diff --git a/pages.ar/linux/dockerd.md b/pages.ar/linux/dockerd.md index b47c58bfb1..69c433a510 100644 --- a/pages.ar/linux/dockerd.md +++ b/pages.ar/linux/dockerd.md @@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ - قم بتشغيل دوكر وحدد له مستوي سجل معين: -`dockerd --log-level={{debug|info|warn|error|fatal}}` +`dockerd --log-level {{debug|info|warn|error|fatal}}` diff --git a/pages.da/common/grep.md b/pages.da/common/grep.md index 59ede1aa0b..778e9b0533 100644 --- a/pages.da/common/grep.md +++ b/pages.da/common/grep.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ - Søg efter et mønster i alle filer, pånær binære, rekursivt i en mappe. Vis linjenumre der matcher til mønstret: -`grep --recursive --line-number --binary-files={{without-match}} "{{søgemønster}}" {{sti/til/mappe}}` +`grep --recursive --line-number --binary-files {{without-match}} "{{søgemønster}}" {{sti/til/mappe}}` - Brug udvidede regulære udtryk (understøtter `?`, `+`, `{}`, `()` og `|`), i case-insensitive modus: @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ - Print 3 linjer af kontekst omkring, før eller efter hvert match: -`grep --{{context|before-context|after-context}}={{3}} "{{søgemønster}}" {{sti/til/fil}}` +`grep --{{context|before-context|after-context}} {{3}} "{{søgemønster}}" {{sti/til/fil}}` - Print, filnavn og linjenummer for hvert match, med farveoutput: diff --git a/pages.de/common/ansible-vault.md b/pages.de/common/ansible-vault.md index 3612d55d21..03bb15cf64 100644 --- a/pages.de/common/ansible-vault.md +++ b/pages.de/common/ansible-vault.md @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ - Erstelle eine neue verschlüsselte Vault-Datei mit einer Vault-Schlüsseldatei, um sie zu verschlüsseln: -`ansible-vault create --vault-password-file={{schlüsseldatei}} {{vault_datei}}` +`ansible-vault create --vault-password-file {{schlüsseldatei}} {{vault_datei}}` - Verschlüssle eine vorhandene Datei mit einer optionalen Schlüsseldatei: -`ansible-vault encrypt --vault-password-file={{schlüsseldatei}} {{vault_file}}` +`ansible-vault encrypt --vault-password-file {{schlüsseldatei}} {{vault_file}}` - Verschlüssle eine Zeichenfolge mit dem verschlüsselten Zeichenfolgenformat von Ansible, wobei interaktive Eingabeaufforderungen angezeigt werden: @@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ - Zeige eine verschlüsselte Datei an, wobei eine Kennwortdatei zum Entschlüsseln verwendet wird: -`ansible-vault view --vault-password-file={{schlüsseldatei}} {{vault_datei}}` +`ansible-vault view --vault-password-file {{schlüsseldatei}} {{vault_datei}}` - Verschlüssle eine bereits verschlüsselte Vault Datei mit einer neuen Kennwortdatei neu: -`ansible-vault rekey --vault-password-file={{alte_schlüsseldatei}} --new-vault-password-file={{neue_schlüsseldatei}} {{vault_datei}}` +`ansible-vault rekey --vault-password-file {{alte_schlüsseldatei}} --new-vault-password-file {{neue_schlüsseldatei}} {{vault_datei}}` diff --git a/pages.de/common/brew-bundle.md b/pages.de/common/brew-bundle.md index 80da555cc3..51ff3200b4 100644 --- a/pages.de/common/brew-bundle.md +++ b/pages.de/common/brew-bundle.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ - Installiere Pakete aus einer bestimmten Brewfile: -`brew bundle --file={{pfad/zu/brewfile}}` +`brew bundle --file {{pfad/zu/brewfile}}` - Gib eine Liste mit allen installierten Paketen aus: diff --git a/pages.de/common/chown.md b/pages.de/common/chown.md index 0806dbd42f..ed88b1ba74 100644 --- a/pages.de/common/chown.md +++ b/pages.de/common/chown.md @@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ - Ändere den Besitzer einer Datei/eines Verzeichnisses, damit sie/es mit einer Referenzdatei übereinstimmt: -`chown --reference={{pfad/zu/referenzdatei_oder_verzeichnis}} {{pfad/zu/datei_oder_verzeichnis}}` +`chown --reference {{pfad/zu/referenzdatei_oder_verzeichnis}} {{pfad/zu/datei_oder_verzeichnis}}` diff --git a/pages.de/common/chroot.md b/pages.de/common/chroot.md index 06f7f00009..bf0272fcb4 100644 --- a/pages.de/common/chroot.md +++ b/pages.de/common/chroot.md @@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ - Lege einen Benutzer und eine Gruppe (ID oder Name) fest, der benutzt werden soll: -`chroot --userspec={{benutzer:gruppe}}` +`chroot --userspec {{benutzer:gruppe}}` diff --git a/pages.de/common/clang-format.md b/pages.de/common/clang-format.md index b55da3e9db..aea61ce57e 100755 --- a/pages.de/common/clang-format.md +++ b/pages.de/common/clang-format.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ - Formatiere eine Datei mit einem bestimmten Code-Stil: -`clang-format --style={{LLVM|GNU|Google|Chromium|Microsoft|Mozilla|WebKit}} {{pfad/zu/quelldatei.cpp}}` +`clang-format --style {{LLVM|GNU|Google|Chromium|Microsoft|Mozilla|WebKit}} {{pfad/zu/quelldatei.cpp}}` - Formatiere eine Datei mit der `.clang-format`-Datei aus einem der Überverzeichnisse der Quelldatei: @@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ - Generiere eine eigene `.clang-format`-Datei: -`clang-format --style={{LLVM|GNU|Google|Chromium|Microsoft|Mozilla|WebKit}} --dump-config > {{.clang-format}}` +`clang-format --style {{LLVM|GNU|Google|Chromium|Microsoft|Mozilla|WebKit}} --dump-config > {{.clang-format}}` diff --git a/pages.de/common/cut.md b/pages.de/common/cut.md index 3cf059fcdd..a5da28109b 100644 --- a/pages.de/common/cut.md +++ b/pages.de/common/cut.md @@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ - Schneide bestimmte Zeichen oder einen Bereich von Feldern jeder Zeile aus: -`{{befehl}} | cut --{{characters|fields}}={{1|1,10|1-10|1-|-10}}` +`{{befehl}} | cut --{{characters|fields}} {{1|1,10|1-10|1-|-10}}` - Schneide einen bestimmten Bereich von Feldern jeder Zeile mit einem bestimmten Trennzeichen aus: -`{{befehl}} | cut --delimiter="{{,}}" --fields={{1}}` +`{{befehl}} | cut --delimiter="{{,}}" --fields {{1}}` - Schneide einen bestimmten Bereich von Zeichen jeder Zeile einer bestimmten Datei aus: -`cut --characters={{1}} {{pfad/zu/datei}}` +`cut --characters {{1}} {{pfad/zu/datei}}` diff --git a/pages.de/common/date.md b/pages.de/common/date.md index 4d0f5bc9bd..b549646b18 100644 --- a/pages.de/common/date.md +++ b/pages.de/common/date.md @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ - Zeige das aktuelle Datum im RFC-3339 Format (`YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss TZ`) an: -`date --rfc-3339=s` +`date --rfc-3339 s` - Setze das aktuelle Datum im Format `MMDDhhmmYYYY.ss` (`YYYY` und `.ss` sind optional): diff --git a/pages.de/common/docker-ps.md b/pages.de/common/docker-ps.md index b3b5c82042..9fd81804cf 100644 --- a/pages.de/common/docker-ps.md +++ b/pages.de/common/docker-ps.md @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ - Zeige nur Container mit einer bestimmten Zeichenkette im