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synced 2024-12-29 00:23:10 +03:00
**Related issue:** - Closes https://github.com/swc-project/swc/issues/5912.
593 lines
141 KiB
593 lines
141 KiB
(function (exports) {
if (typeof document === 'undefined')
var document = {};
if (typeof window === 'undefined')
var window = {};
if (!window.document)
window.document = document;
if (typeof navigator === 'undefined')
var navigator = {};
if (!navigator.userAgent)
navigator.userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_2) AppleWebKit/534.51.22 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.1 Safari/534.51.22';
function gwtapp() { };
(function () {
var $gwt_version = "2.4.0"; var $wnd = window; var $doc = $wnd.document; var $moduleName, $moduleBase; var $strongName = '4533928AF3A2228268FD8F10BB191446'; var $stats = $wnd.__gwtStatsEvent ? function (a) { return $wnd.__gwtStatsEvent(a); } : null; var $sessionId = $wnd.__gwtStatsSessionId ? $wnd.__gwtStatsSessionId : null; $stats && $stats({ moduleName: 'gwtapp', sessionId: $sessionId, subSystem: 'startup', evtGroup: 'moduleStartup', millis: (new Date()).getTime(), type: 'moduleEvalStart' }); function H() { }
function P() { }
function O() { }
function N() { }
function M() { }
function rr() { }
function gb() { }
function ub() { }
function pb() { }
function Fb() { }
function Ab() { }
function Lb() { }
function Tb() { }
function Kb() { }
function Zb() { }
function _b() { }
function fc() { }
function ic() { }
function hc() { }
function Se() { }
function Re() { }
function Ze() { }
function Ye() { }
function Xe() { }
function Ah() { }
function Hh() { }
function Gh() { }
function Ej() { }
function Mj() { }
function Uj() { }
function _j() { }
function gk() { }
function mk() { }
function pk() { }
function wk() { }
function vk() { }
function Dk() { }
function Ik() { }
function Qk() { }
function Uk() { }
function il() { }
function ol() { }
function rl() { }
function Tl() { }
function Xl() { }
function km() { }
function om() { }
function Nn() { }
function Np() { }
function ep() { }
function dp() { }
function yp() { }
function yo() { }
function Zo() { }
function xp() { }
function Hp() { }
function Mp() { }
function Xp() { }
function bq() { }
function jq() { }
function qq() { }
function Dq() { }
function Hq() { }
function Nq() { }
function Qq() { }
function Zq() { }
function Yq() { }
function Yj() { Wj() }
function Ij() { Gj() }
function Eh() { Ch() }
function Ek() { Cb() }
function qk() { Cb() }
function Rk() { Cb() }
function Vk() { Cb() }
function jl() { Cb() }
function Oq() { Cb() }
function kk() { ik() }
function fm() { Yl(this) }
function gm() { Yl(this) }
function mg(a) { Hf(this, a) }
function mq(a) { this.c = a }
function bk(a) { this.b = a }
function Cp(a) { this.b = a }
function Sp(a) { this.b = a }
function V(a) { Cb(); this.f = a }
function nk(a) { V.call(this, a) }
function rk(a) { V.call(this, a) }
function Sk(a) { V.call(this, a) }
function Wk(a) { V.call(this, a) }
function kl(a) { V.call(this, a) }
function Yl(a) { a.b = new fc }
function Ul() { this.b = new fc }
function rb() { rb = rr; qb = new ub }
function lr() { lr = rr; kr = new gr }
function jr(a, b) { return b }
function ac(a, b) { a.b += b }
function bc(a, b) { a.b += b }
function cc(a, b) { a.b += b }
function dc(a, b) { a.b += b }
function or(a, b) { lr(); a[Ls] = b }
function nr(a, b) { lr(); ar(a, b) }
function _q(a, b, c) { rp(a.b, b, c) }
function Jg() { rf(); Hf(this, Tr) }
function pl(a) { Sk.call(this, a) }
function Hk(a) { return isNaN(a) }
function Jj(a) { return new Oi(a) }
function Zj(a) { return new Oj(a) }
function dl(a) { return a < 0 ? -a : a }
function hl(a, b) { return a < b ? a : b }
function gl(a, b) { return a > b ? a : b }
function xe(a, b) { return !we(a, b) }
function ye(a, b) { return !ve(a, b) }
function ir(a, b) { return new b(a) }
function Oj(a) { this.b = new Yn(a) }
function Nj() { this.b = (Un(), Rn) }
function ak() { this.b = (Qo(), Fo) }
function Wo() { Qo(); return zo }
function mr(a, b) { lr(); _q(kr, a, b) }
function br(a, b) { a[b] || (a[b] = {}) }
function kq(a) { return a.b < a.c.c }
function Vn(a) { return a.b << 3 | a.c.c }
function Mi(a) { return a.f * a.b[0] }
function Je(a) { return a.l | a.m << 22 }
function op(b, a) { return b.f[Qr + a] }
function Yp(a, b) { this.c = a; this.b = b }
function Ro(a, b) { this.b = a; this.c = b }
function Iq(a, b) { this.b = a; this.c = b }
function bm(a, b) { ac(a.b, b); return a }
function cm(a, b) { bc(a.b, b); return a }
function dm(a, b) { cc(a.b, b); return a }
function pr(a) { lr(); return er(kr, a) }
function qr(a) { lr(); return fr(kr, a) }
function Oi(a) { Oh(); oi.call(this, a) }
function Ni() { Oh(); oi.call(this, Tr) }
function cg(a) { dg.call(this, a, 0) }
function Kg(a) { mg.call(this, a.tS()) }
function el(a) { return Math.floor(a) }
function yl(b, a) { return b.indexOf(a) }
function qp(b, a) { return Qr + a in b.f }
function uc(a, b) { return a.cM && a.cM[b] }
function re(a, b) { return ee(a, b, false) }
function bn(a, b) { return cn(a.b, a.e, b) }
function ce(a) { return de(a.l, a.m, a.h) }
function Ac(a) { return a == null ? null : a }
function sf(a) { return a.r() < 0 ? Mf(a) : a }
function ob(a) { return a.$H || (a.$H = ++jb) }
function zc(a) { return a.tM == rr || tc(a, 1) }
function tc(a, b) { return a.cM && !!a.cM[b] }
function vl(b, a) { return b.charCodeAt(a) }
function hm(a) { Yl(this); cc(this.b, a) }
function oi(a) { Oh(); pi.call(this, a, 10) }
function Aq(a, b, c, d) { a.splice(b, c, d) }
function dq(a, b) { (a < 0 || a >= b) && hq(a, b) }
function xc(a, b) { return a != null && tc(a, b) }
function db(a) { return yc(a) ? Db(wc(a)) : Lr }
function Z(a) { return yc(a) ? $(wc(a)) : a + Lr }
function Fl(a) { return lc(Vd, { 6: 1 }, 1, a, 0) }
function vq() { this.b = lc(Td, { 6: 1 }, 0, 0, 0) }
function Pl() { Pl = rr; Ml = {}; Ol = {} }
function Yo() { Yo = rr; Xo = Jk((Qo(), zo)) }
function ik() { if (!hk) { hk = true; jk() } }
function Gj() { if (!Fj) { Fj = true; Hj() } }
function Wj() { if (!Vj) { Vj = true; new kk; Xj() } }
function gr() { this.b = new Fq; new Fq; new Fq }
function X(a) { Cb(); this.c = a; Bb(new Tb, this) }
function Pi(a) { Oh(); oi.call(this, Hm(a, 0)) }
function gg(a) { hg.call(this, a, 0, a.length) }
function fg(a, b) { cg.call(this, a); If(this, b) }
function ze(a, b) { ee(a, b, true); return ae }
function tq(a, b) { dq(b, a.c); return a.b[b] }
function rq(a, b) { nc(a.b, a.c++, b); return true }
function _l(a, b, c) { dc(a.b, Ll(b, 0, c)); return a }
function kb(a, b, c) { return a.apply(b, c); var d }
function em(a, b, c) { return ec(a.b, b, b, c), a }
function Af(a, b, c) { return yf(a, b, Bc(a.f), c) }
function xf(a, b, c) { return yf(a, b, Bc(a.f), Uo(c)) }
function Bl(c, a, b) { return c.substr(a, b - a) }
function Al(b, a) { return b.substr(a, b.length - a) }
function fl(a) { return Math.log(a) * Math.LOG10E }
function cb(a) { return a == null ? null : a.name }
function $(a) { return a == null ? null : a.message }
function yc(a) { return a != null && a.tM != rr && !tc(a, 1) }
function ec(a, b, c, d) { a.b = Bl(a.b, 0, b) + d + Al(a.b, c) }
function eg(a, b, c) { dg.call(this, a, b); If(this, c) }
function pg(a, b) { this.g = a; this.f = b; this.b = sg(a) }
function si(a, b, c) { Oh(); this.f = a; this.e = b; this.b = c }
function sl(a) { this.b = 'Unknown'; this.d = a; this.c = -1 }
function yk(a, b) { var c; c = new wk; c.d = a + b; return c }
function dr(a, b) { var c; c = mp(a.b, b); return wc(c) }
function fb(a) { var b; return b = a, zc(b) ? b.hC() : ob(b) }
function To(a) { Qo(); return Ok((Yo(), Xo), a) }
function qe(a, b) { return de(a.l & b.l, a.m & b.m, a.h & b.h) }
function De(a, b) { return de(a.l | b.l, a.m | b.m, a.h | b.h) }
function Le(a, b) { return de(a.l ^ b.l, a.m ^ b.m, a.h ^ b.h) }
function Bm(a, b) { return (a.b[~~b >> 5] & 1 << (b & 31)) != 0 }
function Cq(a, b) { var c; for (c = 0; c < b; ++c) { a[c] = false } }
function Lf(a, b, c) { var d; d = Kf(a, b); If(d, c); return d }
function zb(a, b) { a.length >= b && a.splice(0, b); return a }
function wb(a, b) { !a && (a = []); a[a.length] = b; return a }
function Ph(a, b) { if (mi(a, b)) { return tm(a, b) } return a }
function ii(a, b) { if (!mi(a, b)) { return tm(a, b) } return a }
function _d(a) { if (xc(a, 15)) { return a } return new X(a) }
function Eb() { try { null.a() } catch (a) { return a } }
function Ak(a) { var b; b = new wk; b.d = Lr + a; b.c = 1; return b }
function eb(a, b) { var c; return c = a, zc(c) ? c.eQ(b) : c === b }
function se(a, b) { return a.l == b.l && a.m == b.m && a.h == b.h }
function Ce(a, b) { return a.l != b.l || a.m != b.m || a.h != b.h }
function de(a, b, c) { return _ = new Se, _.l = a, _.m = b, _.h = c, _ }
function rp(a, b, c) { return !b ? tp(a, c) : sp(a, b, c, ~~ob(b)) }
function Eq(a, b) { return Ac(a) === Ac(b) || a != null && eb(a, b) }
function Xq(a, b) { return Ac(a) === Ac(b) || a != null && eb(a, b) }
function hq(a, b) { throw new Wk('Index: ' + a + ', Size: ' + b) }
function Xh(a, b) { if (b < 0) { throw new nk(ts) } return tm(a, b) }
function dg(a, b) { if (!a) { throw new jl } this.f = b; Tf(this, a) }
function og(a, b) { if (!a) { throw new jl } this.f = b; Tf(this, a) }
function ig(a, b, c, d) { hg.call(this, a, b, c); If(this, d) }
function jg(a, b) { hg.call(this, a, 0, a.length); If(this, b) }
function ng(a, b) { hg.call(this, Cl(a), 0, a.length); If(this, b) }
function lm(a) { V.call(this, 'String index out of range: ' + a) }
function Zl(a, b) { dc(a.b, String.fromCharCode(b)); return a }
function pn(a, b) { tn(a.b, a.b, a.e, b.b, b.e); Sh(a); a.c = -2 }
function Tf(a, b) { a.d = b; a.b = b.ab(); a.b < 54 && (a.g = Ie(ai(b))) }
function qc() { qc = rr; oc = []; pc = []; rc(new ic, oc, pc) }
function Ch() { if (!Bh) { Bh = true; new Yj; new Ij; Dh() } }
function Sl() { if (Nl == 256) { Ml = Ol; Ol = {}; Nl = 0 } ++Nl }
function cr(a) { var b; b = a[Ls]; if (!b) { b = []; a[Ls] = b } return b }
function zk(a, b, c) { var d; d = new wk; d.d = a + b; d.c = c ? 8 : 0; return d }
function xk(a, b, c) { var d; d = new wk; d.d = a + b; d.c = 4; d.b = c; return d }
function lc(a, b, c, d, e) { var f; f = jc(e, d); mc(a, b, c, f); return f }
function Ll(a, b, c) { var d; d = b + c; El(a.length, b, d); return Gl(a, b, d) }
function mo(a, b) { go(); return b < fo.length ? lo(a, fo[b]) : ei(a, po(b)) }
function me(a) { return a.l + a.m * 4194304 + a.h * 17592186044416 }
function vc(a, b) { if (a != null && !uc(a, b)) { throw new Ek } return a }
function lq(a) { if (a.b >= a.c.c) { throw new Oq } return tq(a.c, a.b++) }
function wl(a, b) { if (!xc(b, 1)) { return false } return String(a) == b }
function lb() { if (ib++ == 0) { sb((rb(), qb)); return true } return false }
function fi(a) { if (a.f < 0) { throw new nk('start < 0: ' + a) } return xo(a) }
function pm() { V.call(this, 'Add not supported on this collection') }
function Fq() { this.b = []; this.f = {}; this.d = false; this.c = null; this.e = 0 }
function qi(a, b) { Oh(); this.f = a; this.e = 1; this.b = mc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, [b]) }
function sc(a, b, c) { qc(); for (var d = 0, e = b.length; d < e; ++d) { a[b[d]] = c[d] } }
function xl(a, b, c, d) { var e; for (e = 0; e < b; ++e) { c[d++] = a.charCodeAt(e) } }
function Wh(a, b) { var c; for (c = a.e - 1; c >= 0 && a.b[c] == b[c]; --c) { } return c < 0 }
function tp(a, b) { var c; c = a.c; a.c = b; if (!a.d) { a.d = true; ++a.e } return c }
function $l(a, b) { dc(a.b, String.fromCharCode.apply(null, b)); return a }
function am(a, b, c, d) { b == null && (b = Mr); bc(a.b, b.substr(c, d - c)); return a }
function sn(a, b, c, d) { var e; e = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, b, 1); tn(e, a, b, c, d); return e }
function mc(a, b, c, d) { qc(); sc(d, oc, pc); d.aC = a; d.cM = b; d.qI = c; return d }
function uq(a, b, c) { for (; c < a.c; ++c) { if (Xq(b, a.b[c])) { return c } } return -1 }
function sq(a, b, c) { (b < 0 || b > a.c) && hq(b, a.c); Aq(a.b, b, 0, c); ++a.c }
function nn(a, b) { var c; c = on(a.b, a.e, b); if (c == 1) { a.b[a.e] = 1; ++a.e } a.c = -2 }
function Sh(a) { while (a.e > 0 && a.b[--a.e] == 0) { } a.b[a.e++] == 0 && (a.f = 0) }
function Gg(a) { if (we(a, ur) && xe(a, xr)) { return df[Je(a)] } return new qg(a, 0) }
function ji(a, b) { if (b == 0 || a.f == 0) { return a } return b > 0 ? wm(a, b) : zm(a, -b) }
function li(a, b) { if (b == 0 || a.f == 0) { return a } return b > 0 ? zm(a, b) : wm(a, -b) }
function $h(a) { var b; if (a.f == 0) { return -1 } b = Zh(a); return (b << 5) + _k(a.b[b]) }
function bl(a) { var b; b = Je(a); return b != 0 ? _k(b) : _k(Je(Fe(a, 32))) + 32 }
function Sb(a, b) { var c; c = Mb(a, b); return c.length == 0 ? (new Fb).o(b) : zb(c, 1) }
function Gl(a, b, c) { a = a.slice(b, c); return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, a) }
function rc(a, b, c) { var d = 0, e; for (var f in a) { if (e = a[f]) { b[d] = f; c[d] = e; ++d } } }
function up(e, a, b) { var c, d = e.f; a = Qr + a; a in d ? (c = d[a]) : ++e.e; d[a] = b; return c }
function gn(a, b, c, d) { var e; e = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, b + 1, 1); hn(e, a, b, c, d); return e }
function Cl(a) { var b, c; c = a.length; b = lc(Md, { 6: 1 }, -1, c, 1); xl(a, c, b, 0); return b }
function _e(a) { var b; b = bf(a); if (isNaN(b)) { throw new pl(Zr + a + $r) } return b }
function Fg(a) { if (!isFinite(a) || isNaN(a)) { throw new pl(hs) } return new mg(Lr + a) }
function wc(a) { if (a != null && (a.tM == rr || tc(a, 1))) { throw new Ek } return a }
function Qf(a, b) { var c; c = new og((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), a.f); If(c, b); return c }
function bg(a, b) { var c; c = new Pi(Zf(a)); if (sm(c) < b) { return ai(c) } throw new nk(cs) }
function ei(a, b) { if (b.f == 0) { return Nh } if (a.f == 0) { return Nh } return go(), ho(a, b) }
function bi(a, b) { var c; if (b.f <= 0) { throw new nk(us) } c = hi(a, b); return c.f < 0 ? fn(c, b) : c }
function Ip(a) { var b; b = new vq; a.d && rq(b, new Sp(a)); kp(a, b); jp(a, b); this.b = new mq(b) }
function lp(a, b) { return b == null ? a.d : xc(b, 1) ? qp(a, vc(b, 1)) : pp(a, b, ~~fb(b)) }
function mp(a, b) { return b == null ? a.c : xc(b, 1) ? op(a, vc(b, 1)) : np(a, b, ~~fb(b)) }
function Bc(a) { return ~~Math.max(Math.min(a, 2147483647), -2147483648) }
function qg(a, b) { this.f = b; this.b = tg(a); this.b < 54 ? (this.g = Ie(a)) : (this.d = Ki(a)) }
function kg(a) { if (!isFinite(a) || isNaN(a)) { throw new pl(hs) } Hf(this, a.toPrecision(20)) }
function mb(b) { return function () { try { return nb(b, this, arguments) } catch (a) { throw a } } }
function nb(a, b, c) { var d; d = lb(); try { return kb(a, b, c) } finally { d && tb((rb(), qb)); --ib } }
function Ok(a, b) { var c; c = a[Qr + b]; if (c) { return c } if (b == null) { throw new jl } throw new Rk }
function sb(a) { var b, c; if (a.b) { c = null; do { b = a.b; a.b = null; c = xb(b, c) } while (a.b); a.b = c } }
function tb(a) { var b, c; if (a.c) { c = null; do { b = a.c; a.c = null; c = xb(b, c) } while (a.c); a.c = c } }
function _k(a) { var b, c; if (a == 0) { return 32 } else { c = 0; for (b = 1; (b & a) == 0; b <<= 1) { ++c } return c } }
function Jk(a) { var b, c, d, e; b = {}; for (d = 0, e = a.length; d < e; ++d) { c = a[d]; b[Qr + c.b] = c } return b }
function Rb(a) { var b; b = zb(Sb(a, Eb()), 3); b.length == 0 && (b = zb((new Fb).k(), 1)); return b }
function Wn(a) { var b; b = new gm; $l(b, Sn); bm(b, a.b); b.b.b += ys; $l(b, Tn); cm(b, a.c); return b.b.b }
function Rh(a) { var b; b = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, a.e, 1); nm(a.b, 0, b, 0, a.e); return new si(a.f, a.e, b) }
function Bf(a, b) { var c; c = lc(Wd, { 6: 1 }, 16, 2, 0); nc(c, 0, Df(a, b)); nc(c, 1, Xf(a, Kf(c[0], b))); return c }
function Cf(a, b, c) { var d; d = lc(Wd, { 6: 1 }, 16, 2, 0); nc(d, 0, Ef(a, b, c)); nc(d, 1, Xf(a, Kf(d[0], b))); return d }
function $o(a, b) { var c; while (a.Pb()) { c = a.Qb(); if (b == null ? c == null : eb(b, c)) { return a } } return null }
function Zh(a) { var b; if (a.c == -2) { if (a.f == 0) { b = -1 } else { for (b = 0; a.b[b] == 0; ++b) { } } a.c = b } return a.c }
function bb(a) { var b; return a == null ? Mr : yc(a) ? cb(wc(a)) : xc(a, 1) ? Nr : (b = a, zc(b) ? b.gC() : Gc).d }
function Uf(a) { if (a.b < 54) { return a.g < 0 ? -1 : a.g > 0 ? 1 : 0 } return (!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d).r() }
function Mf(a) { if (a.b < 54) { return new pg(-a.g, a.f) } return new og((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d).cb(), a.f) }
function El(a, b, c) { if (b < 0) { throw new lm(b) } if (c < b) { throw new lm(c - b) } if (c > a) { throw new lm(c) } }
function lg(a, b) { if (!isFinite(a) || isNaN(a)) { throw new pl(hs) } Hf(this, a.toPrecision(20)); If(this, b) }
function Gk(a, b) { if (isNaN(a)) { return isNaN(b) ? 0 : 1 } else if (isNaN(b)) { return -1 } return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0 }
function uk(a, b) { if (b < 2 || b > 36) { return 0 } if (a < 0 || a >= b) { return 0 } return a < 10 ? 48 + a & 65535 : 97 + a - 10 & 65535 }
function er(a, b) { var c; if (!b) { return null } c = b[Ls]; if (c) { return c } c = ir(b, dr(a, b.gC())); b[Ls] = c; return c }
function ke(a) { var b, c; c = $k(a.h); if (c == 32) { b = $k(a.m); return b == 32 ? $k(a.l) + 32 : b + 20 - 10 } else { return c - 12 } }
function be(a) { var b, c, d; b = a & 4194303; c = ~~a >> 22 & 4194303; d = a < 0 ? 1048575 : 0; return de(b, c, d) }
function Qe() { Qe = rr; Me = de(4194303, 4194303, 524287); Ne = de(0, 0, 524288); Oe = ue(1); ue(2); Pe = ue(0) }
function mn(a, b) { hn(a.b, a.b, a.e, b.b, b.e); a.e = hl(gl(a.e, b.e) + 1, a.b.length); Sh(a); a.c = -2 }
function um(a, b) { var c; c = ~~b >> 5; a.e += c + ($k(a.b[a.e - 1]) - (b & 31) >= 0 ? 0 : 1); xm(a.b, a.b, c, b & 31); Sh(a); a.c = -2 }
function Tm(a, b) { var c, d; c = ~~b >> 5; if (a.e < c || a.ab() <= b) { return } d = 32 - (b & 31); a.e = c + 1; a.b[c] &= d < 32 ? ~~-1 >>> d : 0; Sh(a) }
function ai(a) { var b; b = a.e > 1 ? De(Ee(ue(a.b[1]), 32), qe(ue(a.b[0]), yr)) : qe(ue(a.b[0]), yr); return Ae(ue(a.f), b) }
