"description":"The Tauri configuration object. It is read from a file where you can define your frontend assets, configure the bundler and define a tray icon.\n\nThe configuration file is generated by the [`tauri init`](https://tauri.app/v1/api/cli#init) command that lives in your Tauri application source directory (src-tauri).\n\nOnce generated, you may modify it at will to customize your Tauri application.\n\n## File Formats\n\nBy default, the configuration is defined as a JSON file named `tauri.conf.json`.\n\nTauri also supports JSON5 and TOML files via the `config-json5` and `config-toml` Cargo features, respectively. The JSON5 file name must be either `tauri.conf.json` or `tauri.conf.json5`. The TOML file name is `Tauri.toml`.\n\n## Platform-Specific Configuration\n\nIn addition to the default configuration file, Tauri can read a platform-specific configuration from `tauri.linux.conf.json`, `tauri.windows.conf.json`, `tauri.macos.conf.json`, `tauri.android.conf.json` and `tauri.ios.conf.json` (or `Tauri.linux.toml`, `Tauri.windows.toml`, `Tauri.macos.toml`, `Tauri.android.toml` and `Tauri.ios.toml` if the `Tauri.toml` format is used), which gets merged with the main configuration object.\n\n## Configuration Structure\n\nThe configuration is composed of the following objects:\n\n- [`app`](#appconfig): The Tauri configuration - [`build`](#buildconfig): The build configuration - [`bundle`](#bundleconfig): The bundle configurations - [`plugins`](#pluginconfig): The plugins configuration\n\n```json title=\"Example tauri.config.json file\" { \"productName\": \"tauri-app\", \"version\": \"0.1.0\" \"build\": { \"beforeBuildCommand\": \"\", \"beforeDevCommand\": \"\", \"devUrl\": \"../dist\", \"frontendDist\": \"../dist\" }, \"app\": { \"security\": { \"csp\": null }, \"windows\": [ { \"fullscreen\": false, \"height\": 600, \"resizable\": true, \"title\": \"Tauri App\", \"width\": 800 } ] }, \"bundle\": {}, \"plugins\": {} } ```",
"description":"App version. It is a semver version number or a path to a `package.json` file containing the `version` field. If removed the version number from `Cargo.toml` is used.\n\nBy default version 1.0 is used on Android.",
"description":"The application identifier in reverse domain name notation (e.g. `com.tauri.example`). This string must be unique across applications since it is used in system configurations like the bundle ID and path to the webview data directory. This string must contain only alphanumeric characters (A–Z, a–z, and 0–9), hyphens (-), and periods (.).",
"description":"Whether the drag and drop is enabled or not on the webview. By default it is enabled.\n\nDisabling it is required to use HTML5 drag and drop on the frontend on Windows.",
"description":"Whether the window is resizable or not. When resizable is set to false, native window's maximize button is automatically disabled.",
"description":"Whether the window's native maximize button is enabled or not. If resizable is set to false, this setting is ignored.\n\n## Platform-specific\n\n- **macOS:** Disables the \"zoom\" button in the window titlebar, which is also used to enter fullscreen mode. - **Linux / iOS / Android:** Unsupported.",
"description":"Whether the window's native minimize button is enabled or not.\n\n## Platform-specific\n\n- **Linux / iOS / Android:** Unsupported.",
"description":"Whether the window's native close button is enabled or not.\n\n## Platform-specific\n\n- **Linux:** \"GTK+ will do its best to convince the window manager not to show a close button. Depending on the system, this function may not have any effect when called on a window that is already visible\" - **iOS / Android:** Unsupported.",
"description":"Whether the window is transparent or not.\n\nNote that on `macOS` this requires the `macos-private-api` feature flag, enabled under `tauri > macOSPrivateApi`. WARNING: Using private APIs on `macOS` prevents your application from being accepted to the `App Store`.",
"description":"Whether the window should be visible on all workspaces or virtual desktops.\n\n## Platform-specific\n\n- **Windows / iOS / Android:** Unsupported.",
"description":"Defines the window [tabbing identifier] for macOS.\n\nWindows with matching tabbing identifiers will be grouped together. If the tabbing identifier is not set, automatic tabbing will be disabled.\n\n[tabbing identifier]: <https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nswindow/1644704-tabbingidentifier>",
"description":"Defines additional browser arguments on Windows. By default wry passes `--disable-features=msWebOOUI,msPdfOOUI,msSmartScreenProtection` so if you use this method, you also need to disable these components by yourself if you want.",
