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// Loaded from https://deno.land/x/discordeno@11.0.0-rc.2/src/structures/member.ts
import { eventHandlers } from "../bot.ts";
import { cache, cacheHandlers } from "../cache.ts";
import { avatarURL } from "../helpers/members/avatar_url.ts";
import { banMember } from "../helpers/members/ban_member.ts";
import { editMember } from "../helpers/members/edit_member.ts";
import { kickMember } from "../helpers/members/kick_member.ts";
import { sendDirectMessage } from "../helpers/members/send_direct_message.ts";
import { addRole } from "../helpers/roles/add_role.ts";
import { removeRole } from "../helpers/roles/remove_role.ts";
import type { CreateGuildBan } from "../types/guilds/create_guild_ban.ts";
import type { ModifyGuildMember } from "../types/guilds/modify_guild_member.ts";
import type { GuildMember, GuildMemberWithUser } from "../types/members/guild_member.ts";
import type { CreateMessage } from "../types/messages/create_message.ts";
import type { DiscordImageFormat } from "../types/misc/image_format.ts";
import type { DiscordImageSize } from "../types/misc/image_size.ts";
import type { User } from "../types/users/user.ts";
import { snowflakeToBigint } from "../util/bigint.ts";
import { Collection } from "../util/collection.ts";
import { iconHashToBigInt } from "../util/hash.ts";
import { createNewProp } from "../util/utils.ts";
import { DiscordenoGuild } from "./guild.ts";
const MEMBER_SNOWFLAKES = ["id", "discriminator"];
export const memberToggles = {
/** Whether the user belongs to an OAuth2 application */
bot: 1n,
/** Whether the user is an Official Discord System user (part of the urgent message system) */
system: 2n,
/** Whether the user has two factor enabled on their account */
mfaEnabled: 4n,
/** Whether the email on this account has been verified */
verified: 8n,
/** Whether the users avatar is animated. */
animatedAvatar: 16n,
const baseMember: Partial<DiscordenoMember> = {
get avatarURL() {
return avatarURL(this.id!, this.discriminator!, {
avatar: this.avatar!,
animated: this.animatedAvatar,
get mention() {
return `<@!${this.id!}>`;
get tag() {
return `${this.username!}#${this.discriminator!}`;
makeAvatarURL(options) {
return avatarURL(this.id!, this.discriminator!, {
avatar: this.avatar!,
size: options?.size,
format: options?.format,
animated: this.animatedAvatar!,
guild(guildId) {
return cache.guilds.get(guildId);
name(guildId) {
return this.guildMember!(guildId)?.nick || this.username!;
guildMember(guildId) {
return this.guilds?.get(guildId);
sendDM(content) {
return sendDirectMessage(this.id!, content);
kick(guildId, reason) {
return kickMember(guildId, this.id!, reason);
edit(guildId, options) {
return editMember(guildId, this.id!, options);
ban(guildId, options) {
return banMember(guildId, this.id!, options);
addRole(guildId, roleId, reason) {
return addRole(guildId, this.id!, roleId, reason);
removeRole(guildId, roleId, reason) {
return removeRole(guildId, this.id!, roleId, reason);
get bot() {
return Boolean(this.bitfield! & memberToggles.bot);
get system() {
return Boolean(this.bitfield! & memberToggles.system);
get mfaEnabled() {
return Boolean(this.bitfield! & memberToggles.mfaEnabled);
get verified() {
return Boolean(this.bitfield! & memberToggles.verified);
get animatedAvatar() {
return Boolean(this.bitfield! & memberToggles.animatedAvatar);
toJSON() {
return (this.guilds?.map((g) => ({
user: {
id: this.id?.toString(),
username: this.username,
discriminator: this.discriminator?.toString(),
avatar: this.avatar,
bot: this.bot,
system: this.system,
mfaEnabled: this.mfaEnabled,
locale: this.locale,
verified: this.verified,
email: this.email,
flags: this.flags,
premiumType: this.premiumType,
publicFlags: this.publicFlags,
nick: g.nick,
roles: g.roles.map((id) => id.toString()),
joinedAt: g.joinedAt ? new Date(g.joinedAt).toISOString() : undefined,
premiumSince: g.premiumSince,
deaf: g.deaf,
mute: g.mute,
pending: g.pending,
})) || []) as (GuildMemberWithUser & { guildId: string })[];
