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// @strict: true
// @declaration: true
// Variadics in tuple types
type TV0<T extends unknown[]> = [string, ...T];
type TV1<T extends unknown[]> = [string, ...T, number];
type TV2<T extends unknown[]> = [string, ...T, number, ...T];
type TV3<T extends unknown[]> = [string, ...T, ...number[], ...T];
// Normalization
type TN1 = TV1<[boolean, string]>;
type TN2 = TV1<[]>;
type TN3 = TV1<[boolean?]>;
type TN4 = TV1<string[]>;
type TN5 = TV1<[boolean] | [symbol, symbol]>;
type TN6 = TV1<any>;
type TN7 = TV1<never>;
// Variadics in array literals
function tup2<T extends unknown[], U extends unknown[]>(t: [...T], u: [...U]) {
return [1, ...t, 2, ...u, 3] as const;
const t2 = tup2(['hello'], [10, true]);
function concat<T extends unknown[], U extends unknown[]>(t: [...T], u: [...U]): [...T, ...U] {
return [...t, ...u];
declare const sa: string[];
const tc1 = concat([], []);
const tc2 = concat(['hello'], [42]);
const tc3 = concat([1, 2, 3], sa);
const tc4 = concat(sa, [1, 2, 3]); // Ideally would be [...string[], number, number, number]
function concat2<T extends readonly unknown[], U extends readonly unknown[]>(t: T, u: U) {
return [...t, ...u]; // (T[number] | U[number])[]
const tc5 = concat2([1, 2, 3] as const, [4, 5, 6] as const); // (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6)[]
// Spread arguments
declare function foo1(a: number, b: string, c: boolean, ...d: number[]): void;
function foo2(t1: [number, string], t2: [boolean], a1: number[]) {
foo1(1, 'abc', true, 42, 43, 44);
foo1(...t1, true, 42, 43, 44);
foo1(...t1, ...t2, 42, 43, 44);
foo1(...t1, ...t2, ...a1);
foo1(...t1); // Error
foo1(...t1, 45); // Error
declare function foo3<T extends unknown[]>(x: number, ...args: [...T, number]): T;
function foo4<U extends unknown[]>(u: U) {
foo3(1, 2);
foo3(1, 'hello', true, 2);
foo3(1, ...u, 'hi', 2);
// Contextual typing of array literals
declare function ft1<T extends unknown[]>(t: T): T;
declare function ft2<T extends unknown[]>(t: T): readonly [...T];
declare function ft3<T extends unknown[]>(t: [...T]): T;
declare function ft4<T extends unknown[]>(t: [...T]): readonly [...T];
ft1(['hello', 42]); // (string | number)[]
ft2(['hello', 42]); // readonly (string | number)[]
ft3(['hello', 42]); // [string, number]
ft4(['hello', 42]); // readonly [string, number]
// Indexing variadic tuple types
function f0<T extends unknown[]>(t: [string, ...T], n: number) {
const a = t[0]; // string
const b = t[1]; // [string, ...T][1]
const c = t[2]; // [string, ...T][2]
const d = t[n]; // [string, ...T][number]
function f1<T extends unknown[]>(t: [string, ...T, number], n: number) {
const a = t[0]; // string
const b = t[1]; // [string, ...T, number][1]
const c = t[2]; // [string, ...T, number][2]
const d = t[n]; // [string, ...T, number][number]
// Destructuring variadic tuple types
function f2<T extends unknown[]>(t: [string, ...T]) {
let [...ax] = t; // [string, ...T]
let [b1, ...bx] = t; // string, [...T]
let [c1, c2, ...cx] = t; // string, [string, ...T][1], T[number][]
function f3<T extends unknown[]>(t: [string, ...T, number]) {
let [...ax] = t; // [string, ...T, number]
let [b1, ...bx] = t; // string, [...T, number]
let [c1, c2, ...cx] = t; // string, [string, ...T, number][1], (number | T[number])[]
// Mapped types applied to variadic tuple types
type Arrayify<T> = { [P in keyof T]: T[P][] };
type TM1<U extends unknown[]> = Arrayify<readonly [string, number?, ...U, ...boolean[]]>; // [string[], (number | undefined)[]?, Arrayify<U>, ...boolean[][]]
type TP1<T extends unknown[]> = Partial<[string, ...T, number]>; // [string?, Partial<T>, number?]