Namen: -`docker ps --filter="name={{name}}"` +`docker ps --filter "name={{name}}"` - Zeige nur Container die von einem bestimmten Image abstammen: @@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ - Zeige nur Container mit einem bestimmten Exit-Code: -`docker ps --all --filter="exited={{code}}"` +`docker ps --all --filter "exited={{code}}"` - Zeige nur Container mit einem bestimmten Status (created, running, removing, paused, exited und dead): -`docker ps --filter="status={{status}}"` +`docker ps --filter "status={{status}}"` - Zeige nur Container, welche einen bestimmten Datenträger oder einen Datenträger an einem bestimmten Pfad eingehängt haben: -`docker ps --filter="volume={{pfad/zum/verzeichnis}}" --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Mounts}}"` +`docker ps --filter "volume={{pfad/zum/verzeichnis}}" --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Mounts}}"` diff --git a/pages.de/common/docker-system.md b/pages.de/common/docker-system.md index 4c05b5e5e4..ebdb3cbe8f 100644 --- a/pages.de/common/docker-system.md +++ b/pages.de/common/docker-system.md @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ - Entferne nicht-verwendete Daten, die älter als die angegebene Zeit sind: -`docker system prune --filter="until={{stunden}}h{{minuten}}m"` +`docker system prune --filter "until={{stunden}}h{{minuten}}m"` - Zeige Echtzeit-Events vom Docker Daemon: diff --git a/pages.es/common/cut.md b/pages.es/common/cut.md index c44b1b0c22..2486b31142 100644 --- a/pages.es/common/cut.md +++ b/pages.es/common/cut.md @@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ - Imprime un rango específico de caracteres/campos de cada línea: -`{{comando}} | cut --{{characters|field}}={{1|1,10|1-10|1-|-10}}` +`{{comando}} | cut --{{characters|field}} {{1|1,10|1-10|1-|-10}}` - Imprime un rango de campos de cada línea con un delimitador específico: -`{{comando}} | cut --delimiter="{{,}}" --fields={{1}}` +`{{comando}} | cut --delimiter="{{,}}" --fields {{1}}` - Imprime un rango de caracteres de cada línea de un archivo específico: -`cut --characters={{1}} {{ruta/al/archivo}}` +`cut --characters {{1}} {{ruta/al/archivo}}` diff --git a/pages.fr/common/docker-commit.md b/pages.fr/common/docker-commit.md index 8152c2cddf..08a47bbff6 100644 --- a/pages.fr/common/docker-commit.md +++ b/pages.fr/common/docker-commit.md @@ -9,23 +9,23 @@ - Appliquer une instruction `CMD` du Dockerfile à l'image créée : -`docker commit --change="CMD {{commande}}" {{conteneur}} {{image}}:{{etiquette}}` +`docker commit --change "CMD {{commande}}" {{conteneur}} {{image}}:{{etiquette}}` - Appliquer une instruction `ENV` du Dockerfile à l'image créée : -`docker commit --change="ENV {{name}}={{value}}" {{conteneur}} {{image}}:{{etiquette}}` +`docker commit --change "ENV {{name}}={{value}}" {{conteneur}} {{image}}:{{etiquette}}` - Créer une image avec un auteur spécifique dans les métadonnées : -`docker commit --author="{{auteur}}" {{conteneur}} {{image}}:{{etiquette}}` +`docker commit --author "{{auteur}}" {{conteneur}} {{image}}:{{etiquette}}` - Créer une image avec un commentaire spécifique dans les métadonnées : -`docker commit --message="{{commentaire}}" {{conteneur}} {{image}}:{{etiquette}}` +`docker commit --message "{{commentaire}}" {{conteneur}} {{image}}:{{etiquette}}` - Créer une image sans mettre en pause le conteneur pendant la création : -`docker commit --pause={{false}} {{conteneur}} {{image}}:{{etiquette}}` +`docker commit --pause {{false}} {{conteneur}} {{image}}:{{etiquette}}` - Afficher l'aide : diff --git a/pages.fr/common/docker-ps.md b/pages.fr/common/docker-ps.md index bda4aeb612..ae9cc1c5b7 100644 --- a/pages.fr/common/docker-ps.md +++ b/pages.fr/common/docker-ps.md @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ - Afficher les conteneurs avec une chaine de caractère dans leur nom : -`docker ps --filter="name={{name}}"` +`docker ps --filter "name={{name}}"` - Afficher les conteneurs avec une même image comme parent : @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ - Afficher les conteneurs avec un statut spécifique (créé, en cours d'exécution, en cours de suppresion, en pause, arrêté, mort) : -`docker ps --filter="status={{status}}"` +`docker ps --filter "status={{status}}"` - Afficher les conteneurs avec un point de montage spécifique : -`docker ps --filter="volume={{chemin/vers/le/dossier}}" --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Mounts}}"` +`docker ps --filter "volume={{chemin/vers/le/dossier}}" --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Mounts}}"` diff --git a/pages.fr/common/docker-system.md b/pages.fr/common/docker-system.md index 25eeb55539..5a0534529f 100644 --- a/pages.fr/common/docker-system.md +++ b/pages.fr/common/docker-system.md @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ - Supprimer les données non utilisées de plus d'un temps donné dans le passé : -`docker system prune --filter="until={{heures}}h{{minutes}}m"` +`docker system prune --filter "until={{heures}}h{{minutes}}m"` - Afficher les événements du démon Docker en temps réel : diff --git a/pages.id/common/docker-ps.md b/pages.id/common/docker-ps.md index 2817738ebc..74a32a2732 100644 --- a/pages.id/common/docker-ps.md +++ b/pages.id/common/docker-ps.md @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ - Pilah kontainer berdasarkan status (created, running, removing, paused, exited, dan dead): -`docker ps --filter="status={{status}}"` +`docker ps --filter "status={{status}}"` - Pilah kontainer yang mengaitkan suatu volume tertentu atau memiliki volume yang terpasang pada jalur tertentu: -`docker ps --filter="volume={{jalan/menuju/direktori}}" --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Mounts}}"` +`docker ps --filter "volume={{jalan/menuju/direktori}}" --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Mounts}}"` diff --git a/pages.ja/common/docker-ps.md b/pages.ja/common/docker-ps.md index c0cc3e52aa..2b94dc1bca 100644 --- a/pages.ja/common/docker-ps.md +++ b/pages.ja/common/docker-ps.md @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ - コンテナ名に指定の部分文字列を含むコンテナのみになるようにフィルタリングする: -`docker ps --filter="name={{コンテナ名}}"` +`docker ps --filter "name={{コンテナ名}}"` - 指定したイメージを原型(ancestor)として共有するコンテナのみになるようにフィルタリングする: @@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ - 終了コードでコンテナをフィルタリングする: -`docker ps --all --filter="exited={{コード}}"` +`docker ps --all --filter "exited={{コード}}"` - 以下のいずれかのステータスでフィルタリングする(created, running, removing, paused, exited, dead): -`docker ps --filter="status={{ステータス}}"` +`docker ps --filter "status={{ステータス}}"` - 特定のボリュームをマウントしている、または特定のパスにボリュームがマウントされているコンテナをフィルタリングする: -`docker ps --filter="volume={{ディレクトリパス}}" --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Mounts}}"` +`docker ps --filter "volume={{ディレクトリパス}}" --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Mounts}}"` diff --git a/pages.ja/common/docker-system.md b/pages.ja/common/docker-system.md index df68eb7706..ff16679c0c 100644 --- a/pages.ja/common/docker-system.md +++ b/pages.ja/common/docker-system.md @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ - 不使用データのうち指定時間より前に作成されたものを削除する: -`docker system prune --filter="until={{時}}h{{分}}m"` +`docker system prune --filter "until={{時}}h{{分}}m"` - Dockerデーモンからのリアルタイムイベントを表示する: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/android/logcat.md b/pages.pt_BR/android/logcat.md index 8cc2fb31b3..6747078f53 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/android/logcat.