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// Copyright 2019-2024 Tauri Programme within The Commons Conservancy
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
//! A layer between raw [`Runtime`] webviews and Tauri.
use crate::{window::is_label_valid, Rect, Runtime, UserEvent};
use http::Request;
use tauri_utils::config::{WebviewUrl, WindowConfig, WindowEffectsConfig};
use url::Url;
use std::{
hash::{Hash, Hasher},
type UriSchemeProtocol = dyn Fn(http::Request<Vec<u8>>, Box<dyn FnOnce(http::Response<Cow<'static, [u8]>>) + Send>)
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static;
type WebResourceRequestHandler =
dyn Fn(http::Request<Vec<u8>>, &mut http::Response<Cow<'static, [u8]>>) + Send + Sync;
type NavigationHandler = dyn Fn(&Url) -> bool + Send;
type OnPageLoadHandler = dyn Fn(Url, PageLoadEvent) + Send;
type DownloadHandler = dyn Fn(DownloadEvent) -> bool + Send + Sync;
/// Download event.
pub enum DownloadEvent<'a> {
/// Download requested.
Requested {
/// The url being downloaded.
url: Url,
/// Represents where the file will be downloaded to.
/// Can be used to set the download location by assigning a new path to it.
/// The assigned path _must_ be absolute.
destination: &'a mut PathBuf,
/// Download finished.
Finished {
/// The URL of the original download request.
url: Url,
/// Potentially representing the filesystem path the file was downloaded to.
path: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Indicates if the download succeeded or not.
success: bool,
#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
pub struct CreationContext<'a, 'b> {
pub env: &'a mut jni::JNIEnv<'b>,
pub activity: &'a jni::objects::JObject<'b>,
pub webview: &'a jni::objects::JObject<'b>,
/// Kind of event for the page load handler.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum PageLoadEvent {
/// Page started to load.
/// Page finished loading.
/// A webview that has yet to be built.
pub struct PendingWebview<T: UserEvent, R: Runtime<T>> {
/// The label that the webview will be named.
pub label: String,
/// The [`WebviewAttributes`] that the webview will be created with.
pub webview_attributes: WebviewAttributes,
pub uri_scheme_protocols: HashMap<String, Box<UriSchemeProtocol>>,
/// How to handle IPC calls on the webview.
pub ipc_handler: Option<WebviewIpcHandler<T, R>>,
/// A handler to decide if incoming url is allowed to navigate.
pub navigation_handler: Option<Box<NavigationHandler>>,
/// The resolved URL to load on the webview.
pub url: String,
#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
pub on_webview_created:
Option<Box<dyn Fn(CreationContext<'_, '_>) -> Result<(), jni::errors::Error> + Send>>,
pub web_resource_request_handler: Option<Box<WebResourceRequestHandler>>,
pub on_page_load_handler: Option<Box<OnPageLoadHandler>>,
pub download_handler: Option<Arc<DownloadHandler>>,
impl<T: UserEvent, R: Runtime<T>> PendingWebview<T, R> {
/// Create a new [`PendingWebview`] with a label from the given [`WebviewAttributes`].
pub fn new(
webview_attributes: WebviewAttributes,
label: impl Into<String>,
) -> crate::Result<Self> {
let label = label.into();
if !is_label_valid(&label) {
} else {
Ok(Self {
uri_scheme_protocols: Default::default(),
ipc_handler: None,
navigation_handler: None,
url: "tauri://localhost".to_string(),
#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
on_webview_created: None,
web_resource_request_handler: None,
on_page_load_handler: None,
download_handler: None,
pub fn register_uri_scheme_protocol<
N: Into<String>,
H: Fn(http::Request<Vec<u8>>, Box<dyn FnOnce(http::Response<Cow<'static, [u8]>>) + Send>)
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
&mut self,
uri_scheme: N,
protocol: H,
) {
let uri_scheme = uri_scheme.into();
.insert(uri_scheme, Box::new(protocol));
#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
pub fn on_webview_created<
F: Fn(CreationContext<'_, '_>) -> Result<(), jni::errors::Error> + Send + 'static,
mut self,
f: F,
) -> Self {
/// A webview that is not yet managed by Tauri.
pub struct DetachedWebview<T: UserEvent, R: Runtime<T>> {
/// Name of the window
pub label: String,
/// The [`crate::WebviewDispatch`] associated with the window.
pub dispatcher: R::WebviewDispatcher,
impl<T: UserEvent, R: Runtime<T>> Clone for DetachedWebview<T, R> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
label: self.label.clone(),
dispatcher: self.dispatcher.clone(),
impl<T: UserEvent, R: Runtime<T>> Hash for DetachedWebview<T, R> {
/// Only use the [`DetachedWebview`]'s label to represent its hash.
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
impl<T: UserEvent, R: Runtime<T>> Eq for DetachedWebview<T, R> {}
impl<T: UserEvent, R: Runtime<T>> PartialEq for DetachedWebview<T, R> {
/// Only use the [`DetachedWebview`]'s label to compare equality.
