mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 11:57:50 +03:00
write no example for Depency Injection
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ executable LtuPatternFactory
, Visitor
, Coerce
, IdiomBrackets
, DependencyInjection
, CheapskateRenderer
, CMarkGFMRenderer
main-is: Main.hs
default-language: Haskell2010
build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5
@ -40,6 +43,9 @@ executable LtuPatternFactory
, directory
, bytestring
, tagged
, cmark-gfm
, cheapskate
, blaze-html
test-suite LtuPatternFactory-Demo
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
@ -57,6 +63,9 @@ test-suite LtuPatternFactory-Demo
, Visitor
, Coerce
, IdiomBrackets
, DependencyInjection
, CheapskateRenderer
, CMarkGFMRenderer
hs-source-dirs: src
main-is: Main.hs
@ -69,5 +78,7 @@ test-suite LtuPatternFactory-Demo
, directory
, bytestring
, tagged
-- , Cabal, HUnit, test-framework, test-framework-hunit
, cmark-gfm
, cheapskate
, blaze-html
default-language: Haskell2010
@ -1031,26 +1031,97 @@ TBD:
> This fundamental requirement means that using values (services) produced within the class from new or static methods is prohibited. The client should accept values passed in from outside. This allows the client to make acquiring dependencies someone else's problem.
> (Quoted from [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependency_injection))
In functional languages this is simply achieved by binding a functions formal parameters to values.
See the following example where the function `generatePage :: (String -> Html) -> String -> Html` does not only require a String input but also a rendering function that does the actual conversion from text to Html.
In functional languages this is achieved by binding a functions formal parameters to values.
Let's see how this works in real world example. Say we have been building a renderer that allows to produce a markdown representation of a data type that represents the table of contents of a document:
data Html = ...
-- | a table of contents consists of a heading and a list of entries
data TableOfContents = Section Heading [TocEntry]
generatePage :: (String -> Html) -> String -> Html
generatePage renderer text = renderer text
-- | a ToC entry can be a heading or a sub-table of contents
data TocEntry = Head Heading | Sub TableOfContents
htmlRenderer :: String -> Html
htmlRenderer = ...
-- | a heading can be just a title string or an url with a title and the actual link
data Heading = Title String | Url String String
-- | render a ToC entry as a Markdown String with the proper indentation
teToMd :: Int -> TocEntry -> String
teToMd depth (Head head) = headToMd depth head
teToMd depth (Sub toc) = tocToMd depth toc
-- | render a heading as a Markdown String with the proper indentation
headToMd :: Int -> Heading -> String
headToMd depth (Title str) = indent depth ++ "* " ++ str ++ "\n"
headToMd depth (Url title url) = indent depth ++ "* [" ++ title ++ "](" ++ url ++ ")\n"
-- | convert a ToC to Markdown String. The parameter depth is used for proper indentation.
tocToMd :: Int -> TableOfContents -> String
tocToMd depth (Section heading entries) = headToMd depth heading ++ concatMap (teToMd (depth+2)) entries
-- | produce a String of length n, consisting only of blanks
indent :: Int -> String
indent n = replicate n ' '
-- | render a ToC as a Text (consisting of properly indented Markdown)
tocToMDText :: TableOfContents -> T.Text
tocToMDText = T.pack . tocToMd 0
With partial application its even possible to form a closure that incorporates the rendering function:
We can use these definitions to create a table of contents data structure and to render it to markdown syntax:
ghci> closure = generatePage htmlRenderer
:type closure
closure :: String -> Html
demoDI = do
let toc = Section (Title "Chapter 1")
[ Sub $ Section (Title "Section a")
[Head $ Title "First Heading",
Head $ Url "Second Heading" "http://the.url"]
, Sub $ Section (Url "Section b" "http://the.section.b.url")
[ Sub $ Section (Title "UnderSection b1")
[Head $ Title "First", Head $ Title "Second"]]]
putStrLn $ T.unpack $ tocToMDText toc
-- and the in ghci:
ghci > demoDI
* Chapter 1
* Section a
* First Heading
* [Second Heading](http://the.url)
* [Section b](http://the.section.b.url)
* UnderSection b1
* First
* Second
So far so good. But of course we also want to be able to render our `TableOfContent` to HTML.
As we don't want to repeat all the coding work for HTML we think about using an existing Markdown library.
But we don't want any hard coded dependencies to a specific library in our code.
With these design ideas in mind we specify a rendering processor:
tocToHtmlText :: (TableOfContents -> T.Text) -- a renderer function ToC to Text (with Mardown markups)
-> (T.Text -> MarkDown) -- a parser function from Text to a MarkDown document
-> (MarkDown -> HTML) -- a renderer function from MarkDown to a HTML document
-> (HTML -> T.Text) -- a renderer function HTML to Text
-> TableOfContents -- the actual ToC to be rendered
-> T.Text -- the text output
tocToHtmlText tocToText textToMd mdToHtml htmlToText = tocToText >>> textToMd >>> mdToHtml >>> htmlToText
The idea is simple: We render our `TableOfContents` to a Markdown `Text` (e.g. using our already defined `tocToMDText` function).
