem1, yL1, remL1);)n2++, subtract1(rem1, yL1 < remL1 ? yz1 : yc1, remL1, base1), remL1 = rem1.length; } else 0 === cmp1 && (n2++, rem1 = [ 0 ]); qc1[i2++] = n2, rem1[0] ? rem1[remL1++] = xc1[xi1] || 0 : (rem1 = [ xc1[xi1] ], remL1 = 1); }while ((xi1++ < xL1 || null != rem1[0]) && s3--) more1 = null != rem1[0], qc1[0] || qc1.splice(0, 1); } if (base1 == BASE1) { for(i2 = 1, s3 = qc1[0]; s3 >= 10; s3 /= 10, i2++); round1(q3, dp1 + (q3.e = i2 + e1 * LOG_BASE1 - 1) + 1, rm1, more1); } else q3.e = e1, q3.r = +more1; return q3; }; }(), parseNumeric1 = function() { var basePrefix1 = /^(-?)0([xbo])(?=\w[\w.]*$)/i, dotAfter1 = /^([^.]+)\.$/, dotBefore1 = /^\.([^.]+)$/, isInfinityOrNaN1 = /^-?(Infinity|NaN)$/, whitespaceOrPlus1 = /^\s*\+(?=[\w.])|^\s+|\s+$/g; return function(x3, str1, isNum1, b10) { var base1, s3 = isNum1 ? str1 : str1.replace(whitespaceOrPlus1, ''); if (isInfinityOrNaN1.test(s3)) x3.s = isNaN(s3) ? null : s3 < 0 ? -1 : 1; else { if (!isNum1 && (s3 = s3.replace(basePrefix1, function(m1, p11, p21) { return base1 = 'x' == (p21 = p21.toLowerCase()) ? 16 : 'b' == p21 ? 2 : 8, b10 && b10 != base1 ? m1 : p11; }), b10 && (base1 = b10, s3 = s3.replace(dotAfter1, '$1').replace(dotBefore1, '0.$1')), str1 != s3)) return new BigNumber1(s3, base1); if (BigNumber1.DEBUG) throw Error(bignumberError1 + 'Not a' + (b10 ? ' base ' + b10 : '') + ' number: ' + str1); x3.s = null; } x3.c = x3.e = null; }; }(), P1.absoluteValue = P1.abs = function() { var x3 = new BigNumber1(this); return x3.s < 0 && (x3.s = 1), x3; }, P1.comparedTo = function(y3, b10) { return compare1(this, new BigNumber1(y3, b10)); }, P1.decimalPlaces = P1.dp = function(dp1, rm1) { var c5, n2, v3, x3 = this; if (null != dp1) return intCheck1(dp1, 0, MAX1), null == rm1 ? rm1 = ROUNDING_MODE1 : intCheck1(rm1, 0, 8), round1(new BigNumber1(x3), dp1 + x3.e + 1, rm1); if (!(c5 = x3.c)) return null; if (n2 = ((v3 = c5.length - 1) - bitFloor1(this.e / LOG_BASE1)) * LOG_BASE1, v3 = c5[v3]) for(; v3 % 10 == 0; v3 /= 10, n2--); return n2 < 0 && (n2 = 0), n2; }, P1.dividedBy = P1.div = function(y3, b10) { return div1(this, new BigNumber1(y3, b10), DECIMAL_PLACES1, ROUNDING_MODE1); }, P1.dividedToIntegerBy = P1.idiv = function(y3, b10) { return div1(this, new BigNumber1(y3, b10), 0, 1); }, P1.exponentiatedBy = P1.pow = function(n2, m1) { var half1, isModExp1, i2, k3, more1, nIsBig1, nIsNeg1, nIsOdd1, y3, x3 = this; if ((n2 = new BigNumber1(n2)).c && !n2.isInteger()) throw Error(bignumberError1 + 'Exponent not an integer: ' + valueOf1(n2)); if (null != m1 && (m1 = new BigNumber1(m1)), nIsBig1 = n2.e > 14, !x3.c || !x3.c[0] || 1 == x3.c[0] && !x3.e && 1 == x3.c.length || !n2.c || !n2.c[0]) return y3 = new BigNumber1(Math.pow(+valueOf1(x3), nIsBig1 ? 2 - isOdd1(n2) : +valueOf1(n2))), m1 ? y3.mod(m1) : y3; if (nIsNeg1 = n2.s < 0, m1) { if (m1.c ? !m1.c[0] : !m1.s) return new BigNumber1(NaN); (isModExp1 = !nIsNeg1 && x3.isInteger() && m1.isInteger()) && (x3 = x3.mod(m1)); } else { if (n2.e > 9 && (x3.e > 0 || x3.e < -1 || (0 == x3.e ? x3.c[0] > 1 || nIsBig1 && x3.c[1] >= 24e7 : x3.c[0] < 8e13 || nIsBig1 && x3.c[0] <= 9999975e7))) return k3 = x3.s < 0 && isOdd1(n2) ? -0 : 0, x3.e > -1 && (k3 = 1 / k3), new BigNumber1(nIsNeg1 ? 1 / k3 : k3); POW_PRECISION1 && (k3 = mathceil1(POW_PRECISION1 / LOG_BASE1 + 2)); } for(nIsBig1 ? (half1 = new BigNumber1(0.5), nIsNeg1 && (n2.s = 1), nIsOdd1 = isOdd1(n2)) : nIsOdd1 = (i2 = Math.abs(+valueOf1(n2))) % 2, y3 = new BigNumber1(ONE1);;){ if (nIsOdd1) { if (!(y3 = y3.times(x3)).c) break; k3 ? y3.c.length > k3 && (y3.c.length = k3) : isModExp1 && (y3 = y3.mod(m1)); } if (i2) { if (0 === (i2 = mathfloor1(i2 / 2))) break; nIsOdd1 = i2 % 2; } else if (round1(n2 = n2.times(half1), n2.e + 1, 1), n2.e > 14) nIsOdd1 = isOdd1(n2); else { if (0 == (i2 = +valueOf1(n2))) break; nIsOdd1 = i2 % 2; } x3 = x3.times(x3), k3 ? x3.c && x3.c.length > k3 && (x3.c.length = k3) : isModExp1 && (x3 = x3.mod(m1)); } return isModExp1 ? y3 : (nIsNeg1 && (y3 = ONE1.div(y3)), m1 ? y3.mod(m1) : k3 ? round1(y3, POW_PRECISION1, ROUNDING_MODE1, more1) : y3); }, P1.integerValue = function(rm1) { var n2 = new BigNumber1(this); return null == rm1 ? rm1 = ROUNDING_MODE1 : intCheck1(rm1, 0, 8), round1(n2, n2.e + 1, rm1); }, P1.isEqualTo = P1.eq = function(y3, b10) { return 0 === compare1(this, new BigNumber1(y3, b10)); }, P1.isFinite = function() { return !!this.c; }, P1.isGreaterThan = P1.gt = function(y3, b10) { return compare1(this, new BigNumber1(y3, b10)) > 0; }, P1.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo = P1.gte = function(y3, b10) { return 1 === (b10 = compare1(this, new BigNumber1(y3, b10))) || 0 === b10; }, P1.isInteger = function() { return !!this.c && bitFloor1(this.e / LOG_BASE1) > this.c.length - 2; }, P1.isLessThan = P1.lt = function(y3, b10) { return 0 > compare1(this, new BigNumber1(y3, b10)); }, P1.isLessThanOrEqualTo = P1.lte = function(y3, b10) { return -1 === (b10 = compare1(this, new BigNumber1(y3, b10))) || 0 === b10; }, P1.isNaN = function() { return !this.s; }, P1.isNegative = function() { return this.s < 0; }, P1.isPositive = function() { return this.s > 0; }, P1.isZero = function() { return !!this.c && 0 == this.c[0]; }, P1.minus = function(y3, b10) { var i2, j1, t3, xLTy1, x3 = this, a10 = x3.s; if (b10 = (y3 = new BigNumber1(y3, b10)).s, !a10 || !b10) return new BigNumber1(NaN); if (a10 != b10) return y3.s = -b10, x3.plus(y3); var xe1 = x3.e / LOG_BASE1, ye1 = y3.e / LOG_BASE1, xc1 = x3.c, yc1 = y3.c; if (!xe1 || !ye1) { if (!xc1 || !yc1) return xc1 ? (y3.s = -b10, y3) : new BigNumber1(yc1 ? x3 : NaN); if (!xc1[0] || !yc1[0]) return yc1[0] ? (y3.s = -b10, y3) : new BigNumber1(xc1[0] ? x3 : 3 == ROUNDING_MODE1 ? -0 : 0); } if (xe1 = bitFloor1(xe1), ye1 = bitFloor1(ye1), xc1 = xc1.slice(), a10 = xe1 - ye1) { for((xLTy1 = a10 < 0) ? (a10 = -a10, t3 = xc1) : (ye1 = xe1, t3 = yc1), t3.reverse(), b10 = a10; b10--; t3.push(0)); t3.reverse(); } else for(j1 = (xLTy1 = (a10 = xc1.length) < (b10 = yc1.length)) ? a10 : b10, a10 = b10 = 0; b10 < j1; b10++)if (xc1[b10] != yc1[b10]) { xLTy1 = xc1[b10] < yc1[b10]; break; } if (xLTy1 && (t3 = xc1, xc1 = yc1, yc1 = t3, y3.s = -y3.s), (b10 = (j1 = yc1.length) - (i2 = xc1.length)) > 0) for(; b10--; xc1[i2++] = 0); for(b10 = BASE1 - 1; j1 > a10;){ if (xc1[--j1] < yc1[j1]) { for(i2 = j1; i2 && !xc1[--i2]; xc1[i2] = b10); --xc1[i2], xc1[j1] += BASE1; } xc1[j1] -= yc1[j1]; } for(; 0 == xc1[0]; xc1.splice(0, 1), --ye1); return xc1[0] ? normalise1(y3, xc1, ye1) : (y3.s = 3 == ROUNDING_MODE1 ? -1 : 1, y3.c = [ y3.e = 0 ], y3); }, P1.modulo = P1.mod = function(y3, b10) { var q3, s3, x3 = this; return (y3 = new BigNumber1(y3, b10), x3.c && y3.s && (!y3.c || y3.c[0])) ? y3.c && (!x3.c || x3.c[0]) ? (9 == MODULO_MODE1 ? (s3 = y3.s, y3.s = 1, q3 = div1(x3, y3, 0, 3), y3.s = s3, q3.s *= s3) : q3 = div1(x3, y3, 0, MODULO_MODE1), (y3 = x3.minus(q3.times(y3))).c[0] || 1 != MODULO_MODE1 || (y3.s = x3.s), y3) : new BigNumber1(x3) : new BigNumber1(NaN); }, P1.multipliedBy = P1.times = function(y3, b10) { var c5, e1, i2, j1, k3, m1, xcL1, xlo1, xhi1, ycL1, ylo1, yhi1, zc1, base1, sqrtBase1, x3 = this, xc1 = x3.c, yc1 = (y3 = new BigNumber1(y3, b10)).c; if (!xc1 || !yc1 || !xc1[0] || !yc1[0]) return x3.s && y3.s && (!xc1 || xc1[0] || yc1) && (!yc1 || yc1[0] || xc1) ? (y3.s *= x3.s, xc1 && yc1 ? (y3.c = [ 0 ], y3.e = 0) : y3.c = y3.e = null) : y3.c = y3.e = y3.s = null, y3; for(e1 = bitFloor1(x3.e / LOG_BASE1) + bitFloor1(y3.e / LOG_BASE1), y3.s *= x3.s, (xcL1 = xc1.length) < (ycL1 = yc1.length) && (zc1 = xc1, xc1 = yc1, yc1 = zc1, i2 = xcL1, xcL1 = ycL1, ycL1 = i2), i2 = xcL1 + ycL1, zc1 = []; i2--; zc1.push(0)); for(base1 = BASE1, sqrtBase1 = SQRT_BASE1, i2 = ycL1; --i2 >= 0;){ for(c5 = 0, ylo1 = yc1[i2] % sqrtBase1, yhi1 = yc1[i2] / sqrtBase1 | 0, k3 = xcL1, j1 = i2 + k3; j1 > i2;)m1 = yhi1 * (xlo1 = xc1[--k3] % sqrtBase1) + (xhi1 = xc1[k3] / sqrtBase1 | 0) * ylo1, c5 = ((xlo1 = ylo1 * xlo1 + m1 % sqrtBase1 * sqrtBase1 + zc1[j1] + c5) / base1 | 0) + (m1 / sqrtBase1 | 0) + yhi1 * xhi1, zc1[j1--] = xlo1 % base1; zc1[j1] = c5; } return c5 ? ++e1 : zc1.splice(0, 1), normalise1(y3, zc1, e1); }, P1.negated = function() { var x3 = new BigNumber1(this); return x3.s = -x3.s || null, x3; }, P1.plus = function(y3, b10) { var t3, x3 = this, a10 = x3.s; if (b10 = (y3 = new BigNumber1(y3, b10)).s, !a10 || !b10) return new BigNumber1(NaN); if (a10 != b10) return y3.s = -b10, x3.minus(y3); var xe1 = x3.e / LOG_BASE1, ye1 = y3.e / LOG_BASE1, xc1 = x3.c, yc1 = y3.c; if (!xe1 || !ye1) { if (!xc1 || !yc1) return new BigNumber1(a10 / 0); if (!xc1[0] || !yc1[0]) return yc1[0] ? y3 : new BigNumber1(xc1[0] ? x3 : 0 * a10); } if (xe1 = bitFloor1(xe1), ye1 = bitFloor1(ye1), xc1 = xc1.slice(), a10 = xe1 - ye1) { for(a10 > 0 ? (ye1 = xe1, t3 = yc1) : (a10 = -a10, t3 = xc1), t3.reverse(); a10--; t3.push(0)); t3.reverse(); } for((a10 = xc1.length) - (b10 = yc1.length) < 0 && (t3 = yc1, yc1 = xc1, xc1 = t3, b10 = a10), a10 = 0; b10;)a10 = (xc1[--b10] = xc1[b10] + yc1[b10] + a10) / BASE1 | 0, xc1[b10] = BASE1 === xc1[b10] ? 0 : xc1[b10] % BASE1; return a10 && (xc1 = [ a10 ].concat(xc1), ++ye1), normalise1(y3, xc1, ye1); }, P1.precision = P1.sd = function(sd1, rm1) { var c5, n2, v3, x3 = this; if (null != sd1 && !!sd1 !== sd1) return intCheck1(sd1, 1, MAX1), null == rm1 ? rm1 = ROUNDING_MODE1 : intCheck1(rm1, 0, 8), round1(new BigNumber1(x3), sd1, rm1); if (!(c5 = x3.c)) return null; if (n2 = (v3 = c5.length - 1) * LOG_BASE1 + 1, v3 = c5[v3]) { for(; v3 % 10 == 0; v3 /= 10, n2--); for(v3 = c5[0]; v3 >= 10; v3 /= 10, n2++); } return sd1 && x3.e + 1 > n2 && (n2 = x3.e + 1), n2; }, P1.shiftedBy = function(k3) { return intCheck1(k3, -MAX_SAFE_INTEGER1, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER1), this.times('1e' + k3); }, P1.squareRoot = P1.sqrt = function() { var m1, n2, r3, rep1, t3, x3 = this, c5 = x3.c, s3 = x3.s, e1 = x3.e, dp1 = DECIMAL_PLACES1 + 4, half1 = new BigNumber1('0.5'); if (1 !== s3 || !c5 || !c5[0]) return new BigNumber1(!s3 || s3 < 0 && (!c5 || c5[0]) ? NaN : c5 ? x3 : 1 / 0); if (0 == (s3 = Math.sqrt(+valueOf1(x3))) || s3 == 1 / 0 ? (((n2 = coeffToString1(c5)).length + e1) % 2 == 0 && (n2 += '0'), s3 = Math.sqrt(+n2), e1 = bitFloor1((e1 + 1) / 2) - (e1 < 0 || e1 % 2), n2 = s3 == 1 / 0 ? '5e' + e1 : (n2 = s3.toExponential()).slice(0, n2.indexOf('e') + 1) + e1, r3 = new BigNumber1(n2)) : r3 = new BigNumber1(s3 + ''), r3.c[0]) { for((s3 = (e1 = r3.e) + dp1) < 3 && (s3 = 0);;)if (t3 = r3, r3 = half1.times(t3.plus(div1(x3, t3, dp1, 1))), coeffToString1(t3.c).slice(0, s3) === (n2 = coeffToString1(r3.c)).slice(0, s3)) { if (r3.e < e1 && --s3, '9999' != (n2 = n2.slice(s3 - 3, s3 + 1)) && (rep1 || '4999' != n2)) { +n2 && (+n2.slice(1) || '5' != n2.charAt(0)) || (round1(r3, r3.e + DECIMAL_PLACES1 + 2, 1), m1 = !r3.times(r3).eq(x3)); break; } if (!rep1 && (round1(t3, t3.e + DECIMAL_PLACES1 + 2, 0), t3.times(t3).eq(x3))) { r3 = t3; break; } dp1 += 4, s3 += 4, rep1 = 1; } } return round1(r3, r3.e + DECIMAL_PLACES1 + 1, ROUNDING_MODE1, m1); }, P1.toExponential = function(dp1, rm1) { return null != dp1 && (intCheck1(dp1, 0, MAX1), dp1++), format1(this, dp1, rm1, 1); }, P1.toFixed = function(dp1, rm1) { return null != dp1 && (intCheck1(dp1, 0, MAX1), dp1 = dp1 + this.e + 1), format1(this, dp1, rm1); }, P1.toFormat = function(dp1, rm1, format1) { var str1, x3 = this; if (null == format1) null != dp1 && rm1 && 'object' == typeof rm1 ? (format1 = rm1, rm1 = null) : dp1 && 'object' == typeof dp1 ? (format1 = dp1, dp1 = rm1 = null) : format1 = FORMAT1; else if ('object' != typeof format1) throw Error(bignumberError1 + 'Argument not an object: ' + format1); if (str1 = x3.toFixed(dp1, rm1), x3.c) { var i2, arr1 = str1.split('.'), g11 = +format1.groupSize, g21 = +format1.secondaryGroupSize, groupSeparator1 = format1.groupSeparator || '', intPart1 = arr1[0], fractionPart1 = arr1[1], isNeg1 = x3.s < 0, intDigits1 = isNeg1 ? intPart1.slice(1) : intPart1, len3 = intDigits1.length; if (g21 && (i2 = g11, g11 = g21, g21 = i2, len3 -= i2), g11 > 0 && len3 > 0) { for(i2 = len3 % g11 || g11, intPart1 = intDigits1.substr(0, i2); i2 < len3; i2 += g11)intPart1 += groupSeparator1 + intDigits1.substr(i2, g11); g21 > 0 && (intPart1 += groupSeparator1 + intDigits1.slice(i2)), isNeg1 && (intPart1 = '-' + intPart1); } str1 = fractionPart1 ? intPart1 + (format1.decimalSeparator || '') + ((g21 = +format1.fractionGroupSize) ? fractionPart1.replace(RegExp('\\d{' + g21 + '}\\B', 'g'), '$&' + (format1.fractionGroupSeparator || '')) : fractionPart1) : intPart1; } return (format1.prefix || '') + str1 + (format1.suffix || ''); }, P1.toFraction = function(md1) { var d3, d01, d11, d21, e1, exp1, n2, n01, n11, q3, r3, s3, x3 = this, xc1 = x3.c; if (null != md1 && (!(n2 = new BigNumber1(md1)).isInteger() && (n2.c || 1 !== n2.s) || n2.lt(ONE1))) throw Error(bignumberError1 + 'Argument ' + (n2.isInteger() ? 'out of range: ' : 'not an integer: ') + valueOf1(n2)); if (!xc1) return new BigNumber1(x3); for(d3 = new BigNumber1(ONE1), n11 = d01 = new BigNumber1(ONE1), d11 = n01 = new BigNumber1(ONE1), s3 = coeffToString1(xc1), e1 = d3.e = s3.length - x3.e - 1, d3.c[0] = POWS_TEN1[(exp1 = e1 % LOG_BASE1) < 0 ? LOG_BASE1 + exp1 : exp1], md1 = !md1 || n2.comparedTo(d3) > 0 ? e1 > 0 ? d3 : n11 : n2, exp1 = MAX_EXP1, MAX_EXP1 = 1 / 0, n2 = new BigNumber1(s3), n01.c[0] = 0; q3 = div1(n2, d3, 0, 1), 1 != (d21 = d01.plus(q3.times(d11))).comparedTo(md1);)d01 = d11, d11 = d21, n11 = n01.plus(q3.times(d21 = n11)), n01 = d21, d3 = n2.minus(q3.times(d21 = d3)), n2 = d21; return d21 = div1(md1.minus(d01), d11, 0, 1), n01 = n01.plus(d21.times(n11)), d01 = d01.plus(d21.times(d11)), n01.s = n11.s = x3.s, e1 *= 2, r3 = 1 > div1(n11, d11, e1, ROUNDING_MODE1).minus(x3).abs().comparedTo(div1(n01, d01, e1, ROUNDING_MODE1).minus(x3).abs()) ? [ n11, d11 ] : [ n01, d01 ], MAX_EXP1 = exp1, r3; }, P1.toNumber = function() { return +valueOf1(this); }, P1.toPrecision = function(sd1, rm1) { return null != sd1 && intCheck1(sd1, 1, MAX1), format1(this, sd1, rm1, 2); }, P1.toString = function(b10) { var str1, n2 = this, s3 = n2.s, e1 = n2.e; return null === e1 ? s3 ? (str1 = 'Infinity', s3 < 0 && (str1 = '-' + str1)) : str1 = 'NaN' : (null == b10 ? str1 = e1 <= TO_EXP_NEG1 || e1 >= TO_EXP_POS1 ? toExponential1(coeffToString1(n2.c), e1) : toFixedPoint1(coeffToString1(n2.c), e1, '0') : 10 === b10 && alphabetHasNormalDecimalDigits1 ? str1 = toFixedPoint1(coeffToString1((n2 = round1(new BigNumber1(n2), DECIMAL_PLACES1 + e1 + 1, ROUNDING_MODE1)).c), n2.e, '0') : (intCheck1(b10, 2, ALPHABET1.length, 'Base'), str1 = convertBase1(toFixedPoint1(coeffToString1(n2.c), e1, '0'), 10, b10, s3, !0)), s3 < 0 && n2.c[0] && (str1 = '-' + str1)), str1; }, P1.valueOf = P1.toJSON = function() { return valueOf1(this); }, P1._isBigNumber = !0, null != configObject1 && BigNumber1.set(configObject1), BigNumber1; } function bitFloor1(n2) { var i2 = 0 | n2; return n2 > 0 || n2 === i2 ? i2 : i2 - 1; } function coeffToString1(a10) { for(var s3, z1, i2 = 1, j1 = a10.length, r3 = a10[0] + ''; i2 < j1;){ for(z1 = LOG_BASE1 - (s3 = a10[i2++] + '').length; z1--; s3 = '0' + s3); r3 += s3; } for(j1 = r3.length; 48 === r3.charCodeAt(--j1);); return r3.slice(0, j1 + 1 || 1); } function compare1(x3, y3) { var a10, b10, xc1 = x3.c, yc1 = y3.c, i2 = x3.s, j1 = y3.s, k3 = x3.e, l1 = y3.e; if (!i2 || !j1) return null; if (a10 = xc1 && !xc1[0], b10 = yc1 && !yc1[0], a10 || b10) return a10 ? b10 ? 0 : -j1 : i2; if (i2 != j1) return i2; if (a10 = i2 < 0, b10 = k3 == l1, !xc1 || !yc1) return b10 ? 0 : !xc1 ^ a10 ? 1 : -1; if (!b10) return k3 > l1 ^ a10 ? 1 : -1; for(i2 = 0, j1 = (k3 = xc1.length) < (l1 = yc1.length) ? k3 : l1; i2 < j1; i2++)if (xc1[i2] != yc1[i2]) return xc1[i2] > yc1[i2] ^ a10 ? 1 : -1; return k3 == l1 ? 0 : k3 > l1 ^ a10 ? 1 : -1; } function intCheck1(n2, min1, max1, name1) { if (n2 < min1 || n2 > max1 || n2 !== mathfloor1(n2)) throw Error(bignumberError1 + (name1 || 'Argument') + ('number' == typeof n2 ? n2 < min1 || n2 > max1 ? ' out of range: ' : ' not an integer: ' : ' not a primitive number: ') + String(n2)); } function isOdd1(n2) { var k3 = n2.c.length - 1; return bitFloor1(n2.e / LOG_BASE1) == k3 && n2.c[k3] % 2 != 0; } function toExponential1(str1, e1) { return (str1.length > 1 ? str1.charAt(0) + '.' + str1.slice(1) : str1) + (e1 < 0 ? 'e' : 'e+') + e1; } function toFixedPoint1(str1, e1, z1) { var len3, zs1; if (e1 < 0) { for(zs1 = z1 + '.'; ++e1; zs1 += z1); str1 = zs1 + str1; } else if (len3 = str1.length, ++e1 > len3) { for(zs1 = z1, e1 -= len3; --e1; zs1 += z1); str1 += zs1; } else e1 < len3 && (str1 = str1.slice(0, e1) + '.' + str1.slice(e1)); return str1; } (BigNumber1 = clone1()).default = BigNumber1.BigNumber = BigNumber1, void 0 !== (__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__1 = (function() { return BigNumber1; }).call(exports1, __webpack_require__1, exports1, module1)) && (module1.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__1); }(0); }, 3550: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { !function(module1, exports1) { 'use strict'; function assert1(val1, msg1) { if (!val1) throw Error(msg1 || 'Assertion failed'); } function inherits1(ctor1, superCtor1) { ctor1.super_ = superCtor1; var TempCtor1 = function() {}; TempCtor1.prototype = superCtor1.prototype, ctor1.prototype = new TempCtor1(), ctor1.prototype.constructor = ctor1; } function BN1(number1, base1, endian1) { if (BN1.isBN(number1)) return number1; this.negative = 0, this.words = null, this.length = 0, this.red = null, null !== number1 && (('le' === base1 || 'be' === base1) && (endian1 = base1, base1 = 10), this._init(number1 || 0, base1 || 10, endian1 || 'be')); } 'object' == typeof module1 ? module1.exports = BN1 : exports1.BN = BN1, BN1.BN = BN1, BN1.wordSize = 26; try { Buffer1 = 'undefined' != typeof window && void 0 !== window.Buffer ? window.Buffer : __webpack_require__1(6601).Buffer; } catch (e1) {} function parseHex4Bits1(string1, index1) { var c5 = string1.charCodeAt(index1); return c5 >= 65 && c5 <= 70 ? c5 - 55 : c5 >= 97 && c5 <= 102 ? c5 - 87 : c5 - 48 & 0xf; } function parseHexByte1(string1, lowerBound1, index1) { var r3 = parseHex4Bits1(string1, index1); return index1 - 1 >= lowerBound1 && (r3 |= parseHex4Bits1(string1, index1 - 1) << 4), r3; } function parseBase1(str1, start1, end1, mul1) { for(var r3 = 0, len3 = Math.min(str1.length, end1), i2 = start1; i2 < len3; i2++){ var c5 = str1.charCodeAt(i2) - 48; r3 *= mul1, c5 >= 49 ? r3 += c5 - 49 + 0xa : c5 >= 17 ? r3 += c5 - 17 + 0xa : r3 += c5; } return r3; } BN1.isBN = function(num1) { return num1 instanceof BN1 || null !== num1 && 'object' == typeof num1 && num1.constructor.wordSize === BN1.wordSize && Array.isArray(num1.words); }, BN1.max = function(left1, right1) { return left1.cmp(right1) > 0 ? left1 : right1; }, BN1.min = function(left1, right1) { return 0 > left1.cmp(right1) ? left1 : right1; }, BN1.prototype._init = function(number1, base1, endian1) { if ('number' == typeof number1) return this._initNumber(number1, base1, endian1); if ('object' == typeof number1) return this._initArray(number1, base1, endian1); 'hex' === base1 && (base1 = 16), assert1(base1 === (0 | base1) && base1 >= 2 && base1 <= 36); var start1 = 0; '-' === (number1 = number1.toString().replace(/\s+/g, ''))[0] && (start1++, this.negative = 1), start1 < number1.length && (16 === base1 ? this._parseHex(number1, start1, endian1) : (this._parseBase(number1, base1, start1), 'le' === endian1 && this._initArray(this.toArray(), base1, endian1))); }, BN1.prototype._initNumber = function(number1, base1, endian1) { number1 < 0 && (this.negative = 1, number1 = -number1), number1 < 0x4000000 ? (this.words = [ 0x3ffffff & number1 ], this.length = 1) : number1 < 0x10000000000000 ? (this.words = [ 0x3ffffff & number1, number1 / 0x4000000 & 0x3ffffff ], this.length = 2) : (assert1(number1 < 0x20000000000000), this.words = [ 0x3ffffff & number1, number1 / 0x4000000 & 0x3ffffff, 1 ], this.length = 3), 'le' === endian1 && this._initArray(this.toArray(), base1, endian1); }, BN1.prototype._initArray = function(number1, base1, endian1) { if (assert1('number' == typeof number1.length), number1.length <= 0) return this.words = [ 0 ], this.length = 1, this; this.length = Math.ceil(number1.length / 3), this.words = Array(this.length); for(var j1, w19, i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++)this.words[i2] = 0; var off1 = 0; if ('be' === endian1) for(i2 = number1.length - 1, j1 = 0; i2 >= 0; i2 -= 3)w19 = number1[i2] | number1[i2 - 1] << 8 | number1[i2 - 2] << 16, this.words[j1] |= w19 << off1 & 0x3ffffff, this.words[j1 + 1] = w19 >>> 26 - off1 & 0x3ffffff, (off1 += 24) >= 26 && (off1 -= 26, j1++); else if ('le' === endian1) for(i2 = 0, j1 = 0; i2 < number1.length; i2 += 3)w19 = number1[i2] | number1[i2 + 1] << 8 | number1[i2 + 2] << 16, this.words[j1] |= w19 << off1 & 0x3ffffff, this.words[j1 + 1] = w19 >>> 26 - off1 & 0x3ffffff, (off1 += 24) >= 26 && (off1 -= 26, j1++); return this.strip(); }, BN1.prototype._parseHex = function(number1, start1, endian1) { this.length = Math.ceil((number1.length - start1) / 6), this.words = Array(this.length); for(var w19, i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++)this.words[i2] = 0; var off1 = 0, j1 = 0; if ('be' === endian1) for(i2 = number1.length - 1; i2 >= start1; i2 -= 2)w19 = parseHexByte1(number1, start1, i2) << off1, this.words[j1] |= 0x3ffffff & w19, off1 >= 18 ? (off1 -= 18, j1 += 1, this.words[j1] |= w19 >>> 26) : off1 += 8; else for(i2 = (number1.length - start1) % 2 == 0 ? start1 + 1 : start1; i2 < number1.length; i2 += 2)w19 = parseHexByte1(number1, start1, i2) << off1, this.words[j1] |= 0x3ffffff & w19, off1 >= 18 ? (off1 -= 18, j1 += 1, this.words[j1] |= w19 >>> 26) : off1 += 8; this.strip(); }, BN1.prototype._parseBase = function(number1, base1, start1) { this.words = [ 0 ], this.length = 1; for(var limbLen1 = 0, limbPow1 = 1; limbPow1 <= 0x3ffffff; limbPow1 *= base1)limbLen1++; limbLen1--, limbPow1 = limbPow1 / base1 | 0; for(var total1 = number1.length - start1, mod1 = total1 % limbLen1, end1 = Math.min(total1, total1 - mod1) + start1, word1 = 0, i2 = start1; i2 < end1; i2 += limbLen1)word1 = parseBase1(number1, i2, i2 + limbLen1, base1), this.imuln(limbPow1), this.words[0] + word1 < 0x4000000 ? this.words[0] += word1 : this._iaddn(word1); if (0 !== mod1) { var pow1 = 1; for(word1 = parseBase1(number1, i2, number1.length, base1), i2 = 0; i2 < mod1; i2++)pow1 *= base1; this.imuln(pow1), this.words[0] + word1 < 0x4000000 ? this.words[0] += word1 : this._iaddn(word1); } this.strip(); }, BN1.prototype.copy = function(dest1) { dest1.words = Array(this.length); for(var i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++)dest1.words[i2] = this.words[i2]; dest1.length = this.length, dest1.negative = this.negative, dest1.red = this.red; }, BN1.prototype.clone = function() { var r3 = new BN1(null); return this.copy(r3), r3; }, BN1.prototype._expand = function(size1) { for(; this.length < size1;)this.words[this.length++] = 0; return this; }, BN1.prototype.strip = function() { for(; this.length > 1 && 0 === this.words[this.length - 1];)this.length--; return this._normSign(); }, BN1.prototype._normSign = function() { return 1 === this.length && 0 === this.words[0] && (this.negative = 0), this; }, BN1.prototype.inspect = function() { return (this.red ? ''; }; var Buffer1, zeros1 = [ '', '0', '00', '000', '0000', '00000', '000000', '0000000', '00000000', '000000000', '0000000000', '00000000000', '000000000000', '0000000000000', '00000000000000', '000000000000000', '0000000000000000', '00000000000000000', '000000000000000000', '0000000000000000000', '00000000000000000000', '000000000000000000000', '0000000000000000000000', '00000000000000000000000', '000000000000000000000000', '0000000000000000000000000' ], groupSizes1 = [ 0, 0, 25, 16, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 ], groupBases1 = [ 0, 0, 33554432, 43046721, 16777216, 48828125, 60466176, 40353607, 16777216, 43046721, 10000000, 19487171, 35831808, 62748517, 7529536, 11390625, 16777216, 24137569, 34012224, 47045881, 64000000, 4084101, 5153632, 6436343, 7962624, 9765625, 11881376, 14348907, 17210368, 20511149, 24300000, 28629151, 33554432, 39135393, 45435424, 52521875, 60466176 ]; function toBitArray1(num1) { for(var w19 = Array(num1.bitLength()), bit1 = 0; bit1 < w19.length; bit1++){ var off1 = bit1 / 26 | 0, wbit1 = bit1 % 26; w19[bit1] = (num1.words[off1] & 1 << wbit1) >>> wbit1; } return w19; } function smallMulTo1(self1, num1, out1) { out1.negative = num1.negative ^ self1.negative; var len3 = self1.length + num1.length | 0; out1.length = len3, len3 = len3 - 1 | 0; var a10 = 0 | self1.words[0], b10 = 0 | num1.words[0], r3 = a10 * b10, lo1 = 0x3ffffff & r3, carry1 = r3 / 0x4000000 | 0; out1.words[0] = lo1; for(var k3 = 1; k3 < len3; k3++){ for(var ncarry1 = carry1 >>> 26, rword1 = 0x3ffffff & carry1, maxJ1 = Math.min(k3, num1.length - 1), j1 = Math.max(0, k3 - self1.length + 1); j1 <= maxJ1; j1++){ var i2 = k3 - j1 | 0; ncarry1 += (r3 = (a10 = 0 | self1.words[i2]) * (b10 = 0 | num1.words[j1]) + rword1) / 0x4000000 | 0, rword1 = 0x3ffffff & r3; } out1.words[k3] = 0 | rword1, carry1 = 0 | ncarry1; } return 0 !== carry1 ? out1.words[k3] = 0 | carry1 : out1.length--, out1.strip(); } BN1.prototype.toString = function(base1, padding1) { if (padding1 = 0 | padding1 || 1, 16 === (base1 = base1 || 10) || 'hex' === base1) { out1 = ''; for(var out1, off1 = 0, carry1 = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++){ var w19 = this.words[i2], word1 = ((w19 << off1 | carry1) & 0xffffff).toString(16); out1 = 0 != (carry1 = w19 >>> 24 - off1 & 0xffffff) || i2 !== this.length - 1 ? zeros1[6 - word1.length] + word1 + out1 : word1 + out1, (off1 += 2) >= 26 && (off1 -= 26, i2--); } for(0 !== carry1 && (out1 = carry1.toString(16) + out1); out1.length % padding1 != 0;)out1 = '0' + out1; return 0 !== this.negative && (out1 = '-' + out1), out1; } if (base1 === (0 | base1) && base1 >= 2 && base1 <= 36) { var groupSize1 = groupSizes1[base1], groupBase1 = groupBases1[base1]; out1 = ''; var c5 = this.clone(); for(c5.negative = 0; !c5.isZero();){ var r3 = c5.modn(groupBase1).toString(base1); out1 = (c5 = c5.idivn(groupBase1)).isZero() ? r3 + out1 : zeros1[groupSize1 - r3.length] + r3 + out1; } for(this.isZero() && (out1 = '0' + out1); out1.length % padding1 != 0;)out1 = '0' + out1; return 0 !== this.negative && (out1 = '-' + out1), out1; } assert1(!1, 'Base should be between 2 and 36'); }, BN1.prototype.toNumber = function() { var ret1 = this.words[0]; return 2 === this.length ? ret1 += 0x4000000 * this.words[1] : 3 === this.length && 0x01 === this.words[2] ? ret1 += 0x10000000000000 + 0x4000000 * this.words[1] : this.length > 2 && assert1(!1, 'Number can only safely store up to 53 bits'), 0 !== this.negative ? -ret1 : ret1; }, BN1.prototype.toJSON = function() { return this.toString(16); }, BN1.prototype.toBuffer = function(endian1, length1) { return assert1(void 0 !== Buffer1), this.toArrayLike(Buffer1, endian1, length1); }, BN1.prototype.toArray = function(endian1, length1) { return this.toArrayLike(Array, endian1, length1); }, BN1.prototype.toArrayLike = function(ArrayType1, endian1, length1) { var b10, i2, byteLength1 = this.byteLength(), reqLength1 = length1 || Math.max(1, byteLength1); assert1(byteLength1 <= reqLength1, 'byte array longer than desired length'), assert1(reqLength1 > 0, 'Requested array length <= 0'), this.strip(); var littleEndian1 = 'le' === endian1, res1 = new ArrayType1(reqLength1), q3 = this.clone(); if (littleEndian1) { for(i2 = 0; !q3.isZero(); i2++)b10 = q3.andln(0xff), q3.iushrn(8), res1[i2] = b10; for(; i2 < reqLength1; i2++)res1[i2] = 0; } else { for(i2 = 0; i2 < reqLength1 - byteLength1; i2++)res1[i2] = 0; for(i2 = 0; !q3.isZero(); i2++)b10 = q3.andln(0xff), q3.iushrn(8), res1[reqLength1 - i2 - 1] = b10; } return res1; }, Math.clz32 ? BN1.prototype._countBits = function(w19) { return 32 - Math.clz32(w19); } : BN1.prototype._countBits = function(w19) { var t3 = w19, r3 = 0; return t3 >= 0x1000 && (r3 += 13, t3 >>>= 13), t3 >= 0x40 && (r3 += 7, t3 >>>= 7), t3 >= 0x8 && (r3 += 4, t3 >>>= 4), t3 >= 0x02 && (r3 += 2, t3 >>>= 2), r3 + t3; }, BN1.prototype._zeroBits = function(w19) { if (0 === w19) return 26; var t3 = w19, r3 = 0; return (0x1fff & t3) == 0 && (r3 += 13, t3 >>>= 13), (0x7f & t3) == 0 && (r3 += 7, t3 >>>= 7), (0xf & t3) == 0 && (r3 += 4, t3 >>>= 4), (0x3 & t3) == 0 && (r3 += 2, t3 >>>= 2), (0x1 & t3) == 0 && r3++, r3; }, BN1.prototype.bitLength = function() { var w19 = this.words[this.length - 1], hi1 = this._countBits(w19); return (this.length - 1) * 26 + hi1; }, BN1.prototype.zeroBits = function() { if (this.isZero()) return 0; for(var r3 = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++){ var b10 = this._zeroBits(this.words[i2]); if (r3 += b10, 26 !== b10) break; } return r3; }, BN1.prototype.byteLength = function() { return Math.ceil(this.bitLength() / 8); }, BN1.prototype.toTwos = function(width1) { return 0 !== this.negative ? this.abs().inotn(width1).iaddn(1) : this.clone(); }, BN1.prototype.fromTwos = function(width1) { return this.testn(width1 - 1) ? this.notn(width1).iaddn(1).ineg() : this.clone(); }, BN1.prototype.isNeg = function() { return 0 !== this.negative; }, BN1.prototype.neg = function() { return this.clone().ineg(); }, BN1.prototype.ineg = function() { return this.isZero() || (this.negative ^= 1), this; }, BN1.prototype.iuor = function(num1) { for(; this.length < num1.length;)this.words[this.length++] = 0; for(var i2 = 0; i2 < num1.length; i2++)this.words[i2] = this.words[i2] | num1.words[i2]; return this.strip(); }, BN1.prototype.ior = function(num1) { return assert1((this.negative | num1.negative) == 0), this.iuor(num1); }, BN1.prototype.or = function(num1) { return this.length > num1.length ? this.clone().ior(num1) : num1.clone().ior(this); }, BN1.prototype.uor = function(num1) { return this.length > num1.length ? this.clone().iuor(num1) : num1.clone().iuor(this); }, BN1.prototype.iuand = function(num1) { var b10; b10 = this.length > num1.length ? num1 : this; for(var i2 = 0; i2 < b10.length; i2++)this.words[i2] = this.words[i2] & num1.words[i2]; return this.length = b10.length, this.strip(); }, BN1.prototype.iand = function(num1) { return assert1((this.negative | num1.negative) == 0), this.iuand(num1); }, BN1.prototype.and = function(num1) { return this.length > num1.length ? this.clone().iand(num1) : num1.clone().iand(this); }, BN1.prototype.uand = function(num1) { return this.length > num1.length ? this.clone().iuand(num1) : num1.clone().iuand(this); }, BN1.prototype.iuxor = function(num1) { this.length > num1.length ? (a10 = this, b10 = num1) : (a10 = num1, b10 = this); for(var a10, b10, i2 = 0; i2 < b10.length; i2++)this.words[i2] = a10.words[i2] ^ b10.words[i2]; if (this !== a10) for(; i2 < a10.length; i2++)this.words[i2] = a10.words[i2]; return this.length = a10.length, this.strip(); }, BN1.prototype.ixor = function(num1) { return assert1((this.negative | num1.negative) == 0), this.iuxor(num1); }, BN1.prototype.xor = function(num1) { return this.length > num1.length ? this.clone().ixor(num1) : num1.clone().ixor(this); }, BN1.prototype.uxor = function(num1) { return this.length > num1.length ? this.clone().iuxor(num1) : num1.clone().iuxor(this); }, BN1.prototype.inotn = function(width1) { assert1('number' == typeof width1 && width1 >= 0); var bytesNeeded1 = 0 | Math.ceil(width1 / 26), bitsLeft1 = width1 % 26; this._expand(bytesNeeded1), bitsLeft1 > 0 && bytesNeeded1--; for(var i2 = 0; i2 < bytesNeeded1; i2++)this.words[i2] = 0x3ffffff & ~this.words[i2]; return bitsLeft1 > 0 && (this.words[i2] = ~this.words[i2] & 0x3ffffff >> 26 - bitsLeft1), this.strip(); }, BN1.prototype.notn = function(width1) { return this.clone().inotn(width1); }, BN1.prototype.setn = function(bit1, val1) { assert1('number' == typeof bit1 && bit1 >= 0); var off1 = bit1 / 26 | 0, wbit1 = bit1 % 26; return this._expand(off1 + 1), val1 ? this.words[off1] = this.words[off1] | 1 << wbit1 : this.words[off1] = this.words[off1] & ~(1 << wbit1), this.strip(); }, BN1.prototype.iadd = function(num1) { if (0 !== this.negative && 0 === num1.negative) return this.negative = 0, r3 = this.isub(num1), this.negative ^= 1, this._normSign(); if (0 === this.negative && 0 !== num1.negative) return num1.negative = 0, r3 = this.isub(num1), num1.negative = 1, r3._normSign(); this.length > num1.length ? (a10 = this, b10 = num1) : (a10 = num1, b10 = this); for(var r3, a10, b10, carry1 = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < b10.length; i2++)r3 = (0 | a10.words[i2]) + (0 | b10.words[i2]) + carry1, this.words[i2] = 0x3ffffff & r3, carry1 = r3 >>> 26; for(; 0 !== carry1 && i2 < a10.length; i2++)r3 = (0 | a10.words[i2]) + carry1, this.words[i2] = 0x3ffffff & r3, carry1 = r3 >>> 26; if (this.length = a10.length, 0 !== carry1) this.words[this.length] = carry1, this.length++; else if (a10 !== this) for(; i2 < a10.length; i2++)this.words[i2] = a10.words[i2]; return this; }, BN1.prototype.add = function(num1) { var res1; return 0 !== num1.negative && 0 === this.negative ? (num1.negative = 0, res1 = this.sub(num1), num1.negative ^= 1, res1) : 0 === num1.negative && 0 !== this.negative ? (this.negative = 0, res1 = num1.sub(this), this.negative = 1, res1) : this.length > num1.length ? this.clone().iadd(num1) : num1.clone().iadd(this); }, BN1.prototype.isub = function(num1) { if (0 !== num1.negative) { num1.negative = 0; var a10, b10, r3 = this.iadd(num1); return num1.negative = 1, r3._normSign(); } if (0 !== this.negative) return this.negative = 0, this.iadd(num1), this.negative = 1, this._normSign(); var cmp1 = this.cmp(num1); if (0 === cmp1) return this.negative = 0, this.length = 1, this.words[0] = 0, this; cmp1 > 0 ? (a10 = this, b10 = num1) : (a10 = num1, b10 = this); for(var carry1 = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < b10.length; i2++)carry1 = (r3 = (0 | a10.words[i2]) - (0 | b10.words[i2]) + carry1) >> 26, this.words[i2] = 0x3ffffff & r3; for(; 0 !== carry1 && i2 < a10.length; i2++)carry1 = (r3 = (0 | a10.words[i2]) + carry1) >> 26, this.words[i2] = 0x3ffffff & r3; if (0 === carry1 && i2 < a10.length && a10 !== this) for(; i2 < a10.length; i2++)this.words[i2] = a10.words[i2]; return this.length = Math.max(this.length, i2), a10 !== this && (this.negative = 1), this.strip(); }, BN1.prototype.sub = function(num1) { return this.clone().isub(num1); }; var comb10MulTo1 = function(self1, num1, out1) { var lo1, mid1, hi1, a10 = self1.words, b10 = num1.words, o1 = out1.words, c5 = 0, a01 = 0 | a10[0], al01 = 0x1fff & a01, ah01 = a01 >>> 13, a11 = 0 | a10[1], al11 = 0x1fff & a11, ah11 = a11 >>> 13, a21 = 0 | a10[2], al21 = 0x1fff & a21, ah21 = a21 >>> 13, a31 = 0 | a10[3], al31 = 0x1fff & a31, ah31 = a31 >>> 13, a41 = 0 | a10[4], al41 = 0x1fff & a41, ah41 = a41 >>> 13, a51 = 0 | a10[5], al51 = 0x1fff & a51, ah51 = a51 >>> 13, a61 = 0 | a10[6], al61 = 0x1fff & a61, ah61 = a61 >>> 13, a71 = 0 | a10[7], al71 = 0x1fff & a71, ah71 = a71 >>> 13, a81 = 0 | a10[8], al81 = 0x1fff & a81, ah81 = a81 >>> 13, a91 = 0 | a10[9], al91 = 0x1fff & a91, ah91 = a91 >>> 13, b01 = 0 | b10[0], bl01 = 0x1fff & b01, bh01 = b01 >>> 13, b11 = 0 | b10[1], bl11 = 0x1fff & b11, bh11 = b11 >>> 13, b21 = 0 | b10[2], bl21 = 0x1fff & b21, bh21 = b21 >>> 13, b31 = 0 | b10[3], bl31 = 0x1fff & b31, bh31 = b31 >>> 13, b41 = 0 | b10[4], bl41 = 0x1fff & b41, bh41 = b41 >>> 13, b51 = 0 | b10[5], bl51 = 0x1fff & b51, bh51 = b51 >>> 13, b61 = 0 | b10[6], bl61 = 0x1fff & b61, bh61 = b61 >>> 13, b71 = 0 | b10[7], bl71 = 0x1fff & b71, bh71 = b71 >>> 13, b81 = 0 | b10[8], bl81 = 0x1fff & b81, bh81 = b81 >>> 13, b91 = 0 | b10[9], bl91 = 0x1fff & b91, bh91 = b91 >>> 13; out1.negative = self1.negative ^ num1.negative, out1.length = 19; var w01 = (c5 + (lo1 = Math.imul(al01, bl01)) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al01, bh01)) + Math.imul(ah01, bl01) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = Math.imul(ah01, bh01)) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w01 >>> 26) | 0, w01 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al11, bl01), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al11, bh01)) + Math.imul(ah11, bl01) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah11, bh01); var w19 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al01, bl11) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al01, bh11) | 0) + Math.imul(ah01, bl11) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah01, bh11) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w19 >>> 26) | 0, w19 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al21, bl01), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al21, bh01)) + Math.imul(ah21, bl01) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah21, bh01), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al11, bl11) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al11, bh11) | 0) + Math.imul(ah11, bl11) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah11, bh11) | 0; var w21 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al01, bl21) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al01, bh21) | 0) + Math.imul(ah01, bl21) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah01, bh21) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w21 >>> 26) | 0, w21 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al31, bl01), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al31, bh01)) + Math.imul(ah31, bl01) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah31, bh01), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al21, bl11) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al21, bh11) | 0) + Math.imul(ah21, bl11) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah21, bh11) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al11, bl21) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al11, bh21) | 0) + Math.imul(ah11, bl21) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah11, bh21) | 0; var w31 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al01, bl31) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al01, bh31) | 0) + Math.imul(ah01, bl31) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah01, bh31) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w31 >>> 26) | 0, w31 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al41, bl01), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al41, bh01)) + Math.imul(ah41, bl01) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah41, bh01), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al31, bl11) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al31, bh11) | 0) + Math.imul(ah31, bl11) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah31, bh11) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al21, bl21) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al21, bh21) | 0) + Math.imul(ah21, bl21) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah21, bh21) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al11, bl31) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al11, bh31) | 0) + Math.imul(ah11, bl31) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah11, bh31) | 0; var w41 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al01, bl41) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al01, bh41) | 0) + Math.imul(ah01, bl41) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah01, bh41) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w41 >>> 26) | 0, w41 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al51, bl01), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al51, bh01)) + Math.imul(ah51, bl01) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah51, bh01), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al41, bl11) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al41, bh11) | 0) + Math.imul(ah41, bl11) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah41, bh11) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al31, bl21) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al31, bh21) | 0) + Math.imul(ah31, bl21) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah31, bh21) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al21, bl31) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al21, bh31) | 0) + Math.imul(ah21, bl31) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah21, bh31) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al11, bl41) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al11, bh41) | 0) + Math.imul(ah11, bl41) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah11, bh41) | 0; var w51 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al01, bl51) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al01, bh51) | 0) + Math.imul(ah01, bl51) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah01, bh51) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w51 >>> 26) | 0, w51 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al61, bl01), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al61, bh01)) + Math.imul(ah61, bl01) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah61, bh01), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al51, bl11) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al51, bh11) | 0) + Math.imul(ah51, bl11) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah51, bh11) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al41, bl21) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al41, bh21) | 0) + Math.imul(ah41, bl21) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah41, bh21) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al31, bl31) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al31, bh31) | 0) + Math.imul(ah31, bl31) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah31, bh31) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al21, bl41) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al21, bh41) | 0) + Math.imul(ah21, bl41) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah21, bh41) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al11, bl51) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al11, bh51) | 0) + Math.imul(ah11, bl51) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah11, bh51) | 0; var w61 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al01, bl61) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al01, bh61) | 0) + Math.imul(ah01, bl61) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah01, bh61) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w61 >>> 26) | 0, w61 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al71, bl01), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al71, bh01)) + Math.imul(ah71, bl01) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah71, bh01), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al61, bl11) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al61, bh11) | 0) + Math.imul(ah61, bl11) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah61, bh11) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al51, bl21) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al51, bh21) | 0) + Math.imul(ah51, bl21) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah51, bh21) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al41, bl31) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al41, bh31) | 0) + Math.imul(ah41, bl31) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah41, bh31) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al31, bl41) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al31, bh41) | 0) + Math.imul(ah31, bl41) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah31, bh41) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al21, bl51) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al21, bh51) | 0) + Math.imul(ah21, bl51) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah21, bh51) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al11, bl61) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al11, bh61) | 0) + Math.imul(ah11, bl61) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah11, bh61) | 0; var w71 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al01, bl71) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al01, bh71) | 0) + Math.imul(ah01, bl71) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah01, bh71) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w71 >>> 26) | 0, w71 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al81, bl01), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al81, bh01)) + Math.imul(ah81, bl01) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah81, bh01), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al71, bl11) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al71, bh11) | 0) + Math.imul(ah71, bl11) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah71, bh11) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al61, bl21) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al61, bh21) | 0) + Math.imul(ah61, bl21) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah61, bh21) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al51, bl31) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al51, bh31) | 0) + Math.imul(ah51, bl31) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah51, bh31) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al41, bl41) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al41, bh41) | 0) + Math.imul(ah41, bl41) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah41, bh41) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al31, bl51) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al31, bh51) | 0) + Math.imul(ah31, bl51) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah31, bh51) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al21, bl61) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al21, bh61) | 0) + Math.imul(ah21, bl61) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah21, bh61) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al11, bl71) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al11, bh71) | 0) + Math.imul(ah11, bl71) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah11, bh71) | 0; var w81 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al01, bl81) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al01, bh81) | 0) + Math.imul(ah01, bl81) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah01, bh81) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w81 >>> 26) | 0, w81 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al91, bl01), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al91, bh01)) + Math.imul(ah91, bl01) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah91, bh01), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al81, bl11) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al81, bh11) | 0) + Math.imul(ah81, bl11) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah81, bh11) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al71, bl21) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al71, bh21) | 0) + Math.imul(ah71, bl21) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah71, bh21) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al61, bl31) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al61, bh31) | 0) + Math.imul(ah61, bl31) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah61, bh31) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al51, bl41) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al51, bh41) | 0) + Math.imul(ah51, bl41) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah51, bh41) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al41, bl51) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al41, bh51) | 0) + Math.imul(ah41, bl51) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah41, bh51) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al31, bl61) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al31, bh61) | 0) + Math.imul(ah31, bl61) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah31, bh61) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al21, bl71) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al21, bh71) | 0) + Math.imul(ah21, bl71) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah21, bh71) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al11, bl81) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al11, bh81) | 0) + Math.imul(ah11, bl81) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah11, bh81) | 0; var w91 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al01, bl91) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al01, bh91) | 0) + Math.imul(ah01, bl91) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah01, bh91) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w91 >>> 26) | 0, w91 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al91, bl11), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al91, bh11)) + Math.imul(ah91, bl11) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah91, bh11), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al81, bl21) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al81, bh21) | 0) + Math.imul(ah81, bl21) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah81, bh21) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al71, bl31) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al71, bh31) | 0) + Math.imul(ah71, bl31) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah71, bh31) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al61, bl41) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al61, bh41) | 0) + Math.imul(ah61, bl41) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah61, bh41) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al51, bl51) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al51, bh51) | 0) + Math.imul(ah51, bl51) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah51, bh51) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al41, bl61) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al41, bh61) | 0) + Math.imul(ah41, bl61) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah41, bh61) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al31, bl71) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al31, bh71) | 0) + Math.imul(ah31, bl71) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah31, bh71) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al21, bl81) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al21, bh81) | 0) + Math.imul(ah21, bl81) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah21, bh81) | 0; var w101 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al11, bl91) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al11, bh91) | 0) + Math.imul(ah11, bl91) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah11, bh91) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w101 >>> 26) | 0, w101 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al91, bl21), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al91, bh21)) + Math.imul(ah91, bl21) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah91, bh21), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al81, bl31) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al81, bh31) | 0) + Math.imul(ah81, bl31) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah81, bh31) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al71, bl41) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al71, bh41) | 0) + Math.imul(ah71, bl41) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah71, bh41) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al61, bl51) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al61, bh51) | 0) + Math.imul(ah61, bl51) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah61, bh51) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al51, bl61) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al51, bh61) | 0) + Math.imul(ah51, bl61) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah51, bh61) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al41, bl71) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al41, bh71) | 0) + Math.imul(ah41, bl71) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah41, bh71) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al31, bl81) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al31, bh81) | 0) + Math.imul(ah31, bl81) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah31, bh81) | 0; var w111 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al21, bl91) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al21, bh91) | 0) + Math.imul(ah21, bl91) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah21, bh91) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w111 >>> 26) | 0, w111 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al91, bl31), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al91, bh31)) + Math.imul(ah91, bl31) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah91, bh31), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al81, bl41) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al81, bh41) | 0) + Math.imul(ah81, bl41) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah81, bh41) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al71, bl51) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al71, bh51) | 0) + Math.imul(ah71, bl51) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah71, bh51) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al61, bl61) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al61, bh61) | 0) + Math.imul(ah61, bl61) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah61, bh61) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al51, bl71) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al51, bh71) | 0) + Math.imul(ah51, bl71) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah51, bh71) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al41, bl81) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al41, bh81) | 0) + Math.imul(ah41, bl81) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah41, bh81) | 0; var w121 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al31, bl91) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al31, bh91) | 0) + Math.imul(ah31, bl91) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah31, bh91) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w121 >>> 26) | 0, w121 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al91, bl41), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al91, bh41)) + Math.imul(ah91, bl41) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah91, bh41), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al81, bl51) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al81, bh51) | 0) + Math.imul(ah81, bl51) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah81, bh51) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al71, bl61) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al71, bh61) | 0) + Math.imul(ah71, bl61) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah71, bh61) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al61, bl71) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al61, bh71) | 0) + Math.imul(ah61, bl71) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah61, bh71) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al51, bl81) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al51, bh81) | 0) + Math.imul(ah51, bl81) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah51, bh81) | 0; var w131 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al41, bl91) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al41, bh91) | 0) + Math.imul(ah41, bl91) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah41, bh91) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w131 >>> 26) | 0, w131 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al91, bl51), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al91, bh51)) + Math.imul(ah91, bl51) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah91, bh51), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al81, bl61) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al81, bh61) | 0) + Math.imul(ah81, bl61) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah81, bh61) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al71, bl71) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al71, bh71) | 0) + Math.imul(ah71, bl71) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah71, bh71) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al61, bl81) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al61, bh81) | 0) + Math.imul(ah61, bl81) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah61, bh81) | 0; var w141 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al51, bl91) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al51, bh91) | 0) + Math.imul(ah51, bl91) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah51, bh91) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w141 >>> 26) | 0, w141 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al91, bl61), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al91, bh61)) + Math.imul(ah91, bl61) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah91, bh61), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al81, bl71) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al81, bh71) | 0) + Math.imul(ah81, bl71) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah81, bh71) | 0, lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al71, bl81) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al71, bh81) | 0) + Math.imul(ah71, bl81) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah71, bh81) | 0; var w151 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al61, bl91) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al61, bh91) | 0) + Math.imul(ah61, bl91) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah61, bh91) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w151 >>> 26) | 0, w151 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al91, bl71), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al91, bh71)) + Math.imul(ah91, bl71) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah91, bh71), lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al81, bl81) | 0, mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al81, bh81) | 0) + Math.imul(ah81, bl81) | 0, hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah81, bh81) | 0; var w161 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al71, bl91) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al71, bh91) | 0) + Math.imul(ah71, bl91) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah71, bh91) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w161 >>> 26) | 0, w161 &= 0x3ffffff, lo1 = Math.imul(al91, bl81), mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al91, bh81)) + Math.imul(ah91, bl81) | 0, hi1 = Math.imul(ah91, bh81); var w171 = (c5 + (lo1 = lo1 + Math.imul(al81, bl91) | 0) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = mid1 + Math.imul(al81, bh91) | 0) + Math.imul(ah81, bl91) | 0)) << 13) | 0; c5 = ((hi1 = hi1 + Math.imul(ah81, bh91) | 0) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w171 >>> 26) | 0, w171 &= 0x3ffffff; var w181 = (c5 + (lo1 = Math.imul(al91, bl91)) | 0) + ((0x1fff & (mid1 = (mid1 = Math.imul(al91, bh91)) + Math.imul(ah91, bl91) | 0)) << 13) | 0; return c5 = ((hi1 = Math.imul(ah91, bh91)) + (mid1 >>> 13) | 0) + (w181 >>> 26) | 0, w181 &= 0x3ffffff, o1[0] = w01, o1[1] = w19, o1[2] = w21, o1[3] = w31, o1[4] = w41, o1[5] = w51, o1[6] = w61, o1[7] = w71, o1[8] = w81, o1[9] = w91, o1[10] = w101, o1[11] = w111, o1[12] = w121, o1[13] = w131, o1[14] = w141, o1[15] = w151, o1[16] = w161, o1[17] = w171, o1[18] = w181, 0 !== c5 && (o1[19] = c5, out1.length++), out1; }; function bigMulTo1(self1, num1, out1) { out1.negative = num1.negative ^ self1.negative, out1.length = self1.length + num1.length; for(var carry1 = 0, hncarry1 = 0, k3 = 0; k3 < out1.length - 1; k3++){ var ncarry1 = hncarry1; hncarry1 = 0; for(var rword1 = 0x3ffffff & carry1, maxJ1 = Math.min(k3, num1.length - 1), j1 = Math.max(0, k3 - self1.length + 1); j1 <= maxJ1; j1++){ var i2 = k3 - j1, r3 = (0 | self1.words[i2]) * (0 | num1.words[j1]), lo1 = 0x3ffffff & r3; ncarry1 = ncarry1 + (r3 / 0x4000000 | 0) | 0, rword1 = 0x3ffffff & (lo1 = lo1 + rword1 | 0), hncarry1 += (ncarry1 = ncarry1 + (lo1 >>> 26) | 0) >>> 26, ncarry1 &= 0x3ffffff; } out1.words[k3] = rword1, carry1 = ncarry1, ncarry1 = hncarry1; } return 0 !== carry1 ? out1.words[k3] = carry1 : out1.length--, out1.strip(); } function jumboMulTo1(self1, num1, out1) { return new FFTM1().mulp(self1, num1, out1); } function FFTM1(x3, y3) { this.x = x3, this.y = y3; } Math.imul || (comb10MulTo1 = smallMulTo1), BN1.prototype.mulTo = function(num1, out1) { var len3 = this.length + num1.length; return 10 === this.length && 10 === num1.length ? comb10MulTo1(this, num1, out1) : len3 < 63 ? smallMulTo1(this, num1, out1) : len3 < 1024 ? bigMulTo1(this, num1, out1) : jumboMulTo1(this, num1, out1); }, FFTM1.prototype.makeRBT = function(N1) { for(var t3 = Array(N1), l1 = BN1.prototype._countBits(N1) - 1, i2 = 0; i2 < N1; i2++)t3[i2] = this.revBin(i2, l1, N1); return t3; }, FFTM1.prototype.revBin = function(x3, l1, N1) { if (0 === x3 || x3 === N1 - 1) return x3; for(var rb1 = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < l1; i2++)rb1 |= (1 & x3) << l1 - i2 - 1, x3 >>= 1; return rb1; }, FFTM1.prototype.permute = function(rbt1, rws1, iws1, rtws1, itws1, N1) { for(var i2 = 0; i2 < N1; i2++)rtws1[i2] = rws1[rbt1[i2]], itws1[i2] = iws1[rbt1[i2]]; }, FFTM1.prototype.transform = function(rws1, iws1, rtws1, itws1, N1, rbt1) { this.permute(rbt1, rws1, iws1, rtws1, itws1, N1); for(var s3 = 1; s3 < N1; s3 <<= 1)for(var l1 = s3 << 1, rtwdf1 = Math.cos(2 * Math.PI / l1), itwdf1 = Math.sin(2 * Math.PI / l1), p3 = 0; p3 < N1; p3 += l1)for(var rtwdf_1 = rtwdf1, itwdf_1 = itwdf1, j1 = 0; j1 < s3; j1++){ var re1 = rtws1[p3 + j1], ie1 = itws1[p3 + j1], ro1 = rtws1[p3 + j1 + s3], io1 = itws1[p3 + j1 + s3], rx1 = rtwdf_1 * ro1 - itwdf_1 * io1; io1 = rtwdf_1 * io1 + itwdf_1 * ro1, ro1 = rx1, rtws1[p3 + j1] = re1 + ro1, itws1[p3 + j1] = ie1 + io1, rtws1[p3 + j1 + s3] = re1 - ro1, itws1[p3 + j1 + s3] = ie1 - io1, j1 !== l1 && (rx1 = rtwdf1 * rtwdf_1 - itwdf1 * itwdf_1, itwdf_1 = rtwdf1 * itwdf_1 + itwdf1 * rtwdf_1, rtwdf_1 = rx1); } }, FFTM1.prototype.guessLen13b = function(n2, m1) { var N1 = 1 | Math.max(m1, n2), odd1 = 1 & N1, i2 = 0; for(N1 = N1 / 2 | 0; N1; N1 >>>= 1)i2++; return 1 << i2 + 1 + odd1; }, FFTM1.prototype.conjugate = function(rws1, iws1, N1) { if (!(N1 <= 1)) for(var i2 = 0; i2 < N1 / 2; i2++){ var t3 = rws1[i2]; rws1[i2] = rws1[N1 - i2 - 1], rws1[N1 - i2 - 1] = t3, t3 = iws1[i2], iws1[i2] = -iws1[N1 - i2 - 1], iws1[N1 - i2 - 1] = -t3; } }, FFTM1.prototype.normalize13b = function(ws1, N1) { for(var carry1 = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < N1 / 2; i2++){ var w19 = 0x2000 * Math.round(ws1[2 * i2 + 1] / N1) + Math.round(ws1[2 * i2] / N1) + carry1; ws1[i2] = 0x3ffffff & w19, carry1 = w19 < 0x4000000 ? 0 : w19 / 0x4000000 | 0; } return ws1; }, FFTM1.prototype.convert13b = function(ws1, len3, rws1, N1) { for(var carry1 = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < len3; i2++)carry1 += 0 | ws1[i2], rws1[2 * i2] = 0x1fff & carry1, carry1 >>>= 13, rws1[2 * i2 + 1] = 0x1fff & carry1, carry1 >>>= 13; for(i2 = 2 * len3; i2 < N1; ++i2)rws1[i2] = 0; assert1(0 === carry1), assert1((-8192 & carry1) == 0); }, FFTM1.prototype.stub = function(N1) { for(var ph1 = Array(N1), i2 = 0; i2 < N1; i2++)ph1[i2] = 0; return ph1; }, FFTM1.prototype.mulp = function(x3, y3, out1) { var N1 = 2 * this.guessLen13b(x3.length, y3.length), rbt1 = this.makeRBT(N1), _1 = this.stub(N1), rws1 = Array(N1), rwst1 = Array(N1), iwst1 = Array(N1), nrws1 = Array(N1), nrwst1 = Array(N1), niwst1 = Array(N1), rmws1 = out1.words; rmws1.length = N1, this.convert13b(x3.words, x3.length, rws1, N1), this.convert13b(y3.words, y3.length, nrws1, N1), this.transform(rws1, _1, rwst1, iwst1, N1, rbt1), this.transform(nrws1, _1, nrwst1, niwst1, N1, rbt1); for(var i2 = 0; i2 < N1; i2++){ var rx1 = rwst1[i2] * nrwst1[i2] - iwst1[i2] * niwst1[i2]; iwst1[i2] = rwst1[i2] * niwst1[i2] + iwst1[i2] * nrwst1[i2], rwst1[i2] = rx1; } return this.conjugate(rwst1, iwst1, N1), this.transform(rwst1, iwst1, rmws1, _1, N1, rbt1), this.conjugate(rmws1, _1, N1), this.normalize13b(rmws1, N1), out1.negative = x3.negative ^ y3.negative, out1.length = x3.length + y3.length, out1.strip(); }, BN1.prototype.mul = function(num1) { var out1 = new BN1(null); return out1.words = Array(this.length + num1.length), this.mulTo(num1, out1); }, BN1.prototype.mulf = function(num1) { var out1 = new BN1(null); return out1.words = Array(this.length + num1.length), jumboMulTo1(this, num1, out1); }, BN1.prototype.imul = function(num1) { return this.clone().mulTo(num1, this); }, BN1.prototype.imuln = function(num1) { assert1('number' == typeof num1), assert1(num1 < 0x4000000); for(var carry1 = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++){ var w19 = (0 | this.words[i2]) * num1, lo1 = (0x3ffffff & w19) + (0x3ffffff & carry1); carry1 >>= 26, carry1 += (w19 / 0x4000000 | 0) + (lo1 >>> 26), this.words[i2] = 0x3ffffff & lo1; } return 0 !== carry1 && (this.words[i2] = carry1, this.length++), this; }, BN1.prototype.muln = function(num1) { return this.clone().imuln(num1); }, BN1.prototype.sqr = function() { return this.mul(this); }, BN1.prototype.isqr = function() { return this.imul(this.clone()); }, BN1.prototype.pow = function(num1) { var w19 = toBitArray1(num1); if (0 === w19.length) return new BN1(1); for(var res1 = this, i2 = 0; i2 < w19.length && 0 === w19[i2]; i2++, res1 = res1.sqr()); if (++i2 < w19.length) for(var q3 = res1.sqr(); i2 < w19.length; i2++, q3 = q3.sqr())0 !== w19[i2] && (res1 = res1.mul(q3)); return res1; }, BN1.prototype.iushln = function(bits1) { assert1('number' == typeof bits1 && bits1 >= 0); var i2, r3 = bits1 % 26, s3 = (bits1 - r3) / 26, carryMask1 = 0x3ffffff >>> 26 - r3 << 26 - r3; if (0 !== r3) { var carry1 = 0; for(i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++){ var newCarry1 = this.words[i2] & carryMask1, c5 = (0 | this.words[i2]) - newCarry1 << r3; this.words[i2] = c5 | carry1, carry1 = newCarry1 >>> 26 - r3; } carry1 && (this.words[i2] = carry1, this.length++); } if (0 !== s3) { for(i2 = this.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--)this.words[i2 + s3] = this.words[i2]; for(i2 = 0; i2 < s3; i2++)this.words[i2] = 0; this.length += s3; } return this.strip(); }, BN1.prototype.ishln = function(bits1) { return assert1(0 === this.negative), this.iushln(bits1); }, BN1.prototype.iushrn = function(bits1, hint1, extended1) { assert1('number' == typeof bits1 && bits1 >= 0), h8 = hint1 ? (hint1 - hint1 % 26) / 26 : 0; var h8, r3 = bits1 % 26, s3 = Math.min((bits1 - r3) / 26, this.length), mask1 = 0x3ffffff ^ 0x3ffffff >>> r3 << r3, maskedWords1 = extended1; if (h8 -= s3, h8 = Math.max(0, h8), maskedWords1) { for(var i2 = 0; i2 < s3; i2++)maskedWords1.words[i2] = this.words[i2]; maskedWords1.length = s3; } if (0 === s3) ; else if (this.length > s3) for(this.length -= s3, i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++)this.words[i2] = this.words[i2 + s3]; else this.words[0] = 0, this.length = 1; var carry1 = 0; for(i2 = this.length - 1; i2 >= 0 && (0 !== carry1 || i2 >= h8); i2--){ var word1 = 0 | this.words[i2]; this.words[i2] = carry1 << 26 - r3 | word1 >>> r3, carry1 = word1 & mask1; } return maskedWords1 && 0 !== carry1 && (maskedWords1.words[maskedWords1.length++] = carry1), 0 === this.length && (this.words[0] = 0, this.length = 1), this.strip(); }, BN1.prototype.ishrn = function(bits1, hint1, extended1) { return assert1(0 === this.negative), this.iushrn(bits1, hint1, extended1); }, BN1.prototype.shln = function(bits1) { return this.clone().ishln(bits1); }, BN1.prototype.ushln = function(bits1) { return this.clone().iushln(bits1); }, BN1.prototype.shrn = function(bits1) { return this.clone().ishrn(bits1); }, BN1.prototype.ushrn = function(bits1) { return this.clone().iushrn(bits1); }, BN1.prototype.testn = function(bit1) { assert1('number' == typeof bit1 && bit1 >= 0); var r3 = bit1 % 26, s3 = (bit1 - r3) / 26, q3 = 1 << r3; return !(this.length <= s3) && !!(this.words[s3] & q3); }, BN1.prototype.imaskn = function(bits1) { assert1('number' == typeof bits1 && bits1 >= 0); var r3 = bits1 % 26, s3 = (bits1 - r3) / 26; if (assert1(0 === this.negative, 'imaskn works only with positive numbers'), this.length <= s3) return this; if (0 !== r3 && s3++, this.length = Math.min(s3, this.length), 0 !== r3) { var mask1 = 0x3ffffff ^ 0x3ffffff >>> r3 << r3; this.words[this.length - 1] &= mask1; } return this.strip(); }, BN1.prototype.maskn = function(bits1) { return this.clone().imaskn(bits1); }, BN1.prototype.iaddn = function(num1) { return (assert1('number' == typeof num1), assert1(num1 < 0x4000000), num1 < 0) ? this.isubn(-num1) : 0 !== this.negative ? (1 === this.length && (0 | this.words[0]) < num1 ? (this.words[0] = num1 - (0 | this.words[0]), this.negative = 0) : (this.negative = 0, this.isubn(num1), this.negative = 1), this) : this._iaddn(num1); }, BN1.prototype._iaddn = function(num1) { this.words[0] += num1; for(var i2 = 0; i2 < this.length && this.words[i2] >= 0x4000000; i2++)this.words[i2] -= 0x4000000, i2 === this.length - 1 ? this.words[i2 + 1] = 1 : this.words[i2 + 1]++; return this.length = Math.max(this.length, i2 + 1), this; }, BN1.prototype.isubn = function(num1) { if (assert1('number' == typeof num1), assert1(num1 < 0x4000000), num1 < 0) return this.iaddn(-num1); if (0 !== this.negative) return this.negative = 0, this.iaddn(num1), this.negative = 1, this; if (this.words[0] -= num1, 1 === this.length && this.words[0] < 0) this.words[0] = -this.words[0], this.negative = 1; else for(var i2 = 0; i2 < this.length && this.words[i2] < 0; i2++)this.words[i2] += 0x4000000, this.words[i2 + 1] -= 1; return this.strip(); }, BN1.prototype.addn = function(num1) { return this.clone().iaddn(num1); }, BN1.prototype.subn = function(num1) { return this.clone().isubn(num1); }, BN1.prototype.iabs = function() { return this.negative = 0, this; }, BN1.prototype.abs = function() { return this.clone().iabs(); }, BN1.prototype._ishlnsubmul = function(num1, mul1, shift1) { var i2, w19, len3 = num1.length + shift1; this._expand(len3); var carry1 = 0; for(i2 = 0; i2 < num1.length; i2++){ w19 = (0 | this.words[i2 + shift1]) + carry1; var right1 = (0 | num1.words[i2]) * mul1; w19 -= 0x3ffffff & right1, carry1 = (w19 >> 26) - (right1 / 0x4000000 | 0), this.words[i2 + shift1] = 0x3ffffff & w19; } for(; i2 < this.length - shift1; i2++)carry1 = (w19 = (0 | this.words[i2 + shift1]) + carry1) >> 26, this.words[i2 + shift1] = 0x3ffffff & w19; if (0 === carry1) return this.strip(); for(assert1(-1 === carry1), carry1 = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < this.length; i2++)carry1 = (w19 = -(0 | this.words[i2]) + carry1) >> 26, this.words[i2] = 0x3ffffff & w19; return this.negative = 1, this.strip(); }, BN1.prototype._wordDiv = function(num1, mode1) { var q3, shift1 = this.length - num1.length, a10 = this.clone(), b10 = num1, bhi1 = 0 | b10.words[b10.length - 1]; 0 != (shift1 = 26 - this._countBits(bhi1)) && (b10 = b10.ushln(shift1), a10.iushln(shift1), bhi1 = 0 | b10.words[b10.length - 1]); var m1 = a10.length - b10.length; if ('mod' !== mode1) { (q3 = new BN1(null)).length = m1 + 1, q3.words = Array(q3.length); for(var i2 = 0; i2 < q3.length; i2++)q3.words[i2] = 0; } var diff1 = a10.clone()._ishlnsubmul(b10, 1, m1); 0 === diff1.negative && (a10 = diff1, q3 && (q3.words[m1] = 1)); for(var j1 = m1 - 1; j1 >= 0; j1--){ var qj1 = (0 | a10.words[b10.length + j1]) * 0x4000000 + (0 | a10.words[b10.length + j1 - 1]); for(qj1 = Math.min(qj1 / bhi1 | 0, 0x3ffffff), a10._ishlnsubmul(b10, qj1, j1); 0 !== a10.negative;)qj1--, a10.negative = 0, a10._ishlnsubmul(b10, 1, j1), a10.isZero() || (a10.negative ^= 1); q3 && (q3.words[j1] = qj1); } return q3 && q3.strip(), a10.strip(), 'div' !== mode1 && 0 !== shift1 && a10.iushrn(shift1), { div: q3 || null, mod: a10 }; }, BN1.prototype.divmod = function(num1, mode1, positive1) { var div1, mod1, res1; return (assert1(!num1.isZero()), this.isZero()) ? { div: new BN1(0), mod: new BN1(0) } : 0 !== this.negative && 0 === num1.negative ? (res1 = this.neg().divmod(num1, mode1), 'mod' !== mode1 && (div1 = res1.div.neg()), 'div' !== mode1 && (mod1 = res1.mod.neg(), positive1 && 0 !== mod1.negative && mod1.iadd(num1)), { div: div1, mod: mod1 }) : 0 === this.negative && 0 !== num1.negative ? (res1 = this.divmod(num1.neg(), mode1), 'mod' !== mode1 && (div1 = res1.div.neg()), { div: div1, mod: res1.mod }) : (this.negative & num1.negative) != 0 ? (res1 = this.neg().divmod(num1.neg(), mode1), 'div' !== mode1 && (mod1 = res1.mod.neg(), positive1 && 0 !== mod1.negative && mod1.isub(num1)), { div: res1.div, mod: mod1 }) : num1.length > this.length || 0 > this.cmp(num1) ? { div: new BN1(0), mod: this } : 1 === num1.length ? 'div' === mode1 ? { div: this.divn(num1.words[0]), mod: null } : 'mod' === mode1 ? { div: null, mod: new BN1(this.modn(num1.words[0])) } : { div: this.divn(num1.words[0]), mod: new BN1(this.modn(num1.words[0])) } : this._wordDiv(num1, mode1); }, BN1.prototype.div = function(num1) { return this.divmod(num1, 'div', !1).div; }, BN1.prototype.mod = function(num1) { return this.divmod(num1, 'mod', !1).mod; }, BN1.prototype.umod = function(num1) { return this.divmod(num1, 'mod', !0).mod; }, BN1.prototype.divRound = function(num1) { var dm1 = this.divmod(num1); if (dm1.mod.isZero()) return dm1.div; var mod1 = 0 !== dm1.div.negative ? dm1.mod.isub(num1) : dm1.mod, half1 = num1.ushrn(1), r21 = num1.andln(1), cmp1 = mod1.cmp(half1); return cmp1 < 0 || 1 === r21 && 0 === cmp1 ? dm1.div : 0 !== dm1.div.negative ? dm1.div.isubn(1) : dm1.div.iaddn(1); }, BN1.prototype.modn = function(num1) { assert1(num1 <= 0x3ffffff); for(var p3 = 67108864 % num1, acc1 = 0, i2 = this.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--)acc1 = (p3 * acc1 + (0 | this.words[i2])) % num1; return acc1; }, BN1.prototype.idivn = function(num1) { assert1(num1 <= 0x3ffffff); for(var carry1 = 0, i2 = this.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--){ var w19 = (0 | this.words[i2]) + 0x4000000 * carry1; this.words[i2] = w19 / num1 | 0, carry1 = w19 % num1; } return this.strip(); }, BN1.prototype.divn = function(num1) { return this.clone().idivn(num1); }, BN1.prototype.egcd = function(p3) { assert1(0 === p3.negative), assert1(!p3.isZero()); var x3 = this, y3 = p3.clone(); x3 = 0 !== x3.negative ? x3.umod(p3) : x3.clone(); for(var A1 = new BN1(1), B1 = new BN1(0), C1 = new BN1(0), D1 = new BN1(1), g3 = 0; x3.isEven() && y3.isEven();)x3.iushrn(1), y3.iushrn(1), ++g3; for(var yp1 = y3.clone(), xp1 = x3.clone(); !x3.isZero();){ for(var i2 = 0, im1 = 1; (x3.words[0] & im1) == 0 && i2 < 26; ++i2, im1 <<= 1); if (i2 > 0) for(x3.iushrn(i2); i2-- > 0;)(A1.isOdd() || B1.isOdd()) && (A1.iadd(yp1), B1.isub(xp1)), A1.iushrn(1), B1.iushrn(1); for(var j1 = 0, jm1 = 1; (y3.words[0] & jm1) == 0 && j1 < 26; ++j1, jm1 <<= 1); if (j1 > 0) for(y3.iushrn(j1); j1-- > 0;)(C1.isOdd() || D1.isOdd()) && (C1.iadd(yp1), D1.isub(xp1)), C1.iushrn(1), D1.iushrn(1); x3.cmp(y3) >= 0 ? (x3.isub(y3), A1.isub(C1), B1.isub(D1)) : (y3.isub(x3), C1.isub(A1), D1.isub(B1)); } return { a: C1, b: D1, gcd: y3.iushln(g3) }; }, BN1.prototype._invmp = function(p3) { assert1(0 === p3.negative), assert1(!p3.isZero()); var res1, a10 = this, b10 = p3.clone(); a10 = 0 !== a10.negative ? a10.umod(p3) : a10.clone(); for(var x11 = new BN1(1), x21 = new BN1(0), delta1 = b10.clone(); a10.cmpn(1) > 0 && b10.cmpn(1) > 0;){ for(var i2 = 0, im1 = 1; (a10.words[0] & im1) == 0 && i2 < 26; ++i2, im1 <<= 1); if (i2 > 0) for(a10.iushrn(i2); i2-- > 0;)x11.isOdd() && x11.iadd(delta1), x11.iushrn(1); for(var j1 = 0, jm1 = 1; (b10.words[0] & jm1) == 0 && j1 < 26; ++j1, jm1 <<= 1); if (j1 > 0) for(b10.iushrn(j1); j1-- > 0;)x21.isOdd() && x21.iadd(delta1), x21.iushrn(1); a10.cmp(b10) >= 0 ? (a10.isub(b10), x11.isub(x21)) : (b10.isub(a10), x21.isub(x11)); } return 0 > (res1 = 0 === a10.cmpn(1) ? x11 : x21).cmpn(0) && res1.iadd(p3), res1; }, BN1.prototype.gcd = function(num1) { if (this.isZero()) return num1.abs(); if (num1.isZero()) return this.abs(); var a10 = this.clone(), b10 = num1.clone(); a10.negative = 0, b10.negative = 0; for(var shift1 = 0; a10.isEven() && b10.isEven(); shift1++)a10.iushrn(1), b10.iushrn(1); for(;;){ for(; a10.isEven();)a10.iushrn(1); for(; b10.isEven();)b10.iushrn(1); var r3 = a10.cmp(b10); if (r3 < 0) { var t3 = a10; a10 = b10, b10 = t3; } else if (0 === r3 || 0 === b10.cmpn(1)) break; a10.isub(b10); } return b10.iushln(shift1); }, BN1.prototype.invm = function(num1) { return this.egcd(num1).a.umod(num1); }, BN1.prototype.isEven = function() { return (1 & this.words[0]) == 0; }, BN1.prototype.isOdd = function() { return (1 & this.words[0]) == 1; }, BN1.prototype.andln = function(num1) { return this.words[0] & num1; }, BN1.prototype.bincn = function(bit1) { assert1('number' == typeof bit1); var r3 = bit1 % 26, s3 = (bit1 - r3) / 26, q3 = 1 << r3; if (this.length <= s3) return this._expand(s3 + 1), this.words[s3] |= q3, this; for(var carry1 = q3, i2 = s3; 0 !== carry1 && i2 < this.length; i2++){ var w19 = 0 | this.words[i2]; w19 += carry1, carry1 = w19 >>> 26, w19 &= 0x3ffffff, this.words[i2] = w19; } return 0 !== carry1 && (this.words[i2] = carry1, this.length++), this; }, BN1.prototype.isZero = function() { return 1 === this.length && 0 === this.words[0]; }, BN1.prototype.cmpn = function(num1) { var res1, negative1 = num1 < 0; if (0 !== this.negative && !negative1) return -1; if (0 === this.negative && negative1) return 1; if (this.strip(), this.length > 1) res1 = 1; else { negative1 && (num1 = -num1), assert1(num1 <= 0x3ffffff, 'Number is too big'); var w19 = 0 | this.words[0]; res1 = w19 === num1 ? 0 : w19 < num1 ? -1 : 1; } return 0 !== this.negative ? 0 | -res1 : res1; }, BN1.prototype.cmp = function(num1) { if (0 !== this.negative && 0 === num1.negative) return -1; if (0 === this.negative && 0 !== num1.negative) return 1; var res1 = this.ucmp(num1); return 0 !== this.negative ? 0 | -res1 : res1; }, BN1.prototype.ucmp = function(num1) { if (this.length > num1.length) return 1; if (this.length < num1.length) return -1; for(var res1 = 0, i2 = this.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--){ var a10 = 0 | this.words[i2], b10 = 0 | num1.words[i2]; if (a10 !== b10) { a10 < b10 ? res1 = -1 : a10 > b10 && (res1 = 1); break; } } return res1; }, BN1.prototype.gtn = function(num1) { return 1 === this.cmpn(num1); }, BN1.prototype.gt = function(num1) { return 1 === this.cmp(num1); }, BN1.prototype.gten = function(num1) { return this.cmpn(num1) >= 0; }, BN1.prototype.gte = function(num1) { return this.cmp(num1) >= 0; }, BN1.prototype.ltn = function(num1) { return -1 === this.cmpn(num1); }, BN1.prototype.lt = function(num1) { return -1 === this.cmp(num1); }, BN1.prototype.lten = function(num1) { return 0 >= this.cmpn(num1); }, BN1.prototype.lte = function(num1) { return 0 >= this.cmp(num1); }, BN1.prototype.eqn = function(num1) { return 0 === this.cmpn(num1); }, BN1.prototype.eq = function(num1) { return 0 === this.cmp(num1); }, BN1.red = function(num1) { return new Red1(num1); }, BN1.prototype.toRed = function(ctx1) { return assert1(!this.red, 'Already a number in reduction context'), assert1(0 === this.negative, 'red works only with positives'), ctx1.convertTo(this)._forceRed(ctx1); }, BN1.prototype.fromRed = function() { return assert1(this.red, 'fromRed works only with numbers in reduction context'), this.red.convertFrom(this); }, BN1.prototype._forceRed = function(ctx1) { return this.red = ctx1, this; }, BN1.prototype.forceRed = function(ctx1) { return assert1(!this.red, 'Already a number in reduction context'), this._forceRed(ctx1); }, BN1.prototype.redAdd = function(num1) { return assert1(this.red, 'redAdd works only with red numbers'), this.red.add(this, num1); }, BN1.prototype.redIAdd = function(num1) { return assert1(this.red, 'redIAdd works only with red numbers'), this.red.iadd(this, num1); }, BN1.prototype.redSub = function(num1) { return assert1(this.red, 'redSub works only with red numbers'), this.red.sub(this, num1); }, BN1.prototype.redISub = function(num1) { return assert1(this.red, 'redISub works only with red numbers'), this.red.isub(this, num1); }, BN1.prototype.redShl = function(num1) { return assert1(this.red, 'redShl works only with red numbers'), this.red.shl(this, num1); }, BN1.prototype.redMul = function(num1) { return assert1(this.red, 'redMul works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify2(this, num1), this.red.mul(this, num1); }, BN1.prototype.redIMul = function(num1) { return assert1(this.red, 'redMul works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify2(this, num1), this.red.imul(this, num1); }, BN1.prototype.redSqr = function() { return assert1(this.red, 'redSqr works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.sqr(this); }, BN1.prototype.redISqr = function() { return assert1(this.red, 'redISqr works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.isqr(this); }, BN1.prototype.redSqrt = function() { return assert1(this.red, 'redSqrt works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.sqrt(this); }, BN1.prototype.redInvm = function() { return assert1(this.red, 'redInvm works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.invm(this); }, BN1.prototype.redNeg = function() { return assert1(this.red, 'redNeg works only with red numbers'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.neg(this); }, BN1.prototype.redPow = function(num1) { return assert1(this.red && !num1.red, 'redPow(normalNum)'), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.pow(this, num1); }; var primes1 = { k256: null, p224: null, p192: null, p25519: null }; function MPrime1(name1, p3) { this.name = name1, this.p = new BN1(p3, 16), this.n = this.p.bitLength(), this.k = new BN1(1).iushln(this.n).isub(this.p), this.tmp = this._tmp(); } function K2561() { MPrime1.call(this, 'k256', 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f'); } function P2241() { MPrime1.call(this, 'p224', 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001'); } function P1921() { MPrime1.call(this, 'p192', 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff'); } function P255191() { MPrime1.call(this, '25519', '7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed'); } function Red1(m1) { if ('string' == typeof m1) { var prime1 = BN1._prime(m1); this.m = prime1.p, this.prime = prime1; } else assert1(m1.gtn(1), 'modulus must be greater than 1'), this.m = m1, this.prime = null; } function Mont1(m1) { Red1.call(this, m1), this.shift = this.m.bitLength(), this.shift % 26 != 0 && (this.shift += 26 - this.shift % 26), this.r = new BN1(1).iushln(this.shift), this.r2 = this.imod(this.r.sqr()), this.rinv = this.r._invmp(this.m), this.minv = this.rinv.mul(this.r).isubn(1).div(this.m), this.minv = this.minv.umod(this.r), this.minv = this.r.sub(this.minv); } MPrime1.prototype._tmp = function() { var tmp1 = new BN1(null); return tmp1.words = Array(Math.ceil(this.n / 13)), tmp1; }, MPrime1.prototype.ireduce = function(num1) { var rlen1, r3 = num1; do this.split(r3, this.tmp), rlen1 = (r3 = (r3 = this.imulK(r3)).iadd(this.tmp)).bitLength(); while (rlen1 > this.n) var cmp1 = rlen1 < this.n ? -1 : r3.ucmp(this.p); return 0 === cmp1 ? (r3.words[0] = 0, r3.length = 1) : cmp1 > 0 ? r3.isub(this.p) : void 0 !== r3.strip ? r3.strip() : r3._strip(), r3; }, MPrime1.prototype.split = function(input1, out1) { input1.iushrn(this.n, 0, out1); }, MPrime1.prototype.imulK = function(num1) { return num1.imul(this.k); }, inherits1(K2561, MPrime1), K2561.prototype.split = function(input1, output1) { for(var mask1 = 0x3fffff, outLen1 = Math.min(input1.length, 9), i2 = 0; i2 < outLen1; i2++)output1.words[i2] = input1.words[i2]; if (output1.length = outLen1, input1.length <= 9) { input1.words[0] = 0, input1.length = 1; return; } var prev1 = input1.words[9]; for(i2 = 10, output1.words[output1.length++] = prev1 & mask1; i2 < input1.length; i2++){ var next1 = 0 | input1.words[i2]; input1.words[i2 - 10] = (next1 & mask1) << 4 | prev1 >>> 22, prev1 = next1; } prev1 >>>= 22, input1.words[i2 - 10] = prev1, 0 === prev1 && input1.length > 10 ? input1.length -= 10 : input1.length -= 9; }, K2561.prototype.imulK = function(num1) { num1.words[num1.length] = 0, num1.words[num1.length + 1] = 0, num1.length += 2; for(var lo1 = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < num1.length; i2++){ var w19 = 0 | num1.words[i2]; lo1 += 0x3d1 * w19, num1.words[i2] = 0x3ffffff & lo1, lo1 = 0x40 * w19 + (lo1 / 0x4000000 | 0); } return 0 === num1.words[num1.length - 1] && (num1.length--, 0 === num1.words[num1.length - 1] && num1.length--), num1; }, inherits1(P2241, MPrime1), inherits1(P1921, MPrime1), inherits1(P255191, MPrime1), P255191.prototype.imulK = function(num1) { for(var carry1 = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < num1.length; i2++){ var hi1 = (0 | num1.words[i2]) * 0x13 + carry1, lo1 = 0x3ffffff & hi1; hi1 >>>= 26, num1.words[i2] = lo1, carry1 = hi1; } return 0 !== carry1 && (num1.words[num1.length++] = carry1), num1; }, BN1._prime = function(name1) { var prime1; if (primes1[name1]) return primes1[name1]; if ('k256' === name1) prime1 = new K2561(); else if ('p224' === name1) prime1 = new P2241(); else if ('p192' === name1) prime1 = new P1921(); else if ('p25519' === name1) prime1 = new P255191(); else throw Error('Unknown prime ' + name1); return primes1[name1] = prime1, prime1; }, Red1.prototype._verify1 = function(a10) { assert1(0 === a10.negative, 'red works only with positives'), assert1(a10.red, 'red works only with red numbers'); }, Red1.prototype._verify2 = function(a10, b10) { assert1((a10.negative | b10.negative) == 0, 'red works only with positives'), assert1(a10.red && a10.red === b10.red, 'red works only with red numbers'); }, Red1.prototype.imod = function(a10) { return this.prime ? this.prime.ireduce(a10)._forceRed(this) : a10.umod(this.m)._forceRed(this); }, Red1.prototype.neg = function(a10) { return a10.isZero() ? a10.clone() : this.m.sub(a10)._forceRed(this); }, Red1.prototype.add = function(a10, b10) { this._verify2(a10, b10); var res1 = a10.add(b10); return res1.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && res1.isub(this.m), res1._forceRed(this); }, Red1.prototype.iadd = function(a10, b10) { this._verify2(a10, b10); var res1 = a10.iadd(b10); return res1.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && res1.isub(this.m), res1; }, Red1.prototype.sub = function(a10, b10) { this._verify2(a10, b10); var res1 = a10.sub(b10); return 0 > res1.cmpn(0) && res1.iadd(this.m), res1._forceRed(this); }, Red1.prototype.isub = function(a10, b10) { this._verify2(a10, b10); var res1 = a10.isub(b10); return 0 > res1.cmpn(0) && res1.iadd(this.m), res1; }, Red1.prototype.shl = function(a10, num1) { return this._verify1(a10), this.imod(a10.ushln(num1)); }, Red1.prototype.imul = function(a10, b10) { return this._verify2(a10, b10), this.imod(a10.imul(b10)); }, Red1.prototype.mul = function(a10, b10) { return this._verify2(a10, b10), this.imod(a10.mul(b10)); }, Red1.prototype.isqr = function(a10) { return this.imul(a10, a10.clone()); }, Red1.prototype.sqr = function(a10) { return this.mul(a10, a10); }, Red1.prototype.sqrt = function(a10) { if (a10.isZero()) return a10.clone(); var mod31 = this.m.andln(3); if (assert1(mod31 % 2 == 1), 3 === mod31) { var pow1 = this.m.add(new BN1(1)).iushrn(2); return this.pow(a10, pow1); } for(var q3 = this.m.subn(1), s3 = 0; !q3.isZero() && 0 === q3.andln(1);)s3++, q3.iushrn(1); assert1(!q3.isZero()); var one1 = new BN1(1).toRed(this), nOne1 = one1.redNeg(), lpow1 = this.m.subn(1).iushrn(1), z1 = this.m.bitLength(); for(z1 = new BN1(2 * z1 * z1).toRed(this); 0 !== this.pow(z1, lpow1).cmp(nOne1);)z1.redIAdd(nOne1); for(var c5 = this.pow(z1, q3), r3 = this.pow(a10, q3.addn(1).iushrn(1)), t3 = this.pow(a10, q3), m1 = s3; 0 !== t3.cmp(one1);){ for(var tmp1 = t3, i2 = 0; 0 !== tmp1.cmp(one1); i2++)tmp1 = tmp1.redSqr(); assert1(i2 < m1); var b10 = this.pow(c5, new BN1(1).iushln(m1 - i2 - 1)); r3 = r3.redMul(b10), c5 = b10.redSqr(), t3 = t3.redMul(c5), m1 = i2; } return r3; }, Red1.prototype.invm = function(a10) { var inv1 = a10._invmp(this.m); return 0 !== inv1.negative ? (inv1.negative = 0, this.imod(inv1).redNeg()) : this.imod(inv1); }, Red1.prototype.pow = function(a10, num1) { if (num1.isZero()) return new BN1(1).toRed(this); if (0 === num1.cmpn(1)) return a10.clone(); var windowSize1 = 4, wnd1 = Array(16); wnd1[0] = new BN1(1).toRed(this), wnd1[1] = a10; for(var i2 = 2; i2 < wnd1.length; i2++)wnd1[i2] = this.mul(wnd1[i2 - 1], a10); var res1 = wnd1[0], current1 = 0, currentLen1 = 0, start1 = num1.bitLength() % 26; for(0 === start1 && (start1 = 26), i2 = num1.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--){ for(var word1 = num1.words[i2], j1 = start1 - 1; j1 >= 0; j1--){ var bit1 = word1 >> j1 & 1; if (res1 !== wnd1[0] && (res1 = this.sqr(res1)), 0 === bit1 && 0 === current1) { currentLen1 = 0; continue; } current1 <<= 1, current1 |= bit1, (++currentLen1 === windowSize1 || 0 === i2 && 0 === j1) && (res1 = this.mul(res1, wnd1[current1]), currentLen1 = 0, current1 = 0); } start1 = 26; } return res1; }, Red1.prototype.convertTo = function(num1) { var r3 = num1.umod(this.m); return r3 === num1 ? r3.clone() : r3; }, Red1.prototype.convertFrom = function(num1) { var res1 = num1.clone(); return res1.red = null, res1; }, BN1.mont = function(num1) { return new Mont1(num1); }, inherits1(Mont1, Red1), Mont1.prototype.convertTo = function(num1) { return this.imod(num1.ushln(this.shift)); }, Mont1.prototype.convertFrom = function(num1) { var r3 = this.imod(num1.mul(this.rinv)); return r3.red = null, r3; }, Mont1.prototype.imul = function(a10, b10) { if (a10.isZero() || b10.isZero()) return a10.words[0] = 0, a10.length = 1, a10; var t3 = a10.imul(b10), c5 = t3.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), u3 = t3.isub(c5).iushrn(this.shift), res1 = u3; return u3.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? res1 = u3.isub(this.m) : 0 > u3.cmpn(0) && (res1 = u3.iadd(this.m)), res1._forceRed(this); }, Mont1.prototype.mul = function(a10, b10) { if (a10.isZero() || b10.isZero()) return new BN1(0)._forceRed(this); var t3 = a10.mul(b10), c5 = t3.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), u3 = t3.isub(c5).iushrn(this.shift), res1 = u3; return u3.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? res1 = u3.isub(this.m) : 0 > u3.cmpn(0) && (res1 = u3.iadd(this.m)), res1._forceRed(this); }, Mont1.prototype.invm = function(a10) { return this.imod(a10._invmp(this.m).mul(this.r2))._forceRed(this); }; }(module1 = __webpack_require__1.nmd(module1), this); }, 9931: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var r3; function Rand1(rand1) { this.rand = rand1; } if (module1.exports = function(len3) { return r3 || (r3 = new Rand1(null)), r3.generate(len3); }, module1.exports.Rand = Rand1, Rand1.prototype.generate = function(len3) { return this._rand(len3); }, Rand1.prototype._rand = function(n2) { if (this.rand.getBytes) return this.rand.getBytes(n2); for(var res1 = new Uint8Array(n2), i2 = 0; i2 < res1.length; i2++)res1[i2] = this.rand.getByte(); return res1; }, 'object' == typeof self) self.crypto && self.crypto.getRandomValues ? Rand1.prototype._rand = function(n2) { var arr1 = new Uint8Array(n2); return self.crypto.getRandomValues(arr1), arr1; } : self.msCrypto && self.msCrypto.getRandomValues ? Rand1.prototype._rand = function(n2) { var arr1 = new Uint8Array(n2); return self.msCrypto.getRandomValues(arr1), arr1; } : 'object' == typeof window && (Rand1.prototype._rand = function() { throw Error('Not implemented yet'); }); else try { var crypto1 = __webpack_require__1(9214); if ('function' != typeof crypto1.randomBytes) throw Error('Not supported'); Rand1.prototype._rand = function(n2) { return crypto1.randomBytes(n2); }; } catch (e1) {} }, 1708: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const { AbstractLevel: AbstractLevel1 } = __webpack_require__1(875), ModuleError1 = __webpack_require__1(4473), parallel1 = __webpack_require__1(9967), { fromCallback: fromCallback1 } = __webpack_require__1(6957), { Iterator: Iterator1 } = __webpack_require__1(8212), deserialize1 = __webpack_require__1(9687), clear1 = __webpack_require__1(7753), createKeyRange1 = __webpack_require__1(1217), DEFAULT_PREFIX1 = 'level-js-', kIDB1 = Symbol('idb'), kNamePrefix1 = Symbol('namePrefix'), kLocation1 = Symbol('location'), kVersion1 = Symbol('version'), kStore1 = Symbol('store'), kOnComplete1 = Symbol('onComplete'), kPromise1 = Symbol('promise'); class BrowserLevel1 extends AbstractLevel1 { constructor(location1, options1, _1){ if ('function' == typeof options1 || 'function' == typeof _1) throw new ModuleError1('The levelup-style callback argument has been removed', { code: 'LEVEL_LEGACY' }); const { prefix: prefix1, version: version1, ...forward1 } = options1 || {}; if (super({ encodings: { view: !0 }, snapshots: !1, createIfMissing: !1, errorIfExists: !1, seek: !0 }, forward1), 'string' != typeof location1) throw Error('constructor requires a location string argument'); this[kLocation1] = location1, this[kNamePrefix1] = null == prefix1 ? DEFAULT_PREFIX1 : prefix1, this[kVersion1] = parseInt(version1 || 1, 10), this[kIDB1] = null; } get location() { return this[kLocation1]; } get namePrefix() { return this[kNamePrefix1]; } get version() { return this[kVersion1]; } get db() { return this[kIDB1]; } get type() { return 'browser-level'; } _open(options1, callback1) { const req1 = indexedDB.open(this[kNamePrefix1] + this[kLocation1], this[kVersion1]); req1.onerror = function() { callback1(req1.error || Error('unknown error')); }, req1.onsuccess = ()=>{ this[kIDB1] = req1.result, callback1(); }, req1.onupgradeneeded = (ev1)=>{ const db1 = ev1.target.result; db1.objectStoreNames.contains(this[kLocation1]) || db1.createObjectStore(this[kLocation1]); }; } [kStore1](mode1) { const transaction1 = this[kIDB1].transaction([ this[kLocation1] ], mode1); return transaction1.objectStore(this[kLocation1]); } [kOnComplete1](request1, callback1) { const transaction1 = request1.transaction; transaction1.onabort = function() { callback1(transaction1.error || Error('aborted by user')); }, transaction1.oncomplete = function() { callback1(null, request1.result); }; } _get(key1, options1, callback1) { let req1; const store1 = this[kStore1]('readonly'); try { req1 = store1.get(key1); } catch (err1) { return this.nextTick(callback1, err1); } this[kOnComplete1](req1, function(err1, value1) { return err1 ? callback1(err1) : void 0 === value1 ? callback1(new ModuleError1('Entry not found', { code: 'LEVEL_NOT_FOUND' })) : void callback1(null, deserialize1(value1)); }); } _getMany(keys1, options1, callback1) { const store1 = this[kStore1]('readonly'), tasks1 = keys1.map((key1)=>(next1)=>{ let request1; try { request1 = store1.get(key1); } catch (err1) { return next1(err1); } request1.onsuccess = ()=>{ const value1 = request1.result; next1(null, void 0 === value1 ? value1 : deserialize1(value1)); }, request1.onerror = (ev1)=>{ ev1.stopPropagation(), next1(request1.error); }; }); parallel1(tasks1, 16, callback1); } _del(key1, options1, callback1) { let req1; const store1 = this[kStore1]('readwrite'); try { req1 = store1.delete(key1); } catch (err1) { return this.nextTick(callback1, err1); } this[kOnComplete1](req1, callback1); } _put(key1, value1, options1, callback1) { let req1; const store1 = this[kStore1]('readwrite'); try { req1 = store1.put(value1, key1); } catch (err1) { return this.nextTick(callback1, err1); } this[kOnComplete1](req1, callback1); } _iterator(options1) { return new Iterator1(this, this[kLocation1], options1); } _batch(operations1, options1, callback1) { let error1; const store1 = this[kStore1]('readwrite'), transaction1 = store1.transaction; let index1 = 0; function loop1() { let req1; const op1 = operations1[index1++], key1 = op1.key; try { req1 = 'del' === op1.type ? store1.delete(key1) : store1.put(op1.value, key1); } catch (err1) { error1 = err1, transaction1.abort(); return; } index1 < operations1.length ? req1.onsuccess = loop1 : 'function' == typeof transaction1.commit && transaction1.commit(); } transaction1.onabort = function() { callback1(error1 || transaction1.error || Error('aborted by user')); }, transaction1.oncomplete = function() { callback1(); }, loop1(); } _clear(options1, callback1) { let keyRange1, req1; try { keyRange1 = createKeyRange1(options1); } catch (e1) { return this.nextTick(callback1); } if (options1.limit >= 0) return clear1(this, this[kLocation1], keyRange1, options1, callback1); try { const store1 = this[kStore1]('readwrite'); req1 = keyRange1 ? store1.delete(keyRange1) : store1.clear(); } catch (err1) { return this.nextTick(callback1, err1); } this[kOnComplete1](req1, callback1); } _close(callback1) { this[kIDB1].close(), this.nextTick(callback1); } } BrowserLevel1.destroy = function(location1, prefix1, callback1) { 'function' == typeof prefix1 && (callback1 = prefix1, prefix1 = DEFAULT_PREFIX1), callback1 = fromCallback1(callback1, kPromise1); const request1 = indexedDB.deleteDatabase(prefix1 + location1); return request1.onsuccess = function() { callback1(); }, request1.onerror = function(err1) { callback1(err1); }, callback1[kPromise1]; }, exports1.BrowserLevel = BrowserLevel1; }, 8212: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const { AbstractIterator: AbstractIterator1 } = __webpack_require__1(875), createKeyRange1 = __webpack_require__1(1217), deserialize1 = __webpack_require__1(9687), kCache1 = Symbol('cache'), kFinished1 = Symbol('finished'), kOptions1 = Symbol('options'), kCurrentOptions1 = Symbol('currentOptions'), kPosition1 = Symbol('position'), kLocation1 = Symbol('location'), kFirst1 = Symbol('first'), emptyOptions1 = {}; class Iterator1 extends AbstractIterator1 { constructor(db1, location1, options1){ super(db1, options1), this[kCache1] = [], this[kFinished1] = 0 === this.limit, this[kOptions1] = options1, this[kCurrentOptions1] = { ...options1 }, this[kPosition1] = void 0, this[kLocation1] = location1, this[kFirst1] = !0; } _nextv(size1, options1, callback1) { let keyRange1; if (this[kFirst1] = !1, this[kFinished1]) return this.nextTick(callback1, null, []); if (this[kCache1].length > 0) return size1 = Math.min(size1, this[kCache1].length), this.nextTick(callback1, null, this[kCache1].splice(0, size1)); void 0 !