type TP2<T extends unknown[]> = Partial<[string, ...T, ...number[]]>; // [string?, Partial<T>, ...(number | undefined)[]]
// Reverse mapping through mapped type applied to variadic tuple type
declare function fm1<T extends unknown[]>(t: Arrayify<[string, number, ...T]>): T;
let tm1 = fm1([['abc'], [42], [true], ['def']]); // [boolean, string]
// Spread of readonly array-like infers mutable array-like
declare function fx1<T extends unknown[]>(a: string, ...args: T): T;
function gx1<U extends unknown[], V extends readonly unknown[]>(u: U, v: V) {
fx1('abc'); // []
fx1('abc', ...u); // U
fx1('abc', ...v); // [...V]
fx1<U>('abc', ...u); // U
fx1<V>('abc', ...v); // Error
declare function fx2<T extends readonly unknown[]>(a: string, ...args: T): T;
function gx2<U extends unknown[], V extends readonly unknown[]>(u: U, v: V) {
fx2('abc'); // []
fx2('abc', ...u); // U
fx2('abc', ...v); // [...V]
fx2<U>('abc', ...u); // U
fx2<V>('abc', ...v); // V
// Relations involving variadic tuple types
function f10<T extends string[], U extends T>(x: [string, ...unknown[]], y: [string, ...T], z: [string, ...U]) {
x = y;
x = z;
y = x; // Error
y = z;
z = x; // Error
z = y; // Error
// For a generic type T, [...T] is assignable to T, T is assignable to readonly [...T], and T is assignable
// to [...T] when T is constrained to a mutable array or tuple type.
function f11<T extends unknown[]>(t: T, m: [...T], r: readonly [...T]) {
t = m;
t = r; // Error
m = t;
m = r; // Error
r = t;
r = m;
function f12<T extends readonly unknown[]>(t: T, m: [...T], r: readonly [...T]) {
t = m;
t = r; // Error
m = t; // Error
m = r; // Error
r = t;
r = m;
function f13<T extends string[], U extends T>(t0: T, t1: [...T], t2: [...U]) {
t0 = t1;
t0 = t2;
t1 = t0;
t1 = t2;
t2 = t0; // Error
t2 = t1; // Error
function f14<T extends readonly string[], U extends T>(t0: T, t1: [...T], t2: [...U]) {
t0 = t1;
t0 = t2;
t1 = t0; // Error
t1 = t2;
t2 = t0; // Error
t2 = t1; // Error
function f15<T extends string[], U extends T>(k0: keyof T, k1: keyof [...T], k2: keyof [...U], k3: keyof [1, 2, ...T]) {
k0 = 'length';
k1 = 'length';
k2 = 'length';
k0 = 'slice';
k1 = 'slice';
k2 = 'slice';
k3 = '0';
k3 = '1';
k3 = '2'; // Error
// Inference between variadic tuple types
type First<T extends readonly unknown[]> =
T extends readonly [unknown, ...unknown[]] ? T[0] :
T[0] | undefined;
type DropFirst<T extends readonly unknown[]> = T extends readonly [unknown?, ...infer U] ? U : [...T];
type Last<T extends readonly unknown[]> =
T extends readonly [...unknown[], infer U] ? U :
T extends readonly [unknown, ...unknown[]] ? T[number] :
T[number] | undefined;
type DropLast<T extends readonly unknown[]> = T extends readonly [...infer U, unknown] ? U : [...T];
type T00 = First<[number, symbol, string]>;
type T01 = First<[symbol, string]>;
type T02 = First<[string]>;
type T03 = First<[number, symbol, ...string[]]>;
type T04 = First<[symbol, ...string[]]>;
type T05 = First<[string?]>;
type T06 = First<string[]>;
type T07 = First<[]>;
type T08 = First<any>;
type T09 = First<never>;
type T10 = DropFirst<[number, symbol, string]>;
type T11 = DropFirst<[symbol, string]>;
type T12 = DropFirst<[string]>;
type T13 = DropFirst<[number, symbol, ...string[]]>;
type T14 = DropFirst<[symbol, ...string[]]>;
type T15 = DropFirst<[string?]>;
type T16 = DropFirst<string[]>;
type T17 = DropFirst<[]>;
type T18 = DropFirst<any>;
type T19 = DropFirst<never>;
type T20 = Last<[number, symbol, string]>;
type T21 = Last<[symbol, string]>;
type T22 = Last<[string]>;
type T23 = Last<[number, symbol, ...string[]]>;
type T24 = Last<[symbol, ...string[]]>;
type T25 = Last<[string?]>;
type T26 = Last<string[]>;
type T27 = Last<[]>;
type T28 = Last<any>;
type T29 = Last<never>;
type T30 = DropLast<[number, symbol, string]>;
type T31 = DropLast<[symbol, string]>;
type T32 = DropLast<[string]>;
type T33 = DropLast<[number, symbol, ...string[]]>;
type T34 = DropLast<[symbol, ...string[]]>;
type T35 = DropLast<[string?]>;
type T36 = DropLast<string[]>;
type T37 = DropLast<[]>; // unknown[], maybe should be []
type T38 = DropLast<any>;
type T39 = DropLast<never>;
type R00 = First<readonly [number, symbol, string]>;
type R01 = First<readonly [symbol, string]>;
type R02 = First<readonly [string]>;
type R03 = First<readonly [number, symbol, ...string[]]>;
type R04 = First<readonly [symbol, ...string[]]>;
type R05 = First<readonly string[]>;
type R06 = First<readonly []>;
type R10 = DropFirst<readonly [number, symbol, string]>;
type R11 = DropFirst<readonly [symbol, string]>;
