curl: use long arguments (#5872)

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Kosinski 2021-05-04 11:37:07 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent d02172f9ef
commit 69f02b6510
No known key found for this signature in database
7 changed files with 54 additions and 54 deletions

View File

@ -6,31 +6,31 @@
- Lade den Inhalt einer URL in eine Datei:
`curl {{}} -o {{pfad/zu/datei}}`
`curl {{}} --output {{pfad/zu/datei}}`
- Lade eine Datei von einer URL herunter:
`curl -O {{}}`
`curl --remote-name {{}}`
- Lade eine Datei herunter, folge Weiterleitungen und setze vergangene Dateitransfers automatisch fort:
`curl -O -L -C - {{}}`
`curl --remote-name --location --continue-at - {{}}`
- Sende formular-codierte Daten (POST Anfragen des Typs `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`). Benutze `-d @dateiname` oder `-d @'-'`, um von STDIN zu lesen:
- Sende formular-codierte Daten (POST Anfragen des Typs `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`). Benutze `--data @dateiname` oder `--data @'-'`, um von STDIN zu lesen:
`curl -d {{'name=karl-dieter'}} {{}}`
`curl --data {{'name=karl-dieter'}} {{}}`
- Sende eine Anfrage mit einem extra Header mit einer eigenen HTTP-Methode:
`curl -H {{'X-Mein-Header: 123'}} -X {{PUT}} {{}}`
`curl --header {{'X-Mein-Header: 123'}} --request {{PUT}} {{}}`
- Sende Daten im JSON-Format und lege den geeigneten Inhaltstyp-Header fest:
`curl -d {{'{"name":"karl-dieter"}'}} -H {{'Content-Type: application/json'}} {{}}`
`curl --data {{'{"name":"karl-dieter"}'}} --header {{'Content-Type: application/json'}} {{}}`
- Übergib einen Benutzernamen und Passwort für die Server-Authentifizierung:
`curl -u benutzername:passwort {{}}`
`curl --user benutzername:passwort {{}}`
- Übergib Client-Zertifikat und -Schlüssel für eine Resource und überspringe die Zertifikatsüberprüfung:

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- Unduh konten URL ke file:
`curl {{}} -o {{namafile}}`
`curl {{}} --output {{namafile}}`
- Unduh file, simpan hasilnya dengan nama file yang ditentukan oleh URL:
`curl -O {{}}`
`curl --remote-name {{}}`
- Unduh file, mengikuti pengalihan [L] okasi, dan secara otomatis [C] melanjutkan transfer file sebelumnya:
- Unduh file, mengikuti pengalihan lokasi, dan secara otomatis melanjutkan transfer file sebelumnya:
`curl -O -L -C - {{}}`
`curl --remote-name --location --continue-at - {{}}`
- Mengirim data form yang telah di encode (permintaan POST atau tipe data `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`). Gunakan `-d @file_name` atau `-d @'-'` untuk membaca dari STDIN:
- Mengirim data form yang telah di encode (permintaan POST atau tipe data `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`). Gunakan `--data @file_name` atau `--data @'-'` untuk membaca dari STDIN:
`curl -d {{'name=bob'}} {{}}`
`curl --data {{'name=bob'}} {{}}`
- Mengirim sebuah permintaan dengan header tambahan, menggunakan metode HTTP kustom:
`curl -H {{'X-My-Header: 123'}} -X {{PUT}} {{}}`
`curl --header {{'X-My-Header: 123'}} --request {{PUT}} {{}}`
- Mengirim data dalam format JSON, Menentukan jenis konten yang sesuai header:
`curl -d {{'{"name":"bob"}'}} -H {{'Content-Type: application/json'}} {{}}`
`curl --data {{'{"name":"bob"}'}} --header {{'Content-Type: application/json'}} {{}}`
- Memberikan nama pengguna dan kata sandi untuk otentikasi server:
`curl -u myusername:mypassword {{}}`
`curl --user myusername:mypassword {{}}`
- Memberikan sertifikat klien dan kunci untuk sumber daya, melewati validasi sertifikat:

