Josh Soref 8fd79b8fc0
Spelling (#4880)
Co-authored-by: Lorenzo Lewis <lorenzo_lewis@icloud.com>
Co-authored-by: Amr Bashir <amr.bashir2015@gmail.com>
2022-09-03 01:03:02 -03:00

399 lines
14 KiB
Raw Blame History

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// Copyright 2019-2022 Tauri Programme within The Commons Conservancy
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
use crate::{
app_paths::{app_dir, tauri_dir},
config::{get as get_config, AppUrl, HookCommand, WindowUrl, MERGE_CONFIG_EXTENSION_NAME},
updater_signature::{read_key_from_file, secret_key as updater_secret_key, sign_file},
interface::{AppInterface, AppSettings, Interface},
CommandExt, Result,
use anyhow::{bail, Context};
use clap::Parser;
use log::warn;
use log::{error, info};
use std::{
env::{set_current_dir, var_os},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use tauri_bundler::bundle::{bundle_project, Bundle, PackageType};
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Parser)]
#[clap(about = "Tauri build")]
pub struct Options {
/// Binary to use to build the application, defaults to `cargo`
#[clap(short, long)]
pub runner: Option<String>,
/// Builds with the debug flag
#[clap(short, long)]
pub debug: bool,
/// Target triple to build against.
/// It must be one of the values outputted by `$rustc --print target-list` or `universal-apple-darwin` for an universal macOS application.
/// Note that compiling an universal macOS application requires both `aarch64-apple-darwin` and `x86_64-apple-darwin` targets to be installed.
#[clap(short, long)]
pub target: Option<String>,
/// Space or comma separated list of features to activate
#[clap(short, long, multiple_occurrences(true), multiple_values(true))]
pub features: Option<Vec<String>>,
/// Space or comma separated list of bundles to package.
/// Each bundle must be one of `deb`, `appimage`, `msi`, `app` or `dmg` on MacOS and `updater` on all platforms.
/// If `none` is specified, the bundler will be skipped.
/// Note that the `updater` bundle is not automatically added so you must specify it if the updater is enabled.
#[clap(short, long, multiple_occurrences(true), multiple_values(true))]
pub bundles: Option<Vec<String>>,
/// JSON string or path to JSON file to merge with tauri.conf.json
#[clap(short, long)]
pub config: Option<String>,
/// Command line arguments passed to the runner
pub args: Vec<String>,
pub fn command(mut options: Options) -> Result<()> {
let (merge_config, merge_config_path) = if let Some(config) = &options.config {
if config.starts_with('{') {
(Some(config.to_string()), None)
} else {
.with_context(|| "failed to read custom configuration")?,
} else {
(None, None)
options.config = merge_config;
let tauri_path = tauri_dir();
set_current_dir(&tauri_path).with_context(|| "failed to change current working directory")?;
let config = get_config(options.config.as_deref())?;
let config_guard = config.lock().unwrap();
let config_ = config_guard.as_ref().unwrap();
let bundle_identifier_source = match config_.find_bundle_identifier_overwriter() {
Some(source) if source == MERGE_CONFIG_EXTENSION_NAME => merge_config_path.unwrap_or(source),
Some(source) => source,
None => "tauri.conf.json".into(),
if config_.tauri.bundle.identifier == "com.tauri.dev" {
"You must change the bundle identifier in `{} > tauri > bundle > identifier`. The default value `com.tauri.dev` is not allowed as it must be unique across applications.",
if config_
.any(|ch| !(ch.is_alphanumeric() || ch == '-' || ch == '.'))
"The bundle identifier \"{}\" set in `{} > tauri > bundle > identifier`. The bundle identifier string must contain only alphanumeric characters (AZ, az, and 09), hyphens (-), and periods (.).",
if let Some(before_build) = config_.build.before_build_command.clone() {
run_hook("beforeBuildCommand", before_build, options.debug)?;
if let AppUrl::Url(WindowUrl::App(web_asset_path)) = &config_.build.dist_dir {
if !web_asset_path.exists() {
return Err(anyhow::anyhow!(
"Unable to find your web assets, did you forget to build your web app? Your distDir is set to \"{:?}\".",
if web_asset_path.canonicalize()?.file_name() == Some(std::ffi::OsStr::new("src-tauri")) {
return Err(anyhow::anyhow!(
"The configured distDir is the `src-tauri` folder.
Please isolate your web assets on a separate folder and update `tauri.conf.json > build > distDir`.",
let mut out_folders = Vec::new();
for folder in &["node_modules", "src-tauri", "target"] {
if web_asset_path.join(folder).is_dir() {
if !out_folders.is_empty() {
return Err(anyhow::anyhow!(
"The configured distDir includes the `{:?}` {}. Please isolate your web assets on a separate folder and update `tauri.conf.json > build > distDir`.",
if out_folders.len() == 1 { "folder" }else { "folders" }
if options.runner.is_none() {
options.runner = config_.build.runner.clone();
if let Some(list) = options.features.as_mut() {
let mut interface = AppInterface::new(config_)?;
let app_settings = interface.app_settings();
let interface_options = options.clone().into();
let bin_path = app_settings.app_binary_path(&interface_options)?;
let out_dir = bin_path.parent().unwrap();
let app_settings = interface.app_settings();
if config_.tauri.bundle.active {
let package_types = if let Some(names) = &options.bundles {
let mut types = vec![];
for name in names
.flat_map(|n| n.split(',').map(|s| s.to_string()).collect::<Vec<String>>())
if name == "none" {
match PackageType::from_short_name(&name) {
Some(package_type) => {
None => {
return Err(anyhow::anyhow!(format!(
"Unsupported bundle format: {}",
} else {
let targets = config_.tauri.bundle.targets.to_vec();
if targets.is_empty() {
} else {
if let Some(types) = &package_types {
if config_.tauri.updater.active && !types.contains(&PackageType::Updater) {
warn!("The updater is enabled but the bundle target list does not contain `updater`, so the updater artifacts won't be generated.");
// if we have a package to bundle, let's run the `before_bundle_command`.
if package_types.as_ref().map_or(true, |p| !p.is_empty()) {
if let Some(before_bundle) = config_.build.before_bundle_command.clone() {
run_hook("beforeBundleCommand", before_bundle, options.debug)?;
let settings = app_settings
.get_bundler_settings(&options.into(), config_, out_dir, package_types)
.with_context(|| "failed to build bundler settings")?;
// set env vars used by the bundler
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
use crate::helpers::config::ShellAllowlistOpen;
if matches!(
ShellAllowlistOpen::Flag(true) | ShellAllowlistOpen::Validate(_)
) {
std::env::set_var("APPIMAGE_BUNDLE_XDG_OPEN", "1");
if config_.tauri.system_tray.is_some() {
if let Ok(tray) = std::env::var("TAURI_TRAY") {
if tray == "ayatana" {
.expect("failed to get ayatana-appindicator library path using pkg-config.")
} else {
.expect("failed to get libappindicator-gtk library path using pkg-config.")
} else {
if config_.tauri.bundle.appimage.bundle_media_framework {
std::env::set_var("APPIMAGE_BUNDLE_GSTREAMER", "1");
let bundles = bundle_project(settings).with_context(|| "failed to bundle project")?;
let updater_bundles: Vec<&Bundle> = bundles
.filter(|bundle| bundle.package_type == PackageType::Updater)
// If updater is active and we bundled it
if config_.tauri.updater.active && !updater_bundles.is_empty() {
// if no password provided we use an empty string
let password = var_os("TAURI_KEY_PASSWORD").map(|v| v.to_str().unwrap().to_string());
// get the private key
let secret_key = if let Some(mut private_key) =
var_os("TAURI_PRIVATE_KEY").map(|v| v.to_str().unwrap().to_string())
// check if env var points to a file..
let pk_dir = Path::new(&private_key);
// Check if user provided a path or a key
// We validate if the path exist or not.
if pk_dir.exists() {
// read file content and use it as private key
private_key = read_key_from_file(pk_dir)?;
updater_secret_key(private_key, password)
} else {
Err(anyhow::anyhow!("A public key has been found, but no private key. Make sure to set `TAURI_PRIVATE_KEY` environment variable."))
let pubkey = base64::decode(&config_.tauri.updater.pubkey)?;
let pub_key_decoded = String::from_utf8_lossy(&pubkey);
let public_key = minisign::PublicKeyBox::from_string(&pub_key_decoded)?.into_public_key()?;
// make sure we have our package built
let mut signed_paths = Vec::new();
for elem in updater_bundles {
// we expect to have only one path in the vec but we iter if we add
// another type of updater package who require multiple file signature
for path in elem.bundle_paths.iter() {
// sign our path from environment variables
let (signature_path, signature) = sign_file(&secret_key, path)?;
if signature.keynum() != public_key.keynum() {
return Err(anyhow::anyhow!(
"The updater secret key from `TAURI_PRIVATE_KEY` does not match the public key defined in `tauri.conf.json > tauri > updater > pubkey`."
signed_paths.append(&mut vec![signature_path]);
fn run_hook(name: &str, hook: HookCommand, debug: bool) -> Result<()> {
let (script, script_cwd) = match hook {
HookCommand::Script(s) if s.is_empty() => (None, None),
HookCommand::Script(s) => (Some(s), None),
HookCommand::ScriptWithOptions { script, cwd } => (Some(script), cwd.map(Into::into)),
let cwd = script_cwd.unwrap_or_else(|| app_dir().clone());
if let Some(script) = script {
info!(action = "Running"; "{} `{}`", name, script);
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
let status = Command::new("cmd")
.with_context(|| format!("failed to run `{}` with `cmd /C`", script))?;
#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
let status = Command::new("sh")
.with_context(|| format!("failed to run `{}` with `sh -c`", script))?;
if !status.success() {
"{} `{}` failed with exit code {}",
fn print_signed_updater_archive(output_paths: &[PathBuf]) -> crate::Result<()> {
let pluralised = if output_paths.len() == 1 {
"updater archive"
} else {
"updater archives"
let msg = format!("{} {} at:", output_paths.len(), pluralised);
info!("{}", msg);
for path in output_paths {
info!(" {}", path.display());
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
mod pkgconfig_utils {
use std::{path::PathBuf, process::Command};
pub fn get_appindicator_library_path() -> PathBuf {
match get_library_path("ayatana-appindicator3-0.1") {
Some(p) => format!("{}/libayatana-appindicator3.so.1", p).into(),
None => match get_library_path("appindicator3-0.1") {
Some(p) => format!("{}/libappindicator3.so.1", p).into(),
None => panic!("Can't detect any appindicator library"),
/// Gets the folder in which a library is located using `pkg-config`.
pub fn get_library_path(name: &str) -> Option<String> {
let mut cmd = Command::new("pkg-config");
if let Ok(output) = cmd.output() {
if !output.stdout.is_empty() {
// output would be "-L/path/to/library\n"
let word = output.stdout[2..].to_vec();
return Some(String::from_utf8_lossy(&word).trim().to_string());
} else {
} else {