local state = ya.sync(function(st) return { cwd = tostring(cx.active.current.cwd), empty = st.empty, } end) local set_state = ya.sync(function(st, empty) st.empty = empty end) local function fail(s, ...) ya.notify { title = "Zoxide", content = string.format(s, ...), timeout = 5, level = "error" } end local function head(cwd) local child = Command("zoxide"):args({ "query", "-l" }):stdout(Command.PIPED):spawn() if not child then return 0 end local n = 0 repeat local next, event = child:read_line() if event ~= 0 then break elseif cwd ~= next:gsub("\n$", "") then n = n + 1 end until n >= 2 child:start_kill() return n end local function setup(_, opts) opts = opts or {} if opts.update_db then ps.sub( "cd", function() ya.manager_emit("shell", { orphan = true, confirm = true, "zoxide add " .. ya.quote(tostring(cx.active.current.cwd)), }) end ) end end local function entry() local st = state() if st.empty == true then return fail("No directory history in the database, check out the `zoxide` docs to set it up.") elseif st.empty == nil and head(st.cwd) < 2 then set_state(true) return fail("No directory history in the database, check out the `zoxide` docs to set it up.") end local _permit = ya.hide() local child, err = Command("zoxide") :args({ "query", "-i", "--exclude" }) :arg(st.cwd) :stdin(Command.INHERIT) :stdout(Command.PIPED) :stderr(Command.INHERIT) :spawn() if not child then return fail("Spawn `zoxide` failed with error code %s. Do you have it installed?", err) end local output, err = child:wait_with_output() if not output then return fail("Cannot read `zoxide` output, error code %s", err) elseif not output.status:success() and output.status:code() ~= 130 then return fail("`zoxide` exited with error code %s", output.status:code()) end local target = output.stdout:gsub("\n$", "") if target ~= "" then ya.manager_emit("cd", { output.stdout:gsub("\n$", "") }) end end return { setup = setup, entry = entry }