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- Scarica il contenuto di un URL in un file:
`curl {{}} -o {{nome_file}}`
`curl {{}} --output {{nome_file}}`
- Scarica un file, salvando l'output con lo stesso nome indicato nell'URL:
`curl -O {{}}`
`curl --remote-name {{}}`
- Scarica un file, seguendo reindirizzamenti, e continuando automaticamente (riprendendo) un trasferimento precedente:
`curl -O -L -C - {{}}`
`curl --remote-name --location --continue-at - {{}}`
- Invia dati form-encoded (richiesta POST di tipo `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`):
`curl -d {{'nome=mario'}} {{}}`
`curl --data {{'nome=mario'}} {{}}`
- Invia una richiesta con un header aggiuntivo, utilizzando un metodo HTTP personalizzato:
`curl -H {{'X-Mio-Header: 123'}} -X {{PUT}} {{}}`
`curl --header {{'X-Mio-Header: 123'}} --request {{PUT}} {{}}`
- Invia dati in formato JSON, specificando l'header content-type appropriato:
`curl -d {{'{"nome":"mario"}'}} -H {{'Content-Type: application/json'}} {{}}`
`curl --data {{'{"nome":"mario"}'}} --header {{'Content-Type: application/json'}} {{}}`
- Utilizza un nome utente ed una password per l'autenticazione con il server:
`curl -u utente:password {{}}`
`curl --user utente:password {{}}`
- Utilizza un certificato ed una chiave per una risorsa, ignorando la validazione dei certificati:

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- URL의 내용을 파일로 다운로드:
`curl {{}} -o {{파일명}}`
`curl {{}} --output {{파일명}}`
- URL에 표시된 파일 명으로 출력을 저장하고 파일을 다운로드:
`curl -O {{}}`
`curl --remote-name {{}}`
- [L]위치 리다이렉션 후 파일을 다운로드 하고, 자동으로 이전 파일 [C]전송(재시작):
`curl -O -L -C - {{}}`
`curl --remote-name --location --continue-at - {{}}`
- 양식 인코딩 데이터 전송(`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`유형의 POST 요청):
`curl -d {{'name=bob'}} {{}}`
`curl --data {{'name=bob'}} {{}}`
- 사용자 지정 HTTP 메서드를 사용하여 추가 헤더로 요청 전송:
`curl -H {{'X-My-Header: 123'}} -X {{PUT}} {{}}`
`curl --header {{'X-My-Header: 123'}} --request {{PUT}} {{}}`
- 적절한 컨텐츠 유형 헤더를 지정하여 JSON 포멧으로 데이터 전송:
`curl -d {{'{"name":"bob"}'}} -H {{'Content-Type: application/json'}} {{}}`
`curl --data {{'{"name":"bob"}'}} --header {{'Content-Type: application/json'}} {{}}`
- 서버 인증을 위한 사용자 이름 및 비밀번호 전달:
`curl -u myusername:mypassword {{}}`
`curl --user myusername:mypassword {{}}`
- 리소스에 대한 클라이언트 인증서 및 키 전달, 인증서 유효성 검사 스킵:

