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synced 2024-12-20 20:22:26 +03:00
swc_bundler: - [x] Fix wrapped esms. (denoland/deno#9307) - [x] Make test secure.
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// Loaded from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/colinhacks/zod/654680afc2ede388e71e09104eac5a0088fe3207/deno/lib/types/object.ts
// import { ZodUndefined } from './undefined';
// import { ZodNull } from './null';
// import { ZodUnion } from './union';
import { objectUtil } from "../helpers/objectUtil.ts";
// import { mergeShapes } from "../helpers/objectUtil/merge";
import { partialUtil } from "../helpers/partialUtil.ts";
import { Scalars } from "../helpers/primitive.ts";
import { isScalar } from "../isScalar.ts";
import { ZodTypes } from "../ZodTypes.ts";
import { ZodRawShape, ZodType, ZodTypeDef, ZodTypeAny } from "./base.ts";
import { ZodNever } from "./never.ts";
export const mergeObjects = <First extends AnyZodObject>(first: First) => <
Second extends AnyZodObject
second: Second
): ZodObject<
First["_shape"] & Second["_shape"],
// MergeObjectParams<First['_params'], Second['_params']>,
// First['_input'] & Second['_input'],
// First['_output'] & Second['_output']
> => {
const mergedShape = objectUtil.mergeShapes(
const merged: any = new ZodObject({
t: ZodTypes.object,
effects: [...(first._def.effects || []), ...(second._def.effects || [])],
unknownKeys: first._def.unknownKeys,
catchall: first._def.catchall,
// params: {
// strict: first.params.strict && second.params.strict,
// },
shape: () => mergedShape,
}) as any;
return merged;
const AugmentFactory = <Def extends ZodObjectDef>(def: Def) => <
Augmentation extends ZodRawShape
augmentation: Augmentation
): ZodObject<
[k in Exclude<
keyof ReturnType<Def["shape"]>,
keyof Augmentation
>]: ReturnType<Def["shape"]>[k];
} &
{ [k in keyof Augmentation]: Augmentation[k] },
> => {
return new ZodObject({
shape: () => ({
}) as any;
type UnknownKeysParam = "passthrough" | "strict" | "strip";
export interface ZodObjectDef<
T extends ZodRawShape = ZodRawShape,
UnknownKeys extends UnknownKeysParam = UnknownKeysParam,
Catchall extends ZodTypeAny = ZodTypeAny
// Params extends ZodObjectParams = ZodObjectParams
> extends ZodTypeDef {
t: ZodTypes.object;
shape: () => T;
catchall: Catchall;
unknownKeys: UnknownKeys;
// params: Params;
export type baseObjectOutputType<
Shape extends ZodRawShape
// Catchall extends ZodTypeAny
> = objectUtil.flatten<
[k in keyof Shape]: Shape[k]["_output"];
> //{ [k: string]: Catchall['_output'] }
export type objectOutputType<
Shape extends ZodRawShape,
Catchall extends ZodTypeAny
> = ZodTypeAny extends Catchall
? baseObjectOutputType<Shape>
: objectUtil.flatten<
baseObjectOutputType<Shape> & { [k: string]: Catchall["_output"] }
export type baseObjectInputType<Shape extends ZodRawShape> = objectUtil.flatten<
[k in keyof Shape]: Shape[k]["_input"];
export type objectInputType<
Shape extends ZodRawShape,
Catchall extends ZodTypeAny
> = ZodTypeAny extends Catchall
? baseObjectInputType<Shape>
: objectUtil.flatten<
baseObjectInputType<Shape> & { [k: string]: Catchall["_input"] }
const objectDefToJson = (def: ZodObjectDef<any, any>) => ({
t: def.t,
shape: Object.assign(
...Object.keys(def.shape()).map((k) => ({
[k]: def.shape()[k].toJSON(),
// interface ZodObjectParams {
// strict: boolean;
// }
// type SetKey<
// Target extends object,
// Key extends string,
// Value extends any
// > = objectUtil.Flatten<
// { [k in Exclude<keyof Target, Key>]: Target[k] } & { [k in Key]: Value }
// >;
// type makeKeysRequired<T extends ZodObject<any, any, any>> = T extends ZodObject<
// infer U,
// infer P,
// infer C
// >
// ? ZodObject<objectUtil.NoNever<{ [k in keyof U]: makeRequired<U[k]> }>, P, C>
// : never;
// type makeRequired<T extends ZodType<any>> = T extends ZodUnion<infer U>
// ? U extends [infer Y, ZodUndefined]
// ? Y
// : U extends [ZodUndefined, infer Z]
// ? Z
// : T
// : T;
// type ZodObjectType<
// T extends ZodRawShape,
// Params extends ZodObjectParams
// > = Params['strict'] extends true
// ? objectUtil.ObjectType<T>
// : objectUtil.Flatten<objectUtil.ObjectType<T> & { [k: string]: any }>;
export class ZodObject<
T extends ZodRawShape,
UnknownKeys extends UnknownKeysParam = "strip",
Catchall extends ZodTypeAny = ZodTypeAny,
// Params extends ZodObjectParams = { strict: true },
// Type extends ZodObjectType<T, Params> = ZodObjectType<T, Params>
Output = objectOutputType<T, Catchall>,
Input = objectInputType<T, Catchall>
> extends ZodType<
// objectUtil.objectOutputType<T, UnknownKeys, Catchall>,
ZodObjectDef<T, UnknownKeys, Catchall>,
> {
readonly _shape!: T;
readonly _unknownKeys!: UnknownKeys;
readonly _catchall!: Catchall;
get shape() {
return this._def.shape();
// get params() {
// return this._def.params;
// }
// get t() {
// return this;
// }
toJSON = () => objectDefToJson(this._def);
strict = (): ZodObject<T, "strict", Catchall> =>
new ZodObject({
unknownKeys: "strict",
strip = (): ZodObject<T, "strip", Catchall> =>
new ZodObject({
unknownKeys: "strip",
passthrough = (): ZodObject<T, "passthrough", Catchall> =>
new ZodObject({
unknownKeys: "passthrough",
nonstrict = this.passthrough;
// opt optional: () => ZodUnion<[this, ZodUndefined]> = () => ZodUnion.create([this, ZodUndefined.create()]);
// nullable: () => ZodUnion<[this, ZodNull]> = () => ZodUnion.create([this, ZodNull.create()]);
augment = AugmentFactory<ZodObjectDef<T, UnknownKeys, Catchall>>(this._def);
extend = AugmentFactory<ZodObjectDef<T, UnknownKeys, Catchall>>(this._def);
setKey = <Key extends string, Schema extends ZodTypeAny>(
key: Key,
schema: Schema
): ZodObject<T & { [k in Key]: Schema }, UnknownKeys, Catchall> => {
return this.augment({ [key]: schema }) as any;
* Prior to zod@1.0.12 there was a bug in the
* inferred type of merged objects. Please
* upgrade if you are experiencing issues.
