강동윤 1178686a4c
fix(bundler): Fix bundler (#1576)
 - Fix remapping of exports. (denoland/deno#9350)
2021-04-16 18:09:38 +00:00

444 lines
16 KiB

// Loaded from https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.12.1/packages/table/lib/layout.ts
import { Cell, ICell } from './cell.ts';
import { IRow, Row } from './row.ts';
import type { IBorderOptions, ITableSettings, Table } from './table.ts';
import { consumeWords, longest, stripeColors } from './utils.ts';
interface IRenderSettings {
padding: number[];
width: number[];
columns: number;
hasBorder: boolean;
hasHeaderBorder: boolean;
hasBodyBorder: boolean;
rows: Row<Cell>[];
export class TableLayout {
public constructor(
private table: Table,
private options: ITableSettings
) {}
public toString(): string {
const opts: IRenderSettings = this.createLayout();
return opts.rows.length ? this.renderRows( opts ) : '';
protected createLayout(): IRenderSettings {
Object.keys( this.options.chars ).forEach( ( key: string ) => {
if ( typeof this.options.chars[ key as keyof IBorderOptions ] !== 'string' ) {
this.options.chars[ key as keyof IBorderOptions ] = '';
} );
const hasBodyBorder: boolean = this.table.getBorder() || this.table.hasBodyBorder();
const hasHeaderBorder: boolean = this.table.hasHeaderBorder();
const hasBorder: boolean = hasHeaderBorder || hasBodyBorder;
const header: Row | undefined = this.table.getHeader();
const rows: Row<Cell>[] = this.spanRows( header ? [ header, ...this.table ] : this.table.slice() );
const columns: number = Math.max( ...rows.map( row => row.length ) );
for ( const row of rows ) {
const length: number = row.length;
if ( length < columns ) {
const diff = columns - length;
for ( let i = 0; i < diff; i++ ) {
row.push( this.createCell( null, row ) );
const padding: number[] = [];
const width: number[] = [];
for ( let colIndex: number = 0; colIndex < columns; colIndex++ ) {
const minCellWidth: number = Array.isArray( this.options.minCellWidth ) ? this.options.minCellWidth[ colIndex ] : this.options.minCellWidth;
const maxCellWidth: number = Array.isArray( this.options.maxCellWidth ) ? this.options.maxCellWidth[ colIndex ] : this.options.maxCellWidth;
const cellWidth: number = longest( colIndex, rows, maxCellWidth );
width[ colIndex ] = Math.min( maxCellWidth, Math.max( minCellWidth, cellWidth ) );
padding[ colIndex ] = Array.isArray( this.options.padding ) ? this.options.padding[ colIndex ] : this.options.padding;
return { padding, width, rows, columns, hasBorder, hasBodyBorder, hasHeaderBorder };
protected spanRows( _rows: IRow[], rowIndex: number = 0, colIndex: number = 0, rowSpan: number[] = [], colSpan: number = 1 ): Row<Cell>[] {
const rows: Row<Cell>[] = _rows as Row<Cell>[];
if ( rowIndex >= rows.length && rowSpan.every( span => span === 1 ) ) {
return rows;
} else if ( rows[ rowIndex ] && colIndex >= rows[ rowIndex ].length && colIndex >= rowSpan.length && colSpan === 1 ) {
return this.spanRows( rows, ++rowIndex, 0, rowSpan, 1 );
if ( colSpan > 1 ) {
rowSpan[ colIndex ] = rowSpan[ colIndex - 1 ];
rows[ rowIndex ].splice( colIndex - 1, 0, rows[ rowIndex ][ colIndex - 1 ] );
return this.spanRows( rows, rowIndex, ++colIndex, rowSpan, colSpan );
if ( colIndex === 0 ) {