function jn(a, b, c) { var d; for (d = c - 1; d >= 0 && a[d] == b[d]; --d) { } return d < 0 ? 0 : xe(qe(ue(a[d]), yr), qe(ue(b[d]), yr)) ? -1 : 1 }
function ym(a, b, c) { var d, e, f; d = 0; for (e = 0; e < c; ++e) { f = b[e]; a[e] = f << 1 | d; d = ~~f >>> 31 } d != 0 && (a[c] = d) }
function ge(a, b, c, d, e) { var f; f = Fe(a, b); c && je(f); if (e) { a = ie(a, b); d ? (ae = Be(a)) : (ae = de(a.l, a.m, a.h)) } return f }
function gwtOnLoad(b, c, d, e) { $moduleName = c; $moduleBase = d; if (b) try { Jr($d)() } catch (a) { b(c) } else { Jr($d)() } }
function fr(a, b) { var c, d, e; if (b == null) { return null } d = cr(b); e = d; for (c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) { e[c] = er(a, b[c]) } return d }
function Mb(a, b) { var c, d, e; e = b && b.stack ? b.stack.split('\n') : []; for (c = 0, d = e.length; c < d; ++c) { e[c] = a.n(e[c]) } return e }
function Um(a, b) { var c, d; d = ~~b >> 5 == a.e - 1 && a.b[a.e - 1] == 1 << (b & 31); if (d) { for (c = 0; d && c < a.e - 1; ++c) { d = a.b[c] == 0 } } return d }
function _h(a) { var b; if (a.d != 0) { return a.d } for (b = 0; b < a.b.length; ++b) { a.d = a.d * 33 + (a.b[b] & -1) } a.d = a.d * a.f; return a.d }
function Hg(a, b) { if (b == 0) { return Gg(a) } if (se(a, ur) && b >= 0 && b < pf.length) { return pf[b] } return new qg(a, b) }
function Ig(a) { if (a == Bc(a)) { return Hg(ur, Bc(a)) } if (a >= 0) { return new qg(ur, 2147483647) } return new qg(ur, -2147483648) }
function Li(a) { Oh(); if (a < 0) { if (a != -1) { return new ui(-1, -a) } return Ih } else return a <= 10 ? Kh[Bc(a)] : new ui(1, a) }
function zg(a) { var b = qf; !b && (b = qf = /^[+-]?\d*$/i); if (b.test(a)) { return parseInt(a, 10) } else { return Number.NaN } }
function kp(e, a) { var b = e.f; for (var c in b) { if (c.charCodeAt(0) == 58) { var d = new Yp(e, c.substring(1)); a.Kb(d) } } }
function Rl(a) { Pl(); var b = Qr + a; var c = Ol[b]; if (c != null) { return c } c = Ml[b]; c == null && (c = Ql(a)); Sl(); return Ol[b] = c }
function Be(a) { var b, c, d; b = ~a.l + 1 & 4194303; c = ~a.m + (b == 0 ? 1 : 0) & 4194303; d = ~a.h + (b == 0 && c == 0 ? 1 : 0) & 1048575; return de(b, c, d) }
function je(a) { var b, c, d; b = ~a.l + 1 & 4194303; c = ~a.m + (b == 0 ? 1 : 0) & 4194303; d = ~a.h + (b == 0 && c == 0 ? 1 : 0) & 1048575; a.l = b; a.m = c; a.h = d }
function Q(a) { var b, c, d; c = lc(Ud, { 6: 1 }, 13, a.length, 0); for (d = 0, b = a.length; d < b; ++d) { if (!a[d]) { throw new jl } c[d] = a[d] } }
function Cb() { var a, b, c, d; c = Rb(new Tb); d = lc(Ud, { 6: 1 }, 13, c.length, 0); for (a = 0, b = d.length; a < b; ++a) { d[a] = new sl(c[a]) } Q(d) }
function fk() { var a, b, c; c = (Qo(), Qo(), zo); b = lc(Sd, { 6: 1 }, 5, c.length, 0); for (a = 0; a < c.length; ++a)b[a] = new bk(c[a]); return b }
function ki(a) { var b, c, d, e; return a.f == 0 ? a : (e = a.e, c = e + 1, b = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, c, 1), ym(b, a.b, e), d = new si(a.f, c, b), Sh(d), d) }
function Ym(a, b, c, d) { var e, f; e = c.e; f = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, (e << 1) + 1, 1); io(a.b, hl(e, a.e), b.b, hl(e, b.e), f); Zm(f, c, d); return Pm(f, c) }
function Vh(a, b) { var c; if (a === b) { return true } if (xc(b, 17)) { c = vc(b, 17); return a.f == c.f && a.e == c.e && Wh(a, c.b) } return false }
function Zk(a) { var b; if (a < 0) { return -2147483648 } else if (a == 0) { return 0 } else { for (b = 1073741824; (b & a) == 0; b >>= 1) { } return b } }
function sm(a) { var b, c, d; if (a.f == 0) { return 0 } b = a.e << 5; c = a.b[a.e - 1]; if (a.f < 0) { d = Zh(a); d == a.e - 1 && (c = ~~(c - 1)) } b -= $k(c); return b }
function io(a, b, c, d, e) { go(); if (b == 0 || d == 0) { return } b == 1 ? (e[d] = ko(e, c, d, a[0])) : d == 1 ? (e[b] = ko(e, a, b, c[0])) : jo(a, c, e, b, d) }
function en(a, b, c, d, e) { var f, g; g = a; for (f = c.ab() - 1; f >= 0; --f) { g = Ym(g, g, d, e); (c.b[~~f >> 5] & 1 << (f & 31)) != 0 && (g = Ym(g, b, d, e)) } return g }
function on(a, b, c) { var d, e; d = qe(ue(c), yr); for (e = 0; Ce(d, ur) && e < b; ++e) { d = pe(d, qe(ue(a[e]), yr)); a[e] = Je(d); d = Fe(d, 32) } return Je(d) }
function hg(b, c, d) { var a, e; try { Hf(this, Ll(b, c, d)) } catch (a) { a = _d(a); if (xc(a, 14)) { e = a; throw new pl(e.f) } else throw a } }
function Dg(a) { if (a < -2147483648) { throw new nk('Overflow') } else if (a > 2147483647) { throw new nk('Underflow') } else { return Bc(a) } }
function Xn(a, b) { Un(); if (a < 0) { throw new Sk('Digits < 0') } if (!b) { throw new kl('null RoundingMode') } this.b = a; this.c = b }
function Ki(a) { Oh(); if (xe(a, ur)) { if (Ce(a, wr)) { return new ti(-1, Be(a)) } return Ih } else return ye(a, tr) ? Kh[Je(a)] : new ti(1, a) }
function tg(a) { var b; xe(a, ur) && (a = de(~a.l & 4194303, ~a.m & 4194303, ~a.h & 1048575)); return 64 - (b = Je(Fe(a, 32)), b != 0 ? $k(b) : $k(Je(a)) + 32) }
function pe(a, b) { var c, d, e; c = a.l + b.l; d = a.m + b.m + (~~c >> 22); e = a.h + b.h + (~~d >> 22); return de(c & 4194303, d & 4194303, e & 1048575) }
function He(a, b) { var c, d, e; c = a.l - b.l; d = a.m - b.m + (~~c >> 22); e = a.h - b.h + (~~d >> 22); return de(c & 4194303, d & 4194303, e & 1048575) }
function Sm(a, b) { var c; c = b - 1; if (a.f > 0) { while (!a.gb(c)) { --c } return b - 1 - c } else { while (a.gb(c)) { --c } return b - 1 - gl(c, a.bb()) } }
function fe(a, b) { if (a.h == 524288 && a.m == 0 && a.l == 0) { b && (ae = de(0, 0, 0)); return ce((Qe(), Oe)) } b && (ae = de(a.l, a.m, a.h)); return de(0, 0, 0) }
function Ff(a, b) { var c; if (a === b) { return true } if (xc(b, 16)) { c = vc(b, 16); return c.f == a.f && (a.b < 54 ? c.g == a.g : a.d.eQ(c.d)) } return false }
function cn(a, b, c) { var d, e, f, g; f = ur; for (d = b - 1; d >= 0; --d) { g = pe(Ee(f, 32), qe(ue(a[d]), yr)); e = Nm(g, c); f = ue(Je(Fe(e, 32))) } return Je(f) }
function wm(a, b) { var c, d, e, f; c = ~~b >> 5; b &= 31; e = a.e + c + (b == 0 ? 0 : 1); d = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, e, 1); xm(d, a.b, c, b); f = new si(a.f, e, d); Sh(f); return f }
function ue(a) { var b, c; if (a > -129 && a < 128) { b = a + 128; oe == null && (oe = lc(Pd, { 6: 1 }, 2, 256, 0)); c = oe[b]; !c && (c = oe[b] = be(a)); return c } return be(a) }
function Ai(a) { Oh(); var b, c, d; if (a < Mh.length) { return Mh[a] } c = ~~a >> 5; b = a & 31; d = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, c + 1, 1); d[c] = 1 << b; return new si(1, c + 1, d) }
function ri(a) { Oh(); if (a.length == 0) { this.f = 0; this.e = 1; this.b = mc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, [0]) } else { this.f = 1; this.e = a.length; this.b = a; Sh(this) } }
function Dl(c) { if (c.length == 0 || c[0] > ys && c[c.length - 1] > ys) { return c } var a = c.replace(/^(\s*)/, Lr); var b = a.replace(/\s*$/, Lr); return b }
function Yk(a) { a -= ~~a >> 1 & 1431655765; a = (~~a >> 2 & 858993459) + (a & 858993459); a = (~~a >> 4) + a & 252645135; a += ~~a >> 8; a += ~~a >> 16; return a & 63 }
function nc(a, b, c) { if (c != null) { if (a.qI > 0 && !uc(c, a.qI)) { throw new qk } if (a.qI < 0 && (c.tM == rr || tc(c, 1))) { throw new qk } } return a[b] = c }
function Qh(a, b) { if (a.f > b.f) { return 1 } if (a.f < b.f) { return -1 } if (a.e > b.e) { return a.f } if (a.e < b.e) { return -b.f } return a.f * jn(a.b, b.b, a.e) }
function Rf(a, b) { var c; c = a.f - b; if (a.b < 54) { if (a.g == 0) { return Ig(c) } return new pg(a.g, Dg(c)) } return new dg((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), Dg(c)) }
function jp(i, a) { var b = i.b; for (var c in b) { var d = parseInt(c, 10); if (c == d) { var e = b[d]; for (var f = 0, g = e.length; f < g; ++f) { a.Kb(e[f]) } } } }
function np(i, a, b) { var c = i.b[b]; if (c) { for (var d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; ++d) { var f = c[d]; var g = f.Rb(); if (i.Ob(a, g)) { return f.Sb() } } } return null }
function pp(i, a, b) { var c = i.b[b]; if (c) { for (var d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; ++d) { var f = c[d]; var g = f.Rb(); if (i.Ob(a, g)) { return true } } } return false }
function Bq(a, b) { var c, d, e, f; d = 0; c = a.length - 1; while (d <= c) { e = d + (~~(c - d) >> 1); f = a[e]; if (f < b) { d = e + 1 } else if (f > b) { c = e - 1 } else { return e } } return -d - 1 }
function Pk(a) { var b; b = _e(a); if (b > 3.4028234663852886E38) { return Infinity } else if (b < -3.4028234663852886E38) { return -Infinity } return b }
function Ie(a) { if (se(a, (Qe(), Ne))) { return -9223372036854775808 } if (!we(a, Pe)) { return -me(Be(a)) } return a.l + a.m * 4194304 + a.h * 17592186044416 }
function Bb(a, b) { var c, d, e, f; e = Sb(a, yc(b.c) ? wc(b.c) : null); f = lc(Ud, { 6: 1 }, 13, e.length, 0); for (c = 0, d = f.length; c < d; ++c) { f[c] = new sl(e[c]) } Q(f) }
function yb(a) { var b, c, d; d = Lr; a = Dl(a); b = a.indexOf(Or); if (b != -1) { c = a.indexOf('function') == 0 ? 8 : 0; d = Dl(a.substr(c, b - c)) } return d.length > 0 ? d : Pr }
function ie(a, b) { var c, d, e; if (b <= 22) { c = a.l & (1 << b) - 1; d = e = 0 } else if (b <= 44) { c = a.l; d = a.m & (1 << b - 22) - 1; e = 0 } else { c = a.l; d = a.m; e = a.h & (1 << b - 44) - 1 } return de(c, d, e) }
function Db(b) { var c = Lr; try { for (var d in b) { if (d != 'name' && d != 'message' && d != 'toString') { try { c += '\n ' + d + Kr + b[d] } catch (a) { } } } } catch (a) { } return c }
function ti(a, b) { this.f = a; if (se(qe(b, zr), ur)) { this.e = 1; this.b = mc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, [Je(b)]) } else { this.e = 2; this.b = mc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, [Je(b), Je(Fe(b, 32))]) } }
function ui(a, b) { this.f = a; if (b < 4294967296) { this.e = 1; this.b = mc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, [~~b]) } else { this.e = 2; this.b = mc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, [~~(b % 4294967296), ~~(b / 4294967296)]) } }
function Xm(a, b) { var c, d; d = new ri(lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, 1 << b, 1)); d.e = 1; d.b[0] = 1; d.f = 1; for (c = 1; c < b; ++c) { Bm(ei(a, d), c) && (d.b[~~c >> 5] |= 1 << (c & 31)) } return d }
function Jm(a) { var b, c, d; b = qe(ue(a.b[0]), yr); c = sr; d = vr; do { Ce(qe(Ae(b, c), d), ur) && (c = De(c, d)); d = Ee(d, 1) } while (xe(d, Fr)); c = Be(c); return Je(qe(c, yr)) }
function Gm(a) { var b, c, d; if (we(a, ur)) { c = re(a, Ar); d = ze(a, Ar) } else { b = Ge(a, 1); c = re(b, Br); d = ze(b, Br); d = pe(Ee(d, 1), qe(a, sr)) } return De(Ee(d, 32), qe(c, yr)) }
function ko(a, b, c, d) { go(); var e, f; e = ur; for (f = 0; f < c; ++f) { e = pe(Ae(qe(ue(b[f]), yr), qe(ue(d), yr)), qe(ue(Je(e)), yr)); a[f] = Je(e); e = Ge(e, 32) } return Je(e) }
function _m(a, b, c) { var d, e, f, g, i; e = c.e << 5; d = bi(a.eb(e), c); i = bi(Ai(e), c); f = Jm(c); c.e == 1 ? (g = en(i, d, b, c, f)) : (g = dn(i, d, b, c, f)); return Ym(g, (Oh(), Jh), c, f) }
function Om(a, b, c) { var d, e, f, g, i, j; d = c.bb(); e = c.fb(d); g = _m(a, b, e); i = an(a, b, d); f = Xm(e, d); j = ei(rn(i, g), f); Tm(j, d); j.f < 0 && (j = fn(j, Ai(d))); return fn(g, ei(e, j)) }
function xb(b, c) { var a, d, e, f; for (d = 0, e = b.length; d < e; ++d) { f = b[d]; try { f[1] ? f[0].Ub() && (c = wb(c, f)) : f[0].Ub() } catch (a) { a = _d(a); if (!xc(a, 12)) throw a } } return c }
function bf(a) { var b = $e; !b && (b = $e = /^\s*[+-]?((\d+\.?\d*)|(\.\d+))([eE][+-]?\d+)?[dDfF]?\s*$/i); if (b.test(a)) { return parseFloat(a) } else { return Number.NaN } }
function pi(a, b) { if (a == null) { throw new jl } if (b < 2 || b > 36) { throw new pl('Radix out of range') } if (a.length == 0) { throw new pl('Zero length BigInteger') } Ei(this, a, b) }
function Vq() { Uq(); var a, b, c; c = Tq++ + (new Date).getTime(); a = Bc(Math.floor(c * 5.9604644775390625E-8)) & 16777215; b = Bc(c - a * 16777216); this.b = a ^ 1502; this.c = b ^ 15525485 }
function un(a, b, c, d) { var e; if (c > d) { return 1 } else if (c < d) { return -1 } else { for (e = c - 1; e >= 0 && a[e] == b[e]; --e) { } return e < 0 ? 0 : xe(qe(ue(a[e]), yr), qe(ue(b[e]), yr)) ? -1 : 1 } }
function In(a, b) { var c, d, e, f; e = a.e; d = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, e, 1); hl(Zh(a), Zh(b)); for (c = 0; c < b.e; ++c) { d[c] = a.b[c] | b.b[c] } for (; c < e; ++c) { d[c] = a.b[c] } f = new si(1, e, d); return f }
function Mn(a, b) { var c, d, e, f; e = a.e; d = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, e, 1); c = hl(Zh(a), Zh(b)); for (; c < b.e; ++c) { d[c] = a.b[c] ^ b.b[c] } for (; c < a.e; ++c) { d[c] = a.b[c] } f = new si(1, e, d); Sh(f); return f }
function Bn(a, b) { var c, d, e, f; e = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, a.e, 1); d = hl(a.e, b.e); for (c = Zh(a); c < d; ++c) { e[c] = a.b[c] & ~b.b[c] } for (; c < a.e; ++c) { e[c] = a.b[c] } f = new si(1, a.e, e); Sh(f); return f }
function Dn(a, b) { var c, d, e, f; e = hl(a.e, b.e); c = gl(Zh(a), Zh(b)); if (c >= e) { return Oh(), Nh } d = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, e, 1); for (; c < e; ++c) { d[c] = a.b[c] & b.b[c] } f = new si(1, e, d); Sh(f); return f }
function Nf(a, b) { var c; if (b == 0) { return lf } if (b < 0 || b > 999999999) { throw new nk(bs) } c = a.f * b; return a.b == 0 && a.g != -1 ? Ig(c) : new dg((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d).db(b), Dg(c)) }
function tk(a, b) { if (b < 2 || b > 36) { return -1 } if (a >= 48 && a < 48 + (b < 10 ? b : 10)) { return a - 48 } if (a >= 97 && a < b + 97 - 10) { return a - 97 + 10 } if (a >= 65 && a < b + 65 - 10) { return a - 65 + 10 } return -1 }
function Uq() { Uq = rr; var a, b, c; Rq = lc(Nd, { 6: 1 }, -1, 25, 1); Sq = lc(Nd, { 6: 1 }, -1, 33, 1); c = 1.52587890625E-5; for (a = 32; a >= 0; --a) { Sq[a] = c; c *= 0.5 } b = 1; for (a = 24; a >= 0; --a) { Rq[a] = b; b *= 0.5 } }
function oo(a, b) { go(); var c, d; d = (Oh(), Jh); c = a; for (; b > 1; b >>= 1) { (b & 1) != 0 && (d = ei(d, c)); c.e == 1 ? (c = ei(c, c)) : (c = new ri(qo(c.b, c.e, lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, c.e << 1, 1)))) } d = ei(d, c); return d }
function nl() { nl = rr; ml = mc(Md, { 6: 1 }, -1, [48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122]) }
function rm(a) { var b, c; b = 0; if (a.f == 0) { return 0 } c = Zh(a); if (a.f > 0) { for (; c < a.e; ++c) { b += Yk(a.b[c]) } } else { b += Yk(-a.b[c]); for (++c; c < a.e; ++c) { b += Yk(~a.b[c]) } b = (a.e << 5) - b } return b }
function ne(a, b) { var c, d, e; e = a.h - b.h; if (e < 0) { return false } c = a.l - b.l; d = a.m - b.m + (~~c >> 22); e += ~~d >> 22; if (e < 0) { return false } a.l = c & 4194303; a.m = d & 4194303; a.h = e & 1048575; return true }
function al(a) { var b, c, d; b = lc(Md, { 6: 1 }, -1, 8, 1); c = (nl(), ml); d = 7; if (a >= 0) { while (a > 15) { b[d--] = c[a & 15]; a >>= 4 } } else { while (d > 0) { b[d--] = c[a & 15]; a >>= 4 } } b[d] = c[a & 15]; return Gl(b, d, 8) }
function vn(a, b) { if (b.f == 0 || a.f == 0) { return Oh(), Nh } if (Vh(b, (Oh(), Ih))) { return a } if (Vh(a, Ih)) { return b } return a.f > 0 ? b.f > 0 ? Dn(a, b) : wn(a, b) : b.f > 0 ? wn(b, a) : a.e > b.e ? xn(a, b) : xn(b, a) }
function yn(a, b) { if (b.f == 0) { return a } if (a.f == 0) { return Oh(), Nh } if (Vh(a, (Oh(), Ih))) { return new Pi(En(b)) } if (Vh(b, Ih)) { return Nh } return a.f > 0 ? b.f > 0 ? Bn(a, b) : Cn(a, b) : b.f > 0 ? An(a, b) : zn(a, b) }
function Gf(a) { var b; if (a.c != 0) { return a.c } if (a.b < 54) { b = te(a.g); a.c = Je(qe(b, wr)); a.c = 33 * a.c + Je(qe(Fe(b, 32), wr)); a.c = 17 * a.c + Bc(a.f); return a.c } a.c = 17 * a.d.hC() + Bc(a.f); return a.c }
function vg(a, b, c, d) { var e, f, g, i, j; f = (j = a / b, j > 0 ? Math.floor(j) : Math.ceil(j)); g = a % b; i = Gk(a * b, 0); if (g != 0) { e = Gk((g <= 0 ? 0 - g : g) * 2, b <= 0 ? 0 - b : b); f += Bg(Bc(f) & 1, i * (5 + e), d) } return new pg(f, c) }
function jc(a, b) { var c = new Array(b); if (a == 3) { for (var d = 0; d < b; ++d) { var e = new Object; e.l = e.m = e.h = 0; c[d] = e } } else if (a > 0) { var e = [null, 0, false][a]; for (var d = 0; d < b; ++d) { c[d] = e } } return c }
function tn(a, b, c, d, e) { var f, g; f = ur; for (g = 0; g < e; ++g) { f = pe(f, He(qe(ue(b[g]), yr), qe(ue(d[g]), yr))); a[g] = Je(f); f = Fe(f, 32) } for (; g < c; ++g) { f = pe(f, qe(ue(b[g]), yr)); a[g] = Je(f); f = Fe(f, 32) } }
function xm(a, b, c, d) { var e, f; if (d == 0) { nm(b, 0, a, c, a.length - c) } else { f = 32 - d; a[a.length - 1] = 0; for (e = a.length - 1; e > c; --e) { a[e] |= ~~b[e - c - 1] >>> f; a[e - 1] = b[e - c - 1] << d } } for (e = 0; e < c; ++e) { a[e] = 0 } }
function rg(a, b, c) { if (c < hf.length && gl(a.b, b.b + jf[Bc(c)]) + 1 < 54) { return new pg(a.g + b.g * hf[Bc(c)], a.f) } return new og(fn((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), mo((!b.d && (b.d = Li(b.g)), b.d), Bc(c))), a.f) }
function Ue(a) { return $stats({ moduleName: $moduleName, sessionId: $sessionId, subSystem: 'startup', evtGroup: 'moduleStartup', millis: (new Date).getTime(), type: 'onModuleLoadStart', className: a }) }
function vm(a, b) { var c, d, e; e = a.r(); if (b == 0 || a.r() == 0) { return } d = ~~b >> 5; a.e -= d; if (!Am(a.b, a.e, a.b, d, b & 31) && e < 0) { for (c = 0; c < a.e && a.b[c] == -1; ++c) { a.b[c] = 0 } c == a.e && ++a.e; ++a.b[c] } Sh(a); a.c = -2 }
function ve(a, b) { var c, d; c = ~~a.h >> 19; d = ~~b.h >> 19; return c == 0 ? d != 0 || a.h > b.h || a.h == b.h && a.m > b.m || a.h == b.h && a.m == b.m && a.l > b.l : !(d == 0 || a.h < b.h || a.h == b.h && a.m < b.m || a.h == b.h && a.m == b.m && a.l <= b.l) }
function we(a, b) { var c, d; c = ~~a.h >> 19; d = ~~b.h >> 19; return c == 0 ? d != 0 || a.h > b.h || a.h == b.h && a.m > b.m || a.h == b.h && a.m == b.m && a.l >= b.l : !(d == 0 || a.h < b.h || a.h == b.h && a.m < b.m || a.h == b.h && a.m == b.m && a.l < b.l) }
function Rm(a, b) { var c, d, e; c = bl(a); d = bl(b); e = c < d ? c : d; c != 0 && (a = Ge(a, c)); d != 0 && (b = Ge(b, d)); do { if (we(a, b)) { a = He(a, b); a = Ge(a, bl(a)) } else { b = He(b, a); b = Ge(b, bl(b)) } } while (Ce(a, ur)); return Ee(b, e) }
