# `tauri-driver` _(pre-alpha)_ Cross-platform WebDriver server for Tauri applications. This is a [WebDriver Intermediary Node] that wraps the native WebDriver server for platforms that [Tauri] supports. Your WebDriver client will connect to the running `tauri-driver` server, and `tauri-driver` will handle starting the native WebDriver server for you behind the scenes. It requires two separate ports to be used since two distinct [WebDriver Remote Ends] run. You can configure the ports used with arguments when starting the binary: * `--port` (default: `4444`) * `--native-port` (default: `4445`) Supported platforms: * **[In Progress]** Linux w/ `WebKitWebDriver` * **[In Progress]** Windows w/ [Microsoft Edge Driver] * **[Todo]** macOS w/ [Appium Mac2 Driver] (probably) _note: the (probably) items haven't been proof-of-concept'd yet, and if it is not possible to use the listed native webdriver, then a custom implementation will be used that wraps around [wry]._ ## Trying it out **Until this branch is merged into Tauri `dev`, this code works for pure [wry] applications only.** Currently, this uses a branch on [wry] `feat/webdriver`. The support for automated actions goes all the way down to wry with no real layer for just Tauri yet. For Windows, the [wry] branch only supports the `win32` backend and not `winrt`, unless you are okay with the webview not being closable by the webdriver. [WebDriver Intermediary Node]: https://www.w3.org/TR/webdriver/#dfn-intermediary-nodes [WebDriver Remote Ends]: https://www.w3.org/TR/webdriver/#dfn-remote-ends [Microsoft Edge Driver]: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/webdriver/ [Appium Mac2 Driver]: https://github.com/appium/appium-mac2-driver [wry]: https://github.com/tauri-apps/wry [Tauri]: https://github.com/tauri-apps/tauri