Expand the explications of nix typing

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regnat 2017-05-19 10:45:37 +02:00
parent 08b2d4ba77
commit 3dd6b5ab03

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
\subsubsection{Presentation of the type system}
The typing rules are given by the~\autoref{fig:nix:typing-rules}.
They assume the existence of a function $\Bt$ which assiocates to every constant
$c$ its static type $\Bt(c)$.
@ -13,6 +14,60 @@ Those functions are the functions that checks wether their argument is of a
given type, such as the \lstinline{isInt} function which returns
\lstinline{True} if its argument is an integer, and \lstinline{False} otherwise.
\subsubsection{Bidirectional typing}
Because of the richness of the type argebra, the type system needs some
annotations to infer useful types.
However, it may happen that a given expression has several incompatible types
depending on the context.
Consider for example the function:
lambda $y$. lambda $x$. if isInt $y$ then $x+y$ else not $x$
We would like to give this the type
\lstinline{Int -> Int -> Int & String -> Bool -> Bool}.
The fact is that no matter how we write the type annotations, thi is not
possible as it would require us to annotate the pattern $x$ with its expected
type, but this type may be either \lstinline{Int} or \lstinline{Bool}.
To remedy this problem, we split our type system in two parts: an inference
part and a checking part. The inference part denoted with typing judgements
of the form $ \tinfer e : $ corresponds to classical bottom-up
type-inference, while the checking part denoted with typing judgements of the
form $ \tcheck e : $ corresponds to a top-down type inference, where the
type of the expression is already known and we use it to infer the type of the
sub-expressions in other words, we propagate the type annotations to the
bottom while type-checking. In particular, this ``checking'' type-system allows
us a more precise typing of lambdas.
Explicitly annotated let-bindings are thus typed using the checking type-system
and we can rewrite the previous expression as
let $f$ : (Int -> Int -> Int & String -> Bool -> Bool) =
lambda $y$. lambda $x$. if isInt $y$ then $x+y$ else not $x$
in $f$
The type-system will then propagate the information that, under the hypothesis
that $y$ is of type \lstinline{Int}, the body must be of type
\lstinline{Int -> Int} (and likewise, if $y$ is of type \lstinline{Strin}, then
the body must be of type \lstinline{Bool -> Bool}). This allows us to give the
expected type to the expression.
Nix has an \emph{if-then-else} statement. This statement can of course be typed
in a conventional way (what the \emph{CIf} and \emph{IIf} rules do), but
because the language has the ability to perform dynamic checks on the type of
an expression, we may want some finer typing: We want the expression
\lstinline{if isInt $x$ then x+1 else not x} to be well typed. However, the
classical \ite{} is not enough, as $x$ must be considered of type
\lstinline{Int} in the first branch, and of type \lstinline{Bool} in the second.
That's why we added the two ad-hoc \emph{TCase} rules.