== this[kPosition1] && (this[kOptions1].reverse ? (this[kCurrentOptions1].lt = this[kPosition1], this[kCurrentOptions1].lte = void 0) : (this[kCurrentOptions1].gt = this[kPosition1], this[kCurrentOptions1].gte = void 0)); try { keyRange1 = createKeyRange1(this[kCurrentOptions1]); } catch (_1) { return this[kFinished1] = !0, this.nextTick(callback1, null, []); } const transaction1 = this.db.db.transaction([ this[kLocation1] ], 'readonly'), store1 = transaction1.objectStore(this[kLocation1]), entries1 = []; if (this[kOptions1].reverse) { const method1 = !this[kOptions1].values && store1.openKeyCursor ? 'openKeyCursor' : 'openCursor'; store1[method1](keyRange1, 'prev').onsuccess = (ev1)=>{ const cursor1 = ev1.target.result; if (cursor1) { const { key: key1, value: value1 } = cursor1; this[kPosition1] = key1, entries1.push([ this[kOptions1].keys && void 0 !== key1 ? deserialize1(key1) : void 0, this[kOptions1].values && void 0 !== value1 ? deserialize1(value1) : void 0 ]), entries1.length < size1 ? cursor1.continue() : maybeCommit1(transaction1); } else this[kFinished1] = !0; }; } else { let keys1, values1; const complete1 = ()=>{ if (void 0 === keys1 || void 0 === values1) return; const length1 = Math.max(keys1.length, values1.length); 0 === length1 || size1 === 1 / 0 ? this[kFinished1] = !0 : this[kPosition1] = keys1[length1 - 1], entries1.length = length1; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < length1; i2++){ const key1 = keys1[i2], value1 = values1[i2]; entries1[i2] = [ this[kOptions1].keys && void 0 !== key1 ? deserialize1(key1) : void 0, this[kOptions1].values && void 0 !== value1 ? deserialize1(value1) : void 0 ]; } maybeCommit1(transaction1); }; this[kOptions1].keys || size1 < 1 / 0 ? store1.getAllKeys(keyRange1, size1 < 1 / 0 ? size1 : void 0).onsuccess = (ev1)=>{ keys1 = ev1.target.result, complete1(); } : (keys1 = [], this.nextTick(complete1)), this[kOptions1].values ? store1.getAll(keyRange1, size1 < 1 / 0 ? size1 : void 0).onsuccess = (ev1)=>{ values1 = ev1.target.result, complete1(); } : (values1 = [], this.nextTick(complete1)); } transaction1.onabort = ()=>{ callback1(transaction1.error || Error('aborted by user')), callback1 = null; }, transaction1.oncomplete = ()=>{ callback1(null, entries1), callback1 = null; }; } _next(callback1) { if (this[kCache1].length > 0) { const [key1, value1] = this[kCache1].shift(); this.nextTick(callback1, null, key1, value1); } else if (this[kFinished1]) this.nextTick(callback1); else { let size1 = Math.min(100, this.limit - this.count); this[kFirst1] && (this[kFirst1] = !1, size1 = 1), this._nextv(size1, emptyOptions1, (err1, entries1)=>{ if (err1) return callback1(err1); this[kCache1] = entries1, this._next(callback1); }); } } _all(options1, callback1) { this[kFirst1] = !1; const cache1 = this[kCache1].splice(0, this[kCache1].length), size1 = this.limit - this.count - cache1.length; if (size1 <= 0) return this.nextTick(callback1, null, cache1); this._nextv(size1, emptyOptions1, (err1, entries1)=>{ if (err1) return callback1(err1); cache1.length > 0 && (entries1 = cache1.concat(entries1)), callback1(null, entries1); }); } _seek(target1, options1) { let keyRange1; this[kFirst1] = !0, this[kCache1] = [], this[kFinished1] = !1, this[kPosition1] = void 0, this[kCurrentOptions1] = { ...this[kOptions1] }; try { keyRange1 = createKeyRange1(this[kOptions1]); } catch (_1) { this[kFinished1] = !0; return; } null === keyRange1 || keyRange1.includes(target1) ? this[kOptions1].reverse ? this[kCurrentOptions1].lte = target1 : this[kCurrentOptions1].gte = target1 : this[kFinished1] = !0; } } function maybeCommit1(transaction1) { 'function' == typeof transaction1.commit && transaction1.commit(); } exports1.Iterator = Iterator1; }, 7753: function(module1) { "use strict"; module1.exports = function(db1, location1, keyRange1, options1, callback1) { if (0 === options1.limit) return db1.nextTick(callback1); const transaction1 = db1.db.transaction([ location1 ], 'readwrite'), store1 = transaction1.objectStore(location1); let count1 = 0; transaction1.oncomplete = function() { callback1(); }, transaction1.onabort = function() { callback1(transaction1.error || Error('aborted by user')); }; const method1 = store1.openKeyCursor ? 'openKeyCursor' : 'openCursor', direction1 = options1.reverse ? 'prev' : 'next'; store1[method1](keyRange1, direction1).onsuccess = function(ev1) { const cursor1 = ev1.target.result; cursor1 && (store1.delete(cursor1.key).onsuccess = function() { (options1.limit <= 0 || ++count1 < options1.limit) && cursor1.continue(); }); }; }; }, 9687: function(module1) { "use strict"; const textEncoder1 = new TextEncoder(); module1.exports = function(data1) { return data1 instanceof Uint8Array ? data1 : data1 instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Uint8Array(data1) : textEncoder1.encode(data1); }; }, 1217: function(module1) { "use strict"; module1.exports = function(options1) { const lower1 = void 0 !== options1.gte ? options1.gte : void 0 !== options1.gt ? options1.gt : void 0, upper1 = void 0 !== options1.lte ? options1.lte : void 0 !== options1.lt ? options1.lt : void 0, lowerExclusive1 = void 0 === options1.gte, upperExclusive1 = void 0 === options1.lte; return void 0 !== lower1 && void 0 !== upper1 ? IDBKeyRange.bound(lower1, upper1, lowerExclusive1, upperExclusive1) : void 0 !== lower1 ? IDBKeyRange.lowerBound(lower1, lowerExclusive1) : void 0 !== upper1 ? IDBKeyRange.upperBound(upper1, upperExclusive1) : null; }; }, 3533: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { const Buffer1 = __webpack_require__1(9509).Buffer; module1.exports = class { constructor(buf1 = Buffer1.from([])){ this.buffer = buf1; } read(num1) { const data1 = this.buffer.subarray(0, num1); return this.buffer = this.buffer.subarray(num1), data1; } write(buf1) { buf1 = Buffer1.from(buf1), this.buffer = Buffer1.concat([ this.buffer, buf1 ]); } }; }, 8764: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const base641 = __webpack_require__1(9742), ieee7541 = __webpack_require__1(645), customInspectSymbol1 = 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'function' == typeof Symbol.for ? Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom') : null; exports1.Buffer = Buffer1, exports1.SlowBuffer = SlowBuffer1, exports1.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50; const K_MAX_LENGTH1 = 0x7fffffff; function typedArraySupport1() { try { const arr1 = new Uint8Array(1), proto1 = { foo: function() { return 42; } }; return Object.setPrototypeOf(proto1, Uint8Array.prototype), Object.setPrototypeOf(arr1, proto1), 42 === arr1.foo(); } catch (e1) { return !1; } } function createBuffer1(length1) { if (length1 > K_MAX_LENGTH1) throw RangeError('The value "' + length1 + '" is invalid for option "size"'); const buf1 = new Uint8Array(length1); return Object.setPrototypeOf(buf1, Buffer1.prototype), buf1; } function Buffer1(arg4, encodingOrOffset1, length1) { if ('number' == typeof arg4) { if ('string' == typeof encodingOrOffset1) throw TypeError('The "string" argument must be of type string. Received type number'); return allocUnsafe1(arg4); } return from1(arg4, encodingOrOffset1, length1); } function from1(value1, encodingOrOffset1, length1) { if ('string' == typeof value1) return fromString1(value1, encodingOrOffset1); if (ArrayBuffer.isView(value1)) return fromArrayView1(value1); if (null == value1) throw TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof value1); if (isInstance1(value1, ArrayBuffer) || value1 && isInstance1(value1.buffer, ArrayBuffer) || 'undefined' != typeof SharedArrayBuffer && (isInstance1(value1, SharedArrayBuffer) || value1 && isInstance1(value1.buffer, SharedArrayBuffer))) return fromArrayBuffer1(value1, encodingOrOffset1, length1); if ('number' == typeof value1) throw TypeError('The "value" argument must not be of type number. Received type number'); const valueOf1 = value1.valueOf && value1.valueOf(); if (null != valueOf1 && valueOf1 !== value1) return Buffer1.from(valueOf1, encodingOrOffset1, length1); const b10 = fromObject1(value1); if (b10) return b10; if ('undefined' != typeof Symbol && null != Symbol.toPrimitive && 'function' == typeof value1[Symbol.toPrimitive]) return Buffer1.from(value1[Symbol.toPrimitive]('string'), encodingOrOffset1, length1); throw TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof value1); } function assertSize1(size1) { if ('number' != typeof size1) throw TypeError('"size" argument must be of type number'); if (size1 < 0) throw RangeError('The value "' + size1 + '" is invalid for option "size"'); } function alloc1(size1, fill1, encoding1) { return (assertSize1(size1), size1 <= 0) ? createBuffer1(size1) : void 0 !== fill1 ? 'string' == typeof encoding1 ? createBuffer1(size1).fill(fill1, encoding1) : createBuffer1(size1).fill(fill1) : createBuffer1(size1); } function allocUnsafe1(size1) { return assertSize1(size1), createBuffer1(size1 < 0 ? 0 : 0 | checked1(size1)); } function fromString1(string1, encoding1) { if (('string' != typeof encoding1 || '' === encoding1) && (encoding1 = 'utf8'), !Buffer1.isEncoding(encoding1)) throw TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding1); const length1 = 0 | byteLength1(string1, encoding1); let buf1 = createBuffer1(length1); const actual1 = buf1.write(string1, encoding1); return actual1 !== length1 && (buf1 = buf1.slice(0, actual1)), buf1; } function fromArrayLike1(array1) { const length1 = array1.length < 0 ? 0 : 0 | checked1(array1.length), buf1 = createBuffer1(length1); for(let i2 = 0; i2 < length1; i2 += 1)buf1[i2] = 255 & array1[i2]; return buf1; } function fromArrayView1(arrayView1) { if (isInstance1(arrayView1, Uint8Array)) { const copy1 = new Uint8Array(arrayView1); return fromArrayBuffer1(copy1.buffer, copy1.byteOffset, copy1.byteLength); } return fromArrayLike1(arrayView1); } function fromArrayBuffer1(array1, byteOffset1, length1) { let buf1; if (byteOffset1 < 0 || array1.byteLength < byteOffset1) throw RangeError('"offset" is outside of buffer bounds'); if (array1.byteLength < byteOffset1 + (length1 || 0)) throw RangeError('"length" is outside of buffer bounds'); return Object.setPrototypeOf(buf1 = void 0 === byteOffset1 && void 0 === length1 ? new Uint8Array(array1) : void 0 === length1 ? new Uint8Array(array1, byteOffset1) : new Uint8Array(array1, byteOffset1, length1), Buffer1.prototype), buf1; } function fromObject1(obj1) { if (Buffer1.isBuffer(obj1)) { const len3 = 0 | checked1(obj1.length), buf1 = createBuffer1(len3); return 0 === buf1.length || obj1.copy(buf1, 0, 0, len3), buf1; } return void 0 !== obj1.length ? 'number' != typeof obj1.length || numberIsNaN1(obj1.length) ? createBuffer1(0) : fromArrayLike1(obj1) : 'Buffer' === obj1.type && Array.isArray(obj1.data) ? fromArrayLike1(obj1.data) : void 0; } function checked1(length1) { if (length1 >= K_MAX_LENGTH1) throw RangeError("Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x" + K_MAX_LENGTH1.toString(16) + ' bytes'); return 0 | length1; } function SlowBuffer1(length1) { return +length1 != length1 && (length1 = 0), Buffer1.alloc(+length1); } function byteLength1(string1, encoding1) { if (Buffer1.isBuffer(string1)) return string1.length; if (ArrayBuffer.isView(string1) || isInstance1(string1, ArrayBuffer)) return string1.byteLength; if ('string' != typeof string1) throw TypeError('The "string" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or ArrayBuffer. Received type ' + typeof string1); const len3 = string1.length, mustMatch1 = arguments.length > 2 && !0 === arguments[2]; if (!mustMatch1 && 0 === len3) return 0; let loweredCase1 = !1; for(;;)switch(encoding1){ case 'ascii': case 'latin1': case 'binary': return len3; case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': return utf8ToBytes1(string1).length; case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': return 2 * len3; case 'hex': return len3 >>> 1; case 'base64': return base64ToBytes1(string1).length; default: if (loweredCase1) return mustMatch1 ? -1 : utf8ToBytes1(string1).length; encoding1 = ('' + encoding1).toLowerCase(), loweredCase1 = !0; } } function slowToString1(encoding1, start1, end1) { let loweredCase1 = !1; if ((void 0 === start1 || start1 < 0) && (start1 = 0), start1 > this.length || ((void 0 === end1 || end1 > this.length) && (end1 = this.length), end1 <= 0 || (end1 >>>= 0) <= (start1 >>>= 0))) return ''; for(encoding1 || (encoding1 = 'utf8');;)switch(encoding1){ case 'hex': return hexSlice1(this, start1, end1); case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': return utf8Slice1(this, start1, end1); case 'ascii': return asciiSlice1(this, start1, end1); case 'latin1': case 'binary': return latin1Slice1(this, start1, end1); case 'base64': return base64Slice1(this, start1, end1); case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': return utf16leSlice1(this, start1, end1); default: if (loweredCase1) throw TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding1); encoding1 = (encoding1 + '').toLowerCase(), loweredCase1 = !0; } } function swap1(b10, n2, m1) { const i2 = b10[n2]; b10[n2] = b10[m1], b10[m1] = i2; } function bidirectionalIndexOf1(buffer1, val1, byteOffset1, encoding1, dir1) { if (0 === buffer1.length) return -1; if ('string' == typeof byteOffset1 ? (encoding1 = byteOffset1, byteOffset1 = 0) : byteOffset1 > 0x7fffffff ? byteOffset1 = 0x7fffffff : byteOffset1 < -2147483648 && (byteOffset1 = -2147483648), numberIsNaN1(byteOffset1 = +byteOffset1) && (byteOffset1 = dir1 ? 0 : buffer1.length - 1), byteOffset1 < 0 && (byteOffset1 = buffer1.length + byteOffset1), byteOffset1 >= buffer1.length) { if (dir1) return -1; byteOffset1 = buffer1.length - 1; } else if (byteOffset1 < 0) { if (!dir1) return -1; byteOffset1 = 0; } if ('string' == typeof val1 && (val1 = Buffer1.from(val1, encoding1)), Buffer1.isBuffer(val1)) return 0 === val1.length ? -1 : arrayIndexOf1(buffer1, val1, byteOffset1, encoding1, dir1); if ('number' == typeof val1) return (val1 &= 0xFF, 'function' == typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf) ? dir1 ? Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf.call(buffer1, val1, byteOffset1) : Uint8Array.prototype.lastIndexOf.call(buffer1, val1, byteOffset1) : arrayIndexOf1(buffer1, [ val1 ], byteOffset1, encoding1, dir1); throw TypeError('val must be string, number or Buffer'); } function arrayIndexOf1(arr1, val1, byteOffset1, encoding1, dir1) { let i2, indexSize1 = 1, arrLength1 = arr1.length, valLength1 = val1.length; if (void 0 !== encoding1 && ('ucs2' === (encoding1 = String(encoding1).toLowerCase()) || 'ucs-2' === encoding1 || 'utf16le' === encoding1 || 'utf-16le' === encoding1)) { if (arr1.length < 2 || val1.length < 2) return -1; indexSize1 = 2, arrLength1 /= 2, valLength1 /= 2, byteOffset1 /= 2; } function read1(buf1, i2) { return 1 === indexSize1 ? buf1[i2] : buf1.readUInt16BE(i2 * indexSize1); } if (dir1) { let foundIndex1 = -1; for(i2 = byteOffset1; i2 < arrLength1; i2++)if (read1(arr1, i2) === read1(val1, -1 === foundIndex1 ? 0 : i2 - foundIndex1)) { if (-1 === foundIndex1 && (foundIndex1 = i2), i2 - foundIndex1 + 1 === valLength1) return foundIndex1 * indexSize1; } else -1 !== foundIndex1 && (i2 -= i2 - foundIndex1), foundIndex1 = -1; } else for(byteOffset1 + valLength1 > arrLength1 && (byteOffset1 = arrLength1 - valLength1), i2 = byteOffset1; i2 >= 0; i2--){ let found1 = !0; for(let j1 = 0; j1 < valLength1; j1++)if (read1(arr1, i2 + j1) !== read1(val1, j1)) { found1 = !1; break; } if (found1) return i2; } return -1; } function hexWrite1(buf1, string1, offset1, length1) { let i2; offset1 = Number(offset1) || 0; const remaining1 = buf1.length - offset1; length1 ? (length1 = Number(length1)) > remaining1 && (length1 = remaining1) : length1 = remaining1; const strLen1 = string1.length; for(length1 > strLen1 / 2 && (length1 = strLen1 / 2), i2 = 0; i2 < length1; ++i2){ const parsed1 = parseInt(string1.substr(2 * i2, 2), 16); if (numberIsNaN1(parsed1)) break; buf1[offset1 + i2] = parsed1; } return i2; } function utf8Write1(buf1, string1, offset1, length1) { return blitBuffer1(utf8ToBytes1(string1, buf1.length - offset1), buf1, offset1, length1); } function asciiWrite1(buf1, string1, offset1, length1) { return blitBuffer1(asciiToBytes1(string1), buf1, offset1, length1); } function base64Write1(buf1, string1, offset1, length1) { return blitBuffer1(base64ToBytes1(string1), buf1, offset1, length1); } function ucs2Write1(buf1, string1, offset1, length1) { return blitBuffer1(utf16leToBytes1(string1, buf1.length - offset1), buf1, offset1, length1); } function base64Slice1(buf1, start1, end1) { return 0 === start1 && end1 === buf1.length ? base641.fromByteArray(buf1) : base641.fromByteArray(buf1.slice(start1, end1)); } function utf8Slice1(buf1, start1, end1) { end1 = Math.min(buf1.length, end1); const res1 = []; let i2 = start1; for(; i2 < end1;){ const firstByte1 = buf1[i2]; let codePoint1 = null, bytesPerSequence1 = firstByte1 > 0xEF ? 4 : firstByte1 > 0xDF ? 3 : firstByte1 > 0xBF ? 2 : 1; if (i2 + bytesPerSequence1 <= end1) { let secondByte1, thirdByte1, fourthByte1, tempCodePoint1; switch(bytesPerSequence1){ case 1: firstByte1 < 0x80 && (codePoint1 = firstByte1); break; case 2: (0xC0 & (secondByte1 = buf1[i2 + 1])) == 0x80 && (tempCodePoint1 = (0x1F & firstByte1) << 0x6 | 0x3F & secondByte1) > 0x7F && (codePoint1 = tempCodePoint1); break; case 3: secondByte1 = buf1[i2 + 1], thirdByte1 = buf1[i2 + 2], (0xC0 & secondByte1) == 0x80 && (0xC0 & thirdByte1) == 0x80 && (tempCodePoint1 = (0xF & firstByte1) << 0xC | (0x3F & secondByte1) << 0x6 | 0x3F & thirdByte1) > 0x7FF && (tempCodePoint1 < 0xD800 || tempCodePoint1 > 0xDFFF) && (codePoint1 = tempCodePoint1); break; case 4: secondByte1 = buf1[i2 + 1], thirdByte1 = buf1[i2 + 2], fourthByte1 = buf1[i2 + 3], (0xC0 & secondByte1) == 0x80 && (0xC0 & thirdByte1) == 0x80 && (0xC0 & fourthByte1) == 0x80 && (tempCodePoint1 = (0xF & firstByte1) << 0x12 | (0x3F & secondByte1) << 0xC | (0x3F & thirdByte1) << 0x6 | 0x3F & fourthByte1) > 0xFFFF && tempCodePoint1 < 0x110000 && (codePoint1 = tempCodePoint1); } } null === codePoint1 ? (codePoint1 = 0xFFFD, bytesPerSequence1 = 1) : codePoint1 > 0xFFFF && (codePoint1 -= 0x10000, res1.push(codePoint1 >>> 10 & 0x3FF | 0xD800), codePoint1 = 0xDC00 | 0x3FF & codePoint1), res1.push(codePoint1), i2 += bytesPerSequence1; } return decodeCodePointsArray1(res1); } exports1.kMaxLength = K_MAX_LENGTH1, Buffer1.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT = typedArraySupport1(), Buffer1.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT || 'undefined' == typeof console || 'function' != typeof console.error || console.error("This browser lacks typed array (Uint8Array) support which is required by `buffer` v5.x. Use `buffer` v4.x if you require old browser support."), Object.defineProperty(Buffer1.prototype, 'parent', { enumerable: !0, get: function() { if (Buffer1.isBuffer(this)) return this.buffer; } }), Object.defineProperty(Buffer1.prototype, 'offset', { enumerable: !0, get: function() { if (Buffer1.isBuffer(this)) return this.byteOffset; } }), Buffer1.poolSize = 8192, Buffer1.from = function(value1, encodingOrOffset1, length1) { return from1(value1, encodingOrOffset1, length1); }, Object.setPrototypeOf(Buffer1.prototype, Uint8Array.prototype), Object.setPrototypeOf(Buffer1, Uint8Array), Buffer1.alloc = function(size1, fill1, encoding1) { return alloc1(size1, fill1, encoding1); }, Buffer1.allocUnsafe = function(size1) { return allocUnsafe1(size1); }, Buffer1.allocUnsafeSlow = function(size1) { return allocUnsafe1(size1); }, Buffer1.isBuffer = function(b10) { return null != b10 && !0 === b10._isBuffer && b10 !== Buffer1.prototype; }, Buffer1.compare = function(a10, b10) { if (isInstance1(a10, Uint8Array) && (a10 = Buffer1.from(a10, a10.offset, a10.byteLength)), isInstance1(b10, Uint8Array) && (b10 = Buffer1.from(b10, b10.offset, b10.byteLength)), !Buffer1.isBuffer(a10) || !Buffer1.isBuffer(b10)) throw TypeError('The "buf1", "buf2" arguments must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array'); if (a10 === b10) return 0; let x3 = a10.length, y3 = b10.length; for(let i2 = 0, len3 = Math.min(x3, y3); i2 < len3; ++i2)if (a10[i2] !== b10[i2]) { x3 = a10[i2], y3 = b10[i2]; break; } return x3 < y3 ? -1 : y3 < x3 ? 1 : 0; }, Buffer1.isEncoding = function(encoding1) { switch(String(encoding1).toLowerCase()){ case 'hex': case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': case 'ascii': case 'latin1': case 'binary': case 'base64': case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': return !0; default: return !1; } }, Buffer1.concat = function(list1, length1) { let i2; if (!Array.isArray(list1)) throw TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers'); if (0 === list1.length) return Buffer1.alloc(0); if (void 0 === length1) for(i2 = 0, length1 = 0; i2 < list1.length; ++i2)length1 += list1[i2].length; const buffer1 = Buffer1.allocUnsafe(length1); let pos1 = 0; for(i2 = 0; i2 < list1.length; ++i2){ let buf1 = list1[i2]; if (isInstance1(buf1, Uint8Array)) pos1 + buf1.length > buffer1.length ? (Buffer1.isBuffer(buf1) || (buf1 = Buffer1.from(buf1)), buf1.copy(buffer1, pos1)) : Uint8Array.prototype.set.call(buffer1, buf1, pos1); else if (Buffer1.isBuffer(buf1)) buf1.copy(buffer1, pos1); else throw TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers'); pos1 += buf1.length; } return buffer1; }, Buffer1.byteLength = byteLength1, Buffer1.prototype._isBuffer = !0, Buffer1.prototype.swap16 = function() { const len3 = this.length; if (len3 % 2 != 0) throw RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits'); for(let i2 = 0; i2 < len3; i2 += 2)swap1(this, i2, i2 + 1); return this; }, Buffer1.prototype.swap32 = function() { const len3 = this.length; if (len3 % 4 != 0) throw RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits'); for(let i2 = 0; i2 < len3; i2 += 4)swap1(this, i2, i2 + 3), swap1(this, i2 + 1, i2 + 2); return this; }, Buffer1.prototype.swap64 = function() { const len3 = this.length; if (len3 % 8 != 0) throw RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits'); for(let i2 = 0; i2 < len3; i2 += 8)swap1(this, i2, i2 + 7), swap1(this, i2 + 1, i2 + 6), swap1(this, i2 + 2, i2 + 5), swap1(this, i2 + 3, i2 + 4); return this; }, Buffer1.prototype.toString = function() { const length1 = this.length; return 0 === length1 ? '' : 0 == arguments.length ? utf8Slice1(this, 0, length1) : slowToString1.apply(this, arguments); }, Buffer1.prototype.toLocaleString = Buffer1.prototype.toString, Buffer1.prototype.equals = function(b10) { if (!Buffer1.isBuffer(b10)) throw TypeError('Argument must be a Buffer'); return this === b10 || 0 === Buffer1.compare(this, b10); }, Buffer1.prototype.inspect = function() { let str1 = ''; const max1 = exports1.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES; return str1 = this.toString('hex', 0, max1).replace(/(.{2})/g, '$1 ').trim(), this.length > max1 && (str1 += ' ... '), ''; }, customInspectSymbol1 && (Buffer1.prototype[customInspectSymbol1] = Buffer1.prototype.inspect), Buffer1.prototype.compare = function(target1, start1, end1, thisStart1, thisEnd1) { if (isInstance1(target1, Uint8Array) && (target1 = Buffer1.from(target1, target1.offset, target1.byteLength)), !Buffer1.isBuffer(target1)) throw TypeError('The "target" argument must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array. Received type ' + typeof target1); if (void 0 === start1 && (start1 = 0), void 0 === end1 && (end1 = target1 ? target1.length : 0), void 0 === thisStart1 && (thisStart1 = 0), void 0 === thisEnd1 && (thisEnd1 = this.length), start1 < 0 || end1 > target1.length || thisStart1 < 0 || thisEnd1 > this.length) throw RangeError('out of range index'); if (thisStart1 >= thisEnd1 && start1 >= end1) return 0; if (thisStart1 >= thisEnd1) return -1; if (start1 >= end1) return 1; if (start1 >>>= 0, end1 >>>= 0, thisStart1 >>>= 0, thisEnd1 >>>= 0, this === target1) return 0; let x3 = thisEnd1 - thisStart1, y3 = end1 - start1; const len3 = Math.min(x3, y3), thisCopy1 = this.slice(thisStart1, thisEnd1), targetCopy1 = target1.slice(start1, end1); for(let i2 = 0; i2 < len3; ++i2)if (thisCopy1[i2] !== targetCopy1[i2]) { x3 = thisCopy1[i2], y3 = targetCopy1[i2]; break; } return x3 < y3 ? -1 : y3 < x3 ? 1 : 0; }, Buffer1.prototype.includes = function(val1, byteOffset1, encoding1) { return -1 !== this.indexOf(val1, byteOffset1, encoding1); }, Buffer1.prototype.indexOf = function(val1, byteOffset1, encoding1) { return bidirectionalIndexOf1(this, val1, byteOffset1, encoding1, !0); }, Buffer1.prototype.lastIndexOf = function(val1, byteOffset1, encoding1) { return bidirectionalIndexOf1(this, val1, byteOffset1, encoding1, !1); }, Buffer1.prototype.write = function(string1, offset1, length1, encoding1) { if (void 0 === offset1) encoding1 = 'utf8', length1 = this.length, offset1 = 0; else if (void 0 === length1 && 'string' == typeof offset1) encoding1 = offset1, length1 = this.length, offset1 = 0; else if (isFinite(offset1)) offset1 >>>= 0, isFinite(length1) ? (length1 >>>= 0, void 0 === encoding1 && (encoding1 = 'utf8')) : (encoding1 = length1, length1 = void 0); else throw Error('Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported'); const remaining1 = this.length - offset1; if ((void 0 === length1 || length1 > remaining1) && (length1 = remaining1), string1.length > 0 && (length1 < 0 || offset1 < 0) || offset1 > this.length) throw RangeError('Attempt to write outside buffer bounds'); encoding1 || (encoding1 = 'utf8'); let loweredCase1 = !1; for(;;)switch(encoding1){ case 'hex': return hexWrite1(this, string1, offset1, length1); case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': return utf8Write1(this, string1, offset1, length1); case 'ascii': case 'latin1': case 'binary': return asciiWrite1(this, string1, offset1, length1); case 'base64': return base64Write1(this, string1, offset1, length1); case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': return ucs2Write1(this, string1, offset1, length1); default: if (loweredCase1) throw TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding1); encoding1 = ('' + encoding1).toLowerCase(), loweredCase1 = !0; } }, Buffer1.prototype.toJSON = function() { return { type: 'Buffer', data: Array.prototype.slice.call(this._arr || this, 0) }; }; const MAX_ARGUMENTS_LENGTH1 = 0x1000; function decodeCodePointsArray1(codePoints1) { const len3 = codePoints1.length; if (len3 <= MAX_ARGUMENTS_LENGTH1) return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, codePoints1); let res1 = '', i2 = 0; for(; i2 < len3;)res1 += String.fromCharCode.apply(String, codePoints1.slice(i2, i2 += MAX_ARGUMENTS_LENGTH1)); return res1; } function asciiSlice1(buf1, start1, end1) { let ret1 = ''; end1 = Math.min(buf1.length, end1); for(let i2 = start1; i2 < end1; ++i2)ret1 += String.fromCharCode(0x7F & buf1[i2]); return ret1; } function latin1Slice1(buf1, start1, end1) { let ret1 = ''; end1 = Math.min(buf1.length, end1); for(let i2 = start1; i2 < end1; ++i2)ret1 += String.fromCharCode(buf1[i2]); return ret1; } function hexSlice1(buf1, start1, end1) { const len3 = buf1.length; (!start1 || start1 < 0) && (start1 = 0), (!end1 || end1 < 0 || end1 > len3) && (end1 = len3); let out1 = ''; for(let i2 = start1; i2 < end1; ++i2)out1 += hexSliceLookupTable1[buf1[i2]]; return out1; } function utf16leSlice1(buf1, start1, end1) { const bytes1 = buf1.slice(start1, end1); let res1 = ''; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < bytes1.length - 1; i2 += 2)res1 += String.fromCharCode(bytes1[i2] + 256 * bytes1[i2 + 1]); return res1; } function checkOffset1(offset1, ext1, length1) { if (offset1 % 1 != 0 || offset1 < 0) throw RangeError('offset is not uint'); if (offset1 + ext1 > length1) throw RangeError('Trying to access beyond buffer length'); } function checkInt1(buf1, value1, offset1, ext1, max1, min1) { if (!Buffer1.isBuffer(buf1)) throw TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance'); if (value1 > max1 || value1 < min1) throw RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds'); if (offset1 + ext1 > buf1.length) throw RangeError('Index out of range'); } function wrtBigUInt64LE1(buf1, value1, offset1, min1, max1) { checkIntBI1(value1, min1, max1, buf1, offset1, 7); let lo1 = Number(value1 & BigInt(0xffffffff)); buf1[offset1++] = lo1, lo1 >>= 8, buf1[offset1++] = lo1, lo1 >>= 8, buf1[offset1++] = lo1, lo1 >>= 8, buf1[offset1++] = lo1; let hi1 = Number(value1 >> BigInt(32) & BigInt(0xffffffff)); return buf1[offset1++] = hi1, hi1 >>= 8, buf1[offset1++] = hi1, hi1 >>= 8, buf1[offset1++] = hi1, hi1 >>= 8, buf1[offset1++] = hi1, offset1; } function wrtBigUInt64BE1(buf1, value1, offset1, min1, max1) { checkIntBI1(value1, min1, max1, buf1, offset1, 7); let lo1 = Number(value1 & BigInt(0xffffffff)); buf1[offset1 + 7] = lo1, lo1 >>= 8, buf1[offset1 + 6] = lo1, lo1 >>= 8, buf1[offset1 + 5] = lo1, lo1 >>= 8, buf1[offset1 + 4] = lo1; let hi1 = Number(value1 >> BigInt(32) & BigInt(0xffffffff)); return buf1[offset1 + 3] = hi1, hi1 >>= 8, buf1[offset1 + 2] = hi1, hi1 >>= 8, buf1[offset1 + 1] = hi1, hi1 >>= 8, buf1[offset1] = hi1, offset1 + 8; } function checkIEEE7541(buf1, value1, offset1, ext1, max1, min1) { if (offset1 + ext1 > buf1.length || offset1 < 0) throw RangeError('Index out of range'); } function writeFloat1(buf1, value1, offset1, littleEndian1, noAssert1) { return value1 = +value1, offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkIEEE7541(buf1, value1, offset1, 4, 3.4028234663852886e+38, -340282346638528860000000000000000000000), ieee7541.write(buf1, value1, offset1, littleEndian1, 23, 4), offset1 + 4; } function writeDouble1(buf1, value1, offset1, littleEndian1, noAssert1) { return value1 = +value1, offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkIEEE7541(buf1, value1, offset1, 8, 1.7976931348623157E+308, -179769313486231570000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000), ieee7541.write(buf1, value1, offset1, littleEndian1, 52, 8), offset1 + 8; } Buffer1.prototype.slice = function(start1, end1) { const len3 = this.length; start1 = ~~start1, end1 = void 0 === end1 ? len3 : ~~end1, start1 < 0 ? (start1 += len3) < 0 && (start1 = 0) : start1 > len3 && (start1 = len3), end1 < 0 ? (end1 += len3) < 0 && (end1 = 0) : end1 > len3 && (end1 = len3), end1 < start1 && (end1 = start1); const newBuf1 = this.subarray(start1, end1); return Object.setPrototypeOf(newBuf1, Buffer1.prototype), newBuf1; }, Buffer1.prototype.readUintLE = Buffer1.prototype.readUIntLE = function(offset1, byteLength1, noAssert1) { offset1 >>>= 0, byteLength1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkOffset1(offset1, byteLength1, this.length); let val1 = this[offset1], mul1 = 1, i2 = 0; for(; ++i2 < byteLength1 && (mul1 *= 0x100);)val1 += this[offset1 + i2] * mul1; return val1; }, Buffer1.prototype.readUintBE = Buffer1.prototype.readUIntBE = function(offset1, byteLength1, noAssert1) { offset1 >>>= 0, byteLength1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkOffset1(offset1, byteLength1, this.length); let val1 = this[offset1 + --byteLength1], mul1 = 1; for(; byteLength1 > 0 && (mul1 *= 0x100);)val1 += this[offset1 + --byteLength1] * mul1; return val1; }, Buffer1.prototype.readUint8 = Buffer1.prototype.readUInt8 = function(offset1, noAssert1) { return offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkOffset1(offset1, 1, this.length), this[offset1]; }, Buffer1.prototype.readUint16LE = Buffer1.prototype.readUInt16LE = function(offset1, noAssert1) { return offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkOffset1(offset1, 2, this.length), this[offset1] | this[offset1 + 1] << 8; }, Buffer1.prototype.readUint16BE = Buffer1.prototype.readUInt16BE = function(offset1, noAssert1) { return offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkOffset1(offset1, 2, this.length), this[offset1] << 8 | this[offset1 + 1]; }, Buffer1.prototype.readUint32LE = Buffer1.prototype.readUInt32LE = function(offset1, noAssert1) { return offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkOffset1(offset1, 4, this.length), (this[offset1] | this[offset1 + 1] << 8 | this[offset1 + 2] << 16) + 0x1000000 * this[offset1 + 3]; }, Buffer1.prototype.readUint32BE = Buffer1.prototype.readUInt32BE = function(offset1, noAssert1) { return offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkOffset1(offset1, 4, this.length), 0x1000000 * this[offset1] + (this[offset1 + 1] << 16 | this[offset1 + 2] << 8 | this[offset1 + 3]); }, Buffer1.prototype.readBigUInt64LE = defineBigIntMethod1(function(offset1) { validateNumber1(offset1 >>>= 0, 'offset'); const first1 = this[offset1], last1 = this[offset1 + 7]; (void 0 === first1 || void 0 === last1) && boundsError1(offset1, this.length - 8); const lo1 = first1 + 256 * this[++offset1] + 65536 * this[++offset1] + 16777216 * this[++offset1], hi1 = this[++offset1] + 256 * this[++offset1] + 65536 * this[++offset1] + 16777216 * last1; return BigInt(lo1) + (BigInt(hi1) << BigInt(32)); }), Buffer1.prototype.readBigUInt64BE = defineBigIntMethod1(function(offset1) { validateNumber1(offset1 >>>= 0, 'offset'); const first1 = this[offset1], last1 = this[offset1 + 7]; (void 0 === first1 || void 0 === last1) && boundsError1(offset1, this.length - 8); const hi1 = 16777216 * first1 + 65536 * this[++offset1] + 256 * this[++offset1] + this[++offset1], lo1 = 16777216 * this[++offset1] + 65536 * this[++offset1] + 256 * this[++offset1] + last1; return (BigInt(hi1) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(lo1); }), Buffer1.prototype.readIntLE = function(offset1, byteLength1, noAssert1) { offset1 >>>= 0, byteLength1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkOffset1(offset1, byteLength1, this.length); let val1 = this[offset1], mul1 = 1, i2 = 0; for(; ++i2 < byteLength1 && (mul1 *= 0x100);)val1 += this[offset1 + i2] * mul1; return val1 >= (mul1 *= 0x80) && (val1 -= Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength1)), val1; }, Buffer1.prototype.readIntBE = function(offset1, byteLength1, noAssert1) { offset1 >>>= 0, byteLength1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkOffset1(offset1, byteLength1, this.length); let i2 = byteLength1, mul1 = 1, val1 = this[offset1 + --i2]; for(; i2 > 0 && (mul1 *= 0x100);)val1 += this[offset1 + --i2] * mul1; return val1 >= (mul1 *= 0x80) && (val1 -= Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength1)), val1; }, Buffer1.prototype.readInt8 = function(offset1, noAssert1) { return (offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkOffset1(offset1, 1, this.length), 0x80 & this[offset1]) ? -((0xff - this[offset1] + 1) * 1) : this[offset1]; }, Buffer1.prototype.readInt16LE = function(offset1, noAssert1) { offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkOffset1(offset1, 2, this.length); const val1 = this[offset1] | this[offset1 + 1] << 8; return 0x8000 & val1 ? 0xFFFF0000 | val1 : val1; }, Buffer1.prototype.readInt16BE = function(offset1, noAssert1) { offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkOffset1(offset1, 2, this.length); const val1 = this[offset1 + 1] | this[offset1] << 8; return 0x8000 & val1 ? 0xFFFF0000 | val1 : val1; }, Buffer1.prototype.readInt32LE = function(offset1, noAssert1) { return offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkOffset1(offset1, 4, this.length), this[offset1] | this[offset1 + 1] << 8 | this[offset1 + 2] << 16 | this[offset1 + 3] << 24; }, Buffer1.prototype.readInt32BE = function(offset1, noAssert1) { return offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkOffset1(offset1, 4, this.length), this[offset1] << 24 | this[offset1 + 1] << 16 | this[offset1 + 2] << 8 | this[offset1 + 3]; }, Buffer1.prototype.readBigInt64LE = defineBigIntMethod1(function(offset1) { validateNumber1(offset1 >>>= 0, 'offset'); const first1 = this[offset1], last1 = this[offset1 + 7]; (void 0 === first1 || void 0 === last1) && boundsError1(offset1, this.length - 8); const val1 = this[offset1 + 4] + 256 * this[offset1 + 5] + 65536 * this[offset1 + 6] + (last1 << 24); return (BigInt(val1) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(first1 + 256 * this[++offset1] + 65536 * this[++offset1] + 16777216 * this[++offset1]); }), Buffer1.prototype.readBigInt64BE = defineBigIntMethod1(function(offset1) { validateNumber1(offset1 >>>= 0, 'offset'); const first1 = this[offset1], last1 = this[offset1 + 7]; (void 0 === first1 || void 0 === last1) && boundsError1(offset1, this.length - 8); const val1 = (first1 << 24) + 65536 * this[++offset1] + 256 * this[++offset1] + this[++offset1]; return (BigInt(val1) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(16777216 * this[++offset1] + 65536 * this[++offset1] + 256 * this[++offset1] + last1); }), Buffer1.prototype.readFloatLE = function(offset1, noAssert1) { return offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkOffset1(offset1, 4, this.length), ieee7541.read(this, offset1, !0, 23, 4); }, Buffer1.prototype.readFloatBE = function(offset1, noAssert1) { return offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkOffset1(offset1, 4, this.length), ieee7541.read(this, offset1, !1, 23, 4); }, Buffer1.prototype.readDoubleLE = function(offset1, noAssert1) { return offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkOffset1(offset1, 8, this.length), ieee7541.read(this, offset1, !0, 52, 8); }, Buffer1.prototype.readDoubleBE = function(offset1, noAssert1) { return offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkOffset1(offset1, 8, this.length), ieee7541.read(this, offset1, !1, 52, 8); }, Buffer1.prototype.writeUintLE = Buffer1.prototype.writeUIntLE = function(value1, offset1, byteLength1, noAssert1) { if (value1 = +value1, offset1 >>>= 0, byteLength1 >>>= 0, !noAssert1) { const maxBytes1 = Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength1) - 1; checkInt1(this, value1, offset1, byteLength1, maxBytes1, 0); } let mul1 = 1, i2 = 0; for(this[offset1] = 0xFF & value1; ++i2 < byteLength1 && (mul1 *= 0x100);)this[offset1 + i2] = value1 / mul1 & 0xFF; return offset1 + byteLength1; }, Buffer1.prototype.writeUintBE = Buffer1.prototype.writeUIntBE = function(value1, offset1, byteLength1, noAssert1) { if (value1 = +value1, offset1 >>>= 0, byteLength1 >>>= 0, !noAssert1) { const maxBytes1 = Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength1) - 1; checkInt1(this, value1, offset1, byteLength1, maxBytes1, 0); } let i2 = byteLength1 - 1, mul1 = 1; for(this[offset1 + i2] = 0xFF & value1; --i2 >= 0 && (mul1 *= 0x100);)this[offset1 + i2] = value1 / mul1 & 0xFF; return offset1 + byteLength1; }, Buffer1.prototype.writeUint8 = Buffer1.prototype.writeUInt8 = function(value1, offset1, noAssert1) { return value1 = +value1, offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkInt1(this, value1, offset1, 1, 0xff, 0), this[offset1] = 0xff & value1, offset1 + 1; }, Buffer1.prototype.writeUint16LE = Buffer1.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function(value1, offset1, noAssert1) { return value1 = +value1, offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkInt1(this, value1, offset1, 2, 0xffff, 0), this[offset1] = 0xff & value1, this[offset1 + 1] = value1 >>> 8, offset1 + 2; }, Buffer1.prototype.writeUint16BE = Buffer1.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function(value1, offset1, noAssert1) { return value1 = +value1, offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkInt1(this, value1, offset1, 2, 0xffff, 0), this[offset1] = value1 >>> 8, this[offset1 + 1] = 0xff & value1, offset1 + 2; }, Buffer1.prototype.writeUint32LE = Buffer1.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function(value1, offset1, noAssert1) { return value1 = +value1, offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkInt1(this, value1, offset1, 4, 0xffffffff, 0), this[offset1 + 3] = value1 >>> 24, this[offset1 + 2] = value1 >>> 16, this[offset1 + 1] = value1 >>> 8, this[offset1] = 0xff & value1, offset1 + 4; }, Buffer1.prototype.writeUint32BE = Buffer1.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function(value1, offset1, noAssert1) { return value1 = +value1, offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkInt1(this, value1, offset1, 4, 0xffffffff, 0), this[offset1] = value1 >>> 24, this[offset1 + 1] = value1 >>> 16, this[offset1 + 2] = value1 >>> 8, this[offset1 + 3] = 0xff & value1, offset1 + 4; }, Buffer1.prototype.writeBigUInt64LE = defineBigIntMethod1(function(value1, offset1 = 0) { return wrtBigUInt64LE1(this, value1, offset1, BigInt(0), BigInt('0xffffffffffffffff')); }), Buffer1.prototype.writeBigUInt64BE = defineBigIntMethod1(function(value1, offset1 = 0) { return wrtBigUInt64BE1(this, value1, offset1, BigInt(0), BigInt('0xffffffffffffffff')); }), Buffer1.prototype.writeIntLE = function(value1, offset1, byteLength1, noAssert1) { if (value1 = +value1, offset1 >>>= 0, !noAssert1) { const limit1 = Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength1 - 1); checkInt1(this, value1, offset1, byteLength1, limit1 - 1, -limit1); } let i2 = 0, mul1 = 1, sub1 = 0; for(this[offset1] = 0xFF & value1; ++i2 < byteLength1 && (mul1 *= 0x100);)value1 < 0 && 0 === sub1 && 0 !== this[offset1 + i2 - 1] && (sub1 = 1), this[offset1 + i2] = (value1 / mul1 >> 0) - sub1 & 0xFF; return offset1 + byteLength1; }, Buffer1.prototype.writeIntBE = function(value1, offset1, byteLength1, noAssert1) { if (value1 = +value1, offset1 >>>= 0, !noAssert1) { const limit1 = Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength1 - 1); checkInt1(this, value1, offset1, byteLength1, limit1 - 1, -limit1); } let i2 = byteLength1 - 1, mul1 = 1, sub1 = 0; for(this[offset1 + i2] = 0xFF & value1; --i2 >= 0 && (mul1 *= 0x100);)value1 < 0 && 0 === sub1 && 0 !== this[offset1 + i2 + 1] && (sub1 = 1), this[offset1 + i2] = (value1 / mul1 >> 0) - sub1 & 0xFF; return offset1 + byteLength1; }, Buffer1.prototype.writeInt8 = function(value1, offset1, noAssert1) { return value1 = +value1, offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkInt1(this, value1, offset1, 1, 0x7f, -128), value1 < 0 && (value1 = 0xff + value1 + 1), this[offset1] = 0xff & value1, offset1 + 1; }, Buffer1.prototype.writeInt16LE = function(value1, offset1, noAssert1) { return value1 = +value1, offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkInt1(this, value1, offset1, 2, 0x7fff, -32768), this[offset1] = 0xff & value1, this[offset1 + 1] = value1 >>> 8, offset1 + 2; }, Buffer1.prototype.writeInt16BE = function(value1, offset1, noAssert1) { return value1 = +value1, offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkInt1(this, value1, offset1, 2, 0x7fff, -32768), this[offset1] = value1 >>> 8, this[offset1 + 1] = 0xff & value1, offset1 + 2; }, Buffer1.prototype.writeInt32LE = function(value1, offset1, noAssert1) { return value1 = +value1, offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkInt1(this, value1, offset1, 4, 0x7fffffff, -2147483648), this[offset1] = 0xff & value1, this[offset1 + 1] = value1 >>> 8, this[offset1 + 2] = value1 >>> 16, this[offset1 + 3] = value1 >>> 24, offset1 + 4; }, Buffer1.prototype.writeInt32BE = function(value1, offset1, noAssert1) { return value1 = +value1, offset1 >>>= 0, noAssert1 || checkInt1(this, value1, offset1, 4, 0x7fffffff, -2147483648), value1 < 0 && (value1 = 0xffffffff + value1 + 1), this[offset1] = value1 >>> 24, this[offset1 + 1] = value1 >>> 16, this[offset1 + 2] = value1 >>> 8, this[offset1 + 3] = 0xff & value1, offset1 + 4; }, Buffer1.prototype.writeBigInt64LE = defineBigIntMethod1(function(value1, offset1 = 0) { return wrtBigUInt64LE1(this, value1, offset1, -BigInt('0x8000000000000000'), BigInt('0x7fffffffffffffff')); }), Buffer1.prototype.writeBigInt64BE = defineBigIntMethod1(function(value1, offset1 = 0) { return wrtBigUInt64BE1(this, value1, offset1, -BigInt('0x8000000000000000'), BigInt('0x7fffffffffffffff')); }), Buffer1.prototype.writeFloatLE = function(value1, offset1, noAssert1) { return writeFloat1(this, value1, offset1, !0, noAssert1); }, Buffer1.prototype.writeFloatBE = function(value1, offset1, noAssert1) { return writeFloat1(this, value1, offset1, !1, noAssert1); }, Buffer1.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function(value1, offset1, noAssert1) { return writeDouble1(this, value1, offset1, !0, noAssert1); }, Buffer1.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function(value1, offset1, noAssert1) { return writeDouble1(this, value1, offset1, !1, noAssert1); }, Buffer1.prototype.copy = function(target1, targetStart1, start1, end1) { if (!Buffer1.isBuffer(target1)) throw TypeError('argument should be a Buffer'); if (start1 || (start1 = 0), end1 || 0 === end1 || (end1 = this.length), targetStart1 >= target1.length && (targetStart1 = target1.length), targetStart1 || (targetStart1 = 0), end1 > 0 && end1 < start1 && (end1 = start1), end1 === start1 || 0 === target1.length || 0 === this.length) return 0; if (targetStart1 < 0) throw RangeError('targetStart out of bounds'); if (start1 < 0 || start1 >= this.length) throw RangeError('Index out of range'); if (end1 < 0) throw RangeError('sourceEnd out of bounds'); end1 > this.length && (end1 = this.length), target1.length - targetStart1 < end1 - start1 && (end1 = target1.length - targetStart1 + start1); const len3 = end1 - start1; return this === target1 && 'function' == typeof Uint8Array.prototype.copyWithin ? this.copyWithin(targetStart1, start1, end1) : Uint8Array.prototype.set.call(target1, this.subarray(start1, end1), targetStart1), len3; }, Buffer1.prototype.fill = function(val1, start1, end1, encoding1) { let i2; if ('string' == typeof val1) { if ('string' == typeof start1 ? (encoding1 = start1, start1 = 0, end1 = this.length) : 'string' == typeof end1 && (encoding1 = end1, end1 = this.length), void 0 !== encoding1 && 'string' != typeof encoding1) throw TypeError('encoding must be a string'); if ('string' == typeof encoding1 && !Buffer1.isEncoding(encoding1)) throw TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding1); if (1 === val1.length) { const code1 = val1.charCodeAt(0); ('utf8' === encoding1 && code1 < 128 || 'latin1' === encoding1) && (val1 = code1); } } else 'number' == typeof val1 ? val1 &= 255 : 'boolean' == typeof val1 && (val1 = Number(val1)); if (start1 < 0 || this.length < start1 || this.length < end1) throw RangeError('Out of range index'); if (end1 <= start1) return this; if (start1 >>>= 0, end1 = void 0 === end1 ? this.length : end1 >>> 0, val1 || (val1 = 0), 'number' == typeof val1) for(i2 = start1; i2 < end1; ++i2)this[i2] = val1; else { const bytes1 = Buffer1.isBuffer(val1) ? val1 : Buffer1.from(val1, encoding1), len3 = bytes1.length; if (0 === len3) throw TypeError('The value "' + val1 + '" is invalid for argument "value"'); for(i2 = 0; i2 < end1 - start1; ++i2)this[i2 + start1] = bytes1[i2 % len3]; } return this; }; const errors1 = {}; function E1(sym1, getMessage1, Base1) { errors1[sym1] = class extends Base1 { constructor(){ super(), Object.defineProperty(this, 'message', { value: getMessage1.apply(this, arguments), writable: !0, configurable: !0 }), this.name = `${this.name} [${sym1}]`, this.stack, delete this.name; } get code() { return sym1; } set code(value1) { Object.defineProperty(this, 'code', { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, value: value1, writable: !0 }); } toString() { return `${this.name} [${sym1}]: ${this.message}`; } }; } function addNumericalSeparator1(val1) { let res1 = '', i2 = val1.length; const start1 = '-' === val1[0] ? 1 : 0; for(; i2 >= start1 + 4; i2 -= 3)res1 = `_${val1.slice(i2 - 3, i2)}${res1}`; return `${val1.slice(0, i2)}${res1}`; } function checkBounds1(buf1, offset1, byteLength1) { validateNumber1(offset1, 'offset'), (void 0 === buf1[offset1] || void 0 === buf1[offset1 + byteLength1]) && boundsError1(offset1, buf1.length - (byteLength1 + 1)); } function checkIntBI1(value1, min1, max1, buf1, offset1, byteLength1) { if (value1 > max1 || value1 < min1) { let range1; const n2 = 'bigint' == typeof min1 ? 'n' : ''; throw range1 = byteLength1 > 3 ? 0 === min1 || min1 === BigInt(0) ? `>= 0${n2} and < 2${n2} ** ${(byteLength1 + 1) * 8}${n2}` : `>= -(2${n2} ** ${(byteLength1 + 1) * 8 - 1}${n2}) and < 2 ** ${(byteLength1 + 1) * 8 - 1}${n2}` : `>= ${min1}${n2} and <= ${max1}${n2}`, new errors1.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('value', range1, value1); } checkBounds1(buf1, offset1, byteLength1); } function validateNumber1(value1, name1) { if ('number' != typeof value1) throw new errors1.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(name1, 'number', value1); } function boundsError1(value1, length1, type1) { if (Math.floor(value1) !== value1) throw validateNumber1(value1, type1), new errors1.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(type1 || 'offset', 'an integer', value1); if (length1 < 0) throw new errors1.ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS(); throw new errors1.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(type1 || 'offset', `>= ${type1 ? 1 : 0} and <= ${length1}`, value1); } E1('ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS', function(name1) { return name1 ? `${name1} is outside of buffer bounds` : 'Attempt to access memory outside buffer bounds'; }, RangeError), E1('ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', function(name1, actual1) { return `The "${name1}" argument must be of type number. Received type ${typeof actual1}`; }, TypeError), E1('ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE', function(str1, range1, input1) { let msg1 = `The value of "${str1}" is out of range.`, received1 = input1; return Number.isInteger(input1) && Math.abs(input1) > 4294967296 ? received1 = addNumericalSeparator1(String(input1)) : 'bigint' == typeof input1 && (received1 = String(input1), (input1 > BigInt(2) ** BigInt(32) || input1 < -(BigInt(2) ** BigInt(32))) && (received1 = addNumericalSeparator1(received1)), received1 += 'n'), msg1 += ` It must be ${range1}. Received ${received1}`; }, RangeError); const INVALID_BASE64_RE1 = /[^+/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g; function base64clean1(str1) { if ((str1 = (str1 = str1.split('=')[0]).trim().replace(INVALID_BASE64_RE1, '')).length < 2) return ''; for(; str1.length % 4 != 0;)str1 += '='; return str1; } function utf8ToBytes1(string1, units1) { let codePoint1; units1 = units1 || 1 / 0; const length1 = string1.length; let leadSurrogate1 = null; const bytes1 = []; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < length1; ++i2){ if ((codePoint1 = string1.charCodeAt(i2)) > 0xD7FF && codePoint1 < 0xE000) { if (!leadSurrogate1) { if (codePoint1 > 0xDBFF || i2 + 1 === length1) { (units1 -= 3) > -1 && bytes1.push(0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD); continue; } leadSurrogate1 = codePoint1; continue; } if (codePoint1 < 0xDC00) { (units1 -= 3) > -1 && bytes1.push(0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD), leadSurrogate1 = codePoint1; continue; } codePoint1 = (leadSurrogate1 - 0xD800 << 10 | codePoint1 - 0xDC00) + 0x10000; } else leadSurrogate1 && (units1 -= 3) > -1 && bytes1.push(0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD); if (leadSurrogate1 = null, codePoint1 < 0x80) { if ((units1 -= 1) < 0) break; bytes1.push(codePoint1); } else if (codePoint1 < 0x800) { if ((units1 -= 2) < 0) break; bytes1.push(codePoint1 >> 0x6 | 0xC0, 0x3F & codePoint1 | 0x80); } else if (codePoint1 < 0x10000) { if ((units1 -= 3) < 0) break; bytes1.push(codePoint1 >> 0xC | 0xE0, codePoint1 >> 0x6 & 0x3F | 0x80, 0x3F & codePoint1 | 0x80); } else if (codePoint1 < 0x110000) { if ((units1 -= 4) < 0) break; bytes1.push(codePoint1 >> 0x12 | 0xF0, codePoint1 >> 0xC & 0x3F | 0x80, codePoint1 >> 0x6 & 0x3F | 0x80, 0x3F & codePoint1 | 0x80); } else throw Error('Invalid code point'); } return bytes1; } function asciiToBytes1(str1) { const byteArray1 = []; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < str1.length; ++i2)byteArray1.push(0xFF & str1.charCodeAt(i2)); return byteArray1; } function utf16leToBytes1(str1, units1) { let c5, hi1; const byteArray1 = []; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < str1.length && !((units1 -= 2) < 0); ++i2)hi1 = (c5 = str1.charCodeAt(i2)) >> 8, byteArray1.push(c5 % 256), byteArray1.push(hi1); return byteArray1; } function base64ToBytes1(str1) { return base641.toByteArray(base64clean1(str1)); } function blitBuffer1(src1, dst1, offset1, length1) { let i2; for(i2 = 0; i2 < length1 && !(i2 + offset1 >= dst1.length) && !(i2 >= src1.length); ++i2)dst1[i2 + offset1] = src1[i2]; return i2; } function isInstance1(obj1, type1) { return obj1 instanceof type1 || null != obj1 && null != obj1.constructor && null != obj1.constructor.name && obj1.constructor.name === type1.name; } function numberIsNaN1(obj1) { return obj1 != obj1; } const hexSliceLookupTable1 = function() { const alphabet1 = '0123456789abcdef', table1 = Array(256); for(let i2 = 0; i2 < 16; ++i2){ const i161 = 16 * i2; for(let j1 = 0; j1 < 16; ++j1)table1[i161 + j1] = alphabet1[i2] + alphabet1[j1]; } return table1; }(); function defineBigIntMethod1(fn1) { return 'undefined' == typeof BigInt ? BufferBigIntNotDefined1 : fn1; } function BufferBigIntNotDefined1() { throw Error('BigInt not supported'); } }, 1924: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var GetIntrinsic1 = __webpack_require__1(210), callBind1 = __webpack_require__1(5559), $indexOf1 = callBind1(GetIntrinsic1('String.prototype.indexOf')); module1.exports = function(name1, allowMissing1) { var intrinsic1 = GetIntrinsic1(name1, !!allowMissing1); return 'function' == typeof intrinsic1 && $indexOf1(name1, '.prototype.') > -1 ? callBind1(intrinsic1) : intrinsic1; }; }, 5559: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var bind1 = __webpack_require__1(8612), GetIntrinsic1 = __webpack_require__1(210), $apply1 = GetIntrinsic1('%Function.prototype.apply%'), $call1 = GetIntrinsic1('%Function.prototype.call%'), $reflectApply1 = GetIntrinsic1('%Reflect.apply%', !0) || bind1.call($call1, $apply1), $gOPD1 = GetIntrinsic1('%Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor%', !0), $defineProperty1 = GetIntrinsic1('%Object.defineProperty%', !0), $max1 = GetIntrinsic1('%Math.max%'); if ($defineProperty1) try { $defineProperty1({}, 'a', { value: 1 }); } catch (e1) { $defineProperty1 = null; } module1.exports = function(originalFunction1) { var func1 = $reflectApply1(bind1, $call1, arguments); return $gOPD1 && $defineProperty1 && $gOPD1(func1, 'length').configurable && $defineProperty1(func1, 'length', { value: 1 + $max1(0, originalFunction1.length - (arguments.length - 1)) }), func1; }; var applyBind1 = function() { return $reflectApply1(bind1, $apply1, arguments); }; $defineProperty1 ? $defineProperty1(module1.exports, 'apply', { value: applyBind1 }) : module1.exports.apply = applyBind1; }, 6957: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var nextTick1 = __webpack_require__1(886); exports1.fromCallback = function(callback1, symbol1) { if (void 0 === callback1) { var promise1 = new Promise(function(resolve1, reject1) { callback1 = function(err1, res1) { err1 ? reject1(err1) : resolve1(res1); }; }); callback1[void 0 !== symbol1 ? symbol1 : 'promise'] = promise1; } else if ('function' != typeof callback1) throw TypeError('Callback must be a function'); return callback1; }, exports1.fromPromise = function(promise1, callback1) { if (void 0 === callback1) return promise1; promise1.then(function(res1) { nextTick1(()=>callback1(null, res1)); }).catch(function(err1) { nextTick1(()=>callback1(err1)); }); }; }, 886: function(module1) { module1.exports = 'function' == typeof queueMicrotask ? queueMicrotask : (fn1)=>Promise.resolve().then(fn1); }, 6266: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var elliptic1 = exports1; elliptic1.version = __webpack_require__1(8597).i8, elliptic1.utils = __webpack_require__1(953), elliptic1.rand = __webpack_require__1(9931), elliptic1.curve = __webpack_require__1(8254), elliptic1.curves = __webpack_require__1(5427), elliptic1.ec = __webpack_require__1(7954), elliptic1.eddsa = __webpack_require__1(5980); }, 4918: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var BN1 = __webpack_require__1(3550), utils1 = __webpack_require__1(953), getNAF1 = utils1.getNAF, getJSF1 = utils1.getJSF, assert1 = utils1.assert; function BaseCurve1(type1, conf1) { this.type = type1, this.p = new BN1(conf1.p, 16), this.red = conf1.prime ? BN1.red(conf1.prime) : BN1.mont(this.p), this.zero = new BN1(0).toRed(this.red), this.one = new BN1(1).toRed(this.red), this.two = new BN1(2).toRed(this.red), this.n = conf1.n && new BN1(conf1.n, 16), this.g = conf1.g && this.pointFromJSON(conf1.g, conf1.gRed), this._wnafT1 = [ , , , , ], this._wnafT2 = [ , , , , ], this._wnafT3 = [ , , , , ], this._wnafT4 = [ , , , , ], this._bitLength = this.n ? this.n.bitLength() : 0; var adjustCount1 = this.n && this.p.div(this.n); !adjustCount1 || adjustCount1.cmpn(100) > 0 ? this.redN = null : (this._maxwellTrick = !0, this.redN = this.n.toRed(this.red)); } function BasePoint1(curve1, type1) { this.curve = curve1, this.type = type1, this.precomputed = null; } module1.exports = BaseCurve1, BaseCurve1.prototype.point = function() { throw Error('Not implemented'); }, BaseCurve1.prototype.validate = function() { throw Error('Not implemented'); }, BaseCurve1.prototype._fixedNafMul = function(p3, k3) { assert1(p3.precomputed); var j1, nafW1, doubles1 = p3._getDoubles(), naf1 = getNAF1(k3, 1, this._bitLength), I1 = (1 << doubles1.step + 1) - (doubles1.step % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 1); I1 /= 3; var repr1 = []; for(j1 = 0; j1 < naf1.length; j1 += doubles1.step){ nafW1 = 0; for(var l1 = j1 + doubles1.step - 1; l1 >= j1; l1--)nafW1 = (nafW1 << 1) + naf1[l1]; repr1.push(nafW1); } for(var a10 = this.jpoint(null, null, null), b10 = this.jpoint(null, null, null), i2 = I1; i2 > 0; i2--){ for(j1 = 0; j1 < repr1.length; j1++)(nafW1 = repr1[j1]) === i2 ? b10 = b10.mixedAdd(doubles1.points[j1]) : nafW1 === -i2 && (b10 = b10.mixedAdd(doubles1.points[j1].neg())); a10 = a10.add(b10); } return a10.toP(); }, BaseCurve1.prototype._wnafMul = function(p3, k3) { var w19 = 4, nafPoints1 = p3._getNAFPoints(w19); w19 = nafPoints1.wnd; for(var wnd1 = nafPoints1.points, naf1 = getNAF1(k3, w19, this._bitLength), acc1 = this.jpoint(null, null, null), i2 = naf1.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--){ for(var l1 = 0; i2 >= 0 && 0 === naf1[i2]; i2--)l1++; if (i2 >= 0 && l1++, acc1 = acc1.dblp(l1), i2 < 0) break; var z1 = naf1[i2]; assert1(0 !== z1), acc1 = 'affine' === p3.type ? z1 > 0 ? acc1.mixedAdd(wnd1[z1 - 1 >> 1]) : acc1.mixedAdd(wnd1[-z1 - 1 >> 1].neg()) : z1 > 0 ? acc1.add(wnd1[z1 - 1 >> 1]) : acc1.add(wnd1[-z1 - 1 >> 1].neg()); } return 'affine' === p3.type ? acc1.toP() : acc1; }, BaseCurve1.prototype._wnafMulAdd = function(defW1, points1, coeffs1, len3, jacobianResult1) { var i2, j1, p3, wndWidth1 = this._wnafT1, wnd1 = this._wnafT2, naf1 = this._wnafT3, max1 = 0; for(i2 = 0; i2 < len3; i2++){ var nafPoints1 = (p3 = points1[i2])._getNAFPoints(defW1); wndWidth1[i2] = nafPoints1.wnd, wnd1[i2] = nafPoints1.points; } for(i2 = len3 - 1; i2 >= 1; i2 -= 2){ var a10 = i2 - 1, b10 = i2; if (1 !== wndWidth1[a10] || 1 !== wndWidth1[b10]) { naf1[a10] = getNAF1(coeffs1[a10], wndWidth1[a10], this._bitLength), naf1[b10] = getNAF1(coeffs1[b10], wndWidth1[b10], this._bitLength), max1 = Math.max(naf1[a10].length, max1), max1 = Math.max(naf1[b10].length, max1); continue; } var comb1 = [ points1[a10], null, null, points1[b10] ]; 0 === points1[a10].y.cmp(points1[b10].y) ? (comb1[1] = points1[a10].add(points1[b10]), comb1[2] = points1[a10].toJ().mixedAdd(points1[b10].neg())) : 0 === points1[a10].y.cmp(points1[b10].y.redNeg()) ? (comb1[1] = points1[a10].toJ().mixedAdd(points1[b10]), comb1[2] = points1[a10].add(points1[b10].neg())) : (comb1[1] = points1[a10].toJ().mixedAdd(points1[b10]), comb1[2] = points1[a10].toJ().mixedAdd(points1[b10].neg())); var index1 = [ -3, -1, -5, -7, 0, 7, 5, 1, 3 ], jsf1 = getJSF1(coeffs1[a10], coeffs1[b10]); for(j1 = 0, max1 = Math.max(jsf1[0].length, max1), naf1[a10] = Array(max1), naf1[b10] = Array(max1); j1 < max1; j1++){ var ja1 = 0 | jsf1[0][j1], jb1 = 0 | jsf1[1][j1]; naf1[a10][j1] = index1[(ja1 + 1) * 3 + (jb1 + 1)], naf1[b10][j1] = 0, wnd1[a10] = comb1; } } var acc1 = this.jpoint(null, null, null), tmp1 = this._wnafT4; for(i2 = max1; i2 >= 0; i2--){ for(var k3 = 0; i2 >= 0;){ var zero1 = !0; for(j1 = 0; j1 < len3; j1++)tmp1[j1] = 0 | naf1[j1][i2], 0 !== tmp1[j1] && (zero1 = !1); if (!zero1) break; k3++, i2--; } if (i2 >= 0 && k3++, acc1 = acc1.dblp(k3), i2 < 0) break; for(j1 = 0; j1 < len3; j1++){ var z1 = tmp1[j1]; 0 !== z1 && (z1 > 0 ? p3 = wnd1[j1][z1 - 1 >> 1] : z1 < 0 && (p3 = wnd1[j1][-z1 - 1 >> 1].neg()), acc1 = 'affine' === p3.type ? acc1.mixedAdd(p3) : acc1.add(p3)); } } for(i2 = 0; i2 < len3; i2++)wnd1[i2] = null; return jacobianResult1 ? acc1 : acc1.toP(); }, BaseCurve1.BasePoint = BasePoint1, BasePoint1.prototype.eq = function() { throw Error('Not implemented'); }, BasePoint1.prototype.validate = function() { return this.curve.validate(this); }, BaseCurve1.prototype.decodePoint = function(bytes1, enc1) { bytes1 = utils1.toArray(bytes1, enc1); var len3 = this.p.byteLength(); if ((0x04 === bytes1[0] || 0x06 === bytes1[0] || 0x07 === bytes1[0]) && bytes1.length - 1 == 2 * len3) return 0x06 === bytes1[0] ? assert1(bytes1[bytes1.length - 1] % 2 == 0) : 0x07 === bytes1[0] && assert1(bytes1[bytes1.length - 1] % 2 == 1), this.point(bytes1.slice(1, 1 + len3), bytes1.slice(1 + len3, 1 + 2 * len3)); if ((0x02 === bytes1[0] || 0x03 === bytes1[0]) && bytes1.length - 1 === len3) return this.pointFromX(bytes1.slice(1, 1 + len3), 0x03 === bytes1[0]); throw Error('Unknown point format'); }, BasePoint1.prototype.encodeCompressed = function(enc1) { return this.encode(enc1, !0); }, BasePoint1.prototype._encode = function(compact1) { var len3 = this.curve.p.byteLength(), x3 = this.getX().toArray('be', len3); return compact1 ? [ this.getY().isEven() ? 0x02 : 0x03 ].concat(x3) : [ 0x04 ].concat(x3, this.getY().toArray('be', len3)); }, BasePoint1.prototype.encode = function(enc1, compact1) { return utils1.encode(this._encode(compact1), enc1); }, BasePoint1.prototype.precompute = function(power1) { if (this.precomputed) return this; var precomputed1 = { doubles: null, naf: null, beta: null }; return precomputed1.naf = this._getNAFPoints(8), precomputed1.doubles = this._getDoubles(4, power1), precomputed1.beta = this._getBeta(), this.precomputed = precomputed1, this; }, BasePoint1.prototype._hasDoubles = function(k3) { if (!this.precomputed) return !1; var doubles1 = this.precomputed.doubles; return !!doubles1 && doubles1.points.length >= Math.ceil((k3.bitLength() + 1) / doubles1.step); }, BasePoint1.prototype._getDoubles = function(step1, power1) { if (this.precomputed && this.precomputed.doubles) return this.precomputed.doubles; for(var doubles1 = [ this ], acc1 = this, i2 = 0; i2 < power1; i2 += step1){ for(var j1 = 0; j1 < step1; j1++)acc1 = acc1.dbl(); doubles1.push(acc1); } return { step: step1, points: doubles1 }; }, BasePoint1.prototype._getNAFPoints = function(wnd1) { if (this.precomputed && this.precomputed.naf) return this.precomputed.naf; for(var res1 = [ this ], max1 = (1 << wnd1) - 1, dbl1 = 1 === max1 ? null : this.dbl(), i2 = 1; i2 < max1; i2++)res1[i2] = res1[i2 - 1].add(dbl1); return { wnd: wnd1, points: res1 }; }, BasePoint1.prototype._getBeta = function() { return null; }, BasePoint1.prototype.dblp = function(k3) { for(var r3 = this, i2 = 0; i2 < k3; i2++)r3 = r3.dbl(); return r3; }; }, 1138: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = __webpack_require__1(953), BN1 = __webpack_require__1(3550), inherits1 = __webpack_require__1(5717), Base1 = __webpack_require__1(4918), assert1 = utils1.assert; function EdwardsCurve1(conf1) { this.twisted = (0 | conf1.a) != 1, this.mOneA = this.twisted && (0 | conf1.a) == -1, this.extended = this.mOneA, Base1.call(this, 'edwards', conf1), this.a = new BN1(conf1.a, 16).umod(this.red.m), this.a = this.a.toRed(this.red), this.c = new BN1(conf1.c, 16).toRed(this.red), this.c2 = this.c.redSqr(), this.d = new BN1(conf1.d, 16).toRed(this.red), this.dd = this.d.redAdd(this.d), assert1(!this.twisted || 0 === this.c.fromRed().cmpn(1)), this.oneC = (0 | conf1.c) == 1; } function Point1(curve1, x3, y3, z1, t3) { Base1.BasePoint.call(this, curve1, 'projective'), null === x3 && null === y3 && null === z1 ? (this.x = this.curve.zero, this.y = this.curve.one, this.z = this.curve.one, this.t = this.curve.zero, this.zOne = !0) : (this.x = new BN1(x3, 16), this.y = new BN1(y3, 16), this.z = z1 ? new BN1(z1, 16) : this.curve.one, this.t = t3 && new BN1(t3, 16), this.x.red || (this.x = this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.y.red || (this.y = this.y.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.z.red || (this.z = this.z.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.t && !this.t.red && (this.t = this.t.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.zOne = this.z === this.curve.one, !this.curve.extended || this.t || (this.t = this.x.redMul(this.y), this.zOne || (this.t = this.t.redMul(this.z.redInvm())))); } inherits1(EdwardsCurve1, Base1), module1.exports = EdwardsCurve1, EdwardsCurve1.prototype._mulA = function(num1) { return this.mOneA ? num1.redNeg() : this.a.redMul(num1); }, EdwardsCurve1.prototype._mulC = function(num1) { return this.oneC ? num1 : this.c.redMul(num1); }, EdwardsCurve1.prototype.jpoint = function(x3, y3, z1, t3) { return this.point(x3, y3, z1, t3); }, EdwardsCurve1.prototype.pointFromX = function(x3, odd1) { (x3 = new BN1(x3, 16)).red || (x3 = x3.toRed(this.red)); var x21 = x3.redSqr(), rhs1 = this.c2.redSub(this.a.redMul(x21)), lhs1 = this.one.redSub(this.c2.redMul(this.d).redMul(x21)), y21 = rhs1.redMul(lhs1.redInvm()), y3 = y21.redSqrt(); if (0 !== y3.redSqr().redSub(y21).cmp(this.zero)) throw Error('invalid point'); var isOdd1 = y3.fromRed().isOdd(); return (odd1 && !isOdd1 || !odd1 && isOdd1) && (y3 = y3.redNeg()), this.point(x3, y3); }, EdwardsCurve1.prototype.pointFromY = function(y3, odd1) { (y3 = new BN1(y3, 16)).red || (y3 = y3.toRed(this.red)); var y21 = y3.redSqr(), lhs1 = y21.redSub(this.c2), rhs1 = y21.redMul(this.d).redMul(this.c2).redSub(this.a), x21 = lhs1.redMul(rhs1.redInvm()); if (0 === x21.cmp(this.zero)) { if (!odd1) return this.point(this.zero, y3); throw Error('invalid point'); } var x3 = x21.redSqrt(); if (0 !== x3.redSqr().redSub(x21).cmp(this.zero)) throw Error('invalid point'); return x3.fromRed().isOdd() !== odd1 && (x3 = x3.redNeg()), this.point(x3, y3); }, EdwardsCurve1.prototype.validate = function(point1) { if (point1.isInfinity()) return !0; point1.normalize(); var x21 = point1.x.redSqr(), y21 = point1.y.redSqr(), lhs1 = x21.redMul(this.a).redAdd(y21), rhs1 = this.c2.redMul(this.one.redAdd(this.d.redMul(x21).redMul(y21))); return 0 === lhs1.cmp(rhs1); }, inherits1(Point1, Base1.BasePoint), EdwardsCurve1.prototype.pointFromJSON = function(obj1) { return Point1.fromJSON(this, obj1); }, EdwardsCurve1.prototype.point = function(x3, y3, z1, t3) { return new Point1(this, x3, y3, z1, t3); }, Point1.fromJSON = function(curve1, obj1) { return new Point1(curve1, obj1[0], obj1[1], obj1[2]); }, Point1.prototype.inspect = function() { return this.isInfinity() ? '' : ''; }, Point1.prototype.isInfinity = function() { return 0 === this.x.cmpn(0) && (0 === this.y.cmp(this.z) || this.zOne && 0 === this.y.cmp(this.curve.c)); }, Point1.prototype._extDbl = function() { var a10 = this.x.redSqr(), b10 = this.y.redSqr(), c5 = this.z.redSqr(); c5 = c5.redIAdd(c5); var d3 = this.curve._mulA(a10), e1 = this.x.redAdd(this.y).redSqr().redISub(a10).redISub(b10), g3 = d3.redAdd(b10), f1 = g3.redSub(c5), h8 = d3.redSub(b10), nx1 = e1.redMul(f1), ny1 = g3.redMul(h8), nt1 = e1.redMul(h8), nz1 = f1.redMul(g3); return this.curve.point(nx1, ny1, nz1, nt1); }, Point1.prototype._projDbl = function() { var nx1, ny1, nz1, e1, h8, j1, b10 = this.x.redAdd(this.y).redSqr(), c5 = this.x.redSqr(), d3 = this.y.redSqr(); if (this.curve.twisted) { var f1 = (e1 = this.curve._mulA(c5)).redAdd(d3); this.zOne ? (nx1 = b10.redSub(c5).redSub(d3).redMul(f1.redSub(this.curve.two)), ny1 = f1.redMul(e1.redSub(d3)), nz1 = f1.redSqr().redSub(f1).redSub(f1)) : (h8 = this.z.redSqr(), j1 = f1.redSub(h8).redISub(h8), nx1 = b10.redSub(c5).redISub(d3).redMul(j1), ny1 = f1.redMul(e1.redSub(d3)), nz1 = f1.redMul(j1)); } else e1 = c5.redAdd(d3), h8 = this.curve._mulC(this.z).redSqr(), j1 = e1.redSub(h8).redSub(h8), nx1 = this.curve._mulC(b10.redISub(e1)).redMul(j1), ny1 = this.curve._mulC(e1).redMul(c5.redISub(d3)), nz1 = e1.redMul(j1); return this.curve.point(nx1, ny1, nz1); }, Point1.prototype.dbl = function() { return this.isInfinity() ? this : this.curve.extended ? this._extDbl() : this._projDbl(); }, Point1.prototype._extAdd = function(p3) { var a10 = this.y.redSub(this.x).redMul(p3.y.redSub(p3.x)), b10 = this.y.redAdd(this.x).redMul(p3.y.redAdd(p3.x)), c5 = this.t.redMul(this.curve.dd).redMul(p3.t), d3 = this.z.redMul(p3.z.redAdd(p3.z)), e1 = b10.redSub(a10), f1 = d3.redSub(c5), g3 = d3.redAdd(c5), h8 = b10.redAdd(a10), nx1 = e1.redMul(f1), ny1 = g3.redMul(h8), nt1 = e1.redMul(h8), nz1 = f1.redMul(g3); return this.curve.point(nx1, ny1, nz1, nt1); }, Point1.prototype._projAdd = function(p3) { var ny1, nz1, a10 = this.z.redMul(p3.z), b10 = a10.redSqr(), c5 = this.x.redMul(p3.x), d3 = this.y.redMul(p3.y), e1 = this.curve.d.redMul(c5).redMul(d3), f1 = b10.redSub(e1), g3 = b10.redAdd(e1), tmp1 = this.x.redAdd(this.y).redMul(p3.x.redAdd(p3.y)).redISub(c5).redISub(d3), nx1 = a10.redMul(f1).redMul(tmp1); return this.curve.twisted ? (ny1 = a10.redMul(g3).redMul(d3.redSub(this.curve._mulA(c5))), nz1 = f1.redMul(g3)) : (ny1 = a10.redMul(g3).redMul(d3.redSub(c5)), nz1 = this.curve._mulC(f1).redMul(g3)), this.curve.point(nx1, ny1, nz1); }, Point1.prototype.add = function(p3) { return this.isInfinity() ? p3 : p3.isInfinity() ? this : this.curve.extended ? this._extAdd(p3) : this._projAdd(p3); }, Point1.prototype.mul = function(k3) { return this._hasDoubles(k3) ? this.curve._fixedNafMul(this, k3) : this.curve._wnafMul(this, k3); }, Point1.prototype.mulAdd = function(k11, p3, k21) { return this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1, [ this, p3 ], [ k11, k21 ], 2, !1); }, Point1.prototype.jmulAdd = function(k11, p3, k21) { return this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1, [ this, p3 ], [ k11, k21 ], 2, !0); }, Point1.prototype.normalize = function() { if (this.zOne) return this; var zi1 = this.z.redInvm(); return this.x = this.x.redMul(zi1), this.y = this.y.redMul(zi1), this.t && (this.t = this.t.redMul(zi1)), this.z = this.curve.one, this.zOne = !0, this; }, Point1.prototype.neg = function() { return this.curve.point(this.x.redNeg(), this.y, this.z, this.t && this.t.redNeg()); }, Point1.prototype.getX = function() { return this.normalize(), this.x.fromRed(); }, Point1.prototype.getY = function() { return this.normalize(), this.y.fromRed(); }, Point1.prototype.eq = function(other1) { return this === other1 || 0 === this.getX().cmp(other1.getX()) && 0 === this.getY().cmp(other1.getY()); }, Point1.prototype.eqXToP = function(x3) { var rx1 = x3.toRed(this.curve.red).redMul(this.z); if (0 === this.x.cmp(rx1)) return !0; for(var xc1 = x3.clone(), t3 = this.curve.redN.redMul(this.z);;){ if (xc1.iadd(this.curve.n), xc1.cmp(this.curve.p) >= 0) return !1; if (rx1.redIAdd(t3), 0 === this.x.cmp(rx1)) return !0; } }, Point1.prototype.toP = Point1.prototype.normalize, Point1.prototype.mixedAdd = Point1.prototype.add; }, 8254: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var curve1 = exports1; curve1.base = __webpack_require__1(4918), curve1.short = __webpack_require__1(6673), curve1.mont = __webpack_require__1(2881), curve1.edwards = __webpack_require__1(1138); }, 2881: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var BN1 = __webpack_require__1(3550), inherits1 = __webpack_require__1(5717), Base1 = __webpack_require__1(4918), utils1 = __webpack_require__1(953); function MontCurve1(conf1) { Base1.call(this, 'mont', conf1), this.a = new BN1(conf1.a, 16).toRed(this.red), this.b = new BN1(conf1.b, 16).toRed(this.red), this.i4 = new BN1(4).toRed(this.red).redInvm(), this.two = new BN1(2).toRed(this.red), this.a24 = this.i4.redMul(this.a.redAdd(this.two)); } function Point1(curve1, x3, z1) { Base1.BasePoint.call(this, curve1, 'projective'), null === x3 && null === z1 ? (this.x = this.curve.one, this.z = this.curve.zero) : (this.x = new BN1(x3, 16), this.z = new BN1(z1, 16), this.x.red || (this.x = this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.z.red || (this.z = this.z.toRed(this.curve.red))); } inherits1(MontCurve1, Base1), module1.exports = MontCurve1, MontCurve1.prototype.validate = function(point1) { var x3 = point1.normalize().x, x21 = x3.redSqr(), rhs1 = x21.redMul(x3).redAdd(x21.redMul(this.a)).redAdd(x3); return 0 === rhs1.redSqrt().redSqr().cmp(rhs1); }, inherits1(Point1, Base1.BasePoint), MontCurve1.prototype.decodePoint = function(bytes1, enc1) { return this.point(utils1.toArray(bytes1, enc1), 1); }, MontCurve1.prototype.point = function(x3, z1) { return new Point1(this, x3, z1); }, MontCurve1.prototype.pointFromJSON = function(obj1) { return Point1.fromJSON(this, obj1); }, Point1.prototype.precompute = function() {}, Point1.prototype._encode = function() { return this.getX().toArray('be', this.curve.p.byteLength()); }, Point1.fromJSON = function(curve1, obj1) { return new Point1(curve1, obj1[0], obj1[1] || curve1.one); }, Point1.prototype.inspect = function() { return this.isInfinity() ? '' : ''; }, Point1.prototype.isInfinity = function() { return 0 === this.z.cmpn(0); }, Point1.prototype.dbl = function() { var aa1 = this.x.redAdd(this.z).redSqr(), bb1 = this.x.redSub(this.z).redSqr(), c5 = aa1.redSub(bb1), nx1 = aa1.redMul(bb1), nz1 = c5.redMul(bb1.redAdd(this.curve.a24.redMul(c5))); return this.curve.point(nx1, nz1); }, Point1.prototype.add = function() { throw Error('Not supported on Montgomery curve'); }, Point1.prototype.diffAdd = function(p3, diff1) { var a10 = this.x.redAdd(this.z), b10 = this.x.redSub(this.z), c5 = p3.x.redAdd(p3.z), da1 = p3.x.redSub(p3.z).redMul(a10), cb1 = c5.redMul(b10), nx1 = diff1.z.redMul(da1.redAdd(cb1).redSqr()), nz1 = diff1.x.redMul(da1.redISub(cb1).redSqr()); return this.curve.point(nx1, nz1); }, Point1.prototype.mul = function(k3) { for(var t3 = k3.clone(), a10 = this, b10 = this.curve.point(null, null), c5 = this, bits1 = []; 0 !== t3.cmpn(0); t3.iushrn(1))bits1.push(t3.andln(1)); for(var i2 = bits1.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--)0 === bits1[i2] ? (a10 = a10.diffAdd(b10, c5), b10 = b10.dbl()) : (b10 = a10.diffAdd(b10, c5), a10 = a10.dbl()); return b10; }, Point1.prototype.mulAdd = function() { throw Error('Not supported on Montgomery curve'); }, Point1.prototype.jumlAdd = function() { throw Error('Not supported on Montgomery curve'); }, Point1.prototype.eq = function(other1) { return 0 === this.getX().cmp(other1.getX()); }, Point1.prototype.normalize = function() { return this.x = this.x.redMul(this.z.redInvm()), this.z = this.curve.one, this; }, Point1.prototype.getX = function() { return this.normalize(), this.x.fromRed(); }; }, 6673: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = __webpack_require__1(953), BN1 = __webpack_require__1(3550), inherits1 = __webpack_require__1(5717), Base1 = __webpack_require__1(4918), assert1 = utils1.assert; function ShortCurve1(conf1) { Base1.call(this, 'short', conf1), this.a = new BN1(conf1.a, 16).toRed(this.red), this.b = new BN1(conf1.b, 16).toRed(this.red), this.tinv = this.two.redInvm(), this.zeroA = 0 === this.a.fromRed().cmpn(0), this.threeA = 0 === this.a.fromRed().sub(this.p).cmpn(-3), this.endo = this._getEndomorphism(conf1), this._endoWnafT1 = [ , , , , ], this._endoWnafT2 = [ , , , , ]; } function Point1(curve1, x3, y3, isRed1) { Base1.BasePoint.call(this, curve1, 'affine'), null === x3 && null === y3 ? (this.x = null, this.y = null, this.inf = !0) : (this.x = new BN1(x3, 16), this.y = new BN1(y3, 16), isRed1 && (this.x.forceRed(this.curve.red), this.y.forceRed(this.curve.red)), this.x.red || (this.x = this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.y.red || (this.y = this.y.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.inf = !1); } function JPoint1(curve1, x3, y3, z1) { Base1.BasePoint.call(this, curve1, 'jacobian'), null === x3 && null === y3 && null === z1 ? (this.x = this.curve.one, this.y = this.curve.one, this.z = new BN1(0)) : (this.x = new BN1(x3, 16), this.y = new BN1(y3, 16), this.z = new BN1(z1, 16)), this.x.red || (this.x = this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.y.red || (this.y = this.y.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.z.red || (this.z = this.z.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.zOne = this.z === this.curve.one; } inherits1(ShortCurve1, Base1), module1.exports = ShortCurve1, ShortCurve1.prototype._getEndomorphism = function(conf1) { if (this.zeroA && this.g && this.n && 1 === this.p.modn(3)) { if (conf1.beta) beta1 = new BN1(conf1.beta, 16).toRed(this.red); else { var beta1, lambda1, basis1, betas1 = this._getEndoRoots(this.p); beta1 = (beta1 = 0 > betas1[0].cmp(betas1[1]) ? betas1[0] : betas1[1]).toRed(this.red); } if (conf1.lambda) lambda1 = new BN1(conf1.lambda, 16); else { var lambdas1 = this._getEndoRoots(this.n); 0 === this.g.mul(lambdas1[0]).x.cmp(this.g.x.redMul(beta1)) ? lambda1 = lambdas1[0] : (lambda1 = lambdas1[1], assert1(0 === this.g.mul(lambda1).x.cmp(this.g.x.redMul(beta1)))); } return basis1 = conf1.basis ? conf1.basis.map(function(vec1) { return { a: new BN1(vec1.a, 16), b: new BN1(vec1.b, 16) }; }) : this._getEndoBasis(lambda1), { beta: beta1, lambda: lambda1, basis: basis1 }; } }, ShortCurve1.prototype._getEndoRoots = function(num1) { var red1 = num1 === this.p ? this.red : BN1.mont(num1), tinv1 = new BN1(2).toRed(red1).redInvm(), ntinv1 = tinv1.redNeg(), s3 = new BN1(3).toRed(red1).redNeg().redSqrt().redMul(tinv1); return [ ntinv1.redAdd(s3).fromRed(), ntinv1.redSub(s3).fromRed() ]; }, ShortCurve1.prototype._getEndoBasis = function(lambda1) { for(var a01, b01, a11, b11, a21, b21, prevR1, r3, x3, aprxSqrt1 = this.n.ushrn(Math.floor(this.n.bitLength() / 2)), u3 = lambda1, v3 = this.n.clone(), x11 = new BN1(1), y11 = new BN1(0), x21 = new BN1(0), y21 = new BN1(1), i2 = 0; 0 !== u3.cmpn(0);){ var q3 = v3.div(u3); r3 = v3.sub(q3.mul(u3)), x3 = x21.sub(q3.mul(x11)); var y3 = y21.sub(q3.mul(y11)); if (!a11 && 0 > r3.cmp(aprxSqrt1)) a01 = prevR1.neg(), b01 = x11, a11 = r3.neg(), b11 = x3; else if (a11 && 2 == ++i2) break; prevR1 = r3, v3 = u3, u3 = r3, x21 = x11, x11 = x3, y21 = y11, y11 = y3; } a21 = r3.neg(), b21 = x3; var len11 = a11.sqr().add(b11.sqr()); return a21.sqr().add(b21.sqr()).cmp(len11) >= 0 && (a21 = a01, b21 = b01), a11.negative && (a11 = a11.neg(), b11 = b11.neg()), a21.negative && (a21 = a21.neg(), b21 = b21.neg()), [ { a: a11, b: b11 }, { a: a21, b: b21 } ]; }, ShortCurve1.prototype._endoSplit = function(k3) { var basis1 = this.endo.basis, v11 = basis1[0], v21 = basis1[1], c11 = v21.b.mul(k3).divRound(this.n), c21 = v11.b.neg().mul(k3).divRound(this.n), p11 = c11.mul(v11.a), p21 = c21.mul(v21.a), q11 = c11.mul(v11.b), q21 = c21.mul(v21.b); return { k1: k3.sub(p11).sub(p21), k2: q11.add(q21).neg() }; }, ShortCurve1.prototype.pointFromX = function(x3, odd1) { (x3 = new BN1(x3, 16)).red || (x3 = x3.toRed(this.red)); var y21 = x3.redSqr().redMul(x3).redIAdd(x3.redMul(this.a)).redIAdd(this.b), y3 = y21.redSqrt(); if (0 !== y3.redSqr().redSub(y21).cmp(this.zero)) throw Error('invalid point'); var isOdd1 = y3.fromRed().isOdd(); return (odd1 && !isOdd1 || !odd1 && isOdd1) && (y3 = y3.redNeg()), this.point(x3, y3); }, ShortCurve1.prototype.validate = function(point1) { if (point1.inf) return !0; var x3 = point1.x, y3 = point1.y, ax1 = this.a.redMul(x3), rhs1 = x3.redSqr().redMul(x3).redIAdd(ax1).redIAdd(this.b); return 0 === y3.redSqr().redISub(rhs1).cmpn(0); }, ShortCurve1.prototype._endoWnafMulAdd = function(points1, coeffs1, jacobianResult1) { for(var npoints1 = this._endoWnafT1, ncoeffs1 = this._endoWnafT2, i2 = 0; i2 < points1.length; i2++){ var split1 = this._endoSplit(coeffs1[i2]), p3 = points1[i2], beta1 = p3._getBeta(); split1.k1.negative && (split1.k1.ineg(), p3 = p3.neg(!0)), split1.k2.negative && (split1.k2.ineg(), beta1 = beta1.neg(!0)), npoints1[2 * i2] = p3, npoints1[2 * i2 + 1] = beta1, ncoeffs1[2 * i2] = split1.k1, ncoeffs1[2 * i2 + 1] = split1.k2; } for(var res1 = this._wnafMulAdd(1, npoints1, ncoeffs1, 2 * i2, jacobianResult1), j1 = 0; j1 < 2 * i2; j1++)npoints1[j1] = null, ncoeffs1[j1] = null; return res1; }, inherits1(Point1, Base1.BasePoint), ShortCurve1.prototype.point = function(x3, y3, isRed1) { return new Point1(this, x3, y3, isRed1); }, ShortCurve1.prototype.pointFromJSON = function(obj1, red1) { return Point1.fromJSON(this, obj1, red1); }, Point1.prototype._getBeta = function() { if (this.curve.endo) { var pre1 = this.precomputed; if (pre1 && pre1.beta) return pre1.beta; var beta1 = this.curve.point(this.x.redMul(this.curve.endo.beta), this.y); if (pre1) { var curve1 = this.curve, endoMul1 = function(p3) { return curve1.point(p3.x.redMul(curve1.endo.beta), p3.y); }; pre1.beta = beta1, beta1.precomputed = { beta: null, naf: pre1.naf && { wnd: pre1.naf.wnd, points: pre1.naf.points.map(endoMul1) }, doubles: pre1.doubles && { step: pre1.doubles.step, points: pre1.doubles.points.map(endoMul1) } }; } return beta1; } }, Point1.prototype.toJSON = function() { return this.precomputed ? [ this.x, this.y, this.precomputed && { doubles: this.precomputed.doubles && { step: this.precomputed.doubles.step, points: this.precomputed.doubles.points.slice(1) }, naf: this.precomputed.naf && { wnd: this.precomputed.naf.wnd, points: this.precomputed.naf.points.slice(1) } } ] : [ this.x, this.y ]; }, Point1.fromJSON = function(curve1, obj1, red1) { 'string' == typeof obj1 && (obj1 = JSON.parse(obj1)); var res1 = curve1.point(obj1[0], obj1[1], red1); if (!obj1[2]) return res1; function obj2point1(obj1) { return curve1.point(obj1[0], obj1[1], red1); } var pre1 = obj1[2]; return res1.precomputed = { beta: null, doubles: pre1.doubles && { step: pre1.doubles.step, points: [ res1 ].concat(pre1.doubles.points.map(obj2point1)) }, naf: pre1.naf && { wnd: pre1.naf.wnd, points: [ res1 ].concat(pre1.naf.points.map(obj2point1)) } }, res1; }, Point1.prototype.inspect = function() { return this.isInfinity() ? '' : ''; }, Point1.prototype.isInfinity = function() { return this.inf; }, Point1.prototype.add = function(p3) { if (this.inf) return p3; if (p3.inf) return this; if (this.eq(p3)) return this.dbl(); if (this.neg().eq(p3) || 0 === this.x.cmp(p3.x)) return this.curve.point(null, null); var c5 = this.y.redSub(p3.y); 0 !== c5.cmpn(0) && (c5 = c5.redMul(this.x.redSub(p3.x).redInvm())); var nx1 = c5.redSqr().redISub(this.x).redISub(p3.x), ny1 = c5.redMul(this.x.redSub(nx1)).redISub(this.y); return this.curve.point(nx1, ny1); }, Point1.prototype.dbl = function() { if (this.inf) return this; var ys11 = this.y.redAdd(this.y); if (0 === ys11.cmpn(0)) return this.curve.point(null, null); var a10 = this.curve.a, x21 = this.x.redSqr(), dyinv1 = ys11.redInvm(), c5 = x21.redAdd(x21).redIAdd(x21).redIAdd(a10).redMul(dyinv1), nx1 = c5.redSqr().redISub(this.x.redAdd(this.x)), ny1 = c5.redMul(this.x.redSub(nx1)).redISub(this.y); return this.curve.point(nx1, ny1); }, Point1.prototype.getX = function() { return this.x.fromRed(); }, Point1.prototype.getY = function() { return this.y.fromRed(); }, Point1.prototype.mul = function(k3) { return (k3 = new BN1(k3, 16), this.isInfinity()) ? this : this._hasDoubles(k3) ? this.curve._fixedNafMul(this, k3) : this.curve.endo ? this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd([ this ], [ k3 ]) : this.curve._wnafMul(this, k3); }, Point1.prototype.mulAdd = function(k11, p21, k21) { var points1 = [ this, p21 ], coeffs1 = [ k11, k21 ]; return this.curve.endo ? this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd(points1, coeffs1) : this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1, points1, coeffs1, 2); }, Point1.prototype.jmulAdd = function(k11, p21, k21) { var points1 = [ this, p21 ], coeffs1 = [ k11, k21 ]; return this.curve.endo ? this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd(points1, coeffs1, !0) : this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1, points1, coeffs1, 2, !0); }, Point1.prototype.eq = function(p3) { return this === p3 || this.inf === p3.inf && (this.inf || 0 === this.x.cmp(p3.x) && 0 === this.y.cmp(p3.y)); }, Point1.prototype.neg = function(_precompute1) { if (this.inf) return this; var res1 = this.curve.point(this.x, this.y.redNeg()); if (_precompute1 && this.precomputed) { var pre1 = this.precomputed, negate1 = function(p3) { return p3.neg(); }; res1.precomputed = { naf: pre1.naf && { wnd: pre1.naf.wnd, points: pre1.naf.points.map(negate1) }, doubles: pre1.doubles && { step: pre1.doubles.step, points: pre1.doubles.points.map(negate1) } }; } return res1; }, Point1.prototype.toJ = function() { return this.inf ? this.curve.jpoint(null, null, null) : this.curve.jpoint(this.x, this.y, this.curve.one); }, inherits1(JPoint1, Base1.BasePoint), ShortCurve1.prototype.jpoint = function(x3, y3, z1) { return new JPoint1(this, x3, y3, z1); }, JPoint1.prototype.toP = function() { if (this.isInfinity()) return this.curve.point(null, null); var zinv1 = this.z.redInvm(), zinv21 = zinv1.redSqr(), ax1 = this.x.redMul(zinv21), ay1 = this.y.redMul(zinv21).redMul(zinv1); return this.curve.point(ax1, ay1); }, JPoint1.prototype.neg = function() { return this.curve.jpoint(this.x, this.y.redNeg(), this.z); }, JPoint1.prototype.add = function(p3) { if (this.isInfinity()) return p3; if (p3.isInfinity()) return this; var pz21 = p3.z.redSqr(), z21 = this.z.redSqr(), u11 = this.x.redMul(pz21), u21 = p3.x.redMul(z21), s11 = this.y.redMul(pz21.redMul(p3.z)), s21 = p3.y.redMul(z21.redMul(this.z)), h8 = u11.redSub(u21), r3 = s11.redSub(s21); if (0 === h8.cmpn(0)) return 0 !== r3.cmpn(0) ? this.curve.jpoint(null, null, null) : this.dbl(); var h21 = h8.redSqr(), h31 = h21.redMul(h8), v3 = u11.redMul(h21), nx1 = r3.redSqr().redIAdd(h31).redISub(v3).redISub(v3), ny1 = r3.redMul(v3.redISub(nx1)).redISub(s11.redMul(h31)), nz1 = this.z.redMul(p3.z).redMul(h8); return this.curve.jpoint(nx1, ny1, nz1); }, JPoint1.prototype.mixedAdd = function(p3) { if (this.isInfinity()) return p3.toJ(); if (p3.isInfinity()) return this; var z21 = this.z.redSqr(), u11 = this.x, u21 = p3.x.redMul(z21), s11 = this.y, s21 = p3.y.redMul(z21).redMul(this.z), h8 = u11.redSub(u21), r3 = s11.redSub(s21); if (0 === h8.cmpn(0)) return 0 !== r3.cmpn(0) ? this.curve.jpoint(null, null, null) : this.dbl(); var h21 = h8.redSqr(), h31 = h21.redMul(h8), v3 = u11.redMul(h21), nx1 = r3.redSqr().redIAdd(h31).redISub(v3).redISub(v3), ny1 = r3.redMul(v3.redISub(nx1)).redISub(s11.redMul(h31)), nz1 = this.z.redMul(h8); return this.curve.jpoint(nx1, ny1, nz1); }, JPoint1.prototype.dblp = function(pow1) { if (0 === pow1 || this.isInfinity()) return this; if (!pow1) return this.dbl(); if (this.curve.zeroA || this.curve.threeA) { var i2, r3 = this; for(i2 = 0; i2 < pow1; i2++)r3 = r3.dbl(); return r3; } var a10 = this.curve.a, tinv1 = this.curve.tinv, jx1 = this.x, jy1 = this.y, jz1 = this.z, jz41 = jz1.redSqr().redSqr(), jyd1 = jy1.redAdd(jy1); for(i2 = 0; i2 < pow1; i2++){ var jx21 = jx1.redSqr(), jyd21 = jyd1.redSqr(), jyd41 = jyd21.redSqr(), c5 = jx21.redAdd(jx21).redIAdd(jx21).redIAdd(a10.redMul(jz41)), t11 = jx1.redMul(jyd21), nx1 = c5.redSqr().redISub(t11.redAdd(t11)), t21 = t11.redISub(nx1), dny1 = c5.redMul(t21); dny1 = dny1.redIAdd(dny1).redISub(jyd41); var nz1 = jyd1.redMul(jz1); i2 + 1 < pow1 && (jz41 = jz41.redMul(jyd41)), jx1 = nx1, jz1 = nz1, jyd1 = dny1; } return this.curve.jpoint(jx1, jyd1.redMul(tinv1), jz1); }, JPoint1.prototype.dbl = function() { return this.isInfinity() ? this : this.curve.zeroA ? this._zeroDbl() : this.curve.threeA ? this._threeDbl() : this._dbl(); }, JPoint1.prototype._zeroDbl = function() { if (this.zOne) { var nx1, ny1, nz1, xx1 = this.x.redSqr(), yy1 = this.y.redSqr(), yyyy1 = yy1.redSqr(), s3 = this.x.redAdd(yy1).redSqr().redISub(xx1).redISub(yyyy1); s3 = s3.redIAdd(s3); var m1 = xx1.redAdd(xx1).redIAdd(xx1), t3 = m1.redSqr().redISub(s3).redISub(s3), yyyy81 = yyyy1.redIAdd(yyyy1); yyyy81 = (yyyy81 = yyyy81.redIAdd(yyyy81)).redIAdd(yyyy81), nx1 = t3, ny1 = m1.redMul(s3.redISub(t3)).redISub(yyyy81), nz1 = this.y.redAdd(this.y); } else { var a10 = this.x.redSqr(), b10 = this.y.redSqr(), c5 = b10.redSqr(), d3 = this.x.redAdd(b10).redSqr().redISub(a10).redISub(c5); d3 = d3.redIAdd(d3); var e1 = a10.redAdd(a10).redIAdd(a10), f1 = e1.redSqr(), c81 = c5.redIAdd(c5); c81 = (c81 = c81.redIAdd(c81)).redIAdd(c81), nx1 = f1.redISub(d3).redISub(d3), ny1 = e1.redMul(d3.redISub(nx1)).redISub(c81), nz1 = (nz1 = this.y.redMul(this.z)).redIAdd(nz1); } return this.curve.jpoint(nx1, ny1, nz1); }, JPoint1.prototype._threeDbl = function() { if (this.zOne) { var nx1, ny1, nz1, xx1 = this.x.redSqr(), yy1 = this.y.redSqr(), yyyy1 = yy1.redSqr(), s3 = this.x.redAdd(yy1).redSqr().redISub(xx1).redISub(yyyy1); s3 = s3.redIAdd(s3); var m1 = xx1.redAdd(xx1).redIAdd(xx1).redIAdd(this.curve.a), t3 = m1.redSqr().redISub(s3).redISub(s3); nx1 = t3; var yyyy81 = yyyy1.redIAdd(yyyy1); yyyy81 = (yyyy81 = yyyy81.redIAdd(yyyy81)).redIAdd(yyyy81), ny1 = m1.redMul(s3.redISub(t3)).redISub(yyyy81), nz1 = this.y.redAdd(this.y); } else { var delta1 = this.z.redSqr(), gamma1 = this.y.redSqr(), beta1 = this.x.redMul(gamma1), alpha1 = this.x.redSub(delta1).redMul(this.x.redAdd(delta1)); alpha1 = alpha1.redAdd(alpha1).redIAdd(alpha1); var beta41 = beta1.redIAdd(beta1), beta81 = (beta41 = beta41.redIAdd(beta41)).redAdd(beta41); nx1 = alpha1.redSqr().redISub(beta81), nz1 = this.y.redAdd(this.z).redSqr().redISub(gamma1).redISub(delta1); var ggamma81 = gamma1.redSqr(); ggamma81 = (ggamma81 = (ggamma81 = ggamma81.redIAdd(ggamma81)).redIAdd(ggamma81)).redIAdd(ggamma81), ny1 = alpha1.redMul(beta41.redISub(nx1)).redISub(ggamma81); } return this.curve.jpoint(nx1, ny1, nz1); }, JPoint1.prototype._dbl = function() { var a10 = this.curve.a, jx1 = this.x, jy1 = this.y, jz1 = this.z, jz41 = jz1.redSqr().redSqr(), jx21 = jx1.redSqr(), jy21 = jy1.redSqr(), c5 = jx21.redAdd(jx21).redIAdd(jx21).redIAdd(a10.redMul(jz41)), jxd41 = jx1.redAdd(jx1), t11 = (jxd41 = jxd41.redIAdd(jxd41)).redMul(jy21), nx1 = c5.redSqr().redISub(t11.redAdd(t11)), t21 = t11.redISub(nx1), jyd81 = jy21.redSqr(); jyd81 = (jyd81 = (jyd81 = jyd81.redIAdd(jyd81)).redIAdd(jyd81)).redIAdd(jyd81); var ny1 = c5.redMul(t21).redISub(jyd81), nz1 = jy1.redAdd(jy1).redMul(jz1); return this.curve.jpoint(nx1, ny1, nz1); }, JPoint1.prototype.trpl = function() { if (!this.curve.zeroA) return this.dbl().add(this); var xx1 = this.x.redSqr(), yy1 = this.y.redSqr(), zz1 = this.z.redSqr(), yyyy1 = yy1.redSqr(), m1 = xx1.redAdd(xx1).redIAdd(xx1), mm1 = m1.redSqr(), e1 = this.x.redAdd(yy1).redSqr().redISub(xx1).redISub(yyyy1), ee1 = (e1 = (e1 = (e1 = e1.redIAdd(e1)).redAdd(e1).redIAdd(e1)).redISub(mm1)).redSqr(), t3 = yyyy1.redIAdd(yyyy1); t3 = (t3 = (t3 = t3.redIAdd(t3)).redIAdd(t3)).redIAdd(t3); var u3 = m1.redIAdd(e1).redSqr().redISub(mm1).redISub(ee1).redISub(t3), yyu41 = yy1.redMul(u3); yyu41 = (yyu41 = yyu41.redIAdd(yyu41)).redIAdd(yyu41); var nx1 = this.x.redMul(ee1).redISub(yyu41); nx1 = (nx1 = nx1.redIAdd(nx1)).redIAdd(nx1); var ny1 = this.y.redMul(u3.redMul(t3.redISub(u3)).redISub(e1.redMul(ee1))); ny1 = (ny1 = (ny1 = ny1.redIAdd(ny1)).redIAdd(ny1)).redIAdd(ny1); var nz1 = this.z.redAdd(e1).redSqr().redISub(zz1).redISub(ee1); return this.curve.jpoint(nx1, ny1, nz1); }, JPoint1.prototype.mul = function(k3, kbase1) { return k3 = new BN1(k3, kbase1), this.curve._wnafMul(this, k3); }, JPoint1.prototype.eq = function(p3) { if ('affine' === p3.type) return this.eq(p3.toJ()); if (this === p3) return !0; var z21 = this.z.redSqr(), pz21 = p3.z.redSqr(); if (0 !== this.x.redMul(pz21).redISub(p3.x.redMul(z21)).cmpn(0)) return !1; var z31 = z21.redMul(this.z), pz31 = pz21.redMul(p3.z); return 0 === this.y.redMul(pz31).redISub(p3.y.redMul(z31)).cmpn(0); }, JPoint1.prototype.eqXToP = function(x3) { var zs1 = this.z.redSqr(), rx1 = x3.toRed(this.curve.red).redMul(zs1); if (0 === this.x.cmp(rx1)) return !0; for(var xc1 = x3.clone(), t3 = this.curve.redN.redMul(zs1);;){ if (xc1.iadd(this.curve.n), xc1.cmp(this.curve.p) >= 0) return !1; if (rx1.redIAdd(t3), 0 === this.x.cmp(rx1)) return !0; } }, JPoint1.prototype.inspect = function() { return this.isInfinity() ? '' : ''; }, JPoint1.prototype.isInfinity = function() { return 0 === this.z.cmpn(0); }; }, 5427: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var pre1, curves1 = exports1, hash1 = __webpack_require__1(3715), curve1 = __webpack_require__1(8254), assert1 = __webpack_require__1(953).assert; function PresetCurve1(options1) { 'short' === options1.type ? this.curve = new curve1.short(options1) : 'edwards' === options1.type ? this.curve = new curve1.edwards(options1) : this.curve = new curve1.mont(options1), this.g = this.curve.g, this.n = this.curve.n, this.hash = options1.hash, assert1(this.g.validate(), 'Invalid curve'), assert1(this.g.mul(this.n).isInfinity(), 'Invalid curve, G*N != O'); } function defineCurve1(name1, options1) { Object.defineProperty(curves1, name1, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, get: function() { var curve1 = new PresetCurve1(options1); return Object.defineProperty(curves1, name1, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, value: curve1 }), curve1; } }); } curves1.PresetCurve = PresetCurve1, defineCurve1('p192', { type: 'short', prime: 'p192', p: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff', a: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff fffffffc', b: '64210519 e59c80e7 0fa7e9ab 72243049 feb8deec c146b9b1', n: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 99def836 146bc9b1 b4d22831', hash: hash1.sha256, gRed: !1, g: [ '188da80e b03090f6 7cbf20eb 43a18800 f4ff0afd 82ff1012', '07192b95 ffc8da78 631011ed 6b24cdd5 73f977a1 1e794811' ] }), defineCurve1('p224', { type: 'short', prime: 'p224', p: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001', a: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe', b: 'b4050a85 0c04b3ab f5413256 5044b0b7 d7bfd8ba 270b3943 2355ffb4', n: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffff16a2 e0b8f03e 13dd2945 5c5c2a3d', hash: hash1.sha256, gRed: !1, g: [ 'b70e0cbd 6bb4bf7f 321390b9 4a03c1d3 56c21122 343280d6 115c1d21', 'bd376388 b5f723fb 4c22dfe6 cd4375a0 5a074764 44d58199 85007e34' ] }), defineCurve1('p256', { type: 'short', prime: null, p: 'ffffffff 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff', a: 'ffffffff 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff fffffffc', b: '5ac635d8 aa3a93e7 b3ebbd55 769886bc 651d06b0 cc53b0f6 3bce3c3e 27d2604b', n: 'ffffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff bce6faad a7179e84 f3b9cac2 fc632551', hash: hash1.sha256, gRed: !1, g: [ '6b17d1f2 e12c4247 f8bce6e5 63a440f2 77037d81 2deb33a0 f4a13945 d898c296', '4fe342e2 fe1a7f9b 8ee7eb4a 7c0f9e16 2bce3357 6b315ece cbb64068 37bf51f5' ] }), defineCurve1('p384', { type: 'short', prime: null, p: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff 00000000 00000000 ffffffff", a: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff 00000000 00000000 fffffffc", b: "b3312fa7 e23ee7e4 988e056b e3f82d19 181d9c6e fe814112 0314088f 5013875a c656398d 8a2ed19d 2a85c8ed d3ec2aef", n: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff c7634d81 f4372ddf 581a0db2 48b0a77a ecec196a ccc52973", hash: hash1.sha384, gRed: !1, g: [ "aa87ca22 be8b0537 8eb1c71e f320ad74 6e1d3b62 8ba79b98 59f741e0 82542a38 5502f25d bf55296c 3a545e38 72760ab7", "3617de4a 96262c6f 5d9e98bf 9292dc29 f8f41dbd 289a147c e9da3113 b5f0b8c0 0a60b1ce 1d7e819d 7a431d7c 90ea0e5f" ] }), defineCurve1('p521', { type: 'short', prime: null, p: "000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff", a: "000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffc", b: "00000051 953eb961 8e1c9a1f 929a21a0 b68540ee a2da725b 99b315f3 b8b48991 8ef109e1 56193951 ec7e937b 1652c0bd 3bb1bf07 3573df88 3d2c34f1 ef451fd4 6b503f00", n: "000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffa 51868783 bf2f966b 7fcc0148 f709a5d0 3bb5c9b8 899c47ae bb6fb71e 91386409", hash: hash1.sha512, gRed: !1, g: [ "000000c6 858e06b7 0404e9cd 9e3ecb66 2395b442 9c648139 053fb521 f828af60 6b4d3dba a14b5e77 efe75928 fe1dc127 a2ffa8de 3348b3c1 856a429b f97e7e31 c2e5bd66", "00000118 39296a78 9a3bc004 5c8a5fb4 2c7d1bd9 98f54449 579b4468 17afbd17 273e662c 97ee7299 5ef42640 c550b901 3fad0761 353c7086 a272c240 88be9476 9fd16650" ] }), defineCurve1('curve25519', { type: 'mont', prime: 'p25519', p: '7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed', a: '76d06', b: '1', n: '1000000000000000 0000000000000000 14def9dea2f79cd6 5812631a5cf5d3ed', hash: hash1.sha256, gRed: !1, g: [ '9' ] }), defineCurve1('ed25519', { type: 'edwards', prime: 'p25519', p: '7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed', a: '-1', c: '1', d: '52036cee2b6ffe73 8cc740797779e898 00700a4d4141d8ab 75eb4dca135978a3', n: '1000000000000000 0000000000000000 14def9dea2f79cd6 5812631a5cf5d3ed', hash: hash1.sha256, gRed: !1, g: [ '216936d3cd6e53fec0a4e231fdd6dc5c692cc7609525a7b2c9562d608f25d51a', '6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666658' ] }); try { pre1 = __webpack_require__1(1037); } catch (e1) { pre1 = void 0; } defineCurve1('secp256k1', { type: 'short', prime: 'k256', p: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f', a: '0', b: '7', n: 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe baaedce6 af48a03b bfd25e8c d0364141', h: '1', hash: hash1.sha256, beta: '7ae96a2b657c07106e64479eac3434e99cf0497512f58995c1396c28719501ee', lambda: '5363ad4cc05c30e0a5261c028812645a122e22ea20816678df02967c1b23bd72', basis: [ { a: '3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15', b: '-e4437ed6010e88286f547fa90abfe4c3' }, { a: '114ca50f7a8e2f3f657c1108d9d44cfd8', b: '3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15' } ], gRed: !1, g: [ '79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798', '483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8', pre1 ] }); }, 7954: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var BN1 = __webpack_require__1(3550), HmacDRBG1 = __webpack_require__1(2156), utils1 = __webpack_require__1(953), curves1 = __webpack_require__1(5427), rand1 = __webpack_require__1(9931), assert1 = utils1.assert, KeyPair1 = __webpack_require__1(1251), Signature1 = __webpack_require__1(611); function EC1(options1) { if (!