Tab = { _id = "tab", } function Tab:new(area, tab) local me = setmetatable({ _area = area, _tab = tab }, { __index = self }) me:layout() me:build() return me end function Tab:layout() self._chunks = ui.Layout() :direction(ui.Layout.HORIZONTAL) :constraints({ ui.Constraint.Ratio(MANAGER.ratio.parent, MANAGER.ratio.all), ui.Constraint.Ratio(MANAGER.ratio.current, MANAGER.ratio.all), ui.Constraint.Ratio(MANAGER.ratio.preview, MANAGER.ratio.all), }) :split(self._area) end function Tab:build() self._children = { Parent:new(self._chunks[1]:padding(ui.Padding.x(1)), self._tab), Current:new(self._chunks[2], self._tab), Preview:new(self._chunks[3]:padding(ui.Padding.x(1)), self._tab), Rail:new(self._chunks, self._tab), } end function Tab:render() local children = self._base or {} for _, child in ipairs(self._children) do children = ya.list_merge(children, ya.render_with(child)) end return children end -- Mouse events function Tab:click(event, up) local c = ya.child_at(ui.Position { x = event.x, y = event.y }, self._children) return c and c:click(event, up) end function Tab:scroll(event, step) local c = ya.child_at(ui.Position { x = event.x, y = event.y }, self._children) return c and c:scroll(event, step) end function Tab:touch(event, step) local c = ya.child_at(ui.Position { x = event.x, y = event.y }, self._children) return c and c:touch(event, step) end