This text is then parsed into a `Markdown` document. The `Markdown` document is rendered into an `HTML` document which is then rendered to a `Text` containing html markup.
Please note that at this point we have not provided actual types `HTML` and `Markdown`, we just expect them to be provided.
In the same way we just specified that there must be actual functions available taht can be bound to the formal parameters
`tocToText`, `textToMd`, `mdToHtml` and `htmlToText`.
If such functions are avaliable we can *inject* them (or rather bind them to the formal parameters) as in the following definition:
defaultTocToHtmlText :: TableOfContents -> T.Text
defaultTocToHtmlText = tocToHtmlText tocToMDText textToMarkDown markDownToHtml htmlToText
... to be continued
### Adapter -> Function Composition
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
module CMarkGFMRenderer where
import qualified CMarkGFM as CM
import qualified Data.Text as T
type MarkDown = T.Text
type HTML = T.Text
textToMarkDown :: T.Text -> MarkDown
textToMarkDown = CM.commonmarkToHtml [] []
markDownToHtml :: MarkDown -> HTML
markDownToHtml = id
htmlToText :: HTML -> T.Text
htmlToText = id
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
module CheapskateRenderer where
import qualified Cheapskate as C
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html as H
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Pretty as R
type MarkDown = C.Doc
type HTML = H.Html
textToMarkDown :: T.Text -> MarkDown
textToMarkDown = C.markdown C.def
markDownToHtml :: MarkDown -> HTML
markDownToHtml = H.toHtml
htmlToText :: HTML -> T.Text
htmlToText = T.pack . R.renderHtml
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
module DependencyInjection where
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Arrow
import CheapskateRenderer (HTML, MarkDown, textToMarkDown, markDownToHtml, htmlToText)
--import CMarkGFMRenderer (HTML, MarkDown, textToMarkDown, markDownToHtml, htmlToText)
-- | a table of contents consists of a heading and a list of entries
data TableOfContents = Section Heading [TocEntry]
-- | a ToC entry can be a heading or a sub-table of contents
data TocEntry = Head Heading | Sub TableOfContents
-- | a heading can be just a title string or an url with a title and the actual link
data Heading = Title String | Url String String
-- | render a ToC entry as a Markdown String with the proper indentation
teToMd :: Int -> TocEntry -> String
teToMd depth (Head head) = headToMd depth head
teToMd depth (Sub toc) = tocToMd depth toc
-- | render a heading as a Markdown String with the proper indentation
headToMd :: Int -> Heading -> String
headToMd depth (Title str) = indent depth ++ "* " ++ str ++ "\n"
headToMd depth (Url title url) = indent depth ++ "* [" ++ title ++ "](" ++ url ++ ")\n"
-- | convert a ToC to Markdown String. The parameter depth is used for proper indentation.
tocToMd :: Int -> TableOfContents -> String
tocToMd depth (Section heading entries) = headToMd depth heading ++ concatMap (teToMd (depth+2)) entries
-- | produce a String of length n, consisting only of blanks
indent :: Int -> String
indent n = replicate n ' '
-- | render a ToC as a Text (consisting of properly indented Markdown)
tocToMDText :: TableOfContents -> T.Text
tocToMDText = T.pack . tocToMd 0
tocToHtmlText :: (TableOfContents -> T.Text) -- a renderer function ToC to Text (with Mardown markups)
-> (T.Text -> MarkDown) -- a parser function from Text to a MarkDown document
-> (MarkDown -> HTML) -- a renderer function from MarkDown to a HTML document
-> (HTML -> T.Text) -- a renderer function HTML to Text
-> TableOfContents -- the actual ToC to be rendered
-> T.Text -- the text output
tocToHtmlText tocToText textToMd mdToHtml htmlToText = tocToText >>> textToMd >>> mdToHtml >>> htmlToText
defaultTocToHtmlText :: TableOfContents -> T.Text
defaultTocToHtmlText = tocToHtmlText tocToMDText textToMarkDown markDownToHtml htmlToText
demoDI = do
let toc = Section (Title "Chapter 1")
[ Sub $ Section (Title "Section a")
[Head $ Title "First Heading",
Head $ Url "Second Heading" "http://the.url"]
, Sub $ Section (Url "Section b" "http://the.section.b.url")
[ Sub $ Section (Title "UnderSection b1")
[Head $ Title "First", Head $ Title "Second"]]]
putStrLn $ T.unpack $ tocToMDText toc
putStrLn $ T.unpack $ defaultTocToHtmlText toc
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import Iterator
import Coerce
import AbstractFactory
import JsonPersistence
import DependencyInjection
main :: IO ()
main = do
@ -28,3 +29,4 @@ main = do
Reference in New Issue
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