(this instanceof EC1)) return new EC1(options1); 'string' == typeof options1 && (assert1(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(curves1, options1), 'Unknown curve ' + options1), options1 = curves1[options1]), options1 instanceof curves1.PresetCurve && (options1 = { curve: options1 }), this.curve = options1.curve.curve, this.n = this.curve.n, this.nh = this.n.ushrn(1), this.g = this.curve.g, this.g = options1.curve.g, this.g.precompute(options1.curve.n.bitLength() + 1), this.hash = options1.hash || options1.curve.hash; } module1.exports = EC1, EC1.prototype.keyPair = function(options1) { return new KeyPair1(this, options1); }, EC1.prototype.keyFromPrivate = function(priv1, enc1) { return KeyPair1.fromPrivate(this, priv1, enc1); }, EC1.prototype.keyFromPublic = function(pub1, enc1) { return KeyPair1.fromPublic(this, pub1, enc1); }, EC1.prototype.genKeyPair = function(options1) { options1 || (options1 = {}); for(var drbg1 = new HmacDRBG1({ hash: this.hash, pers: options1.pers, persEnc: options1.persEnc || 'utf8', entropy: options1.entropy || rand1(this.hash.hmacStrength), entropyEnc: options1.entropy && options1.entropyEnc || 'utf8', nonce: this.n.toArray() }), bytes1 = this.n.byteLength(), ns21 = this.n.sub(new BN1(2));;){ var priv1 = new BN1(drbg1.generate(bytes1)); if (!(priv1.cmp(ns21) > 0)) return priv1.iaddn(1), this.keyFromPrivate(priv1); } }, EC1.prototype._truncateToN = function(msg1, truncOnly1) { var delta1 = 8 * msg1.byteLength() - this.n.bitLength(); return (delta1 > 0 && (msg1 = msg1.ushrn(delta1)), !truncOnly1 && msg1.cmp(this.n) >= 0) ? msg1.sub(this.n) : msg1; }, EC1.prototype.sign = function(msg1, key1, enc1, options1) { 'object' == typeof enc1 && (options1 = enc1, enc1 = null), options1 || (options1 = {}), key1 = this.keyFromPrivate(key1, enc1), msg1 = this._truncateToN(new BN1(msg1, 16)); for(var bytes1 = this.n.byteLength(), bkey1 = key1.getPrivate().toArray('be', bytes1), nonce1 = msg1.toArray('be', bytes1), drbg1 = new HmacDRBG1({ hash: this.hash, entropy: bkey1, nonce: nonce1, pers: options1.pers, persEnc: options1.persEnc || 'utf8' }), ns11 = this.n.sub(new BN1(1)), iter1 = 0;; iter1++){ var k3 = options1.k ? options1.k(iter1) : new BN1(drbg1.generate(this.n.byteLength())); if (!(0 >= (k3 = this._truncateToN(k3, !0)).cmpn(1) || k3.cmp(ns11) >= 0)) { var kp1 = this.g.mul(k3); if (!kp1.isInfinity()) { var kpX1 = kp1.getX(), r3 = kpX1.umod(this.n); if (0 !== r3.cmpn(0)) { var s3 = k3.invm(this.n).mul(r3.mul(key1.getPrivate()).iadd(msg1)); if (0 !== (s3 = s3.umod(this.n)).cmpn(0)) { var recoveryParam1 = (kp1.getY().isOdd() ? 1 : 0) | (0 !== kpX1.cmp(r3) ? 2 : 0); return options1.canonical && s3.cmp(this.nh) > 0 && (s3 = this.n.sub(s3), recoveryParam1 ^= 1), new Signature1({ r: r3, s: s3, recoveryParam: recoveryParam1 }); } } } } } }, EC1.prototype.verify = function(msg1, signature1, key1, enc1) { msg1 = this._truncateToN(new BN1(msg1, 16)), key1 = this.keyFromPublic(key1, enc1); var p3, r3 = (signature1 = new Signature1(signature1, 'hex')).r, s3 = signature1.s; if (0 > r3.cmpn(1) || r3.cmp(this.n) >= 0 || 0 > s3.cmpn(1) || s3.cmp(this.n) >= 0) return !1; var sinv1 = s3.invm(this.n), u11 = sinv1.mul(msg1).umod(this.n), u21 = sinv1.mul(r3).umod(this.n); return this.curve._maxwellTrick ? !(p3 = this.g.jmulAdd(u11, key1.getPublic(), u21)).isInfinity() && p3.eqXToP(r3) : !(p3 = this.g.mulAdd(u11, key1.getPublic(), u21)).isInfinity() && 0 === p3.getX().umod(this.n).cmp(r3); }, EC1.prototype.recoverPubKey = function(msg1, signature1, j1, enc1) { assert1((3 & j1) === j1, 'The recovery param is more than two bits'), signature1 = new Signature1(signature1, enc1); var n2 = this.n, e1 = new BN1(msg1), r3 = signature1.r, s3 = signature1.s, isYOdd1 = 1 & j1, isSecondKey1 = j1 >> 1; if (r3.cmp(this.curve.p.umod(this.curve.n)) >= 0 && isSecondKey1) throw Error('Unable to find sencond key candinate'); r3 = isSecondKey1 ? this.curve.pointFromX(r3.add(this.curve.n), isYOdd1) : this.curve.pointFromX(r3, isYOdd1); var rInv1 = signature1.r.invm(n2), s11 = n2.sub(e1).mul(rInv1).umod(n2), s21 = s3.mul(rInv1).umod(n2); return this.g.mulAdd(s11, r3, s21); }, EC1.prototype.getKeyRecoveryParam = function(e1, signature1, Q1, enc1) { if (null !== (signature1 = new Signature1(signature1, enc1)).recoveryParam) return signature1.recoveryParam; for(var Qprime1, i2 = 0; i2 < 4; i2++){ try { Qprime1 = this.recoverPubKey(e1, signature1, i2); } catch (e1) { continue; } if (Qprime1.eq(Q1)) return i2; } throw Error('Unable to find valid recovery factor'); }; }, 1251: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var BN1 = __webpack_require__1(3550), assert1 = __webpack_require__1(953).assert; function KeyPair1(ec1, options1) { this.ec = ec1, this.priv = null, this.pub = null, options1.priv && this._importPrivate(options1.priv, options1.privEnc), options1.pub && this._importPublic(options1.pub, options1.pubEnc); } module1.exports = KeyPair1, KeyPair1.fromPublic = function(ec1, pub1, enc1) { return pub1 instanceof KeyPair1 ? pub1 : new KeyPair1(ec1, { pub: pub1, pubEnc: enc1 }); }, KeyPair1.fromPrivate = function(ec1, priv1, enc1) { return priv1 instanceof KeyPair1 ? priv1 : new KeyPair1(ec1, { priv: priv1, privEnc: enc1 }); }, KeyPair1.prototype.validate = function() { var pub1 = this.getPublic(); return pub1.isInfinity() ? { result: !1, reason: 'Invalid public key' } : pub1.validate() ? pub1.mul(this.ec.curve.n).isInfinity() ? { result: !0, reason: null } : { result: !1, reason: 'Public key * N != O' } : { result: !1, reason: 'Public key is not a point' }; }, KeyPair1.prototype.getPublic = function(compact1, enc1) { return ('string' == typeof compact1 && (enc1 = compact1, compact1 = null), this.pub || (this.pub = this.ec.g.mul(this.priv)), enc1) ? this.pub.encode(enc1, compact1) : this.pub; }, KeyPair1.prototype.getPrivate = function(enc1) { return 'hex' === enc1 ? this.priv.toString(16, 2) : this.priv; }, KeyPair1.prototype._importPrivate = function(key1, enc1) { this.priv = new BN1(key1, enc1 || 16), this.priv = this.priv.umod(this.ec.curve.n); }, KeyPair1.prototype._importPublic = function(key1, enc1) { if (key1.x || key1.y) { 'mont' === this.ec.curve.type ? assert1(key1.x, 'Need x coordinate') : ('short' === this.ec.curve.type || 'edwards' === this.ec.curve.type) && assert1(key1.x && key1.y, 'Need both x and y coordinate'), this.pub = this.ec.curve.point(key1.x, key1.y); return; } this.pub = this.ec.curve.decodePoint(key1, enc1); }, KeyPair1.prototype.derive = function(pub1) { return pub1.validate() || assert1(pub1.validate(), 'public point not validated'), pub1.mul(this.priv).getX(); }, KeyPair1.prototype.sign = function(msg1, enc1, options1) { return this.ec.sign(msg1, this, enc1, options1); }, KeyPair1.prototype.verify = function(msg1, signature1) { return this.ec.verify(msg1, signature1, this); }, KeyPair1.prototype.inspect = function() { return ''; }; }, 611: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var BN1 = __webpack_require__1(3550), utils1 = __webpack_require__1(953), assert1 = utils1.assert; function Signature1(options1, enc1) { if (options1 instanceof Signature1) return options1; this._importDER(options1, enc1) || (assert1(options1.r && options1.s, 'Signature without r or s'), this.r = new BN1(options1.r, 16), this.s = new BN1(options1.s, 16), void 0 === options1.recoveryParam ? this.recoveryParam = null : this.recoveryParam = options1.recoveryParam); } function Position1() { this.place = 0; } function getLength1(buf1, p3) { var initial1 = buf1[p3.place++]; if (!(0x80 & initial1)) return initial1; var octetLen1 = 0xf & initial1; if (0 === octetLen1 || octetLen1 > 4) return !1; for(var val1 = 0, i2 = 0, off1 = p3.place; i2 < octetLen1; i2++, off1++)val1 <<= 8, val1 |= buf1[off1], val1 >>>= 0; return !(val1 <= 0x7f) && (p3.place = off1, val1); } function rmPadding1(buf1) { for(var i2 = 0, len3 = buf1.length - 1; !buf1[i2] && !(0x80 & buf1[i2 + 1]) && i2 < len3;)i2++; return 0 === i2 ? buf1 : buf1.slice(i2); } function constructLength1(arr1, len3) { if (len3 < 0x80) { arr1.push(len3); return; } var octets1 = 1 + (Math.log(len3) / Math.LN2 >>> 3); for(arr1.push(0x80 | octets1); --octets1;)arr1.push(len3 >>> (octets1 << 3) & 0xff); arr1.push(len3); } module1.exports = Signature1, Signature1.prototype._importDER = function(data1, enc1) { data1 = utils1.toArray(data1, enc1); var p3 = new Position1(); if (0x30 !== data1[p3.place++]) return !1; var len3 = getLength1(data1, p3); if (!1 === len3 || len3 + p3.place !== data1.length || 0x02 !== data1[p3.place++]) return !1; var rlen1 = getLength1(data1, p3); if (!1 === rlen1) return !1; var r3 = data1.slice(p3.place, rlen1 + p3.place); if (p3.place += rlen1, 0x02 !== data1[p3.place++]) return !1; var slen1 = getLength1(data1, p3); if (!1 === slen1 || data1.length !== slen1 + p3.place) return !1; var s3 = data1.slice(p3.place, slen1 + p3.place); if (0 === r3[0]) { if (!(0x80 & r3[1])) return !1; r3 = r3.slice(1); } if (0 === s3[0]) { if (!(0x80 & s3[1])) return !1; s3 = s3.slice(1); } return this.r = new BN1(r3), this.s = new BN1(s3), this.recoveryParam = null, !0; }, Signature1.prototype.toDER = function(enc1) { var r3 = this.r.toArray(), s3 = this.s.toArray(); for(0x80 & r3[0] && (r3 = [ 0 ].concat(r3)), 0x80 & s3[0] && (s3 = [ 0 ].concat(s3)), r3 = rmPadding1(r3), s3 = rmPadding1(s3); !s3[0] && !(0x80 & s3[1]);)s3 = s3.slice(1); var arr1 = [ 0x02 ]; constructLength1(arr1, r3.length), (arr1 = arr1.concat(r3)).push(0x02), constructLength1(arr1, s3.length); var backHalf1 = arr1.concat(s3), res1 = [ 0x30 ]; return constructLength1(res1, backHalf1.length), res1 = res1.concat(backHalf1), utils1.encode(res1, enc1); }; }, 5980: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var hash1 = __webpack_require__1(3715), curves1 = __webpack_require__1(5427), utils1 = __webpack_require__1(953), assert1 = utils1.assert, parseBytes1 = utils1.parseBytes, KeyPair1 = __webpack_require__1(9087), Signature1 = __webpack_require__1(3622); function EDDSA1(curve1) { if (assert1('ed25519' === curve1, 'only tested with ed25519 so far'), !(this instanceof EDDSA1)) return new EDDSA1(curve1); curve1 = curves1[curve1].curve, this.curve = curve1, this.g = curve1.g, this.g.precompute(curve1.n.bitLength() + 1), this.pointClass = curve1.point().constructor, this.encodingLength = Math.ceil(curve1.n.bitLength() / 8), this.hash = hash1.sha512; } module1.exports = EDDSA1, EDDSA1.prototype.sign = function(message1, secret1) { message1 = parseBytes1(message1); var key1 = this.keyFromSecret(secret1), r3 = this.hashInt(key1.messagePrefix(), message1), R1 = this.g.mul(r3), Rencoded1 = this.encodePoint(R1), s_1 = this.hashInt(Rencoded1, key1.pubBytes(), message1).mul(key1.priv()), S1 = r3.add(s_1).umod(this.curve.n); return this.makeSignature({ R: R1, S: S1, Rencoded: Rencoded1 }); }, EDDSA1.prototype.verify = function(message1, sig1, pub1) { message1 = parseBytes1(message1), sig1 = this.makeSignature(sig1); var key1 = this.keyFromPublic(pub1), h8 = this.hashInt(sig1.Rencoded(), key1.pubBytes(), message1), SG1 = this.g.mul(sig1.S()); return sig1.R().add(key1.pub().mul(h8)).eq(SG1); }, EDDSA1.prototype.hashInt = function() { for(var hash1 = this.hash(), i2 = 0; i2 < arguments.length; i2++)hash1.update(arguments[i2]); return utils1.intFromLE(hash1.digest()).umod(this.curve.n); }, EDDSA1.prototype.keyFromPublic = function(pub1) { return KeyPair1.fromPublic(this, pub1); }, EDDSA1.prototype.keyFromSecret = function(secret1) { return KeyPair1.fromSecret(this, secret1); }, EDDSA1.prototype.makeSignature = function(sig1) { return sig1 instanceof Signature1 ? sig1 : new Signature1(this, sig1); }, EDDSA1.prototype.encodePoint = function(point1) { var enc1 = point1.getY().toArray('le', this.encodingLength); return enc1[this.encodingLength - 1] |= point1.getX().isOdd() ? 0x80 : 0, enc1; }, EDDSA1.prototype.decodePoint = function(bytes1) { var lastIx1 = (bytes1 = utils1.parseBytes(bytes1)).length - 1, normed1 = bytes1.slice(0, lastIx1).concat(-129 & bytes1[lastIx1]), xIsOdd1 = (0x80 & bytes1[lastIx1]) != 0, y3 = utils1.intFromLE(normed1); return this.curve.pointFromY(y3, xIsOdd1); }, EDDSA1.prototype.encodeInt = function(num1) { return num1.toArray('le', this.encodingLength); }, EDDSA1.prototype.decodeInt = function(bytes1) { return utils1.intFromLE(bytes1); }, EDDSA1.prototype.isPoint = function(val1) { return val1 instanceof this.pointClass; }; }, 9087: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = __webpack_require__1(953), assert1 = utils1.assert, parseBytes1 = utils1.parseBytes, cachedProperty1 = utils1.cachedProperty; function KeyPair1(eddsa1, params1) { this.eddsa = eddsa1, this._secret = parseBytes1(params1.secret), eddsa1.isPoint(params1.pub) ? this._pub = params1.pub : this._pubBytes = parseBytes1(params1.pub); } KeyPair1.fromPublic = function(eddsa1, pub1) { return pub1 instanceof KeyPair1 ? pub1 : new KeyPair1(eddsa1, { pub: pub1 }); }, KeyPair1.fromSecret = function(eddsa1, secret1) { return secret1 instanceof KeyPair1 ? secret1 : new KeyPair1(eddsa1, { secret: secret1 }); }, KeyPair1.prototype.secret = function() { return this._secret; }, cachedProperty1(KeyPair1, 'pubBytes', function() { return this.eddsa.encodePoint(this.pub()); }), cachedProperty1(KeyPair1, 'pub', function() { return this._pubBytes ? this.eddsa.decodePoint(this._pubBytes) : this.eddsa.g.mul(this.priv()); }), cachedProperty1(KeyPair1, 'privBytes', function() { var eddsa1 = this.eddsa, hash1 = this.hash(), lastIx1 = eddsa1.encodingLength - 1, a10 = hash1.slice(0, eddsa1.encodingLength); return a10[0] &= 248, a10[lastIx1] &= 127, a10[lastIx1] |= 64, a10; }), cachedProperty1(KeyPair1, 'priv', function() { return this.eddsa.decodeInt(this.privBytes()); }), cachedProperty1(KeyPair1, 'hash', function() { return this.eddsa.hash().update(this.secret()).digest(); }), cachedProperty1(KeyPair1, 'messagePrefix', function() { return this.hash().slice(this.eddsa.encodingLength); }), KeyPair1.prototype.sign = function(message1) { return assert1(this._secret, 'KeyPair can only verify'), this.eddsa.sign(message1, this); }, KeyPair1.prototype.verify = function(message1, sig1) { return this.eddsa.verify(message1, sig1, this); }, KeyPair1.prototype.getSecret = function(enc1) { return assert1(this._secret, 'KeyPair is public only'), utils1.encode(this.secret(), enc1); }, KeyPair1.prototype.getPublic = function(enc1) { return utils1.encode(this.pubBytes(), enc1); }, module1.exports = KeyPair1; }, 3622: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var BN1 = __webpack_require__1(3550), utils1 = __webpack_require__1(953), assert1 = utils1.assert, cachedProperty1 = utils1.cachedProperty, parseBytes1 = utils1.parseBytes; function Signature1(eddsa1, sig1) { this.eddsa = eddsa1, 'object' != typeof sig1 && (sig1 = parseBytes1(sig1)), Array.isArray(sig1) && (sig1 = { R: sig1.slice(0, eddsa1.encodingLength), S: sig1.slice(eddsa1.encodingLength) }), assert1(sig1.R && sig1.S, 'Signature without R or S'), eddsa1.isPoint(sig1.R) && (this._R = sig1.R), sig1.S instanceof BN1 && (this._S = sig1.S), this._Rencoded = Array.isArray(sig1.R) ? sig1.R : sig1.Rencoded, this._Sencoded = Array.isArray(sig1.S) ? sig1.S : sig1.Sencoded; } cachedProperty1(Signature1, 'S', function() { return this.eddsa.decodeInt(this.Sencoded()); }), cachedProperty1(Signature1, 'R', function() { return this.eddsa.decodePoint(this.Rencoded()); }), cachedProperty1(Signature1, 'Rencoded', function() { return this.eddsa.encodePoint(this.R()); }), cachedProperty1(Signature1, 'Sencoded', function() { return this.eddsa.encodeInt(this.S()); }), Signature1.prototype.toBytes = function() { return this.Rencoded().concat(this.Sencoded()); }, Signature1.prototype.toHex = function() { return utils1.encode(this.toBytes(), 'hex').toUpperCase(); }, module1.exports = Signature1; }, 1037: function(module1) { module1.exports = { doubles: { step: 4, points: [ [ 'e60fce93b59e9ec53011aabc21c23e97b2a31369b87a5ae9c44ee89e2a6dec0a', 'f7e3507399e595929db99f34f57937101296891e44d23f0be1f32cce69616821' ], [ '8282263212c609d9ea2a6e3e172de238d8c39cabd5ac1ca10646e23fd5f51508', '11f8a8098557dfe45e8256e830b60ace62d613ac2f7b17bed31b6eaff6e26caf' ], [ '175e159f728b865a72f99cc6c6fc846de0b93833fd2222ed73fce5b551e5b739', 'd3506e0d9e3c79eba4ef97a51ff71f5eacb5955add24345c6efa6ffee9fed695' ], [ '363d90d447b00c9c99ceac05b6262ee053441c7e55552ffe526bad8f83ff4640', '4e273adfc732221953b445397f3363145b9a89008199ecb62003c7f3bee9de9' ], [ '8b4b5f165df3c2be8c6244b5b745638843e4a781a15bcd1b69f79a55dffdf80c', '4aad0a6f68d308b4b3fbd7813ab0da04f9e336546162ee56b3eff0c65fd4fd36' ], [ '723cbaa6e5db996d6bf771c00bd548c7b700dbffa6c0e77bcb6115925232fcda', '96e867b5595cc498a921137488824d6e2660a0653779494801dc069d9eb39f5f' ], [ 'eebfa4d493bebf98ba5feec812c2d3b50947961237a919839a533eca0e7dd7fa', '5d9a8ca3970ef0f269ee7edaf178089d9ae4cdc3a711f712ddfd4fdae1de8999' ], [ '100f44da696e71672791d0a09b7bde459f1215a29b3c03bfefd7835b39a48db0', 'cdd9e13192a00b772ec8f3300c090666b7ff4a18ff5195ac0fbd5cd62bc65a09' ], [ 'e1031be262c7ed1b1dc9227a4a04c017a77f8d4464f3b3852c8acde6e534fd2d', '9d7061928940405e6bb6a4176597535af292dd419e1ced79a44f18f29456a00d' ], [ 'feea6cae46d55b530ac2839f143bd7ec5cf8b266a41d6af52d5e688d9094696d', 'e57c6b6c97dce1bab06e4e12bf3ecd5c981c8957cc41442d3155debf18090088' ], [ 'da67a91d91049cdcb367be4be6ffca3cfeed657d808583de33fa978bc1ec6cb1', '9bacaa35481642bc41f463f7ec9780e5dec7adc508f740a17e9ea8e27a68be1d' ], [ '53904faa0b334cdda6e000935ef22151ec08d0f7bb11069f57545ccc1a37b7c0', '5bc087d0bc80106d88c9eccac20d3c1c13999981e14434699dcb096b022771c8' ], [ '8e7bcd0bd35983a7719cca7764ca906779b53a043a9b8bcaeff959f43ad86047', '10b7770b2a3da4b3940310420ca9514579e88e2e47fd68b3ea10047e8460372a' ], [ '385eed34c1cdff21e6d0818689b81bde71a7f4f18397e6690a841e1599c43862', '283bebc3e8ea23f56701de19e9ebf4576b304eec2086dc8cc0458fe5542e5453' ], [ '6f9d9b803ecf191637c73a4413dfa180fddf84a5947fbc9c606ed86c3fac3a7', '7c80c68e603059ba69b8e2a30e45c4d47ea4dd2f5c281002d86890603a842160' ], [ '3322d401243c4e2582a2147c104d6ecbf774d163db0f5e5313b7e0e742d0e6bd', '56e70797e9664ef5bfb019bc4ddaf9b72805f63ea2873af624f3a2e96c28b2a0' ], [ '85672c7d2de0b7da2bd1770d89665868741b3f9af7643397721d74d28134ab83', '7c481b9b5b43b2eb6374049bfa62c2e5e77f17fcc5298f44c8e3094f790313a6' ], [ 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'ee1849f513df71e32efc3896ee28260c73bb80547ae2275ba497237794c8753c' ], [ 'e2cb74fddc8e9fbcd076eef2a7c72b0ce37d50f08269dfc074b581550547a4f7', 'd3aa2ed71c9dd2247a62df062736eb0baddea9e36122d2be8641abcb005cc4a4' ], [ '8438447566d4d7bedadc299496ab357426009a35f235cb141be0d99cd10ae3a8', 'c4e1020916980a4da5d01ac5e6ad330734ef0d7906631c4f2390426b2edd791f' ], [ '4162d488b89402039b584c6fc6c308870587d9c46f660b878ab65c82c711d67e', '67163e903236289f776f22c25fb8a3afc1732f2b84b4e95dbda47ae5a0852649' ], [ '3fad3fa84caf0f34f0f89bfd2dcf54fc175d767aec3e50684f3ba4a4bf5f683d', 'cd1bc7cb6cc407bb2f0ca647c718a730cf71872e7d0d2a53fa20efcdfe61826' ], [ '674f2600a3007a00568c1a7ce05d0816c1fb84bf1370798f1c69532faeb1a86b', '299d21f9413f33b3edf43b257004580b70db57da0b182259e09eecc69e0d38a5' ], [ 'd32f4da54ade74abb81b815ad1fb3b263d82d6c692714bcff87d29bd5ee9f08f', 'f9429e738b8e53b968e99016c059707782e14f4535359d582fc416910b3eea87' ], [ '30e4e670435385556e593657135845d36fbb6931f72b08cb1ed954f1e3ce3ff6', '462f9bce619898638499350113bbc9b10a878d35da70740dc695a559eb88db7b' ], [ 'be2062003c51cc3004682904330e4dee7f3dcd10b01e580bf1971b04d4cad297', '62188bc49d61e5428573d48a74e1c655b1c61090905682a0d5558ed72dccb9bc' ], [ '93144423ace3451ed29e0fb9ac2af211cb6e84a601df5993c419859fff5df04a', '7c10dfb164c3425f5c71a3f9d7992038f1065224f72bb9d1d902a6d13037b47c' ], [ 'b015f8044f5fcbdcf21ca26d6c34fb8197829205c7b7d2a7cb66418c157b112c', 'ab8c1e086d04e813744a655b2df8d5f83b3cdc6faa3088c1d3aea1454e3a1d5f' ], [ 'd5e9e1da649d97d89e4868117a465a3a4f8a18de57a140d36b3f2af341a21b52', '4cb04437f391ed73111a13cc1d4dd0db1693465c2240480d8955e8592f27447a' ], [ 'd3ae41047dd7ca065dbf8ed77b992439983005cd72e16d6f996a5316d36966bb', 'bd1aeb21ad22ebb22a10f0303417c6d964f8cdd7df0aca614b10dc14d125ac46' ], [ '463e2763d885f958fc66cdd22800f0a487197d0a82e377b49f80af87c897b065', 'bfefacdb0e5d0fd7df3a311a94de062b26b80c61fbc97508b79992671ef7ca7f' ], [ '7985fdfd127c0567c6f53ec1bb63ec3158e597c40bfe747c83cddfc910641917', '603c12daf3d9862ef2b25fe1de289aed24ed291e0ec6708703a5bd567f32ed03' ], [ '74a1ad6b5f76e39db2dd249410eac7f99e74c59cb83d2d0ed5ff1543da7703e9', 'cc6157ef18c9c63cd6193d83631bbea0093e0968942e8c33d5737fd790e0db08' ], [ '30682a50703375f602d416664ba19b7fc9bab42c72747463a71d0896b22f6da3', '553e04f6b018b4fa6c8f39e7f311d3176290d0e0f19ca73f17714d9977a22ff8' ], [ '9e2158f0d7c0d5f26c3791efefa79597654e7a2b2464f52b1ee6c1347769ef57', '712fcdd1b9053f09003a3481fa7762e9ffd7c8ef35a38509e2fbf2629008373' ], [ '176e26989a43c9cfeba4029c202538c28172e566e3c4fce7322857f3be327d66', 'ed8cc9d04b29eb877d270b4878dc43c19aefd31f4eee09ee7b47834c1fa4b1c3' ], [ '75d46efea3771e6e68abb89a13ad747ecf1892393dfc4f1b7004788c50374da8', '9852390a99507679fd0b86fd2b39a868d7efc22151346e1a3ca4726586a6bed8' ], [ '809a20c67d64900ffb698c4c825f6d5f2310fb0451c869345b7319f645605721', '9e994980d9917e22b76b061927fa04143d096ccc54963e6a5ebfa5f3f8e286c1' ], [ '1b38903a43f7f114ed4500b4eac7083fdefece1cf29c63528d563446f972c180', '4036edc931a60ae889353f77fd53de4a2708b26b6f5da72ad3394119daf408f9' ] ] } }; }, 953: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = exports1, BN1 = __webpack_require__1(3550), minAssert1 = __webpack_require__1(9746), minUtils1 = __webpack_require__1(4504); function getNAF1(num1, w19, bits1) { var naf1 = Array(Math.max(num1.bitLength(), bits1) + 1); naf1.fill(0); for(var ws1 = 1 << w19 + 1, k3 = num1.clone(), i2 = 0; i2 < naf1.length; i2++){ var z1, mod1 = k3.andln(ws1 - 1); k3.isOdd() ? (z1 = mod1 > (ws1 >> 1) - 1 ? (ws1 >> 1) - mod1 : mod1, k3.isubn(z1)) : z1 = 0, naf1[i2] = z1, k3.iushrn(1); } return naf1; } function getJSF1(k11, k21) { var jsf1 = [ [], [] ]; k11 = k11.clone(), k21 = k21.clone(); for(var d11 = 0, d21 = 0; k11.cmpn(-d11) > 0 || k21.cmpn(-d21) > 0;){ var m81, u11, u21, m141 = k11.andln(3) + d11 & 3, m241 = k21.andln(3) + d21 & 3; 3 === m141 && (m141 = -1), 3 === m241 && (m241 = -1), u11 = (1 & m141) == 0 ? 0 : (3 == (m81 = k11.andln(7) + d11 & 7) || 5 === m81) && 2 === m241 ? -m141 : m141, jsf1[0].push(u11), u21 = (1 & m241) == 0 ? 0 : (3 == (m81 = k21.andln(7) + d21 & 7) || 5 === m81) && 2 === m141 ? -m241 : m241, jsf1[1].push(u21), 2 * d11 === u11 + 1 && (d11 = 1 - d11), 2 * d21 === u21 + 1 && (d21 = 1 - d21), k11.iushrn(1), k21.iushrn(1); } return jsf1; } function cachedProperty1(obj1, name1, computer1) { var key1 = '_' + name1; obj1.prototype[name1] = function() { return void 0 !== this[key1] ? this[key1] : this[key1] = computer1.call(this); }; } function parseBytes1(bytes1) { return 'string' == typeof bytes1 ? utils1.toArray(bytes1, 'hex') : bytes1; } function intFromLE1(bytes1) { return new BN1(bytes1, 'hex', 'le'); } utils1.assert = minAssert1, utils1.toArray = minUtils1.toArray, utils1.zero2 = minUtils1.zero2, utils1.toHex = minUtils1.toHex, utils1.encode = minUtils1.encode, utils1.getNAF = getNAF1, utils1.getJSF = getJSF1, utils1.cachedProperty = cachedProperty1, utils1.parseBytes = parseBytes1, utils1.intFromLE = intFromLE1; }, 7187: function(module1) { "use strict"; var ReflectOwnKeys1, R1 = 'object' == typeof Reflect ? Reflect : null, ReflectApply1 = R1 && 'function' == typeof R1.apply ? R1.apply : function(target1, receiver1, args1) { return Function.prototype.apply.call(target1, receiver1, args1); }; function ProcessEmitWarning1(warning1) { console && console.warn && console.warn(warning1); } ReflectOwnKeys1 = R1 && 'function' == typeof R1.ownKeys ? R1.ownKeys : Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? function(target1) { return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target1).concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(target1)); } : function(target1) { return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target1); }; var NumberIsNaN1 = Number.isNaN || function(value1) { return value1 != value1; }; function EventEmitter1() { EventEmitter1.init.call(this); } module1.exports = EventEmitter1, module1.exports.once = once1, EventEmitter1.EventEmitter = EventEmitter1, EventEmitter1.prototype._events = void 0, EventEmitter1.prototype._eventsCount = 0, EventEmitter1.prototype._maxListeners = void 0; var defaultMaxListeners1 = 10; function checkListener1(listener1) { if ('function' != typeof listener1) throw TypeError('The "listener" argument must be of type Function. Received type ' + typeof listener1); } function _getMaxListeners1(that1) { return void 0 === that1._maxListeners ? EventEmitter1.defaultMaxListeners : that1._maxListeners; } function _addListener1(target1, type1, listener1, prepend1) { if (checkListener1(listener1), void 0 === (events1 = target1._events) ? (events1 = target1._events = Object.create(null), target1._eventsCount = 0) : (void 0 !== events1.newListener && (target1.emit('newListener', type1, listener1.listener ? listener1.listener : listener1), events1 = target1._events), existing1 = events1[type1]), void 0 === existing1) existing1 = events1[type1] = listener1, ++target1._eventsCount; else if ('function' == typeof existing1 ? existing1 = events1[type1] = prepend1 ? [ listener1, existing1 ] : [ existing1, listener1 ] : prepend1 ? existing1.unshift(listener1) : existing1.push(listener1), (m1 = _getMaxListeners1(target1)) > 0 && existing1.length > m1 && !existing1.warned) { existing1.warned = !0; var m1, events1, existing1, w19 = Error('Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. ' + existing1.length + ' ' + String(type1) + " listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit"); w19.name = 'MaxListenersExceededWarning', w19.emitter = target1, w19.type = type1, w19.count = existing1.length, ProcessEmitWarning1(w19); } return target1; } function onceWrapper1() { if (!this.fired) return (this.target.removeListener(this.type, this.wrapFn), this.fired = !0, 0 == arguments.length) ? this.listener.call(this.target) : this.listener.apply(this.target, arguments); } function _onceWrap1(target1, type1, listener1) { var state1 = { fired: !1, wrapFn: void 0, target: target1, type: type1, listener: listener1 }, wrapped1 = onceWrapper1.bind(state1); return wrapped1.listener = listener1, state1.wrapFn = wrapped1, wrapped1; } function _listeners1(target1, type1, unwrap1) { var events1 = target1._events; if (void 0 === events1) return []; var evlistener1 = events1[type1]; return void 0 === evlistener1 ? [] : 'function' == typeof evlistener1 ? unwrap1 ? [ evlistener1.listener || evlistener1 ] : [ evlistener1 ] : unwrap1 ? unwrapListeners1(evlistener1) : arrayClone1(evlistener1, evlistener1.length); } function listenerCount1(type1) { var events1 = this._events; if (void 0 !== events1) { var evlistener1 = events1[type1]; if ('function' == typeof evlistener1) return 1; if (void 0 !== evlistener1) return evlistener1.length; } return 0; } function arrayClone1(arr1, n2) { for(var copy1 = Array(n2), i2 = 0; i2 < n2; ++i2)copy1[i2] = arr1[i2]; return copy1; } function spliceOne1(list1, index1) { for(; index1 + 1 < list1.length; index1++)list1[index1] = list1[index1 + 1]; list1.pop(); } function unwrapListeners1(arr1) { for(var ret1 = Array(arr1.length), i2 = 0; i2 < ret1.length; ++i2)ret1[i2] = arr1[i2].listener || arr1[i2]; return ret1; } function once1(emitter1, name1) { return new Promise(function(resolve1, reject1) { function errorListener1(err1) { emitter1.removeListener(name1, resolver1), reject1(err1); } function resolver1() { 'function' == typeof emitter1.removeListener && emitter1.removeListener('error', errorListener1), resolve1([].slice.call(arguments)); } eventTargetAgnosticAddListener1(emitter1, name1, resolver1, { once: !0 }), 'error' !== name1 && addErrorHandlerIfEventEmitter1(emitter1, errorListener1, { once: !0 }); }); } function addErrorHandlerIfEventEmitter1(emitter1, handler1, flags1) { 'function' == typeof emitter1.on && eventTargetAgnosticAddListener1(emitter1, 'error', handler1, flags1); } function eventTargetAgnosticAddListener1(emitter1, name1, listener1, flags1) { if ('function' == typeof emitter1.on) flags1.once ? emitter1.once(name1, listener1) : emitter1.on(name1, listener1); else if ('function' == typeof emitter1.addEventListener) emitter1.addEventListener(name1, function wrapListener1(arg4) { flags1.once && emitter1.removeEventListener(name1, wrapListener1), listener1(arg4); }); else throw TypeError('The "emitter" argument must be of type EventEmitter. Received type ' + typeof emitter1); } Object.defineProperty(EventEmitter1, 'defaultMaxListeners', { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return defaultMaxListeners1; }, set: function(arg4) { if ('number' != typeof arg4 || arg4 < 0 || NumberIsNaN1(arg4)) throw RangeError('The value of "defaultMaxListeners" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + arg4 + '.'); defaultMaxListeners1 = arg4; } }), EventEmitter1.init = function() { (void 0 === this._events || this._events === Object.getPrototypeOf(this)._events) && (this._events = Object.create(null), this._eventsCount = 0), this._maxListeners = this._maxListeners || void 0; }, EventEmitter1.prototype.setMaxListeners = function(n2) { if ('number' != typeof n2 || n2 < 0 || NumberIsNaN1(n2)) throw RangeError('The value of "n" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received ' + n2 + '.'); return this._maxListeners = n2, this; }, EventEmitter1.prototype.getMaxListeners = function() { return _getMaxListeners1(this); }, EventEmitter1.prototype.emit = function(type1) { for(var args1 = [], i2 = 1; i2 < arguments.length; i2++)args1.push(arguments[i2]); var doError1 = 'error' === type1, events1 = this._events; if (void 0 !== events1) doError1 = doError1 && void 0 === events1.error; else if (!doError1) return !1; if (doError1) { if (args1.length > 0 && (er1 = args1[0]), er1 instanceof Error) throw er1; var er1, err1 = Error('Unhandled error.' + (er1 ? ' (' + er1.message + ')' : '')); throw err1.context = er1, err1; } var handler1 = events1[type1]; if (void 0 === handler1) return !1; if ('function' == typeof handler1) ReflectApply1(handler1, this, args1); else for(var len3 = handler1.length, listeners1 = arrayClone1(handler1, len3), i2 = 0; i2 < len3; ++i2)ReflectApply1(listeners1[i2], this, args1); return !0; }, EventEmitter1.prototype.addListener = function(type1, listener1) { return _addListener1(this, type1, listener1, !1); }, EventEmitter1.prototype.on = EventEmitter1.prototype.addListener, EventEmitter1.prototype.prependListener = function(type1, listener1) { return _addListener1(this, type1, listener1, !0); }, EventEmitter1.prototype.once = function(type1, listener1) { return checkListener1(listener1), this.on(type1, _onceWrap1(this, type1, listener1)), this; }, EventEmitter1.prototype.prependOnceListener = function(type1, listener1) { return checkListener1(listener1), this.prependListener(type1, _onceWrap1(this, type1, listener1)), this; }, EventEmitter1.prototype.removeListener = function(type1, listener1) { var list1, events1, position1, i2, originalListener1; if (checkListener1(listener1), void 0 === (events1 = this._events) || void 0 === (list1 = events1[type1])) return this; if (list1 === listener1 || list1.listener === listener1) 0 == --this._eventsCount ? this._events = Object.create(null) : (delete events1[type1], events1.removeListener && this.emit('removeListener', type1, list1.listener || listener1)); else if ('function' != typeof list1) { for(position1 = -1, i2 = list1.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--)if (list1[i2] === listener1 || list1[i2].listener === listener1) { originalListener1 = list1[i2].listener, position1 = i2; break; } if (position1 < 0) return this; 0 === position1 ? list1.shift() : spliceOne1(list1, position1), 1 === list1.length && (events1[type1] = list1[0]), void 0 !== events1.removeListener && this.emit('removeListener', type1, originalListener1 || listener1); } return this; }, EventEmitter1.prototype.off = EventEmitter1.prototype.removeListener, EventEmitter1.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(type1) { var listeners1, events1, i2; if (void 0 === (events1 = this._events)) return this; if (void 0 === events1.removeListener) return 0 == arguments.length ? (this._events = Object.create(null), this._eventsCount = 0) : void 0 !== events1[type1] && (0 == --this._eventsCount ? this._events = Object.create(null) : delete events1[type1]), this; if (0 == arguments.length) { var key1, keys1 = Object.keys(events1); for(i2 = 0; i2 < keys1.length; ++i2)'removeListener' !== (key1 = keys1[i2]) && this.removeAllListeners(key1); return this.removeAllListeners('removeListener'), this._events = Object.create(null), this._eventsCount = 0, this; } if ('function' == typeof (listeners1 = events1[type1])) this.removeListener(type1, listeners1); else if (void 0 !== listeners1) for(i2 = listeners1.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--)this.removeListener(type1, listeners1[i2]); return this; }, EventEmitter1.prototype.listeners = function(type1) { return _listeners1(this, type1, !0); }, EventEmitter1.prototype.rawListeners = function(type1) { return _listeners1(this, type1, !1); }, EventEmitter1.listenerCount = function(emitter1, type1) { return 'function' == typeof emitter1.listenerCount ? emitter1.listenerCount(type1) : listenerCount1.call(emitter1, type1); }, EventEmitter1.prototype.listenerCount = listenerCount1, EventEmitter1.prototype.eventNames = function() { return this._eventsCount > 0 ? ReflectOwnKeys1(this._events) : []; }; }, 3346: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { !function(global1, factory1) { module1.exports = factory1(); }(0, function() { 'use strict'; var toStringFunction1 = Function.prototype.toString, create1 = Object.create, defineProperty1 = Object.defineProperty, getOwnPropertyDescriptor1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames1 = Object.getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols1 = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf$11 = Object.getPrototypeOf, _a1 = Object.prototype, hasOwnProperty1 = _a1.hasOwnProperty, propertyIsEnumerable1 = _a1.propertyIsEnumerable, SYMBOL_PROPERTIES1 = 'function' == typeof getOwnPropertySymbols1, WEAK_MAP1 = 'function' == typeof WeakMap, createCache1 = function() { if (WEAK_MAP1) return function() { return new WeakMap(); }; var Cache1 = function() { function Cache1() { this._keys = [], this._values = []; } return Cache1.prototype.has = function(key1) { return !!~this._keys.indexOf(key1); }, Cache1.prototype.get = function(key1) { return this._values[this._keys.indexOf(key1)]; }, Cache1.prototype.set = function(key1, value1) { this._keys.push(key1), this._values.push(value1); }, Cache1; }(); return function() { return new Cache1(); }; }(), getCleanClone1 = function(object1, realm1) { var prototype1 = object1.__proto__ || getPrototypeOf$11(object1); if (!prototype1) return create1(null); var Constructor1 = prototype1.constructor; if (Constructor1 === realm1.Object) return prototype1 === realm1.Object.prototype ? {} : create1(prototype1); if (~toStringFunction1.call(Constructor1).indexOf('[native code]')) try { return new Constructor1(); } catch (_a1) {} return create1(prototype1); }, getObjectCloneLoose1 = function(object1, realm1, handleCopy1, cache1) { var clone1 = getCleanClone1(object1, realm1); for(var key1 in cache1.set(object1, clone1), object1)hasOwnProperty1.call(object1, key1) && (clone1[key1] = handleCopy1(object1[key1], cache1)); if (SYMBOL_PROPERTIES1) for(var symbols1 = getOwnPropertySymbols1(object1), index1 = 0, length_11 = symbols1.length, symbol1 = void 0; index1 < length_11; ++index1)symbol1 = symbols1[index1], propertyIsEnumerable1.call(object1, symbol1) && (clone1[symbol1] = handleCopy1(object1[symbol1], cache1)); return clone1; }, getObjectCloneStrict1 = function(object1, realm1, handleCopy1, cache1) { var clone1 = getCleanClone1(object1, realm1); cache1.set(object1, clone1); for(var properties1 = SYMBOL_PROPERTIES1 ? getOwnPropertyNames1(object1).concat(getOwnPropertySymbols1(object1)) : getOwnPropertyNames1(object1), index1 = 0, length_21 = properties1.length, property1 = void 0, descriptor1 = void 0; index1 < length_21; ++index1)if ('callee' !== (property1 = properties1[index1]) && 'caller' !== property1) { if (descriptor1 = getOwnPropertyDescriptor1(object1, property1)) { descriptor1.get || descriptor1.set || (descriptor1.value = handleCopy1(object1[property1], cache1)); try { defineProperty1(clone1, property1, descriptor1); } catch (error1) { clone1[property1] = descriptor1.value; } } else clone1[property1] = handleCopy1(object1[property1], cache1); } return clone1; }, getRegExpFlags1 = function(regExp1) { var flags1 = ''; return regExp1.global && (flags1 += 'g'), regExp1.ignoreCase && (flags1 += 'i'), regExp1.multiline && (flags1 += 'm'), regExp1.unicode && (flags1 += 'u'), regExp1.sticky && (flags1 += 'y'), flags1; }, isArray1 = Array.isArray, getPrototypeOf1 = Object.getPrototypeOf, GLOBAL_THIS1 = function() { return 'undefined' != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : 'undefined' != typeof self ? self : 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : void 0 !== __webpack_require__1.g ? __webpack_require__1.g : (console && console.error && console.error('Unable to locate global object, returning "this".'), this); }(); function copy1(value1, options1) { var isStrict1 = !!(options1 && options1.isStrict), realm1 = options1 && options1.realm || GLOBAL_THIS1, getObjectClone1 = isStrict1 ? getObjectCloneStrict1 : getObjectCloneLoose1, handleCopy1 = function(value1, cache1) { if (!value1 || 'object' != typeof value1) return value1; if (cache1.has(value1)) return cache1.get(value1); var clone1, prototype1 = value1.__proto__ || getPrototypeOf1(value1), Constructor1 = prototype1 && prototype1.constructor; if (!Constructor1 || Constructor1 === realm1.Object) return getObjectClone1(value1, realm1, handleCopy1, cache1); if (isArray1(value1)) { if (isStrict1) return getObjectCloneStrict1(value1, realm1, handleCopy1, cache1); clone1 = new Constructor1(), cache1.set(value1, clone1); for(var index1 = 0, length_11 = value1.length; index1 < length_11; ++index1)clone1[index1] = handleCopy1(value1[index1], cache1); return clone1; } if (value1 instanceof realm1.Date) return new Constructor1(value1.getTime()); if (value1 instanceof realm1.RegExp) return (clone1 = new Constructor1(value1.source, value1.flags || getRegExpFlags1(value1))).lastIndex = value1.lastIndex, clone1; if (realm1.Map && value1 instanceof realm1.Map) return clone1 = new Constructor1(), cache1.set(value1, clone1), value1.forEach(function(value1, key1) { clone1.set(key1, handleCopy1(value1, cache1)); }), clone1; if (realm1.Set && value1 instanceof realm1.Set) return clone1 = new Constructor1(), cache1.set(value1, clone1), value1.forEach(function(value1) { clone1.add(handleCopy1(value1, cache1)); }), clone1; if (realm1.Blob && value1 instanceof realm1.Blob) return value1.slice(0, value1.size, value1.type); if (realm1.Buffer && realm1.Buffer.isBuffer(value1)) return clone1 = realm1.Buffer.allocUnsafe ? realm1.Buffer.allocUnsafe(value1.length) : new Constructor1(value1.length), cache1.set(value1, clone1), value1.copy(clone1), clone1; if (realm1.ArrayBuffer) { if (realm1.ArrayBuffer.isView(value1)) return clone1 = new Constructor1(value1.buffer.slice(0)), cache1.set(value1, clone1), clone1; if (value1 instanceof realm1.ArrayBuffer) return clone1 = value1.slice(0), cache1.set(value1, clone1), clone1; } return 'function' == typeof value1.then || value1 instanceof Error || realm1.WeakMap && value1 instanceof realm1.WeakMap || realm1.WeakSet && value1 instanceof realm1.WeakSet ? value1 : getObjectClone1(value1, realm1, handleCopy1, cache1); }; return handleCopy1(value1, createCache1()); } return copy1.default = copy1, copy1.strict = function(value1, options1) { return copy1(value1, { isStrict: !0, realm: options1 ? options1.realm : void 0 }); }, copy1; }); }, 4029: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var isCallable1 = __webpack_require__1(5320), toStr1 = Object.prototype.toString, hasOwnProperty1 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, forEachArray1 = function(array1, iterator1, receiver1) { for(var i2 = 0, len3 = array1.length; i2 < len3; i2++)hasOwnProperty1.call(array1, i2) && (null == receiver1 ? iterator1(array1[i2], i2, array1) : iterator1.call(receiver1, array1[i2], i2, array1)); }, forEachString1 = function(string1, iterator1, receiver1) { for(var i2 = 0, len3 = string1.length; i2 < len3; i2++)null == receiver1 ? iterator1(string1.charAt(i2), i2, string1) : iterator1.call(receiver1, string1.charAt(i2), i2, string1); }, forEachObject1 = function(object1, iterator1, receiver1) { for(var k3 in object1)hasOwnProperty1.call(object1, k3) && (null == receiver1 ? iterator1(object1[k3], k3, object1) : iterator1.call(receiver1, object1[k3], k3, object1)); }, forEach1 = function(list1, iterator1, thisArg1) { var receiver1; if (!isCallable1(iterator1)) throw TypeError('iterator must be a function'); arguments.length >= 3 && (receiver1 = thisArg1), '[object Array]' === toStr1.call(list1) ? forEachArray1(list1, iterator1, receiver1) : 'string' == typeof list1 ? forEachString1(list1, iterator1, receiver1) : forEachObject1(list1, iterator1, receiver1); }; module1.exports = forEach1; }, 7648: function(module1) { "use strict"; var ERROR_MESSAGE1 = 'Function.prototype.bind called on incompatible ', slice1 = Array.prototype.slice, toStr1 = Object.prototype.toString, funcType1 = '[object Function]'; module1.exports = function(that1) { var bound1, target1 = this; if ('function' != typeof target1 || toStr1.call(target1) !== funcType1) throw TypeError(ERROR_MESSAGE1 + target1); for(var args1 = slice1.call(arguments, 1), binder1 = function() { if (!(this instanceof bound1)) return target1.apply(that1, args1.concat(slice1.call(arguments))); var result1 = target1.apply(this, args1.concat(slice1.call(arguments))); return Object(result1) === result1 ? result1 : this; }, boundLength1 = Math.max(0, target1.length - args1.length), boundArgs1 = [], i2 = 0; i2 < boundLength1; i2++)boundArgs1.push('$' + i2); if (bound1 = Function('binder', 'return function (' + boundArgs1.join(',') + '){ return binder.apply(this,arguments); }')(binder1), target1.prototype) { var Empty1 = function() {}; Empty1.prototype = target1.prototype, bound1.prototype = new Empty1(), Empty1.prototype = null; } return bound1; }; }, 8612: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var implementation1 = __webpack_require__1(7648); module1.exports = Function.prototype.bind || implementation1; }, 4977: function(module1) { "use strict"; module1.exports = createRBTree1; var RED1 = 0, BLACK1 = 1; function RBNode1(color1, key1, value1, left1, right1, count1) { this._color = color1, this.key = key1, this.value = value1, this.left = left1, this.right = right1, this._count = count1; } function cloneNode1(node1) { return new RBNode1(node1._color, node1.key, node1.value, node1.left, node1.right, node1._count); } function repaint1(color1, node1) { return new RBNode1(color1, node1.key, node1.value, node1.left, node1.right, node1._count); } function recount1(node1) { node1._count = 1 + (node1.left ? node1.left._count : 0) + (node1.right ? node1.right._count : 0); } function RedBlackTree1(compare1, root1) { this._compare = compare1, this.root = root1; } var proto1 = RedBlackTree1.prototype; function doVisitFull1(visit1, node1) { if (node1.left) { var v3 = doVisitFull1(visit1, node1.left); if (v3) return v3; } var v3 = visit1(node1.key, node1.value); return v3 || (node1.right ? doVisitFull1(visit1, node1.right) : void 0); } function doVisitHalf1(lo1, compare1, visit1, node1) { if (0 >= compare1(lo1, node1.key)) { if (node1.left) { var v3 = doVisitHalf1(lo1, compare1, visit1, node1.left); if (v3) return v3; } var v3 = visit1(node1.key, node1.value); if (v3) return v3; } if (node1.right) return doVisitHalf1(lo1, compare1, visit1, node1.right); } function doVisit1(lo1, hi1, compare1, visit1, node1) { var v3, l1 = compare1(lo1, node1.key), h8 = compare1(hi1, node1.key); return l1 <= 0 && (node1.left && (v3 = doVisit1(lo1, hi1, compare1, visit1, node1.left)) || h8 > 0 && (v3 = visit1(node1.key, node1.value))) ? v3 : h8 > 0 && node1.right ? doVisit1(lo1, hi1, compare1, visit1, node1.right) : void 0; } function RedBlackTreeIterator1(tree1, stack1) { this.tree = tree1, this._stack = stack1; } Object.defineProperty(proto1, "keys", { get: function() { var result1 = []; return this.forEach(function(k3, v3) { result1.push(k3); }), result1; } }), Object.defineProperty(proto1, "values", { get: function() { var result1 = []; return this.forEach(function(k3, v3) { result1.push(v3); }), result1; } }), Object.defineProperty(proto1, "length", { get: function() { return this.root ? this.root._count : 0; } }), proto1.insert = function(key1, value1) { for(var cmp1 = this._compare, n2 = this.root, n_stack1 = [], d_stack1 = []; n2;){ var d3 = cmp1(key1, n2.key); n_stack1.push(n2), d_stack1.push(d3), n2 = d3 <= 0 ? n2.left : n2.right; } n_stack1.push(new RBNode1(RED1, key1, value1, null, null, 1)); for(var s3 = n_stack1.length - 2; s3 >= 0; --s3){ var n2 = n_stack1[s3]; d_stack1[s3] <= 0 ? n_stack1[s3] = new RBNode1(n2._color, n2.key, n2.value, n_stack1[s3 + 1], n2.right, n2._count + 1) : n_stack1[s3] = new RBNode1(n2._color, n2.key, n2.value, n2.left, n_stack1[s3 + 1], n2._count + 1); } for(var s3 = n_stack1.length - 1; s3 > 1; --s3){ var p3 = n_stack1[s3 - 1], n2 = n_stack1[s3]; if (p3._color === BLACK1 || n2._color === BLACK1) break; var pp1 = n_stack1[s3 - 2]; if (pp1.left === p3) { if (p3.left === n2) { var y3 = pp1.right; if (y3 && y3._color === RED1) p3._color = BLACK1, pp1.right = repaint1(BLACK1, y3), pp1._color = RED1, s3 -= 1; else { if (pp1._color = RED1, pp1.left = p3.right, p3._color = BLACK1, p3.right = pp1, n_stack1[s3 - 2] = p3, n_stack1[s3 - 1] = n2, recount1(pp1), recount1(p3), s3 >= 3) { var ppp1 = n_stack1[s3 - 3]; ppp1.left === pp1 ? ppp1.left = p3 : ppp1.right = p3; } break; } } else { var y3 = pp1.right; if (y3 && y3._color === RED1) p3._color = BLACK1, pp1.right = repaint1(BLACK1, y3), pp1._color = RED1, s3 -= 1; else { if (p3.right = n2.left, pp1._color = RED1, pp1.left = n2.right, n2._color = BLACK1, n2.left = p3, n2.right = pp1, n_stack1[s3 - 2] = n2, n_stack1[s3 - 1] = p3, recount1(pp1), recount1(p3), recount1(n2), s3 >= 3) { var ppp1 = n_stack1[s3 - 3]; ppp1.left === pp1 ? ppp1.left = n2 : ppp1.right = n2; } break; } } } else if (p3.right === n2) { var y3 = pp1.left; if (y3 && y3._color === RED1) p3._color = BLACK1, pp1.left = repaint1(BLACK1, y3), pp1._color = RED1, s3 -= 1; else { if (pp1._color = RED1, pp1.right = p3.left, p3._color = BLACK1, p3.left = pp1, n_stack1[s3 - 2] = p3, n_stack1[s3 - 1] = n2, recount1(pp1), recount1(p3), s3 >= 3) { var ppp1 = n_stack1[s3 - 3]; ppp1.right === pp1 ? ppp1.right = p3 : ppp1.left = p3; } break; } } else { var y3 = pp1.left; if (y3 && y3._color === RED1) p3._color = BLACK1, pp1.left = repaint1(BLACK1, y3), pp1._color = RED1, s3 -= 1; else { if (p3.left = n2.right, pp1._color = RED1, pp1.right = n2.left, n2._color = BLACK1, n2.right = p3, n2.left = pp1, n_stack1[s3 - 2] = n2, n_stack1[s3 - 1] = p3, recount1(pp1), recount1(p3), recount1(n2), s3 >= 3) { var ppp1 = n_stack1[s3 - 3]; ppp1.right === pp1 ? ppp1.right = n2 : ppp1.left = n2; } break; } } } return n_stack1[0]._color = BLACK1, new RedBlackTree1(cmp1, n_stack1[0]); }, proto1.forEach = function(visit1, lo1, hi1) { if (this.root) switch(arguments.length){ case 1: return doVisitFull1(visit1, this.root); case 2: return doVisitHalf1(lo1, this._compare, visit1, this.root); case 3: if (this._compare(lo1, hi1) >= 0) return; return doVisit1(lo1, hi1, this._compare, visit1, this.root); } }, Object.defineProperty(proto1, "begin", { get: function() { for(var stack1 = [], n2 = this.root; n2;)stack1.push(n2), n2 = n2.left; return new RedBlackTreeIterator1(this, stack1); } }), Object.defineProperty(proto1, "end", { get: function() { for(var stack1 = [], n2 = this.root; n2;)stack1.push(n2), n2 = n2.right; return new RedBlackTreeIterator1(this, stack1); } }), proto1.at = function(idx1) { if (idx1 < 0) return new RedBlackTreeIterator1(this, []); for(var n2 = this.root, stack1 = [];;){ if (stack1.push(n2), n2.left) { if (idx1 < n2.left._count) { n2 = n2.left; continue; } idx1 -= n2.left._count; } if (!idx1) return new RedBlackTreeIterator1(this, stack1); if (idx1 -= 1, n2.right) { if (idx1 >= n2.right._count) break; n2 = n2.right; } else break; } return new RedBlackTreeIterator1(this, []); }, proto1.ge = function(key1) { for(var cmp1 = this._compare, n2 = this.root, stack1 = [], last_ptr1 = 0; n2;){ var d3 = cmp1(key1, n2.key); stack1.push(n2), d3 <= 0 && (last_ptr1 = stack1.length), n2 = d3 <= 0 ? n2.left : n2.right; } return stack1.length = last_ptr1, new RedBlackTreeIterator1(this, stack1); }, proto1.gt = function(key1) { for(var cmp1 = this._compare, n2 = this.root, stack1 = [], last_ptr1 = 0; n2;){ var d3 = cmp1(key1, n2.key); stack1.push(n2), d3 < 0 && (last_ptr1 = stack1.length), n2 = d3 < 0 ? n2.left : n2.right; } return stack1.length = last_ptr1, new RedBlackTreeIterator1(this, stack1); }, proto1.lt = function(key1) { for(var cmp1 = this._compare, n2 = this.root, stack1 = [], last_ptr1 = 0; n2;){ var d3 = cmp1(key1, n2.key); stack1.push(n2), d3 > 0 && (last_ptr1 = stack1.length), n2 = d3 <= 0 ? n2.left : n2.right; } return stack1.length = last_ptr1, new RedBlackTreeIterator1(this, stack1); }, proto1.le = function(key1) { for(var cmp1 = this._compare, n2 = this.root, stack1 = [], last_ptr1 = 0; n2;){ var d3 = cmp1(key1, n2.key); stack1.push(n2), d3 >= 0 && (last_ptr1 = stack1.length), n2 = d3 < 0 ? n2.left : n2.right; } return stack1.length = last_ptr1, new RedBlackTreeIterator1(this, stack1); }, proto1.find = function(key1) { for(var cmp1 = this._compare, n2 = this.root, stack1 = []; n2;){ var d3 = cmp1(key1, n2.key); if (stack1.push(n2), 0 === d3) return new RedBlackTreeIterator1(this, stack1); n2 = d3 <= 0 ? n2.left : n2.right; } return new RedBlackTreeIterator1(this, []); }, proto1.remove = function(key1) { var iter1 = this.find(key1); return iter1 ? iter1.remove() : this; }, proto1.get = function(key1) { for(var cmp1 = this._compare, n2 = this.root; n2;){ var d3 = cmp1(key1, n2.key); if (0 === d3) return n2.value; n2 = d3 <= 0 ? n2.left : n2.right; } }; var iproto1 = RedBlackTreeIterator1.prototype; function swapNode1(n2, v3) { n2.key = v3.key, n2.value = v3.value, n2.left = v3.left, n2.right = v3.right, n2._color = v3._color, n2._count = v3._count; } function fixDoubleBlack1(stack1) { for(var n2, p3, s3, z1, i2 = stack1.length - 1; i2 >= 0; --i2){ if (n2 = stack1[i2], 0 === i2) { n2._color = BLACK1; return; } if ((p3 = stack1[i2 - 1]).left === n2) { if ((s3 = p3.right).right && s3.right._color === RED1) { if (z1 = (s3 = p3.right = cloneNode1(s3)).right = cloneNode1(s3.right), p3.right = s3.left, s3.left = p3, s3.right = z1, s3._color = p3._color, n2._color = BLACK1, p3._color = BLACK1, z1._color = BLACK1, recount1(p3), recount1(s3), i2 > 1) { var pp1 = stack1[i2 - 2]; pp1.left === p3 ? pp1.left = s3 : pp1.right = s3; } stack1[i2 - 1] = s3; return; } if (s3.left && s3.left._color === RED1) { if (z1 = (s3 = p3.right = cloneNode1(s3)).left = cloneNode1(s3.left), p3.right = z1.left, s3.left = z1.right, z1.left = p3, z1.right = s3, z1._color = p3._color, p3._color = BLACK1, s3._color = BLACK1, n2._color = BLACK1, recount1(p3), recount1(s3), recount1(z1), i2 > 1) { var pp1 = stack1[i2 - 2]; pp1.left === p3 ? pp1.left = z1 : pp1.right = z1; } stack1[i2 - 1] = z1; return; } if (s3._color === BLACK1) { if (p3._color === RED1) { p3._color = BLACK1, p3.right = repaint1(RED1, s3); return; } p3.right = repaint1(RED1, s3); continue; } if (s3 = cloneNode1(s3), p3.right = s3.left, s3.left = p3, s3._color = p3._color, p3._color = RED1, recount1(p3), recount1(s3), i2 > 1) { var pp1 = stack1[i2 - 2]; pp1.left === p3 ? pp1.left = s3 : pp1.right = s3; } stack1[i2 - 1] = s3, stack1[i2] = p3, i2 + 1 < stack1.length ? stack1[i2 + 1] = n2 : stack1.push(n2), i2 += 2; } else { if ((s3 = p3.left).left && s3.left._color === RED1) { if (z1 = (s3 = p3.left = cloneNode1(s3)).left = cloneNode1(s3.left), p3.left = s3.right, s3.right = p3, s3.left = z1, s3._color = p3._color, n2._color = BLACK1, p3._color = BLACK1, z1._color = BLACK1, recount1(p3), recount1(s3), i2 > 1) { var pp1 = stack1[i2 - 2]; pp1.right === p3 ? pp1.right = s3 : pp1.left = s3; } stack1[i2 - 1] = s3; return; } if (s3.right && s3.right._color === RED1) { if (z1 = (s3 = p3.left = cloneNode1(s3)).right = cloneNode1(s3.right), p3.left = z1.right, s3.right = z1.left, z1.right = p3, z1.left = s3, z1._color = p3._color, p3._color = BLACK1, s3._color = BLACK1, n2._color = BLACK1, recount1(p3), recount1(s3), recount1(z1), i2 > 1) { var pp1 = stack1[i2 - 2]; pp1.right === p3 ? pp1.right = z1 : pp1.left = z1; } stack1[i2 - 1] = z1; return; } if (s3._color === BLACK1) { if (p3._color === RED1) { p3._color = BLACK1, p3.left = repaint1(RED1, s3); return; } p3.left = repaint1(RED1, s3); continue; } if (s3 = cloneNode1(s3), p3.left = s3.right, s3.right = p3, s3._color = p3._color, p3._color = RED1, recount1(p3), recount1(s3), i2 > 1) { var pp1 = stack1[i2 - 2]; pp1.right === p3 ? pp1.right = s3 : pp1.left = s3; } stack1[i2 - 1] = s3, stack1[i2] = p3, i2 + 1 < stack1.length ? stack1[i2 + 1] = n2 : stack1.push(n2), i2 += 2; } } } function defaultCompare1(a10, b10) { return a10 < b10 ? -1 : a10 > b10 ? 1 : 0; } function createRBTree1(compare1) { return new RedBlackTree1(compare1 || defaultCompare1, null); } Object.defineProperty(iproto1, "valid", { get: function() { return this._stack.length > 0; } }), Object.defineProperty(iproto1, "node", { get: function() { return this._stack.length > 0 ? this._stack[this._stack.length - 1] : null; }, enumerable: !0 }), iproto1.clone = function() { return new RedBlackTreeIterator1(this.tree, this._stack.slice()); }, iproto1.remove = function() { var stack1 = this._stack; if (0 === stack1.length) return this.tree; var cstack1 = Array(stack1.length), n2 = stack1[stack1.length - 1]; cstack1[cstack1.length - 1] = new RBNode1(n2._color, n2.key, n2.value, n2.left, n2.right, n2._count); for(var i2 = stack1.length - 2; i2 >= 0; --i2){ var n2 = stack1[i2]; n2.left === stack1[i2 + 1] ? cstack1[i2] = new RBNode1(n2._color, n2.key, n2.value, cstack1[i2 + 1], n2.right, n2._count) : cstack1[i2] = new RBNode1(n2._color, n2.key, n2.value, n2.left, cstack1[i2 + 1], n2._count); } if ((n2 = cstack1[cstack1.length - 1]).left && n2.right) { var split1 = cstack1.length; for(n2 = n2.left; n2.right;)cstack1.push(n2), n2 = n2.right; var v3 = cstack1[split1 - 1]; cstack1.push(new RBNode1(n2._color, v3.key, v3.value, n2.left, n2.right, n2._count)), cstack1[split1 - 1].key = n2.key, cstack1[split1 - 1].value = n2.value; for(var i2 = cstack1.length - 2; i2 >= split1; --i2)n2 = cstack1[i2], cstack1[i2] = new RBNode1(n2._color, n2.key, n2.value, n2.left, cstack1[i2 + 1], n2._count); cstack1[split1 - 1].left = cstack1[split1]; } if ((n2 = cstack1[cstack1.length - 1])._color === RED1) { var p3 = cstack1[cstack1.length - 2]; p3.left === n2 ? p3.left = null : p3.right === n2 && (p3.right = null), cstack1.pop(); for(var i2 = 0; i2 < cstack1.length; ++i2)cstack1[i2]._count--; } else if (n2.left || n2.right) { n2.left ? swapNode1(n2, n2.left) : n2.right && swapNode1(n2, n2.right), n2._color = BLACK1; for(var i2 = 0; i2 < cstack1.length - 1; ++i2)cstack1[i2]._count--; } else { if (1 === cstack1.length) return new RedBlackTree1(this.tree._compare, null); for(var i2 = 0; i2 < cstack1.length; ++i2)cstack1[i2]._count--; var parent1 = cstack1[cstack1.length - 2]; fixDoubleBlack1(cstack1), parent1.left === n2 ? parent1.left = null : parent1.right = null; } return new RedBlackTree1(this.tree._compare, cstack1[0]); }, Object.defineProperty(iproto1, "key", { get: function() { if (this._stack.length > 0) return this._stack[this._stack.length - 1].key; }, enumerable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(iproto1, "value", { get: function() { if (this._stack.length > 0) return this._stack[this._stack.length - 1].value; }, enumerable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(iproto1, "index", { get: function() { var idx1 = 0, stack1 = this._stack; if (0 === stack1.length) { var r3 = this.tree.root; return r3 ? r3._count : 0; } stack1[stack1.length - 1].left && (idx1 = stack1[stack1.length - 1].left._count); for(var s3 = stack1.length - 2; s3 >= 0; --s3)stack1[s3 + 1] === stack1[s3].right && (++idx1, stack1[s3].left && (idx1 += stack1[s3].left._count)); return idx1; }, enumerable: !0 }), iproto1.next = function() { var stack1 = this._stack; if (0 !== stack1.length) { var n2 = stack1[stack1.length - 1]; if (n2.right) for(n2 = n2.right; n2;)stack1.push(n2), n2 = n2.left; else for(stack1.pop(); stack1.length > 0 && stack1[stack1.length - 1].right === n2;)n2 = stack1[stack1.length - 1], stack1.pop(); } }, Object.defineProperty(iproto1, "hasNext", { get: function() { var stack1 = this._stack; if (0 === stack1.length) return !1; if (stack1[stack1.length - 1].right) return !0; for(var s3 = stack1.length - 1; s3 > 0; --s3)if (stack1[s3 - 1].left === stack1[s3]) return !0; return !1; } }), iproto1.update = function(value1) { var stack1 = this._stack; if (0 === stack1.length) throw Error("Can't update empty node!"); var cstack1 = Array(stack1.length), n2 = stack1[stack1.length - 1]; cstack1[cstack1.length - 1] = new RBNode1(n2._color, n2.key, value1, n2.left, n2.right, n2._count); for(var i2 = stack1.length - 2; i2 >= 0; --i2)(n2 = stack1[i2]).left === stack1[i2 + 1] ? cstack1[i2] = new RBNode1(n2._color, n2.key, n2.value, cstack1[i2 + 1], n2.right, n2._count) : cstack1[i2] = new RBNode1(n2._color, n2.key, n2.value, n2.left, cstack1[i2 + 1], n2._count); return new RedBlackTree1(this.tree._compare, cstack1[0]); }, iproto1.prev = function() { var stack1 = this._stack; if (0 !== stack1.length) { var n2 = stack1[stack1.length - 1]; if (n2.left) for(n2 = n2.left; n2;)stack1.push(n2), n2 = n2.right; else for(stack1.pop(); stack1.length > 0 && stack1[stack1.length - 1].left === n2;)n2 = stack1[stack1.length - 1], stack1.pop(); } }, Object.defineProperty(iproto1, "hasPrev", { get: function() { var stack1 = this._stack; if (0 === stack1.length) return !1; if (stack1[stack1.length - 1].left) return !0; for(var s3 = stack1.length - 1; s3 > 0; --s3)if (stack1[s3 - 1].right === stack1[s3]) return !0; return !1; } }); }, 210: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var undefined1, $SyntaxError1 = SyntaxError, $Function1 = Function, $TypeError1 = TypeError, getEvalledConstructor1 = function(expressionSyntax1) { try { return $Function1('"use strict"; return (' + expressionSyntax1 + ').constructor;')(); } catch (e1) {} }, $gOPD1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; if ($gOPD1) try { $gOPD1({}, ''); } catch (e1) { $gOPD1 = null; } var throwTypeError1 = function() { throw new $TypeError1(); }, ThrowTypeError1 = $gOPD1 ? function() { try { return arguments.callee, throwTypeError1; } catch (calleeThrows1) { try { return $gOPD1(arguments, 'callee').get; } catch (gOPDthrows1) { return throwTypeError1; } } }() : throwTypeError1, hasSymbols1 = __webpack_require__1(1405)(), getProto1 = Object.getPrototypeOf || function(x3) { return x3.__proto__; }, needsEval1 = {}, TypedArray1 = 'undefined' == typeof Uint8Array ? undefined1 : getProto1(Uint8Array), INTRINSICS1 = { '%AggregateError%': 'undefined' == typeof AggregateError ? undefined1 : AggregateError, '%Array%': Array, '%ArrayBuffer%': 'undefined' == typeof ArrayBuffer ? undefined1 : ArrayBuffer, '%ArrayIteratorPrototype%': hasSymbols1 ? getProto1([][Symbol.iterator]()) : undefined1, '%AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%': undefined1, '%AsyncFunction%': needsEval1, '%AsyncGenerator%': needsEval1, '%AsyncGeneratorFunction%': needsEval1, '%AsyncIteratorPrototype%': needsEval1, '%Atomics%': 'undefined' == typeof Atomics ? undefined1 : Atomics, '%BigInt%': 'undefined' == typeof BigInt ? undefined1 : BigInt, '%Boolean%': Boolean, '%DataView%': 'undefined' == typeof DataView ? undefined1 : DataView, '%Date%': Date, '%decodeURI%': decodeURI, '%decodeURIComponent%': decodeURIComponent, '%encodeURI%': encodeURI, '%encodeURIComponent%': encodeURIComponent, '%Error%': Error, '%eval%': eval, '%EvalError%': EvalError, '%Float32Array%': 'undefined' == typeof Float32Array ? undefined1 : Float32Array, '%Float64Array%': 'undefined' == typeof Float64Array ? undefined1 : Float64Array, '%FinalizationRegistry%': 'undefined' == typeof FinalizationRegistry ? undefined1 : FinalizationRegistry, '%Function%': $Function1, '%GeneratorFunction%': needsEval1, '%Int8Array%': 'undefined' == typeof Int8Array ? undefined1 : Int8Array, '%Int16Array%': 'undefined' == typeof Int16Array ? undefined1 : Int16Array, '%Int32Array%': 'undefined' == typeof Int32Array ? undefined1 : Int32Array, '%isFinite%': isFinite, '%isNaN%': isNaN, '%IteratorPrototype%': hasSymbols1 ? getProto1(getProto1([][Symbol.iterator]())) : undefined1, '%JSON%': 'object' == typeof JSON ? JSON : undefined1, '%Map%': 'undefined' == typeof Map ? undefined1 : Map, '%MapIteratorPrototype%': 'undefined' != typeof Map && hasSymbols1 ? getProto1(new Map()[Symbol.iterator]()) : undefined1, '%Math%': Math, '%Number%': Number, '%Object%': Object, '%parseFloat%': parseFloat, '%parseInt%': parseInt, '%Promise%': 'undefined' == typeof Promise ? undefined1 : Promise, '%Proxy%': 'undefined' == typeof Proxy ? undefined1 : Proxy, '%RangeError%': RangeError, '%ReferenceError%': ReferenceError, '%Reflect%': 'undefined' == typeof Reflect ? undefined1 : Reflect, '%RegExp%': RegExp, '%Set%': 'undefined' == typeof Set ? undefined1 : Set, '%SetIteratorPrototype%': 'undefined' != typeof Set && hasSymbols1 ? getProto1(new Set()[Symbol.iterator]()) : undefined1, '%SharedArrayBuffer%': 'undefined' == typeof SharedArrayBuffer ? undefined1 : SharedArrayBuffer, '%String%': String, '%StringIteratorPrototype%': hasSymbols1 ? getProto1(''[Symbol.iterator]()) : undefined1, '%Symbol%': hasSymbols1 ? Symbol : undefined1, '%SyntaxError%': $SyntaxError1, '%ThrowTypeError%': ThrowTypeError1, '%TypedArray%': TypedArray1, '%TypeError%': $TypeError1, '%Uint8Array%': 'undefined' == typeof Uint8Array ? undefined1 : Uint8Array, '%Uint8ClampedArray%': 'undefined' == typeof Uint8ClampedArray ? undefined1 : Uint8ClampedArray, '%Uint16Array%': 'undefined' == typeof Uint16Array ? undefined1 : Uint16Array, '%Uint32Array%': 'undefined' == typeof Uint32Array ? undefined1 : Uint32Array, '%URIError%': URIError, '%WeakMap%': 'undefined' == typeof WeakMap ? undefined1 : WeakMap, '%WeakRef%': 'undefined' == typeof WeakRef ? undefined1 : WeakRef, '%WeakSet%': 'undefined' == typeof WeakSet ? undefined1 : WeakSet }, doEval1 = function doEval1(name1) { var value1; if ('%AsyncFunction%' === name1) value1 = getEvalledConstructor1('async function () {}'); else if ('%GeneratorFunction%' === name1) value1 = getEvalledConstructor1('function* () {}'); else if ('%AsyncGeneratorFunction%' === name1) value1 = getEvalledConstructor1('async function* () {}'); else if ('%AsyncGenerator%' === name1) { var fn1 = doEval1('%AsyncGeneratorFunction%'); fn1 && (value1 = fn1.prototype); } else if ('%AsyncIteratorPrototype%' === name1) { var gen1 = doEval1('%AsyncGenerator%'); gen1 && (value1 = getProto1(gen1.prototype)); } return INTRINSICS1[name1] = value1, value1; }, LEGACY_ALIASES1 = { '%ArrayBufferPrototype%': [ 'ArrayBuffer', 'prototype' ], '%ArrayPrototype%': [ 'Array', 'prototype' ], '%ArrayProto_entries%': [ 'Array', 'prototype', 'entries' ], '%ArrayProto_forEach%': [ 'Array', 'prototype', 'forEach' ], '%ArrayProto_keys%': [ 'Array', 'prototype', 'keys' ], '%ArrayProto_values%': [ 'Array', 'prototype', 'values' ], '%AsyncFunctionPrototype%': [ 'AsyncFunction', 'prototype' ], '%AsyncGenerator%': [ 'AsyncGeneratorFunction', 'prototype' ], '%AsyncGeneratorPrototype%': [ 'AsyncGeneratorFunction', 'prototype', 'prototype' ], '%BooleanPrototype%': [ 'Boolean', 'prototype' ], '%DataViewPrototype%': [ 'DataView', 'prototype' ], '%DatePrototype%': [ 'Date', 'prototype' ], '%ErrorPrototype%': [ 'Error', 'prototype' ], '%EvalErrorPrototype%': [ 'EvalError', 'prototype' ], '%Float32ArrayPrototype%': [ 'Float32Array', 'prototype' ], '%Float64ArrayPrototype%': [ 'Float64Array', 'prototype' ], '%FunctionPrototype%': [ 'Function', 'prototype' ], '%Generator%': [ 'GeneratorFunction', 'prototype' ], '%GeneratorPrototype%': [ 'GeneratorFunction', 'prototype', 'prototype' ], '%Int8ArrayPrototype%': [ 'Int8Array', 'prototype' ], '%Int16ArrayPrototype%': [ 'Int16Array', 'prototype' ], '%Int32ArrayPrototype%': [ 'Int32Array', 'prototype' ], '%JSONParse%': [ 'JSON', 'parse' ], '%JSONStringify%': [ 'JSON', 'stringify' ], '%MapPrototype%': [ 'Map', 'prototype' ], '%NumberPrototype%': [ 'Number', 'prototype' ], '%ObjectPrototype%': [ 'Object', 'prototype' ], '%ObjProto_toString%': [ 'Object', 'prototype', 'toString' ], '%ObjProto_valueOf%': [ 'Object', 'prototype', 'valueOf' ], '%PromisePrototype%': [ 'Promise', 'prototype' ], '%PromiseProto_then%': [ 'Promise', 'prototype', 'then' ], '%Promise_all%': [ 'Promise', 'all' ], '%Promise_reject%': [ 'Promise', 'reject' ], '%Promise_resolve%': [ 'Promise', 'resolve' ], '%RangeErrorPrototype%': [ 'RangeError', 'prototype' ], '%ReferenceErrorPrototype%': [ 'ReferenceError', 'prototype' ], '%RegExpPrototype%': [ 'RegExp', 'prototype' ], '%SetPrototype%': [ 'Set', 'prototype' ], '%SharedArrayBufferPrototype%': [ 'SharedArrayBuffer', 'prototype' ], '%StringPrototype%': [ 'String', 'prototype' ], '%SymbolPrototype%': [ 'Symbol', 'prototype' ], '%SyntaxErrorPrototype%': [ 'SyntaxError', 'prototype' ], '%TypedArrayPrototype%': [ 'TypedArray', 'prototype' ], '%TypeErrorPrototype%': [ 'TypeError', 'prototype' ], '%Uint8ArrayPrototype%': [ 'Uint8Array', 'prototype' ], '%Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype%': [ 'Uint8ClampedArray', 'prototype' ], '%Uint16ArrayPrototype%': [ 'Uint16Array', 'prototype' ], '%Uint32ArrayPrototype%': [ 'Uint32Array', 'prototype' ], '%URIErrorPrototype%': [ 'URIError', 'prototype' ], '%WeakMapPrototype%': [ 'WeakMap', 'prototype' ], '%WeakSetPrototype%': [ 'WeakSet', 'prototype' ] }, bind1 = __webpack_require__1(8612), hasOwn1 = __webpack_require__1(7642), $concat1 = bind1.call(Function.call, Array.prototype.concat), $spliceApply1 = bind1.call(Function.apply, Array.prototype.splice), $replace1 = bind1.call(Function.call, String.prototype.replace), $strSlice1 = bind1.call(Function.call, String.prototype.slice), $exec1 = bind1.call(Function.call, RegExp.prototype.exec), rePropName1 = /[^%.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|%$))/g, reEscapeChar1 = /\\(\\)?/g, stringToPath1 = function(string1) { var first1 = $strSlice1(string1, 0, 1), last1 = $strSlice1(string1, -1); if ('%' === first1 && '%' !== last1) throw new $SyntaxError1('invalid intrinsic syntax, expected closing `%`'); if ('%' === last1 && '%' !== first1) throw new $SyntaxError1('invalid intrinsic syntax, expected opening `%`'); var result1 = []; return $replace1(string1, rePropName1, function(match1, number1, quote1, subString1) { result1[result1.length] = quote1 ? $replace1(subString1, reEscapeChar1, '$1') : number1 || match1; }), result1; }, getBaseIntrinsic1 = function(name1, allowMissing1) { var alias1, intrinsicName1 = name1; if (hasOwn1(LEGACY_ALIASES1, intrinsicName1) && (intrinsicName1 = '%' + (alias1 = LEGACY_ALIASES1[intrinsicName1])[0] + '%'), hasOwn1(INTRINSICS1, intrinsicName1)) { var value1 = INTRINSICS1[intrinsicName1]; if (value1 === needsEval1 && (value1 = doEval1(intrinsicName1)), void 0 === value1 && !allowMissing1) throw new $TypeError1('intrinsic ' + name1 + ' exists, but is not available. Please file an issue!'); return { alias: alias1, name: intrinsicName1, value: value1 }; } throw new $SyntaxError1('intrinsic ' + name1 + ' does not exist!'); }; module1.exports = function(name1, allowMissing1) { if ('string' != typeof name1 || 0 === name1.length) throw new $TypeError1('intrinsic name must be a non-empty string'); if (arguments.length > 1 && 'boolean' != typeof allowMissing1) throw new $TypeError1('"allowMissing" argument must be a boolean'); if (null === $exec1(/^%?[^%]*%?$/g, name1)) throw new $SyntaxError1('`%` may not be present anywhere but at the beginning and end of the intrinsic name'); var parts1 = stringToPath1(name1), intrinsicBaseName1 = parts1.length > 0 ? parts1[0] : '', intrinsic1 = getBaseIntrinsic1('%' + intrinsicBaseName1 + '%', allowMissing1), intrinsicRealName1 = intrinsic1.name, value1 = intrinsic1.value, skipFurtherCaching1 = !1, alias1 = intrinsic1.alias; alias1 && (intrinsicBaseName1 = alias1[0], $spliceApply1(parts1, $concat1([ 0, 1 ], alias1))); for(var i2 = 1, isOwn1 = !0; i2 < parts1.length; i2 += 1){ var part1 = parts1[i2], first1 = $strSlice1(part1, 0, 1), last1 = $strSlice1(part1, -1); if (('"' === first1 || "'" === first1 || '`' === first1 || '"' === last1 || "'" === last1 || '`' === last1) && first1 !== last1) throw new $SyntaxError1('property names with quotes must have matching quotes'); if ('constructor' !== part1 && isOwn1 || (skipFurtherCaching1 = !0), intrinsicBaseName1 += '.' + part1, hasOwn1(INTRINSICS1, intrinsicRealName1 = '%' + intrinsicBaseName1 + '%')) value1 = INTRINSICS1[intrinsicRealName1]; else if (null != value1) { if (!(part1 in value1)) { if (!allowMissing1) throw new $TypeError1('base intrinsic for ' + name1 + ' exists, but the property is not available.'); return; } if ($gOPD1 && i2 + 1 >= parts1.length) { var desc1 = $gOPD1(value1, part1); value1 = (isOwn1 = !!desc1) && 'get' in desc1 && !('originalValue' in desc1.get) ? desc1.get : value1[part1]; } else isOwn1 = hasOwn1(value1, part1), value1 = value1[part1]; isOwn1 && !skipFurtherCaching1 && (INTRINSICS1[intrinsicRealName1] = value1); } } return value1; }; }, 1405: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var origSymbol1 = 'undefined' != typeof Symbol && Symbol, hasSymbolSham1 = __webpack_require__1(5419); module1.exports = function() { return 'function' == typeof origSymbol1 && 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' == typeof origSymbol1('foo') && 'symbol' == typeof Symbol('bar') && hasSymbolSham1(); }; }, 5419: function(module1) { "use strict"; module1.exports = function() { if ('function' != typeof Symbol || 'function' != typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) return !1; if ('symbol' == typeof Symbol.iterator) return !0; var obj1 = {}, sym1 = Symbol('test'), symObj1 = Object(sym1); if ('string' == typeof sym1 || '[object Symbol]' !== Object.prototype.toString.call(sym1) || '[object Symbol]' !== Object.prototype.toString.call(symObj1)) return !1; var symVal1 = 42; for(sym1 in obj1[sym1] = symVal1, obj1)return !1; if ('function' == typeof Object.keys && 0 !== Object.keys(obj1).length || 'function' == typeof Object.getOwnPropertyNames && 0 !== Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj1).length) return !1; var syms1 = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(obj1); if (1 !== syms1.length || syms1[0] !== sym1 || !Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(obj1, sym1)) return !1; if ('function' == typeof Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor) { var descriptor1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj1, sym1); if (descriptor1.value !== symVal1 || !0 !== descriptor1.enumerable) return !1; } return !0; }; }, 6410: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var hasSymbols1 = __webpack_require__1(5419); module1.exports = function() { return hasSymbols1() && !!Symbol.toStringTag; }; }, 7642: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var bind1 = __webpack_require__1(8612); module1.exports = bind1.call(Function.call, Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty); }, 3715: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var hash1 = exports1; hash1.utils = __webpack_require__1(6436), hash1.common = __webpack_require__1(5772), hash1.sha = __webpack_require__1(9041), hash1.ripemd = __webpack_require__1(2949), hash1.hmac = __webpack_require__1(2344), hash1.sha1 = hash1.sha.sha1, hash1.sha256 = hash1.sha.sha256, hash1.sha224 = hash1.sha.sha224, hash1.sha384 = hash1.sha.sha384, hash1.sha512 = hash1.sha.sha512, hash1.ripemd160 = hash1.ripemd.ripemd160; }, 5772: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = __webpack_require__1(6436), assert1 = __webpack_require__1(9746); function BlockHash1() { this.pending = null, this.pendingTotal = 0, this.blockSize = this.constructor.blockSize, this.outSize = this.constructor.outSize, this.hmacStrength = this.constructor.hmacStrength, this.padLength = this.constructor.padLength / 8, this.endian = 'big', this._delta8 = this.blockSize / 8, this._delta32 = this.blockSize / 32; } exports1.BlockHash = BlockHash1, BlockHash1.prototype.update = function(msg1, enc1) { if (msg1 = utils1.toArray(msg1, enc1), this.pending ? this.pending = this.pending.concat(msg1) : this.pending = msg1, this.pendingTotal += msg1.length, this.pending.length >= this._delta8) { var r3 = (msg1 = this.pending).length % this._delta8; this.pending = msg1.slice(msg1.length - r3, msg1.length), 0 === this.pending.length && (this.pending = null), msg1 = utils1.join32(msg1, 0, msg1.length - r3, this.endian); for(var i2 = 0; i2 < msg1.length; i2 += this._delta32)this._update(msg1, i2, i2 + this._delta32); } return this; }, BlockHash1.prototype.digest = function(enc1) { return this.update(this._pad()), assert1(null === this.pending), this._digest(enc1); }, BlockHash1.prototype._pad = function() { var len3 = this.pendingTotal, bytes1 = this._delta8, k3 = bytes1 - (len3 + this.padLength) % bytes1, res1 = Array(k3 + this.padLength); res1[0] = 0x80; for(var i2 = 1; i2 < k3; i2++)res1[i2] = 0; if (len3 <<= 3, 'big' === this.endian) { for(var t3 = 8; t3 < this.padLength; t3++)res1[i2++] = 0; res1[i2++] = 0, res1[i2++] = 0, res1[i2++] = 0, res1[i2++] = 0, res1[i2++] = len3 >>> 24 & 0xff, res1[i2++] = len3 >>> 16 & 0xff, res1[i2++] = len3 >>> 8 & 0xff, res1[i2++] = 0xff & len3; } else for(t3 = 8, res1[i2++] = 0xff & len3, res1[i2++] = len3 >>> 8 & 0xff, res1[i2++] = len3 >>> 16 & 0xff, res1[i2++] = len3 >>> 24 & 0xff, res1[i2++] = 0, res1[i2++] = 0, res1[i2++] = 0, res1[i2++] = 0; t3 < this.padLength; t3++)res1[i2++] = 0; return res1; }; }, 2344: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = __webpack_require__1(6436), assert1 = __webpack_require__1(9746); function Hmac1(hash1, key1, enc1) { if (!(this instanceof Hmac1)) return new Hmac1(hash1, key1, enc1); this.Hash = hash1, this.blockSize = hash1.blockSize / 8, this.outSize = hash1.outSize / 8, this.inner = null, this.outer = null, this._init(utils1.toArray(key1, enc1)); } module1.exports = Hmac1, Hmac1.prototype._init = function(key1) { key1.length > this.blockSize && (key1 = new this.Hash().update(key1).digest()), assert1(key1.length <= this.blockSize); for(var i2 = key1.length; i2 < this.blockSize; i2++)key1.push(0); for(i2 = 0; i2 < key1.length; i2++)key1[i2] ^= 0x36; for(i2 = 0, this.inner = new this.Hash().update(key1); i2 < key1.length; i2++)key1[i2] ^= 0x6a; this.outer = new this.Hash().update(key1); }, Hmac1.prototype.update = function(msg1, enc1) { return this.inner.update(msg1, enc1), this; }, Hmac1.prototype.digest = function(enc1) { return this.outer.update(this.inner.digest()), this.outer.digest(enc1); }; }, 2949: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = __webpack_require__1(6436), common1 = __webpack_require__1(5772), rotl321 = utils1.rotl32, sum321 = utils1.sum32, sum32_31 = utils1.sum32_3, sum32_41 = utils1.sum32_4, BlockHash1 = common1.BlockHash; function RIPEMD1601() { if (!(this instanceof RIPEMD1601)) return new RIPEMD1601(); BlockHash1.call(this), this.h = [ 0x67452301, 0xefcdab89, 0x98badcfe, 0x10325476, 0xc3d2e1f0 ], this.endian = 'little'; } function f1(j1, x3, y3, z1) { return j1 <= 15 ? x3 ^ y3 ^ z1 : j1 <= 31 ? x3 & y3 | ~x3 & z1 : j1 <= 47 ? (x3 | ~y3) ^ z1 : j1 <= 63 ? x3 & z1 | y3 & ~z1 : x3 ^ (y3 | ~z1); } function K1(j1) { return j1 <= 15 ? 0x00000000 : j1 <= 31 ? 0x5a827999 : j1 <= 47 ? 0x6ed9eba1 : j1 <= 63 ? 0x8f1bbcdc : 0xa953fd4e; } function Kh1(j1) { return j1 <= 15 ? 0x50a28be6 : j1 <= 31 ? 0x5c4dd124 : j1 <= 47 ? 0x6d703ef3 : j1 <= 63 ? 0x7a6d76e9 : 0x00000000; } utils1.inherits(RIPEMD1601, BlockHash1), exports1.ripemd160 = RIPEMD1601, RIPEMD1601.blockSize = 512, RIPEMD1601.outSize = 160, RIPEMD1601.hmacStrength = 192, RIPEMD1601.padLength = 64, RIPEMD1601.prototype._update = function(msg1, start1) { for(var A1 = this.h[0], B1 = this.h[1], C1 = this.h[2], D1 = this.h[3], E1 = this.h[4], Ah1 = A1, Bh1 = B1, Ch1 = C1, Dh1 = D1, Eh1 = E1, j1 = 0; j1 < 80; j1++){ var T3 = sum321(rotl321(sum32_41(A1, f1(j1, B1, C1, D1), msg1[r3[j1] + start1], K1(j1)), s3[j1]), E1); A1 = E1, E1 = D1, D1 = rotl321(C1, 10), C1 = B1, B1 = T3, T3 = sum321(rotl321(sum32_41(Ah1, f1(79 - j1, Bh1, Ch1, Dh1), msg1[rh1[j1] + start1], Kh1(j1)), sh1[j1]), Eh1), Ah1 = Eh1, Eh1 = Dh1, Dh1 = rotl321(Ch1, 10), Ch1 = Bh1, Bh1 = T3; } T3 = sum32_31(this.h[1], C1, Dh1), this.h[1] = sum32_31(this.h[2], D1, Eh1), this.h[2] = sum32_31(this.h[3], E1, Ah1), this.h[3] = sum32_31(this.h[4], A1, Bh1), this.h[4] = sum32_31(this.h[0], B1, Ch1), this.h[0] = T3; }, RIPEMD1601.prototype._digest = function(enc1) { return 'hex' === enc1 ? utils1.toHex32(this.h, 'little') : utils1.split32(this.h, 'little'); }; var r3 = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 7, 4, 13, 1, 10, 6, 15, 3, 12, 0, 9, 5, 2, 14, 11, 8, 3, 10, 14, 4, 9, 15, 8, 1, 2, 7, 0, 6, 13, 11, 5, 12, 1, 9, 11, 10, 0, 8, 12, 4, 13, 3, 7, 15, 14, 5, 6, 2, 4, 0, 5, 9, 7, 12, 2, 10, 14, 1, 3, 8, 11, 6, 15, 13 ], rh1 = [ 5, 14, 7, 0, 9, 2, 11, 4, 13, 6, 15, 8, 1, 10, 3, 12, 6, 11, 3, 7, 0, 13, 5, 10, 14, 15, 8, 12, 4, 9, 1, 2, 15, 5, 1, 3, 7, 14, 6, 9, 11, 8, 12, 2, 10, 0, 4, 13, 8, 6, 4, 1, 3, 11, 15, 0, 5, 12, 2, 13, 9, 7, 10, 14, 12, 15, 10, 4, 1, 5, 8, 7, 6, 2, 13, 14, 0, 3, 9, 11 ], s3 = [ 11, 14, 15, 12, 5, 8, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 9, 8, 7, 6, 8, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 7, 12, 15, 9, 11, 7, 13, 12, 11, 13, 6, 7, 14, 9, 13, 15, 14, 8, 13, 6, 5, 12, 7, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 14, 15, 9, 8, 9, 14, 5, 6, 8, 6, 5, 12, 9, 15, 5, 11, 6, 8, 13, 12, 5, 12, 13, 14, 11, 8, 5, 6 ], sh1 = [ 8, 9, 9, 11, 13, 15, 15, 5, 7, 7, 8, 11, 14, 14, 12, 6, 9, 13, 15, 7, 12, 8, 9, 11, 7, 7, 12, 7, 6, 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 11, 8, 6, 6, 14, 12, 13, 5, 14, 13, 13, 7, 5, 15, 5, 8, 11, 14, 14, 6, 14, 6, 9, 12, 9, 12, 5, 15, 8, 8, 5, 12, 9, 12, 5, 14, 6, 8, 13, 6, 5, 15, 13, 11, 11 ]; }, 9041: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; exports1.sha1 = __webpack_require__1(4761), exports1.sha224 = __webpack_require__1(799), exports1.sha256 = __webpack_require__1(9344), exports1.sha384 = __webpack_require__1(772), exports1.sha512 = __webpack_require__1(5900); }, 4761: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = __webpack_require__1(6436), common1 = __webpack_require__1(5772), shaCommon1 = __webpack_require__1(7038), rotl321 = utils1.rotl32, sum321 = utils1.sum32, sum32_51 = utils1.sum32_5, ft_11 = shaCommon1.ft_1, BlockHash1 = common1.BlockHash, sha1_K1 = [ 0x5A827999, 0x6ED9EBA1, 0x8F1BBCDC, 0xCA62C1D6 ]; function SHA11() { if (!(this instanceof SHA11)) return new SHA11(); BlockHash1.call(this), this.h = [ 0x67452301, 0xefcdab89, 0x98badcfe, 0x10325476, 0xc3d2e1f0 ], this.W = Array(80); } utils1.inherits(SHA11, BlockHash1), module1.exports = SHA11, SHA11.blockSize = 512, SHA11.outSize = 160, SHA11.hmacStrength = 80, SHA11.padLength = 64, SHA11.prototype._update = function(msg1, start1) { for(var W1 = this.W, i2 = 0; i2 < 16; i2++)W1[i2] = msg1[start1 + i2]; for(; i2 < W1.length; i2++)W1[i2] = rotl321(W1[i2 - 3] ^ W1[i2 - 8] ^ W1[i2 - 14] ^ W1[i2 - 16], 1); var a10 = this.h[0], b10 = this.h[1], c5 = this.h[2], d3 = this.h[3], e1 = this.h[4]; for(i2 = 0; i2 < W1.length; i2++){ var s3 = ~~(i2 / 20), t3 = sum32_51(rotl321(a10, 5), ft_11(s3, b10, c5, d3), e1, W1[i2], sha1_K1[s3]); e1 = d3, d3 = c5, c5 = rotl321(b10, 30), b10 = a10, a10 = t3; } this.h[0] = sum321(this.h[0], a10), this.h[1] = sum321(this.h[1], b10), this.h[2] = sum321(this.h[2], c5), this.h[3] = sum321(this.h[3], d3), this.h[4] = sum321(this.h[4], e1); }, SHA11.prototype._digest = function(enc1) { return 'hex' === enc1 ? utils1.toHex32(this.h, 'big') : utils1.split32(this.h, 'big'); }; }, 799: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = __webpack_require__1(6436), SHA2561 = __webpack_require__1(9344); function SHA2241() { if (!(this instanceof SHA2241)) return new SHA2241(); SHA2561.call(this), this.h = [ 0xc1059ed8, 0x367cd507, 0x3070dd17, 0xf70e5939, 0xffc00b31, 0x68581511, 0x64f98fa7, 0xbefa4fa4 ]; } utils1.inherits(SHA2241, SHA2561), module1.exports = SHA2241, SHA2241.blockSize = 512, SHA2241.outSize = 224, SHA2241.hmacStrength = 192, SHA2241.padLength = 64, SHA2241.prototype._digest = function(enc1) { return 'hex' === enc1 ? utils1.toHex32(this.h.slice(0, 7), 'big') : utils1.split32(this.h.slice(0, 7), 'big'); }; }, 9344: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = __webpack_require__1(6436), common1 = __webpack_require__1(5772), shaCommon1 = __webpack_require__1(7038), assert1 = __webpack_require__1(9746), sum321 = utils1.sum32, sum32_41 = utils1.sum32_4, sum32_51 = utils1.sum32_5, ch321 = shaCommon1.ch32, maj321 = shaCommon1.maj32, s0_2561 = shaCommon1.s0_256, s1_2561 = shaCommon1.s1_256, g0_2561 = shaCommon1.g0_256, g1_2561 = shaCommon1.g1_256, BlockHash1 = common1.BlockHash, sha256_K1 = [ 0x428a2f98, 0x71374491, 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xe9b5dba5, 0x3956c25b, 0x59f111f1, 0x923f82a4, 0xab1c5ed5, 0xd807aa98, 0x12835b01, 0x243185be, 0x550c7dc3, 0x72be5d74, 0x80deb1fe, 0x9bdc06a7, 0xc19bf174, 0xe49b69c1, 0xefbe4786, 0x0fc19dc6, 0x240ca1cc, 0x2de92c6f, 0x4a7484aa, 0x5cb0a9dc, 0x76f988da, 0x983e5152, 0xa831c66d, 0xb00327c8, 0xbf597fc7, 0xc6e00bf3, 0xd5a79147, 0x06ca6351, 0x14292967, 0x27b70a85, 0x2e1b2138, 0x4d2c6dfc, 0x53380d13, 0x650a7354, 0x766a0abb, 0x81c2c92e, 0x92722c85, 0xa2bfe8a1, 0xa81a664b, 0xc24b8b70, 0xc76c51a3, 0xd192e819, 0xd6990624, 0xf40e3585, 0x106aa070, 0x19a4c116, 0x1e376c08, 0x2748774c, 0x34b0bcb5, 0x391c0cb3, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0x5b9cca4f, 0x682e6ff3, 0x748f82ee, 0x78a5636f, 0x84c87814, 0x8cc70208, 0x90befffa, 0xa4506ceb, 0xbef9a3f7, 0xc67178f2 ]; function SHA2561() { if (!(this instanceof SHA2561)) return new SHA2561(); BlockHash1.call(this), this.h = [ 0x6a09e667, 0xbb67ae85, 0x3c6ef372, 0xa54ff53a, 0x510e527f, 0x9b05688c, 0x1f83d9ab, 0x5be0cd19 ], this.k = sha256_K1, this.W = Array(64); } utils1.inherits(SHA2561, BlockHash1), module1.exports = SHA2561, SHA2561.blockSize = 512, SHA2561.outSize = 256, SHA2561.hmacStrength = 192, SHA2561.padLength = 64, SHA2561.prototype._update = function(msg1, start1) { for(var W1 = this.W, i2 = 0; i2 < 16; i2++)W1[i2] = msg1[start1 + i2]; for(; i2 < W1.length; i2++)W1[i2] = sum32_41(g1_2561(W1[i2 - 2]), W1[i2 - 7], g0_2561(W1[i2 - 15]), W1[i2 - 16]); var a10 = this.h[0], b10 = this.h[1], c5 = this.h[2], d3 = this.h[3], e1 = this.h[4], f1 = this.h[5], g3 = this.h[6], h8 = this.h[7]; for(assert1(this.k.length === W1.length), i2 = 0; i2 < W1.length; i2++){ var T11 = sum32_51(h8, s1_2561(e1), ch321(e1, f1, g3), this.k[i2], W1[i2]), T21 = sum321(s0_2561(a10), maj321(a10, b10, c5)); h8 = g3, g3 = f1, f1 = e1, e1 = sum321(d3, T11), d3 = c5, c5 = b10, b10 = a10, a10 = sum321(T11, T21); } this.h[0] = sum321(this.h[0], a10), this.h[1] = sum321(this.h[1], b10), this.h[2] = sum321(this.h[2], c5), this.h[3] = sum321(this.h[3], d3), this.h[4] = sum321(this.h[4], e1), this.h[5] = sum321(this.h[5], f1), this.h[6] = sum321(this.h[6], g3), this.h[7] = sum321(this.h[7], h8); }, SHA2561.prototype._digest = function(enc1) { return 'hex' === enc1 ? utils1.toHex32(this.h, 'big') : utils1.split32(this.h, 'big'); }; }, 772: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = __webpack_require__1(6436), SHA5121 = __webpack_require__1(5900); function SHA3841() { if (!(this instanceof SHA3841)) return new SHA3841(); SHA5121.call(this), this.h = [ 0xcbbb9d5d, 0xc1059ed8, 0x629a292a, 0x367cd507, 0x9159015a, 0x3070dd17, 0x152fecd8, 0xf70e5939, 0x67332667, 0xffc00b31, 0x8eb44a87, 0x68581511, 0xdb0c2e0d, 0x64f98fa7, 0x47b5481d, 0xbefa4fa4 ]; } utils1.inherits(SHA3841, SHA5121), module1.exports = SHA3841, SHA3841.blockSize = 1024, SHA3841.outSize = 384, SHA3841.hmacStrength = 192, SHA3841.padLength = 128, SHA3841.prototype._digest = function(enc1) { return 'hex' === enc1 ? utils1.toHex32(this.h.slice(0, 12), 'big') : utils1.split32(this.h.slice(0, 12), 'big'); }; }, 5900: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = __webpack_require__1(6436), common1 = __webpack_require__1(5772), assert1 = __webpack_require__1(9746), rotr64_hi1 = utils1.rotr64_hi, rotr64_lo1 = utils1.rotr64_lo, shr64_hi1 = utils1.shr64_hi, shr64_lo1 = utils1.shr64_lo, sum641 = utils1.sum64, sum64_hi1 = utils1.sum64_hi, sum64_lo1 = utils1.sum64_lo, sum64_4_hi1 = utils1.sum64_4_hi, sum64_4_lo1 = utils1.sum64_4_lo, sum64_5_hi1 = utils1.sum64_5_hi, sum64_5_lo1 = utils1.sum64_5_lo, BlockHash1 = common1.BlockHash, sha512_K1 = [ 0x428a2f98, 0xd728ae22, 0x71374491, 0x23ef65cd, 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xec4d3b2f, 0xe9b5dba5, 0x8189dbbc, 0x3956c25b, 0xf348b538, 0x59f111f1, 0xb605d019, 0x923f82a4, 0xaf194f9b, 0xab1c5ed5, 0xda6d8118, 0xd807aa98, 0xa3030242, 0x12835b01, 0x45706fbe, 0x243185be, 0x4ee4b28c, 0x550c7dc3, 0xd5ffb4e2, 0x72be5d74, 0xf27b896f, 0x80deb1fe, 0x3b1696b1, 0x9bdc06a7, 0x25c71235, 0xc19bf174, 0xcf692694, 0xe49b69c1, 0x9ef14ad2, 0xefbe4786, 0x384f25e3, 0x0fc19dc6, 0x8b8cd5b5, 0x240ca1cc, 0x77ac9c65, 0x2de92c6f, 0x592b0275, 0x4a7484aa, 0x6ea6e483, 0x5cb0a9dc, 0xbd41fbd4, 0x76f988da, 0x831153b5, 0x983e5152, 0xee66dfab, 0xa831c66d, 0x2db43210, 0xb00327c8, 0x98fb213f, 0xbf597fc7, 0xbeef0ee4, 0xc6e00bf3, 0x3da88fc2, 0xd5a79147, 0x930aa725, 0x06ca6351, 0xe003826f, 0x14292967, 0x0a0e6e70, 0x27b70a85, 0x46d22ffc, 0x2e1b2138, 0x5c26c926, 0x4d2c6dfc, 0x5ac42aed, 0x53380d13, 0x9d95b3df, 0x650a7354, 0x8baf63de, 0x766a0abb, 0x3c77b2a8, 0x81c2c92e, 0x47edaee6, 0x92722c85, 0x1482353b, 0xa2bfe8a1, 0x4cf10364, 0xa81a664b, 0xbc423001, 0xc24b8b70, 0xd0f89791, 0xc76c51a3, 0x0654be30, 0xd192e819, 0xd6ef5218, 0xd6990624, 0x5565a910, 0xf40e3585, 0x5771202a, 0x106aa070, 0x32bbd1b8, 0x19a4c116, 0xb8d2d0c8, 0x1e376c08, 0x5141ab53, 0x2748774c, 0xdf8eeb99, 0x34b0bcb5, 0xe19b48a8, 0x391c0cb3, 0xc5c95a63, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0xe3418acb, 0x5b9cca4f, 0x7763e373, 0x682e6ff3, 0xd6b2b8a3, 0x748f82ee, 0x5defb2fc, 0x78a5636f, 0x43172f60, 0x84c87814, 0xa1f0ab72, 0x8cc70208, 0x1a6439ec, 0x90befffa, 0x23631e28, 0xa4506ceb, 0xde82bde9, 0xbef9a3f7, 0xb2c67915, 0xc67178f2, 0xe372532b, 0xca273ece, 0xea26619c, 0xd186b8c7, 0x21c0c207, 0xeada7dd6, 0xcde0eb1e, 0xf57d4f7f, 0xee6ed178, 0x06f067aa, 0x72176fba, 0x0a637dc5, 0xa2c898a6, 0x113f9804, 0xbef90dae, 0x1b710b35, 0x131c471b, 0x28db77f5, 0x23047d84, 0x32caab7b, 0x40c72493, 0x3c9ebe0a, 0x15c9bebc, 0x431d67c4, 0x9c100d4c, 0x4cc5d4be, 0xcb3e42b6, 0x597f299c, 0xfc657e2a, 0x5fcb6fab, 0x3ad6faec, 0x6c44198c, 0x4a475817 ]; function SHA5121() { if (!(this instanceof SHA5121)) return new SHA5121(); BlockHash1.call(this), this.h = [ 0x6a09e667, 0xf3bcc908, 0xbb67ae85, 0x84caa73b, 0x3c6ef372, 0xfe94f82b, 0xa54ff53a, 0x5f1d36f1, 0x510e527f, 0xade682d1, 0x9b05688c, 0x2b3e6c1f, 0x1f83d9ab, 0xfb41bd6b, 0x5be0cd19, 0x137e2179 ], this.k = sha512_K1, this.W = Array(160); } function ch64_hi1(xh1, xl1, yh1, yl1, zh1) { var r3 = xh1 & yh1 ^ ~xh1 & zh1; return r3 < 0 && (r3 += 0x100000000), r3; } function ch64_lo1(xh1, xl1, yh1, yl1, zh1, zl1) { var r3 = xl1 & yl1 ^ ~xl1 & zl1; return r3 < 0 && (r3 += 0x100000000), r3; } function maj64_hi1(xh1, xl1, yh1, yl1, zh1) { var r3 = xh1 & yh1 ^ xh1 & zh1 ^ yh1 & zh1; return r3 < 0 && (r3 += 0x100000000), r3; } function maj64_lo1(xh1, xl1, yh1, yl1, zh1, zl1) { var r3 = xl1 & yl1 ^ xl1 & zl1 ^ yl1 & zl1; return r3 < 0 && (r3 += 0x100000000), r3; } function s0_512_hi1(xh1, xl1) { var r3 = rotr64_hi1(xh1, xl1, 28) ^ rotr64_hi1(xl1, xh1, 2) ^ rotr64_hi1(xl1, xh1, 7); return r3 < 0 && (r3 += 0x100000000), r3; } function s0_512_lo1(xh1, xl1) { var r3 = rotr64_lo1(xh1, xl1, 28) ^ rotr64_lo1(xl1, xh1, 2) ^ rotr64_lo1(xl1, xh1, 7); return r3 < 0 && (r3 += 0x100000000), r3; } function s1_512_hi1(xh1, xl1) { var r3 = rotr64_hi1(xh1, xl1, 14) ^ rotr64_hi1(xh1, xl1, 18) ^ rotr64_hi1(xl1, xh1, 9); return r3 < 0 && (r3 += 0x100000000), r3; } function s1_512_lo1(xh1, xl1) { var r3 = rotr64_lo1(xh1, xl1, 14) ^ rotr64_lo1(xh1, xl1, 18) ^ rotr64_lo1(xl1, xh1, 9); return r3 < 0 && (r3 += 0x100000000), r3; } function g0_512_hi1(xh1, xl1) { var r3 = rotr64_hi1(xh1, xl1, 1) ^ rotr64_hi1(xh1, xl1, 8) ^ shr64_hi1(xh1, xl1, 7); return r3 < 0 && (r3 += 0x100000000), r3; } function g0_512_lo1(xh1, xl1) { var r3 = rotr64_lo1(xh1, xl1, 1) ^ rotr64_lo1(xh1, xl1, 8) ^ shr64_lo1(xh1, xl1, 7); return r3 < 0 && (r3 += 0x100000000), r3; } function g1_512_hi1(xh1, xl1) { var r3 = rotr64_hi1(xh1, xl1, 19) ^ rotr64_hi1(xl1, xh1, 29) ^ shr64_hi1(xh1, xl1, 6); return r3 < 0 && (r3 += 0x100000000), r3; } function g1_512_lo1(xh1, xl1) { var r3 = rotr64_lo1(xh1, xl1, 19) ^ rotr64_lo1(xl1, xh1, 29) ^ shr64_lo1(xh1, xl1, 6); return r3 < 0 && (r3 += 0x100000000), r3; } utils1.inherits(SHA5121, BlockHash1), module1.exports = SHA5121, SHA5121.blockSize = 1024, SHA5121.outSize = 512, SHA5121.hmacStrength = 192, SHA5121.padLength = 128, SHA5121.prototype._prepareBlock = function(msg1, start1) { for(var W1 = this.W, i2 = 0; i2 < 32; i2++)W1[i2] = msg1[start1 + i2]; for(; i2 < W1.length; i2 += 2){ var c0_hi1 = g1_512_hi1(W1[i2 - 4], W1[i2 - 3]), c0_lo1 = g1_512_lo1(W1[i2 - 4], W1[i2 - 3]), c1_hi1 = W1[i2 - 14], c1_lo1 = W1[i2 - 13], c2_hi1 = g0_512_hi1(W1[i2 - 30], W1[i2 - 29]), c2_lo1 = g0_512_lo1(W1[i2 - 30], W1[i2 - 29]), c3_hi1 = W1[i2 - 32], c3_lo1 = W1[i2 - 31]; W1[i2] = sum64_4_hi1(c0_hi1, c0_lo1, c1_hi1, c1_lo1, c2_hi1, c2_lo1, c3_hi1, c3_lo1), W1[i2 + 1] = sum64_4_lo1(c0_hi1, c0_lo1, c1_hi1, c1_lo1, c2_hi1, c2_lo1, c3_hi1, c3_lo1); } }, SHA5121.prototype._update = function(msg1, start1) { this._prepareBlock(msg1, start1); var W1 = this.W, ah10 = this.h[0], al10 = this.h[1], bh10 = this.h[2], bl10 = this.h[3], ch1 = this.h[4], cl1 = this.h[5], dh1 = this.h[6], dl1 = this.h[7], eh1 = this.h[8], el1 = this.h[9], fh1 = this.h[10], fl1 = this.h[11], gh1 = this.h[12], gl1 = this.h[13], hh1 = this.h[14], hl1 = this.h[15]; assert1(this.k.length === W1.length); for(var i2 = 0; i2 < W1.length; i2 += 2){ var c0_hi1 = hh1, c0_lo1 = hl1, c1_hi1 = s1_512_hi1(eh1, el1), c1_lo1 = s1_512_lo1(eh1, el1), c2_hi1 = ch64_hi1(eh1, el1, fh1, fl1, gh1, gl1), c2_lo1 = ch64_lo1(eh1, el1, fh1, fl1, gh1, gl1), c3_hi1 = this.k[i2], c3_lo1 = this.k[i2 + 1], c4_hi1 = W1[i2], c4_lo1 = W1[i2 + 1], T1_hi1 = sum64_5_hi1(c0_hi1, c0_lo1, c1_hi1, c1_lo1, c2_hi1, c2_lo1, c3_hi1, c3_lo1, c4_hi1, c4_lo1), T1_lo1 = sum64_5_lo1(c0_hi1, c0_lo1, c1_hi1, c1_lo1, c2_hi1, c2_lo1, c3_hi1, c3_lo1, c4_hi1, c4_lo1); c0_hi1 = s0_512_hi1(ah10, al10), c0_lo1 = s0_512_lo1(ah10, al10), c1_hi1 = maj64_hi1(ah10, al10, bh10, bl10, ch1, cl1), c1_lo1 = maj64_lo1(ah10, al10, bh10, bl10, ch1, cl1); var T2_hi1 = sum64_hi1(c0_hi1, c0_lo1, c1_hi1, c1_lo1), T2_lo1 = sum64_lo1(c0_hi1, c0_lo1, c1_hi1, c1_lo1); hh1 = gh1, hl1 = gl1, gh1 = fh1, gl1 = fl1, fh1 = eh1, fl1 = el1, eh1 = sum64_hi1(dh1, dl1, T1_hi1, T1_lo1), el1 = sum64_lo1(dl1, dl1, T1_hi1, T1_lo1), dh1 = ch1, dl1 = cl1, ch1 = bh10, cl1 = bl10, bh10 = ah10, bl10 = al10, ah10 = sum64_hi1(T1_hi1, T1_lo1, T2_hi1, T2_lo1), al10 = sum64_lo1(T1_hi1, T1_lo1, T2_hi1, T2_lo1); } sum641(this.h, 0, ah10, al10), sum641(this.h, 2, bh10, bl10), sum641(this.h, 4, ch1, cl1), sum641(this.h, 6, dh1, dl1), sum641(this.h, 8, eh1, el1), sum641(this.h, 10, fh1, fl1), sum641(this.h, 12, gh1, gl1), sum641(this.h, 14, hh1, hl1); }, SHA5121.prototype._digest = function(enc1) { return 'hex' === enc1 ? utils1.toHex32(this.h, 'big') : utils1.split32(this.h, 'big'); }; }, 7038: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var rotr321 = __webpack_require__1(6436).rotr32; function ft_11(s3, x3, y3, z1) { return 0 === s3 ? ch321(x3, y3, z1) : 1 === s3 || 3 === s3 ? p321(x3, y3, z1) : 2 === s3 ? maj321(x3, y3, z1) : void 0; } function ch321(x3, y3, z1) { return x3 & y3 ^ ~x3 & z1; } function maj321(x3, y3, z1) { return x3 & y3 ^ x3 & z1 ^ y3 & z1; } function p321(x3, y3, z1) { return x3 ^ y3 ^ z1; } function s0_2561(x3) { return rotr321(x3, 2) ^ rotr321(x3, 13) ^ rotr321(x3, 22); } function s1_2561(x3) { return rotr321(x3, 6) ^ rotr321(x3, 11) ^ rotr321(x3, 25); } function g0_2561(x3) { return rotr321(x3, 7) ^ rotr321(x3, 18) ^ x3 >>> 3; } function g1_2561(x3) { return rotr321(x3, 17) ^ rotr321(x3, 19) ^ x3 >>> 10; } exports1.ft_1 = ft_11, exports1.ch32 = ch321, exports1.maj32 = maj321, exports1.p32 = p321, exports1.s0_256 = s0_2561, exports1.s1_256 = s1_2561, exports1.g0_256 = g0_2561, exports1.g1_256 = g1_2561; }, 6436: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var assert1 = __webpack_require__1(9746), inherits1 = __webpack_require__1(5717); function isSurrogatePair1(msg1, i2) { return (0xFC00 & msg1.charCodeAt(i2)) == 0xD800 && !(i2 < 0) && !(i2 + 1 >= msg1.length) && (0xFC00 & msg1.charCodeAt(i2 + 1)) == 0xDC00; } function toArray1(msg1, enc1) { if (Array.isArray(msg1)) return msg1.slice(); if (!msg1) return []; var res1 = []; if ('string' == typeof msg1) { if (enc1) { if ('hex' === enc1) for((msg1 = msg1.replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/ig, '')).length % 2 != 0 && (msg1 = '0' + msg1), i2 = 0; i2 < msg1.length; i2 += 2)res1.push(parseInt(msg1[i2] + msg1[i2 + 1], 16)); } else for(var p3 = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < msg1.length; i2++){ var c5 = msg1.charCodeAt(i2); c5 < 128 ? res1[p3++] = c5 : (c5 < 2048 ? res1[p3++] = c5 >> 6 | 192 : (isSurrogatePair1(msg1, i2) ? (c5 = 0x10000 + ((0x03FF & c5) << 10) + (0x03FF & msg1.charCodeAt(++i2)), res1[p3++] = c5 >> 18 | 240, res1[p3++] = c5 >> 12 & 63 | 128) : res1[p3++] = c5 >> 12 | 224, res1[p3++] = c5 >> 6 & 63 | 128), res1[p3++] = 63 & c5 | 128); } } else for(i2 = 0; i2 < msg1.length; i2++)res1[i2] = 0 | msg1[i2]; return res1; } function toHex1(msg1) { for(var res1 = '', i2 = 0; i2 < msg1.length; i2++)res1 += zero21(msg1[i2].toString(16)); return res1; } function htonl1(w19) { return (w19 >>> 24 | w19 >>> 8 & 0xff00 | w19 << 8 & 0xff0000 | (0xff & w19) << 24) >>> 0; } function toHex321(msg1, endian1) { for(var res1 = '', i2 = 0; i2 < msg1.length; i2++){ var w19 = msg1[i2]; 'little' === endian1 && (w19 = htonl1(w19)), res1 += zero81(w19.toString(16)); } return res1; } function zero21(word1) { return 1 === word1.length ? '0' + word1 : word1; } function zero81(word1) { return 7 === word1.length ? '0' + word1 : 6 === word1.length ? '00' + word1 : 5 === word1.length ? '000' + word1 : 4 === word1.length ? '0000' + word1 : 3 === word1.length ? '00000' + word1 : 2 === word1.length ? '000000' + word1 : 1 === word1.length ? '0000000' + word1 : word1; } function join321(msg1, start1, end1, endian1) { var w19, len3 = end1 - start1; assert1(len3 % 4 == 0); for(var res1 = Array(len3 / 4), i2 = 0, k3 = start1; i2 < res1.length; i2++, k3 += 4)w19 = 'big' === endian1 ? msg1[k3] << 24 | msg1[k3 + 1] << 16 | msg1[k3 + 2] << 8 | msg1[k3 + 3] : msg1[k3 + 3] << 24 | msg1[k3 + 2] << 16 | msg1[k3 + 1] << 8 | msg1[k3], res1[i2] = w19 >>> 0; return res1; } function split321(msg1, endian1) { for(var res1 = Array(4 * msg1.length), i2 = 0, k3 = 0; i2 < msg1.length; i2++, k3 += 4){ var m1 = msg1[i2]; 'big' === endian1 ? (res1[k3] = m1 >>> 24, res1[k3 + 1] = m1 >>> 16 & 0xff, res1[k3 + 2] = m1 >>> 8 & 0xff, res1[k3 + 3] = 0xff & m1) : (res1[k3 + 3] = m1 >>> 24, res1[k3 + 2] = m1 >>> 16 & 0xff, res1[k3 + 1] = m1 >>> 8 & 0xff, res1[k3] = 0xff & m1); } return res1; } function rotr321(w19, b10) { return w19 >>> b10 | w19 << 32 - b10; } function rotl321(w19, b10) { return w19 << b10 | w19 >>> 32 - b10; } function sum321(a10, b10) { return a10 + b10 >>> 0; } function sum32_31(a10, b10, c5) { return a10 + b10 + c5 >>> 0; } function sum32_41(a10, b10, c5, d3) { return a10 + b10 + c5 + d3 >>> 0; } function sum32_51(a10, b10, c5, d3, e1) { return a10 + b10 + c5 + d3 + e1 >>> 0; } function sum641(buf1, pos1, ah10, al10) { var bh10 = buf1[pos1], lo1 = al10 + buf1[pos1 + 1] >>> 0, hi1 = (lo1 < al10 ? 