Remove the "syntax" package

Replace all "grammar" environments by listings.

This is required as the "syntax" package seems to conflict with
"markdown" which I plan to introduce.
This commit is contained in:
regnat 2017-07-06 11:01:13 +02:00
parent 7629226326
commit 474aa41f4c
4 changed files with 53 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -105,40 +105,40 @@ ce qui oblige le système de type à être conscient du fait que dans la branche
condition a une forme particulière qui nécessite un traitement particulier).
<expr> ::=
<ident> | <constant>
\alt $\lambda$ <pattern>.<expr> | <expr> <expr>
\alt let <ident> = <expr>; \dots; <ident> = <expr>; in <expr>
\alt [ <expr> \dots <expr> ]
\alt \{ <record-field>; \dots; <record-field>; \}
\alt rec \{ <record-field>; \dots; <record-field>; \}
\alt if <expr> then <expr> else <expr>
\alt <expr>.<acces-path>
\alt <expr>.<acces-path> or <expr>
\alt <expr> <infix-op> <expr>
<expr> ::=
<ident> | <constant>
| $\lambda$ <pattern>.<expr> | <expr> <expr>
| let <ident> = <expr>; $\cdots$; <ident> = <expr>; in <expr>
| [ <expr> $\cdots$ <expr> ]
| { <record-field>; $\cdots$; <record-field>; }
| rec { <record-field>; $\cdots$; <record-field>; }
| if <expr> then <expr> else <expr>
| <expr>.<acces-path>
| <expr>.<acces-path> or <expr>
| <expr> <infix-op> <expr>
<constant> ::= <string> | <integer> | <boolean> | <paths>
<constant> ::= <string> | <integer> | <boolean> | <paths>
<record-field> ::= inherit <ident> \dots <ident>
\alt inherit (<expr>) <ident> <ident>
\alt <ident> = <expr> | \$\{ <expr> \} = <expr>
<record-field> ::= inherit <ident> $\cdots$ <ident>
| inherit (<expr>) <ident> <ident>
| <ident> = <expr> | { <expr> } = <expr>
<pattern> ::= <record-pattern> | <record-pattern>@<ident> | <ident>
<pattern> ::= <record-pattern> | <record-pattern>@<ident>
| <ident>
<record-pattern> ::= \{ <record-pattern-field>, \dots, <record-pattern-field> \}
\alt \{ <record-pattern-field>, \dots, <record-pattern-field>, \ldots \}
<record-pattern> ::=
| { <record-pattern-field>, $\cdots$, <record-pattern-field> }
| { <record-pattern-field>, $\cdots$, <record-pattern-field>, ... }
<record-pattern-field> ::= <ident> | <ident>? <expr>
<record-pattern-field> ::= <ident> | <ident>? <expr>
<access-path> ::= <access-path-item>. \dots . <access-path-item>
<access-path> ::= <access-path-item>. $\cdots$ . <access-path-item>
<access-path-item> ::= <ident> | \$\{ <expr> \}
<access-path-item> ::= <ident> | { <expr> }
<infix-op> ::= + | - | * | / | // | ++ | \dots
<infix-op> ::= + | - | * | / | // | ++ | $\cdots$
\caption{Syntaxe du langage Nix\label{nix::syntax}}

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@ -31,14 +31,14 @@
\definecolor{lstbg}{rgb}{0, 0, 0.3}
morekeywords={[2]Int,true,false,Bool,T}, % types go here
otherkeywords={:,=[]}, % operators go here
otherkeywords={:,;,=,[,],\{,\},...}, % operators go here
literate={% replace strings with symbols
@ -56,8 +56,7 @@

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@ -2,11 +2,9 @@
-- Just to use `` as code delimiters, because LaTeX alone forbids it
function color_lstinline(s)
s = string.gsub (s , "%b``",
function (match)
local listing = string.sub(match, 2, -2)
return "\\lstinline!" .. listing .. "!"
s = string.gsub(s, "τ", "tau")
s = string.gsub(s, "λ", "lambda")
s = string.gsub(s, "ρ", "rho")
return s

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@ -19,25 +19,22 @@ d'information de type pour savoir que `f` doit être considérée comme un
prédicat sur les types.
<e> ::=
<x> | <c>
\alt <e>.<a> | <e>.<a> or <e>
\alt $\lambda$<p>.<e> | <e> <e>
\alt let <vr> = <e>; $\cdots{}$; <vr> = <e>; in <e>
\alt Cons (<e>, <e>)
\alt (<x> = <e> $\in$ <t>) ? <e> : <e>
<x> | <c>
| <e>.<a> | <e>.<a> or <e>
| $\lambda$<p>.<e> | <e> <e>
| let <vr> = <e>; $\cdots{}$; <vr> = <e>; in <e>
| Cons (<e>, <e>)
| (<x> = <e> $\in$ <t>) ? <e> : <e>
<c> ::= <s> | <i> | <b> | Nil
<p> ::= <rp> | <rp>@<x> | <vr>
<rp> ::= \{ <rpf>, $\cdots$, <rpf> \}
| \{ <rpf>, $\cdots$, <rpf>, \ldots \}
| <rp>:τ
<rp> ::= <rp>:τ
| { <rpf>, $\cdots$, <rpf> }
| { <rpf>, $\cdots$, <rpf>, ... }
<rpf> ::= <vr> | <vr> ? <c>
@ -45,19 +42,19 @@ prédicat sur les types.
<t> ::= <c> | <t> $\rightarrow$ <t>
| <t> $\vee$ <t> | <t> $\wedge$ <t> | $\lnot$ <t>
\alt [<R>]
\alt bool | int | string
| [<R>]
| bool | int | string
<R> ::= <t> | <R>\textsuperscript{+} | <R>* | <R>? | <R> <R>
| <R> \texttt{|} <R>
<r> ::= <t> | <r>+ | <r>* | <r>?
| <r> <r> | <r> ¦ <r>
<τ> ::= <c> | <τ> $\rightarrow$ <τ>
| <τ> $\vee$ <τ> | <τ> $\wedge$ <τ>
\alt [<R>]
\alt bool | int | string | ?
| [<R>]
| bool | int | string | ?
<\RR> ::= <τ> | <\RR>\textsuperscript{+} | <\RR>* | <\RR>? | <\RR> <\RR>
| <\RR> \texttt{|} <\RR>
<ρ> ::= <τ> | <ρ>+ | <ρ>* | <ρ>?
| <ρ> <ρ> | <ρ> ¦ <ρ>
\caption{Grammaire de Nix-light\label{nix-light::grammar}}