function Fn(a, b) { if (Vh(b, (Oh(), Ih)) || Vh(a, Ih)) { return Ih } if (b.f == 0) { return a } if (a.f == 0) { return b } return a.f > 0 ? b.f > 0 ? a.e > b.e ? In(a, b) : In(b, a) : Gn(a, b) : b.f > 0 ? Gn(b, a) : Zh(b) > Zh(a) ? Hn(b, a) : Hn(a, b) }
function sg(a) { var b, c; if (a > -140737488355328 && a < 140737488355328) { if (a == 0) { return 0 } b = a < 0; b && (a = -a); c = Bc(el(Math.log(a) / 0.6931471805599453)); (!b || a != Math.pow(2, c)) && ++c; return c } return tg(te(a)) }
function Yh(a, b) { var c, d; c = a._(); d = b._(); if (c.r() == 0) { return d } else if (d.r() == 0) { return c } if ((c.e == 1 || c.e == 2 && c.b[1] > 0) && (d.e == 1 || d.e == 2 && d.b[1] > 0)) { return Ki(Rm(ai(c), ai(d))) } return Qm(Rh(c), Rh(d)) }
function ci(a, b) { var c; if (b.f <= 0) { throw new nk(us) } if (!(a.gb(0) || b.gb(0))) { throw new nk(vs) } if (b.e == 1 && b.b[0] == 1) { return Nh } c = Wm(bi(a._(), b), b); if (c.f == 0) { throw new nk(vs) } c = a.f < 0 ? rn(b, c) : c; return c }
function Am(a, b, c, d, e) { var f, g, i; f = true; for (g = 0; g < d; ++g) { f = f & c[g] == 0 } if (e == 0) { nm(c, d, a, 0, b) } else { i = 32 - e; f = f & c[g] << i == 0; for (g = 0; g < b - 1; ++g) { a[g] = ~~c[g + d] >>> e | c[g + d + 1] << i } a[g] = ~~c[g + d] >>> e; ++g } return f }
function Ql(a) { var b, c, d, e; b = 0; d = a.length; e = d - 4; c = 0; while (c < e) { b = a.charCodeAt(c + 3) + 31 * (a.charCodeAt(c + 2) + 31 * (a.charCodeAt(c + 1) + 31 * (a.charCodeAt(c) + 31 * b))) | 0; c += 4 } while (c < d) { b = b * 31 + vl(a, c++) } return b | 0 }
function Pm(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g; f = b.e; c = a[f] != 0; if (!c) { e = b.b; c = true; for (d = f - 1; d >= 0; --d) { if (a[d] != e[d]) { c = a[d] != 0 && ve(qe(ue(a[d]), yr), qe(ue(e[d]), yr)); break } } } g = new si(1, f + 1, a); c && pn(g, b); Sh(g); return g }
function Kf(a, b) { var c; c = a.f + b.f; if (a.b == 0 && a.g != -1 || b.b == 0 && b.g != -1) { return Ig(c) } if (a.b + b.b < 54) { return new pg(a.g * b.g, Dg(c)) } return new dg(ei((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), (!b.d && (b.d = Li(b.g)), b.d)), Dg(c)) }
function sp(k, a, b, c) { var d = k.b[c]; if (d) { for (var e = 0, f = d.length; e < f; ++e) { var g = d[e]; var i = g.Rb(); if (k.Ob(a, i)) { var j = g.Sb(); g.Tb(b); return j } } } else { d = k.b[c] = [] } var g = new Iq(a, b); d.push(g); ++k.e; return null }
function an(a, b, c) { var d, e, f, g, i; g = (Oh(), Jh); e = Rh(b); d = Rh(a); a.gb(0) && Tm(e, c - 1); Tm(d, c); for (f = e.ab() - 1; f >= 0; --f) { i = Rh(g); Tm(i, c); g = ei(g, i); if ((e.b[~~f >> 5] & 1 << (f & 31)) != 0) { g = ei(g, d); Tm(g, c) } } Tm(g, c); return g }
function ar(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i, j; j = zl(a, Ks, 0); i = $wnd; for (g = 0; g < j.length; ++g) { if (!wl(j[g], 'client')) { br(i, j[g]); i = i[j[g]] } } c = zl(b, Ks, 0); for (e = 0, f = c.length; e < f; ++e) { d = c[e]; if (!wl(Dl(d), Lr)) { br(i, d); i = i[d] } } }
function gi(a, b) { var c; if (b < 0) { throw new nk('Negative exponent') } if (b == 0) { return Jh } else if (b == 1 || a.eQ(Jh) || a.eQ(Nh)) { return a } if (!a.gb(0)) { c = 1; while (!a.gb(c)) { ++c } return ei(Ai(c * b), a.fb(c).db(b)) } return oo(a, b) }
function Ee(a, b) { var c, d, e; b &= 63; if (b < 22) { c = a.l << b; d = a.m << b | ~~a.l >> 22 - b; e = a.h << b | ~~a.m >> 22 - b } else if (b < 44) { c = 0; d = a.l << b - 22; e = a.m << b - 22 | ~~a.l >> 44 - b } else { c = 0; d = 0; e = a.l << b - 44 } return de(c & 4194303, d & 4194303, e & 1048575) }
function Ge(a, b) { var c, d, e, f; b &= 63; c = a.h & 1048575; if (b < 22) { f = ~~c >>> b; e = ~~a.m >> b | c << 22 - b; d = ~~a.l >> b | a.m << 22 - b } else if (b < 44) { f = 0; e = ~~c >>> b - 22; d = ~~a.m >> b - 22 | a.h << 44 - b } else { f = 0; e = 0; d = ~~c >>> b - 44 } return de(d & 4194303, e & 4194303, f & 1048575) }
function Uo(a) { Qo(); switch (a) { case 2: return Ao; case 1: return Bo; case 3: return Co; case 5: return Do; case 6: return Eo; case 4: return Fo; case 7: return Go; case 0: return Ho; default: throw new Sk('Invalid rounding mode'); } }
function mi(a, b) { var c, d, e; if (b == 0) { return (a.b[0] & 1) != 0 } if (b < 0) { throw new nk(ts) } e = ~~b >> 5; if (e >= a.e) { return a.f < 0 } c = a.b[e]; b = 1 << (b & 31); if (a.f < 0) { d = Zh(a); if (e < d) { return false } else d == e ? (c = -c) : (c = ~c) } return (c & b) != 0 }
function Pf(a) { var b, c; if (a.e > 0) { return a.e } b = 1; c = 1; if (a.b < 54) { a.b >= 1 && (c = a.g); b += Math.log(c <= 0 ? 0 - c : c) * Math.LOG10E } else { b += (a.b - 1) * 0.3010299956639812; Th((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), po(b)).r() != 0 && ++b } a.e = Bc(b); return a.e }
function zh(a) { rf(); var b, c; c = Lj(a); if (c == ks) b = Fg(a[0]); else if (c == ks) b = Gg(ue(a[0])); else if (c == ns) b = Hg(ue(a[0]), a[1]); else throw new V('Unknown call signature for bd = java.math.BigDecimal.valueOf: ' + c); return new Kg(b) }
function Qi(a) { Oh(); var b, c; c = Lj(a); if (c == ms) b = new oi(a[0].toString()); else if (c == 'string number') b = new pi(a[0].toString(), a[1]); else throw new V('Unknown call signature for obj = new java.math.BigInteger: ' + c); return new Pi(b) }
function Un() { Un = rr; On = new Xn(34, (Qo(), Eo)); Pn = new Xn(7, Eo); Qn = new Xn(16, Eo); Rn = new Xn(0, Fo); Sn = mc(Md, { 6: 1 }, -1, [112, 114, 101, 99, 105, 115, 105, 111, 110, 61]); Tn = mc(Md, { 6: 1 }, -1, [114, 111, 117, 110, 100, 105, 110, 103, 77, 111, 100, 101, 61]) }
function Jn(a, b) { if (b.f == 0) { return a } if (a.f == 0) { return b } if (Vh(b, (Oh(), Ih))) { return new Pi(En(a)) } if (Vh(a, Ih)) { return new Pi(En(b)) } return a.f > 0 ? b.f > 0 ? a.e > b.e ? Mn(a, b) : Mn(b, a) : Kn(a, b) : b.f > 0 ? Kn(b, a) : Zh(b) > Zh(a) ? Ln(b, a) : Ln(a, b) }
function Cn(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i; d = Zh(b); e = Zh(a); if (d >= a.e) { return a } g = hl(a.e, b.e); f = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, g, 1); c = e; for (; c < d; ++c) { f[c] = a.b[c] } if (c == d) { f[c] = a.b[c] & b.b[c] - 1; ++c } for (; c < g; ++c) { f[c] = a.b[c] & b.b[c] } i = new si(1, g, f); Sh(i); return i }
function Wf(a) { var b, c, d, e, f; b = 1; c = nf.length - 1; d = a.f; if (a.b == 0 && a.g != -1) { return new mg(Tr) } f = (!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d); while (!f.gb(0)) { e = Uh(f, nf[b]); if (e[1].r() == 0) { d -= b; b < c && ++b; f = e[0] } else { if (b == 1) { break } b = 1 } } return new dg(f, Dg(d)) }
function jo(a, b, c, d, e) { var f, g, i, j; if (Ac(a) === Ac(b) && d == e) { qo(a, d, c); return } for (i = 0; i < d; ++i) { g = ur; f = a[i]; for (j = 0; j < e; ++j) { g = pe(pe(Ae(qe(ue(f), yr), qe(ue(b[j]), yr)), qe(ue(c[i + j]), yr)), qe(ue(Je(g)), yr)); c[i + j] = Je(g); g = Ge(g, 32) } c[i + e] = Je(g) } }
function hi(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g; if (b.f == 0) { throw new nk(ss) } g = a.e; c = b.e; if ((g != c ? g > c ? 1 : -1 : jn(a.b, b.b, g)) == -1) { return a } e = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, c, 1); if (c == 1) { e[0] = cn(a.b, g, b.b[0]) } else { d = g - c + 1; e = Km(null, d, a.b, g, b.b, c) } f = new si(a.f, c, e); Sh(f); return f }
function $k(a) { var b, c, d; if (a < 0) { return 0 } else if (a == 0) { return 32 } else { d = -(~~a >> 16); b = ~~d >> 16 & 16; c = 16 - b; a = ~~a >> b; d = a - 256; b = ~~d >> 16 & 8; c += b; a <<= b; d = a - 4096; b = ~~d >> 16 & 4; c += b; a <<= b; d = a - 16384; b = ~~d >> 16 & 2; c += b; a <<= b; d = ~~a >> 14; b = d & ~(~~d >> 1); return c + 2 - b } }
function kn(a, b) { var c; if (a.f == 0) { nm(b.b, 0, a.b, 0, b.e) } else if (b.f == 0) { return } else if (a.f == b.f) { hn(a.b, a.b, a.e, b.b, b.e) } else { c = un(a.b, b.b, a.e, b.e); if (c > 0) { tn(a.b, a.b, a.e, b.b, b.e) } else { qn(a.b, a.b, a.e, b.b, b.e); a.f = -a.f } } a.e = gl(a.e, b.e) + 1; Sh(a); a.c = -2 }
function ln(a, b) { var c, d; c = Qh(a, b); if (a.f == 0) { nm(b.b, 0, a.b, 0, b.e); a.f = -b.f } else if (a.f != b.f) { hn(a.b, a.b, a.e, b.b, b.e); a.f = c } else { d = un(a.b, b.b, a.e, b.e); if (d > 0) { tn(a.b, a.b, a.e, b.b, b.e) } else { qn(a.b, a.b, a.e, b.b, b.e); a.f = -a.f } } a.e = gl(a.e, b.e) + 1; Sh(a); a.c = -2 }
function di(a, b, c) { var d, e; if (c.f <= 0) { throw new nk(us) } d = a; if ((c.e == 1 && c.b[0] == 1) | b.f > 0 & d.f == 0) { return Nh } if (d.f == 0 && b.f == 0) { return Jh } if (b.f < 0) { d = ci(a, c); b = b.cb() } e = c.gb(0) ? _m(d._(), b, c) : Om(d._(), b, c); d.f < 0 && b.gb(0) && (e = bi(ei(rn(c, Jh), e), c)); return e }
function $m(a, b, c, d, e) { var f, g, i; f = ur; g = ur; for (i = 0; i < d; ++i) { f = (go(), pe(Ae(qe(ue(c[i]), yr), qe(ue(e), yr)), qe(ue(Je(f)), yr))); g = pe(He(qe(ue(a[b + i]), yr), qe(f, yr)), g); a[b + i] = Je(g); g = Fe(g, 32); f = Ge(f, 32) } g = pe(He(qe(ue(a[b + d]), yr), f), g); a[b + d] = Je(g); return Je(Fe(g, 32)) }
function ho(a, b) { go(); var c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k, n; if (b.e > a.e) { i = a; a = b; b = i } if (b.e < 63) { return no(a, b) } g = (a.e & -2) << 4; k = a.fb(g); n = b.fb(g); d = rn(a, k.eb(g)); e = rn(b, n.eb(g)); j = ho(k, n); c = ho(d, e); f = ho(rn(k, d), rn(e, n)); f = fn(fn(f, j), c); f = f.eb(g); j = j.eb(g << 1); return fn(fn(j, f), c) }
function le(a) { var b, c, d; c = a.l; if ((c & c - 1) != 0) { return -1 } d = a.m; if ((d & d - 1) != 0) { return -1 } b = a.h; if ((b & b - 1) != 0) { return -1 } if (b == 0 && d == 0 && c == 0) { return -1 } if (b == 0 && d == 0 && c != 0) { return _k(c) } if (b == 0 && d != 0 && c == 0) { return _k(d) + 22 } if (b != 0 && d == 0 && c == 0) { return _k(b) + 44 } return -1 }
function wn(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i, j; e = Zh(a); d = Zh(b); if (d >= a.e) { return Oh(), Nh } i = a.e; g = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, i, 1); c = e > d ? e : d; if (c == d) { g[c] = -b.b[c] & a.b[c]; ++c } f = hl(b.e, a.e); for (; c < f; ++c) { g[c] = ~b.b[c] & a.b[c] } if (c >= b.e) { for (; c < a.e; ++c) { g[c] = a.b[c] } } j = new si(1, i, g); Sh(j); return j }
function Jf(a, b) { if (a.b == 0 && a.g != -1) { return Ig(b > 0 ? b : 0) } if (b >= 0) { if (a.b < 54) { return new pg(a.g, Dg(b)) } return new dg((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), Dg(b)) } if (-b < hf.length && a.b + jf[Bc(-b)] < 54) { return new pg(a.g * hf[Bc(-b)], 0) } return new dg(mo((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), Bc(-b)), 0) }
function Fe(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g; b &= 63; c = a.h; d = (c & 524288) != 0; d && (c |= -1048576); if (b < 22) { g = ~~c >> b; f = ~~a.m >> b | c << 22 - b; e = ~~a.l >> b | a.m << 22 - b } else if (b < 44) { g = d ? 1048575 : 0; f = ~~c >> b - 22; e = ~~a.m >> b - 22 | c << 44 - b } else { g = d ? 1048575 : 0; f = d ? 4194303 : 0; e = ~~c >> b - 44 } return de(e & 4194303, f & 4194303, g & 1048575) }
function Oh() { Oh = rr; var a; Jh = new qi(1, 1); Lh = new qi(1, 10); Nh = new qi(0, 0); Ih = new qi(-1, 1); Kh = mc(Xd, { 6: 1 }, 17, [Nh, Jh, new qi(1, 2), new qi(1, 3), new qi(1, 4), new qi(1, 5), new qi(1, 6), new qi(1, 7), new qi(1, 8), new qi(1, 9), Lh]); Mh = lc(Xd, { 6: 1 }, 17, 32, 0); for (a = 0; a < Mh.length; ++a) { nc(Mh, a, Ki(Ee(sr, a))) } }
function lo(a, b) { go(); var c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k, n; k = a.f; if (k == 0) { return Oh(), Nh } d = a.e; c = a.b; if (d == 1) { e = Ae(qe(ue(c[0]), yr), qe(ue(b), yr)); j = Je(e); g = Je(Ge(e, 32)); return g == 0 ? new qi(k, j) : new si(k, 2, mc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, [j, g])) } i = d + 1; f = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, i, 1); f[d] = ko(f, c, d, b); n = new si(k, i, f); Sh(n); return n }
function no(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k, n, o, q; d = a.e; f = b.e; i = d + f; j = a.f != b.f ? -1 : 1; if (i == 2) { n = Ae(qe(ue(a.b[0]), yr), qe(ue(b.b[0]), yr)); q = Je(n); o = Je(Ge(n, 32)); return o == 0 ? new qi(j, q) : new si(j, 2, mc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, [q, o])) } c = a.b; e = b.b; g = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, i, 1); io(c, d, e, f, g); k = new si(j, i, g); Sh(k); return k }
function Hn(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i; d = Zh(b); e = Zh(a); if (e >= b.e) { return b } else if (d >= a.e) { return a } g = hl(a.e, b.e); f = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, g, 1); if (d == e) { f[e] = -(-a.b[e] | -b.b[e]); c = e } else { for (c = d; c < e; ++c) { f[c] = b.b[c] } f[c] = b.b[c] & a.b[c] - 1 } for (++c; c < g; ++c) { f[c] = a.b[c] & b.b[c] } i = new si(-1, g, f); Sh(i); return i }
function zm(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g; d = ~~b >> 5; b &= 31; if (d >= a.e) { return a.f < 0 ? (Oh(), Ih) : (Oh(), Nh) } f = a.e - d; e = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, f + 1, 1); Am(e, f, a.b, d, b); if (a.f < 0) { for (c = 0; c < d && a.b[c] == 0; ++c) { } if (c < d || b > 0 && a.b[c] << 32 - b != 0) { for (c = 0; c < f && e[c] == -1; ++c) { e[c] = 0 } c == f && ++f; ++e[c] } } g = new si(a.f, f, e); Sh(g); return g }
function vo(a, b) { uo(); var c, d; if (b <= 0 || a.e == 1 && a.b[0] == 2) { return true } if (!mi(a, 0)) { return false } if (a.e == 1 && (a.b[0] & -1024) == 0) { return Bq(to, a.b[0]) >= 0 } for (d = 1; d < to.length; ++d) { if (cn(a.b, a.e, to[d]) == 0) { return false } } c = sm(a); for (d = 2; c < ro[d]; ++d) { } b = d < 1 + (~~(b - 1) >> 1) ? d : 1 + (~~(b - 1) >> 1); return wo(a, b) }
function Qm(a, b) { var c, d, e, f; c = a.bb(); d = b.bb(); e = c < d ? c : d; vm(a, c); vm(b, d); if (Qh(a, b) == 1) { f = a; a = b; b = f } do { if (b.e == 1 || b.e == 2 && b.b[1] > 0) { b = Ki(Rm(ai(a), ai(b))); break } if (b.e > a.e * 1.2) { b = hi(b, a); b.r() != 0 && vm(b, b.bb()) } else { do { pn(b, a); vm(b, b.bb()) } while (Qh(b, a) >= 0) } f = b; b = a; a = f } while (f.f != 0); return b.eb(e) }
function Sf(a, b, c) { var d; if (!c) { throw new jl } d = b - a.f; if (d == 0) { return a } if (d > 0) { if (d < hf.length && a.b + jf[Bc(d)] < 54) { return new pg(a.g * hf[Bc(d)], b) } return new dg(mo((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), Bc(d)), b) } if (a.b < 54 && -d < hf.length) { return vg(a.g, hf[Bc(-d)], b, c) } return ug((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), po(-d), b, c) }
function cl(a, b) { var c, d, e, f; if (b == 10 || b < 2 || b > 36) { return Lr + Ke(a) } c = lc(Md, { 6: 1 }, -1, 65, 1); d = (nl(), ml); e = 64; f = ue(b); if (we(a, ur)) { while (we(a, f)) { c[e--] = d[Je(ze(a, f))]; a = ee(a, f, false) } c[e] = d[Je(a)] } else { while (ye(a, Be(f))) { c[e--] = d[Je(Be(ze(a, f)))]; a = ee(a, f, false) } c[e--] = d[Je(Be(a))]; c[e] = 45 } return Gl(c, e, 65) }
function Of(a, b, c) { var d, e, f, g, i, j; f = b < 0 ? -b : b; g = c.b; e = Bc(fl(f)) + 1; i = c; if (b == 0 || a.b == 0 && a.g != -1 && b > 0) { return Nf(a, b) } if (f > 999999999 || g == 0 && b < 0 || g > 0 && e > g) { throw new nk(bs) } g > 0 && (i = new Xn(g + e + 1, c.c)); d = Qf(a, i); j = ~~Zk(f) >> 1; while (j > 0) { d = Lf(d, d, i); (f & j) == j && (d = Lf(d, a, i)); j >>= 1 } b < 0 && (d = zf(lf, d, i)); If(d, c); return d }
function tf(a, b) { var c; c = a.f - b.f; if (a.b == 0 && a.g != -1) { if (c <= 0) { return b } if (b.b == 0 && b.g != -1) { return a } } else if (b.b == 0 && b.g != -1) { if (c >= 0) { return a } } if (c == 0) { if (gl(a.b, b.b) + 1 < 54) { return new pg(a.g + b.g, a.f) } return new og(fn((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), (!b.d && (b.d = Li(b.g)), b.d)), a.f) } else return c > 0 ? rg(a, b, c) : rg(b, a, -c) }
function Nm(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g; d = qe(ue(b), yr); if (we(a, ur)) { f = ee(a, d, false); g = ze(a, d) } else { c = Ge(a, 1); e = ue(~~b >>> 1); f = ee(c, e, false); g = ze(c, e); g = pe(Ee(g, 1), qe(a, sr)); if ((b & 1) != 0) { if (!ve(f, g)) { g = He(g, f) } else { if (ye(He(f, g), d)) { g = pe(g, He(d, f)); f = He(f, sr) } else { g = pe(g, He(Ee(d, 1), f)); f = He(f, vr) } } } } return De(Ee(g, 32), qe(f, yr)) }
function Ei(a, b, c) { var d, e, f, g, i, j, k, n, o, q, r, s, t, u; r = b.length; k = r; if (b.charCodeAt(0) == 45) { o = -1; q = 1; --r } else { o = 1; q = 0 } g = (Em(), Dm)[c]; f = ~~(r / g); u = r % g; u != 0 && ++f; j = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, f, 1); d = Cm[c - 2]; i = 0; s = q + (u == 0 ? g : u); for (t = q; t < k; t = s, s = s + g) { e = af(b.substr(t, s - t), c); n = (go(), ko(j, j, i, d)); n += on(j, i, e); j[i++] = n } a.f = o; a.e = i; a.b = j; Sh(a) }
function te(a) { var b, c, d, e, f; if (isNaN(a)) { return Qe(), Pe } if (a < -9223372036854775808) { return Qe(), Ne } if (a >= 9223372036854775807) { return Qe(), Me } e = false; if (a < 0) { e = true; a = -a } d = 0; if (a >= 17592186044416) { d = Bc(a / 17592186044416); a -= d * 17592186044416 } c = 0; if (a >= 4194304) { c = Bc(a / 4194304); a -= c * 4194304 } b = Bc(a); f = de(b, c, d); e && je(f); return f }
function Ke(a) { var b, c, d, e, f; if (a.l == 0 && a.m == 0 && a.h == 0) { return Tr } if (a.h == 524288 && a.m == 0 && a.l == 0) { return '-9223372036854775808' } if (~~a.h >> 19 != 0) { return Ur + Ke(Be(a)) } c = a; d = Lr; while (!(c.l == 0 && c.m == 0 && c.h == 0)) { e = ue(1000000000); c = ee(c, e, true); b = Lr + Je(ae); if (!(c.l == 0 && c.m == 0 && c.h == 0)) { f = 9 - b.length; for (; f > 0; --f) { b = Tr + b } } d = b + d } return d }
function Uh(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k, n, o, q, r, s; f = b.f; if (f == 0) { throw new nk(ss) } e = b.e; d = b.b; if (e == 1) { return Lm(a, d[0], f) } q = a.b; r = a.e; c = r != e ? r > e ? 1 : -1 : jn(q, d, r); if (c < 0) { return mc(Xd, { 6: 1 }, 17, [Nh, a]) } s = a.f; i = r - e + 1; j = s == f ? 1 : -1; g = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, i, 1); k = Km(g, i, q, r, d, e); n = new si(j, i, g); o = new si(s, e, k); Sh(n); Sh(o); return mc(Xd, { 6: 1 }, 17, [n, o]) }
