2023-05-09 10:30:01 +03:00
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/triple-slash-reference
/// <reference path="../layers/preload/preload.d.ts" />
/* eslint-disable no-empty-pattern */
import crypto from 'node:crypto';
import { resolve } from 'node:path';
import { test as base } from '@affine-test/kit/playwright';
import fs from 'fs-extra';
import type { ElectronApplication, Page } from 'playwright';
import { _electron as electron } from 'playwright';
function generateUUID() {
return crypto.randomUUID();
export const test = base.extend<{
page: Page;
electronApp: ElectronApplication;
appInfo: {
appPath: string;
appData: string;
sessionData: string;
workspace: {
// get current workspace
current: () => Promise<any>; // todo: type
page: async ({ electronApp }, use) => {
const page = await electronApp.firstWindow();
await page.getByTestId('onboarding-modal-close-button').click({
delay: 100,
if (!process.env.CI) {
await electronApp.evaluate(({ BrowserWindow }) => {
mode: 'detach',
const logFilePath = await page.evaluate(async () => {
return window.apis?.debug.logFilePath();
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// wat for blocksuite to be loaded
await page.waitForSelector('v-line');
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await use(page);
await page.close();
if (logFilePath) {
const logs = await fs.readFile(logFilePath, 'utf-8');
electronApp: async ({}, use) => {
// a random id to avoid conflicts between tests
const id = generateUUID();
const electronApp = await electron.launch({
args: [resolve(__dirname, '..'), '--app-name', 'affine-test-' + id],
executablePath: resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules/.bin/electron'),
colorScheme: 'light',
await use(electronApp);
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// FIXME: the following does not work well on CI
// const sessionDataPath = await electronApp.evaluate(async ({ app }) => {
// return app.getPath('sessionData');
// });
// await fs.rm(sessionDataPath, { recursive: true, force: true });
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appInfo: async ({ electronApp }, use) => {
const appInfo = await electronApp.evaluate(async ({ app }) => {
return {
appPath: app.getAppPath(),
appData: app.getPath('appData'),
sessionData: app.getPath('sessionData'),
await use(appInfo);
workspace: async ({ page }, use) => {
await use({
current: async () => {
return await page.evaluate(async () => {
// @ts-expect-error
return globalThis.currentWorkspace;