Header = { area = ui.Rect.default, } function Header:cwd(max) local s = ya.readable_path(tostring(cx.active.current.cwd)) .. self:flags() return ui.Span(ya.truncate(s, { max = max, rtl = true })):style(THEME.manager.cwd) end function Header:flags() local cwd = cx.active.current.cwd local filter = cx.active.current.files.filter local s = cwd.is_search and string.format(" (search: %s", cwd:frag()) or "" if not filter then return s == "" and s or s .. ")" elseif s == "" then return string.format(" (filter: %s)", tostring(filter)) else return string.format("%s, filter: %s)", s, tostring(filter)) end end function Header:count() local yanked = #cx.yanked local count, style if yanked == 0 then count = #cx.active.selected style = THEME.manager.count_selected elseif cx.yanked.is_cut then count = yanked style = THEME.manager.count_cut else count = yanked style = THEME.manager.count_copied end if count == 0 then return ui.Line {} end return ui.Line { ui.Span(string.format(" %d ", count)):style(style), ui.Span(" "), } end function Header:tabs() local tabs = #cx.tabs if tabs == 1 then return ui.Line {} end local spans = {} for i = 1, tabs do local text = i if THEME.manager.tab_width > 2 then text = ya.truncate(text .. " " .. cx.tabs[i]:name(), { max = THEME.manager.tab_width }) end if i == cx.tabs.idx then spans[#spans + 1] = ui.Span(" " .. text .. " "):style(THEME.manager.tab_active) else spans[#spans + 1] = ui.Span(" " .. text .. " "):style(THEME.manager.tab_inactive) end end return ui.Line(spans) end function Header:render(area) self.area = area local right = ui.Line { self:count(), self:tabs() } local left = ui.Line { self:cwd(math.max(0, area.w - right:width())) } return { ui.Paragraph(area, { left }), ui.Paragraph(area, { right }):align(ui.Paragraph.RIGHT), } end function Header:click(event, up) end function Header:scroll(event, step) end function Header:touch(event, step) end