local M = {} function M:peek() local limit = self.area.h local paths, sizes = {}, {} local files, bound, code = self.list_files({ "-p", tostring(self.file.url) }, self.skip, limit) if code ~= 0 then return ya.preview_widgets(self, { ui.Text(code == 2 and "File list in this archive is encrypted" or "Spawn `7z` and `7zz` both commands failed") :area(self.area), }) end for _, f in ipairs(files) do local icon = File({ url = Url(f.path), cha = Cha { kind = f.attr:sub(1, 1) == "D" and 1 or 0 }, }):icon() if icon then paths[#paths + 1] = ui.Line { ui.Span(" " .. icon.text .. " "):style(icon.style), ui.Span(f.path) } else paths[#paths + 1] = ui.Line(f.path) end if f.size > 0 then sizes[#sizes + 1] = string.format(" %s ", ya.readable_size(f.size)) else sizes[#sizes + 1] = "" end end if self.skip > 0 and bound < self.skip + limit then ya.manager_emit("peek", { math.max(0, bound - limit), only_if = self.file.url, upper_bound = true }) else ya.preview_widgets(self, { ui.Text(paths):area(self.area), ui.Text(sizes):area(self.area):align(ui.Text.RIGHT), }) end end function M:seek(units) require("code").seek(self, units) end function M.spawn_7z(args) local last_error = nil local try = function(name) local stdout = args[1] == "l" and Command.PIPED or Command.NULL local child, code = Command(name):args(args):stdout(stdout):stderr(Command.PIPED):spawn() if not child then last_error = code end return child end local child if ya.target_os() == "macos" then child = try("7zz") or try("7z") else child = try("7z") or try("7zz") end if not child then return ya.err("spawn `7z` and `7zz` both commands failed, error code: " .. tostring(last_error)) end return child, last_error end ---List files in an archive ---@param args table ---@param skip integer ---@param limit integer ---@return table files ---@return integer bound ---@return integer code --- 0: success --- 1: failed to spawn --- 2: wrong password --- 3: partial success function M.list_files(args, skip, limit) local child = M.spawn_7z { "l", "-ba", "-slt", "-sccUTF-8", table.unpack(args) } if not child then return {}, 0, 1 end local i, files, code = 0, { { path = "", size = 0, attr = "" } }, 0 local key, value = "", "" repeat local next, event = child:read_line() if event == 1 and M.is_encrypted(next) then code = 2 break elseif event == 1 then code = 3 goto continue elseif event ~= 0 then break end if next == "\n" or next == "\r\n" then i = i + 1 if files[#files].path ~= "" then files[#files + 1] = { path = "", size = 0, attr = "" } end goto continue elseif i < skip then goto continue end key, value = next:match("^(%u%l+) = (.+)[\r\n]+") if key == "Path" then files[#files].path = value elseif key == "Size" then files[#files].size = tonumber(value) or 0 elseif key == "Attributes" then files[#files].attr = value end ::continue:: until i >= skip + limit child:start_kill() if files[#files].path == "" then files[#files] = nil end return files, i, code end ---List metadata of an archive ---@param args table ---@return string|nil type ---@return integer code --- 0: success --- 1: failed to spawn --- 2: wrong password --- 3: partial success function M.list_meta(args) local child = M.spawn_7z { "l", "-slt", "-sccUTF-8", table.unpack(args) } if not child then return nil, 1 end local i, head = 0, "" local typ, code = nil, 0 while i < 500 do i = i + 1 local next, event = child:read_line() if event == 1 and M.is_encrypted(next) then code = 2 break elseif event == 1 then code = 3 elseif event == 0 then head = head .. next else break end typ = head:gmatch("--[\r\n]+Path = .-[\r\n]+Type = (.-)[\r\n]+")() if typ then break end end child:start_kill() return typ ~= "" and typ or nil, code end function M.is_encrypted(s) return s:find(" Wrong password", 1, true) end function M.is_tar(url) return M.list_meta { "-p", tostring(url) } == "tar" end return M