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/android/logcat.md @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ - Exibe logs para um PID específico: -`logcat --pid={{pid}}` +`logcat --pid {{pid}}` - Exibe logs de processo de um pacote específico: -`logcat --pid=$(pidof -s {{pacote}})` +`logcat --pid $(pidof -s {{pacote}})` diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/common/2to3.md b/pages.pt_BR/common/2to3.md index 92bebf8894..0dd0ec4e2d 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/common/2to3.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/common/2to3.md @@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ - Converte recurso específico de Python 2 para Python 3: -`2to3 --write {{caminho/para/arquivo.py}} --fix={{raw_input}} --fix={{print}}` +`2to3 --write {{caminho/para/arquivo.py}} --fix {{raw_input}} --fix {{print}}` - Converte todos os recursos de Python 2 para Python 3, exceto as que específicadas: -`2to3 --write {{caminho/para/arquivo.py}} --nofix={{has_key}} --nofix={{isinstance}}` +`2to3 --write {{caminho/para/arquivo.py}} --nofix {{has_key}} --nofix {{isinstance}}` - Mostra a lista de todas os recursos disponíveis que podem ser convertidas de Python 2 para Python 3: @@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ - Converte todos os arquivos feitos em Python 2 em um diretório para Python 3: -`2to3 --output-dir={{caminho/para/arquivos_python3}} --write-unchanged-files --nobackups {{caminho/para/arquivos_python2}}` +`2to3 --output-dir {{caminho/para/arquivos_python3}} --write-unchanged-files --nobackups {{caminho/para/arquivos_python2}}` - Executa 2to3 com múltiplas threads: -`2to3 --processes={{4}} --output-dir={{caminho/para/arquivos_python3}} --write --nobackups --no-diff {{caminho/para/arquivos_python2}}` +`2to3 --processes {{4}} --output-dir {{caminho/para/arquivos_python3}} --write --nobackups --no-diff {{caminho/para/arquivos_python2}}` diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/common/7z.md b/pages.pt_BR/common/7z.md index e94836bc6c..ad7c05e7d1 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/common/7z.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/common/7z.md @@ -33,4 +33,4 @@ - Define o nível de compressão (maior significa mais compressão, porém mais lento): -`7z a {{caminho/para/arquivo_compactado.7z}} -mx={{0|1|3|5|7|9}} {{caminho/para/arquivo_ou_diretório}}` +`7z a {{caminho/para/arquivo_compactado.7z}} -mx {{0|1|3|5|7|9}} {{caminho/para/arquivo_ou_diretório}}` diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/common/7za.md b/pages.pt_BR/common/7za.md index 836c82574c..1e6e09636a 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/common/7za.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/common/7za.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ - Criptografa um arquivo existente (incluindo cabeçalhos): -`7za a {{caminho/para/arquivo_criptografado.7z}} -p{{senha}} -mhe={{on}} {{caminho/para/arquivo_compactado.7z}}` +`7za a {{caminho/para/arquivo_criptografado.7z}} -p{{senha}} -mhe {{on}} {{caminho/para/arquivo_compactado.7z}}` - Descompacta um arquivo mantendo a estrutura de diretórios original: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/common/7zr.md b/pages.pt_BR/common/7zr.md index 4ee764058a..85be3751a0 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/common/7zr.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/common/7zr.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ - Criptografa um arquivo existente (incluindo cabeçalhos): -`7zr a {{arquivo_criptografado.7z}} -p{{senha}} -mhe={{on}} {{caminho/para/arquivo_compactado.7z}}` +`7zr a {{arquivo_criptografado.7z}} -p{{senha}} -mhe {{on}} {{caminho/para/arquivo_compactado.7z}}` - Descompacta um arquivo mantendo a estrutura de diretórios original: @@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ - Define o nível de compressão (maior significa mais compressão, porém mais lento): -`7zr a {{caminho/para/arquivo_compactado.7z}} -mx={{0|1|3|5|7|9}} {{caminho/para/diretório}}` +`7zr a {{caminho/para/arquivo_compactado.7z}} -mx {{0|1|3|5|7|9}} {{caminho/para/diretório}}` diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/common/asciidoctor.md b/pages.pt_BR/common/asciidoctor.md index 51cac26a06..bb450f84a1 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/common/asciidoctor.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/common/asciidoctor.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ - Converte um arquivo `.adoc` em HTML e liga a uma folha de estilos CSS: -`asciidoctor -a stylesheet={{caminho/para/estilos.css}} {{caminho/para/arquivo.adoc}}` +`asciidoctor -a stylesheet {{caminho/para/estilos.css}} {{caminho/para/arquivo.adoc}}` - Converte um arquivo `.adoc` em um HTML embutível, removendo tudo exceto o corpo: @@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ - Converte um arquivo `.adoc` em PDF usando a biblioteca `asciidoctor-pdf`: -`asciidoctor --backend={{pdf}} --require={{asciidoctor-pdf}} {{caminho/para/arquivo.adoc}}` +`asciidoctor --backend {{pdf}} --require {{asciidoctor-pdf}} {{caminho/para/arquivo.adoc}}` diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/common/cargo-test.md b/pages.pt_BR/common/cargo-test.md index 572860d0bb..3816ce9e6b 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/common/cargo-test.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/common/cargo-test.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ - Define o número de casos de teste para execução simultânea: -`cargo test -- --test-threads={{quantidade}}` +`cargo test -- --test-threads {{quantidade}}` - Executa os testes garantindo que o `Cargo.lock` esteja atualizado: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/common/chown.md b/pages.pt_BR/common/chown.md index c43384ce1a..450c2d187e 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/common/chown.