"description":"Whether or not the window has shadow.\n\n## Platform-specific\n\n- **Windows:** - `false` has no effect on decorated window, shadow are always ON. - `true` will make ndecorated window have a 1px white border, and on Windows 11, it will have a rounded corners. - **Linux:** Unsupported.",
"description":"Window effects.\n\nRequires the window to be transparent.\n\n## Platform-specific:\n\n- **Windows**: If using decorations or shadows, you may want to try this workaround <https://github.com/tauri-apps/tao/issues/72#issuecomment-975607891> - **Linux**: Unsupported",
"description":"Sets the window associated with this label to be the parent of the window to be created.\n\n## Platform-specific\n\n- **Windows**: This sets the passed parent as an owner window to the window to be created. From [MSDN owned windows docs](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winmsg/window-features#owned-windows): - An owned window is always above its owner in the z-order. - The system automatically destroys an owned window when its owner is destroyed. - An owned window is hidden when its owner is minimized. - **Linux**: This makes the new window transient for parent, see <https://docs.gtk.org/gtk3/method.Window.set_transient_for.html> - **macOS**: This adds the window as a child of parent, see <https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nswindow/1419152-addchildwindow?language=objc>",
"description":"The proxy URL for the WebView for all network requests.\n\nMust be either a `http://` or a `socks5://` URL.\n\n## Platform-specific\n\n- **macOS**: Requires the `macos-proxy` feature flag and only compiles for macOS 14+.",
"description":"Whether page zooming by hotkeys is enabled\n\n## Platform-specific:\n\n- **Windows**: Controls WebView2's [`IsZoomControlEnabled`](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/reference/winrt/microsoft_web_webview2_core/corewebview2settings?view=webview2-winrt-1.0.2420.47#iszoomcontrolenabled) setting. - **MacOS / Linux**: Injects a polyfill that zooms in and out with `ctrl/command` + `-/=`, 20% in each step, ranging from 20% to 1000%. Requires `webview:allow-set-webview-zoom` permission\n\n- **Android / iOS**: Unsupported.",
"description":"The path portion of an app URL. For instance, to load `tauri://localhost/users/john`, you can simply provide `users/john` in this configuration.",
"description":"Makes the title bar transparent, so the window background color is shown instead.\n\nUseful if you don't need to have actual HTML under the title bar. This lets you avoid the caveats of using `TitleBarStyle::Overlay`. Will be more useful when Tauri lets you set a custom window background color.",
"description":"Shows the title bar as a transparent overlay over the window's content.\n\nKeep in mind: - The height of the title bar is different on different OS versions, which can lead to window the controls and title not being where you don't expect. - You need to define a custom drag region to make your window draggable, however due to a limitation you can't drag the window when it's not in focus <https://github.com/tauri-apps/tauri/issues/4316>. - The color of the window title depends on the system theme.",
"description":"Window effect color. Affects [`WindowEffect::Blur`] and [`WindowEffect::Acrylic`] only on Windows 10 v1903+. Doesn't have any effect on Windows 7 or Windows 11.",
"description":"**Windows 7/10/11(22H1) Only**\n\n## Notes\n\nThis effect has bad performance when resizing/dragging the window on Windows 11 build 22621.",
"description":"**Windows 10/11 Only**\n\n## Notes\n\nThis effect has bad performance when resizing/dragging the window on Windows 10 v1903+ and Windows 11 build 22000.",
"description":"Window effect state **macOS only**\n\n<https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nsvisualeffectview/state>",
"description":"Make window effect state follow the window's active state",
"description":"Make window effect state always active",
"description":"Make window effect state always inactive",
"description":"a tuple struct of RGBA colors. Each value has minimum of 0 and maximum of 255.",
"description":"The Content Security Policy that will be injected on all HTML files on the built application. If [`dev_csp`](#SecurityConfig.devCsp) is not specified, this value is also injected on dev.\n\nThis is a really important part of the configuration since it helps you ensure your WebView is secured. See <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP>.",