export async function createDiscordenoMember(
// The `user` param in `DiscordGuildMember` is optional since discord does not send it in `MESSAGE_CREATE` and `MESSAGE_UPDATE` events. But this data in there is required to build this structure so it is required in this case
data: GuildMemberWithUser,
guildId: bigint
) {
const { user, joinedAt, premiumSince } = data;
let bitfield = 0n;
const props: Record<string, ReturnType<typeof createNewProp>> = {};
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(user)) {
eventHandlers.debug?.("loop", `Running for of for Object.keys(user) loop in DiscordenoMember function.`);
const toggleBits = memberToggles[key as keyof typeof memberToggles];
if (toggleBits) {
bitfield |= value ? toggleBits : 0n;
if (key === "avatar") {
const transformed = value ? iconHashToBigInt(value) : undefined;
if (transformed?.animated) bitfield |= memberToggles.animatedAvatar;
props.avatar = createNewProp(transformed?.bigint);
props[key] = createNewProp(
MEMBER_SNOWFLAKES.includes(key) ? (value ? snowflakeToBigint(value) : undefined) : value
const member: DiscordenoMember = Object.create(baseMember, {
/** The guild related data mapped by guild id */
guilds: createNewProp(new Collection<bigint, GuildMember>()),
bitfield: createNewProp(bitfield),
const cached = await cacheHandlers.get("members", snowflakeToBigint(user.id));
if (cached) {
for (const [id, guild] of cached.guilds.entries()) {
eventHandlers.debug?.("loop", `Running for of for cached.guilds.entries() loop in DiscordenoMember function.`);
member.guilds.set(id, guild);
// User was never cached before
member.guilds.set(guildId, {
nick: data.nick,
roles: data.roles.map((id) => snowflakeToBigint(id)),
joinedAt: joinedAt ? Date.parse(joinedAt) : undefined,
premiumSince: premiumSince ? Date.parse(premiumSince) : undefined,
deaf: data.deaf,
mute: data.mute,
return member;
export interface DiscordenoMember extends Omit<User, "discriminator" | "id"> {
/** The user's id */
id: bigint;
/** The user's 4-digit discord-tag */
discriminator: bigint;
/** The guild related data mapped by guild id */
guilds: Collection<
Omit<GuildMember, "joinedAt" | "premiumSince" | "roles"> & {
joinedAt?: number;
premiumSince?: number;
roles: bigint[];
/** Holds all the boolean toggles. */
bitfield: bigint;
/** The avatar url using the default format and size. */
avatarURL: string;
/** The mention string for this member */
mention: string;
/** The username#discriminator tag for this member */
tag: string;
/** Whether or not the avatar is animated. */
animatedAvatar: boolean;
/** Returns the avatar url for this member and can be dynamically modified with a size or format */
makeAvatarURL(options?: { size?: DiscordImageSize; format?: DiscordImageFormat }): string;
/** Returns the guild for this guildId */
guild(guildId: bigint): DiscordenoGuild | undefined;
/** Get the nickname or the username if no nickname */
name(guildId: bigint): string;
/** Get the guild member object for the specified guild */
guildMember(guildId: bigint):
| (Omit<GuildMember, "joinedAt" | "premiumSince" | "roles"> & {
joinedAt?: number;
premiumSince?: number;
roles: bigint[];
| undefined;
/** Send a direct message to the user is possible */
sendDM(content: string | CreateMessage): ReturnType<typeof sendDirectMessage>;
/** Kick the member from a guild */
kick(guildId: bigint, reason?: string): ReturnType<typeof kickMember>;
/** Edit the member in a guild */
guildId: bigint,
options: Omit<ModifyGuildMember, "channelId"> & {
channelId?: bigint | null;
): ReturnType<typeof editMember>;
/** Ban a member in a guild */
ban(guildId: bigint, options: CreateGuildBan): ReturnType<typeof banMember>;
/** Add a role to the member */
addRole(guildId: bigint, roleId: bigint, reason?: string): ReturnType<typeof addRole>;
/** Remove a role from the member */
removeRole(guildId: bigint, roleId: bigint, reason?: string): ReturnType<typeof removeRole>;
/** Converts to a json object */
toJSON(): (GuildMemberWithUser & { guildId: string })[];