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// Loaded from https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.12.1/packages/command/lib/zsh-completions-generator.ts
import snakeCase from '../../x/snakeCase.ts';
import { Command } from './command.ts';
import { IArgumentDetails, IOption } from './types.ts';
interface ICompletionAction {
arg: IArgumentDetails;
label: string;
name: string;
cmd: string;
export class ZshCompletionsGenerator {
private actions: Map<string, ICompletionAction> = new Map();
public static generate( cmd: Command ) {
return new ZshCompletionsGenerator( cmd ).generate();
private constructor( protected cmd: Command ) {}
* Generates zsh completions code.
private generate(): string {
return `
# compdef _${ snakeCase( this.cmd.getPath() ) } ${ this.cmd.getPath() }
# zsh completion for ${ this.cmd.getPath() }
# version: ${ this.cmd.getVersion() }
autoload -U is-at-least
(( $+functions[__${ snakeCase( this.cmd.getName() ) }_complete] )) ||
function __${ snakeCase( this.cmd.getName() ) }_complete {
local name="$1"; shift
local action="$1"; shift
integer ret=1
local -a values
local expl
_tags "$name"
while _tags; do
if _requested "$name"; then
values=( \$( ${ this.cmd.getName() } completions complete $action $@) )
if (( \${#values[@]} )); then
while _next_label "$name" expl "$action"; do
compadd -S '' "\$expl[@]" $values[@]
${ this.generateCompletions( this.cmd ).trim() }
# _${ snakeCase( this.cmd.getPath() ) } "\${@}"
compdef _${ snakeCase( this.cmd.getPath() ) } ${ this.cmd.getPath() }
# Local Variables:
# mode: Shell-Script
# sh-indentation: 4
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# sh-basic-offset: 4
# End:
# vim: ft=zsh sw=4 ts=4 et
* Generates zsh completions method for given command and child commands.
private generateCompletions( command: Command, path: string = '' ): string {
if ( !command.hasCommands( false ) && !command.hasOptions( false ) && !command.hasArguments() ) {
return '';
path = ( path ? path + ' ' : '' ) + command.getName();
return `(( $+functions[_${ snakeCase( path ) }] )) ||
function _${ snakeCase( path ) }() {`
+ ( !command.getParent() ? `\n\n local context state state_descr line\n typeset -A opt_args` : '' )
+ this.generateCommandCompletions( command, path )
+ this.generateSubCommandCompletions( command, path )
+ this.generateArgumentCompletions( command, path )
+ this.generateActions( command )
+ `\n}\n\n`
+ command.getCommands( false )
.filter( ( subCommand: Command ) => subCommand !== command )
.map( ( subCommand: Command ) => this.generateCompletions( subCommand, path ) )
.join( '' );
private generateCommandCompletions( command: Command, path: string ): string {
const commands = command.getCommands( false );
let completions: string = commands
.map( ( subCommand: Command ) =>
`'${ subCommand.getName() }:${ subCommand.getShortDescription() }'` )
.join( '\n ' );
if ( completions ) {
completions = `
local -a commands
${ completions }
_describe 'command' commands`;
if ( command.hasArguments() ) {
const completionsPath: string = path.split( ' ' ).slice( 1 ).join( ' ' );
const arg: IArgumentDetails = command.getArguments()[ 0 ];
const action = this.addAction( arg, completionsPath );
if ( action ) {
completions += `\n __${ snakeCase( this.cmd.getName() ) }_complete ${ action.arg.name } ${ action.arg.action } ${ action.cmd }`;
if ( completions ) {
completions = `\n\n function _commands() {${ completions }\n }`;
return completions;
private generateSubCommandCompletions( command: Command, path: string ): string {
if ( command.hasCommands( false ) ) {
const actions: string = command
.getCommands( false )
.map( ( command: Command ) => `${ command.getName() }) _${ snakeCase( path + ' ' + command.getName() ) } ;;` )