"description":"The Content Security Policy that will be injected on all HTML files on development.\n\nThis is a really important part of the configuration since it helps you ensure your WebView is secured. See <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP>.",
"description":"Disables the Tauri-injected CSP sources.\n\nAt compile time, Tauri parses all the frontend assets and changes the Content-Security-Policy to only allow loading of your own scripts and styles by injecting nonce and hash sources. This stricts your CSP, which may introduce issues when using along with other flexing sources.\n\nThis configuration option allows both a boolean and a list of strings as value. A boolean instructs Tauri to disable the injection for all CSP injections, and a list of strings indicates the CSP directives that Tauri cannot inject.\n\n**WARNING:** Only disable this if you know what you are doing and have properly configured the CSP. Your application might be vulnerable to XSS attacks without this Tauri protection.",
"description":"Protocol scope definition. It is a list of glob patterns that restrict the API access from the webview.\n\nEach pattern can start with a variable that resolves to a system base directory. The variables are: `$AUDIO`, `$CACHE`, `$CONFIG`, `$DATA`, `$LOCALDATA`, `$DESKTOP`, `$DOCUMENT`, `$DOWNLOAD`, `$EXE`, `$FONT`, `$HOME`, `$PICTURE`, `$PUBLIC`, `$RUNTIME`, `$TEMPLATE`, `$VIDEO`, `$RESOURCE`, `$APP`, `$LOG`, `$TEMP`, `$APPCONFIG`, `$APPDATA`, `$APPLOCALDATA`, `$APPCACHE`, `$APPLOG`.",
"description":"A list of paths that are allowed by this scope.",
"description":"A list of paths that are not allowed by this scope. This gets precedence over the [`Self::Scope::allow`] list.",
"description":"Whether or not paths that contain components that start with a `.` will require that `.` appears literally in the pattern; `*`, `?`, `**`, or `[...]` will not match. This is useful because such files are conventionally considered hidden on Unix systems and it might be desirable to skip them when listing files.\n\nDefaults to `true` on Unix systems and `false` on Windows",
"description":"A capability entry which can be either an inlined capability or a reference to a capability defined on its own file.",
"description":"An inlined capability.",
"description":"Reference to a capability identifier.",
"description":"a grouping and boundary mechanism developers can use to separate windows or plugins functionality from each other at runtime.\n\nIf a window is not matching any capability then it has no access to the IPC layer at all.\n\nThis can be done to create trust groups and reduce impact of vulnerabilities in certain plugins or windows. Windows can be added to a capability by exact name or glob patterns like *, admin-* or main-window.",
"description":"List of windows that uses this capability. Can be a glob pattern.\n\nOn multiwebview windows, prefer [`Self::webviews`] for a fine grained access control.",
"description":"List of webviews that uses this capability. Can be a glob pattern.\n\nThis is only required when using on multiwebview contexts, by default all child webviews of a window that matches [`Self::windows`] are linked.",
"description":"List of permissions attached to this capability. Must include the plugin name as prefix in the form of `${plugin-name}:${permission-name}`.",
"description":"Remote domains this capability refers to using the [URLPattern standard](https://urlpattern.spec.whatwg.org/).\n\n# Examples\n\n- \"https://*.mydomain.dev\": allows subdomains of mydomain.dev - \"https://mydomain.dev/api/*\": allows any subpath of mydomain.dev/api",
"description":"An entry for a permission value in a [`Capability`] can be either a raw permission [`Identifier`] or an object that references a permission and extends its scope.",
"description":"Reference a permission or permission set by identifier.",
"description":"Reference a permission or permission set by identifier and extends its scope.",
"description":"Identifier of the permission or permission set.",
"description":"Data that defines what is allowed by the scope.",
"description":"Data that defines what is denied by the scope.",
"description":"All supported ACL values.",
"description":"Represents a null JSON value.",
"description":"Represents a [`bool`].",
"description":"Represents a valid ACL [`Number`].",
"description":"Represents a [`String`].",
"description":"Represents a list of other [`Value`]s.",
"description":"Represents a map of [`String`] keys to [`Value`]s.",
"description":"A Boolean value that determines whether the image represents a [template](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nsimage/1520017-template?language=objc) image on macOS.",
