2021-11-09 20:42:49 +09:00

54 lines
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// Loaded from https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.12.1/packages/command/commands/completions.ts
import { bold, dim, italic } from 'https://deno.land/std@0.63.0/fmt/colors.ts';
import { Command } from '../lib/command.ts';
import { BashCompletionsCommand } from './completions/bash.ts';
import { CompleteCommand } from './completions/complete.ts';
import { ZshCompletionsCommand } from './completions/zsh.ts';
* Generates source code for interactive shell completions used in multiple shell's.
export class CompletionsCommand extends Command {
public constructor( cmd?: Command ) {
this.description( () => {
cmd = cmd || this.getMainCommand();
return `Generate shell completions for zsh and bash.
${ dim( bold( 'Bash completions:' ) ) }
To enable bash completions for this program add following line to your ${ dim( italic( '~/.bashrc' ) ) }:
${ dim( italic( 'source <(command-name completions bash)' ) ) }
or create a separate file in the ${ dim( italic( 'bash_completion.d' ) ) } directory:
${ dim( italic( `${ cmd.getPath() } completions bash > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/${ cmd.getPath() }.bash` ) ) }
${ dim( italic( `source /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/${ cmd.getPath() }.bash` ) ) }
${ dim( bold( 'Zsh completions:' ) ) }
To enable zsh completions for this program add following line to your ${ dim( italic( '~/.zshrc' ) ) }:
${ dim( italic( 'source <(command-name completions zsh)' ) ) }
or create a separate file in the ${ dim( italic( 'zsh_completion.d' ) ) } directory:
${ dim( italic( `${ cmd.getPath() } completions zsh > /usr/local/etc/zsh_completion.d/${ cmd.getPath() }.zsh` ) ) }
${ dim( italic( `source /usr/local/etc/zsh_completion.d/${ cmd.getPath() }.zsh` ) ) }
} )
.default( 'help' )
.command( 'zsh', new ZshCompletionsCommand( cmd ) )
.command( 'bash', new BashCompletionsCommand( cmd ) )
.command( 'complete', new CompleteCommand( cmd ).hidden() )