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finish sectionon Monad Transformers

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thma 2019-01-16 22:48:20 +01:00
parent f21a93642c
commit 16c88e7734

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@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ safeRootReciprocal = safeReciprocal >=> safeRoot
The use of the [Kleisli 'fish' operator `>=>`](https://www.stackage.org/haddock/lts-13.0/base- makes it more evident that we are actually aiming at a composition of the monadic functions `safeReciprocal` and `safeRoot`.
There are many predefined Monads available in the Haskell curated libraries and it's also possible to combine their effects by making use of `MonadTransformers`. But that's a different story...
There are many predefined Monads available in the Haskell curated libraries and it's also possible to combine their effects by making use of `MonadTransformers`. But that's a [different story...](#aspect-weaving--monad-transformers)
[Sourcecode for this section](https://github.com/thma/LtuPatternFactory/blob/master/src/NullObject.hs)
@ -995,6 +995,8 @@ What we have seen so far is that it possible to form Monad stacks that combine t
In the following lines I want to show how MonadTransformers can be used to specify the formal semantics of Aspect Oriented Programming. I have taken the example from Mark P. Jones paper
[The Essence of AspectJ](https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/c4ce/14364d88d533fac6aa53481b719aa661ce73.pdf).
#### An interpreter for MiniPascal
We start by defining a simple imperative language – MiniPascal:
@ -1110,6 +1112,8 @@ So far this is nothing special, just a minimal interpreter for an imperative lan
In the next step we want to extend this language with features of aspect oriented programming in the style of *AspectJ*: join points, point cuts, and advices.
#### An Interpreter for AspectPascal
To keep things simple we will specify only two types of joint points: variable assignment and variable reading:
@ -1154,7 +1158,7 @@ includes _ _ = False
In AspectJ aspect oriented extensions to a program are described using the notion of advices.
We follow the same design here: each advice includes a pointcut to specify the join points at which the
advice should be used, and a statement to specify the action that should be performed at each matching join point.
advice should be used, and a statement (in MiniPascal syntax) to specify the action that should be performed at each matching join point.
In AspectPascal we only support two kinds of advice: `Before`, which will be executed on entry to a join point, and
`After` which will be executed on the exit from a join point:
@ -1200,25 +1204,13 @@ iexp :: MonadState Store m => IExp -> ReaderT Aspects m Int
Apart from extendig the signatures we have to modify all places where variables are accessed to apply the matching advices.
So for instance in the equation for `iexp (IVar i)` we specify that `(getVar i)` should be executed with applying all advices that match the read access to variable `i` (`Get i`) by writing:
So for instance in the equation for `iexp (IVar i)` we specify that `(getVar i)` should be executed with applying all advices that match the read access to variable `i` – that is `(Get i)` by writing:
iexp (IVar i) = withAdvice (Get i) (getVar i)
withAdvice :: MonadState Store m => JoinPointDesc -> ReaderT Aspects m a -> ReaderT Aspects m a
withAdvice d c = do
aspects <- ask
mapM_ stmt (before d aspects)
x <- c
mapM_ stmt (after d aspects)
return x
before, after :: JoinPointDesc -> Aspects -> [Stmt]
before d as = [s | Before c s <- as, includes c d]
after d as = [s | After c s <- as, includes c d]
So the complete definition of `iexp` is:
iexp :: MonadState Store m => IExp -> ReaderT Aspects m Int
@ -1228,12 +1220,40 @@ iexp (e1 :*: e2) = liftM2 (*) (iexp e1) (iexp e2)
iexp (e1 :-: e2) = liftM2 (-) (iexp e1) (iexp e2)
iexp (e1 :/: e2) = liftM2 div (iexp e1) (iexp e2)
iexp (IVar i) = withAdvice (Get i) (getVar i)
> [...] if `c` is a computation corresponding to some join point with description `d`, then `withAdvice d c` wraps the
execution of `c` with the execution of the appropriate Before and After advice, if any:
withAdvice :: MonadState Store m => JoinPointDesc -> ReaderT Aspects m a -> ReaderT Aspects m a
withAdvice d c = do
aspects <- ask -- obtaining the Aspects from the Reader monad
mapM_ stmt (before d aspects) -- execute the statements of all Before advices
x <- c -- execute the actual business logic
mapM_ stmt (after d aspects) -- execute the statements of all After advices
return x
-- collect the statements of Before and After advices matching the join point
before, after :: JoinPointDesc -> Aspects -> [Stmt]
before d as = [s | Before c s <- as, includes c d]
after d as = [s | After c s <- as, includes c d]
In the same way the equation for variable assignment `stmt (i := e)` we specify that `(setVar i x)` should be executed with applying all advices that match the write access to variable `i` &ndash; that is `(Set i)` by noting:
stmt (i := e) = do x <- iexp e; withAdvice (Set i) (setVar i x)
The complete implementation for `stmt` then looks like follows:
stmt :: MonadState Store m => Stmt -> ReaderT Aspects m ()
stmt Skip = return ()
stmt (i := e) = do x <- iexp e; withAdvice (Set i) (setVar i x)
stmt (Begin ss) = mapM_ stmt ss
stmt (If b t e) = do
stmt (If b t e) = do
x <- bexp b
if x then stmt t
else stmt e
@ -1241,12 +1261,28 @@ stmt (While b t) = loop
where loop = do
x <- bexp b
when x $ stmt t >> loop
run :: Aspects -> Stmt -> Store
run a s = execState (runReaderT (stmt s) a) (Map.fromList [])
to be continued...
Finally we have to extend `run` function to properly handle the monad stack:
run :: Aspects -> Stmt -> Store
run a s = execState (runReaderT (stmt s) a) (Map.fromList [])
-- and then in GHCi:
ghci> run [] program
fromList [("count",10),("total",55)]
ghci> run [countSets] program
fromList [("count",10),("countSet",22),("total",55)]
ghci> run [countSets, countGets] program
fromList [("count",10),("countGet",41),("countSet",22),("total",55)]
So executing the program with an empty list of advices yields the same result as executing the program with initial interpreter. Once we execute the program with the advices `countGets` and `countSets` the resulting map contains values for the variables `countGet` and `countSet` which have been incremented by the statements of both advices.
We have utilized Monad Transformers to extend our original interpreter in a minamally invasive way, to provide a formal and executable semantics for a simple aspect-oriented language in the style of AspectJ.
### ? → MonadFix