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synced 2025-01-06 03:23:19 +03:00
added template method example
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ executable LtuPatternFactory
, Pipeline
, Singleton
, Strategy
, TemplateMethod
, Visitor
main-is: Main.hs
default-language: Haskell2010
@ -505,7 +505,84 @@ http://blog.ploeh.dk/2018/06/25/visitor-as-a-sum-type/
## Template Method -> Typeclass default functions
like strategy, type class with default implemenations
> In software engineering, the template method pattern is a behavioral design pattern that defines the program skeleton of an algorithm in an operation, deferring some steps to subclasses.
> It lets one redefine certain steps of an algorithm without changing the algorithm's structure.
> [Quoted from Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template_method_pattern)
The TemplateMethod pattern is quite similar to the [StrategyPattern](#strategy---functor). The main difference is the level of granularity.
In Strategy a complete block of functionality - the Strategy - can be replaced.
In TemplateMethod the overall layout of an algorithm is predefined and only specific parts of it may be replaced.
In functional programming the answer to this kind of problem is again the usage of higher order functions.
In the following example we come back to the example for the [Adapter](#adapter---function-composition).
The function `addMinutesAdapter` lays out a structure for interfacing to some kind of backend:
1. marshalling the arguments into the backend format
2. apply the backend logic to the marshalled arguments
3. unmarshal the backend result data into the frontend format
addMinutesAdapter :: Int -> Minute -> Minute
addMinutesAdapter x = unmarshalWM . addMinutesToWallTime x . marshalMW
In this code the backend functionality - `addMinutesToWallTime` - is a hardcoded part of the overall structure.
Let's assume we want to use different kind of backend implementations - for instance a mock replacement.
In this case we would like to keep the overall structure - the template - and would just make a specific part of it flexible.
This sounds like an ideal candidate for the TemplateMethod pattern:
addMinutesTemplate :: (Int -> WallTime -> WallTime) -> Int -> Minute -> Minute
addMinutesTemplate f x =
unmarshalWM .
f x .
`addMinutesTemplate` has an additional parameter f of type `(Int -> WallTime -> WallTime)`. This parameter may be bound to `addMinutesToWallTime` or alternative implementations:
-- implements linear addition (the normal case) even for values > 1440
linearTimeAdd :: Int -> Minute -> Minute
linearTimeAdd = addMinutesTemplate addMinutesToWallTime
-- implements cyclic addition, respecting a 24 hour (1440 Min) cycle
cyclicTimeAdd :: Int -> Minute -> Minute
cyclicTimeAdd = addMinutesTemplate addMinutesToWallTime'
where `addMinutesToWallTime'` implements a silly 24 hour cyclic addition:
-- a 24 hour (1440 min) cyclic version of addition: 1400 + 100 = 60
addMinutesToWallTime' :: Int -> WallTime -> WallTime
addMinutesToWallTime' x (WallTime (h, m)) =
let (hAdd, mAdd) = x `quotRem` 60
hNew = h + hAdd
mNew = m + mAdd
in if mNew >= 60
then WallTime ((hNew + 1) `rem` 24, mNew-60)
else WallTime (hNew, mNew)
And here is how we use it to do actual computations:
templateMethodDemo = do
putStrLn $ "linear time: " ++ (show $ linearTimeAdd 100 (Minute 1400))
putStrLn $ "cyclic time: " ++ (show $ cyclicTimeAdd 100 (Minute 1400))
### Typeclass minimal implementations as template method
> The template method is used in frameworks, where each implements the invariant parts of a domain's architecture,
> leaving "placeholders" for customization options. This is an example of inversion of control.
> The template method is used for the following reasons:
> - Let subclasses implement varying behavior (through method overriding).
> - Avoid duplication in the code: the general workflow structure is implemented once in the abstract class's algorithm,
> and necessary variations are implemented in the subclasses.
> - Control at what point(s) subclassing is allowed. As opposed to a simple polymorphic override, where the base method
> would be entirely rewritten allowing radical change to the workflow, only the specific details of the workflow are
> allowed to change.
> [Quoted from Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template_method_pattern)
# Beyond Typeclass patterns
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ module TemplateMethod where
import Adapter (unmarshalWM, marshalMW, addMinutesToWallTime, Minute (..), WallTime (..) )
addMinutesTemplate :: (Int -> WallTime -> WallTime) -> Int -> Minute -> Minute
addMinutesTemplate tf x =
addMinutesTemplate f x =
unmarshalWM .
tf x .
f x .
-- implements linear addition even for values > 1440
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ linearTimeAdd = addMinutesTemplate addMinutesToWallTime
cyclicTimeAdd :: Int -> Minute -> Minute
cyclicTimeAdd = addMinutesTemplate addMinutesToWallTime'
-- a 24 hour (1440 min) cyclic version of addition: 1400 + 100 = 60
addMinutesToWallTime' :: Int -> WallTime -> WallTime
addMinutesToWallTime' x (WallTime (h, m)) =
@ -27,8 +26,21 @@ addMinutesToWallTime' x (WallTime (h, m)) =
then WallTime ((hNew + 1) `rem` 24, mNew-60)
else WallTime (hNew, mNew)
addWallTimes :: WallTime -> WallTime -> WallTime
addWallTimes a@(WallTime (h,m)) b =
let aMin = h*60 + m
in addMinutesToWallTime aMin b
instance Semigroup WallTime where
(<>) = addWallTimes
instance Monoid WallTime where
mempty = WallTime (0,0)
templateMethodDemo = do
putStrLn "TemplateMethod -> higher order function -> typeclass default implementations"
putStrLn $ "linear time: " ++ (show $ linearTimeAdd 100 (Minute 1400))
putStrLn $ "cyclic time: " ++ (show $ cyclicTimeAdd 100 (Minute 1400))
putStrLn ""
let a = WallTime (3,20)
print $ mconcat [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a]
putStrLn ""
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