# Cargo Tauri Bundle Wrap Rust executables in OS-specific app bundles ## About `cargo tauri-bundle` is a tool used to generate installers or app bundles for GUI executables built with `cargo`. It can create `.app` bundles for Mac OS X and iOS, `.deb` packages for Linux, and `.msi` installers for Windows (note however that iOS and Windows support is still experimental). Support for creating `.rpm` packages (for Linux) and `.apk` packages (for Android) is still pending. To install `cargo tauri-bundle`, run `cargo install cargo-tauri-bundle`. This will add the most recent version of `cargo-bundle` published to [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/cargo-bundle) as a subcommand to your default `cargo` installation. To start using `cargo tauri-bundle`, add a `[package.metadata.bundle]` section to your project's `Cargo.toml` file. This section describes various attributes of the generated bundle, such as its name, icon, description, copyright, as well as any packaging scripts you need to generate extra data. The full manifest format is described below. To build a bundle for the OS you're on, simply run `cargo tauri-bundle` in your project's directory (where the `Cargo.toml` is placed). If you would like to bundle a release build, you must add the `--release` flag to your call. To cross-compile and bundle an application for another OS, add an appropriate `--target` flag, just as you would for `cargo build`. ## Bundle manifest format There are several fields in the `[package.metadata.bundle]` section. ### General settings These settings apply to bundles for all (or most) OSes. * `name`: The name of the built application. If this is not present, then it will use the `name` value from your `Cargo.toml` file. * `identifier`: [REQUIRED] A string that uniquely identifies your application, in reverse-DNS form (for example, `"com.example.appname"` or `"io.github.username.project"`). For OS X and iOS, this is used as the bundle's `CFBundleIdentifier` value; for Windows, this is hashed to create an application GUID. * `icon`: [OPTIONAL] The icons used for your application. This should be an array of file paths or globs (with images in various sizes/formats); `cargo-bundle` will automatically convert between image formats as necessary for different platforms. Supported formats include ICNS, ICO, PNG, and anything else that can be decoded by the [`image`](https://crates.io/crates/image) crate. Icons intended for high-resolution (e.g. Retina) displays should have a filename with `@2x` just before the extension (see example below). * `version`: [OPTIONAL] The version of the application. If this is not present, then it will use the `version` value from your `Cargo.toml` file. * `resources`: [OPTIONAL] List of files or directories which will be copied to the resources section of the bundle. Globs are supported. * `script`: [OPTIONAL] This is a reserved field; at the moment it is not used for anything, but may be used to run scripts while packaging the bundle (e.g. download files, compress and encrypt, etc.). * `copyright`: [OPTIONAL] This contains a copyright string associated with your application. * `category`: [OPTIONAL] What kind of application this is. This can be a human-readable string (e.g. `"Puzzle game"`), or a Mac OS X LSApplicationCategoryType value (e.g. `"public.app-category.puzzle-games"`), or a GNOME desktop file category name (e.g. `"LogicGame"`), and `cargo-bundle` will automatically convert as needed for different platforms. * `short_description`: [OPTIONAL] A short, one-line description of the application. If this is not present, then it will use the `description` value from your `Cargo.toml` file. * `long_description`: [OPTIONAL] A longer, multi-line description of the application. ### Debian-specific settings These settings are used only when bundling `deb` packages. * `deb_depends`: A list of strings indicating other packages (e.g. shared libraries) that this package depends on to be installed. If present, this forms the `Depends:` field of the `deb` package control file. ### Mac OS X-specific settings These settings are used only when bundling `osx` packages. * `osx_frameworks`: A list of strings indicating any Mac OS X frameworks that need to be bundled with the app. Each string can either be the name of a framework (without the `.framework` extension, e.g. `"SDL2"`), in which case `cargo-bundle` will search for that framework in the standard install locations (`~/Library/Frameworks/`, `/Library/Frameworks/`, and `/Network/Library/Frameworks/`), or a path to a specific framework bundle (e.g. `./data/frameworks/SDL2.framework`). Note that this setting just makes `cargo-bundle` copy the specified frameworks into the OS X app bundle (under `Foobar.app/Contents/Frameworks/`); you are still responsible for (1) arranging for the compiled binary to link against those frameworks (e.g. by emitting lines like `cargo:rustc-link-lib=framework=SDL2` from your `build.rs` script), and (2) embedding the correct rpath in your binary (e.g. by running `install_name_tool -add_rpath "@executable_path/../Frameworks" path/to/binary` after compiling). * `osx_minimum_system_version`: A version string indicating the minimum Mac OS X version that the bundled app supports (e.g. `"10.11"`). If you are using this config field, you may also want have your `build.rs` script emit `cargo:rustc-env=MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.11` (or whatever version number you want) to ensure that the compiled binary has the same minimum version. ### Example `Cargo.toml`: ```toml [package] name = "example" # ...other fields... [package.metadata.bundle] name = "ExampleApplication" identifier = "com.doe.exampleapplication" icon = ["32x32.png", "128x128.png", "128x128@2x.png"] version = "1.0.0" resources = ["assets", "images/**/*.png", "secrets/public_key.txt"] copyright = "Copyright (c) Jane Doe 2016. All rights reserved." category = "Developer Tool" short_description = "An example application." long_description = """ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. """ deb_depends = ["libgl1-mesa-glx", "libsdl2-2.0-0 (>= 2.0.5)"] osx_frameworks = ["SDL2"] ``` ## Contributing `cargo-tauri-bundle` has ambitions to be inclusive project and welcome contributions from anyone. Please abide by the Rust code of conduct. ## Status Very early alpha. Expect the format of the `[package.metadata.bundle]` section to change, and there is no guarantee of stability. ## License (c) 2017 - present, George Burton, Lucas Fernandes Gonçalves Nogueira, Daniel Thompson-Yvetot, Razvan Stoenescu This program is licensed either under the terms of the [Apache Software License](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0), or the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). -> note, for bundle_dmg we have included a BSD 3 licenced binary `seticon`. https://github.com/sveinbjornt/osxiconutils/blob/master/seticon.m `tools/rust/cargo-tauri-bundle/src/bundle/templates/seticon`