diff --git a/pages.ca/linux/i3.md b/pages.ca/linux/i3.md index cf8e7bc44b..bdca00fef8 100644 --- a/pages.ca/linux/i3.md +++ b/pages.ca/linux/i3.md @@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ `Super + Shift + {{número}}` -- Canvia al espai de treball {{número}}: +- Canvia al espai de treball número `n`: -`Super + {{número}}` +`Super + {{n}}` - Obre una nova finestra en mosaic horitzontal: diff --git a/pages.de/common/!.md b/pages.de/common/!.md index e55438fba6..8c82a3cc2f 100644 --- a/pages.de/common/!.md +++ b/pages.de/common/!.md @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ > Ein in Bash integriertes Kommando, welches durch einen Befehl aus dem Befehlsverlauf ersetzt wird. > Weitere Informationen: . -- Ersetze '!!' durch den vorherigen Befehl und führe ihn mit sudo aus: +- Ersetze `!!` durch den vorherigen Befehl und führe ihn mit `sudo` aus: `sudo !!` -- Führe den Befehl Nummer n aus. Die Nummer eines Befehls kann mit `{{history}}` herausgefunden werden: +- Führe den Befehl Nummer `n` aus. Die Nummer eines Befehls kann mit `history` herausgefunden werden: `!{{n}}` diff --git a/pages.es/linux/i3.md b/pages.es/linux/i3.md index 8117a1e70b..99a36e2fc8 100644 --- a/pages.es/linux/i3.md +++ b/pages.es/linux/i3.md @@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ `Super + Shift + {{número}}` -- Cambia al espacio de trabajo {{número}}: +- Cambia al espacio de trabajo número `n`: -`Super + {{número}}` +`Super + {{n}}` - Abre una nueva ventana en mosaico horizontal: diff --git a/pages.es/osx/whence.md b/pages.es/osx/whence.md index 3b0a0395fc..19753c054c 100644 --- a/pages.es/osx/whence.md +++ b/pages.es/osx/whence.md @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ > Un comando integrado de zsh para indicar cómo se interpretaría un comando dado. > Más información: . -- Interpreta {{comando}}, con expansión si se define como un `alias` (similar al `command -v` integrado): +- Interpreta `comando`, con expansión si se define como un `alias` (similar al `command -v` integrado): `whence "{{comando}}"` -- Muestra tipo de {{comando}}, con localización si se define como una función, o binario (equivalente a los `type` y `command -V` integrados): +- Muestra tipo de `comando`, con localización si se define como una función, o binario (equivalente a los `type` y `command -V` integrados): `whence -v "{{comando}}"` @@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ `whence -ca "{{comando}}"` -- Buscar sólo el `PATH`para {{comando}}, ignorando los buildins, aliases o funciones del shell (equivalente al comando `where`): +- Buscar sólo el `PATH` para `comando`, ignorando los buildins, aliases o funciones del shell (equivalente al comando `where`): `whence -p "{{comando}}"` diff --git a/pages.fr/common/ghdl.md b/pages.fr/common/ghdl.md index a1742b9a92..b1f4fa1274 100644 --- a/pages.fr/common/ghdl.md +++ b/pages.fr/common/ghdl.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `ghdl -a {{fichier.vhdl}}` -- Élabore un design (où `{{design}}` est le nom d'une unité de configuration, d'entité, ou d'architecture) : +- Élabore un design (où `design` est le nom d'une unité de configuration, d'entité, ou d'architecture) : `ghdl -e {{design}}` diff --git a/pages.fr/common/nano.md b/pages.fr/common/nano.md index c7f8f62d2c..7d5096d74e 100644 --- a/pages.fr/common/nano.md +++ b/pages.fr/common/nano.md @@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ `nano -i {{fichier}}` -- Avant la modification, sauvegarde le fichier actuel sous le format `{{nom_du_fichier_actuel}}~` : +- Avant la modification, sauvegarde le fichier actuel sous le format `nom_du_fichier_actuel~` : `nano -B {{fichier}}` diff --git a/pages.it/common/bedtools.md b/pages.it/common/bedtools.md index 840e752a14..92b25ce02e 100644 --- a/pages.it/common/bedtools.md +++ b/pages.it/common/bedtools.md @@ -6,15 +6,15 @@ - Interseca i fili genetici delle sequenze contenute in due file diversi e salva il risultato: -`bedtools intersect -a {{percorso/del/file_1}} -b {{percorso/del/file_2}} -s > {{percorso/del/file_output}}` +`bedtools intersect -a {{percorso/del/file1}} -b {{percorso/del/file2}} -s > {{percorso/del/file_output}}` -- Interseca due file unendo il risultato a sinistra, ovvero riporta ogni feature da {{file_1}} e NULL dove non c'è sovrapposizione con {{file_2}}: +- Interseca due file unendo il risultato a sinistra, ovvero riporta ogni feature da `file1` e NULL dove non c'è sovrapposizione con `file2`: -`bedtools intersect -a {{percorso/del/file_1}} -b {{percorso/del/file_2}} -lof > {{percorso/del/file_output}}` +`bedtools intersect -a {{percorso/del/file1}} -b {{percorso/del/file2}} -lof > {{percorso/del/file_output}}` - Usa un algoritmo più efficiente per intersecare due file precedentemente ordinati: -`bedtools intersect -a {{percorso/del/file_1}} -b {{percorso/del/file_2}} -sorted > {{percorso/del/file_output}}` +`bedtools intersect -a {{percorso/del/file1}} -b {{percorso/del/file2}} -sorted > {{percorso/del/file_output}}` - Raggruppa file in base alle prime tre e la quinta colonna e raggruppa la sesta colonna sommandola: @@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ - Converti da formato BAM a BED: -`bedtools bamtobed -i {{percorso/del/file}}.bam > {{percorso/del/file}}.bed` +`bedtools bamtobed -i {{percorso/del/file.bam}} > {{percorso/del/file.bed}}` -- Trova per tutte le proprietà in {{file_1}} la più vicina in {{file_2}} e scrivi la loro distanza in una ulteriore colonna (i file in input devono essere ordinati): +- Trova per tutte le proprietà in `file1` la più vicina in `file2` e scrivi la loro distanza in una ulteriore colonna (i file in input devono essere ordinati): -`bedtools closest -a {{percorso/del/file_1}}.bed -b {{percorso/del/file_2}}.bed -d` +`bedtools closest -a {{percorso/del/file1.bed}} -b {{percorso/del/file2.bed}} -d` diff --git a/pages.it/linux/i3.md b/pages.it/linux/i3.md index 7cdd767f8f..e057e9facd 100644 --- a/pages.it/linux/i3.md +++ b/pages.it/linux/i3.md @@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ `Super + Shift + {{numero}}` -- Salta a workspace {{numero}}: +- Salta a workspace numero `n`: -`Super + {{numero}}` +`Super + {{n}}` - Per il prossimo nuovo, dividi orizzontalmente: diff --git a/pages.ja/linux/whatis.md b/pages.ja/linux/whatis.md index db2895312b..eca51421db 100644 --- a/pages.ja/linux/whatis.md +++ b/pages.ja/linux/whatis.md @@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ `whatis --regex '{{wish[0-9]\.[0-9]}}'` -- 言語を指定して説明文で表示する (`manpage-{{ja}}` パッケージが必要です): +- 言語を指定して説明文で表示する: `whatis --locale={{ja}} {{コマンド}}` diff --git a/pages.ko/common/bedtools.md b/pages.ko/common/bedtools.md index c9495577e5..9da6f309c3 100644 --- a/pages.ko/common/bedtools.md +++ b/pages.ko/common/bedtools.md @@ -5,15 +5,15 @@ - sequence의 strand를 기준으로 두개의 파일을 교차하고 결과를 `path/to/output_file`의 경로에 저장: -`bedtools intersect -a {{path/to/file_1}} -b {{path/to/file_2}} -s > {{path/to/output_file}}` +`bedtools intersect -a {{path/to/file1}} -b {{path/to/file2}} -s > {{path/to/output_file}}` -- 외부 조인이 왼쪽인 두개의 파일을 교차, 예시. `file_1`에서 각 기능을 보고하고 `file_2`와 겹치지 않으면 NULL: +- 외부 조인이 왼쪽인 두개의 파일을 교차, 예시. `file1`에서 각 기능을 보고하고 `file2`와 겹치지 않으면 NULL: -`bedtools intersect -a {{path/to/file_1}} -b {{path/to/file_2}} -lof > {{path/to/output_file}}` +`bedtools intersect -a {{path/to/file1}} -b {{path/to/file2}} -lof > {{path/to/output_file}}` - 더 효율적인 알고리즘을 사용하여 두개의 사전 정렬된 파일을 교차: -`bedtools intersect -a {{path/to/file_1}} -b {{path/to/file_2}} -sorted > {{path/to/output_file}}` +`bedtools intersect -a {{path/to/file1}} -b {{path/to/file2}} -sorted > {{path/to/output_file}}` - 첫 3열과 5열을 기준으로 `path/to/file`을 그룹화하여 6열을 요약: @@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ - bam-formated 파일을 bed-formated 파일로 변환: -`bedtools bamtobed -i {{path/to/file}}.bam > {{path/to/file}}.bed` +`bedtools bamtobed -i {{path/to/file.bam}} > {{path/to/file.bed}}` -- `file_2.bed`와 가장 가까운 `file_1.bed`에서의 모든 기능을 찾고,그들의 거리와 추가 열을 기록 (입력 파일 정렬 필요): +- `file_2.bed`와 가장 가까운 `file1.bed`에서의 모든 기능을 찾고,그들의 거리와 추가 열을 기록 (입력 파일 정렬 필요): -`bedtools closest -a {{path/to/file_1}}.bed -b {{path/to/file_2}}.bed -d` +`bedtools closest -a {{path/to/file1.bed}} -b {{path/to/file2.bed}} -d` diff --git a/pages.ru/common/cut.md b/pages.ru/common/cut.md index d5465d9b14..4d0070bb50 100644 --- a/pages.ru/common/cut.md +++ b/pages.ru/common/cut.