"description":"The URL to load in development.\n\nThis is usually an URL to a dev server, which serves your application assets with hot-reload and HMR. Most modern JavaScript bundlers like [vite](https://vitejs.dev/guide/) provides a way to start a dev server by default.\n\nIf you don't have a dev server or don't want to use one, ignore this option and use [`frontendDist`](BuildConfig::frontend_dist) and point to a web assets directory, and Tauri CLI will run its built-in dev server and provide a simple hot-reload experience.",
"description":"The path to the application assets (usually the `dist` folder of your javascript bundler) or a URL that could be either a custom protocol registered in the tauri app (for example: `myprotocol://`) or a remote URL (for example: `https://site.com/app`).\n\nWhen a path relative to the configuration file is provided, it is read recursively and all files are embedded in the application binary. Tauri then looks for an `index.html` and serves it as the default entry point for your application.\n\nYou can also provide a list of paths to be embedded, which allows granular control over what files are added to the binary. In this case, all files are added to the root and you must reference it that way in your HTML files.\n\nWhen a URL is provided, the application won't have bundled assets and the application will load that URL by default.",
"description":"A shell command to run before `tauri dev` kicks in.\n\nThe TAURI_ENV_PLATFORM, TAURI_ENV_ARCH, TAURI_ENV_FAMILY, TAURI_ENV_PLATFORM_VERSION, TAURI_ENV_PLATFORM_TYPE and TAURI_ENV_DEBUG environment variables are set if you perform conditional compilation.",
"description":"A shell command to run before `tauri build` kicks in.\n\nThe TAURI_ENV_PLATFORM, TAURI_ENV_ARCH, TAURI_ENV_FAMILY, TAURI_ENV_PLATFORM_VERSION, TAURI_ENV_PLATFORM_TYPE and TAURI_ENV_DEBUG environment variables are set if you perform conditional compilation.",
"description":"A shell command to run before the bundling phase in `tauri build` kicks in.\n\nThe TAURI_ENV_PLATFORM, TAURI_ENV_ARCH, TAURI_ENV_FAMILY, TAURI_ENV_PLATFORM_VERSION, TAURI_ENV_PLATFORM_TYPE and TAURI_ENV_DEBUG environment variables are set if you perform conditional compilation.",
"description":"Features passed to `cargo` commands.",
"description":"The bundle targets, currently supports [\"deb\", \"rpm\", \"appimage\", \"nsis\", \"msi\", \"app\", \"dmg\", \"updater\"] or \"all\".",
"description":"The application's publisher. Defaults to the second element in the identifier string. Currently maps to the Manufacturer property of the Windows Installer.",
"description":"App resources to bundle. Each resource is a path to a file or directory. Glob patterns are supported.",
"description":"A copyright string associated with your application.",
"description":"The package's license identifier to be included in the appropriate bundles. If not set, defaults to the license from the Cargo.toml file.",
"description":"A list of—either absolute or relative—paths to binaries to embed with your application.\n\nNote that Tauri will look for system-specific binaries following the pattern \"binary-name{-target-triple}{.system-extension}\".\n\nE.g. for the external binary \"my-binary\", Tauri looks for:\n\n- \"my-binary-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.exe\" for Windows - \"my-binary-x86_64-apple-darwin\" for macOS - \"my-binary-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu\" for Linux\n\nso don't forget to provide binaries for all targeted platforms.",
"description":"Configuration for the Windows bundles.",
"description":"Specifies the SHA1 hash of the signing certificate.",
"description":"Server to use during timestamping.",
"description":"Whether to use Time-Stamp Protocol (TSP, a.k.a. RFC 3161) for the timestamp server. Your code signing provider may use a TSP timestamp server, like e.g. SSL.com does. If so, enable TSP by setting to true.",
"description":"Path to the webview fixed runtime to use. Overwrites [`Self::webview_install_mode`] if set.\n\nWill be removed in v2, prefer the [`Self::webview_install_mode`] option.\n\nThe fixed version can be downloaded [on the official website](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/#download-section). The `.cab` file must be extracted to a folder and this folder path must be defined on this field.",
"description":"Validates a second app installation, blocking the user from installing an older version if set to `false`.\n\nFor instance, if `1.2.1` is installed, the user won't be able to install app version `1.2.0` or `1.1.5`.\n\nThe default value of this flag is `true`.",