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@ -6,27 +6,27 @@
- Descarregar os conteúdos de um URL para um arquivo:
`curl {{}} -o {{arquivo}}`
`curl {{}} --output {{arquivo}}`
- Descarregar um arquivo, gravando o resultado sob o nome do arquivo indicado pelo URL:
`curl -O {{}}`
`curl --remote-name {{}}`
- Descarregar um arquivo, seguindo redirecionamentos e automaticamente continuando transferências idênticas que tenham sido interrompidas:
`curl -O -L -C - {{}}`
`curl --remote-name --location --continue-at - {{}}`
- Enviar dados codificados por formulário (pedido POST do tipo `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`):
`curl -d {{'nome=maria'}} {{}}`
`curl --data {{'nome=maria'}} {{}}`
- Enviar um pedido com um cabeçalho adicional, usando um método HTTP personalizado:
`curl -H {{'X-Meu-Cabecalho: 123'}} -X {{PUT}} {{}}`
`curl --header {{'X-Meu-Cabecalho: 123'}} --request {{PUT}} {{}}`
- Enviar dados no formato JSON, especificando o cabeçalho de tipo de conteúdo (content-type) apropriado:
`curl -d {{'{"nome":"maria"}'}} -H {{'Content-Type: application/json'}} {{}}`
`curl --data {{'{"nome":"maria"}'}} --header {{'Content-Type: application/json'}} {{}}`
- Passar ao pedido o nome de usuário e senha para autenticação no servidor:

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@ -6,31 +6,31 @@
- 将指定 URL 的内容下载到文件:
`curl {{}} -o {{文件名}}`
`curl {{}} --output {{文件名}}`
- 将文件从 URL 保存到由 URL 指示的文件名中:
`curl -O {{}}`
`curl --remote-name {{}}`
- 下载文件,跟随 [L] 重定向,并且自动 [C] 续传(恢复)前序文件传输:
- 下载文件,跟随 重定向,并且自动 续传(恢复)前序文件传输:
`curl -O -L -C - {{}}`
`curl --remote-name --location --continue-at - {{}}`
- Send form-encoded data (POST request of type `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`):
`curl -d {{'name=bob'}} {{}}`
`curl --data {{'name=bob'}} {{}}`
- 发送带有额外请求头,使用自定义请求方法的请求:
`curl -H {{'X-My-Header: 123'}} -X {{PUT}} {{}}`
`curl --header {{'X-My-Header: 123'}} --request {{PUT}} {{}}`
- 发送 JSON 格式的数据,并附加正确的 `Content-Type` 请求头:
`curl -d {{'{"name":"bob"}'}} -H {{'Content-Type: application/json'}} {{}}`
`curl --data {{'{"name":"bob"}'}} --header {{'Content-Type: application/json'}} {{}}`
- 使用用户名和密码,授权访问服务器:
`curl -u myusername:mypassword {{}}`
`curl --user myusername:mypassword {{}}`
- 为指定资源使用客户端证书和密钥,并且跳过证书验证:

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- Download the contents of an URL to a file:
`curl {{}} -o {{filename}}`
`curl {{}} --output {{filename}}`
- Download a file, saving the output under the filename indicated by the URL:
`curl -O {{}}`
`curl --remote-name {{}}`
- Download a file, following [L]ocation redirects, and automatically [C]ontinuing (resuming) a previous file transfer:
- Download a file, following location redirects, and automatically continuing (resuming) a previous file transfer:
`curl -O -L -C - {{}}`
`curl --remote-name --location --continue-at - {{}}`
- Send form-encoded data (POST request of type `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`). Use `-d @file_name` or `-d @'-'` to read from STDIN:
- Send form-encoded data (POST request of type `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`). Use `--data @file_name` or `--data @'-'` to read from STDIN:
`curl -d {{'name=bob'}} {{}}`
`curl --data {{'name=bob'}} {{}}`
- Send a request with an extra header, using a custom HTTP method:
`curl -H {{'X-My-Header: 123'}} -X {{PUT}} {{}}`
`curl --header {{'X-My-Header: 123'}} --request {{PUT}} {{}}`
- Send data in JSON format, specifying the appropriate content-type header:
`curl -d {{'{"name":"bob"}'}} -H {{'Content-Type: application/json'}} {{}}`
`curl --data {{'{"name":"bob"}'}} --header {{'Content-Type: application/json'}} {{}}`
- Pass a user name and password for server authentication:
`curl -u myusername:mypassword {{}}`
`curl --user myusername:mypassword {{}}`
- Pass client certificate and key for a resource, skipping certificate validation: