# Changelog ## [0.8.3] - Fixes the wrong cli value on the template that's used by tauri init. Also fixes the template test. - Fixes the tauri icon usage with the --icon flag. Previously, only the -i flag worked. ## [0.8.2] - Adds tauri.conf.json schema validation to the CLI. ## [0.8.1] - Transpile the TS API to ES5. Expose CJS as .js and ESM as .mjs. - Fixes the assets embedding into the binary. ## [0.8.0] - Create UMD, ESM and CJS artifacts for the JavaScript API entry point from TS source using rollup. - Renaming window.tauri to window.\_\_TAURI\_\_, closing #435. The **Tauri** object now follows the TypeScript API structure (e.g. window.tauri.readTextFile is now window.\_\_TAURI\_\_.fs.readTextFile). If you want to keep the `window.tauri` object for a while, you can add a [mapping object](https://gist.github.com/lucasfernog/8f7b29cadd91d92ee2cf816a20c2ef01) to your code.