type R12 = DropFirst<readonly [string]>;
type R13 = DropFirst<readonly [number, symbol, ...string[]]>;
type R14 = DropFirst<readonly [symbol, ...string[]]>;
type R15 = DropFirst<readonly string[]>;
type R16 = DropFirst<readonly []>;
type R20 = Last<readonly [number, symbol, string]>;
type R21 = Last<readonly [symbol, string]>;
type R22 = Last<readonly [string]>;
type R23 = Last<readonly [number, symbol, ...string[]]>;
type R24 = Last<readonly [symbol, ...string[]]>;
type R25 = Last<readonly string[]>;
type R26 = Last<readonly []>;
type R30 = DropLast<readonly [number, symbol, string]>;
type R31 = DropLast<readonly [symbol, string]>;
type R32 = DropLast<readonly [string]>;
type R33 = DropLast<readonly [number, symbol, ...string[]]>;
type R34 = DropLast<readonly [symbol, ...string[]]>;
type R35 = DropLast<readonly string[]>;
type R36 = DropLast<readonly []>;
// Inference to [...T, ...U] with implied arity for T
function curry<T extends unknown[], U extends unknown[], R>(f: (...args: [...T, ...U]) => R, ...a: T) {
return (...b: U) => f(...a, ...b);
const fn1 = (a: number, b: string, c: boolean, d: string[]) => 0;
const c0 = curry(fn1); // (a: number, b: string, c: boolean, d: string[]) => number
const c1 = curry(fn1, 1); // (b: string, c: boolean, d: string[]) => number
const c2 = curry(fn1, 1, 'abc'); // (c: boolean, d: string[]) => number
const c3 = curry(fn1, 1, 'abc', true); // (d: string[]) => number
const c4 = curry(fn1, 1, 'abc', true, ['x', 'y']); // () => number
const fn2 = (x: number, b: boolean, ...args: string[]) => 0;
const c10 = curry(fn2); // (x: number, b: boolean, ...args: string[]) => number
const c11 = curry(fn2, 1); // (b: boolean, ...args: string[]) => number
const c12 = curry(fn2, 1, true); // (...args: string[]) => number
const c13 = curry(fn2, 1, true, 'abc', 'def'); // (...args: string[]) => number
const fn3 = (...args: string[]) => 0;
const c20 = curry(fn3); // (...args: string[]) => number
const c21 = curry(fn3, 'abc', 'def'); // (...args: string[]) => number
const c22 = curry(fn3, ...sa); // (...args: string[]) => number
// No inference to [...T, ...U] when there is no implied arity
function curry2<T extends unknown[], U extends unknown[], R>(f: (...args: [...T, ...U]) => R, t: [...T], u: [...U]) {
return f(...t, ...u);
declare function fn10(a: string, b: number, c: boolean): string[];
curry2(fn10, ['hello', 42], [true]);
curry2(fn10, ['hello'], [42, true]);
// Inference to [...T] has higher priority than inference to [...T, number?]
declare function ft<T extends unknown[]>(t1: [...T], t2: [...T, number?]): T;
ft([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]);
ft([1, 2], [1, 2, 3]);
ft(['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd'])
ft(['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd', 42])
// Last argument is contextually typed
declare function call<T extends unknown[], R>(...args: [...T, (...args: T) => R]): [T, R];
call('hello', 32, (a, b) => 42);
call(...sa, (...x) => 42);
// No inference to ending optional elements (except with identical structure)
declare function f20<T extends unknown[] = []>(args: [...T, number?]): T;
function f21<U extends string[]>(args: [...U, number?]) {
let v1 = f20(args); // U
let v2 = f20(["foo", "bar"]); // [string]
let v3 = f20(["foo", 42]); // [string]
declare function f22<T extends unknown[] = []>(args: [...T, number]): T;
declare function f22<T extends unknown[] = []>(args: [...T]): T;
function f23<U extends string[]>(args: [...U, number]) {
let v1 = f22(args); // U
let v2 = f22(["foo", "bar"]); // [string, string]
let v3 = f22(["foo", 42]); // [string]
// Repro from #39327
interface Desc<A extends unknown[], T> {
readonly f: (...args: A) => T;
bind<T extends unknown[], U extends unknown[], R>(this: Desc<[...T, ...U], R>, ...args: T): Desc<[...U], R>;
declare const a: Desc<[string, number, boolean], object>;
const b = a.bind("", 1); // Desc<[boolean], object>
// Repro from #39607
declare function getUser(id: string, options?: { x?: string }): string;
declare function getOrgUser(id: string, orgId: number, options?: { y?: number, z?: boolean }): void;
function callApi<T extends unknown[] = [], U = void>(method: (...args: [...T, object]) => U) {
return (...args: [...T]) => method(...args, {});
// Repro from #40235
type Numbers = number[];
type Unbounded = [...Numbers, boolean];
const data: Unbounded = [false, false]; // Error
type U1 = [string, ...Numbers, boolean];
type U2 = [...[string, ...Numbers], boolean];
type U3 = [...[string, number], boolean];