"description":"Configuration for the MSI generated with WiX.",
"description":"Specify a custom command to sign the binaries. This command needs to have a `%1` in it which is just a placeholder for the binary path, which we will detect and replace before calling the command.\n\nExample: ```text sign-cli --arg1 --arg2 %1 ```\n\nBy Default we use `signtool.exe` which can be found only on Windows so if you are on another platform and want to cross-compile and sign you will need to use another tool like `osslsigncode`.",
"description":"Install modes for the Webview2 runtime. Note that for the updater bundle [`Self::DownloadBootstrapper`] is used.\n\nFor more information see <https://tauri.app/v1/guides/building/windows>.",
"description":"Download the bootstrapper and run it. Requires an internet connection. Results in a smaller installer size, but is not recommended on Windows 7.",
"description":"Embed the bootstrapper and run it. Requires an internet connection. Increases the installer size by around 1.8MB, but offers better support on Windows 7.",
"description":"Instructs the installer to run the installer in silent mode. Defaults to `true`.",
"description":"Embed a fixed webview2 version and use it at runtime. Increases the installer size by around 180MB.",
"description":"The path to the fixed runtime to use.\n\nThe fixed version can be downloaded [on the official website](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/#download-section). The `.cab` file must be extracted to a folder and this folder path must be defined on this field.",
"description":"The installer languages to build. See <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/msi/localizing-the-error-and-actiontext-tables>.",
"description":"A custom .wxs template to use.",
"description":"A list of paths to .wxs files with WiX fragments to use.",
"description":"The ComponentGroup element ids you want to reference from the fragments.",
"description":"The Component element ids you want to reference from the fragments.",
"description":"The FeatureGroup element ids you want to reference from the fragments.",
"description":"The Feature element ids you want to reference from the fragments.",
"description":"The Merge element ids you want to reference from the fragments.",
"description":"Create an elevated update task within Windows Task Scheduler.",
"description":"Path to a bitmap file to use as the installation user interface banner. This bitmap will appear at the top of all but the first page of the installer.\n\nThe required dimensions are 493px × 58px.",
"description":"Path to a bitmap file to use on the installation user interface dialogs. It is used on the welcome and completion dialogs. The required dimensions are 493px × 312px.",
"description":"The path to a locale (`.wxl`) file. See <https://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/howtos/ui_and_localization/build_a_localized_version.html>.",
"description":"A list of installer languages. By default the OS language is used. If the OS language is not in the list of languages, the first language will be used. To allow the user to select the language, set `display_language_selector` to `true`.\n\nSee <https://github.com/kichik/nsis/tree/9465c08046f00ccb6eda985abbdbf52c275c6c4d/Contrib/Language%20files> for the complete list of languages.",
"description":"A key-value pair where the key is the language and the value is the path to a custom `.nsh` file that holds the translated text for tauri's custom messages.\n\nSee <https://github.com/tauri-apps/tauri/blob/dev/tooling/bundler/src/bundle/windows/templates/nsis-languages/English.nsh> for an example `.nsh` file.\n\n**Note**: the key must be a valid NSIS language and it must be added to [`NsisConfig`] languages array,",
"description":"Whether to display a language selector dialog before the installer and uninstaller windows are rendered or not. By default the OS language is selected, with a fallback to the first language in the `languages` array.",
"description":"Default mode for the installer.\n\nInstall the app by default in a directory that doesn't require Administrator access.\n\nInstaller metadata will be saved under the `HKCU` registry path.",
"description":"Install the app by default in the `Program Files` folder directory requires Administrator access for the installation.\n\nInstaller metadata will be saved under the `HKLM` registry path.",
"description":"Combines both modes and allows the user to choose at install time whether to install for the current user or per machine. Note that this mode will require Administrator access even if the user wants to install it for the current user only.\n\nInstaller metadata will be saved under the `HKLM` or `HKCU` registry path based on the user's choice.",
