const chokidar = require('chokidar') const debounce = require('lodash.debounce') const path = require('path') const { readFileSync, writeFileSync, existsSync } = require('fs-extra') const { spawn } = require('./helpers/spawn') const onShutdown = require('./helpers/on-shutdown') const generator = require('./generator') const entry = require('./entry') const { appDir, tauriDir } = require('./helpers/app-paths') const logger = require('./helpers/logger') const log = logger('app:tauri', 'green') const warn = logger('app:tauri (template)', 'red') class Runner { constructor () { = 0 this.tauriWatcher = null onShutdown(() => { this.stop() }) } async run (cfg) { const devPath = if ( { if (this.devPath !== devPath) { await this.stop() } else { return } } this.__manipulateToml(toml => { this.__whitelistApi(cfg, toml) }) const runningDevServer = devPath.startsWith('http') let inlinedAssets = [] if (!runningDevServer) { inlinedAssets = await this.__parseHtml(cfg, path.resolve(appDir, devPath)) } generator.generate({ devPath: runningDevServer ? devPath : path.resolve(appDir, devPath), inlinedAssets, ...cfg.tauri }) entry.generate(tauriDir, cfg) this.devPath = devPath const features = runningDevServer ? ['dev-server'] : [] const startDevTauri = () => { return this.__runCargoCommand({ cargoArgs: ['run'].concat(features.length ? ['--features', ...features] : []), dev: true }) } // Start watching for tauri app changes // eslint-disable-next-line security/detect-non-literal-fs-filename this.tauriWatcher = chokidar .watch([ path.join(tauriDir, 'src'), path.join(tauriDir, 'Cargo.toml'), path.join(tauriDir, ''), path.join(appDir, 'tauri.conf.js') ], { watchers: { chokidar: { ignoreInitial: true } } }) .on('change', debounce(async (path) => { await this.__stopCargo() if (path.includes('tauri.conf.js')) {'./helpers/tauri-config')({ ctx: cfg.ctx })) } else { startDevTauri() } }, 1000)) return startDevTauri() } async build (cfg) { this.__manipulateToml(toml => { this.__whitelistApi(cfg, toml) }) const inlinedAssets = await this.__parseHtml(cfg, generator.generate({ inlinedAssets, ...cfg.tauri }) entry.generate(tauriDir, cfg) const features = [ ? 'embedded-server' : 'no-server' ] const buildFn = target => this.__runCargoCommand({ cargoArgs: [ ? 'tauri-cli' : 'build', '--features', ...features] .concat(cfg.ctx.debug ? [] : ['--release']) .concat(target ? ['--target', target] : []) }) if (cfg.ctx.debug || !cfg.ctx.targetName) { // on debug mode or if no target specified, // build only for the current platform await buildFn() } else { const targets =',') for (const target of targets) { await buildFn(target) } } } __parseHtml (cfg, indexDir) { const Inliner = require('@tauri-apps/tauri-inliner') const jsdom = require('jsdom') const { JSDOM } = jsdom const inlinedAssets = [] return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const distIndexPath = path.join(indexDir, 'index.html') if (!existsSync(distIndexPath)) { warn(`Error: cannot find index.html in "${indexDir}". Did you forget to build your web code or update the build.distDir in tauri.conf.js?`) reject(new Error('Could not find index.html in dist dir.')) } new Inliner(distIndexPath, (err, html) => { if (err) { reject(err) } else { const dom = new JSDOM(html) const document = dom.window.document document.querySelectorAll('link').forEach(link => { link.removeAttribute('rel') link.removeAttribute('as') }) const tauriScript = document.createElement('script') tauriScript.text = readFileSync(path.join(tauriDir, 'tauri.js')) document.body.insertBefore(tauriScript, document.body.firstChild) const csp = if (csp) { const cspTag = document.createElement('meta') cspTag.setAttribute('http-equiv', 'Content-Security-Policy') cspTag.setAttribute('content', csp) document.head.appendChild(cspTag) } writeFileSync(path.join(indexDir, 'index.tauri.html'), dom.serialize()) resolve(inlinedAssets) } }).on('progress', event => { const match = event.match(/([\S\d]+)\.([\S\d]+)/g) match && inlinedAssets.push(match[0]) }) }) } stop () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.tauriWatcher && this.tauriWatcher.close() this.__stopCargo().then(resolve) }) } __runCargoCommand ({ cargoArgs, extraArgs, dev = false }) { return new Promise(resolve => { = spawn( 'cargo', extraArgs ? cargoArgs.concat(['--']).concat(extraArgs) : cargoArgs, tauriDir, code => { if (code) { warn() warn('⚠️ [FAIL] Cargo CLI has failed') warn() process.exit(1) } if (this.killPromise) { this.killPromise() this.killPromise = null } else if (dev) { warn() warn('Cargo process was killed. Exiting...') warn() process.exit(0) } } ) resolve() }) } __stopCargo () { const pid = if (!pid) { return Promise.resolve() } log('Shutting down tauri process...') = 0 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.killPromise = resolve process.kill(pid) }) } __manipulateToml (callback) { const toml = require('@tauri-apps/toml') const tomlPath = path.join(tauriDir, 'Cargo.toml') const tomlFile = readFileSync(tomlPath) const tomlContents = toml.parse(tomlFile) callback(tomlContents) const output = toml.stringify(tomlContents) writeFileSync(tomlPath, output) } __whitelistApi (cfg, tomlContents) { const tomlFeatures = [] if (cfg.tauri.whitelist.all) { tomlFeatures.push('all-api') } else { const whitelist = Object.keys(cfg.tauri.whitelist).filter(w => cfg.tauri.whitelist[w] === true) tomlFeatures.push(...whitelist) } if ( { tomlFeatures.push('edge') } tomlContents.dependencies.tauri.features = tomlFeatures } } module.exports = Runner