rows[ rowIndex ] = this.createRow( rows[ rowIndex ] || [] );
if ( rowSpan[ colIndex ] > 1 ) {
rowSpan[ colIndex ]--;
rows[ rowIndex ].splice( colIndex, 0, rows[ rowIndex - 1 ][ colIndex ] );
return this.spanRows( rows, rowIndex, ++colIndex, rowSpan, colSpan );
rows[ rowIndex ][ colIndex ] = this.createCell( rows[ rowIndex ][ colIndex ] || null, rows[ rowIndex ] );
colSpan = rows[ rowIndex ][ colIndex ].getColSpan();
rowSpan[ colIndex ] = rows[ rowIndex ][ colIndex ].getRowSpan();
return this.spanRows( rows, rowIndex, ++colIndex, rowSpan, colSpan );
protected createRow( row: IRow ): Row<Cell> {
return Row.from( row ).border( this.table.getBorder(), false ) as Row<Cell>;
protected createCell( cell: ICell | null, row: Row ): Cell {
return Cell.from( cell ?? '' ).border( row.getBorder(), false );
protected renderRows( opts: IRenderSettings ): string {
let result: string = '';
const rowSpan: number[] = new Array( opts.columns ).fill( 1 );
for ( let rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < opts.rows.length; rowIndex++ ) {
result += this.renderRow( rowSpan, rowIndex, opts );
return result.slice( 0, -1 );
protected renderRow( rowSpan: number[], rowIndex: number, opts: IRenderSettings, inMultiline?: boolean ): string {
const row: Row<Cell> = opts.rows[ rowIndex ];
const prevRow: Row<Cell> | undefined = opts.rows[ rowIndex - 1 ];
const nextRow: Row<Cell> | undefined = opts.rows[ rowIndex + 1 ];
let result: string = '';
let colSpan: number = 1;
// border top row
if ( !inMultiline && rowIndex === 0 && row.hasBorder() ) {
result += this.renderBorderRow( undefined, row, rowSpan, opts );
let isMultilineRow: boolean = false;
result += ' '.repeat( this.options.indent || 0 );
for ( let colIndex = 0; colIndex < opts.columns; colIndex++ ) {
if ( colSpan > 1 ) {
rowSpan[ colIndex ] = rowSpan[ colIndex - 1 ];
result += this.renderCell( colIndex, row, prevRow, rowSpan, opts );
if ( rowSpan[ colIndex ] > 1 ) {
if ( !inMultiline ) {
rowSpan[ colIndex ]--;
} else if ( !prevRow || prevRow[ colIndex ] !== row[ colIndex ] ) {
rowSpan[ colIndex ] = row[ colIndex ].getRowSpan();
colSpan = row[ colIndex ].getColSpan();
if ( rowSpan[ colIndex ] === 1 && row[ colIndex ].length ) {
isMultilineRow = true;
if ( opts.columns > 0 ) {
if ( row[ opts.columns - 1 ].getBorder() ) {
result += this.options.chars.right;
} else if ( opts.hasBorder ) {
result += ' ';
result += '\n';
if ( isMultilineRow ) { // skip border
return result + this.renderRow( rowSpan, rowIndex, opts, isMultilineRow );
// border mid row
if ( ( rowIndex === 0 && opts.hasHeaderBorder ) ||
( rowIndex < opts.rows.length - 1 && opts.hasBodyBorder )
) {
result += this.renderBorderRow( row, nextRow, rowSpan, opts );
// border bottom row
if ( rowIndex === opts.rows.length - 1 && row.hasBorder() ) {
result += this.renderBorderRow( row, undefined, rowSpan, opts );
return result;
protected renderCell( colIndex: number, row: Row<Cell>, prevRow: Row<Cell> | undefined, rowSpan: number[], opts: IRenderSettings, noBorder?: boolean ): string {
let result: string = '';
const prevCell: Cell | undefined = row[ colIndex - 1 ];
const cell: Cell = row[ colIndex ];
if ( !noBorder ) {
if ( colIndex === 0 ) {
if ( cell.getBorder() ) {
result += this.options.chars.left;
