* only enable renovate for certain folders
This also groups these folders that PRs will be opened per folder rather than per dep (less noisy).
* renovate to apply the label as well
* missing quote
wish mobile web had better linting
* rename smoke tests
* split into prod and source runs
* rename test job names for clarity
* snake case gatsby site
* remove airtable api key
* add new examples
* add new examples to renovate
* add scripts to package.json
* finish off vanillajs example
* shift example and slim config
removed gatsby-source-airtable and gatsby-theme-recipes to make things more simple, less fragile and speed up the build
* update action to point at new location
* update links
* add test articles
* add theme
* slim config, move to homepage folder
* update renovate path, enable automerge on examples
* turn off rebases, but keep on for examples