1 : 0) + ah10 + bh10; buf1[pos1] = hi1 >>> 0, buf1[pos1 + 1] = lo1; } function sum64_hi1(ah10, al10, bh10, bl10) { return (al10 + bl10 >>> 0 < al10 ? 1 : 0) + ah10 + bh10 >>> 0; } function sum64_lo1(ah10, al10, bh10, bl10) { return al10 + bl10 >>> 0; } function sum64_4_hi1(ah10, al10, bh10, bl10, ch1, cl1, dh1, dl1) { var carry1, lo1 = al10; return ah10 + bh10 + ch1 + dh1 + (carry1 = 0 + ((lo1 = lo1 + bl10 >>> 0) < al10 ? 1 : 0) + ((lo1 = lo1 + cl1 >>> 0) < cl1 ? 1 : 0) + ((lo1 = lo1 + dl1 >>> 0) < dl1 ? 1 : 0)) >>> 0; } function sum64_4_lo1(ah10, al10, bh10, bl10, ch1, cl1, dh1, dl1) { return al10 + bl10 + cl1 + dl1 >>> 0; } function sum64_5_hi1(ah10, al10, bh10, bl10, ch1, cl1, dh1, dl1, eh1, el1) { var carry1, lo1 = al10; return ah10 + bh10 + ch1 + dh1 + eh1 + (carry1 = 0 + ((lo1 = lo1 + bl10 >>> 0) < al10 ? 1 : 0) + ((lo1 = lo1 + cl1 >>> 0) < cl1 ? 1 : 0) + ((lo1 = lo1 + dl1 >>> 0) < dl1 ? 1 : 0) + ((lo1 = lo1 + el1 >>> 0) < el1 ? 1 : 0)) >>> 0; } function sum64_5_lo1(ah10, al10, bh10, bl10, ch1, cl1, dh1, dl1, eh1, el1) { return al10 + bl10 + cl1 + dl1 + el1 >>> 0; } function rotr64_hi1(ah10, al10, num1) { return (al10 << 32 - num1 | ah10 >>> num1) >>> 0; } function rotr64_lo1(ah10, al10, num1) { return (ah10 << 32 - num1 | al10 >>> num1) >>> 0; } function shr64_hi1(ah10, al10, num1) { return ah10 >>> num1; } function shr64_lo1(ah10, al10, num1) { return (ah10 << 32 - num1 | al10 >>> num1) >>> 0; } exports1.inherits = inherits1, exports1.toArray = toArray1, exports1.toHex = toHex1, exports1.htonl = htonl1, exports1.toHex32 = toHex321, exports1.zero2 = zero21, exports1.zero8 = zero81, exports1.join32 = join321, exports1.split32 = split321, exports1.rotr32 = rotr321, exports1.rotl32 = rotl321, exports1.sum32 = sum321, exports1.sum32_3 = sum32_31, exports1.sum32_4 = sum32_41, exports1.sum32_5 = sum32_51, exports1.sum64 = sum641, exports1.sum64_hi = sum64_hi1, exports1.sum64_lo = sum64_lo1, exports1.sum64_4_hi = sum64_4_hi1, exports1.sum64_4_lo = sum64_4_lo1, exports1.sum64_5_hi = sum64_5_hi1, exports1.sum64_5_lo = sum64_5_lo1, exports1.rotr64_hi = rotr64_hi1, exports1.rotr64_lo = rotr64_lo1, exports1.shr64_hi = shr64_hi1, exports1.shr64_lo = shr64_lo1; }, 2156: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var hash1 = __webpack_require__1(3715), utils1 = __webpack_require__1(4504), assert1 = __webpack_require__1(9746); function HmacDRBG1(options1) { if (!(this instanceof HmacDRBG1)) return new HmacDRBG1(options1); this.hash = options1.hash, this.predResist = !!options1.predResist, this.outLen = this.hash.outSize, this.minEntropy = options1.minEntropy || this.hash.hmacStrength, this._reseed = null, this.reseedInterval = null, this.K = null, this.V = null; var entropy1 = utils1.toArray(options1.entropy, options1.entropyEnc || 'hex'), nonce1 = utils1.toArray(options1.nonce, options1.nonceEnc || 'hex'), pers1 = utils1.toArray(options1.pers, options1.persEnc || 'hex'); assert1(entropy1.length >= this.minEntropy / 8, 'Not enough entropy. Minimum is: ' + this.minEntropy + ' bits'), this._init(entropy1, nonce1, pers1); } module1.exports = HmacDRBG1, HmacDRBG1.prototype._init = function(entropy1, nonce1, pers1) { var seed1 = entropy1.concat(nonce1).concat(pers1); this.K = Array(this.outLen / 8), this.V = Array(this.outLen / 8); for(var i2 = 0; i2 < this.V.length; i2++)this.K[i2] = 0x00, this.V[i2] = 0x01; this._update(seed1), this._reseed = 1, this.reseedInterval = 0x1000000000000; }, HmacDRBG1.prototype._hmac = function() { return new hash1.hmac(this.hash, this.K); }, HmacDRBG1.prototype._update = function(seed1) { var kmac1 = this._hmac().update(this.V).update([ 0x00 ]); seed1 && (kmac1 = kmac1.update(seed1)), this.K = kmac1.digest(), this.V = this._hmac().update(this.V).digest(), seed1 && (this.K = this._hmac().update(this.V).update([ 0x01 ]).update(seed1).digest(), this.V = this._hmac().update(this.V).digest()); }, HmacDRBG1.prototype.reseed = function(entropy1, entropyEnc1, add1, addEnc1) { 'string' != typeof entropyEnc1 && (addEnc1 = add1, add1 = entropyEnc1, entropyEnc1 = null), entropy1 = utils1.toArray(entropy1, entropyEnc1), add1 = utils1.toArray(add1, addEnc1), assert1(entropy1.length >= this.minEntropy / 8, 'Not enough entropy. Minimum is: ' + this.minEntropy + ' bits'), this._update(entropy1.concat(add1 || [])), this._reseed = 1; }, HmacDRBG1.prototype.generate = function(len3, enc1, add1, addEnc1) { if (this._reseed > this.reseedInterval) throw Error('Reseed is required'); 'string' != typeof enc1 && (addEnc1 = add1, add1 = enc1, enc1 = null), add1 && (add1 = utils1.toArray(add1, addEnc1 || 'hex'), this._update(add1)); for(var temp1 = []; temp1.length < len3;)this.V = this._hmac().update(this.V).digest(), temp1 = temp1.concat(this.V); var res1 = temp1.slice(0, len3); return this._update(add1), this._reseed++, utils1.encode(res1, enc1); }; }, 645: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { exports1.read = function(buffer1, offset1, isLE1, mLen1, nBytes1) { var e1, m1, eLen1 = 8 * nBytes1 - mLen1 - 1, eMax1 = (1 << eLen1) - 1, eBias1 = eMax1 >> 1, nBits1 = -7, i2 = isLE1 ? nBytes1 - 1 : 0, d3 = isLE1 ? -1 : 1, s3 = buffer1[offset1 + i2]; for(i2 += d3, e1 = s3 & (1 << -nBits1) - 1, s3 >>= -nBits1, nBits1 += eLen1; nBits1 > 0; e1 = 256 * e1 + buffer1[offset1 + i2], i2 += d3, nBits1 -= 8); for(m1 = e1 & (1 << -nBits1) - 1, e1 >>= -nBits1, nBits1 += mLen1; nBits1 > 0; m1 = 256 * m1 + buffer1[offset1 + i2], i2 += d3, nBits1 -= 8); if (0 === e1) e1 = 1 - eBias1; else { if (e1 === eMax1) return m1 ? NaN : (s3 ? -1 : 1) * (1 / 0); m1 += Math.pow(2, mLen1), e1 -= eBias1; } return (s3 ? -1 : 1) * m1 * Math.pow(2, e1 - mLen1); }, exports1.write = function(buffer1, value1, offset1, isLE1, mLen1, nBytes1) { var e1, m1, c5, eLen1 = 8 * nBytes1 - mLen1 - 1, eMax1 = (1 << eLen1) - 1, eBias1 = eMax1 >> 1, rt1 = 23 === mLen1 ? 0.00000005960464477539062 : 0, i2 = isLE1 ? 0 : nBytes1 - 1, d3 = isLE1 ? 1 : -1, s3 = value1 < 0 || 0 === value1 && 1 / value1 < 0 ? 1 : 0; for(isNaN(value1 = Math.abs(value1)) || value1 === 1 / 0 ? (m1 = isNaN(value1) ? 1 : 0, e1 = eMax1) : (e1 = Math.floor(Math.log(value1) / Math.LN2), value1 * (c5 = Math.pow(2, -e1)) < 1 && (e1--, c5 *= 2), e1 + eBias1 >= 1 ? value1 += rt1 / c5 : value1 += rt1 * Math.pow(2, 1 - eBias1), value1 * c5 >= 2 && (e1++, c5 /= 2), e1 + eBias1 >= eMax1 ? (m1 = 0, e1 = eMax1) : e1 + eBias1 >= 1 ? (m1 = (value1 * c5 - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen1), e1 += eBias1) : (m1 = value1 * Math.pow(2, eBias1 - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen1), e1 = 0)); mLen1 >= 8; buffer1[offset1 + i2] = 0xff & m1, i2 += d3, m1 /= 256, mLen1 -= 8); for(e1 = e1 << mLen1 | m1, eLen1 += mLen1; eLen1 > 0; buffer1[offset1 + i2] = 0xff & e1, i2 += d3, e1 /= 256, eLen1 -= 8); buffer1[offset1 + i2 - d3] |= 128 * s3; }; }, 5717: function(module1) { 'function' == typeof Object.create ? module1.exports = function(ctor1, superCtor1) { superCtor1 && (ctor1.super_ = superCtor1, ctor1.prototype = Object.create(superCtor1.prototype, { constructor: { value: ctor1, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })); } : module1.exports = function(ctor1, superCtor1) { if (superCtor1) { ctor1.super_ = superCtor1; var TempCtor1 = function() {}; TempCtor1.prototype = superCtor1.prototype, ctor1.prototype = new TempCtor1(), ctor1.prototype.constructor = ctor1; } }; }, 2584: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var hasToStringTag1 = __webpack_require__1(6410)(), $toString1 = __webpack_require__1(1924)('Object.prototype.toString'), isStandardArguments1 = function(value1) { return (!hasToStringTag1 || !value1 || 'object' != typeof value1 || !(Symbol.toStringTag in value1)) && '[object Arguments]' === $toString1(value1); }, isLegacyArguments1 = function(value1) { return !!isStandardArguments1(value1) || null !== value1 && 'object' == typeof value1 && 'number' == typeof value1.length && value1.length >= 0 && '[object Array]' !== $toString1(value1) && '[object Function]' === $toString1(value1.callee); }, supportsStandardArguments1 = function() { return isStandardArguments1(arguments); }(); isStandardArguments1.isLegacyArguments = isLegacyArguments1, module1.exports = supportsStandardArguments1 ? isStandardArguments1 : isLegacyArguments1; }, 5320: function(module1) { "use strict"; var badArrayLike1, isCallableMarker1, fnToStr1 = Function.prototype.toString, reflectApply1 = 'object' == typeof Reflect && null !== Reflect && Reflect.apply; if ('function' == typeof reflectApply1 && 'function' == typeof Object.defineProperty) try { badArrayLike1 = Object.defineProperty({}, 'length', { get: function() { throw isCallableMarker1; } }), isCallableMarker1 = {}, reflectApply1(function() { throw 42; }, null, badArrayLike1); } catch (_1) { _1 !== isCallableMarker1 && (reflectApply1 = null); } else reflectApply1 = null; var constructorRegex1 = /^\s*class\b/, isES6ClassFn1 = function(value1) { try { var fnStr1 = fnToStr1.call(value1); return constructorRegex1.test(fnStr1); } catch (e1) { return !1; } }, tryFunctionObject1 = function(value1) { try { if (isES6ClassFn1(value1)) return !1; return fnToStr1.call(value1), !0; } catch (e1) { return !1; } }, toStr1 = Object.prototype.toString, fnClass1 = '[object Function]', genClass1 = '[object GeneratorFunction]', hasToStringTag1 = 'function' == typeof Symbol && !!Symbol.toStringTag, documentDotAll1 = 'object' == typeof document && void 0 === document.all && void 0 !== document.all ? document.all : {}; module1.exports = reflectApply1 ? function(value1) { if (value1 === documentDotAll1) return !0; if (!value1 || 'function' != typeof value1 && 'object' != typeof value1) return !1; if ('function' == typeof value1 && !value1.prototype) return !0; try { reflectApply1(value1, null, badArrayLike1); } catch (e1) { if (e1 !== isCallableMarker1) return !1; } return !isES6ClassFn1(value1); } : function(value1) { if (value1 === documentDotAll1) return !0; if (!value1 || 'function' != typeof value1 && 'object' != typeof value1) return !1; if ('function' == typeof value1 && !value1.prototype) return !0; if (hasToStringTag1) return tryFunctionObject1(value1); if (isES6ClassFn1(value1)) return !1; var strClass1 = toStr1.call(value1); return strClass1 === fnClass1 || strClass1 === genClass1; }; }, 8662: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var GeneratorFunction1, toStr1 = Object.prototype.toString, fnToStr1 = Function.prototype.toString, isFnRegex1 = /^\s*(?:function)?\*/, hasToStringTag1 = __webpack_require__1(6410)(), getProto1 = Object.getPrototypeOf, getGeneratorFunc1 = function() { if (!hasToStringTag1) return !1; try { return Function('return function*() {}')(); } catch (e1) {} }; module1.exports = function(fn1) { if ('function' != typeof fn1) return !1; if (isFnRegex1.test(fnToStr1.call(fn1))) return !0; if (!hasToStringTag1) return '[object GeneratorFunction]' === toStr1.call(fn1); if (!getProto1) return !1; if (void 0 === GeneratorFunction1) { var generatorFunc1 = getGeneratorFunc1(); GeneratorFunction1 = !!generatorFunc1 && getProto1(generatorFunc1); } return getProto1(fn1) === GeneratorFunction1; }; }, 5692: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var forEach1 = __webpack_require__1(4029), availableTypedArrays1 = __webpack_require__1(3083), callBound1 = __webpack_require__1(1924), $toString1 = callBound1('Object.prototype.toString'), hasToStringTag1 = __webpack_require__1(6410)(), g3 = 'undefined' == typeof globalThis ? __webpack_require__1.g : globalThis, typedArrays1 = availableTypedArrays1(), $indexOf1 = callBound1('Array.prototype.indexOf', !0) || function(array1, value1) { for(var i2 = 0; i2 < array1.length; i2 += 1)if (array1[i2] === value1) return i2; return -1; }, $slice1 = callBound1('String.prototype.slice'), toStrTags1 = {}, gOPD1 = __webpack_require__1(882), getPrototypeOf1 = Object.getPrototypeOf; hasToStringTag1 && gOPD1 && getPrototypeOf1 && forEach1(typedArrays1, function(typedArray1) { var arr1 = new g3[typedArray1](); if (Symbol.toStringTag in arr1) { var proto1 = getPrototypeOf1(arr1), descriptor1 = gOPD1(proto1, Symbol.toStringTag); descriptor1 || (descriptor1 = gOPD1(getPrototypeOf1(proto1), Symbol.toStringTag)), toStrTags1[typedArray1] = descriptor1.get; } }); var tryTypedArrays1 = function(value1) { var anyTrue1 = !1; return forEach1(toStrTags1, function(getter1, typedArray1) { if (!anyTrue1) try { anyTrue1 = getter1.call(value1) === typedArray1; } catch (e1) {} }), anyTrue1; }; module1.exports = function(value1) { return !!value1 && 'object' == typeof value1 && (hasToStringTag1 && Symbol.toStringTag in value1 ? !!gOPD1 && tryTypedArrays1(value1) : $indexOf1(typedArrays1, $slice1($toString1(value1), 8, -1)) > -1); }; }, 2023: function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__, process = __webpack_require__(3454); !function() { 'use strict'; var ERROR = 'input is invalid type', WINDOW = 'object' == typeof window, root = WINDOW ? window : {}; root.JS_SHA256_NO_WINDOW && (WINDOW = !1); var WEB_WORKER = !WINDOW && 'object' == typeof self, NODE_JS = !root.JS_SHA256_NO_NODE_JS && 'object' == typeof process && process.versions && process.versions.node; NODE_JS ? root = __webpack_require__.g : WEB_WORKER && (root = self); var COMMON_JS = !root.JS_SHA256_NO_COMMON_JS && module.exports, AMD = __webpack_require__.amdO, ARRAY_BUFFER = !root.JS_SHA256_NO_ARRAY_BUFFER && 'undefined' != typeof ArrayBuffer, HEX_CHARS = '0123456789abcdef'.split(''), EXTRA = [ -2147483648, 8388608, 32768, 128 ], SHIFT = [ 24, 16, 8, 0 ], K = [ 0x428a2f98, 0x71374491, 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xe9b5dba5, 0x3956c25b, 0x59f111f1, 0x923f82a4, 0xab1c5ed5, 0xd807aa98, 0x12835b01, 0x243185be, 0x550c7dc3, 0x72be5d74, 0x80deb1fe, 0x9bdc06a7, 0xc19bf174, 0xe49b69c1, 0xefbe4786, 0x0fc19dc6, 0x240ca1cc, 0x2de92c6f, 0x4a7484aa, 0x5cb0a9dc, 0x76f988da, 0x983e5152, 0xa831c66d, 0xb00327c8, 0xbf597fc7, 0xc6e00bf3, 0xd5a79147, 0x06ca6351, 0x14292967, 0x27b70a85, 0x2e1b2138, 0x4d2c6dfc, 0x53380d13, 0x650a7354, 0x766a0abb, 0x81c2c92e, 0x92722c85, 0xa2bfe8a1, 0xa81a664b, 0xc24b8b70, 0xc76c51a3, 0xd192e819, 0xd6990624, 0xf40e3585, 0x106aa070, 0x19a4c116, 0x1e376c08, 0x2748774c, 0x34b0bcb5, 0x391c0cb3, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0x5b9cca4f, 0x682e6ff3, 0x748f82ee, 0x78a5636f, 0x84c87814, 0x8cc70208, 0x90befffa, 0xa4506ceb, 0xbef9a3f7, 0xc67178f2 ], OUTPUT_TYPES = [ 'hex', 'array', 'digest', 'arrayBuffer' ], blocks = []; (root.JS_SHA256_NO_NODE_JS || !Array.isArray) && (Array.isArray = function(obj1) { return '[object Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(obj1); }), ARRAY_BUFFER && (root.JS_SHA256_NO_ARRAY_BUFFER_IS_VIEW || !ArrayBuffer.isView) && (ArrayBuffer.isView = function(obj1) { return 'object' == typeof obj1 && obj1.buffer && obj1.buffer.constructor === ArrayBuffer; }); var createOutputMethod = function(outputType1, is2241) { return function(message1) { return new Sha256(is2241, !0).update(message1)[outputType1](); }; }, createMethod = function(is2241) { var method1 = createOutputMethod('hex', is2241); NODE_JS && (method1 = nodeWrap(method1, is2241)), method1.create = function() { return new Sha256(is2241); }, method1.update = function(message1) { return method1.create().update(message1); }; for(var i2 = 0; i2 < OUTPUT_TYPES.length; ++i2){ var type1 = OUTPUT_TYPES[i2]; method1[type1] = createOutputMethod(type1, is2241); } return method1; }, nodeWrap = function(method, is224) { var crypto = eval("require('crypto')"), Buffer = eval("require('buffer').Buffer"), algorithm = is224 ? 'sha224' : 'sha256', nodeMethod = function(message1) { if ('string' == typeof message1) return crypto.createHash(algorithm).update(message1, 'utf8').digest('hex'); if (null == message1) throw Error(ERROR); return message1.constructor === ArrayBuffer && (message1 = new Uint8Array(message1)), Array.isArray(message1) || ArrayBuffer.isView(message1) || message1.constructor === Buffer ? crypto.createHash(algorithm).update(new Buffer(message1)).digest('hex') : method(message1); }; return nodeMethod; }, createHmacOutputMethod = function(outputType1, is2241) { return function(key1, message1) { return new HmacSha256(key1, is2241, !0).update(message1)[outputType1](); }; }, createHmacMethod = function(is2241) { var method1 = createHmacOutputMethod('hex', is2241); method1.create = function(key1) { return new HmacSha256(key1, is2241); }, method1.update = function(key1, message1) { return method1.create(key1).update(message1); }; for(var i2 = 0; i2 < OUTPUT_TYPES.length; ++i2){ var type1 = OUTPUT_TYPES[i2]; method1[type1] = createHmacOutputMethod(type1, is2241); } return method1; }; function Sha256(is2241, sharedMemory1) { sharedMemory1 ? (blocks[0] = blocks[16] = blocks[1] = blocks[2] = blocks[3] = blocks[4] = blocks[5] = blocks[6] = blocks[7] = blocks[8] = blocks[9] = blocks[10] = blocks[11] = blocks[12] = blocks[13] = blocks[14] = blocks[15] = 0, this.blocks = blocks) : this.blocks = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], is2241 ? (this.h0 = 0xc1059ed8, this.h1 = 0x367cd507, this.h2 = 0x3070dd17, this.h3 = 0xf70e5939, this.h4 = 0xffc00b31, this.h5 = 0x68581511, this.h6 = 0x64f98fa7, this.h7 = 0xbefa4fa4) : (this.h0 = 0x6a09e667, this.h1 = 0xbb67ae85, this.h2 = 0x3c6ef372, this.h3 = 0xa54ff53a, this.h4 = 0x510e527f, this.h5 = 0x9b05688c, this.h6 = 0x1f83d9ab, this.h7 = 0x5be0cd19), this.block = this.start = this.bytes = this.hBytes = 0, this.finalized = this.hashed = !1, this.first = !0, this.is224 = is2241; } function HmacSha256(key1, is2241, sharedMemory1) { var i2, type1 = typeof key1; if ('string' === type1) { var code1, bytes1 = [], length1 = key1.length, index1 = 0; for(i2 = 0; i2 < length1; ++i2)(code1 = key1.charCodeAt(i2)) < 0x80 ? bytes1[index1++] = code1 : (code1 < 0x800 ? bytes1[index1++] = 0xc0 | code1 >> 6 : (code1 < 0xd800 || code1 >= 0xe000 ? bytes1[index1++] = 0xe0 | code1 >> 12 : (code1 = 0x10000 + ((0x3ff & code1) << 10 | 0x3ff & key1.charCodeAt(++i2)), bytes1[index1++] = 0xf0 | code1 >> 18, bytes1[index1++] = 0x80 | code1 >> 12 & 0x3f), bytes1[index1++] = 0x80 | code1 >> 6 & 0x3f), bytes1[index1++] = 0x80 | 0x3f & code1); key1 = bytes1; } else if ('object' === type1) { if (null === key1) throw Error(ERROR); if (ARRAY_BUFFER && key1.constructor === ArrayBuffer) key1 = new Uint8Array(key1); else if (!Array.isArray(key1) && (!ARRAY_BUFFER || !ArrayBuffer.isView(key1))) throw Error(ERROR); } else throw Error(ERROR); key1.length > 64 && (key1 = new Sha256(is2241, !0).update(key1).array()); var oKeyPad1 = [], iKeyPad1 = []; for(i2 = 0; i2 < 64; ++i2){ var b10 = key1[i2] || 0; oKeyPad1[i2] = 0x5c ^ b10, iKeyPad1[i2] = 0x36 ^ b10; } Sha256.call(this, is2241, sharedMemory1), this.update(iKeyPad1), this.oKeyPad = oKeyPad1, this.inner = !0, this.sharedMemory = sharedMemory1; } Sha256.prototype.update = function(message1) { if (!this.finalized) { var notString1, type1 = typeof message1; if ('string' !== type1) { if ('object' === type1) { if (null === message1) throw Error(ERROR); if (ARRAY_BUFFER && message1.constructor === ArrayBuffer) message1 = new Uint8Array(message1); else if (!Array.isArray(message1) && (!ARRAY_BUFFER || !ArrayBuffer.isView(message1))) throw Error(ERROR); } else throw Error(ERROR); notString1 = !0; } for(var code1, i2, index1 = 0, length1 = message1.length, blocks1 = this.blocks; index1 < length1;){ if (this.hashed && (this.hashed = !1, blocks1[0] = this.block, blocks1[16] = blocks1[1] = blocks1[2] = blocks1[3] = blocks1[4] = blocks1[5] = blocks1[6] = blocks1[7] = blocks1[8] = blocks1[9] = blocks1[10] = blocks1[11] = blocks1[12] = blocks1[13] = blocks1[14] = blocks1[15] = 0), notString1) for(i2 = this.start; index1 < length1 && i2 < 64; ++index1)blocks1[i2 >> 2] |= message1[index1] << SHIFT[3 & i2++]; else for(i2 = this.start; index1 < length1 && i2 < 64; ++index1)(code1 = message1.charCodeAt(index1)) < 0x80 ? blocks1[i2 >> 2] |= code1 << SHIFT[3 & i2++] : (code1 < 0x800 ? blocks1[i2 >> 2] |= (0xc0 | code1 >> 6) << SHIFT[3 & i2++] : (code1 < 0xd800 || code1 >= 0xe000 ? blocks1[i2 >> 2] |= (0xe0 | code1 >> 12) << SHIFT[3 & i2++] : (code1 = 0x10000 + ((0x3ff & code1) << 10 | 0x3ff & message1.charCodeAt(++index1)), blocks1[i2 >> 2] |= (0xf0 | code1 >> 18) << SHIFT[3 & i2++], blocks1[i2 >> 2] |= (0x80 | code1 >> 12 & 0x3f) << SHIFT[3 & i2++]), blocks1[i2 >> 2] |= (0x80 | code1 >> 6 & 0x3f) << SHIFT[3 & i2++]), blocks1[i2 >> 2] |= (0x80 | 0x3f & code1) << SHIFT[3 & i2++]); this.lastByteIndex = i2, this.bytes += i2 - this.start, i2 >= 64 ? (this.block = blocks1[16], this.start = i2 - 64, this.hash(), this.hashed = !0) : this.start = i2; } return this.bytes > 4294967295 && (this.hBytes += this.bytes / 4294967296 << 0, this.bytes = this.bytes % 4294967296), this; } }, Sha256.prototype.finalize = function() { if (!this.finalized) { this.finalized = !0; var blocks1 = this.blocks, i2 = this.lastByteIndex; blocks1[16] = this.block, blocks1[i2 >> 2] |= EXTRA[3 & i2], this.block = blocks1[16], i2 >= 56 && (this.hashed || this.hash(), blocks1[0] = this.block, blocks1[16] = blocks1[1] = blocks1[2] = blocks1[3] = blocks1[4] = blocks1[5] = blocks1[6] = blocks1[7] = blocks1[8] = blocks1[9] = blocks1[10] = blocks1[11] = blocks1[12] = blocks1[13] = blocks1[14] = blocks1[15] = 0), blocks1[14] = this.hBytes << 3 | this.bytes >>> 29, blocks1[15] = this.bytes << 3, this.hash(); } }, Sha256.prototype.hash = function() { var j1, s01, s11, maj1, t11, t21, ch1, ab1, da1, cd1, bc1, a10 = this.h0, b10 = this.h1, c5 = this.h2, d3 = this.h3, e1 = this.h4, f1 = this.h5, g3 = this.h6, h8 = this.h7, blocks1 = this.blocks; for(j1 = 16; j1 < 64; ++j1)s01 = ((t11 = blocks1[j1 - 15]) >>> 7 | t11 << 25) ^ (t11 >>> 18 | t11 << 14) ^ t11 >>> 3, s11 = ((t11 = blocks1[j1 - 2]) >>> 17 | t11 << 15) ^ (t11 >>> 19 | t11 << 13) ^ t11 >>> 10, blocks1[j1] = blocks1[j1 - 16] + s01 + blocks1[j1 - 7] + s11 << 0; for(j1 = 0, bc1 = b10 & c5; j1 < 64; j1 += 4)this.first ? (this.is224 ? (ab1 = 300032, h8 = (t11 = blocks1[0] - 1413257819) - 150054599 << 0, d3 = t11 + 24177077 << 0) : (ab1 = 704751109, h8 = (t11 = blocks1[0] - 210244248) - 1521486534 << 0, d3 = t11 + 143694565 << 0), this.first = !1) : (s01 = (a10 >>> 2 | a10 << 30) ^ (a10 >>> 13 | a10 << 19) ^ (a10 >>> 22 | a10 << 10), s11 = (e1 >>> 6 | e1 << 26) ^ (e1 >>> 11 | e1 << 21) ^ (e1 >>> 25 | e1 << 7), maj1 = (ab1 = a10 & b10) ^ a10 & c5 ^ bc1, t11 = h8 + s11 + (ch1 = e1 & f1 ^ ~e1 & g3) + K[j1] + blocks1[j1], t21 = s01 + maj1, h8 = d3 + t11 << 0, d3 = t11 + t21 << 0), s01 = (d3 >>> 2 | d3 << 30) ^ (d3 >>> 13 | d3 << 19) ^ (d3 >>> 22 | d3 << 10), s11 = (h8 >>> 6 | h8 << 26) ^ (h8 >>> 11 | h8 << 21) ^ (h8 >>> 25 | h8 << 7), maj1 = (da1 = d3 & a10) ^ d3 & b10 ^ ab1, t11 = g3 + s11 + (ch1 = h8 & e1 ^ ~h8 & f1) + K[j1 + 1] + blocks1[j1 + 1], t21 = s01 + maj1, g3 = c5 + t11 << 0, s01 = ((c5 = t11 + t21 << 0) >>> 2 | c5 << 30) ^ (c5 >>> 13 | c5 << 19) ^ (c5 >>> 22 | c5 << 10), s11 = (g3 >>> 6 | g3 << 26) ^ (g3 >>> 11 | g3 << 21) ^ (g3 >>> 25 | g3 << 7), maj1 = (cd1 = c5 & d3) ^ c5 & a10 ^ da1, t11 = f1 + s11 + (ch1 = g3 & h8 ^ ~g3 & e1) + K[j1 + 2] + blocks1[j1 + 2], t21 = s01 + maj1, f1 = b10 + t11 << 0, s01 = ((b10 = t11 + t21 << 0) >>> 2 | b10 << 30) ^ (b10 >>> 13 | b10 << 19) ^ (b10 >>> 22 | b10 << 10), s11 = (f1 >>> 6 | f1 << 26) ^ (f1 >>> 11 | f1 << 21) ^ (f1 >>> 25 | f1 << 7), maj1 = (bc1 = b10 & c5) ^ b10 & d3 ^ cd1, t11 = e1 + s11 + (ch1 = f1 & g3 ^ ~f1 & h8) + K[j1 + 3] + blocks1[j1 + 3], t21 = s01 + maj1, e1 = a10 + t11 << 0, a10 = t11 + t21 << 0; this.h0 = this.h0 + a10 << 0, this.h1 = this.h1 + b10 << 0, this.h2 = this.h2 + c5 << 0, this.h3 = this.h3 + d3 << 0, this.h4 = this.h4 + e1 << 0, this.h5 = this.h5 + f1 << 0, this.h6 = this.h6 + g3 << 0, this.h7 = this.h7 + h8 << 0; }, Sha256.prototype.hex = function() { this.finalize(); var h01 = this.h0, h11 = this.h1, h21 = this.h2, h31 = this.h3, h41 = this.h4, h51 = this.h5, h61 = this.h6, h71 = this.h7, hex1 = HEX_CHARS[h01 >> 28 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h01 >> 24 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h01 >> 20 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h01 >> 16 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h01 >> 12 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h01 >> 8 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h01 >> 4 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[0x0F & h01] + HEX_CHARS[h11 >> 28 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h11 >> 24 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h11 >> 20 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h11 >> 16 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h11 >> 12 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h11 >> 8 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h11 >> 4 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[0x0F & h11] + HEX_CHARS[h21 >> 28 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h21 >> 24 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h21 >> 20 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h21 >> 16 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h21 >> 12 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h21 >> 8 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h21 >> 4 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[0x0F & h21] + HEX_CHARS[h31 >> 28 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h31 >> 24 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h31 >> 20 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h31 >> 16 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h31 >> 12 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h31 >> 8 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h31 >> 4 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[0x0F & h31] + HEX_CHARS[h41 >> 28 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h41 >> 24 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h41 >> 20 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h41 >> 16 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h41 >> 12 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h41 >> 8 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h41 >> 4 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[0x0F & h41] + HEX_CHARS[h51 >> 28 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h51 >> 24 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h51 >> 20 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h51 >> 16 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h51 >> 12 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h51 >> 8 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h51 >> 4 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[0x0F & h51] + HEX_CHARS[h61 >> 28 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h61 >> 24 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h61 >> 20 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h61 >> 16 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h61 >> 12 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h61 >> 8 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h61 >> 4 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[0x0F & h61]; return this.is224 || (hex1 += HEX_CHARS[h71 >> 28 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h71 >> 24 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h71 >> 20 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h71 >> 16 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h71 >> 12 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h71 >> 8 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[h71 >> 4 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS[0x0F & h71]), hex1; }, Sha256.prototype.toString = Sha256.prototype.hex, Sha256.prototype.digest = function() { this.finalize(); var h01 = this.h0, h11 = this.h1, h21 = this.h2, h31 = this.h3, h41 = this.h4, h51 = this.h5, h61 = this.h6, h71 = this.h7, arr1 = [ h01 >> 24 & 0xFF, h01 >> 16 & 0xFF, h01 >> 8 & 0xFF, 0xFF & h01, h11 >> 24 & 0xFF, h11 >> 16 & 0xFF, h11 >> 8 & 0xFF, 0xFF & h11, h21 >> 24 & 0xFF, h21 >> 16 & 0xFF, h21 >> 8 & 0xFF, 0xFF & h21, h31 >> 24 & 0xFF, h31 >> 16 & 0xFF, h31 >> 8 & 0xFF, 0xFF & h31, h41 >> 24 & 0xFF, h41 >> 16 & 0xFF, h41 >> 8 & 0xFF, 0xFF & h41, h51 >> 24 & 0xFF, h51 >> 16 & 0xFF, h51 >> 8 & 0xFF, 0xFF & h51, h61 >> 24 & 0xFF, h61 >> 16 & 0xFF, h61 >> 8 & 0xFF, 0xFF & h61 ]; return this.is224 || arr1.push(h71 >> 24 & 0xFF, h71 >> 16 & 0xFF, h71 >> 8 & 0xFF, 0xFF & h71), arr1; }, Sha256.prototype.array = Sha256.prototype.digest, Sha256.prototype.arrayBuffer = function() { this.finalize(); var buffer1 = new ArrayBuffer(this.is224 ? 28 : 32), dataView1 = new DataView(buffer1); return dataView1.setUint32(0, this.h0), dataView1.setUint32(4, this.h1), dataView1.setUint32(8, this.h2), dataView1.setUint32(12, this.h3), dataView1.setUint32(16, this.h4), dataView1.setUint32(20, this.h5), dataView1.setUint32(24, this.h6), this.is224 || dataView1.setUint32(28, this.h7), buffer1; }, HmacSha256.prototype = new Sha256(), HmacSha256.prototype.finalize = function() { if (Sha256.prototype.finalize.call(this), this.inner) { this.inner = !1; var innerHash1 = this.array(); Sha256.call(this, this.is224, this.sharedMemory), this.update(this.oKeyPad), this.update(innerHash1), Sha256.prototype.finalize.call(this); } }; var exports = createMethod(); exports.sha256 = exports, exports.sha224 = createMethod(!0), exports.sha256.hmac = createHmacMethod(), exports.sha224.hmac = createHmacMethod(!0), COMMON_JS ? module.exports = exports : (root.sha256 = exports.sha256, root.sha224 = exports.sha224, AMD && void 0 !== (__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (function() { return exports; }).call(exports, __webpack_require__, exports, module)) && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__)); }(); }, 3434: function(module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__1, process1 = __webpack_require__1(3454); !function() { 'use strict'; var INPUT_ERROR1 = 'input is invalid type', FINALIZE_ERROR1 = 'finalize already called', WINDOW1 = 'object' == typeof window, root1 = WINDOW1 ? window : {}; root1.JS_SHA512_NO_WINDOW && (WINDOW1 = !1); var WEB_WORKER1 = !WINDOW1 && 'object' == typeof self; !root1.JS_SHA512_NO_NODE_JS && 'object' == typeof process1 && process1.versions && process1.versions.node ? root1 = __webpack_require__1.g : WEB_WORKER1 && (root1 = self); var COMMON_JS1 = !root1.JS_SHA512_NO_COMMON_JS && module1.exports, AMD1 = __webpack_require__1.amdO, ARRAY_BUFFER1 = !root1.JS_SHA512_NO_ARRAY_BUFFER && 'undefined' != typeof ArrayBuffer, HEX_CHARS1 = '0123456789abcdef'.split(''), EXTRA1 = [ -2147483648, 8388608, 32768, 128 ], SHIFT1 = [ 24, 16, 8, 0 ], K1 = [ 0x428A2F98, 0xD728AE22, 0x71374491, 0x23EF65CD, 0xB5C0FBCF, 0xEC4D3B2F, 0xE9B5DBA5, 0x8189DBBC, 0x3956C25B, 0xF348B538, 0x59F111F1, 0xB605D019, 0x923F82A4, 0xAF194F9B, 0xAB1C5ED5, 0xDA6D8118, 0xD807AA98, 0xA3030242, 0x12835B01, 0x45706FBE, 0x243185BE, 0x4EE4B28C, 0x550C7DC3, 0xD5FFB4E2, 0x72BE5D74, 0xF27B896F, 0x80DEB1FE, 0x3B1696B1, 0x9BDC06A7, 0x25C71235, 0xC19BF174, 0xCF692694, 0xE49B69C1, 0x9EF14AD2, 0xEFBE4786, 0x384F25E3, 0x0FC19DC6, 0x8B8CD5B5, 0x240CA1CC, 0x77AC9C65, 0x2DE92C6F, 0x592B0275, 0x4A7484AA, 0x6EA6E483, 0x5CB0A9DC, 0xBD41FBD4, 0x76F988DA, 0x831153B5, 0x983E5152, 0xEE66DFAB, 0xA831C66D, 0x2DB43210, 0xB00327C8, 0x98FB213F, 0xBF597FC7, 0xBEEF0EE4, 0xC6E00BF3, 0x3DA88FC2, 0xD5A79147, 0x930AA725, 0x06CA6351, 0xE003826F, 0x14292967, 0x0A0E6E70, 0x27B70A85, 0x46D22FFC, 0x2E1B2138, 0x5C26C926, 0x4D2C6DFC, 0x5AC42AED, 0x53380D13, 0x9D95B3DF, 0x650A7354, 0x8BAF63DE, 0x766A0ABB, 0x3C77B2A8, 0x81C2C92E, 0x47EDAEE6, 0x92722C85, 0x1482353B, 0xA2BFE8A1, 0x4CF10364, 0xA81A664B, 0xBC423001, 0xC24B8B70, 0xD0F89791, 0xC76C51A3, 0x0654BE30, 0xD192E819, 0xD6EF5218, 0xD6990624, 0x5565A910, 0xF40E3585, 0x5771202A, 0x106AA070, 0x32BBD1B8, 0x19A4C116, 0xB8D2D0C8, 0x1E376C08, 0x5141AB53, 0x2748774C, 0xDF8EEB99, 0x34B0BCB5, 0xE19B48A8, 0x391C0CB3, 0xC5C95A63, 0x4ED8AA4A, 0xE3418ACB, 0x5B9CCA4F, 0x7763E373, 0x682E6FF3, 0xD6B2B8A3, 0x748F82EE, 0x5DEFB2FC, 0x78A5636F, 0x43172F60, 0x84C87814, 0xA1F0AB72, 0x8CC70208, 0x1A6439EC, 0x90BEFFFA, 0x23631E28, 0xA4506CEB, 0xDE82BDE9, 0xBEF9A3F7, 0xB2C67915, 0xC67178F2, 0xE372532B, 0xCA273ECE, 0xEA26619C, 0xD186B8C7, 0x21C0C207, 0xEADA7DD6, 0xCDE0EB1E, 0xF57D4F7F, 0xEE6ED178, 0x06F067AA, 0x72176FBA, 0x0A637DC5, 0xA2C898A6, 0x113F9804, 0xBEF90DAE, 0x1B710B35, 0x131C471B, 0x28DB77F5, 0x23047D84, 0x32CAAB7B, 0x40C72493, 0x3C9EBE0A, 0x15C9BEBC, 0x431D67C4, 0x9C100D4C, 0x4CC5D4BE, 0xCB3E42B6, 0x597F299C, 0xFC657E2A, 0x5FCB6FAB, 0x3AD6FAEC, 0x6C44198C, 0x4A475817 ], OUTPUT_TYPES1 = [ 'hex', 'array', 'digest', 'arrayBuffer' ], blocks1 = []; (root1.JS_SHA512_NO_NODE_JS || !Array.isArray) && (Array.isArray = function(obj1) { return '[object Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(obj1); }), ARRAY_BUFFER1 && (root1.JS_SHA512_NO_ARRAY_BUFFER_IS_VIEW || !ArrayBuffer.isView) && (ArrayBuffer.isView = function(obj1) { return 'object' == typeof obj1 && obj1.buffer && obj1.buffer.constructor === ArrayBuffer; }); var createOutputMethod1 = function(outputType1, bits1) { return function(message1) { return new Sha5121(bits1, !0).update(message1)[outputType1](); }; }, createMethod1 = function(bits1) { var method1 = createOutputMethod1('hex', bits1); method1.create = function() { return new Sha5121(bits1); }, method1.update = function(message1) { return method1.create().update(message1); }; for(var i2 = 0; i2 < OUTPUT_TYPES1.length; ++i2){ var type1 = OUTPUT_TYPES1[i2]; method1[type1] = createOutputMethod1(type1, bits1); } return method1; }, createHmacOutputMethod1 = function(outputType1, bits1) { return function(key1, message1) { return new HmacSha5121(key1, bits1, !0).update(message1)[outputType1](); }; }, createHmacMethod1 = function(bits1) { var method1 = createHmacOutputMethod1('hex', bits1); method1.create = function(key1) { return new HmacSha5121(key1, bits1); }, method1.update = function(key1, message1) { return method1.create(key1).update(message1); }; for(var i2 = 0; i2 < OUTPUT_TYPES1.length; ++i2){ var type1 = OUTPUT_TYPES1[i2]; method1[type1] = createHmacOutputMethod1(type1, bits1); } return method1; }; function Sha5121(bits1, sharedMemory1) { sharedMemory1 ? (blocks1[0] = blocks1[1] = blocks1[2] = blocks1[3] = blocks1[4] = blocks1[5] = blocks1[6] = blocks1[7] = blocks1[8] = blocks1[9] = blocks1[10] = blocks1[11] = blocks1[12] = blocks1[13] = blocks1[14] = blocks1[15] = blocks1[16] = blocks1[17] = blocks1[18] = blocks1[19] = blocks1[20] = blocks1[21] = blocks1[22] = blocks1[23] = blocks1[24] = blocks1[25] = blocks1[26] = blocks1[27] = blocks1[28] = blocks1[29] = blocks1[30] = blocks1[31] = blocks1[32] = 0, this.blocks = blocks1) : this.blocks = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], 384 == bits1 ? (this.h0h = 0xCBBB9D5D, this.h0l = 0xC1059ED8, this.h1h = 0x629A292A, this.h1l = 0x367CD507, this.h2h = 0x9159015A, this.h2l = 0x3070DD17, this.h3h = 0x152FECD8, this.h3l = 0xF70E5939, this.h4h = 0x67332667, this.h4l = 0xFFC00B31, this.h5h = 0x8EB44A87, this.h5l = 0x68581511, this.h6h = 0xDB0C2E0D, this.h6l = 0x64F98FA7, this.h7h = 0x47B5481D, this.h7l = 0xBEFA4FA4) : 256 == bits1 ? (this.h0h = 0x22312194, this.h0l = 0xFC2BF72C, this.h1h = 0x9F555FA3, this.h1l = 0xC84C64C2, this.h2h = 0x2393B86B, this.h2l = 0x6F53B151, this.h3h = 0x96387719, this.h3l = 0x5940EABD, this.h4h = 0x96283EE2, this.h4l = 0xA88EFFE3, this.h5h = 0xBE5E1E25, this.h5l = 0x53863992, this.h6h = 0x2B0199FC, this.h6l = 0x2C85B8AA, this.h7h = 0x0EB72DDC, this.h7l = 0x81C52CA2) : 224 == bits1 ? (this.h0h = 0x8C3D37C8, this.h0l = 0x19544DA2, this.h1h = 0x73E19966, this.h1l = 0x89DCD4D6, this.h2h = 0x1DFAB7AE, this.h2l = 0x32FF9C82, this.h3h = 0x679DD514, this.h3l = 0x582F9FCF, this.h4h = 0x0F6D2B69, this.h4l = 0x7BD44DA8, this.h5h = 0x77E36F73, this.h5l = 0x04C48942, this.h6h = 0x3F9D85A8, this.h6l = 0x6A1D36C8, this.h7h = 0x1112E6AD, this.h7l = 0x91D692A1) : (this.h0h = 0x6A09E667, this.h0l = 0xF3BCC908, this.h1h = 0xBB67AE85, this.h1l = 0x84CAA73B, this.h2h = 0x3C6EF372, this.h2l = 0xFE94F82B, this.h3h = 0xA54FF53A, this.h3l = 0x5F1D36F1, this.h4h = 0x510E527F, this.h4l = 0xADE682D1, this.h5h = 0x9B05688C, this.h5l = 0x2B3E6C1F, this.h6h = 0x1F83D9AB, this.h6l = 0xFB41BD6B, this.h7h = 0x5BE0CD19, this.h7l = 0x137E2179), this.bits = bits1, this.block = this.start = this.bytes = this.hBytes = 0, this.finalized = this.hashed = !1; } function HmacSha5121(key1, bits1, sharedMemory1) { var notString1, type1 = typeof key1; if ('string' !== type1) { if ('object' === type1) { if (null === key1) throw Error(INPUT_ERROR1); if (ARRAY_BUFFER1 && key1.constructor === ArrayBuffer) key1 = new Uint8Array(key1); else if (!Array.isArray(key1) && (!ARRAY_BUFFER1 || !ArrayBuffer.isView(key1))) throw Error(INPUT_ERROR1); } else throw Error(INPUT_ERROR1); notString1 = !0; } var length1 = key1.length; if (!notString1) { for(var code1, bytes1 = [], length1 = key1.length, index1 = 0, i2 = 0; i2 < length1; ++i2)(code1 = key1.charCodeAt(i2)) < 0x80 ? bytes1[index1++] = code1 : (code1 < 0x800 ? bytes1[index1++] = 0xc0 | code1 >> 6 : (code1 < 0xd800 || code1 >= 0xe000 ? bytes1[index1++] = 0xe0 | code1 >> 12 : (code1 = 0x10000 + ((0x3ff & code1) << 10 | 0x3ff & key1.charCodeAt(++i2)), bytes1[index1++] = 0xf0 | code1 >> 18, bytes1[index1++] = 0x80 | code1 >> 12 & 0x3f), bytes1[index1++] = 0x80 | code1 >> 6 & 0x3f), bytes1[index1++] = 0x80 | 0x3f & code1); key1 = bytes1; } key1.length > 128 && (key1 = new Sha5121(bits1, !0).update(key1).array()); for(var oKeyPad1 = [], iKeyPad1 = [], i2 = 0; i2 < 128; ++i2){ var b10 = key1[i2] || 0; oKeyPad1[i2] = 0x5c ^ b10, iKeyPad1[i2] = 0x36 ^ b10; } Sha5121.call(this, bits1, sharedMemory1), this.update(iKeyPad1), this.oKeyPad = oKeyPad1, this.inner = !0, this.sharedMemory = sharedMemory1; } Sha5121.prototype.update = function(message1) { if (this.finalized) throw Error(FINALIZE_ERROR1); var notString1, type1 = typeof message1; if ('string' !== type1) { if ('object' === type1) { if (null === message1) throw Error(INPUT_ERROR1); if (ARRAY_BUFFER1 && message1.constructor === ArrayBuffer) message1 = new Uint8Array(message1); else if (!Array.isArray(message1) && (!ARRAY_BUFFER1 || !ArrayBuffer.isView(message1))) throw Error(INPUT_ERROR1); } else throw Error(INPUT_ERROR1); notString1 = !0; } for(var code1, i2, index1 = 0, length1 = message1.length, blocks1 = this.blocks; index1 < length1;){ if (this.hashed && (this.hashed = !1, blocks1[0] = this.block, blocks1[1] = blocks1[2] = blocks1[3] = blocks1[4] = blocks1[5] = blocks1[6] = blocks1[7] = blocks1[8] = blocks1[9] = blocks1[10] = blocks1[11] = blocks1[12] = blocks1[13] = blocks1[14] = blocks1[15] = blocks1[16] = blocks1[17] = blocks1[18] = blocks1[19] = blocks1[20] = blocks1[21] = blocks1[22] = blocks1[23] = blocks1[24] = blocks1[25] = blocks1[26] = blocks1[27] = blocks1[28] = blocks1[29] = blocks1[30] = blocks1[31] = blocks1[32] = 0), notString1) for(i2 = this.start; index1 < length1 && i2 < 128; ++index1)blocks1[i2 >> 2] |= message1[index1] << SHIFT1[3 & i2++]; else for(i2 = this.start; index1 < length1 && i2 < 128; ++index1)(code1 = message1.charCodeAt(index1)) < 0x80 ? blocks1[i2 >> 2] |= code1 << SHIFT1[3 & i2++] : (code1 < 0x800 ? blocks1[i2 >> 2] |= (0xc0 | code1 >> 6) << SHIFT1[3 & i2++] : (code1 < 0xd800 || code1 >= 0xe000 ? blocks1[i2 >> 2] |= (0xe0 | code1 >> 12) << SHIFT1[3 & i2++] : (code1 = 0x10000 + ((0x3ff & code1) << 10 | 0x3ff & message1.charCodeAt(++index1)), blocks1[i2 >> 2] |= (0xf0 | code1 >> 18) << SHIFT1[3 & i2++], blocks1[i2 >> 2] |= (0x80 | code1 >> 12 & 0x3f) << SHIFT1[3 & i2++]), blocks1[i2 >> 2] |= (0x80 | code1 >> 6 & 0x3f) << SHIFT1[3 & i2++]), blocks1[i2 >> 2] |= (0x80 | 0x3f & code1) << SHIFT1[3 & i2++]); this.lastByteIndex = i2, this.bytes += i2 - this.start, i2 >= 128 ? (this.block = blocks1[32], this.start = i2 - 128, this.hash(), this.hashed = !0) : this.start = i2; } return this.bytes > 4294967295 && (this.hBytes += this.bytes / 4294967296 << 0, this.bytes = this.bytes % 4294967296), this; }, Sha5121.prototype.finalize = function() { if (!this.finalized) { this.finalized = !0; var blocks1 = this.blocks, i2 = this.lastByteIndex; blocks1[32] = this.block, blocks1[i2 >> 2] |= EXTRA1[3 & i2], this.block = blocks1[32], i2 >= 112 && (this.hashed || this.hash(), blocks1[0] = this.block, blocks1[1] = blocks1[2] = blocks1[3] = blocks1[4] = blocks1[5] = blocks1[6] = blocks1[7] = blocks1[8] = blocks1[9] = blocks1[10] = blocks1[11] = blocks1[12] = blocks1[13] = blocks1[14] = blocks1[15] = blocks1[16] = blocks1[17] = blocks1[18] = blocks1[19] = blocks1[20] = blocks1[21] = blocks1[22] = blocks1[23] = blocks1[24] = blocks1[25] = blocks1[26] = blocks1[27] = blocks1[28] = blocks1[29] = blocks1[30] = blocks1[31] = blocks1[32] = 0), blocks1[30] = this.hBytes << 3 | this.bytes >>> 29, blocks1[31] = this.bytes << 3, this.hash(); } }, Sha5121.prototype.hash = function() { var j1, s0h1, s0l1, s1h1, s1l1, c11, c21, c31, c41, abh1, abl1, dah1, dal1, cdh1, cdl1, bch1, bcl1, majh1, majl1, t1h1, t1l1, t2h1, t2l1, chh1, chl1, h0h1 = this.h0h, h0l1 = this.h0l, h1h1 = this.h1h, h1l1 = this.h1l, h2h1 = this.h2h, h2l1 = this.h2l, h3h1 = this.h3h, h3l1 = this.h3l, h4h1 = this.h4h, h4l1 = this.h4l, h5h1 = this.h5h, h5l1 = this.h5l, h6h1 = this.h6h, h6l1 = this.h6l, h7h1 = this.h7h, h7l1 = this.h7l, blocks1 = this.blocks; for(j1 = 32; j1 < 160; j1 += 2)s0h1 = ((t1h1 = blocks1[j1 - 30]) >>> 1 | (t1l1 = blocks1[j1 - 29]) << 31) ^ (t1h1 >>> 8 | t1l1 << 24) ^ t1h1 >>> 7, s0l1 = (t1l1 >>> 1 | t1h1 << 31) ^ (t1l1 >>> 8 | t1h1 << 24) ^ (t1l1 >>> 7 | t1h1 << 25), s1h1 = ((t1h1 = blocks1[j1 - 4]) >>> 19 | (t1l1 = blocks1[j1 - 3]) << 13) ^ (t1l1 >>> 29 | t1h1 << 3) ^ t1h1 >>> 6, s1l1 = (t1l1 >>> 19 | t1h1 << 13) ^ (t1h1 >>> 29 | t1l1 << 3) ^ (t1l1 >>> 6 | t1h1 << 26), t1h1 = blocks1[j1 - 32], t1l1 = blocks1[j1 - 31], t2h1 = blocks1[j1 - 14], c11 = (0xFFFF & (t2l1 = blocks1[j1 - 13])) + (0xFFFF & t1l1) + (0xFFFF & s0l1) + (0xFFFF & s1l1), c31 = (0xFFFF & t2h1) + (0xFFFF & t1h1) + (0xFFFF & s0h1) + (0xFFFF & s1h1) + ((c21 = (t2l1 >>> 16) + (t1l1 >>> 16) + (s0l1 >>> 16) + (s1l1 >>> 16) + (c11 >>> 16)) >>> 16), c41 = (t2h1 >>> 16) + (t1h1 >>> 16) + (s0h1 >>> 16) + (s1h1 >>> 16) + (c31 >>> 16), blocks1[j1] = c41 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c31, blocks1[j1 + 1] = c21 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c11; var ah10 = h0h1, al10 = h0l1, bh10 = h1h1, bl10 = h1l1, ch1 = h2h1, cl1 = h2l1, dh1 = h3h1, dl1 = h3l1, eh1 = h4h1, el1 = h4l1, fh1 = h5h1, fl1 = h5l1, gh1 = h6h1, gl1 = h6l1, hh1 = h7h1, hl1 = h7l1; for(j1 = 0, bch1 = bh10 & ch1, bcl1 = bl10 & cl1; j1 < 160; j1 += 8)s0h1 = (ah10 >>> 28 | al10 << 4) ^ (al10 >>> 2 | ah10 << 30) ^ (al10 >>> 7 | ah10 << 25), s0l1 = (al10 >>> 28 | ah10 << 4) ^ (ah10 >>> 2 | al10 << 30) ^ (ah10 >>> 7 | al10 << 25), s1h1 = (eh1 >>> 14 | el1 << 18) ^ (eh1 >>> 18 | el1 << 14) ^ (el1 >>> 9 | eh1 << 23), s1l1 = (el1 >>> 14 | eh1 << 18) ^ (el1 >>> 18 | eh1 << 14) ^ (eh1 >>> 9 | el1 << 23), abh1 = ah10 & bh10, abl1 = al10 & bl10, majh1 = abh1 ^ ah10 & ch1 ^ bch1, majl1 = abl1 ^ al10 & cl1 ^ bcl1, chh1 = eh1 & fh1 ^ ~eh1 & gh1, chl1 = el1 & fl1 ^ ~el1 & gl1, t1h1 = blocks1[j1], t1l1 = blocks1[j1 + 1], t2h1 = K1[j1], c11 = (0xFFFF & (t2l1 = K1[j1 + 1])) + (0xFFFF & t1l1) + (0xFFFF & chl1) + (0xFFFF & s1l1) + (0xFFFF & hl1), c31 = (0xFFFF & t2h1) + (0xFFFF & t1h1) + (0xFFFF & chh1) + (0xFFFF & s1h1) + (0xFFFF & hh1) + ((c21 = (t2l1 >>> 16) + (t1l1 >>> 16) + (chl1 >>> 16) + (s1l1 >>> 16) + (hl1 >>> 16) + (c11 >>> 16)) >>> 16), t1h1 = (c41 = (t2h1 >>> 16) + (t1h1 >>> 16) + (chh1 >>> 16) + (s1h1 >>> 16) + (hh1 >>> 16) + (c31 >>> 16)) << 16 | 0xFFFF & c31, t1l1 = c21 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c11, c11 = (0xFFFF & majl1) + (0xFFFF & s0l1), c31 = (0xFFFF & majh1) + (0xFFFF & s0h1) + ((c21 = (majl1 >>> 16) + (s0l1 >>> 16) + (c11 >>> 16)) >>> 16), t2h1 = (c41 = (majh1 >>> 16) + (s0h1 >>> 16) + (c31 >>> 16)) << 16 | 0xFFFF & c31, t2l1 = c21 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c11, c11 = (0xFFFF & dl1) + (0xFFFF & t1l1), c31 = (0xFFFF & dh1) + (0xFFFF & t1h1) + ((c21 = (dl1 >>> 16) + (t1l1 >>> 16) + (c11 >>> 16)) >>> 16), hh1 = (c41 = (dh1 >>> 16) + (t1h1 >>> 16) + (c31 >>> 16)) << 16 | 0xFFFF & c31, hl1 = c21 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c11, c11 = (0xFFFF & t2l1) + (0xFFFF & t1l1), c31 = (0xFFFF & t2h1) + (0xFFFF & t1h1) + ((c21 = (t2l1 >>> 16) + (t1l1 >>> 16) + (c11 >>> 16)) >>> 16), s0h1 = ((dh1 = (c41 = (t2h1 >>> 16) + (t1h1 >>> 16) + (c31 >>> 16)) << 16 | 0xFFFF & c31) >>> 28 | (dl1 = c21 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c11) << 4) ^ (dl1 >>> 2 | dh1 << 30) ^ (dl1 >>> 7 | dh1 << 25), s0l1 = (dl1 >>> 28 | dh1 << 4) ^ (dh1 >>> 2 | dl1 << 30) ^ (dh1 >>> 7 | dl1 << 25), s1h1 = (hh1 >>> 14 | hl1 << 18) ^ (hh1 >>> 18 | hl1 << 14) ^ (hl1 >>> 9 | hh1 << 23), s1l1 = (hl1 >>> 14 | hh1 << 18) ^ (hl1 >>> 18 | hh1 << 14) ^ (hh1 >>> 9 | hl1 << 23), dah1 = dh1 & ah10, dal1 = dl1 & al10, majh1 = dah1 ^ dh1 & bh10 ^ abh1, majl1 = dal1 ^ dl1 & bl10 ^ abl1, chh1 = hh1 & eh1 ^ ~hh1 & fh1, chl1 = hl1 & el1 ^ ~hl1 & fl1, t1h1 = blocks1[j1 + 2], t1l1 = blocks1[j1 + 3], t2h1 = K1[j1 + 2], c11 = (0xFFFF & (t2l1 = K1[j1 + 3])) + (0xFFFF & t1l1) + (0xFFFF & chl1) + (0xFFFF & s1l1) + (0xFFFF & gl1), c31 = (0xFFFF & t2h1) + (0xFFFF & t1h1) + (0xFFFF & chh1) + (0xFFFF & s1h1) + (0xFFFF & gh1) + ((c21 = (t2l1 >>> 16) + (t1l1 >>> 16) + (chl1 >>> 16) + (s1l1 >>> 16) + (gl1 >>> 16) + (c11 >>> 16)) >>> 16), t1h1 = (c41 = (t2h1 >>> 16) + (t1h1 >>> 16) + (chh1 >>> 16) + (s1h1 >>> 16) + (gh1 >>> 16) + (c31 >>> 16)) << 16 | 0xFFFF & c31, t1l1 = c21 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c11, c11 = (0xFFFF & majl1) + (0xFFFF & s0l1), c31 = (0xFFFF & majh1) + (0xFFFF & s0h1) + ((c21 = (majl1 >>> 16) + (s0l1 >>> 16) + (c11 >>> 16)) >>> 16), t2h1 = (c41 = (majh1 >>> 16) + (s0h1 >>> 16) + (c31 >>> 16)) << 16 | 0xFFFF & c31, t2l1 = c21 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c11, c11 = (0xFFFF & cl1) + (0xFFFF & t1l1), c31 = (0xFFFF & ch1) + (0xFFFF & t1h1) + ((c21 = (cl1 >>> 16) + (t1l1 >>> 16) + (c11 >>> 16)) >>> 16), gh1 = (c41 = (ch1 >>> 16) + (t1h1 >>> 16) + (c31 >>> 16)) << 16 | 0xFFFF & c31, gl1 = c21 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c11, c11 = (0xFFFF & t2l1) + (0xFFFF & t1l1), c31 = (0xFFFF & t2h1) + (0xFFFF & t1h1) + ((c21 = (t2l1 >>> 16) + (t1l1 >>> 16) + (c11 >>> 16)) >>> 16), s0h1 = ((ch1 = (c41 = (t2h1 >>> 16) + (t1h1 >>> 16) + (c31 >>> 16)) << 16 | 0xFFFF & c31) >>> 28 | (cl1 = c21 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c11) << 4) ^ (cl1 >>> 2 | ch1 << 30) ^ (cl1 >>> 7 | ch1 << 25), s0l1 = (cl1 >>> 28 | ch1 << 4) ^ (ch1 >>> 2 | cl1 << 30) ^ (ch1 >>> 7 | cl1 << 25), s1h1 = (gh1 >>> 14 | gl1 << 18) ^ (gh1 >>> 18 | gl1 << 14) ^ (gl1 >>> 9 | gh1 << 23), s1l1 = (gl1 >>> 14 | gh1 << 18) ^ (gl1 >>> 18 | gh1 << 14) ^ (gh1 >>> 9 | gl1 << 23), cdh1 = ch1 & dh1, cdl1 = cl1 & dl1, majh1 = cdh1 ^ ch1 & ah10 ^ dah1, majl1 = cdl1 ^ cl1 & al10 ^ dal1, chh1 = gh1 & hh1 ^ ~gh1 & eh1, chl1 = gl1 & hl1 ^ ~gl1 & el1, t1h1 = blocks1[j1 + 4], t1l1 = blocks1[j1 + 5], t2h1 = K1[j1 + 4], c11 = (0xFFFF & (t2l1 = K1[j1 + 5])) + (0xFFFF & t1l1) + (0xFFFF & chl1) + (0xFFFF & s1l1) + (0xFFFF & fl1), c31 = (0xFFFF & t2h1) + (0xFFFF & t1h1) + (0xFFFF & chh1) + (0xFFFF & s1h1) + (0xFFFF & fh1) + ((c21 = (t2l1 >>> 16) + (t1l1 >>> 16) + (chl1 >>> 16) + (s1l1 >>> 16) + (fl1 >>> 16) + (c11 >>> 16)) >>> 16), t1h1 = (c41 = (t2h1 >>> 16) + (t1h1 >>> 16) + (chh1 >>> 16) + (s1h1 >>> 16) + (fh1 >>> 16) + (c31 >>> 16)) << 16 | 0xFFFF & c31, t1l1 = c21 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c11, c11 = (0xFFFF & majl1) + (0xFFFF & s0l1), c31 = (0xFFFF & majh1) + (0xFFFF & s0h1) + ((c21 = (majl1 >>> 16) + (s0l1 >>> 16) + (c11 >>> 16)) >>> 16), t2h1 = (c41 = (majh1 >>> 16) + (s0h1 >>> 16) + (c31 >>> 16)) << 16 | 0xFFFF & c31, t2l1 = c21 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c11, c11 = (0xFFFF & bl10) + (0xFFFF & t1l1), c31 = (0xFFFF & bh10) + (0xFFFF & t1h1) + ((c21 = (bl10 >>> 16) + (t1l1 >>> 16) + (c11 >>> 16)) >>> 16), fh1 = (c41 = (bh10 >>> 16) + (t1h1 >>> 16) + (c31 >>> 16)) << 16 | 0xFFFF & c31, fl1 = c21 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c11, c11 = (0xFFFF & t2l1) + (0xFFFF & t1l1), c31 = (0xFFFF & t2h1) + (0xFFFF & t1h1) + ((c21 = (t2l1 >>> 16) + (t1l1 >>> 16) + (c11 >>> 16)) >>> 16), s0h1 = ((bh10 = (c41 = (t2h1 >>> 16) + (t1h1 >>> 16) + (c31 >>> 16)) << 16 | 0xFFFF & c31) >>> 28 | (bl10 = c21 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c11) << 4) ^ (bl10 >>> 2 | bh10 << 30) ^ (bl10 >>> 7 | bh10 << 25), s0l1 = (bl10 >>> 28 | bh10 << 4) ^ (bh10 >>> 2 | bl10 << 30) ^ (bh10 >>> 7 | bl10 << 25), s1h1 = (fh1 >>> 14 | fl1 << 18) ^ (fh1 >>> 18 | fl1 << 14) ^ (fl1 >>> 9 | fh1 << 23), s1l1 = (fl1 >>> 14 | fh1 << 18) ^ (fl1 >>> 18 | fh1 << 14) ^ (fh1 >>> 9 | fl1 << 23), bch1 = bh10 & ch1, bcl1 = bl10 & cl1, majh1 = bch1 ^ bh10 & dh1 ^ cdh1, majl1 = bcl1 ^ bl10 & dl1 ^ cdl1, chh1 = fh1 & gh1 ^ ~fh1 & hh1, chl1 = fl1 & gl1 ^ ~fl1 & hl1, t1h1 = blocks1[j1 + 6], t1l1 = blocks1[j1 + 7], t2h1 = K1[j1 + 6], c11 = (0xFFFF & (t2l1 = K1[j1 + 7])) + (0xFFFF & t1l1) + (0xFFFF & chl1) + (0xFFFF & s1l1) + (0xFFFF & el1), c31 = (0xFFFF & t2h1) + (0xFFFF & t1h1) + (0xFFFF & chh1) + (0xFFFF & s1h1) + (0xFFFF & eh1) + ((c21 = (t2l1 >>> 16) + (t1l1 >>> 16) + (chl1 >>> 16) + (s1l1 >>> 16) + (el1 >>> 16) + (c11 >>> 16)) >>> 16), t1h1 = (c41 = (t2h1 >>> 16) + (t1h1 >>> 16) + (chh1 >>> 16) + (s1h1 >>> 16) + (eh1 >>> 16) + (c31 >>> 16)) << 16 | 0xFFFF & c31, t1l1 = c21 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c11, c11 = (0xFFFF & majl1) + (0xFFFF & s0l1), c31 = (0xFFFF & majh1) + (0xFFFF & s0h1) + ((c21 = (majl1 >>> 16) + (s0l1 >>> 16) + (c11 >>> 16)) >>> 16), t2h1 = (c41 = (majh1 >>> 16) + (s0h1 >>> 16) + (c31 >>> 16)) << 16 | 0xFFFF & c31, t2l1 = c21 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c11, c11 = (0xFFFF & al10) + (0xFFFF & t1l1), c31 = (0xFFFF & ah10) + (0xFFFF & t1h1) + ((c21 = (al10 >>> 16) + (t1l1 >>> 16) + (c11 >>> 16)) >>> 16), eh1 = (c41 = (ah10 >>> 16) + (t1h1 >>> 16) + (c31 >>> 16)) << 16 | 0xFFFF & c31, el1 = c21 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c11, c11 = (0xFFFF & t2l1) + (0xFFFF & t1l1), c31 = (0xFFFF & t2h1) + (0xFFFF & t1h1) + ((c21 = (t2l1 >>> 16) + (t1l1 >>> 16) + (c11 >>> 16)) >>> 16), ah10 = (c41 = (t2h1 >>> 16) + (t1h1 >>> 16) + (c31 >>> 16)) << 16 | 0xFFFF & c31, al10 = c21 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c11; c11 = (0xFFFF & h0l1) + (0xFFFF & al10), c31 = (0xFFFF & h0h1) + (0xFFFF & ah10) + ((c21 = (h0l1 >>> 16) + (al10 >>> 16) + (c11 >>> 16)) >>> 16), c41 = (h0h1 >>> 16) + (ah10 >>> 16) + (c31 >>> 16), this.h0h = c41 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c31, this.h0l = c21 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c11, c11 = (0xFFFF & h1l1) + (0xFFFF & bl10), c31 = (0xFFFF & h1h1) + (0xFFFF & bh10) + ((c21 = (h1l1 >>> 16) + (bl10 >>> 16) + (c11 >>> 16)) >>> 16), c41 = (h1h1 >>> 16) + (bh10 >>> 16) + (c31 >>> 16), this.h1h = c41 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c31, this.h1l = c21 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c11, c11 = (0xFFFF & h2l1) + (0xFFFF & cl1), c31 = (0xFFFF & h2h1) + (0xFFFF & ch1) + ((c21 = (h2l1 >>> 16) + (cl1 >>> 16) + (c11 >>> 16)) >>> 16), c41 = (h2h1 >>> 16) + (ch1 >>> 16) + (c31 >>> 16), this.h2h = c41 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c31, this.h2l = c21 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c11, c11 = (0xFFFF & h3l1) + (0xFFFF & dl1), c31 = (0xFFFF & h3h1) + (0xFFFF & dh1) + ((c21 = (h3l1 >>> 16) + (dl1 >>> 16) + (c11 >>> 16)) >>> 16), c41 = (h3h1 >>> 16) + (dh1 >>> 16) + (c31 >>> 16), this.h3h = c41 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c31, this.h3l = c21 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c11, c11 = (0xFFFF & h4l1) + (0xFFFF & el1), c31 = (0xFFFF & h4h1) + (0xFFFF & eh1) + ((c21 = (h4l1 >>> 16) + (el1 >>> 16) + (c11 >>> 16)) >>> 16), c41 = (h4h1 >>> 16) + (eh1 >>> 16) + (c31 >>> 16), this.h4h = c41 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c31, this.h4l = c21 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c11, c11 = (0xFFFF & h5l1) + (0xFFFF & fl1), c31 = (0xFFFF & h5h1) + (0xFFFF & fh1) + ((c21 = (h5l1 >>> 16) + (fl1 >>> 16) + (c11 >>> 16)) >>> 16), c41 = (h5h1 >>> 16) + (fh1 >>> 16) + (c31 >>> 16), this.h5h = c41 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c31, this.h5l = c21 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c11, c11 = (0xFFFF & h6l1) + (0xFFFF & gl1), c31 = (0xFFFF & h6h1) + (0xFFFF & gh1) + ((c21 = (h6l1 >>> 16) + (gl1 >>> 16) + (c11 >>> 16)) >>> 16), c41 = (h6h1 >>> 16) + (gh1 >>> 16) + (c31 >>> 16), this.h6h = c41 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c31, this.h6l = c21 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c11, c11 = (0xFFFF & h7l1) + (0xFFFF & hl1), c31 = (0xFFFF & h7h1) + (0xFFFF & hh1) + ((c21 = (h7l1 >>> 16) + (hl1 >>> 16) + (c11 >>> 16)) >>> 16), c41 = (h7h1 >>> 16) + (hh1 >>> 16) + (c31 >>> 16), this.h7h = c41 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c31, this.h7l = c21 << 16 | 0xFFFF & c11; }, Sha5121.prototype.hex = function() { this.finalize(); var h0h1 = this.h0h, h0l1 = this.h0l, h1h1 = this.h1h, h1l1 = this.h1l, h2h1 = this.h2h, h2l1 = this.h2l, h3h1 = this.h3h, h3l1 = this.h3l, h4h1 = this.h4h, h4l1 = this.h4l, h5h1 = this.h5h, h5l1 = this.h5l, h6h1 = this.h6h, h6l1 = this.h6l, h7h1 = this.h7h, h7l1 = this.h7l, bits1 = this.bits, hex1 = HEX_CHARS1[h0h1 >> 28 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h0h1 >> 24 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h0h1 >> 20 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h0h1 >> 16 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h0h1 >> 12 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h0h1 >> 8 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h0h1 >> 4 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[0x0F & h0h1] + HEX_CHARS1[h0l1 >> 28 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h0l1 >> 24 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h0l1 >> 20 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h0l1 >> 16 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h0l1 >> 12 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h0l1 >> 8 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h0l1 >> 4 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[0x0F & h0l1] + HEX_CHARS1[h1h1 >> 28 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h1h1 >> 24 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h1h1 >> 20 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h1h1 >> 16 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h1h1 >> 12 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h1h1 >> 8 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h1h1 >> 4 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[0x0F & h1h1] + HEX_CHARS1[h1l1 >> 28 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h1l1 >> 24 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h1l1 >> 20 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h1l1 >> 16 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h1l1 >> 12 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h1l1 >> 8 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h1l1 >> 4 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[0x0F & h1l1] + HEX_CHARS1[h2h1 >> 28 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h2h1 >> 24 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h2h1 >> 20 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h2h1 >> 16 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h2h1 >> 12 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h2h1 >> 8 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h2h1 >> 4 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[0x0F & h2h1] + HEX_CHARS1[h2l1 >> 28 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h2l1 >> 24 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h2l1 >> 20 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h2l1 >> 16 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h2l1 >> 12 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h2l1 >> 8 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h2l1 >> 4 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[0x0F & h2l1] + HEX_CHARS1[h3h1 >> 28 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h3h1 >> 24 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h3h1 >> 20 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h3h1 >> 16 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h3h1 >> 12 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h3h1 >> 8 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h3h1 >> 4 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[0x0F & h3h1]; return bits1 >= 256 && (hex1 += HEX_CHARS1[h3l1 >> 28 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h3l1 >> 24 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h3l1 >> 20 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h3l1 >> 16 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h3l1 >> 12 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h3l1 >> 8 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h3l1 >> 4 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[0x0F & h3l1]), bits1 >= 384 && (hex1 += HEX_CHARS1[h4h1 >> 28 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h4h1 >> 24 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h4h1 >> 20 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h4h1 >> 16 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h4h1 >> 12 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h4h1 >> 8 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h4h1 >> 4 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[0x0F & h4h1] + HEX_CHARS1[h4l1 >> 28 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h4l1 >> 24 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h4l1 >> 20 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h4l1 >> 16 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h4l1 >> 12 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h4l1 >> 8 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h4l1 >> 4 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[0x0F & h4l1] + HEX_CHARS1[h5h1 >> 28 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h5h1 >> 24 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h5h1 >> 20 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h5h1 >> 16 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h5h1 >> 12 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h5h1 >> 8 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h5h1 >> 4 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[0x0F & h5h1] + HEX_CHARS1[h5l1 >> 28 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h5l1 >> 24 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h5l1 >> 20 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h5l1 >> 16 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h5l1 >> 12 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h5l1 >> 8 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h5l1 >> 4 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[0x0F & h5l1]), 512 == bits1 && (hex1 += HEX_CHARS1[h6h1 >> 28 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h6h1 >> 24 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h6h1 >> 20 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h6h1 >> 16 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h6h1 >> 12 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h6h1 >> 8 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h6h1 >> 4 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[0x0F & h6h1] + HEX_CHARS1[h6l1 >> 28 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h6l1 >> 24 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h6l1 >> 20 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h6l1 >> 16 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h6l1 >> 12 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h6l1 >> 8 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h6l1 >> 4 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[0x0F & h6l1] + HEX_CHARS1[h7h1 >> 28 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h7h1 >> 24 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h7h1 >> 20 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h7h1 >> 16 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h7h1 >> 12 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h7h1 >> 8 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h7h1 >> 4 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[0x0F & h7h1] + HEX_CHARS1[h7l1 >> 28 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h7l1 >> 24 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h7l1 >> 20 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h7l1 >> 16 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h7l1 >> 12 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h7l1 >> 8 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[h7l1 >> 4 & 0x0F] + HEX_CHARS1[0x0F & h7l1]), hex1; }, Sha5121.prototype.toString = Sha5121.prototype.hex, Sha5121.prototype.digest = function() { this.finalize(); var h0h1 = this.h0h, h0l1 = this.h0l, h1h1 = this.h1h, h1l1 = this.h1l, h2h1 = this.h2h, h2l1 = this.h2l, h3h1 = this.h3h, h3l1 = this.h3l, h4h1 = this.h4h, h4l1 = this.h4l, h5h1 = this.h5h, h5l1 = this.h5l, h6h1 = this.h6h, h6l1 = this.h6l, h7h1 = this.h7h, h7l1 = this.h7l, bits1 = this.bits, arr1 = [ h0h1 >> 24 & 0xFF, h0h1 >> 16 & 0xFF, h0h1 >> 8 & 0xFF, 0xFF & h0h1, h0l1 >> 24 & 0xFF, h0l1 >> 16 & 0xFF, h0l1 >> 8 & 0xFF, 0xFF & h0l1, h1h1 >> 24 & 0xFF, h1h1 >> 16 & 0xFF, h1h1 >> 8 & 0xFF, 0xFF & h1h1, h1l1 >> 24 & 0xFF, h1l1 >> 16 & 0xFF, h1l1 >> 8 & 0xFF, 0xFF & h1l1, h2h1 >> 24 & 0xFF, h2h1 >> 16 & 0xFF, h2h1 >> 8 & 0xFF, 0xFF & h2h1, h2l1 >> 24 & 0xFF, h2l1 >> 16 & 0xFF, h2l1 >> 8 & 0xFF, 0xFF & h2l1, h3h1 >> 24 & 0xFF, h3h1 >> 16 & 0xFF, h3h1 >> 8 & 0xFF, 0xFF & h3h1 ]; return bits1 >= 256 && arr1.push(h3l1 >> 24 & 0xFF, h3l1 >> 16 & 0xFF, h3l1 >> 8 & 0xFF, 0xFF & h3l1), bits1 >= 384 && arr1.push(h4h1 >> 24 & 0xFF, h4h1 >> 16 & 0xFF, h4h1 >> 8 & 0xFF, 0xFF & h4h1, h4l1 >> 24 & 0xFF, h4l1 >> 16 & 0xFF, h4l1 >> 8 & 0xFF, 0xFF & h4l1, h5h1 >> 24 & 0xFF, h5h1 >> 16 & 0xFF, h5h1 >> 8 & 0xFF, 0xFF & h5h1, h5l1 >> 24 & 0xFF, h5l1 >> 16 & 0xFF, h5l1 >> 8 & 0xFF, 0xFF & h5l1), 512 == bits1 && arr1.push(h6h1 >> 24 & 0xFF, h6h1 >> 16 & 0xFF, h6h1 >> 8 & 0xFF, 0xFF & h6h1, h6l1 >> 24 & 0xFF, h6l1 >> 16 & 0xFF, h6l1 >> 8 & 0xFF, 0xFF & h6l1, h7h1 >> 24 & 0xFF, h7h1 >> 16 & 0xFF, h7h1 >> 8 & 0xFF, 0xFF & h7h1, h7l1 >> 24 & 0xFF, h7l1 >> 16 & 0xFF, h7l1 >> 8 & 0xFF, 0xFF & h7l1), arr1; }, Sha5121.prototype.array = Sha5121.prototype.digest, Sha5121.prototype.arrayBuffer = function() { this.finalize(); var bits1 = this.bits, buffer1 = new ArrayBuffer(bits1 / 8), dataView1 = new DataView(buffer1); return dataView1.setUint32(0, this.h0h), dataView1.setUint32(4, this.h0l), dataView1.setUint32(8, this.h1h), dataView1.setUint32(12, this.h1l), dataView1.setUint32(16, this.h2h), dataView1.setUint32(20, this.h2l), dataView1.setUint32(24, this.h3h), bits1 >= 256 && dataView1.setUint32(28, this.h3l), bits1 >= 384 && (dataView1.setUint32(32, this.h4h), dataView1.setUint32(36, this.h4l), dataView1.setUint32(40, this.h5h), dataView1.setUint32(44, this.h5l)), 512 == bits1 && (dataView1.setUint32(48, this.h6h), dataView1.setUint32(52, this.h6l), dataView1.setUint32(56, this.h7h), dataView1.setUint32(60, this.h7l)), buffer1; }, Sha5121.prototype.clone = function() { var hash1 = new Sha5121(this.bits, !1); return this.copyTo(hash1), hash1; }, Sha5121.prototype.copyTo = function(hash1) { var i2 = 0, attrs1 = [ 'h0h', 'h0l', 'h1h', 'h1l', 'h2h', 'h2l', 'h3h', 'h3l', 'h4h', 'h4l', 'h5h', 'h5l', 'h6h', 'h6l', 'h7h', 'h7l', 'start', 'bytes', 'hBytes', 'finalized', 'hashed', 'lastByteIndex' ]; for(i2 = 0; i2 < attrs1.length; ++i2)hash1[attrs1[i2]] = this[attrs1[i2]]; for(i2 = 0; i2 < this.blocks.length; ++i2)hash1.blocks[i2] = this.blocks[i2]; }, HmacSha5121.prototype = new Sha5121(), HmacSha5121.prototype.finalize = function() { if (Sha5121.prototype.finalize.call(this), this.inner) { this.inner = !1; var innerHash1 = this.array(); Sha5121.call(this, this.bits, this.sharedMemory), this.update(this.oKeyPad), this.update(innerHash1), Sha5121.prototype.finalize.call(this); } }, HmacSha5121.prototype.clone = function() { var hash1 = new HmacSha5121([], this.bits, !1); this.copyTo(hash1), hash1.inner = this.inner; for(var i2 = 0; i2 < this.oKeyPad.length; ++i2)hash1.oKeyPad[i2] = this.oKeyPad[i2]; return hash1; }; var exports1 = createMethod1(512); exports1.sha512 = exports1, exports1.sha384 = createMethod1(384), exports1.sha512_256 = createMethod1(256), exports1.sha512_224 = createMethod1(224), exports1.sha512.hmac = createHmacMethod1(512), exports1.sha384.hmac = createHmacMethod1(384), exports1.sha512_256.hmac = createHmacMethod1(256), exports1.sha512_224.hmac = createHmacMethod1(224), COMMON_JS1 ? module1.exports = exports1 : (root1.sha512 = exports1.sha512, root1.sha384 = exports1.sha384, root1.sha512_256 = exports1.sha512_256, root1.sha512_224 = exports1.sha512_224, AMD1 && void 0 !== (__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__1 = (function() { return exports1; }).call(exports1, __webpack_require__1, exports1, module1)) && (module1.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__1)); }(); }, 5548: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { exports1.unsigned = __webpack_require__1(6922), exports1.signed = __webpack_require__1(4927); }, 4927: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { const Bn1 = __webpack_require__1(3550), Pipe1 = __webpack_require__1(3533); function read1(stream1) { return readBn1(stream1).toString(); } function readBn1(stream1) { let byt1; const num1 = new Bn1(0); let shift1 = 0; for(; byt1 = stream1.read(1)[0], num1.ior(new Bn1(0x7f & byt1).shln(shift1)), shift1 += 7, byt1 >> 7 != 0;); return 0x40 & byt1 && num1.setn(shift1), num1.fromTwos(shift1); } function write1(number1, stream1) { let num1 = new Bn1(number1); const isNeg1 = num1.isNeg(); for(isNeg1 && (num1 = num1.toTwos(num1.bitLength() + 8));;){ const i2 = num1.maskn(7).toNumber(); if (num1.ishrn(7), isNegOne1(num1) && (0x40 & i2) != 0 || num1.isZero() && (0x40 & i2) == 0) { stream1.write([ i2 ]); break; } stream1.write([ 0x80 | i2 ]); } function isNegOne1(num1) { return isNeg1 && 0 > num1.toString(2).indexOf('0'); } } function encode1(num1) { const stream1 = new Pipe1(); return write1(num1, stream1), stream1.buffer; } function decode1(buffer1) { const stream1 = new Pipe1(buffer1); return read1(stream1); } module1.exports = { encode: encode1, decode: decode1, write: write1, read: read1, readBn: readBn1 }; }, 6922: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { const Bn1 = __webpack_require__1(3550), Pipe1 = __webpack_require__1(3533); function read1(stream1) { return readBn1(stream1).toString(); } function readBn1(stream1) { let byt1; const num1 = new Bn1(0); let shift1 = 0; for(; byt1 = stream1.read(1)[0], num1.ior(new Bn1(0x7f & byt1).shln(shift1)), byt1 >> 7 != 0;)shift1 += 7; return num1; } function write1(number1, stream1) { const num1 = new Bn1(number1); for(;;){ const i2 = num1.maskn(7).toNumber(); if (num1.ishrn(7), num1.isZero()) { stream1.write([ i2 ]); break; } stream1.write([ 0x80 | i2 ]); } } function encode1(num1) { const stream1 = new Pipe1(); return write1(num1, stream1), stream1.buffer; } function decode1(buffer1) { const stream1 = new Pipe1(buffer1); return read1(stream1); } module1.exports = { encode: encode1, decode: decode1, read: read1, readBn: readBn1, write: write1 }; }, 1675: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; exports1.supports = function(...manifests1) { const manifest1 = manifests1.reduce((acc1, m1)=>Object.assign(acc1, m1), {}); return Object.assign(manifest1, { snapshots: manifest1.snapshots || !1, permanence: manifest1.permanence || !1, seek: manifest1.seek || !1, clear: manifest1.clear || !1, getMany: manifest1.getMany || !1, keyIterator: manifest1.keyIterator || !1, valueIterator: manifest1.valueIterator || !1, iteratorNextv: manifest1.iteratorNextv || !1, iteratorAll: manifest1.iteratorAll || !1, status: manifest1.status || !1, createIfMissing: manifest1.createIfMissing || !1, errorIfExists: manifest1.errorIfExists || !1, deferredOpen: manifest1.deferredOpen || !1, promises: manifest1.promises || !1, streams: manifest1.streams || !1, encodings: Object.assign({}, manifest1.encodings), events: Object.assign({}, manifest1.events), additionalMethods: Object.assign({}, manifest1.additionalMethods) }); }; }, 8499: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const ModuleError1 = __webpack_require__1(4473), encodings1 = __webpack_require__1(8002), { Encoding: Encoding1 } = __webpack_require__1(8266), { BufferFormat: BufferFormat1, ViewFormat: ViewFormat1, UTF8Format: UTF8Format1 } = __webpack_require__1(2376), kFormats1 = Symbol('formats'), kEncodings1 = Symbol('encodings'), validFormats1 = new Set([ 'buffer', 'view', 'utf8' ]); class Transcoder1 { constructor(formats1){ if (Array.isArray(formats1)) { if (!formats1.every((f1)=>validFormats1.has(f1))) throw TypeError("Format must be one of 'buffer', 'view', 'utf8'"); } else throw TypeError("The first argument 'formats' must be an array"); for(const k3 in this[kEncodings1] = new Map(), this[kFormats1] = new Set(formats1), encodings1)try { this.encoding(k3); } catch (err1) { if ('LEVEL_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED' !== err1.code) throw err1; } } encodings() { return Array.from(new Set(this[kEncodings1].values())); } encoding(encoding1) { let resolved1 = this[kEncodings1].get(encoding1); if (void 0 === resolved1) { if ('string' == typeof encoding1 && '' !== encoding1) { if (!(resolved1 = lookup1[encoding1])) throw new ModuleError1(`Encoding '${encoding1}' is not found`, { code: 'LEVEL_ENCODING_NOT_FOUND' }); } else if ('object' != typeof encoding1 || null === encoding1) throw TypeError("First argument 'encoding' must be a string or object"); else resolved1 = from1(encoding1); const { name: name1, format: format1 } = resolved1; if (!this[kFormats1].has(format1)) { if (this[kFormats1].has('view')) resolved1 = resolved1.createViewTranscoder(); else if (this[kFormats1].has('buffer')) resolved1 = resolved1.createBufferTranscoder(); else if (this[kFormats1].has('utf8')) resolved1 = resolved1.createUTF8Transcoder(); else throw new ModuleError1(`Encoding '${name1}' cannot be transcoded`, { code: 'LEVEL_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED' }); } for (const k3 of [ encoding1, name1, resolved1.name, resolved1.commonName ])this[kEncodings1].set(k3, resolved1); } return resolved1; } } function from1(options1) { if (options1 instanceof Encoding1) return options1; const maybeType1 = 'type' in options1 && 'string' == typeof options1.type ? options1.type : void 0, name1 = options1.name || maybeType1 || `anonymous-${anonymousCount1++}`; switch(detectFormat1(options1)){ case 'view': return new ViewFormat1({ ...options1, name: name1 }); case 'utf8': return new UTF8Format1({ ...options1, name: name1 }); case 'buffer': return new BufferFormat1({ ...options1, name: name1 }); default: throw TypeError("Format must be one of 'buffer', 'view', 'utf8'"); } } function detectFormat1(options1) { return 'format' in options1 && void 0 !== options1.format ? options1.format : 'buffer' in options1 && 'boolean' == typeof options1.buffer ? options1.buffer ? 'buffer' : 'utf8' : 'code' in options1 && Number.isInteger(options1.code) ? 'view' : 'buffer'; } exports1.Transcoder = Transcoder1; const aliases1 = { binary: encodings1.buffer, 'utf-8': encodings1.utf8 }, lookup1 = { ...encodings1, ...aliases1 }; let anonymousCount1 = 0; }, 8266: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const ModuleError1 = __webpack_require__1(4473), formats1 = new Set([ 'buffer', 'view', 'utf8' ]); class Encoding1 { constructor(options1){ if (this.encode = options1.encode || this.encode, this.decode = options1.decode || this.decode, this.name = options1.name || this.name, this.format = options1.format || this.format, 'function' != typeof this.encode) throw TypeError("The 'encode' property must be a function"); if ('function' != typeof this.decode) throw TypeError("The 'decode' property must be a function"); if (this.encode = this.encode.bind(this), this.decode = this.decode.bind(this), 'string' != typeof this.name || '' === this.name) throw TypeError("The 'name' property must be a string"); if ('string' != typeof this.format || !formats1.has(this.format)) throw TypeError("The 'format' property must be one of 'buffer', 'view', 'utf8'"); options1.createViewTranscoder && (this.createViewTranscoder = options1.createViewTranscoder), options1.createBufferTranscoder && (this.createBufferTranscoder = options1.createBufferTranscoder), options1.createUTF8Transcoder && (this.createUTF8Transcoder = options1.createUTF8Transcoder); } get commonName() { return this.name.split('+')[0]; } createBufferTranscoder() { throw new ModuleError1(`Encoding '${this.name}' cannot be transcoded to 'buffer'`, { code: 'LEVEL_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED' }); } createViewTranscoder() { throw new ModuleError1(`Encoding '${this.name}' cannot be transcoded to 'view'`, { code: 'LEVEL_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED' }); } createUTF8Transcoder() { throw new ModuleError1(`Encoding '${this.name}' cannot be transcoded to 'utf8'`, { code: 'LEVEL_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED' }); } } exports1.Encoding = Encoding1; }, 8002: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const { Buffer: Buffer1 } = __webpack_require__1(8764) || { Buffer: { isBuffer: ()=>!1 } }, { textEncoder: textEncoder1, textDecoder: textDecoder1 } = __webpack_require__1(5850)(), { BufferFormat: BufferFormat1, ViewFormat: ViewFormat1, UTF8Format: UTF8Format1 } = __webpack_require__1(2376), identity1 = (v3)=>v3; exports1.utf8 = new UTF8Format1({ encode: function(data1) { return Buffer1.isBuffer(data1) ? data1.toString('utf8') : ArrayBuffer.isView(data1) ? textDecoder1.decode(data1) : String(data1); }, decode: identity1, name: 'utf8', createViewTranscoder () { return new ViewFormat1({ encode: function(data1) { return ArrayBuffer.isView(data1) ? data1 : textEncoder1.encode(data1); }, decode: function(data1) { return textDecoder1.decode(data1); }, name: `${this.name}+view` }); }, createBufferTranscoder () { return new BufferFormat1({ encode: function(data1) { return Buffer1.isBuffer(data1) ? data1 : ArrayBuffer.isView(data1) ? Buffer1.from(data1.buffer, data1.byteOffset, data1.byteLength) : Buffer1.from(String(data1), 'utf8'); }, decode: function(data1) { return data1.toString('utf8'); }, name: `${this.name}+buffer` }); } }), exports1.json = new UTF8Format1({ encode: JSON.stringify, decode: JSON.parse, name: 'json' }), exports1.buffer = new BufferFormat1({ encode: function(data1) { return Buffer1.isBuffer(data1) ? data1 : ArrayBuffer.isView(data1) ? Buffer1.from(data1.buffer, data1.byteOffset, data1.byteLength) : Buffer1.from(String(data1), 'utf8'); }, decode: identity1, name: 'buffer', createViewTranscoder () { return new ViewFormat1({ encode: function(data1) { return ArrayBuffer.isView(data1) ? data1 : Buffer1.from(String(data1), 'utf8'); }, decode: function(data1) { return Buffer1.from(data1.buffer, data1.byteOffset, data1.byteLength); }, name: `${this.name}+view` }); } }), exports1.view = new ViewFormat1({ encode: function(data1) { return ArrayBuffer.isView(data1) ? data1 : textEncoder1.encode(data1); }, decode: identity1, name: 'view', createBufferTranscoder () { return new BufferFormat1({ encode: function(data1) { return Buffer1.isBuffer(data1) ? data1 : ArrayBuffer.isView(data1) ? Buffer1.from(data1.buffer, data1.byteOffset, data1.byteLength) : Buffer1.from(String(data1), 'utf8'); }, decode: identity1, name: `${this.name}+buffer` }); } }), exports1.hex = new BufferFormat1({ encode: function(data1) { return Buffer1.isBuffer(data1) ? data1 : Buffer1.from(String(data1), 'hex'); }, decode: function(buffer1) { return buffer1.toString('hex'); }, name: 'hex' }), exports1.base64 = new BufferFormat1({ encode: function(data1) { return Buffer1.isBuffer(data1) ? data1 : Buffer1.from(String(data1), 'base64'); }, decode: function(buffer1) { return buffer1.toString('base64'); }, name: 'base64' }); }, 2376: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; const { Buffer: Buffer1 } = __webpack_require__1(8764) || {}, { Encoding: Encoding1 } = __webpack_require__1(8266), textEndec1 = __webpack_require__1(5850); class BufferFormat1 extends Encoding1 { constructor(options1){ super({ ...options1, format: 'buffer' }); } createViewTranscoder() { return new ViewFormat1({ encode: this.encode, decode: (data1)=>this.decode(Buffer1.from(data1.buffer, data1.byteOffset, data1.byteLength)), name: `${this.name}+view` }); } createBufferTranscoder() { return this; } } class ViewFormat1 extends Encoding1 { constructor(options1){ super({ ...options1, format: 'view' }); } createBufferTranscoder() { return new BufferFormat1({ encode: (data1)=>{ const view1 = this.encode(data1); return Buffer1.from(view1.buffer, view1.byteOffset, view1.byteLength); }, decode: this.decode, name: `${this.name}+buffer` }); } createViewTranscoder() { return this; } } class UTF8Format1 extends Encoding1 { constructor(options1){ super({ ...options1, format: 'utf8' }); } createBufferTranscoder() { return new BufferFormat1({ encode: (data1)=>Buffer1.from(this.encode(data1), 'utf8'), decode: (data1)=>this.decode(data1.toString('utf8')), name: `${this.name}+buffer` }); } createViewTranscoder() { const { textEncoder: textEncoder1, textDecoder: textDecoder1 } = textEndec1(); return new ViewFormat1({ encode: (data1)=>textEncoder1.encode(this.encode(data1)), decode: (data1)=>this.decode(textDecoder1.decode(data1)), name: `${this.name}+view` }); } createUTF8Transcoder() { return this; } } exports1.BufferFormat = BufferFormat1, exports1.ViewFormat = ViewFormat1, exports1.UTF8Format = UTF8Format1; }, 5850: function(module1) { "use strict"; let lazy1 = null; module1.exports = function() { return null === lazy1 && (lazy1 = { textEncoder: new TextEncoder(), textDecoder: new TextDecoder() }), lazy1; }; }, 3145: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { exports1.Level = __webpack_require__1(1708).BrowserLevel; }, 8552: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var DataView1 = __webpack_require__1(852)(__webpack_require__1(5639), 'DataView'); module1.exports = DataView1; }, 1989: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var hashClear1 = __webpack_require__1(1789), hashDelete1 = __webpack_require__1(401), hashGet1 = __webpack_require__1(7667), hashHas1 = __webpack_require__1(1327), hashSet1 = __webpack_require__1(1866); function Hash1(entries1) { var index1 = -1, length1 = null == entries1 ? 0 : entries1.length; for(this.clear(); ++index1 < length1;){ var entry1 = entries1[index1]; this.set(entry1[0], entry1[1]); } } Hash1.prototype.clear = hashClear1, Hash1.prototype.delete = hashDelete1, Hash1.prototype.get = hashGet1, Hash1.prototype.has = hashHas1, Hash1.prototype.set = hashSet1, module1.exports = Hash1; }, 8407: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var listCacheClear1 = __webpack_require__1(7040), listCacheDelete1 = __webpack_require__1(4125), listCacheGet1 = __webpack_require__1(2117), listCacheHas1 = __webpack_require__1(7518), listCacheSet1 = __webpack_require__1(4705); function ListCache1(entries1) { var index1 = -1, length1 = null == entries1 ? 0 : entries1.length; for(this.clear(); ++index1 < length1;){ var entry1 = entries1[index1]; this.set(entry1[0], entry1[1]); } } ListCache1.prototype.clear = listCacheClear1, ListCache1.prototype.delete = listCacheDelete1, ListCache1.prototype.get = listCacheGet1, ListCache1.prototype.has = listCacheHas1, ListCache1.prototype.set = listCacheSet1, module1.exports = ListCache1; }, 7071: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var Map1 = __webpack_require__1(852)(__webpack_require__1(5639), 'Map'); module1.exports = Map1; }, 3369: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var mapCacheClear1 = __webpack_require__1(4785), mapCacheDelete1 = __webpack_require__1(1285), mapCacheGet1 = __webpack_require__1(6000), mapCacheHas1 = __webpack_require__1(9916), mapCacheSet1 = __webpack_require__1(5265); function MapCache1(entries1) { var index1 = -1, length1 = null == entries1 ? 0 : entries1.length; for(this.clear(); ++index1 < length1;){ var entry1 = entries1[index1]; this.set(entry1[0], entry1[1]); } } MapCache1.prototype.clear = mapCacheClear1, MapCache1.prototype.delete = mapCacheDelete1, MapCache1.prototype.get = mapCacheGet1, MapCache1.prototype.has = mapCacheHas1, MapCache1.prototype.set = mapCacheSet1, module1.exports = MapCache1; }, 3818: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var Promise1 = __webpack_require__1(852)(__webpack_require__1(5639), 'Promise'); module1.exports = Promise1; }, 8525: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var Set1 = __webpack_require__1(852)(__webpack_require__1(5639), 'Set'); module1.exports = Set1; }, 6384: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var ListCache1 = __webpack_require__1(8407), stackClear1 = __webpack_require__1(7465), stackDelete1 = __webpack_require__1(3779), stackGet1 = __webpack_require__1(7599), stackHas1 = __webpack_require__1(4758), stackSet1 = __webpack_require__1(4309); function Stack1(entries1) { var data1 = this.__data__ = new ListCache1(entries1); this.size = data1.size; } Stack1.prototype.clear = stackClear1, Stack1.prototype.delete = stackDelete1, Stack1.prototype.get = stackGet1, Stack1.prototype.has = stackHas1, Stack1.prototype.set = stackSet1, module1.exports = Stack1; }, 2705: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var Symbol1 = __webpack_require__1(5639).Symbol; module1.exports = Symbol1; }, 1149: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var Uint8Array1 = __webpack_require__1(5639).Uint8Array; module1.exports = Uint8Array1; }, 577: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var WeakMap1 = __webpack_require__1(852)(__webpack_require__1(5639), 'WeakMap'); module1.exports = WeakMap1; }, 7412: function(module1) { function arrayEach1(array1, iteratee1) { for(var index1 = -1, length1 = null == array1 ? 0 : array1.length; ++index1 < length1 && !1 !== iteratee1(array1[index1], index1, array1);); return array1; } module1.exports = arrayEach1; }, 4963: function(module1) { function arrayFilter1(array1, predicate1) { for(var index1 = -1, length1 = null == array1 ? 0 : array1.length, resIndex1 = 0, result1 = []; ++index1 < length1;){ var value1 = array1[index1]; predicate1(value1, index1, array1) && (result1[resIndex1++] = value1); } return result1; } module1.exports = arrayFilter1; }, 4636: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var baseTimes1 = __webpack_require__1(2545), isArguments1 = __webpack_require__1(5694), isArray1 = __webpack_require__1(1469), isBuffer1 = __webpack_require__1(4144), isIndex1 = __webpack_require__1(213), isTypedArray1 = __webpack_require__1(6719), hasOwnProperty1 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function arrayLikeKeys1(value1, inherited1) { var isArr1 = isArray1(value1), isArg1 = !isArr1 && isArguments1(value1), isBuff1 = !isArr1 && !isArg1 && isBuffer1(value1), isType1 = !isArr1 && !isArg1 && !isBuff1 && isTypedArray1(value1), skipIndexes1 = isArr1 || isArg1 || isBuff1 || isType1, result1 = skipIndexes1 ? baseTimes1(value1.length, String) : [], length1 = result1.length; for(var key1 in value1)(inherited1 || hasOwnProperty1.call(value1, key1)) && !(skipIndexes1 && ('length' == key1 || isBuff1 && ('offset' == key1 || 'parent' == key1) || isType1 && ('buffer' == key1 || 'byteLength' == key1 || 'byteOffset' == key1) || isIndex1(key1, length1))) && result1.push(key1); return result1; } module1.exports = arrayLikeKeys1; }, 2488: function(module1) { function arrayPush1(array1, values1) { for(var index1 = -1, length1 = values1.length, offset1 = array1.length; ++index1 < length1;)array1[offset1 + index1] = values1[index1]; return array1; } module1.exports = arrayPush1; }, 4865: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var baseAssignValue1 = __webpack_require__1(9465), eq1 = __webpack_require__1(7813), hasOwnProperty1 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function assignValue1(object1, key1, value1) { var objValue1 = object1[key1]; hasOwnProperty1.call(object1, key1) && eq1(objValue1, value1) && (void 0 !== value1 || key1 in object1) || baseAssignValue1(object1, key1, value1); } module1.exports = assignValue1; }, 8470: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var eq1 = __webpack_require__1(7813); function assocIndexOf1(array1, key1) { for(var length1 = array1.length; length1--;)if (eq1(array1[length1][0], key1)) return length1; return -1; } module1.exports = assocIndexOf1; }, 4037: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var copyObject1 = __webpack_require__1(8363), keys1 = __webpack_require__1(3674); function baseAssign1(object1, source1) { return object1 && copyObject1(source1, keys1(source1), object1); } module1.exports = baseAssign1; }, 3886: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var copyObject1 = __webpack_require__1(8363), keysIn1 = __webpack_require__1(1704); function baseAssignIn1(object1, source1) { return object1 && copyObject1(source1, keysIn1(source1), object1); } module1.exports = baseAssignIn1; }, 9465: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var defineProperty1 = __webpack_require__1(8777); function baseAssignValue1(object1, key1, value1) { '__proto__' == key1 && defineProperty1 ? defineProperty1(object1, key1, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, value: value1, writable: !0 }) : object1[key1] = value1; } module1.exports = baseAssignValue1; }, 5990: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var Stack1 = __webpack_require__1(6384), arrayEach1 = __webpack_require__1(7412), assignValue1 = __webpack_require__1(4865), baseAssign1 = __webpack_require__1(4037), baseAssignIn1 = __webpack_require__1(3886), cloneBuffer1 = __webpack_require__1(4626), copyArray1 = __webpack_require__1(278), copySymbols1 = __webpack_require__1(8805), copySymbolsIn1 = __webpack_require__1(1911), getAllKeys1 = __webpack_require__1(8234), getAllKeysIn1 = __webpack_require__1(6904), getTag1 = __webpack_require__1(4160), initCloneArray1 = __webpack_require__1(3824), initCloneByTag1 = __webpack_require__1(9148), initCloneObject1 = __webpack_require__1(8517), isArray1 = __webpack_require__1(1469), isBuffer1 = __webpack_require__1(4144), isMap1 = __webpack_require__1(6688), isObject1 = __webpack_require__1(3218), isSet1 = __webpack_require__1(2928), keys1 = __webpack_require__1(3674), keysIn1 = __webpack_require__1(1704), CLONE_DEEP_FLAG1 = 1, CLONE_FLAT_FLAG1 = 2, CLONE_SYMBOLS_FLAG1 = 4, argsTag1 = '[object Arguments]', arrayTag1 = '[object Array]', boolTag1 = '[object Boolean]', dateTag1 = '[object Date]', errorTag1 = '[object Error]', funcTag1 = '[object Function]', genTag1 = '[object GeneratorFunction]', mapTag1 = '[object Map]', numberTag1 = '[object Number]', objectTag1 = '[object Object]', regexpTag1 = '[object RegExp]', setTag1 = '[object Set]', stringTag1 = '[object String]', symbolTag1 = '[object Symbol]', weakMapTag1 = '[object WeakMap]', arrayBufferTag1 = '[object ArrayBuffer]', dataViewTag1 = '[object DataView]', float32Tag1 = '[object Float32Array]', float64Tag1 = '[object Float64Array]', int8Tag1 = '[object Int8Array]', int16Tag1 = '[object Int16Array]', int32Tag1 = '[object Int32Array]', uint8Tag1 = '[object Uint8Array]', uint8ClampedTag1 = '[object Uint8ClampedArray]', uint16Tag1 = '[object Uint16Array]', uint32Tag1 = '[object Uint32Array]', cloneableTags1 = {}; function baseClone1(value1, bitmask1, customizer1, key1, object1, stack1) { var result1, isDeep1 = bitmask1 & CLONE_DEEP_FLAG1, isFlat1 = bitmask1 & CLONE_FLAT_FLAG1, isFull1 = bitmask1 & CLONE_SYMBOLS_FLAG1; if (customizer1 && (result1 = object1 ? customizer1(value1, key1, object1, stack1) : customizer1(value1)), void 0 !== result1) return result1; if (!isObject1(value1)) return value1; var isArr1 = isArray1(value1); if (isArr1) { if (result1 = initCloneArray1(value1), !isDeep1) return copyArray1(value1, result1); } else { var tag1 = getTag1(value1), isFunc1 = tag1 == funcTag1 || tag1 == genTag1; if (isBuffer1(value1)) return cloneBuffer1(value1, isDeep1); if (tag1 == objectTag1 || tag1 == argsTag1 || isFunc1 && !object1) { if (result1 = isFlat1 || isFunc1 ? {} : initCloneObject1(value1), !isDeep1) return isFlat1 ? copySymbolsIn1(value1, baseAssignIn1(result1, value1)) : copySymbols1(value1, baseAssign1(result1, value1)); } else { if (!cloneableTags1[tag1]) return object1 ? value1 : {}; result1 = initCloneByTag1(value1, tag1, isDeep1); } } stack1 || (stack1 = new Stack1); var stacked1 = stack1.get(value1); if (stacked1) return stacked1; stack1.set(value1, result1), isSet1(value1) ? value1.forEach(function(subValue1) { result1.add(baseClone1(subValue1, bitmask1, customizer1, subValue1, value1, stack1)); }) : isMap1(value1) && value1.forEach(function(subValue1, key1) { result1.set(key1, baseClone1(subValue1, bitmask1, customizer1, key1, value1, stack1)); }); var keysFunc1 = isFull1 ? isFlat1 ? getAllKeysIn1 : getAllKeys1 : isFlat1 ? keysIn1 : keys1, props1 = isArr1 ? void 0 : keysFunc1(value1); return arrayEach1(props1 || value1, function(subValue1, key1) { props1 && (subValue1 = value1[key1 = subValue1]), assignValue1(result1, key1, baseClone1(subValue1, bitmask1, customizer1, key1, value1, stack1)); }), result1; } cloneableTags1[argsTag1] = cloneableTags1[arrayTag1] = cloneableTags1[arrayBufferTag1] = cloneableTags1[dataViewTag1] = cloneableTags1[boolTag1] = cloneableTags1[dateTag1] = cloneableTags1[float32Tag1] = cloneableTags1[float64Tag1] = cloneableTags1[int8Tag1] = cloneableTags1[int16Tag1] = cloneableTags1[int32Tag1] = cloneableTags1[mapTag1] = cloneableTags1[numberTag1] = cloneableTags1[objectTag1] = cloneableTags1[regexpTag1] = cloneableTags1[setTag1] = cloneableTags1[stringTag1] = cloneableTags1[symbolTag1] = cloneableTags1[uint8Tag1] = cloneableTags1[uint8ClampedTag1] = cloneableTags1[uint16Tag1] = cloneableTags1[uint32Tag1] = !0, cloneableTags1[errorTag1] = cloneableTags1[funcTag1] = cloneableTags1[weakMapTag1] = !1, module1.exports = baseClone1; }, 3118: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var isObject1 = __webpack_require__1(3218), objectCreate1 = Object.create, baseCreate1 = function() { function object1() {} return function(proto1) { if (!isObject1(proto1)) return {}; if (objectCreate1) return objectCreate1(proto1); object1.prototype = proto1; var result1 = new object1; return object1.prototype = void 0, result1; }; }(); module1.exports = baseCreate1; }, 8866: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var arrayPush1 = __webpack_require__1(2488), isArray1 = __webpack_require__1(1469); function baseGetAllKeys1(object1, keysFunc1, symbolsFunc1) { var result1 = keysFunc1(object1); return isArray1(object1) ? result1 : arrayPush1(result1, symbolsFunc1(object1)); } module1.exports = baseGetAllKeys1; }, 4239: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var Symbol1 = __webpack_require__1(2705), getRawTag1 = __webpack_require__1(9607), objectToString1 = __webpack_require__1(2333), nullTag1 = '[object Null]', undefinedTag1 = '[object Undefined]', symToStringTag1 = Symbol1 ? Symbol1.toStringTag : void 0; function baseGetTag1(value1) { return null == value1 ? void 0 === value1 ? undefinedTag1 : nullTag1 : symToStringTag1 && symToStringTag1 in Object(value1) ? getRawTag1(value1) : objectToString1(value1); } module1.exports = baseGetTag1; }, 9454: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var baseGetTag1 = __webpack_require__1(4239), isObjectLike1 = __webpack_require__1(7005), argsTag1 = '[object Arguments]'; function baseIsArguments1(value1) { return isObjectLike1(value1) && baseGetTag1(value1) == argsTag1; } module1.exports = baseIsArguments1; }, 5588: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var getTag1 = __webpack_require__1(4160), isObjectLike1 = __webpack_require__1(7005), mapTag1 = '[object Map]'; function baseIsMap1(value1) { return isObjectLike1(value1) && getTag1(value1) == mapTag1; } module1.exports = baseIsMap1; }, 8458: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var isFunction1 = __webpack_require__1(3560), isMasked1 = __webpack_require__1(5346), isObject1 = __webpack_require__1(3218), toSource1 = __webpack_require__1(346), reRegExpChar1 = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, reIsHostCtor1 = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/, objectProto1 = Object.prototype, funcToString1 = Function.prototype.toString, hasOwnProperty1 = objectProto1.hasOwnProperty, reIsNative1 = RegExp('^' + funcToString1.call(hasOwnProperty1).replace(reRegExpChar1, '\\$&').replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, '$1.*?') + '$'); function baseIsNative1(value1) { return !