function Zf(a) { var b; if (a.f == 0 || a.b == 0 && a.g != -1) { return !a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d } else if (a.f < 0) { return ei((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), po(-a.f)) } else { if (a.f > (a.e > 0 ? a.e : el((a.b - 1) * 0.3010299956639812) + 1) || a.f > (!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d).bb()) { throw new nk(cs) } b = Uh((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), po(a.f)); if (b[1].r() != 0) { throw new nk(cs) } return b[0] } }
function qn(a, b, c, d, e) { var f, g; f = ur; if (c < e) { for (g = 0; g < c; ++g) { f = pe(f, He(qe(ue(d[g]), yr), qe(ue(b[g]), yr))); a[g] = Je(f); f = Fe(f, 32) } for (; g < e; ++g) { f = pe(f, qe(ue(d[g]), yr)); a[g] = Je(f); f = Fe(f, 32) } } else { for (g = 0; g < e; ++g) { f = pe(f, He(qe(ue(d[g]), yr), qe(ue(b[g]), yr))); a[g] = Je(f); f = Fe(f, 32) } for (; g < c; ++g) { f = He(f, qe(ue(b[g]), yr)); a[g] = Je(f); f = Fe(f, 32) } } }
function Lm(a, b, c) { var d, e, f, g, i, j, k, n, o, q, r, s; q = a.b; r = a.e; s = a.f; if (r == 1) { d = qe(ue(q[0]), yr); e = qe(ue(b), yr); f = ee(d, e, false); j = ze(d, e); s != c && (f = Be(f)); s < 0 && (j = Be(j)); return mc(Xd, { 6: 1 }, 17, [Ki(f), Ki(j)]) } i = s == c ? 1 : -1; g = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, r, 1); k = mc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, [Mm(g, q, r, b)]); n = new si(i, r, g); o = new si(s, 1, k); Sh(n); Sh(o); return mc(Xd, { 6: 1 }, 17, [n, o]) }
function Zm(a, b, c) { var d, e, f, g, i, j, k; i = b.b; j = b.e; k = ur; for (d = 0; d < j; ++d) { e = ur; g = Je((go(), Ae(qe(ue(a[d]), yr), qe(ue(c), yr)))); for (f = 0; f < j; ++f) { e = pe(pe(Ae(qe(ue(g), yr), qe(ue(i[f]), yr)), qe(ue(a[d + f]), yr)), qe(ue(Je(e)), yr)); a[d + f] = Je(e); e = Ge(e, 32) } k = pe(k, pe(qe(ue(a[d + j]), yr), e)); a[d + j] = Je(k); k = Ge(k, 32) } a[j << 1] = Je(k); for (f = 0; f < j + 1; ++f) { a[f] = a[f + j] } }
function af(a, b) { var c, d, e, f; if (a == null) { throw new pl(Mr) } if (b < 2 || b > 36) { throw new pl('radix ' + b + ' out of range') } d = a.length; e = d > 0 && a.charCodeAt(0) == 45 ? 1 : 0; for (c = e; c < d; ++c) { if (tk(a.charCodeAt(c), b) == -1) { throw new pl(Zr + a + $r) } } f = parseInt(a, b); if (isNaN(f)) { throw new pl(Zr + a + $r) } else if (f < -2147483648 || f > 2147483647) { throw new pl(Zr + a + $r) } return f }
function En(a) { var b, c; if (a.f == 0) { return Oh(), Ih } if (Vh(a, (Oh(), Ih))) { return Nh } c = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, a.e + 1, 1); if (a.f > 0) { if (a.b[a.e - 1] != -1) { for (b = 0; a.b[b] == -1; ++b) { } } else { for (b = 0; b < a.e && a.b[b] == -1; ++b) { } if (b == a.e) { c[b] = 1; return new si(-a.f, b + 1, c) } } } else { for (b = 0; a.b[b] == 0; ++b) { c[b] = -1 } } c[b] = a.b[b] + a.f; for (++b; b < a.e; ++b) { c[b] = a.b[b] } return new si(-a.f, b, c) }
function Bg(a, b, c) { var d; d = 0; switch (c.c) { case 7: if (b != 0) { throw new nk(cs) } break; case 0: d = b == 0 ? 0 : b < 0 ? -1 : 1; break; case 2: d = (b == 0 ? 0 : b < 0 ? -1 : 1) > 0 ? b == 0 ? 0 : b < 0 ? -1 : 1 : 0; break; case 3: d = (b == 0 ? 0 : b < 0 ? -1 : 1) < 0 ? b == 0 ? 0 : b < 0 ? -1 : 1 : 0; break; case 4: (b < 0 ? -b : b) >= 5 && (d = b == 0 ? 0 : b < 0 ? -1 : 1); break; case 5: (b < 0 ? -b : b) > 5 && (d = b == 0 ? 0 : b < 0 ? -1 : 1); break; case 6: (b < 0 ? -b : b) + a > 5 && (d = b == 0 ? 0 : b < 0 ? -1 : 1); }return d }
function Vf(a, b, c) { var d, e, f, g, i, j; i = te(hf[c]); g = He(te(a.f), ue(c)); j = te(a.g); f = ee(j, i, false); e = ze(j, i); if (Ce(e, ur)) { d = se(He(Ee(xe(e, ur) ? Be(e) : e, 1), i), ur) ? 0 : xe(He(Ee(xe(e, ur) ? Be(e) : e, 1), i), ur) ? -1 : 1; f = pe(f, ue(Bg(Je(f) & 1, (se(e, ur) ? 0 : xe(e, ur) ? -1 : 1) * (5 + d), b.c))); if (fl(Ie(xe(f, ur) ? Be(f) : f)) >= b.b) { f = re(f, tr); g = He(g, sr) } } a.f = Dg(Ie(g)); a.e = b.b; a.g = Ie(f); a.b = tg(f); a.d = null }
function tm(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k, n; k = a.f == 0 ? 1 : a.f; g = ~~b >> 5; c = b & 31; j = gl(g + 1, a.e) + 1; i = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, j, 1); d = 1 << c; nm(a.b, 0, i, 0, a.e); if (a.f < 0) { if (g >= a.e) { i[g] = d } else { e = Zh(a); if (g > e) { i[g] ^= d } else if (g < e) { i[g] = -d; for (f = g + 1; f < e; ++f) { i[f] = -1 } i[f] = i[f]-- } else { f = g; i[g] = -(-i[g] ^ d); if (i[g] == 0) { for (++f; i[f] == -1; ++f) { i[f] = 0 } ++i[f] } } } } else { i[g] ^= d } n = new si(k, j, i); Sh(n); return n }
function wo(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k, n; g = rn(a, (Oh(), Jh)); c = g.ab(); f = g.bb(); i = g.fb(f); j = new Vq; for (d = 0; d < b; ++d) { if (d < to.length) { k = so[d] } else { do { k = new ni(c, j) } while (Qh(k, a) >= 0 || k.f == 0 || k.e == 1 && k.b[0] == 1) } n = di(k, i, a); if (n.e == 1 && n.b[0] == 1 || n.eQ(g)) { continue } for (e = 1; e < f; ++e) { if (n.eQ(g)) { continue } n = bi(ei(n, n), a); if (n.e == 1 && n.b[0] == 1) { return false } } if (!n.eQ(g)) { return false } } return true }
function Mm(a, b, c, d) { var e, f, g, i, j, k, n; k = ur; f = qe(ue(d), yr); for (i = c - 1; i >= 0; --i) { n = De(Ee(k, 32), qe(ue(b[i]), yr)); if (we(n, ur)) { j = ee(n, f, false); k = ze(n, f) } else { e = Ge(n, 1); g = ue(~~d >>> 1); j = ee(e, g, false); k = ze(e, g); k = pe(Ee(k, 1), qe(n, sr)); if ((d & 1) != 0) { if (!ve(j, k)) { k = He(k, j) } else { if (ye(He(j, k), f)) { k = pe(k, He(f, j)); j = He(j, sr) } else { k = pe(k, He(Ee(f, 1), j)); j = He(j, vr) } } } } a[i] = Je(qe(j, yr)) } return Je(k) }
function he(a, b, c, d, e, f) { var g, i, j, k, n, o, q; k = ke(b) - ke(a); g = Ee(b, k); j = de(0, 0, 0); while (k >= 0) { i = ne(a, g); if (i) { k < 22 ? (j.l |= 1 << k, undefined) : k < 44 ? (j.m |= 1 << k - 22, undefined) : (j.h |= 1 << k - 44, undefined); if (a.l == 0 && a.m == 0 && a.h == 0) { break } } o = g.m; q = g.h; n = g.l; g.h = ~~q >>> 1; g.m = ~~o >>> 1 | (q & 1) << 21; g.l = ~~n >>> 1 | (o & 1) << 21; --k } c && je(j); if (f) { if (d) { ae = Be(a); e && (ae = He(ae, (Qe(), Oe))) } else { ae = de(a.l, a.m, a.h) } } return j }
function dn(a, b, c, d, e) { var f, g, i, j, k, n, o; k = lc(Xd, { 6: 1 }, 17, 8, 0); n = a; nc(k, 0, b); o = Ym(b, b, d, e); for (g = 1; g <= 7; ++g) { nc(k, g, Ym(k[g - 1], o, d, e)) } for (g = c.ab() - 1; g >= 0; --g) { if ((c.b[~~g >> 5] & 1 << (g & 31)) != 0) { j = 1; f = g; for (i = g - 3 > 0 ? g - 3 : 0; i <= g - 1; ++i) { if ((c.b[~~i >> 5] & 1 << (i & 31)) != 0) { if (i < f) { f = i; j = j << g - i ^ 1 } else { j = j ^ 1 << i - f } } } for (i = f; i <= g; ++i) { n = Ym(n, n, d, e) } n = Ym(k[~~(j - 1) >> 1], n, d, e); g = f } else { n = Ym(n, n, d, e) } } return n }
function Ln(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i, j; i = gl(a.e, b.e); g = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, i, 1); e = Zh(a); d = Zh(b); c = d; if (e == d) { g[d] = -a.b[d] ^ -b.b[d] } else { g[d] = -b.b[d]; f = hl(b.e, e); for (++c; c < f; ++c) { g[c] = ~b.b[c] } if (c == b.e) { for (; c < e; ++c) { g[c] = -1 } g[c] = a.b[c] - 1 } else { g[c] = -a.b[c] ^ ~b.b[c] } } f = hl(a.e, b.e); for (++c; c < f; ++c) { g[c] = a.b[c] ^ b.b[c] } for (; c < a.e; ++c) { g[c] = a.b[c] } for (; c < b.e; ++c) { g[c] = b.b[c] } j = new si(1, i, g); Sh(j); return j }
function qo(a, b, c) { var d, e, f, g; for (e = 0; e < b; ++e) { d = ur; for (g = e + 1; g < b; ++g) { d = pe(pe(Ae(qe(ue(a[e]), yr), qe(ue(a[g]), yr)), qe(ue(c[e + g]), yr)), qe(ue(Je(d)), yr)); c[e + g] = Je(d); d = Ge(d, 32) } c[e + b] = Je(d) } ym(c, c, b << 1); d = ur; for (e = 0, f = 0; e < b; ++e, ++f) { d = pe(pe(Ae(qe(ue(a[e]), yr), qe(ue(a[e]), yr)), qe(ue(c[f]), yr)), qe(ue(Je(d)), yr)); c[f] = Je(d); d = Ge(d, 32); ++f; d = pe(d, qe(ue(c[f]), yr)); c[f] = Je(d); d = Ge(d, 32) } return c }
function vf(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i; e = Uf(a); i = Uf(b); if (e == i) { if (a.f == b.f && a.b < 54 && b.b < 54) { return a.g < b.g ? -1 : a.g > b.g ? 1 : 0 } d = a.f - b.f; c = (a.e > 0 ? a.e : el((a.b - 1) * 0.3010299956639812) + 1) - (b.e > 0 ? b.e : el((b.b - 1) * 0.3010299956639812) + 1); if (c > d + 1) { return e } else if (c < d - 1) { return -e } else { f = (!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d); g = (!b.d && (b.d = Li(b.g)), b.d); d < 0 ? (f = ei(f, po(-d))) : d > 0 && (g = ei(g, po(d))); return Qh(f, g) } } else return e < i ? -1 : 1 }
function If(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i, j; f = b.b; if ((a.e > 0 ? a.e : el((a.b - 1) * 0.3010299956639812) + 1) - f < 0 || f == 0) { return } d = a.q() - f; if (d <= 0) { return } if (a.b < 54) { Vf(a, b, d); return } i = po(d); e = Uh((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), i); g = a.f - d; if (e[1].r() != 0) { c = Qh(ki(e[1]._()), i); c = Bg(e[0].gb(0) ? 1 : 0, e[1].r() * (5 + c), b.c); c != 0 && nc(e, 0, fn(e[0], Ki(ue(c)))); j = new cg(e[0]); if (j.q() > f) { nc(e, 0, Th(e[0], (Oh(), Lh))); --g } } a.f = Dg(g); a.e = f; Tf(a, e[0]) }
function Yf(a, b, c) { var d, e, f, g; d = b.f - a.f; if (b.b == 0 && b.g != -1 || a.b == 0 && a.g != -1 || c.b == 0) { return Qf(Xf(a, b), c) } if ((b.e > 0 ? b.e : el((b.b - 1) * 0.3010299956639812) + 1) < d - 1) { if (c.b < (a.e > 0 ? a.e : el((a.b - 1) * 0.3010299956639812) + 1)) { g = Uf(a); if (g != b.r()) { f = fn(lo((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), 10), Ki(ue(g))) } else { f = rn((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), Ki(ue(g))); f = fn(lo(f, 10), Ki(ue(g * 9))) } e = new og(f, a.f + 1); return Qf(e, c) } } return Qf(Xf(a, b), c) }
function rn(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k, n, o; g = a.f; j = b.f; if (j == 0) { return a } if (g == 0) { return b.cb() } f = a.e; i = b.e; if (f + i == 2) { c = qe(ue(a.b[0]), yr); d = qe(ue(b.b[0]), yr); g < 0 && (c = Be(c)); j < 0 && (d = Be(d)); return Ki(He(c, d)) } e = f != i ? f > i ? 1 : -1 : jn(a.b, b.b, f); if (e == -1) { o = -j; n = g == j ? sn(b.b, i, a.b, f) : gn(b.b, i, a.b, f) } else { o = g; if (g == j) { if (e == 0) { return Oh(), Nh } n = sn(a.b, f, b.b, i) } else { n = gn(a.b, f, b.b, i) } } k = new si(o, n.length, n); Sh(k); return k }
function zn(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i, j; e = Zh(a); d = Zh(b); if (e >= b.e) { return Oh(), Nh } i = b.e; g = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, i, 1); c = e; if (e < d) { g[e] = -a.b[e]; f = hl(a.e, d); for (++c; c < f; ++c) { g[c] = ~a.b[c] } if (c == a.e) { for (; c < d; ++c) { g[c] = -1 } g[c] = b.b[c] - 1 } else { g[c] = ~a.b[c] & b.b[c] - 1 } } else d < e ? (g[e] = -a.b[e] & b.b[e]) : (g[e] = -a.b[e] & b.b[e] - 1); f = hl(a.e, b.e); for (++c; c < f; ++c) { g[c] = ~a.b[c] & b.b[c] } for (; c < b.e; ++c) { g[c] = b.b[c] } j = new si(1, i, g); Sh(j); return j }
function Th(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k, n, o; if (b.f == 0) { throw new nk(ss) } e = b.f; if (b.e == 1 && b.b[0] == 1) { return b.f > 0 ? a : a.cb() } n = a.f; k = a.e; d = b.e; if (k + d == 2) { o = re(qe(ue(a.b[0]), yr), qe(ue(b.b[0]), yr)); n != e && (o = Be(o)); return Ki(o) } c = k != d ? k > d ? 1 : -1 : jn(a.b, b.b, k); if (c == 0) { return n == e ? Jh : Ih } if (c == -1) { return Nh } g = k - d + 1; f = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, g, 1); i = n == e ? 1 : -1; d == 1 ? Mm(f, a.b, k, b.b[0]) : Km(f, g, a.b, k, b.b, d); j = new si(i, g, f); Sh(j); return j }
function hn(a, b, c, d, e) { var f, g; f = pe(qe(ue(b[0]), yr), qe(ue(d[0]), yr)); a[0] = Je(f); f = Fe(f, 32); if (c >= e) { for (g = 1; g < e; ++g) { f = pe(f, pe(qe(ue(b[g]), yr), qe(ue(d[g]), yr))); a[g] = Je(f); f = Fe(f, 32) } for (; g < c; ++g) { f = pe(f, qe(ue(b[g]), yr)); a[g] = Je(f); f = Fe(f, 32) } } else { for (g = 1; g < c; ++g) { f = pe(f, pe(qe(ue(b[g]), yr), qe(ue(d[g]), yr))); a[g] = Je(f); f = Fe(f, 32) } for (; g < e; ++g) { f = pe(f, qe(ue(d[g]), yr)); a[g] = Je(f); f = Fe(f, 32) } } Ce(f, ur) && (a[g] = Je(f)) }
function go() { go = rr; var a, b; bo = lc(Xd, { 6: 1 }, 17, 32, 0); co = lc(Xd, { 6: 1 }, 17, 32, 0); eo = mc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, [1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, 15625, 78125, 390625, 1953125, 9765625, 48828125, 244140625, 1220703125]); fo = mc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000]); a = sr; for (b = 0; b <= 18; ++b) { nc(bo, b, Ki(a)); nc(co, b, Ki(Ee(a, b))); a = Ae(a, Hr) } for (; b < co.length; ++b) { nc(bo, b, ei(bo[b - 1], bo[1])); nc(co, b, ei(co[b - 1], (Oh(), Lh))) } }
function yf(a, b, c, d) { var e, f, g; if (!d) { throw new jl } if (b.b == 0 && b.g != -1) { throw new nk(_r) } e = a.f - b.f - c; if (a.b < 54 && b.b < 54) { if (e == 0) { return vg(a.g, b.g, c, d) } else if (e > 0) { if (e < hf.length && b.b + jf[Bc(e)] < 54) { return vg(a.g, b.g * hf[Bc(e)], c, d) } } else { if (-e < hf.length && a.b + jf[Bc(-e)] < 54) { return vg(a.g * hf[Bc(-e)], b.g, c, d) } } } f = (!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d); g = (!b.d && (b.d = Li(b.g)), b.d); e > 0 ? (g = mo(g, Bc(e))) : e < 0 && (f = mo(f, Bc(-e))); return ug(f, g, c, d) }
function Gn(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i, j; d = Zh(b); e = Zh(a); if (e >= b.e) { return b } i = b.e; g = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, i, 1); if (d < e) { for (c = d; c < e; ++c) { g[c] = b.b[c] } } else if (e < d) { c = e; g[e] = -a.b[e]; f = hl(a.e, d); for (++c; c < f; ++c) { g[c] = ~a.b[c] } if (c != a.e) { g[c] = ~(-b.b[c] | a.b[c]) } else { for (; c < d; ++c) { g[c] = -1 } g[c] = b.b[c] - 1 } ++c } else { c = e; g[e] = -(-b.b[e] | a.b[e]); ++c } f = hl(b.e, a.e); for (; c < f; ++c) { g[c] = b.b[c] & ~a.b[c] } for (; c < b.e; ++c) { g[c] = b.b[c] } j = new si(-1, i, g); Sh(j); return j }
function _f(a) { var b, c, d, e; d = Hm((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), 0); if (a.f == 0 || a.b == 0 && a.g != -1 && a.f < 0) { return d } b = Uf(a) < 0 ? 1 : 0; c = a.f; e = new gm(d.length + 1 + dl(Bc(a.f))); b == 1 && (e.b.b += Ur, e); if (a.f > 0) { c -= d.length - b; if (c >= 0) { e.b.b += es; for (; c > ef.length; c -= ef.length) { $l(e, ef) } _l(e, ef, Bc(c)); dm(e, Al(d, b)) } else { c = b - c; dm(e, Bl(d, b, Bc(c))); e.b.b += ds; dm(e, Al(d, Bc(c))) } } else { dm(e, Al(d, b)); for (; c < -ef.length; c += ef.length) { $l(e, ef) } _l(e, ef, Bc(-c)) } return e.b.b }
function ug(a, b, c, d) { var e, f, g, i, j, k, n; g = Uh(a, b); i = g[0]; k = g[1]; if (k.r() == 0) { return new dg(i, c) } n = a.r() * b.r(); if (b.ab() < 54) { j = ai(k); f = ai(b); e = se(He(Ee(xe(j, ur) ? Be(j) : j, 1), xe(f, ur) ? Be(f) : f), ur) ? 0 : xe(He(Ee(xe(j, ur) ? Be(j) : j, 1), xe(f, ur) ? Be(f) : f), ur) ? -1 : 1; e = Bg(i.gb(0) ? 1 : 0, n * (5 + e), d) } else { e = Qh(ki(k._()), b._()); e = Bg(i.gb(0) ? 1 : 0, n * (5 + e), d) } if (e != 0) { if (i.ab() < 54) { return Hg(pe(ai(i), ue(e)), c) } i = fn(i, Ki(ue(e))); return new dg(i, c) } return new dg(i, c) }
function ag(a) { var b, c, d, e, f; if (a.i != null) { return a.i } if (a.b < 32) { a.i = Im(te(a.g), Bc(a.f)); return a.i } e = Hm((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), 0); if (a.f == 0) { return e } b = (!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d).r() < 0 ? 2 : 1; c = e.length; d = -a.f + c - b; f = new fm; cc(f.b, e); if (a.f > 0 && d >= -6) { if (d >= 0) { em(f, c - Bc(a.f), ds) } else { ec(f.b, b - 1, b - 1, es); em(f, b + 1, Ll(ef, 0, -Bc(d) - 1)) } } else { if (c - b >= 1) { ec(f.b, b, b, ds); ++c } ec(f.b, c, c, fs); d > 0 && em(f, ++c, gs); em(f, ++c, Lr + Ke(te(d))) } a.i = f.b.b; return a.i }
function xn(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i, j; e = Zh(a); f = Zh(b); if (e >= b.e) { return a } d = f > e ? f : e; f > e ? (c = -b.b[d] & ~a.b[d]) : f < e ? (c = ~b.b[d] & -a.b[d]) : (c = -b.b[d] & -a.b[d]); if (c == 0) { for (++d; d < b.e && (c = ~(a.b[d] | b.b[d])) == 0; ++d) { } if (c == 0) { for (; d < a.e && (c = ~a.b[d]) == 0; ++d) { } if (c == 0) { i = a.e + 1; g = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, i, 1); g[i - 1] = 1; j = new si(-1, i, g); return j } } } i = a.e; g = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, i, 1); g[d] = -c; for (++d; d < b.e; ++d) { g[d] = a.b[d] | b.b[d] } for (; d < a.e; ++d) { g[d] = a.b[d] } j = new si(-1, i, g); return j }
function zl(o, a, b) { var c = new RegExp(a, 'g'); var d = []; var e = 0; var f = o; var g = null; while (true) { var i = c.exec(f); if (i == null || f == Lr || e == b - 1 && b > 0) { d[e] = f; break } else { d[e] = f.substring(0, i.index); f = f.substring(i.index + i[0].length, f.length); c.lastIndex = 0; if (g == f) { d[e] = f.substring(0, 1); f = f.substring(1) } g = f; e++ } } if (b == 0 && o.length > 0) { var j = d.length; while (j > 0 && d[j - 1] == Lr) { --j } j < d.length && d.splice(j, d.length - j) } var k = Fl(d.length); for (var n = 0; n < d.length; ++n) { k[n] = d[n] } return k }
function po(a) { go(); var b, c, d, e; b = Bc(a); if (a < co.length) { return co[b] } else if (a <= 50) { return (Oh(), Lh).db(b) } else if (a <= 1000) { return bo[1].db(b).eb(b) } if (a > 1000000) { throw new nk('power of ten too big') } if (a <= 2147483647) { return bo[1].db(b).eb(b) } d = bo[1].db(2147483647); e = d; c = te(a - 2147483647); b = Bc(a % 2147483647); while (ve(c, Ir)) { e = ei(e, d); c = He(c, Ir) } e = ei(e, bo[1].db(b)); e = e.eb(2147483647); c = te(a - 2147483647); while (ve(c, Ir)) { e = e.eb(2147483647); c = He(c, Ir) } e = e.eb(b); return e }
function $d() { var a; !!$stats && Ue('com.iriscouch.gwtapp.client.BigDecimalApp'); ik(new kk); Wj(new Yj); Gj(new Ij); Ch(new Eh); !!$stats && Ue('com.google.gwt.user.client.UserAgentAsserter'); a = We(); wl(Sr, a) || ($wnd.alert('ERROR: Possible problem with your *.gwt.xml module file.\nThe compile time user.agent value (safari) does not match the runtime user.agent value (' + a + '). Expect more errors.\n'), undefined); !!$stats && Ue('com.google.gwt.user.client.DocumentModeAsserter'); Ve() }
