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// @strict: true
// @target: esnext
// Repro from #30720
type Maybe<T> = T | undefined;
declare function concatMaybe<T>(...args: (Maybe<T> | Maybe<T>[])[]): T[];
concatMaybe([1, 2, 3], 4);
// Repros from #32247
const g: <U, R, S>(com: () => Iterator<S, U, R> | AsyncIterator<S, U, R>) => Promise<U> = async <U, R, S>(com: () => Iterator<S, U, R> | AsyncIterator<S, U, R>): Promise<U> => {
throw com;
interface Foo1<T> {
test(value: T): void;
interface Bar1<T> {
test(value: T | PromiseLike<T>): void;
declare let f1: <T>(x: Foo1<T> | Bar1<T>) => Promise<T>;
declare let f2: <U>(x: Foo1<U> | Bar1<U>) => Promise<U>;
f1 = f2;
f2 = f1;
type Foo2<T> = {
test(value: T): void;
type Bar2<T> = {
test(value: T | PromiseLike<T>): void;
declare let g1: <T>(x: Foo2<T> | Bar2<T>) => Promise<T>;
declare let g2: <U>(x: Foo2<U> | Bar2<U>) => Promise<U>;
g1 = g2;
g2 = g1;
// Repro from #32572
declare function foo1<T>(obj: string[] & Iterable<T>): T;
declare function foo2<T>(obj: string[] & T): T;
declare let sa: string[];
declare let sx: string[] & { extra: number };
let x1 = foo1(sa); // string
let y1 = foo1(sx); // string
let x2 = foo2(sa); // unknown
let y2 = foo2(sx); // { extra: number }
// Repro from #33490
declare class Component<P> { props: P }
export type ComponentClass<P> = new (props: P) => Component<P>;
export type FunctionComponent<P> = (props: P) => null;
export type ComponentType<P> = FunctionComponent<P> | ComponentClass<P>;
export interface RouteComponentProps { route: string }
declare function withRouter<
P extends RouteComponentProps,
C extends ComponentType<P>
component: C & ComponentType<P>
): ComponentClass<Omit<P, keyof RouteComponentProps>>;
interface Props extends RouteComponentProps { username: string }
declare const MyComponent: ComponentType<Props>;
// Repro from #33490
type AB<T> = { a: T } | { b: T };
// T & AB<U> normalizes to T & { a: U } | T & { b: U } below
declare function foo<T, U>(obj: T & AB<U>): [T, U];
declare let ab: AB<string>;
let z = foo(ab); // [AB<string>, string]