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// Loaded from https://dev.jspm.io/npm:ngraph.graph@19.1.0/index.dew.js
import { dew as _npmNgraphDew } from "/npm:ngraph.events@1?dew";
var exports = {},
_dewExec = false;
var _global = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : global;
export function dew() {
if (_dewExec) return exports;
_dewExec = true;
* @fileOverview Contains definition of the core graph object.
// TODO: need to change storage layer:
// 1. Be able to get all nodes O(1)
// 2. Be able to get number of links O(1)
* @example
* var graph = require('ngraph.graph')();
* graph.addNode(1); // graph has one node.
* graph.addLink(2, 3); // now graph contains three nodes and one link.
exports = createGraph;
var eventify = _npmNgraphDew();
* Creates a new graph
function createGraph(options) {
// Graph structure is maintained as dictionary of nodes
// and array of links. Each node has 'links' property which
// hold all links related to that node. And general links
// array is used to speed up all links enumeration. This is inefficient
// in terms of memory, but simplifies coding.
options = options || {};
if ('uniqueLinkId' in options) {
console.warn('ngraph.graph: Starting from version 0.14 `uniqueLinkId` is deprecated.\n' + 'Use `multigraph` option instead\n', '\n', 'Note: there is also change in default behavior: From now on each graph\n' + 'is considered to be not a multigraph by default (each edge is unique).');
options.multigraph = options.uniqueLinkId;
} // Dear reader, the non-multigraphs do not guarantee that there is only
// one link for a given pair of node. When this option is set to false
// we can save some memory and CPU (18% faster for non-multigraph);
if (options.multigraph === undefined) options.multigraph = false;
if (typeof Map !== 'function') {
// TODO: Should we polyfill it ourselves? We don't use much operations there..
throw new Error('ngraph.graph requires `Map` to be defined. Please polyfill it before using ngraph');
var nodes = new Map();
var links = [],
// Hash of multi-edges. Used to track ids of edges between same nodes
multiEdges = {},
suspendEvents = 0,
createLink = options.multigraph ? createUniqueLink : createSingleLink,
// Our graph API provides means to listen to graph changes. Users can subscribe
// to be notified about changes in the graph by using `on` method. However
// in some cases they don't use it. To avoid unnecessary memory consumption
// we will not record graph changes until we have at least one subscriber.
// Code below supports this optimization.
// Accumulates all changes made during graph updates.
// Each change element contains:
// changeType - one of the strings: 'add', 'remove' or 'update';
// node - if change is related to node this property is set to changed graph's node;
// link - if change is related to link this property is set to changed graph's link;
changes = [],
recordLinkChange = noop,
recordNodeChange = noop,
enterModification = noop,
exitModification = noop; // this is our public API:
var graphPart = {
* Adds node to the graph. If node with given id already exists in the graph
* its data is extended with whatever comes in 'data' argument.
* @param nodeId the node's identifier. A string or number is preferred.
* @param [data] additional data for the node being added. If node already
* exists its data object is augmented with the new one.
* @return {node} The newly added node or node with given id if it already exists.
addNode: addNode,
* Adds a link to the graph. The function always create a new
* link between two nodes. If one of the nodes does not exists
* a new node is created.
* @param fromId link start node id;
* @param toId link end node id;
* @param [data] additional data to be set on the new link;
* @return {link} The newly created link
addLink: addLink,
* Removes link from the graph. If link does not exist does nothing.
* @param link - object returned by addLink() or getLinks() methods.
* @returns true if link was removed; false otherwise.
removeLink: removeLink,
* Removes node with given id from the graph. If node does not exist in the graph
* does nothing.
* @param nodeId node's identifier passed to addNode() function.
* @returns true if node was removed; false otherwise.
removeNode: removeNode,
* Gets node with given identifier. If node does not exist undefined value is returned.
* @param nodeId requested node identifier;
* @return {node} in with requested identifier or undefined if no such node exists.
getNode: getNode,
* Gets number of nodes in this graph.
* @return number of nodes in the graph.
getNodeCount: getNodeCount,
* Gets total number of links in the graph.
getLinkCount: getLinkCount,
* Synonym for `getLinkCount()`
getLinksCount: getLinkCount,
* Synonym for `getNodeCount()`
getNodesCount: getNodeCount,
* Gets all links (inbound and outbound) from the node with given id.