(!isObject1(value1) || isMasked1(value1)) && (isFunction1(value1) ? reIsNative1 : reIsHostCtor1).test(toSource1(value1)); } module1.exports = baseIsNative1; }, 9221: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var getTag1 = __webpack_require__1(4160), isObjectLike1 = __webpack_require__1(7005), setTag1 = '[object Set]'; function baseIsSet1(value1) { return isObjectLike1(value1) && getTag1(value1) == setTag1; } module1.exports = baseIsSet1; }, 8749: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var baseGetTag1 = __webpack_require__1(4239), isLength1 = __webpack_require__1(1780), isObjectLike1 = __webpack_require__1(7005), argsTag1 = '[object Arguments]', arrayTag1 = '[object Array]', boolTag1 = '[object Boolean]', dateTag1 = '[object Date]', errorTag1 = '[object Error]', funcTag1 = '[object Function]', mapTag1 = '[object Map]', numberTag1 = '[object Number]', objectTag1 = '[object Object]', regexpTag1 = '[object RegExp]', setTag1 = '[object Set]', stringTag1 = '[object String]', weakMapTag1 = '[object WeakMap]', arrayBufferTag1 = '[object ArrayBuffer]', dataViewTag1 = '[object DataView]', float64Tag1 = '[object Float64Array]', int8Tag1 = '[object Int8Array]', int16Tag1 = '[object Int16Array]', int32Tag1 = '[object Int32Array]', uint8Tag1 = '[object Uint8Array]', uint8ClampedTag1 = '[object Uint8ClampedArray]', uint16Tag1 = '[object Uint16Array]', uint32Tag1 = '[object Uint32Array]', typedArrayTags1 = {}; function baseIsTypedArray1(value1) { return isObjectLike1(value1) && isLength1(value1.length) && !!typedArrayTags1[baseGetTag1(value1)]; } typedArrayTags1['[object Float32Array]'] = typedArrayTags1[float64Tag1] = typedArrayTags1[int8Tag1] = typedArrayTags1[int16Tag1] = typedArrayTags1[int32Tag1] = typedArrayTags1[uint8Tag1] = typedArrayTags1[uint8ClampedTag1] = typedArrayTags1[uint16Tag1] = typedArrayTags1[uint32Tag1] = !0, typedArrayTags1[argsTag1] = typedArrayTags1[arrayTag1] = typedArrayTags1[arrayBufferTag1] = typedArrayTags1[boolTag1] = typedArrayTags1[dataViewTag1] = typedArrayTags1[dateTag1] = typedArrayTags1[errorTag1] = typedArrayTags1[funcTag1] = typedArrayTags1[mapTag1] = typedArrayTags1[numberTag1] = typedArrayTags1[objectTag1] = typedArrayTags1[regexpTag1] = typedArrayTags1[setTag1] = typedArrayTags1[stringTag1] = typedArrayTags1[weakMapTag1] = !1, module1.exports = baseIsTypedArray1; }, 280: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var isPrototype1 = __webpack_require__1(5726), nativeKeys1 = __webpack_require__1(6916), hasOwnProperty1 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function baseKeys1(object1) { if (!isPrototype1(object1)) return nativeKeys1(object1); var result1 = []; for(var key1 in Object(object1))hasOwnProperty1.call(object1, key1) && 'constructor' != key1 && result1.push(key1); return result1; } module1.exports = baseKeys1; }, 313: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var isObject1 = __webpack_require__1(3218), isPrototype1 = __webpack_require__1(5726), nativeKeysIn1 = __webpack_require__1(3498), hasOwnProperty1 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function baseKeysIn1(object1) { if (!isObject1(object1)) return nativeKeysIn1(object1); var isProto1 = isPrototype1(object1), result1 = []; for(var key1 in object1)'constructor' == key1 && (isProto1 || !hasOwnProperty1.call(object1, key1)) || result1.push(key1); return result1; } module1.exports = baseKeysIn1; }, 2545: function(module1) { function baseTimes1(n2, iteratee1) { for(var index1 = -1, result1 = Array(n2); ++index1 < n2;)result1[index1] = iteratee1(index1); return result1; } module1.exports = baseTimes1; }, 1717: function(module1) { function baseUnary1(func1) { return function(value1) { return func1(value1); }; } module1.exports = baseUnary1; }, 4318: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var Uint8Array1 = __webpack_require__1(1149); function cloneArrayBuffer1(arrayBuffer1) { var result1 = new arrayBuffer1.constructor(arrayBuffer1.byteLength); return new Uint8Array1(result1).set(new Uint8Array1(arrayBuffer1)), result1; } module1.exports = cloneArrayBuffer1; }, 4626: function(module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { module1 = __webpack_require__1.nmd(module1); var root1 = __webpack_require__1(5639), freeExports1 = exports1 && !exports1.nodeType && exports1, freeModule1 = freeExports1 && module1 && !module1.nodeType && module1, Buffer1 = freeModule1 && freeModule1.exports === freeExports1 ? root1.Buffer : void 0, allocUnsafe1 = Buffer1 ? Buffer1.allocUnsafe : void 0; function cloneBuffer1(buffer1, isDeep1) { if (isDeep1) return buffer1.slice(); var length1 = buffer1.length, result1 = allocUnsafe1 ? allocUnsafe1(length1) : new buffer1.constructor(length1); return buffer1.copy(result1), result1; } module1.exports = cloneBuffer1; }, 7157: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var cloneArrayBuffer1 = __webpack_require__1(4318); function cloneDataView1(dataView1, isDeep1) { var buffer1 = isDeep1 ? cloneArrayBuffer1(dataView1.buffer) : dataView1.buffer; return new dataView1.constructor(buffer1, dataView1.byteOffset, dataView1.byteLength); } module1.exports = cloneDataView1; }, 3147: function(module1) { var reFlags1 = /\w*$/; function cloneRegExp1(regexp1) { var result1 = new regexp1.constructor(regexp1.source, reFlags1.exec(regexp1)); return result1.lastIndex = regexp1.lastIndex, result1; } module1.exports = cloneRegExp1; }, 419: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var Symbol1 = __webpack_require__1(2705), symbolProto1 = Symbol1 ? Symbol1.prototype : void 0, symbolValueOf1 = symbolProto1 ? symbolProto1.valueOf : void 0; function cloneSymbol1(symbol1) { return symbolValueOf1 ? Object(symbolValueOf1.call(symbol1)) : {}; } module1.exports = cloneSymbol1; }, 7133: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var cloneArrayBuffer1 = __webpack_require__1(4318); function cloneTypedArray1(typedArray1, isDeep1) { var buffer1 = isDeep1 ? cloneArrayBuffer1(typedArray1.buffer) : typedArray1.buffer; return new typedArray1.constructor(buffer1, typedArray1.byteOffset, typedArray1.length); } module1.exports = cloneTypedArray1; }, 278: function(module1) { function copyArray1(source1, array1) { var index1 = -1, length1 = source1.length; for(array1 || (array1 = Array(length1)); ++index1 < length1;)array1[index1] = source1[index1]; return array1; } module1.exports = copyArray1; }, 8363: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var assignValue1 = __webpack_require__1(4865), baseAssignValue1 = __webpack_require__1(9465); function copyObject1(source1, props1, object1, customizer1) { var isNew1 = !object1; object1 || (object1 = {}); for(var index1 = -1, length1 = props1.length; ++index1 < length1;){ var key1 = props1[index1], newValue1 = customizer1 ? customizer1(object1[key1], source1[key1], key1, object1, source1) : void 0; void 0 === newValue1 && (newValue1 = source1[key1]), isNew1 ? baseAssignValue1(object1, key1, newValue1) : assignValue1(object1, key1, newValue1); } return object1; } module1.exports = copyObject1; }, 8805: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var copyObject1 = __webpack_require__1(8363), getSymbols1 = __webpack_require__1(9551); function copySymbols1(source1, object1) { return copyObject1(source1, getSymbols1(source1), object1); } module1.exports = copySymbols1; }, 1911: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var copyObject1 = __webpack_require__1(8363), getSymbolsIn1 = __webpack_require__1(1442); function copySymbolsIn1(source1, object1) { return copyObject1(source1, getSymbolsIn1(source1), object1); } module1.exports = copySymbolsIn1; }, 4429: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var coreJsData1 = __webpack_require__1(5639)['__core-js_shared__']; module1.exports = coreJsData1; }, 8777: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var getNative1 = __webpack_require__1(852), defineProperty1 = function() { try { var func1 = getNative1(Object, 'defineProperty'); return func1({}, '', {}), func1; } catch (e1) {} }(); module1.exports = defineProperty1; }, 1957: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var freeGlobal1 = 'object' == typeof __webpack_require__1.g && __webpack_require__1.g && __webpack_require__1.g.Object === Object && __webpack_require__1.g; module1.exports = freeGlobal1; }, 8234: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var baseGetAllKeys1 = __webpack_require__1(8866), getSymbols1 = __webpack_require__1(9551), keys1 = __webpack_require__1(3674); function getAllKeys1(object1) { return baseGetAllKeys1(object1, keys1, getSymbols1); } module1.exports = getAllKeys1; }, 6904: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var baseGetAllKeys1 = __webpack_require__1(8866), getSymbolsIn1 = __webpack_require__1(1442), keysIn1 = __webpack_require__1(1704); function getAllKeysIn1(object1) { return baseGetAllKeys1(object1, keysIn1, getSymbolsIn1); } module1.exports = getAllKeysIn1; }, 5050: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var isKeyable1 = __webpack_require__1(7019); function getMapData1(map1, key1) { var data1 = map1.__data__; return isKeyable1(key1) ? data1['string' == typeof key1 ? 'string' : 'hash'] : data1.map; } module1.exports = getMapData1; }, 852: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var baseIsNative1 = __webpack_require__1(8458), getValue1 = __webpack_require__1(7801); function getNative1(object1, key1) { var value1 = getValue1(object1, key1); return baseIsNative1(value1) ? value1 : void 0; } module1.exports = getNative1; }, 5924: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var getPrototype1 = __webpack_require__1(5569)(Object.getPrototypeOf, Object); module1.exports = getPrototype1; }, 9607: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var Symbol1 = __webpack_require__1(2705), objectProto1 = Object.prototype, hasOwnProperty1 = objectProto1.hasOwnProperty, nativeObjectToString1 = objectProto1.toString, symToStringTag1 = Symbol1 ? Symbol1.toStringTag : void 0; function getRawTag1(value1) { var isOwn1 = hasOwnProperty1.call(value1, symToStringTag1), tag1 = value1[symToStringTag1]; try { value1[symToStringTag1] = void 0; var unmasked1 = !0; } catch (e1) {} var result1 = nativeObjectToString1.call(value1); return unmasked1 && (isOwn1 ? value1[symToStringTag1] = tag1 : delete value1[symToStringTag1]), result1; } module1.exports = getRawTag1; }, 9551: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var arrayFilter1 = __webpack_require__1(4963), stubArray1 = __webpack_require__1(479), propertyIsEnumerable1 = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable, nativeGetSymbols1 = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, getSymbols1 = nativeGetSymbols1 ? function(object1) { return null == object1 ? [] : arrayFilter1(nativeGetSymbols1(object1 = Object(object1)), function(symbol1) { return propertyIsEnumerable1.call(object1, symbol1); }); } : stubArray1; module1.exports = getSymbols1; }, 1442: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var arrayPush1 = __webpack_require__1(2488), getPrototype1 = __webpack_require__1(5924), getSymbols1 = __webpack_require__1(9551), stubArray1 = __webpack_require__1(479), getSymbolsIn1 = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? function(object1) { for(var result1 = []; object1;)arrayPush1(result1, getSymbols1(object1)), object1 = getPrototype1(object1); return result1; } : stubArray1; module1.exports = getSymbolsIn1; }, 4160: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var DataView1 = __webpack_require__1(8552), Map1 = __webpack_require__1(7071), Promise1 = __webpack_require__1(3818), Set1 = __webpack_require__1(8525), WeakMap1 = __webpack_require__1(577), baseGetTag1 = __webpack_require__1(4239), toSource1 = __webpack_require__1(346), mapTag1 = '[object Map]', objectTag1 = '[object Object]', promiseTag1 = '[object Promise]', setTag1 = '[object Set]', weakMapTag1 = '[object WeakMap]', dataViewTag1 = '[object DataView]', dataViewCtorString1 = toSource1(DataView1), mapCtorString1 = toSource1(Map1), promiseCtorString1 = toSource1(Promise1), setCtorString1 = toSource1(Set1), weakMapCtorString1 = toSource1(WeakMap1), getTag1 = baseGetTag1; (DataView1 && getTag1(new DataView1(new ArrayBuffer(1))) != dataViewTag1 || Map1 && getTag1(new Map1) != mapTag1 || Promise1 && getTag1(Promise1.resolve()) != promiseTag1 || Set1 && getTag1(new Set1) != setTag1 || WeakMap1 && getTag1(new WeakMap1) != weakMapTag1) && (getTag1 = function(value1) { var result1 = baseGetTag1(value1), Ctor1 = result1 == objectTag1 ? value1.constructor : void 0, ctorString1 = Ctor1 ? toSource1(Ctor1) : ''; if (ctorString1) switch(ctorString1){ case dataViewCtorString1: return dataViewTag1; case mapCtorString1: return mapTag1; case promiseCtorString1: return promiseTag1; case setCtorString1: return setTag1; case weakMapCtorString1: return weakMapTag1; } return result1; }), module1.exports = getTag1; }, 7801: function(module1) { function getValue1(object1, key1) { return null == object1 ? void 0 : object1[key1]; } module1.exports = getValue1; }, 1789: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var nativeCreate1 = __webpack_require__1(4536); function hashClear1() { this.__data__ = nativeCreate1 ? nativeCreate1(null) : {}, this.size = 0; } module1.exports = hashClear1; }, 401: function(module1) { function hashDelete1(key1) { var result1 = this.has(key1) && delete this.__data__[key1]; return this.size -= result1 ? 1 : 0, result1; } module1.exports = hashDelete1; }, 7667: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var nativeCreate1 = __webpack_require__1(4536), HASH_UNDEFINED1 = '__lodash_hash_undefined__', hasOwnProperty1 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function hashGet1(key1) { var data1 = this.__data__; if (nativeCreate1) { var result1 = data1[key1]; return result1 === HASH_UNDEFINED1 ? void 0 : result1; } return hasOwnProperty1.call(data1, key1) ? data1[key1] : void 0; } module1.exports = hashGet1; }, 1327: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var nativeCreate1 = __webpack_require__1(4536), hasOwnProperty1 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function hashHas1(key1) { var data1 = this.__data__; return nativeCreate1 ? void 0 !== data1[key1] : hasOwnProperty1.call(data1, key1); } module1.exports = hashHas1; }, 1866: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var nativeCreate1 = __webpack_require__1(4536), HASH_UNDEFINED1 = '__lodash_hash_undefined__'; function hashSet1(key1, value1) { var data1 = this.__data__; return this.size += this.has(key1) ? 0 : 1, data1[key1] = nativeCreate1 && void 0 === value1 ? HASH_UNDEFINED1 : value1, this; } module1.exports = hashSet1; }, 3824: function(module1) { var hasOwnProperty1 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function initCloneArray1(array1) { var length1 = array1.length, result1 = new array1.constructor(length1); return length1 && 'string' == typeof array1[0] && hasOwnProperty1.call(array1, 'index') && (result1.index = array1.index, result1.input = array1.input), result1; } module1.exports = initCloneArray1; }, 9148: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var cloneArrayBuffer1 = __webpack_require__1(4318), cloneDataView1 = __webpack_require__1(7157), cloneRegExp1 = __webpack_require__1(3147), cloneSymbol1 = __webpack_require__1(419), cloneTypedArray1 = __webpack_require__1(7133), boolTag1 = '[object Boolean]', dateTag1 = '[object Date]', mapTag1 = '[object Map]', numberTag1 = '[object Number]', regexpTag1 = '[object RegExp]', setTag1 = '[object Set]', stringTag1 = '[object String]', symbolTag1 = '[object Symbol]', arrayBufferTag1 = '[object ArrayBuffer]', dataViewTag1 = '[object DataView]', float32Tag1 = '[object Float32Array]', float64Tag1 = '[object Float64Array]', int8Tag1 = '[object Int8Array]', int16Tag1 = '[object Int16Array]', int32Tag1 = '[object Int32Array]', uint8Tag1 = '[object Uint8Array]', uint8ClampedTag1 = '[object Uint8ClampedArray]', uint16Tag1 = '[object Uint16Array]', uint32Tag1 = '[object Uint32Array]'; function initCloneByTag1(object1, tag1, isDeep1) { var Ctor1 = object1.constructor; switch(tag1){ case arrayBufferTag1: return cloneArrayBuffer1(object1); case boolTag1: case dateTag1: return new Ctor1(+object1); case dataViewTag1: return cloneDataView1(object1, isDeep1); case float32Tag1: case float64Tag1: case int8Tag1: case int16Tag1: case int32Tag1: case uint8Tag1: case uint8ClampedTag1: case uint16Tag1: case uint32Tag1: return cloneTypedArray1(object1, isDeep1); case mapTag1: return new Ctor1; case numberTag1: case stringTag1: return new Ctor1(object1); case regexpTag1: return cloneRegExp1(object1); case setTag1: return new Ctor1; case symbolTag1: return cloneSymbol1(object1); } } module1.exports = initCloneByTag1; }, 8517: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var baseCreate1 = __webpack_require__1(3118), getPrototype1 = __webpack_require__1(5924), isPrototype1 = __webpack_require__1(5726); function initCloneObject1(object1) { return 'function' != typeof object1.constructor || isPrototype1(object1) ? {} : baseCreate1(getPrototype1(object1)); } module1.exports = initCloneObject1; }, 213: function(module1) { var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER1 = 9007199254740991, reIsUint1 = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/; function isIndex1(value1, length1) { var type1 = typeof value1; return !!(length1 = null == length1 ? MAX_SAFE_INTEGER1 : length1) && ('number' == type1 || 'symbol' != type1 && reIsUint1.test(value1)) && value1 > -1 && value1 % 1 == 0 && value1 < length1; } module1.exports = isIndex1; }, 7019: function(module1) { function isKeyable1(value1) { var type1 = typeof value1; return 'string' == type1 || 'number' == type1 || 'symbol' == type1 || 'boolean' == type1 ? '__proto__' !== value1 : null === value1; } module1.exports = isKeyable1; }, 5346: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var coreJsData1 = __webpack_require__1(4429), maskSrcKey1 = function() { var uid1 = /[^.]+$/.exec(coreJsData1 && coreJsData1.keys && coreJsData1.keys.IE_PROTO || ''); return uid1 ? 'Symbol(src)_1.' + uid1 : ''; }(); function isMasked1(func1) { return !!maskSrcKey1 && maskSrcKey1 in func1; } module1.exports = isMasked1; }, 5726: function(module1) { var objectProto1 = Object.prototype; function isPrototype1(value1) { var Ctor1 = value1 && value1.constructor, proto1 = 'function' == typeof Ctor1 && Ctor1.prototype || objectProto1; return value1 === proto1; } module1.exports = isPrototype1; }, 7040: function(module1) { function listCacheClear1() { this.__data__ = [], this.size = 0; } module1.exports = listCacheClear1; }, 4125: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var assocIndexOf1 = __webpack_require__1(8470), splice1 = Array.prototype.splice; function listCacheDelete1(key1) { var data1 = this.__data__, index1 = assocIndexOf1(data1, key1); return !(index1 < 0) && (index1 == data1.length - 1 ? data1.pop() : splice1.call(data1, index1, 1), --this.size, !0); } module1.exports = listCacheDelete1; }, 2117: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var assocIndexOf1 = __webpack_require__1(8470); function listCacheGet1(key1) { var data1 = this.__data__, index1 = assocIndexOf1(data1, key1); return index1 < 0 ? void 0 : data1[index1][1]; } module1.exports = listCacheGet1; }, 7518: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var assocIndexOf1 = __webpack_require__1(8470); function listCacheHas1(key1) { return assocIndexOf1(this.__data__, key1) > -1; } module1.exports = listCacheHas1; }, 4705: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var assocIndexOf1 = __webpack_require__1(8470); function listCacheSet1(key1, value1) { var data1 = this.__data__, index1 = assocIndexOf1(data1, key1); return index1 < 0 ? (++this.size, data1.push([ key1, value1 ])) : data1[index1][1] = value1, this; } module1.exports = listCacheSet1; }, 4785: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var Hash1 = __webpack_require__1(1989), ListCache1 = __webpack_require__1(8407), Map1 = __webpack_require__1(7071); function mapCacheClear1() { this.size = 0, this.__data__ = { hash: new Hash1, map: new (Map1 || ListCache1), string: new Hash1 }; } module1.exports = mapCacheClear1; }, 1285: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var getMapData1 = __webpack_require__1(5050); function mapCacheDelete1(key1) { var result1 = getMapData1(this, key1).delete(key1); return this.size -= result1 ? 1 : 0, result1; } module1.exports = mapCacheDelete1; }, 6000: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var getMapData1 = __webpack_require__1(5050); function mapCacheGet1(key1) { return getMapData1(this, key1).get(key1); } module1.exports = mapCacheGet1; }, 9916: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var getMapData1 = __webpack_require__1(5050); function mapCacheHas1(key1) { return getMapData1(this, key1).has(key1); } module1.exports = mapCacheHas1; }, 5265: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var getMapData1 = __webpack_require__1(5050); function mapCacheSet1(key1, value1) { var data1 = getMapData1(this, key1), size1 = data1.size; return data1.set(key1, value1), this.size += data1.size == size1 ? 0 : 1, this; } module1.exports = mapCacheSet1; }, 4536: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var nativeCreate1 = __webpack_require__1(852)(Object, 'create'); module1.exports = nativeCreate1; }, 6916: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var nativeKeys1 = __webpack_require__1(5569)(Object.keys, Object); module1.exports = nativeKeys1; }, 3498: function(module1) { function nativeKeysIn1(object1) { var result1 = []; if (null != object1) for(var key1 in Object(object1))result1.push(key1); return result1; } module1.exports = nativeKeysIn1; }, 1167: function(module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { module1 = __webpack_require__1.nmd(module1); var freeGlobal1 = __webpack_require__1(1957), freeExports1 = exports1 && !exports1.nodeType && exports1, freeModule1 = freeExports1 && module1 && !module1.nodeType && module1, freeProcess1 = freeModule1 && freeModule1.exports === freeExports1 && freeGlobal1.process, nodeUtil1 = function() { try { var types1 = freeModule1 && freeModule1.require && freeModule1.require('util').types; if (types1) return types1; return freeProcess1 && freeProcess1.binding && freeProcess1.binding('util'); } catch (e1) {} }(); module1.exports = nodeUtil1; }, 2333: function(module1) { var nativeObjectToString1 = Object.prototype.toString; function objectToString1(value1) { return nativeObjectToString1.call(value1); } module1.exports = objectToString1; }, 5569: function(module1) { function overArg1(func1, transform1) { return function(arg4) { return func1(transform1(arg4)); }; } module1.exports = overArg1; }, 5639: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var freeGlobal1 = __webpack_require__1(1957), freeSelf1 = 'object' == typeof self && self && self.Object === Object && self, root1 = freeGlobal1 || freeSelf1 || Function('return this')(); module1.exports = root1; }, 7465: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var ListCache1 = __webpack_require__1(8407); function stackClear1() { this.__data__ = new ListCache1, this.size = 0; } module1.exports = stackClear1; }, 3779: function(module1) { function stackDelete1(key1) { var data1 = this.__data__, result1 = data1.delete(key1); return this.size = data1.size, result1; } module1.exports = stackDelete1; }, 7599: function(module1) { function stackGet1(key1) { return this.__data__.get(key1); } module1.exports = stackGet1; }, 4758: function(module1) { function stackHas1(key1) { return this.__data__.has(key1); } module1.exports = stackHas1; }, 4309: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var ListCache1 = __webpack_require__1(8407), Map1 = __webpack_require__1(7071), MapCache1 = __webpack_require__1(3369), LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE1 = 200; function stackSet1(key1, value1) { var data1 = this.__data__; if (data1 instanceof ListCache1) { var pairs1 = data1.__data__; if (!Map1 || pairs1.length < LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE1 - 1) return pairs1.push([ key1, value1 ]), this.size = ++data1.size, this; data1 = this.__data__ = new MapCache1(pairs1); } return data1.set(key1, value1), this.size = data1.size, this; } module1.exports = stackSet1; }, 346: function(module1) { var funcToString1 = Function.prototype.toString; function toSource1(func1) { if (null != func1) { try { return funcToString1.call(func1); } catch (e1) {} try { return func1 + ''; } catch (e1) {} } return ''; } module1.exports = toSource1; }, 361: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var baseClone1 = __webpack_require__1(5990), CLONE_DEEP_FLAG1 = 1, CLONE_SYMBOLS_FLAG1 = 4; function cloneDeep1(value1) { return baseClone1(value1, CLONE_DEEP_FLAG1 | CLONE_SYMBOLS_FLAG1); } module1.exports = cloneDeep1; }, 7813: function(module1) { function eq1(value1, other1) { return value1 === other1 || value1 != value1 && other1 != other1; } module1.exports = eq1; }, 5694: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var baseIsArguments1 = __webpack_require__1(9454), isObjectLike1 = __webpack_require__1(7005), objectProto1 = Object.prototype, hasOwnProperty1 = objectProto1.hasOwnProperty, propertyIsEnumerable1 = objectProto1.propertyIsEnumerable, isArguments1 = baseIsArguments1(function() { return arguments; }()) ? baseIsArguments1 : function(value1) { return isObjectLike1(value1) && hasOwnProperty1.call(value1, 'callee') && !propertyIsEnumerable1.call(value1, 'callee'); }; module1.exports = isArguments1; }, 1469: function(module1) { var isArray1 = Array.isArray; module1.exports = isArray1; }, 1240: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var isFunction1 = __webpack_require__1(3560), isLength1 = __webpack_require__1(1780); function isArrayLike1(value1) { return null != value1 && isLength1(value1.length) && !isFunction1(value1); } module1.exports = isArrayLike1; }, 4144: function(module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { module1 = __webpack_require__1.nmd(module1); var root1 = __webpack_require__1(5639), stubFalse1 = __webpack_require__1(5062), freeExports1 = exports1 && !exports1.nodeType && exports1, freeModule1 = freeExports1 && module1 && !module1.nodeType && module1, Buffer1 = freeModule1 && freeModule1.exports === freeExports1 ? root1.Buffer : void 0, isBuffer1 = (Buffer1 ? Buffer1.isBuffer : void 0) || stubFalse1; module1.exports = isBuffer1; }, 3560: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var baseGetTag1 = __webpack_require__1(4239), isObject1 = __webpack_require__1(3218), asyncTag1 = '[object AsyncFunction]', funcTag1 = '[object Function]', genTag1 = '[object GeneratorFunction]', proxyTag1 = '[object Proxy]'; function isFunction1(value1) { if (!isObject1(value1)) return !1; var tag1 = baseGetTag1(value1); return tag1 == funcTag1 || tag1 == genTag1 || tag1 == asyncTag1 || tag1 == proxyTag1; } module1.exports = isFunction1; }, 1780: function(module1) { var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER1 = 9007199254740991; function isLength1(value1) { return 'number' == typeof value1 && value1 > -1 && value1 % 1 == 0 && value1 <= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER1; } module1.exports = isLength1; }, 6688: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var baseIsMap1 = __webpack_require__1(5588), baseUnary1 = __webpack_require__1(1717), nodeUtil1 = __webpack_require__1(1167), nodeIsMap1 = nodeUtil1 && nodeUtil1.isMap, isMap1 = nodeIsMap1 ? baseUnary1(nodeIsMap1) : baseIsMap1; module1.exports = isMap1; }, 3218: function(module1) { function isObject1(value1) { var type1 = typeof value1; return null != value1 && ('object' == type1 || 'function' == type1); } module1.exports = isObject1; }, 7005: function(module1) { function isObjectLike1(value1) { return null != value1 && 'object' == typeof value1; } module1.exports = isObjectLike1; }, 2928: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var baseIsSet1 = __webpack_require__1(9221), baseUnary1 = __webpack_require__1(1717), nodeUtil1 = __webpack_require__1(1167), nodeIsSet1 = nodeUtil1 && nodeUtil1.isSet, isSet1 = nodeIsSet1 ? baseUnary1(nodeIsSet1) : baseIsSet1; module1.exports = isSet1; }, 6719: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var baseIsTypedArray1 = __webpack_require__1(8749), baseUnary1 = __webpack_require__1(1717), nodeUtil1 = __webpack_require__1(1167), nodeIsTypedArray1 = nodeUtil1 && nodeUtil1.isTypedArray, isTypedArray1 = nodeIsTypedArray1 ? baseUnary1(nodeIsTypedArray1) : baseIsTypedArray1; module1.exports = isTypedArray1; }, 3674: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var arrayLikeKeys1 = __webpack_require__1(4636), baseKeys1 = __webpack_require__1(280), isArrayLike1 = __webpack_require__1(1240); function keys1(object1) { return isArrayLike1(object1) ? arrayLikeKeys1(object1) : baseKeys1(object1); } module1.exports = keys1; }, 1704: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var arrayLikeKeys1 = __webpack_require__1(4636), baseKeysIn1 = __webpack_require__1(313), isArrayLike1 = __webpack_require__1(1240); function keysIn1(object1) { return isArrayLike1(object1) ? arrayLikeKeys1(object1, !0) : baseKeysIn1(object1); } module1.exports = keysIn1; }, 479: function(module1) { function stubArray1() { return []; } module1.exports = stubArray1; }, 5062: function(module1) { function stubFalse1() { return !1; } module1.exports = stubFalse1; }, 1271: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; __webpack_require__1(3454); const { AbstractLevel: AbstractLevel1, AbstractIterator: AbstractIterator1, AbstractKeyIterator: AbstractKeyIterator1, AbstractValueIterator: AbstractValueIterator1 } = __webpack_require__1(875), ModuleError1 = __webpack_require__1(4473), createRBT1 = __webpack_require__1(4977), rangeOptions1 = new Set([ 'gt', 'gte', 'lt', 'lte' ]), kNone1 = Symbol('none'), kTree1 = Symbol('tree'), kIterator1 = Symbol('iterator'), kLowerBound1 = Symbol('lowerBound'), kUpperBound1 = Symbol('upperBound'), kOutOfRange1 = Symbol('outOfRange'), kReverse1 = Symbol('reverse'), kOptions1 = Symbol('options'), kTest1 = Symbol('test'), kAdvance1 = Symbol('advance'), kInit1 = Symbol('init'); function compare1(a10, b10) { if ('string' == typeof a10) return a10 < b10 ? -1 : a10 > b10 ? 1 : 0; const length1 = Math.min(a10.byteLength, b10.byteLength); for(let i2 = 0; i2 < length1; i2++){ const cmp1 = a10[i2] - b10[i2]; if (0 !== cmp1) return cmp1; } return a10.byteLength - b10.byteLength; } function gt1(value1) { return compare1(value1, this[kUpperBound1]) > 0; } function gte1(value1) { return compare1(value1, this[kUpperBound1]) >= 0; } function lt1(value1) { return 0 > compare1(value1, this[kUpperBound1]); } function lte1(value1) { return 0 >= compare1(value1, this[kUpperBound1]); } class MemoryIterator1 extends AbstractIterator1 { constructor(db1, options1){ super(db1, options1), this[kInit1](db1[kTree1], options1); } _next(callback1) { if (!this[kIterator1].valid) return this.nextTick(callback1); const key1 = this[kIterator1].key, value1 = this[kIterator1].value; if (!this[kTest1](key1)) return this.nextTick(callback1); this[kIterator1][this[kAdvance1]](), this.nextTick(callback1, null, key1, value1); } _nextv(size1, options1, callback1) { const it1 = this[kIterator1], entries1 = []; for(; it1.valid && entries1.length < size1 && this[kTest1](it1.key);)entries1.push([ it1.key, it1.value ]), it1[this[kAdvance1]](); this.nextTick(callback1, null, entries1); } _all(options1, callback1) { const size1 = this.limit - this.count, it1 = this[kIterator1], entries1 = []; for(; it1.valid && entries1.length < size1 && this[kTest1](it1.key);)entries1.push([ it1.key, it1.value ]), it1[this[kAdvance1]](); this.nextTick(callback1, null, entries1); } } class MemoryKeyIterator1 extends AbstractKeyIterator1 { constructor(db1, options1){ super(db1, options1), this[kInit1](db1[kTree1], options1); } _next(callback1) { if (!this[kIterator1].valid) return this.nextTick(callback1); const key1 = this[kIterator1].key; if (!this[kTest1](key1)) return this.nextTick(callback1); this[kIterator1][this[kAdvance1]](), this.nextTick(callback1, null, key1); } _nextv(size1, options1, callback1) { const it1 = this[kIterator1], keys1 = []; for(; it1.valid && keys1.length < size1 && this[kTest1](it1.key);)keys1.push(it1.key), it1[this[kAdvance1]](); this.nextTick(callback1, null, keys1); } _all(options1, callback1) { const size1 = this.limit - this.count, it1 = this[kIterator1], keys1 = []; for(; it1.valid && keys1.length < size1 && this[kTest1](it1.key);)keys1.push(it1.key), it1[this[kAdvance1]](); this.nextTick(callback1, null, keys1); } } class MemoryValueIterator1 extends AbstractValueIterator1 { constructor(db1, options1){ super(db1, options1), this[kInit1](db1[kTree1], options1); } _next(callback1) { if (!this[kIterator1].valid) return this.nextTick(callback1); const key1 = this[kIterator1].key, value1 = this[kIterator1].value; if (!this[kTest1](key1)) return this.nextTick(callback1); this[kIterator1][this[kAdvance1]](), this.nextTick(callback1, null, value1); } _nextv(size1, options1, callback1) { const it1 = this[kIterator1], values1 = []; for(; it1.valid && values1.length < size1 && this[kTest1](it1.key);)values1.push(it1.value), it1[this[kAdvance1]](); this.nextTick(callback1, null, values1); } _all(options1, callback1) { const size1 = this.limit - this.count, it1 = this[kIterator1], values1 = []; for(; it1.valid && values1.length < size1 && this[kTest1](it1.key);)values1.push(it1.value), it1[this[kAdvance1]](); this.nextTick(callback1, null, values1); } } for (const Ctor1 of [ MemoryIterator1, MemoryKeyIterator1, MemoryValueIterator1 ])Ctor1.prototype[kInit1] = function(tree1, options1) { this[kReverse1] = options1.reverse, this[kOptions1] = options1, this[kReverse1] ? (this[kAdvance1] = 'prev', this[kLowerBound1] = 'lte' in options1 ? options1.lte : 'lt' in options1 ? options1.lt : kNone1, this[kUpperBound1] = 'gte' in options1 ? options1.gte : 'gt' in options1 ? options1.gt : kNone1, this[kLowerBound1] === kNone1 ? this[kIterator1] = tree1.end : 'lte' in options1 ? this[kIterator1] = tree1.le(this[kLowerBound1]) : this[kIterator1] = tree1.lt(this[kLowerBound1]), this[kUpperBound1] !== kNone1 && (this[kTest1] = 'gte' in options1 ? gte1 : gt1)) : (this[kAdvance1] = 'next', this[kLowerBound1] = 'gte' in options1 ? options1.gte : 'gt' in options1 ? options1.gt : kNone1, this[kUpperBound1] = 'lte' in options1 ? options1.lte : 'lt' in options1 ? options1.lt : kNone1, this[kLowerBound1] === kNone1 ? this[kIterator1] = tree1.begin : 'gte' in options1 ? this[kIterator1] = tree1.ge(this[kLowerBound1]) : this[kIterator1] = tree1.gt(this[kLowerBound1]), this[kUpperBound1] !== kNone1 && (this[kTest1] = 'lte' in options1 ? lte1 : lt1)); }, Ctor1.prototype[kTest1] = function() { return !0; }, Ctor1.prototype[kOutOfRange1] = function(target1) { return !this[kTest1](target1) || this[kLowerBound1] !== kNone1 && (this[kReverse1] ? 'lte' in this[kOptions1] ? compare1(target1, this[kLowerBound1]) > 0 : compare1(target1, this[kLowerBound1]) >= 0 : 'gte' in this[kOptions1] ? 0 > compare1(target1, this[kLowerBound1]) : 0 >= compare1(target1, this[kLowerBound1])); }, Ctor1.prototype._seek = function(target1, options1) { this[kOutOfRange1](target1) ? (this[kIterator1] = this[kIterator1].tree.end, this[kIterator1].next()) : this[kReverse1] ? this[kIterator1] = this[kIterator1].tree.le(target1) : this[kIterator1] = this[kIterator1].tree.ge(target1); }; class MemoryLevel1 extends AbstractLevel1 { constructor(location1, options1, _1){ if ('object' == typeof location1 && null !== location1 && (options1 = location1), 'function' == typeof location1 || 'function' == typeof options1 || 'function' == typeof _1) throw new ModuleError1('The levelup-style callback argument has been removed', { code: 'LEVEL_LEGACY' }); let { storeEncoding: storeEncoding1, ...forward1 } = options1 || {}; if (![ 'buffer', 'view', 'utf8' ].includes(storeEncoding1 = storeEncoding1 || 'buffer')) throw new ModuleError1("The storeEncoding option must be 'buffer', 'view' or 'utf8'", { code: 'LEVEL_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED' }); super({ seek: !0, permanence: !1, createIfMissing: !1, errorIfExists: !1, encodings: { [storeEncoding1]: !0 } }, forward1), this[kTree1] = createRBT1(compare1); } _put(key1, value1, options1, callback1) { const it1 = this[kTree1].find(key1); it1.valid ? this[kTree1] = it1.update(value1) : this[kTree1] = this[kTree1].insert(key1, value1), this.nextTick(callback1); } _get(key1, options1, callback1) { const value1 = this[kTree1].get(key1); if (void 0 === value1) return this.nextTick(callback1, Error('NotFound')); this.nextTick(callback1, null, value1); } _getMany(keys1, options1, callback1) { this.nextTick(callback1, null, keys1.map((key1)=>this[kTree1].get(key1))); } _del(key1, options1, callback1) { this[kTree1] = this[kTree1].remove(key1), this.nextTick(callback1); } _batch(operations1, options1, callback1) { let tree1 = this[kTree1]; for (const op1 of operations1){ const key1 = op1.key, it1 = tree1.find(key1); tree1 = 'put' === op1.type ? it1.valid ? it1.update(op1.value) : tree1.insert(key1, op1.value) : it1.remove(); } this[kTree1] = tree1, this.nextTick(callback1); } _clear(options1, callback1) { if (-1 === options1.limit && !Object.keys(options1).some(isRangeOption1)) return this[kTree1] = createRBT1(compare1), this.nextTick(callback1); const iterator1 = this._keys({ ...options1 }), limit1 = iterator1.limit; let count1 = 0; const loop1 = ()=>{ for(let i2 = 0; i2 < 500; i2++){ if (++count1 > limit1 || !iterator1[kIterator1].valid || !iterator1[kTest1](iterator1[kIterator1].key)) return callback1(); this[kTree1] = this[kTree1].remove(iterator1[kIterator1].key), iterator1[kIterator1][iterator1[kAdvance1]](); } this.nextTick(loop1); }; this.nextTick(loop1); } _iterator(options1) { return new MemoryIterator1(this, options1); } _keys(options1) { return new MemoryKeyIterator1(this, options1); } _values(options1) { return new MemoryValueIterator1(this, options1); } } function isRangeOption1(k3) { return rangeOptions1.has(k3); } exports1.MemoryLevel = MemoryLevel1; }, 9746: function(module1) { function assert1(val1, msg1) { if (!val1) throw Error(msg1 || 'Assertion failed'); } module1.exports = assert1, assert1.equal = function(l1, r3, msg1) { if (l1 != r3) throw Error(msg1 || 'Assertion failed: ' + l1 + ' != ' + r3); }; }, 4504: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; var utils1 = exports1; function toArray1(msg1, enc1) { if (Array.isArray(msg1)) return msg1.slice(); if (!msg1) return []; var res1 = []; if ('string' != typeof msg1) { for(var i2 = 0; i2 < msg1.length; i2++)res1[i2] = 0 | msg1[i2]; return res1; } if ('hex' === enc1) { (msg1 = msg1.replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/ig, '')).length % 2 != 0 && (msg1 = '0' + msg1); for(var i2 = 0; i2 < msg1.length; i2 += 2)res1.push(parseInt(msg1[i2] + msg1[i2 + 1], 16)); } else for(var i2 = 0; i2 < msg1.length; i2++){ var c5 = msg1.charCodeAt(i2), hi1 = c5 >> 8, lo1 = 0xff & c5; hi1 ? res1.push(hi1, lo1) : res1.push(lo1); } return res1; } function zero21(word1) { return 1 === word1.length ? '0' + word1 : word1; } function toHex1(msg1) { for(var res1 = '', i2 = 0; i2 < msg1.length; i2++)res1 += zero21(msg1[i2].toString(16)); return res1; } utils1.toArray = toArray1, utils1.zero2 = zero21, utils1.toHex = toHex1, utils1.encode = function(arr1, enc1) { return 'hex' === enc1 ? toHex1(arr1) : arr1; }; }, 4473: function(module1) { "use strict"; module1.exports = class extends Error { constructor(message1, options1){ super(message1 || ''), 'object' == typeof options1 && null !== options1 && (options1.code && (this.code = String(options1.code)), options1.expected && (this.expected = !0), options1.transient && (this.transient = !0), options1.cause && (this.cause = options1.cause)), Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor); } }; }, 3454: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var ref2, ref11; module1.exports = (null == (ref2 = __webpack_require__1.g.process) ? void 0 : ref2.env) && "object" == typeof (null == (ref11 = __webpack_require__1.g.process) ? void 0 : ref11.env) ? __webpack_require__1.g.process : __webpack_require__1(7663); }, 7663: function(module1) { var __dirname1 = "/"; !function() { var e1 = { 308: function(e1) { var r3, n2, u3, t3 = e1.exports = {}; function defaultSetTimout1() { throw Error("setTimeout has not been defined"); } function defaultClearTimeout1() { throw Error("clearTimeout has not been defined"); } function runTimeout1(e1) { if (r3 === setTimeout) return setTimeout(e1, 0); if ((r3 === defaultSetTimout1 || !r3) && setTimeout) return r3 = setTimeout, setTimeout(e1, 0); try { return r3(e1, 0); } catch (t3) { try { return r3.call(null, e1, 0); } catch (t3) { return r3.call(this, e1, 0); } } } function runClearTimeout1(e1) { if (n2 === clearTimeout) return clearTimeout(e1); if ((n2 === defaultClearTimeout1 || !n2) && clearTimeout) return n2 = clearTimeout, clearTimeout(e1); try { return n2(e1); } catch (t3) { try { return n2.call(null, e1); } catch (t3) { return n2.call(this, e1); } } } !function() { try { r3 = "function" == typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : defaultSetTimout1; } catch (e1) { r3 = defaultSetTimout1; } try { n2 = "function" == typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : defaultClearTimeout1; } catch (e1) { n2 = defaultClearTimeout1; } }(); var i2 = [], o1 = !1, a10 = -1; function cleanUpNextTick1() { o1 && u3 && (o1 = !1, u3.length ? i2 = u3.concat(i2) : a10 = -1, i2.length && drainQueue1()); } function drainQueue1() { if (!o1) { var e1 = runTimeout1(cleanUpNextTick1); o1 = !0; for(var t3 = i2.length; t3;){ for(u3 = i2, i2 = []; ++a10 < t3;)u3 && u3[a10].run(); a10 = -1, t3 = i2.length; } u3 = null, o1 = !1, runClearTimeout1(e1); } } function Item1(e1, t3) { this.fun = e1, this.array = t3; } function noop1() {} t3.nextTick = function(e1) { var t3 = Array(arguments.length - 1); if (arguments.length > 1) for(var r3 = 1; r3 < arguments.length; r3++)t3[r3 - 1] = arguments[r3]; i2.push(new Item1(e1, t3)), 1 !== i2.length || o1 || runTimeout1(drainQueue1); }, Item1.prototype.run = function() { this.fun.apply(null, this.array); }, t3.title = "browser", t3.browser = !0, t3.env = {}, t3.argv = [], t3.version = "", t3.versions = {}, t3.on = noop1, t3.addListener = noop1, t3.once = noop1, t3.off = noop1, t3.removeListener = noop1, t3.removeAllListeners = noop1, t3.emit = noop1, t3.prependListener = noop1, t3.prependOnceListener = noop1, t3.listeners = function(e1) { return []; }, t3.binding = function(e1) { throw Error("process.binding is not supported"); }, t3.cwd = function() { return "/"; }, t3.chdir = function(e1) { throw Error("process.chdir is not supported"); }, t3.umask = function() { return 0; }; } }, t3 = {}; function __nccwpck_require__1(r3) { var n2 = t3[r3]; if (void 0 !== n2) return n2.exports; var i2 = t3[r3] = { exports: {} }, o1 = !0; try { e1[r3](i2, i2.exports, __nccwpck_require__1), o1 = !1; } finally{ o1 && delete t3[r3]; } return i2.exports; } __nccwpck_require__1.ab = __dirname1 + "/"; var r3 = __nccwpck_require__1(308); module1.exports = r3; }(); }, 9681: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var __dirname1 = "/", process1 = __webpack_require__1(3454); !function() { var e1 = { 140: function(e1) { "function" == typeof Object.create ? e1.exports = function(e1, t3) { t3 && (e1.super_ = t3, e1.prototype = Object.create(t3.prototype, { constructor: { value: e1, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })); } : e1.exports = function(e1, t3) { if (t3) { e1.super_ = t3; var TempCtor1 = function() {}; TempCtor1.prototype = t3.prototype, e1.prototype = new TempCtor1, e1.prototype.constructor = e1; } }; }, 349: function(e1) { "use strict"; const t3 = {}; function createErrorType1(e1, r3, n2) { function getMessage1(e1, t3, n2) { return "string" == typeof r3 ? r3 : r3(e1, t3, n2); } n2 || (n2 = Error); class NodeError1 extends n2 { constructor(e1, t3, r3){ super(getMessage1(e1, t3, r3)); } } NodeError1.prototype.name = n2.name, NodeError1.prototype.code = e1, t3[e1] = NodeError1; } function oneOf1(e1, t3) { if (!Array.isArray(e1)) return `of ${t3} ${String(e1)}`; { const r3 = e1.length; return (e1 = e1.map((e1)=>String(e1)), r3 > 2) ? `one of ${t3} ${e1.slice(0, r3 - 1).join(", ")}, or ` + e1[r3 - 1] : 2 === r3 ? `one of ${t3} ${e1[0]} or ${e1[1]}` : `of ${t3} ${e1[0]}`; } } function startsWith1(e1, t3, r3) { return e1.substr(!r3 || r3 < 0 ? 0 : +r3, t3.length) === t3; } function endsWith1(e1, t3, r3) { return (void 0 === r3 || r3 > e1.length) && (r3 = e1.length), e1.substring(r3 - t3.length, r3) === t3; } function includes1(e1, t3, r3) { return "number" != typeof r3 && (r3 = 0), !(r3 + t3.length > e1.length) && -1 !== e1.indexOf(t3, r3); } createErrorType1("ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE", function(e1, t3) { return 'The value "' + t3 + '" is invalid for option "' + e1 + '"'; }, TypeError), createErrorType1("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE", function(e1, t3, r3) { let n2, i2; if ("string" == typeof t3 && startsWith1(t3, "not ") ? (n2 = "must not be", t3 = t3.replace(/^not /, "")) : n2 = "must be", endsWith1(e1, " argument")) i2 = `The ${e1} ${n2} ${oneOf1(t3, "type")}`; else { const r3 = includes1(e1, ".") ? "property" : "argument"; i2 = `The "${e1}" ${r3} ${n2} ${oneOf1(t3, "type")}`; } return i2 + `. Received type ${typeof r3}`; }, TypeError), createErrorType1("ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF", "stream.push() after EOF"), createErrorType1("ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED", function(e1) { return "The " + e1 + " method is not implemented"; }), createErrorType1("ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE", "Premature close"), createErrorType1("ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED", function(e1) { return "Cannot call " + e1 + " after a stream was destroyed"; }), createErrorType1("ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK", "Callback called multiple times"), createErrorType1("ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE", "Cannot pipe, not readable"), createErrorType1("ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END", "write after end"), createErrorType1("ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES", "May not write null values to stream", TypeError), createErrorType1("ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING", function(e1) { return "Unknown encoding: " + e1; }, TypeError), createErrorType1("ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT", "stream.unshift() after end event"), e1.exports.q = t3; }, 716: function(e1, t3, r3) { "use strict"; var n2 = Object.keys || function(e1) { var t3 = []; for(var r3 in e1)t3.push(r3); return t3; }; e1.exports = Duplex1; var i2 = r3(787), a10 = r3(513); r3(140)(Duplex1, i2); for(var o1 = n2(a10.prototype), s3 = 0; s3 < o1.length; s3++){ var f1 = o1[s3]; Duplex1.prototype[f1] || (Duplex1.prototype[f1] = a10.prototype[f1]); } function Duplex1(e1) { if (!(this instanceof Duplex1)) return new Duplex1(e1); i2.call(this, e1), a10.call(this, e1), this.allowHalfOpen = !0, e1 && (!1 === e1.readable && (this.readable = !1), !1 === e1.writable && (this.writable = !1), !1 === e1.allowHalfOpen && (this.allowHalfOpen = !1, this.once("end", onend1))); } function onend1() { this._writableState.ended || process1.nextTick(onEndNT1, this); } function onEndNT1(e1) { e1.end(); } Object.defineProperty(Duplex1.prototype, "writableHighWaterMark", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { return this._writableState.highWaterMark; } }), Object.defineProperty(Duplex1.prototype, "writableBuffer", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { return this._writableState && this._writableState.getBuffer(); } }), Object.defineProperty(Duplex1.prototype, "writableLength", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { return this._writableState.length; } }), Object.defineProperty(Duplex1.prototype, "destroyed", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { return void 0 !== this._readableState && void 0 !== this._writableState && this._readableState.destroyed && this._writableState.destroyed; }, set: function(e1) { void 0 !== this._readableState && void 0 !== this._writableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = e1, this._writableState.destroyed = e1); } }); }, 788: function(e1, t3, r3) { "use strict"; e1.exports = PassThrough1; var n2 = r3(551); function PassThrough1(e1) { if (!(this instanceof PassThrough1)) return new PassThrough1(e1); n2.call(this, e1); } r3(140)(PassThrough1, n2), PassThrough1.prototype._transform = function(e1, t3, r3) { r3(null, e1); }; }, 787: function(e1, t3, r3) { "use strict"; e1.exports = Readable1, Readable1.ReadableState = ReadableState1, r3(361).EventEmitter; var n2, u3, w19, m1, S1, a10 = function(e1, t3) { return e1.listeners(t3).length; }, o1 = r3(455), s3 = r3(300).Buffer, f1 = __webpack_require__1.g.Uint8Array || function() {}; function _uint8ArrayToBuffer1(e1) { return s3.from(e1); } function _isUint8Array1(e1) { return s3.isBuffer(e1) || e1 instanceof f1; } var l1 = r3(837); u3 = l1 && l1.debuglog ? l1.debuglog("stream") : function() {}; var d3 = r3(41), c5 = r3(289), p3 = r3(483).getHighWaterMark, b10 = r3(349).q, g3 = b10.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, y3 = b10.ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF, _1 = b10.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, v3 = b10.ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT; r3(140)(Readable1, o1); var R1 = c5.errorOrDestroy, E1 = [ "error", "close", "destroy", "pause", "resume" ]; function prependListener1(e1, t3, r3) { if ("function" == typeof e1.prependListener) return e1.prependListener(t3, r3); e1._events && e1._events[t3] ? Array.isArray(e1._events[t3]) ? e1._events[t3].unshift(r3) : e1._events[t3] = [ r3, e1._events[t3] ] : e1.on(t3, r3); } function ReadableState1(e1, t3, i2) { n2 = n2 || r3(716), e1 = e1 || {}, "boolean" != typeof i2 && (i2 = t3 instanceof n2), this.objectMode = !!e1.objectMode, i2 && (this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!e1.readableObjectMode), this.highWaterMark = p3(this, e1, "readableHighWaterMark", i2), this.buffer = new d3, this.length = 0, this.pipes = null, this.pipesCount = 0, this.flowing = null, this.ended = !1, this.endEmitted = !1, this.reading = !1, this.sync = !0, this.needReadable = !1, this.emittedReadable = !1, this.readableListening = !1, this.resumeScheduled = !1, this.paused = !0, this.emitClose = !1 !== e1.emitClose, this.autoDestroy = !!e1.autoDestroy, this.destroyed = !1, this.defaultEncoding = e1.defaultEncoding || "utf8", this.awaitDrain = 0, this.readingMore = !1, this.decoder = null, this.encoding = null, e1.encoding && (w19 || (w19 = r3(862).s), this.decoder = new w19(e1.encoding), this.encoding = e1.encoding); } function Readable1(e1) { if (n2 = n2 || r3(716), !(this instanceof Readable1)) return new Readable1(e1); var t3 = this instanceof n2; this._readableState = new ReadableState1(e1, this, t3), this.readable = !0, e1 && ("function" == typeof e1.read && (this._read = e1.read), "function" == typeof e1.destroy && (this._destroy = e1.destroy)), o1.call(this); } function readableAddChunk1(e1, t3, r3, n2, i2) { u3("readableAddChunk", t3); var o1, a10 = e1._readableState; if (null === t3) a10.reading = !1, onEofChunk1(e1, a10); else if (i2 || (o1 = chunkInvalid1(a10, t3)), o1) R1(e1, o1); else if (a10.objectMode || t3 && t3.length > 0) { if ("string" == typeof t3 || a10.objectMode || Object.getPrototypeOf(t3) === s3.prototype || (t3 = _uint8ArrayToBuffer1(t3)), n2) a10.endEmitted ? R1(e1, new v3) : addChunk1(e1, a10, t3, !0); else if (a10.ended) R1(e1, new y3); else { if (a10.destroyed) return !1; a10.reading = !1, a10.decoder && !r3 ? (t3 = a10.decoder.write(t3), a10.objectMode || 0 !== t3.length ? addChunk1(e1, a10, t3, !1) : maybeReadMore1(e1, a10)) : addChunk1(e1, a10, t3, !1); } } else n2 || (a10.reading = !1, maybeReadMore1(e1, a10)); return !a10.ended && (a10.length < a10.highWaterMark || 0 === a10.length); } function addChunk1(e1, t3, r3, n2) { t3.flowing && 0 === t3.length && !t3.sync ? (t3.awaitDrain = 0, e1.emit("data", r3)) : (t3.length += t3.objectMode ? 1 : r3.length, n2 ? t3.buffer.unshift(r3) : t3.buffer.push(r3), t3.needReadable && emitReadable1(e1)), maybeReadMore1(e1, t3); } function chunkInvalid1(e1, t3) { var r3; return _isUint8Array1(t3) || "string" == typeof t3 || void 0 === t3 || e1.objectMode || (r3 = new g3("chunk", [ "string", "Buffer", "Uint8Array" ], t3)), r3; } Object.defineProperty(Readable1.prototype, "destroyed", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { return void 0 !== this._readableState && this._readableState.destroyed; }, set: function(e1) { this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = e1); } }), Readable1.prototype.destroy = c5.destroy, Readable1.prototype._undestroy = c5.undestroy, Readable1.prototype._destroy = function(e1, t3) { t3(e1); }, Readable1.prototype.push = function(e1, t3) { var n2, r3 = this._readableState; return r3.objectMode ? n2 = !0 : "string" == typeof e1 && ((t3 = t3 || r3.defaultEncoding) !== r3.encoding && (e1 = s3.from(e1, t3), t3 = ""), n2 = !0), readableAddChunk1(this, e1, t3, !1, n2); }, Readable1.prototype.unshift = function(e1) { return readableAddChunk1(this, e1, null, !0, !1); }, Readable1.prototype.isPaused = function() { return !1 === this._readableState.flowing; }, Readable1.prototype.setEncoding = function(e1) { w19 || (w19 = r3(862).s); var t3 = new w19(e1); this._readableState.decoder = t3, this._readableState.encoding = this._readableState.decoder.encoding; for(var n2 = this._readableState.buffer.head, i2 = ""; null !== n2;)i2 += t3.write(n2.data), n2 = n2.next; return this._readableState.buffer.clear(), "" !== i2 && this._readableState.buffer.push(i2), this._readableState.length = i2.length, this; }; var T3 = 1073741824; function computeNewHighWaterMark1(e1) { return e1 >= T3 ? e1 = T3 : (e1--, e1 |= e1 >>> 1, e1 |= e1 >>> 2, e1 |= e1 >>> 4, e1 |= e1 >>> 8, e1 |= e1 >>> 16, e1++), e1; } function howMuchToRead1(e1, t3) { return e1 <= 0 || 0 === t3.length && t3.ended ? 0 : t3.objectMode ? 1 : e1 != e1 ? t3.flowing && t3.length ? t3.buffer.head.data.length : t3.length : (e1 > t3.highWaterMark && (t3.highWaterMark = computeNewHighWaterMark1(e1)), e1 <= t3.length) ? e1 : t3.ended ? t3.length : (t3.needReadable = !0, 0); } function onEofChunk1(e1, t3) { if (u3("onEofChunk"), !t3.ended) { if (t3.decoder) { var r3 = t3.decoder.end(); r3 && r3.length && (t3.buffer.push(r3), t3.length += t3.objectMode ? 1 : r3.length); } t3.ended = !0, t3.sync ? emitReadable1(e1) : (t3.needReadable = !1, t3.emittedReadable || (t3.emittedReadable = !0, emitReadable_1(e1))); } } function emitReadable1(e1) { var t3 = e1._readableState; u3("emitReadable", t3.needReadable, t3.emittedReadable), t3.needReadable = !1, t3.emittedReadable || (u3("emitReadable", t3.flowing), t3.emittedReadable = !0, process1.nextTick(emitReadable_1, e1)); } function emitReadable_1(e1) { var t3 = e1._readableState; u3("emitReadable_", t3.destroyed, t3.length, t3.ended), !t3.destroyed && (t3.length || t3.ended) && (e1.emit("readable"), t3.emittedReadable = !1), t3.needReadable = !t3.flowing && !t3.ended && t3.length <= t3.highWaterMark, flow1(e1); } function maybeReadMore1(e1, t3) { t3.readingMore || (t3.readingMore = !0, process1.nextTick(maybeReadMore_1, e1, t3)); } function maybeReadMore_1(e1, t3) { for(; !t3.reading && !t3.ended && (t3.length < t3.highWaterMark || t3.flowing && 0 === t3.length);){ var r3 = t3.length; if (u3("maybeReadMore read 0"), e1.read(0), r3 === t3.length) break; } t3.readingMore = !1; } function pipeOnDrain1(e1) { return function() { var t3 = e1._readableState; u3("pipeOnDrain", t3.awaitDrain), t3.awaitDrain && t3.awaitDrain--, 0 === t3.awaitDrain && a10(e1, "data") && (t3.flowing = !0, flow1(e1)); }; } function updateReadableListening1(e1) { var t3 = e1._readableState; t3.readableListening = e1.listenerCount("readable") > 0, t3.resumeScheduled && !t3.paused ? t3.flowing = !0 : e1.listenerCount("data") > 0 && e1.resume(); } function nReadingNextTick1(e1) { u3("readable nexttick read 0"), e1.read(0); } function resume1(e1, t3) { t3.resumeScheduled || (t3.resumeScheduled = !0, process1.nextTick(resume_1, e1, t3)); } function resume_1(e1, t3) { u3("resume", t3.reading), t3.reading || e1.read(0), t3.resumeScheduled = !1, e1.emit("resume"), flow1(e1), t3.flowing && !t3.reading && e1.read(0); } function flow1(e1) { var t3 = e1._readableState; for(u3("flow", t3.flowing); t3.flowing && null !== e1.read();); } function fromList1(e1, t3) { var r3; return 0 === t3.length ? null : (t3.objectMode ? r3 = t3.buffer.shift() : !e1 || e1 >= t3.length ? (r3 = t3.decoder ? t3.buffer.join("") : 1 === t3.buffer.length ? t3.buffer.first() : t3.buffer.concat(t3.length), t3.buffer.clear()) : r3 = t3.buffer.consume(e1, t3.decoder), r3); } function endReadable1(e1) { var t3 = e1._readableState; u3("endReadable", t3.endEmitted), t3.endEmitted || (t3.ended = !0, process1.nextTick(endReadableNT1, t3, e1)); } function endReadableNT1(e1, t3) { if (u3("endReadableNT", e1.endEmitted, e1.length), !e1.endEmitted && 0 === e1.length && (e1.endEmitted = !0, t3.readable = !1, t3.emit("end"), e1.autoDestroy)) { var r3 = t3._writableState; (!r3 || r3.autoDestroy && r3.finished) && t3.destroy(); } } function indexOf1(e1, t3) { for(var r3 = 0, n2 = e1.length; r3 < n2; r3++)if (e1[r3] === t3) return r3; return -1; } Readable1.prototype.read = function(e1) { u3("read", e1), e1 = parseInt(e1, 10); var i2, t3 = this._readableState, r3 = e1; if (0 !== e1 && (t3.emittedReadable = !1), 0 === e1 && t3.needReadable && ((0 !== t3.highWaterMark ? t3.length >= t3.highWaterMark : t3.length > 0) || t3.ended)) return u3("read: emitReadable", t3.length, t3.ended), 0 === t3.length && t3.ended ? endReadable1(this) : emitReadable1(this), null; if (0 === (e1 = howMuchToRead1(e1, t3)) && t3.ended) return 0 === t3.length && endReadable1(this), null; var n2 = t3.needReadable; return u3("need readable", n2), (0 === t3.length || t3.length - e1 < t3.highWaterMark) && u3("length less than watermark", n2 = !0), t3.ended || t3.reading ? u3("reading or ended", n2 = !1) : n2 && (u3("do read"), t3.reading = !0, t3.sync = !0, 0 === t3.length && (t3.needReadable = !0), this._read(t3.highWaterMark), t3.sync = !1, t3.reading || (e1 = howMuchToRead1(r3, t3))), null === (i2 = e1 > 0 ? fromList1(e1, t3) : null) ? (t3.needReadable = t3.length <= t3.highWaterMark, e1 = 0) : (t3.length -= e1, t3.awaitDrain = 0), 0 === t3.length && (t3.ended || (t3.needReadable = !0), r3 !== e1 && t3.ended && endReadable1(this)), null !== i2 && this.emit("data", i2), i2; }, Readable1.prototype._read = function(e1) { R1(this, new _1("_read()")); }, Readable1.prototype.pipe = function(e1, t3) { var r3 = this, n2 = this._readableState; switch(n2.pipesCount){ case 0: n2.pipes = e1; break; case 1: n2.pipes = [ n2.pipes, e1 ]; break; default: n2.pipes.push(e1); } n2.pipesCount += 1, u3("pipe count=%d opts=%j", n2.pipesCount, t3); var o1 = t3 && !1 === t3.end || e1 === process1.stdout || e1 === process1.stderr ? unpipe1 : onend1; function onunpipe1(e1, t3) { u3("onunpipe"), e1 === r3 && t3 && !1 === t3.hasUnpiped && (t3.hasUnpiped = !0, cleanup1()); } function onend1() { u3("onend"), e1.end(); } n2.endEmitted ? process1.nextTick(o1) : r3.once("end", o1), e1.on("unpipe", onunpipe1); var s3 = pipeOnDrain1(r3); e1.on("drain", s3); var f1 = !1; function cleanup1() { u3("cleanup"), e1.removeListener("close", onclose1), e1.removeListener("finish", onfinish1), e1.removeListener("drain", s3), e1.removeListener("error", onerror1), e1.removeListener("unpipe", onunpipe1), r3.removeListener("end", onend1), r3.removeListener("end", unpipe1), r3.removeListener("data", ondata1), f1 = !0, n2.awaitDrain && (!e1._writableState || e1._writableState.needDrain) && s3(); } function ondata1(t3) { u3("ondata"); var i2 = e1.write(t3); u3("dest.write", i2), !1 === i2 && ((1 === n2.pipesCount && n2.pipes === e1 || n2.pipesCount > 1 && -1 !== indexOf1(n2.pipes, e1)) && !f1 && (u3("false write response, pause", n2.awaitDrain), n2.awaitDrain++), r3.pause()); } function onerror1(t3) { u3("onerror", t3), unpipe1(), e1.removeListener("error", onerror1), 0 === a10(e1, "error") && R1(e1, t3); } function onclose1() { e1.removeListener("finish", onfinish1), unpipe1(); } function onfinish1() { u3("onfinish"), e1.removeListener("close", onclose1), unpipe1(); } function unpipe1() { u3("unpipe"), r3.unpipe(e1); } return r3.on("data", ondata1), prependListener1(e1, "error", onerror1), e1.once("close", onclose1), e1.once("finish", onfinish1), e1.emit("pipe", r3), n2.flowing || (u3("pipe resume"), r3.resume()), e1; }, Readable1.prototype.unpipe = function(e1) { var t3 = this._readableState, r3 = { hasUnpiped: !1 }; if (0 === t3.pipesCount) return this; if (1 === t3.pipesCount) return e1 && e1 !== t3.pipes || (e1 || (e1 = t3.pipes), t3.pipes = null, t3.pipesCount = 0, t3.flowing = !1, e1 && e1.emit("unpipe", this, r3)), this; if (!e1) { var n2 = t3.pipes, i2 = t3.pipesCount; t3.pipes = null, t3.pipesCount = 0, t3.flowing = !1; for(var a10 = 0; a10 < i2; a10++)n2[a10].emit("unpipe", this, { hasUnpiped: !1 }); return this; } var o1 = indexOf1(t3.pipes, e1); return -1 === o1 || (t3.pipes.splice(o1, 1), t3.pipesCount -= 1, 1 === t3.pipesCount && (t3.pipes = t3.pipes[0]), e1.emit("unpipe", this, r3)), this; }, Readable1.prototype.on = function(e1, t3) { var r3 = o1.prototype.on.call(this, e1, t3), n2 = this._readableState; return "data" === e1 ? (n2.readableListening = this.listenerCount("readable") > 0, !1 !== n2.flowing && this.resume()) : "readable" !== e1 || n2.endEmitted || n2.readableListening || (n2.readableListening = n2.needReadable = !0, n2.flowing = !1, n2.emittedReadable = !1, u3("on readable", n2.length, n2.reading), n2.length ? emitReadable1(this) : n2.reading || process1.nextTick(nReadingNextTick1, this)), r3; }, Readable1.prototype.addListener = Readable1.prototype.on, Readable1.prototype.removeListener = function(e1, t3) { var r3 = o1.prototype.removeListener.call(this, e1, t3); return "readable" === e1 && process1.nextTick(updateReadableListening1, this), r3; }, Readable1.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(e1) { var t3 = o1.prototype.removeAllListeners.apply(this, arguments); return ("readable" === e1 || void 0 === e1) && process1.nextTick(updateReadableListening1, this), t3; }, Readable1.prototype.resume = function() { var e1 = this._readableState; return e1.flowing || (u3("resume"), e1.flowing = !e1.readableListening, resume1(this, e1)), e1.paused = !1, this; }, Readable1.prototype.pause = function() { return u3("call pause flowing=%j", this._readableState.flowing), !1 !== this._readableState.flowing && (u3("pause"), this._readableState.flowing = !1, this.emit("pause")), this._readableState.paused = !0, this; }, Readable1.prototype.wrap = function(e1) { var t3 = this, r3 = this._readableState, n2 = !1; for(var i2 in e1.on("end", function() { if (u3("wrapped end"), r3.decoder && !r3.ended) { var e1 = r3.decoder.end(); e1 && e1.length && t3.push(e1); } t3.push(null); }), e1.on("data", function(i2) { u3("wrapped data"), r3.decoder && (i2 = r3.decoder.write(i2)), (!r3.objectMode || null != i2) && (r3.objectMode || i2 && i2.length) && (t3.push(i2) || (n2 = !0, e1.pause())); }), e1)void 0 === this[i2] && "function" == typeof e1[i2] && (this[i2] = function(t3) { return function() { return e1[t3].apply(e1, arguments); }; }(i2)); for(var a10 = 0; a10 < E1.length; a10++)e1.on(E1[a10], this.emit.bind(this, E1[a10])); return this._read = function(t3) { u3("wrapped _read", t3), n2 && (n2 = !1, e1.resume()); }, this; }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (Readable1.prototype[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() { return void 0 === m1 && (m1 = r3(224)), m1(this); }), Object.defineProperty(Readable1.prototype, "readableHighWaterMark", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { return this._readableState.highWaterMark; } }), Object.defineProperty(Readable1.prototype, "readableBuffer", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { return this._readableState && this._readableState.buffer; } }), Object.defineProperty(Readable1.prototype, "readableFlowing", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { return this._readableState.flowing; }, set: function(e1) { this._readableState && (this._readableState.flowing = e1); } }), Readable1._fromList = fromList1, Object.defineProperty(Readable1.prototype, "readableLength", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { return this._readableState.length; } }), "function" == typeof Symbol && (Readable1.from = function(e1, t3) { return void 0 === S1 && (S1 = r3(720)), S1(Readable1, e1, t3); }); }, 551: function(e1, t3, r3) { "use strict"; e1.exports = Transform1; var n2 = r3(349).q, i2 = n2.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, a10 = n2.ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK, o1 = n2.ERR_TRANSFORM_ALREADY_TRANSFORMING, s3 = n2.ERR_TRANSFORM_WITH_LENGTH_0, f1 = r3(716); function afterTransform1(e1, t3) { var r3 = this._transformState; r3.transforming = !1; var n2 = r3.writecb; if (null === n2) return this.emit("error", new a10); r3.writechunk = null, r3.writecb = null, null != t3 && this.push(t3), n2(e1); var i2 = this._readableState; i2.reading = !1, (i2.needReadable || i2.length < i2.highWaterMark) && this._read(i2.highWaterMark); } function Transform1(e1) { if (!(this instanceof Transform1)) return new Transform1(e1); f1.call(this, e1), this._transformState = { afterTransform: afterTransform1.bind(this), needTransform: !1, transforming: !1, writecb: null, writechunk: null, writeencoding: null }, this._readableState.needReadable = !0, this._readableState.sync = !1, e1 && ("function" == typeof e1.transform && (this._transform = e1.transform), "function" == typeof e1.flush && (this._flush = e1.flush)), this.on("prefinish", prefinish1); } function prefinish1() { var e1 = this; "function" != typeof this._flush || this._readableState.destroyed ? done1(this, null, null) : this._flush(function(t3, r3) { done1(e1, t3, r3); }); } function done1(e1, t3, r3) { if (t3) return e1.emit("error", t3); if (null != r3 && e1.push(r3), e1._writableState.length) throw new s3; if (e1._transformState.transforming) throw new o1; return e1.push(null); } r3(140)(Transform1, f1), Transform1.prototype.push = function(e1, t3) { return this._transformState.needTransform = !1, f1.prototype.push.call(this, e1, t3); }, Transform1.prototype._transform = function(e1, t3, r3) { r3(new i2("_transform()")); }, Transform1.prototype._write = function(e1, t3, r3) { var n2 = this._transformState; if (n2.writecb = r3, n2.writechunk = e1, n2.writeencoding = t3, !n2.transforming) { var i2 = this._readableState; (n2.needTransform || i2.needReadable || i2.length < i2.highWaterMark) && this._read(i2.highWaterMark); } }, Transform1.prototype._read = function(e1) { var t3 = this._transformState; null === t3.writechunk || t3.transforming ? t3.needTransform = !0 : (t3.transforming = !0, this._transform(t3.writechunk, t3.writeencoding, t3.afterTransform)); }, Transform1.prototype._destroy = function(e1, t3) { f1.prototype._destroy.call(this, e1, function(e1) { t3(e1); }); }; }, 513: function(e1, t3, r3) { "use strict"; function CorkedRequest1(e1) { var t3 = this; this.next = null, this.entry = null, this.finish = function() { onCorkedFinish1(t3, e1); }; } e1.exports = Writable1, Writable1.WritableState = WritableState1; var n2, m1, i2 = { deprecate: r3(777) }, a10 = r3(455), o1 = r3(300).Buffer, s3 = __webpack_require__1.g.Uint8Array || function() {}; function _uint8ArrayToBuffer1(e1) { return o1.from(e1); } function _isUint8Array1(e1) { return o1.isBuffer(e1) || e1 instanceof s3; } var f1 = r3(289), u3 = r3(483).getHighWaterMark, d3 = r3(349).q, c5 = d3.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, h8 = d3.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, p3 = d3.ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK, b10 = d3.ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE, g3 = d3.ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED, y3 = d3.ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES, _1 = d3.ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END, v3 = d3.ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING, w19 = f1.errorOrDestroy; function nop1() {} function WritableState1(e1, t3, i2) { n2 = n2 || r3(716), e1 = e1 || {}, "boolean" != typeof i2 && (i2 = t3 instanceof n2), this.objectMode = !!e1.objectMode, i2 && (this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!e1.writableObjectMode), this.highWaterMark = u3(this, e1, "writableHighWaterMark", i2), this.finalCalled = !1, this.needDrain = !1, this.ending = !1, this.ended = !1, this.finished = !1, this.destroyed = !1; var a10 = !1 === e1.decodeStrings; this.decodeStrings = !a10, this.defaultEncoding = e1.defaultEncoding || "utf8", this.length = 0, this.writing = !1, this.corked = 0, this.sync = !0, this.bufferProcessing = !1, this.onwrite = function(e1) { onwrite1(t3, e1); }, this.writecb = null, this.writelen = 0, this.bufferedRequest = null, this.lastBufferedRequest = null, this.pendingcb = 0, this.prefinished = !1, this.errorEmitted = !1, this.emitClose = !1 !== e1.emitClose, this.autoDestroy = !!e1.autoDestroy, this.bufferedRequestCount = 0, this.corkedRequestsFree = new CorkedRequest1(this); } function Writable1(e1) { var t3 = this instanceof (n2 = n2 || r3(716)); if (!t3 && !m1.call(Writable1, this)) return new Writable1(e1); this._writableState = new WritableState1(e1, this, t3), this.writable = !0, e1 && ("function" == typeof e1.write && (this._write = e1.write), "function" == typeof e1.writev && (this._writev = e1.writev), "function" == typeof e1.destroy && (this._destroy = e1.destroy), "function" == typeof e1.final && (this._final = e1.final)), a10.call(this); } function writeAfterEnd1(e1, t3) { var r3 = new _1; w19(e1, r3), process1.nextTick(t3, r3); } function validChunk1(e1, t3, r3, n2) { var i2; return null === r3 ? i2 = new y3 : "string" == typeof r3 || t3.objectMode || (i2 = new c5("chunk", [ "string", "Buffer" ], r3)), !i2 || (w19(e1, i2), process1.nextTick(n2, i2), !1); } function decodeChunk1(e1, t3, r3) { return e1.objectMode || !1 === e1.decodeStrings || "string" != typeof t3 || (t3 = o1.from(t3, r3)), t3; } function writeOrBuffer1(e1, t3, r3, n2, i2, a10) { if (!r3) { var o1 = decodeChunk1(t3, n2, i2); n2 !== o1 && (r3 = !0, i2 = "buffer", n2 = o1); } var s3 = t3.objectMode ? 1 : n2.length; t3.length += s3; var f1 = t3.length < t3.highWaterMark; if (f1 || (t3.needDrain = !0), t3.writing || t3.corked) { var l1 = t3.lastBufferedRequest; t3.lastBufferedRequest = { chunk: n2, encoding: i2, isBuf: r3, callback: a10, next: null }, l1 ? l1.next = t3.lastBufferedRequest : t3.bufferedRequest = t3.lastBufferedRequest, t3.bufferedRequestCount += 1; } else doWrite1(e1, t3, !1, s3, n2, i2, a10); return f1; } function doWrite1(e1, t3, r3, n2, i2, a10, o1) { t3.writelen = n2, t3.writecb = o1, t3.writing = !0, t3.sync = !0, t3.destroyed ? t3.onwrite(new g3("write")) : r3 ? e1._writev(i2, t3.onwrite) : e1._write(i2, a10, t3.onwrite), t3.sync = !1; } function onwriteError1(e1, t3, r3, n2, i2) { --t3.pendingcb, r3 ? (process1.nextTick(i2, n2), process1.nextTick(finishMaybe1, e1, t3), e1._writableState.errorEmitted = !0, w19(e1, n2)) : (i2(n2), e1._writableState.errorEmitted = !0, w19(e1, n2), finishMaybe1(e1, t3)); } function onwriteStateUpdate1(e1) { e1.writing = !1, e1.writecb = null, e1.length -= e1.writelen, e1.writelen = 0; } function onwrite1(e1, t3) { var r3 = e1._writableState, n2 = r3.sync, i2 = r3.writecb; if ("function" != typeof i2) throw new p3; if (onwriteStateUpdate1(r3), t3) onwriteError1(e1, r3, n2, t3, i2); else { var a10 = needFinish1(r3) || e1.destroyed; a10 || r3.corked || r3.bufferProcessing || !r3.bufferedRequest || clearBuffer1(e1, r3), n2 ? process1.nextTick(afterWrite1, e1, r3, a10, i2) : afterWrite1(e1, r3, a10, i2); } } function afterWrite1(e1, t3, r3, n2) { r3 || onwriteDrain1(e1, t3), t3.pendingcb--, n2(), finishMaybe1(e1, t3); } function onwriteDrain1(e1, t3) { 0 === t3.length && t3.needDrain && (t3.needDrain = !1, e1.emit("drain")); } function clearBuffer1(e1, t3) { t3.bufferProcessing = !0; var r3 = t3.bufferedRequest; if (e1._writev && r3 && r3.next) { var i2 = Array(t3.bufferedRequestCount), a10 = t3.corkedRequestsFree; a10.entry = r3; for(var o1 = 0, s3 = !0; r3;)i2[o1] = r3, r3.isBuf || (s3 = !1), r3 = r3.next, o1 += 1; i2.allBuffers = s3, doWrite1(e1, t3, !0, t3.length, i2, "", a10.finish), t3.pendingcb++, t3.lastBufferedRequest = null, a10.next ? (t3.corkedRequestsFree = a10.next, a10.next = null) : t3.corkedRequestsFree = new CorkedRequest1(t3), t3.bufferedRequestCount = 0; } else { for(; r3;){ var f1 = r3.chunk, l1 = r3.encoding, u3 = r3.callback, d3 = t3.objectMode ? 1 : f1.length; if (doWrite1(e1, t3, !1, d3, f1, l1, u3), r3 = r3.next, t3.bufferedRequestCount--, t3.writing) break; } null === r3 && (t3.lastBufferedRequest = null); } t3.bufferedRequest = r3, t3.bufferProcessing = !1; } function needFinish1(e1) { return e1.ending && 0 === e1.length && null === e1.bufferedRequest && !e1.finished && !e1.writing; } function callFinal1(e1, t3) { e1._final(function(r3) { t3.pendingcb--, r3 && w19(e1, r3), t3.prefinished = !0, e1.emit("prefinish"), finishMaybe1(e1, t3); }); } function prefinish1(e1, t3) { t3.prefinished || t3.finalCalled || ("function" != typeof e1._final || t3.destroyed ? (t3.prefinished = !0, e1.emit("prefinish")) : (t3.pendingcb++, t3.finalCalled = !0, process1.nextTick(callFinal1, e1, t3))); } function finishMaybe1(e1, t3) { var r3 = needFinish1(t3); if (r3 && (prefinish1(e1, t3), 0 === t3.pendingcb && (t3.finished = !0, e1.emit("finish"), t3.autoDestroy))) { var n2 = e1._readableState; (!n2 || n2.autoDestroy && n2.endEmitted) && e1.destroy(); } return r3; } function endWritable1(e1, t3, r3) { t3.ending = !0, finishMaybe1(e1, t3), r3 && (t3.finished ? process1.nextTick(r3) : e1.once("finish", r3)), t3.ended = !0, e1.writable = !1; } function onCorkedFinish1(e1, t3, r3) { var n2 = e1.entry; for(e1.entry = null; n2;){ var i2 = n2.callback; t3.pendingcb--, i2(r3), n2 = n2.next; } t3.corkedRequestsFree.next = e1; } r3(140)(Writable1, a10), WritableState1.prototype.getBuffer = function() { for(var e1 = this.bufferedRequest, t3 = []; e1;)t3.push(e1), e1 = e1.next; return t3; }, function() { try { Object.defineProperty(WritableState1.prototype, "buffer", { get: i2.deprecate(function() { return this.getBuffer(); }, "_writableState.buffer is deprecated. Use _writableState.getBuffer instead.", "DEP0003") }); } catch (e1) {} }(), "function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.hasInstance && "function" == typeof Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance] ? (m1 = Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance], Object.defineProperty(Writable1, Symbol.hasInstance, { value: function(e1) { return !!m1.call(this, e1) || this === Writable1 && e1 && e1._writableState instanceof WritableState1; } })) : m1 = function(e1) { return e1 instanceof this; }, Writable1.prototype.pipe = function() { w19(this, new b10); }, Writable1.prototype.write = function(e1, t3, r3) { var n2 = this._writableState, i2 = !1, a10 = !n2.objectMode && _isUint8Array1(e1); return a10 && !o1.isBuffer(e1) && (e1 = _uint8ArrayToBuffer1(e1)), "function" == typeof t3 && (r3 = t3, t3 = null), a10 ? t3 = "buffer" : t3 || (t3 = n2.defaultEncoding), "function" != typeof r3 && (r3 = nop1), n2.ending ? writeAfterEnd1(this, r3) : (a10 || validChunk1(this, n2, e1, r3)) && (n2.pendingcb++, i2 = writeOrBuffer1(this, n2, a10, e1, t3, r3)), i2; }, Writable1.prototype.cork = function() { this._writableState.corked++; }, Writable1.prototype.uncork = function() { var e1 = this._writableState; !e1.corked || (e1.corked--, e1.writing || e1.corked || e1.bufferProcessing || !e1.bufferedRequest || clearBuffer1(this, e1)); }, Writable1.prototype.setDefaultEncoding = function(e1) { if ("string" == typeof e1 && (e1 = e1.toLowerCase()), !([ "hex", "utf8", "utf-8", "ascii", "binary", "base64", "ucs2", "ucs-2", "utf16le", "utf-16le", "raw" ].indexOf((e1 + "").toLowerCase()) > -1)) throw new v3(e1); return this._writableState.defaultEncoding = e1, this; }, Object.defineProperty(Writable1.prototype, "writableBuffer", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { return this._writableState && this._writableState.getBuffer(); } }), Object.defineProperty(Writable1.prototype, "writableHighWaterMark", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { return this._writableState.highWaterMark; } }), Writable1.prototype._write = function(e1, t3, r3) { r3(new h8("_write()")); }, Writable1.prototype._writev = null, Writable1.prototype.end = function(e1, t3, r3) { var n2 = this._writableState; return "function" == typeof e1 ? (r3 = e1, e1 = null, t3 = null) : "function" == typeof t3 && (r3 = t3, t3 = null), null != e1 && this.write(e1, t3), n2.corked && (n2.corked = 1, this.uncork()), n2.ending || endWritable1(this, n2, r3), this; }, Object.defineProperty(Writable1.prototype, "writableLength", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { return this._writableState.length; } }), Object.defineProperty(Writable1.prototype, "destroyed", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { return void 0 !== this._writableState && this._writableState.destroyed; }, set: function(e1) { this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = e1); } }), Writable1.prototype.destroy = f1.destroy, Writable1.prototype._undestroy = f1.undestroy, Writable1.prototype._destroy = function(e1, t3) { t3(e1); }; }, 224: function(e1, t3, r3) { "use strict"; function _defineProperty1(e1, t3, r3) { return t3 in e1 ? Object.defineProperty(e1, t3, { value: r3, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e1[t3] = r3, e1; } var n2, i2 = r3(7), a10 = Symbol("lastResolve"), o1 = Symbol("lastReject"), s3 = Symbol("error"), f1 = Symbol("ended"), l1 = Symbol("lastPromise"), u3 = Symbol("handlePromise"), d3 = Symbol("stream"); function createIterResult1(e1, t3) { return { value: e1, done: t3 }; } function readAndResolve1(e1) { var t3 = e1[a10]; if (null !== t3) { var r3 = e1[d3].read(); null !== r3 && (e1[l1] = null, e1[a10] = null, e1[o1] = null, t3(createIterResult1(r3, !1))); } } function onReadable1(e1) { process1.nextTick(readAndResolve1, e1); } function wrapForNext1(e1, t3) { return function(r3, n2) { e1.then(function() { if (t3[f1]) { r3(createIterResult1(void 0, !0)); return; } t3[u3](r3, n2); }, n2); }; } var c5 = Object.getPrototypeOf(function() {}), h8 = Object.setPrototypeOf((_defineProperty1(n2 = { get stream () { return this[d3]; }, next: function() { var n2, e1 = this, t3 = this[s3]; if (null !== t3) return Promise.reject(t3); if (this[f1]) return Promise.resolve(createIterResult1(void 0, !0)); if (this[d3].destroyed) return new Promise(function(t3, r3) { process1.nextTick(function() { e1[s3] ? r3(e1[s3]) : t3(createIterResult1(void 0, !0)); }); }); var r3 = this[l1]; if (r3) n2 = new Promise(wrapForNext1(r3, this)); else { var i2 = this[d3].read(); if (null !== i2) return Promise.resolve(createIterResult1(i2, !1)); n2 = new Promise(this[u3]); } return this[l1] = n2, n2; } }, Symbol.asyncIterator, function() { return this; }), _defineProperty1(n2, "return", function() { var e1 = this; return new Promise(function(t3, r3) { e1[d3].destroy(null, function(e1) { if (e1) { r3(e1); return; } t3(createIterResult1(void 0, !0)); }); }); }), n2), c5), p3 = function(e1) { var t3, r3 = Object.create(h8, (_defineProperty1(t3 = {}, d3, { value: e1, writable: !0 }), _defineProperty1(t3, a10, { value: null, writable: !0 }), _defineProperty1(t3, o1, { value: null, writable: !0 }), _defineProperty1(t3, s3, { value: null, writable: !0 }), _defineProperty1(t3, f1, { value: e1._readableState.endEmitted, writable: !0 }), _defineProperty1(t3, u3, { value: function(e1, t3) { var n2 = r3[d3].read(); n2 ? (r3[l1] = null, r3[a10] = null, r3[o1] = null, e1(createIterResult1(n2, !1))) : (r3[a10] = e1, r3[o1] = t3); }, writable: !0 }), t3)); return r3[l1] = null, i2(e1, function(e1) { if (e1 && "ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE" !== e1.code) { var t3 = r3[o1]; null !== t3 && (r3[l1] = null, r3[a10] = null, r3[o1] = null, t3(e1)), r3[s3] = e1; return; } var n2 = r3[a10]; null !== n2 && (r3[l1] = null, r3[a10] = null, r3[o1] = null, n2(createIterResult1(void 0, !0))), r3[f1] = !0; }), e1.on("readable", onReadable1.bind(null, r3)), r3; }; e1.exports = p3; }, 41: function(e1, t3, r3) { "use strict"; function ownKeys1(e1, t3) { var r3 = Object.keys(e1); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var n2 = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e1); t3 && (n2 = n2.filter(function(t3) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e1, t3).enumerable; })), r3.push.apply(r3, n2); } return r3; } function _objectSpread1(e1) { for(var t3 = 1; t3 < arguments.length; t3++){ var r3 = null != arguments[t3] ? arguments[t3] : {}; t3 % 2 ? ownKeys1(Object(r3), !0).forEach(function(t3) { _defineProperty1(e1, t3, r3[t3]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e1, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(r3)) : ownKeys1(Object(r3)).forEach(function(t3) { Object.defineProperty(e1, t3, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r3, t3)); }); } return e1; } function _defineProperty1(e1, t3, r3) { return t3 in e1 ? Object.defineProperty(e1, t3, { value: r3, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e1[t3] = r3, e1; } function _classCallCheck1(e1, t3) { if (!(e1 instanceof t3)) throw TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } function _defineProperties1(e1, t3) { for(var r3 = 0; r3 < t3.length; r3++){ var n2 = t3[r3]; n2.enumerable = n2.enumerable || !1, n2.configurable = !0, "value" in n2 && (n2.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e1, n2.key, n2); } } function _createClass1(e1, t3, r3) { return t3 && _defineProperties1(e1.prototype, t3), r3 && _defineProperties1(e1, r3), e1; } var i2 = r3(300).Buffer, o1 = r3(837).inspect, s3 = o1 && o1.custom || "inspect"; function copyBuffer1(e1, t3, r3) { i2.prototype.copy.call(e1, t3, r3); } e1.exports = function() { function BufferList1() { _classCallCheck1(this, BufferList1), this.head = null, this.tail = null, this.length = 0; } return _createClass1(BufferList1, [ { key: "push", value: function(e1) { var t3 = { data: e1, next: null }; this.length > 0 ? this.tail.next = t3 : this.head = t3, this.tail = t3, ++this.length; } }, { key: "unshift", value: function(e1) { var t3 = { data: e1, next: this.head }; 0 === this.length && (this.tail = t3), this.head = t3, ++this.length; } }, { key: "shift", value: function() { if (0 !== this.length) { var e1 = this.head.data; return 1 === this.length ? this.head = this.tail = null : this.head = this.head.next, --this.length, e1; } } }, { key: "clear", value: function() { this.head = this.tail = null, this.length = 0; } }, { key: "join", value: function(e1) { if (0 === this.length) return ""; for(var t3 = this.head, r3 = "" + t3.data; t3 = t3.next;)r3 += e1 + t3.data; return r3; } }, { key: "concat", value: function(e1) { if (0 === this.length) return i2.alloc(0); for(var t3 = i2.allocUnsafe(e1 >>> 0), r3 = this.head, n2 = 0; r3;)copyBuffer1(r3.data, t3, n2), n2 += r3.data.length, r3 = r3.next; return t3; } }, { key: "consume", value: function(e1, t3) { var r3; return e1 < this.head.data.length ? (r3 = this.head.data.slice(0, e1), this.head.data = this.head.data.slice(e1)) : r3 = e1 === this.head.data.length ? this.shift() : t3 ? this._getString(e1) : this._getBuffer(e1), r3; } }, { key: "first", value: function() { return this.head.data; } }, { key: "_getString", value: function(e1) { var t3 = this.head, r3 = 1, n2 = t3.data; for(e1 -= n2.length; t3 = t3.next;){ var i2 = t3.data, a10 = e1 > i2.length ? i2.length : e1; if (a10 === i2.length ? n2 += i2 : n2 += i2.slice(0, e1), 0 == (e1 -= a10)) { a10 === i2.length ? (++r3, t3.next ? this.head = t3.next : this.head = this.tail = null) : (this.head = t3, t3.data = i2.slice(a10)); break; } ++r3; } return this.length -= r3, n2; } }, { key: "_getBuffer", value: function(e1) { var t3 = i2.allocUnsafe(e1), r3 = this.head, n2 = 1; for(r3.data.copy(t3), e1 -= r3.data.length; r3 = r3.next;){ var a10 = r3.data, o1 = e1 > a10.length ? a10.length : e1; if (a10.copy(t3, t3.length - e1, 0, o1), 0 == (e1 -= o1)) { o1 === a10.length ? (++n2, r3.next ? this.head = r3.next : this.head = this.tail = null) : (this.head = r3, r3.data = a10.slice(o1)); break; } ++n2; } return this.length -= n2, t3; } }, { key: s3, value: function(e1, t3) { return o1(this, _objectSpread1({}, t3, { depth: 0, customInspect: !1 })); } } ]), BufferList1; }(); }, 289: function(e1) { "use strict"; function destroy1(e1, t3) { var r3 = this, n2 = this._readableState && this._readableState.destroyed, i2 = this._writableState && this._writableState.destroyed; return n2 || i2 ? t3 ? t3(e1) : e1 && (this._writableState ? this._writableState.errorEmitted || (this._writableState.errorEmitted = !0, process1.nextTick(emitErrorNT1, this, e1)) : process1.nextTick(emitErrorNT1, this, e1)) : (this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = !0), this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = !0), this._destroy(e1 || null, function(e1) { !t3 && e1 ? r3._writableState ? r3._writableState.errorEmitted ? process1.nextTick(emitCloseNT1, r3) : (r3._writableState.errorEmitted = !0, process1.nextTick(emitErrorAndCloseNT1, r3, e1)) : process1.nextTick(emitErrorAndCloseNT1, r3, e1) : t3 ? (process1.nextTick(emitCloseNT1, r3), t3(e1)) : process1.nextTick(emitCloseNT1, r3); })), this; } function emitErrorAndCloseNT1(e1, t3) { emitErrorNT1(e1, t3), emitCloseNT1(e1); } function emitCloseNT1(e1) { (!e1._writableState || e1._writableState.emitClose) && (!e1._readableState || e1._readableState.emitClose) && e1.emit("close"); } function undestroy1() { this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = !1, this._readableState.reading = !1, this._readableState.ended = !1, this._readableState.endEmitted = !1), this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = !1, this._writableState.ended = !1, this._writableState.ending = !1, this._writableState.finalCalled = !1, this._writableState.prefinished = !1, this._writableState.finished = !1, this._writableState.errorEmitted = !1); } function emitErrorNT1(e1, t3) { e1.emit("error", t3); } function errorOrDestroy1(e1, t3) { var r3 = e1._readableState, n2 = e1._writableState; r3 && r3.autoDestroy || n2 && n2.autoDestroy ? e1.destroy(t3) : e1.emit("error", t3); } e1.exports = { destroy: destroy1, undestroy: undestroy1, errorOrDestroy: errorOrDestroy1 }; }, 7: function(e1, t3, r3) { "use strict"; var n2 = r3(349).q.ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE; function once1(e1) { var t3 = !1; return function() { if (!t3) { t3 = !0; for(var r3 = arguments.length, n2 = Array(r3), i2 = 0; i2 < r3; i2++)n2[i2] = arguments[i2]; e1.apply(this, n2); } }; } function noop1() {} function isRequest1(e1) { return e1.setHeader && "function" == typeof e1.abort; } function eos1(e1, t3, r3) { if ("function" == typeof t3) return eos1(e1, null, t3); t3 || (t3 = {}), r3 = once1(r3 || noop1); var i2 = t3.readable || !1 !== t3.readable && e1.readable, a10 = t3.writable || !1 !== t3.writable && e1.writable, o1 = function() { e1.writable || f1(); }, s3 = e1._writableState && e1._writableState.finished, f1 = function() { a10 = !1, s3 = !0, i2 || r3.call(e1); }, l1 = e1._readableState && e1._readableState.endEmitted, u3 = function() { i2 = !1, l1 = !0, a10 || r3.call(e1); }, d3 = function(t3) { r3.call(e1, t3); }, c5 = function() { var t3; return i2 && !l1 ? (e1._readableState && e1._readableState.ended || (t3 = new n2), r3.call(e1, t3)) : a10 && !s3 ? (e1._writableState && e1._writableState.ended || (t3 = new n2), r3.call(e1, t3)) : void 0; }, h8 = function() { e1.req.on("finish", f1); }; return isRequest1(e1) ? (e1.on("complete", f1), e1.on("abort", c5), e1.req ? h8() : e1.on("request", h8)) : a10 && !e1._writableState && (e1.on("end", o1), e1.on("close", o1)), e1.on("end", u3), e1.on("finish", f1), !1 !== t3.error && e1.on("error", d3), e1.on("close", c5), function() { e1.removeListener("complete", f1), e1.removeListener("abort", c5), e1.removeListener("request", h8), e1.req && e1.req.removeListener("finish", f1), e1.removeListener("end", o1), e1.removeListener("close", o1), e1.removeListener("finish", f1), e1.removeListener("end", u3), e1.removeListener("error", d3), e1.removeListener("close", c5); }; } e1.exports = eos1; }, 720: function(e1, t3, r3) { "use strict"; function asyncGeneratorStep1(e1, t3, r3, n2, i2, a10, o1) { try { var s3 = e1[a10](o1), f1 = s3.value; } catch (e1) { r3(e1); return; } s3.done ? t3(f1) : Promise.resolve(f1).then(n2, i2); } function _asyncToGenerator1(e1) { return function() { var t3 = this, r3 = arguments; return new Promise(function(n2, i2) { var a10 = e1.apply(t3, r3); function _next1(e1) { asyncGeneratorStep1(a10, n2, i2, _next1, _throw1, "next", e1); } function _throw1(e1) { asyncGeneratorStep1(a10, n2, i2, _next1, _throw1, "throw", e1); } _next1(void 0); }); }; } function ownKeys1(e1, t3) { var r3 = Object.keys(e1); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var n2 = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e1); t3 && (n2 = n2.filter(function(t3) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e1, t3).enumerable; })), r3.push.apply(r3, n2); } return r3; } function _objectSpread1(e1) { for(var t3 = 1; t3 < arguments.length; t3++){ var r3 = null != arguments[t3] ? arguments[t3] : {}; t3 % 2 ? ownKeys1(Object(r3), !0).forEach(function(t3) { _defineProperty1(e1, t3, r3[t3]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e1, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(r3)) : ownKeys1(Object(r3)).forEach(function(t3) { Object.defineProperty(e1, t3, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r3, t3)); }); } return e1; } function _defineProperty1(e1, t3, r3) { return t3 in e1 ? Object.defineProperty(e1, t3, { value: r3, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e1[t3] = r3, e1; } var n2 = r3(349).q.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE; function from1(e1, t3, r3) { if (t3 && "function" == typeof t3.next) i2 = t3; else if (t3 && t3[Symbol.asyncIterator]) i2 = t3[Symbol.asyncIterator](); else if (t3 && t3[Symbol.iterator]) i2 = t3[Symbol.iterator](); else throw new n2("iterable", [ "Iterable" ], t3); var i2, a10 = new e1(_objectSpread1({ objectMode: !0 }, r3)), o1 = !1; function next1() { return _next21.apply(this, arguments); } function _next21() { return (_next21 = _asyncToGenerator1(function*() { try { var e1 = yield i2.next(), t3 = e1.value; e1.done ? a10.push(null) : a10.push((yield t3)) ? next1() : o1 = !1; } catch (e1) { a10.destroy(e1); } })).apply(this, arguments); } return a10._read = function() { o1 || (o1 = !0, next1()); }, a10; } e1.exports = from1; }, 522: function(e1, t3, r3) { "use strict"; function once1(e1) { var t3 = !1; return function() { t3 || (t3 = !0, e1.apply(void 0, arguments)); }; } var n2, i2 = r3(349).q, a10 = i2.ERR_MISSING_ARGS, o1 = i2.ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED; function noop1(e1) { if (e1) throw e1; } function isRequest1(e1) { return e1.setHeader && "function" == typeof e1.abort; } function destroyer1(e1, t3, i2, a10) { a10 = once1(a10); var s3 = !1; e1.on("close", function() { s3 = !0; }), void 0 === n2 && (n2 = r3(7)), n2(e1, { readable: t3, writable: i2 }, function(e1) { if (e1) return a10(e1); s3 = !0, a10(); }); var f1 = !1; return function(t3) { if (!s3 && !f1) { if (f1 = !0, isRequest1(e1)) return e1.abort(); if ("function" == typeof e1.destroy) return e1.destroy(); a10(t3 || new o1("pipe")); } }; } function call1(e1) { e1(); } function pipe1(e1, t3) { return e1.pipe(t3); } function popCallback1(e1) { return e1.length && "function" == typeof e1[e1.length - 1] ? e1.pop() : noop1; } function pipeline1() { for(var i2, e1 = arguments.length, t3 = Array(e1), r3 = 0; r3 < e1; r3++)t3[r3] = arguments[r3]; var n2 = popCallback1(t3); if (Array.isArray(t3[0]) && (t3 = t3[0]), t3.length < 2) throw new a10("streams"); var o1 = t3.map(function(e1, r3) { var a10 = r3 < t3.length - 1; return destroyer1(e1, a10, r3 > 0, function(e1) { i2 || (i2 = e1), e1 && o1.forEach(call1), a10 || (o1.forEach(call1), n2(i2)); }); }); return t3.reduce(pipe1); } e1.exports = pipeline1; }, 483: function(e1, t3, r3) { "use strict"; var n2 = r3(349).q.ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE; function highWaterMarkFrom1(e1, t3, r3) { return null != e1.highWaterMark ? e1.highWaterMark : t3 ? e1[r3] : null; } function getHighWaterMark1(e1, t3, r3, i2) { var a10 = highWaterMarkFrom1(t3, i2, r3); if (null != a10) { if (!(isFinite(a10) && Math.floor(a10) === a10) || a10 < 0) { var o1 = i2 ? r3 : "highWaterMark"; throw new n2(o1, a10); } return Math.floor(a10); } return e1.objectMode ? 16 : 16384; } e1.exports = { getHighWaterMark: getHighWaterMark1 }; }, 455: function(e1, t3, r3) { e1.exports = r3(781); }, 207: function(e1, t3, r3) { var n2 = r3(300), i2 = n2.Buffer; function copyProps1(e1, t3) { for(var r3 in e1)t3[r3] = e1[r3]; } function SafeBuffer1(e1, t3, r3) { return i2(e1, t3, r3); } i2.from && i2.alloc && i2.allocUnsafe && i2.allocUnsafeSlow ? e1.exports = n2 : (copyProps1(n2, t3), t3.Buffer = SafeBuffer1), SafeBuffer1.prototype = Object.create(i2.prototype), copyProps1(i2, SafeBuffer1), SafeBuffer1.from = function(e1, t3, r3) { if ("number" == typeof e1) throw TypeError("Argument must not be a number"); return i2(e1, t3, r3); }, SafeBuffer1.alloc = function(e1, t3, r3) { if ("number" != typeof e1) throw TypeError("Argument must be a number"); var n2 = i2(e1); return void 0 !== t3 ? "string" == typeof r3 ? n2.fill(t3, r3) : n2.fill(t3) : n2.fill(0), n2; }, SafeBuffer1.allocUnsafe = function(e1) { if ("number" != typeof e1) throw TypeError("Argument must be a number"); return i2(e1); }, SafeBuffer1.allocUnsafeSlow = function(e1) { if ("number" != typeof e1) throw TypeError("Argument must be a number"); return n2.SlowBuffer(e1); }; }, 552: function(e1, t3, r3) { e1.exports = Stream1; var n2 = r3(361).EventEmitter; function Stream1() { n2.call(this); } r3(140)(Stream1, n2), Stream1.Readable = r3(787), Stream1.Writable = r3(513), Stream1.Duplex = r3(716), Stream1.Transform = r3(551), Stream1.PassThrough = r3(788), Stream1.finished = r3(7), Stream1.pipeline = r3(522), Stream1.Stream = Stream1, Stream1.prototype.pipe = function(e1, t3) { var r3 = this; function ondata1(t3) { e1.writable && !1 === e1.write(t3) && r3.pause && r3.pause(); } function ondrain1() { r3.readable && r3.resume && r3.resume(); } r3.on("data", ondata1), e1.on("drain", ondrain1), e1._isStdio || t3 && !1 === t3.end || (r3.on("end", onend1), r3.on("close", onclose1)); var i2 = !1; function onend1() { i2 || (i2 = !0, e1.end()); } function onclose1() { i2 || (i2 = !0, "function" == typeof e1.destroy && e1.destroy()); } function onerror1(e1) { if (cleanup1(), 0 === n2.listenerCount(this, "error")) throw e1; } function cleanup1() { r3.removeListener("data", ondata1), e1.removeListener("drain", ondrain1), r3.removeListener("end", onend1), r3.removeListener("close", onclose1), r3.removeListener("error", onerror1), e1.removeListener("error", onerror1), r3.removeListener("end", cleanup1), r3.removeListener("close", cleanup1), e1.removeListener("close", cleanup1); } return r3.on("error", onerror1), e1.on("error", onerror1), r3.on("end", cleanup1), r3.on("close", cleanup1), e1.on("close", cleanup1), e1.emit("pipe", r3), e1; }; }, 862: function(e1, t3, r3) { "use strict"; var n2 = r3(207).Buffer, i2 = n2.isEncoding || function(e1) { switch((e1 = "" + e1) && e1.toLowerCase()){ case "hex": case "utf8": case "utf-8": case "ascii": case "binary": case "base64": case "ucs2": case "ucs-2": case "utf16le": case "utf-16le": case "raw": return !0; default: return !1; } }; function _normalizeEncoding1(e1) { var t3; if (!e1) return "utf8"; for(;;)switch(e1){ case "utf8": case "utf-8": return "utf8"; case "ucs2": case "ucs-2": case "utf16le": case "utf-16le": return "utf16le"; case "latin1": case "binary": return "latin1"; case "base64": case "ascii": case "hex": return e1; default: if (t3) return; e1 = ("" + e1).toLowerCase(), t3 = !0; } } function normalizeEncoding1(e1) { var t3 = _normalizeEncoding1(e1); if ("string" != typeof t3 && (n2.isEncoding === i2 || !i2(e1))) throw Error("Unknown encoding: " + e1); return t3 || e1; } function StringDecoder1(e1) { var t3; switch(this.encoding = normalizeEncoding1(e1), this.encoding){ case "utf16le": this.text = utf16Text1, this.end = utf16End1, t3 = 4; break; case "utf8": this.fillLast = utf8FillLast1, t3 = 4; break; case "base64": this.text = base64Text1, this.end = base64End1, t3 = 3; break; default: this.write = simpleWrite1, this.end = simpleEnd1; return; } this.lastNeed = 0, this.lastTotal = 0, this.lastChar = n2.allocUnsafe(t3); } function utf8CheckByte1(e1) { return e1 <= 127 ? 0 : e1 >> 5 == 6 ? 2 : e1 >> 4 == 14 ? 3 : e1 >> 3 == 30 ? 4 : e1 >> 6 == 2 ? -1 : -2; } function utf8CheckIncomplete1(e1, t3, r3) { var n2 = t3.length - 1; if (n2 < r3) return 0; var i2 = utf8CheckByte1(t3[n2]); return i2 >= 0 ? (i2 > 0 && (e1.lastNeed = i2 - 1), i2) : --n2 < r3 || -2 === i2 ? 0 : (i2 = utf8CheckByte1(t3[n2])) >= 0 ? (i2 > 0 && (e1.lastNeed = i2 - 2), i2) : --n2 < r3 || -2 === i2 ? 0 : (i2 = utf8CheckByte1(t3[n2])) >= 0 ? (i2 > 0 && (2 === i2 ? i2 = 0 : e1.lastNeed = i2 - 3), i2) : 0; } function utf8CheckExtraBytes1(e1, t3, r3) { if ((192 & t3[0]) != 128) return e1.lastNeed = 0, "�"; if (e1.lastNeed > 1 && t3.length > 1) { if ((192 & t3[1]) != 128) return e1.lastNeed = 1, "�"; if (e1.lastNeed > 2 && t3.length > 2 && (192 & t3[2]) != 128) return e1.lastNeed = 2, "�"; } } function utf8FillLast1(e1) { var t3 = this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, r3 = utf8CheckExtraBytes1(this, e1, t3); return void 0 !== r3 ? r3 : this.lastNeed <= e1.length ? (e1.copy(this.lastChar, t3, 0, this.lastNeed), this.lastChar.toString(this.encoding, 0, this.lastTotal)) : void (e1.copy(this.lastChar, t3, 0, e1.length), this.lastNeed -= e1.length); } function utf8Text1(e1, t3) { var r3 = utf8CheckIncomplete1(this, e1, t3); if (!this.lastNeed) return e1.toString("utf8", t3); this.lastTotal = r3; var n2 = e1.length - (r3 - this.lastNeed); return e1.copy(this.lastChar, 0, n2), e1.toString("utf8", t3, n2); } function utf8End1(e1) { var t3 = e1 && e1.length ? this.write(e1) : ""; return this.lastNeed ? t3 + "�" : t3; } function utf16Text1(e1, t3) { if ((e1.length - t3) % 2 == 0) { var r3 = e1.toString("utf16le", t3); if (r3) { var n2 = r3.charCodeAt(r3.length - 1); if (n2 >= 55296 && n2 <= 56319) return this.lastNeed = 2, this.lastTotal = 4, this.lastChar[0] = e1[e1.length - 2], this.lastChar[1] = e1[e1.length - 1], r3.slice(0, -1); } return r3; } return this.lastNeed = 1, this.lastTotal = 2, this.lastChar[0] = e1[e1.length - 1], e1.toString("utf16le", t3, e1.length - 1); } function utf16End1(e1) { var t3 = e1 && e1.length ? this.write(e1) : ""; if (this.lastNeed) { var r3 = this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed; return t3 + this.lastChar.toString("utf16le", 0, r3); } return t3; } function base64Text1(e1, t3) { var r3 = (e1.length - t3) % 3; return 0 === r3 ? e1.toString("base64", t3) : (this.lastNeed = 3 - r3, this.lastTotal = 3, 1 === r3 ? this.lastChar[0] = e1[e1.length - 1] : (this.lastChar[0] = e1[e1.length - 2], this.lastChar[1] = e1[e1.length - 1]), e1.toString("base64", t3, e1.length - r3)); } function base64End1(e1) { var t3 = e1 && e1.length ? this.write(e1) : ""; return this.lastNeed ? t3 + this.lastChar.toString("base64", 0, 3 - this.lastNeed) : t3; } function simpleWrite1(e1) { return e1.toString(this.encoding); } function simpleEnd1(e1) { return e1 && e1.length ? this.write(e1) : ""; } t3.s = StringDecoder1, StringDecoder1.prototype.write = function(e1) { var t3, r3; if (0 === e1.length) return ""; if (this.lastNeed) { if (void 0 === (t3 = this.fillLast(e1))) return ""; r3 = this.lastNeed, this.lastNeed = 0; } else r3 = 0; return r3 < e1.length ? t3 ? t3 + this.text(e1, r3) : this.text(e1, r3) : t3 || ""; }, StringDecoder1.prototype.end = utf8End1, StringDecoder1.prototype.text = utf8Text1, StringDecoder1.prototype.fillLast = function(e1) { if (this.lastNeed <= e1.length) return e1.copy(this.lastChar, this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, 0, this.lastNeed), this.lastChar.toString(this.encoding, 0, this.lastTotal); e1.copy(this.lastChar, this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, 0, e1.length), this.lastNeed -= e1.length; }; }, 777: function(e1) { function deprecate1(e1, t3) { if (config3("noDeprecation")) return e1; var r3 = !1; return function() { if (!r3) { if (config3("throwDeprecation")) throw Error(t3); config3("traceDeprecation") ? console.trace(t3) : console.warn(t3), r3 = !0; } return e1.apply(this, arguments); }; } function config3(e1) { try { if (!__webpack_require__1.g.localStorage) return !1; } catch (e1) { return !1; } var t3 = __webpack_require__1.g.localStorage[e1]; return null != t3 && "true" === String(t3).toLowerCase(); } e1.exports = deprecate1; }, 300: function(e1) { "use strict"; e1.exports = __webpack_require__1(8764); }, 361: function(e1) { "use strict"; e1.exports = __webpack_require__1(7187); }, 781: function(e1) { "use strict"; e1.exports = __webpack_require__1(7187).EventEmitter; }, 837: function(e1) { "use strict"; e1.exports = __webpack_require__1(9539); } }, t3 = {}; function __nccwpck_require__1(r3) { var n2 = t3[r3]; if (void 0 !