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/common/chown.md @@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ - Muda o dono de um arquivo/diretório para ficar igual a um arquivo de referência: -`chown --reference={{caminho/para/arquivo_de_referencia}} {{caminho/para/arquivo_ou_diretorio}}` +`chown --reference {{caminho/para/arquivo_de_referencia}} {{caminho/para/arquivo_ou_diretorio}}` diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/common/chromium.md b/pages.pt_BR/common/chromium.md index 98651f1132..e914b5effc 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/common/chromium.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/common/chromium.md @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ - Abre no modo aplicativo (Sem barra de tarefas, barra de URL, botões, etc.): -`chromium --app={{https://exemplo.com}}` +`chromium --app {{https://exemplo.com}}` - Usa um servidor proxy: @@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ - Abre com um diretório de perfil customizado: -`chromium --user-data-dir={{caminho/para/arquivo}}` +`chromium --user-data-dir {{caminho/para/arquivo}}` - Abre sem validação CORS (útil para testar uma API): -`chromium --user-data-dir={{caminho/para/arquivo}} --disable-web-security` +`chromium --user-data-dir {{caminho/para/arquivo}} --disable-web-security` - Abre com uma janela DevTools para cada aba aberta: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/common/cut.md b/pages.pt_BR/common/cut.md index 31de651c79..9316fdf66f 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/common/cut.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/common/cut.md @@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ - Imprime um intervalo específico de caracteres/campos de cada linha: -`{{comando}} | cut --{{characters|fields}}={{1|1,10|1-10|1-|-10}}` +`{{comando}} | cut --{{characters|fields}} {{1|1,10|1-10|1-|-10}}` - Imprime um intervalo de campos de cada linha com um delimitador específico: -`{{comando}} | cut --delimiter="{{,}}" --fields={{1}}` +`{{comando}} | cut --delimiter="{{,}}" --fields {{1}}` - Imprime um intervalo de caracteres de cada linha de um arquivo específico: -`cut --characters={{1}} {{caminho/para/arquivo}}` +`cut --characters {{1}} {{caminho/para/arquivo}}` diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/common/date.md b/pages.pt_BR/common/date.md index 77ec312bfa..d96df73c8e 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/common/date.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/common/date.md @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ - Exibe a data atual usando o formato RFC-3339 (`YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss TZ`): -`date --rfc-3339=s` +`date --rfc-3339 s` - Define a data atual usando o formato `MMDDhhmmYYYY.ss` (`YYYY` e `.ss` são opcionais): diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/common/docker-commit.md b/pages.pt_BR/common/docker-commit.md index 6a91545295..636eb5e6a6 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/common/docker-commit.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/common/docker-commit.md @@ -9,23 +9,23 @@ - Aplica uma instrução `CMD` do Dockerfile à imagem criada: -`docker commit --change="CMD {{comando}}" {{contêiner}} {{imagem}}:{{tag}}` +`docker commit --change "CMD {{comando}}" {{contêiner}} {{imagem}}:{{tag}}` - Aplica uma instrução `ENV` do Dockerfile à imagem criada: -`docker commit --change="ENV {{nome}}={{valor}}" {{contêiner}} {{imagem}}:{{tag}}` +`docker commit --change "ENV {{nome}}={{valor}}" {{contêiner}} {{imagem}}:{{tag}}` - Cria uma imagem com um autor específico nos metadados: -`docker commit --author="{{autor}}" {{contêiner}} {{imagem}}:{{tag}}` +`docker commit --author "{{autor}}" {{contêiner}} {{imagem}}:{{tag}}` - Cria uma imagem com um comentário específico nos metadados: -`docker commit --message="{{comentário}}" {{contêiner}} {{imagem}}:{{tag}}` +`docker commit --message "{{comentário}}" {{contêiner}} {{imagem}}:{{tag}}` - Cria uma imagem sem pausar o contêiner durante o commit: -`docker commit --pause={{false}} {{contêiner}} {{imagem}}:{{tag}}` +`docker commit --pause {{false}} {{contêiner}} {{imagem}}:{{tag}}` - Exibe ajuda: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/common/docker-ps.md b/pages.pt_BR/common/docker-ps.md index d29e7f44f3..dc6567b58f 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/common/docker-ps.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/common/docker-ps.md @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ - Filtra containers por estado (criado, execução, removendo, pausado, finalizado e morto): -`docker ps --filter="status={{estado}}"` +`docker ps --filter "status={{estado}}"` - Filtra containers que contenham um volume específico ou montado em um caminho específico: -`docker ps --filter="volume={{caminho/para/diretório}}" --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Mounts}}"` +`docker ps --filter "volume={{caminho/para/diretório}}" --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Mounts}}"` diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/common/docker-system.md b/pages.pt_BR/common/docker-system.md index 40808551af..1332845795 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/common/docker-system.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/common/docker-system.md @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ - Remove dados não utilizados criados há mais de um período específico no passado: -`docker system prune --filter="until={{horas}}h{{minutos}}m"` +`docker system prune --filter "until={{horas}}h{{minutos}}m"` - Exibe eventos em tempo real do daemon do Docker: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/dockerd.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/dockerd.md index 7c75dddc01..69de8e6142 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/dockerd.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/dockerd.md @@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ - Executa e define um nível de log específico: -`dockerd --log-level={{debug|info|warn|error|fatal}}` +`dockerd --log-level {debug|info|warn|error|fatal}}` diff --git a/pages.pt_PT/common/7za.md b/pages.pt_PT/common/7za.md index b9dbaaa38f..e6a2a1d90c 100644 --- a/pages.pt_PT/common/7za.md +++ b/pages.pt_PT/common/7za.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ - Encripta um arquivo existente (incluindo os nomes dos ficheiros): -`7za a {{caminho/para/ficheiro_encriptado.7z}} -p{{palavra-passe}} -mhe={{on}} {{caminho/para/ficheiro_compactado.7z}}` +`7za a {{caminho/para/ficheiro_encriptado.7z}} -p{{palavra-passe}} -mhe {{on}} {{caminho/para/ficheiro_compactado.7z}}` - Descompacta um arquivo mantendo a estrutura de diretórios original: diff --git a/pages.pt_PT/linux/gedit.md b/pages.pt_PT/linux/gedit.md index 7da051e424..e55f69525f 100644 --- a/pages.pt_PT/linux/gedit.md +++ b/pages.pt_PT/linux/gedit.