2021-11-09 20:42:49 +09:00

169 lines
4.5 KiB

// Loaded from https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.18.0/command/completions/_fish_completions_generator.ts
import type { Command } from "../command.ts";
import type { IOption } from "../types.ts";
/** Generates fish completions script. */
interface CompleteOptions {
description?: string;
shortOption?: string;
longOption?: string;
required?: boolean;
standalone?: boolean;
arguments?: string;
/** Fish completions generator. */
export class FishCompletionsGenerator {
/** Generates fish completions script for given command. */
public static generate(cmd: Command) {
return new FishCompletionsGenerator(cmd).generate();
private constructor(protected cmd: Command) {}
/** Generates fish completions script. */
private generate(): string {
const path = this.cmd.getPath();
const version: string | undefined = this.cmd.getVersion()
? ` v${this.cmd.getVersion()}`
: "";
return `#!/usr/bin/env fish
# fish completion support for ${path}${version}
function __fish_${replaceSpecialChars(this.cmd.getName())}_using_command
set cmds ${getCommandFnNames(this.cmd).join(" ")}
set words (commandline -opc)
set cmd "_"
for word in $words
switch $word
case '-*'
case '*'
set word (string replace -r -a '\\W' '_' $word)
set cmd_tmp $cmd"_$word"
if contains $cmd_tmp $cmds
set cmd $cmd_tmp
if [ "$cmd" = "$argv[1]" ]
return 0
return 1
private generateCompletions(command: Command): string {
const parent: Command | undefined = command.getParent();
let result = ``;
if (parent) {
// command
result += "\n" + this.complete(parent, {
description: command.getShortDescription(),
arguments: command.getName(),
// arguments
const commandArgs = command.getArguments();
if (commandArgs.length) {
result += "\n" + this.complete(command, {
arguments: commandArgs.length
? this.getCompletionCommand(
commandArgs[0].action + " " + getCompletionsPath(command),
: undefined,
// options
for (const option of command.getOptions(false)) {
result += "\n" + this.completeOption(command, option);
for (const subCommand of command.getCommands(false)) {
result += this.generateCompletions(subCommand);
return result;
private completeOption(command: Command, option: IOption) {
const shortOption: string | undefined = option.flags
.find((flag) => flag.length === 2)
?.replace(/^(-)+/, "");
const longOption: string | undefined = option.flags
.find((flag) => flag.length > 2)
?.replace(/^(-)+/, "");
return this.complete(command, {
description: option.description,
shortOption: shortOption,
longOption: longOption,
// required: option.requiredValue,
required: true,
standalone: option.standalone,
arguments: option.args.length
? this.getCompletionCommand(
option.args[0].action + " " + getCompletionsPath(command),
: undefined,
private complete(command: Command, options: CompleteOptions) {
const cmd = ["complete"];
cmd.push("-c", this.cmd.getName());
`'__fish_${replaceSpecialChars(this.cmd.getName())}_using_command __${
options.shortOption && cmd.push("-s", options.shortOption);
options.longOption && cmd.push("-l", options.longOption);
options.standalone && cmd.push("-x");
if (options.arguments) {
options.required && cmd.push("-r");
cmd.push("-a", options.arguments);
options.description && cmd.push("-d", `'${options.description}'`);
return cmd.join(" ");
private getCompletionCommand(cmd: string): string {
return `'(${this.cmd.getName()} completions complete ${cmd.trim()})'`;
function getCommandFnNames(
cmd: Command,
cmds: Array<string> = [],
): Array<string> {
cmd.getCommands(false).forEach((command) => {
getCommandFnNames(command, cmds);
return cmds;
function getCompletionsPath(command: Command): string {
return command.getPath()
.split(" ")
.join(" ");
function replaceSpecialChars(str: string): string {
return str.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "_");