* If node with given id is not found null is returned.
* @param nodeId requested node identifier.
* @return Array of links from and to requested node if such node exists;
* otherwise null is returned.
getLinks: getLinks,
* Invokes callback on each node of the graph.
* @param {Function(node)} callback Function to be invoked. The function
* is passed one argument: visited node.
forEachNode: forEachNode,
* Invokes callback on every linked (adjacent) node to the given one.
* @param nodeId Identifier of the requested node.
* @param {Function(node, link)} callback Function to be called on all linked nodes.
* The function is passed two parameters: adjacent node and link object itself.
* @param oriented if true graph treated as oriented.
forEachLinkedNode: forEachLinkedNode,
* Enumerates all links in the graph
* @param {Function(link)} callback Function to be called on all links in the graph.
* The function is passed one parameter: graph's link object.
* Link object contains at least the following fields:
* fromId - node id where link starts;
* toId - node id where link ends,
* data - additional data passed to graph.addLink() method.
forEachLink: forEachLink,
* Suspend all notifications about graph changes until
* endUpdate is called.
beginUpdate: enterModification,
* Resumes all notifications about graph changes and fires
* graph 'changed' event in case there are any pending changes.
endUpdate: exitModification,
* Removes all nodes and links from the graph.
clear: clear,
* Detects whether there is a link between two nodes.
* Operation complexity is O(n) where n - number of links of a node.
* NOTE: this function is synonim for getLink()
* @returns link if there is one. null otherwise.
hasLink: getLink,
* Detects whether there is a node with given id
* Operation complexity is O(1)
* NOTE: this function is synonim for getNode()
* @returns node if there is one; Falsy value otherwise.
hasNode: getNode,
* Gets an edge between two nodes.
* Operation complexity is O(n) where n - number of links of a node.
* @param {string} fromId link start identifier
* @param {string} toId link end identifier
* @returns link if there is one. null otherwise.
getLink: getLink
}; // this will add `on()` and `fire()` methods.
return graphPart;
function monitorSubscribers() {
var realOn = graphPart.on; // replace real `on` with our temporary on, which will trigger change
// modification monitoring:
graphPart.on = on;
function on() {
// now it's time to start tracking stuff:
graphPart.beginUpdate = enterModification = enterModificationReal;
graphPart.endUpdate = exitModification = exitModificationReal;
recordLinkChange = recordLinkChangeReal;
recordNodeChange = recordNodeChangeReal; // this will replace current `on` method with real pub/sub from `eventify`.
graphPart.on = realOn; // delegate to real `on` handler:
return realOn.apply(graphPart, arguments);
function recordLinkChangeReal(link, changeType) {
link: link,
changeType: changeType
function recordNodeChangeReal(node, changeType) {
node: node,
changeType: changeType
function addNode(nodeId, data) {
if (nodeId === undefined) {
throw new Error('Invalid node identifier');
var node = getNode(nodeId);
if (!node) {
node = new Node(nodeId, data);
recordNodeChange(node, 'add');
} else {
node.data = data;
recordNodeChange(node, 'update');
nodes.set(nodeId, node);
return node;
function getNode(nodeId) {
return nodes.get(nodeId);
function removeNode(nodeId) {
var node = getNode(nodeId);
if (!node) {
return false;
var prevLinks = node.links;
if (prevLinks) {
node.links = null;
for (var i = 0; i < prevLinks.length; ++i) {
recordNodeChange(node, 'remove');
return true;
function addLink(fromId, toId, data) {
var fromNode = getNode(fromId) || addNode(fromId);
var toNode = getNode(toId) || addNode(toId);
var link = createLink(fromId, toId, data);
links.push(link); // TODO: this is not cool. On large graphs potentially would consume more memory.
addLinkToNode(fromNode, link);
if (fromId !== toId) {
// make sure we are not duplicating links for self-loops
addLinkToNode(toNode, link);
recordLinkChange(link, 'add');
return link;
function createSingleLink(fromId, toId, data) {
var linkId = makeLinkId(fromId, toId);
return new Link(fromId, toId, data, linkId);
function createUniqueLink(fromId, toId, data) {
// TODO: Get rid of this method.