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ - Abre um ficheiro de texto com uma formatação específica: -`gedit --encoding={{UTF-8}} {{caminho/para/ficheiro}}` +`gedit --encoding {{UTF-8}} {{caminho/para/ficheiro}}` - Mostra a lista de formatações de texto disponíveis: diff --git a/pages.pt_PT/linux/man.md b/pages.pt_PT/linux/man.md index 383af4d1dd..a447873fd0 100644 --- a/pages.pt_PT/linux/man.md +++ b/pages.pt_PT/linux/man.md @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ - Exibe a página do manual usando uma localização específica: -`man --locale={{localização}} {{comando}}` +`man --locale {{localização}} {{comando}}` - Procura por páginas do manual que contenham uma certa string: diff --git a/pages.ru/common/cut.md b/pages.ru/common/cut.md index 368edd00f4..da6911ac8e 100644 --- a/pages.ru/common/cut.md +++ b/pages.ru/common/cut.md @@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ - Вывести указанный диапазон символов/полей каждой строки (`--characters|fields=1|1,10|1-10|1-|-10` далее обозначается как `диапазон`): -`{{команда}} | cut --{{characters|fields}}={{1|1,10|1-10|1-|-10}}` +`{{команда}} | cut --{{characters|fields}} {{1|1,10|1-10|1-|-10}}` - Вывести диапазон полей каждой строки с указанным разделителем: -`{{команда}} | cut --delimiter="{{,}}" --fields={{1}}` +`{{команда}} | cut --delimiter="{{,}}" --fields {{1}}` - Вывести диапазон символов каждой строки указанного файла: -`cut --characters={{1}} {{путь/к/файлу}}` +`cut --characters {{1}} {{путь/к/файлу}}` diff --git a/pages.tr/common/docker-ps.md b/pages.tr/common/docker-ps.md index 509f5997db..5176f854c9 100644 --- a/pages.tr/common/docker-ps.md +++ b/pages.tr/common/docker-ps.md @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ - Konteynerleri mevcut durumlarına (oluşturulma, çalışma, silinme, durma, çıkma ve ölme) göre sırala: -`docker ps --filter="status={{mevcut_durum}}"` +`docker ps --filter "status={{mevcut_durum}}"` - Belirtilmiş bir hacmi gömen veya belirtilmiş bir yola gömülmüş hacmi içeren konteynerleri filtrele: -`docker ps --filter="volume={{örnek/dizin}}" --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Mounts}}"` +`docker ps --filter "volume={{örnek/dizin}}" --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Mounts}}"` diff --git a/pages.tr/common/docker-system.md b/pages.tr/common/docker-system.md index 130eb9c6a0..984831ecad 100644 --- a/pages.tr/common/docker-system.md +++ b/pages.tr/common/docker-system.md @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ - Kullanılmayan ve geçmişte birden çok kez oluşturulan veriyi sil: -`docker system prune --filter="until={{saat}}h{{dakika}}m"` +`docker system prune --filter "until={{saat}}h{{dakika}}m"` - Docker deamon'dan tam-zamanlı eylemleri görüntüle: diff --git a/pages/android/logcat.md b/pages/android/logcat.md index f934bc45de..82fd3d6ac7 100644 --- a/pages/android/logcat.md +++ b/pages/android/logcat.md @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ - Display logs for a specific PID: -`logcat --pid={{pid}}` +`logcat --pid {{pid}}` - Display logs for the process of a specific package: -`logcat --pid=$(pidof -s {{package}})` +`logcat --pid $(pidof -s {{package}})` diff --git a/pages/common/2to3.md b/pages/common/2to3.md index b50154e3aa..19f168656f 100644 --- a/pages/common/2to3.md +++ b/pages/common/2to3.md @@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ - Convert specific Python 2 language features to Python 3: -`2to3 --write {{path/to/file.py}} --fix={{raw_input}} --fix={{print}}` +`2to3 --write {{path/to/file.py}} --fix {{raw_input}} --fix {{print}}` - Convert all Python 2 language features except the specified ones to Python 3: -`2to3 --write {{path/to/file.py}} --nofix={{has_key}} --nofix={{isinstance}}` +`2to3 --write {{path/to/file.py}} --nofix {{has_key}} --nofix {{isinstance}}` - List all available language features that can be converted from Python 2 to Python 3: @@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ - Convert all Python 2 files in a directory to Python 3: -`2to3 --output-dir={{path/to/python3_directory}} --write-unchanged-files --nobackups {{path/to/python2_directory}}` +`2to3 --output-dir {{path/to/python3_directory}} --write-unchanged-files --nobackups {{path/to/python2_directory}}` - Run 2to3 with multiple threads: -`2to3 --processes={{4}} --output-dir={{path/to/python3_directory}} --write --nobackups --no-diff {{path/to/python2_directory}}` +`2to3 --processes {{4}} --output-dir {{path/to/python3_directory}} --write --nobackups --no-diff {{path/to/python2_directory}}` diff --git a/pages/common/ack.md b/pages/common/ack.md index 1ca3690ecc..a58bba6e6e 100644 --- a/pages/common/ack.md +++ b/pages/common/ack.md @@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ - Limit search to files of a specific type: -`ack --type={{ruby}} "{{search_pattern}}"` +`ack --type {{ruby}} "{{search_pattern}}"` - Do not search in files of a specific type: -`ack --type=no{{ruby}} "{{search_pattern}}"` +`ack --type no{{ruby}} "{{search_pattern}}"` - Count the total number of matches found: diff --git a/pages/common/adb-logcat.md b/pages/common/adb-logcat.md index dfb6582824..8e2b9e6f32 100644 --- a/pages/common/adb-logcat.md +++ b/pages/common/adb-logcat.md @@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ - Display logs for a specific PID: -`adb logcat --pid={{pid}}` +`adb logcat --pid {{pid}}` - Display logs for the process of a specific package: -`adb logcat --pid=$(adb shell pidof -s {{package}})` +`adb logcat --pid $(adb shell pidof -s {{package}})` - Color the log (usually use with filters): diff --git a/pages/common/ansible-vault.md b/pages/common/ansible-vault.md index 66c242f58e..21c420bbb0 100644 --- a/pages/common/ansible-vault.md +++ b/pages/common/ansible-vault.md @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ - Create a new encrypted vault file using a vault key file to encrypt it: -`ansible-vault create --vault-password-file={{password_file}} {{vault_file}}` +`ansible-vault create --vault-password-file {{password_file}} {{vault_file}}` - Encrypt an existing file using an optional password file: -`ansible-vault encrypt --vault-password-file={{password_file}} {{vault_file}}` +`ansible-vault encrypt --vault-password-file {{password_file}} {{vault_file}}` - Encrypt a string using Ansible's encrypted string format, displaying interactive prompts: @@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ - View an encrypted file, using a password file to decrypt: -`ansible-vault view --vault-password-file={{password_file}} {{vault_file}}` +`ansible-vault view --vault-password-file {{password_file}} {{vault_file}}` - Re-key already encrypted vault file with a new password file: -`ansible-vault rekey --vault-password-file={{old_password_file}} --new-vault-password-file={{new_password_file}} {{vault_file}}` +`ansible-vault rekey --vault-password-file {{old_password_file}} --new-vault-password-file {{new_password_file}} {{vault_file}}` diff --git a/pages/common/aria2c.md b/pages/common/aria2c.md index 0a5cc68305..ebdea56a66 100644 --- a/pages/common/aria2c.md +++ b/pages/common/aria2c.