function Vo(a) { Qo(); var b, c, d, e, f; if (a == null) { throw new jl } d = Cl(a); c = d.length; if (c < Po.length || c > Oo.length) { throw new Rk } f = null; e = null; if (d[0] == 67) { e = Ao; f = Io } else if (d[0] == 68) { e = Bo; f = Jo } else if (d[0] == 70) { e = Co; f = Ko } else if (d[0] == 72) { if (c > 6) { if (d[5] == 68) { e = Do; f = Lo } else if (d[5] == 69) { e = Eo; f = Mo } else if (d[5] == 85) { e = Fo; f = No } } } else if (d[0] == 85) { if (d[1] == 80) { e = Ho; f = Po } else if (d[1] == 78) { e = Go; f = Oo } } if (!!e && c == f.length) { for (b = 1; b < c && d[b] == f[b]; ++b) { } if (b == c) { return e } } throw new Rk }
function ni(a, b) { var d, e, f, g, i, j; Oh(); var c; if (a < 0) { throw new Sk('numBits must be non-negative') } if (a == 0) { this.f = 0; this.e = 1; this.b = mc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, [0]) } else { this.f = 1; this.e = ~~(a + 31) >> 5; this.b = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, this.e, 1); for (c = 0; c < this.e; ++c) { this.b[c] = Bc((g = b.b * 15525485 + b.c * 1502, j = b.c * 15525485 + 11, d = Math.floor(j * 5.9604644775390625E-8), g += d, j -= d * 16777216, g %= 16777216, b.b = g, b.c = j, f = b.b * 256, i = el(b.c * Sq[32]), e = f + i, e >= 2147483648 && (e -= 4294967296), e)) } this.b[this.e - 1] >>>= -a & 31; Sh(this) } }
function fn(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k, n, o, q, r; g = a.f; j = b.f; if (g == 0) { return b } if (j == 0) { return a } f = a.e; i = b.e; if (f + i == 2) { c = qe(ue(a.b[0]), yr); d = qe(ue(b.b[0]), yr); if (g == j) { k = pe(c, d); r = Je(k); q = Je(Ge(k, 32)); return q == 0 ? new qi(g, r) : new si(g, 2, mc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, [r, q])) } return Ki(g < 0 ? He(d, c) : He(c, d)) } else if (g == j) { o = g; n = f >= i ? gn(a.b, f, b.b, i) : gn(b.b, i, a.b, f) } else { e = f != i ? f > i ? 1 : -1 : jn(a.b, b.b, f); if (e == 0) { return Oh(), Nh } if (e == 1) { o = g; n = sn(a.b, f, b.b, i) } else { o = j; n = sn(b.b, i, a.b, f) } } k = new si(o, n.length, n); Sh(k); return k }
function Yn(a) { Un(); var b, c, d, e; if (a == null) { throw new kl('null string') } b = Cl(a); if (b.length < 27 || b.length > 45) { throw new Sk(Hs) } for (d = 0; d < Sn.length && b[d] == Sn[d]; ++d) { } if (d < Sn.length) { throw new Sk(Hs) } c = tk(b[d], 10); if (c == -1) { throw new Sk(Hs) } this.b = this.b * 10 + c; ++d; do { c = tk(b[d], 10); if (c == -1) { if (b[d] == 32) { ++d; break } throw new Sk(Hs) } this.b = this.b * 10 + c; if (this.b < 0) { throw new Sk(Hs) } ++d } while (true); for (e = 0; e < Tn.length && b[d] == Tn[e]; ++d, ++e) { } if (e < Tn.length) { throw new Sk(Hs) } this.c = Vo(Ll(b, d, b.length - d)) }
function Em() { Em = rr; Cm = mc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, [-2147483648, 1162261467, 1073741824, 1220703125, 362797056, 1977326743, 1073741824, 387420489, 1000000000, 214358881, 429981696, 815730721, 1475789056, 170859375, 268435456, 410338673, 612220032, 893871739, 1280000000, 1801088541, 113379904, 148035889, 191102976, 244140625, 308915776, 387420489, 481890304, 594823321, 729000000, 887503681, 1073741824, 1291467969, 1544804416, 1838265625, 60466176]); Dm = mc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, [-1, -1, 31, 19, 15, 13, 11, 11, 10, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5]) }
function uf(a, b, c) { var d, e, f, g, i; d = a.f - b.f; if (b.b == 0 && b.g != -1 || a.b == 0 && a.g != -1 || c.b == 0) { return Qf(tf(a, b), c) } if ((a.e > 0 ? a.e : el((a.b - 1) * 0.3010299956639812) + 1) < d - 1) { e = b; g = a } else if ((b.e > 0 ? b.e : el((b.b - 1) * 0.3010299956639812) + 1) < -d - 1) { e = a; g = b } else { return Qf(tf(a, b), c) } if (c.b >= (e.e > 0 ? e.e : el((e.b - 1) * 0.3010299956639812) + 1)) { return Qf(tf(a, b), c) } f = e.r(); if (f == g.r()) { i = fn(lo((!e.d && (e.d = Li(e.g)), e.d), 10), Ki(ue(f))) } else { i = rn((!e.d && (e.d = Li(e.g)), e.d), Ki(ue(f))); i = fn(lo(i, 10), Ki(ue(f * 9))) } e = new og(i, e.f + 1); return Qf(e, c) }
function $f(a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, i, j; g = Hm((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), 0); if (a.f == 0) { return g } b = (!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d).r() < 0 ? 2 : 1; d = g.length; e = -a.f + d - b; j = new hm(g); if (a.f > 0 && e >= -6) { if (e >= 0) { em(j, d - Bc(a.f), ds) } else { ec(j.b, b - 1, b - 1, es); em(j, b + 1, Ll(ef, 0, -Bc(e) - 1)) } } else { c = d - b; i = Bc(e % 3); if (i != 0) { if ((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d).r() == 0) { i = i < 0 ? -i : 3 - i; e += i } else { i = i < 0 ? i + 3 : i; e -= i; b += i } if (c < 3) { for (f = i - c; f > 0; --f) { em(j, d++, Tr) } } } if (d - b >= 1) { ec(j.b, b, b, ds); ++d } if (e != 0) { ec(j.b, d, d, fs); e > 0 && em(j, ++d, gs); em(j, ++d, Lr + Ke(te(e))) } } return j.b.b }
function nm(a, b, c, d, e) { var f, g, i, j, k, n, o, q, r; if (a == null || c == null) { throw new jl } q = a.gC(); j = c.gC(); if ((q.c & 4) == 0 || (j.c & 4) == 0) { throw new rk('Must be array types') } o = q.b; g = j.b; if (!((o.c & 1) != 0 ? o == g : (g.c & 1) == 0)) { throw new rk('Array types must match') } r = a.length; k = c.length; if (b < 0 || d < 0 || e < 0 || b + e > r || d + e > k) { throw new Vk } if (((o.c & 1) == 0 || (o.c & 4) != 0) && q != j) { n = vc(a, 11); f = vc(c, 11); if (Ac(a) === Ac(c) && b < d) { b += e; for (i = d + e; i-- > d;) { nc(f, i, n[--b]) } } else { for (i = d + e; d < i;) { nc(f, d++, n[b++]) } } } else { Array.prototype.splice.apply(c, [d, e].concat(a.slice(b, b + e))) } }
function xo(a) { uo(); var b, c, d, e, f, g, i; f = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, to.length, 1); d = lc(Zd, { 6: 1 }, -1, 1024, 2); if (a.e == 1 && a.b[0] >= 0 && a.b[0] < to[to.length - 1]) { for (c = 0; a.b[0] >= to[c]; ++c) { } return so[c] } i = new si(1, a.e, lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, a.e + 1, 1)); nm(a.b, 0, i.b, 0, a.e); mi(a, 0) ? nn(i, 2) : (i.b[0] |= 1); e = i.ab(); for (b = 2; e < ro[b]; ++b) { } for (c = 0; c < to.length; ++c) { f[c] = bn(i, to[c]) - 1024 } while (true) { Cq(d, d.length); for (c = 0; c < to.length; ++c) { f[c] = (f[c] + 1024) % to[c]; e = f[c] == 0 ? 0 : to[c] - f[c]; for (; e < 1024; e += to[c]) { d[e] = true } } for (e = 0; e < 1024; ++e) { if (!d[e]) { g = Rh(i); nn(g, e); if (wo(g, b)) { return g } } } nn(i, 1024) } }
function Qo() { Qo = rr; Ho = new Ro('UP', 0); Bo = new Ro('DOWN', 1); Ao = new Ro('CEILING', 2); Co = new Ro('FLOOR', 3); Fo = new Ro('HALF_UP', 4); Do = new Ro('HALF_DOWN', 5); Eo = new Ro('HALF_EVEN', 6); Go = new Ro('UNNECESSARY', 7); zo = mc(Yd, { 6: 1 }, 19, [Ho, Bo, Ao, Co, Fo, Do, Eo, Go]); Io = mc(Md, { 6: 1 }, -1, [67, 69, 73, 76, 73, 78, 71]); Jo = mc(Md, { 6: 1 }, -1, [68, 79, 87, 78]); Ko = mc(Md, { 6: 1 }, -1, [70, 76, 79, 79, 82]); Lo = mc(Md, { 6: 1 }, -1, [72, 65, 76, 70, 95, 68, 79, 87, 78]); Mo = mc(Md, { 6: 1 }, -1, [72, 65, 76, 70, 95, 69, 86, 69, 78]); No = mc(Md, { 6: 1 }, -1, [72, 65, 76, 70, 95, 85, 80]); Oo = mc(Md, { 6: 1 }, -1, [85, 78, 78, 69, 67, 69, 83, 83, 65, 82, 89]); Po = mc(Md, { 6: 1 }, -1, [85, 80]) }
function wf(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k, n, o; k = (!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d); n = (!b.d && (b.d = Li(b.g)), b.d); c = a.f - b.f; g = 0; e = 1; i = kf.length - 1; if (b.b == 0 && b.g != -1) { throw new nk(_r) } if (k.r() == 0) { return Ig(c) } d = Yh(k, n); k = Th(k, d); n = Th(n, d); f = n.bb(); n = n.fb(f); do { o = Uh(n, kf[e]); if (o[1].r() == 0) { g += e; e < i && ++e; n = o[0] } else { if (e == 1) { break } e = 1 } } while (true); if (!n._().eQ((Oh(), Jh))) { throw new nk('Non-terminating decimal expansion; no exact representable decimal result') } n.r() < 0 && (k = k.cb()); j = Dg(c + (f > g ? f : g)); e = f - g; k = e > 0 ? (go(), e < eo.length ? lo(k, eo[e]) : e < bo.length ? ei(k, bo[e]) : ei(k, bo[1].db(e))) : k.eb(-e); return new dg(k, j) }
function ee(a, b, c) { var d, e, f, g, i, j; if (b.l == 0 && b.m == 0 && b.h == 0) { throw new nk('divide by zero') } if (a.l == 0 && a.m == 0 && a.h == 0) { c && (ae = de(0, 0, 0)); return de(0, 0, 0) } if (b.h == 524288 && b.m == 0 && b.l == 0) { return fe(a, c) } j = false; if (~~b.h >> 19 != 0) { b = Be(b); j = true } g = le(b); f = false; e = false; d = false; if (a.h == 524288 && a.m == 0 && a.l == 0) { e = true; f = true; if (g == -1) { a = ce((Qe(), Me)); d = true; j = !j } else { i = Fe(a, g); j && je(i); c && (ae = de(0, 0, 0)); return i } } else if (~~a.h >> 19 != 0) { f = true; a = Be(a); d = true; j = !j } if (g != -1) { return ge(a, g, j, f, c) } if (!we(a, b)) { c && (f ? (ae = Be(a)) : (ae = de(a.l, a.m, a.h))); return de(0, 0, 0) } return he(d ? a : de(a.l, a.m, a.h), b, j, f, e, c) }
function An(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k; e = Zh(a); f = Zh(b); if (e >= b.e) { return a } j = gl(a.e, b.e); d = e; if (f > e) { i = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, j, 1); g = hl(a.e, f); for (; d < g; ++d) { i[d] = a.b[d] } if (d == a.e) { for (d = f; d < b.e; ++d) { i[d] = b.b[d] } } } else { c = -a.b[e] & ~b.b[e]; if (c == 0) { g = hl(b.e, a.e); for (++d; d < g && (c = ~(a.b[d] | b.b[d])) == 0; ++d) { } if (c == 0) { for (; d < b.e && (c = ~b.b[d]) == 0; ++d) { } for (; d < a.e && (c = ~a.b[d]) == 0; ++d) { } if (c == 0) { ++j; i = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, j, 1); i[j - 1] = 1; k = new si(-1, j, i); return k } } } i = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, j, 1); i[d] = -c; ++d } g = hl(b.e, a.e); for (; d < g; ++d) { i[d] = a.b[d] | b.b[d] } for (; d < a.e; ++d) { i[d] = a.b[d] } for (; d < b.e; ++d) { i[d] = b.b[d] } k = new si(-1, j, i); return k }
function Lj(a) { var b = []; for (var c in a) { var d = typeof a[c]; d != ws ? (b[b.length] = d) : a[c] instanceof Array ? (b[b.length] = js) : $wnd && $wnd.bigdecimal && $wnd.bigdecimal.BigInteger && a[c] instanceof $wnd.bigdecimal.BigInteger ? (b[b.length] = is) : $wnd && $wnd.bigdecimal && $wnd.bigdecimal.BigDecimal && a[c] instanceof $wnd.bigdecimal.BigDecimal ? (b[b.length] = ps) : $wnd && $wnd.bigdecimal && $wnd.bigdecimal.RoundingMode && a[c] instanceof $wnd.bigdecimal.RoundingMode ? (b[b.length] = xs) : $wnd && $wnd.bigdecimal && $wnd.bigdecimal.MathContext && a[c] instanceof $wnd.bigdecimal.MathContext ? (b[b.length] = os) : (b[b.length] = ws) } return b.join(ys) }
function Ae(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k, n, o, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, A, B, C, D, E, F, G; c = a.l & 8191; d = ~~a.l >> 13 | (a.m & 15) << 9; e = ~~a.m >> 4 & 8191; f = ~~a.m >> 17 | (a.h & 255) << 5; g = ~~(a.h & 1048320) >> 8; i = b.l & 8191; j = ~~b.l >> 13 | (b.m & 15) << 9; k = ~~b.m >> 4 & 8191; n = ~~b.m >> 17 | (b.h & 255) << 5; o = ~~(b.h & 1048320) >> 8; C = c * i; D = d * i; E = e * i; F = f * i; G = g * i; if (j != 0) { D += c * j; E += d * j; F += e * j; G += f * j } if (k != 0) { E += c * k; F += d * k; G += e * k } if (n != 0) { F += c * n; G += d * n } o != 0 && (G += c * o); r = C & 4194303; s = (D & 511) << 13; q = r + s; u = ~~C >> 22; v = ~~D >> 9; w = (E & 262143) << 4; x = (F & 31) << 17; t = u + v + w + x; z = ~~E >> 18; A = ~~F >> 5; B = (G & 4095) << 8; y = z + A + B; t += ~~q >> 22; q &= 4194303; y += ~~t >> 22; t &= 4194303; y &= 1048575; return de(q, t, y) }
function zf(a, b, c) { var d, e, f, g, i, j, k, n; n = Ie(pe(ue(c.b), vr)) + (b.e > 0 ? b.e : el((b.b - 1) * 0.3010299956639812) + 1) - (a.e > 0 ? a.e : el((a.b - 1) * 0.3010299956639812) + 1); e = a.f - b.f; j = e; f = 1; i = nf.length - 1; k = mc(Xd, { 6: 1 }, 17, [(!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d)]); if (c.b == 0 || a.b == 0 && a.g != -1 || b.b == 0 && b.g != -1) { return wf(a, b) } if (n > 0) { nc(k, 0, ei((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), po(n))); j += n } k = Uh(k[0], (!b.d && (b.d = Li(b.g)), b.d)); g = k[0]; if (k[1].r() != 0) { d = Qh(ki(k[1]), (!b.d && (b.d = Li(b.g)), b.d)); g = fn(ei(g, (Oh(), Lh)), Ki(ue(k[0].r() * (5 + d)))); ++j } else { while (!g.gb(0)) { k = Uh(g, nf[f]); if (k[1].r() == 0 && j - f >= e) { j -= f; f < i && ++f; g = k[0] } else { if (f == 1) { break } f = 1 } } } return new eg(g, Dg(j), c) }
function Wm(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k, n, o, q; if (a.f == 0) { throw new nk(vs) } if (!b.gb(0)) { return Vm(a, b) } f = b.e * 32; o = Rh(b); q = Rh(a); g = gl(q.e, o.e); j = new si(1, 1, lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, g + 1, 1)); k = new si(1, 1, lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, g + 1, 1)); k.b[0] = 1; c = 0; d = o.bb(); e = q.bb(); if (d > e) { vm(o, d); vm(q, e); um(j, e); c += d - e } else { vm(o, d); vm(q, e); um(k, d); c += e - d } j.f = 1; while (q.r() > 0) { while (Qh(o, q) > 0) { pn(o, q); n = o.bb(); vm(o, n); mn(j, k); um(k, n); c += n } while (Qh(o, q) <= 0) { pn(q, o); if (q.r() == 0) { break } n = q.bb(); vm(q, n); mn(k, j); um(j, n); c += n } } if (!(o.e == 1 && o.b[0] == 1)) { throw new nk(vs) } Qh(j, b) >= 0 && pn(j, b); j = rn(b, j); i = Jm(b); if (c > f) { j = Ym(j, (Oh(), Jh), b, i); c = c - f } j = Ym(j, Ai(f - c), b, i); return j }
function Xf(a, b) { var c; c = a.f - b.f; if (a.b == 0 && a.g != -1) { if (c <= 0) { return Mf(b) } if (b.b == 0 && b.g != -1) { return a } } else if (b.b == 0 && b.g != -1) { if (c >= 0) { return a } } if (c == 0) { if (gl(a.b, b.b) + 1 < 54) { return new pg(a.g - b.g, a.f) } return new og(rn((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), (!b.d && (b.d = Li(b.g)), b.d)), a.f) } else if (c > 0) { if (c < hf.length && gl(a.b, b.b + jf[Bc(c)]) + 1 < 54) { return new pg(a.g - b.g * hf[Bc(c)], a.f) } return new og(rn((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), mo((!b.d && (b.d = Li(b.g)), b.d), Bc(c))), a.f) } else { c = -c; if (c < hf.length && gl(a.b + jf[Bc(c)], b.b) + 1 < 54) { return new pg(a.g * hf[Bc(c)] - b.g, b.f) } return new og(rn(mo((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), Bc(c)), (!b.d && (b.d = Li(b.g)), b.d)), b.f) } }
function Df(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i, j; mc(Xd, { 6: 1 }, 17, [(!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d)]); f = a.f - b.f; j = 0; c = 1; e = nf.length - 1; if (b.b == 0 && b.g != -1) { throw new nk(_r) } if ((b.e > 0 ? b.e : el((b.b - 1) * 0.3010299956639812) + 1) + f > (a.e > 0 ? a.e : el((a.b - 1) * 0.3010299956639812) + 1) + 1 || a.b == 0 && a.g != -1) { d = (Oh(), Nh) } else if (f == 0) { d = Th((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), (!b.d && (b.d = Li(b.g)), b.d)) } else if (f > 0) { g = po(f); d = Th((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), ei((!b.d && (b.d = Li(b.g)), b.d), g)); d = ei(d, g) } else { g = po(-f); d = Th(ei((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), g), (!b.d && (b.d = Li(b.g)), b.d)); while (!d.gb(0)) { i = Uh(d, nf[c]); if (i[1].r() == 0 && j - c >= f) { j -= c; c < e && ++c; d = i[0] } else { if (c == 1) { break } c = 1 } } f = j } return d.r() == 0 ? Ig(f) : new dg(d, Dg(f)) }
function Fm(a, b) { Em(); var c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k, n, o, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x; u = a.f; o = a.e; i = a.b; if (u == 0) { return Tr } if (o == 1) { j = i[0]; x = qe(ue(j), yr); u < 0 && (x = Be(x)); return cl(x, b) } if (b == 10 || b < 2 || b > 36) { return Hm(a, 0) } d = Math.log(b) / Math.log(2); s = Bc(sm(new Pi(a.f < 0 ? new si(1, a.e, a.b) : a)) / d + (u < 0 ? 1 : 0)) + 1; t = lc(Md, { 6: 1 }, -1, s, 1); f = s; if (b != 16) { v = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, o, 1); nm(i, 0, v, 0, o); w = o; e = Dm[b]; c = Cm[b - 2]; while (true) { r = Mm(v, v, w, c); q = f; do { t[--f] = uk(r % b, b) } while ((r = ~~(r / b)) != 0 && f != 0); g = e - q + f; for (k = 0; k < g && f > 0; ++k) { t[--f] = 48 } for (k = w - 1; k > 0 && v[k] == 0; --k) { } w = k + 1; if (w == 1 && v[0] == 0) { break } } } else { for (k = 0; k < o; ++k) { for (n = 0; n < 8 && f > 0; ++n) { r = ~~i[k] >> (n << 2) & 15; t[--f] = uk(r, 16) } } } while (t[f] == 48) { ++f } u == -1 && (t[--f] = 45); return Ll(t, f, s - f) }
function Km(a, b, c, d, e, f) { var g, i, j, k, n, o, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, A; u = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, d + 1, 1); v = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, f + 1, 1); j = $k(e[f - 1]); if (j != 0) { xm(v, e, 0, j); xm(u, c, 0, j) } else { nm(c, 0, u, 0, d); nm(e, 0, v, 0, f) } k = v[f - 1]; o = b - 1; q = d; while (o >= 0) { if (u[q] == k) { n = -1 } else { w = pe(Ee(qe(ue(u[q]), yr), 32), qe(ue(u[q - 1]), yr)); z = Nm(w, k); n = Je(z); y = Je(Fe(z, 32)); if (n != 0) { x = false; ++n; do { --n; if (x) { break } s = Ae(qe(ue(n), yr), qe(ue(v[f - 2]), yr)); A = pe(Ee(ue(y), 32), qe(ue(u[q - 2]), yr)); t = pe(qe(ue(y), yr), qe(ue(k), yr)); $k(Je(Ge(t, 32))) < 32 ? (x = true) : (y = Je(t)) } while (ve(Le(s, Gr), Le(A, Gr))) } } if (n != 0) { g = $m(u, q - f, v, f, n); if (g != 0) { --n; i = ur; for (r = 0; r < f; ++r) { i = pe(i, pe(qe(ue(u[q - f + r]), yr), qe(ue(v[r]), yr))); u[q - f + r] = Je(i); i = Ge(i, 32) } } } a != null && (a[o] = n); --q; --o } if (j != 0) { Am(v, f, u, 0, j); return v } nm(u, 0, v, 0, f); return u }
function Vm(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k, n, o, q; f = gl(a.e, b.e); n = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, f + 1, 1); q = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, f + 1, 1); nm(b.b, 0, n, 0, b.e); nm(a.b, 0, q, 0, a.e); k = new si(b.f, b.e, n); o = new si(a.f, a.e, q); i = new si(0, 1, lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, f + 1, 1)); j = new si(1, 1, lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, f + 1, 1)); j.b[0] = 1; c = 0; d = 0; g = b.ab(); while (!Um(k, c) && !Um(o, d)) { e = Sm(k, g); if (e != 0) { um(k, e); if (c >= d) { um(i, e) } else { vm(j, d - c < e ? d - c : e); e - (d - c) > 0 && um(i, e - d + c) } c += e } e = Sm(o, g); if (e != 0) { um(o, e); if (d >= c) { um(j, e) } else { vm(i, c - d < e ? c - d : e); e - (c - d) > 0 && um(j, e - c + d) } d += e } if (k.r() == o.r()) { if (c <= d) { ln(k, o); ln(i, j) } else { ln(o, k); ln(j, i) } } else { if (c <= d) { kn(k, o); kn(i, j) } else { kn(o, k); kn(j, i) } } if (o.r() == 0 || k.r() == 0) { throw new nk(vs) } } if (Um(o, d)) { i = j; o.r() != k.r() && (k = k.cb()) } k.gb(g) && (i.r() < 0 ? (i = i.cb()) : (i = rn(b, i))); i.r() < 0 && (i = fn(i, b)); return i }