} else if ( opts.hasBorder ) {
result += ' ';
} else {
if ( cell.getBorder() || prevCell?.getBorder() ) {
result += this.options.chars.middle;
} else if ( opts.hasBorder ) {
result += ' ';
let maxLength: number = opts.width[ colIndex ];
const colSpan: number = cell.getColSpan();
if ( colSpan > 1 ) {
for ( let o = 1; o < colSpan; o++ ) {
// add padding and with of next cell
maxLength += opts.width[ colIndex + o ] + opts.padding[ colIndex + o ];
if ( opts.hasBorder ) {
// add padding again and border with
maxLength += opts.padding[ colIndex + o ] + 1;
const { current, next } = this.renderCellValue( cell, maxLength );
row[ colIndex ].setValue( next );
if ( opts.hasBorder ) {
result += ' '.repeat( opts.padding[ colIndex ] );
result += current;
if ( opts.hasBorder || colIndex < opts.columns - 1 ) {
result += ' '.repeat( opts.padding[ colIndex ] );
return result;
protected renderCellValue( cell: Cell, maxLength: number ): { current: string, next: Cell } {
const length: number = Math.min( maxLength, stripeColors( cell.toString() ).length );
let words: string = consumeWords( length, cell.toString() );
// break word if word is longer than max length
const breakWord = stripeColors( words ).length > length;
if ( breakWord ) {
words = words.slice( 0, length );
// get next content and remove leading space if breakWord is not true
const next = cell.toString().slice( words.length + ( breakWord ? 0 : 1 ) );
const fillLength = maxLength - stripeColors( words ).length;
const current = words + ' '.repeat( fillLength );
return {
next: cell.clone( next )
protected renderBorderRow( prevRow: Row<Cell> | undefined, nextRow: Row<Cell> | undefined, rowSpan: number[], opts: IRenderSettings ): string {
let result = '';
let colSpan: number = 1;
for ( let colIndex = 0; colIndex < opts.columns; colIndex++ ) {
if ( rowSpan[ colIndex ] > 1 ) {
if ( !nextRow ) {
throw new Error( 'invalid layout' );
if ( colSpan > 1 ) {
result += this.renderBorderCell( colIndex, prevRow, nextRow, rowSpan, opts );
colSpan = nextRow?.[ colIndex ].getColSpan() ?? 1;
return result.length ? ' '.repeat( this.options.indent ) + result + '\n' : '';
protected renderBorderCell( colIndex: number, prevRow: Row<Cell> | undefined, nextRow: Row<Cell> | undefined, rowSpan: number[], opts: IRenderSettings ): string {
// a1 | b1
// -------
// a2 | b2
const a1: Cell | undefined = prevRow?.[ colIndex - 1 ];
const a2: Cell | undefined = nextRow?.[ colIndex - 1 ];
const b1: Cell | undefined = prevRow?.[ colIndex ];
const b2: Cell | undefined = nextRow?.[ colIndex ];
const a1Border: boolean = !!a1?.getBorder();
const a2Border: boolean = !!a2?.getBorder();
const b1Border: boolean = !!b1?.getBorder();
const b2Border: boolean = !!b2?.getBorder();
const hasColSpan = ( cell: Cell | undefined ): boolean => ( cell?.getColSpan() ?? 1 ) > 1;
const hasRowSpan = ( cell: Cell | undefined ): boolean => ( cell?.getRowSpan() ?? 1 ) > 1;
let result = '';
if ( colIndex === 0 ) {
if ( rowSpan[ colIndex ] > 1 ) {
if ( b1Border ) {
result += this.options.chars.left;
} else {
result += ' ';
} else if ( b1Border && b2Border ) {
result += this.options.chars.leftMid;
} else if ( b1Border ) {
result += this.options.chars.bottomLeft;
} else if ( b2Border ) {
