#!/usr/bin/env bash # this script globs a folder of files, then subsequently uploads the # glob to bootstrap.urbit.org and replaces the hash in the docket file. # assumes gcloud credentials are loaded and gsutil installed. # $1: the folder of files to glob # $2: the location of the docket file # globber is a prebooted and docked fakezod curl https://bootstrap.urbit.org/globberv3.tgz | tar xzk ./zod/.run -d dojo () { curl -s --data '{"source":{"dojo":"'"$1"'"},"sink":{"stdout":null}}' http://localhost:12321 } hood () { curl -s --data '{"source":{"dojo":"+hood/'"$1"'"},"sink":{"app":"hood"}}' http://localhost:12321 } rsync -avL $1 zod/work/glob hood "commit %work" dojo "-garden!make-glob %work /glob" gsutil cp zod/.urb/put/*.glob gs://bootstrap.urbit.org hash=$(ls -1 -c zod/.urb/put | head -1 | sed "s/glob-\([a-z0-9\.]*\).glob/\1/") sed -i "s/glob\-[a-z0-9\.]*glob' *[a-z0-9\.]*\]/glob-$hash.glob' $hash]/g" $2 echo "hash=$(echo $hash)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT hood "exit" sleep 5s rm -rf zod