function We() { var c = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var d = function (a) { return parseInt(a[1]) * 1000 + parseInt(a[2]) }; if (function () { return c.indexOf(Wr) != -1 }()) return Wr; if (function () { return c.indexOf('webkit') != -1 || function () { if (c.indexOf('chromeframe') != -1) { return true } if (typeof window['ActiveXObject'] != Xr) { try { var b = new ActiveXObject('ChromeTab.ChromeFrame'); if (b) { b.registerBhoIfNeeded(); return true } } catch (a) { } } return false }() }()) return Sr; if (function () { return c.indexOf(Yr) != -1 && $doc.documentMode >= 9 }()) return 'ie9'; if (function () { return c.indexOf(Yr) != -1 && $doc.documentMode >= 8 }()) return 'ie8'; if (function () { var a = /msie ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/.exec(c); if (a && a.length == 3) return d(a) >= 6000 }()) return 'ie6'; if (function () { return c.indexOf('gecko') != -1 }()) return 'gecko1_8'; return 'unknown' }
function Kn(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k; j = gl(b.e, a.e); e = Zh(b); f = Zh(a); if (e < f) { i = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, j, 1); d = e; i[e] = b.b[e]; g = hl(b.e, f); for (++d; d < g; ++d) { i[d] = b.b[d] } if (d == b.e) { for (; d < a.e; ++d) { i[d] = a.b[d] } } } else if (f < e) { i = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, j, 1); d = f; i[f] = -a.b[f]; g = hl(a.e, e); for (++d; d < g; ++d) { i[d] = ~a.b[d] } if (d == e) { i[d] = ~(a.b[d] ^ -b.b[d]); ++d } else { for (; d < e; ++d) { i[d] = -1 } for (; d < b.e; ++d) { i[d] = b.b[d] } } } else { d = e; c = a.b[e] ^ -b.b[e]; if (c == 0) { g = hl(a.e, b.e); for (++d; d < g && (c = a.b[d] ^ ~b.b[d]) == 0; ++d) { } if (c == 0) { for (; d < a.e && (c = ~a.b[d]) == 0; ++d) { } for (; d < b.e && (c = ~b.b[d]) == 0; ++d) { } if (c == 0) { j = j + 1; i = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, j, 1); i[j - 1] = 1; k = new si(-1, j, i); return k } } } i = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, j, 1); i[d] = -c; ++d } g = hl(b.e, a.e); for (; d < g; ++d) { i[d] = ~(~b.b[d] ^ a.b[d]) } for (; d < a.e; ++d) { i[d] = a.b[d] } for (; d < b.e; ++d) { i[d] = b.b[d] } k = new si(-1, j, i); Sh(k); return k }
function rf() { rf = rr; var a, b; lf = new qg(sr, 0); mf = new qg(tr, 0); of = new qg(ur, 0); df = lc(Wd, { 6: 1 }, 16, 11, 0); ef = lc(Md, { 6: 1 }, -1, 100, 1); ff = mc(Nd, { 6: 1 }, -1, [1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, 15625, 78125, 390625, 1953125, 9765625, 48828125, 244140625, 1220703125, 6103515625, 30517578125, 152587890625, 762939453125, 3814697265625, 19073486328125, 95367431640625, 476837158203125, 2384185791015625]); gf = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, ff.length, 1); hf = mc(Nd, { 6: 1 }, -1, [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000, 10000000000, 100000000000, 1000000000000, 10000000000000, 100000000000000, 1000000000000000, 10000000000000000]); jf = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, hf.length, 1); pf = lc(Wd, { 6: 1 }, 16, 11, 0); a = 0; for (; a < pf.length; ++a) { nc(df, a, new qg(ue(a), 0)); nc(pf, a, new qg(ur, a)); ef[a] = 48 } for (; a < ef.length; ++a) { ef[a] = 48 } for (b = 0; b < gf.length; ++b) { gf[b] = sg(ff[b]) } for (b = 0; b < jf.length; ++b) { jf[b] = sg(hf[b]) } nf = (go(), co); kf = bo }
function Hf(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k, n, o; c = 0; i = 0; g = b.length; n = new gm(b.length); if (0 < g && b.charCodeAt(0) == 43) { ++i; ++c; if (i < g && (b.charCodeAt(i) == 43 || b.charCodeAt(i) == 45)) { throw new pl(Zr + b + $r) } } e = 0; o = false; for (; i < g && b.charCodeAt(i) != 46 && b.charCodeAt(i) != 101 && b.charCodeAt(i) != 69; ++i) { o || (b.charCodeAt(i) == 48 ? ++e : (o = true)) } am(n, b, c, i); if (i < g && b.charCodeAt(i) == 46) { ++i; c = i; for (; i < g && b.charCodeAt(i) != 101 && b.charCodeAt(i) != 69; ++i) { o || (b.charCodeAt(i) == 48 ? ++e : (o = true)) } a.f = i - c; am(n, b, c, i) } else { a.f = 0 } if (i < g && (b.charCodeAt(i) == 101 || b.charCodeAt(i) == 69)) { ++i; c = i; if (i < g && b.charCodeAt(i) == 43) { ++i; i < g && b.charCodeAt(i) != 45 && ++c } j = b.substr(c, g - c); a.f = a.f - af(j, 10); if (a.f != Bc(a.f)) { throw new pl('Scale out of range.') } } k = n.b.b; if (k.length < 16) { a.g = zg(k); if (Hk(a.g)) { throw new pl(Zr + b + $r) } a.b = sg(a.g) } else { Tf(a, new oi(k)) } a.e = n.b.b.length - e; for (f = 0; f < n.b.b.length; ++f) { d = vl(n.b.b, f); if (d != 45 && d != 48) { break } --a.e } }
function Im(a, b) { Em(); var c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k, n, o; g = xe(a, ur); g && (a = Be(a)); if (se(a, ur)) { switch (b) { case 0: return Tr; case 1: return zs; case 2: return As; case 3: return Bs; case 4: return Cs; case 5: return Ds; case 6: return Es; default: k = new fm; b < 0 ? (k.b.b += Fs, k) : (k.b.b += Gs, k); cc(k.b, b == -2147483648 ? '2147483648' : Lr + -b); return k.b.b; } } j = lc(Md, { 6: 1 }, -1, 19, 1); c = 18; o = a; do { i = o; o = re(o, tr); j[--c] = Je(pe(Cr, He(i, Ae(o, tr)))) & 65535 } while (Ce(o, ur)); d = He(He(He(Dr, ue(c)), ue(b)), sr); if (b == 0) { g && (j[--c] = 45); return Ll(j, c, 18 - c) } if (b > 0 && we(d, Er)) { if (we(d, ur)) { e = c + Je(d); for (f = 17; f >= e; --f) { j[f + 1] = j[f] } j[++e] = 46; g && (j[--c] = 45); return Ll(j, c, 18 - c + 1) } for (f = 2; xe(ue(f), pe(Be(d), sr)); ++f) { j[--c] = 48 } j[--c] = 46; j[--c] = 48; g && (j[--c] = 45); return Ll(j, c, 18 - c) } n = c + 1; k = new gm; g && (k.b.b += Ur, k); if (18 - n >= 1) { Zl(k, j[c]); k.b.b += ds; dc(k.b, Ll(j, c + 1, 18 - c - 1)) } else { dc(k.b, Ll(j, c, 18 - c)) } k.b.b += fs; ve(d, ur) && (k.b.b += gs, k); cc(k.b, Lr + Ke(d)); return k.b.b }
function Ef(a, b, c) { var d, e, f, g, i, j, k, n, o, q, r, s, t; n = c.b; e = Pf(a) - b.q(); k = nf.length - 1; f = a.f - b.f; o = f; r = e - f + 1; q = lc(Xd, { 6: 1 }, 17, 2, 0); if (n == 0 || a.b == 0 && a.g != -1 || b.b == 0 && b.g != -1) { return Df(a, b) } if (r <= 0) { nc(q, 0, (Oh(), Nh)) } else if (f == 0) { nc(q, 0, Th((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), (!b.d && (b.d = Li(b.g)), b.d))) } else if (f > 0) { nc(q, 0, Th((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), ei((!b.d && (b.d = Li(b.g)), b.d), po(f)))); o = f < (n - r + 1 > 0 ? n - r + 1 : 0) ? f : n - r + 1 > 0 ? n - r + 1 : 0; nc(q, 0, ei(q[0], po(o))) } else { g = -f < (n - e > 0 ? n - e : 0) ? -f : n - e > 0 ? n - e : 0; q = Uh(ei((!a.d && (a.d = Li(a.g)), a.d), po(g)), (!b.d && (b.d = Li(b.g)), b.d)); o += g; g = -o; if (q[1].r() != 0 && g > 0) { d = (new cg(q[1])).q() + g - b.q(); if (d == 0) { nc(q, 1, Th(ei(q[1], po(g)), (!b.d && (b.d = Li(b.g)), b.d))); d = dl(q[1].r()) } if (d > 0) { throw new nk(as) } } } if (q[0].r() == 0) { return Ig(f) } t = q[0]; j = new cg(q[0]); s = j.q(); i = 1; while (!t.gb(0)) { q = Uh(t, nf[i]); if (q[1].r() == 0 && (s - i >= n || o - i >= f)) { s -= i; o -= i; i < k && ++i; t = q[0] } else { if (i == 1) { break } i = 1 } } if (s > n) { throw new nk(as) } j.f = Dg(o); Tf(j, t); return j }
function Ve() { var a, b, c; b = $doc.compatMode; a = mc(Vd, { 6: 1 }, 1, [Vr]); for (c = 0; c < a.length; ++c) { if (wl(a[c], b)) { return } } a.length == 1 && wl(Vr, a[0]) && wl('BackCompat', b) ? "GWT no longer supports Quirks Mode (document.compatMode=' BackCompat').<br>Make sure your application's host HTML page has a Standards Mode (document.compatMode=' CSS1Compat') doctype,<br>e.g. by using <!doctype html> at the start of your application's HTML page.<br><br>To continue using this unsupported rendering mode and risk layout problems, suppress this message by adding<br>the following line to your*.gwt.xml module file:<br> <extend-configuration-property name=\"document.compatMode\" value=\"" + b + '"/>' : "Your *.gwt.xml module configuration prohibits the use of the current doucment rendering mode (document.compatMode=' " + b + "').<br>Modify your application's host HTML page doctype, or update your custom 'document.compatMode' configuration property settings." }
function Lg(a) { rf(); var b, c; c = Lj(a); if (c == is) b = new cg(new oi(a[0].toString())); else if (c == 'BigInteger number') b = new dg(new oi(a[0].toString()), a[1]); else if (c == 'BigInteger number MathContext') b = new eg(new oi(a[0].toString()), a[1], new Yn(a[2].toString())); else if (c == 'BigInteger MathContext') b = new fg(new oi(a[0].toString()), new Yn(a[1].toString())); else if (c == js) b = new gg(Cl(a[0].toString())); else if (c == 'array number number') b = new hg(Cl(a[0].toString()), a[1], a[2]); else if (c == 'array number number MathContext') b = new ig(Cl(a[0].toString()), a[1], a[2], new Yn(a[3].toString())); else if (c == 'array MathContext') b = new jg(Cl(a[0].toString()), new Yn(a[1].toString())); else if (c == ks) b = new kg(a[0]); else if (c == ls) b = new lg(a[0], new Yn(a[1].toString())); else if (c == ms) b = new mg(a[0].toString()); else if (c == 'string MathContext') b = new ng(a[0].toString(), new Yn(a[1].toString())); else throw new V('Unknown call signature for obj = new java.math.BigDecimal: ' + c); return new Kg(b) }
function uo() { uo = rr; var a; ro = mc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, [0, 0, 1854, 1233, 927, 747, 627, 543, 480, 431, 393, 361, 335, 314, 295, 279, 265, 253, 242, 232, 223, 216, 181, 169, 158, 150, 145, 140, 136, 132, 127, 123, 119, 114, 110, 105, 101, 96, 92, 87, 83, 78, 73, 69, 64, 59, 54, 49, 44, 38, 32, 26, 1]); to = mc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541, 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601, 607, 613, 617, 619, 631, 641, 643, 647, 653, 659, 661, 673, 677, 683, 691, 701, 709, 719, 727, 733, 739, 743, 751, 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797, 809, 811, 821, 823, 827, 829, 839, 853, 857, 859, 863, 877, 881, 883, 887, 907, 911, 919, 929, 937, 941, 947, 953, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991, 997, 1009, 1013, 1019, 1021]); so = lc(Xd, { 6: 1 }, 17, to.length, 0); for (a = 0; a < to.length; ++a) { nc(so, a, Ki(ue(to[a]))) } }
function Xj() { nr(rs, Lr); if ($wnd.bigdecimal.MathContext) { var b = $wnd.bigdecimal.MathContext } $wnd.bigdecimal.MathContext = Jr(function () { if (arguments.length == 1 && arguments[0] != null && arguments[0].gC() == Uc) { this.__gwt_instance = arguments[0] } else if (arguments.length == 0) { this.__gwt_instance = new Nj; or(this.__gwt_instance, this) } else if (arguments.length == 1) { this.__gwt_instance = Zj(arguments[0]); or(this.__gwt_instance, this) } }); var c = $wnd.bigdecimal.MathContext.prototype = new Object; if (b) { for (p in b) { $wnd.bigdecimal.MathContext[p] = b[p] } } c.getPrecision = jr(Number, Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.Hb(); return a })); c.getRoundingMode = Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.Ib(); return pr(a) }); c.hashCode = jr(Number, Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.hC(); return a })); c.toString = Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.tS(); return a }); $wnd.bigdecimal.MathContext.DECIMAL128 = Jr(function () { var a = new Oj(Wn((Un(), On))); return pr(a) }); $wnd.bigdecimal.MathContext.DECIMAL32 = Jr(function () { var a = new Oj(Wn((Un(), Pn))); return pr(a) }); $wnd.bigdecimal.MathContext.DECIMAL64 = Jr(function () { var a = new Oj(Wn((Un(), Qn))); return pr(a) }); $wnd.bigdecimal.MathContext.UNLIMITED = Jr(function () { var a = new Oj(Wn((Un(), Rn))); return pr(a) }); mr(Uc, $wnd.bigdecimal.MathContext) }
function Hm(a, b) { Em(); var c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k, n, o, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, A, B, C, D, E; z = a.f; q = a.e; e = a.b; if (z == 0) { switch (b) { case 0: return Tr; case 1: return zs; case 2: return As; case 3: return Bs; case 4: return Cs; case 5: return Ds; case 6: return Es; default: x = new fm; b < 0 ? (x.b.b += Fs, x) : (x.b.b += Gs, x); ac(x.b, -b); return x.b.b; } } v = q * 10 + 1 + 7; w = lc(Md, { 6: 1 }, -1, v + 1, 1); c = v; if (q == 1) { g = e[0]; if (g < 0) { E = qe(ue(g), yr); do { r = E; E = re(E, tr); w[--c] = 48 + Je(He(r, Ae(E, tr))) & 65535 } while (Ce(E, ur)) } else { E = g; do { r = E; E = ~~(E / 10); w[--c] = 48 + (r - E * 10) & 65535 } while (E != 0) } } else { B = lc(Od, { 6: 1 }, -1, q, 1); D = q; nm(e, 0, B, 0, q); F: while (true) { y = ur; for (j = D - 1; j >= 0; --j) { C = pe(Ee(y, 32), qe(ue(B[j]), yr)); t = Gm(C); B[j] = Je(t); y = ue(Je(Fe(t, 32))) } u = Je(y); s = c; do { w[--c] = 48 + u % 10 & 65535 } while ((u = ~~(u / 10)) != 0 && c != 0); d = 9 - s + c; for (i = 0; i < d && c > 0; ++i) { w[--c] = 48 } n = D - 1; for (; B[n] == 0; --n) { if (n == 0) { break F } } D = n + 1 } while (w[c] == 48) { ++c } } o = z < 0; f = v - c - b - 1; if (b == 0) { o && (w[--c] = 45); return Ll(w, c, v - c) } if (b > 0 && f >= -6) { if (f >= 0) { k = c + f; for (n = v - 1; n >= k; --n) { w[n + 1] = w[n] } w[++k] = 46; o && (w[--c] = 45); return Ll(w, c, v - c + 1) } for (n = 2; n < -f + 1; ++n) { w[--c] = 48 } w[--c] = 46; w[--c] = 48; o && (w[--c] = 45); return Ll(w, c, v - c) } A = c + 1; x = new gm; o && (x.b.b += Ur, x); if (v - A >= 1) { Zl(x, w[c]); x.b.b += ds; dc(x.b, Ll(w, c + 1, v - c - 1)) } else { dc(x.b, Ll(w, c, v - c)) } x.b.b += fs; f > 0 && (x.b.b += gs, x); cc(x.b, Lr + f); return x.b.b }
function jk() { nr(rs, Lr); if ($wnd.bigdecimal.RoundingMode) { var c = $wnd.bigdecimal.RoundingMode } $wnd.bigdecimal.RoundingMode = Jr(function () { if (arguments.length == 1 && arguments[0] != null && arguments[0].gC() == Wc) { this.__gwt_instance = arguments[0] } else if (arguments.length == 0) { this.__gwt_instance = new ak; or(this.__gwt_instance, this) } }); var d = $wnd.bigdecimal.RoundingMode.prototype = new Object; if (c) { for (p in c) { $wnd.bigdecimal.RoundingMode[p] = c[p] } } $wnd.bigdecimal.RoundingMode.valueOf = Jr(function (a) { var b = new bk((Qo(), Ok((Yo(), Xo), a))); return pr(b) }); $wnd.bigdecimal.RoundingMode.values = Jr(function () { var a = fk(); return qr(a) }); d.name = Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.Jb(); return a }); d.toString = Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.tS(); return a }); $wnd.bigdecimal.RoundingMode.CEILING = Jr(function () { var a = new bk((Qo(), Ao)); return pr(a) }); $wnd.bigdecimal.RoundingMode.DOWN = Jr(function () { var a = new bk((Qo(), Bo)); return pr(a) }); $wnd.bigdecimal.RoundingMode.FLOOR = Jr(function () { var a = new bk((Qo(), Co)); return pr(a) }); $wnd.bigdecimal.RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN = Jr(function () { var a = new bk((Qo(), Do)); return pr(a) }); $wnd.bigdecimal.RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN = Jr(function () { var a = new bk((Qo(), Eo)); return pr(a) }); $wnd.bigdecimal.RoundingMode.HALF_UP = Jr(function () { var a = new bk((Qo(), Fo)); return pr(a) }); $wnd.bigdecimal.RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY = Jr(function () { var a = new bk((Qo(), Go)); return pr(a) }); $wnd.bigdecimal.RoundingMode.UP = Jr(function () { var a = new bk((Qo(), Ho)); return pr(a) }); mr(Wc, $wnd.bigdecimal.RoundingMode) }
function Hj() { nr(rs, Lr); if ($wnd.bigdecimal.BigInteger) { var d = $wnd.bigdecimal.BigInteger } $wnd.bigdecimal.BigInteger = Jr(function () { if (arguments.length == 1 && arguments[0] != null && arguments[0].gC() == Sc) { this.__gwt_instance = arguments[0] } else if (arguments.length == 0) { this.__gwt_instance = new Ni; or(this.__gwt_instance, this) } else if (arguments.length == 1) { this.__gwt_instance = Jj(arguments[0]); or(this.__gwt_instance, this) } }); var e = $wnd.bigdecimal.BigInteger.prototype = new Object; if (d) { for (p in d) { $wnd.bigdecimal.BigInteger[p] = d[p] } } $wnd.bigdecimal.BigInteger.__init__ = Jr(function (a) { var b = Qi(a); return pr(b) }); e.abs = Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance._(); return pr(a) }); e.add = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.hb(a.__gwt_instance); return pr(b) }); e.and = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.ib(a.__gwt_instance); return pr(b) }); e.andNot = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.jb(a.__gwt_instance); return pr(b) }); e.bitCount = jr(Number, Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.kb(); return a })); e.bitLength = jr(Number, Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.ab(); return a })); e.clearBit = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.lb(a); return pr(b) }); e.compareTo = jr(Number, Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.mb(a.__gwt_instance); return b })); e.divide = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.nb(a.__gwt_instance); return pr(b) }); e.doubleValue = jr(Number, Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.z(); return a })); e.equals = jr(Number, Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.eQ(a); return b })); e.flipBit = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.pb(a); return pr(b) }); e.floatValue = jr(Number, Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.A(); return a })); e.gcd = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.qb(a.__gwt_instance); return pr(b) }); e.getLowestSetBit = jr(Number, Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.bb(); return a })); e.hashCode = jr(Number, Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.hC(); return a })); e.intValue = jr(Number, Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.B(); return a })); e.isProbablePrime = jr(Number, Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.rb(a); return b })); e.max = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.tb(a.__gwt_instance); return pr(b) }); e.min = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.ub(a.__gwt_instance); return pr(b) }); e.mod = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.vb(a.__gwt_instance); return pr(b) }); e.modInverse = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.wb(a.__gwt_instance); return pr(b) }); e.modPow = Jr(function (a, b) { var c = this.__gwt_instance.xb(a.__gwt_instance, b.__gwt_instance); return pr(c) }); e.multiply = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.yb(a.__gwt_instance); return pr(b) }); e.negate = Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.cb(); return pr(a) }); e.nextProbablePrime = Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.zb(); return pr(a) }); e.not = Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.Ab(); return pr(a) }); e.or = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.Bb(a.__gwt_instance); return pr(b) }); e.pow = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.db(a); return pr(b) }); e.remainder = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.Cb(a.__gwt_instance); return pr(b) }); e.setBit = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.Db(a); return pr(b) }); e.shiftLeft = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.eb(a); return pr(b) }); e.shiftRight = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.fb(a); return pr(b) }); e.signum = jr(Number, Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.r(); return a })); e.subtract = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.Eb(a.__gwt_instance); return pr(b) }); e.testBit = jr(Number, Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.gb(a); return b })); e.toString_va = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.Fb(a); return b }); e.xor = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.Gb(a.__gwt_instance); return pr(b) }); e.divideAndRemainder = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.ob(a.__gwt_instance); return qr(b) }); e.longValue = jr(Number, Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.sb(); return a })); $wnd.bigdecimal.BigInteger.valueOf = Jr(function (a) { var b = (Oh(), new Pi(Ki(te(a)))); return pr(b) }); $wnd.bigdecimal.BigInteger.ONE = Jr(function () { var a = (Oh(), new Pi(Jh)); return pr(a) }); $wnd.bigdecimal.BigInteger.TEN = Jr(function () { var a = (Oh(), new Pi(Lh)); return pr(a) }); $wnd.bigdecimal.BigInteger.ZERO = Jr(function () { var a = (Oh(), new Pi(Nh)); return pr(a) }); mr(Sc, $wnd.bigdecimal.BigInteger) }