== n2) return n2.exports; var i2 = t3[r3] = { exports: {} }, a10 = !0; try { e1[r3](i2, i2.exports, __nccwpck_require__1), a10 = !1; } finally{ a10 && delete t3[r3]; } return i2.exports; } __nccwpck_require__1.ab = __dirname1 + "/"; var r3 = __nccwpck_require__1(552); module1.exports = r3; }(); }, 1951: function(module) { var __dirname = "/"; !function() { var __webpack_modules__ = { 965: function(__unused_webpack_module, exports) { var indexOf = function(e1, t3) { if (e1.indexOf) return e1.indexOf(t3); for(var r3 = 0; r3 < e1.length; r3++)if (e1[r3] === t3) return r3; return -1; }, Object_keys = function(e1) { if (Object.keys) return Object.keys(e1); var t3 = []; for(var r3 in e1)t3.push(r3); return t3; }, forEach = function(e1, t3) { if (e1.forEach) return e1.forEach(t3); for(var r3 = 0; r3 < e1.length; r3++)t3(e1[r3], r3, e1); }, defineProp = function() { try { return Object.defineProperty({}, "_", {}), function(e1, t3, r3) { Object.defineProperty(e1, t3, { writable: !0, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0, value: r3 }); }; } catch (e1) { return function(e1, t3, r3) { e1[t3] = r3; }; } }(), globals = [ "Array", "Boolean", "Date", "Error", "EvalError", "Function", "Infinity", "JSON", "Math", "NaN", "Number", "Object", "RangeError", "ReferenceError", "RegExp", "String", "SyntaxError", "TypeError", "URIError", "decodeURI", "decodeURIComponent", "encodeURI", "encodeURIComponent", "escape", "eval", "isFinite", "isNaN", "parseFloat", "parseInt", "undefined", "unescape" ]; function Context() {} Context.prototype = {}; var Script = exports.Script = function(e1) { if (!(this instanceof Script)) return new Script(e1); this.code = e1; }; Script.prototype.runInContext = function(e1) { if (!(e1 instanceof Context)) throw TypeError("needs a 'context' argument."); var t3 = document.createElement("iframe"); t3.style || (t3.style = {}), t3.style.display = "none", document.body.appendChild(t3); var r3 = t3.contentWindow, n2 = r3.eval, o1 = r3.execScript; !n2 && o1 && (o1.call(r3, "null"), n2 = r3.eval), forEach(Object_keys(e1), function(t3) { r3[t3] = e1[t3]; }), forEach(globals, function(t3) { e1[t3] && (r3[t3] = e1[t3]); }); var c5 = Object_keys(r3), i2 = n2.call(r3, this.code); return forEach(Object_keys(r3), function(t3) { (t3 in e1 || -1 === indexOf(c5, t3)) && (e1[t3] = r3[t3]); }), forEach(globals, function(t3) { t3 in e1 || defineProp(e1, t3, r3[t3]); }), document.body.removeChild(t3), i2; }, Script.prototype.runInThisContext = function() { return eval(this.code); }, Script.prototype.runInNewContext = function(e1) { var t3 = Script.createContext(e1), r3 = this.runInContext(t3); return e1 && forEach(Object_keys(t3), function(r3) { e1[r3] = t3[r3]; }), r3; }, forEach(Object_keys(Script.prototype), function(e1) { exports[e1] = Script[e1] = function(t3) { var r3 = Script(t3); return r3[e1].apply(r3, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); }; }), exports.isContext = function(e1) { return e1 instanceof Context; }, exports.createScript = function(e1) { return exports.Script(e1); }, exports.createContext = Script.createContext = function(e1) { var t3 = new Context; return "object" == typeof e1 && forEach(Object_keys(e1), function(r3) { t3[r3] = e1[r3]; }), t3; }; } }; "undefined" != typeof __nccwpck_require__ && (__nccwpck_require__.ab = __dirname + "/"); var __webpack_exports__ = {}; __webpack_modules__[965](0, __webpack_exports__), module.exports = __webpack_exports__; }(); }, 4375: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { let promise1; module1.exports = 'function' == typeof queueMicrotask ? queueMicrotask.bind('undefined' != typeof window ? window : __webpack_require__1.g) : (cb1)=>(promise1 || (promise1 = Promise.resolve())).then(cb1).catch((err1)=>setTimeout(()=>{ throw err1; }, 0)); }, 9180: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { window.global = window, __webpack_require__1.g.fetch = window.fetch, module1.exports.Buffer = __webpack_require__1(8764).Buffer; }, 497: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { exports1.wasm2json = __webpack_require__1(3195), exports1.json2wasm = __webpack_require__1(4747), exports1.text2json = __webpack_require__1(9837), exports1.Iterator = __webpack_require__1(3804); }, 3804: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { const Buffer1 = __webpack_require__1(1415).Buffer, leb1281 = __webpack_require__1(5548).unsigned, wasm2json1 = __webpack_require__1(3195), Pipe1 = __webpack_require__1(825), SECTIONS1 = [ 'custom', 'type', 'import', 'function', 'table', 'memory', 'global', 'export', 'start', 'element', 'code', 'data' ]; module1.exports = class { constructor(wasm1){ this._wasm = wasm1, this._sections = [], this._modified = !1; } get wasm() { return this._modified && (this._wasm = Buffer1.concat(this._sections.concat(this._pipe.buffer)), this._modified = !1), this._wasm; } *[Symbol.iterator]() { for(this._pipe = new Pipe1(this._wasm), this._sections = [ this._pipe.read(8) ]; !this._pipe.end;){ const start1 = this._pipe.bytesRead, sectionType1 = this._pipe.read(1)[0], size1 = Number(leb1281.read(this._pipe)), body1 = this._pipe.read(size1), end1 = this._pipe.bytesRead, section1 = this._wasm.slice(start1, end1), index1 = this._sections.push(section1) - 1; yield new Section1(sectionType1, body1, this, index1); } } _update(index1, data1) { this._modified = !0, this._sections[index1] = data1; } }; class Section1 { constructor(sectionType1, section1, it1, index1){ this._it = it1, this._index = index1, this.type = SECTIONS1[sectionType1], this._type = sectionType1, this._section = section1; const pipe1 = new Pipe1(section1); 'custom' !== this.type && (this.count = Number(leb1281.read(pipe1))), this._body = pipe1.buffer; } toJSON() { return wasm2json1.sectionParsers[this.type](new Pipe1(this._section)); } appendEntries(entries1) { this.count += entries1.length, this._body = Buffer1.concat([ this._body ].concat(entries1)); const bodyAndCount1 = Buffer1.concat([ leb1281.encode(this.count), this._body ]); this._it._update(this._index, Buffer1.concat([ Buffer1.from([ this._type ]), leb1281.encode(bodyAndCount1.length), bodyAndCount1 ])); } } }, 4747: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { const Buffer1 = __webpack_require__1(1415).Buffer, leb1 = __webpack_require__1(5548), Stream1 = __webpack_require__1(825), OP_IMMEDIATES1 = __webpack_require__1(8575), _exports1 = module1.exports = (json1)=>_exports1.generate(json1).buffer, LANGUAGE_TYPES1 = _exports1.LANGUAGE_TYPES = { i32: 0x7f, i64: 0x7e, f32: 0x7d, f64: 0x7c, anyFunc: 0x70, func: 0x60, block_type: 0x40 }, EXTERNAL_KIND1 = _exports1.EXTERNAL_KIND = { function: 0, table: 1, memory: 2, global: 3 }, SECTION_IDS1 = _exports1.SECTION_IDS = { custom: 0, type: 1, import: 2, function: 3, table: 4, memory: 5, global: 6, export: 7, start: 8, element: 9, code: 10, data: 11 }, OPCODES1 = _exports1.OPCODES = { unreachable: 0x0, nop: 0x1, block: 0x2, loop: 0x3, if: 0x4, else: 0x5, end: 0xb, br: 0xc, br_if: 0xd, br_table: 0xe, return: 0xf, call: 0x10, call_indirect: 0x11, drop: 0x1a, select: 0x1b, get_local: 0x20, set_local: 0x21, tee_local: 0x22, get_global: 0x23, set_global: 0x24, 'i32.load': 0x28, 'i64.load': 0x29, 'f32.load': 0x2a, 'f64.load': 0x2b, 'i32.load8_s': 0x2c, 'i32.load8_u': 0x2d, 'i32.load16_s': 0x2e, 'i32.load16_u': 0x2f, 'i64.load8_s': 0x30, 'i64.load8_u': 0x31, 'i64.load16_s': 0x32, 'i64.load16_u': 0x33, 'i64.load32_s': 0x34, 'i64.load32_u': 0x35, 'i32.store': 0x36, 'i64.store': 0x37, 'f32.store': 0x38, 'f64.store': 0x39, 'i32.store8': 0x3a, 'i32.store16': 0x3b, 'i64.store8': 0x3c, 'i64.store16': 0x3d, 'i64.store32': 0x3e, current_memory: 0x3f, grow_memory: 0x40, 'i32.const': 0x41, 'i64.const': 0x42, 'f32.const': 0x43, 'f64.const': 0x44, 'i32.eqz': 0x45, 'i32.eq': 0x46, 'i32.ne': 0x47, 'i32.lt_s': 0x48, 'i32.lt_u': 0x49, 'i32.gt_s': 0x4a, 'i32.gt_u': 0x4b, 'i32.le_s': 0x4c, 'i32.le_u': 0x4d, 'i32.ge_s': 0x4e, 'i32.ge_u': 0x4f, 'i64.eqz': 0x50, 'i64.eq': 0x51, 'i64.ne': 0x52, 'i64.lt_s': 0x53, 'i64.lt_u': 0x54, 'i64.gt_s': 0x55, 'i64.gt_u': 0x56, 'i64.le_s': 0x57, 'i64.le_u': 0x58, 'i64.ge_s': 0x59, 'i64.ge_u': 0x5a, 'f32.eq': 0x5b, 'f32.ne': 0x5c, 'f32.lt': 0x5d, 'f32.gt': 0x5e, 'f32.le': 0x5f, 'f32.ge': 0x60, 'f64.eq': 0x61, 'f64.ne': 0x62, 'f64.lt': 0x63, 'f64.gt': 0x64, 'f64.le': 0x65, 'f64.ge': 0x66, 'i32.clz': 0x67, 'i32.ctz': 0x68, 'i32.popcnt': 0x69, 'i32.add': 0x6a, 'i32.sub': 0x6b, 'i32.mul': 0x6c, 'i32.div_s': 0x6d, 'i32.div_u': 0x6e, 'i32.rem_s': 0x6f, 'i32.rem_u': 0x70, 'i32.and': 0x71, 'i32.or': 0x72, 'i32.xor': 0x73, 'i32.shl': 0x74, 'i32.shr_s': 0x75, 'i32.shr_u': 0x76, 'i32.rotl': 0x77, 'i32.rotr': 0x78, 'i64.clz': 0x79, 'i64.ctz': 0x7a, 'i64.popcnt': 0x7b, 'i64.add': 0x7c, 'i64.sub': 0x7d, 'i64.mul': 0x7e, 'i64.div_s': 0x7f, 'i64.div_u': 0x80, 'i64.rem_s': 0x81, 'i64.rem_u': 0x82, 'i64.and': 0x83, 'i64.or': 0x84, 'i64.xor': 0x85, 'i64.shl': 0x86, 'i64.shr_s': 0x87, 'i64.shr_u': 0x88, 'i64.rotl': 0x89, 'i64.rotr': 0x8a, 'f32.abs': 0x8b, 'f32.neg': 0x8c, 'f32.ceil': 0x8d, 'f32.floor': 0x8e, 'f32.trunc': 0x8f, 'f32.nearest': 0x90, 'f32.sqrt': 0x91, 'f32.add': 0x92, 'f32.sub': 0x93, 'f32.mul': 0x94, 'f32.div': 0x95, 'f32.min': 0x96, 'f32.max': 0x97, 'f32.copysign': 0x98, 'f64.abs': 0x99, 'f64.neg': 0x9a, 'f64.ceil': 0x9b, 'f64.floor': 0x9c, 'f64.trunc': 0x9d, 'f64.nearest': 0x9e, 'f64.sqrt': 0x9f, 'f64.add': 0xa0, 'f64.sub': 0xa1, 'f64.mul': 0xa2, 'f64.div': 0xa3, 'f64.min': 0xa4, 'f64.max': 0xa5, 'f64.copysign': 0xa6, 'i32.wrap/i64': 0xa7, 'i32.trunc_s/f32': 0xa8, 'i32.trunc_u/f32': 0xa9, 'i32.trunc_s/f64': 0xaa, 'i32.trunc_u/f64': 0xab, 'i64.extend_s/i32': 0xac, 'i64.extend_u/i32': 0xad, 'i64.trunc_s/f32': 0xae, 'i64.trunc_u/f32': 0xaf, 'i64.trunc_s/f64': 0xb0, 'i64.trunc_u/f64': 0xb1, 'f32.convert_s/i32': 0xb2, 'f32.convert_u/i32': 0xb3, 'f32.convert_s/i64': 0xb4, 'f32.convert_u/i64': 0xb5, 'f32.demote/f64': 0xb6, 'f64.convert_s/i32': 0xb7, 'f64.convert_u/i32': 0xb8, 'f64.convert_s/i64': 0xb9, 'f64.convert_u/i64': 0xba, 'f64.promote/f32': 0xbb, 'i32.reinterpret/f32': 0xbc, 'i64.reinterpret/f64': 0xbd, 'f32.reinterpret/i32': 0xbe, 'f64.reinterpret/i64': 0xbf }; _exports1.typeGenerators = { function: (json1, stream1)=>{ leb1.unsigned.write(json1, stream1); }, table: (json1, stream1)=>{ stream1.write([ LANGUAGE_TYPES1[json1.elementType] ]), _exports1.typeGenerators.memory(json1.limits, stream1); }, global: (json1, stream1)=>{ stream1.write([ LANGUAGE_TYPES1[json1.contentType] ]), stream1.write([ json1.mutability ]); }, memory: (json1, stream1)=>{ leb1.unsigned.write(Number(void 0 !== json1.maximum), stream1), leb1.unsigned.write(json1.intial, stream1), void 0 !== json1.maximum && leb1.unsigned.write(json1.maximum, stream1); }, initExpr: (json1, stream1)=>{ _exports1.generateOp(json1, stream1), _exports1.generateOp({ name: 'end', type: 'void' }, stream1); } }, _exports1.immediataryGenerators = { varuint1: (json1, stream1)=>(stream1.write([ json1 ]), stream1), varuint32: (json1, stream1)=>(leb1.unsigned.write(json1, stream1), stream1), varint32: (json1, stream1)=>(leb1.signed.write(json1, stream1), stream1), varint64: (json1, stream1)=>(leb1.signed.write(json1, stream1), stream1), uint32: (json1, stream1)=>(stream1.write(json1), stream1), uint64: (json1, stream1)=>(stream1.write(json1), stream1), block_type: (json1, stream1)=>(stream1.write([ LANGUAGE_TYPES1[json1] ]), stream1), br_table: (json1, stream1)=>{ for (let target1 of (leb1.unsigned.write(json1.targets.length, stream1), json1.targets))leb1.unsigned.write(target1, stream1); return leb1.unsigned.write(json1.defaultTarget, stream1), stream1; }, call_indirect: (json1, stream1)=>(leb1.unsigned.write(json1.index, stream1), stream1.write([ json1.reserved ]), stream1), memory_immediate: (json1, stream1)=>(leb1.unsigned.write(json1.flags, stream1), leb1.unsigned.write(json1.offset, stream1), stream1) }; const entryGenerators1 = { type: (entry1, stream1 = new Stream1())=>{ stream1.write([ LANGUAGE_TYPES1[entry1.form] ]); const len3 = entry1.params.length; return leb1.unsigned.write(len3, stream1), 0 !== len3 && stream1.write(entry1.params.map((type1)=>LANGUAGE_TYPES1[type1])), stream1.write([ entry1.return_type ? 1 : 0 ]), entry1.return_type && stream1.write([ LANGUAGE_TYPES1[entry1.return_type] ]), stream1.buffer; }, import: (entry1, stream1 = new Stream1())=>{ leb1.unsigned.write(entry1.moduleStr.length, stream1), stream1.write(entry1.moduleStr), leb1.unsigned.write(entry1.fieldStr.length, stream1), stream1.write(entry1.fieldStr), stream1.write([ EXTERNAL_KIND1[entry1.kind] ]), _exports1.typeGenerators[entry1.kind](entry1.type, stream1); }, function: (entry1, stream1 = new Stream1())=>(leb1.unsigned.write(entry1, stream1), stream1.buffer), table: _exports1.typeGenerators.table, global: (entry1, stream1 = new Stream1())=>(_exports1.typeGenerators.global(entry1.type, stream1), _exports1.typeGenerators.initExpr(entry1.init, stream1), stream1), memory: _exports1.typeGenerators.memory, export: (entry1, stream1 = new Stream1())=>{ const fieldStr1 = Buffer1.from(entry1.field_str), strLen1 = fieldStr1.length; return leb1.unsigned.write(strLen1, stream1), stream1.write(fieldStr1), stream1.write([ EXTERNAL_KIND1[entry1.kind] ]), leb1.unsigned.write(entry1.index, stream1), stream1; }, element: (entry1, stream1 = new Stream1())=>{ for (let elem1 of (leb1.unsigned.write(entry1.index, stream1), _exports1.typeGenerators.initExpr(entry1.offset, stream1), leb1.unsigned.write(entry1.elements.length, stream1), entry1.elements))leb1.unsigned.write(elem1, stream1); return stream1; }, code: (entry1, stream1 = new Stream1())=>{ let codeStream1 = new Stream1(); for (let local1 of (leb1.unsigned.write(entry1.locals.length, codeStream1), entry1.locals))leb1.unsigned.write(local1.count, codeStream1), codeStream1.write([ LANGUAGE_TYPES1[local1.type] ]); for (let op1 of entry1.code)_exports1.generateOp(op1, codeStream1); return leb1.unsigned.write(codeStream1.bytesWrote, stream1), stream1.write(codeStream1.buffer), stream1; }, data: (entry1, stream1 = new Stream1())=>(leb1.unsigned.write(entry1.index, stream1), _exports1.typeGenerators.initExpr(entry1.offset, stream1), leb1.unsigned.write(entry1.data.length, stream1), stream1.write(entry1.data), stream1) }; _exports1.entryGenerators = entryGenerators1, _exports1.generateSection = function(json1, stream1 = new Stream1()) { const name1 = json1.name, payload1 = new Stream1(); if (stream1.write([ SECTION_IDS1[name1] ]), 'custom' === name1) leb1.unsigned.write(json1.sectionName.length, payload1), payload1.write(json1.sectionName), payload1.write(json1.payload); else if ('start' === name1) leb1.unsigned.write(json1.index, payload1); else for (let entry1 of (leb1.unsigned.write(json1.entries.length, payload1), json1.entries))entryGenerators1[name1](entry1, payload1); return leb1.unsigned.write(payload1.bytesWrote, stream1), stream1.write(payload1.buffer), stream1; }, _exports1.generate = (json1, stream1 = new Stream1())=>{ const [preamble1, ...rest1] = json1; for (let item1 of (_exports1.generatePreramble(preamble1, stream1), rest1))_exports1.generateSection(item1, stream1); return stream1; }, _exports1.generatePreramble = (json1, stream1 = new Stream1())=>(stream1.write(json1.magic), stream1.write(json1.version), stream1), _exports1.generateOp = (json1, stream1 = new Stream1())=>{ let name1 = json1.name; void 0 !== json1.return_type && (name1 = json1.return_type + '.' + name1), stream1.write([ OPCODES1[name1] ]); const immediates1 = OP_IMMEDIATES1['const' === json1.name ? json1.return_type : json1.name]; return immediates1 && _exports1.immediataryGenerators[immediates1](json1.immediates, stream1), stream1; }; }, 825: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { const Buffer1 = __webpack_require__1(9509).Buffer; module1.exports = class { constructor(buf1 = Buffer1.from([])){ this.buffer = buf1, this._bytesRead = 0, this._bytesWrote = 0; } read(num1) { this._bytesRead += num1; const data1 = this.buffer.slice(0, num1); return this.buffer = this.buffer.slice(num1), data1; } write(buf1) { buf1 = Buffer1.from(buf1), this._bytesWrote += buf1.length, this.buffer = Buffer1.concat([ this.buffer, buf1 ]); } get end() { return !this.buffer.length; } get bytesRead() { return this._bytesRead; } get bytesWrote() { return this._bytesWrote; } }; }, 1415: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { __webpack_require__1.g.fetch = window.fetch, __webpack_require__1(8764).Buffer; }, 9837: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { const immediates1 = __webpack_require__1(8575); function immediataryParser1(type1, txt1) { const json1 = {}; switch(type1){ case 'br_table': const dests1 = []; for(;;){ let dest1 = txt1[0]; if (isNaN(dest1)) break; txt1.shift(), dests1.push(dest1); } return dests1; case 'call_indirect': return json1.index = txt1.shift(), json1.reserved = 0, json1; case 'memory_immediate': return json1.flags = txt1.shift(), json1.offset = txt1.shift(), json1; default: return txt1.shift(); } } module1.exports = (text1)=>{ const json1 = [], textArray1 = text1.split(/\s|\n/); for(; textArray1.length;){ const textOp1 = textArray1.shift(), jsonOp1 = {}; let [type1, name1] = textOp1.split('.'); void 0 === name1 ? name1 = type1 : jsonOp1.return_type = type1, jsonOp1.name = name1; const immediate1 = immediates1['const' === jsonOp1.name ? jsonOp1.return_type : jsonOp1.name]; immediate1 && (jsonOp1.immediates = immediataryParser1(immediate1, textArray1)), json1.push(jsonOp1); } return json1; }; }, 3195: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var Buffer1 = __webpack_require__1(8764).Buffer; const leb1 = __webpack_require__1(5548), Stream1 = __webpack_require__1(825), OP_IMMEDIATES1 = __webpack_require__1(8575), _exports1 = module1.exports = (buf1, filter1)=>{ const stream1 = new Stream1(buf1); return _exports1.parse(stream1, filter1); }, LANGUAGE_TYPES1 = _exports1.LANGUAGE_TYPES = { 0x7f: 'i32', 0x7e: 'i64', 0x7d: 'f32', 0x7c: 'f64', 0x70: 'anyFunc', 0x60: 'func', 0x40: 'block_type' }, EXTERNAL_KIND1 = _exports1.EXTERNAL_KIND = { 0: 'function', 1: 'table', 2: 'memory', 3: 'global' }; _exports1.parsePreramble = (stream1)=>{ const obj1 = {}; return obj1.name = 'preramble', obj1.magic = [ ...stream1.read(4) ], obj1.version = [ ...stream1.read(4) ], obj1; }, _exports1.parseSectionHeader = (stream1)=>{ const id1 = stream1.read(1)[0], size1 = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(); return { id: id1, name: SECTION_IDS1[id1], size: size1 }; }; const OPCODES1 = _exports1.OPCODES = { 0x0: 'unreachable', 0x1: 'nop', 0x2: 'block', 0x3: 'loop', 0x4: 'if', 0x5: 'else', 0xb: 'end', 0xc: 'br', 0xd: 'br_if', 0xe: 'br_table', 0xf: 'return', 0x10: 'call', 0x11: 'call_indirect', 0x1a: 'drop', 0x1b: 'select', 0x20: 'get_local', 0x21: 'set_local', 0x22: 'tee_local', 0x23: 'get_global', 0x24: 'set_global', 0x28: 'i32.load', 0x29: 'i64.load', 0x2a: 'f32.load', 0x2b: 'f64.load', 0x2c: 'i32.load8_s', 0x2d: 'i32.load8_u', 0x2e: 'i32.load16_s', 0x2f: 'i32.load16_u', 0x30: 'i64.load8_s', 0x31: 'i64.load8_u', 0x32: 'i64.load16_s', 0x33: 'i64.load16_u', 0x34: 'i64.load32_s', 0x35: 'i64.load32_u', 0x36: 'i32.store', 0x37: 'i64.store', 0x38: 'f32.store', 0x39: 'f64.store', 0x3a: 'i32.store8', 0x3b: 'i32.store16', 0x3c: 'i64.store8', 0x3d: 'i64.store16', 0x3e: 'i64.store32', 0x3f: 'current_memory', 0x40: 'grow_memory', 0x41: 'i32.const', 0x42: 'i64.const', 0x43: 'f32.const', 0x44: 'f64.const', 0x45: 'i32.eqz', 0x46: 'i32.eq', 0x47: 'i32.ne', 0x48: 'i32.lt_s', 0x49: 'i32.lt_u', 0x4a: 'i32.gt_s', 0x4b: 'i32.gt_u', 0x4c: 'i32.le_s', 0x4d: 'i32.le_u', 0x4e: 'i32.ge_s', 0x4f: 'i32.ge_u', 0x50: 'i64.eqz', 0x51: 'i64.eq', 0x52: 'i64.ne', 0x53: 'i64.lt_s', 0x54: 'i64.lt_u', 0x55: 'i64.gt_s', 0x56: 'i64.gt_u', 0x57: 'i64.le_s', 0x58: 'i64.le_u', 0x59: 'i64.ge_s', 0x5a: 'i64.ge_u', 0x5b: 'f32.eq', 0x5c: 'f32.ne', 0x5d: 'f32.lt', 0x5e: 'f32.gt', 0x5f: 'f32.le', 0x60: 'f32.ge', 0x61: 'f64.eq', 0x62: 'f64.ne', 0x63: 'f64.lt', 0x64: 'f64.gt', 0x65: 'f64.le', 0x66: 'f64.ge', 0x67: 'i32.clz', 0x68: 'i32.ctz', 0x69: 'i32.popcnt', 0x6a: 'i32.add', 0x6b: 'i32.sub', 0x6c: 'i32.mul', 0x6d: 'i32.div_s', 0x6e: 'i32.div_u', 0x6f: 'i32.rem_s', 0x70: 'i32.rem_u', 0x71: 'i32.and', 0x72: 'i32.or', 0x73: 'i32.xor', 0x74: 'i32.shl', 0x75: 'i32.shr_s', 0x76: 'i32.shr_u', 0x77: 'i32.rotl', 0x78: 'i32.rotr', 0x79: 'i64.clz', 0x7a: 'i64.ctz', 0x7b: 'i64.popcnt', 0x7c: 'i64.add', 0x7d: 'i64.sub', 0x7e: 'i64.mul', 0x7f: 'i64.div_s', 0x80: 'i64.div_u', 0x81: 'i64.rem_s', 0x82: 'i64.rem_u', 0x83: 'i64.and', 0x84: 'i64.or', 0x85: 'i64.xor', 0x86: 'i64.shl', 0x87: 'i64.shr_s', 0x88: 'i64.shr_u', 0x89: 'i64.rotl', 0x8a: 'i64.rotr', 0x8b: 'f32.abs', 0x8c: 'f32.neg', 0x8d: 'f32.ceil', 0x8e: 'f32.floor', 0x8f: 'f32.trunc', 0x90: 'f32.nearest', 0x91: 'f32.sqrt', 0x92: 'f32.add', 0x93: 'f32.sub', 0x94: 'f32.mul', 0x95: 'f32.div', 0x96: 'f32.min', 0x97: 'f32.max', 0x98: 'f32.copysign', 0x99: 'f64.abs', 0x9a: 'f64.neg', 0x9b: 'f64.ceil', 0x9c: 'f64.floor', 0x9d: 'f64.trunc', 0x9e: 'f64.nearest', 0x9f: 'f64.sqrt', 0xa0: 'f64.add', 0xa1: 'f64.sub', 0xa2: 'f64.mul', 0xa3: 'f64.div', 0xa4: 'f64.min', 0xa5: 'f64.max', 0xa6: 'f64.copysign', 0xa7: 'i32.wrap/i64', 0xa8: 'i32.trunc_s/f32', 0xa9: 'i32.trunc_u/f32', 0xaa: 'i32.trunc_s/f64', 0xab: 'i32.trunc_u/f64', 0xac: 'i64.extend_s/i32', 0xad: 'i64.extend_u/i32', 0xae: 'i64.trunc_s/f32', 0xaf: 'i64.trunc_u/f32', 0xb0: 'i64.trunc_s/f64', 0xb1: 'i64.trunc_u/f64', 0xb2: 'f32.convert_s/i32', 0xb3: 'f32.convert_u/i32', 0xb4: 'f32.convert_s/i64', 0xb5: 'f32.convert_u/i64', 0xb6: 'f32.demote/f64', 0xb7: 'f64.convert_s/i32', 0xb8: 'f64.convert_u/i32', 0xb9: 'f64.convert_s/i64', 0xba: 'f64.convert_u/i64', 0xbb: 'f64.promote/f32', 0xbc: 'i32.reinterpret/f32', 0xbd: 'i64.reinterpret/f64', 0xbe: 'f32.reinterpret/i32', 0xbf: 'f64.reinterpret/i64' }, SECTION_IDS1 = _exports1.SECTION_IDS = { 0: 'custom', 1: 'type', 2: 'import', 3: 'function', 4: 'table', 5: 'memory', 6: 'global', 7: 'export', 8: 'start', 9: 'element', 10: 'code', 11: 'data' }; _exports1.immediataryParsers = { varuint1: (stream1)=>{ const int11 = stream1.read(1)[0]; return int11; }, varuint32: (stream1)=>{ const int321 = leb1.unsigned.read(stream1); return int321; }, varint32: (stream1)=>{ const int321 = leb1.signed.read(stream1); return int321; }, varint64: (stream1)=>{ const int641 = leb1.signed.read(stream1); return int641; }, uint32: (stream1)=>[ ...stream1.read(4) ], uint64: (stream1)=>[ ...stream1.read(8) ], block_type: (stream1)=>{ const type1 = stream1.read(1)[0]; return LANGUAGE_TYPES1[type1]; }, br_table: (stream1)=>{ const json1 = { targets: [] }, num1 = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(); for(let i2 = 0; i2 < num1; i2++){ const target1 = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(); json1.targets.push(target1); } return json1.defaultTarget = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(), json1; }, call_indirect: (stream1)=>{ const json1 = {}; return json1.index = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(), json1.reserved = stream1.read(1)[0], json1; }, memory_immediate: (stream1)=>{ const json1 = {}; return json1.flags = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(), json1.offset = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(), json1; } }, _exports1.typeParsers = { function: (stream1)=>leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(), table: (stream1)=>{ const entry1 = {}, type1 = stream1.read(1)[0]; return entry1.elementType = LANGUAGE_TYPES1[type1], entry1.limits = _exports1.typeParsers.memory(stream1), entry1; }, global: (stream1)=>{ const global1 = {}; let type1 = stream1.read(1)[0]; return global1.contentType = LANGUAGE_TYPES1[type1], global1.mutability = stream1.read(1)[0], global1; }, memory: (stream1)=>{ const limits1 = {}; return limits1.flags = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(), limits1.intial = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(), 1 === limits1.flags && (limits1.maximum = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber()), limits1; }, initExpr: (stream1)=>{ const op1 = _exports1.parseOp(stream1); return stream1.read(1), op1; } }; const sectionParsers1 = _exports1.sectionParsers = { custom: (stream1, header1)=>{ const json1 = { name: 'custom' }, section1 = new Stream1(stream1.read(header1.size)), nameLen1 = leb1.unsigned.readBn(section1).toNumber(), name1 = section1.read(nameLen1); return json1.sectionName = Buffer1.from(name1).toString(), json1.payload = [ ...section1.buffer ], json1; }, type: (stream1)=>{ const numberOfEntries1 = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(), json1 = { name: 'type', entries: [] }; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < numberOfEntries1; i2++){ let type1 = stream1.read(1)[0]; const entry1 = { form: LANGUAGE_TYPES1[type1], params: [] }, paramCount1 = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(); for(let q3 = 0; q3 < paramCount1; q3++){ const type1 = stream1.read(1)[0]; entry1.params.push(LANGUAGE_TYPES1[type1]); } const numOfReturns1 = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(); numOfReturns1 && (type1 = stream1.read(1)[0], entry1.return_type = LANGUAGE_TYPES1[type1]), json1.entries.push(entry1); } return json1; }, import: (stream1)=>{ const numberOfEntries1 = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(), json1 = { name: 'import', entries: [] }; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < numberOfEntries1; i2++){ const entry1 = {}, moduleLen1 = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(); entry1.moduleStr = Buffer1.from(stream1.read(moduleLen1)).toString(); const fieldLen1 = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(); entry1.fieldStr = Buffer1.from(stream1.read(fieldLen1)).toString(); const kind1 = stream1.read(1)[0]; entry1.kind = EXTERNAL_KIND1[kind1], entry1.type = _exports1.typeParsers[entry1.kind](stream1), json1.entries.push(entry1); } return json1; }, function: (stream1)=>{ const numberOfEntries1 = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(), json1 = { name: 'function', entries: [] }; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < numberOfEntries1; i2++){ const entry1 = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(); json1.entries.push(entry1); } return json1; }, table: (stream1)=>{ const numberOfEntries1 = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(), json1 = { name: 'table', entries: [] }; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < numberOfEntries1; i2++){ const entry1 = _exports1.typeParsers.table(stream1); json1.entries.push(entry1); } return json1; }, memory: (stream1)=>{ const numberOfEntries1 = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(), json1 = { name: 'memory', entries: [] }; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < numberOfEntries1; i2++){ const entry1 = _exports1.typeParsers.memory(stream1); json1.entries.push(entry1); } return json1; }, global: (stream1)=>{ const numberOfEntries1 = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(), json1 = { name: 'global', entries: [] }; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < numberOfEntries1; i2++){ const entry1 = {}; entry1.type = _exports1.typeParsers.global(stream1), entry1.init = _exports1.typeParsers.initExpr(stream1), json1.entries.push(entry1); } return json1; }, export: (stream1)=>{ const numberOfEntries1 = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(), json1 = { name: 'export', entries: [] }; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < numberOfEntries1; i2++){ const strLength1 = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(), entry1 = {}; entry1.field_str = Buffer1.from(stream1.read(strLength1)).toString(); const kind1 = stream1.read(1)[0]; entry1.kind = EXTERNAL_KIND1[kind1], entry1.index = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(), json1.entries.push(entry1); } return json1; }, start: (stream1)=>{ const json1 = { name: 'start' }; return json1.index = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(), json1; }, element: (stream1)=>{ const numberOfEntries1 = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(), json1 = { name: 'element', entries: [] }; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < numberOfEntries1; i2++){ const entry1 = { elements: [] }; entry1.index = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(), entry1.offset = _exports1.typeParsers.initExpr(stream1); const numElem1 = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(); for(let i2 = 0; i2 < numElem1; i2++){ const elem1 = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(); entry1.elements.push(elem1); } json1.entries.push(entry1); } return json1; }, code: (stream1)=>{ const numberOfEntries1 = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(), json1 = { name: 'code', entries: [] }; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < numberOfEntries1; i2++){ const codeBody1 = { locals: [], code: [] }; let bodySize1 = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(); const endBytes1 = stream1.bytesRead + bodySize1, localCount1 = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(); for(let q3 = 0; q3 < localCount1; q3++){ const local1 = {}; local1.count = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(); const type1 = stream1.read(1)[0]; local1.type = LANGUAGE_TYPES1[type1], codeBody1.locals.push(local1); } for(; stream1.bytesRead < endBytes1;){ const op1 = _exports1.parseOp(stream1); codeBody1.code.push(op1); } json1.entries.push(codeBody1); } return json1; }, data: (stream1)=>{ const numberOfEntries1 = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(), json1 = { name: 'data', entries: [] }; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < numberOfEntries1; i2++){ const entry1 = {}; entry1.index = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(), entry1.offset = _exports1.typeParsers.initExpr(stream1); const segmentSize1 = leb1.unsigned.readBn(stream1).toNumber(); entry1.data = [ ...stream1.read(segmentSize1) ], json1.entries.push(entry1); } return json1; } }; _exports1.parseOp = (stream1)=>{ const json1 = {}, op1 = stream1.read(1)[0], fullName1 = OPCODES1[op1]; let [type1, name1] = fullName1.split('.'); void 0 === name1 ? name1 = type1 : json1.return_type = type1, json1.name = name1; const immediates1 = OP_IMMEDIATES1['const' === name1 ? type1 : name1]; return immediates1 && (json1.immediates = _exports1.immediataryParsers[immediates1](stream1)), json1; }, _exports1.parse = (stream1, filter1)=>{ const preramble1 = _exports1.parsePreramble(stream1), json1 = [ preramble1 ]; for(; !stream1.end;){ const header1 = _exports1.parseSectionHeader(stream1); json1.push(sectionParsers1[header1.name](stream1, header1)); } return json1; }; }, 8060: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { const toolkit1 = __webpack_require__1(497), text2json1 = toolkit1.text2json, SECTION_IDS1 = __webpack_require__1(4747).SECTION_IDS, defaultCostTable1 = __webpack_require__1(5936); function getCost1(json1, costTable1 = {}, defaultCost1 = 0) { let cost1 = 0; if (defaultCost1 = void 0 !== costTable1.DEFAULT ? costTable1.DEFAULT : 0, Array.isArray(json1)) json1.forEach((el1)=>{ cost1 += getCost1(el1, costTable1); }); else if ('object' == typeof json1) for(const propName1 in json1){ const propCost1 = costTable1[propName1]; propCost1 && (cost1 += getCost1(json1[propName1], propCost1, defaultCost1)); } else cost1 = void 0 === costTable1[json1] ? defaultCost1 : costTable1[json1]; return cost1; } function meterCodeEntry1(entry1, costTable1, meterFuncIndex1, meterType1, cost1) { function meteringStatement1(cost1, meteringImportIndex1) { return text2json1(`${meterType1}.const ${cost1} call ${meteringImportIndex1}`); } function remapOp1(op1, funcIndex1) { 'call' === op1.name && op1.immediates >= funcIndex1 && (op1.immediates = (++op1.immediates).toString()); } function meterTheMeteringStatement1() { const code1 = meteringStatement1(0, 0); return code1.reduce((sum1, op1)=>sum1 + getCost1(op1.name, costTable1.code), 0); } const branchingOps1 = new Set([ 'grow_memory', 'end', 'br', 'br_table', 'br_if', 'if', 'else', 'return', 'loop' ]), meteringOverHead1 = meterTheMeteringStatement1(); let code1 = entry1.code.slice(), meteredCode1 = []; for(cost1 += getCost1(entry1.locals, costTable1.local); code1.length;){ let i2 = 0; for(;;){ const op1 = code1[i2++]; if (remapOp1(op1, meterFuncIndex1), cost1 += getCost1(op1.name, costTable1.code), branchingOps1.has(op1.name)) break; } 0 !== cost1 && (cost1 += meteringOverHead1, meteredCode1 = meteredCode1.concat(meteringStatement1(cost1, meterFuncIndex1))), meteredCode1 = meteredCode1.concat(code1.slice(0, i2)), code1 = code1.slice(i2), cost1 = 0; } return entry1.code = meteredCode1, entry1; } exports1.meterJSON = (json1, opts1)=>{ let functionModule1, typeModule1; function findSection1(module1, sectionName1) { return module1.find((section1)=>section1.name === sectionName1); } function createSection1(module1, name1) { const newSectionId1 = SECTION_IDS1[name1]; for(let index1 in module1){ const section1 = module1[index1], sectionId1 = SECTION_IDS1[section1.name]; if (sectionId1 && newSectionId1 < sectionId1) { module1.splice(index1, 0, { name: name1, entries: [] }); return; } } } let funcIndex1 = 0, { costTable: costTable1, moduleStr: moduleStr1, fieldStr: fieldStr1, meterType: meterType1 } = opts1; costTable1 || (costTable1 = defaultCostTable1), moduleStr1 || (moduleStr1 = 'metering'), fieldStr1 || (fieldStr1 = 'usegas'), meterType1 || (meterType1 = 'i32'), findSection1(json1, 'type') || createSection1(json1, 'type'), findSection1(json1, 'import') || createSection1(json1, 'import'); const importJson1 = { moduleStr: moduleStr1, fieldStr: fieldStr1, kind: 'function' }, importType1 = { form: 'func', params: [ meterType1 ] }; for (let section1 of json1 = json1.slice(0))switch((section1 = Object.assign(section1)).name){ case 'type': importJson1.type = section1.entries.push(importType1) - 1, typeModule1 = section1; break; case 'function': functionModule1 = section1; break; case 'import': for (const entry1 of section1.entries){ if (entry1.moduleStr === moduleStr1 && entry1.fieldStr === fieldStr1) throw Error('importing metering function is not allowed'); 'function' === entry1.kind && funcIndex1++; } section1.entries.push(importJson1); break; case 'export': for (const entry1 of section1.entries)'function' === entry1.kind && entry1.index >= funcIndex1 && entry1.index++; break; case 'element': for (const entry1 of section1.entries)entry1.elements = entry1.elements.map((el1)=>el1 >= funcIndex1 ? ++el1 : el1); break; case 'start': section1.index >= funcIndex1 && section1.index++; break; case 'code': for(const i2 in section1.entries){ const entry1 = section1.entries[i2], typeIndex1 = functionModule1.entries[i2], type1 = typeModule1.entries[typeIndex1], cost1 = getCost1(type1, costTable1.type); meterCodeEntry1(entry1, costTable1.code, funcIndex1, meterType1, cost1); } } return json1; }, exports1.meterWASM = (wasm1, opts1 = {})=>{ let json1 = toolkit1.wasm2json(wasm1); return json1 = exports1.meterJSON(json1, opts1), toolkit1.json2wasm(json1); }; }, 9967: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { module1.exports = runParallelLimit1; const queueMicrotask1 = __webpack_require__1(4375); function runParallelLimit1(tasks1, limit1, cb1) { let results1, len3, pending1, keys1, isErrored1, next1; if ('number' != typeof limit1) throw Error('second argument must be a Number'); let isSync1 = !0; function done1(err1) { function end1() { cb1 && cb1(err1, results1), cb1 = null; } isSync1 ? queueMicrotask1(end1) : end1(); } function each1(i2, err1, result1) { if (results1[i2] = result1, err1 && (isErrored1 = !0), 0 == --pending1 || err1) done1(err1); else if (!isErrored1 && next1 < len3) { let key1; keys1 ? (key1 = keys1[next1], next1 += 1, tasks1[key1](function(err1, result1) { each1(key1, err1, result1); })) : (key1 = next1, next1 += 1, tasks1[key1](function(err1, result1) { each1(key1, err1, result1); })); } } Array.isArray(tasks1) ? (results1 = [], pending1 = len3 = tasks1.length) : (keys1 = Object.keys(tasks1), results1 = {}, pending1 = len3 = keys1.length), next1 = limit1, pending1 ? keys1 ? keys1.some(function(key1, i2) { return tasks1[key1](function(err1, result1) { each1(key1, err1, result1); }), i2 === limit1 - 1; }) : tasks1.some(function(task1, i2) { return task1(function(err1, result1) { each1(i2, err1, result1); }), i2 === limit1 - 1; }) : done1(null), isSync1 = !1; } }, 9509: function(module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var buffer1 = __webpack_require__1(8764), Buffer1 = buffer1.Buffer; function copyProps1(src1, dst1) { for(var key1 in src1)dst1[key1] = src1[key1]; } function SafeBuffer1(arg4, encodingOrOffset1, length1) { return Buffer1(arg4, encodingOrOffset1, length1); } Buffer1.from && Buffer1.alloc && Buffer1.allocUnsafe && Buffer1.allocUnsafeSlow ? module1.exports = buffer1 : (copyProps1(buffer1, exports1), exports1.Buffer = SafeBuffer1), SafeBuffer1.prototype = Object.create(Buffer1.prototype), copyProps1(Buffer1, SafeBuffer1), SafeBuffer1.from = function(arg4, encodingOrOffset1, length1) { if ('number' == typeof arg4) throw TypeError('Argument must not be a number'); return Buffer1(arg4, encodingOrOffset1, length1); }, SafeBuffer1.alloc = function(size1, fill1, encoding1) { if ('number' != typeof size1) throw TypeError('Argument must be a number'); var buf1 = Buffer1(size1); return void 0 !== fill1 ? 'string' == typeof encoding1 ? buf1.fill(fill1, encoding1) : buf1.fill(fill1) : buf1.fill(0), buf1; }, SafeBuffer1.allocUnsafe = function(size1) { if ('number' != typeof size1) throw TypeError('Argument must be a number'); return Buffer1(size1); }, SafeBuffer1.allocUnsafeSlow = function(size1) { if ('number' != typeof size1) throw TypeError('Argument must be a number'); return buffer1.SlowBuffer(size1); }; }, 7668: function(module1, exports1) { "use strict"; const stringify1 = configure1(); stringify1.configure = configure1, stringify1.stringify = stringify1, stringify1.default = stringify1, exports1.stringify = stringify1, exports1.configure = configure1, module1.exports = stringify1; const strEscapeSequencesRegExp1 = /[\u0000-\u001f\u0022\u005c\ud800-\udfff]|[\ud800-\udbff](?![\udc00-\udfff])|(?:[^\ud800-\udbff]|^)[\udc00-\udfff]/, strEscapeSequencesReplacer1 = /[\u0000-\u001f\u0022\u005c\ud800-\udfff]|[\ud800-\udbff](?![\udc00-\udfff])|(?:[^\ud800-\udbff]|^)[\udc00-\udfff]/g, meta1 = [ '\\u0000', '\\u0001', '\\u0002', '\\u0003', '\\u0004', '\\u0005', '\\u0006', '\\u0007', '\\b', '\\t', '\\n', '\\u000b', '\\f', '\\r', '\\u000e', '\\u000f', '\\u0010', '\\u0011', '\\u0012', '\\u0013', '\\u0014', '\\u0015', '\\u0016', '\\u0017', '\\u0018', '\\u0019', '\\u001a', '\\u001b', '\\u001c', '\\u001d', '\\u001e', '\\u001f', '', '', '\\"', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '\\\\' ]; function escapeFn1(str1) { if (2 === str1.length) { const charCode1 = str1.charCodeAt(1); return `${str1[0]}\\u${charCode1.toString(16)}`; } const charCode1 = str1.charCodeAt(0); return meta1.length > charCode1 ? meta1[charCode1] : `\\u${charCode1.toString(16)}`; } function strEscape1(str1) { if (str1.length < 5000 && !strEscapeSequencesRegExp1.test(str1)) return str1; if (str1.length > 100) return str1.replace(strEscapeSequencesReplacer1, escapeFn1); let result1 = '', last1 = 0; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < str1.length; i2++){ const point1 = str1.charCodeAt(i2); if (34 === point1 || 92 === point1 || point1 < 32) result1 += `${str1.slice(last1, i2)}${meta1[point1]}`, last1 = i2 + 1; else if (point1 >= 0xd800 && point1 <= 0xdfff) { if (point1 <= 0xdbff && i2 + 1 < str1.length) { const point1 = str1.charCodeAt(i2 + 1); if (point1 >= 0xdc00 && point1 <= 0xdfff) { i2++; continue; } } result1 += `${str1.slice(last1, i2)}${`\\u${point1.toString(16)}`}`, last1 = i2 + 1; } } return result1 + str1.slice(last1); } function insertSort1(array1) { if (array1.length > 2e2) return array1.sort(); for(let i2 = 1; i2 < array1.length; i2++){ const currentValue1 = array1[i2]; let position1 = i2; for(; 0 !== position1 && array1[position1 - 1] > currentValue1;)array1[position1] = array1[position1 - 1], position1--; array1[position1] = currentValue1; } return array1; } const typedArrayPrototypeGetSymbolToStringTag1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(new Uint8Array())), Symbol.toStringTag).get; function isTypedArrayWithEntries1(value1) { return void 0 !== typedArrayPrototypeGetSymbolToStringTag1.call(value1) && 0 !== value1.length; } function stringifyTypedArray1(array1, separator1, maximumBreadth1) { array1.length < maximumBreadth1 && (maximumBreadth1 = array1.length); const whitespace1 = ',' === separator1 ? '' : ' '; let res1 = `"0":${whitespace1}${array1[0]}`; for(let i2 = 1; i2 < maximumBreadth1; i2++)res1 += `${separator1}"${i2}":${whitespace1}${array1[i2]}`; return res1; } function getCircularValueOption1(options1) { if (options1 && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options1, 'circularValue')) { var circularValue1 = options1.circularValue; if ('string' == typeof circularValue1) return `"${circularValue1}"`; if (null == circularValue1) return circularValue1; if (circularValue1 === Error || circularValue1 === TypeError) return { toString () { throw TypeError('Converting circular structure to JSON'); } }; throw TypeError('The "circularValue" argument must be of type string or the value null or undefined'); } return '"[Circular]"'; } function getBooleanOption1(options1, key1) { if (options1 && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options1, key1)) { var value1 = options1[key1]; if ('boolean' != typeof value1) throw TypeError(`The "${key1}" argument must be of type boolean`); } return void 0 === value1 || value1; } function getPositiveIntegerOption1(options1, key1) { if (options1 && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options1, key1)) { var value1 = options1[key1]; if ('number' != typeof value1) throw TypeError(`The "${key1}" argument must be of type number`); if (!Number.isInteger(value1)) throw TypeError(`The "${key1}" argument must be an integer`); if (value1 < 1) throw RangeError(`The "${key1}" argument must be >= 1`); } return void 0 === value1 ? 1 / 0 : value1; } function getItemCount1(number1) { return 1 === number1 ? '1 item' : `${number1} items`; } function getUniqueReplacerSet1(replacerArray1) { const replacerSet1 = new Set(); for (const value1 of replacerArray1)'string' == typeof value1 ? replacerSet1.add(value1) : 'number' == typeof value1 && replacerSet1.add(String(value1)); return replacerSet1; } function configure1(options1) { const circularValue1 = getCircularValueOption1(options1), bigint1 = getBooleanOption1(options1, 'bigint'), deterministic1 = getBooleanOption1(options1, 'deterministic'), maximumDepth1 = getPositiveIntegerOption1(options1, 'maximumDepth'), maximumBreadth1 = getPositiveIntegerOption1(options1, 'maximumBreadth'); function stringifyFnReplacer1(key1, parent1, stack1, replacer1, spacer1, indentation1) { let value1 = parent1[key1]; switch('object' == typeof value1 && null !== value1 && 'function' == typeof value1.toJSON && (value1 = value1.toJSON(key1)), typeof (value1 = replacer1.call(parent1, key1, value1))){ case 'string': return `"${strEscape1(value1)}"`; case 'object': { if (null === value1) return 'null'; if (-1 !== stack1.indexOf(value1)) return circularValue1; let res1 = '', join1 = ','; const originalIndentation1 = indentation1; if (Array.isArray(value1)) { if (0 === value1.length) return '[]'; if (maximumDepth1 < stack1.length + 1) return '"[Array]"'; stack1.push(value1), '' !== spacer1 && (indentation1 += spacer1, res1 += `\n${indentation1}`, join1 = `,\n${indentation1}`); const maximumValuesToStringify1 = Math.min(value1.length, maximumBreadth1); let i2 = 0; for(; i2 < maximumValuesToStringify1 - 1; i2++){ const tmp1 = stringifyFnReplacer1(i2, value1, stack1, replacer1, spacer1, indentation1); res1 += (void 0 !== tmp1 ? tmp1 : 'null') + join1; } const tmp1 = stringifyFnReplacer1(i2, value1, stack1, replacer1, spacer1, indentation1); if (res1 += void 0 !== tmp1 ? tmp1 : 'null', value1.length - 1 > maximumBreadth1) { const removedKeys1 = value1.length - maximumBreadth1 - 1; res1 += `${join1}"... ${getItemCount1(removedKeys1)} not stringified"`; } return '' !== spacer1 && (res1 += `\n${originalIndentation1}`), stack1.pop(), `[${res1}]`; } let keys1 = Object.keys(value1); const keyLength1 = keys1.length; if (0 === keyLength1) return '{}'; if (maximumDepth1 < stack1.length + 1) return '"[Object]"'; let whitespace1 = '', separator1 = ''; '' !== spacer1 && (indentation1 += spacer1, join1 = `,\n${indentation1}`, whitespace1 = ' '); let maximumPropertiesToStringify1 = Math.min(keyLength1, maximumBreadth1); isTypedArrayWithEntries1(value1) && (res1 += stringifyTypedArray1(value1, join1, maximumBreadth1), keys1 = keys1.slice(value1.length), maximumPropertiesToStringify1 -= value1.length, separator1 = join1), deterministic1 && (keys1 = insertSort1(keys1)), stack1.push(value1); for(let i2 = 0; i2 < maximumPropertiesToStringify1; i2++){ const key1 = keys1[i2], tmp1 = stringifyFnReplacer1(key1, value1, stack1, replacer1, spacer1, indentation1); void 0 !== tmp1 && (res1 += `${separator1}"${strEscape1(key1)}":${whitespace1}${tmp1}`, separator1 = join1); } if (keyLength1 > maximumBreadth1) { const removedKeys1 = keyLength1 - maximumBreadth1; res1 += `${separator1}"...":${whitespace1}"${getItemCount1(removedKeys1)} not stringified"`, separator1 = join1; } return '' !== spacer1 && separator1.length > 1 && (res1 = `\n${indentation1}${res1}\n${originalIndentation1}`), stack1.pop(), `{${res1}}`; } case 'number': return isFinite(value1) ? String(value1) : 'null'; case 'boolean': return !0 === value1 ? 'true' : 'false'; case 'bigint': return bigint1 ? String(value1) : void 0; } } function stringifyArrayReplacer1(key1, value1, stack1, replacer1, spacer1, indentation1) { switch('object' == typeof value1 && null !== value1 && 'function' == typeof value1.toJSON && (value1 = value1.toJSON(key1)), typeof value1){ case 'string': return `"${strEscape1(value1)}"`; case 'object': { if (null === value1) return 'null'; if (-1 !== stack1.indexOf(value1)) return circularValue1; const originalIndentation1 = indentation1; let res1 = '', join1 = ','; if (Array.isArray(value1)) { if (0 === value1.length) return '[]'; if (maximumDepth1 < stack1.length + 1) return '"[Array]"'; stack1.push(value1), '' !== spacer1 && (indentation1 += spacer1, res1 += `\n${indentation1}`, join1 = `,\n${indentation1}`); const maximumValuesToStringify1 = Math.min(value1.length, maximumBreadth1); let i2 = 0; for(; i2 < maximumValuesToStringify1 - 1; i2++){ const tmp1 = stringifyArrayReplacer1(i2, value1[i2], stack1, replacer1, spacer1, indentation1); res1 += (void 0 !== tmp1 ? tmp1 : 'null') + join1; } const tmp1 = stringifyArrayReplacer1(i2, value1[i2], stack1, replacer1, spacer1, indentation1); if (res1 += void 0 !== tmp1 ? tmp1 : 'null', value1.length - 1 > maximumBreadth1) { const removedKeys1 = value1.length - maximumBreadth1 - 1; res1 += `${join1}"... ${getItemCount1(removedKeys1)} not stringified"`; } return '' !== spacer1 && (res1 += `\n${originalIndentation1}`), stack1.pop(), `[${res1}]`; } if (0 === replacer1.size) return '{}'; stack1.push(value1); let whitespace1 = ''; '' !== spacer1 && (indentation1 += spacer1, join1 = `,\n${indentation1}`, whitespace1 = ' '); let separator1 = ''; for (const key1 of replacer1){ const tmp1 = stringifyArrayReplacer1(key1, value1[key1], stack1, replacer1, spacer1, indentation1); void 0 !== tmp1 && (res1 += `${separator1}"${strEscape1(key1)}":${whitespace1}${tmp1}`, separator1 = join1); } return '' !== spacer1 && separator1.length > 1 && (res1 = `\n${indentation1}${res1}\n${originalIndentation1}`), stack1.pop(), `{${res1}}`; } case 'number': return isFinite(value1) ? String(value1) : 'null'; case 'boolean': return !0 === value1 ? 'true' : 'false'; case 'bigint': return bigint1 ? String(value1) : void 0; } } function stringifyIndent1(key1, value1, stack1, spacer1, indentation1) { switch(typeof value1){ case 'string': return `"${strEscape1(value1)}"`; case 'object': { if (null === value1) return 'null'; if ('function' == typeof value1.toJSON) { if ('object' != typeof (value1 = value1.toJSON(key1))) return stringifyIndent1(key1, value1, stack1, spacer1, indentation1); if (null === value1) return 'null'; } if (-1 !== stack1.indexOf(value1)) return circularValue1; const originalIndentation1 = indentation1; if (Array.isArray(value1)) { if (0 === value1.length) return '[]'; if (maximumDepth1 < stack1.length + 1) return '"[Array]"'; stack1.push(value1); let res1 = `\n${indentation1 += spacer1}`; const join1 = `,\n${indentation1}`, maximumValuesToStringify1 = Math.min(value1.length, maximumBreadth1); let i2 = 0; for(; i2 < maximumValuesToStringify1 - 1; i2++){ const tmp1 = stringifyIndent1(i2, value1[i2], stack1, spacer1, indentation1); res1 += (void 0 !== tmp1 ? tmp1 : 'null') + join1; } const tmp1 = stringifyIndent1(i2, value1[i2], stack1, spacer1, indentation1); if (res1 += void 0 !== tmp1 ? tmp1 : 'null', value1.length - 1 > maximumBreadth1) { const removedKeys1 = value1.length - maximumBreadth1 - 1; res1 += `${join1}"... ${getItemCount1(removedKeys1)} not stringified"`; } return res1 += `\n${originalIndentation1}`, stack1.pop(), `[${res1}]`; } let keys1 = Object.keys(value1); const keyLength1 = keys1.length; if (0 === keyLength1) return '{}'; if (maximumDepth1 < stack1.length + 1) return '"[Object]"'; indentation1 += spacer1; const join1 = `,\n${indentation1}`; let res1 = '', separator1 = '', maximumPropertiesToStringify1 = Math.min(keyLength1, maximumBreadth1); isTypedArrayWithEntries1(value1) && (res1 += stringifyTypedArray1(value1, join1, maximumBreadth1), keys1 = keys1.slice(value1.length), maximumPropertiesToStringify1 -= value1.length, separator1 = join1), deterministic1 && (keys1 = insertSort1(keys1)), stack1.push(value1); for(let i2 = 0; i2 < maximumPropertiesToStringify1; i2++){ const key1 = keys1[i2], tmp1 = stringifyIndent1(key1, value1[key1], stack1, spacer1, indentation1); void 0 !== tmp1 && (res1 += `${separator1}"${strEscape1(key1)}": ${tmp1}`, separator1 = join1); } if (keyLength1 > maximumBreadth1) { const removedKeys1 = keyLength1 - maximumBreadth1; res1 += `${separator1}"...": "${getItemCount1(removedKeys1)} not stringified"`, separator1 = join1; } return '' !== separator1 && (res1 = `\n${indentation1}${res1}\n${originalIndentation1}`), stack1.pop(), `{${res1}}`; } case 'number': return isFinite(value1) ? String(value1) : 'null'; case 'boolean': return !0 === value1 ? 'true' : 'false'; case 'bigint': return bigint1 ? String(value1) : void 0; } } function stringifySimple1(key1, value1, stack1) { switch(typeof value1){ case 'string': return `"${strEscape1(value1)}"`; case 'object': { if (null === value1) return 'null'; if ('function' == typeof value1.toJSON) { if ('object' != typeof (value1 = value1.toJSON(key1))) return stringifySimple1(key1, value1, stack1); if (null === value1) return 'null'; } if (-1 !== stack1.indexOf(value1)) return circularValue1; let res1 = ''; if (Array.isArray(value1)) { if (0 === value1.length) return '[]'; if (maximumDepth1 < stack1.length + 1) return '"[Array]"'; stack1.push(value1); const maximumValuesToStringify1 = Math.min(value1.length, maximumBreadth1); let i2 = 0; for(; i2 < maximumValuesToStringify1 - 1; i2++){ const tmp1 = stringifySimple1(i2, value1[i2], stack1); res1 += (void 0 !== tmp1 ? tmp1 : 'null') + ','; } const tmp1 = stringifySimple1(i2, value1[i2], stack1); if (res1 += void 0 !== tmp1 ? tmp1 : 'null', value1.length - 1 > maximumBreadth1) { const removedKeys1 = value1.length - maximumBreadth1 - 1; res1 += `,"... ${getItemCount1(removedKeys1)} not stringified"`; } return stack1.pop(), `[${res1}]`; } let keys1 = Object.keys(value1); const keyLength1 = keys1.length; if (0 === keyLength1) return '{}'; if (maximumDepth1 < stack1.length + 1) return '"[Object]"'; let separator1 = '', maximumPropertiesToStringify1 = Math.min(keyLength1, maximumBreadth1); isTypedArrayWithEntries1(value1) && (res1 += stringifyTypedArray1(value1, ',', maximumBreadth1), keys1 = keys1.slice(value1.length), maximumPropertiesToStringify1 -= value1.length, separator1 = ','), deterministic1 && (keys1 = insertSort1(keys1)), stack1.push(value1); for(let i2 = 0; i2 < maximumPropertiesToStringify1; i2++){ const key1 = keys1[i2], tmp1 = stringifySimple1(key1, value1[key1], stack1); void 0 !== tmp1 && (res1 += `${separator1}"${strEscape1(key1)}":${tmp1}`, separator1 = ','); } if (keyLength1 > maximumBreadth1) { const removedKeys1 = keyLength1 - maximumBreadth1; res1 += `${separator1}"...":"${getItemCount1(removedKeys1)} not stringified"`; } return stack1.pop(), `{${res1}}`; } case 'number': return isFinite(value1) ? String(value1) : 'null'; case 'boolean': return !0 === value1 ? 'true' : 'false'; case 'bigint': return bigint1 ? String(value1) : void 0; } } return function(value1, replacer1, space1) { if (arguments.length > 1) { let spacer1 = ''; if ('number' == typeof space1 ? spacer1 = ' '.repeat(Math.min(space1, 10)) : 'string' == typeof space1 && (spacer1 = space1.slice(0, 10)), null != replacer1) { if ('function' == typeof replacer1) return stringifyFnReplacer1('', { '': value1 }, [], replacer1, spacer1, ''); if (Array.isArray(replacer1)) return stringifyArrayReplacer1('', value1, [], getUniqueReplacerSet1(replacer1), spacer1, ''); } if (0 !== spacer1.length) return stringifyIndent1('', value1, [], spacer1, ''); } return stringifySimple1('', value1, []); }; } }, 2399: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var key1, process1 = __webpack_require__1(3454), buffer1 = __webpack_require__1(8764), Buffer1 = buffer1.Buffer, safer1 = {}; for(key1 in buffer1)buffer1.hasOwnProperty(key1) && 'SlowBuffer' !== key1 && 'Buffer' !== key1 && (safer1[key1] = buffer1[key1]); var Safer1 = safer1.Buffer = {}; for(key1 in Buffer1)Buffer1.hasOwnProperty(key1) && 'allocUnsafe' !== key1 && 'allocUnsafeSlow' !== key1 && (Safer1[key1] = Buffer1[key1]); if (safer1.Buffer.prototype = Buffer1.prototype, Safer1.from && Safer1.from !== Uint8Array.from || (Safer1.from = function(value1, encodingOrOffset1, length1) { if ('number' == typeof value1) throw TypeError('The "value" argument must not be of type number. Received type ' + typeof value1); if (value1 && void 0 === value1.length) throw TypeError('The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type ' + typeof value1); return Buffer1(value1, encodingOrOffset1, length1); }), Safer1.alloc || (Safer1.alloc = function(size1, fill1, encoding1) { if ('number' != typeof size1) throw TypeError('The "size" argument must be of type number. Received type ' + typeof size1); if (size1 < 0 || size1 >= 2 * 1073741824) throw RangeError('The value "' + size1 + '" is invalid for option "size"'); var buf1 = Buffer1(size1); return fill1 && 0 !== fill1.length ? 'string' == typeof encoding1 ? buf1.fill(fill1, encoding1) : buf1.fill(fill1) : buf1.fill(0), buf1; }), !safer1.kStringMaxLength) try { safer1.kStringMaxLength = process1.binding('buffer').kStringMaxLength; } catch (e1) {} !safer1.constants && (safer1.constants = { MAX_LENGTH: safer1.kMaxLength }, safer1.kStringMaxLength && (safer1.constants.MAX_STRING_LENGTH = safer1.kStringMaxLength)), module1.exports = safer1; }, 2553: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var Buffer1 = __webpack_require__1(9509).Buffer, isEncoding1 = Buffer1.isEncoding || function(encoding1) { switch((encoding1 = '' + encoding1) && encoding1.toLowerCase()){ case 'hex': case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': case 'ascii': case 'binary': case 'base64': case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': case 'raw': return !0; default: return !1; } }; function _normalizeEncoding1(enc1) { var retried1; if (!enc1) return 'utf8'; for(;;)switch(enc1){ case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': return 'utf8'; case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': return 'utf16le'; case 'latin1': case 'binary': return 'latin1'; case 'base64': case 'ascii': case 'hex': return enc1; default: if (retried1) return; enc1 = ('' + enc1).toLowerCase(), retried1 = !0; } } function normalizeEncoding1(enc1) { var nenc1 = _normalizeEncoding1(enc1); if ('string' != typeof nenc1 && (Buffer1.isEncoding === isEncoding1 || !isEncoding1(enc1))) throw Error('Unknown encoding: ' + enc1); return nenc1 || enc1; } function StringDecoder1(encoding1) { var nb1; switch(this.encoding = normalizeEncoding1(encoding1), this.encoding){ case 'utf16le': this.text = utf16Text1, this.end = utf16End1, nb1 = 4; break; case 'utf8': this.fillLast = utf8FillLast1, nb1 = 4; break; case 'base64': this.text = base64Text1, this.end = base64End1, nb1 = 3; break; default: this.write = simpleWrite1, this.end = simpleEnd1; return; } this.lastNeed = 0, this.lastTotal = 0, this.lastChar = Buffer1.allocUnsafe(nb1); } function utf8CheckByte1(byte1) { return byte1 <= 0x7F ? 0 : byte1 >> 5 == 0x06 ? 2 : byte1 >> 4 == 0x0E ? 3 : byte1 >> 3 == 0x1E ? 4 : byte1 >> 6 == 0x02 ? -1 : -2; } function utf8CheckIncomplete1(self1, buf1, i2) { var j1 = buf1.length - 1; if (j1 < i2) return 0; var nb1 = utf8CheckByte1(buf1[j1]); return nb1 >= 0 ? (nb1 > 0 && (self1.lastNeed = nb1 - 1), nb1) : --j1 < i2 || -2 === nb1 ? 0 : (nb1 = utf8CheckByte1(buf1[j1])) >= 0 ? (nb1 > 0 && (self1.lastNeed = nb1 - 2), nb1) : --j1 < i2 || -2 === nb1 ? 0 : (nb1 = utf8CheckByte1(buf1[j1])) >= 0 ? (nb1 > 0 && (2 === nb1 ? nb1 = 0 : self1.lastNeed = nb1 - 3), nb1) : 0; } function utf8CheckExtraBytes1(self1, buf1, p3) { if ((0xC0 & buf1[0]) != 0x80) return self1.lastNeed = 0, '\ufffd'; if (self1.lastNeed > 1 && buf1.length > 1) { if ((0xC0 & buf1[1]) != 0x80) return self1.lastNeed = 1, '\ufffd'; if (self1.lastNeed > 2 && buf1.length > 2 && (0xC0 & buf1[2]) != 0x80) return self1.lastNeed = 2, '\ufffd'; } } function utf8FillLast1(buf1) { var p3 = this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, r3 = utf8CheckExtraBytes1(this, buf1, p3); return void 0 !== r3 ? r3 : this.lastNeed <= buf1.length ? (buf1.copy(this.lastChar, p3, 0, this.lastNeed), this.lastChar.toString(this.encoding, 0, this.lastTotal)) : void (buf1.copy(this.lastChar, p3, 0, buf1.length), this.lastNeed -= buf1.length); } function utf8Text1(buf1, i2) { var total1 = utf8CheckIncomplete1(this, buf1, i2); if (!this.lastNeed) return buf1.toString('utf8', i2); this.lastTotal = total1; var end1 = buf1.length - (total1 - this.lastNeed); return buf1.copy(this.lastChar, 0, end1), buf1.toString('utf8', i2, end1); } function utf8End1(buf1) { var r3 = buf1 && buf1.length ? this.write(buf1) : ''; return this.lastNeed ? r3 + '\ufffd' : r3; } function utf16Text1(buf1, i2) { if ((buf1.length - i2) % 2 == 0) { var r3 = buf1.toString('utf16le', i2); if (r3) { var c5 = r3.charCodeAt(r3.length - 1); if (c5 >= 0xD800 && c5 <= 0xDBFF) return this.lastNeed = 2, this.lastTotal = 4, this.lastChar[0] = buf1[buf1.length - 2], this.lastChar[1] = buf1[buf1.length - 1], r3.slice(0, -1); } return r3; } return this.lastNeed = 1, this.lastTotal = 2, this.lastChar[0] = buf1[buf1.length - 1], buf1.toString('utf16le', i2, buf1.length - 1); } function utf16End1(buf1) { var r3 = buf1 && buf1.length ? this.write(buf1) : ''; if (this.lastNeed) { var end1 = this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed; return r3 + this.lastChar.toString('utf16le', 0, end1); } return r3; } function base64Text1(buf1, i2) { var n2 = (buf1.length - i2) % 3; return 0 === n2 ? buf1.toString('base64', i2) : (this.lastNeed = 3 - n2, this.lastTotal = 3, 1 === n2 ? this.lastChar[0] = buf1[buf1.length - 1] : (this.lastChar[0] = buf1[buf1.length - 2], this.lastChar[1] = buf1[buf1.length - 1]), buf1.toString('base64', i2, buf1.length - n2)); } function base64End1(buf1) { var r3 = buf1 && buf1.length ? this.write(buf1) : ''; return this.lastNeed ? r3 + this.lastChar.toString('base64', 0, 3 - this.lastNeed) : r3; } function simpleWrite1(buf1) { return buf1.toString(this.encoding); } function simpleEnd1(buf1) { return buf1 && buf1.length ? this.write(buf1) : ''; } exports1.StringDecoder = StringDecoder1, StringDecoder1.prototype.write = function(buf1) { var r3, i2; if (0 === buf1.length) return ''; if (this.lastNeed) { if (void 0 === (r3 = this.fillLast(buf1))) return ''; i2 = this.lastNeed, this.lastNeed = 0; } else i2 = 0; return i2 < buf1.length ? r3 ? r3 + this.text(buf1, i2) : this.text(buf1, i2) : r3 || ''; }, StringDecoder1.prototype.end = utf8End1, StringDecoder1.prototype.text = utf8Text1, StringDecoder1.prototype.fillLast = function(buf1) { if (this.lastNeed <= buf1.length) return buf1.copy(this.lastChar, this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, 0, this.lastNeed), this.lastChar.toString(this.encoding, 0, this.lastTotal); buf1.copy(this.lastChar, this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, 0, buf1.length), this.lastNeed -= buf1.length; }; }, 3931: function(module1, __webpack_exports__1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; __webpack_require__1.r(__webpack_exports__1), __webpack_require__1.d(__webpack_exports__1, { HTTPRangeReader: function() { return HTTPRangeReader1; }, cleanup: function() { return cleanup$11; }, setOptions: function() { return setOptions$11; }, unzip: function() { return unzip1; }, unzipRaw: function() { return unzipRaw1; } }), module1 = __webpack_require__1.hmd(module1); var process1 = __webpack_require__1(3454); function readBlobAsArrayBuffer1(blob1) { return blob1.arrayBuffer ? blob1.arrayBuffer() : new Promise((resolve1, reject1)=>{ const reader1 = new FileReader(); reader1.addEventListener('loadend', ()=>{ resolve1(reader1.result); }), reader1.addEventListener('error', reject1), reader1.readAsArrayBuffer(blob1); }); } async function readBlobAsUint8Array1(blob1) { const arrayBuffer1 = await readBlobAsArrayBuffer1(blob1); return new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer1); } function isBlob1(v3) { return 'undefined' != typeof Blob && v3 instanceof Blob; } function isSharedArrayBuffer1(b10) { return 'undefined' != typeof SharedArrayBuffer && b10 instanceof SharedArrayBuffer; } const isNode1 = void 0 !== process1 && process1.versions && void 0 !== process1.versions.node && void 0 === process1.versions.electron; function isTypedArraySameAsArrayBuffer1(typedArray1) { return 0 === typedArray1.byteOffset && typedArray1.byteLength === typedArray1.buffer.byteLength; } class ArrayBufferReader1 { constructor(arrayBufferOrView1){ this.typedArray = arrayBufferOrView1 instanceof ArrayBuffer || isSharedArrayBuffer1(arrayBufferOrView1) ? new Uint8Array(arrayBufferOrView1) : new Uint8Array(arrayBufferOrView1.buffer, arrayBufferOrView1.byteOffset, arrayBufferOrView1.byteLength); } async getLength() { return this.typedArray.byteLength; } async read(offset1, length1) { return new Uint8Array(this.typedArray.buffer, this.typedArray.byteOffset + offset1, length1); } } class BlobReader1 { constructor(blob1){ this.blob = blob1; } async getLength() { return this.blob.size; } async read(offset1, length1) { const blob1 = this.blob.slice(offset1, offset1 + length1), arrayBuffer1 = await readBlobAsArrayBuffer1(blob1); return new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer1); } async sliceAsBlob(offset1, length1, type1 = '') { return this.blob.slice(offset1, offset1 + length1, type1); } } class HTTPRangeReader1 { constructor(url1){ this.url = url1; } async getLength() { if (void 0 === this.length) { const req1 = await fetch(this.url, { method: 'HEAD' }); if (!req1.ok) throw Error(`failed http request ${this.url}, status: ${req1.status}: ${req1.statusText}`); if (this.length = parseInt(req1.headers.get('content-length')), Number.isNaN(this.length)) throw Error('could not get length'); } return this.length; } async read(offset1, size1) { if (0 === size1) return new Uint8Array(0); const req1 = await fetch(this.url, { headers: { Range: `bytes=${offset1}-${offset1 + size1 - 1}` } }); if (!req1.ok) throw Error(`failed http request ${this.url}, status: ${req1.status} offset: ${offset1} size: ${size1}: ${req1.statusText}`); const buffer1 = await req1.arrayBuffer(); return new Uint8Array(buffer1); } } function inflate1(data1, buf1) { var lmap1, dmap1, u81 = Uint8Array; if (3 == data1[0] && 0 == data1[1]) return buf1 || new u81(0); var bitsF1 = _bitsF1, bitsE1 = _bitsE1, decodeTiny1 = _decodeTiny1, get171 = _get171, noBuf1 = null == buf1; noBuf1 && (buf1 = new u81(data1.length >>> 2 << 3)); for(var BFINAL1 = 0, BTYPE1 = 0, HLIT1 = 0, HDIST1 = 0, HCLEN1 = 0, ML1 = 0, MD1 = 0, off1 = 0, pos1 = 0; 0 == BFINAL1;){ if (BFINAL1 = bitsF1(data1, pos1, 1), BTYPE1 = bitsF1(data1, pos1 + 1, 2), pos1 += 3, 0 == BTYPE1) { (7 & pos1) != 0 && (pos1 += 8 - (7 & pos1)); var p81 = (pos1 >>> 3) + 4, len3 = data1[p81 - 4] | data1[p81 - 3] << 8; noBuf1 && (buf1 = _check1(buf1, off1 + len3)), buf1.set(new u81(data1.buffer, data1.byteOffset + p81, len3), off1), pos1 = p81 + len3 << 3, off1 += len3; continue; } if (noBuf1 && (buf1 = _check1(buf1, off1 + 131072)), 1 == BTYPE1 && (lmap1 = U1.flmap, dmap1 = U1.fdmap, ML1 = 511, MD1 = 31), 2 == BTYPE1) { HLIT1 = bitsE1(data1, pos1, 5) + 257, HDIST1 = bitsE1(data1, pos1 + 5, 5) + 1, HCLEN1 = bitsE1(data1, pos1 + 10, 4) + 4, pos1 += 14; for(var i2 = 0; i2 < 38; i2 += 2)U1.itree[i2] = 0, U1.itree[i2 + 1] = 0; for(var tl1 = 1, i2 = 0; i2 < HCLEN1; i2++){ var l1 = bitsE1(data1, pos1 + 3 * i2, 3); U1.itree[(U1.ordr[i2] << 1) + 1] = l1, l1 > tl1 && (tl1 = l1); } pos1 += 3 * HCLEN1, makeCodes1(U1.itree, tl1), codes2map1(U1.itree, tl1, U1.imap), lmap1 = U1.lmap, dmap1 = U1.dmap, pos1 = decodeTiny1(U1.imap, (1 << tl1) - 1, HLIT1 + HDIST1, data1, pos1, U1.ttree); var mx01 = _copyOut1(U1.ttree, 0, HLIT1, U1.ltree); ML1 = (1 << mx01) - 1; var mx11 = _copyOut1(U1.ttree, HLIT1, HDIST1, U1.dtree); MD1 = (1 << mx11) - 1, makeCodes1(U1.ltree, mx01), codes2map1(U1.ltree, mx01, lmap1), makeCodes1(U1.dtree, mx11), codes2map1(U1.dtree, mx11, dmap1); } for(;;){ var code1 = lmap1[get171(data1, pos1) & ML1]; pos1 += 15 & code1; var lit1 = code1 >>> 4; if (lit1 >>> 8 == 0) buf1[off1++] = lit1; else if (256 == lit1) break; else { var end1 = off1 + lit1 - 254; if (lit1 > 264) { var ebs1 = U1.ldef[lit1 - 257]; end1 = off1 + (ebs1 >>> 3) + bitsE1(data1, pos1, 7 & ebs1), pos1 += 7 & ebs1; } var dcode1 = dmap1[get171(data1, pos1) & MD1]; pos1 += 15 & dcode1; var dlit1 = dcode1 >>> 4, dbs1 = U1.ddef[dlit1], dst1 = (dbs1 >>> 4) + bitsF1(data1, pos1, 15 & dbs1); for(pos1 += 15 & dbs1, noBuf1 && (buf1 = _check1(buf1, off1 + 131072)); off1 < end1;)buf1[off1] = buf1[off1++ - dst1], buf1[off1] = buf1[off1++ - dst1], buf1[off1] = buf1[off1++ - dst1], buf1[off1] = buf1[off1++ - dst1]; off1 = end1; } } } return buf1.length == off1 ? buf1 : buf1.slice(0, off1); } function _check1(buf1, len3) { var bl10 = buf1.length; if (len3 <= bl10) return buf1; var nbuf1 = new Uint8Array(Math.max(bl10 << 1, len3)); return nbuf1.set(buf1, 0), nbuf1; } function _decodeTiny1(lmap1, LL1, len3, data1, pos1, tree1) { for(var bitsE1 = _bitsE1, get171 = _get171, i2 = 0; i2 < len3;){ var code1 = lmap1[get171(data1, pos1) & LL1]; pos1 += 15 & code1; var lit1 = code1 >>> 4; if (lit1 <= 15) tree1[i2] = lit1, i2++; else { var ll1 = 0, n2 = 0; 16 == lit1 ? (n2 = 3 + bitsE1(data1, pos1, 2), pos1 += 2, ll1 = tree1[i2 - 1]) : 17 == lit1 ? (n2 = 3 + bitsE1(data1, pos1, 3), pos1 += 3) : 18 == lit1 && (n2 = 11 + bitsE1(data1, pos1, 7), pos1 += 7); for(var ni1 = i2 + n2; i2 < ni1;)tree1[i2] = ll1, i2++; } } return pos1; } function _copyOut1(src1, off1, len3, tree1) { for(var mx2 = 0, i2 = 0, tl1 = tree1.length >>> 1; i2 < len3;){ var v3 = src1[i2 + off1]; tree1[i2 << 1] = 0, tree1[(i2 << 1) + 1] = v3, v3 > mx2 && (mx2 = v3), i2++; } for(; i2 < tl1;)tree1[i2 << 1] = 0, tree1[(i2 << 1) + 1] = 0, i2++; return mx2; } function makeCodes1(tree1, MAX_BITS1) { for(var code1, bits1, n2, i2, len3, max_code1 = tree1.length, bl_count1 = U1.bl_count, i2 = 0; i2 <= MAX_BITS1; i2++)bl_count1[i2] = 0; for(i2 = 1; i2 < max_code1; i2 += 2)bl_count1[tree1[i2]]++; var next_code1 = U1.next_code; for(bits1 = 1, code1 = 0, bl_count1[0] = 0; bits1 <= MAX_BITS1; bits1++)code1 = code1 + bl_count1[bits1 - 1] << 1, next_code1[bits1] = code1; for(n2 = 0; n2 < max_code1; n2 += 2)0 != (len3 = tree1[n2 + 1]) && (tree1[n2] = next_code1[len3], next_code1[len3]++); } function codes2map1(tree1, MAX_BITS1, map1) { for(var max_code1 = tree1.length, r151 = U1.rev15, i2 = 0; i2 < max_code1; i2 += 2)if (0 != tree1[i2 + 1]) for(var lit1 = i2 >> 1, cl1 = tree1[i2 + 1], val1 = lit1 << 4 | cl1, rest1 = MAX_BITS1 - cl1, i01 = tree1[i2] << rest1, i11 = i01 + (1 << rest1); i01 != i11;)map1[r151[i01] >>> 15 - MAX_BITS1] = val1, i01++; } function revCodes1(tree1, MAX_BITS1) { for(var r151 = U1.rev15, imb1 = 15 - MAX_BITS1, i2 = 0; i2 < tree1.length; i2 += 2){ var i01 = tree1[i2] << MAX_BITS1 - tree1[i2 + 1]; tree1[i2] = r151[i01] >>> imb1; } } function _bitsE1(dt1, pos1, length1) { return (dt1[pos1 >>> 3] | dt1[(pos1 >>> 3) + 1] << 8) >>> (7 & pos1) & (1 << length1) - 1; } function _bitsF1(dt1, pos1, length1) { return (dt1[pos1 >>> 3] | dt1[(pos1 >>> 3) + 1] << 8 | dt1[(pos1 >>> 3) + 2] << 16) >>> (7 & pos1) & (1 << length1) - 1; } function _get171(dt1, pos1) { return (dt1[pos1 >>> 3] | dt1[(pos1 >>> 3) + 1] << 8 | dt1[(pos1 >>> 3) + 2] << 16) >>> (7 & pos1); } const U1 = function() { var u161 = Uint16Array, u321 = Uint32Array; return { next_code: new u161(16), bl_count: new u161(16), ordr: [ 16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15 ], of0: [ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258, 999, 999, 999 ], exb: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], ldef: new u161(32), df0: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577, 65535, 65535 ], dxb: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 0, 0 ], ddef: new u321(32), flmap: new u161(512), fltree: [], fdmap: new u161(32), fdtree: [], lmap: new u161(32768), ltree: [], ttree: [], dmap: new u161(32768), dtree: [], imap: new u161(512), itree: [], rev15: new u161(32768), lhst: new u321(286), dhst: new u321(30), ihst: new u321(19), lits: new u321(15000), strt: new u161(65536), prev: new u161(32768) }; }(); !function() { for(var len3 = 32768, i2 = 0; i2 < len3; i2++){ var x3 = i2; x3 = (0xff00ff00 & (x3 = (0xf0f0f0f0 & (x3 = (0xcccccccc & (x3 = (0xaaaaaaaa & x3) >>> 1 | (0x55555555 & x3) << 1)) >>> 2 | (0x33333333 & x3) << 2)) >>> 4 | (0x0f0f0f0f & x3) << 4)) >>> 8 | (0x00ff00ff & x3) << 8, U1.rev15[i2] = (x3 >>> 16 | x3 << 16) >>> 17; } function pushV1(tgt1, n2, sv1) { for(; 0 != n2--;)tgt1.push(0, sv1); } for(var i2 = 0; i2 < 32; i2++)U1.ldef[i2] = U1.of0[i2] << 3 | U1.exb[i2], U1.ddef[i2] = U1.df0[i2] << 4 | U1.dxb[i2]; pushV1(U1.fltree, 144, 8), pushV1(U1.fltree, 112, 9), pushV1(U1.fltree, 24, 7), pushV1(U1.fltree, 8, 8), makeCodes1(U1.fltree, 9), codes2map1(U1.fltree, 9, U1.flmap), revCodes1(U1.fltree, 9), pushV1(U1.fdtree, 32, 5), makeCodes1(U1.fdtree, 5), codes2map1(U1.fdtree, 5, U1.fdmap), revCodes1(U1.fdtree, 5), pushV1(U1.itree, 19, 0), pushV1(U1.ltree, 286, 0), pushV1(U1.dtree, 30, 0), pushV1(U1.ttree, 320, 0); }(); const crc1 = { table: function() { for(var tab1 = new Uint32Array(256), n2 = 0; n2 < 256; n2++){ for(var c5 = n2, k3 = 0; k3 < 8; k3++)1 & c5 ? c5 = 0xedb88320 ^ c5 >>> 1 : c5 >>>= 1; tab1[n2] = c5; } return tab1; }(), update: function(c5, buf1, off1, len3) { for(var i2 = 0; i2 < len3; i2++)c5 = crc1.table[(c5 ^ buf1[off1 + i2]) & 0xff] ^ c5 >>> 8; return c5; }, crc: function(b10, o1, l1) { return 0xffffffff ^ crc1.update(0xffffffff, b10, o1, l1); } }; function inflateRaw1(file1, buf1) { return inflate1(file1, buf1); } const config3 = { numWorkers: 1, workerURL: '', useWorkers: !1 }; let nextId1 = 0, numWorkers1 = 0, canUseWorkers1 = !0; const workers1 = [], availableWorkers1 = [], waitingForWorkerQueue1 = [], currentlyProcessingIdToRequestMap1 = new Map(); function handleResult1(e1) { makeWorkerAvailable1(e1.target); const { id: id1, error: error1, data: data1 } = e1.data, request1 = currentlyProcessingIdToRequestMap1.get(id1); currentlyProcessingIdToRequestMap1.delete(id1), error1 ? request1.reject(error1) : request1.resolve(data1); } function startWorker1(url1) { return new Promise((resolve1, reject1)=>{ const worker1 = new Worker(url1); worker1.onmessage = (e1)=>{ 'start' === e1.data ? (worker1.onerror = void 0, worker1.onmessage = void 0, resolve1(worker1)) : reject1(Error(`unexpected message: ${e1.data}`)); }, worker1.onerror = reject1; }); } function dynamicRequire1(mod1, request1) { return mod1.require(request1); } const workerHelper1 = function() { if (!isNode1) return { async createWorker (url1) { let text1; try { const worker1 = await startWorker1(url1); return worker1; } catch (e1) { console.warn('could not load worker:', url1); } try { const req1 = await fetch(url1, { mode: 'cors' }); if (!req1.ok) throw Error(`could not load: ${url1}`); text1 = await req1.text(), url1 = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([ text1 ], { type: 'application/javascript' })); const worker1 = await startWorker1(url1); return config3.workerURL = url1, worker1; } catch (e1) { console.warn('could not load worker via fetch:', url1); } if (void 0 !== text1) try { url1 = `data:application/javascript;base64,${btoa(text1)}`; const worker1 = await startWorker1(url1); return config3.workerURL = url1, worker1; } catch (e1) { console.warn('could not load worker via dataURI'); } throw console.warn('workers will not be used'), Error('can not start workers'); }, addEventListener (worker1, fn1) { worker1.addEventListener('message', fn1); }, async terminate (worker1) { worker1.terminate(); } }; { const { Worker: Worker1 } = dynamicRequire1(module1, 'worker_threads'); return { createWorker: async (url1)=>new Worker1(url1), addEventListener (worker1, fn1) { worker1.on('message', (data1)=>{ fn1({ target: worker1, data: data1 }); }); }, async terminate (worker1) { await worker1.terminate(); } }; } }(); function makeWorkerAvailable1(worker1) { availableWorkers1.push(worker1), processWaitingForWorkerQueue1(); } async function getAvailableWorker1() { if (0 === availableWorkers1.length && numWorkers1 < config3.numWorkers) { ++numWorkers1; try { const worker1 = await workerHelper1.createWorker(config3.workerURL); workers1.push(worker1), availableWorkers1.push(worker1), workerHelper1.addEventListener(worker1, handleResult1); } catch (e1) { canUseWorkers1 = !1; } } return availableWorkers1.pop(); } function inflateRawLocal1(src1, uncompressedSize1, type1, resolve1) { const dst1 = new Uint8Array(uncompressedSize1); inflateRaw1(src1, dst1), resolve1(type1 ? new Blob([ dst1 ], { type: type1 }) : dst1.buffer); } async function processWaitingForWorkerQueue1() { if (0 !== waitingForWorkerQueue1.length) { if (config3.useWorkers && canUseWorkers1) { const worker1 = await getAvailableWorker1(); if (canUseWorkers1) { if (worker1) { if (0 === waitingForWorkerQueue1.length) { makeWorkerAvailable1(worker1); return; } const { id: id1, src: src1, uncompressedSize: uncompressedSize1, type: type1, resolve: resolve1, reject: reject1 } = waitingForWorkerQueue1.shift(); currentlyProcessingIdToRequestMap1.set(id1, { id: id1, resolve: resolve1, reject: reject1 }); const transferables1 = []; worker1.postMessage({ type: 'inflate', data: { id: id1, type: type1, src: src1, uncompressedSize: uncompressedSize1 } }, transferables1); } return; } } for(; waitingForWorkerQueue1.length;){ const { src: src1, uncompressedSize: uncompressedSize1, type: type1, resolve: resolve1 } = waitingForWorkerQueue1.shift(); let data1 = src1; isBlob1(src1) && (data1 = await readBlobAsUint8Array1(src1)), inflateRawLocal1(data1, uncompressedSize1, type1, resolve1); } } } function setOptions1(options1) { config3.workerURL = options1.workerURL || config3.workerURL, options1.workerURL && (config3.useWorkers = !0), config3.useWorkers = void 0 !== options1.useWorkers ? options1.useWorkers : config3.useWorkers, config3.numWorkers = options1.numWorkers || config3.numWorkers; } function inflateRawAsync1(src1, uncompressedSize1, type1) { return new Promise((resolve1, reject1)=>{ waitingForWorkerQueue1.push({ src: src1, uncompressedSize: uncompressedSize1, type: type1, resolve: resolve1, reject: reject1, id: nextId1++ }), processWaitingForWorkerQueue1(); }); } function clearArray1(arr1) { arr1.splice(0, arr1.length); } async function cleanup1() { for (const worker1 of workers1)await workerHelper1.terminate(worker1); clearArray1(workers1), clearArray1(availableWorkers1), clearArray1(waitingForWorkerQueue1), currentlyProcessingIdToRequestMap1.clear(), numWorkers1 = 0, canUseWorkers1 = !0; } function dosDateTimeToDate1(date1, time1) { const day1 = 0x1f & date1, month1 = (date1 >> 5 & 0xf) - 1, year1 = (date1 >> 9 & 0x7f) + 1980, millisecond1 = 0, second1 = (0x1f & time1) * 2, minute1 = time1 >> 5 & 0x3f, hour1 = time1 >> 11 & 0x1f; return new Date(year1, month1, day1, hour1, minute1, second1, millisecond1); } class ZipEntry1 { constructor(reader1, rawEntry1){ this._reader = reader1, this._rawEntry = rawEntry1, this.name = rawEntry1.name, this.nameBytes = rawEntry1.nameBytes, this.size = rawEntry1.uncompressedSize, this.compressedSize = rawEntry1.compressedSize, this.comment = rawEntry1.comment, this.commentBytes = rawEntry1.commentBytes, this.compressionMethod = rawEntry1.compressionMethod, this.lastModDate = dosDateTimeToDate1(rawEntry1.lastModFileDate, rawEntry1.lastModFileTime), this.isDirectory = 0 === rawEntry1.uncompressedSize && rawEntry1.name.endsWith('/'), this.encrypted = !!(0x1 & rawEntry1.generalPurposeBitFlag), this.externalFileAttributes = rawEntry1.externalFileAttributes, this.versionMadeBy = rawEntry1.versionMadeBy; } async blob(type1 = 'application/octet-stream') { return await readEntryDataAsBlob1(this._reader, this._rawEntry, type1); } async arrayBuffer() { return await readEntryDataAsArrayBuffer1(this._reader, this._rawEntry); } async text() { const buffer1 = await this.arrayBuffer(); return decodeBuffer1(new Uint8Array(buffer1)); } async json() { const text1 = await this.text(); return JSON.parse(text1); } } const EOCDR_WITHOUT_COMMENT_SIZE1 = 22, MAX_COMMENT_SIZE1 = 0xffff, EOCDR_SIGNATURE1 = 0x06054b50, ZIP64_EOCDR_SIGNATURE1 = 0x06064b50; async function readAs1(reader1, offset1, length1) { return await reader1.read(offset1, length1); } async function readAsBlobOrTypedArray1(reader1, offset1, length1, type1) { return reader1.sliceAsBlob ? await reader1.sliceAsBlob(offset1, length1, type1) : await reader1.read(offset1, length1); } const crc$11 = { unsigned: ()=>0 }; function getUint16LE1(uint8View1, offset1) { return uint8View1[offset1] + 0x100 * uint8View1[offset1 + 1]; } function getUint32LE1(uint8View1, offset1) { return uint8View1[offset1] + 0x100 * uint8View1[offset1 + 1] + 0x10000 * uint8View1[offset1 + 2] + 0x1000000 * uint8View1[offset1 + 3]; } function getUint64LE1(uint8View1, offset1) { return getUint32LE1(uint8View1, offset1) + 0x100000000 * getUint32LE1(uint8View1, offset1 + 4); } const utf8Decoder1 = new TextDecoder(); function decodeBuffer1(uint8View1, isUTF81) { return isSharedArrayBuffer1(uint8View1.buffer) && (uint8View1 = new Uint8Array(uint8View1)), utf8Decoder1.decode(uint8View1); } async function findEndOfCentralDirector1(reader1, totalLength1) { const size1 = Math.min(EOCDR_WITHOUT_COMMENT_SIZE1 + MAX_COMMENT_SIZE1, totalLength1), readStart1 = totalLength1 - size1, data1 = await readAs1(reader1, readStart1, size1); for(let i2 = size1 - EOCDR_WITHOUT_COMMENT_SIZE1; i2 >= 0; --i2){ if (getUint32LE1(data1, i2) !== EOCDR_SIGNATURE1) continue; const eocdr1 = new Uint8Array(data1.buffer, data1.byteOffset + i2, data1.byteLength - i2), diskNumber1 = getUint16LE1(eocdr1, 4); if (0 !== diskNumber1) throw Error(`multi-volume zip files are not supported. This is volume: ${diskNumber1}`); const entryCount1 = getUint16LE1(eocdr1, 10), centralDirectorySize1 = getUint32LE1(eocdr1, 12), centralDirectoryOffset1 = getUint32LE1(eocdr1, 16), commentLength1 = getUint16LE1(eocdr1, 20), expectedCommentLength1 = eocdr1.length - EOCDR_WITHOUT_COMMENT_SIZE1; if (commentLength1 !== expectedCommentLength1) throw Error(`invalid comment length. expected: ${expectedCommentLength1}, actual: ${commentLength1}`); const commentBytes1 = new Uint8Array(eocdr1.buffer, eocdr1.byteOffset + 22, commentLength1), comment1 = decodeBuffer1(commentBytes1); if (0xffff === entryCount1 || 0xffffffff === centralDirectoryOffset1) return await readZip64CentralDirectory1(reader1, readStart1 + i2, comment1, commentBytes1); return await readEntries1(reader1, centralDirectoryOffset1, centralDirectorySize1, entryCount1, comment1, commentBytes1); } throw Error('could not find end of central directory. maybe not zip file'); } const END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR_SIGNATURE1 = 0x07064b50; async function readZip64CentralDirectory1(reader1, offset1, comment1, commentBytes1) { const zip64EocdlOffset1 = offset1 - 20, eocdl1 = await readAs1(reader1, zip64EocdlOffset1, 20); if (getUint32LE1(eocdl1, 0) !== END_OF_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR_SIGNATURE1) throw Error('invalid zip64 end of central directory locator signature'); const zip64EocdrOffset1 = getUint64LE1(eocdl1, 8), zip64Eocdr1 = await readAs1(reader1, zip64EocdrOffset1, 56); if (getUint32LE1(zip64Eocdr1, 0) !== ZIP64_EOCDR_SIGNATURE1) throw Error('invalid zip64 end of central directory record signature'); const entryCount1 = getUint64LE1(zip64Eocdr1, 32), centralDirectorySize1 = getUint64LE1(zip64Eocdr1, 40), centralDirectoryOffset1 = getUint64LE1(zip64Eocdr1, 48); return readEntries1(reader1, centralDirectoryOffset1, centralDirectorySize1, entryCount1, comment1, commentBytes1); } const CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_FILE_HEADER_SIGNATURE1 = 0x02014b50; async function readEntries1(reader1, centralDirectoryOffset1, centralDirectorySize1, rawEntryCount1, comment1, commentBytes1) { let readEntryCursor1 = 0; const allEntriesBuffer1 = await readAs1(reader1, centralDirectoryOffset1, centralDirectorySize1), rawEntries1 = []; for(let e1 = 0; e1 < rawEntryCount1; ++e1){ const buffer1 = allEntriesBuffer1.subarray(readEntryCursor1, readEntryCursor1 + 46), signature1 = getUint32LE1(buffer1, 0); if (signature1 !== CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_FILE_HEADER_SIGNATURE1) throw Error(`invalid central directory file header signature: 0x${signature1.toString(16)}`); const rawEntry1 = { versionMadeBy: getUint16LE1(buffer1, 4), versionNeededToExtract: getUint16LE1(buffer1, 6), generalPurposeBitFlag: getUint16LE1(buffer1, 8), compressionMethod: getUint16LE1(buffer1, 10), lastModFileTime: getUint16LE1(buffer1, 12), lastModFileDate: getUint16LE1(buffer1, 14), crc32: getUint32LE1(buffer1, 16), compressedSize: getUint32LE1(buffer1, 20), uncompressedSize: getUint32LE1(buffer1, 24), fileNameLength: getUint16LE1(buffer1, 28), extraFieldLength: getUint16LE1(buffer1, 30), fileCommentLength: getUint16LE1(buffer1, 32), internalFileAttributes: getUint16LE1(buffer1, 36), externalFileAttributes: getUint32LE1(buffer1, 38), relativeOffsetOfLocalHeader: getUint32LE1(buffer1, 42) }; if (0x40 & rawEntry1.generalPurposeBitFlag) throw Error('strong encryption is not supported'); readEntryCursor1 += 46; const data1 = allEntriesBuffer1.subarray(readEntryCursor1, readEntryCursor1 + rawEntry1.fileNameLength + rawEntry1.extraFieldLength + rawEntry1.fileCommentLength); rawEntry1.nameBytes = data1.slice(0, rawEntry1.fileNameLength), rawEntry1.name = decodeBuffer1(rawEntry1.nameBytes); const fileCommentStart1 = rawEntry1.fileNameLength + rawEntry1.extraFieldLength, extraFieldBuffer1 = data1.slice(rawEntry1.fileNameLength, fileCommentStart1); rawEntry1.extraFields = []; let i2 = 0; for(; i2 < extraFieldBuffer1.length - 3;){ const headerId1 = getUint16LE1(extraFieldBuffer1, i2 + 0), dataSize1 = getUint16LE1(extraFieldBuffer1, i2 + 2), dataStart1 = i2 + 4, dataEnd1 = dataStart1 + dataSize1; if (dataEnd1 > extraFieldBuffer1.length) throw Error('extra field length exceeds extra field buffer size'); rawEntry1.extraFields.push({ id: headerId1, data: extraFieldBuffer1.slice(dataStart1, dataEnd1) }), i2 = dataEnd1; } if (rawEntry1.commentBytes = data1.slice(fileCommentStart1, fileCommentStart1 + rawEntry1.fileCommentLength), rawEntry1.comment = decodeBuffer1(rawEntry1.commentBytes), readEntryCursor1 += data1.length, 0xffffffff === rawEntry1.uncompressedSize || 0xffffffff === rawEntry1.compressedSize || 0xffffffff === rawEntry1.relativeOffsetOfLocalHeader) { const zip64ExtraField1 = rawEntry1.extraFields.find((e1)=>0x0001 === e1.id); if (!zip64ExtraField1) throw Error('expected zip64 extended information extra field'); const zip64EiefBuffer1 = zip64ExtraField1.data; let index1 = 0; if (0xffffffff === rawEntry1.uncompressedSize) { if (index1 + 8 > zip64EiefBuffer1.length) throw Error('zip64 extended information extra field does not include uncompressed size'); rawEntry1.uncompressedSize = getUint64LE1(zip64EiefBuffer1, index1), index1 += 8; } if (0xffffffff === rawEntry1.compressedSize) { if (index1 + 8 > zip64EiefBuffer1.length) throw Error('zip64 extended information extra field does not include compressed size'); rawEntry1.compressedSize = getUint64LE1(zip64EiefBuffer1, index1), index1 += 8; } if (0xffffffff === rawEntry1.relativeOffsetOfLocalHeader) { if (index1 + 8 > zip64EiefBuffer1.length) throw Error('zip64 extended information extra field does not include relative header offset'); rawEntry1.relativeOffsetOfLocalHeader = getUint64LE1(zip64EiefBuffer1, index1), index1 += 8; } } const nameField1 = rawEntry1.extraFields.find((e1)=>0x7075 === e1.id && e1.data.length >= 6 && 1 === e1.data[0] && getUint32LE1(e1.data, 1), crc$11.unsigned(rawEntry1.nameBytes)); if (nameField1 && (rawEntry1.fileName = decodeBuffer1(nameField1.data.slice(5))), 0 === rawEntry1.compressionMethod) { let expectedCompressedSize1 = rawEntry1.uncompressedSize; if ((0x1 & rawEntry1.generalPurposeBitFlag) != 0 && (expectedCompressedSize1 += 12), rawEntry1.compressedSize !== expectedCompressedSize1) throw Error(`compressed size mismatch for stored file: ${rawEntry1.compressedSize} != ${expectedCompressedSize1}`); } rawEntries1.push(rawEntry1); } const zip1 = { comment: comment1, commentBytes: commentBytes1 }; return { zip: zip1, entries: rawEntries1.map((e1)=>new ZipEntry1(reader1, e1)) }; } async function readEntryDataHeader1(reader1, rawEntry1) { let decompress1; if (0x1 & rawEntry1.generalPurposeBitFlag) throw Error('encrypted entries not supported'); const buffer1 = await readAs1(reader1, rawEntry1.relativeOffsetOfLocalHeader, 30), totalLength1 = await reader1.getLength(), signature1 = getUint32LE1(buffer1, 0); if (0x04034b50 !== signature1) throw Error(`invalid local file header signature: 0x${signature1.toString(16)}`); const fileNameLength1 = getUint16LE1(buffer1, 26), extraFieldLength1 = getUint16LE1(buffer1, 28), localFileHeaderEnd1 = rawEntry1.relativeOffsetOfLocalHeader + buffer1.length + fileNameLength1 + extraFieldLength1; if (0 === rawEntry1.compressionMethod) decompress1 = !1; else if (8 === rawEntry1.compressionMethod) decompress1 = !0; else throw Error(`unsupported compression method: ${rawEntry1.compressionMethod}`); const fileDataStart1 = localFileHeaderEnd1, fileDataEnd1 = fileDataStart1 + rawEntry1.compressedSize; if (0 !== rawEntry1.compressedSize && fileDataEnd1 > totalLength1) throw Error(`file data overflows file bounds: ${fileDataStart1} + ${rawEntry1.compressedSize} > ${totalLength1}`); return { decompress: decompress1, fileDataStart: fileDataStart1 }; } async function readEntryDataAsArrayBuffer1(reader1, rawEntry1) { const { decompress: decompress1, fileDataStart: fileDataStart1 } = await readEntryDataHeader1(reader1, rawEntry1); if (!decompress1) { const dataView1 = await readAs1(reader1, fileDataStart1, rawEntry1.compressedSize); return isTypedArraySameAsArrayBuffer1(dataView1) ? dataView1.buffer : dataView1.slice().buffer; } const typedArrayOrBlob1 = await readAsBlobOrTypedArray1(reader1, fileDataStart1, rawEntry1.compressedSize), result1 = await inflateRawAsync1(typedArrayOrBlob1, rawEntry1.uncompressedSize); return result1; } async function readEntryDataAsBlob1(reader1, rawEntry1, type1) { const { decompress: decompress1, fileDataStart: fileDataStart1 } = await readEntryDataHeader1(reader1, rawEntry1); if (!decompress1) { const typedArrayOrBlob1 = await readAsBlobOrTypedArray1(reader1, fileDataStart1, rawEntry1.compressedSize, type1); return isBlob1(typedArrayOrBlob1) ? typedArrayOrBlob1 : new Blob([ isSharedArrayBuffer1(typedArrayOrBlob1.buffer) ? new Uint8Array(typedArrayOrBlob1) : typedArrayOrBlob1 ], { type: type1 }); } const typedArrayOrBlob1 = await readAsBlobOrTypedArray1(reader1, fileDataStart1, rawEntry1.compressedSize), result1 = await inflateRawAsync1(typedArrayOrBlob1, rawEntry1.uncompressedSize, type1); return result1; } function setOptions$11(options1) { setOptions1(options1); } async function unzipRaw1(source1) { let reader1; if ('undefined' != typeof Blob && source1 instanceof Blob) reader1 = new BlobReader1(source1); else if (source1 instanceof ArrayBuffer || source1 && source1.buffer && source1.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) reader1 = new ArrayBufferReader1(source1); else if (isSharedArrayBuffer1(source1) || isSharedArrayBuffer1(source1.buffer)) reader1 = new ArrayBufferReader1(source1); else if ('string' == typeof source1) { const req1 = await fetch(source1); if (!req1.ok) throw Error(`failed http request ${source1}, status: ${req1.status}: ${req1.statusText}`); const blob1 = await req1.blob(); reader1 = new BlobReader1(blob1); } else if ('function' == typeof source1.getLength && 'function' == typeof source1.read) reader1 = source1; else throw Error('unsupported source type'); const totalLength1 = await reader1.getLength(); if (totalLength1 > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) throw Error(`file too large. size: ${totalLength1}. Only file sizes up 4503599627370496 bytes are supported`); return await findEndOfCentralDirector1(reader1, totalLength1); } async function unzip1(source1) { const { zip: zip1, entries: entries1 } = await unzipRaw1(source1); return { zip: zip1, entries: Object.fromEntries(entries1.map((v3)=>[ v3.name, v3 ])) }; } function cleanup$11() { cleanup1(); } }, 384: function(module1) { module1.exports = function(arg4) { return arg4 && 'object' == typeof arg4 && 'function' == typeof arg4.copy && 'function' == typeof arg4.fill && 'function' == typeof arg4.readUInt8; }; }, 5955: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var isArgumentsObject1 = __webpack_require__1(2584), isGeneratorFunction1 = __webpack_require__1(8662), whichTypedArray1 = __webpack_require__1(6430), isTypedArray1 = __webpack_require__1(5692); function uncurryThis1(f1) { return f1.call.bind(f1); } var BigIntSupported1 = 'undefined' != typeof BigInt, SymbolSupported1 = 'undefined' != typeof Symbol, ObjectToString1 = uncurryThis1(Object.prototype.toString), numberValue1 = uncurryThis1(Number.prototype.valueOf), stringValue1 = uncurryThis1(String.prototype.valueOf), booleanValue1 = uncurryThis1(Boolean.prototype.valueOf); if (BigIntSupported1) var bigIntValue1 = uncurryThis1(BigInt.prototype.valueOf); if (SymbolSupported1) var symbolValue1 = uncurryThis1(Symbol.prototype.valueOf); function checkBoxedPrimitive1(value1, prototypeValueOf1) { if ('object' != typeof value1) return !1; try { return prototypeValueOf1(value1), !0; } catch (e1) { return !1; } } function isPromise1(input1) { return 'undefined' != typeof Promise && input1 instanceof Promise || null !== input1 && 'object' == typeof input1 && 'function' == typeof input1.then && 'function' == typeof input1.catch; } function isArrayBufferView1(value1) { return 'undefined' != typeof ArrayBuffer && ArrayBuffer.isView ? ArrayBuffer.isView(value1) : isTypedArray1(value1) || isDataView1(value1); } function isUint8Array1(value1) { return 'Uint8Array' === whichTypedArray1(value1); } function isUint8ClampedArray1(value1) { return 'Uint8ClampedArray' === whichTypedArray1(value1); } function isUint16Array1(value1) { return 'Uint16Array' === whichTypedArray1(value1); } function isUint32Array1(value1) { return 'Uint32Array' === whichTypedArray1(value1); } function isInt8Array1(value1) { return 'Int8Array' === whichTypedArray1(value1); } function isInt16Array1(value1) { return 'Int16Array' === whichTypedArray1(value1); } function isInt32Array1(value1) { return 'Int32Array' === whichTypedArray1(value1); } function isFloat32Array1(value1) { return 'Float32Array' === whichTypedArray1(value1); } function isFloat64Array1(value1) { return 'Float64Array' === whichTypedArray1(value1); } function isBigInt64Array1(value1) { return 'BigInt64Array' === whichTypedArray1(value1); } function isBigUint64Array1(value1) { return 'BigUint64Array' === whichTypedArray1(value1); } function isMapToString1(value1) { return '[object Map]' === ObjectToString1(value1); } function isMap1(value1) { return 'undefined' != typeof Map && (isMapToString1.working ? isMapToString1(value1) : value1 instanceof Map); } function isSetToString1(value1) { return '[object Set]' === ObjectToString1(value1); } function isSet1(value1) { return 'undefined' != typeof Set && (isSetToString1.working ? isSetToString1(value1) : value1 instanceof Set); } function isWeakMapToString1(value1) { return '[object WeakMap]' === ObjectToString1(value1); } function isWeakMap1(value1) { return 'undefined' != typeof WeakMap && (isWeakMapToString1.working ? isWeakMapToString1(value1) : value1 instanceof WeakMap); } function isWeakSetToString1(value1) { return '[object WeakSet]' === ObjectToString1(value1); } function isWeakSet1(value1) { return isWeakSetToString1(value1); } function isArrayBufferToString1(value1) { return '[object ArrayBuffer]' === ObjectToString1(value1); } function isArrayBuffer1(value1) { return 'undefined' != typeof ArrayBuffer && (isArrayBufferToString1.working ? isArrayBufferToString1(value1) : value1 instanceof ArrayBuffer); } function isDataViewToString1(value1) { return '[object DataView]' === ObjectToString1(value1); } function isDataView1(value1) { return 'undefined' != typeof DataView && (isDataViewToString1.working ? isDataViewToString1(value1) : value1 instanceof DataView); } exports1.isArgumentsObject = isArgumentsObject1, exports1.isGeneratorFunction = isGeneratorFunction1, exports1.isTypedArray = isTypedArray1, exports1.isPromise = isPromise1, exports1.isArrayBufferView = isArrayBufferView1, exports1.isUint8Array = isUint8Array1, exports1.isUint8ClampedArray = isUint8ClampedArray1, exports1.isUint16Array = isUint16Array1, exports1.isUint32Array = isUint32Array1, exports1.isInt8Array = isInt8Array1, exports1.isInt16Array = isInt16Array1, exports1.isInt32Array = isInt32Array1, exports1.isFloat32Array = isFloat32Array1, exports1.isFloat64Array = isFloat64Array1, exports1.isBigInt64Array = isBigInt64Array1, exports1.isBigUint64Array = isBigUint64Array1, isMapToString1.working = 'undefined' != typeof Map && isMapToString1(new Map()), exports1.isMap = isMap1, isSetToString1.working = 'undefined' != typeof Set && isSetToString1(new Set()), exports1.isSet = isSet1, isWeakMapToString1.working = 'undefined' != typeof WeakMap && isWeakMapToString1(new WeakMap()), exports1.isWeakMap = isWeakMap1, isWeakSetToString1.working = 'undefined' != typeof WeakSet && isWeakSetToString1(new WeakSet()), exports1.isWeakSet = isWeakSet1, isArrayBufferToString1.working = 'undefined' != typeof ArrayBuffer && isArrayBufferToString1(new ArrayBuffer()), exports1.isArrayBuffer = isArrayBuffer1, isDataViewToString1.working = 'undefined' != typeof ArrayBuffer && 'undefined' != typeof DataView && isDataViewToString1(new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(1), 0, 1)), exports1.isDataView = isDataView1; var SharedArrayBufferCopy1 = 'undefined' != typeof SharedArrayBuffer ? SharedArrayBuffer : void 0; function isSharedArrayBufferToString1(value1) { return '[object SharedArrayBuffer]' === ObjectToString1(value1); } function isSharedArrayBuffer1(value1) { return void 0 !== SharedArrayBufferCopy1 && (void 0 === isSharedArrayBufferToString1.working && (isSharedArrayBufferToString1.working = isSharedArrayBufferToString1(new SharedArrayBufferCopy1())), isSharedArrayBufferToString1.working ? isSharedArrayBufferToString1(value1) : value1 instanceof SharedArrayBufferCopy1); } function isAsyncFunction1(value1) { return '[object AsyncFunction]' === ObjectToString1(value1); } function isMapIterator1(value1) { return '[object Map Iterator]' === ObjectToString1(value1); } function isSetIterator1(value1) { return '[object Set Iterator]' === ObjectToString1(value1); } function isGeneratorObject1(value1) { return '[object Generator]' === ObjectToString1(value1); } function isWebAssemblyCompiledModule1(value1) { return '[object WebAssembly.Module]' === ObjectToString1(value1); } function isNumberObject1(value1) { return checkBoxedPrimitive1(value1, numberValue1); } function isStringObject1(value1) { return checkBoxedPrimitive1(value1, stringValue1); } function isBooleanObject1(value1) { return checkBoxedPrimitive1(value1, booleanValue1); } function isBigIntObject1(value1) { return BigIntSupported1 && checkBoxedPrimitive1(value1, bigIntValue1); } function isSymbolObject1(value1) { return SymbolSupported1 && checkBoxedPrimitive1(value1, symbolValue1); } function isBoxedPrimitive1(value1) { return isNumberObject1(value1) || isStringObject1(value1) || isBooleanObject1(value1) || isBigIntObject1(value1) || isSymbolObject1(value1); } function isAnyArrayBuffer1(value1) { return 'undefined' != typeof Uint8Array && (isArrayBuffer1(value1) || isSharedArrayBuffer1(value1)); } exports1.isSharedArrayBuffer = isSharedArrayBuffer1, exports1.isAsyncFunction = isAsyncFunction1, exports1.isMapIterator = isMapIterator1, exports1.isSetIterator = isSetIterator1, exports1.isGeneratorObject = isGeneratorObject1, exports1.isWebAssemblyCompiledModule = isWebAssemblyCompiledModule1, exports1.isNumberObject = isNumberObject1, exports1.isStringObject = isStringObject1, exports1.isBooleanObject = isBooleanObject1, exports1.isBigIntObject = isBigIntObject1, exports1.isSymbolObject = isSymbolObject1, exports1.isBoxedPrimitive = isBoxedPrimitive1, exports1.isAnyArrayBuffer = isAnyArrayBuffer1, [ 'isProxy', 'isExternal', 'isModuleNamespaceObject' ].forEach(function(method1) { Object.defineProperty(exports1, method1, { enumerable: !1, value: function() { throw Error(method1 + ' is not supported in userland'); } }); }); }, 9539: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { var process1 = __webpack_require__1(3454), getOwnPropertyDescriptors1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors || function(obj1) { for(var keys1 = Object.keys(obj1), descriptors1 = {}, i2 = 0; i2 < keys1.length; i2++)descriptors1[keys1[i2]] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj1, keys1[i2]); return descriptors1; }, formatRegExp1 = /%[sdj%]/g; exports1.format = function(f1) { if (!isString1(f1)) { for(var objects1 = [], i2 = 0; i2 < arguments.length; i2++)objects1.push(inspect1(arguments[i2])); return objects1.join(' '); } for(var i2 = 1, args1 = arguments, len3 = args1.length, str1 = String(f1).replace(formatRegExp1, function(x3) { if ('%%' === x3) return '%'; if (i2 >= len3) return x3; switch(x3){ case '%s': return String(args1[i2++]); case '%d': return Number(args1[i2++]); case '%j': try { return JSON.stringify(args1[i2++]); } catch (_1) { return '[Circular]'; } default: return x3; } }), x3 = args1[i2]; i2 < len3; x3 = args1[++i2])isNull1(x3) || !isObject1(x3) ? str1 += ' ' + x3 : str1 += ' ' + inspect1(x3); return str1; }, exports1.deprecate = function(fn1, msg1) { if (void 0 !