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// Loaded from https://deno.land/x/cliffy@v0.18.0/keycode/key_code.ts
import { KeyMap, KeyMapCtrl, KeyMapShift } from "./key_codes.ts";
import { IKey, KeyEvent } from "./key_event.ts";
const kUTF16SurrogateThreshold = 0x10000; // 2 ** 16
const kEscape = "\x1b";
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
const permissions: any = (Deno as any).permissions;
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
const envPermissionStatus: any = permissions && permissions.query &&
await permissions.query({ name: "env" });
const hasEnvPermissions: boolean = !!envPermissionStatus &&
envPermissionStatus.state === "granted";
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code
// https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v13.13.0/lib/internal/readline/utils.js
/** KeyCode representation. */
export class KeyCode {
* Parse ansi escape sequence.
* @param data Ansi escape sequence.
* ```
* KeyCode.parse("\x04\x18");
* ```
* ```
* [
* KeyEvent { name: "d", sequence: "\x04", ctrl: true, meta: false, shift: false },
* KeyEvent { name: "x", sequence: "\x18", ctrl: true, meta: false, shift: false },
* ]
* ```
public static parse(data: Uint8Array | string): KeyEvent[] {
try {
return this.parseEscapeSequence(data);
} catch (e) {
if (hasEnvPermissions && Deno.env.get("CLIFFY_DEBUG")) {
Deno.stderr.writeSync(new TextEncoder().encode(e.toString() + "\n"));
return [];
* Some patterns seen in terminal key escape codes, derived from combos seen
* at http://www.midnight-commander.org/browser/lib/tty/key.c
* ESC letter
* ESC [ letter
* ESC [ modifier letter
* ESC [ 1 ; modifier letter
* ESC [ num char
* ESC [ num ; modifier char
* ESC O letter
* ESC O modifier letter
* ESC O 1 ; modifier letter
* ESC N letter
* ESC [ [ num ; modifier char
* ESC [ [ 1 ; modifier letter
* ESC ESC [ num char
* ESC ESC O letter
* - char is usually ~ but $ and ^ also happen with rxvt
* - modifier is 1 +
* (shift * 1) +
* (left_alt * 2) +
* (ctrl * 4) +
* (right_alt * 8)
* - two leading ESCs apparently mean the same as one leading ESC
protected static parseEscapeSequence(data: Uint8Array | string): KeyEvent[] {
let index = -1;
const keys: KeyEvent[] = [];
const input: string = data instanceof Uint8Array
? new TextDecoder().decode(data)
: data;
const hasNext = () => input.length - 1 >= index + 1;
const next = () => input[++index];
return keys;
function parseNext() {
let ch: string = next();
let s: string = ch;
let escaped = false;
const key: IKey = {
name: undefined,
sequence: undefined,
ctrl: false,
meta: false,
shift: false,
if (ch === kEscape) {
escaped = true;
s += (ch = next());
if (ch === kEscape) {
s += (ch = next());
if (escaped && (ch === "O" || ch === "[")) {
// ANSI escape sequence
let code: string = ch;
let modifier = 0;
if (ch === "O") {
// ESC O letter
// ESC O modifier letter
s += (ch = next());
if (ch >= "0" && ch <= "9") {
modifier = (Number(ch) >> 0) - 1;
s += (ch = next());
code += ch;
} else if (ch === "[") {
// ESC [ letter
// ESC [ modifier letter
// ESC [ [ modifier letter
// ESC [ [ num char
s += (ch = next());
if (ch === "[") {
// \x1b[[A
// ^--- escape codes might have a second bracket
code += ch;
s += (ch = next());
* Here and later we try to buffer just enough data to get
* a complete ascii sequence.
* We have basically two classes of ascii characters to process:
* 1. `\x1b[24;5~` should be parsed as { code: '[24~', modifier: 5 }
* This particular example is featuring Ctrl+F12 in xterm.
* - `;5` part is optional, e.g. it could be `\x1b[24~`
* - first part can contain one or two digits
* So the generic regexp is like /^\d\d?(;\d)?[~^$]$/
* 2. `\x1b[1;5H` should be parsed as { code: '[H', modifier: 5 }
* This particular example is featuring Ctrl+Home in xterm.
* - `1;5` part is optional, e.g. it could be `\x1b[H`
* - `1;` part is optional, e.g. it could be `\x1b[5H`
* So the generic regexp is like /^((\d;)?\d)?[A-Za-z]$/
const cmdStart: number = s.length - 1;
// Skip one or two leading digits
if (ch >= "0" && ch <= "9") {
s += (ch = next());
if (ch >= "0" && ch <= "9") {
s += (ch = next());
// skip modifier
if (ch === ";") {
s += (ch = next());
if (ch >= "0" && ch <= "9") {
s += next();
* We buffered enough data, now trying to extract code
* and modifier from it
const cmd: string = s.slice(cmdStart);
let match: RegExpMatchArray | null;
if ((match = cmd.match(/^(\d\d?)(;(\d))?([~^$])$/))) {
code += match[1] + match[4];
modifier = (Number(match[3]) || 1) - 1;
} else if ((match = cmd.match(/^((\d;)?(\d))?([A-Za-z])$/))) {
code += match[4];
modifier = (Number(match[3]) || 1) - 1;
} else {
code += cmd;
// Parse the key modifier
key.ctrl = !!(modifier & 4);
key.meta = !!(modifier & 10);
key.shift = !!(modifier & 1);
// Parse the key itself
if (code in KeyMap) {
key.name = KeyMap[code];
} else if (code in KeyMapShift) {
key.name = KeyMapShift[code];
key.shift = true;
} else if (code in KeyMapCtrl) {
key.name = KeyMapCtrl[code];
key.ctrl = true;
} else {
key.name = "undefined";
} else if (ch === "\r") {
// carriage return
key.name = "return";
} else if (ch === "\n") {
// Enter, should have been called linefeed
key.name = "enter";
} else if (ch === "\t") {
// tab
key.name = "tab";
} else if (ch === "\b" || ch === "\x7f") {
// backspace or ctrl+h
key.name = "backspace";
key.meta = escaped;
} else if (ch === kEscape) {
// escape key
key.name = "escape";
key.meta = escaped;
} else if (ch === " ") {
key.name = "space";
key.meta = escaped;
} else if (!escaped && ch <= "\x1a") {
// ctrl+letter
key.name = String.fromCharCode(
ch.charCodeAt(0) + "a".charCodeAt(0) - 1,
key.ctrl = true;
} else if (/^[0-9A-Za-z]$/.test(ch)) {
// Letter, number, shift+letter
key.name = ch.toLowerCase();
key.shift = /^[A-Z]$/.test(ch);
key.meta = escaped;
} else if (escaped) {
// Escape sequence timeout
key.name = ch.length ? undefined : "escape";
key.meta = true;
key.sequence = s;
if (s.length !== 0 && (key.name !== undefined || escaped)) {
/* Named character or sequence */
key.sequence = escaped ? undefined : s;
} else if (charLengthAt(s, 0) === s.length) {
/* Single unnamed character, e.g. "." */
key.sequence = s;
} else {
/* Unrecognized or broken escape sequence. */
throw new Error("Unrecognized or broken escape sequence");
if (hasNext()) {
function charLengthAt(str: string, i: number): number {
const pos: number | undefined = str.codePointAt(i);
if (typeof pos === "undefined") {
// Pretend to move to the right. This is necessary to autocomplete while
// moving to the right.
return 1;
return pos >= kUTF16SurrogateThreshold ? 2 : 1;