var linkId = makeLinkId(fromId, toId);
var isMultiEdge = multiEdges.hasOwnProperty(linkId);
if (isMultiEdge || getLink(fromId, toId)) {
if (!isMultiEdge) {
multiEdges[linkId] = 0;
var suffix = '@' + ++multiEdges[linkId];
linkId = makeLinkId(fromId + suffix, toId + suffix);
return new Link(fromId, toId, data, linkId);
function getNodeCount() {
return nodes.size;
function getLinkCount() {
return links.length;
function getLinks(nodeId) {
var node = getNode(nodeId);
return node ? node.links : null;
function removeLink(link) {
if (!link) {
return false;
var idx = indexOfElementInArray(link, links);
if (idx < 0) {
return false;
links.splice(idx, 1);
var fromNode = getNode(link.fromId);
var toNode = getNode(link.toId);
if (fromNode) {
idx = indexOfElementInArray(link, fromNode.links);
if (idx >= 0) {
fromNode.links.splice(idx, 1);
if (toNode) {
idx = indexOfElementInArray(link, toNode.links);
if (idx >= 0) {
toNode.links.splice(idx, 1);
recordLinkChange(link, 'remove');
return true;
function getLink(fromNodeId, toNodeId) {
// TODO: Use sorted links to speed this up
var node = getNode(fromNodeId),
if (!node || !node.links) {
return null;
for (i = 0; i < node.links.length; ++i) {
var link = node.links[i];
if (link.fromId === fromNodeId && link.toId === toNodeId) {
return link;
return null; // no link.
function clear() {
forEachNode(function (node) {
function forEachLink(callback) {
var i, length;
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
for (i = 0, length = links.length; i < length; ++i) {
function forEachLinkedNode(nodeId, callback, oriented) {
var node = getNode(nodeId);
if (node && node.links && typeof callback === 'function') {
if (oriented) {
return forEachOrientedLink(node.links, nodeId, callback);
} else {
return forEachNonOrientedLink(node.links, nodeId, callback);
function forEachNonOrientedLink(links, nodeId, callback) {
var quitFast;
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; ++i) {
var link = links[i];
var linkedNodeId = link.fromId === nodeId ? link.toId : link.fromId;
quitFast = callback(nodes.get(linkedNodeId), link);
if (quitFast) {
return true; // Client does not need more iterations. Break now.
function forEachOrientedLink(links, nodeId, callback) {
var quitFast;
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; ++i) {
var link = links[i];
if (link.fromId === nodeId) {
quitFast = callback(nodes.get(link.toId), link);
if (quitFast) {
return true; // Client does not need more iterations. Break now.
} // we will not fire anything until users of this library explicitly call `on()`
// method.
function noop() {} // Enter, Exit modification allows bulk graph updates without firing events.
function enterModificationReal() {
suspendEvents += 1;
function exitModificationReal() {
suspendEvents -= 1;
if (suspendEvents === 0 && changes.length > 0) {
graphPart.fire('changed', changes);
changes.length = 0;
function forEachNode(callback) {
if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
throw new Error('Function is expected to iterate over graph nodes. You passed ' + callback);
var valuesIterator = nodes.values();
var nextValue = valuesIterator.next();
while (!nextValue.done) {
if (callback(nextValue.value)) {
return true; // client doesn't want to proceed. Return.
nextValue = valuesIterator.next();
} // need this for old browsers. Should this be a separate module?
function indexOfElementInArray(element, array) {
if (!array) return -1;
if (array.indexOf) {
return array.indexOf(element);
var len = array.length,
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
if (array[i] === element) {
return i;
return -1;
* Internal structure to represent node;
function Node(id, data) {
(this || _global).id = id;
(this || _global).links = null;
(this || _global).data = data;
function addLinkToNode(node, link) {
if (node.links) {
} else {
node.links = [link];
* Internal structure to represent links;
function Link(fromId, toId, data, id) {
(this || _global).fromId = fromId;
(this || _global).toId = toId;
(this || _global).data = data;
(this || _global).id = id;
function makeLinkId(fromId, toId) {
return fromId.toString() + '👉 ' + toId.toString();
return exports;
} |