"description":"Compression algorithms used in the NSIS installer.\n\nSee <https://nsis.sourceforge.io/Reference/SetCompressor>",
"description":"ZLIB uses the deflate algorithm, it is a quick and simple method. With the default compression level it uses about 300 KB of memory.",
"description":"BZIP2 usually gives better compression ratios than ZLIB, but it is a bit slower and uses more memory. With the default compression level it uses about 4 MB of memory.",
"description":"LZMA (default) is a new compression method that gives very good compression ratios. The decompression speed is high (10-20 MB/s on a 2 GHz CPU), the compression speed is lower. The memory size that will be used for decompression is the dictionary size plus a few KBs, the default is 8 MB.",
"description":"Configuration for Linux bundles.\n\nSee more: <https://tauri.app/v1/api/config#linuxconfig>",
"description":"Configuration for the AppImage bundle.",
"description":"Configuration for AppImage bundles.\n\nSee more: <https://tauri.app/v1/api/config#appimageconfig>",
"description":"Include additional gstreamer dependencies needed for audio and video playback. This increases the bundle size by ~15-35MB depending on your build system.",
"description":"Define the section in Debian Control file. See : https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html#s-subsections",
"description":"Change the priority of the Debian Package. By default, it is set to `optional`. Recognized Priorities as of now are : `required`, `important`, `standard`, `optional`, `extra`",
"description":"Path of the uncompressed Changelog file, to be stored at /usr/share/doc/package-name/changelog.gz. See https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-docs.html#changelog-files-and-release-notes",
"description":"Path to script that will be executed before the package is unpacked. See https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-maintainerscripts.html",
"description":"Path to script that will be executed after the package is unpacked. See https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-maintainerscripts.html",
"description":"Path to script that will be executed before the package is removed. See https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-maintainerscripts.html",
"description":"Path to script that will be executed after the package is removed. See https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-maintainerscripts.html",
"description":"The list of RPM dependencies your application provides.",
"description":"The list of RPM dependencies your application conflicts with. They must not be present in order for the package to be installed.",
"description":"The list of RPM dependencies your application supersedes - if this package is installed, packages listed as “obsoletes” will be automatically removed (if they are present).",
"description":"A list of strings indicating any macOS X frameworks that need to be bundled with the application.\n\nIf a name is used, \".framework\" must be omitted and it will look for standard install locations. You may also use a path to a specific framework.",
"description":"A version string indicating the minimum macOS X version that the bundled application supports. Defaults to `10.13`.\n\nSetting it to `null` completely removes the `LSMinimumSystemVersion` field on the bundle's `Info.plist` and the `MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET` environment variable.\n\nAn empty string is considered an invalid value so the default value is used.",
"description":"General configuration for the iOS target.",
"description":"The development team. This value is required for iOS development because code signing is enforced. The `APPLE_DEVELOPMENT_TEAM` environment variable can be set to overwrite it.",
"description":"General configuration for the iOS target.",
"description":"The minimum API level required for the application to run. The Android system will prevent the user from installing the application if the system's API level is lower than the value specified.",
"description":"The version code of the application. It is limited to 2,100,000,000 as per Google Play Store requirements.\n\nBy default we use your configured version and perform the following math: versionCode = version.major * 1000000 + version.minor * 1000 + version.patch",
"description":"The plugin configs holds a HashMap mapping a plugin name to its configuration object.\n\nSee more: <https://tauri.app/v1/api/config#pluginconfig>",