== process1 && !0 === process1.noDeprecation) return fn1; if (void 0 === process1) return function() { return exports1.deprecate(fn1, msg1).apply(this, arguments); }; var warned1 = !1; return function() { if (!warned1) { if (process1.throwDeprecation) throw Error(msg1); process1.traceDeprecation ? console.trace(msg1) : console.error(msg1), warned1 = !0; } return fn1.apply(this, arguments); }; }; var debugs1 = {}, debugEnvRegex1 = /^$/; if (process1.env.NODE_DEBUG) { var debugEnv1 = process1.env.NODE_DEBUG; debugEnvRegex1 = RegExp('^' + (debugEnv1 = debugEnv1.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+?.]/g, '\\$&').replace(/\*/g, '.*').replace(/,/g, '$|^').toUpperCase()) + '$', 'i'); } function inspect1(obj1, opts1) { var ctx1 = { seen: [], stylize: stylizeNoColor1 }; return arguments.length >= 3 && (ctx1.depth = arguments[2]), arguments.length >= 4 && (ctx1.colors = arguments[3]), isBoolean1(opts1) ? ctx1.showHidden = opts1 : opts1 && exports1._extend(ctx1, opts1), isUndefined1(ctx1.showHidden) && (ctx1.showHidden = !1), isUndefined1(ctx1.depth) && (ctx1.depth = 2), isUndefined1(ctx1.colors) && (ctx1.colors = !1), isUndefined1(ctx1.customInspect) && (ctx1.customInspect = !0), ctx1.colors && (ctx1.stylize = stylizeWithColor1), formatValue1(ctx1, obj1, ctx1.depth); } function stylizeWithColor1(str1, styleType1) { var style1 = inspect1.styles[styleType1]; return style1 ? '\u001b[' + inspect1.colors[style1][0] + 'm' + str1 + '\u001b[' + inspect1.colors[style1][1] + 'm' : str1; } function stylizeNoColor1(str1, styleType1) { return str1; } function arrayToHash1(array1) { var hash1 = {}; return array1.forEach(function(val1, idx1) { hash1[val1] = !0; }), hash1; } function formatValue1(ctx1, value1, recurseTimes1) { if (ctx1.customInspect && value1 && isFunction1(value1.inspect) && value1.inspect !== exports1.inspect && !(value1.constructor && value1.constructor.prototype === value1)) { var output1, ret1 = value1.inspect(recurseTimes1, ctx1); return isString1(ret1) || (ret1 = formatValue1(ctx1, ret1, recurseTimes1)), ret1; } var primitive1 = formatPrimitive1(ctx1, value1); if (primitive1) return primitive1; var keys1 = Object.keys(value1), visibleKeys1 = arrayToHash1(keys1); if (ctx1.showHidden && (keys1 = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value1)), isError1(value1) && (keys1.indexOf('message') >= 0 || keys1.indexOf('description') >= 0)) return formatError1(value1); if (0 === keys1.length) { if (isFunction1(value1)) { var name1 = value1.name ? ': ' + value1.name : ''; return ctx1.stylize('[Function' + name1 + ']', 'special'); } if (isRegExp1(value1)) return ctx1.stylize(RegExp.prototype.toString.call(value1), 'regexp'); if (isDate1(value1)) return ctx1.stylize(Date.prototype.toString.call(value1), 'date'); if (isError1(value1)) return formatError1(value1); } var base1 = '', array1 = !1, braces1 = [ '{', '}' ]; return (isArray1(value1) && (array1 = !0, braces1 = [ '[', ']' ]), isFunction1(value1) && (base1 = ' [Function' + (value1.name ? ': ' + value1.name : '') + ']'), isRegExp1(value1) && (base1 = ' ' + RegExp.prototype.toString.call(value1)), isDate1(value1) && (base1 = ' ' + Date.prototype.toUTCString.call(value1)), isError1(value1) && (base1 = ' ' + formatError1(value1)), 0 !== keys1.length || array1 && 0 != value1.length) ? recurseTimes1 < 0 ? isRegExp1(value1) ? ctx1.stylize(RegExp.prototype.toString.call(value1), 'regexp') : ctx1.stylize('[Object]', 'special') : (ctx1.seen.push(value1), output1 = array1 ? formatArray1(ctx1, value1, recurseTimes1, visibleKeys1, keys1) : keys1.map(function(key1) { return formatProperty1(ctx1, value1, recurseTimes1, visibleKeys1, key1, array1); }), ctx1.seen.pop(), reduceToSingleString1(output1, base1, braces1)) : braces1[0] + base1 + braces1[1]; } function formatPrimitive1(ctx1, value1) { if (isUndefined1(value1)) return ctx1.stylize('undefined', 'undefined'); if (isString1(value1)) { var simple1 = '\'' + JSON.stringify(value1).replace(/^"|"$/g, '').replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(/\\"/g, '"') + '\''; return ctx1.stylize(simple1, 'string'); } return isNumber1(value1) ? ctx1.stylize('' + value1, 'number') : isBoolean1(value1) ? ctx1.stylize('' + value1, 'boolean') : isNull1(value1) ? ctx1.stylize('null', 'null') : void 0; } function formatError1(value1) { return '[' + Error.prototype.toString.call(value1) + ']'; } function formatArray1(ctx1, value1, recurseTimes1, visibleKeys1, keys1) { for(var output1 = [], i2 = 0, l1 = value1.length; i2 < l1; ++i2)hasOwnProperty1(value1, String(i2)) ? output1.push(formatProperty1(ctx1, value1, recurseTimes1, visibleKeys1, String(i2), !0)) : output1.push(''); return keys1.forEach(function(key1) { key1.match(/^\d+$/) || output1.push(formatProperty1(ctx1, value1, recurseTimes1, visibleKeys1, key1, !0)); }), output1; } function formatProperty1(ctx1, value1, recurseTimes1, visibleKeys1, key1, array1) { var name1, str1, desc1; if ((desc1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(value1, key1) || { value: value1[key1] }).get ? str1 = desc1.set ? ctx1.stylize('[Getter/Setter]', 'special') : ctx1.stylize('[Getter]', 'special') : desc1.set && (str1 = ctx1.stylize('[Setter]', 'special')), hasOwnProperty1(visibleKeys1, key1) || (name1 = '[' + key1 + ']'), !str1 && (0 > ctx1.seen.indexOf(desc1.value) ? (str1 = isNull1(recurseTimes1) ? formatValue1(ctx1, desc1.value, null) : formatValue1(ctx1, desc1.value, recurseTimes1 - 1)).indexOf('\n') > -1 && (str1 = array1 ? str1.split('\n').map(function(line1) { return ' ' + line1; }).join('\n').substr(2) : '\n' + str1.split('\n').map(function(line1) { return ' ' + line1; }).join('\n')) : str1 = ctx1.stylize('[Circular]', 'special')), isUndefined1(name1)) { if (array1 && key1.match(/^\d+$/)) return str1; (name1 = JSON.stringify('' + key1)).match(/^"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)"$/) ? (name1 = name1.substr(1, name1.length - 2), name1 = ctx1.stylize(name1, 'name')) : (name1 = name1.replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/(^"|"$)/g, "'"), name1 = ctx1.stylize(name1, 'string')); } return name1 + ': ' + str1; } function reduceToSingleString1(output1, base1, braces1) { var numLinesEst1 = 0; return output1.reduce(function(prev1, cur1) { return numLinesEst1++, cur1.indexOf('\n') >= 0 && numLinesEst1++, prev1 + cur1.replace(/\u001b\[\d\d?m/g, '').length + 1; }, 0) > 60 ? braces1[0] + ('' === base1 ? '' : base1 + '\n ') + ' ' + output1.join(',\n ') + ' ' + braces1[1] : braces1[0] + base1 + ' ' + output1.join(', ') + ' ' + braces1[1]; } function isArray1(ar1) { return Array.isArray(ar1); } function isBoolean1(arg4) { return 'boolean' == typeof arg4; } function isNull1(arg4) { return null === arg4; } function isNullOrUndefined1(arg4) { return null == arg4; } function isNumber1(arg4) { return 'number' == typeof arg4; } function isString1(arg4) { return 'string' == typeof arg4; } function isSymbol1(arg4) { return 'symbol' == typeof arg4; } function isUndefined1(arg4) { return void 0 === arg4; } function isRegExp1(re1) { return isObject1(re1) && '[object RegExp]' === objectToString1(re1); } function isObject1(arg4) { return 'object' == typeof arg4 && null !== arg4; } function isDate1(d3) { return isObject1(d3) && '[object Date]' === objectToString1(d3); } function isError1(e1) { return isObject1(e1) && ('[object Error]' === objectToString1(e1) || e1 instanceof Error); } function isFunction1(arg4) { return 'function' == typeof arg4; } function isPrimitive1(arg4) { return null === arg4 || 'boolean' == typeof arg4 || 'number' == typeof arg4 || 'string' == typeof arg4 || 'symbol' == typeof arg4 || void 0 === arg4; } function objectToString1(o1) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(o1); } function pad1(n2) { return n2 < 10 ? '0' + n2.toString(10) : n2.toString(10); } exports1.debuglog = function(set1) { if (!debugs1[set1 = set1.toUpperCase()]) { if (debugEnvRegex1.test(set1)) { var pid1 = process1.pid; debugs1[set1] = function() { var msg1 = exports1.format.apply(exports1, arguments); console.error('%s %d: %s', set1, pid1, msg1); }; } else debugs1[set1] = function() {}; } return debugs1[set1]; }, exports1.inspect = inspect1, inspect1.colors = { bold: [ 1, 22 ], italic: [ 3, 23 ], underline: [ 4, 24 ], inverse: [ 7, 27 ], white: [ 37, 39 ], grey: [ 90, 39 ], black: [ 30, 39 ], blue: [ 34, 39 ], cyan: [ 36, 39 ], green: [ 32, 39 ], magenta: [ 35, 39 ], red: [ 31, 39 ], yellow: [ 33, 39 ] }, inspect1.styles = { special: 'cyan', number: 'yellow', boolean: 'yellow', undefined: 'grey', null: 'bold', string: 'green', date: 'magenta', regexp: 'red' }, exports1.types = __webpack_require__1(5955), exports1.isArray = isArray1, exports1.isBoolean = isBoolean1, exports1.isNull = isNull1, exports1.isNullOrUndefined = isNullOrUndefined1, exports1.isNumber = isNumber1, exports1.isString = isString1, exports1.isSymbol = isSymbol1, exports1.isUndefined = isUndefined1, exports1.isRegExp = isRegExp1, exports1.types.isRegExp = isRegExp1, exports1.isObject = isObject1, exports1.isDate = isDate1, exports1.types.isDate = isDate1, exports1.isError = isError1, exports1.types.isNativeError = isError1, exports1.isFunction = isFunction1, exports1.isPrimitive = isPrimitive1, exports1.isBuffer = __webpack_require__1(384); var months1 = [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ]; function timestamp1() { var d3 = new Date(), time1 = [ pad1(d3.getHours()), pad1(d3.getMinutes()), pad1(d3.getSeconds()) ].join(':'); return [ d3.getDate(), months1[d3.getMonth()], time1 ].join(' '); } function hasOwnProperty1(obj1, prop1) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj1, prop1); } exports1.log = function() { console.log('%s - %s', timestamp1(), exports1.format.apply(exports1, arguments)); }, exports1.inherits = __webpack_require__1(5717), exports1._extend = function(origin1, add1) { if (!add1 || !isObject1(add1)) return origin1; for(var keys1 = Object.keys(add1), i2 = keys1.length; i2--;)origin1[keys1[i2]] = add1[keys1[i2]]; return origin1; }; var kCustomPromisifiedSymbol1 = 'undefined' != typeof Symbol ? Symbol('util.promisify.custom') : void 0; function callbackifyOnRejected1(reason1, cb1) { if (!reason1) { var newReason1 = Error('Promise was rejected with a falsy value'); newReason1.reason = reason1, reason1 = newReason1; } return cb1(reason1); } function callbackify1(original1) { if ('function' != typeof original1) throw TypeError('The "original" argument must be of type Function'); function callbackified1() { for(var args1 = [], i2 = 0; i2 < arguments.length; i2++)args1.push(arguments[i2]); var maybeCb1 = args1.pop(); if ('function' != typeof maybeCb1) throw TypeError('The last argument must be of type Function'); var self1 = this, cb1 = function() { return maybeCb1.apply(self1, arguments); }; original1.apply(this, args1).then(function(ret1) { process1.nextTick(cb1.bind(null, null, ret1)); }, function(rej1) { process1.nextTick(callbackifyOnRejected1.bind(null, rej1, cb1)); }); } return Object.setPrototypeOf(callbackified1, Object.getPrototypeOf(original1)), Object.defineProperties(callbackified1, getOwnPropertyDescriptors1(original1)), callbackified1; } exports1.promisify = function(original1) { if ('function' != typeof original1) throw TypeError('The "original" argument must be of type Function'); if (kCustomPromisifiedSymbol1 && original1[kCustomPromisifiedSymbol1]) { var fn1 = original1[kCustomPromisifiedSymbol1]; if ('function' != typeof fn1) throw TypeError('The "util.promisify.custom" argument must be of type Function'); return Object.defineProperty(fn1, kCustomPromisifiedSymbol1, { value: fn1, enumerable: !1, writable: !1, configurable: !0 }), fn1; } function fn1() { for(var promiseResolve1, promiseReject1, promise1 = new Promise(function(resolve1, reject1) { promiseResolve1 = resolve1, promiseReject1 = reject1; }), args1 = [], i2 = 0; i2 < arguments.length; i2++)args1.push(arguments[i2]); args1.push(function(err1, value1) { err1 ? promiseReject1(err1) : promiseResolve1(value1); }); try { original1.apply(this, args1); } catch (err1) { promiseReject1(err1); } return promise1; } return Object.setPrototypeOf(fn1, Object.getPrototypeOf(original1)), kCustomPromisifiedSymbol1 && Object.defineProperty(fn1, kCustomPromisifiedSymbol1, { value: fn1, enumerable: !1, writable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperties(fn1, getOwnPropertyDescriptors1(original1)); }, exports1.promisify.custom = kCustomPromisifiedSymbol1, exports1.callbackify = callbackify1; }, 345: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.SortKeyCacheResult = exports1.CacheKey = void 0; class CacheKey1 { constructor(contractTxId1, sortKey1){ this.contractTxId = contractTxId1, this.sortKey = sortKey1; } } exports1.CacheKey = CacheKey1; class SortKeyCacheResult1 { constructor(sortKey1, cachedValue1){ this.sortKey = sortKey1, this.cachedValue = cachedValue1; } } exports1.SortKeyCacheResult = SortKeyCacheResult1; }, 7563: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.LevelDbCache = void 0; const level_11 = __webpack_require__1(3145), memory_level_11 = __webpack_require__1(1271), LoggerFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(5913); class LevelDbCache1 { constructor(cacheOptions1){ if (this.logger = LoggerFactory_11.LoggerFactory.INST.create('LevelDbCache'), cacheOptions1.inMemory) this.db = new memory_level_11.MemoryLevel({ valueEncoding: 'json' }); else { if (!cacheOptions1.dbLocation) throw Error('LevelDb cache configuration error - no db location specified'); const dbLocation1 = cacheOptions1.dbLocation; this.logger.info(`Using location ${dbLocation1}`), this.db = new level_11.Level(dbLocation1, { valueEncoding: 'json' }); } } async get(contractTxId1, sortKey1, returnDeepCopy1) { const contractCache1 = this.db.sublevel(contractTxId1, { valueEncoding: 'json' }); try { const result1 = await contractCache1.get(sortKey1); return { sortKey: sortKey1, cachedValue: result1 }; } catch (e1) { if ('LEVEL_NOT_FOUND' == e1.code) return null; throw e1; } } async getLast(contractTxId1) { const contractCache1 = this.db.sublevel(contractTxId1, { valueEncoding: 'json' }), keys1 = await contractCache1.keys({ reverse: !0, limit: 1 }).all(); return keys1.length ? { sortKey: keys1[0], cachedValue: await contractCache1.get(keys1[0]) } : null; } async getLessOrEqual(contractTxId1, sortKey1) { const contractCache1 = this.db.sublevel(contractTxId1, { valueEncoding: 'json' }), keys1 = await contractCache1.keys({ reverse: !0, lte: sortKey1, limit: 1 }).all(); return keys1.length ? { sortKey: keys1[0], cachedValue: await contractCache1.get(keys1[0]) } : null; } async put(stateCacheKey1, value1) { const contractCache1 = this.db.sublevel(stateCacheKey1.contractTxId, { valueEncoding: 'json' }); await contractCache1.open(), await contractCache1.put(stateCacheKey1.sortKey, value1); } close() { return this.db.close(); } async dump() { const result1 = await this.db.iterator().all(); return result1; } async getLastSortKey() { let lastSortKey1 = ''; const keys1 = await this.db.keys().all(); for (const key1 of keys1){ const sortKey1 = key1.substring(45); sortKey1.localeCompare(lastSortKey1) > 0 && (lastSortKey1 = sortKey1); } return '' == lastSortKey1 ? null : lastSortKey1; } async allContracts() { const keys1 = await this.db.keys().all(), result1 = new Set(); return keys1.forEach((k3)=>result1.add(k3.substring(1, 44))), Array.from(result1); } } exports1.LevelDbCache = LevelDbCache1; }, 1200: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.MemCache = void 0; class MemCache1 { constructor(){ this.storage = {}; } clearAll() { Object.keys(this.storage).forEach((key1)=>{ delete this.storage[key1]; }); } contains(key1) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.storage, key1); } get(key1) { return this.storage[key1]; } put(key1, value1) { this.storage[key1] = value1; } remove(key1) { delete this.storage[key1]; } } exports1.MemCache = MemCache1; }, 8469: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); }, 9692: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var __createBinding1 = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3); var desc1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m1, k3); (!desc1 || ("get" in desc1 ? !m1.__esModule : desc1.writable || desc1.configurable)) && (desc1 = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return m1[k3]; } }), Object.defineProperty(o1, k21, desc1); } : function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3), o1[k21] = m1[k3]; }), __setModuleDefault1 = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(o1, v3) { Object.defineProperty(o1, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: v3 }); } : function(o1, v3) { o1.default = v3; }), __importStar1 = this && this.__importStar || function(mod1) { if (mod1 && mod1.__esModule) return mod1; var result1 = {}; if (null != mod1) for(var k3 in mod1)"default" !== k3 && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod1, k3) && __createBinding1(result1, mod1, k3); return __setModuleDefault1(result1, mod1), result1; }, __importDefault1 = this && this.__importDefault || function(mod1) { return mod1 && mod1.__esModule ? mod1 : { default: mod1 }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.HandlerBasedContract = void 0; const safe_stable_stringify_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(7668)), crypto1 = __importStar1(__webpack_require__1(1087)), ContractCallStack_11 = __webpack_require__1(5614), LexicographicalInteractionsSorter_11 = __webpack_require__1(1967), StateEvaluator_11 = __webpack_require__1(7462), SmartWeaveTags_11 = __webpack_require__1(7312), create_interaction_tx_11 = __webpack_require__1(40), Benchmark_11 = __webpack_require__1(9106), LoggerFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(5913), Evolve_11 = __webpack_require__1(2491), ArweaveWrapper_11 = __webpack_require__1(9360), utils_11 = __webpack_require__1(5082), CreateContract_11 = __webpack_require__1(3611), SourceImpl_11 = __webpack_require__1(4217), InnerWritesEvaluator_11 = __webpack_require__1(8102); class HandlerBasedContract1 { constructor(_contractTxId1, warp1, _parentContract1 = null, _callingInteraction1 = null){ if (this._contractTxId = _contractTxId1, this.warp = warp1, this._parentContract = _parentContract1, this._callingInteraction = _callingInteraction1, this.logger = LoggerFactory_11.LoggerFactory.INST.create('HandlerBasedContract'), this._evaluationOptions = new StateEvaluator_11.DefaultEvaluationOptions(), this._innerWritesEvaluator = new InnerWritesEvaluator_11.InnerWritesEvaluator(), this._benchmarkStats = null, this.waitForConfirmation = this.waitForConfirmation.bind(this), this._arweaveWrapper = new ArweaveWrapper_11.ArweaveWrapper(warp1.arweave), this._sorter = new LexicographicalInteractionsSorter_11.LexicographicalInteractionsSorter(warp1.arweave), null != _parentContract1) { this._evaluationOptions = _parentContract1.evaluationOptions(), this._callDepth = _parentContract1.callDepth() + 1; const interaction1 = _parentContract1.getCallStack().getInteraction(_callingInteraction1.id); if (this._callDepth > this._evaluationOptions.maxCallDepth) throw Error(`Max call depth of ${this._evaluationOptions.maxCallDepth} has been exceeded for interaction ${JSON.stringify(interaction1.interactionInput)}`); this.logger.debug('Calling interaction', { id: _callingInteraction1.id, sortKey: _callingInteraction1.sortKey }); const callStack1 = new ContractCallStack_11.ContractCallStack(_contractTxId1, this._callDepth); interaction1.interactionInput.foreignContractCalls.set(_contractTxId1, callStack1), this._callStack = callStack1, this._rootSortKey = _parentContract1.rootSortKey; } else this._callDepth = 0, this._callStack = new ContractCallStack_11.ContractCallStack(_contractTxId1, 0), this._rootSortKey = null; } async readState(sortKeyOrBlockHeight1, currentTx1, interactions1) { var _a1, _b1, _c1; this.logger.info('Read state for', { contractTxId: this._contractTxId, currentTx: currentTx1, sortKeyOrBlockHeight: sortKeyOrBlockHeight1 }); const initBenchmark1 = Benchmark_11.Benchmark.measure(); if (this.maybeResetRootContract(), null != this._parentContract && null == sortKeyOrBlockHeight1) throw Error('SortKey MUST be always set for non-root contract calls'); const { stateEvaluator: stateEvaluator1 } = this.warp, sortKey1 = 'number' == typeof sortKeyOrBlockHeight1 ? this._sorter.generateLastSortKey(sortKeyOrBlockHeight1) : sortKeyOrBlockHeight1, executionContext1 = await this.createExecutionContext(this._contractTxId, sortKey1, !1, interactions1); this.logger.info('Execution Context', { srcTxId: null === (_a1 = executionContext1.contractDefinition) || void 0 === _a1 ? void 0 : _a1.srcTxId, missingInteractions: null === (_b1 = executionContext1.sortedInteractions) || void 0 === _b1 ? void 0 : _b1.length, cachedSortKey: null === (_c1 = executionContext1.cachedState) || void 0 === _c1 ? void 0 : _c1.sortKey }), initBenchmark1.stop(); const stateBenchmark1 = Benchmark_11.Benchmark.measure(), result1 = await stateEvaluator1.eval(executionContext1, currentTx1 || []); stateBenchmark1.stop(); const total1 = initBenchmark1.elapsed(!0) + stateBenchmark1.elapsed(!0); return this._benchmarkStats = { gatewayCommunication: initBenchmark1.elapsed(!0), stateEvaluation: stateBenchmark1.elapsed(!0), total: total1 }, this.logger.info('Benchmark', { 'Gateway communication ': initBenchmark1.elapsed(), 'Contract evaluation ': stateBenchmark1.elapsed(), 'Total: ': `${total1.toFixed(0)}ms` }), result1; } async viewState(input1, tags1 = [], transfer1 = CreateContract_11.emptyTransfer) { return this.logger.info('View state for', this._contractTxId), await this.callContract(input1, void 0, void 0, tags1, transfer1); } async viewStateForTx(input1, interactionTx1) { return this.logger.info(`View state for ${this._contractTxId}`, interactionTx1), await this.callContractForTx(input1, interactionTx1); } async dryWrite(input1, caller1, tags1, transfer1) { return this.logger.info('Dry-write for', this._contractTxId), await this.callContract(input1, caller1, void 0, tags1, transfer1); } async dryWriteFromTx(input1, transaction1, currentTx1) { return this.logger.info(`Dry-write from transaction ${transaction1.id} for ${this._contractTxId}`), await this.callContractForTx(input1, transaction1, currentTx1 || []); } async writeInteraction(input1, options1) { if (this.logger.info('Write interaction', { input: input1, options: options1 }), !this.signer) throw Error("Wallet not connected. Use 'connect' method first."); const { arweave: arweave1, interactionsLoader: interactionsLoader1 } = this.warp, effectiveTags1 = (null == options1 ? void 0 : options1.tags) || [], effectiveTransfer1 = (null == options1 ? void 0 : options1.transfer) || CreateContract_11.emptyTransfer, effectiveStrict1 = (null == options1 ? void 0 : options1.strict) === !0, effectiveVrf1 = (null == options1 ? void 0 : options1.vrf) === !0, effectiveDisableBundling1 = (null == options1 ? void 0 : options1.disableBundling) === !0, effectiveReward1 = null == options1 ? void 0 : options1.reward, bundleInteraction1 = 'warp' == interactionsLoader1.type() && !effectiveDisableBundling1; if (bundleInteraction1 && effectiveTransfer1.target != CreateContract_11.emptyTransfer.target && effectiveTransfer1.winstonQty != CreateContract_11.emptyTransfer.winstonQty) throw Error('Ar Transfers are not allowed for bundled interactions'); if (effectiveVrf1 && !bundleInteraction1) throw Error('Vrf generation is only available for bundle interaction'); if (bundleInteraction1) return await this.bundleInteraction(input1, { tags: effectiveTags1, strict: effectiveStrict1, vrf: effectiveVrf1 }); { const interactionTx1 = await this.createInteraction(input1, effectiveTags1, effectiveTransfer1, effectiveStrict1, !1, !1, effectiveReward1), response1 = await arweave1.transactions.post(interactionTx1); if (200 !== response1.status) return this.logger.error('Error while posting transaction', response1), null; if (this._evaluationOptions.waitForConfirmation) { this.logger.info('Waiting for confirmation of', interactionTx1.id); const benchmark1 = Benchmark_11.Benchmark.measure(); await this.waitForConfirmation(interactionTx1.id), this.logger.info('Transaction confirmed after', benchmark1.elapsed()); } return 'local' == this.warp.environment && this._evaluationOptions.mineArLocalBlocks && await this.warp.testing.mineBlock(), { originalTxId: interactionTx1.id }; } } async bundleInteraction(input1, options1) { this.logger.info('Bundle interaction input', input1); const interactionTx1 = await this.createInteraction(input1, options1.tags, CreateContract_11.emptyTransfer, options1.strict, !0, options1.vrf), response1 = await fetch(`${this._evaluationOptions.bundlerUrl}gateway/sequencer/register`, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(interactionTx1), headers: { 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Accept: 'application/json' } }).then((res1)=>(this.logger.debug(res1), res1.ok ? res1.json() : Promise.reject(res1))).catch((error1)=>{ var _a1; throw this.logger.error(error1), (null === (_a1 = error1.body) || void 0 === _a1 ? void 0 : _a1.message) && this.logger.error(error1.body.message), Error(`Unable to bundle interaction: ${JSON.stringify(error1)}`); }); return { bundlrResponse: response1, originalTxId: interactionTx1.id }; } async createInteraction(input1, tags1, transfer1, strict1, bundle1 = !1, vrf1 = !1, reward1) { if (this._evaluationOptions.internalWrites) { const handlerResult1 = await this.callContract(input1, void 0, void 0, tags1, transfer1); if (strict1 && 'ok' !== handlerResult1.type) throw Error(`Cannot create interaction: ${handlerResult1.errorMessage}`); const callStack1 = this.getCallStack(), innerWrites1 = this._innerWritesEvaluator.eval(callStack1); this.logger.debug('Input', input1), this.logger.debug('Callstack', callStack1.print()), innerWrites1.forEach((contractTxId1)=>{ tags1.push({ name: SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.INTERACT_WRITE, value: contractTxId1 }); }), this.logger.debug('Tags with inner calls', tags1); } else if (strict1) { const handlerResult1 = await this.callContract(input1, void 0, void 0, tags1, transfer1); if ('ok' !== handlerResult1.type) throw Error(`Cannot create interaction: ${handlerResult1.errorMessage}`); } vrf1 && tags1.push({ name: SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.REQUEST_VRF, value: 'true' }); const interactionTx1 = await (0, create_interaction_tx_11.createInteractionTx)(this.warp.arweave, this.signer, this._contractTxId, input1, tags1, transfer1.target, transfer1.winstonQty, bundle1, reward1); return interactionTx1; } txId() { return this._contractTxId; } getCallStack() { return this._callStack; } connect(signer1) { return 'function' == typeof signer1 ? this.signer = signer1 : this.signer = async (tx1)=>{ await this.warp.arweave.transactions.sign(tx1, signer1); }, this; } setEvaluationOptions(options1) { return this._evaluationOptions = { ...this._evaluationOptions, ...options1 }, this; } async waitForConfirmation(transactionId1) { const { arweave: arweave1 } = this.warp, status1 = await arweave1.transactions.getStatus(transactionId1); if (null !== status1.confirmed) return this.logger.info(`Transaction ${transactionId1} confirmed`, status1), status1; this.logger.info(`Transaction ${transactionId1} not yet confirmed. Waiting another 20 seconds before next check.`), await (0, utils_11.sleep)(20000), await this.waitForConfirmation(transactionId1); } async createExecutionContext(contractTxId1, upToSortKey1, forceDefinitionLoad1 = !1, interactions1) { var _a1; let handler1, contractDefinition1, sortedInteractions1; const { definitionLoader: definitionLoader1, interactionsLoader: interactionsLoader1, executorFactory: executorFactory1, stateEvaluator: stateEvaluator1 } = this.warp, benchmark1 = Benchmark_11.Benchmark.measure(), cachedState1 = await stateEvaluator1.latestAvailableState(contractTxId1, upToSortKey1); this.logger.debug('cache lookup', benchmark1.elapsed()), benchmark1.reset(); const evolvedSrcTxId1 = Evolve_11.Evolve.evolvedSrcTxId(null === (_a1 = null == cachedState1 ? void 0 : cachedState1.cachedValue) || void 0 === _a1 ? void 0 : _a1.state); return this.logger.debug('Cached state', cachedState1, upToSortKey1), cachedState1 && cachedState1.sortKey == upToSortKey1 ? (this.logger.debug('State fully cached, not loading interactions.'), (forceDefinitionLoad1 || evolvedSrcTxId1) && (contractDefinition1 = await definitionLoader1.load(contractTxId1, evolvedSrcTxId1), handler1 = await executorFactory1.create(contractDefinition1, this._evaluationOptions))) : ([contractDefinition1, sortedInteractions1] = await Promise.all([ definitionLoader1.load(contractTxId1, evolvedSrcTxId1), interactions1 ? Promise.resolve(interactions1) : await interactionsLoader1.load(contractTxId1, null == cachedState1 ? void 0 : cachedState1.sortKey, this.getToSortKey(upToSortKey1), this._evaluationOptions) ]), (null == cachedState1 ? void 0 : cachedState1.sortKey) && (sortedInteractions1 = sortedInteractions1.filter((i2)=>i2.sortKey.localeCompare(null == cachedState1 ? void 0 : cachedState1.sortKey) > 0)), upToSortKey1 && (sortedInteractions1 = sortedInteractions1.filter((i2)=>0 >= i2.sortKey.localeCompare(upToSortKey1))), this.logger.debug('contract and interactions load', benchmark1.elapsed()), null == this._parentContract && sortedInteractions1.length && (this._rootSortKey = sortedInteractions1[sortedInteractions1.length - 1].sortKey), handler1 = await executorFactory1.create(contractDefinition1, this._evaluationOptions)), { warp: this.warp, contract: this, contractDefinition: contractDefinition1, sortedInteractions: sortedInteractions1, evaluationOptions: this._evaluationOptions, handler: handler1, cachedState: cachedState1, requestedSortKey: upToSortKey1 }; } getToSortKey(upToSortKey1) { var _a1; return null !== (_a1 = this._parentContract) && void 0 !== _a1 && _a1.rootSortKey ? upToSortKey1 ? this._parentContract.rootSortKey.localeCompare(upToSortKey1) > 0 ? this._parentContract.rootSortKey : upToSortKey1 : this._parentContract.rootSortKey : upToSortKey1; } async createExecutionContextFromTx(contractTxId1, transaction1) { const caller1 = transaction1.owner.address, sortKey1 = transaction1.sortKey, baseContext1 = await this.createExecutionContext(contractTxId1, sortKey1, !0); return { ...baseContext1, caller: caller1 }; } maybeResetRootContract() { null == this._parentContract && (this.logger.debug('Clearing call stack for the root contract'), this._callStack = new ContractCallStack_11.ContractCallStack(this.txId(), 0), this._rootSortKey = null, this.warp.interactionsLoader.clearCache()); } async callContract(input1, caller1, sortKey1, tags1 = [], transfer1 = CreateContract_11.emptyTransfer) { let effectiveCaller1; this.logger.info('Call contract input', input1), this.maybeResetRootContract(), this.signer || this.logger.warn('Wallet not set.'); const { arweave: arweave1, stateEvaluator: stateEvaluator1 } = this.warp; let executionContext1 = await this.createExecutionContext(this._contractTxId, sortKey1, !0); const currentBlockData1 = 'mainnet' == this.warp.environment ? await this._arweaveWrapper.warpGwBlock() : await arweave1.blocks.getCurrent(); if (caller1) effectiveCaller1 = caller1; else if (this.signer) { const dummyTx1 = await arweave1.createTransaction({ data: Math.random().toString().slice(-4), reward: '72600854', last_tx: 'p7vc1iSP6bvH_fCeUFa9LqoV5qiyW-jdEKouAT0XMoSwrNraB9mgpi29Q10waEpO' }); await this.signer(dummyTx1), effectiveCaller1 = await arweave1.wallets.ownerToAddress(dummyTx1.owner); } else effectiveCaller1 = ''; this.logger.info('effectiveCaller', effectiveCaller1), executionContext1 = { ...executionContext1, caller: effectiveCaller1 }; const evalStateResult1 = await stateEvaluator1.eval(executionContext1, []); this.logger.info('Current state', evalStateResult1.cachedValue.state); const interaction1 = { input: input1, caller: executionContext1.caller }; this.logger.debug('interaction', interaction1); const tx1 = await (0, create_interaction_tx_11.createInteractionTx)(arweave1, this.signer, this._contractTxId, input1, tags1, transfer1.target, transfer1.winstonQty, !0), dummyTx1 = (0, create_interaction_tx_11.createDummyTx)(tx1, executionContext1.caller, currentBlockData1); this.logger.debug('Creating sortKey for', { blockId: dummyTx1.block.id, id: dummyTx1.id, height: dummyTx1.block.height }), dummyTx1.sortKey = await this._sorter.createSortKey(dummyTx1.block.id, dummyTx1.id, dummyTx1.block.height, !0); const handleResult1 = await this.evalInteraction({ interaction: interaction1, interactionTx: dummyTx1, currentTx: [] }, executionContext1, evalStateResult1.cachedValue); return 'ok' !== handleResult1.type && this.logger.fatal('Error while interacting with contract', { type: handleResult1.type, error: handleResult1.errorMessage }), handleResult1; } async callContractForTx(input1, interactionTx1, currentTx1) { this.maybeResetRootContract(); const executionContext1 = await this.createExecutionContextFromTx(this._contractTxId, interactionTx1), evalStateResult1 = await this.warp.stateEvaluator.eval(executionContext1, currentTx1); this.logger.debug('callContractForTx - evalStateResult', { result: evalStateResult1.cachedValue.state, txId: this._contractTxId }); const interaction1 = { input: input1, caller: this._parentContract.txId() }, interactionData1 = { interaction: interaction1, interactionTx: interactionTx1, currentTx: currentTx1 }, result1 = await this.evalInteraction(interactionData1, executionContext1, evalStateResult1.cachedValue); return result1.originalValidity = evalStateResult1.cachedValue.validity, result1.originalErrorMessages = evalStateResult1.cachedValue.errorMessages, result1; } async evalInteraction(interactionData1, executionContext1, evalStateResult1) { const interactionCall1 = this.getCallStack().addInteractionData(interactionData1), benchmark1 = Benchmark_11.Benchmark.measure(), result1 = await executionContext1.handler.handle(executionContext1, evalStateResult1, interactionData1); return interactionCall1.update({ cacheHit: !1, outputState: this._evaluationOptions.stackTrace.saveState ? result1.state : void 0, executionTime: benchmark1.elapsed(!0), valid: 'ok' === result1.type, errorMessage: result1.errorMessage, gasUsed: result1.gasUsed }), result1; } parent() { return this._parentContract; } callDepth() { return this._callDepth; } evaluationOptions() { return this._evaluationOptions; } lastReadStateStats() { return this._benchmarkStats; } stateHash(state1) { const jsonState1 = (0, safe_stable_stringify_11.default)(state1), hash1 = crypto1.createHash('sha256'); return hash1.update(jsonState1), hash1.digest('hex'); } async syncState(externalUrl1, params1) { const { stateEvaluator: stateEvaluator1 } = this.warp, response1 = await fetch(`${externalUrl1}?${new URLSearchParams({ id: this._contractTxId, ...params1 })}`).then((res1)=>res1.ok ? res1.json() : Promise.reject(res1)).catch((error1)=>{ var _a1, _b1; throw (null === (_a1 = error1.body) || void 0 === _a1 ? void 0 : _a1.message) && this.logger.error(error1.body.message), Error(`Unable to retrieve state. ${error1.status}: ${null === (_b1 = error1.body) || void 0 === _b1 ? void 0 : _b1.message}`); }); return await stateEvaluator1.syncState(this._contractTxId, response1.sortKey, response1.state, response1.validity), this; } async evolve(newSrcTxId1, options1) { return await this.writeInteraction({ function: 'evolve', value: newSrcTxId1 }, options1); } async save(sourceData1) { if (!this.signer) throw Error("Wallet not connected. Use 'connect' method first."); const { arweave: arweave1 } = this.warp, source1 = new SourceImpl_11.SourceImpl(arweave1), srcTx1 = await source1.save(sourceData1, this.signer); return srcTx1.id; } get callingInteraction() { return this._callingInteraction; } get rootSortKey() { return this._rootSortKey; } } exports1.HandlerBasedContract = HandlerBasedContract1; }, 8102: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.InnerWritesEvaluator = void 0; class InnerWritesEvaluator1 { eval(callStack1) { const result1 = []; return callStack1.interactions.forEach((interaction1)=>{ this.evalForeignCalls(callStack1.contractTxId, interaction1, result1); }), result1; } evalForeignCalls(rootContractTxId1, interaction1, result1) { interaction1.interactionInput.foreignContractCalls.forEach((foreignContractCall1)=>{ foreignContractCall1.interactions.forEach((foreignInteraction1)=>{ foreignInteraction1.interactionInput.dryWrite && !result1.includes(foreignContractCall1.contractTxId) && rootContractTxId1 !== foreignContractCall1.contractTxId && result1.push(foreignContractCall1.contractTxId), this.evalForeignCalls(rootContractTxId1, foreignInteraction1, result1); }); }); } } exports1.InnerWritesEvaluator = InnerWritesEvaluator1; }, 7665: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); }, 7819: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.PstContractImpl = void 0; const HandlerBasedContract_11 = __webpack_require__1(9692); class PstContractImpl1 extends HandlerBasedContract_11.HandlerBasedContract { async currentBalance(target1) { const interactionResult1 = await this.viewState({ function: 'balance', target: target1 }); if ('ok' !== interactionResult1.type) throw Error(interactionResult1.errorMessage); return interactionResult1.result; } async currentState() { return (await super.readState()).cachedValue.state; } async transfer(transfer1, options1) { return await this.writeInteraction({ function: 'transfer', ...transfer1 }, options1); } } exports1.PstContractImpl = PstContractImpl1; }, 3611: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.emptyTransfer = void 0, exports1.emptyTransfer = { target: '', winstonQty: '0' }; }, 4722: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); }, 5731: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.DefaultCreateContract = void 0; const SmartWeaveTags_11 = __webpack_require__1(7312), WarpFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(8479), LoggerFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(5913), SourceImpl_11 = __webpack_require__1(4217); class DefaultCreateContract1 { constructor(arweave1, warp1){ this.arweave = arweave1, this.warp = warp1, this.logger = LoggerFactory_11.LoggerFactory.INST.create('DefaultCreateContract'), this.deployFromSourceTx = this.deployFromSourceTx.bind(this); } async deploy(contractData1, disableBundling1) { const { wallet: wallet1, initState: initState1, tags: tags1, transfer: transfer1, data: data1 } = contractData1, effectiveUseBundler1 = void 0 == disableBundling1 ? 'warp' == this.warp.definitionLoader.type() : !disableBundling1, source1 = new SourceImpl_11.SourceImpl(this.arweave), srcTx1 = await source1.save(contractData1, wallet1, effectiveUseBundler1); return this.logger.debug('Creating new contract'), await this.deployFromSourceTx({ srcTxId: srcTx1.id, wallet: wallet1, initState: initState1, tags: tags1, transfer: transfer1, data: data1 }, !effectiveUseBundler1, srcTx1); } async deployFromSourceTx(contractData1, disableBundling1, srcTx1 = null) { let responseOk1, response1; this.logger.debug('Creating new contract from src tx'); const { wallet: wallet1, srcTxId: srcTxId1, initState: initState1, tags: tags1, transfer: transfer1, data: data1 } = contractData1, effectiveUseBundler1 = void 0 == disableBundling1 ? 'warp' == this.warp.definitionLoader.type() : !disableBundling1; let contractTX1 = await this.arweave.createTransaction({ data: (null == data1 ? void 0 : data1.body) || initState1 }, wallet1); if (+(null == transfer1 ? void 0 : transfer1.winstonQty) > 0 && transfer1.target.length && (this.logger.debug('Creating additional transaction with AR transfer', transfer1), contractTX1 = await this.arweave.createTransaction({ data: (null == data1 ? void 0 : data1.body) || initState1, target: transfer1.target, quantity: transfer1.winstonQty }, wallet1)), null == tags1 ? void 0 : tags1.length) for (const tag1 of tags1)contractTX1.addTag(tag1.name.toString(), tag1.value.toString()); if (contractTX1.addTag(SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.APP_NAME, 'SmartWeaveContract'), contractTX1.addTag(SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.APP_VERSION, '0.3.0'), contractTX1.addTag(SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.CONTRACT_SRC_TX_ID, srcTxId1), contractTX1.addTag(SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.SDK, 'RedStone'), data1 ? (contractTX1.addTag(SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.CONTENT_TYPE, data1['Content-Type']), contractTX1.addTag(SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.INIT_STATE, initState1)) : contractTX1.addTag(SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.CONTENT_TYPE, 'application/json'), await this.arweave.transactions.sign(contractTX1, wallet1), effectiveUseBundler1) { const result1 = await this.post(contractTX1, srcTx1); this.logger.debug(result1), responseOk1 = !0; } else responseOk1 = 200 === (response1 = await this.arweave.transactions.post(contractTX1)).status || 208 === response1.status; if (responseOk1) return { contractTxId: contractTX1.id, srcTxId: srcTxId1 }; throw Error(`Unable to write Contract. Arweave responded with status ${response1.status}: ${response1.statusText}`); } async post(contractTx1, srcTx1 = null) { let body1 = { contractTx: contractTx1 }; srcTx1 && (body1 = { ...body1, srcTx: srcTx1 }); const response1 = await fetch(`${WarpFactory_11.WARP_GW_URL}/gateway/contracts/deploy`, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(body1), headers: { 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Accept: 'application/json' } }); if (response1.ok) return response1.json(); throw Error(`Error while posting contract. Sequencer responded with status ${response1.status} ${response1.statusText}`); } } exports1.DefaultCreateContract = DefaultCreateContract1; }, 4217: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var Buffer1 = __webpack_require__1(8764).Buffer, __importDefault1 = this && this.__importDefault || function(mod1) { return mod1 && mod1.__esModule ? mod1 : { default: mod1 }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.SourceImpl = void 0; const redstone_wasm_metering_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(8060)), go_wasm_imports_11 = __webpack_require__1(7170), fs_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(9827)), wasm_bindgen_tools_11 = __webpack_require__1(4742), SmartWeaveTags_11 = __webpack_require__1(7312), LoggerFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(5913), wasmTypeMapping1 = new Map([ [ 1, 'assemblyscript' ], [ 2, 'rust' ], [ 3, 'go' ] ]); class SourceImpl1 { constructor(arweave1){ this.arweave = arweave1, this.logger = LoggerFactory_11.LoggerFactory.INST.create('Source'); } async save(contractData1, signer1, useBundler1 = !1) { let srcTx1, response1; this.logger.debug('Creating new contract source'); const { src: src1, wasmSrcCodeDir: wasmSrcCodeDir1, wasmGlueCode: wasmGlueCode1 } = contractData1, contractType1 = src1 instanceof Buffer1 ? 'wasm' : 'js'; let wasmLang1 = null, wasmVersion1 = null; const metadata1 = {}, data1 = []; if ('wasm' == contractType1) { let lang1; const meteredWasmBinary1 = redstone_wasm_metering_11.default.meterWASM(src1, { meterType: 'i32' }); data1.push(meteredWasmBinary1); const wasmModule1 = await WebAssembly.compile(src1), moduleImports1 = WebAssembly.Module.imports(wasmModule1); if (this.isGoModule(moduleImports1)) { const go1 = new go_wasm_imports_11.Go(null), module1 = new WebAssembly.Instance(wasmModule1, go1.importObject); go1.run(module1), lang1 = go1.exports.lang(), wasmVersion1 = go1.exports.version(); } else { const module1 = await WebAssembly.instantiate(src1, dummyImports1(moduleImports1)); if (!module1.instance.exports.lang) throw Error('No info about source type in wasm binary. Did you forget to export "lang" function?'); if (lang1 = module1.instance.exports.lang(), wasmVersion1 = module1.instance.exports.version(), !wasmTypeMapping1.has(lang1)) throw Error(`Unknown wasm source type ${lang1}`); } if (wasmLang1 = wasmTypeMapping1.get(lang1), null == wasmSrcCodeDir1) throw Error('No path to original wasm contract source code'); const zippedSourceCode1 = await this.zipContents(wasmSrcCodeDir1); if (data1.push(zippedSourceCode1), 'rust' == wasmLang1) { if (!wasmGlueCode1) throw Error('No path to generated wasm-bindgen js code'); const wasmBindgenSrc1 = fs_11.default.readFileSync(wasmGlueCode1, 'utf-8'), dtor1 = (0, wasm_bindgen_tools_11.matchMutClosureDtor)(wasmBindgenSrc1); metadata1.dtor = parseInt(dtor1), data1.push(Buffer1.from(wasmBindgenSrc1)); } } const allData1 = 'wasm' == contractType1 ? this.joinBuffers(data1) : src1; (srcTx1 = 'function' == typeof signer1 ? await this.arweave.createTransaction({ data: allData1 }) : await this.arweave.createTransaction({ data: allData1 }, signer1)).addTag(SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.APP_NAME, 'SmartWeaveContractSource'), srcTx1.addTag(SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.APP_VERSION, '0.3.0'), srcTx1.addTag(SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.SDK, 'Warp'), srcTx1.addTag(SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.CONTENT_TYPE, 'js' == contractType1 ? 'application/javascript' : 'application/wasm'), 'wasm' == contractType1 && (srcTx1.addTag(SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.WASM_LANG, wasmLang1), srcTx1.addTag(SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.WASM_LANG_VERSION, wasmVersion1), srcTx1.addTag(SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.WASM_META, JSON.stringify(metadata1))), 'function' == typeof signer1 ? await signer1(srcTx1) : await this.arweave.transactions.sign(srcTx1, signer1), this.logger.debug('Posting transaction with source'); let responseOk1 = !0; if (useBundler1 || (responseOk1 = 200 === (response1 = await this.arweave.transactions.post(srcTx1)).status || 208 === response1.status), responseOk1) return srcTx1; throw Error(`Unable to write Contract Source. Arweave responded with status ${response1.status}: ${response1.statusText}`); } isGoModule(moduleImports1) { return moduleImports1.some((moduleImport1)=>'env' == moduleImport1.module && moduleImport1.name.startsWith('syscall/js')); } joinBuffers(buffers1) { const length1 = buffers1.length, result1 = []; return result1.push(Buffer1.from(length1.toString())), result1.push(Buffer1.from('|')), buffers1.forEach((b10)=>{ result1.push(Buffer1.from(b10.length.toString())), result1.push(Buffer1.from('|')); }), result1.push(...buffers1), result1.reduce((prev1, b10)=>Buffer1.concat([ prev1, b10 ])); } async zipContents(source1) { const archiver1 = __webpack_require__1(1445), streamBuffers1 = __webpack_require__1(4034), outputStreamBuffer1 = new streamBuffers1.WritableStreamBuffer({ initialSize: 1024000, incrementAmount: 1024000 }), archive1 = archiver1('zip', { zlib: { level: 9 } }); return archive1.on('error', function(err1) { throw err1; }), archive1.pipe(outputStreamBuffer1), archive1.directory(source1.toString(), source1.toString()), await archive1.finalize(), outputStreamBuffer1.end(), outputStreamBuffer1.getContents(); } } function dummyImports1(moduleImports1) { const imports1 = {}; return moduleImports1.forEach((moduleImport1)=>{ Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(imports1, moduleImport1.module) || (imports1[moduleImport1.module] = {}), imports1[moduleImport1.module][moduleImport1.name] = function() {}; }), imports1; } exports1.SourceImpl = SourceImpl1; }, 3667: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var __importDefault1 = this && this.__importDefault || function(mod1) { return mod1 && mod1.__esModule ? mod1 : { default: mod1 }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.MigrationTool = void 0; const LexicographicalInteractionsSorter_11 = __webpack_require__1(1967), StateEvaluator_11 = __webpack_require__1(7462), knex_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(771)), LoggerFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(5913); class MigrationTool1 { constructor(arweave1, levelDb1){ this.arweave = arweave1, this.levelDb = levelDb1, this.logger = LoggerFactory_11.LoggerFactory.INST.create('MigrationTool'), this.sorter = new LexicographicalInteractionsSorter_11.LexicographicalInteractionsSorter(arweave1); } async migrateSqlite(sqlitePath1) { this.logger.info(`Migrating from sqlite ${sqlitePath1} to leveldb.`); const knexDb1 = (0, knex_11.default)({ client: 'sqlite3', connection: { filename: sqlitePath1 }, useNullAsDefault: !0 }), cache1 = await knexDb1.select([ 'contract_id', 'height', 'state' ]).from('states').max('height').groupBy([ 'contract_id' ]); this.logger.info(`Migrating ${null == cache1 ? void 0 : cache1.length} contracts' state`); const result1 = []; for (const entry1 of cache1){ const contractTxId1 = entry1.contract_id, height1 = entry1.height, state1 = JSON.parse(entry1.state), sortKey1 = this.sorter.generateLastSortKey(parseInt(height1)); this.logger.debug(`Migrating ${contractTxId1} at height ${height1}: ${sortKey1}`), await this.levelDb.put({ contractTxId: contractTxId1, sortKey: sortKey1 }, new StateEvaluator_11.EvalStateResult(state1.state, state1.validity, {})), result1.push({ contractTxId: contractTxId1, height: height1, sortKey: sortKey1 }); } return this.logger.info("Migration done."), result1; } } exports1.MigrationTool = MigrationTool1; }, 4464: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.Testing = void 0; class Testing1 { constructor(arweave1){ this.arweave = arweave1; } async mineBlock() { this.validateEnv(), await this.arweave.api.get('mine'); } async generateWallet() { this.validateEnv(); const wallet1 = await this.arweave.wallets.generate(); return await this.addFunds(wallet1), wallet1; } async addFunds(wallet1) { const walletAddress1 = await this.arweave.wallets.getAddress(wallet1); await this.arweave.api.get(`/mint/${walletAddress1}/1000000000000000`); } validateEnv() { if (this.arweave.api.getConfig().host.includes('arweave')) throw Error('Testing features are not available in a non testing environment'); } } exports1.Testing = Testing1; }, 5614: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.InteractionOutput = exports1.InteractionInput = exports1.InteractionCall = exports1.ContractCallStack = void 0; const utils_11 = __webpack_require__1(5082); class ContractCallStack1 { constructor(contractTxId1, depth1, label1 = ''){ this.contractTxId = contractTxId1, this.depth = depth1, this.label = label1, this.interactions = new Map(); } addInteractionData(interactionData1) { const { interaction: interaction1, interactionTx: interactionTx1 } = interactionData1, interactionCall1 = InteractionCall1.create(new InteractionInput1(interactionTx1.id, interactionTx1.sortKey, interactionTx1.block.height, interactionTx1.block.timestamp, null == interaction1 ? void 0 : interaction1.caller, null == interaction1 ? void 0 : interaction1.input.function, null == interaction1 ? void 0 : interaction1.input, interactionTx1.dry, new Map())); return this.interactions.set(interactionTx1.id, interactionCall1), interactionCall1; } getInteraction(txId1) { return this.interactions.get(txId1); } print() { return JSON.stringify(this, utils_11.mapReplacer); } } exports1.ContractCallStack = ContractCallStack1; class InteractionCall1 { constructor(interactionInput1){ this.interactionInput = interactionInput1; } static create(interactionInput1) { return new InteractionCall1(interactionInput1); } update(interactionOutput1) { this.interactionOutput = interactionOutput1; } } exports1.InteractionCall = InteractionCall1; class InteractionInput1 { constructor(txId1, sortKey1, blockHeight1, blockTimestamp1, caller1, functionName1, functionArguments1, dryWrite1, foreignContractCalls1 = new Map()){ this.txId = txId1, this.sortKey = sortKey1, this.blockHeight = blockHeight1, this.blockTimestamp = blockTimestamp1, this.caller = caller1, this.functionName = functionName1, this.functionArguments = functionArguments1, this.dryWrite = dryWrite1, this.foreignContractCalls = foreignContractCalls1; } } exports1.InteractionInput = InteractionInput1; class InteractionOutput1 { constructor(cacheHit1, outputState1, executionTime1, valid1, errorMessage1 = '', gasUsed1){ this.cacheHit = cacheHit1, this.outputState = outputState1, this.executionTime = executionTime1, this.valid = valid1, this.errorMessage = errorMessage1, this.gasUsed = gasUsed1; } } exports1.InteractionOutput = InteractionOutput1; }, 9305: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.ContractMetadata = void 0; class ContractMetadata1 { } exports1.ContractMetadata = ContractMetadata1; }, 4805: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); }, 8632: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); }, 7312: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; var SmartWeaveTags1; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.SmartWeaveTags = void 0, function(SmartWeaveTags1) { SmartWeaveTags1.APP_NAME = "App-Name", SmartWeaveTags1.APP_VERSION = "App-Version", SmartWeaveTags1.CONTRACT_TX_ID = "Contract", SmartWeaveTags1.INPUT = "Input", SmartWeaveTags1.CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-Type", SmartWeaveTags1.CONTRACT_SRC_TX_ID = "Contract-Src", SmartWeaveTags1.SDK = "SDK", SmartWeaveTags1.MIN_FEE = "Min-Fee", SmartWeaveTags1.INIT_STATE = "Init-State", SmartWeaveTags1.INIT_STATE_TX = "Init-State-TX", SmartWeaveTags1.INTERACT_WRITE = "Interact-Write", SmartWeaveTags1.WASM_LANG = "Wasm-Lang", SmartWeaveTags1.WASM_LANG_VERSION = "Wasm-Lang-Version", SmartWeaveTags1.WASM_META = "Wasm-Meta", SmartWeaveTags1.REQUEST_VRF = "Request-Vrf"; }(SmartWeaveTags1 = exports1.SmartWeaveTags || (exports1.SmartWeaveTags = {})); }, 2009: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.Warp = void 0; const DefaultCreateContract_11 = __webpack_require__1(5731), HandlerBasedContract_11 = __webpack_require__1(9692), PstContractImpl_11 = __webpack_require__1(7819), MigrationTool_11 = __webpack_require__1(3667), Testing_11 = __webpack_require__1(4464), WarpBuilder_11 = __webpack_require__1(9689); class Warp1 { constructor(arweave1, levelDb1, definitionLoader1, interactionsLoader1, executorFactory1, stateEvaluator1, environment1 = 'custom'){ this.arweave = arweave1, this.levelDb = levelDb1, this.definitionLoader = definitionLoader1, this.interactionsLoader = interactionsLoader1, this.executorFactory = executorFactory1, this.stateEvaluator = stateEvaluator1, this.environment = environment1, this.createContract = new DefaultCreateContract_11.DefaultCreateContract(arweave1, this), this.migrationTool = new MigrationTool_11.MigrationTool(arweave1, levelDb1), this.testing = new Testing_11.Testing(arweave1); } static builder(arweave1, cache1, environment1) { return new WarpBuilder_11.WarpBuilder(arweave1, cache1, environment1); } contract(contractTxId1, callingContract1, callingInteraction1) { return new HandlerBasedContract_11.HandlerBasedContract(contractTxId1, this, callingContract1, callingInteraction1); } pst(contractTxId1) { return new PstContractImpl_11.PstContractImpl(contractTxId1, this); } } exports1.Warp = Warp1; }, 9689: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.WarpBuilder = void 0; const MemCache_11 = __webpack_require__1(1200), DebuggableExecutorFactor_11 = __webpack_require__1(4481), ArweaveGatewayInteractionsLoader_11 = __webpack_require__1(9564), CacheableInteractionsLoader_11 = __webpack_require__1(7346), ContractDefinitionLoader_11 = __webpack_require__1(7089), WarpGatewayContractDefinitionLoader_11 = __webpack_require__1(3187), WarpGatewayInteractionsLoader_11 = __webpack_require__1(1533), Warp_11 = __webpack_require__1(2009); class WarpBuilder1 { constructor(_arweave1, _cache1, _environment1 = 'custom'){ this._arweave = _arweave1, this._cache = _cache1, this._environment = _environment1; } setDefinitionLoader(value1) { return this._definitionLoader = value1, this; } setInteractionsLoader(value1) { return this._interactionsLoader = value1, this; } setExecutorFactory(value1) { return this._executorFactory = value1, this; } setStateEvaluator(value1) { return this._stateEvaluator = value1, this; } overwriteSource(sourceCode1) { if (null == this._executorFactory) throw Error('Set base ExecutorFactory first'); return this._executorFactory = new DebuggableExecutorFactor_11.DebuggableExecutorFactory(this._executorFactory, sourceCode1), this.build(); } useWarpGateway(gatewayOptions1) { return this._interactionsLoader = new CacheableInteractionsLoader_11.CacheableInteractionsLoader(new WarpGatewayInteractionsLoader_11.WarpGatewayInteractionsLoader(gatewayOptions1.address, gatewayOptions1.confirmationStatus, gatewayOptions1.source)), this._definitionLoader = new WarpGatewayContractDefinitionLoader_11.WarpGatewayContractDefinitionLoader(gatewayOptions1.address, this._arweave, new MemCache_11.MemCache()), this; } useArweaveGateway() { return this._definitionLoader = new ContractDefinitionLoader_11.ContractDefinitionLoader(this._arweave, new MemCache_11.MemCache()), this._interactionsLoader = new CacheableInteractionsLoader_11.CacheableInteractionsLoader(new ArweaveGatewayInteractionsLoader_11.ArweaveGatewayInteractionsLoader(this._arweave)), this; } build() { return new Warp_11.Warp(this._arweave, this._cache, this._definitionLoader, this._interactionsLoader, this._executorFactory, this._stateEvaluator, this._environment); } } exports1.WarpBuilder = WarpBuilder1; }, 8479: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var __importDefault1 = this && this.__importDefault || function(mod1) { return mod1 && mod1.__esModule ? mod1 : { default: mod1 }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.WarpFactory = exports1.defaultCacheOptions = exports1.DEFAULT_LEVEL_DB_LOCATION = exports1.defaultWarpGwOptions = exports1.WARP_GW_URL = void 0; const arweave_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(7386)), LevelDbCache_11 = __webpack_require__1(7563), MemCache_11 = __webpack_require__1(1200), CacheableExecutorFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(7794), Evolve_11 = __webpack_require__1(2491), CacheableStateEvaluator_11 = __webpack_require__1(4286), HandlerExecutorFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(9174), Warp_11 = __webpack_require__1(2009); exports1.WARP_GW_URL = 'https://d1o5nlqr4okus2.cloudfront.net', exports1.defaultWarpGwOptions = { confirmationStatus: { notCorrupted: !0 }, source: null, address: exports1.WARP_GW_URL }, exports1.DEFAULT_LEVEL_DB_LOCATION = './cache/warp', exports1.defaultCacheOptions = { inMemory: !1, dbLocation: exports1.DEFAULT_LEVEL_DB_LOCATION }; class WarpFactory1 { static forLocal(port1 = 1984, arweave1 = arweave_11.default.init({ host: 'localhost', port: port1, protocol: 'http' }), cacheOptions1 = { ...exports1.defaultCacheOptions, inMemory: !0 }) { return this.customArweaveGw(arweave1, cacheOptions1, 'local'); } static forTestnet(arweave1 = arweave_11.default.init({ host: 'testnet.redstone.tools', port: 443, protocol: 'https' }), cacheOptions1 = exports1.defaultCacheOptions) { return this.customArweaveGw(arweave1, cacheOptions1, 'testnet'); } static forMainnet(cacheOptions1 = exports1.defaultCacheOptions, useArweaveGw1 = !1, arweave1 = arweave_11.default.init({ host: 'arweave.net', port: 443, protocol: 'https' })) { return useArweaveGw1 ? this.customArweaveGw(arweave1, cacheOptions1, 'mainnet') : (console.log(exports1.defaultWarpGwOptions), this.customWarpGw(arweave1, exports1.defaultWarpGwOptions, cacheOptions1, 'mainnet')); } static custom(arweave1, cacheOptions1, environment1) { const cache1 = new LevelDbCache_11.LevelDbCache({ ...cacheOptions1, dbLocation: `${cacheOptions1.dbLocation}/state` }), executorFactory1 = new CacheableExecutorFactory_11.CacheableExecutorFactory(arweave1, new HandlerExecutorFactory_11.HandlerExecutorFactory(arweave1), new MemCache_11.MemCache()), stateEvaluator1 = new CacheableStateEvaluator_11.CacheableStateEvaluator(arweave1, cache1, [ new Evolve_11.Evolve() ]); return Warp_11.Warp.builder(arweave1, cache1, environment1).setExecutorFactory(executorFactory1).setStateEvaluator(stateEvaluator1); } static customArweaveGw(arweave1, cacheOptions1 = exports1.defaultCacheOptions, environment1) { return this.custom(arweave1, cacheOptions1, environment1).useArweaveGateway().build(); } static customWarpGw(arweave1, gatewayOptions1 = exports1.defaultWarpGwOptions, cacheOptions1 = exports1.defaultCacheOptions, environment1) { return this.custom(arweave1, cacheOptions1, environment1).useWarpGateway(gatewayOptions1).build(); } } exports1.WarpFactory = WarpFactory1; }, 2656: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); }, 5368: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); }, 5765: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); }, 6769: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); }, 7462: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.DefaultEvaluationOptions = exports1.EvalStateResult = void 0; class EvalStateResult1 { constructor(state1, validity1, errorMessages1){ this.state = state1, this.validity = validity1, this.errorMessages = errorMessages1; } } exports1.EvalStateResult = EvalStateResult1; class DefaultEvaluationOptions1 { constructor(){ this.ignoreExceptions = !0, this.waitForConfirmation = !1, this.updateCacheForEachInteraction = !1, this.internalWrites = !1, this.maxCallDepth = 7, this.maxInteractionEvaluationTimeSeconds = 60, this.stackTrace = { saveState: !1 }, this.bundlerUrl = "https://d1o5nlqr4okus2.cloudfront.net/", this.gasLimit = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, this.useFastCopy = !0, this.useVM2 = !1, this.allowUnsafeClient = !1, this.allowBigInt = !1, this.walletBalanceUrl = 'http://nyc-1.dev.arweave.net:1984/', this.mineArLocalBlocks = !0; } } exports1.DefaultEvaluationOptions = DefaultEvaluationOptions1; }, 9564: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.ArweaveGatewayInteractionsLoader = exports1.bundledTxsFilter = void 0; const SmartWeaveTags_11 = __webpack_require__1(7312), Benchmark_11 = __webpack_require__1(9106), LoggerFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(5913), ArweaveWrapper_11 = __webpack_require__1(9360), utils_11 = __webpack_require__1(5082), LexicographicalInteractionsSorter_11 = __webpack_require__1(1967), MAX_REQUEST1 = 100; function bundledTxsFilter1(tx1) { var _a1, _b1; return !(null === (_a1 = tx1.node.parent) || void 0 === _a1 ? void 0 : _a1.id) && !(null === (_b1 = tx1.node.bundledIn) || void 0 === _b1 ? void 0 : _b1.id); } exports1.bundledTxsFilter = bundledTxsFilter1; class ArweaveGatewayInteractionsLoader1 { constructor(arweave1){ this.arweave = arweave1, this.logger = LoggerFactory_11.LoggerFactory.INST.create('ArweaveGatewayInteractionsLoader'), this.arweaveWrapper = new ArweaveWrapper_11.ArweaveWrapper(arweave1), this.sorter = new LexicographicalInteractionsSorter_11.LexicographicalInteractionsSorter(arweave1); } async load(contractId1, fromSortKey1, toSortKey1, evaluationOptions1) { this.logger.debug('Loading interactions for', { contractId: contractId1, fromSortKey: fromSortKey1, toSortKey: toSortKey1 }); const fromBlockHeight1 = this.sorter.extractBlockHeight(fromSortKey1), toBlockHeight1 = this.sorter.extractBlockHeight(toSortKey1), mainTransactionsVariables1 = { tags: [ { name: SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.APP_NAME, values: [ 'SmartWeaveAction' ] }, { name: SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.CONTRACT_TX_ID, values: [ contractId1 ] } ], blockFilter: { min: fromBlockHeight1, max: toBlockHeight1 }, first: MAX_REQUEST1 }, loadingBenchmark1 = Benchmark_11.Benchmark.measure(); let interactions1 = await this.loadPages(mainTransactionsVariables1); if (loadingBenchmark1.stop(), evaluationOptions1.internalWrites) { const innerWritesVariables1 = { tags: [ { name: SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.INTERACT_WRITE, values: [ contractId1 ] } ], blockFilter: { min: fromBlockHeight1, max: toBlockHeight1 }, first: MAX_REQUEST1 }, innerWritesInteractions1 = await this.loadPages(innerWritesVariables1); this.logger.debug('Inner writes interactions length:', innerWritesInteractions1.length), interactions1 = interactions1.concat(innerWritesInteractions1); } interactions1 = interactions1.filter((i2)=>i2.node.block && i2.node.block.id && i2.node.block.height); let sortedInteractions1 = await this.sorter.sort(interactions1); return fromSortKey1 && toSortKey1 ? sortedInteractions1 = sortedInteractions1.filter((i2)=>i2.node.sortKey.localeCompare(fromSortKey1) > 0 && 0 >= i2.node.sortKey.localeCompare(toSortKey1)) : fromSortKey1 && !toSortKey1 ? sortedInteractions1 = sortedInteractions1.filter((i2)=>i2.node.sortKey.localeCompare(fromSortKey1) > 0) : !fromSortKey1 && toSortKey1 && (sortedInteractions1 = sortedInteractions1.filter((i2)=>0 >= i2.node.sortKey.localeCompare(toSortKey1))), this.logger.debug('All loaded interactions:', { from: fromSortKey1, to: toSortKey1, loaded: sortedInteractions1.length, time: loadingBenchmark1.elapsed() }), sortedInteractions1.map((i2)=>i2.node); } async loadPages(variables1) { let transactions1 = await this.getNextPage(variables1); const txInfos1 = transactions1.edges.filter((tx1)=>bundledTxsFilter1(tx1)); for(; transactions1.pageInfo.hasNextPage;){ const cursor1 = transactions1.edges[MAX_REQUEST1 - 1].cursor; variables1 = { ...variables1, after: cursor1 }, transactions1 = await this.getNextPage(variables1), txInfos1.push(...transactions1.edges.filter((tx1)=>bundledTxsFilter1(tx1))); } return txInfos1; } async getNextPage(variables1) { const benchmark1 = Benchmark_11.Benchmark.measure(); let response1 = await this.arweaveWrapper.gql(ArweaveGatewayInteractionsLoader1.query, variables1); for(this.logger.debug('GQL page load:', benchmark1.elapsed()); 403 === response1.status;)this.logger.warn(`GQL rate limiting, waiting ${ArweaveGatewayInteractionsLoader1._30seconds}ms before next try.`), await (0, utils_11.sleep)(ArweaveGatewayInteractionsLoader1._30seconds), response1 = await this.arweaveWrapper.gql(ArweaveGatewayInteractionsLoader1.query, variables1); if (200 !== response1.status) throw Error(`Unable to retrieve transactions. Arweave gateway responded with status ${response1.status}.`); if (response1.data.errors) throw this.logger.error(response1.data.errors), Error('Error while loading interaction transactions'); const data1 = response1.data, txs1 = data1.data.transactions; return txs1; } type() { return 'arweave'; } clearCache() {} } exports1.ArweaveGatewayInteractionsLoader = ArweaveGatewayInteractionsLoader1, ArweaveGatewayInteractionsLoader1.query = `query Transactions($tags: [TagFilter!]!, $blockFilter: BlockFilter!, $first: Int!, $after: String) { transactions(tags: $tags, block: $blockFilter, first: $first, sort: HEIGHT_ASC, after: $after) { pageInfo { hasNextPage } edges { node { id owner { address } recipient tags { name value } block { height id timestamp } fee { winston } quantity { winston } parent { id } bundledIn { id } } cursor } } }`, ArweaveGatewayInteractionsLoader1._30seconds = 30000; }, 7346: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.CacheableInteractionsLoader = void 0; const LoggerFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(5913); class CacheableInteractionsLoader1 { constructor(delegate1){ this.delegate = delegate1, this.logger = LoggerFactory_11.LoggerFactory.INST.create('CacheableInteractionsLoader'), this.interactionsCache = new Map(); } async load(contractTxId1, fromSortKey1, toSortKey1, evaluationOptions1) { if (this.logger.debug("Loading interactions for", { contractTxId: contractTxId1, fromSortKey: fromSortKey1, toSortKey: toSortKey1 }), this.interactionsCache.has(contractTxId1)) { const cachedInteractions1 = this.interactionsCache.get(contractTxId1); if (null == cachedInteractions1 ? void 0 : cachedInteractions1.length) { const lastCachedKey1 = cachedInteractions1[cachedInteractions1.length - 1].sortKey; if (0 > lastCachedKey1.localeCompare(toSortKey1)) { const missingInteractions1 = await this.delegate.load(contractTxId1, lastCachedKey1, toSortKey1, evaluationOptions1), allInteractions1 = cachedInteractions1.concat(missingInteractions1); return this.interactionsCache.set(contractTxId1, allInteractions1), allInteractions1; } } return cachedInteractions1; } { const interactions1 = await this.delegate.load(contractTxId1, fromSortKey1, toSortKey1, evaluationOptions1); return interactions1.length && this.interactionsCache.set(contractTxId1, interactions1), interactions1; } } type() { return this.delegate.type(); } clearCache() { this.interactionsCache.clear(); } } exports1.CacheableInteractionsLoader = CacheableInteractionsLoader1; }, 4286: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.CacheableStateEvaluator = void 0; const SortKeyCache_11 = __webpack_require__1(345), LoggerFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(5913), utils_11 = __webpack_require__1(5082), StateEvaluator_11 = __webpack_require__1(7462), DefaultStateEvaluator_11 = __webpack_require__1(4929), LexicographicalInteractionsSorter_11 = __webpack_require__1(1967); class CacheableStateEvaluator1 extends DefaultStateEvaluator_11.DefaultStateEvaluator { constructor(arweave1, cache1, executionContextModifiers1 = []){ super(arweave1, executionContextModifiers1), this.cache = cache1, this.cLogger = LoggerFactory_11.LoggerFactory.INST.create('CacheableStateEvaluator'); } async eval(executionContext1, currentTx1) { var _a1, _b1, _c1, _d1; const cachedState1 = executionContext1.cachedState; if (cachedState1 && cachedState1.sortKey == executionContext1.requestedSortKey) return this.cLogger.info(`Exact cache hit for sortKey ${null === (_a1 = null == executionContext1 ? void 0 : executionContext1.contractDefinition) || void 0 === _a1 ? void 0 : _a1.txId}:${cachedState1.sortKey}`), null === (_b1 = executionContext1.handler) || void 0 === _b1 || _b1.initState(cachedState1.cachedValue.state), cachedState1; const missingInteractions1 = executionContext1.sortedInteractions, contractTxId1 = executionContext1.contractDefinition.txId; if (!contractTxId1) throw Error('Contract tx id not set in the execution context'); for (const entry1 of currentTx1 || [])if (entry1.contractTxId === executionContext1.contractDefinition.txId) { const index1 = missingInteractions1.findIndex((tx1)=>tx1.id === entry1.interactionTxId); -1 !== index1 && (this.cLogger.debug('Inf. Loop fix - removing interaction', { height: missingInteractions1[index1].block.height, contractTxId: entry1.contractTxId, interactionTxId: entry1.interactionTxId, sortKey: missingInteractions1[index1].sortKey }), missingInteractions1.splice(index1)); } if (0 == missingInteractions1.length) { if (this.cLogger.info(`No missing interactions ${contractTxId1}`), cachedState1) return null === (_c1 = executionContext1.handler) || void 0 === _c1 || _c1.initState(cachedState1.cachedValue.state), cachedState1; { null === (_d1 = executionContext1.handler) || void 0 === _d1 || _d1.initState(executionContext1.contractDefinition.initState), this.cLogger.debug('Inserting initial state into cache'); const stateToCache1 = new StateEvaluator_11.EvalStateResult(executionContext1.contractDefinition.initState, {}, {}); return await this.cache.put(new SortKeyCache_11.CacheKey(contractTxId1, LexicographicalInteractionsSorter_11.genesisSortKey), stateToCache1), new SortKeyCache_11.SortKeyCacheResult(LexicographicalInteractionsSorter_11.genesisSortKey, stateToCache1); } } const baseState1 = null == cachedState1 ? executionContext1.contractDefinition.initState : cachedState1.cachedValue.state, baseValidity1 = null == cachedState1 ? {} : cachedState1.cachedValue.validity, baseErrorMessages1 = null == cachedState1 ? {} : cachedState1.cachedValue.errorMessages; return this.cLogger.debug('Base state', baseState1), await this.doReadState(missingInteractions1, new StateEvaluator_11.EvalStateResult(baseState1, baseValidity1, baseErrorMessages1 || {}), executionContext1, currentTx1); } async onStateEvaluated(transaction1, executionContext1, state1) { const contractTxId1 = executionContext1.contractDefinition.txId; this.cLogger.debug(`${(0, utils_11.indent)(executionContext1.contract.callDepth())}onStateEvaluated: cache update for contract ${contractTxId1} [${transaction1.sortKey}]`), await this.putInCache(contractTxId1, transaction1, state1); } async onStateUpdate(transaction1, executionContext1, state1, force1 = !1) { (executionContext1.evaluationOptions.updateCacheForEachInteraction || force1) && (this.cLogger.debug(`onStateUpdate: cache update for contract ${executionContext1.contractDefinition.txId} [${transaction1.sortKey}]`, { contract: executionContext1.contractDefinition.txId, state: state1.state, sortKey: transaction1.sortKey }), await this.putInCache(executionContext1.contractDefinition.txId, transaction1, state1)); } async latestAvailableState(contractTxId1, sortKey1) { if (this.cLogger.debug('Searching for', { contractTxId: contractTxId1, sortKey: sortKey1 }), !sortKey1) return await this.cache.getLast(contractTxId1); { const stateCache1 = await this.cache.getLessOrEqual(contractTxId1, sortKey1); return stateCache1 && this.cLogger.debug(`Latest available state at ${contractTxId1}: ${stateCache1.sortKey}`), stateCache1; } } async onInternalWriteStateUpdate(transaction1, contractTxId1, state1) { this.cLogger.debug('Internal write state update:', { sortKey: transaction1.sortKey, dry: transaction1.dry, contractTxId: contractTxId1, state: state1.state }), await this.putInCache(contractTxId1, transaction1, state1); } async onContractCall(transaction1, executionContext1, state1) { var _a1; if ((null === (_a1 = executionContext1.sortedInteractions) || void 0 === _a1 ? void 0 : _a1.length) == 0) return; const txIndex1 = executionContext1.sortedInteractions.indexOf(transaction1); txIndex1 < 1 || await this.putInCache(executionContext1.contractDefinition.txId, executionContext1.sortedInteractions[txIndex1 - 1], state1); } async putInCache(contractTxId1, transaction1, state1) { if (transaction1.dry || void 0 !== transaction1.confirmationStatus && 'confirmed' !== transaction1.confirmationStatus) return; const stateToCache1 = new StateEvaluator_11.EvalStateResult(state1.state, state1.validity, state1.errorMessages || {}); this.cLogger.debug('Putting into cache', { contractTxId: contractTxId1, transaction: transaction1.id, sortKey: transaction1.sortKey, dry: transaction1.dry, state: stateToCache1.state, validity: stateToCache1.validity }), await this.cache.put(new SortKeyCache_11.CacheKey(contractTxId1, transaction1.sortKey), stateToCache1); } async syncState(contractTxId1, sortKey1, state1, validity1) { const stateToCache1 = new StateEvaluator_11.EvalStateResult(state1, validity1, {}); await this.cache.put(new SortKeyCache_11.CacheKey(contractTxId1, sortKey1), stateToCache1); } async dumpCache() { return await this.cache.dump(); } async internalWriteState(contractTxId1, sortKey1) { return await this.cache.get(contractTxId1, sortKey1); } async hasContractCached(contractTxId1) { return await this.cache.getLast(contractTxId1) != null; } async lastCachedSortKey() { return await this.cache.getLastSortKey(); } async allCachedContracts() { return await this.cache.allContracts(); } } exports1.CacheableStateEvaluator = CacheableStateEvaluator1; }, 7089: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.ContractDefinitionLoader = void 0; const SmartWeaveTags_11 = __webpack_require__1(7312), utils_11 = __webpack_require__1(3633), Benchmark_11 = __webpack_require__1(9106), LoggerFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(5913), ArweaveWrapper_11 = __webpack_require__1(9360), WasmSrc_11 = __webpack_require__1(6105), supportedSrcContentTypes1 = [ 'application/javascript', 'application/wasm' ]; class ContractDefinitionLoader1 { constructor(arweave1, cache1){ this.arweave = arweave1, this.cache = cache1, this.logger = LoggerFactory_11.LoggerFactory.INST.create('ContractDefinitionLoader'), this.arweaveWrapper = new ArweaveWrapper_11.ArweaveWrapper(arweave1); } async load(contractTxId1, evolvedSrcTxId1) { var _a1, _b1, _c1; if (!evolvedSrcTxId1 && (null === (_a1 = this.cache) || void 0 === _a1 ? void 0 : _a1.contains(contractTxId1))) return this.logger.debug('ContractDefinitionLoader: Hit from cache!'), Promise.resolve(null === (_b1 = this.cache) || void 0 === _b1 ? void 0 : _b1.get(contractTxId1)); const benchmark1 = Benchmark_11.Benchmark.measure(), contract1 = await this.doLoad(contractTxId1, evolvedSrcTxId1); return this.logger.info(`Contract definition loaded in: ${benchmark1.elapsed()}`), null === (_c1 = this.cache) || void 0 === _c1 || _c1.put(contractTxId1, contract1), contract1; } async doLoad(contractTxId1, forcedSrcTxId1) { const benchmark1 = Benchmark_11.Benchmark.measure(), contractTx1 = await this.arweaveWrapper.tx(contractTxId1), owner1 = await this.arweave.wallets.ownerToAddress(contractTx1.owner); this.logger.debug('Contract tx and owner', benchmark1.elapsed()), benchmark1.reset(); const contractSrcTxId1 = forcedSrcTxId1 || (0, utils_11.getTag)(contractTx1, SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.CONTRACT_SRC_TX_ID), minFee1 = (0, utils_11.getTag)(contractTx1, SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.MIN_FEE); this.logger.debug('Tags decoding', benchmark1.elapsed()), benchmark1.reset(); const s3 = await this.evalInitialState(contractTx1); this.logger.debug('init state', s3); const initState1 = JSON.parse(await this.evalInitialState(contractTx1)); this.logger.debug('Parsing src and init state', benchmark1.elapsed()); const { src: src1, srcBinary: srcBinary1, srcWasmLang: srcWasmLang1, contractType: contractType1, metadata: metadata1, srcTx: srcTx1 } = await this.loadContractSource(contractSrcTxId1); return { txId: contractTxId1, srcTxId: contractSrcTxId1, src: src1, srcBinary: srcBinary1, srcWasmLang: srcWasmLang1, initState: initState1, minFee: minFee1, owner: owner1, contractType: contractType1, metadata: metadata1, contractTx: contractTx1.toJSON(), srcTx: srcTx1 }; } async loadContractSource(contractSrcTxId1) { let srcWasmLang1, wasmSrc1, srcMetaData1; const benchmark1 = Benchmark_11.Benchmark.measure(), contractSrcTx1 = await this.arweaveWrapper.tx(contractSrcTxId1), srcContentType1 = (0, utils_11.getTag)(contractSrcTx1, SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.CONTENT_TYPE); if (!supportedSrcContentTypes1.includes(srcContentType1)) throw Error(`Contract source content type ${srcContentType1} not supported`); const contractType1 = 'application/javascript' == srcContentType1 ? 'js' : 'wasm', src1 = 'js' == contractType1 ? await this.arweaveWrapper.txDataString(contractSrcTxId1) : await this.arweaveWrapper.txData(contractSrcTxId1); if ('wasm' == contractType1) { if (wasmSrc1 = new WasmSrc_11.WasmSrc(src1), !(srcWasmLang1 = (0, utils_11.getTag)(contractSrcTx1, SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.WASM_LANG))) throw Error(`Wasm lang not set for wasm contract src ${contractSrcTxId1}`); srcMetaData1 = JSON.parse((0, utils_11.getTag)(contractSrcTx1, SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.WASM_META)); } return this.logger.debug('Contract src tx load', benchmark1.elapsed()), benchmark1.reset(), { src: 'js' == contractType1 ? src1 : null, srcBinary: 'wasm' == contractType1 ? wasmSrc1.wasmBinary() : null, srcWasmLang: srcWasmLang1, contractType: contractType1, metadata: srcMetaData1, srcTx: contractSrcTx1.toJSON() }; } async evalInitialState(contractTx1) { if ((0, utils_11.getTag)(contractTx1, SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.INIT_STATE)) return (0, utils_11.getTag)(contractTx1, SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.INIT_STATE); if (!(0, utils_11.getTag)(contractTx1, SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.INIT_STATE_TX)) return this.arweaveWrapper.txDataString(contractTx1.id); { const stateTX1 = (0, utils_11.getTag)(contractTx1, SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.INIT_STATE_TX); return this.arweaveWrapper.txDataString(stateTX1); } } type() { return 'arweave'; } } exports1.ContractDefinitionLoader = ContractDefinitionLoader1; }, 4929: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var __importDefault1 = this && this.__importDefault || function(mod1) { return mod1 && mod1.__esModule ? mod1 : { default: mod1 }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.DefaultStateEvaluator = void 0; const vrf_js_11 = __webpack_require__1(8161), elliptic_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(6266)), SortKeyCache_11 = __webpack_require__1(345), Benchmark_11 = __webpack_require__1(9106), LoggerFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(5913), utils_11 = __webpack_require__1(5082), StateEvaluator_11 = __webpack_require__1(7462), StateCache_11 = __webpack_require__1(2138), TagsParser_11 = __webpack_require__1(8996), EC1 = new elliptic_11.default.ec('secp256k1'); class DefaultStateEvaluator1 { constructor(arweave1, executionContextModifiers1 = []){ this.arweave = arweave1, this.executionContextModifiers = executionContextModifiers1, this.logger = LoggerFactory_11.LoggerFactory.INST.create('DefaultStateEvaluator'), this.tagsParser = new TagsParser_11.TagsParser(); } async eval(executionContext1, currentTx1) { return this.doReadState(executionContext1.sortedInteractions, new StateEvaluator_11.EvalStateResult(executionContext1.contractDefinition.initState, {}, {}), executionContext1, currentTx1); } async doReadState(missingInteractions1, baseState1, executionContext1, currentTx1) { var _a1; const { ignoreExceptions: ignoreExceptions1, stackTrace: stackTrace1, internalWrites: internalWrites1 } = executionContext1.evaluationOptions, { contract: contract1, contractDefinition: contractDefinition1, sortedInteractions: sortedInteractions1 } = executionContext1; let currentState1 = baseState1.state, currentSortKey1 = null; const validity1 = baseState1.validity, errorMessages1 = baseState1.errorMessages; null == executionContext1 || executionContext1.handler.initState(currentState1); const depth1 = executionContext1.contract.callDepth(); this.logger.info(`${(0, utils_11.indent)(depth1)}Evaluating state for ${contractDefinition1.txId} [${missingInteractions1.length} non-cached of ${sortedInteractions1.length} all]`); let errorMessage1 = null, lastConfirmedTxState1 = null; const missingInteractionsLength1 = missingInteractions1.length; executionContext1.handler.initState(currentState1); for(let i2 = 0; i2 < missingInteractionsLength1; i2++){ const missingInteraction1 = missingInteractions1[i2], singleInteractionBenchmark1 = Benchmark_11.Benchmark.measure(); if (currentSortKey1 = missingInteraction1.sortKey, missingInteraction1.vrf && !this.verifyVrf(missingInteraction1.vrf, missingInteraction1.sortKey, this.arweave)) throw Error('Vrf verification failed.'); this.logger.debug(`${(0, utils_11.indent)(depth1)}[${contractDefinition1.txId}][${missingInteraction1.id}][${missingInteraction1.block.height}]: ${missingInteractions1.indexOf(missingInteraction1) + 1}/${missingInteractions1.length} [of all:${sortedInteractions1.length}]`); const isInteractWrite1 = this.tagsParser.isInteractWrite(missingInteraction1, contractDefinition1.txId); if (isInteractWrite1 && internalWrites1) { const writingContractTxId1 = this.tagsParser.getContractTag(missingInteraction1); this.logger.debug(`${(0, utils_11.indent)(depth1)}Internal Write - Loading writing contract`, writingContractTxId1); const interactionCall1 = contract1.getCallStack().addInteractionData({ interaction: null, interactionTx: missingInteraction1, currentTx: currentTx1 }), writingContract1 = executionContext1.warp.contract(writingContractTxId1, executionContext1.contract, missingInteraction1); await this.onContractCall(missingInteraction1, executionContext1, new StateEvaluator_11.EvalStateResult(currentState1, validity1, errorMessages1)), this.logger.debug(`${(0, utils_11.indent)(depth1)}Reading state of the calling contract at`, missingInteraction1.sortKey), await writingContract1.readState(missingInteraction1.sortKey, [ ...currentTx1 || [], { contractTxId: contractDefinition1.txId, interactionTxId: missingInteraction1.id } ]); const newState1 = await this.internalWriteState(contractDefinition1.txId, missingInteraction1.sortKey); if (null !== newState1) { currentState1 = newState1.cachedValue.state, null == executionContext1 || executionContext1.handler.initState(currentState1), validity1[missingInteraction1.id] = newState1.cachedValue.validity[missingInteraction1.id], (null === (_a1 = newState1.cachedValue.errorMessages) || void 0 === _a1 ? void 0 : _a1[missingInteraction1.id]) && (errorMessages1[missingInteraction1.id] = newState1.cachedValue.errorMessages[missingInteraction1.id]); const toCache1 = new StateEvaluator_11.EvalStateResult(currentState1, validity1, errorMessages1); await this.onStateUpdate(missingInteraction1, executionContext1, toCache1), (0, StateCache_11.canBeCached)(missingInteraction1) && (lastConfirmedTxState1 = { tx: missingInteraction1, state: toCache1 }); } else validity1[missingInteraction1.id] = !1; interactionCall1.update({ cacheHit: !1, outputState: stackTrace1.saveState ? currentState1 : void 0, executionTime: singleInteractionBenchmark1.elapsed(!0), valid: validity1[missingInteraction1.id], errorMessage: errorMessage1, gasUsed: 0 }); } else { const inputTag1 = this.tagsParser.getInputTag(missingInteraction1, executionContext1.contractDefinition.txId); if (!inputTag1) { this.logger.error(`${(0, utils_11.indent)(depth1)}Skipping tx - Input tag not found for ${missingInteraction1.id}`); continue; } const input1 = this.parseInput(inputTag1); if (!input1) { this.logger.error(`${(0, utils_11.indent)(depth1)}Skipping tx - invalid Input tag - ${missingInteraction1.id}`); continue; } const interaction1 = { input: input1, caller: missingInteraction1.owner.address }, interactionData1 = { interaction: interaction1, interactionTx: missingInteraction1, currentTx: currentTx1 }; this.logger.debug(`${(0, utils_11.indent)(depth1)}Interaction:`, interaction1); const interactionCall1 = contract1.getCallStack().addInteractionData(interactionData1), result1 = await executionContext1.handler.handle(executionContext1, new StateEvaluator_11.EvalStateResult(currentState1, validity1, errorMessages1), interactionData1); if (errorMessage1 = result1.errorMessage, 'ok' !== result1.type && (errorMessages1[missingInteraction1.id] = errorMessage1), this.logResult(result1, missingInteraction1, executionContext1), this.logger.debug(`${(0, utils_11.indent)(depth1)}Interaction evaluation`, singleInteractionBenchmark1.elapsed()), interactionCall1.update({ cacheHit: !1, outputState: stackTrace1.saveState ? currentState1 : void 0, executionTime: singleInteractionBenchmark1.elapsed(!0), valid: validity1[missingInteraction1.id], errorMessage: errorMessage1, gasUsed: result1.gasUsed }), 'exception' === result1.type && !0 !== ignoreExceptions1) throw Error(`Exception while processing ${JSON.stringify(interaction1)}:\n${result1.errorMessage}`); validity1[missingInteraction1.id] = 'ok' === result1.type, currentState1 = result1.state; const toCache1 = new StateEvaluator_11.EvalStateResult(currentState1, validity1, errorMessages1); (0, StateCache_11.canBeCached)(missingInteraction1) && (lastConfirmedTxState1 = { tx: missingInteraction1, state: toCache1 }), await this.onStateUpdate(missingInteraction1, executionContext1, toCache1); } for (const { modify: modify1 } of this.executionContextModifiers)executionContext1 = await modify1(currentState1, executionContext1); } const evalStateResult1 = new StateEvaluator_11.EvalStateResult(currentState1, validity1, errorMessages1); return null !== lastConfirmedTxState1 && await this.onStateEvaluated(lastConfirmedTxState1.tx, executionContext1, lastConfirmedTxState1.state), new SortKeyCache_11.SortKeyCacheResult(currentSortKey1, evalStateResult1); } verifyVrf(vrf1, sortKey1, arweave1) { let hash1; const keys1 = EC1.keyFromPublic(vrf1.pubkey, 'hex'); try { hash1 = (0, vrf_js_11.ProofHoHash)(keys1.getPublic(), arweave1.utils.stringToBuffer(sortKey1), arweave1.utils.b64UrlToBuffer(vrf1.proof)); } catch (e1) { return !1; } return arweave1.utils.bufferTob64Url(hash1) == vrf1.index; } logResult(result1, currentTx1, executionContext1) { 'exception' === result1.type && this.logger.error(`Executing of interaction: [${executionContext1.contractDefinition.txId} -> ${currentTx1.id}] threw exception:`, `${result1.errorMessage}`), 'error' === result1.type && this.logger.warn(`Executing of interaction: [${executionContext1.contractDefinition.txId} -> ${currentTx1.id}] returned error:`, result1.errorMessage); } parseInput(inputTag1) { try { return JSON.parse(inputTag1.value); } catch (e1) { return this.logger.error(e1), null; } } } exports1.DefaultStateEvaluator = DefaultStateEvaluator1; }, 9174: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var __createBinding1 = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3); var desc1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m1, k3); (!desc1 || ("get" in desc1 ? !m1.__esModule : desc1.writable || desc1.configurable)) && (desc1 = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return m1[k3]; } }), Object.defineProperty(o1, k21, desc1); } : function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3), o1[k21] = m1[k3]; }), __setModuleDefault1 = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(o1, v3) { Object.defineProperty(o1, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: v3 }); } : function(o1, v3) { o1.default = v3; }), __importStar1 = this && this.__importStar || function(mod1) { if (mod1 && mod1.__esModule) return mod1; var result1 = {}; if (null != mod1) for(var k3 in mod1)"default" !== k3 && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod1, k3) && __createBinding1(result1, mod1, k3); return __setModuleDefault1(result1, mod1), result1; }, __importDefault1 = this && this.__importDefault || function(mod1) { return mod1 && mod1.__esModule ? mod1 : { default: mod1 }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.HandlerExecutorFactory = void 0; const loader_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(7605)), as_wasm_imports_11 = __webpack_require__1(1692), rust_wasm_imports_11 = __webpack_require__1(6505), go_wasm_imports_11 = __webpack_require__1(7170), bignumber_js_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(4431)), vm21 = __importStar1(__webpack_require__1(7840)), smartweave_global_11 = __webpack_require__1(8563), Benchmark_11 = __webpack_require__1(9106), LoggerFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(5913), JsHandlerApi_11 = __webpack_require__1(1515), WasmHandlerApi_11 = __webpack_require__1(3425), normalize_source_11 = __webpack_require__1(4965), MemCache_11 = __webpack_require__1(1200); class ContractError1 extends Error { constructor(message1){ super(message1), this.name = 'ContractError'; } } class HandlerExecutorFactory1 { constructor(arweave1){ this.arweave = arweave1, this.logger = LoggerFactory_11.LoggerFactory.INST.create('HandlerExecutorFactory'), this.cache = new MemCache_11.MemCache(); } async create(contractDefinition1, evaluationOptions1) { const swGlobal1 = new smartweave_global_11.SmartWeaveGlobal(this.arweave, { id: contractDefinition1.txId, owner: contractDefinition1.owner }, evaluationOptions1); if ('wasm' == contractDefinition1.contractType) { let wasmInstance1; this.logger.info('Creating handler for wasm contract', contractDefinition1.txId); const benchmark1 = Benchmark_11.Benchmark.measure(); let jsExports1 = null; const wasmResponse1 = generateResponse1(contractDefinition1.srcBinary); switch(contractDefinition1.srcWasmLang){ case 'assemblyscript': { const wasmInstanceExports1 = { exports: null }; wasmInstance1 = await loader_11.default.instantiateStreaming(wasmResponse1, (0, as_wasm_imports_11.asWasmImports)(swGlobal1, wasmInstanceExports1)), wasmInstanceExports1.exports = wasmInstance1.exports; break; } case 'rust': { const wasmInstanceExports1 = { exports: null, modifiedExports: { wasm_bindgen__convert__closures__invoke2_mut__: null, _dyn_core__ops__function__FnMut__A____Output___R_as_wasm_bindgen__closure__WasmClosure___describe__invoke__: null } }, wasmModule1 = await getWasmModule1(wasmResponse1, contractDefinition1.srcBinary), moduleImports1 = WebAssembly.Module.imports(wasmModule1), wbindgenImports1 = moduleImports1.filter((imp1)=>'__wbindgen_placeholder__' === imp1.module).map((imp1)=>imp1.name), { imports: imports1, exports: exports1 } = (0, rust_wasm_imports_11.rustWasmImports)(swGlobal1, wbindgenImports1, wasmInstanceExports1, contractDefinition1.metadata.dtor); jsExports1 = exports1, wasmInstance1 = await WebAssembly.instantiate(wasmModule1, imports1), wasmInstanceExports1.exports = wasmInstance1.exports; const moduleExports1 = Object.keys(wasmInstance1.exports); moduleExports1.forEach((moduleExport1)=>{ moduleExport1.startsWith('wasm_bindgen__convert__closures__invoke2_mut__') && (wasmInstanceExports1.modifiedExports.wasm_bindgen__convert__closures__invoke2_mut__ = wasmInstance1.exports[moduleExport1]), moduleExport1.startsWith('_dyn_core__ops__function__FnMut__A____Output___R_as_wasm_bindgen__closure__WasmClosure___describe__invoke__') && (wasmInstanceExports1.modifiedExports._dyn_core__ops__function__FnMut__A____Output___R_as_wasm_bindgen__closure__WasmClosure___describe__invoke__ = wasmInstance1.exports[moduleExport1]); }); break; } case 'go': { const go1 = new go_wasm_imports_11.Go(swGlobal1); go1.importObject.metering = { usegas: function(value1) { swGlobal1.useGas(value1); } }; const wasmModule1 = await getWasmModule1(wasmResponse1, contractDefinition1.srcBinary); wasmInstance1 = await WebAssembly.instantiate(wasmModule1, go1.importObject), go1.run(wasmInstance1), jsExports1 = go1.exports; break; } default: throw Error(`Support for ${contractDefinition1.srcWasmLang} not implemented yet.`); } return this.logger.info(`WASM ${contractDefinition1.srcWasmLang} handler created in ${benchmark1.elapsed()}`), new WasmHandlerApi_11.WasmHandlerApi(swGlobal1, contractDefinition1, jsExports1 || wasmInstance1.exports); } { this.logger.info('Creating handler for js contract', contractDefinition1.txId); const normalizedSource1 = (0, normalize_source_11.normalizeContractSource)(contractDefinition1.src, evaluationOptions1.useVM2); if (!evaluationOptions1.allowUnsafeClient && normalizedSource1.includes('SmartWeave.unsafeClient')) throw Error('Using unsafeClient is not allowed by default. Use EvaluationOptions.allowUnsafeClient flag.'); if (!evaluationOptions1.allowBigInt && normalizedSource1.includes('BigInt')) throw Error('Using BigInt is not allowed by default. Use EvaluationOptions.allowBigInt flag.'); if (evaluationOptions1.useVM2) { const vmScript1 = new vm21.VMScript(normalizedSource1), vm1 = new vm21.NodeVM({ console: 'off', sandbox: { SmartWeave: swGlobal1, BigNumber: bignumber_js_11.default, logger: this.logger, ContractError: ContractError1, ContractAssert: function(cond1, message1) { if (!cond1) throw new ContractError1(message1); } }, compiler: 'javascript', eval: !1, wasm: !1, allowAsync: !0, wrapper: 'commonjs' }); return new JsHandlerApi_11.JsHandlerApi(swGlobal1, contractDefinition1, vm1.run(vmScript1)); } { const contractFunction1 = Function(normalizedSource1), handler1 = contractFunction1(swGlobal1, bignumber_js_11.default, LoggerFactory_11.LoggerFactory.INST.create(swGlobal1.contract.id)); return new JsHandlerApi_11.JsHandlerApi(swGlobal1, contractDefinition1, handler1); } } } } function generateResponse1(wasmBinary1) { const init1 = { status: 200, statusText: 'OK', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/wasm' } }; return new Response(wasmBinary1, init1); } async function getWasmModule1(wasmResponse1, binary1) { return WebAssembly.compileStreaming ? await WebAssembly.compileStreaming(wasmResponse1) : await WebAssembly.compile(binary1); } exports1.HandlerExecutorFactory = HandlerExecutorFactory1; }, 1967: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.LexicographicalInteractionsSorter = exports1.genesisSortKey = exports1.sortingLast = exports1.sortingFirst = void 0; const utils_11 = __webpack_require__1(3633), LoggerFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(5913), WarpGatewayInteractionsLoader_11 = __webpack_require__1(1533), firstSortKeyMs1 = ''.padEnd(13, '0'), lastSortKeyMs1 = ''.padEnd(13, '9'), defaultArweaveMs1 = ''.padEnd(13, '0'); exports1.sortingFirst = ''.padEnd(64, '0'), exports1.sortingLast = ''.padEnd(64, 'z'), exports1.genesisSortKey = `${''.padStart(12, '0')},${firstSortKeyMs1},${exports1.sortingFirst}`; class LexicographicalInteractionsSorter1 { constructor(arweave1){ this.arweave = arweave1, this.logger = LoggerFactory_11.LoggerFactory.INST.create('LexicographicalInteractionsSorter'); } async sort(transactions1) { const copy1 = [ ...transactions1 ], addKeysFuncs1 = copy1.map((tx1)=>this.addSortKey(tx1)); return await Promise.all(addKeysFuncs1), copy1.sort((a10, b10)=>a10.node.sortKey.localeCompare(b10.node.sortKey)); } async createSortKey(blockId1, transactionId1, blockHeight1, dummy1 = !1) { const blockHashBytes1 = this.arweave.utils.b64UrlToBuffer(blockId1), txIdBytes1 = this.arweave.utils.b64UrlToBuffer(transactionId1), concatenated1 = this.arweave.utils.concatBuffers([ blockHashBytes1, txIdBytes1 ]), hashed1 = (0, utils_11.arrayToHex)(await this.arweave.crypto.hash(concatenated1)), blockHeightString1 = `${blockHeight1}`.padStart(12, '0'), arweaveMs1 = dummy1 ? lastSortKeyMs1 : defaultArweaveMs1; return `${blockHeightString1},${arweaveMs1},${hashed1}`; } extractBlockHeight(sortKey1) { return sortKey1 ? parseInt(sortKey1.split(',')[0]) : null; } async addSortKey(txInfo1) { const { node: node1 } = txInfo1; void 0 !