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ - Download a file from a URI with a specific output name: -`aria2c --out={{path/to/file}} "{{url}}"` +`aria2c --out {{path/to/file}} "{{url}}"` - Download multiple different files in parallel: @@ -22,16 +22,16 @@ - Download the URIs listed in a file with a specific number of parallel downloads: -`aria2c --input-file={{path/to/file}} --max-concurrent-downloads={{number_of_downloads}}` +`aria2c --input-file {{path/to/file}} --max-concurrent-downloads {{number_of_downloads}}` - Download with multiple connections: -`aria2c --split={{number_of_connections}} "{{url}}"` +`aria2c --split {{number_of_connections}} "{{url}}"` - FTP download with username and password: -`aria2c --ftp-user={{username}} --ftp-passwd={{password}} "{{url}}"` +`aria2c --ftp-user {{username}} --ftp-passwd {{password}} "{{url}}"` - Limit download speed in bytes/s: -`aria2c --max-download-limit={{speed}} "{{url}}"` +`aria2c --max-download-limit {{speed}} "{{url}}"` diff --git a/pages/common/asciidoctor.md b/pages/common/asciidoctor.md index c5e9393728..8c1b46d6d3 100644 --- a/pages/common/asciidoctor.md +++ b/pages/common/asciidoctor.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ - Convert a specific `.adoc` file to HTML and link a CSS stylesheet: -`asciidoctor -a stylesheet={{path/to/stylesheet.css}} {{path/to/file.adoc}}` +`asciidoctor -a stylesheet {{path/to/stylesheet.css}} {{path/to/file.adoc}}` - Convert a specific `.adoc` file to embeddable HTML, removing everything except the body: @@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ - Convert a specific `.adoc` file to a PDF using the `asciidoctor-pdf` library: -`asciidoctor --backend={{pdf}} --require={{asciidoctor-pdf}} {{path/to/file.adoc}}` +`asciidoctor --backend {{pdf}} --require {{asciidoctor-pdf}} {{path/to/file.adoc}}` diff --git a/pages/common/autoconf.md b/pages/common/autoconf.md index 701d007d50..d8b18e9561 100644 --- a/pages/common/autoconf.md +++ b/pages/common/autoconf.md @@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ - Generate a configuration script from the specified template (even if the input file has not changed) and write the output to a file: -`autoconf --force --output={{outfile}} {{template-file}}` +`autoconf --force --output {{outfile}} {{template-file}}` diff --git a/pages/common/behat.md b/pages/common/behat.md index a39cb0d081..74ff33fce5 100644 --- a/pages/common/behat.md +++ b/pages/common/behat.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ - Run all tests from the specified suite: -`behat --suite={{suite_name}}` +`behat --suite {{suite_name}}` - Run tests with a specific output formatter: diff --git a/pages/common/blackfire.md b/pages/common/blackfire.md index 45d254a107..d80bf674f6 100644 --- a/pages/common/blackfire.md +++ b/pages/common/blackfire.md @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ - Run the profiler and collect 10 samples: -`blackfire --samples={{10}} run {{php path/to/file.php}}` +`blackfire --samples {{10}} run {{php path/to/file.php}}` - Run the profiler and output results as JSON: diff --git a/pages/common/bq.md b/pages/common/bq.md index 053ddc80f4..5a620e0936 100644 --- a/pages/common/bq.md +++ b/pages/common/bq.md @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ - Batch load data from a specific file in formats such as CSV, JSON, Parquet, and Avro to a table: -`bq load --location={{location}} --source_format={{CSV|JSON|PARQUET|AVRO}} {{dataset}}.{{table}} {{path_to_source}}` +`bq load --location {{location}} --source_format {{CSV|JSON|PARQUET|AVRO}} {{dataset}}.{{table}} {{path_to_source}}` - Copy one table to another: diff --git a/pages/common/brew-bundle.md b/pages/common/brew-bundle.md index fa79b897bb..bebbfa5945 100644 --- a/pages/common/brew-bundle.md +++ b/pages/common/brew-bundle.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ - Install packages from a specific Brewfile at a specific path: -`brew bundle --file={{path/to/file}}` +`brew bundle --file {{path/to/file}}` - Create a Brewfile from all installed packages: diff --git a/pages/common/bshell.md b/pages/common/bshell.md index 55d1f91821..cd99382838 100644 --- a/pages/common/bshell.md +++ b/pages/common/bshell.md @@ -18,4 +18,4 @@ - Browse for both SSH and VNC servers in a specified domain: -`bshell --domain={{domain}}` +`bshell --domain {{domain}}` diff --git a/pages/common/bssh.md b/pages/common/bssh.md index f20b271368..63e284a178 100644 --- a/pages/common/bssh.md +++ b/pages/common/bssh.md @@ -18,4 +18,4 @@ - Browse for SSH servers in a specified domain: -`bssh --domain={{domain}}` +`bssh --domain {{domain}}` diff --git a/pages/common/bundletool-dump.md b/pages/common/bundletool-dump.md index c0419e704c..4c331834f9 100644 --- a/pages/common/bundletool-dump.md +++ b/pages/common/bundletool-dump.md @@ -5,28 +5,28 @@ - Display the `AndroidManifest.xml` of the base module: -`bundletool dump manifest --bundle={{path/to/bundle.aab}}` +`bundletool dump manifest --bundle {{path/to/bundle.aab}}` - Display a specific value from the `AndroidManifest.xml` using XPath: -`bundletool dump manifest --bundle={{path/to/bundle.aab}} --xpath={{/manifest/@android:versionCode}}` +`bundletool dump manifest --bundle {{path/to/bundle.aab}} --xpath {{/manifest/@android:versionCode}}` - Display the `AndroidManifest.xml` of a specific module: -`bundletool dump manifest --bundle={{path/to/bundle.aab}} --module={{name}}` +`bundletool dump manifest --bundle {{path/to/bundle.aab}} --module {{name}}` - Display all the resources in the application bundle: -`bundletool dump resources --bundle={{path/to/bundle.aab}}` +`bundletool dump resources --bundle {{path/to/bundle.aab}}` - Display the configuration for a specific resource: -`bundletool dump resources --bundle={{path/to/bundle.aab}} --resource={{type/name}}` +`bundletool dump resources --bundle {{path/to/bundle.aab}} --resource {{type/name}}` - Display the configuration and values for a specific resource using the ID: -`bundletool dump resources --bundle={{path/to/bundle.aab}} --resource={{0x7f0e013a}} --values` +`bundletool dump resources --bundle {{path/to/bundle.aab}} --resource {{0x7f0e013a}} --values` - Display the contents of the bundle configuration file: -`bundletool dump config --bundle={{path/to/bundle.aab}}` +`bundletool dump config --bundle {{path/to/bundle.aab}}` diff --git a/pages/common/bundletool-validate.md b/pages/common/bundletool-validate.md index 