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > Вырезать поля из стандартного ввода или файлов. > Больше информации: . -- Вывести указанный диапазон символов/полей каждой строки (`--{{characters|fields}}={{1|1,10|1-10|1-|-10}}` далее обозначается как `{{диапазон}}`): +- Вывести указанный диапазон символов/полей каждой строки (`--characters|fields=1|1,10|1-10|1-|-10` далее обозначается как `диапазон`): `{{команда}} | cut --{{characters|fields}}={{1|1,10|1-10|1-|-10}}` diff --git a/pages.ru/osx/cut.md b/pages.ru/osx/cut.md index 5f04f83a14..77e73ab993 100644 --- a/pages.ru/osx/cut.md +++ b/pages.ru/osx/cut.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > Вырезать поля из стандартного ввода или файлов. > Больше информации: . -- Вывести указанный диапазон символов/полей каждой строки (`-{{c|f}} {{1|1,10|1-10|1-|-10}}` далее обозначается как `{{диапазон}}`): +- Вывести указанный диапазон символов/полей каждой строки (`-c|f 1|1,10|1-10|1-|-10` далее обозначается как `диапазон`): `{{команда}} | cut -{{c|f}} {{1|1,10|1-10|1-|-10}}` diff --git a/pages.zh/linux/cryptsetup.md b/pages.zh/linux/cryptsetup.md index c162772d67..95cf03158d 100644 --- a/pages.zh/linux/cryptsetup.md +++ b/pages.zh/linux/cryptsetup.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `cryptsetup luksFormat {{/dev/sda1}}` -- 打开 LUKS 卷并在 `/dev/mapper/{{目标}}` 创建解密映射: +- 打开 LUKS 卷并在 `/dev/mapper/目标` 创建解密映射: `cryptsetup luksOpen {{/dev/sda1}} {{目标}}` diff --git a/pages.zh/linux/i3.md b/pages.zh/linux/i3.md index ea04aae143..ab9297d0e1 100644 --- a/pages.zh/linux/i3.md +++ b/pages.zh/linux/i3.md @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ `Super + Shift + {{数字键}}` -- 切换到 {{数字}} 号工作区: +- 切换到 `数字` 号工作区: `Super + {{数字键}}` diff --git a/pages/common/!.md b/pages/common/!.md index a7493b7cf0..134d2bfc26 100644 --- a/pages/common/!.md +++ b/pages/common/!.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > Bash builtin to substitute with a command found in history. > More information: . -- Substitute with the previous command and run it with sudo: +- Substitute with the previous command and run it with `sudo`: `sudo !!` diff --git a/pages/common/bedtools.md b/pages/common/bedtools.md index 1d5a0ff947..4c5b764768 100644 --- a/pages/common/bedtools.md +++ b/pages/common/bedtools.md @@ -6,24 +6,24 @@ - Intersect two files regarding the sequences' strand and save the result to the specified file: -`bedtools intersect -a {{path/to/file_1}} -b {{path/to/file_2}} -s > {{path/to/output_file}}` +`bedtools intersect -a {{path/to/file1}} -b {{path/to/file2}} -s > {{path/to/output_file}}` -- Intersect two files with a left outer join, i.e. report each feature from {{file_1}} and NULL if no overlap with {{file_2}}: +- Intersect two files with a left outer join, i.e. report each feature from `file1` and NULL if no overlap with `file2`: -`bedtools intersect -a {{path/to/file_1}} -b {{path/to/file_2}} -lof > {{path/to/output_file}}` +`bedtools intersect -a {{path/to/file1}} -b {{path/to/file2}} -lof > {{path/to/output_file}}` - Using more efficient algorithm to intersect two pre-sorted files: -`bedtools intersect -a {{path/to/file_1}} -b {{path/to/file_2}} -sorted > {{path/to/output_file}}` +`bedtools intersect -a {{path/to/file1}} -b {{path/to/file2}} -sorted > {{path/to/output_file}}` -- Group file {{`path/to/file`}} based on the first three and the fifth column and summarize the sixth column by summing it up: +- Group file `path/to/file` based on the first three and the fifth column and summarize the sixth column by summing it up: `bedtools groupby -i {{path/to/file}} -c 1-3,5 -g 6 -o sum` - Convert bam-formatted file to a bed-formatted one: -`bedtools bamtobed -i {{path/to/file}}.bam > {{path/to/file}}.bed` +`bedtools bamtobed -i {{path/to/file.bam}} > {{path/to/file.bed}}` -- Find for all features in {{file_1}}.bed the closest one in {{file_2}}.bed and write their distance in an extra column (input files must be sorted): +- Find for all features in `file1.bed` the closest one in `file2.bed` and write their distance in an extra column (input files must be sorted): -`bedtools closest -a {{path/to/file_1}}.bed -b {{path/to/file_2}}.bed -d` +`bedtools closest -a {{path/to/file1.bed}} -b {{path/to/file2.bed}} -d` diff --git a/pages/common/dep.md b/pages/common/dep.md index 389efca4a8..c83fc38dae 100644 --- a/pages/common/dep.md +++ b/pages/common/dep.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ > Note: The Go command `dep` with the same name is deprecated and archived. > More information: . -- Interactively initialize deployer in the local path (use a framework template with `--template={{template}}`): +- Interactively initialize deployer in the local path (use a framework template with `--template=template`): `dep init` diff --git a/pages/common/ghdl.md b/pages/common/ghdl.md index 14d6aa53b8..af6b184bb5 100644 --- a/pages/common/ghdl.md +++ b/pages/common/ghdl.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `ghdl -a {{filename.vhdl}}` -- Elaborate a design (where `{{design}}` is the name of a configuration unit, entity unit or architecture unit): +- Elaborate a design (where `design` is the name of a configuration unit, entity unit or architecture unit): `ghdl -e {{design}}` diff --git a/pages/common/mosh.md b/pages/common/mosh.md index 759f235d49..f0f853e76f 100644 --- a/pages/common/mosh.md +++ b/pages/common/mosh.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ `mosh {{remote_host}} -- {{command -with -flags}}` -- Select Mosh UDP port (useful when `{{remote_host}}` is behind a NAT): +- Select Mosh UDP port (useful when `remote_host` is behind a NAT): `mosh -p {{124}} {{username}}@{{remote_host}}` diff --git a/pages/common/samtools.md b/pages/common/samtools.md index 71684aba34..81e9a912ee 100644 --- a/pages/common/samtools.md +++ b/pages/common/samtools.md @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ `samtools sort {{input}} -o {{output.bam}}` -- Index a sorted BAM file (creates {{sorted_input.bam.bai}}): +- Index a sorted BAM file (creates `sorted_input.bam.bai`): `samtools index {{sorted_input.bam}}` @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ - Merge multiple files: -`samtools merge {{output}} {{input1 input2 …}}` +`samtools merge {{output}} {{input1 input2 ...}}` - Split input file according to read groups: diff --git a/pages/common/swig.md b/pages/common/swig.md index ec63da03ff..772773cce1 100644 --- a/pages/common/swig.md +++ b/pages/common/swig.md @@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ `swig -java {{path/to/swig_file.i}}` -- Generate a binding between C and Ruby and prefix the Ruby module with {{foo::bar::}}: +- Generate a binding between C and Ruby and prefix the Ruby module with `foo::bar::`: `swig -ruby -prefix "{{foo::bar::}}" {{path/to/swig_file.i}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/cryptsetup.md b/pages/linux/cryptsetup.md index c5ca535cef..a53048d45d 100644 --- a/pages/linux/cryptsetup.md +++ b/pages/linux/cryptsetup.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `cryptsetup luksFormat {{/dev/sda1}}` -- Open a LUKS volume and create a decrypted mapping at `/dev/mapper/{{target}}`: +- Open a LUKS volume and create a decrypted mapping at `/dev/mapper/target`: `cryptsetup luksOpen {{/dev/sda1}} {{target}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/i3.md b/pages/linux/i3.md index abe0e6cb32..e71c15a592 100644 --- a/pages/linux/i3.md +++ b/pages/linux/i3.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > A dynamic tiling window manager. > More information: . -- Start i3 (Note that a pre-existing window manager must not be open when this command is run.): +- Start i3 (Note that a pre-existing window manager must not be open when this command is run): `i3` @@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ `Super + Shift + {{number}}` -- Switch to workspace {{number}}: +- Switch to workspace number `n`: -`Super + {{number}}` +`Super + {{n}}` - Open new window horizontally: diff --git a/pages/linux/lsns.md b/pages/linux/lsns.md index b606689868..8ffa457094 100644 --- a/pages/linux/lsns.md +++ b/pages/linux/lsns.md @@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ `lsns --json` -- List namespaces associated with {{pid}}: +- List namespaces associated with the specified process: `lsns --task {{pid}}` - List the specified type of namespaces only: -`lsns --type ` +`lsns --type {{mnt|net|ipc|user|pid|uts|cgroup|time}}` - List namespaces, only showing the namespace ID, type, PID, and command: -`lsns --output NS,TYPE,PID,COMMAND` +`lsns --output {{NS,TYPE,PID,COMMAND}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/ostree.md b/pages/linux/ostree.md index d786966259..31142c7ebf 100644 --- a/pages/linux/ostree.md +++ b/pages/linux/ostree.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ > OSTree is the foundation for immutable image-based operating systems such as Fedora Silverblue, Fedora IoT or Fedora CoreOS. > More information: . -- Initialize a repository of the files in `$PWD` with metadata in `$PWD/{{path/to/repo}}`: +- Initialize a repository of the files in `$PWD` with metadata in `$PWD/path/to/repo`: `ostree init --repo {{path/to/repo}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/setcap.md b/pages/linux/setcap.md index 962d121426..4c4f166738 100644 --- a/pages/linux/setcap.md +++ b/pages/linux/setcap.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ `setcap '{{cap_net_raw}}' {{path/to/file}}` -- Set multiple capabilities on a file (ep behind the capability means "effective permitted"): +- Set multiple capabilities on a file (`ep` behind the capability means "effective permitted"): `setcap '{{cap_dac_read_search,cap_sys_tty_config+ep}}' {{path/to/file}}` @@ -20,6 +20,6 @@ `setcap -v '{{cap_net_raw}}' {{path/to/file}}` -- The optional `-n {{rootuid}}` argument can be used to set the file capability for use only in a user namespace with this root user ID owner: +- The optional `-n root_uid` argument can be used to set the file capability for use only in a user namespace with this root user ID owner: -`setcap -n {{rootuid}} '{{cap_net_admin}}' {{path/to/file}}` +`setcap -n {{root_uid}} '{{cap_net_admin}}' {{path/to/file}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/uvcdynctrl.md b/pages/linux/uvcdynctrl.md index 00bb2e8ef7..d858a560e8 100644 --- a/pages/linux/uvcdynctrl.md +++ b/pages/linux/uvcdynctrl.md @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ `uvcdynctrl -c` -- Set a new control value (for negative values, add -- before {{-value}}): +- Set a new control value (for negative values, use `-- -value`): `uvcdynctrl -s {{control_name}} {{value}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/whatis.md b/pages/linux/whatis.md index 3593066a71..d3491b4a78 100644 --- a/pages/linux/whatis.md +++ b/pages/linux/whatis.md @@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ `whatis --regex '{{wish[0-9]\.[0-9]}}'` -- Display descriptions of a specific language (requires `manpage-{{locale}}` package): +- Display descriptions in a specific language: `whatis --locale={{en}} {{command}}` diff --git a/pages/osx/whence.md b/pages/osx/whence.md index 534b728673..f033a5223b 100644 --- a/pages/osx/whence.md +++ b/pages/osx/whence.md @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ > A zsh builtin to indicate how a given command would be interpreted. > More information: . -- Interpret {{command}}, with expansion if defined as an `alias` (similar to the `command -v` builtin): +- Interpret `command`, with expansion if defined as an `alias` (similar to the `command -v` builtin): `whence "{{command}}"` -- Display type of {{command}}, with location if defined as a function, or binary (equivalent to the `type` and `command -V` builtins): +- Display type of `command`, with location if defined as a function, or binary (equivalent to the `type` and `command -V` builtins): `whence -v "{{command}}"` @@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ `whence -ca "{{command}}"` -- Search only the `PATH` for {{command}}, ignoring builtins, aliases or shell functions (equivalent to the `where` command): +- Search only the `PATH` for `command`, ignoring builtins, aliases or shell functions (equivalent to the `where` command): `whence -p "{{command}}"`