grammar: visually separate syntax and meta-syntax

This commit is contained in:
regnat 2017-03-29 16:34:46 +02:00
parent 8085fb5d79
commit 5d85837489

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@ -9,6 +9,19 @@
\renewcommand{\grammarlabel}[2]{#1 #2}
\newcommand{\stx}[1]{\texttt{#1}} % For concrete syntax
\newcommand{\meta}[1]{\emph{#1}} % For concrete syntax
@ -16,35 +29,35 @@
<e> ::=
x | c
\alt e.a | e.a or e
\alt p:e | e e
\alt [ e ... e ] | \{ e = e; ...; e = e; \}
\alt with e; e
\alt if e then e else e
\alt let x = e; ...; x = e; in e
\textcolor{blue}{\alt e :: e | nil}
\alt attrNames e | listToAttrs e
\alt addAttr e e e | removeAttr e e
\x/ | \c/
\alt \e/\stx{.}\a/ | \e/\stx{.}\a/ \stx{or} \e/
\alt \p/\stx{:}\e/ | \e/ \e/
\alt \stx{[} \e/ \ldots{} \e/ \stx{]} | \stx{\{} \e/ \stx{=} \e/\stx{;} ...\stx{;} \e/ \stx{=} \e/\stx{; \}}
\alt \stx{with} \e/\stx{;} \e/
\alt \stx{if} \e/ \stx{then} \e/ \stx{else} \e/
\alt \stx{let} \x/ \stx{=} \e/\stx{; \ldots{};} \x/ \stx{=} \e/\stx{; in} \e/
\textcolor{blue}{\alt \e/ \stx{::} \e/ | \stx{nil}}
\alt \stx{attrNames} \e/ | \stx{listToAttrs} \e/
\alt \stx{addAttr} \e/ \e/ \e/ | \stx{removeAttr} \e/ \e/
% Not as-if in nix, but simpler than the actual builtins ("//" or
% removeAttrs), and yet sufficient thanks to attrNames and listToAttrs
\alt deepSeq e e
\alt functionArgs e
\alt \stx{deepSeq} \e/ \e/
\alt \stx{functionArgs} \e/
% Maybe this can be typed as a function, but it is rather unlikely
<a> ::= b. ... .b
<a> ::= \b/\stx{.} \ldots{} \stx{.}\b/
<b> ::= \$\{e\} | l
<b> ::= \stx{\$\{}\e/\stx{\}} | \meta{l}
<c> ::= s | i | ...
\alt typeOf
\alt ...
<c> ::= \meta{s} | \meta{i} | \ldots{}
\alt \stx{typeOf}
\alt \ldots{}
<p> ::= q | q@x | x
<p> ::= \q/ | \q/\stx{@}\x/ | \x/
<q> ::= \{ f, ..., f \} | \{ f, ..., f, … \}
<q> ::= \stx{\{} \f/\stx{, \ldots{},} \f/ \stx{\}} | \stx{\{} \f/\stx{, \ldots{},} \f/ \stx{, ...\}}
<f> ::= x | x ? e
<f> ::= \x/ | \x/ \stx{?} \e/