result += this.options.chars.topLeft;
} else {
result += ' ';
} else if ( colIndex < opts.columns ) {
if ( ( a1Border && b2Border ) || ( b1Border && a2Border ) ) {
const a1ColSpan: boolean = hasColSpan( a1 );
const a2ColSpan: boolean = hasColSpan( a2 );
const b1ColSpan: boolean = hasColSpan( b1 );
const b2ColSpan: boolean = hasColSpan( b2 );
const a1RowSpan: boolean = hasRowSpan( a1 );
const a2RowSpan: boolean = hasRowSpan( a2 );
const b1RowSpan: boolean = hasRowSpan( b1 );
const b2RowSpan: boolean = hasRowSpan( b2 );
const hasAllBorder = a1Border && b2Border && b1Border && a2Border;
const hasAllRowSpan = a1RowSpan && b1RowSpan && a2RowSpan && b2RowSpan;
const hasAllColSpan = a1ColSpan && b1ColSpan && a2ColSpan && b2ColSpan;
if ( hasAllRowSpan && hasAllBorder ) {
result += this.options.chars.middle;
} else if ( hasAllColSpan && hasAllBorder && a1 === b1 && a2 === b2 ) {
result += this.options.chars.mid;
} else if ( a1ColSpan && b1ColSpan && a1 === b1 ) {
result += this.options.chars.topMid;
} else if ( a2ColSpan && b2ColSpan && a2 === b2 ) {
result += this.options.chars.bottomMid;
} else if ( a1RowSpan && a2RowSpan && a1 === a2 ) {
result += this.options.chars.leftMid;
} else if ( b1RowSpan && b2RowSpan && b1 === b2 ) {
result += this.options.chars.rightMid;
} else {
result += this.options.chars.midMid;
} else if ( a1Border && b1Border ) {
if ( hasColSpan( a1 ) && hasColSpan( b1 ) && a1 === b1 ) {
result += this.options.chars.bottom;
} else {
result += this.options.chars.bottomMid;
} else if ( b1Border && b2Border ) {
if ( rowSpan[ colIndex ] > 1 ) {
result += this.options.chars.left;
} else {
result += this.options.chars.leftMid;
} else if ( b2Border && a2Border ) {
if ( hasColSpan( a2 ) && hasColSpan( b2 ) && a2 === b2 ) {
result += this.options.chars.top;
} else {
result += this.options.chars.topMid;
} else if ( a1Border && a2Border ) {
if ( hasRowSpan( a1 ) && a1 === a2 ) {
result += this.options.chars.right;
} else {
result += this.options.chars.rightMid;
} else if ( a1Border ) {
result += this.options.chars.bottomRight;
} else if ( b1Border ) {
result += this.options.chars.bottomLeft;
} else if ( a2Border ) {
result += this.options.chars.topRight;
} else if ( b2Border ) {
result += this.options.chars.topLeft;
} else {
result += ' ';
const length = opts.padding[ colIndex ] + opts.width[ colIndex ] + opts.padding[ colIndex ];
if ( rowSpan[ colIndex ] > 1 && nextRow ) {
result += this.renderCell( colIndex, nextRow, prevRow, rowSpan, opts, true );
if ( nextRow[ colIndex ] === nextRow[ nextRow.length - 1 ] ) {
if ( b1Border ) {
result += this.options.chars.right;
} else {
result += ' ';
return result;
} else if ( b1Border && b2Border ) {
result += this.options.chars.mid.repeat( length );
} else if ( b1Border ) {
result += this.options.chars.bottom.repeat( length );
} else if ( b2Border ) {
result += this.options.chars.top.repeat( length );
} else {
result += ' '.repeat( length );
if ( colIndex === opts.columns - 1 ) {
if ( b1Border && b2Border ) {
result += this.options.chars.rightMid;
} else if ( b1Border ) {
result += this.options.chars.bottomRight;
} else if ( b2Border ) {
result += this.options.chars.topRight;
} else {
result += ' ';
return result;