import { defineConfig } from 'tsup' export default defineConfig(() => [ { entry: ['src/*.ts'], outDir: 'dist', format: ['esm', 'cjs'], clean: true, minify: true, platform: 'browser', dts: { resolve: true } }, { entry: { bundle: 'src/index.ts' }, outDir: '../../core/tauri/scripts', format: ['iife'], globalName: '__TAURI_IIFE__', clean: false, minify: true, platform: 'browser', dts: false, // esbuild `globalName` option generates `var __TAURI_IIFE__ = (() => {})()` // and var is not guaranted to assign to the global `window` object so we make sure to assign it footer: { js: 'window.__TAURI__ = __TAURI_IIFE__' } } ])