.join( '\n ' );
return `\n
function _command_args() {
case "$words[1]" in\n ${ actions }\n esac
return '';
private generateArgumentCompletions( command: Command, path: string ): string {
/* clear actions from previously parsed command. */
const options: string[] = this.generateOptions( command, path );
let argIndex = 0;
// @TODO: add stop early option: -A "-*"
// http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Completion-System.html
let argsCommand = '\n\n _arguments -w -s -S -C';
if ( command.hasOptions() ) {
argsCommand += ` \\\n ${ options.join( ' \\\n ' ) }`;
if ( command.hasCommands( false ) || command.hasArguments() ) {
argsCommand += ` \\\n '${ ++argIndex }: :_commands'`;
if ( command.hasArguments() || command.hasCommands( false ) ) {
const args: string[] = [];
for ( const arg of command.getArguments().slice( 1 ) ) {
const completionsPath: string = path.split( ' ' ).slice( 1 ).join( ' ' );
const action = this.addAction( arg, completionsPath );
args.push( `${ ++argIndex }${ arg.optionalValue ? '::' : ':' }${ action.name }` );
argsCommand += args.map( ( arg: string ) => `\\\n '${ arg }'` ).join( '' );
if ( command.hasCommands( false ) ) {
argsCommand += ` \\\n '*:: :->command_args'`;
return argsCommand;
private generateOptions( command: Command, path: string ) {
const options: string[] = [];
const cmdArgs: string[] = path.split( ' ' );
const baseName: string = cmdArgs.shift() as string;
const completionsPath: string = cmdArgs.join( ' ' );
const excludedFlags: string[] = command.getOptions( false )
.map( option => option.standalone ? option.flags.split( /[, ] */g ) : false )
.filter( flag => typeof flag === 'string' ) as string[];
for ( const option of command.getOptions( false ) ) {
options.push( this.generateOption( option, completionsPath, excludedFlags ) );
return options;
private generateOption( option: IOption, completionsPath: string, excludedOptions: string[] ): string {
let excludedFlags = option.conflicts?.length ? [ ...excludedOptions, ...option.conflicts ] : excludedOptions;
excludedFlags = option.collect ? excludedFlags : [
...option.flags.split( /[, ] */g )
let args: string = '';
for ( const arg of option.args ) {
const action = this.addAction( arg, completionsPath );
if ( arg.variadic ) {
args += `${ arg.optionalValue ? '::' : ':' }${ arg.name }:->${ action.name }`;
} else {
args += `${ arg.optionalValue ? '::' : ':' }${ arg.name }:->${ action.name }`;
const description: string | undefined = option.description.trim().split( '\n' ).shift();
const collect: string = option.collect ? '*' : '';
const flags: string = option.flags.replace( / +/g, '' );
if ( option.standalone ) {
return `'(- *)'{${ collect }${ flags }}'[${ description }]${ args }'`;
} else {
const excluded: string = excludedFlags.length ? `'(${ excludedFlags.join( ' ' ) })'` : '';
return `${ excluded }{${ collect }${ flags }}'[${ description }]${ args }'`;
private addAction( arg: IArgumentDetails, cmd: string ): ICompletionAction {
const action = `${ arg.name }-${ arg.action }`;
if ( !this.actions.has( action ) ) {
this.actions.set( action, {
arg: arg,
label: `${ arg.name }: ${ arg.action }`,
name: action,
} );
return this.actions.get( action ) as ICompletionAction;
private generateActions( command: Command ): string {
let actions: string[] = [];
if ( this.actions.size ) {
actions = Array
.from( this.actions )
.map( ( [ name, action ] ) =>
`${ name }) __${ snakeCase( this.cmd.getName() ) }_complete ${ action.arg.name } ${ action.arg.action } ${ action.cmd } ;;` );
if ( command.hasCommands( false ) ) {
actions.unshift( `command_args) _command_args ;;` );
if ( actions.length ) {
return `\n\n case "$state" in\n ${ actions.join( '\n ' ) }\n esac`;
return '';