82b5857585..52e7e7d09a 100644 --- a/pages/common/bundletool-validate.md +++ b/pages/common/bundletool-validate.md @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ - Verify a bundle and display detailed information about it: -`bundletool validate --bundle={{path/to/bundle.aab}}` +`bundletool validate --bundle {{path/to/bundle.aab}}` diff --git a/pages/common/bundletool.md b/pages/common/bundletool.md index c7df744a08..9d34483559 100644 --- a/pages/common/bundletool.md +++ b/pages/common/bundletool.md @@ -10,28 +10,28 @@ - Generate APKs from an application bundle (prompts for keystore password): -`bundletool build-apks --bundle={{path/to/bundle.aab}} --ks={{path/to/key.keystore}} --ks-key-alias={{key_alias}} --output={{path/to/file.apks}}` +`bundletool build-apks --bundle {{path/to/bundle.aab}} --ks {{path/to/key.keystore}} --ks-key-alias {{key_alias}} --output {{path/to/file.apks}}` - Generate APKs from an application bundle giving the keystore password: -`bundletool build-apks --bundle={{path/to/bundle.aab}} --ks={{path/to/key.keystore}} --ks-key-alias={{key_alias}} –ks-pass={{pass:the_password}} --output={{path/to/file.apks}}` +`bundletool build-apks --bundle {{path/to/bundle.aab}} --ks {{path/to/key.keystore}} --ks-key-alias {{key_alias}} –ks-pass {{pass:the_password}} --output {{path/to/file.apks}}` - Generate APKs including only one single APK for universal usage: -`bundletool build-apks --bundle={{path/to/bundle.aab}} --mode={{universal}} --ks={{path/to/key.keystore}} --ks-key-alias={{key_alias}} --output={{path/to/file.apks}}` +`bundletool build-apks --bundle {{path/to/bundle.aab}} --mode {{universal}} --ks {{path/to/key.keystore}} --ks-key-alias {{key_alias}} --output {{path/to/file.apks}}` - Install the right combination of APKs to an emulator or device: -`bundletool install-apks --apks={{path/to/file.apks}}` +`bundletool install-apks --apks {{path/to/file.apks}}` - Estimate the download size of an application: -`bundletool get-size total --apks={{path/to/file.apks}}` +`bundletool get-size total --apks {{path/to/file.apks}}` - Generate a device specification JSON file for an emulator or device: -`bundletool get-device-spec --output={{path/to/file.json}}` +`bundletool get-device-spec --output {{path/to/file.json}}` - Verify a bundle and display detailed information about it: -`bundletool validate --bundle={{path/to/bundle.aab}}` +`bundletool validate --bundle {{path/to/bundle.aab}}` diff --git a/pages/common/bvnc.md b/pages/common/bvnc.md index a8a26ff69c..63e3f60a38 100644 --- a/pages/common/bvnc.md +++ b/pages/common/bvnc.md @@ -18,4 +18,4 @@ - Browse for VNC servers in a specified domain: -`bvnc --domain={{domain}}` +`bvnc --domain {{domain}}` diff --git a/pages/common/chgrp.md b/pages/common/chgrp.md index 5ee185ceb0..3d641be6f1 100644 --- a/pages/common/chgrp.md +++ b/pages/common/chgrp.md @@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ - Change the owner group of a file/directory to match a reference file: -`chgrp --reference={{path/to/reference_file}} {{path/to/file_or_directory}}` +`chgrp --reference {{path/to/reference_file}} {{path/to/file_or_directory}}` diff --git a/pages/common/chown.md b/pages/common/chown.md index e89512a1e3..0a3dc20e99 100644 --- a/pages/common/chown.md +++ b/pages/common/chown.md @@ -25,4 +25,4 @@ - Change the owner of a file/directory to match a reference file: -`chown --reference={{path/to/reference_file}} {{path/to/file_or_directory}}` +`chown --reference {{path/to/reference_file}} {{path/to/file_or_directory}}` diff --git a/pages/common/clang-format.md b/pages/common/clang-format.md index d542af5ebc..e955c869bb 100644 --- a/pages/common/clang-format.md +++ b/pages/common/clang-format.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ - Format a file using a predefined coding style: -`clang-format --style={{LLVM|GNU|Google|Chromium|Microsoft|Mozilla|WebKit}} {{path/to/file}}` +`clang-format --style {{LLVM|GNU|Google|Chromium|Microsoft|Mozilla|WebKit}} {{path/to/file}}` - Format a file using the `.clang-format` file in one of the parent directories of the source file: @@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ - Generate a custom `.clang-format` file: -`clang-format --style={{LLVM|GNU|Google|Chromium|Microsoft|Mozilla|WebKit}} --dump-config > {{.clang-format}}` +`clang-format --style {{LLVM|GNU|Google|Chromium|Microsoft|Mozilla|WebKit}} --dump-config > {{.clang-format}}` diff --git a/pages/common/cppcheck.md b/pages/common/cppcheck.md index 5f4e308e81..995614d792 100644 --- a/pages/common/cppcheck.md +++ b/pages/common/cppcheck.md @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ - Check a given file, specifying which tests to perform (by default only errors are shown): -`cppcheck --enable={{error|warning|style|performance|portability|information|all}} {{path/to/file.cpp}}` +`cppcheck --enable {{error|warning|style|performance|portability|information|all}} {{path/to/file.cpp}}` - List available tests: @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ - Check a given file, ignoring specific tests: -`cppcheck --suppress={{test_id1}} --suppress={{test_id2}} {{path/to/file.cpp}}` +`cppcheck --suppress {{test_id1}} --suppress {{test_id2}} {{path/to/file.cpp}}` - Check the current directory, providing paths for include files located outside it (e.g. external libraries): @@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ - Check a Microsoft Visual Studio project (`*.vcxproj`) or solution (`*.sln`): -`cppcheck --project={{path/to/project.sln}}` +`cppcheck --project {{path/to/project.sln}}` diff --git a/pages/common/cppclean.md b/pages/common/cppclean.md index 3e7361607a..cc1309d9b1 100644 --- a/pages/common/cppclean.md +++ b/pages/common/cppclean.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ - Run on a project where the headers are in the `inc1/` and `inc2/` directories: -`cppclean {{path/to/project}} --include-path={{inc1}} --include-path={{inc2}}` +`cppclean {{path/to/project}} --include-path {{inc1}} --include-path {{inc2}}` - Run on a specific file `main.cpp`: @@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ - Run on the current directory, excluding the "build" directory: -`cppclean {{.}} --exclude={{build}}` +`cppclean {{.