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
/// The attributes used to create an webview.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct WebviewAttributes {
pub url: WebviewUrl,
pub user_agent: Option<String>,
pub initialization_scripts: Vec<String>,
pub data_directory: Option<PathBuf>,
pub drag_drop_handler_enabled: bool,
pub clipboard: bool,
pub accept_first_mouse: bool,
pub additional_browser_args: Option<String>,
pub window_effects: Option<WindowEffectsConfig>,
pub incognito: bool,
pub transparent: bool,
pub bounds: Option<Rect>,
pub auto_resize: bool,
pub proxy_url: Option<Url>,
pub zoom_hotkeys_enabled: bool,
impl From<&WindowConfig> for WebviewAttributes {
fn from(config: &WindowConfig) -> Self {
let mut builder = Self::new(config.url.clone());
builder = builder.incognito(config.incognito);
#[cfg(any(not(target_os = "macos"), feature = "macos-private-api"))]
builder = builder.transparent(config.transparent);
builder = builder.accept_first_mouse(config.accept_first_mouse);
if !config.drag_drop_enabled {
builder = builder.disable_drag_drop_handler();
if let Some(user_agent) = &config.user_agent {
builder = builder.user_agent(user_agent);
if let Some(additional_browser_args) = &config.additional_browser_args {
builder = builder.additional_browser_args(additional_browser_args);
if let Some(effects) = &config.window_effects {
builder = builder.window_effects(effects.clone());
if let Some(url) = &config.proxy_url {
builder = builder.proxy_url(url.to_owned());
builder = builder.zoom_hotkeys_enabled(config.zoom_hotkeys_enabled);
impl WebviewAttributes {
/// Initializes the default attributes for a webview.
pub fn new(url: WebviewUrl) -> Self {
Self {
user_agent: None,
initialization_scripts: Vec::new(),
data_directory: None,
drag_drop_handler_enabled: true,
clipboard: false,
accept_first_mouse: false,
additional_browser_args: None,
window_effects: None,
incognito: false,
transparent: false,
bounds: None,
auto_resize: false,
proxy_url: None,
zoom_hotkeys_enabled: false,
/// Sets the user agent
pub fn user_agent(mut self, user_agent: &str) -> Self {
self.user_agent = Some(user_agent.to_string());
/// Sets the init script.
pub fn initialization_script(mut self, script: &str) -> Self {
/// Data directory for the webview.
pub fn data_directory(mut self, data_directory: PathBuf) -> Self {
/// Disables the drag and drop handler. This is required to use HTML5 drag and drop APIs on the frontend on Windows.
pub fn disable_drag_drop_handler(mut self) -> Self {
self.drag_drop_handler_enabled = false;
/// Enables clipboard access for the page rendered on **Linux** and **Windows**.
/// **macOS** doesn't provide such method and is always enabled by default,
/// but you still need to add menu item accelerators to use shortcuts.
pub fn enable_clipboard_access(mut self) -> Self {
self.clipboard = true;
/// Sets whether clicking an inactive window also clicks through to the webview.
pub fn accept_first_mouse(mut self, accept: bool) -> Self {
self.accept_first_mouse = accept;
/// Sets additional browser arguments. **Windows Only**
pub fn additional_browser_args(mut self, additional_args: &str) -> Self {
self.additional_browser_args = Some(additional_args.to_string());
/// Sets window effects
pub fn window_effects(mut self, effects: WindowEffectsConfig) -> Self {
self.window_effects = Some(effects);
/// Enable or disable incognito mode for the WebView.
pub fn incognito(mut self, incognito: bool) -> Self {
self.incognito = incognito;
/// Enable or disable transparency for the WebView.
#[cfg(any(not(target_os = "macos"), feature = "macos-private-api"))]
pub fn transparent(mut self, transparent: bool) -> Self {
self.transparent = transparent;
/// Sets the webview to automatically grow and shrink its size and position when the parent window resizes.
pub fn auto_resize(mut self) -> Self {
self.auto_resize = true;
/// Enable proxy for the WebView
pub fn proxy_url(mut self, url: Url) -> Self {
self.proxy_url = Some(url);
/// Whether page zooming by hotkeys is enabled
/// ## Platform-specific:
/// - **Windows**: Controls WebView2's [`IsZoomControlEnabled`](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/reference/winrt/microsoft_web_webview2_core/corewebview2settings?view=webview2-winrt-1.0.2420.47#iszoomcontrolenabled) setting.
/// - **MacOS / Linux**: Injects a polyfill that zooms in and out with `ctrl/command` + `-/=`,
/// 20% in each step, ranging from 20% to 1000%. Requires `webview:allow-set-webview-zoom` permission
/// - **Android / iOS**: Unsupported.
pub fn zoom_hotkeys_enabled(mut self, enabled: bool) -> Self {
self.zoom_hotkeys_enabled = enabled;
/// IPC handler.
pub type WebviewIpcHandler<T, R> = Box<dyn Fn(DetachedWebview<T, R>, Request<String>) + Send>;