function Dh() { nr(rs, Lr); if ($wnd.bigdecimal.BigDecimal) { var c = $wnd.bigdecimal.BigDecimal } $wnd.bigdecimal.BigDecimal = Jr(function () { if (arguments.length == 1 && arguments[0] != null && arguments[0].gC() == Qc) { this.__gwt_instance = arguments[0] } else if (arguments.length == 0) { this.__gwt_instance = new Jg; or(this.__gwt_instance, this) } }); var d = $wnd.bigdecimal.BigDecimal.prototype = new Object; if (c) { for (p in c) { $wnd.bigdecimal.BigDecimal[p] = c[p] } } $wnd.bigdecimal.BigDecimal.ROUND_CEILING = 2; $wnd.bigdecimal.BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN = 1; $wnd.bigdecimal.BigDecimal.ROUND_FLOOR = 3; $wnd.bigdecimal.BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN = 5; $wnd.bigdecimal.BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN = 6; $wnd.bigdecimal.BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP = 4; $wnd.bigdecimal.BigDecimal.ROUND_UNNECESSARY = 7; $wnd.bigdecimal.BigDecimal.ROUND_UP = 0; $wnd.bigdecimal.BigDecimal.__init__ = Jr(function (a) { var b = Lg(a); return pr(b) }); d.abs_va = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.s(a); return pr(b) }); d.add_va = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.t(a); return pr(b) }); d.byteValueExact = jr(Number, Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.u(); return a })); d.compareTo = jr(Number, Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.v(a.__gwt_instance); return b })); d.divide_va = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.y(a); return pr(b) }); d.divideToIntegralValue_va = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.x(a); return pr(b) }); d.doubleValue = jr(Number, Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.z(); return a })); d.equals = jr(Number, Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.eQ(a); return b })); d.floatValue = jr(Number, Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.A(); return a })); d.hashCode = jr(Number, Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.hC(); return a })); d.intValue = jr(Number, Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.B(); return a })); d.intValueExact = jr(Number, Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.C(); return a })); d.max = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.F(a.__gwt_instance); return pr(b) }); d.min = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.G(a.__gwt_instance); return pr(b) }); d.movePointLeft = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.H(a); return pr(b) }); d.movePointRight = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.I(a); return pr(b) }); d.multiply_va = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.J(a); return pr(b) }); d.negate_va = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.K(a); return pr(b) }); d.plus_va = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.L(a); return pr(b) }); d.pow_va = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.M(a); return pr(b) }); d.precision = jr(Number, Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.q(); return a })); d.remainder_va = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.N(a); return pr(b) }); d.round = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.O(a.__gwt_instance); return pr(b) }); d.scale = jr(Number, Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.P(); return a })); d.scaleByPowerOfTen = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.Q(a); return pr(b) }); d.setScale_va = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.R(a); return pr(b) }); d.shortValueExact = jr(Number, Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.S(); return a })); d.signum = jr(Number, Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.r(); return a })); d.stripTrailingZeros = Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.T(); return pr(a) }); d.subtract_va = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.U(a); return pr(b) }); d.toBigInteger = Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.V(); return pr(a) }); d.toBigIntegerExact = Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.W(); return pr(a) }); d.toEngineeringString = Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.X(); return a }); d.toPlainString = Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.Y(); return a }); d.toString = Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.tS(); return a }); d.ulp = Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.Z(); return pr(a) }); d.unscaledValue = Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.$(); return pr(a) }); d.divideAndRemainder_va = Jr(function (a) { var b = this.__gwt_instance.w(a); return qr(b) }); d.longValue = jr(Number, Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.E(); return a })); d.longValueExact = jr(Number, Jr(function () { var a = this.__gwt_instance.D(); return a })); $wnd.bigdecimal.BigDecimal.valueOf_va = Jr(function (a) { var b = zh(a); return pr(b) }); $wnd.bigdecimal.BigDecimal.log = jr(Number, Jr(function (a) { rf(); typeof console !== Xr && console.log && console.log(a) })); $wnd.bigdecimal.BigDecimal.logObj = jr(Number, Jr(function (a) { rf(); typeof console !== Xr && console.log && typeof JSON !== Xr && JSON.stringify && console.log('object: ' + JSON.stringify(a)) })); $wnd.bigdecimal.BigDecimal.ONE = Jr(function () { var a = (rf(), new Kg(lf)); return pr(a) }); $wnd.bigdecimal.BigDecimal.TEN = Jr(function () { var a = (rf(), new Kg(mf)); return pr(a) }); $wnd.bigdecimal.BigDecimal.ZERO = Jr(function () { var a = (rf(), new Kg(of)); return pr(a) }); mr(Qc, $wnd.bigdecimal.BigDecimal) }
var Lr = '', ys = ' ', $r = '"', Or = '(', gs = '+', Is = ', ', Ur = '-', ds = '.', Tr = '0', es = '0.', zs = '0.0', As = '0.00', Bs = '0.000', Cs = '0.0000', Ds = '0.00000', Es = '0.000000', Gs = '0E', Fs = '0E+', Qr = ':', Kr = ': ', Js = '=', ps = 'BigDecimal', qs = 'BigDecimal MathContext', Ts = 'BigDecimal;', is = 'BigInteger', ss = 'BigInteger divide by zero', vs = 'BigInteger not invertible.', us = 'BigInteger: modulus not positive', Us = 'BigInteger;', Vr = 'CSS1Compat', _r = 'Division by zero', as = 'Division impossible', fs = 'E', Zr = 'For input string: "', hs = 'Infinite or NaN', bs = 'Invalid Operation', os = 'MathContext', ts = 'Negative bit address', cs = 'Rounding necessary', xs = 'RoundingMode', Vs = 'RoundingMode;', Nr = 'String', Rr = '[', Ss = '[Lcom.iriscouch.gwtapp.client.', Os = '[Ljava.lang.', Ws = '[Ljava.math.', Ks = '\\.', Ls = '__gwtex_wrap', Pr = 'anonymous', js = 'array', Hs = 'bad string format', rs = 'bigdecimal', Ns = 'com.google.gwt.core.client.', Ps = 'com.google.gwt.core.client.impl.', Rs = 'com.iriscouch.gwtapp.client.', Ms = 'java.lang.', Qs = 'java.math.', Xs = 'java.util.', Yr = 'msie', Mr = 'null', ks = 'number', ls = 'number MathContext', ns = 'number number', ws = 'object', Wr = 'opera', Ys = 'org.timepedia.exporter.client.', Sr = 'safari', ms = 'string', Xr = 'undefined'; var _, Gr = { l: 0, m: 0, h: 524288 }, zr = { l: 0, m: 4193280, h: 1048575 }, Er = { l: 4194298, m: 4194303, h: 1048575 }, wr = { l: 4194303, m: 4194303, h: 1048575 }, ur = { l: 0, m: 0, h: 0 }, sr = { l: 1, m: 0, h: 0 }, vr = { l: 2, m: 0, h: 0 }, Hr = { l: 5, m: 0, h: 0 }, tr = { l: 10, m: 0, h: 0 }, xr = { l: 11, m: 0, h: 0 }, Dr = { l: 18, m: 0, h: 0 }, Cr = { l: 48, m: 0, h: 0 }, Br = { l: 877824, m: 119, h: 0 }, Ar = { l: 1755648, m: 238, h: 0 }, Ir = { l: 4194303, m: 511, h: 0 }, yr = { l: 4194303, m: 1023, h: 0 }, Fr = { l: 0, m: 1024, h: 0 }; _ = H.prototype = {}; _.eQ = function I(a) { return this === a }; _.gC = function J() { return gd }; _.hC = function K() { return ob(this) }; _.tS = function L() { return this.gC().d + '@' + al(this.hC()) }; _.toString = function () { return this.tS() }; _.tM = rr; _.cM = {}; _ = P.prototype = new H; _.gC = function R() { return nd }; _.j = function S() { return this.f }; _.tS = function T() { var a, b; a = this.gC().d; b = this.j(); return b != null ? a + Kr + b : a }; _.cM = { 6: 1, 15: 1 }; _.f = null; _ = O.prototype = new P; _.gC = function U() { return ad }; _.cM = { 6: 1, 15: 1 }; _ = V.prototype = N.prototype = new O; _.gC = function W() { return hd }; _.cM = { 6: 1, 12: 1, 15: 1 }; _ = X.prototype = M.prototype = new N; _.gC = function Y() { return Fc }; _.j = function ab() { this.d == null && (this.e = bb(this.c), this.b = Z(this.c), this.d = Or + this.e + '): ' + this.b + db(this.c), undefined); return this.d }; _.cM = { 6: 1, 12: 1, 15: 1 }; _.b = null; _.c = null; _.d = null; _.e = null; _ = gb.prototype = new H; _.gC = function hb() { return Hc }; var ib = 0, jb = 0; _ = ub.prototype = pb.prototype = new gb; _.gC = function vb() { return Ic }; _.b = null; _.c = null; var qb; _ = Fb.prototype = Ab.prototype = new H; _.k = function Gb() { var a = {}; var b = []; var c = arguments.callee.caller.caller; while (c) { var d = this.n(c.toString()); b.push(d); var e = Qr + d; var f = a[e]; if (f) { var g, i; for (g = 0, i = f.length; g < i; g++) { if (f[g] === c) { return b } } } (f || (a[e] = [])).push(c); c = c.caller } return b }; _.n = function Hb(a) { return yb(a) }; _.gC = function Ib() { return Lc }; _.o = function Jb(a) { return [] }; _ = Lb.prototype = new Ab; _.k = function Nb() { return zb(this.o(Eb()), this.p()) }; _.gC = function Ob() { return Kc }; _.o = function Pb(a) { return Mb(this, a) }; _.p = function Qb() { return 2 }; _ = Tb.prototype = Kb.prototype = new Lb; _.k = function Ub() { return Rb(this) }; _.n = function Vb(a) { var b, c; if (a.length == 0) { return Pr } c = Dl(a); c.indexOf('at ') == 0 && (c = Al(c, 3)); b = c.indexOf(Rr); b == -1 && (b = c.indexOf(Or)); if (b == -1) { return Pr } else { c = Dl(c.substr(0, b - 0)) } b = yl(c, String.fromCharCode(46)); b != -1 && (c = Al(c, b + 1)); return c.length > 0 ? c : Pr }; _.gC = function Wb() { return Jc }; _.o = function Xb(a) { return Sb(this, a) }; _.p = function Yb() { return 3 }; _ = Zb.prototype = new H; _.gC = function $b() { return Nc }; _ = fc.prototype = _b.prototype = new Zb; _.gC = function gc() { return Mc }; _.b = Lr; _ = ic.prototype = hc.prototype = new H; _.gC = function kc() { return this.aC }; _.aC = null; _.qI = 0; var oc, pc; var ae = null; var oe = null; var Me, Ne, Oe, Pe; _ = Se.prototype = Re.prototype = new H; _.gC = function Te() { return Oc }; _.cM = { 2: 1 }; _ = Ze.prototype = new H; _.gC = function cf() { return fd }; _.cM = { 6: 1, 10: 1 }; var $e = null; _ = qg.prototype = pg.prototype = og.prototype = ng.prototype = mg.prototype = lg.prototype = kg.prototype = jg.prototype = ig.prototype = hg.prototype = gg.prototype = fg.prototype = eg.prototype = dg.prototype = cg.prototype = Ye.prototype = new Ze; _.eQ = function wg(a) { return Ff(this, a) }; _.gC = function xg() { return pd }; _.hC = function yg() { return Gf(this) }; _.q = function Ag() { return Pf(this) }; _.r = function Cg() { return Uf(this) }; _.tS = function Eg() { return ag(this) }; _.cM = { 6: 1, 8: 1, 10: 1, 16: 1 }; _.b = 0; _.c = 0; _.d = null; _.e = 0; _.f = 0; _.g = 0; _.i = null; var df, ef, ff, gf, hf, jf, kf = null, lf, mf, nf = null, of, pf, qf = null; _ = Kg.prototype = Jg.prototype = Xe.prototype = new Ye; _.s = function Mg(a) { var b, c, d; d = Lj(a); if (d == Lr) b = Uf(this) < 0 ? Mf(this) : this; else if (d == os) b = sf(Qf(this, new Yn(a[0].toString()))); else throw new V('Unknown call signature for interim = super.abs: ' + d); c = new Kg(b); return c }; _.t = function Ng(a) { var b, c, d; d = Lj(a); if (d == ps) b = tf(this, new mg(a[0].toString())); else if (d == qs) b = uf(this, new mg(a[0].toString()), new Yn(a[1].toString())); else throw new V('Unknown call signature for interim = super.add: ' + d); c = new Kg(b); return c }; _.u = function Og() { return ~~(Je(bg(this, 8)) << 24) >> 24 }; _.v = function Pg(a) { return vf(this, a) }; _.w = function Qg(a) { var b, c, d, e; e = Lj(a); if (e == ps) c = Bf(this, new mg(a[0].toString())); else if (e == qs) c = Cf(this, new mg(a[0].toString()), new Yn(a[1].toString())); else throw new V('Unknown call signature for interim = super.divideAndRemainder: ' + e); d = lc(Qd, { 6: 1 }, 3, c.length, 0); for (b = 0; b < c.length; ++b)d[b] = new Kg(c[b]); return d }; _.x = function Rg(a) { var b, c, d; d = Lj(a); if (d == ps) b = Df(this, new mg(a[0].toString())); else if (d == qs) b = Ef(this, new mg(a[0].toString()), new Yn(a[1].toString())); else throw new V('Unknown call signature for interim = super.divideToIntegralValue: ' + d); c = new Kg(b); return c }; _.y = function Sg(a) { var b, c, d; d = Lj(a); if (d == ps) b = wf(this, new mg(a[0].toString())); else if (d == 'BigDecimal number') b = xf(this, new mg(a[0].toString()), a[1]); else if (d == 'BigDecimal number number') b = yf(this, new mg(a[0].toString()), a[1], Uo(a[2])); else if (d == 'BigDecimal number RoundingMode') b = yf(this, new mg(a[0].toString()), a[1], To(a[2].toString())); else if (d == qs) b = zf(this, new mg(a[0].toString()), new Yn(a[1].toString())); else if (d == 'BigDecimal RoundingMode') b = Af(this, new mg(a[0].toString()), To(a[1].toString())); else throw new V('Unknown call signature for interim = super.divide: ' + d); c = new Kg(b); return c }; _.z = function Tg() { return _e(ag(this)) }; _.eQ = function Ug(a) { return Ff(this, a) }; _.A = function Vg() { var a, b; return a = Uf(this), b = this.b - this.f / 0.3010299956639812, b < -149 || a == 0 ? (a *= 0) : b > 129 ? (a *= Infinity) : (a = _e(ag(this))), a }; _.gC = function Wg() { return Qc }; _.hC = function Xg() { return Gf(this) }; _.B = function Yg() { return this.f <= -32 || this.f > (this.e > 0 ? this.e : el((this.b - 1) * 0.3010299956639812) + 1) ? 0 : Mi(new Pi(this.f == 0 || this.b == 0 && this.g != -1 ? (!this.d && (this.d = Li(this.g)), this.d) : this.f < 0 ? ei((!this.d && (this.d = Li(this.g)), this.d), po(-this.f)) : Th((!this.d && (this.d = Li(this.g)), this.d), po(this.f)))) }; _.C = function Zg() { return Je(bg(this, 32)) }; _.D = function $g() { return Je(bg(this, 32)) }; _.E = function _g() { return _e(ag(this)) }; _.F = function ah(a) { return new Kg(vf(this, a) >= 0 ? this : a) }; _.G = function bh(a) { return new Kg(vf(this, a) <= 0 ? this : a) }; _.H = function ch(a) { return new Kg(Jf(this, this.f + a)) }; _.I = function dh(a) { return new Kg(Jf(this, this.f - a)) }; _.J = function eh(a) { var b, c, d; d = Lj(a); if (d == ps) b = Kf(this, new mg(a[0].toString())); else if (d == qs) b = Lf(this, new mg(a[0].toString()), new Yn(a[1].toString())); else throw new V('Unknown call signature for interim = super.multiply: ' + d); c = new Kg(b); return c }; _.K = function fh(a) { var b, c, d; d = Lj(a); if (d == Lr) b = Mf(this); else if (d == os) b = Mf(Qf(this, new Yn(a[0].toString()))); else throw new V('Unknown call signature for interim = super.negate: ' + d); c = new Kg(b); return c }; _.L = function gh(a) { var b, c, d; d = Lj(a); if (d == Lr) b = this; else if (d == os) b = Qf(this, new Yn(a[0].toString())); else throw new V('Unknown call signature for interim = super.plus: ' + d); c = new Kg(b); return c }; _.M = function hh(a) { var b, c, d; d = Lj(a); if (d == ks) b = Nf(this, a[0]); else if (d == ls) b = Of(this, a[0], new Yn(a[1].toString())); else throw new V('Unknown call signature for interim = super.pow: ' + d); c = new Kg(b); return c }; _.q = function ih() { return Pf(this) }; _.N = function jh(a) { var b, c, d; d = Lj(a); if (d == ps) b = Bf(this, new mg(a[0].toString()))[1]; else if (d == qs) b = Cf(this, new mg(a[0].toString()), new Yn(a[1].toString()))[1]; else throw new V('Unknown call signature for interim = super.remainder: ' + d); c = new Kg(b); return c }; _.O = function kh(a) { return new Kg(Qf(this, new Yn(Wn(a.b)))) }; _.P = function lh() { return Bc(this.f) }; _.Q = function mh(a) { return new Kg(Rf(this, a)) }; _.R = function nh(a) { var b, c, d; d = Lj(a); if (d == ks) b = Sf(this, a[0], (Qo(), Go)); else if (d == ns) b = Sf(this, a[0], Uo(a[1])); else if (d == 'number RoundingMode') b = Sf(this, a[0], To(a[1].toString())); else throw new V('Unknown call signature for interim = super.setScale: ' + d); c = new Kg(b); return c }; _.S = function oh() { return ~~(Je(bg(this, 16)) << 16) >> 16 }; _.r = function ph() { return Uf(this) }; _.T = function qh() { return new Kg(Wf(this)) }; _.U = function rh(a) { var b, c, d; d = Lj(a); if (d == ps) b = Xf(this, new mg(a[0].toString())); else if (d == qs) b = Yf(this, new mg(a[0].toString()), new Yn(a[1].toString())); else throw new V('Unknown call signature for interim = super.subtract: ' + d); c = new Kg(b); return c }; _.V = function sh() { return new Pi(this.f == 0 || this.b == 0 && this.g != -1 ? (!this.d && (this.d = Li(this.g)), this.d) : this.f < 0 ? ei((!this.d && (this.d = Li(this.g)), this.d), po(-this.f)) : Th((!this.d && (this.d = Li(this.g)), this.d), po(this.f))) }; _.W = function th() { return new Pi(Zf(this)) }; _.X = function uh() { return $f(this) }; _.Y = function vh() { return _f(this) }; _.tS = function wh() { return ag(this) }; _.Z = function xh() { return new Kg(new pg(1, this.f)) }; _.