== txInfo1.node.sortKey && txInfo1.node.source == WarpGatewayInteractionsLoader_11.SourceType.WARP_SEQUENCER ? this.logger.debug('Using sortKey from sequencer', txInfo1.node.sortKey) : txInfo1.node.sortKey = await this.createSortKey(node1.block.id, node1.id, node1.block.height); } generateLastSortKey(blockHeight1) { const blockHeightString1 = `${blockHeight1}`.padStart(12, '0'); return `${blockHeightString1},${lastSortKeyMs1},${exports1.sortingLast}`; } } exports1.LexicographicalInteractionsSorter = LexicographicalInteractionsSorter1; }, 2138: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; function canBeCached1(tx1) { return void 0 === tx1.confirmationStatus || 'confirmed' === tx1.confirmationStatus; } Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.canBeCached = void 0, exports1.canBeCached = canBeCached1; }, 8996: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.TagsParser = void 0; const SmartWeaveTags_11 = __webpack_require__1(7312), LoggerFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(5913); class TagsParser1 { constructor(){ this.logger = LoggerFactory_11.LoggerFactory.INST.create('TagsParser'); } getInputTag(interactionTransaction1, contractTxId1) { if (!TagsParser1.hasMultipleInteractions(interactionTransaction1)) return interactionTransaction1.tags.find((tag1)=>tag1.name === SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.INPUT); { this.logger.debug('Interaction transaction is using multiple input tx tag format.'); const contractTagIndex1 = interactionTransaction1.tags.findIndex((tag1)=>tag1.name === SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.CONTRACT_TX_ID && tag1.value === contractTxId1); if (interactionTransaction1.tags.length - 1 === contractTagIndex1) { this.logger.warn("Wrong tags format: 'Contract' is the last tag"); return; } const inputTag1 = interactionTransaction1.tags[contractTagIndex1 + 1]; if (inputTag1.name !== SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.INPUT) { this.logger.warn(`No 'Input' tag found after 'Contract' tag. Instead ${inputTag1.name} was found`); return; } return inputTag1; } } isInteractWrite(interactionTransaction1, contractTxId1) { return interactionTransaction1.tags.some((tag1)=>tag1.name === SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.INTERACT_WRITE && tag1.value === contractTxId1); } getInteractWritesContracts(interactionTransaction1) { return interactionTransaction1.tags.filter((tag1)=>tag1.name === SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.INTERACT_WRITE).map((t3)=>t3.value); } getContractTag(interactionTransaction1) { var _a1; return null === (_a1 = interactionTransaction1.tags.find((tag1)=>tag1.name === SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.CONTRACT_TX_ID)) || void 0 === _a1 ? void 0 : _a1.value; } getContractsWithInputs(interactionTransaction1) { const result1 = new Map(), contractTags1 = interactionTransaction1.tags.filter((tag1)=>tag1.name === SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.CONTRACT_TX_ID); return contractTags1.forEach((contractTag1)=>{ result1.set(contractTag1.value, this.getInputTag(interactionTransaction1, contractTag1.value)); }), result1; } static hasMultipleInteractions(interactionTransaction1) { return interactionTransaction1.tags.filter((tag1)=>tag1.name === SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.CONTRACT_TX_ID).length > 1; } } exports1.TagsParser = TagsParser1; }, 3187: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var Buffer1 = __webpack_require__1(8764).Buffer, __importDefault1 = this && this.__importDefault || function(mod1) { return mod1 && mod1.__esModule ? mod1 : { default: mod1 }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.WarpGatewayContractDefinitionLoader = void 0; const ContractDefinitionLoader_11 = __webpack_require__1(7089); __webpack_require__1(9180); const WasmSrc_11 = __webpack_require__1(6105), transaction_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(7241)), SmartWeaveTags_11 = __webpack_require__1(7312), utils_11 = __webpack_require__1(3633), Benchmark_11 = __webpack_require__1(9106), LoggerFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(5913), ArweaveWrapper_11 = __webpack_require__1(9360), utils_21 = __webpack_require__1(5082); class WarpGatewayContractDefinitionLoader1 { constructor(baseUrl1, arweave1, cache1){ this.baseUrl = baseUrl1, this.cache = cache1, this.rLogger = LoggerFactory_11.LoggerFactory.INST.create('WarpGatewayContractDefinitionLoader'), this.baseUrl = (0, utils_21.stripTrailingSlash)(baseUrl1), this.contractDefinitionLoader = new ContractDefinitionLoader_11.ContractDefinitionLoader(arweave1, cache1), this.arweaveWrapper = new ArweaveWrapper_11.ArweaveWrapper(arweave1); } async load(contractTxId1, evolvedSrcTxId1) { var _a1, _b1, _c1; if (!evolvedSrcTxId1 && (null === (_a1 = this.cache) || void 0 === _a1 ? void 0 : _a1.contains(contractTxId1))) return this.rLogger.debug('WarpGatewayContractDefinitionLoader: Hit from cache!'), Promise.resolve(null === (_b1 = this.cache) || void 0 === _b1 ? void 0 : _b1.get(contractTxId1)); const benchmark1 = Benchmark_11.Benchmark.measure(), contract1 = await this.doLoad(contractTxId1, evolvedSrcTxId1); return this.rLogger.info(`Contract definition loaded in: ${benchmark1.elapsed()}`), null === (_c1 = this.cache) || void 0 === _c1 || _c1.put(contractTxId1, contract1), contract1; } async doLoad(contractTxId1, forcedSrcTxId1) { try { const result1 = await fetch(`${this.baseUrl}/gateway/contract?txId=${contractTxId1}${forcedSrcTxId1 ? `&srcTxId=${forcedSrcTxId1}` : ''}`).then((res1)=>res1.ok ? res1.json() : Promise.reject(res1)).catch((error1)=>{ var _a1, _b1; throw (null === (_a1 = error1.body) || void 0 === _a1 ? void 0 : _a1.message) && this.rLogger.error(error1.body.message), Error(`Unable to retrieve contract data. Warp gateway responded with status ${error1.status}:${null === (_b1 = error1.body) || void 0 === _b1 ? void 0 : _b1.message}`); }); if (null == result1.srcBinary || result1.srcBinary instanceof Buffer1 || (result1.srcBinary = Buffer1.from(result1.srcBinary.data)), result1.srcBinary) { let sourceTx1; const wasmSrc1 = new WasmSrc_11.WasmSrc(result1.srcBinary); result1.srcBinary = wasmSrc1.wasmBinary(), sourceTx1 = result1.srcTx ? new transaction_11.default({ ...result1.srcTx }) : await this.arweaveWrapper.tx(result1.srcTxId); const srcMetaData1 = JSON.parse((0, utils_11.getTag)(sourceTx1, SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.WASM_META)); result1.metadata = srcMetaData1; } return result1.contractType = result1.src ? 'js' : 'wasm', result1; } catch (e1) { return this.rLogger.warn('Falling back to default contracts loader', e1), await this.contractDefinitionLoader.doLoad(contractTxId1, forcedSrcTxId1); } } async loadContractSource(contractSrcTxId1) { return await this.contractDefinitionLoader.loadContractSource(contractSrcTxId1); } type() { return 'warp'; } } exports1.WarpGatewayContractDefinitionLoader = WarpGatewayContractDefinitionLoader1; }, 1533: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var SourceType1; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.WarpGatewayInteractionsLoader = exports1.SourceType = void 0; const Benchmark_11 = __webpack_require__1(9106), LoggerFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(5913); __webpack_require__1(9180); const utils_11 = __webpack_require__1(5082); !function(SourceType1) { SourceType1.ARWEAVE = "arweave", SourceType1.WARP_SEQUENCER = "redstone-sequencer"; }(SourceType1 = exports1.SourceType || (exports1.SourceType = {})); class WarpGatewayInteractionsLoader1 { constructor(baseUrl1, confirmationStatus1 = null, source1 = null){ this.baseUrl = baseUrl1, this.confirmationStatus = confirmationStatus1, this.source = source1, this.logger = LoggerFactory_11.LoggerFactory.INST.create('WarpGatewayInteractionsLoader'), this.baseUrl = (0, utils_11.stripTrailingSlash)(baseUrl1), Object.assign(this, confirmationStatus1), this.source = source1; } async load(contractId1, fromSortKey1, toSortKey1, evaluationOptions1) { this.logger.debug('Loading interactions: for ', { contractId: contractId1, fromSortKey: fromSortKey1, toSortKey: toSortKey1 }); const interactions1 = []; let page1 = 0, limit1 = 0, items1 = 0; const benchmarkTotalTime1 = Benchmark_11.Benchmark.measure(); do { const benchmarkRequestTime1 = Benchmark_11.Benchmark.measure(), url1 = `${this.baseUrl}/gateway/v2/interactions-sort-key`, response1 = await fetch(`${url1}?${new URLSearchParams({ contractId: contractId1, ...fromSortKey1 ? { from: fromSortKey1 } : '', ...toSortKey1 ? { to: toSortKey1 } : '', page: (++page1).toString(), fromSdk: 'true', ...this.confirmationStatus && this.confirmationStatus.confirmed ? { confirmationStatus: 'confirmed' } : '', ...this.confirmationStatus && this.confirmationStatus.notCorrupted ? { confirmationStatus: 'not_corrupted' } : '', ...this.source ? { source: this.source } : '' })}`).then((res1)=>res1.ok ? res1.json() : Promise.reject(res1)).catch((error1)=>{ var _a1; throw (null === (_a1 = error1.body) || void 0 === _a1 ? void 0 : _a1.message) && this.logger.error(error1.body.message), Error(`Unable to retrieve transactions. Warp gateway responded with status ${error1.status}.`); }); this.logger.debug(`Loading interactions: page ${page1} loaded in ${benchmarkRequestTime1.elapsed()}`), interactions1.push(...response1.interactions), limit1 = response1.paging.limit, items1 = response1.paging.items, this.logger.debug(`Loaded interactions length: ${interactions1.length}, from: ${fromSortKey1}, to: ${toSortKey1}`); }while (items1 == limit1) return this.logger.debug('All loaded interactions:', { from: fromSortKey1, to: toSortKey1, loaded: interactions1.length, time: benchmarkTotalTime1.elapsed() }), interactions1; } type() { return 'warp'; } clearCache() {} } exports1.WarpGatewayInteractionsLoader = WarpGatewayInteractionsLoader1; }, 3233: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.AbstractContractHandler = void 0; const LoggerFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(5913), utils_11 = __webpack_require__1(5082); class AbstractContractHandler1 { constructor(swGlobal1, contractDefinition1){ this.swGlobal = swGlobal1, this.contractDefinition = contractDefinition1, this.logger = LoggerFactory_11.LoggerFactory.INST.create('ContractHandler'), this.assignReadContractState = this.assignReadContractState.bind(this), this.assignViewContractState = this.assignViewContractState.bind(this), this.assignWrite = this.assignWrite.bind(this), this.assignRefreshState = this.assignRefreshState.bind(this); } async dispose() {} assignWrite(executionContext1, currentTx1) { this.swGlobal.contracts.write = async (contractTxId1, input1)=>{ if (!executionContext1.evaluationOptions.internalWrites) throw Error("Internal writes feature switched off. Change EvaluationOptions.internalWrites flag to 'true'"); this.logger.debug('swGlobal.write call:', { from: this.contractDefinition.txId, to: contractTxId1, input: input1 }); const calleeContract1 = executionContext1.warp.contract(contractTxId1, executionContext1.contract, this.swGlobal._activeTx), result1 = await calleeContract1.dryWriteFromTx(input1, this.swGlobal._activeTx, [ ...currentTx1 || [], { contractTxId: this.contractDefinition.txId, interactionTxId: this.swGlobal.transaction.id } ]); return this.logger.debug('Cache result?:', !this.swGlobal._activeTx.dry), await executionContext1.warp.stateEvaluator.onInternalWriteStateUpdate(this.swGlobal._activeTx, contractTxId1, { state: result1.state, validity: { ...result1.originalValidity, [this.swGlobal._activeTx.id]: 'ok' == result1.type }, errorMessages: { ...result1.originalErrorMessages, [this.swGlobal._activeTx.id]: result1.errorMessage } }), result1; }; } assignViewContractState(executionContext1) { this.swGlobal.contracts.viewContractState = async (contractTxId1, input1)=>{ this.logger.debug('swGlobal.viewContractState call:', { from: this.contractDefinition.txId, to: contractTxId1, input: input1 }); const childContract1 = executionContext1.warp.contract(contractTxId1, executionContext1.contract, this.swGlobal._activeTx); return await childContract1.viewStateForTx(input1, this.swGlobal._activeTx); }; } assignReadContractState(executionContext1, currentTx1, currentResult1, interactionTx1) { this.swGlobal.contracts.readContractState = async (contractTxId1, returnValidity1)=>{ this.logger.debug('swGlobal.readContractState call:', { from: this.contractDefinition.txId, to: contractTxId1, sortKey: interactionTx1.sortKey, transaction: this.swGlobal.transaction.id }); const { stateEvaluator: stateEvaluator1 } = executionContext1.warp, childContract1 = executionContext1.warp.contract(contractTxId1, executionContext1.contract, interactionTx1); await stateEvaluator1.onContractCall(interactionTx1, executionContext1, currentResult1); const stateWithValidity1 = await childContract1.readState(interactionTx1.sortKey, [ ...currentTx1 || [], { contractTxId: this.contractDefinition.txId, interactionTxId: this.swGlobal.transaction.id } ]); return returnValidity1 ? (0, utils_11.deepCopy)(stateWithValidity1) : (0, utils_11.deepCopy)(stateWithValidity1.cachedValue.state); }; } assignRefreshState(executionContext1) { this.swGlobal.contracts.refreshState = async ()=>{ const stateEvaluator1 = executionContext1.warp.stateEvaluator, result1 = await stateEvaluator1.latestAvailableState(this.swGlobal.contract.id, this.swGlobal._activeTx.sortKey); return null == result1 ? void 0 : result1.cachedValue.state; }; } } exports1.AbstractContractHandler = AbstractContractHandler1; }, 1515: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.JsHandlerApi = void 0; const utils_11 = __webpack_require__1(5082), AbstractContractHandler_11 = __webpack_require__1(3233); class JsHandlerApi1 extends AbstractContractHandler_11.AbstractContractHandler { constructor(swGlobal1, contractDefinition1, contractFunction1){ super(swGlobal1, contractDefinition1), this.contractFunction = contractFunction1; } async handle(executionContext1, currentResult1, interactionData1) { const { timeoutId: timeoutId1, timeoutPromise: timeoutPromise1 } = (0, utils_11.timeout)(executionContext1.evaluationOptions.maxInteractionEvaluationTimeSeconds); try { const { interaction: interaction1, interactionTx: interactionTx1, currentTx: currentTx1 } = interactionData1, stateCopy1 = (0, utils_11.deepCopy)(currentResult1.state, executionContext1.evaluationOptions.useFastCopy); this.swGlobal._activeTx = interactionTx1, this.swGlobal.caller = interaction1.caller, this.assignReadContractState(executionContext1, currentTx1, currentResult1, interactionTx1), this.assignViewContractState(executionContext1), this.assignWrite(executionContext1, currentTx1), this.assignRefreshState(executionContext1); const handlerResult1 = await Promise.race([ timeoutPromise1, this.contractFunction(stateCopy1, interaction1) ]); if (handlerResult1 && (void 0 !== handlerResult1.state || void 0 !== handlerResult1.result)) return { type: 'ok', result: handlerResult1.result, state: handlerResult1.state || currentResult1.state }; throw Error(`Unexpected result from contract: ${JSON.stringify(handlerResult1)}`); } catch (err1) { if ('ContractError' === err1.name) return { type: 'error', errorMessage: err1.message, state: currentResult1.state, result: null }; return { type: 'exception', errorMessage: `${err1 && err1.stack || err1 && err1.message || err1}`, state: currentResult1.state, result: null }; } finally{ null !== timeoutId1 && clearTimeout(timeoutId1); } } initState(state1) {} } exports1.JsHandlerApi = JsHandlerApi1; }, 3425: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var __importDefault1 = this && this.__importDefault || function(mod1) { return mod1 && mod1.__esModule ? mod1 : { default: mod1 }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.WasmHandlerApi = void 0; const safe_stable_stringify_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(7668)), AbstractContractHandler_11 = __webpack_require__1(3233); class WasmHandlerApi1 extends AbstractContractHandler_11.AbstractContractHandler { constructor(swGlobal1, contractDefinition1, wasmExports1){ super(swGlobal1, contractDefinition1), this.wasmExports = wasmExports1; } async handle(executionContext1, currentResult1, interactionData1) { try { const { interaction: interaction1, interactionTx: interactionTx1, currentTx: currentTx1 } = interactionData1; this.swGlobal._activeTx = interactionTx1, this.swGlobal.caller = interaction1.caller, this.swGlobal.gasLimit = executionContext1.evaluationOptions.gasLimit, this.swGlobal.gasUsed = 0, this.assignReadContractState(executionContext1, currentTx1, currentResult1, interactionTx1), this.assignWrite(executionContext1, currentTx1); const handlerResult1 = await this.doHandle(interaction1); return { type: 'ok', result: handlerResult1, state: this.doGetCurrentState(), gasUsed: this.swGlobal.gasUsed }; } catch (e1) { const result1 = { errorMessage: e1.message, state: currentResult1.state, result: null }; if (e1.message.startsWith('[RE:')) return this.logger.fatal(e1), { ...result1, type: 'exception' }; return { ...result1, type: 'error' }; } } initState(state1) { switch(this.contractDefinition.srcWasmLang){ case 'assemblyscript': { const statePtr1 = this.wasmExports.__newString((0, safe_stable_stringify_11.default)(state1)); this.wasmExports.initState(statePtr1); break; } case 'rust': this.wasmExports.initState(state1); break; case 'go': this.wasmExports.initState((0, safe_stable_stringify_11.default)(state1)); break; default: throw Error(`Support for ${this.contractDefinition.srcWasmLang} not implemented yet.`); } } async doHandle(action1) { switch(this.contractDefinition.srcWasmLang){ case 'assemblyscript': { const actionPtr1 = this.wasmExports.__newString((0, safe_stable_stringify_11.default)(action1.input)), resultPtr1 = this.wasmExports.handle(actionPtr1), result1 = this.wasmExports.__getString(resultPtr1); return JSON.parse(result1); } case 'rust': { let handleResult1 = await this.wasmExports.handle(action1.input); if (!handleResult1) return; if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(handleResult1, 'Ok')) return handleResult1.Ok; { let errorKey1; this.logger.debug('Error from rust', handleResult1.Err); let errorArgs1 = ''; if ('string' == typeof handleResult1.Err || handleResult1.Err instanceof String ? errorKey1 = handleResult1.Err : (errorKey1 = Object.keys(handleResult1.Err)[0], errorArgs1 = ' ' + handleResult1.Err[errorKey1]), 'RuntimeError' == errorKey1) throw Error(`[RE:RE]${errorArgs1}`); throw Error(`[CE:${errorKey1}${errorArgs1}]`); } } case 'go': { const result1 = await this.wasmExports.handle((0, safe_stable_stringify_11.default)(action1.input)); return JSON.parse(result1); } default: throw Error(`Support for ${this.contractDefinition.srcWasmLang} not implemented yet.`); } } doGetCurrentState() { switch(this.contractDefinition.srcWasmLang){ case 'assemblyscript': { const currentStatePtr1 = this.wasmExports.currentState(); return JSON.parse(this.wasmExports.__getString(currentStatePtr1)); } case 'rust': return this.wasmExports.currentState(); case 'go': { const result1 = this.wasmExports.currentState(); return JSON.parse(result1); } default: throw Error(`Support for ${this.contractDefinition.srcWasmLang} not implemented yet.`); } } } exports1.WasmHandlerApi = WasmHandlerApi1; }, 4965: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; function normalizeContractSource1(contractSrc1, useVM21) { const lines1 = contractSrc1.trim().split('\n'), first1 = lines1[0], last1 = lines1[lines1.length - 1]; return ((/\(\s*\(\)\s*=>\s*{/g.test(first1) || /\s*\(\s*function\s*\(\)\s*{/g.test(first1)) && /}\s*\)\s*\(\)\s*;/g.test(last1) && (lines1.shift(), lines1.pop(), contractSrc1 = lines1.join('\n')), contractSrc1 = contractSrc1.replace(/export\s+async\s+function\s+handle/gmu, 'async function handle').replace(/export\s+function\s+handle/gmu, 'function handle'), useVM21) ? ` ${contractSrc1} module.exports = handle;` : ` const [SmartWeave, BigNumber, logger] = arguments; class ContractError extends Error { constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = 'ContractError' } }; function ContractAssert(cond, message) { if (!cond) throw new ContractError(message) }; ${contractSrc1}; return handle; `; } Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.normalizeContractSource = void 0, exports1.normalizeContractSource = normalizeContractSource1; }, 6105: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.WasmSrc = void 0; const unzipit_11 = __webpack_require__1(3931), redstone_isomorphic_11 = __webpack_require__1(9180), LoggerFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(5913); class WasmSrc1 { constructor(src1){ this.src = src1, this.logger = LoggerFactory_11.LoggerFactory.INST.create('WasmSrc'), this.splitted = this.splitBuffer(src1), this.logger.debug(`Buffer splitted into ${this.splitted.length} parts`); } wasmBinary() { return this.splitted[0]; } async sourceCode() { const { entries: entries1 } = await (0, unzipit_11.unzip)(this.splitted[1]), result1 = new Map(); for (const [name1, entry1] of Object.entries(entries1)){ if (entry1.isDirectory) continue; const content1 = await entry1.text(); result1.set(name1, content1); } return result1; } additionalCode() { return 2 == this.splitted.length ? null : this.splitted[2].toString(); } splitBuffer(inputBuffer1) { let header1 = ''; const elements1 = parseInt(inputBuffer1.toString('utf8', 0, 1)); this.logger.debug(`Number of elements: ${elements1}`); const l1 = inputBuffer1.length; let delimiters1 = 0, dataStart1 = 0; for(let i2 = 2; i2 < l1; i2++){ const element1 = inputBuffer1.toString('utf8', i2, i2 + 1); if ('|' == element1 && delimiters1++, delimiters1 == elements1) { dataStart1 = i2 + 1; break; } header1 += element1; } this.logger.debug("Parsed:", { header: header1, dataStart: dataStart1 }); const lengths1 = header1.split('|').map((l1)=>parseInt(l1)); this.logger.debug('Lengths', lengths1); const result1 = []; for (const length1 of lengths1){ const buffer1 = redstone_isomorphic_11.Buffer.alloc(length1), end1 = dataStart1 + length1; inputBuffer1.copy(buffer1, 0, dataStart1, end1), dataStart1 = end1, result1.push(buffer1); } return result1; } } exports1.WasmSrc = WasmSrc1; }, 1692: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.asWasmImports = void 0; const LoggerFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(5913), asWasmImports1 = (swGlobal1, wasmInstance1)=>{ const wasmLogger1 = LoggerFactory_11.LoggerFactory.INST.create('WASM:AS'); return { metering: { usegas: swGlobal1.useGas }, console: { 'console.log': function(msgPtr1) { wasmLogger1.debug(`${swGlobal1.contract.id}: ${wasmInstance1.exports.__getString(msgPtr1)}`); }, 'console.logO': function(msgPtr1, objPtr1) { wasmLogger1.debug(`${swGlobal1.contract.id}: ${wasmInstance1.exports.__getString(msgPtr1)}`, JSON.parse(wasmInstance1.exports.__getString(objPtr1))); } }, block: { 'Block.height': function() { return swGlobal1.block.height; }, 'Block.indep_hash': function() { return wasmInstance1.exports.__newString(swGlobal1.block.indep_hash); }, 'Block.timestamp': function() { return swGlobal1.block.timestamp; } }, transaction: { 'Transaction.id': function() { return wasmInstance1.exports.__newString(swGlobal1.transaction.id); }, 'Transaction.owner': function() { return wasmInstance1.exports.__newString(swGlobal1.transaction.owner); }, 'Transaction.target': function() { return wasmInstance1.exports.__newString(swGlobal1.transaction.target); } }, contract: { 'Contract.id': function() { return wasmInstance1.exports.__newString(swGlobal1.contract.id); }, 'Contract.owner': function() { return wasmInstance1.exports.__newString(swGlobal1.contract.owner); } }, api: { _readContractState: (fnIndex1, contractTxIdPtr1)=>{ const contractTxId1 = wasmInstance1.exports.__getString(contractTxIdPtr1), callbackFn1 = getFn1(fnIndex1); return console.log('Simulating read state of', contractTxId1), setTimeout(()=>{ console.log('calling callback'), callbackFn1(wasmInstance1.exports.__newString(JSON.stringify({ contractTxId: contractTxId1 }))); }, 1000); }, clearTimeout }, env: { abort (messagePtr1, fileNamePtr1, line1, column1) { const message1 = wasmInstance1.exports.__getString(messagePtr1); throw wasmLogger1.error('--------------------- Error message from AssemblyScript ----------------------\n'), wasmLogger1.error(' ' + message1), wasmLogger1.error(' In file "' + wasmInstance1.exports.__getString(fileNamePtr1) + '"'), wasmLogger1.error(` on line ${line1}, column ${column1}.`), wasmLogger1.error('------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'), Error(message1); } } }; function getFn1(idx1) { return wasmInstance1.exports.table.get(idx1); } }; exports1.asWasmImports = asWasmImports1; }, 7170: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; let globalJsModule1; var process1 = __webpack_require__1(3957); Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.Go = void 0; const LoggerFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(5913), encoder1 = new TextEncoder(), decoder1 = new TextDecoder('utf-8'); let logLine1 = []; (function(global1) { (globalJsModule1 = global1).redstone = { go: {} }; }).call(this, void 0 !== __webpack_require__1.g ? __webpack_require__1.g : 'undefined' != typeof self ? self : 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : {}); class Go1 { constructor(swGlobal1){ this._callbackTimeouts = new Map(), this._nextCallbackTimeoutID = 1; const wasmLogger1 = LoggerFactory_11.LoggerFactory.INST.create('WASM:Go'); let go1 = this; globalJsModule1.redstone.go = { WasmModule: { registerWasmModule: function(moduleId1) { go1._id = moduleId1, go1.exports = globalJsModule1[moduleId1], delete globalJsModule1[moduleId1], globalJsModule1.redstone.go[moduleId1] = {}, globalJsModule1.redstone.go[moduleId1].imports = { console: { log: function(...args1) { wasmLogger1.debug(args1[0], ...args1.slice(1)); } }, Transaction: { id: function() { return swGlobal1.transaction.id; }, owner: function() { return swGlobal1.transaction.owner; }, target: function() { return swGlobal1.transaction.target; } }, Block: { indep_hash: function() { return swGlobal1.block.indep_hash; }, height: function() { return swGlobal1.block.height; }, timestamp: function() { return swGlobal1.block.timestamp; } }, Contract: { id: function() { return swGlobal1.contract.id; }, owner: function() { return swGlobal1.contract.owner; } }, SmartWeave: { readContractState: async function(contractTxId1) { return await swGlobal1.contracts.readContractState(contractTxId1); } } }; } } }; const mem1 = ()=>new DataView(this._inst.exports.memory.buffer), setInt641 = (addr1, v3)=>{ mem1().setUint32(addr1 + 0, v3, !0), mem1().setUint32(addr1 + 4, Math.floor(v3 / 4294967296), !0); }, loadValue1 = (addr1)=>{ const f1 = mem1().getFloat64(addr1, !0); if (0 === f1) return; if (!isNaN(f1)) return f1; const id1 = mem1().getUint32(addr1, !0); return this._values[id1]; }, storeValue1 = (addr1, v3)=>{ const nanHead1 = 0x7ff80000; if ('number' == typeof v3) { if (isNaN(v3)) { mem1().setUint32(addr1 + 4, nanHead1, !0), mem1().setUint32(addr1, 0, !0); return; } if (0 === v3) { mem1().setUint32(addr1 + 4, nanHead1, !0), mem1().setUint32(addr1, 1, !0); return; } mem1().setFloat64(addr1, v3, !0); return; } switch(v3){ case void 0: mem1().setFloat64(addr1, 0, !0); return; case null: mem1().setUint32(addr1 + 4, nanHead1, !0), mem1().setUint32(addr1, 2, !0); return; case !0: mem1().setUint32(addr1 + 4, nanHead1, !0), mem1().setUint32(addr1, 3, !0); return; case !1: mem1().setUint32(addr1 + 4, nanHead1, !0), mem1().setUint32(addr1, 4, !0); return; } let id1 = this._ids.get(v3); void 0 === id1 && (void 0 === (id1 = this._idPool.pop()) && (id1 = this._values.length), this._values[id1] = v3, this._goRefCounts[id1] = 0, this._ids.set(v3, id1)), this._goRefCounts[id1]++; let typeFlag1 = 1; switch(typeof v3){ case 'string': typeFlag1 = 2; break; case 'symbol': typeFlag1 = 3; break; case 'function': typeFlag1 = 4; } mem1().setUint32(addr1 + 4, nanHead1 | typeFlag1, !0), mem1().setUint32(addr1, id1, !0); }, loadSlice1 = (array1, len3, cap1 = null)=>new Uint8Array(this._inst.exports.memory.buffer, array1, len3), loadSliceOfValues1 = (array1, len3, cap1)=>{ const a10 = Array(len3); for(let i2 = 0; i2 < len3; i2++)a10[i2] = loadValue1(array1 + 8 * i2); return a10; }, loadString1 = (ptr1, len3)=>decoder1.decode(new DataView(this._inst.exports.memory.buffer, ptr1, len3)), timeOrigin1 = Date.now() - performance.now(); this.importObject = { wasi_snapshot_preview1: { fd_write: function(fd1, iovs_ptr1, iovs_len1, nwritten_ptr1) { let nwritten1 = 0; if (1 == fd1) for(let iovs_i1 = 0; iovs_i1 < iovs_len1; iovs_i1++){ let iov_ptr1 = iovs_ptr1 + 8 * iovs_i1, ptr1 = mem1().getUint32(iov_ptr1 + 0, !0), len3 = mem1().getUint32(iov_ptr1 + 4, !0); nwritten1 += len3; for(let i2 = 0; i2 < len3; i2++){ let c5 = mem1().getUint8(ptr1 + i2); if (13 == c5) ; else if (10 == c5) { let line1 = decoder1.decode(new Uint8Array(logLine1)); logLine1 = [], console.log(line1); } else logLine1.push(c5); } } else console.error('invalid file descriptor:', fd1); return mem1().setUint32(nwritten_ptr1, nwritten1, !0), 0; }, fd_close: ()=>0, fd_fdstat_get: ()=>0, fd_seek: ()=>0, proc_exit: (code1)=>{ if (__webpack_require__1.g.process) process1.exit(code1); else throw 'trying to exit with code ' + code1; }, random_get: (bufPtr1, bufLen1)=>(crypto.getRandomValues(loadSlice1(bufPtr1, bufLen1, null)), 0) }, env: { 'runtime.ticks': ()=>timeOrigin1 + performance.now(), 'runtime.sleepTicks': (timeout1)=>{ setTimeout(this._inst.exports.go_scheduler, timeout1); }, 'syscall/js.finalizeRef': (v_addr1)=>{ const id1 = mem1().getUint32(v_addr1, !0); if (this._goRefCounts[id1]--, 0 === this._goRefCounts[id1]) { const v3 = this._values[id1]; this._values[id1] = null, this._ids.delete(v3), this._idPool.push(id1); } }, 'syscall/js.stringVal': (ret_ptr1, value_ptr1, value_len1)=>{ const s3 = loadString1(value_ptr1, value_len1); storeValue1(ret_ptr1, s3); }, 'syscall/js.valueGet': (retval1, v_addr1, p_ptr1, p_len1)=>{ let prop1 = loadString1(p_ptr1, p_len1), value1 = loadValue1(v_addr1); storeValue1(retval1, Reflect.get(value1, prop1)); }, 'syscall/js.valueSet': (v_addr1, p_ptr1, p_len1, x_addr1)=>{ const v3 = loadValue1(v_addr1), p3 = loadString1(p_ptr1, p_len1), x3 = loadValue1(x_addr1); Reflect.set(v3, p3, x3); }, 'syscall/js.valueDelete': (v_addr1, p_ptr1, p_len1)=>{ const v3 = loadValue1(v_addr1), p3 = loadString1(p_ptr1, p_len1); Reflect.deleteProperty(v3, p3); }, 'syscall/js.valueIndex': (ret_addr1, v_addr1, i2)=>{ storeValue1(ret_addr1, Reflect.get(loadValue1(v_addr1), i2)); }, 'syscall/js.valueSetIndex': (v_addr1, i2, x_addr1)=>{ Reflect.set(loadValue1(v_addr1), i2, loadValue1(x_addr1)); }, 'syscall/js.valueCall': (ret_addr1, v_addr1, m_ptr1, m_len1, args_ptr1, args_len1, args_cap1)=>{ const v3 = loadValue1(v_addr1), name1 = loadString1(m_ptr1, m_len1), args1 = loadSliceOfValues1(args_ptr1, args_len1, args_cap1); try { const m1 = Reflect.get(v3, name1); storeValue1(ret_addr1, Reflect.apply(m1, v3, args1)), mem1().setUint8(ret_addr1 + 8, 1); } catch (err1) { storeValue1(ret_addr1, err1), mem1().setUint8(ret_addr1 + 8, 0); } }, 'syscall/js.valueInvoke': (ret_addr1, v_addr1, args_ptr1, args_len1, args_cap1)=>{ try { const v3 = loadValue1(v_addr1), args1 = loadSliceOfValues1(args_ptr1, args_len1, args_cap1); storeValue1(ret_addr1, Reflect.apply(v3, void 0, args1)), mem1().setUint8(ret_addr1 + 8, 1); } catch (err1) { storeValue1(ret_addr1, err1), mem1().setUint8(ret_addr1 + 8, 0); } }, 'syscall/js.valueNew': (ret_addr1, v_addr1, args_ptr1, args_len1, args_cap1)=>{ const v3 = loadValue1(v_addr1), args1 = loadSliceOfValues1(args_ptr1, args_len1, args_cap1); try { storeValue1(ret_addr1, Reflect.construct(v3, args1)), mem1().setUint8(ret_addr1 + 8, 1); } catch (err1) { storeValue1(ret_addr1, err1), mem1().setUint8(ret_addr1 + 8, 0); } }, 'syscall/js.valueLength': (v_addr1)=>loadValue1(v_addr1).length, 'syscall/js.valuePrepareString': (ret_addr1, v_addr1)=>{ const s3 = String(loadValue1(v_addr1)), str1 = encoder1.encode(s3); storeValue1(ret_addr1, str1), setInt641(ret_addr1 + 8, str1.length); }, 'syscall/js.valueLoadString': (v_addr1, slice_ptr1, slice_len1, slice_cap1)=>{ const str1 = loadValue1(v_addr1); loadSlice1(slice_ptr1, slice_len1, slice_cap1).set(str1); }, 'syscall/js.valueInstanceOf': (v_addr1, t_addr1)=>loadValue1(v_addr1) instanceof loadValue1(t_addr1), 'syscall/js.copyBytesToGo': (ret_addr1, dest_addr1, dest_len1, dest_cap1, source_addr1)=>{ let num_bytes_copied_addr1 = ret_addr1, returned_status_addr1 = ret_addr1 + 4; const dst1 = loadSlice1(dest_addr1, dest_len1), src1 = loadValue1(source_addr1); if (!(src1 instanceof Uint8Array)) { mem1().setUint8(returned_status_addr1, 0); return; } const toCopy1 = src1.subarray(0, dst1.length); dst1.set(toCopy1), setInt641(num_bytes_copied_addr1, toCopy1.length), mem1().setUint8(returned_status_addr1, 1); }, 'syscall/js.copyBytesToJS': (ret_addr1, dest_addr1, source_addr1, source_len1, source_cap1)=>{ let num_bytes_copied_addr1 = ret_addr1, returned_status_addr1 = ret_addr1 + 4; const dst1 = loadValue1(dest_addr1), src1 = loadSlice1(source_addr1, source_len1); if (!(dst1 instanceof Uint8Array)) { mem1().setUint8(returned_status_addr1, 0); return; } const toCopy1 = src1.subarray(0, dst1.length); dst1.set(toCopy1), setInt641(num_bytes_copied_addr1, toCopy1.length), mem1().setUint8(returned_status_addr1, 1); } } }; } async run(instance1) { for(this._inst = instance1, this._values = [ NaN, 0, null, !0, !1, __webpack_require__1.g, this ], this._goRefCounts = [], this._ids = new Map(), this._idPool = [], this.exited = !1, new DataView(this._inst.exports.memory.buffer);;){ const callbackPromise1 = new Promise((resolve1)=>{ this._resolveCallbackPromise = ()=>{ if (this.exited) throw Error('bad callback: Go program has already exited'); setTimeout(resolve1, 0); }; }); if (this._inst.exports._start(), this.exited) break; await callbackPromise1; } } _resume() { if (this.exited) throw Error('Go program has already exited'); this._inst.exports.resume(), this.exited && this._resolveExitPromise(); } _makeFuncWrapper(id1) { const go1 = this; return function() { const event1 = { id: id1, this: this, args: arguments }; return go1._pendingEvent = event1, go1._resume(), event1.result; }; } _resolveExitPromise() {} } exports1.Go = Go1; }, 6505: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.rustWasmImports = void 0; const LoggerFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(5913), rustWasmImports1 = (swGlobal1, wbindgenImports1, wasmInstance1, dtorValue1)=>{ const wasmLogger1 = LoggerFactory_11.LoggerFactory.INST.create('WASM:Rust'), rawImports1 = { metering: { usegas: swGlobal1.useGas }, console: { log: function(value1) { wasmLogger1.debug(`${swGlobal1.contract.id}: ${value1}`); } }, Block: { height: function() { return swGlobal1.block.height; }, indep_hash: function() { return swGlobal1.block.indep_hash; }, timestamp: function() { return swGlobal1.block.timestamp; } }, Transaction: { id: function() { return swGlobal1.transaction.id; }, owner: function() { return swGlobal1.transaction.owner; }, target: function() { return swGlobal1.transaction.target; } }, Contract: { id: function() { return swGlobal1.contract.id; }, owner: function() { return swGlobal1.contract.owner; } }, SmartWeave: { caller: function() { return swGlobal1.caller; }, readContractState: async function(contractTxId1) { return await swGlobal1.contracts.readContractState(contractTxId1); }, write: async function(contractId1, input1) { return await swGlobal1.contracts.write(contractId1, input1); } }, Vrf: { value: function() { return swGlobal1.vrf.value; }, randomInt: function(maxValue1) { return swGlobal1.vrf.randomInt(maxValue1); } } }, baseImports1 = { __wbg_log_: function(arg01, arg11) { rawImports1.console.log(getStringFromWasm01(arg01, arg11)); }, __wbindgen_json_parse: function(arg01, arg11) { return addHeapObject1(JSON.parse(getStringFromWasm01(arg01, arg11))); }, __wbindgen_json_serialize: function(arg01, arg11) { const obj1 = getObject1(arg11); var ptr01 = passStringToWasm01(JSON.stringify(void 0 === obj1 ? null : obj1), wasmInstance1.exports.__wbindgen_malloc, wasmInstance1.exports.__wbindgen_realloc), len01 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN1; getInt32Memory01()[arg01 / 4 + 1] = len01, getInt32Memory01()[arg01 / 4 + 0] = ptr01; }, __wbindgen_object_drop_ref: function(arg01) { takeObject1(arg01); }, __wbindgen_cb_drop: function(arg01) { const obj1 = takeObject1(arg01).original; return 1 == obj1.cnt-- && (obj1.a = 0, !0); }, __wbg_readContractState: function(arg01, arg11) { return addHeapObject1(rawImports1.SmartWeave.readContractState(getStringFromWasm01(arg01, arg11))); }, __wbg_viewContractState: function(arg01, arg11) {}, __wbg_caller: function(arg01) { var ptr01 = passStringToWasm01(rawImports1.SmartWeave.caller(), wasmInstance1.exports.__wbindgen_malloc, wasmInstance1.exports.__wbindgen_realloc), len01 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN1; getInt32Memory01()[arg01 / 4 + 1] = len01, getInt32Memory01()[arg01 / 4 + 0] = ptr01; }, __wbg_write: function(arg01, arg11, arg21) { return addHeapObject1(rawImports1.SmartWeave.write(getStringFromWasm01(arg01, arg11), takeObject1(arg21))); }, __wbg_refreshState: function(arg01, arg11) {}, __wbg_indephash: function(arg01) { var ptr01 = passStringToWasm01(rawImports1.Block.indep_hash(), wasmInstance1.exports.__wbindgen_malloc, wasmInstance1.exports.__wbindgen_realloc), len01 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN1; getInt32Memory01()[arg01 / 4 + 1] = len01, getInt32Memory01()[arg01 / 4 + 0] = ptr01; }, __wbg_height: function() { return rawImports1.Block.height(); }, __wbg_timestamp: function() { return rawImports1.Block.timestamp(); }, __wbg_id: function(arg01) { var ptr01 = passStringToWasm01(rawImports1.Transaction.id(), wasmInstance1.exports.__wbindgen_malloc, wasmInstance1.exports.__wbindgen_realloc), len01 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN1; getInt32Memory01()[arg01 / 4 + 1] = len01, getInt32Memory01()[arg01 / 4 + 0] = ptr01; }, __wbg_contractOwner: function(arg01) { var ptr01 = passStringToWasm01(rawImports1.Contract.owner(), wasmInstance1.exports.__wbindgen_malloc, wasmInstance1.exports.__wbindgen_realloc), len01 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN1; getInt32Memory01()[arg01 / 4 + 1] = len01, getInt32Memory01()[arg01 / 4 + 0] = ptr01; }, __wbg_contractId: function(arg01) { var ptr01 = passStringToWasm01(rawImports1.Contract.id(), wasmInstance1.exports.__wbindgen_malloc, wasmInstance1.exports.__wbindgen_realloc), len01 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN1; getInt32Memory01()[arg01 / 4 + 1] = len01, getInt32Memory01()[arg01 / 4 + 0] = ptr01; }, __wbg_owner: function(arg01) { var ptr01 = passStringToWasm01(rawImports1.Transaction.owner(), wasmInstance1.exports.__wbindgen_malloc, wasmInstance1.exports.__wbindgen_realloc), len01 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN1; getInt32Memory01()[arg01 / 4 + 1] = len01, getInt32Memory01()[arg01 / 4 + 0] = ptr01; }, __wbg_target: function(arg01) { var ptr01 = passStringToWasm01(rawImports1.Transaction.target(), wasmInstance1.exports.__wbindgen_malloc, wasmInstance1.exports.__wbindgen_realloc), len01 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN1; getInt32Memory01()[arg01 / 4 + 1] = len01, getInt32Memory01()[arg01 / 4 + 0] = ptr01; }, __wbg_call: function() { return handleError1(function(arg01, arg11, arg21) { return addHeapObject1(getObject1(arg01).call(getObject1(arg11), getObject1(arg21))); }, arguments); }, __wbg_new: function(arg01, arg11) { try { var state01 = { a: arg01, b: arg11 }, cb01 = (arg01, arg11)=>{ const a10 = state01.a; state01.a = 0; try { return __wbg_adapter_421(a10, state01.b, arg01, arg11); } finally{ state01.a = a10; } }, ret1 = new Promise(cb01); return addHeapObject1(ret1); } finally{ state01.a = state01.b = 0; } }, __wbg_resolve: function(arg01) { return addHeapObject1(Promise.resolve(getObject1(arg01))); }, __wbg_then_a: function(arg01, arg11) { return addHeapObject1(getObject1(arg01).then(getObject1(arg11))); }, __wbg_then_5: function(arg01, arg11, arg21) { return addHeapObject1(getObject1(arg01).then(getObject1(arg11), getObject1(arg21))); }, __wbindgen_debug_string: function(arg01, arg11) { var ptr01 = passStringToWasm01(debugString1(getObject1(arg11)), wasmInstance1.exports.__wbindgen_malloc, wasmInstance1.exports.__wbindgen_realloc), len01 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN1; getInt32Memory01()[arg01 / 4 + 1] = len01, getInt32Memory01()[arg01 / 4 + 0] = ptr01; }, __wbindgen_throw: function(arg01, arg11) { throw Error(getStringFromWasm01(arg01, arg11)); }, __wbindgen_closure_wrapper: function(arg01, arg11, arg21) { return addHeapObject1(makeMutClosure1(arg01, arg11, dtorValue1, __wbg_adapter_141)); }, __wbindgen_string_new: function(arg01, arg11) { return addHeapObject1(getStringFromWasm01(arg01, arg11)); }, __wbg_value: function(arg01) { var ptr01 = passStringToWasm01(rawImports1.Vrf.value(), wasmInstance1.exports.__wbindgen_malloc, wasmInstance1.exports.__wbindgen_realloc), len01 = WASM_VECTOR_LEN1; getInt32Memory01()[arg01 / 4 + 1] = len01, getInt32Memory01()[arg01 / 4 + 0] = ptr01; }, __wbg_randomInt: function(arg01, arg11) { return rawImports1.Vrf.randomInt(arg11); } }, baseImportsKeys1 = Object.keys(baseImports1); let module1 = wbindgenImports1.reduce((acc1, wbindgenKey1)=>{ const baseImportsKey1 = baseImportsKeys1.find((key1)=>wbindgenKey1.startsWith(key1)); if (void 0 === baseImportsKey1) throw Error(`Cannot find import mapping for ${wbindgenKey1}`); return acc1[wbindgenKey1] = baseImports1[baseImportsKey1], acc1; }, {}), imports1 = {}; imports1.__wbindgen_placeholder__ = module1; let cachedTextDecoder1 = new TextDecoder('utf-8', { ignoreBOM: !0, fatal: !0 }); cachedTextDecoder1.decode(); let cachegetUint8Memory01 = null; function getUint8Memory01() { return (null === cachegetUint8Memory01 || cachegetUint8Memory01.buffer !== wasmInstance1.exports.memory.buffer) && (cachegetUint8Memory01 = new Uint8Array(wasmInstance1.exports.memory.buffer)), cachegetUint8Memory01; } function getStringFromWasm01(ptr1, len3) { return cachedTextDecoder1.decode(getUint8Memory01().subarray(ptr1, ptr1 + len3)); } const heap1 = Array(32).fill(void 0); heap1.push(void 0, null, !0, !1); let heap_next1 = heap1.length; function addHeapObject1(obj1) { heap_next1 === heap1.length && heap1.push(heap1.length + 1); const idx1 = heap_next1; return heap_next1 = heap1[idx1], heap1[idx1] = obj1, idx1; } function getObject1(idx1) { return heap1[idx1]; } let WASM_VECTOR_LEN1 = 0, cachedTextEncoder1 = new TextEncoder('utf-8'); const encodeString1 = 'function' == typeof cachedTextEncoder1.encodeInto ? function(arg4, view1) { return cachedTextEncoder1.encodeInto(arg4, view1); } : function(arg4, view1) { const buf1 = cachedTextEncoder1.encode(arg4); return view1.set(buf1), { read: arg4.length, written: buf1.length }; }; function passStringToWasm01(arg4, malloc1, realloc1) { if (void 0 === realloc1) { const buf1 = cachedTextEncoder1.encode(arg4), ptr1 = malloc1(buf1.length); return getUint8Memory01().subarray(ptr1, ptr1 + buf1.length).set(buf1), WASM_VECTOR_LEN1 = buf1.length, ptr1; } let len3 = arg4.length, ptr1 = malloc1(len3); const mem1 = getUint8Memory01(); let offset1 = 0; for(; offset1 < len3; offset1++){ const code1 = arg4.charCodeAt(offset1); if (code1 > 0x7f) break; mem1[ptr1 + offset1] = code1; } if (offset1 !== len3) { 0 !== offset1 && (arg4 = arg4.slice(offset1)), ptr1 = realloc1(ptr1, len3, len3 = offset1 + 3 * arg4.length); const view1 = getUint8Memory01().subarray(ptr1 + offset1, ptr1 + len3), ret1 = encodeString1(arg4, view1); offset1 += ret1.written; } return WASM_VECTOR_LEN1 = offset1, ptr1; } let cachegetInt32Memory01 = null; function getInt32Memory01() { return (null === cachegetInt32Memory01 || cachegetInt32Memory01.buffer !== wasmInstance1.exports.memory.buffer) && (cachegetInt32Memory01 = new Int32Array(wasmInstance1.exports.memory.buffer)), cachegetInt32Memory01; } function dropObject1(idx1) { idx1 < 36 || (heap1[idx1] = heap_next1, heap_next1 = idx1); } function takeObject1(idx1) { const ret1 = getObject1(idx1); return dropObject1(idx1), ret1; } function debugString1(val1) { let className1; const type1 = typeof val1; if ('number' == type1 || 'boolean' == type1 || null == val1) return `${val1}`; if ('string' == type1) return `"${val1}"`; if ('symbol' == type1) { const description1 = val1.description; return null == description1 ? 'Symbol' : `Symbol(${description1})`; } if ('function' == type1) { const name1 = val1.name; return 'string' == typeof name1 && name1.length > 0 ? `Function(${name1})` : 'Function'; } if (Array.isArray(val1)) { const length1 = val1.length; let debug1 = '['; length1 > 0 && (debug1 += debugString1(val1[0])); for(let i2 = 1; i2 < length1; i2++)debug1 += ', ' + debugString1(val1[i2]); return debug1 + ']'; } const builtInMatches1 = /\[object ([^\]]+)\]/.exec(toString.call(val1)); if (!(builtInMatches1.length > 1)) return toString.call(val1); if ('Object' == (className1 = builtInMatches1[1])) try { return 'Object(' + JSON.stringify(val1) + ')'; } catch (_1) { return 'Object'; } return val1 instanceof Error ? `${val1.name}: ${val1.message}\n${val1.stack}` : className1; } function makeMutClosure1(arg01, arg11, dtor1, f1) { const state1 = { a: arg01, b: arg11, cnt: 1, dtor: dtor1 }, real1 = (...args1)=>{ state1.cnt++; const a10 = state1.a; state1.a = 0; try { return f1(a10, state1.b, ...args1); } finally{ 0 == --state1.cnt ? wasmInstance1.exports.__wbindgen_export_2.get(state1.dtor)(a10, state1.b) : state1.a = a10; } }; return real1.original = state1, real1; } function __wbg_adapter_141(arg01, arg11, arg21) { wasmInstance1.modifiedExports._dyn_core__ops__function__FnMut__A____Output___R_as_wasm_bindgen__closure__WasmClosure___describe__invoke__(arg01, arg11, addHeapObject1(arg21)); } module1.handle = function(interaction1) { return takeObject1(wasmInstance1.exports.handle(addHeapObject1(interaction1))); }; let stack_pointer1 = 32; function addBorrowedObject1(obj1) { if (1 == stack_pointer1) throw Error('out of js stack'); return heap1[--stack_pointer1] = obj1, stack_pointer1; } function handleError1(f1, args1) { try { return f1.apply(this, args1); } catch (e1) { wasmInstance1.exports.__wbindgen_exn_store(addHeapObject1(e1)); } } function __wbg_adapter_421(arg01, arg11, arg21, arg31) { wasmInstance1.modifiedExports.wasm_bindgen__convert__closures__invoke2_mut__(arg01, arg11, addHeapObject1(arg21), addHeapObject1(arg31)); } module1.initState = function(state1) { try { wasmInstance1.exports.initState(addBorrowedObject1(state1)); } finally{ heap1[stack_pointer1++] = void 0; } }, module1.currentState = function() { return takeObject1(wasmInstance1.exports.currentState()); }, module1.lang = function() { try { const retptr1 = wasmInstance1.exports.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(-16); wasmInstance1.exports.lang(retptr1); var r01 = getInt32Memory01()[retptr1 / 4 + 0], r11 = getInt32Memory01()[retptr1 / 4 + 1]; return getStringFromWasm01(r01, r11); } finally{ wasmInstance1.exports.__wbindgen_add_to_stack_pointer(16), wasmInstance1.exports.__wbindgen_free(r01, r11); } }, module1.type = function() { return wasmInstance1.exports.type(); }; class StateWrapper1 { __destroy_into_raw() { const ptr1 = this.ptr; return this.ptr = 0, ptr1; } free() { const ptr1 = this.__destroy_into_raw(); wasmInstance1.exports.__wbg_statewrapper_free(ptr1); } } return module1.StateWrapper = StateWrapper1, imports1.metering = rawImports1.metering, { imports: imports1, exports: module1 }; }; exports1.rustWasmImports = rustWasmImports1; }, 4742: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; function matchMutClosureDtor1(source1) { const regexp1 = /var ret = makeMutClosure\(arg0, arg1, (\d+?), __wbg_adapter/, match1 = source1.match(regexp1); return match1[1]; } Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.matchMutClosureDtor = void 0, exports1.matchMutClosureDtor = matchMutClosureDtor1; }, 702: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var __createBinding1 = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3); var desc1 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m1, k3); (!desc1 || ("get" in desc1 ? !m1.__esModule : desc1.writable || desc1.configurable)) && (desc1 = { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return m1[k3]; } }), Object.defineProperty(o1, k21, desc1); } : function(o1, m1, k3, k21) { void 0 === k21 && (k21 = k3), o1[k21] = m1[k3]; }), __exportStar1 = this && this.__exportStar || function(m1, exports1) { for(var p3 in m1)"default" === p3 || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(exports1, p3) || __createBinding1(exports1, m1, p3); }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(183), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(4089), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(2393), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(5913), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(5629), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(9106), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(2656), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(5368), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(5765), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(6769), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(7462), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(7089), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(3187), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(9564), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(1533), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(7346), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(4929), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(4286), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(9174), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(1967), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(8996), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(4965), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(2138), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(6105), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(3233), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(1515), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(3425), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(8632), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(7312), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(4805), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(9305), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(5614), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(8479), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(2009), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(9689), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(8469), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(9692), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(7665), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(7819), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(8102), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(4722), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(4217), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(5731), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(3611), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(4708), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(8563), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(9925), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(3633), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(40), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(5082), exports1), __exportStar1(__webpack_require__1(9360), exports1); }, 40: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.unpackTags = exports1.createDummyTx = exports1.createInteractionTx = void 0; const SmartWeaveTags_11 = __webpack_require__1(7312); async function createInteractionTx1(arweave1, signer1, contractId1, input1, tags1, target1 = '', winstonQty1 = '0', dummy1 = !1, reward1) { const options1 = { data: Math.random().toString().slice(-4) }; target1 && target1.length && (options1.target = target1.toString(), winstonQty1 && +winstonQty1 > 0 && (options1.quantity = winstonQty1.toString())), dummy1 && (options1.reward = '72600854', options1.last_tx = 'p7vc1iSP6bvH_fCeUFa9LqoV5qiyW-jdEKouAT0XMoSwrNraB9mgpi29Q10waEpO'), reward1 && reward1.length && (options1.reward = reward1); const interactionTx1 = await arweave1.createTransaction(options1); if (!input1) throw Error(`Input should be a truthy value: ${JSON.stringify(input1)}`); if (tags1 && tags1.length) for (const tag1 of tags1)interactionTx1.addTag(tag1.name.toString(), tag1.value.toString()); return interactionTx1.addTag(SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.APP_NAME, 'SmartWeaveAction'), interactionTx1.addTag(SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.APP_VERSION, '0.3.0'), interactionTx1.addTag(SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.SDK, 'Warp'), interactionTx1.addTag(SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.CONTRACT_TX_ID, contractId1), interactionTx1.addTag(SmartWeaveTags_11.SmartWeaveTags.INPUT, JSON.stringify(input1)), signer1 && await signer1(interactionTx1), interactionTx1; } function createDummyTx1(tx1, from1, block1) { const decodedTags1 = unpackTags1(tx1); return { id: tx1.id, owner: { address: from1, key: '' }, recipient: tx1.target, tags: decodedTags1, fee: { winston: tx1.reward, ar: '' }, quantity: { winston: tx1.quantity, ar: '' }, block: { id: block1.indep_hash, height: block1.height, timestamp: block1.timestamp, previous: null }, dry: !0, anchor: null, signature: null, data: null, parent: null, bundledIn: null }; } function unpackTags1(tx1) { const tags1 = tx1.get('tags'), result1 = []; for (const tag1 of tags1)try { const name1 = tag1.get('name', { decode: !0, string: !0 }), value1 = tag1.get('value', { decode: !0, string: !0 }); result1.push({ name: name1, value: value1 }); } catch (e1) {} return result1; } exports1.createInteractionTx = createInteractionTx1, exports1.createDummyTx = createDummyTx1, exports1.unpackTags = unpackTags1; }, 9925: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; var SmartWeaveErrorType1; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.SmartWeaveError = exports1.SmartWeaveErrorType = void 0, function(SmartWeaveErrorType1) { SmartWeaveErrorType1.CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND = "CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND"; }(SmartWeaveErrorType1 = exports1.SmartWeaveErrorType || (exports1.SmartWeaveErrorType = {})); class SmartWeaveError1 extends Error { constructor(type1, optional1 = {}){ optional1.message ? super(optional1.message) : super(), this.type = type1, this.otherInfo = optional1; } getType() { return this.type; } } exports1.SmartWeaveError = SmartWeaveError1; }, 4708: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); }, 8563: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.SmartWeaveGlobal = void 0; class SmartWeaveGlobal1 { constructor(arweave1, contract1, evaluationOptions1){ this.gasUsed = 0, this.gasLimit = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, this.unsafeClient = arweave1, this.arweave = { ar: arweave1.ar, utils: arweave1.utils, wallets: arweave1.wallets, crypto: arweave1.crypto }, this.evaluationOptions = evaluationOptions1, this.contract = contract1, this.transaction = new Transaction1(this), this.block = new Block1(this), this.contracts = { readContractState: (contractId1, height1, returnValidity1)=>{ throw Error('Not implemented - should be set by HandlerApi implementor'); }, viewContractState: (contractId1, input1)=>{ throw Error('Not implemented - should be set by HandlerApi implementor'); }, write: (contractId1, input1)=>{ throw Error('Not implemented - should be set by HandlerApi implementor'); }, refreshState: ()=>{ throw Error('Not implemented - should be set by HandlerApi implementor'); } }, this.vrf = new Vrf1(this), this.useGas = this.useGas.bind(this), this.getBalance = this.getBalance.bind(this); } useGas(gas1) { if (gas1 < 0) throw Error("[RE:GNE] Gas number exception - gas < 0."); if (this.gasUsed += gas1, this.gasUsed > this.gasLimit) throw Error(`[RE:OOG] Out of gas! Used: ${this.gasUsed}, limit: ${this.gasLimit}`); } async getBalance(address1, height1) { if (!this._activeTx) throw Error('Cannot read balance - active tx is not set.'); if (!this.block.height) throw Error('Cannot read balance - block height not set.'); const effectiveHeight1 = height1 || this.block.height; return await fetch(`${this.evaluationOptions.walletBalanceUrl}block/height/${effectiveHeight1}/wallet/${address1}/balance`).then((res1)=>res1.ok ? res1.text() : Promise.reject(res1)).catch((error1)=>{ var _a1; throw Error(`Unable to read wallet balance. ${error1.status}. ${null === (_a1 = error1.body) || void 0 === _a1 ? void 0 : _a1.message}`); }); } } exports1.SmartWeaveGlobal = SmartWeaveGlobal1; class Transaction1 { constructor(smartWeaveGlobal1){ this.smartWeaveGlobal = smartWeaveGlobal1; } get id() { if (!this.smartWeaveGlobal._activeTx) throw Error('No current Tx'); return this.smartWeaveGlobal._activeTx.id; } get owner() { if (!this.smartWeaveGlobal._activeTx) throw Error('No current Tx'); return this.smartWeaveGlobal._activeTx.owner.address; } get target() { if (!this.smartWeaveGlobal._activeTx) throw Error('No current Tx'); return this.smartWeaveGlobal._activeTx.recipient; } get tags() { if (!this.smartWeaveGlobal._activeTx) throw Error('No current Tx'); return this.smartWeaveGlobal._activeTx.tags; } get quantity() { if (!this.smartWeaveGlobal._activeTx) throw Error('No current Tx'); return this.smartWeaveGlobal._activeTx.quantity.winston; } get reward() { if (!this.smartWeaveGlobal._activeTx) throw Error('No current Tx'); return this.smartWeaveGlobal._activeTx.fee.winston; } } class Block1 { constructor(smartWeaveGlobal1){ this.smartWeaveGlobal = smartWeaveGlobal1; } get height() { if (!this.smartWeaveGlobal._activeTx) throw Error('No current Tx'); return this.smartWeaveGlobal._activeTx.block.height; } get indep_hash() { if (!this.smartWeaveGlobal._activeTx) throw Error('No current Tx'); return this.smartWeaveGlobal._activeTx.block.id; } get timestamp() { if (!this.smartWeaveGlobal._activeTx) throw Error('No current tx'); return this.smartWeaveGlobal._activeTx.block.timestamp; } } class Vrf1 { constructor(smartWeaveGlobal1){ this.smartWeaveGlobal = smartWeaveGlobal1; } get data() { return this.smartWeaveGlobal._activeTx.vrf; } get value() { return this.smartWeaveGlobal._activeTx.vrf.bigint; } randomInt(maxValue1) { if (!Number.isInteger(maxValue1)) throw Error('Integer max value required for random integer generation'); const result1 = BigInt(this.smartWeaveGlobal._activeTx.vrf.bigint) % BigInt(maxValue1) + BigInt(1); if (result1 > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || result1 < Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER) throw Error('Random int cannot be cast to number'); return Number(result1); } } }, 3633: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; function getTag1(tx1, name1) { const tags1 = tx1.get('tags'); for (const tag1 of tags1)try { if (tag1.get('name', { decode: !0, string: !0 }) === name1) return tag1.get('value', { decode: !0, string: !0 }); } catch (e1) {} return !1; } function arrayToHex1(arr1) { let str1 = ''; for (const a10 of arr1)str1 += ('0' + a10.toString(16)).slice(-2); return str1; } Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.arrayToHex = exports1.getTag = void 0, exports1.getTag = getTag1, exports1.arrayToHex = arrayToHex1; }, 9106: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.Benchmark = void 0; class Benchmark1 { constructor(){ this.start = Date.now(), this.end = null; } static measure() { return new Benchmark1(); } reset() { this.start = Date.now(), this.end = null; } stop() { this.end = Date.now(); } elapsed(rawValue1 = !1) { null === this.end && (this.end = Date.now()); const result1 = this.end - this.start; return rawValue1 ? result1 : `${(this.end - this.start).toFixed(0)}ms`; } } exports1.Benchmark = Benchmark1; }, 5913: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.LoggerFactory = void 0; const ConsoleLoggerFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(4089); class LoggerFactory1 { constructor(){} setOptions(newOptions1, moduleName1) { LoggerFactory1.INST.setOptions(newOptions1, moduleName1); } getOptions(moduleName1) { return LoggerFactory1.INST.getOptions(moduleName1); } logLevel(level1, moduleName1) { LoggerFactory1.INST.logLevel(level1, moduleName1); } create(moduleName1) { return LoggerFactory1.INST.create(moduleName1); } static use(logger1) { LoggerFactory1.INST = logger1; } } exports1.LoggerFactory = LoggerFactory1, LoggerFactory1.INST = new ConsoleLoggerFactory_11.ConsoleLoggerFactory(); }, 5629: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; function lvlToOrder1(logLevel1) { return exports1.LogLevelOrder[logLevel1]; } Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.lvlToOrder = exports1.LogLevelOrder = void 0, exports1.LogLevelOrder = { silly: 0, trace: 1, debug: 2, info: 3, warn: 4, error: 5, fatal: 6 }, exports1.lvlToOrder = lvlToOrder1; }, 2393: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); }, 183: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.ConsoleLogger = void 0; const LoggerSettings_11 = __webpack_require__1(5629); class ConsoleLogger1 { constructor(moduleName1, settings1){ this.moduleName = moduleName1, this.settings = settings1; } trace(message1, ...optionalParams1) { this.shouldLog('trace') && console.debug(this.message('trace', message1), optionalParams1); } error(message1, ...optionalParams1) { this.shouldLog('error') && console.error(this.message('error', message1), optionalParams1); } info(message1, ...optionalParams1) { this.shouldLog('info') && console.info(this.message('info', message1), optionalParams1); } silly(message1, ...optionalParams1) { this.shouldLog('silly') && console.debug(this.message('silly', message1), optionalParams1); } debug(message1, ...optionalParams1) { this.shouldLog('debug') && console.debug(this.message('debug', message1), optionalParams1); } warn(message1, ...optionalParams1) { this.shouldLog('warn') && console.warn(this.message('warn', message1), optionalParams1); } log(message1, ...optionalParams1) { this.shouldLog('info') && console.info(this.message('info', message1), optionalParams1); } fatal(message1, ...optionalParams1) { this.shouldLog('fatal') && console.error(this.message('fatal', message1), optionalParams1); } shouldLog(logLevel1) { return (0, LoggerSettings_11.lvlToOrder)(logLevel1) >= (0, LoggerSettings_11.lvlToOrder)(this.settings.minLevel); } setSettings(settings1) { this.settings = settings1; } message(lvl1, message1) { return `${new Date().toISOString()} ${lvl1.toUpperCase()} [${this.moduleName}] ${message1}`; } } exports1.ConsoleLogger = ConsoleLogger1; }, 4089: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.ConsoleLoggerFactory = void 0; const ConsoleLogger_11 = __webpack_require__1(183); class ConsoleLoggerFactory1 { constructor(){ this.registeredLoggers = {}, this.registeredOptions = {}, this.defOptions = { minLevel: 'info' }, this.setOptions = this.setOptions.bind(this), this.getOptions = this.getOptions.bind(this), this.create = this.create.bind(this), this.logLevel = this.logLevel.bind(this); } setOptions(newOptions1, moduleName1) { moduleName1 ? this.registeredLoggers[moduleName1] ? this.registeredLoggers[moduleName1].setSettings({ ...this.registeredLoggers[moduleName1].settings, ...newOptions1 }) : this.registeredOptions[moduleName1] = { ...this.defOptions, ...newOptions1 } : (this.defOptions = newOptions1, Object.keys(this.registeredLoggers).forEach((key1)=>{ this.registeredLoggers[key1].setSettings({ ...this.registeredLoggers[key1].settings, ...newOptions1 }); })); } getOptions(moduleName1) { return moduleName1 ? this.registeredLoggers[moduleName1] ? this.registeredLoggers[moduleName1].settings : this.registeredOptions[moduleName1] ? this.registeredOptions[moduleName1] : this.defOptions : this.defOptions; } logLevel(level1, moduleName1) { this.setOptions({ minLevel: level1 }, moduleName1); } create(moduleName1 = 'SWC') { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.registeredLoggers, moduleName1) || (this.registeredLoggers[moduleName1] = new ConsoleLogger_11.ConsoleLogger(moduleName1, this.getOptions(moduleName1))), this.registeredLoggers[moduleName1]; } } exports1.ConsoleLoggerFactory = ConsoleLoggerFactory1; }, 7794: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.CacheableExecutorFactory = void 0; const LoggerFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(5913); class CacheableExecutorFactory1 { constructor(arweave1, baseImplementation1, cache1){ this.arweave = arweave1, this.baseImplementation = baseImplementation1, this.cache = cache1, this.logger = LoggerFactory_11.LoggerFactory.INST.create('CacheableExecutorFactory'); } async create(contractDefinition1, evaluationOptions1) { return await this.baseImplementation.create(contractDefinition1, evaluationOptions1); } } exports1.CacheableExecutorFactory = CacheableExecutorFactory1; }, 4481: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.DebuggableExecutorFactory = void 0; class DebuggableExecutorFactory1 { constructor(baseImplementation1, sourceCode1){ this.baseImplementation = baseImplementation1, this.sourceCode = sourceCode1; } async create(contractDefinition1, evaluationOptions1) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.sourceCode, contractDefinition1.txId) && (contractDefinition1 = { ...contractDefinition1, src: this.sourceCode[contractDefinition1.txId] }), await this.baseImplementation.create(contractDefinition1, evaluationOptions1); } } exports1.DebuggableExecutorFactory = DebuggableExecutorFactory1; }, 2491: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.Evolve = void 0; const LoggerFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(5913), errors_11 = __webpack_require__1(9925); function isEvolveCompatible1(state1) { if (!state1) return !1; const settings1 = evalSettings1(state1); return void 0 !== state1.evolve || settings1.has('evolve'); } class Evolve1 { constructor(){ this.logger = LoggerFactory_11.LoggerFactory.INST.create('Evolve'), this.modify = this.modify.bind(this); } async modify(state1, executionContext1) { const { definitionLoader: definitionLoader1, executorFactory: executorFactory1 } = executionContext1.warp, contractTxId1 = executionContext1.contractDefinition.txId, evolvedSrcTxId1 = Evolve1.evolvedSrcTxId(state1), currentSrcTxId1 = executionContext1.contractDefinition.srcTxId; if (evolvedSrcTxId1 && (this.logger.debug('Checking evolve:', { current: currentSrcTxId1, evolvedSrcTxId: evolvedSrcTxId1 }), currentSrcTxId1 !== evolvedSrcTxId1)) try { this.logger.info('Evolving to: ', evolvedSrcTxId1); const newContractDefinition1 = await definitionLoader1.load(contractTxId1, evolvedSrcTxId1), newHandler1 = await executorFactory1.create(newContractDefinition1, executionContext1.evaluationOptions); executionContext1.contractDefinition = newContractDefinition1, executionContext1.handler = newHandler1, executionContext1.handler.initState(state1), this.logger.debug('evolved to:', { evolve: evolvedSrcTxId1, newSrcTxId: executionContext1.contractDefinition.srcTxId, current: currentSrcTxId1, txId: executionContext1.contractDefinition.txId }); } catch (e1) { throw new errors_11.SmartWeaveError(errors_11.SmartWeaveErrorType.CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND, { message: `Contract having txId: ${contractTxId1} not found`, requestedTxId: contractTxId1 }); } return executionContext1; } static evolvedSrcTxId(state1) { if (!isEvolveCompatible1(state1)) return; const settings1 = evalSettings1(state1), evolve1 = state1.evolve || settings1.get('evolve'); let canEvolve1 = state1.canEvolve || settings1.get('canEvolve'); if (null == canEvolve1 && (canEvolve1 = !0), evolve1 && /[a-z0-9_-]{43}/i.test(evolve1) && canEvolve1) return evolve1; } } function evalSettings1(state1) { let settings1 = new Map(); return state1.settings && (isIterable1(state1.settings) ? settings1 = new Map(state1.settings) : isObject1(state1.settings) && (settings1 = new Map(Object.entries(state1.settings)))), settings1; } function isIterable1(obj1) { return null != obj1 && 'function' == typeof obj1[Symbol.iterator]; } function isObject1(obj1) { return 'object' == typeof obj1 && null !== obj1 && !Array.isArray(obj1); } exports1.Evolve = Evolve1; }, 9360: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var __importDefault1 = this && this.__importDefault || function(mod1) { return mod1 && mod1.__esModule ? mod1 : { default: mod1 }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.ArweaveWrapper = void 0; const arweave_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(7386)), transaction_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(7241)), redstone_isomorphic_11 = __webpack_require__1(9180), WarpFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(8479), LoggerFactory_11 = __webpack_require__1(5913); class ArweaveWrapper1 { constructor(arweave1){ this.arweave = arweave1, this.logger = LoggerFactory_11.LoggerFactory.INST.create('ArweaveWrapper'), this.baseUrl = `${arweave1.api.config.protocol}://${arweave1.api.config.host}:${arweave1.api.config.port}`, this.logger.debug('baseurl', this.baseUrl); } async warpGwInfo() { return await this.doFetchInfo(`${WarpFactory_11.WARP_GW_URL}/gateway/arweave/info`); } async warpGwBlock() { return this.logger.debug('Calling warp gw block info'), await this.doFetchInfo(`${WarpFactory_11.WARP_GW_URL}/gateway/arweave/block`); } async info() { return await this.doFetchInfo(`${this.baseUrl}/info`); } async gql(query1, variables1) { try { const data1 = JSON.stringify({ query: query1, variables: variables1 }), response1 = await fetch(`${this.baseUrl}/graphql`, { method: 'POST', body: data1, headers: { 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Accept: 'application/json' } }).then((res1)=>res1.ok ? res1.json() : Promise.reject(res1)).catch((error1)=>{ var _a1, _b1; throw (null === (_a1 = error1.body) || void 0 === _a1 ? void 0 : _a1.message) && this.logger.error(error1.body.message), Error(`Unable to retrieve gql page. ${error1.status}: ${null === (_b1 = error1.body) || void 0 === _b1 ? void 0 : _b1.message}`); }); return { data: response1, status: 200 }; } catch (e1) { throw this.logger.error('Error while loading gql', e1), e1; } } async tx(id1) { const response1 = await fetch(`${this.baseUrl}/tx/${id1}`).then((res1)=>res1.ok ? res1.json() : Promise.reject(res1)).catch((error1)=>{ var _a1, _b1; throw (null === (_a1 = error1.body) || void 0 === _a1 ? void 0 : _a1.message) && this.logger.error(error1.body.message), Error(`Unable to retrieve tx ${id1}. ${error1.status}. ${null === (_b1 = error1.body) || void 0 === _b1 ? void 0 : _b1.message}`); }); return new transaction_11.default({ ...response1 }); } async txData(id1) { const response1 = await fetch(`${this.baseUrl}/${id1}`); if (response1.ok) { const buffer1 = await response1.arrayBuffer(); return redstone_isomorphic_11.Buffer.from(buffer1); } { this.logger.warn(`Unable to load data from arweave.net/${id1} endpoint, falling back to arweave.js`); const txData1 = await this.arweave.transactions.getData(id1, { decode: !0 }); return redstone_isomorphic_11.Buffer.from(txData1); } } async txDataString(id1) { const buffer1 = await this.txData(id1); return arweave_11.default.utils.bufferToString(buffer1); } async doFetchInfo(url1) { try { const response1 = await fetch(url1).then((res1)=>res1.ok ? res1.json() : Promise.reject(res1)).catch((error1)=>{ var _a1, _b1; throw (null === (_a1 = error1.body) || void 0 === _a1 ? void 0 : _a1.message) && this.logger.error(error1.body.message), Error(`Unable to retrieve info. ${error1.status}: ${null === (_b1 = error1.body) || void 0 === _b1 ? void 0 : _b1.message}`); }); return response1; } catch (e1) { throw this.logger.error('Error while loading info', e1), e1; } } } exports1.ArweaveWrapper = ArweaveWrapper1; }, 5082: function(__unused_webpack_module1, exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var __importDefault1 = this && this.__importDefault || function(mod1) { return mod1 && mod1.__esModule ? mod1 : { default: mod1 }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.indent = exports1.stripTrailingSlash = exports1.timeout = exports1.descS = exports1.desc = exports1.ascS = exports1.asc = exports1.mapReviver = exports1.mapReplacer = exports1.deepCopy = exports1.sleep = void 0; const cloneDeep_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(361)), fast_copy_11 = __importDefault1(__webpack_require__1(3346)), sleep1 = (ms1)=>new Promise((resolve1)=>setTimeout(resolve1, ms1)); exports1.sleep = sleep1; const deepCopy1 = (input1, useFastCopy1 = !1)=>useFastCopy1 ? (0, fast_copy_11.default)(input1) : (0, cloneDeep_11.default)(input1); exports1.deepCopy = deepCopy1; const mapReplacer1 = (key1, value1)=>value1 instanceof Map ? { dataType: 'Map', value: Array.from(value1.entries()) } : value1; exports1.mapReplacer = mapReplacer1; const mapReviver1 = (key1, value1)=>'object' == typeof value1 && null !== value1 && 'Map' === value1.dataType ? new Map(value1.value) : value1; exports1.mapReviver = mapReviver1; const asc1 = (a10, b10)=>a10 - b10; exports1.asc = asc1; const ascS1 = (a10, b10)=>+a10 - +b10; exports1.ascS = ascS1; const desc1 = (a10, b10)=>b10 - a10; exports1.desc = desc1; const descS1 = (a10, b10)=>+b10 - +a10; function timeout1(s3) { let timeoutId1 = null; const timeoutPromise1 = new Promise((resolve1, reject1)=>{ timeoutId1 = setTimeout(()=>{ clearTimeout(timeoutId1), reject1('timeout'); }, 1000 * s3); }); return { timeoutId: timeoutId1, timeoutPromise: timeoutPromise1 }; } function stripTrailingSlash1(str1) { return str1.endsWith('/') ? str1.slice(0, -1) : str1; } function indent1(callDepth1) { return ''.padEnd(2 * callDepth1, ' '); } exports1.descS = descS1, exports1.timeout = timeout1, exports1.stripTrailingSlash = stripTrailingSlash1, exports1.indent = indent1; }, 6430: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var forEach1 = __webpack_require__1(4029), availableTypedArrays1 = __webpack_require__1(3083), callBound1 = __webpack_require__1(1924), $toString1 = callBound1('Object.prototype.toString'), hasToStringTag1 = __webpack_require__1(6410)(), g3 = 'undefined' == typeof globalThis ? __webpack_require__1.g : globalThis, typedArrays1 = availableTypedArrays1(), $slice1 = callBound1('String.prototype.slice'), toStrTags1 = {}, gOPD1 = __webpack_require__1(882), getPrototypeOf1 = Object.getPrototypeOf; hasToStringTag1 && gOPD1 && getPrototypeOf1 && forEach1(typedArrays1, function(typedArray1) { if ('function' == typeof g3[typedArray1]) { var arr1 = new g3[typedArray1](); if (Symbol.toStringTag in arr1) { var proto1 = getPrototypeOf1(arr1), descriptor1 = gOPD1(proto1, Symbol.toStringTag); descriptor1 || (descriptor1 = gOPD1(getPrototypeOf1(proto1), Symbol.toStringTag)), toStrTags1[typedArray1] = descriptor1.get; } } }); var tryTypedArrays1 = function(value1) { var foundName1 = !1; return forEach1(toStrTags1, function(getter1, typedArray1) { if (!foundName1) try { var name1 = getter1.call(value1); name1 === typedArray1 && (foundName1 = name1); } catch (e1) {} }), foundName1; }, isTypedArray1 = __webpack_require__1(5692); module1.exports = function(value1) { return !!isTypedArray1(value1) && (hasToStringTag1 && Symbol.toStringTag in value1 ? tryTypedArrays1(value1) : $slice1($toString1(value1), 8, -1)); }; }, 7605: function(module1, exports1) { var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__1, loader1 = function(exports1) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports1, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), exports1.default = void 0, exports1.demangle = demangle1, exports1.instantiate = instantiate1, exports1.instantiateStreaming = instantiateStreaming1, exports1.instantiateSync = instantiateSync1; const ID_OFFSET1 = -8, SIZE_OFFSET1 = -4, ARRAYBUFFER_ID1 = 0, STRING_ID1 = 1, ARRAYBUFFERVIEW1 = 1, ARRAY1 = 2, STATICARRAY1 = 4, VAL_ALIGN_OFFSET1 = 6, VAL_SIGNED1 = 2048, VAL_FLOAT1 = 4096, VAL_MANAGED1 = 16384, ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_BUFFER_OFFSET1 = 0, ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_DATASTART_OFFSET1 = 4, ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_BYTELENGTH_OFFSET1 = 8, ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_SIZE1 = 12, ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET1 = 12, ARRAY_SIZE1 = 16, E_NO_EXPORT_TABLE1 = "Operation requires compiling with --exportTable", E_NO_EXPORT_RUNTIME1 = "Operation requires compiling with --exportRuntime", F_NO_EXPORT_RUNTIME1 = ()=>{ throw Error(E_NO_EXPORT_RUNTIME1); }, BIGINT1 = "undefined" != typeof BigUint64Array, THIS1 = Symbol(), STRING_SMALLSIZE1 = 192, STRING_CHUNKSIZE1 = 1024, utf161 = new TextDecoder("utf-16le", { fatal: !0 }); function getStringImpl1(buffer1, ptr1) { let len3 = new Uint32Array(buffer1)[ptr1 + SIZE_OFFSET1 >>> 2] >>> 1; const wtf161 = new Uint16Array(buffer1, ptr1, len3); if (len3 <= STRING_SMALLSIZE1) return String.fromCharCode(...wtf161); try { return utf161.decode(wtf161); } catch { let str1 = "", off1 = 0; for(; len3 - off1 > STRING_CHUNKSIZE1;)str1 += String.fromCharCode(...wtf161.subarray(off1, off1 += STRING_CHUNKSIZE1)); return str1 + String.fromCharCode(...wtf161.subarray(off1)); } } function preInstantiate1(imports1) { const extendedExports1 = {}; function getString1(memory1, ptr1) { return memory1 ? getStringImpl1(memory1.buffer, ptr1) : ""; } const env1 = imports1.env = imports1.env || {}; return env1.abort = env1.abort || function(msg1, file1, line1, colm1) { const memory1 = extendedExports1.memory || env1.memory; throw Error(`abort: ${getString1(memory1, msg1)} at ${getString1(memory1, file1)}:${line1}:${colm1}`); }, env1.trace = env1.trace || function(msg1, n2, ...args1) { const memory1 = extendedExports1.memory || env1.memory; console.log(`trace: ${getString1(memory1, msg1)}${n2 ? " " : ""}${args1.slice(0, n2).join(", ")}`); }, env1.seed = env1.seed || Date.now, imports1.Math = imports1.Math || Math, imports1.Date = imports1.Date || Date, extendedExports1; } function postInstantiate1(extendedExports1, instance1) { const exports1 = instance1.exports, memory1 = exports1.memory, table1 = exports1.table, __new1 = exports1.__new || F_NO_EXPORT_RUNTIME1, __pin1 = exports1.__pin || F_NO_EXPORT_RUNTIME1, __unpin1 = exports1.__unpin || F_NO_EXPORT_RUNTIME1, __collect1 = exports1.__collect || F_NO_EXPORT_RUNTIME1, __rtti_base1 = exports1.__rtti_base, getRttiCount1 = __rtti_base1 ? (arr1)=>arr1[__rtti_base1 >>> 2] : F_NO_EXPORT_RUNTIME1; function getRttInfo1(id1) { const U321 = new Uint32Array(memory1.buffer); if ((id1 >>>= 0) >= getRttiCount1(U321)) throw Error(`invalid id: ${id1}`); return U321[(__rtti_base1 + 4 >>> 2) + (id1 << 1)]; } function getRttBase1(id1) { const U321 = new Uint32Array(memory1.buffer); if ((id1 >>>= 0) >= getRttiCount1(U321)) throw Error(`invalid id: ${id1}`); return U321[(__rtti_base1 + 4 >>> 2) + (id1 << 1) + 1]; } function getArrayInfo1(id1) { const info1 = getRttInfo1(id1); if (!(info1 & (ARRAYBUFFERVIEW1 | ARRAY1 | STATICARRAY1))) throw Error(`not an array: ${id1}, flags=${info1}`); return info1; } function getValueAlign1(info1) { return 31 - Math.clz32(info1 >>> VAL_ALIGN_OFFSET1 & 31); } function __newString1(str1) { if (null == str1) return 0; const length1 = str1.length, ptr1 = __new1(length1 << 1, STRING_ID1), U161 = new Uint16Array(memory1.buffer); for(var i2 = 0, p3 = ptr1 >>> 1; i2 < length1; ++i2)U161[p3 + i2] = str1.charCodeAt(i2); return ptr1; } function __newArrayBuffer1(buf1) { if (null == buf1) return 0; const bufview1 = new Uint8Array(buf1), ptr1 = __new1(bufview1.length, ARRAYBUFFER_ID1), U81 = new Uint8Array(memory1.buffer); return U81.set(bufview1, ptr1), ptr1; } function __getString1(ptr1) { if (!ptr1) return null; const buffer1 = memory1.buffer, id1 = new Uint32Array(buffer1)[ptr1 + ID_OFFSET1 >>> 2]; if (id1 !== STRING_ID1) throw Error(`not a string: ${ptr1}`); return getStringImpl1(buffer1, ptr1); } function getView1(alignLog21, signed1, float1) { const buffer1 = memory1.buffer; if (float1) switch(alignLog21){ case 2: return new Float32Array(buffer1); case 3: return new Float64Array(buffer1); } else switch(alignLog21){ case 0: return new (signed1 ? Int8Array : Uint8Array)(buffer1); case 1: return new (signed1 ? Int16Array : Uint16Array)(buffer1); case 2: return new (signed1 ? Int32Array : Uint32Array)(buffer1); case 3: return new (signed1 ? BigInt64Array : BigUint64Array)(buffer1); } throw Error(`unsupported align: ${alignLog21}`); } function __newArray1(id1, valuesOrCapacity1 = 0) { let result1; const input1 = valuesOrCapacity1, info1 = getArrayInfo1(id1), align1 = getValueAlign1(info1), isArrayLike1 = "number" != typeof input1, length1 = isArrayLike1 ? input1.length : input1, buf1 = __new1(length1 << align1, info1 & STATICARRAY1 ? id1 : ARRAYBUFFER_ID1); if (info1 & STATICARRAY1) result1 = buf1; else { __pin1(buf1); const arr1 = __new1(info1 & ARRAY1 ? ARRAY_SIZE1 : ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_SIZE1, id1); __unpin1(buf1); const U321 = new Uint32Array(memory1.buffer); U321[arr1 + ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_BUFFER_OFFSET1 >>> 2] = buf1, U321[arr1 + ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_DATASTART_OFFSET1 >>> 2] = buf1, U321[arr1 + ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_BYTELENGTH_OFFSET1 >>> 2] = length1 << align1, info1 & ARRAY1 && (U321[arr1 + ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET1 >>> 2] = length1), result1 = arr1; } if (isArrayLike1) { const view1 = getView1(align1, info1 & VAL_SIGNED1, info1 & VAL_FLOAT1), start1 = buf1 >>> align1; if (info1 & VAL_MANAGED1) for(let i2 = 0; i2 < length1; ++i2)view1[start1 + i2] = input1[i2]; else view1.set(input1, start1); } return result1; } function __getArrayView1(arr1) { const U321 = new Uint32Array(memory1.buffer), id1 = U321[arr1 + ID_OFFSET1 >>> 2], info1 = getArrayInfo1(id1), align1 = getValueAlign1(info1); let buf1 = info1 & STATICARRAY1 ? arr1 : U321[arr1 + ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_DATASTART_OFFSET1 >>> 2]; const length1 = info1 & ARRAY1 ? U321[arr1 + ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET1 >>> 2] : U321[buf1 + SIZE_OFFSET1 >>> 2] >>> align1; return getView1(align1, info1 & VAL_SIGNED1, info1 & VAL_FLOAT1).subarray(buf1 >>>= align1, buf1 + length1); } function __getArray1(arr1) { const input1 = __getArrayView1(arr1), len3 = input1.length, out1 = Array(len3); for(let i2 = 0; i2 < len3; i2++)out1[i2] = input1[i2]; return out1; } function __getArrayBuffer1(ptr1) { const buffer1 = memory1.buffer, length1 = new Uint32Array(buffer1)[ptr1 + SIZE_OFFSET1 >>> 2]; return buffer1.slice(ptr1, ptr1 + length1); } function __getFunction1(ptr1) { if (!table1) throw Error(E_NO_EXPORT_TABLE1); const index1 = new Uint32Array(memory1.buffer)[ptr1 >>> 2]; return table1.get(index1); } function getTypedArray1(Type1, alignLog21, ptr1) { return new Type1(getTypedArrayView1(Type1, alignLog21, ptr1)); } function getTypedArrayView1(Type1, alignLog21, ptr1) { const buffer1 = memory1.buffer, U321 = new Uint32Array(buffer1); return new Type1(buffer1, U321[ptr1 + ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_DATASTART_OFFSET1 >>> 2], U321[ptr1 + ARRAYBUFFERVIEW_BYTELENGTH_OFFSET1 >>> 2] >>> alignLog21); } function attachTypedArrayFunctions1(ctor1, name1, align1) { extendedExports1[`__get${name1}`] = getTypedArray1.bind(null, ctor1, align1), extendedExports1[`__get${name1}View`] = getTypedArrayView1.bind(null, ctor1, align1); } function __instanceof1(ptr1, baseId1) { const U321 = new Uint32Array(memory1.buffer); let id1 = U321[ptr1 + ID_OFFSET1 >>> 2]; if (id1 <= getRttiCount1(U321)) do { if (id1 == baseId1) return !0; id1 = getRttBase1(id1); }while (id1) return !1; } return extendedExports1.__new = __new1, extendedExports1.__pin = __pin1, extendedExports1.__unpin = __unpin1, extendedExports1.__collect = __collect1, extendedExports1.__newString = __newString1, extendedExports1.__newArrayBuffer = __newArrayBuffer1, extendedExports1.__getString = __getString1, extendedExports1.__newArray = __newArray1, extendedExports1.__getArrayView = __getArrayView1, extendedExports1.__getArray = __getArray1, extendedExports1.__getArrayBuffer = __getArrayBuffer1, extendedExports1.__getFunction = __getFunction1, [ Int8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array ].forEach((ctor1)=>{ attachTypedArrayFunctions1(ctor1, ctor1.name, 31 - Math.clz32(ctor1.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)); }), BIGINT1 && [ BigUint64Array, BigInt64Array ].forEach((ctor1)=>{ attachTypedArrayFunctions1(ctor1, ctor1.name.slice(3), 3); }), extendedExports1.__instanceof = __instanceof1, extendedExports1.memory = extendedExports1.memory || memory1, extendedExports1.table = extendedExports1.table || table1, demangle1(exports1, extendedExports1); } function isResponse1(src1) { return "undefined" != typeof Response && src1 instanceof Response; } function isModule1(src1) { return src1 instanceof WebAssembly.Module; } async function instantiate1(source1, imports1 = {}) { if (isResponse1(source1 = await source1)) return instantiateStreaming1(source1, imports1); const module1 = isModule1(source1) ? source1 : await WebAssembly.compile(source1), extended1 = preInstantiate1(imports1), instance1 = await WebAssembly.instantiate(module1, imports1), exports1 = postInstantiate1(extended1, instance1); return { module: module1, instance: instance1, exports: exports1 }; } function instantiateSync1(source1, imports1 = {}) { const module1 = isModule1(source1) ? source1 : new WebAssembly.Module(source1), extended1 = preInstantiate1(imports1), instance1 = new WebAssembly.Instance(module1, imports1), exports1 = postInstantiate1(extended1, instance1); return { module: module1, instance: instance1, exports: exports1 }; } async function instantiateStreaming1(source1, imports1 = {}) { if (!WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming) return instantiate1(isResponse1(source1 = await source1) ? source1.arrayBuffer() : source1, imports1); const extended1 = preInstantiate1(imports1), result1 = await WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(source1, imports1), exports1 = postInstantiate1(extended1, result1.instance); return { ...result1, exports: exports1 }; } function demangle1(exports1, extendedExports1 = {}) { const setArgumentsLength1 = exports1.__argumentsLength ? (length1)=>{ exports1.__argumentsLength.value = length1; } : exports1.__setArgumentsLength || exports1.__setargc || (()=>{}); for (let internalName1 of Object.keys(exports1)){ const elem1 = exports1[internalName1]; let parts1 = internalName1.split("."), curr1 = extendedExports1; for(; parts1.length > 1;){ let part1 = parts1.shift(); Object.hasOwn(curr1, part1) || (curr1[part1] = {}), curr1 = curr1[part1]; } let name1 = parts1[0], hash1 = name1.indexOf("#"); if (hash1 >= 0) { const className1 = name1.substring(0, hash1), classElem1 = curr1[className1]; if (void 0 === classElem1 || !classElem1.prototype) { const ctor1 = function(...args1) { return ctor1.wrap(ctor1.prototype.constructor(0, ...args1)); }; ctor1.prototype = { valueOf () { return this[THIS1]; } }, ctor1.wrap = function(thisValue1) { return Object.create(ctor1.prototype, { [THIS1]: { value: thisValue1, writable: !1 } }); }, classElem1 && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(classElem1).forEach((name1)=>Object.defineProperty(ctor1, name1, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(classElem1, name1))), curr1[className1] = ctor1; } if (name1 = name1.substring(hash1 + 1), curr1 = curr1[className1].prototype, /^(get|set):/.test(name1)) { if (!Object.hasOwn(curr1, name1 = name1.substring(4))) { let getter1 = exports1[internalName1.replace("set:", "get:")], setter1 = exports1[internalName1.replace("get:", "set:")]; Object.defineProperty(curr1, name1, { get () { return getter1(this[THIS1]); }, set (value1) { setter1(this[THIS1], value1); }, enumerable: !0 }); } } else 'constructor' === name1 ? (curr1[name1] = function(...args1) { return setArgumentsLength1(args1.length), elem1(...args1); }).original = elem1 : (curr1[name1] = function(...args1) { return setArgumentsLength1(args1.length), elem1(this[THIS1], ...args1); }).original = elem1; } else /^(get|set):/.test(name1) ? Object.hasOwn(curr1, name1 = name1.substring(4)) || Object.defineProperty(curr1, name1, { get: exports1[internalName1.replace("set:", "get:")], set: exports1[internalName1.replace("get:", "set:")], enumerable: !0 }) : "function" == typeof elem1 && elem1 !== setArgumentsLength1 ? (curr1[name1] = (...args1)=>(setArgumentsLength1(args1.length), elem1(...args1))).original = elem1 : curr1[name1] = elem1; } return extendedExports1; } Object.hasOwn = Object.hasOwn || function(obj1, prop1) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj1, prop1); }; var _default1 = { instantiate: instantiate1, instantiateSync: instantiateSync1, instantiateStreaming: instantiateStreaming1, demangle: demangle1 }; return exports1.default = _default1, "default" in exports1 ? exports1.default : exports1; }({}); void 0 !== (__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__1 = (function() { return loader1; }).apply(exports1, [])) && (module1.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__1); }, 3083: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var possibleNames1 = [ 'BigInt64Array', 'BigUint64Array', 'Float32Array', 'Float64Array', 'Int16Array', 'Int32Array', 'Int8Array', 'Uint16Array', 'Uint32Array', 'Uint8Array', 'Uint8ClampedArray' ], g3 = 'undefined' == typeof globalThis ? __webpack_require__1.g : globalThis; module1.exports = function() { for(var out1 = [], i2 = 0; i2 < possibleNames1.length; i2++)'function' == typeof g3[possibleNames1[i2]] && (out1[out1.length] = possibleNames1[i2]); return out1; }; }, 882: function(module1, __unused_webpack_exports1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; var $gOPD1 = __webpack_require__1(210)('%Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor%', !0); if ($gOPD1) try { $gOPD1([], 'length'); } catch (e1) { $gOPD1 = null; } module1.exports = $gOPD1; }, 7568: function(__unused_webpack___webpack_module__1, __webpack_exports__1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; function asyncGeneratorStep1(gen1, resolve1, reject1, _next1, _throw1, key1, arg4) { try { var info1 = gen1[key1](arg4), value1 = info1.value; } catch (error1) { reject1(error1); return; } info1.done ? resolve1(value1) : Promise.resolve(value1).then(_next1, _throw1); } function _asyncToGenerator1(fn1) { return function() { var self1 = this, args1 = arguments; return new Promise(function(resolve1, reject1) { var gen1 = fn1.apply(self1, args1); function _next1(value1) { asyncGeneratorStep1(gen1, resolve1, reject1, _next1, _throw1, "next", value1); } function _throw1(err1) { asyncGeneratorStep1(gen1, resolve1, reject1, _next1, _throw1, "throw", err1); } _next1(void 0); }); }; } __webpack_require__1.d(__webpack_exports__1, { Z: function() { return _asyncToGenerator1; } }); }, 9396: function(__unused_webpack___webpack_module__1, __webpack_exports__1, __webpack_require__1) { "use strict"; function ownKeys1(object1, enumerableOnly1) { var keys1 = Object.keys(object1); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols1 = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object1); enumerableOnly1 && (symbols1 = symbols1.filter(function(sym1) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object1, sym1).enumerable; })), keys1.push.apply(keys1, symbols1); } return keys1; } function _objectSpreadProps1(target1, source1) { return source1 = null != source1 ? source1 : {}, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target1, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source1)) : ownKeys1(Object(source1)).forEach(function(key1) { Object.defineProperty(target1, key1, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source1, key1)); }), target1; } __webpack_require__1.d(__webpack_exports__1, { Z: function() { return _objectSpreadProps1; } }); }, 8597: function(module1) { "use strict"; module1.exports = { i8: "6.5.4" }; }, 2454: function(module1) { "use strict"; module1.exports = JSON.parse('{"O_RDONLY":0,"O_WRONLY":1,"O_RDWR":2,"S_IFMT":61440,"S_IFREG":32768,"S_IFDIR":16384,"S_IFCHR":8192,"S_IFBLK":24576,"S_IFIFO":4096,"S_IFLNK":40960,"S_IFSOCK":49152,"O_CREAT":512,"O_EXCL":2048,"O_NOCTTY":131072,"O_TRUNC":1024,"O_APPEND":8,"O_DIRECTORY":1048576,"O_NOFOLLOW":256,"O_SYNC":128,"O_SYMLINK":2097152,"O_NONBLOCK":4,"S_IRWXU":448,"S_IRUSR":256,"S_IWUSR":128,"S_IXUSR":64,"S_IRWXG":56,"S_IRGRP":32,"S_IWGRP":16,"S_IXGRP":8,"S_IRWXO":7,"S_IROTH":4,"S_IWOTH":2,"S_IXOTH":1,"E2BIG":7,"EACCES":13,"EADDRINUSE":48,"EADDRNOTAVAIL":49,"EAFNOSUPPORT":47,"EAGAIN":35,"EALREADY":37,"EBADF":9,"EBADMSG":94,"EBUSY":16,"ECANCELED":89,"ECHILD":10,"ECONNABORTED":53,"ECONNREFUSED":61,"ECONNRESET":54,"EDEADLK":11,"EDESTADDRREQ":39,"EDOM":33,"EDQUOT":69,"EEXIST":17,"EFAULT":14,"EFBIG":27,"EHOSTUNREACH":65,"EIDRM":90,"EILSEQ":92,"EINPROGRESS":36,"EINTR":4,"EINVAL":22,"EIO":5,"EISCONN":56,"EISDIR":21,"ELOOP":62,"EMFILE":24,"EMLINK":31,"EMSGSIZE":40,"EMULTIHOP":95,"ENAMETOOLONG":63,"ENETDOWN":50,"ENETRESET":52,"ENETUNREACH":51,"ENFILE":23,"ENOBUFS":55,"ENODATA":96,"ENODEV":19,"ENOENT":2,"ENOEXEC":8,"ENOLCK":77,"ENOLINK":97,"ENOMEM":12,"ENOMSG":91,"ENOPROTOOPT":42,"ENOSPC":28,"ENOSR":98,"ENOSTR":99,"ENOSYS":78,"ENOTCONN":57,"ENOTDIR":20,"ENOTEMPTY":66,"ENOTSOCK":38,"ENOTSUP":45,"ENOTTY":25,"ENXIO":6,"EOPNOTSUPP":102,"EOVERFLOW":84,"EPERM":1,"EPIPE":32,"EPROTO":100,"EPROTONOSUPPORT":43,"EPROTOTYPE":41,"ERANGE":34,"EROFS":30,"ESPIPE":29,"ESRCH":3,"ESTALE":70,"ETIME":101,"ETIMEDOUT":60,"ETXTBSY":26,"EWOULDBLOCK":35,"EXDEV":18,"SIGHUP":1,"SIGINT":2,"SIGQUIT":3,"SIGILL":4,"SIGTRAP":5,"SIGABRT":6,"SIGIOT":6,"SIGBUS":10,"SIGFPE":8,"SIGKILL":9,"SIGUSR1":30,"SIGSEGV":11,"SIGUSR2":31,"SIGPIPE":13,"SIGALRM":14,"SIGTERM":15,"SIGCHLD":20,"SIGCONT":19,"SIGSTOP":17,"SIGTSTP":18,"SIGTTIN":21,"SIGTTOU":22,"SIGURG":16,"SIGXCPU":24,"SIGXFSZ":25,"SIGVTALRM":26,"SIGPROF":27,"SIGWINCH":28,"SIGIO":23,"SIGSYS":12,"SSL_OP_ALL":2147486719,"SSL_OP_ALLOW_UNSAFE_LEGACY_RENEGOTIATION":262144,"SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE":4194304,"SSL_OP_CISCO_ANYCONNECT":32768,"SSL_OP_COOKIE_EXCHANGE":8192,"SSL_OP_CRYPTOPRO_TLSEXT_BUG":2147483648,"SSL_OP_DONT_INSERT_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS":2048,"SSL_OP_EPHEMERAL_RSA":0,"SSL_OP_LEGACY_SERVER_CONNECT":4,"SSL_OP_MICROSOFT_BIG_SSLV3_BUFFER":32,"SSL_OP_MICROSOFT_SESS_ID_BUG":1,"SSL_OP_MSIE_SSLV2_RSA_PADDING":0,"SSL_OP_NETSCAPE_CA_DN_BUG":536870912,"SSL_OP_NETSCAPE_CHALLENGE_BUG":2,"SSL_OP_NETSCAPE_DEMO_CIPHER_CHANGE_BUG":1073741824,"SSL_OP_NETSCAPE_REUSE_CIPHER_CHANGE_BUG":8,"SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION":131072,"SSL_OP_NO_QUERY_MTU":4096,"SSL_OP_NO_SESSION_RESUMPTION_ON_RENEGOTIATION":65536,"SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2":16777216,"SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3":33554432,"SSL_OP_NO_TICKET":16384,"SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1":67108864,"SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1":268435456,"SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2":134217728,"SSL_OP_PKCS1_CHECK_1":0,"SSL_OP_PKCS1_CHECK_2":0,"SSL_OP_SINGLE_DH_USE":1048576,"SSL_OP_SINGLE_ECDH_USE":524288,"SSL_OP_SSLEAY_080_CLIENT_DH_BUG":128,"SSL_OP_SSLREF2_REUSE_CERT_TYPE_BUG":0,"SSL_OP_TLS_BLOCK_PADDING_BUG":512,"SSL_OP_TLS_D5_BUG":256,"SSL_OP_TLS_ROLLBACK_BUG":8388608,"ENGINE_METHOD_DSA":2,"ENGINE_METHOD_DH":4,"ENGINE_METHOD_RAND":8,"ENGINE_METHOD_ECDH":16,"ENGINE_METHOD_ECDSA":32,"ENGINE_METHOD_CIPHERS":64,"ENGINE_METHOD_DIGESTS":128,"ENGINE_METHOD_STORE":256,"ENGINE_METHOD_PKEY_METHS":512,"ENGINE_METHOD_PKEY_ASN1_METHS":1024,"ENGINE_METHOD_ALL":65535,"ENGINE_METHOD_NONE":0,"DH_CHECK_P_NOT_SAFE_PRIME":2,"DH_CHECK_P_NOT_PRIME":1,"DH_UNABLE_TO_CHECK_GENERATOR":4,"DH_NOT_SUITABLE_GENERATOR":8,"NPN_ENABLED":1,"RSA_PKCS1_PADDING":1,"RSA_SSLV23_PADDING":2,"RSA_NO_PADDING":3,"RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING":4,"RSA_X931_PADDING":5,"RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING":6,"POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED":2,"POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED":4,"POINT_CONVERSION_HYBRID":6,"F_OK":0,"R_OK":4,"W_OK":2,"X_OK":1,"UV_UDP_REUSEADDR":4}'); 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