2023-10-13 12:26:21 +09:00

79 lines
2.6 KiB

# configuration file for git-cliff (0.1.0)
# changelog header
header = """
# Changelog
# template for the changelog body
# https://tera.netlify.app/docs/#introduction
body = """
{% if version %}\
## [{{ version | trim_start_matches(pat="v") }}] - {{ timestamp | date(format="%Y-%m-%d") }}
{% else %}\
## [unreleased]
{% endif %}\
{% for group, commits in commits | group_by(attribute="group") %}
### {{ group | upper_first }}
{% for commit in commits
| filter(attribute="scope")
| sort(attribute="scope") %}
- **({{commit.scope}})** {{ commit.message | upper_first }} ([{{ commit.id | truncate(length=7, end="") }}](https://github.com/swc-project/swc/commit/{{ commit.id }}))
{%- if commit.breaking %}
{% raw %} {% endraw %}- **BREAKING**: {{commit.breaking_description}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- for commit in commits %}
{%- if commit.scope -%}
{% else %}
- {{ commit.message | upper_first }} ([{{ commit.id | truncate(length=7, end="") }}](https://github.com/swc-project/swc/commit/{{ commit.id }}))
{%- if commit.breaking %}
{% raw %} {% endraw %}- **BREAKING**: {{commit.breaking_description}}
{%- endif -%}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
{% raw %}\n{% endraw %}\
{% endfor %}\n
# remove the leading and trailing whitespaces from the template
trim = true
# changelog footer
footer = """
<!-- generated by git-cliff -->
# allow only conventional commits
# https://www.conventionalcommits.org
conventional_commits = true
filter_unconventional = false
commit_preprocessors = [
{ pattern = "\\(#([0-9]+)\\)", replace = "([#${1}](https://github.com/swc-project/swc/issues/${1}))" },
# regex for parsing and grouping commits
commit_parsers = [
{ message = "^feat", group = "Features" },
{ message = "^fix", group = "Bug Fixes" },
{ message = "^doc", group = "Documentation" },
{ message = "^perf", group = "Performance" },
{ message = "^refactor", group = "Refactor" },
{ message = "^style", group = "Styling" },
{ message = "^test", group = "Testing" },
{ message = "^chore: Publish", skip = true },
{ message = "^chore:", skip = true },
{ message = "^chore\\(ci\\):", skip = true },
{ message = "^chore\\(xtask\\):", skip = true },
{ message = "^chore", group = "Miscellaneous Tasks" },
{ body = ".*security", group = "Security" },
# filter out the commits that are not matched by commit parsers
filter_commits = false
# glob pattern for matching git tags
ignore_tags = "nightly"
limit_commits = 1000
tag_pattern = "v[0-9]*"