mirror of https://github.com/thma/LtuPatternFactory.git synced 2024-12-02 08:33:20 +03:00

cleanup Product and Compose

This commit is contained in:
thma 2018-11-01 21:38:46 +01:00
parent 10dfac4996
commit 8df6771874

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@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Iterator where
import Singleton (Exp (..))
import Visitor
import Data.Functor.Const
import Data.Functor.Product
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Functor.Const -- for Const
import Data.Monoid (Sum (..), getSum) -- for Sum
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy -- for State
import Control.Applicative -- for WrappedMonad
@ -19,33 +23,15 @@ instance Traversable Exp where
traverse g (Add x y) = Add <$> traverse g x <*> traverse g y
traverse g (Mul x y) = Mul <$> traverse g x <*> traverse g y
-- the applicative product adventure
data Prod m n a = Prod {pfst:: m a, psnd:: n a} deriving (Show)
instance (Functor m, Functor n) => Functor (Prod m n) where
fmap f (Prod m n) = Prod (fmap f m) (fmap f n)
instance (Applicative m, Applicative n) => Applicative (Prod m n) where
pure x = Prod (pure x) (pure x)
mf <*> mx = Prod (pfst mf <*> pfst mx) (psnd mf <*> psnd mx)
-- Functor Product
(<#>) :: (Functor m, Functor n) => (a -> m b) -> (a -> n b) -> (a -> Prod m n b)
(f <#> g) y = Prod (f y) (g y)
(<#>) :: (Functor m, Functor n) => (a -> m b) -> (a -> n b) -> (a -> Product m n b)
(f <#> g) y = Pair (f y) (g y)
newtype Comp m n a = Comp {unComp :: m (n a)} deriving (Show)
instance (Functor m, Functor n) => Functor (Comp m n) where
fmap f (Comp x) = Comp (fmap (fmap f) x)
instance (Applicative m, Applicative n) => Applicative (Comp m n) where
pure x = Comp (pure (pure x))
(Comp mf) <*> (Comp mx) = Comp (pure (<*>) <*> mf <*> mx)
(<.>) :: (Functor m, Functor n) => (b -> n c) -> (a -> m b) -> (a -> (Comp m n) c)
f <.> g = Comp . fmap f . g
-- Functor composition
(<.>) :: (Functor m, Functor n) => (b -> n c) -> (a -> m b) -> (a -> (Compose m n) c)
f <.> g = Compose . fmap f . g
class Coerce a b | a -> b where
down :: a -> b
up :: b -> a
@ -54,13 +40,13 @@ instance Coerce (Const a b) a where
down = getConst
up = Const
instance (Coerce(m a) b, Coerce(n a) c) => Coerce((Prod m n) a) (b,c) where
instance (Coerce(m a) b, Coerce(n a) c) => Coerce((Product m n) a) (b,c) where
down mnx = (down (pfst mnx), down(psnd mnx))
up (x,y) = Prod(up x) (up y)
up (x,y) = Pair (up x) (up y)
instance (Functor m, Functor n, Coerce(m b)c, Coerce(n a)b) => Coerce((Comp m n) a) c where
down = down . fmap down . unComp
up = Comp . fmap up . up
instance (Functor m, Functor n, Coerce(m b)c, Coerce(n a)b) => Coerce((Compose m n) a) c where
down = down . fmap down . getCompose
up = Compose . fmap up . up
instance Coerce (m a) c => Coerce (WrappedMonad m a) c where
down = down . unwrapMonad
@ -69,7 +55,7 @@ instance Coerce (m a) c => Coerce (WrappedMonad m a) c where
instance Coerce (State s a) (s -> (a,s)) where
down = runState
up = state
type Count = Const (Sum Integer)
count :: a -> Count b
@ -83,7 +69,7 @@ cci = traverse cciBody
lciBody :: Char -> Count a
lciBody c = up $ test (c == '\n')
lciBody c = Const $ test (c == '\n')
test :: Bool -> Sum Integer
test b = Sum $ if b then 1 else 0
@ -91,35 +77,39 @@ test b = Sum $ if b then 1 else 0
lci :: String -> Count [a]
lci = traverse lciBody
clci :: String -> Prod Count Count [a]
clci :: String -> Product Count Count [a]
clci = traverse (cciBody <#> lciBody)
wciBody :: Char -> Comp (WrappedMonad (State Bool)) Count a
wciBody :: Char -> Compose (WrappedMonad (State Bool)) Count a
wciBody c = up (updateState c) where
updateState :: Char -> Bool -> (Sum Integer, Bool)
updateState c w = let s = not(isSpace c) in (test (not w && s), s)
isSpace :: Char -> Bool
isSpace c = c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t'
wci :: String -> Comp (WrappedMonad (State Bool)) Count [a]
wci :: String -> Compose (WrappedMonad (State Bool)) Count [a]
wci = traverse wciBody
clwci :: String -> (Prod (Prod Count Count) (Comp (WrappedMonad (State Bool)) Count)) [a]
clwci :: String -> (Product (Product Count Count) (Compose (WrappedMonad (State Bool)) Count)) [a]
clwci = traverse (cciBody <#> lciBody <#> wciBody)
str :: String
str = "hello nice \n and busy world"
pfst :: Product f g a -> f a
pfst (Pair fst _) = fst
psnd :: Product f g a -> g a
psnd (Pair _ snd) = snd
iteratorDemo = do
putStrLn "Iterator -> Traversable"
let exp = Mul (Add (Val 3) (Val 1))
(Mul (Val 2) (Var "pi"))
env = [("pi", pi)]
print $ traverse (\x c -> if even x then [x] else [2*x]) exp 0
print $ clci str
let wordcount = clwci str
print $ pfst wordcount
print $ runState (unwrapMonad (unComp (psnd wordcount))) False
print $ getSum $ getConst $ pfst (pfst wordcount)
print $ getSum $ getConst $ psnd (pfst wordcount)
print $ getSum $ getConst $ evalState (unwrapMonad (getCompose (psnd wordcount))) False