Status = { LEFT = 0, RIGHT = 1, _id = "status", _inc = 1000, _left = { { "mode", id = 1, order = 1000 }, { "size", id = 2, order = 2000 }, { "name", id = 3, order = 3000 }, }, _right = { { "permissions", id = 4, order = 1000 }, { "percentage", id = 5, order = 2000 }, { "position", id = 6, order = 3000 }, }, } function Status:new(area, tab) return setmetatable({ _area = area, _tab = tab, }, { __index = self }) end function Status:style() if self._tab.mode.is_select then return THEME.status.mode_select elseif self._tab.mode.is_unset then return THEME.status.mode_unset else return THEME.status.mode_normal end end function Status:mode() local mode = tostring(self._tab.mode):sub(1, 3):upper() local style = self:style() return ui.Line { ui.Span(THEME.status.separator_open):fg(, ui.Span(" " .. mode .. " "):style(style), ui.Span(THEME.status.separator_close):fg(, } end function Status:size() local h = self._tab.current.hovered if not h then return ui.Line {} end local style = self:style() return ui.Line { ui.Span(" " .. ya.readable_size(h:size() or h.cha.len) .. " "):fg(, ui.Span(THEME.status.separator_close):fg(THEME.status.separator_style.fg), } end function Status:name() local h = self._tab.current.hovered if not h then return ui.Line {} end return ui.Line(" " .. end function Status:permissions() local h = self._tab.current.hovered if not h then return ui.Line {} end local perm = h.cha:perm() if not perm then return ui.Line {} end local spans = {} for i = 1, #perm do local c = perm:sub(i, i) local style = THEME.status.permissions_t if c == "-" or c == "?" then style = THEME.status.permissions_s elseif c == "r" then style = THEME.status.permissions_r elseif c == "w" then style = THEME.status.permissions_w elseif c == "x" or c == "s" or c == "S" or c == "t" or c == "T" then style = THEME.status.permissions_x end spans[i] = ui.Span(c):style(style) end return ui.Line(spans) end function Status:percentage() local percent = 0 local cursor = self._tab.current.cursor local length = #self._tab.current.files if cursor ~= 0 and length ~= 0 then percent = math.floor((cursor + 1) * 100 / length) end if percent == 0 then percent = " Top " elseif percent == 100 then percent = " Bot " else percent = string.format(" %2d%% ", percent) end local style = self:style() return ui.Line { ui.Span(" " .. THEME.status.separator_open):fg(THEME.status.separator_style.fg), ui.Span(percent):fg(, } end function Status:position() local cursor = self._tab.current.cursor local length = #self._tab.current.files local style = self:style() return ui.Line { ui.Span(THEME.status.separator_open):fg(, ui.Span(string.format(" %2d/%-2d ", cursor + 1, length)):style(style), ui.Span(THEME.status.separator_close):fg(, } end function Status:render() local left = self:children_render(self.LEFT) local right = self:children_render(self.RIGHT) return { ui.Paragraph(self._area, { left }), ui.Paragraph(self._area, { right }):align(ui.Paragraph.RIGHT), table.unpack(Progress:render(self._area, right:width())), } end -- Mouse events function Status:click(event, up) end function Status:scroll(event, step) end function Status:touch(event, step) end -- Children function Status:children_add(fn, order, side) self._inc = self._inc + 1 local children = side == self.RIGHT and self._right or self._left children[#children + 1] = { fn, id = self._inc, order = order } table.sort(children, function(a, b) return a.order < b.order end) return self._inc end function Status:children_remove(id, side) local children = side == self.RIGHT and self._right or self._left for i, child in ipairs(children) do if == id then table.remove(children, i) break end end end function Status:children_render(side) local lines = {} for _, c in ipairs(side == self.RIGHT and self._right or self._left) do lines[#lines + 1] = (type(c[1]) == "string" and self[c[1]] or c[1])(self) end return ui.Line(lines) end