const path = require('path') const fixtureSetup = require('../fixtures/app-test-setup') const appDir = path.join(fixtureSetup.fixtureDir, 'app') const distDir = path.join(appDir, 'dist') const spawn = require('helpers/spawn').spawn function runBuildTest(tauriConfig) { fixtureSetup.initJest('app') const build = require('api/build') return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { let success = false const { server, responses } = fixtureSetup.startServer(() => { success = true try { process.kill(appPid) } catch {} // wait for the app process to be killed setTimeout(resolve, 2000) }) const result = build(tauriConfig) await result.promise const artifactFolder = tauriConfig.ctx.debug ? 'debug' : 'release' const artifactPath = path.resolve( appDir, `src-tauri/target/${artifactFolder}/app` ) const appPid = spawn( process.platform === 'win32' ? `${artifactPath}.exe` : artifactPath.replace( `${artifactFolder}/app`, `${artifactFolder}/./app` ), [], null ) setTimeout(() => { if (!success) { server.close(() => { try { process.kill(appPid) } catch {} const failedCommands = Object.keys(responses) .filter((k) => responses[k] === null) .join(', ') reject("App didn't reply to " + failedCommands) }) } }, 15000) } catch (error) { reject(error) } }) } describe('Tauri Build', () => { const build = { devPath: distDir, distDir: distDir, withGlobalTauri: true } it.each` mode | flag ${'embedded-server'} | ${'debug'} ${'embedded-server'} | ${'release'} ${'no-server'} | ${'debug'} ${'no-server'} | ${'release'} `('works with the $mode $flag mode', ({ mode, flag }) => { return runBuildTest({ build, ctx: { debug: flag === 'debug' }, tauri: { allowlist: { all: true }, embeddedServer: { active: mode === 'embedded-server' } } }) }) })