$ = function yh() { return new Pi((!this.d && (this.d = Li(this.g)), this.d)) }; _.cM = { 3: 1, 6: 1, 8: 1, 10: 1, 16: 1, 24: 1 }; _ = Eh.prototype = Ah.prototype = new H; _.gC = function Fh() { return Pc }; var Bh = false; _ = ui.prototype = ti.prototype = si.prototype = ri.prototype = qi.prototype = pi.prototype = oi.prototype = ni.prototype = Hh.prototype = new Ze; _._ = function vi() { return this.f < 0 ? new si(1, this.e, this.b) : this }; _.ab = function wi() { return sm(this) }; _.eQ = function xi(a) { return Vh(this, a) }; _.gC = function yi() { return qd }; _.bb = function zi() { return $h(this) }; _.hC = function Bi() { return _h(this) }; _.cb = function Ci() { return this.f == 0 ? this : new si(-this.f, this.e, this.b) }; _.db = function Di(a) { return gi(this, a) }; _.eb = function Fi(a) { return ji(this, a) }; _.fb = function Gi(a) { return li(this, a) }; _.r = function Hi() { return this.f }; _.gb = function Ii(a) { return mi(this, a) }; _.tS = function Ji() { return Hm(this, 0) }; _.cM = { 6: 1, 8: 1, 10: 1, 17: 1 }; _.b = null; _.c = -2; _.d = 0; _.e = 0; _.f = 0; var Ih, Jh, Kh, Lh, Mh = null, Nh; _ = Pi.prototype = Oi.prototype = Ni.prototype = Gh.prototype = new Hh; _._ = function Ri() { return new Pi(this.f < 0 ? new si(1, this.e, this.b) : this) }; _.hb = function Si(a) { return new Pi(fn(this, a)) }; _.ib = function Ti(a) { return new Pi(vn(this, a)) }; _.jb = function Ui(a) { return new Pi(yn(this, a)) }; _.kb = function Vi() { return rm(this) }; _.ab = function Wi() { return sm(this) }; _.lb = function Xi(a) { return new Pi(Ph(this, a)) }; _.mb = function Yi(a) { return Qh(this, a) }; _.nb = function Zi(a) { return new Pi(Th(this, a)) }; _.ob = function $i(a) { var b, c, d; c = Uh(this, a); d = lc(Rd, { 6: 1 }, 4, c.length, 0); for (b = 0; b < c.length; ++b)d[b] = new Pi(c[b]); return d }; _.z = function _i() { return _e(Hm(this, 0)) }; _.eQ = function aj(a) { return Vh(this, a) }; _.pb = function bj(a) { return new Pi(Xh(this, a)) }; _.A = function cj() { return Pk(Hm(this, 0)) }; _.qb = function dj(a) { return new Pi(Yh(this, a)) }; _.gC = function ej() { return Sc }; _.bb = function fj() { return $h(this) }; _.hC = function gj() { return _h(this) }; _.B = function hj() { return Mi(this) }; _.rb = function ij(a) { return vo(new Pi(this.f < 0 ? new si(1, this.e, this.b) : this), a) }; _.sb = function jj() { return _e(Hm(this, 0)) }; _.tb = function kj(a) { return new Pi(Qh(this, a) == 1 ? this : a) }; _.ub = function lj(a) { return new Pi(Qh(this, a) == -1 ? this : a) }; _.vb = function mj(a) { return new Pi(bi(this, a)) }; _.wb = function nj(a) { return new Pi(ci(this, a)) }; _.xb = function oj(a, b) { return new Pi(di(this, a, b)) }; _.yb = function pj(a) { return new Pi(ei(this, a)) }; _.cb = function qj() { return new Pi(this.f == 0 ? this : new si(-this.f, this.e, this.b)) }; _.zb = function rj() { return new Pi(fi(this)) }; _.Ab = function sj() { return new Pi(En(this)) }; _.Bb = function tj(a) { return new Pi(Fn(this, a)) }; _.db = function uj(a) { return new Pi(gi(this, a)) }; _.Cb = function vj(a) { return new Pi(hi(this, a)) }; _.Db = function wj(a) { return new Pi(ii(this, a)) }; _.eb = function xj(a) { return new Pi(ji(this, a)) }; _.fb = function yj(a) { return new Pi(li(this, a)) }; _.r = function zj() { return this.f }; _.Eb = function Aj(a) { return new Pi(rn(this, a)) }; _.gb = function Bj(a) { return mi(this, a) }; _.Fb = function Cj(a) { var b, c; c = Lj(a); if (c == Lr) b = Hm(this, 0); else if (c == ks) b = Fm(this, a[0]); else throw new V('Unknown call signature for result = super.toString: ' + c); return b }; _.Gb = function Dj(a) { return new Pi(Jn(this, a)) }; _.cM = { 4: 1, 6: 1, 8: 1, 10: 1, 17: 1, 24: 1 }; _ = Ij.prototype = Ej.prototype = new H; _.gC = function Kj() { return Rc }; var Fj = false; _ = Oj.prototype = Nj.prototype = Mj.prototype = new H; _.gC = function Pj() { return Uc }; _.Hb = function Qj() { return this.b.b }; _.Ib = function Rj() { return new bk(this.b.c) }; _.hC = function Sj() { return Vn(this.b) }; _.tS = function Tj() { return Wn(this.b) }; _.cM = { 24: 1 }; _.b = null; _ = Yj.prototype = Uj.prototype = new H; _.gC = function $j() { return Tc }; var Vj = false; _ = bk.prototype = ak.prototype = _j.prototype = new H; _.gC = function ck() { return Wc }; _.Jb = function dk() { return this.b.b }; _.tS = function ek() { return this.b.b }; _.cM = { 5: 1, 24: 1 }; _.b = null; _ = kk.prototype = gk.prototype = new H; _.gC = function lk() { return Vc }; var hk = false; _ = nk.prototype = mk.prototype = new N; _.gC = function ok() { return Xc }; _.cM = { 6: 1, 12: 1, 15: 1 }; _ = rk.prototype = qk.prototype = pk.prototype = new N; _.gC = function sk() { return Yc }; _.cM = { 6: 1, 12: 1, 15: 1 }; _ = wk.prototype = vk.prototype = new H; _.gC = function Bk() { return $c }; _.tS = function Ck() { return ((this.c & 2) != 0 ? 'interface ' : (this.c & 1) != 0 ? Lr : 'class ') + this.d }; _.b = null; _.c = 0; _.d = null; _ = Ek.prototype = Dk.prototype = new N; _.gC = function Fk() { return Zc }; _.cM = { 6: 1, 12: 1, 15: 1 }; _ = Ik.prototype = new H; _.eQ = function Kk(a) { return this === a }; _.gC = function Lk() { return _c }; _.hC = function Mk() { return ob(this) }; _.tS = function Nk() { return this.b }; _.cM = { 6: 1, 8: 1, 9: 1 }; _.b = null; _.c = 0; _ = Sk.prototype = Rk.prototype = Qk.prototype = new N; _.gC = function Tk() { return bd }; _.cM = { 6: 1, 12: 1, 15: 1 }; _ = Wk.prototype = Vk.prototype = Uk.prototype = new N; _.gC = function Xk() { return cd }; _.cM = { 6: 1, 12: 1, 15: 1 }; _ = kl.prototype = jl.prototype = il.prototype = new N; _.gC = function ll() { return dd }; _.cM = { 6: 1, 12: 1, 15: 1 }; var ml; _ = pl.prototype = ol.prototype = new Qk; _.gC = function ql() { return ed }; _.cM = { 6: 1, 12: 1, 15: 1 }; _ = sl.prototype = rl.prototype = new H; _.gC = function tl() { return id }; _.tS = function ul() { return this.b + ds + this.d + '(Unknown Source' + (this.c >= 0 ? Qr + this.c : Lr) + ')' }; _.cM = { 6: 1, 13: 1 }; _.b = null; _.c = 0; _.d = null; _ = String.prototype; _.eQ = function Hl(a) { return wl(this, a) }; _.gC = function Il() { return md }; _.hC = function Jl() { return Rl(this) }; _.tS = function Kl() { return this }; _.cM = { 1: 1, 6: 1, 7: 1, 8: 1 }; var Ml, Nl = 0, Ol; _ = Ul.prototype = Tl.prototype = new H; _.gC = function Vl() { return jd }; _.tS = function Wl() { return this.b.b }; _.cM = { 7: 1 }; _ = hm.prototype = gm.prototype = fm.prototype = Xl.prototype = new H; _.gC = function im() { return kd }; _.tS = function jm() { return this.b.b }; _.cM = { 7: 1 }; _ = lm.prototype = km.prototype = new Uk; _.gC = function mm() { return ld }; _.cM = { 6: 1, 12: 1, 14: 1, 15: 1 }; _ = pm.prototype = om.prototype = new N; _.gC = function qm() { return od }; _.cM = { 6: 1, 12: 1, 15: 1 }; var Cm, Dm; _ = Yn.prototype = Xn.prototype = Nn.prototype = new H; _.eQ = function Zn(a) { return xc(a, 18) && vc(a, 18).b == this.b && vc(a, 18).c == this.c }; _.gC = function $n() { return rd }; _.hC = function _n() { return Vn(this) }; _.tS = function ao() { return Wn(this) }; _.cM = { 6: 1, 18: 1 }; _.b = 0; _.c = null; var On, Pn, Qn, Rn, Sn, Tn; var bo, co, eo, fo; var ro, so, to; _ = Ro.prototype = yo.prototype = new Ik; _.gC = function So() { return sd }; _.cM = { 6: 1, 8: 1, 9: 1, 19: 1 }; var zo, Ao, Bo, Co, Do, Eo, Fo, Go, Ho, Io, Jo, Ko, Lo, Mo, No, Oo, Po; var Xo; _ = Zo.prototype = new H; _.Kb = function _o(a) { throw new pm }; _.Lb = function ap(a) { var b; b = $o(this.Mb(), a); return !!b }; _.gC = function bp() { return td }; _.tS = function cp() { var a, b, c, d; c = new Ul; a = null; c.b.b += Rr; b = this.Mb(); while (b.Pb()) { a != null ? (cc(c.b, a), c) : (a = Is); d = b.Qb(); cc(c.b, d === this ? '(this Collection)' : Lr + d) } c.b.b += ']'; return c.b.b }; _ = ep.prototype = new H; _.eQ = function fp(a) { var b, c, d, e, f; if (a === this) { return true } if (!xc(a, 21)) { return false } e = vc(a, 21); if (this.e != e.e) { return false } for (c = new Ip((new Cp(e)).b); kq(c.b);) { b = vc(lq(c.b), 22); d = b.Rb(); f = b.Sb(); if (!(d == null ? this.d : xc(d, 1) ? Qr + vc(d, 1) in this.f : pp(this, d, ~~fb(d)))) { return false } if (!Xq(f, d == null ? this.c : xc(d, 1) ? op(this, vc(d, 1)) : np(this, d, ~~fb(d)))) { return false } } return true }; _.gC = function gp() { return Cd }; _.hC = function hp() { var a, b, c; c = 0; for (b = new Ip((new Cp(this)).b); kq(b.b);) { a = vc(lq(b.b), 22); c += a.hC(); c = ~~c } return c }; _.tS = function ip() { var a, b, c, d; d = '{'; a = false; for (c = new Ip((new Cp(this)).b); kq(c.b);) { b = vc(lq(c.b), 22); a ? (d += Is) : (a = true); d += Lr + b.Rb(); d += Js; d += Lr + b.Sb() } return d + '}' }; _.cM = { 21: 1 }; _ = dp.prototype = new ep; _.Ob = function vp(a, b) { return Ac(a) === Ac(b) || a != null && eb(a, b) }; _.gC = function wp() { return yd }; _.cM = { 21: 1 }; _.b = null; _.c = null; _.d = false; _.e = 0; _.f = null; _ = yp.prototype = new Zo; _.eQ = function zp(a) { var b, c, d; if (a === this) { return true } if (!xc(a, 23)) { return false } c = vc(a, 23); if (c.b.e != this.Nb()) { return false } for (b = new Ip(c.b); kq(b.b);) { d = vc(lq(b.b), 22); if (!this.Lb(d)) { return false } } return true }; _.gC = function Ap() { return Dd }; _.hC = function Bp() { var a, b, c; a = 0; for (b = this.Mb(); b.Pb();) { c = b.Qb(); if (c != null) { a += fb(c); a = ~~a } } return a }; _.cM = { 23: 1 }; _ = Cp.prototype = xp.prototype = new yp; _.Lb = function Dp(a) { var b, c, d; if (xc(a, 22)) { b = vc(a, 22); c = b.Rb(); if (lp(this.b, c)) { d = mp(this.b, c); return Eq(b.Sb(), d) } } return false }; _.gC = function Ep() { return vd }; _.Mb = function Fp() { return new Ip(this.b) }; _.Nb = function Gp() { return this.b.e }; _.cM = { 23: 1 }; _.b = null; _ = Ip.prototype = Hp.prototype = new H; _.gC = function Jp() { return ud }; _.Pb = function Kp() { return kq(this.b) }; _.Qb = function Lp() { return vc(lq(this.b), 22) }; _.b = null; _ = Np.prototype = new H; _.eQ = function Op(a) { var b; if (xc(a, 22)) { b = vc(a, 22); if (Xq(this.Rb(), b.Rb()) && Xq(this.Sb(), b.Sb())) { return true } } return false }; _.gC = function Pp() { return Bd }; _.hC = function Qp() { var a, b; a = 0; b = 0; this.Rb() != null && (a = fb(this.Rb())); this.Sb() != null && (b = fb(this.Sb())); return a ^ b }; _.tS = function Rp() { return this.Rb() + Js + this.Sb() }; _.cM = { 22: 1 }; _ = Sp.prototype = Mp.prototype = new Np; _.gC = function Tp() { return wd }; _.Rb = function Up() { return null }; _.Sb = function Vp() { return this.b.c }; _.Tb = function Wp(a) { return tp(this.b, a) }; _.cM = { 22: 1 }; _.b = null; _ = Yp.prototype = Xp.prototype = new Np; _.gC = function Zp() { return xd }; _.Rb = function $p() { return this.b }; _.Sb = function _p() { return op(this.c, this.b) }; _.Tb = function aq(a) { return up(this.c, this.b, a) }; _.cM = { 22: 1 }; _.b = null; _.c = null; _ = bq.prototype = new Zo; _.Kb = function cq(a) { sq(this, this.Nb(), a); return true }; _.eQ = function eq(a) { var b, c, d, e, f; if (a === this) { return true } if (!xc(a, 20)) { return false } f = vc(a, 20); if (this.Nb() != f.c) { return false } d = new mq(this); e = new mq(f); while (d.b < d.c.c) { b = lq(d); c = lq(e); if (!(b == null ? c == null : eb(b, c))) { return false } } return true }; _.gC = function fq() { return Ad }; _.hC = function gq() { var a, b, c; b = 1; a = new mq(this); while (a.b < a.c.c) { c = lq(a); b = 31 * b + (c == null ? 0 : fb(c)); b = ~~b } return b }; _.Mb = function iq() { return new mq(this) }; _.cM = { 20: 1 }; _ = mq.prototype = jq.prototype = new H; _.gC = function nq() { return zd }; _.Pb = function oq() { return kq(this) }; _.Qb = function pq() { return lq(this) }; _.b = 0; _.c = null; _ = vq.prototype = qq.prototype = new bq; _.Kb = function wq(a) { return rq(this, a) }; _.Lb = function xq(a) { return uq(this, a, 0) != -1 }; _.gC = function yq() { return Ed }; _.Nb = function zq() { return this.c }; _.cM = { 6: 1, 20: 1 }; _.c = 0; _ = Fq.prototype = Dq.prototype = new dp; _.gC = function Gq() { return Fd }; _.cM = { 6: 1, 21: 1 }; _ = Iq.prototype = Hq.prototype = new Np; _.gC = function Jq() { return Gd }; _.Rb = function Kq() { return this.b }; _.Sb = function Lq() { return this.c }; _.Tb = function Mq(a) { var b; b = this.c; this.c = a; return b }; _.cM = { 22: 1 }; _.b = null; _.c = null; _ = Oq.prototype = Nq.prototype = new N; _.gC = function Pq() { return Hd }; _.cM = { 6: 1, 12: 1, 15: 1 }; _ = Vq.prototype = Qq.prototype = new H; _.gC = function Wq() { return Id }; _.b = 0; _.c = 0; var Rq, Sq, Tq = 0; _ = Zq.prototype = new H; _.gC = function $q() { return Kd }; _ = gr.prototype = Yq.prototype = new Zq; _.gC = function hr() { return Jd }; var kr; var Jr = mb; var gd = yk(Ms, 'Object'), _c = yk(Ms, 'Enum'), nd = yk(Ms, 'Throwable'), ad = yk(Ms, 'Exception'), hd = yk(Ms, 'RuntimeException'), Fc = yk(Ns, 'JavaScriptException'), Gc = yk(Ns, 'JavaScriptObject$'), Hc = yk(Ns, 'Scheduler'), Ec = Ak('int'), Od = xk(Lr, '[I', Ec), Td = xk(Os, 'Object;', gd), Ld = Ak('boolean'), Zd = xk(Lr, '[Z', Ld), Ic = yk(Ps, 'SchedulerImpl'), Lc = yk(Ps, 'StackTraceCreator$Collector'), id = yk(Ms, 'StackTraceElement'), Ud = xk(Os, 'StackTraceElement;', id), Kc = yk(Ps, 'StackTraceCreator$CollectorMoz'), Jc = yk(Ps, 'StackTraceCreator$CollectorChrome'), Nc = yk(Ps, 'StringBufferImpl'), Mc = yk(Ps, 'StringBufferImplAppend'), md = yk(Ms, Nr), Vd = xk(Os, 'String;', md), Oc = yk('com.google.gwt.lang.', 'LongLibBase$LongEmul'), Pd = xk('[Lcom.google.gwt.lang.', 'LongLibBase$LongEmul;', Oc), fd = yk(Ms, 'Number'), pd = yk(Qs, ps), Qc = yk(Rs, ps), Qd = xk(Ss, Ts, Qc), Pc = yk(Rs, 'BigDecimalExporterImpl'), qd = yk(Qs, is), Sc = yk(Rs, is), Rd = xk(Ss, Us, Sc), Rc = yk(Rs, 'BigIntegerExporterImpl'), Uc = yk(Rs, os), Tc = yk(Rs, 'MathContextExporterImpl'), Wc = yk(Rs, xs), Sd = xk(Ss, Vs, Wc), Vc = yk(Rs, 'RoundingModeExporterImpl'), Xc = yk(Ms, 'ArithmeticException'), cd = yk(Ms, 'IndexOutOfBoundsException'), Yc = yk(Ms, 'ArrayStoreException'), Cc = Ak('char'), Md = xk(Lr, '[C', Cc), $c = yk(Ms, 'Class'), Zc = yk(Ms, 'ClassCastException'), bd = yk(Ms, 'IllegalArgumentException'), dd = yk(Ms, 'NullPointerException'), ed = yk(Ms, 'NumberFormatException'), jd = yk(Ms, 'StringBuffer'), kd = yk(Ms, 'StringBuilder'), ld = yk(Ms, 'StringIndexOutOfBoundsException'), od = yk(Ms, 'UnsupportedOperationException'), Wd = xk(Ws, Ts, pd), Dc = Ak('double'), Nd = xk(Lr, '[D', Dc), Xd = xk(Ws, Us, qd), rd = yk(Qs, os), sd = zk(Qs, xs, Wo), Yd = xk(Ws, Vs, sd), td = yk(Xs, 'AbstractCollection'), Cd = yk(Xs, 'AbstractMap'), yd = yk(Xs, 'AbstractHashMap'), Dd = yk(Xs, 'AbstractSet'), vd = yk(Xs, 'AbstractHashMap$EntrySet'), ud = yk(Xs, 'AbstractHashMap$EntrySetIterator'), Bd = yk(Xs, 'AbstractMapEntry'), wd = yk(Xs, 'AbstractHashMap$MapEntryNull'), xd = yk(Xs, 'AbstractHashMap$MapEntryString'), Ad = yk(Xs, 'AbstractList'), zd = yk(Xs, 'AbstractList$IteratorImpl'), Ed = yk(Xs, 'ArrayList'), Fd = yk(Xs, 'HashMap'), Gd = yk(Xs, 'MapEntryImpl'), Hd = yk(Xs, 'NoSuchElementException'), Id = yk(Xs, 'Random'), Kd = yk(Ys, 'ExporterBaseImpl'), Jd = yk(Ys, 'ExporterBaseActual'); $stats && $stats({ moduleName: 'gwtapp', sessionId: $sessionId, subSystem: 'startup', evtGroup: 'moduleStartup', millis: (new Date()).getTime(), type: 'moduleEvalEnd' }); if (gwtapp && gwtapp.onScriptLoad) gwtapp.onScriptLoad(gwtOnLoad);
gwtOnLoad(null, 'ModuleName', 'moduleBase');
exports.RoundingMode = window.bigdecimal.RoundingMode;
exports.MathContext = window.bigdecimal.MathContext;
// This is an unfortunate kludge because Java methods and constructors cannot accept vararg parameters.
function fix_and_export(class_name) {
var Src = window.bigdecimal[class_name];
var Fixed = Src;
if (Src.__init__) {
Fixed = function wrap_constructor() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
return Src.__init__(args);
Fixed.prototype = Src.prototype;
for (var a in Src)
if (Src.hasOwnProperty(a)) {
if ((typeof Src[a] != 'function') || !a.match(/_va$/))
Fixed[a] = Src[a];
else {
var pub_name = a.replace(/_va$/, '');
Fixed[pub_name] = function wrap_classmeth() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
return wrap_classmeth.inner_method(args);
Fixed[pub_name].inner_method = Src[a];
var proto = Fixed.prototype;
for (var a in proto) {
if (proto.hasOwnProperty(a) && (typeof proto[a] == 'function') && a.match(/_va$/)) {
var pub_name = a.replace(/_va$/, '');
proto[pub_name] = function wrap_meth() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
return wrap_meth.inner_method.apply(this, [args]);
proto[pub_name].inner_method = proto[a];
delete proto[a];
exports[class_name] = Fixed;
})(typeof exports !== 'undefined' ? exports : (typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : {})); |