}} --exclude {{build}}` diff --git a/pages/common/createdb.md b/pages/common/createdb.md index 79371bab9f..3926e40905 100644 --- a/pages/common/createdb.md +++ b/pages/common/createdb.md @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ - Create a database owned by a specific user with a description: -`createdb --owner={{username}} {{database_name}} '{{description}}'` +`createdb --owner {{username}} {{database_name}} '{{description}}'` - Create a database from a template: -`createdb --template={{template_name}} {{database_name}}` +`createdb --template {{template_name}} {{database_name}}` diff --git a/pages/common/csv-diff.md b/pages/common/csv-diff.md index 733957d330..02629da717 100644 --- a/pages/common/csv-diff.md +++ b/pages/common/csv-diff.md @@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ - Display a human-readable summary of differences between files using a specific column as a unique identifier: -`csv-diff {{path/to/file1.csv}} {{path/to/file2.csv}} --key={{column_name}}` +`csv-diff {{path/to/file1.csv}} {{path/to/file2.csv}} --key {{column_name}}` - Display a human-readable summary of differences between files that includes unchanged values in rows with at least one change: -`csv-diff {{path/to/file1.csv}} {{path/to/file2.csv}} --key={{column_name}} --show-unchanged` +`csv-diff {{path/to/file1.csv}} {{path/to/file2.csv}} --key {{column_name}} --show-unchanged` - Display a summary of differences between files in JSON format using a specific column as a unique identifier: -`csv-diff {{path/to/file1.csv}} {{path/to/file2.csv}} --key={{column_name}} --json` +`csv-diff {{path/to/file1.csv}} {{path/to/file2.csv}} --key {{column_name}} --json` diff --git a/pages/common/cut.md b/pages/common/cut.md index 95b010c091..69c977da4a 100644 --- a/pages/common/cut.md +++ b/pages/common/cut.md @@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ - Print a specific character/field range of each line: -`{{command}} | cut --{{characters|fields}}={{1|1,10|1-10|1-|-10}}` +`{{command}} | cut --{{characters|fields}} {{1|1,10|1-10|1-|-10}}` - Print a field range of each line with a specific delimiter: -`{{command}} | cut --delimiter="{{,}}" --fields={{1}}` +`{{command}} | cut --delimiter="{{,}}" --fields {{1}}` - Print a character range of each line of the specific file: -`cut --characters={{1}} {{path/to/file}}` +`cut --characters {{1}} {{path/to/file}}` diff --git a/pages/common/date.md b/pages/common/date.md index f5f22b29bd..aec1b8cdc6 100644 --- a/pages/common/date.md +++ b/pages/common/date.md @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ - Display the current date using the RFC-3339 format (`YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss TZ`): -`date --rfc-3339=s` +`date --rfc-3339 s` - Set the current date using the format `MMDDhhmmYYYY.ss` (`YYYY` and `.ss` are optional): diff --git a/pages/common/docker-commit.md b/pages/common/docker-commit.md index df58346f2a..9b02a9544e 100644 --- a/pages/common/docker-commit.md +++ b/pages/common/docker-commit.md @@ -9,23 +9,23 @@ - Apply a `CMD` Dockerfile instruction to the created image: -`docker commit --change="CMD {{command}}" {{container}} {{image}}:{{tag}}` +`docker commit --change "CMD {{command}}" {{container}} {{image}}:{{tag}}` - Apply an `ENV` Dockerfile instruction to the created image: -`docker commit --change="ENV {{name}}={{value}}" {{container}} {{image}}:{{tag}}` +`docker commit --change "ENV {{name}}={{value}}" {{container}} {{image}}:{{tag}}` - Create an image with a specific author in the metadata: -`docker commit --author="{{author}}" {{container}} {{image}}:{{tag}}` +`docker commit --author "{{author}}" {{container}} {{image}}:{{tag}}` - Create an image with a specific comment in the metadata: -`docker commit --message="{{comment}}" {{container}} {{image}}:{{tag}}` +`docker commit --message "{{comment}}" {{container}} {{image}}:{{tag}}` - Create an image without pausing the container during commit: -`docker commit --pause={{false}} {{container}} {{image}}:{{tag}}` +`docker commit --pause {{false}} {{container}} {{image}}:{{tag}}` - Display help: diff --git a/pages/common/docker-ps.md b/pages/common/docker-ps.md index 77f5367770..438a82b99b 100644 --- a/pages/common/docker-ps.md +++ b/pages/common/docker-ps.md @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ - Filter containers that contain a substring in their name: -`docker ps --filter="name={{name}}"` +`docker ps --filter "name={{name}}"` - Filter containers that share a given image as an ancestor: @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ - Filter containers by status (created, running, removing, paused, exited and dead): -`docker ps --filter="status={{status}}"` +`docker ps --filter "status={{status}}"` - Filter containers that mount a specific volume or have a volume mounted in a specific path: -`docker ps --filter="volume={{path/to/directory}}" --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Mounts}}"` +`docker ps --filter "volume={{path/to/directory}}" --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Mounts}}"` diff --git a/pages/common/docker-system.md b/pages/common/docker-system.md index 3cc098efb5..512da533fd 100644 --- a/pages/common/docker-system.md +++ b/pages/common/docker-system.md @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ - Remove unused data created more than a specified amount of time in the past: -`docker system prune --filter="until={{hours}}h{{minutes}}m"` +`docker system prune --filter "until={{hours}}h{{minutes}}m"` - Display real-time events from the Docker daemon: diff --git a/pages/common/grep.md b/pages/common/grep.md index cc3909861f..aa45ab9410 100644 --- a/pages/common/grep.md +++ b/pages/common/grep.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ - Search for a pattern in all files recursively in a directory, showing line numbers of matches, ignoring binary files: -`grep --recursive --line-number --binary-files={{without-match}} "{{search_pattern}}" {{path/to/directory}}` +`grep --recursive --line-number --binary-files {{without-match}} "{{search_pattern}}" {{path/to/directory}}` - Use extended regular expressions (supports `?`, `+`, `{}`, `()` and `|`), in case-insensitive mode: @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ - Print 3 lines of context around, before, or after each match: -`grep --{{context|before-context|after-context}}={{3}} "{{search_pattern}}" {{path/to/file}}` +`grep --{{context|before-context|after-context}} {{3}} "{{search_pattern}}" {{path/to/file}}` - Print file name and line number for each match with color output: diff --git a/pages/linux/dockerd.md b/pages/linux/dockerd.md index 68cf020edf..9f6ac4c344 100644 --- a/pages/linux/dockerd.md +++ b/pages/linux/dockerd.md @@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ - Run and set a specific log level: -`dockerd --log-level={{debug|info|warn|error|fatal}}` +`dockerd --log-level {{debug|info|warn|error|fatal}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/man.md b/pages/linux/man.md index e41b01cbe5..c5fc60646a 100644 --- a/pages/linux/man.md +++ b/pages/linux/man.md @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ - Display the man page using a specific locale: -`man --locale={{locale}} {{command}}` +`man --locale {{locale}} {{command}}` - Search for manpages containing a search string: