// Copyright 2019-2023 Tauri Programme within The Commons Conservancy // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import { defineConfig } from 'vite' import Unocss from 'unocss/vite' import { svelte } from '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte' import { internalIpV4Sync } from 'internal-ip' const mobile = !!/android|ios/.exec(process.env.TAURI_ENV_PLATFORM) // https://vitejs.dev/config/ export default defineConfig({ plugins: [Unocss(), svelte()], build: { rollupOptions: { output: { entryFileNames: `assets/[name].js`, chunkFileNames: `assets/[name].js`, assetFileNames: `assets/[name].[ext]` } } }, // Vite optons tailored for Tauri development and only applied in `tauri dev` or `tauri build` // prevent vite from obscuring rust errors clearScreen: false, // tauri expects a fixed port, fail if that port is not available server: { host: mobile ? '' : false, port: 1420, strictPort: true, hmr: mobile ? { protocol: 'ws', host: internalIpV4Sync(), port: 1421 } : undefined, fs: { allow: ['.', '../../tooling/api/dist'] } } })