merge: <Incoming extends AnyZodObject>(
other: Incoming
) => ZodObject<
T & Incoming["_shape"],
// objectUtil.MergeObjectParams<Params, MergeUnknownKeys>
> = mergeObjects(this as any) as any;
catchall = <Index extends ZodTypeAny>(
index: Index
): ZodObject<
// objectUtil.MergeObjectParams<Params, MergeUnknownKeys>
> => {
return new ZodObject({
// unknownKeys: 'passthrough',
catchall: index,
pick = <Mask extends { [k in keyof T]?: true }>(
mask: Mask
): ZodObject<
objectUtil.NoNever<{ [k in keyof Mask]: k extends keyof T ? T[k] : never }>,
> => {
const shape: any = {};
Object.keys(mask).map((key) => {
shape[key] = this.shape[key];
return new ZodObject({
shape: () => shape,
omit = <Mask extends { [k in keyof T]?: true }>(
mask: Mask
): ZodObject<
objectUtil.NoNever<{ [k in keyof T]: k extends keyof Mask ? never : T[k] }>,
> => {
const shape: any = {};
Object.keys(this.shape).map((key) => {
if (Object.keys(mask).indexOf(key) === -1) {
shape[key] = this.shape[key];
return new ZodObject({
shape: () => shape,
partial = (): ZodObject<
{ [k in keyof T]: ReturnType<T[k]["optional"]> },
> => {
const newShape: any = {};
for (const key in this.shape) {
const fieldSchema = this.shape[key];
newShape[key] = fieldSchema.isOptional()
? fieldSchema
: fieldSchema.optional();
return new ZodObject({
shape: () => newShape,
// require: <This extends this>() => makeKeysRequired<This> = () => {
// const newShape: any = {};
// for (const key in this.shape) {
// const val = this.shape[key];
// if (val instanceof ZodUnion) {
// const options = (val as ZodUnion<any>)._def.options;
// if (options.length === 2) {
// // .length === 2;
// if (options[0] instanceof ZodUndefined) {
// newShape[key] = options[1];
// } else if (options[1] instanceof ZodUndefined) {
// newShape[key] = options[0];
// }
// } else {
// newShape[key] = val;
// }
// } else {
// newShape[key] = val;
// }
// }
// return new ZodObject({
// ...this._def,
// shape: () => newShape,
// }) as any;
// };
primitives = (): ZodObject<
[k in keyof T]: [T[k]["_output"]] extends [Scalars] ? T[k] : never;
> => {
const newShape: any = {};
for (const key in this.shape) {
if (isScalar(this.shape[key])) {
newShape[key] = this.shape[key];
return new ZodObject({
shape: () => newShape,
nonprimitives = (): ZodObject<
[k in keyof T]: [T[k]["_output"]] extends [Scalars] ? never : T[k];
> => {
const newShape: any = {};
for (const key in this.shape) {
if (!isScalar(this.shape[key])) {
newShape[key] = this.shape[key];
return new ZodObject({
shape: () => newShape,
deepPartial: () => partialUtil.RootDeepPartial<this> = () => {
const newShape: any = {};
for (const key in this.shape) {
const fieldSchema = this.shape[key];
if (fieldSchema instanceof ZodObject) {
newShape[key] = fieldSchema.isOptional()
? fieldSchema
: (fieldSchema.deepPartial() as any).optional();
} else {
newShape[key] = fieldSchema.isOptional()
? fieldSchema
: fieldSchema.optional();
return new ZodObject({
shape: () => newShape,
}) as any;
// keyof: ()=>ZodEnum<{[k in T]: k}>
static create = <T extends ZodRawShape>(shape: T): ZodObject<T> => {
return new ZodObject({
t: ZodTypes.object,
shape: () => shape,
unknownKeys: "strip",
catchall: ZodNever.create(),
// params: {
// strict: true,
// },
}) as any;
static lazycreate = <T extends ZodRawShape>(shape: () => T): ZodObject<T> => {
return new ZodObject({
t: ZodTypes.object,
unknownKeys: "strip",
catchall: ZodNever.create(),
}) as any;
export type AnyZodObject = ZodObject<any, any, any>;